HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-14, Page 44 TaoaabAt, Sept. 14, 11199.
411 meat esemuu W purehaso
• Wheel. Two rood
mouths of Wheeling yet,
and you .w be; mush
cheaper now.
ma Lin •a&L1nQ welnaa WOW
at lees than dealers could
buy them for early in the
FOR $10
yyooua nut buy • gaud, subetmted
8soaad-bawd WIweL A little bet
ter [ur i16, Ctsvelaud' fur =50,
and our Best New Wheels fur 640.
96 Wheels to choose from.
We haw added new Wheals to
oar Leery .ad rest ay the hour.
=eon sr tenth et reasonable
Bicycle & Music House
Bicycle Livery,
lec e.
Site $rtxI
Mr fa. ns�gag se.
of the Tory party, and latterly
endeavort(1 in every mean asd ooe-
temptible way to carry ost the polio/
of The Mail of twenty years ago,
when its manager stated that the
policy wee to " put the khife into s
a Grit b.tlow the fifth rib every wan-
ing." HUGH GRAHAM has eugttged
literary thugs for the business, anti
day by day the work of the cheractetr
assassins is visible in the pages of The
Star. But the Montreal Star has been
forced to pull doeu its independent
THAT the second trial of DBDvrus
before • military oourt would result
in a conviction was a foregone conclu-
other lu-
sion. Any oer verdict would it ve
meat • ooaviotion of the clique who
control the army staff and who have
been proved to be as he&rtlee • baud
of brigands and cut-throab as the
meet depraved ',slithery system in
Europe oould produce.
Frew start tore t&. trial has
been a fake of the first magnitude. Of
'eyes judges five were openly opposed
to DBsysys from the first. The presi-
dent of the oourt,Colonel J ouAUrr, hes
been the most earnest and indefatiga-
ble prosecutor of the prisoner, and set
et deSartoe all efforts oo the part of
prisoner's counsel to give even the
sembbtnoe of a oourt of justile to the
trial mockery et Rennes.
The sentence of ten yearn paused on
Damon, if carried oub, means death
to the prisoner, for no constitution
could withstand what it has been
proved in court Dseyros Wm sub-
jected to on the Isle le Diable.
A more merciful sentence .would have
been to send the prisoner out from the
court room to meet • platoon of car-
bineers, and face • sudden doom.
That the court martial deviated
from its instructions there is no doubt,
and it may be that on Mat .toosaM
the Court of Caseation may order a new
trial The sole direction to the oourt
at Rennes was to enquire into the
question, "Did DS:i.True betray army
secrets to a foreign power V' Notwith-
standing that direction the oourt-
martial hag taken evidenoe upon four
{{barges of guilt ; The authorship by
Dastrue of the bordereeu ; the com-
munication of the secrets contained in
the bordereau; the additional alleged
prod found in the dossier ; the alleged
confession of DREYFUS.
The so-called trial is the greatest
mockery of justice that hes ever been
perpetrated in modern times, and the
sentence d Dia'nus is no doubt
brought about to shield men hke
Mseorss, Room and BILLOT, who
have evidently used tool' like
RrrsaaAxY and HINNY to enable
them bo eke out their salaries by sell -
in` military secrete to foreign powers.
If the French nation want to find the
traitors they should look higher up
{ban where D emellUll dentis.
THERE was a time when The Mon-
treal Star posed es en independent
newspaper. It was quoted always
with " Inti." attached to it, and it
gloried in its independence. In • for -
tenets or unfortunate day for hint
BOOR Gu.BAtf, the proprietor of The
Star, attained wealth with his inde-
pendent newspaper, and with wealth
OMNI Hund ORARAN'it anxiety to shtnb
in " s•ssiety."
The Star had been started as a
democratic newspaper with parvenu.
canine sad guttersnipe reporterd, and
ter years had catered to the pit*.
eglius and rib -raft of Montreal.
