The Signal, 1899-9-14, Page 61 a as counicy :crudenerr.ire+.e.,nre.e:er. _recer.e..e.ehl .��. ee A DAUGHTER OF CAIN • A Novel of the Present Day. ineeeee .'Yoe sere pithead to be enthusiastto Maly demanded at eesr why brother's wife, with her came to the door. sty ince and artful eyes, n. e►ar t t w .� IR** l utmad. heir am to retire without tarsier ?pitted. ( bar otUienl,g ilpe R �tIe���gmtya parley, and leave leer victor In the nee while every arose of toter �d ase hal tiead�dg usaUy Ilea tram her teoe. • «pyo+ ii held,.. was the angry retort drt the t1ltssall ttw aervani who wwld dtaMad a tali moose) of •v - .r kilt tlwa terming' kin eberlebed Allhelmet $ Wee MEW teed1>�g reit- bier her' plow►. sad there. bee absent er iyiap10 this tttlrmtey. strati to tag barb*. *aa sootektbolloal aad so til title• s of she both ha soli bared. that Men 41111 'white of idle tkeratwhes atuswatibe her mush Mrs vetted thele facies and trembldd. "Very bad, m -,lying, the doe- C.FIAP� x111 aekeessea Y ter fiara I thin t 111 be bort this ono?. What bus- baffied pumas, and the preosed.d to "Yes. marts: the crone have ret tn. t p1% her threat taw exec/won 51 and the doctor thinks there'' uo Md to dotal* ltlbward iron from sir ids Of the wlfl• and child to whose be was so de- voted, and Just at teat teportent boar appointed fur the wiling dol the Britannic 7111@ thought, as he stepped from the vessel, that he would take a car- riage* drive directly to the . whsntbo bad made theermebasse aft. las htl UJ1. and return la the same awe, and a sew hours later bar trunks were pecked. sad Me took a formai leave of her early friend suit repaired to the Palace Hotel. where ohs Intended to remain a few days— or until the dwaW learn that Datil' want in a fair way to reoover. Cold and 11esAlew as she natur- ally wan. the bad then terribly fright- ened by the child's Wefts. It seemed to her, when Dr. baatlmer had told her that the he .diphtheria. as It the Mai .at deem bad bees •Deeded for her. and she would be the cause of her death. Daley had freeted and annoyed tier exceedingly be her continual griev- ingfor bee rather, and the had upon n astral do caths. angrily char deed her. During the night bolero she had takers cold. the awoke about mid - eight and began to cry bitterly for the dear one whom she mimed so muck. and 11ra Langley, her patience entirely exhausted. had lifted tier out d bed 00 the floe,. tepee iter the nasi stand there in the dark until she ceased crying. The Visit one. frtgbtsaed nearly to death by much harsh measurer. rankn as U baker heart wwoould nabbretakdiutib`nd Mrs. Langley. too 'sleepy to realtuae the danger of leaving her long there. turned over and dropped almost im mediately into a sound slumber. When she awoke, an hour later, she was startled to find that Delay, ex- hausted with her grief, had fallen asleep an the floor. She sprang np and took her onto bed. holding her In her arm* and try- ing to warm her chilled little body egalnet her own ; but the mlachlef was dons, and the knew now tbst U she died she would be-her-aarderee. Awl with this tact so bossy on her c onecieace, it is to wonder that rhe could not leave Ban Francisco until rhe knew that Dalry war out of dan- Beetdes tuin,e. she began to have�a tameelayatene>tdtng Male. His had had see his is der, solicitous look whenever his eyes re@ted upon her, and she bad remedied the stance of admiration vete which he had regarded bar when she stood so boldly up and confront - led her. defying her and warning her to let her alone henceforth. and site bed some curiosity to know how the affair would terminate. Daisy greet, poet of the day after that atemi amens. only, arousing now and then to take the nourishment they gave her. looking op Into that fond face bending over her with aacb a grateful, satisfied look aid then dropping contentedly oft to Resp SbIt. e wan really better for a gentle pereplraUoa had replaced the burning fever. her bxeatbing continued easy, and her throat did not appear to be w painful ; and now that that lmM- ous membrane had been expelled. there wa.s a reasonable tope that .be would recover. "She will be weak and delicate for 'a lone time." Dr. Mortimer raid when he came again that afternoon. but with the care that you will give her, a good nourishing diet and her na- turally vigorom constitution. I feel sate In baying that she will get well." and Cecile's eyes looked the gratitude which her lips could not utter. Four days later his little patient had improved so much. be said be thought there would be *o