HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-14, Page 3Will Z its int is Ah IiA spa 494 ra- un, Cha of •. V__ BBAWNABLB ADVRRTIKNO. ThM is the wtaam of the year alb, the purchaOlrtg; public in eepeltsally lu yre.Le,d tit the d0j'a of ebe trades man. The people wast the know wha nn,eltls will characterise, the opcm We u( the fail trade. Thin lalorunatloo can be furnlabed mast effectdvefy ani prenulptly thn,ugh the aguiwy of bue,t uses annuunoaments kis such a widN4 mad newspaper aur this one. The et {,e,ryrlKtig memilawt will not. there f felt Lo �---- - fifth Dsr+W lu Glneel, dN@L forth sad for all practical purposes ora npprAe the publb sty the MONS of tie ubtu.ttant store u E,erl Brum. a Uvoly Market {own d 1Q000 becomes a tact. ALL TELL L(JNATWA WORK. needed wares which Ise tun♦ have no tuhah'tau%r, is a little o. let a to,*- Immediately %flat' bemktaat next ham' ubwrvlug permOs may remain morning Lb• friend b assigned b an - - ably shero u ,vest w% l os4 eve so■pmtlaa uwupsduu In •le,. OOm's lloasahgd. tom. Shop. or on bla ImM the r 1 PIONEER'S STORY. % enterprise carried Qu-tbe choloa t1w @ file g oke trea{vosn{ d ties IsaaM by of hodw waders left to him. He accuse. Panks me paando brothers, stases___ THE PRISONER SET AT LIBERTY, t1w antilkot and naaA >a{ural use"- err. and codhm among them usually Nov- oral , William Hemitraet s Healtl .4 guetranteed w be efteattve 4 atntnt,ed like lrm fself, to the An interested spoeN+Wr who wp%ut1.'a lit good res°Ib . • I mom w of nsefuhwar, and all begin to worts In earnest land some friends Renewed at i1'erent'. As u,a+ty I1eW ls Like lntul4vdy b are antiouraged W sing and to Any and litigants uu day at Johnson ga balding-housms and cburohydttg� e0 practleal )okss on %belt comrades. 10 0 0 . Ire. Wreach•nbe•gss $10040 ��oo�aym, w yte (il,oel men and omen born mads- bat Lie sago among the latter never lie Wu Afflicted With Illness torr i w issuer keepers. and Lite youi4lp a teNay�k in fill return looms, where a Leaff Period,asd Thought lila Day,yAe - a. the {east of motragiug emPlhryountiful bmeal awaits them. For the se of UssrulneWersAx" AR „-- mg slid stunningrwwuor as naturally newer floss, are tlt-WL. and as Hearty sad Robust as He We . as w their native dint of pot un% On= pulls him into a corner for an Twenty Tears Aso. beam and oofgsa in tact. to She rap extra drink; In abort, everything Is rekot0ra of will understood. time Minister of Militia Is la no waybut „f nes'■ house or bedroom aouom- dons to make the friend Ince film now (From the F moo Prom, Aetuu, ()sit.) part rruy i,i", W crazy strangers 1e, as a•rroandtng& Yet silo Indulgence . No mail W better known kis the lieu mush „g an udossry ben an ssrl"l- pne, tuuufmtj, and cloth and stoic% rover � far enough to Watts;die- Qro•ataa• tsom work. W. Z. olgh{ Plo of tiro auuratles of Hatton and Well, aaah,g. And so wounder. for tib tows n Of maaoal labor Is the mini• Ilrmgk,n than WJlllam Iiemattreeet, a ower iw ur1BID tithe motherytoteo warm. sad U a friemd doesn't take VAMemr and much esteemed roideul tees of the mentally diseased, B4 Dympuabrin on who has bad a abrion the IJTeer t4ad(7 LO it, he L persuaded by the Oom'apaternal authority our d Actus. Ids. Hemetreet Ica a rat'-ve ' spot w bore %last on' lRy noetaodti sinus resea by pto !n kind or to money. lit thtt'siboduf� having been buru It "re, 2se:mwamoriat• Maley