When Hood Gianni( got money he
undertook to change all that He
aspired to be • Aen•for, and on the
atreogth of a promise to that effect
from the Tory party mused hit inde-
pendent paper to lean over towssds
the Tory side. When the Teldmr41ila'
cleaned net in 1896 Hume's hepeg
were hopelesely blasted. so far as get-
ting late the Renato was concerned,
and in sheer spite he aspired to have
'flim Ater bemuse the lender of the
Terry peen•
To this end he worked to
gothis former fairer, DALST, tato
bke political game as timbal movie,
NOW that W. D. McPH&BsoN his
sat • brand new uertifioate of char&c
ter from The Globe, he steps out of the
ruck and leaves the ranks of Num*,
MARSHALL &ad FARR with whom his
name had been linked for some time
hast. And this certificate reminds us of
a story :
In a Pennsylvania town is a clerk
who is known es " Daft Johnny," ow-
ing to his having been oonfined in a
lunatic asylum for some time. The
other day, shortly after his relation,
with a document stating that he was
now sane, he was having en argument
with several of his fellow clerks, when
one of them suddenly exclaimed :
" Look here, JOHNNY, you'd better
hold your tongue. You've only just
Dome out of the lunatic asylum, and
we all know you're daft."
" Daft r' exclaimed JOHNNY, with
sarcasm " Why, I'm the only man
among the whole lot of you who has a
certificate for being sane !"
-Hamilton 8pectetor : Paul F.
Madliger, of Br..tfonl, rest.his claim
for fame upon the fact that he has beau
ratite to waste 7,680 wonis upou a pustcerd.
Somebody ought to find something useful
fur Paul to do.
Just so. If be bile to find that, ate
might rItip hie loo.) }aper and get his
name ptldti 'xtbug lde of the old' 1•dy
who never took snuff, never belonged
to • woman's goesipping club, never
wore spectacle., and who has just fin -
Imbed a crazy quilt with 9,999 pieces
of different colors, 'impel and sizes.
The Bowery boy, who ,jumped from
Brooklyn bridge, didn't do much for
posterity, but he did more than was
accomplished by all the words written
by the writing cranks who want to
spoil their own eyesight by erit'r.g
what others have to iojure their eyes
to read.
-North Waterloo has the floor.
-LrinstaTLB .Sema to holt the
court, so to speak.
- A lot of this Waterloo election
evidence is hearsay. I0a got through an
.,-West Elgin has hauled in its sign
ea- North Waterloo now has all eyes
foraged upon it.
- It is unfortunate for DREYFUS
that the American editors did not nit on hi*
ore in.te 1 of the French brigadiers.
-Quebec Proviooe has been pulled
out of the Valley of 'Humiliation by the
wise edmintstratica d the MAaos*ND Gov-
-Our German slid Polook fellow.
voters come high in Waterloo. They olid
not vote at iamb rates like the Beath Perth
-General Orn end QApt Dwnnr v.
have been winning great victoria• recently,
but they don't appear to have cleared their
enemies from the firing line.
-The Globe, in ita reference to W.
1). McPuannos, could not have done better
had it been engaged on that gentleman's
obituary. They fed biro oe angel's food.
-The West Huron case in local
politico is getting rather long -drawn out.
The fudges should either force the Tories to
produ,e the witrer or demise the case.
-The weather-prophetof The Globe,
who propheded • dry time at the Indus-
trial had to buy • mackintosh and a pair of
goloahe. to Moth around in during part of
the show.
-Thin blooming country will have
to take can of itself for the next two or
three weeks, as Te. RtwrAL will be busily
engaged on job work for the variorum 1.11
fairs that will be held in this corner of the
-Hon. CLARID vyALLAC' regrets
that the Doakhobors are " non-mmhat•nte
and could not defend the eoantry in the
event of wr." For that matter CLARIS
WALLAca is a •'non-nombatant" hGretf
except with his mouth. Fahey CLARKS
WALLACE re • forced march, rushing fran-
tically to the front.
-Whilst The Globe wee about it,
-knight have stater! that W. D. MoPeratt-
lea never lived In Toronto. that he did not
visit 414 Church -et. On a certain Friday eve.
MN/ to interview MAsfuALI. and Nauolt
and to get them to go to Ottawa as wit.
norm ; that he did not advance twentyeIt
dollars to them on Sunday to pay their way
to Ottawa :.nd thct he never had any non
ventral with thee. In his life, ..d world
Dat know either Oi them from Adam's off
-A new book has appeared in
which the writer run m,wl. t hat therm is no
Anglo Peron race. It will he in order hes
the ant.hnr now to prove the there le no
Union Joh, •ed that KIPLING wee mean-
dering when he wrote t
may take on the. wings of the mnrnin'
An' Ilnp mond the world till you're
de ml,
Rat yawl rant gee awiav from U.
teat they pley t
_, 'j', ever wearily' rod mg omits
M)Ttt taper w11.L aerralL
Terre Netw. t 1■ their efforts to len
holes la the hoiden p,ltey to booth Albin
the Bears will have brae bored u them.