danger In removing her to Mee eawstnes house. and this Cecile wan anxlons to do, as the did not feel comfortable to in- trude longer upon Mra eicherrean, notwithstanding her unceasing kind- • nese and attention to her. and her ef- forts to make the obligation au .Ight as possible. She even begged her to remain an- other week, or until Daisy was able to est up, enuring her that It was apleaeure to ber to have them there. lint Cecile preferred to go. and on a bright. warm day they arranged a little cot for Daley. and moved tier in a Close carriage from that luxurl ora mansion en Nob Hill to hire . Law son's less pretentious but equally as pleasant dwelling. I ,hall either Dome or send to In- quire for thin darling every day," Mn. Scherman dreld, bending down to kin, the little pale faoe, as they were earrying the child out. Wand," she continued. walling. as she took Cecile warmly by the hand. "I shall always dtlnatder that I have something of a claim upon your friendship alter this Mrs. Montgomery. I am proud to have mads your a eqqualntance." Cecile was deeply touched by her words and went away breathing bleerlugw upon tbe, noble -hearted wo- man who had s.pofiaed Mr carne so beertiy and had spared nothing for, her or Datey's comfort during their sojourn with her. But grief cane to the object of their anxious Dare. notwlthetanding nil their efforts to shield her from ersslore or fatigue. She took cold .aa4 Bras threatened with a relapse of the terrible disease, and another sea- son of weary watching and anxiety followed Mrs Langley had sent to inquire for her every day while she remained at Mrs. Rbhermanet. and always re- ceived some kind message ha retarn from that ladyand after she was removed, and dile learn- ed of the animus Itlneen which fol- lowed, she became tenfold mon anxious than Wore. lid she dared to do ao, gibe woatd have forced her way tato the sick- room and taken up her poet Imp stde the child, for the little ore's beau- s bad campert0ely won her heart, and she was more &re done over- her danger than she had ever been over anything In Iter life before. But she bad not courage to tam that out- raged mother again. end waa there- fore obliged Oocontent herself by Meeting the vfelalty of the house. M!*g by mare these In the day, and always Mopping to Inquire once. The third evening after Daisy's re- moval she drove slowly by, looking ser longingly et ted windows def ted roam which ,]retie o0eabdedf, and as the did so the young eaethar mussed ted room. and her shadow was out- lined atmeted upon the curtain, while she weerd to lie wsebing, for her prosd bead Will bowed and Ger lee Was cov- ered with bee. handkerchief. Another ■eesant and Dr. Mortimer ease. and 'turd tweeds her, w�aesan pnmdag��la hand Mreoaldsr aad -paed totb5hsarir�sed la tko .lsa.t — chance for her.' The woman leaned agalnet the door for support, every spark of hope dying out of her heart. Dr. Mortimer, lives hew, doesn't he?" she asked, after a moment. while the @errant wondered wby .be should be so overcome by what be had told bee. Yee, mane; those are bin rooms up there where you tee the bright light. but the lady has had theta We gyp . s .led..lhtree is wee. little owe dying—hark !" Be stopped wddedy as a hoarse, 1a. bored soothe reached theses; K was She painful breathing of little Daley. who was Indeed very near the verge of eternity. Mn. Langley could bear no more: Oho torted and went away with a gran. feeling a@ U the brand of Cain was already stamped upon her brow. If she bad not stolen the child and brought her hither, she doubtless woohi have been well and happy at this moment In her -pretty borne in New York. 'Poo late she repented of that rash act which had coot her the friendMlp and respect of ber dear- est friend, and the life of her broth- er's child. But the dawn at a day of retribu- tion was at hand. On returning to her hoed, she Wand a telegram eoutalstng the most startling news awaiting her. ger huabsnd had met with nn ac- cident, was moveresly Injured, and she wee notified to return Immediately. Alatatrt wild with excitement and nervousness, she hastily packed her trunks, and succeeded in catching the eastweird-bound empress j@st as 1t was oa the point of leaving the Me- ehan at Oakland She now realised something of tbq which Crede hadexperi- enced during that Inng,weari cine Jour- ney. for it seemed to her as U it woakt- cover dad: ::aaQ- wtra e•al, length It was over, end the had reached her home, it was to rind that Colonel Langley had breathed his Met twenty -soar hours