fanatics like to work sWradl- Trafhlgar tawnsbtp 1817. in his The burgommat'er told your corm- sally, bet that won't do at all. younger days 1h. Hemsleeet a,uduct m,at.deut that Mat bat- the preanal MOW'sdoctor-90pulatlon knows that ed a taut �+t[ bo.Goesa He cotta %cern, ' &o thutght of. in ie" tW- Its earliest crag settien got caged, yueutly otagaged In the dsovJug ant saautb ,vaaturl/ a bishop of Antwerp to %Ise with SA. Dy�por's aid, bl w lng for their ISrL,` Jmtchering buKoeam, racomm. nded p[Igrlmyrs st{S►Md Is a waste at faro g, house. buildLas, eft- and wish the and some twenty- ftve Mint•r wmb-tlw nomavrY-as a assume of securing the persever- anon t Is use of %he chief char- Jesse, ago, owing thole s imperial knowledge of the veins of live atock, holy Itymtba'e lnteromaim for Insane ssseristiear of this Flemish character, old. I can see LA lags the water W.ti,m and friends at tba throne sd chrrob lasyboace are barred from art Ise tono A Iloenrse *A an aaeu'on- lte Almlghty. Tisa ter the resort 'We can't care loafers,' ear. In this Calling ila became At once Mame to lure w,urked ise in they may. 'Let tbem go sO an asylum. papular, and he waxcomstantly on the these day%d, bas a .OtmaI thing, bre {ime about them. We doa'% want hupeitis■ ossa■ unless tbq can be made useful In s way' road m•lvtnt Ia ail kinds of weather, 1, took As the pt% r'!ses had to resale% with Two hundred of obsel's lunatic holding auction rales several days e %telt, charges M the nelgbborhood stn- population receive regular wages creek. Although pumeembW a atro ug IV a cure was wrfeatw•d, they waJ&cd from tbetr keepers• and have money healthy, eomrutaLlq, "it mmonsex after, month. and yearn6 in sots& oases In the Aavinp bank; five hundred exposure and hard work lir switul heir „holo lifw%m&. Thus a tempo more earn t40Ir tobacco and drink, came dJa for aelx or tight hours at s qu . rary .rOtlemmut growaround %vW latter Yam hrg money. ,Among those -Paid 1n kind Sok be gradually tate hie sbrenstt shrb,e, than a vltladr-. M deve.o;w•d tn{0 a town whom commas- are numerous won, u wbo m, Odwo premiums in the shape of jaw- ani visor. and, A&Mt, turas farad himself a od years agt wore. Ia1&kM a. I%J u hleved fair etmooas In varies misv7• trinket&, ribbons esti the out man. In ovwveevmt:cn Whsle :L% Ydustr'e& yet withal stunk to the waw' ' Mon of the eariW 4 mwLtlen• like A" from their regular employ- Porter lir the Free 1'sesr he said: "J felt tl,st my days of usefulness PATRON SAINT OF LUNATIC& meat UP friends enjoy almost onlw over. strength .1 4ad departed my . my r•' lite 4tyvsyi�s. ber.eff is ataare :vrto0• � hies t 7%p j 7 any r1s1L. un - avlas. crli/r* 1pa7st" 1 4as ' 11szs •ettiat "'to � 4n uowadaya but the legend of pat• saloons, and i! me acnoonose hL Insentient to travel, the landlord dowoft of any ktaQ asp I was tun - a0rtg the people. &ad Powers Itis m wherever in Belt now or Holland & last- wilitney batps pack his grip amid wend hum• to the dauUvrMy aselew %u myself fix anyooc etas My symptoats were peculiar a{'k fetes top- his fWlts' first .tboa161rt statbn with maa7 grad and banied •mere,l of the best local to to O eW, where ise" man. wtsbm. The ticket-imlier, of coarse, physaslasa who difter*4 very much In � woman or child can find board and recutnlser fro cautompr, and mots him their dlagnoala I took their medicine Inl�(teg at aloe rate of t10 b 8100 