Sewn 07 pea WILLOW *V obi se.
Termite Mall sad &spin : The Blade
(Isdu) News makes the latetaetsa as-
neurae•.est t b a. " Mr. sed Mrs.
Thambys*yrgemptllal are sew on a visit to
Koydk.dytrruppu. Mr. Tk•ebys•yegase
pHlat is the sou of Judge O. S. Arlrsa,yygem-
pillrl. and Is so in law of A. Jsmslliram-
• • • .
"es WLDTs re se As Arturo.."
Guelph Meroary : Sir '.Ylllism Vee
Hero* says he will die 1a poem tf the 0 P. It
establishes • fast Atl.sUu eervas. However
that may be. until kis itreetorate fatale its
prelates to aateed the Urlpb Jetsetter'
Railway to Maks flares, be should rut be
allowed to die is psacu.
ro/$Te rut rmaW rusts.
Geolpit Mercury : W . Beanie, Keet-
vill•, woe is the one, today in the tatemet
of the Watts WelWintea Unto Fair, te he
held to imam September 27 cad 98. A re
porter elauo.d through the prize Wt, asd
under the beading of poultry he was mem
tubed to see • 106 rear offered in goods ty
Jerre Palabo°, dry geode mer haat, Fer-
g.i, fes the bed pair of rata If this aro.
talty M rightly baodl.d tt will peeve as at-
trective. a baby show, and than will b.;
es much musts oa dsok. Two entries have
rlreedy bees mad., and °noes who bey. ea-
tered are determined to brag the best sate
that o•a he procured la the sty, *ad sweep
tae Mist. There are sews handsome eats
1s the dy if the owners desire to show
• • n
The Ulehe : After dries the *harm
es the tom that the Liberals have broken
tear tariff pledges, that they hem .teles
Ca* National Policy, oto., the Oemerwstive
politeotane have taken ap a aew cry. sane-
ly, that 15 is not safe to leave the isdustrtes
of abm eo.stry a the hand. .1 eedmi.s, that
the Liberals are only asking an opprteelty
to wreak .sasses on the manufacturers
and tarn this oontry tato • howling w1ld-
orner. 11 is diffiouh te maintain both eea-
bonNo.. The fest is that the Uovernment
is uow millpond of boatmen mos, who un -
dammed the business waste of the commie-
Ity, while is 1896-96 the webblter ei-the
Uoyernm..t filled business moo with des-
pair. 'there is ooutldeooe now, acd eon.
ddesoe is • greet.
lamer In prosperity.
Termite World : The Industrial Below
{ion menet stand macy soandais like that
just exposed is ooue:Moe with the Jersey
and Ayrshire canto. The disclosure that
the udders of a dozes bigb•bred cows had
been tempered with is order bo tnoreme the
flow of milk Dame like • shook on the public
mind. No one dreamed the soon dishonor-
able sad inhuman praotoet were possible GA
our Exhibition, but the fact is only Po Iran
le is the duty of the Exhibition authorities
es held • =riot IavesSlg01m sad expose
those gaily of the freed. TM Eihibltiea
threaten asaaos afford 1. overlook .r sial•
onize the aassdal. To ower 1b ap would
work greeter evil t as to give the thine fall
pabliotly .ad to paaisb the prpttreeen of
the fraud.
e • *
HOD (:Aaanasa Auto 00 Dr AND DOWN.
Misses Reformer: TM trainees of the
M•rkins High 13oheo1 have secured the
services of • bachelor of note and spec:Wen
in sofesoe at a salary of 11600 • year and •
=.ter of arts es mathematical meter at a
salary of 5600. Tine eaiph.taes the foot
that bachelors sad routers of arts have
ceased M be prodigies and ourle.INse,whoes
movies* oommsaded high prime In day. some
by. Seery worker from the Editor e1 a
great moral) ry sae
Irma the skilled amebae= to the osrshaskee
in a cooler foolery hes Doan eider the ha
throe of the merciless law of demand and
supply. Perhaps there will M a swig t•
the opposlts direction our of these davit.