previous, and dee was a widow. WUI It shock you, gentle reader, to be told that almost the fIrst ques- tion tbls strange woman asked, up- on being told that her husband was ao mom was: "Lild be make a will ?" "No, madam," her physician. are swami stiffly ; "Colonel Langley was thrown from hl. carriage *tett- Irg his Beed vloiettly against the curbstone, and he has not been con - helots a moment since." The colonel had just returned from Wabingtot, where be had been for several weeks ; hie man met him at the station with a pair or splr- lied horses. which took fright on their way home at a boy trying to send up a kite, became unmanage- able, overturning the carriage and daubing him to the pavement.. and hie worldly career was thus and- demly ended. ,lie was believed to be very wealthy, but U there was no will very little of his property wood eoare to hie wife. and It wise, per- haps, th1a fact rather than grief for bis untimely end. which threw her into those violent hysterics which Laded all the night through. Nor was tit@ all. The next wonting. when she was calmer. she went below to the lib- rary to Irak over the mall matter which a servant had told her had been accumulating during her ab- aemce. When she left home she had ex- pected that her brained would be beck and forth. and had arranged for blm to forward any totters that mlgbt cora, for her ; but he had been detained all this time, and thus all her oorre@pondence had been neglected. Upon her hm. wund'ol desk. among a der of letters aad papers, she foruld n bulky epistle, the handwrit- ing upon which nearly made her sceeem with pain and fear ; also a eablegrsm from Liverpool, England, which ran thus: "Dear Helen—Am ante and well shall retort very mon. Break the tidings gently to Cackle. Will write more fully. Hrwwerd Mhmtgamery." The letter—a long one—was also from her long atrwutt brother. and In it was another. addrnmed tole* wife; for, he maid, she, of warm would know all about her, and he could think of no other way to com- municate with her. fie gave a brief account of all teat had transpired' during hie es - forced Idleness, and closed by say- ing that lie would enter more into detail when he returned, and de- sired that she would reply Immedi- ately, se teat he pig'ht know some- thing of her and his idler dear Dass There were atop two other lettere of later date—anxlotuu. Impatient ranee murdering why she did not write to him, and begging for tld- Enos of his wife and child. it was ethane* too much—this aval- anche of trouble sweeping down upon her all at once—and Rebell Iaagle lay tack In her Miele. faint end ark t aT matt her buetaed should be taken so suddenly, and die, too, without making any will, was tremble algae i, although she had never ezperlenoed any ptrtloular affectic, ler him, any more than she would have felt for any nor whin gratified every selfish while. But how could she meet her brother could she ever lace him with tee earn d alt her Kalli on Aar hestt t Hew account to him for the treatment of his wife and child— for bens ng then, alit or shelter to their mlare necessity—few depriving tlnerh of their right to his property, std for sinning his little one from bell mother, aad bearing her 'twee to jiierelesth The letter and oablegvam had both been seat the came day. and ebortly after Mie lett for rellter- nier. aer husband had been away. and ouster lue,tly they had been evee looked and neglected. and thos she Meet theen, jest In the aldol of her other troubles Whet abs11 1 dot' 41e sluratered, wired a dating hewn. 'I est never mest him std Mil him abort bar ; M would tpanshtee me so tamely that aad esse=areamesely to bed. he 'mold wens everything from me, It fees flatbed a hof, sod thee I believe he wonld k111 ase4rand iter (mart las 1 am afraid to meet him. Where beende� sa awful fear. tart he have lien all this time t She ..1..11 bar driver to west has happened so rawly him 7"' AU day eras thM 4sugktwr M t•aln Ilia Mid et sllholed tat allwaA t N ce tld child?" tete breath I a l ` elliet hes rt ,and • a+q aw4eltl now, and M j w'a sartuyl caare [I conte aimd,1, blew eabta.It bei sneaked sly by, ale fi ell. would Wien over w welcomed "I can wOk diaresnoe, while I slimed be wilting." be mold to bio - set ; a acting Um thought, be tea bl. way says of the crowd as,e and, with quick. owing- ' turned igward McCleod t Co..' 4a litre la woblen good@, rugs. sha+JN, tion►. etc. y� b the right, as he tett the ! w Yash, ' he peeved into an alley, whidl se«tyd deserted, ' and winch be to menet out off somethtgg or lbs tfhtame, aad was proceeding at a brisk pace, when a dark -brow - ed, swarthy. but respectably -dressed man suddenly turned a corer Just before Mee and approached. Tbe sidewalk was ver narrow, and. as the •t�a�er pr be stumbled and fell agalnat Howard, nearly calming hiss to ioe his equtllbrlum• At the sante instant he felt n hand @Tipped Into the loner breast -pocket or his colt, and he knew that he was br-big robbed. 