Per m,xtth. and be cureq Into the bar- either a worthle r ticket that true ue�'talter oontiseates or keeps Ida waiting until taw train L faithfully, but no lmpevicematt to wdLed. I dd tort suffer mooch pa;im bus �f There is the s) ghtent chasm rentivery. gone. The salmot-keeper follows a sim_lar was a very e:ok man ; had no appe- t" so streogth, ouW not sleep, and patient % b the old town broagA Issa that depressing title d cAare,c• mods of monduct- He has always one dTiass of beer, or wine, or ►ehbapps for Doth myself and ml frirade otmcludwt t has my days ah earth were num- for the moeemt be entero his now mor- a friend, bat no more. " We have janR bared and that my worn-out system ' toendusgr. Whether the State Mlles- run out of the Ruff. and the next barrel be ecoid to a very short tame Ile down ml Hoard oaetrotllng Lbw clamelfloa lbs of maw arrivals Orad% him b one won't tapped to till b -mor- to The whole pupulattoo works in wteetawT ret. Iliad to give up all my," kmili interests." When Mr. ! d the upper dlateiob where Ann- to had t otand b give the Inman* fibs entltely unrestrbted, Hemsoreeas COndtlon was most ser- proua' cause, aenoadtng Medical parlams, are R or whether he V i and tam � PPY PsWle stop yearn- Ing for liberty tons Us a icintltn wan attracted try the Published {ewtlmonlal of Rev. Mr. at orae a� %o ordinary lodg- top. the Qasokm call him 'InooceaV %hair beosusa it seesam ale%you at their Nbow. Freeman. a mtn)ster wtth wham he was PeusonaJlr aequalated,reta%Cog to or 'frteod.' Saeh words an lunatic. In- TUraoatt of this treamen tt. or ah. Join iawler"M to hesJW after using --.w mad> are mot not to the eowa's mese Of traataaa#. Is astonlshin . An Dr. Wllliasd'hs Ik Phlle He was vomhular Ommmon consent ban. Mad them hes aoavermtba• and oft!oW of the Beate Medical Board told your eormspuadsnt that quite 90 r Pe ftti- monlal, sad concluded that these mcit al, arty Impressed with this them at ,,uperiateaelrnt ci %bools told %pact omit of friends are cared. will]* all, almost without exception. find s pillo mart p4esse a,'ngulu• merit and foes , ort art of rdtet heal ing Power. Rev. I an o►ar nl b gz allude t a" the sad comfort In Ohre . Titers that at warn oda hod his his o badr agarem b chair sir _ The ,kvomW work causes with the _ nines become harmless after raving v or hrow w*wW )Rohm ustmt then aA9d ave tksm, �A s,rial ; he first got set men"oBaI Knowing as they doaLa7• and political itleal rnitaof the community, and in Gaal judicial power one box, then three. then half a don. ase% (amity'• Capacity for handling erLln forms of Immunity. they die. Ttx feet that we treat the Insane I ke reasonable beings Io pre Itself and *WA %been regularly. No very effects sayta were notice - PON Pere ei neo cease girl aus* o their senlse of boaor." oantln°es the -Tway able, b once but with cll ha r:rio yupply. Badman fib kngar B!s ywallar am. dtbD demaBdm, send ibeee as a �° doctor. ineMb I% a point b behave, and meal 6tn themselves it lot s� ca sued a Iuritter supply. By the ttaaq tlrelve or tMjrt,wm boxes i mal thing• ilia maths nada though rap in the 'dangereos' district as moon lied been vote,, be felt that new ! iw appearaoou's sake. A sort of neo- ' Y they feel an attack coming on. blood men* nourslrW through his veins; bad mal supervision Is occasionally Atter this to Over they return to their 'that be poumm d renewed visor