The cure le obvious enough. Cut down the
supply .ad the deemed will Increase.
• it •
mom ADVIOI nor Dam ram
Dead. Benner : Ie 11 apt eeq MIs p
permit young lade to be in els seen room
dartsg • trial ? The foundaMes of • boy's
oher•oter is laid when quite yeast sad le
comet help hayleg a tai iellue.oe on boys
if permitted to sit there and hear the evi-
dence, which in many oases is unfit for per•
sone of their age to bear. The magistrate
should exceed* them from the emir* room.
Small pitchers have log eon, and little es-
oape• themsi
more e.peally if it leans to
the evil side of life. Opportunities for
berates bad are plentiful enough without
throwing mere of them to • ebild'• way.
Them tboaeba Dame to the writer dura, •
recent trial for *heft is the court room here,
when be observed quite a Number of yoneg
ads dale" le am rove, all ateotion, t•k•
log in she evidence sad listening to the
comae fights a the orosa oiammaton by
the lawyers is the It•.dUsg of Meir mimeo -
Wye mesa Ws think It a . plass for
e * •
New Deaver ledge : The Las literary
wave to sweep through the sea of meuitsles
was the Oae•dl.. Pres ssso.lat/es, sea-
weed et eastern *dilemma their wives. As
far se w. .n learn they w very re.posh-
Me purple and have kept sober while la the
hill. It le reported that they all em reed
and some of them o.. write. Their intern -
gore is sot of the highest grade, er else
they would h..e wandered es far as New
Denver end Notified .pc. the grand, letoxi-
osti.a and ideal west.► that sarronode the
Lucerne of Arerlos. A1. • lead) for the
mei that they hers rimed. The only me=-
We who rot •way front the crowd to rase
at the beauties lir Sims lake we 1) F.
Rork, sad his whin was about es lose es •
flash nt Ilrhtcbag. We had rest time *mouth
M shake graspers with him .ad then the
bast steamed .. Rork re • Noted news -
piper ipr r•a. He saes owewl • bask, sae d
the eaves* arttslss lm Ihe prolamine.
Over as Noire the peel* need the edi-
tere welt* eels gave them s take se "phi"
everyone r.gr.tA0M the oomisr el , 30."
The tempt lou wee defble-lsaded sad result-
esulted in a sloes prod el the hesplt•ltty of
Kootenay'. .1d town. We settee that. Alex.
Pira was Ween wile the literary •vilesehe.
We r.memn.r Alex when he wee writty
"skits" is the remote flee. Hie humor
made that Meet readable. Of late years
Pule beeaa. married and h•l boded him-
self a pandas, where he is (rmtenis4 he
prime the Bearer sad erred 'ehsrele rep•
The idea .f berestily the Paris bred -
dos 1e widely Mouthed le Rumps is the
prom oommesl• ea the Dreyle• verdiae, sad
eyes steps to the sed knee .Lenity bees
take. he ..• we two geertorr.
Maternity wow the third doy set apart fee
the p.ym*nt of the shy -five oasis dleideed
to the Groaners et the Tamen' A•vaae a
Lem Compsay, amt when the sides of the
H. ui atsr d000d It was frail des • large
sesiertty ef too rims Ind hese preeeeted.
The {•tai sewn/ paid eat by yg_jlcrditeer
wet 5643.000, a Mymea* eA 347 et.lma
are sums rhe M se said s..bwty
31ll.alot ameeutt lis atillJEA00•
011E 1211 TO GODER1O8.
Alderman Thorp'* Lia Dila.
haat ei.der4Y 1. i1.doe .r the nertbra
Meets -A a..rri •4s.. of t►• Inman,
aamw•es tae eni.suve bents
Minas •s tases.•s.
'MB following is the uloeing letter
el Aldermen Thorp, of Ou.lpk, es Sm tip
atoog the wooer of .osetry between; Oaolph
and Uoderieb. He drove M Uod•rtoli by
the Southam route asd returned by way of
the North. '1'M letter it of Interest M .l1
who hays •a aye es toes -eased railway
!agWtiss :
IS my Ica letter 1 reared myself to
Uwsrlob and surroaadbur. to this, my
teal letter, 1 w111 deal with the northern
rote lnw Uoderieb M tluelpb.
