HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-14, Page 5t'lt r^+e entre. IS s IDS.', DRESS by. Come and ti BLnnelettes, Napkins, lace vers, Pnr apse, it will pay you 4od.rick Says: it heavy m room - MACH Lassa ear ani for ippreciative lful enough ugh to suit THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. TuusiallE, Sept, 14, I89 . d You Silove Hof Dot Our Way 1 .ha felled le w the Medea of teretes beak I, atonal their . sad the humor *met apse the 1'hellippt.M et the art a ui the moue. e. Use. t.s.hrd, .t New York. awl 16,e.. e n h an to..tlrat. t &gavot smoker tb•t the II S 8 .t.vistmused hint se bemuse trap *a►1171a- ,• ewe waw brfrtber cut Oa :be erupt,. red be tried to oummtr eridldd wi:b oYbolie mid. We'll 8heyt Filar Yalaes Tour Way. We are determined to let you know the prices we are selling our BOOTS and SHOES ON THE STRICTLY CASH PLAN. if you ergot • pair of good Carpet Slippers for 11x., or Tweed Slippers fec 1Or., • pair of $1.20 fine Oafo,d Ties for tlPc., or a pair of Plow Shoes for 79a, uonte to P. T. HALLS, North side of the Square, (loderiob. THE SHOE DEALER N )1._ -We hays received large shipmea,te of new goods, which will be sold very low. P. T. H. 00 UP HEAD. A Matt y bees is ..r the 1004, 'that • dlI.r..t to the realer rats, A odium ragas es every head, Tio boys and girls are all •. school. Tsars u se Molting is the yard. Tony hawe their hooks and slates messed, Aad sorry w is wring had To get op head. Hark ' "1 levo, thea lowest, he buts t" W oat sweet. father words aro they ! Were ma ! old Time ',lestlessMoves Tally far i.t. yesterday. Wok bard, •i led -the ram why. Voll rose wW have M ave y.sr eau 4, Aad. It's worth year while to try To mo op had. then'..pladW pilau to be wen. They're everydw •a eight today ; Tease's spread deeds the. mem be dew, 1'.r wish to de the. f Tera yeti may I Tor otiose Moak wHh ledger ..sand, N'reetha to fit year .jiver head, Go to work sed he det..lsed To get up heed. "rise Ah'i deat1 tis.semi Widtririliiik Gaol, .y Mile ttaderprtmer, . Geed, the Utile blend d .Ise, 7.rtw has thio lar • pest...r. Toddle boa mew w1M your heather, Ad Were leen washed sad f54. O. aid ten weer Sway wisher, dee rip -his ijl.a he Me Oleos 1 meg, alio mg ..sesta sesta Clark and in rery ons par• HOMECOMING OF DBWEY New Yom W MOM Hlm. e aas.,et.ery Rura.sillew mead Mee seed and Mem lidembaa/w-elf`s. ewd Amior.es Poem. at false. Sala w.Mpedoese be Vas SMrAL jT would scarcely be potting it.troog- h or soy that Now York has she Dewey Mw .uM serail properalsms ars hag .tad. to Mem bias es hie aura at W end d Nr ..0th, sad .sea Messes tateal le aka by a8 deems .l mak is the ap- grsa.1/mr.he« days' odebr u.a. fur r.0a'a wslOore 7V 1t ODTno11S. When W Sere el Admiral B•.pm re- tread from the Smith alter 144. splendid .story off Restage. la • Saha that, may soy, decided mere than the battle of daalla My. end where tally M brave •.bowleg w sad.. New York w..stirred to say ma• sal saoat. To be ewe. • gra. enwd Ind Ravel& Drive add *hooted the er r- shlps as they slowly stemmed to the Wash el Orae -that shrine./ Amarlom widows Gad sten -..d all the streedro sad outlet' How suet shrieked Mame with their dedoel., audio, sad the salutes from the batteries soden segs Wet Rea Jas sed Mama inn bag Isms ever s,ai.. Bet the ma- rrtl ptblis wet lie way sad there wee Utas w be aeras ef b.10.... NEW taiga! YIOtL IM. AM W rads M this hig tows are