and comm tied. Tov (Jbeebers, Nan, are the real boat'dtng`bea and to their Aally labors as obsorfally as ever, and no was fettle 4o petrfoem all the duties lie's badoem calls desaoded"For a -year mmdl, ine mea In this coastal health cue remarks upon their absence. i eonVAued to Lake tyle p.11q," he said. resort today. as their anaaaWre were hNon• them, but their suceem not-s TRIP TACT Ol? THE PEASANTS. "I know I .was sal lap rat my cid time withstanding. they realu al opla. st The Laof these posmants Is' fin- dead wosdWuf. Sven In conversation @Ltensth mid nCOOO health, and I was dr�tntrned the cure should be com- Bladed peasaab as (ill old. Common mon Is tbelr rums polnR and medl- with your 40r4empondent they refused Pule and peru&twnta •and I give them OW le %pet lint of fitwo b tsdusA that' there was nn Mo the cradNt for mikleg me the new thatscience, IN that them* are sot more than two a IL abuormai &txvat the mental condition cera+, I feel mywif to be todsyy An caters dootoes %Jos p, the d tbslr aearigss. When tow that evldtate.e sw m♦ recover- is "Zo Other iumd they pude themeshes as y the themselves alai IMM are generally Lt F I have only to up lc+{ag(tw two rover -taller bawashold rase- �ar. ttb.y eonW not understand have cordmc{ed atnmmberiof all. tae simplicity mad paWstoe. Wil: tory said• 'ad the friends, carry els ffi the air with f t °Den Prr l� soar LACH FAMILY HAS A SPECIALTY. knlvusC while axes, sledge -hammers, %toss, at*_ ate their ever day tools, aid with swum astkdactiou to my thesis. U) each family'. galt,y %Joare V Wao sad yet cbar hs o aunsom have no "I apm as much averse to wattling am the Memo. tar Im@tasce. For Lbs raeord of any act of violence Com- Pcrsoml natters public an anyone lot two or &line osetariss they altMd by a him In two centuries.' OO°n POMIWY bw but m7 keg eat - Ove made a Specialty of taking care " CCcaaionally " said the town pan- tb" d lilacs was e,o, widely known d sptl"ptlom, Na experience gained In tor. the Rev. Kr. HeogstrAstan. --we � O17 meanory flax ham eo masted the treatment de@oaBdisg from father have • vlotso% tallow, sad tion Call ac'tOtr7 and watW that I tool that I M son They amid give points to In the assistance of the children. A Orr° A dab% of gratitude a, the dmplla BODY a codlego prdemor, you may be nelglihor of mine once had a frlead Mut effeetlrre remet" which cored m . ON . The VrOc are Just as well up guest who Insisted on smashing all and tills L why I thus acknowleft" Is mania of tion an the 84eema am In the rte available crockery every da It As well as to show to those who are up in 1n HI other broach of suffering. or two When persuasion IAII years and -health what Aad ■. at is or" N& ren Stations. the woman gave him her baby to for. Willfarw I•hik Pills did for tae.•' bMWitary iC%AMdaBts of delirium bold. the moment she saw an attack WIRIA3011' Pink ills care by r. smal"A; this B"Aknmta, tas Der- d fremay coming on. •' Kind your t Lice toot of ttin The y /ran the Dovlaiaten Braila. sad little skrier wall.,' she saw ; " d n't review and build up the A1oxxL and BYses who bay's a npatAUM 'for break IR or find will punbb YOU." It R^R1gthen the nwrem, thins driving reaming ,Icun m 09 melancholia. mo- worked IBM a Charm. and though disease free the symteen. Avoid fml- rrmanta of fear, or owViaion, or pride, sad wlnde Cham hundreds of bables have b7 frrlxtin�gg that every