11. recovered himself al- most immediately, and. bass the man bowed tws doe,' and was &bboayt to make off. he eased him by the wrist in a vire-Ilk@ ertix "11*! nes man," be said. Merely. "so your blunder was inter titresI—you are a thiel ; but 1 think you have made a slight miseries this tune." Whee.as was emeek1sg eke ,dumas had uttered a peculiar plink, while with kis free hand he dexterously eloped Bevrard's wallet, which he had taken Jana Itlm, Into an mama pocket, and then grappled with bins. The wallet contained his letter of credit and mosey, besides hle steam- er tkkets and other lmperteint pa- pers, ane Its ions would entail great taaubhe and annoyance apto him; wake be saw at once that the etrng- gie to recover 1t would have to be a dmperate one. lei looked anxiously aronnd for help, bet the alley was In the rear, rad between two rows of warehouses wee for storage, and there was no one In sight at that moment. He lifted up his voice and shouted withf all Lis strength for a bollxman; then by a dexterous movement he freed one of his hands and bit his antagonist a stinging blow between the eyes, which caused Idem Lo reef. bee id not make him release les bold 'Kron hint_ Thenext instant some one from he - lend bad tripped here up, and he lay tor a moment at fol] length upon the pavement Bat It was only for a moment, for be sprang to his feet again, facing two rogues, now, indeed of one. Hit bit boldly out right and kelt, sending the new -comer against the wall with a force which almost steamed him, while, as he gripped the other In another effort to recover his stolen property, he saw a polios - man not far off hastening to the Both villain saw him. also. and (*- Meetly seising Howard by the arms, bean crying, loudly: "Stop. taw! stop, thin !" at the same time beck- oning the officer to hasten hie move- ments. Our unfortunate friend now found hermit In a mostculprit r like the e tryingsituation,, it p ad of injbeing made to ured party. while his personal aspect wns certainly very much agairsL him. Tbere was a great rent In his coat, cauead by the struggle, and It was oovered with dost and dirt from his fall; his hat lay battered and oiled opou the pavement. his face was bush- ed and his hair dldeeled. "Hen, Mr. Officer, we have a thief for you. captured right in the act." cried one of We men. as the police- man arrived upon the moons of ac- tion[ ; and before Howard could utter one word in defence, hs began giving a graphic amount of bow he had at- tempted to pick hie pocket as he was peating through the alley. and 4oubtleai wouki have succeeded had not the other come to his assistance. Title story was oorroborated by Howard's second asenetnnt, of course; and ale he nertalnly was more dtsrepu• table in his appearartne Just then. with his soiled and disarranged cloth- ing, his (Imbed nount•nance and anxl- ous lake, the offlcer Immediately took him into custody. - He attempted to give his version of the story, but was conetnntly In- terrupted and oontradlcted by bin accusers In each n manner that the policeman could get no clear Idea of Howard at last told him. however. that If he would take him to the tweet where he had been stopping der- tng his stay In Liverpool, he could easily convince him of the truth of his aseerthona. This the officer consented to do, much to the dismay of tit. two tbtevs, who tbouget they 'weed go- ing to get oat of the difficulty with- out any trouble. They became gnite iadlgnant. any. Ing they Goold not be detained jest that -Important bodnem dalkxl them another way, and so forth ; but they were mirth informed that their pre race would be necessary. and ad;• eordtngly they tort up A line of 'earth for the hotel designated. As they were turns the ng t corner of the arra upon whieh It was lo,ate4 they were nearly run Int+, by a man who appeared very anxious and flur- ried aad in great haste. It was the man of whom Howard had peek/amid the shawl,* rind rage the day before. He felt relieved inrtenty, low he thoaght thews wout1 urn rsn further difficulty ebnat hie i laat117 ; bat his heart grew heavy again as the man