Irving OoderoY, we ere. • high asd
very lone beide* ore the Maitland river
• id .*ter Solaced. 14 is • small village o1
•bout 200 impel/mums, •iib one salt well.
The village la pr*.Maany a .0 barb of Gods
n ob, .ad, on . bluff shove the village. then
are • camber of very haoisomo raetdoeues
which commend • .pleadld view of the bar
her and lake beyond.
We ext pass through the two small vil-
lages of Dunlop end Carlow, {tad enter
Amhara, or Muab•atr as it is esmetitme.
*ailed. The land iree (rmderl,4 to this
point is quite rolling, bat i. .se of the dose!
..otiow of farming osuatry that I hes ever
driven through, sad 1 have drives threepb
°sotto tree Moutrsd to Windsor and
North Bay to Nt•rN. Fall.. The Drop*
ars simply basso.. Everythae, with the
exception of wheat, his boon partioel.rly
✓ ued. Eves the apple crop is fairly good
Try also grow prachae end Dern The
* pole buyers bad aireedy ireoe through Ohre
sad borscht up all the orchards. 'FYsy paid
from =1.60 te 52 per barrel for winter stook.
A• I oasts ease the orchards weak *mailer
acid the crop was aim less. Muob.Nr
Ms a popdJ*tten el 300, and to (tants •
thrifty elms. The people aro very keen for
the relined.
Kix miles east we maw to Bfytk, ea the
L H & B. Ry i population. 1.000 ; ad. -
tri.., .waw, heading history, grist mill,
woolen mill, er mal sad tannery. It is
iocorperntsd and has • Sint, adep•nd.o1
paper celled the Standard. Mr. tiradwm,
the edisor, .ad all whom I uteryirwsd
livor the C. P R. Thi. 1. quip a grain -
buy um, eager. Mad alae • Point for .hipptcg
Brussels, {hems{ semptag place, is 12
=des wt el Blyth. It u on the O.T.R.
bstwsee ledsner.es .ed K ousidtm ; peps.
tattoo, 1,100; isdnerries, woollea tall[,
gauge= anCL,-saw tail[, Imedhselade, van
grit mills rd loaodry. T. celebrated
Rattail fire engine works are located here
sad do a thnvug Delman Hen 1 had the
pleasure of beim; shown all through the
Celem•s salt work,. They do quite sa e1-
eemtl.• liminess with their well hen, raw
rag both • day and • sight trema. The way
tee mob is predated a 40114 simple. They
pimp up the Wt water bras into • lorae
iso pas, about 30.60 feet egoar., which
.toade about twelve lost blab, with tureosae
underneath. War the ere •oea=ahk•
on the bottom of the pas, they hos it est ea
to • platform area tem fees wide, which
surrounda the pee ea *11 sided, sad when
the malt bee Mews IArty dry, they shovel
it off • pled r. We blas, where it I again
allowed te dry balers b•rrMll.g. The bible
snit undergoes a epeeist proems el drying ie
• separate habilis( helm* it is h.gg.d ..d
sewed .p by girls, wit* look quite .rt sad
tidy in twr *leas wen king dreamed and dust
osp.. Beassels bests of two weekly papers,
the Peet sad the Retold. Mr. Kerr, the
e ditor of the Pest, is also reeve, and totes
aa active interest in .verytb(er perleaieg
M the welfare of the village. H. is ■
meph.w of Henry Metcalf, ike well tarot
a•ddier el Cork street, leis my. Mr. Kerr
is .tresgly u favor of the northern rosea
He osatuade that the lime goes through the
bast motion el the oeuatr7 and t.mc4se •t
the largest places, where trade le almody
developed. The village Inlaying down water
.eau., for fin porpoise only, with hydr.0M.
Whim • tin takes pine they attain the
bee* p the waren bedfast to the fire, sad
the drs sada. is takes to* platform oe the
✓ iver bank, where le torose the water
threush the mains. The Royal Artiflobsl
Stone Co , of ala ipS, .re l.ylag cement
walks en all the bedlam streets ; pries, 10e
per square foot. Their week is very matte-
taet Leaving Brussels, we dnw *rough Ethel
a ,mall v3l•re roes sidles asst. H. F. Me
Allister rune as extensive win 0131 U.
of the original railway saryeys roam jnet
north of nor village.