box of emotional madam, rerPee• %Indy been OmployW In the same f&shl,n yeem ,urchase L mirknsrA in a wrapper ismer the full 'trade stark. Dr. Wll- But while all aiee►trs are ptvttea- nome ever got hurt." Other ebildren are frequently used Ilerxw• Pilin for I'ab t veODis. dom.l mad -boars keepers, more or Ue4 to help cam mlwhlevoas it s by ------ cone an allowed to •tagsp In fhb budetes ssolast.ely, family, assbtl,io Lhem In their crasy anks Miller's Worm Powders for mallow skin each @o s iter how high its reputation In and ,hf{srv►atda scowl ving Moe pe° ; ow or young. I -- uZspecial breach may be, receiving Inhalant for the trouble they had taken. That works upon the Inns- Phe�rapblss Blevated Objects, y as maul ballyders as their bwuse sea ►old w that bis turned Into " e4:um. The aothou calculate tb•a ,,WIrge, and ma°y have re- foroW for the children's ebe. . 911mel bas tonab Officers of the hoo allatg1mer aps Care Making effective see of the lkm: Tenrtk Stems M five remains Y numerous lawn beiescopk, objrative in taking photo- bsldee those be needs Eur his tatglly and bowling clubs. composed almost graph of objects high %hove the I" servants. That entitles John to es%tnfyof lunatics; lawns peoplo trbttsd. vilmomg etlrer things they tea male and two Lamle Jooasrtsra, perform every Monday of the Year have been enabled to Ass unser Frvac qd apl:eptlas, willing er &hie to wort Ou the Ally's ama{eer stage. and be{Mrles In the Alps which °lit b a tannery and the houseW.4 res- tease erre several food aobn and xis a baso mown 1b exist before that veli, apply fur rraartOra O art aealanmer. aotreswme among them. A philhar- monle aoobty, the leader of which AW to maga pbvtagraphs of theiret- tar" construction. Tbm the baker, tress a distance v►d11 be greater wbem a pow- application bOu honse, aa& haus over •dodos area in an Intermittent maniac. `dna d, the blesccpdn knees for such ppoOre u friends capable of working aunt creditable concerts, and the poses was demonstrated for the 6irM It krad and cake -staking. or an hole maand ftsgrtie 4hoJr. of St. Dymp time aloes the Scaffolding was built fart•. For ev`ry ma's Church, to celebrated through- an trip of the dome of at Pero to crazy man, woman Is elvild i►rdug ismthe saa4ow, of SL .out the ytovlrres for IM wonderful Rontw to repair the lightning rod. Ue- �lms't .h h&eat with Adm quieem. &H Janafis the great Neigh{ an ezedisst work w ►sir htnda, or so to msoraf. That is ms of the It may rpt be amiss to emphasize O°n°luebrs lbs{ the methods stow %1019 -ph wan mads of then ft". elaowhng s ems h deAr i!► tree of theft resent•in "% u W tierotw It la mereeves fn vague are those adopted by the tall at the ten. an MO{rd Wok of. Ns neooeatw shed eoarliest awnless flew handed and - --- W,-. d's Iri;slwmeaf �ritelerrvervvt►her4 •aft% Comp;ab abme°ea et &owrdve t4mures, more years ag+o. While all Eu Wens takes a speaker bringer to clear his throat than ►t AOes b Cissas the ghe°ty of good nomrism bK *1 fresh all. Sad of sunshine sed lyarer4nee hunting Insane people If wild blest& -a attics Jegailsed In Oscar Didn't Ensow. Zither. are the other remedies ll*~ by act Ot Parliament to One of the most remarkable char Rvmrlh•d asadn lnatatad upon. Bat ttbeose a tweesafemod In the swat- 151'8-.whths tierriany. to partko I tar• trsebd bar Insane TC..