tressed r Way sever wars before by the yn..p.ab .l dose Moor to Admiral Dewey, the keel o f the beer. It may be that Nor. is 4 Ut ah a tie roetestis ta Me cheery ef their arm at the .N« .id. of the glebe that appear 1. Weir I.s.inattoes :.od the ti.oabtOhba mese ay wales mob •'i.te y-u.igue is amid wdrsre -f. 1k* for -away W Gads of the PNo1M ha .7.0.54 shat leu of dyse- ler..bleh ell t.l*sb-spakag peoples leas. Whatever dm awes New York its M with usstt.aeet, sad •e.., all from moles of sa..w.sS be eii1- I44itdr.s to the deb.. W word hi " Wait IklTM Dewey was rodesw little Moira mat dried he Male' ordeal of p•redl04 t. Granted Tomb, - I think. folly se sews se rsa1., tea forte "11Deem. Tbere11 to be • torso day: eel, denies, vitas he norms, with • lad pride, sand parade, weber pag.sat, sad teal u.ep5ese s.I ha.Has of o 0.11ss• Mt order. The dry will dram le its k.IMMI, re Sugar. h for 100 ns r'lways TOR attire -sot •low the Inevitable red. whits wed blue bests[, but Mob diners.Des •a Ms has sever bed... displayed. 44Iu1141 ♦IC* AND .OWN111D.. Te• greatest fears d she oslebr.tw, at least from as art into polar d view, 1. N be the triernehel &rob sad (reel mama. walo44 are sew belay Milt le Mollaes Nome. The Mlo•ad. will be as armee of pUl•n of .able else, saraaet.d by tears of Viotsry sad m...ted by f.ero.a et laurel leaves. This leads op to the area wbleh will sorMes to beauty sad was Lv- Mtnr ever'Nempted is Mm WOOL; y. The 411,4 cared wallows sad designers love walked tegetaer M produce as .sof site Gad h•r.allo.s .toot. Tim arch will be of pure white staff, the oolossed. of whits, with areas aryl Name TM liable will he whit. .a17. Pea a at sight as .beat .f desalts* b m1.latey. H.e.le•i 54 tm•toes and rehear d the ware's hetes sad egar.s sy.belta- iasi she er.y, s•,y. Mess. ohnedY, eta, wul ado to the Oarfeh.Oa' et W .e.iotamii. Vi bee Dewey'. bed of am -revers rushee Mb Hest. alter nrre►rsg up Broadway, It w ill he • stabs to quakes mei vales. vrr.t.�lrS`MillD�9`1L^+S6�Q Qtil@iw?Zu. Hie iltamsaaor el W any rswrally wi i Mews greed .sols. The satin river frost M to b. limed wire rd lights ; • mile of the J..y palisades *111 he triaged will bre. . hale has Battery Pam,. Btetem 1.10.4,tk. Lidos sea .cher ahs dsplsy. et Are - work. will be Moa Pasty, its fireworks meows, delai that they will rive the greet - eye Sro.erks display ever gives withers. River ogees mem et Well will be gives read fin fee the Nokia. The little admiral .111 he glad to got le Me 'wt 'Warmest liana altar the M.•..1 glary, I r Mashies, Ware to rest some the ptetaresq.. kills .f his boyhood. D.w.T AND ■[1,1011. Auerkaw papers ha.. Otos aspired Dewey te hohim. Brltteaers tsmorelly re- sent ahs, say ty Wt Naas w.. Me here d w7 great `.Wr, Dewey say of .w 10.. s* .p114.. re supreme es MN potar. 1 lean apes rhoa boil as great semi beer e l the Amato -Braes rasa, that ram of sea g asters .Nee has eau bees Mile to tresses the L.4... apes W waves. limes .ad Yo•k •like ay feel prised d Uswey. ler he led their ..ams rasa By N. way, talkiog el ear Angle Same . leak, Mm they►► et ear kinship was bresa44t to my .ia4 is wheats/ the re - Mrs el the Beeokly■ Weeps fr.. Ostia .t W awn d be.Mll*.a The manors of W battleship Brooklyn were prise nadir the Soldiers' end Maim' Arab la the Plass at Prospect Perk. sad M W bed ori the war- ship streak se " Now, Les," and the . , ism walked medlar W marble eomorloy with their *elegise stride and 0d.pea4.os sir. I saw • dew resembles.