Atwood, • very eaterprisiog village of
700 population, ie.vm miles • at of Ethel
sad six miles south of LletoweL It bee •
wash sad door factory, roll= Mil, flax mill,
and clime box tottery. Ie this sotto of
the .retry ob.me leotarles are seen every.
when, some being gaits extesehe. O.•
we paced on the road to Listowel bed •
urge piggery in ooeneotir n, with 1410emato.
dation for as many . the Oselpb easiest
Exhibition ground. have As .ash fain
yea will see . reenter mer eras= bate fr.e,
the mdk hoose lo the road gate. They net
the can of milk ea the head ear and run It
down as soon as the milk wNea Domes is
eight Apap. The Bae, le publl.b.d at
Atwood by R S, P.Ites, wbe le .l. Prise
deet of their Bard el Trade. They want
the railroad aim.
[Meowed ia the next tows ; population,
3,000 ; le the entre of • dos agrteslters!
ormotr, : reloads.' farm house. sod b.r.e
crop• .11 good, inoadnag cera Silee are
ooemos. This 11 quite • bens raising
ooaatry al.o. Buyers from all ever oom.
here. It is rad for geed berm. D.Iry
oattle are seen ea every hear. This is the
Irgmt piaci. on either routs hetw.es Guelph
and Ooderloh. Its jednelries aro a piano
rectory, where the Marries Memo Is =*ate,
tared: • tarry, roller mills, woollen
mills, foundry, two emit and door factories,
a brewery, *ad a funilare t.otery, to re
plan tbs me buret down, Is • proepeot of
the sear !stare. Absat fifteen Amore f•o-
lorio, are wtthis • relies of six wiles. Jae.
A. H.klne le mayor, sad until {les year
they bed 13 orsetllors. Oa the let of the
year they atrodao.d the s.w system, and
now have only six 000so•Pen and the
stayer 1 am told by some of the mat
Promised men of the tetra thee I met thee
the new system Is ■o good. They exploited
it would bring oat mew men and goat mea,
hit, instead of that, they have about the
e•m* mem, but the bee; of them refined to
rua and the people sleeted what was bit.
Thee tows would also Ilk• to see the C.P R
tomb there. They are on the 0.T R Kf,-
etrdlne exteoste. and also the 8'rstterd
sled Port Dover lir, sal thi.k
that it weld be a pity to pus
by them, only a few mass south.
Listowel 1s the most Import.el =we he.
twee the ewe potato, ass they ars wUliss
be keep their gad op 1. •.y way es brim,
the railroad there. Mr, Climbs el the
N "Nsk" kill, when sews of the best real-
are era. dee wee ee erten sere
ass, that ware Mine pre-
p*n4 tor the Trento Ktbtbuio.. TM
bows ileo YM lin pivotsclub, run es the
same Mase ee the ado, .h to oar ewe
tetra le es very neatly haat. Tier her
all the leadlsg p.rbdl.sle es Ola, .ad aura -
bare may arca themselves with billiards,
ober sad other tames
heavier Listowel 1' ptocseded down the
tows limo to Tr.).., sera miler, to pork -
tag, twelve s11lus__5.4Y very email villages
-Womb • way keret meek y arid bail
U.. oro,.. I ekes t=reed wt • little so as
tw.oh Ol.nailea. It i. • greed msatry
through Dere. but voy hilly. (lles.INs ls
three sure from Donnas, tea =lies frets
:Drayton a.d tea miles from Elmira ; peps-
Irtos, 360. I.dwtries, sawmill. • keep,
Median sad caw mill They also make
eq bores asd t.ble lege for t1µ Uimpesa
Oe„ Beebe. 0lo.sllr. mold Mrdfy Meese
be get the railroad ea assent el 51111, but
it the tosl ran within Ike or six miles we
west' net their *ads mar wee.
Werra a the rat tow. 1 1.910 popdh-
I.N.. ; a smart, lively phew industries.
Criss mill, so.s, radian .ad sawmill. A
felt boot f.bay rider shirty he.de.
There Is .lee a Neale* milt, with tea beads
The 1..we has ose of the best hotels In
(;aide for the else of lbs pan. The
Lanai Hos. is • .mall to the place. sad
prices .re only 51 per dey. her bi.g la
. p 10 date about it Kees the .t.bie is U*
mil h re•edeeesat lights. 1t is else built of
brlob, is kering with the lutist. Blum
will lake the railroad if it :a bested ee re
lhroagb They do not wait to s. It ne s
taw miles south of them. bet .e present
they are the terminus of the erasob tree
Waterloo sad get all the trade meth and
cart of them, and are satisfied M lee well
email' alone.