= Ru s4eterbtles for a grmen of King tdaetrs =are Is the oat Interest he takes mtnner. Frseds or 1%sOssoe dolph to Irons and not true pubifn In children Assilstlhsir education. He aeu never be irritated, o'sre suds be,• wmsm etiasadoesir aWd sv►errt sorrsentar to , frequently VW tie ee IOaPOMMO sad the peasant. 4A@8*t7 dexter laces °roast WBav�1 Over him, while thrill- I "Worm and sc11o0is. QsryerMn he wast .peestng A M Oat• with YIa tatllerivrr further 4f Of melwrmcholiA �► nayed ales Young girls, who were. BafAmilty, much over. eObsega.nee tie ever- ikerltl%s Immedbtd win! were burned MA am Ileobr as the wheel In aid I WW by a _♦Ialt trues the king- "0hn Ilk•apply of '%Nets epee,`' T1t[t � slaty do am of W .lurid M wttnhxa and de♦gF YOU tell me," asked hb Kel&my of "the rdsus, entrance lot died In the pnplb. names lig the groat kluge of Swedes r•' ' tlussavam �11a of a insatle ld • tet family b marked at {Jos @lab rn lata M 1028 -� plot@ ata feud asar{&f Pena Adol- pbias," erfal One. t'%arlses R1L," b a te4let. A kiss with the word • W.teosae• lin nom cal*re Is mania ut (ibsei t6dW9Vd A b■mani M• Ian IB Aealtng Maid Another. •• (bear It.." wtam- aeFed tame of tb* analis{, whoa beat Over t►, .e ted all principter with mentally dbwaaed was a Mttl• Cour{lar In bar way. Mar- ar- •umbers of . 11 a dress in brethren %rad secs. Tho - , Il~. t1M Icing wont rap to ler, 111"ktMir Deo% ly styled Gem -'I text -1 do not rovelwd this. but It le and asked boy to tell hlam One of (unods) ►'' w Introel*Of the bm`"" , t (� %rue. ns� Ckwr*upoee4aw.e of the liwlo6 the grunt stents of Ms re . The nee" •Msaws, eat ralatyve, cousin ` ,'-' the evipe. i trinlM hedMtst. Rosser Jolash.t� sad FIT r•nalsr b eel/ �' %a - . - I -r ttsalfy, lit iserr, mer ly a�-00 _ r , - l4. n ___! r" .., ...,` , t1CMtt&d %h4 liCNw (lime's hair, wt►t1 u 1!taatty,"to..Ts V_tar �•taldoo '. "+%a..was heft tYt•o•t abulia tlallafh rhihl; t AnnSam,% kveov►%std .^ stet of !taus "a WW. Py�mjOsidwar +`:,. . iz G�' ' 1; ;I ;,,Jv , . ev . - -- - - COlIOT SIM BY I SOB. ______ [PRO MINTO'S AIOES. GIFT OF SECOND SIGHT. The Signal ;, • mule No Law for Mormons in He Has Chosen None But Mrs. Enos, of Chatham, Seyi RTBBY 'tt11U111MAY ISOBXMW . m D. Rico"-w-yc"Dlr. Virginia..,Tories for the Job. She Has it.--- ��=w er twt+w4�U■S4 aAvaae•...... . e, .i THE PRISONER SET AT LIBERTY, MINISTER OF MILITIA IGNORED. WANTS TO T FIND A BODY• w sft•1�k61a. ....»« mOeCk' = ::::::::"""""" �yemr• •••••••..►•• f Chattanooga. Tenn.. report; A mouuted armed mutt o1., some :.00 ala` days Oat., Oe ie 7. -In a ill few days a Ile of ties htmaorary All An interested spoeN+Wr who .tdvasMsrt Thaw& men kx,k obarge of a court, sheriff C's. to Lord Mint. will be appointed. fax haunts the River 1%amer, Chatham, body same" V matt. Iso !•r iia mor :1 lasaMoa sad t �awte tree sae t eared and litigants uu day at Johnson ga only three have baso aatette,d. g r'^7 are' Lieut. -Col. Irwln, of Ot- while the seatoh for Mr. Tighe's 10 0 0 . Ire. Wreach•nbe•gss $10040 ��oo�aym, Springs, Vs., and by main force put Lleut.4>A. Gihsuru. Lieut: V going O, to Mrs. Sarah Enoa. who a■aa��..r�.tgl} Deslaem oast d sttt lines asd us, to mar a stop b the pn,ueed iugr. For a time a wholesale lym-hing appeared lusvl. table. Elder Joseph E. Wuffin• a sour- Awa ; and Ool. Otter, of Toronto. In addition t0 theme Gen. Hutkeu and the Governor- r'eakles on Prkmwar street. Mrs. Eras claims Lo ire a clairvoyant and ��ys