Angrily exclaimed : "He I Here you are at last ; i've tnttnd yMt, and now i want my mnee1y- What do yon think of your- self, renning off at this rate aad cheating boniest people out of their est dans Y. "My dear Or..' Howard a pwerwl re- spectfully, "1 wee Ant on my way to settle lbs hill when those wretches attae red me end robbed so. of pnetet-book en nudhing my Mesa* ticket^ myreiy_lcm letter of meat sad all the et tem Mt tII W bei gib- illy. 6i'., ever, and we were on the way to tie kotd where I 'looped 10 prove fay ld".W�ew , 1 e identity you sunlitepougk. and yogi earl pay over that little amount ais geickly as possible' was tb• graft s geemea, "TMs rased terve bas my wallet la bis potlnurloe. ale U ye era make ilei deliver 11 ep 1 will & Illy7 pay wet I�.�owg�e yea. I demand said M find mswhwt t I Mee :alireeaddyl ateneltilled atie Mee bot important lettere aad bearing my name." pointing b the reseal who kid attacked titre. sad turning aelhoelta- thely to ted officer. The vitiate. Molt off hie bat and bowed with the almost politeness to We woo aterekstpt. "1 begwillow" he raid. 'bowleg a set of ver teeth la an lora- eating smile.t the hallow le try- ing 10 lead yea mietwke. He at- tempted to rob ate, wllhont, how- ever. ac0Innplititug his Oblate I am happy to ay. a:td was •pr.Nd a1 - mod to the wet. Neve.th lar, I am perfect) wbi to be marched. 1f that will to matters. for 1 em cone oonof a hurry." and be fmaadlately began to amply his pogk•W ; bet then way *.thing In them that babel at till bike Howard's aet+parte '2:ea..other man was ea• Armload arty -1M .ware aewi , 11110' this the whales merchant baps to rage acid QMar. telling teal be bad Oat bean 1e ..110 hotel tisekome 15 bIoeLhand wee told thee ht. ad guns to tbe alsa tee* tat was to mai that day. and he wns haetenlsg with all possible speed to catch him before the vessel should put oft. The ofeeer laughed aockingly at ilea a000ant. , Well," ire said, " I don't think there will be .each nee in going to the hotel sow—your identity le clear enough, It penia. 1'11 march you into Damp, and tab thing can be settled before a judge to -morrow �aepl�t¢ aunt 11e 1 ly faoad about wTih WA prisoner. fretiner of despair took panes/eon of Howard at this Nearly as hour had already eloped sine, ke left the steamer, and Cecile world be wild with anxiety 1f he did sot soon re- turn ; sae It the ve..e1 should sail w.tliout him. what would she do with- out yokeso or noway to pay her pas- sage T—for ee welt knew that she ieW not enough IW that purpose. " I lave a wife and child on timed the Brlt.afda." he sale, the cold per. sp.ra$loa alartlag out upo:1 his fore- head. 05.1 sir ; you .honk have thought o' Mist before ye began to cut op your war the .'oo re- tort of the I. The indignant blood leaped to the insulted man•. Cheeky at this , but he Mew 15- •em. p.wer isms to setaiaes At beet take me to the steamer, and let me toil my wife what ham averred r he pleaded. " No, @'r ; haven't any time 10 waste In that wweyreeplleJ the officer. " But *Ad eases; ; they were In my walla, and that wretch Inas them—and see will be very much die tressed 17 the vessel should salt and sine has no word to let her know why i am detained" TI,. wretch" referred to shrugged In a 'boulders. with a supercilious smile, and tapped the policeman a knowing wok. " Ito, you don't. my man! I'm too sharp for mete play any such game es that epos' mr," Howard's custo- dian ustodian returned, adding : " I'm not et all sure you bade either wife or chill on shipboard or anywhere ales It may be another atrnd:ok giovfe What ysaltti1to d 0 ip. 7t" " Hinowaard crowd turning deathly pale. and beginning to realize that he had fallen into serious trouble. •' You'll Piave to wait until the next steamer, and perhaps Imager," returned the man. with grim humor. " I cannot wait I I mesa go! I most see my wife! Have yon no mercy 7" Howard demanded. with white lip., as a neighboring clock waned. lies ed the peering time. " Plenty for them that need It. Came leen nett" tie oiled, and with the energy of despair. he tore himself from the grasp of the officer, and would have suocsrded in making his escape If the wretch who had robbed him had not darted forwan; and *1sx: him ' You're a fine fellow, no .knibt," the polloeman raid when he had It!m once more by rhe arm ; "but not quite queer enough this thee , and now If you don't go quietly 1 shall have to pet the derbies on." He took them from one of his cape clone pockets as he spoke. Howard recoiled. He could not submit to the