* to Me British Jack, tar. LAM Naos W mea .f H M .b. " A.- snlhi'' la tW 104.abiaa pared., m er hrs. with Me sea jsrsty, t.depeadest walk to em the seam tem. Thais • small polar Num nitrite, wham. LH I Omagh% ef other perste of d.11.ity - Oar ser., arse, Ideals -.u4 then sea then 10 Ates -Aar' - an .stere., as •Ukases, •'., wee my .ar- e a wish. C. If. Beralgh of Brooklyn, 11.w York, deft. 4, 1490. WQT.U.00LUMN. reutisi71011 murrina. A ergs WWI% whiskey still w.. eaptared Aug. 1310, mar Meowed Five dr.akes soldiers made • row es • iters sem Philadelphia sad tilled W osa. 4.d.r. Thea Musks& of Brattleboro, Vaguest, is d the.p1Wse N.1 Roblin tree prohibits Be we. 44la,l.t.4 a a bootlegger, sad set be prMrjr 4449 days. At Admit. 0a, Ant- 3 was pay d., .user the vok.atw.re tad they girt drink and ,totes.. Is ngdred • repast et reg - g len to gale. ten., Gad dAn are Is the hwNal fres weasels. As Nts.pt w rade 1e d he Misami,be L•melattr. to Nora. from 1,600 te 900 feet the dsaas inquiredh laal N w for • •alm be Lata! ire. • home, but the sasedmese era defeated. Mn. L M, leaks, well Moors ha 0..- silo✓ .NMI .. • f.rodsl:leetsrst, said r.- untly Is • epeesb at Oblates, Wt, it W Asterism people mum, weal W New wale by laws made tinder Meiruo.stleelsm, NEW BOOKS SCHOOLOPENINC. A idl line,16a of for New 0660110 Reader just authorised. Part T., 100.; Pert TI. Steeled Reader, 200.; Third header. 30e. Here are some Ores for yon to think over 100 -hg• Scribbler, le. each. 100 -Pegs Scribbler, 2a each. • 500 -Page Scribbler, 6a each. let at in Faere♦sg Book. In the Hietorioal Socias, wbioh yon will end tie our Store. Only 5c. each., 192 Pent, 3o, per dollen during SAW Opening. Jest think of it ----6 sharpened Slate Pencils for la Athoolwages, la each. Pencils, 10. .mob, 10o. doostn- 1slMir (lro� Sc. each sow '2 for No. 71 lhratls, fie. each or 6 for 2t .wives Regi Vier, renal load, rubors tipped. 1.. *oak or 1 for ba Telephone QJ TR'S BOOKSTORE p one a No f` -dewire Hou ;Aquas, OodSrkh. Wosi . Md 6tandlt ,lour of the 1.adio. hot. I. of Stratford, U.t , hate bees sapole.t te oto, their barrooms Tao Loses Oo.mlteeuaero do mended dtaratluto sad repairs, wards wore set fortasemisa en three mo.tbe' natio., w the fear Mau were withheld. H,r.tio Y.i k.r, .1 Tomato, • married w of 43' years stsadleg, sad the father.( a.. Andrea could leeks ao *bootees be • potties for as order of protective for W wile sod the order wae crested Asn. la. Cornelius Massing, of 8y Pra.'ses. whilst Is • dn•kos fr.sy, Vfd to kill Us .s1►.r by hsrllug • lighted OW ell lamp N Mr. Ca lady who was premed w fatally Mimed im astompMsg to sore Mn. Mm- .ing's Me, •ad word eta.,e were badly bar°ed. The people of V•lleye.ld. Quasi, have railroad rho musielpat meson Is favor of Mild dreakes ac Arrested 1. every 0111. They ol•im that • as maddened by drsk should be shat up, std not allowed to tea IMM, as la the outem, mill hie wad brats.psl. him to manna a aria odors bag .muted. darer Jeb..tes, .f Verge. North Dakota, reostly Wetted National Preslases Mrs. 8ko... and Mw Aiwa (Holm, who hews bees es an *shielded goer of the West sad North, to atop over et nano. " We will Mow you." he .rots, "• nowise taws whets set • drop of letealeatiug lige*, e my kind m be obtained." mug Lia aloes w. GRADY Olt "0T•0N4 Datar." Tesi,bt It Oaten as humble home tomato Me room tare • worca'. .Malt; and to- morrow It challenges she Rep.blie la the belie of CMgni.. Today it strikes • oral from the tsps .f • starving ewd ; sad to- morrow levies tribute tr.. the0.vernment itself. Thus is me om mte 1a eke dry humors laugh to shat l Ml It dollies W law .ba It, teasel somas .ufh•gs. It la the ..rtsl essay of peace sod order ; W despoiler of mai and terror of wawa ; W .load that modem the face of oblldras ; Me demos Chet has deg more groves and *sol are Nal, usssrlved to j•dtn..sl thea *U the mottle.ese that have wasted life .ince God ms W Matsu to BayS. and all W wan .epee Desks& stoodMyriad Jerieka Is esus to pals, sad It shall rrset.aialy by W Meal year eons ..d .low Ile... to .stored Mame seals, and le antra ►.... Iters .*der I. rwbliag wheels. 1a amass to brlttg gray-haired mothers down is shaa and sorrow re their -room . tersires ev 4ests1y 1De trade lava now despair, .al pride tato idea. 11 Mmes to wB W laughter ea W tips of Bt. tea ohttdree. la seam to saes all W masa of the ►o.., Gad all is wish Misses .ad desol•tss. Is ...se to relm tsar body and ma, to wreak your hems, sad It knows it ser .00.015 its oro.pertly by the milt: sees sed prosperity with while 15 weaks this world. A rm,9LUAa tarle1T1011. Ammo W 5.4rtrs. M be represented at the World'. Fahr ie W aasaf.aturs of beer. The brewer. are to be es band 1. str.tat< T►s wee she awe N W Costes- sial 5ah1lettia..t Phitd.!-obs. Il is said W smooth et this Womb of W basses •.d all the imore...ests is the prsdsaaOa of tie aride w111 be ilhetntd. All she se- eessortes to the buds.es will be represented, from barley ba W shoe(, growlsg hep -vises, harvest rakers and w.gges hander. to beer la W keg. There will also ba @Wades of aha ...b., el peruse employed by W trade, the sepal invested. rubor of her - oils Mewed, era The distillers will also have their bootees@ idly repr.omted. It km bore sortosted by the Baotu Traveller test is order to show W fruits @m4 reelts of this busrs..s space ebeslr1 he est &part ter thin purpose. The Traveller rays : "Tiers might be • trsveyerd MON .d s fess al -t►. hard of me d W victims el the brewery sad W dignitary --a dr.akali father followed to the grave by • broken- hearted wife .sed balf-a.roed .Nldna 1 hen Mere NORM be • mishits,. prises Mese 611M with Me yiotfms of W rem &eller, Iron the dr..k&d girl le her teens te the sold blooded sad Martin murderer, sad this passe -Muss might b. Basked with • mad bow es .4e side and os alms hemms to the,U,.,. All tires tsetltatlaa aid be resumed with .robed ...*..ways, the budding. being of the same idyls of arab'. lost.,., to (date Mat they w.r. d.ige.d sad bait by W ss.s whaled -the rum - soli.." PAID HIS CLAIM. Robert Bed oared by Dead's Kldwy PMI, door 44orsr gives .p by Isp.r.a.. CO. Mt. B.vdges, MM. 11 -Robs. Bead, of thia pima, ie femme es the as who was .!lowed total ds•MUty by M. Provist.W Provides', of 81. near, ad whir sober commit rw.sr.d .wog MM. sees of Dodd's Klda.y Pilnk lis suffered from Rt'ght'a dares .d era ileal y by the dears. The Harems Ce.pany paid hem the f•11 amount of ole ail., r]60_ Mr. Beed thee leaned of the °sly and rstallibte oars for Bright'. dame, l a'. Massy PUla, aced thee t. the Knees of twenty Maes, seed 1s wall to day. A remost iOW ts al moats, nate : Mk Brydgee, Jia 14th 1899 Deer eir-Is mower to yews of the 80 ala. I weeld my, .y sere by Dodd'. Ikld- My Pills me Oaarely eatlafaotory .ea I r....wd .Mem ween b.rnlIy Years truly, ROBMRT BOND OOUNTV CURRENCY. BermeM : ISlerd.y god, the old bag- gage mid ell beams seed at rho depot were leaded e • SN ow mod haui.d away fro. Bassa. Grey : I... Iowa had aim sheep war. wiled 614•0. If half the dem la W swag. try were killed It 'weld be all the batter foe the .Msay. Grey : llosred Ml.hed, of the 115* m- meeleo, me gored by• yban se ser Won see day randy, y, add had • .Irer.I. top seas from resolving fatal N.j.rfes. Weller: Wedseedey of Ids week,Mary Bill, rolled ef the late John !Nokia, Led at the Ma of her m, A . J. Di.k.oe. moth of Walls, .fter aa 121..4,4 Simsw. Bks was nearly 76 yen of me. Grey • Jr. Dateglas, 16th ...'sales, hes alspeeed of tea Ility sore fern, mea half of IN h, be Thema Ormeer, wham brother 'Chaffee (Mee 1h' adjelekte May awes. The pain le aid to be R,800. Gray : Reeve Tomball .rd • member of ether Oreyfw were is Brunie es the in Met. wlaamleg /he .mt.between the Ila. reed gredmodesttm•.Meea Otwy skald p Mk. ad Me .4tea Bes.Mle .wklee .. it WWII Mee easy a de4en' worth of gravel M the reeds were pr.parly crowned sad W aides br.55.d. thlmnbsm t Jam We tom. of beekeeper, ehltmr.* tit ger Mad of impart mottle hose here Oa Tageday MK. Ammer the lord ma • &en et MM..m,deliv.red by Pats Leavor of 55.M Wwmmssh, .44{.44 weighed 17,1160 averreag 1.314 Meda per heed. a Ib p.IM ends w Mtn.ing s`y wield tat Nn roar.f a tier U. Ssaedv4M.: tie Tardey, 8.pt. 6M. M.eeaemt Malay, ware el Me hie Joseph (MIN, dist ta her MO ref. The demand heed Mal ht pat l a1M les era. time •ed W demise vvs mot _... 4M. Mrs, OMI* rstMed Y Eg m.edr4Mm for a geed earl fear .d was gtreilip .alesial ht •S who Crow her. She laves • sully el tugs. memo woe .s/ ktero, Je., et tike Uatlaa. BM id elBelaCIty.Ment.; l>rW Theme& Bask �T Jews. les I MModilhn, 0.srds. Mss. s Yen. s. (Rey.) Dille., Calk lessille, MNk.; Mre. J 0. Este, nsdort I Yfe 0 Vas lyateed sad kir.. Jona Best lied Slao.4vBM. Wree,ter: E Grower, ear popsies b.m bell ritu►.,, left aur tows r.c.btly kb some to Brr.•1e hdda will he /real- { ly mused amesg tae boys, rot mom say thing .boat the fair tea. H. le . boy sl .:sellae oh•rsofer and made say war. Meads while te town, who wish him mesa h .11 hi..fbrta through tate. Morro : Walls driving the children to ..heel me day re.ausIy, Mra George Par k., had • rather sapleamet impeders. While peados Ilr. Clone's the dog ra. set Gail frightened Ike hr.s, among Is to lost thro ga the defe beard et Msbnggy. To. MOM ark bacons/ 1e Wm. Waimea were seated ha the boilsms el t►. eta, Gad beth wan slightly Wend. whets .II the mem pear wen badly tr llwd. Nese en likely be sates from M. awls 4 she random Berri : A d mpeto4 to the dallies as- sesses' the death ef • WNW* .f Ream is- Meter. .Meter. et Ate t.wsahip:-tales. labiate, who died Is Wlsatp•g es 8•s.rdy, tad isst., was a premises* nllw•y .estr..ssr. Paat&o be bulb errors' .f the most difficult modems aerie el Lek* Superior. TM ran .go, la psrsa..ble with W. 0. Raid, the prima railway arteste of Newfouadlaud, Le flashed • lade porno& of the Cope Bre- ton .a tondo of the loterooloaaal railway. 1a Ottawa he w..atroaoly popular 41. was • ps.oussed Oo..orvative, .od al- though an asWes party no acabored saes kis warmest permed bads Iodise .smb., of W eatosite party both 1. Ot- Mw. sad the West els h.d jest 8.sa.d • cs.treot oa LM Crow's Nest Pa ratters♦ whore taken .lab at Wlasipst or his easy boos. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. This TmgATat 15011 Tu■ INWD0-Thu then aro oro Mamma Waw. is Amorists. and that one .lilies and • 1011 poops N - 1.d them reel week day eight, speadies sowe.ty minims et 4atlan • yew es theatre - rots,. are W earptleiag taste with which Mr. Franklyn Tyle', W dragon* editor of the Now York 8a, w111 .p.. . lmporlaal series le W seas tee. of The ladle: Has Joear,•L The eerier will be Dolled "The Thaw Gad Iia People,"sed will rata throwai sever •..hers el the acacias, lavlaaly 11 - fantod with Mamas mole by twelve dn- fenat irtmte. The anion. will treat of every paw of Me theatre, W play sad W nun, tom the Tadd., .ed will tell hew 1. sh.atra la maad,ed : W rated .00017 whieb plays have made ; herr s sets( kt teamed .d whet the adore are .easily Mid ; hew • play la .Atte sad what W maker* omen* t bow ate May e. roto .,.4 the ant Wait et • play : how the areas 'Make op" sod what they nes ; cad la • miaot. way W two het males will .hew what meson behind W se.mas ea the mom deem • perfq.oaeS 10 is e oarless fat that this will he W ant a.o that the theatre and the ma Mat ewer been e:- bs.asi.dy treated ha • .seeds., .ad Mat there law book es W esbj.os to eitstw.a EPPS'S COCOA GRAMM L 0031/0.ayMp Distinguished everywhere for Dell of Flavour, Supe- rior Properties. Specially Quality, and. Nutritive Nutritiveve grate- ful a,nd oomrtfng to �ithe nervous and dyspeptic. Bold only in 1-4 lb. tine, ^labelled JAMB8 11sPPB & do , Ltd., Homotopathio Chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPS'S COCOA WISetionfFRKHO►s Twt VALUE OF INDIANWOMANsBALM A IA2TUMENT MEDICINE For dale Is 0.dersa by J... Wilms. AFTER THE NI H BEFORE 70, gels la %.dories by Jas. Wilms. treat Misr Weyer Reap, et 6a • mead, of Oust we mon . band a weak. Tis lee's err billy rasp. so we .env •ysrythtng feel ma be lead to sa sop bed•er trout; Herr, sad our p.10s. •.e right. The tamers knew that May m niways gat from se • asp ter their prodam. We &um the la all see Itdgtlkama. trade - .vorytNbg gar. : OLaware er Wear, garde. muff e Mahon table Cels. W. gall la all el thea T. G. TIPLING & 00., Bedford Block, O,derleh NEW GOODS IflIPSa OVERCOATZ READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP My oma aka. Oen Sad sae thea per .eM he yard er mads se le the Leal Twig)Lei OAR. H. DUNLOP, Nest tisk of Met.e•1 solaria. Cy COAL WOOD CHARCOAL and KI HOLING. We are .all at Use reale old demi, Nelsen Rtr et„ where we lova been supplying our oustommn ler • monism of yea,.. We line* the fed that mita you. Orders Milt with oat delivery riga tor at Waran's dude and the shop and at ear Misr will rawly.. pan pt att,.ntinn. AM Mont w.ig►td ns market stales, anison eliiwwbw ordered. We rep ..ve,al Prey. in ms enertitrt. CANTLES i -FUEL CO., .7018111 R. PLATT, lw.ltg.r Viers 6a 4117 -td always at PEDDER'S ich Fabrics The old poen says "Rich ich and rare were the gems she wore." The line is modified to suit our line of Winter Suitings-- Rich and warm were the gowns she wore." Richness and warmth are the keynotes to the winter styles, and the most beautiful are to be found on our .counters. They are good investments from the standpoint of either utility or beauty, and will repay your inspection. Our Linings are the Best, and the Lowest Prices They are agreed that it is a useless waste of money to put their cash in custom -matte clothing when ours is ,lust as good in material, better in make, cheaper in price, *nd gosr- ante^,.