I �ieas 10 �1r '" (kvwral have Ili, for We was will" to tender her services esamMl� ar t mus. Was marderuusly cauulte,d sums prepared u 11. it b In for LM body. lines eraPa�Iwywr�i► nights ago from an nmbush, brutally beaten with clubs and kicked while rekot0ra of will understood. time Minister of Militia Is la no waybut the search they were cast encouraagg pee.;■r Ace ss ontxooscloua on the groutd. Fleming masgeotmaltole. ad, su she contented h&resit withM�uuealie Ridley. a white farmer. wen arrsmt- leader in the Tu be plah4 the Governor•Lien.ral baa 'inclined , accept the nominees telling what ohs oo ild see In the meat' of seoon•i eight W the ourtualty AAs°77 ua lie ss -_the � ed ass a the iLKaek on intent W of Dr. Berder�but Instead Ilam taken seekers who dally gather at the .teM tnaalleorr� er}ywsr M char�go of aasault with those rco nimerded by Pier Hibbert wt M Mosier. He was arraigned for trial yester- day, and soon atter horsemen cur- Ttipper and P(AlUclaue of that Ilk. Any one who glarees over the follow- "shave the power of seeing things In the water:' Mrs. Eutis a�a ward, as sauce hers Ia&& iia Iwealsou•a•is trM rounded the court homes and de- Lug stereo need sot by told %hat they were oboom by Lord Minto Oen. said. " Nobody asked me Lo 90 I s iia as e°eWe EWA _MMS tailed a committee to notify the court that fibs peooeedi1ya�t■ must be and Hultm at the d:otatiaxe of Tory leadi Lleot.-Col. • Petem Brit- ersltl and locate Mr. Tithe. jart went because I knew C could do it, I the first 4 Mica" �a+� stopped. A second oomec of de- md Wh COJumbla Lbut.-Col. Sher- was born with a calif. &W I had this ftbom lows wits, Nam e" MweMre Pones %60berm is terralLo +regulators took charge of ; wuus. Ottawa; Meat. Drury, time I discovered that regularly q a s center a r mei the tae% a% as nary A am as Elder Wnffin and threatened {o lynch him unless her aigreed to esti- -Col. K Lieut. -Col. Labelle, Moat- b'petrO° nal• and L'euL.-Coir Evantu el, Quebec, wvslderfal Dower was when I was a little girl, &bulli eight or nine yeah In quak.m ~a ~ boo uy 4� draw floe pevosewtdu and leave the old. I can see LA lags the water aamd 1Ympa aklmeie aa~@lma. as mew a count". Fearing they would Every One Of these b a bard -shell and on d land. I have even r7 - carry their threats tnto execution. Tory. Of the tbree who aro 1110* &P- walked aluag the street and showed fir', hb,�y Name*. he withdrew the came. The prisoner has been liberated b7 pointed Col. Gibson it the only Llh- oral is Lir osowd, and It looks that If throw had been people things. Some people don't believe In this. bus I do. I dlbaev- J.O. Tonal. of 0od4rWh ap. �elat��,eLocal �i� �tweld � lie, the mutt Wnfflm remarked that Lien was rw Jwtioe to VI anof y possibility passing him over he would not have erect a cannon la the river near Lwlevllle. It had been there sinceLocal ihipe of, .Wer Colborne, r1 �po•4maK.noswr rtlnla non Lie members of the nab whereupon boon selected. It can be, maid Lha% y His Excellency elleuey lute the right to floe year 1812. This cannon b the dLtrldanalw •mpway.d to I v .ub••riput as to 'fees seplled : "iia law for Mormottr, ez- Dept Will! db%m" shouse his own A. D. C's. There is le,, doubt still there for anybody w ase. Tight, rab Iwegen etesar ALeommuatea Y�aI sad about that. I,uA he lay nu right to have them gazetted, and o'otlsesa.e Iles lodged bet eying �D Bum OBLTW BRLIRH. their traveling expenses fluid for by the Department of Militia lit plank and some sp!lea He Iles in a I.ole fih AL laced PoLnLI to %he TeMDe"teCalll0. Ooderbb _ Their Rall Homan Sacrifice&o&14 to Have P•rmlttM whom the peoflfe's representatives In this noun rubbish in Lite hole. hl tnhi the divers THURGDAYa 1�?. 