Fre. Elmira! proceeded tarns. Wham -
Marne, six miles, and thirteen from Guelph;
papule, int. 200 ; sawmill end two gee•ral
stereo, bl.kos4th shop, etc Two mu vows
hew Deme roe mar here, oae Borth mad sae
south of the village.
Winesburg It.. between Wfe5rbo.rwe
sad Uwlph ea the Endre read. It h.
1 store, a blacksmith shop .to. It is
about nine miles from UaelpA
This finishes my trip. and I must say that
whichever route the railway any gm. i1
w ho'll help stoic= through roma very ea.
oeueery, prtaaluly ea las norther. mete.
0. J. THORP.
Movpay, Spt. 11.
rho harvest home held ea tether Day
sear the &sapless of L 0 L , No. 1014, wtu
• aaoenra. An iat•redM g pr ge*m was oar
rt.d est liter* t! " .ed °astr•oNn ad -
drown ware sieaL. ii•v,1f••srs Olfn►t,
Learoyd and Halt, manly mare West
Bre There was an ample spread M 1.151-
17 the most fastidious appetite.
MONDAY. Sept, 11,
R. Slathers, B. A., .*d Teeny of Ottawa
Collegiate, have relented to the city dorm.{
the p.► Watt after an eate.ded vial* of sir
weeks in Ashfield.
John F. Andrews, nos. 12, Aekdeld. is
Testis" hie daughter, Mrs. Kilpatrick, et
Brookville. sad Weeds talks= in the sight
kitten at Ott ws,
Wm. $tetbees, of Aekdeld, had • oleos
.ail ee Tuesday the 6th. The !Wilma(
*track .ie dwellimg house, witba snout loan
lest from where he wee elitist. Mr, 8rotb
ere was reeding the yew at the {fee the
bolt .me, union .mimed the p*rtiMn.,
Marie, a hoe is the deer, sad radio. the
above pipe round is all dinettes.
MONDAY, 8ept 11
Du Qeir, jus., paid • dyi., vies to
Blyth and &afore last week
Clam Rms. was deme to Guelph lust
week to vast his mother, who 11 very 11).
Apple packers ter the varies' buyers are
aro.ed sow pecking the erly fall apples.
Threshi.g is pretty weU &deemed, a.d
mope are truing o*t wilt 'wile the mem-
Wen el wheat.
J.. Derain Wt W► week for D.kw M
look after his farming uteraete there. He
lateens rstm mI.g for .beat two moa.;...
Mir h.etie Kest sad her little herb.,
sed ester, who hove been slatting at R. E.
L.me's, left last week for their home 1. Ter-
A mania lantern and phonograph inner -
=lamest wee gives 1. the wend Yrs en
Thursday eveslq, bas as the show wee
hardly op to the standard it did met prove •
JoSn Ler I.tt has week for Toronto be
attend Psrkdele College We were pleased
M hear that Jeb. was successful a paw's.
his examaatioms at the same place a July,
sad hep* that the same weer may surd
Mm in his future at.diwe.
Mosoer, Sept., 11.
Wm. Orme, et Oederteh, sprat Sunday
at Carley.
Mee. T. McPhee is prostrated cm . mak
bed. 1* is hoped she will emu reosyer.
Amens the 'erlow visits at the lades
trial Fair were F. W. McDeasah, Mea
James MnBside, A. horn. and C.I. Ver-
sos, Mn. Vance sad nos.
H. °Olathe?, J. J. MOBrlde. C. A. Mob
rteen, Rert Vireos sod R. R,brboee, d
ytlyhem, will leave Wednesday eeerabie
for Leaden Fair. Tbey will wheel down.