� ed aauu equal fit. No delay; order today and wear''the Ald>~�, _ COMV.'rQ'r.1..._.. .-,�. ^.,a... . ++__'+014t 40$0", i... NEW TiES, GLOVES, . HOSE, COLLARS, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, HATS AND CAPS. A NE COOK STOYE At any season 01 the year there is no greater comfort than a reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is witn coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know yon will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges .AT CATTLE BROS. Punters, Meters aid Ttin& Wt., •adv of Solaro. stat Marty Brea J. BROPIIEY & SON - Tea 1*ADI110 - "Wv►nexa\ D4vgetors sena TATMIaXellitrs. Ordrs carefully au.ad.4 a M all Geer., might e, day. tare .m Wass Mr.es. 0544.0.5, M• - see .wee. WE SHAVE FOR SALE CHEAP sow mu mom BIM - I II ism mu ano MEM Y111112 CALL AM Sea Tager. 'lifer see BAaedgea Ta lam Bicycle Co. 0Mattedl, 41O73311111I OH_ CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tat, sort bad aid Creno 8o14,Ihce Pia and Lady kers, lines, Iacono!, Ilaramee, Brady Sio, [tc. are .. gond s lir teat ads to say city In Coned.. Dent tan ludo the trate in WEDDING CAKES In faster &minting sod Orae oral. leg owl almond (ming. ni.. bt... ocaac .ltdviiip gat - ideation will he amend. D. CANTELON. • PRICES RIGHT I J. H. PEDDI3R, OOLBORNE's OLD STAND. Hardware Specia1s.-_ SCOTCH FIRE BRICK PORTLAND CEi'IENT HAMILTON HYDRAULIC CEMENT ASBESTIC WALL PLASTER ASBESTINE WEATHERPROOF and FIREPROOF PAINT GLASS PAINTS OILS AND A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES IN STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. R. W. MCKENZIE, SAJAT The Place to Buy All Hardware Cheap. MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. • Stock nearly complete again. New goods received daily. A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just to hand. The newest and latest Perfumes! Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders. Rubber Goode, Syringes, Atomizers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, eto„ etc F. JORDAN r Corner Colborne-st. and Square INI�K/M'8, - REID'S OLD STAND. At. SALE OF 'TRQUSERS We have about 300 pain of Men's Tronaers, new and up-todats Goods, Fell and Winter weights, to clear At Olose Prices. Mal'. Canadhia Tweed Pet., .lees, •sed• w01 made. dark fray seal brews strips, top sad sip makers 76e Mse4 Needles Tweed Paste, b.yy felt sad water geode shI.bl. eel Gad well road% ble.a bee ..d hip pothers 61 00 Extra strep homy Tweed Trousers, eo.4 trus.tae .mil will sown, top and Is pee4Ma, medal for 91 26 b dart stripe Tr.r.rs, .•de right sp-s.-date. t.,.md Iii Peeks". �il bb Satre vaso, MON v.y Sas half, weight, dark swipe Tweed Tresses. ear lest Tweeds. were g8 00 W 08.46 all at woe prlea 61 76 Slaps Wanted Tenn, seer.* sad wide meip, latest styles, Mt AA 50.d 43 44.11 Cloth nr Rt.Q Pasts el the prise yes womid pay her aha slash at 50r. per yard. That are A 1 wow sad tear nastier. wand •s4 rata prod medal Has or jut what M. ash would emit y0 1 IS Mal'. stripe e.tiosede ower.W, these peekets, for Blue Denim Orisons, bill tend Mem attacked, well ..d tweedy MIL 1Costeoky Jean Tremors, Imp sad bilp pMkete i can't .leaf 'eta eat Strips (..tend. Tremors, top sod hip pnnket., pot member to Wy 88. 911. Bate' Seite as jl.9R spa Rivett' •d heavy, goat mead malas. Sam's OLD STAID. �,