disgrace of being manacled. ' i will go," he said hoarsely, but with a look of despair in hie eyes How wired his idolised wife ever Mar tete terrible ordeal awalting her The officer Mated his arm within that of his prisoner and led him to the nearest station house, and as It was too late to go before the proper offlelels for examination that day, he was locked up for the night. It would he diftlorlt indeed to dlesnribe the feelings of the aris- tocratic riatocratic Howard Montgomery as he was thus marched l!ke a common falai to het dismal cell, to nevelt his trial for theft; but this disgrace did not compare with the misery he mitered as he thought of tis fair Tamwife on ahiphoard sailing anile t him, int midst of amen_ ere, with no ma to ears tdr ane wait upon her during the long and tedious voyage, and without samey sufticien to meet the memory expelees of the "1 will telegraph Iver the lastest I am tees," be Hammitt as he set con- sidering the metier, and she will will mot it immediately on bar ar- rival. I width tell her to go to Gris- wold and gat all the mosey she nesdrJ and I sett sail on the next steamer. But the startling question arose : Wiese will yon get fonds to pay your psasagsf^ "I haws say wateb and dismeeds," he said, "1 Baa mil titrem sad get money." But even es he spoke be put his hated to bis shirt frost ■nd found that en extends% edibles was gone. That, tow had bees tametrees him dna, beer the melee. Hat he stn had his watch and afeev* buttes*, which were est with dtameada, and Uwe would melee .utflrlo*t to pay bl. rams* PDX •AMLT At)IPktr. Mynah Oran" Rata Thee Diger Mat, Peen Team oe prlaa- TOO *yea eating hats for earl Mgtars totaiii antlite thorn sold la sad iutgrtar. 'Ifs, gra! Mama s/1r ot tome gm • wIthi wide heat Sad fele ragM"teus! era M�e ro w'agr� 1aid with did .rest triwtaa. 1 mode eager or u. of fawn or b rowwa as- isotant. ik M* ba0ltlataawbttettdlt ribbed ribbon , m woos white rfl h the tb.rs ars "owl's bred! are i4 1a sods bathes spread cot ostler wad, aad ao tree la whatever' are tired. The hat brim is le- oo0aplonooa, the crows begat rather more developed thea formerly. The Brown is sot auffer d to dud high Like a Derby. but 1s teethed In regu- lar folds or whys.. Tea white ribbons are smart and era looking. The awl feathers are beeettfte. Deft and fluffy. This hmtalne Taroks of a telt ouRirg hal le more rs y becoming to a ghrl'e fame than the rakish telt hats worn during the past season. 'Qatar as Thought The maid mel( tomtit to Stupe when lltfpilp—ilei wonderful name -prig shiteete applied w the tooth. Ne eHele le the only pool. ave, nevelehdltng y for tooth- ache and dull nerves vel`i.. Be ad- vised and try 11. Lord Overman's Workmen - Jobs Cronin, eonveser d tie com- mittee •appointed by the G'.asgow Trades Council In connection with the management of the Sbawfteld Chemi- cal Works, Butherglen, et which Lord Overtone 1s the principal part- ner, submitted a report at a recent g aetisg of the Comsell Lord Over- tone had reload the waged of tee wbo:e of Ale laborers from 84.71 to � ppesr week. He had also abolished �ithaday labor In Its entirety, and the � pearl &Mimes bad been offered as 1-bour day at SIMS as agalaat a twelve - Deur ds.y at e1..The men had getting to accept tabs Miller's Compound Iron Pills. only 25 cents for 50 doers. Another Ssaroa for Snakes Wealth There is some likelihood of another attempt being made to aware the for- tune of a Croons that Iles burled un dei the rocas near Ounwalioe, to the Llsard dietrlet of Cornwall. In 1574 a tlpanlab ship bearing a freight of $17,000,000, and many bars o1 gold for sere custody In Lonou. as It was dangaene to atlasspt w take the trwa.,,. b Spain at the time. was smelted 5*14 tae Medi' attd leant some distance from the shore. This great sum has isle burled ever sus A part of the Maser* was caw se- cured by an esteee*rldsg Cornib- mae. and more thea ose bard of spe.�- slaton Ms tried ho rob the sea of Its spoils DALL1TS PQBD FRUIT EXTP.ACTS nnsarpasssd for purity and strength. Ann aad u«p. Toes says that megrims live to an advanced apo because they a:esp so muob. He believes that • man has just so many bourn to be •wake, and that the more dot them be use up In day the shorter his 41e will be. A man might live to be two hundred 1f he eou5d sleep most of the thee. TM peroper way to economise time, teer•acrs L to sleep whoever than Is nothing beetle to do.—Medloal News Oona Sowing 1■ coo ducted by tight boots. Corn reaping Is lest eondncted by Put - name Painless Oars Extractor, the only safe, sure. prompt and patentee dawn cure. Beware dor imitation. Two . 