OsryVA•y -We aro called spi to noon.
lots the death el Mn. (leedes Yoas which
moaned at the random' of her husband oa
Friday. Kept. 8:h. 8he had been aileg for
the poet eight weeks, at times spread,
rallying, but gr*deolly grewug weaker atm -
Oil on Friday Ob. fell asleep to wake De mere
*hie side of Jordan. The dressed Isere
betted bet M morn her loam her aged and
levies husband, three ere and els dangle
tri Thy are all residents of Oolboras
with the ezeeptos e1 Mn. Series,
of North Dakota, Mn. Love of Hila Orem,
and Mrs. P. Bween, of ()Merlotti. While
they mourn a loving sad tender wife ud
mother gene le joie a fondly remembered
daughter ani .later, they bare the ooe.ola-
Nr of keowleg that she is free from earthly
pale and eerrew, asd sal. In the shelter of
God's lova The deepest sympathy of the
peps el the gemmed*, .es=py is with
the serrivere In their saddest of all bereave -
menta The funeral Monday lase was very
largely rustled.
Why is it that nearly all
aged persons are thin?
And yet, when you think
of it, what could you expect?
Three score years of wear
and tear are enough to make
the digestion weak. Yet the
Sasser, J. w. Art1, banker. B F. Arasi•e body must be fed,
wu.ilen WI* .ma "here /aver makttsg 1
Listowel • sent al pore• 1. dimM
.. . PAW
l In Scott's Emulsion, tllu
pee., by • eep.t•tte. Nem the warless
mraledp•Ittfee ares the line, Inoloding, w
memo, Guelph to (lodewleb, sed the% .ustss
to be the genml epfelon thin all .le•M
er {wether, tele It ever, thresh le est, mad
the *poise • deputation Prem that men
leg to go to Motre•1 and Interview she
..limey afield. as te what they lateen M
do. They say new is the time. Th. 11.11.
*remota have deme their pert. Oeelph
people have Anel %heir& The ones*, le le
base hied has reaped • heeable% barred and
ase the eat.apg. more dam ever of ere
• read. Lioeowel is quite. sue tow.. -they
haw seveel Ara►d..e heeds. the real p.p.
work - is all done; that is,
the oil in it is digested, all
ready to be taken into the
blood. The body rests,
while the oil feeds and nour-
ishes, and the hypophos.
phites makes the nerves
steady and strong.
lbs adhirlwad
, f wes arms war SIM fOwt111,
, Saggaa,
oderich Bargain Centre.
1! PAY/ ! T0
0 �Q! I
426,t 311033=miscwii
, r
Choice the large.t in (odsrhh. Come asd Ol enpare quality. Cense and
compare priors, Everything new and bright.
Blankets, Quilt., Comforters, Pillow Cottons, Sheeting., Flannelettes,
ladies' Underwear, Men's Underwear, Table Linen, Table Napkins, >
Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Mantle Cloths, Ladies' Jackets, Furs, Fur Capes,
Fur Jackets, Mou's Fur Costa, Ladies' Fur Mitts, oto.
Il you are interested in Bargains, and we believe you are, it will pay you
to buy at
Agent for Standard Patterns.
A Prominent Citizen Says:
_ " I Imre r weak stomach which ordinarily cahoot digest heavy
foods, bot I can uT AND Dloerr MUTT .° if I take as 000a-
A Leading Farmer of Goderich Tp. Says: :
" My daughter improved Wonderfully ea- 11.111,AFILAS
BITTERS, I want one now for myself.•
mar's thm way the
SOc. 6 for $2.50.
-Bedford Muck,- timoormE.
- \car ilstsarteetsa estr0-pag# 801/001.
A Shoe
Every Man wants Shoes
that will lit his feet.
These are the desirable kind. Made for weal ant for
comfort. Sold to divide a good thing with appreciative
people. Broad enough to insure comfort, graceful enough
for style. cheap enough for economy, elegant enough to suit
005Nsa Or nor .rear.
We would like to draw your
Attention I
to some goods you are using every day now.
1, 2 and 3 Bushel Baskets,
• Potato Scoops,
Manure Drags, it •
Garden Rakes,
CEMENTS -Portland and Thorold (fresh stook).
TABLE CUTLERY -Rogers, I.R.i., Landers, Tnrys k Clark and all
leading make.
Be sure and ask for a Auk BrlgMsr Rebate Cheek with every Dash per.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in 8eaeoII
.ring -the preserving season you will require Surd.
Call and see our values. The beet dollar's worth for 100
cents in town.
A complete stock of Groceries and Provisions always
on hand. All goods promptly delivered.
O m Stun and astral Street
A Wonderful Tonic lied Rimed)
M*RUfiictured Ay ii. M
;!!1 1e1F11PI