40.s altl saes Mee Seattmma1—Were you ever dbappolnt.d fa beet Eligible Widower—Two and a half tease. Mese Sentiment—Two and a half tlmee Eligible Widower—Tsee tidos mar- ried ar ried aad ghee rejected --Tit Btt.. Kinard's Ltalmsat Om.. 011ila,, ata F-Uty doses for a quarter! The feet of all tonics. Miller's Com- pourul Iron Puss. Marble That is beet Known. Perhaps Carrara of all marbles r moot femme and best (mown. It is always used in the learnt statues. The Apoan Alps of Italy hold the quarries Indeed, the mountains are nearly solid marble, and 2,000 resew wort haa not made much impression en their treasures. Millers Worm Powders core fever in children. Mollusks 111 as atrtma Lake. Lake Tanganyika, 1n Africa. offers a unique field for scientific explore - ten. This region. like Aastralla, le one of the few localities where sal - mala rill live that have become et. tinct elsewhere. certain whelkhlke mollusks of this lake ring to have been driven from ocean and to be Identified with 't rein M old Jurassic eras In Europe. t liahld's Liniment Orale. Andra A Ilse Tomb - The most saagelBeent tomb In the world is the Ile Mahal, near Agra, Hisdaptsn, which was built by ted Ilkeperor Shat /than for himeal and Ida favorite wife. It. Is octagonal In tome d pan white marble, inlaid with Jasper, carnelian, turquoise ■gate, asaeteyy.eltas aad aopphlree. The work took 10,101 man twenty years to com- plete. BOSTON LA�tDZY STARON II just the starch Sir ladle' blo►asia Mwmma—Any you a billy tt 1 vesieeft-ekWt et sweet a Utter Ammo f mammas 1 it would be so asp - fel sad thing.. ell. LAU WWOXI DAT. Origin ar this Birt res 1a Ohara, ardekM.ws.. August 10th it Laae*m. W trio festival at fir seat of Nagenberg, halos the Baarial. it Minor ed his rears ,dose at Rosas. A. D. M` Vary little M pmt Itivsy ka.wss �0g1 St. Latasa.oe's e�a.r,ly been `xetr th heth Is ntaiasida WbM. still quid Feting he was ordained a dee by 8.xtas II. sad was noon ef- te�d made whirs of the semi dea- cons at Roma. The Christiana et tbat time were autferiag great perawutloe, and te. Biahop al Rome vas led lath to be martyred, A. D. Mlle, Laflamme, the dooms. mails a toasktag appeal to sailor with �2. tatbar..lfb did cot hapeee. bet within three days drew bimae'e the tun) d oil by refugee to grayer ap hr property of the obutcl. He was in- ataatly seined and put to texture be- ing streaked oat as Won trams Uks a gridiron and reowly roasted to death. L 'A41row le *til preserved 1u the Obtroh of Ban Larsen, la Loehr. Rodin. Never ha. an lnatrumeut of martyrdom been so matlpiied boast- ed and ee'.brated w this stabs" of 8t. Laurence. It le am�dared m dsaoose robes, appears on the atm le of some of the nameruua oberokaa n amed in Ida bonne, and the l r``eet pa4oe la Swope, tie isotlsl, eoagsta of .even. • mortis to tb• abape 0t a gridiron. This immense palace was built by Philip I1. of Spala in oosimsmastlam of a victory woe on Angors 1011, 8t- Laurence's day. Gridirons without n umber appear on every hand about vast pee. Qridiross rolptured, painted and of Iron ad maria ap- pear over the domes. windows, in the galleries and 1* tL• yard. The people of Rome Ball 131. Laurence "11 Oates Spagnuolo" (the courte- ous Spaniard), bemuse H I. alleged teat when its .azoopbagwa was open- ed, t00 years after leeks dsheen to re- ceive the ramal*. of 8t. Stepb *. the skeleton very politely moved over to the left, aad leaving tie right aide, the piece of honor, tot 8t. ytepbeo. TtGUU f^ovS POLISH regains little or DO labor. Always ready for us. New Weeds (Mange Meaat*g. Acre amts meant • field of any e ine. the Germane Nei see the word to thin sense. fdod'e wee. meaning a cemetery. le ale inhere of the old mesalig. Libel once had no reference to anything offen- sive, but empty meant a small book or pamphlet. But pamphlet wars. :wired often where motklpg bet PAW ed bllltngesate. ohangsd Its mean Jemmy lar refer. to the "beautiful imps t sang boeaanas In the temple." Imp once meant a little chid and not a child of the 4.. -ii. •s It does now. preface wan formerly the word of welcome tea meal. eoeagee were formerly emir over land as well aa water. pleat was applied to any lead of food. while to starve origt.ally meant to work one's self to t•—a ignffl- oant footnote to the hiMory of pea- sant risings In the aerie days I was cured of Rb•amatle flout by MINAItD'B LINIMEIiT. Andrew King. Halifax. 1 wee cared of mets Bronchitis by MINARD'S 11NMIiNT, Lieut -Col. C. Crowe Read. I was avid of Acute Rheumatism try MINARD'B LINIMENT. C. B. Billing. Merthau. Ont Se * sys Iran atalas With the Leagued service of fruit tI table Mel le apt to suffer. Be- fore to the btaadry tb table- ly cloth sad taad maddine his he removed, as soap mate the stelae Mostel fruit dight talent ha seams, can rane.epr be removed frog, the linen by putting the stalled portions over a bowl std pouring • dream of bolll� het water tbroagb K. Oxalic said. aL lowing these oameeo dmf the crystals to one plot et weber, will be toned emote! to be kept cm band for fila purpose; wet the stain with the sol- ution and Laid over hot water or la the gnu. TM Mehra the spot dt.sp- pain ,tem well Wet the stab with ammonia, then risme @gain. Ms wile asayy the s *v. nam lkll.dalebha Millers Worm Powdeta for rant - leanness and pe.vlehnrm• Little Hay was elbowing the pie teres In the album to the deter. and dxn ooming to tee picture of Mr fathers tint wife. the mid: 'That's my eldest mother." The merlons aspect bamOpo tags a more BSUE No 87 '� Advto11 to Consum ti t p YeS Ther. are three great reap dip that every person witj weak lungs, or with coneump. tion Itself, should uoderttagd These remedies will cure about every alae I* its bra stages ; and awy of thou more advanced. It la only the most advasiced that a,e hopekss, Even these are wonderfully relieved and lift itself greatly prolonged. \Viet aro these femedin Fresh air, proper food and SCOrS �o of CadLitw► Oil wire f/ �,. j►Ii.J beim 30 afcaie et draughts but not of fresh air Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of odic. Do not for��n that Scott'. Emulsion is the oldest, abs: mo,t thoroughly tested and the highest es• dossed *f all remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and Consumption in all its stages, SCOTT a sowat, •c.t te,'twsatl -Can't ,you children play esteem ringing the doorbell ao mach r 1 mamma ; *,4241 and I are playla5 bora. and WUb. le Oa teoitecto - "Oh, yea," said I) Meband of W advanced woman. 11hMrcly, •1 wee Morally gvu bora b meals that 4 to N W. I Mee formally recanted a coal lag elation them" � sshor yl w.d.� LINEN CO. •'sr. �t 5 e s. .AMC ..ZQIIR GROCER. e nagger IMAM* manna, cgs w restle g� Yrfw~�@Mme tea sed.* "salsa �swkWm&st wdrltewa rma yla a•� ae oma see ores u �esiewf eesettegs Tet aav TesesL Dee FITS i4*54JIlbllTLYCt itW st Iia 1g ego. On•t Nen. ase PAIMIA0 firs�'��R 1 �wr✓sa'e=m.e avow n...a ramee{tks relieves w r @ toe.. r esdntesr Ore. toes it .111 dole w/��a@{�� Melee r a seal le neee�e a HELL01 HELLO! get a Wasrh roe Ord DN1 weer' Wet.-g�,yarrllYC N1t' 7Tt7DL1 ��,rr�aTT((���HHMt tn. t beam) %a R a J/IV Bite Afters M Inv war, e also VIsa A fre11 1c �' Ma liana. ,ELT1'es: , 0' T. se)eee ~" Masa, W� —71:4 sei to,a�1w ieeradaa � � .,.,• A inane o r sat .vawis leer~ OS GM GM ase +t+ Masts* & rfafir15 liar g TWwte. fiat ASK YOUR DEALER FOR EDDY'S House, Horse, Scrub and Stove BRUSHES. The, we nada by a ase wears and will OUTLAST a111p tire, kind 0 Sae anwhat Loma.� et wan well, sambaed'. that he meld ieee tele' not firms- what the tatters held ens., sage baa More for him, for even We Mcrae Pa" mine* nature could not have borne to anticipate It- Clb be 00011.00.1 Iron iat Iran felt 15 a Innehagasan isennating asateriel whiskeetatblrM 01 , strong *eolith fibres, 1petroleum enaeta graft* rendered Insotnlee• and also with gee- bor. wh'ch is afterward videarthellehe bang subhead to hear) sett awatsa the form d elsd'• and preseWsM', whbh will beer an eaoranal WOOS sad whose airfare le se 00 not to be mit :Ellie Amp of belt ante °fol ere. as a ai11 Chair, or demean n raids n testas tMoets or wtwet mss!• �a+ war. ep- �.t fetriddttdmdt itis, aq ls .rated1 l b morons vihratba. $IOO.Oo REWARD TM seism. reward 5401e tela no nal Ninon who will Peel tees PERFUMED ROYAL LAVENDER BLUE mama*we want ".�nee a4 a.• .' re,ir new seeMbs the a r 1e in work 'IR sa pies _ , _ewe rgae_hr tlnaerf /artta 1111 we dwd.wrke telebefell sheet 1?IO l[O*ilbr t1NO2aa lk. wee►g 7•• ' pa= V14741t.tet TORONTO ONEINIOAL 0011pPANT viola wise mid Sea- time YMeteetor paiseace The NE wren.. Ism yard. 1a.eed t �cc eym tl, ly c r est will yawm 1404 do wet atti etl oartla: d the spa eat yr4 c� go use S tie vs the wart lire Ai be ted t sad jep4 e Os Et hierie16110w .pma . t el hs Me liter • see a' sou. d ail to DOC Mar tits t, that Ir ted .1 ca Labors abs so le at I JIM In of a n en • tel Mel. snip da pita the ti der II and we shock let wan a7 e1 • tin 5 Die bw h, twig Nen .t anis and a, fact m We ere .. h et the ell at