14. 1Bp9. -- The ancient Britons belonged to the try In the Government are going W be ignored. C olitmel Oregory, of Brlt- where to look--Jset above the bridge Celtic famil d peoples who wan lah Columbia, who represented him scar Hae cis place w They didn't m. &t the exact pfaoe where t told them, _ _ a over Oauf, and no didmbt from spread that country had made their mea at Provintx at the Diamond Jubilee, Aar been parsed over In this lar4►nce be, end w}tN t told con so they got he Itufty. No one cum convince me that �'tT�'�X a remote day, across the Channerinto (heat Britain and Ireland. We bars a ,+auwe he was a Liberal candidate for Parliamentary honom' and a letter Mr. T" he lam•t tinem. lie ham +,maty - m (nil a000w* of the Continental Belts of reeommendatiun came along from th'ng like a string around his peck. • �AxR 1l 1Y11MAIL �; Lrom Julius Container, by w'bom they were subdued; and from the Rotay �te Hibbert Tupper In favor of ('ill. I was ass'sted by Kr. F'ulfeFt..xa. He knew I could see things. I looked 'oto 22 �R :.•. ,' writers we derive informalba d LONG eiF:RViCE KEUALA a •tame. It ler a magnLflgd atone wrxl n little otselrer La color than ashy l[tx•d.............................. . •»� kzailasdBxltatwa..........»•••».--- �.--•' ; - valine respecting the gen rsligioB which is commom wit the Brltcna �� first beach of Liss long service MD&bl will be sent out from the Mi]- tgue. I see different stone on dry land to whm's i do In the water. With Yom•••• ••••• "' Mall est •• ••••Am, w•am '•'•'•'•"•""""' Tbal] had a venerated priesthood call- ed the 1]naids. Thetr priests rvema b:ed ilia Deyartment this week. D1Rrlbu. tial mei l be made by distriete lit the tis* land steno mea %lm!r you oaa'L make out y ag ptEfi In ilio waLef-Ft:it7aj, ° - _ _ - N" -rd Hger• - �� 131 u•.:.._. •MMY In Ostiole patticu:ars the priestly Classes Wbich have existed Lrom Of order of the mmaabera, so that Lite London Ons„ veterans will Thursday and Saturday n:giste I can d�ooveor Village better ��[aal1�1 a��!_W- N•» - and .!...».s•...--•q.� ewes•.'. Old in Oriental eouahries. They form- ed togeltoer a close corporation, were probably be the flrwt to receive their MP,"Ie, titan other nShts. I can disomver perxxea who am DI<NTr7rRZs the guardians of a mysterious doc- trine, which was taugQht onlyto the -%ldltiated, ebb THE SOULAh[C" CANAL. Ba ' Ottawa, pL 8. -The Department 4 1la:isra+ya vete cmin r teas %aid 11 dead. -Often when walking wltll my passeli spirits lit imd 1"M 11do. 1�• Joos ARkgl mo waif 1gtW - NIOHOLsON. Le. D., �, :. r eorawl.Meatea o e-therA only in a sym(holieal or popular form. Twenty discipline formed that the contractorsaresiopp• Pia[ this, gates of locks one and two lint of the read. I have answered that I was letting the ap:rlt of q dead ��aus� Am 0o p1BLw we, a,adl�erka siseawy. years' preparatory was required for little novitiate who of the Soulangss Canal. When the persue past by- I ootid %toe Lite host, >1aTax szlersence• aspired to the priestly oboe. The Grids were po meed of all the cul- fes have been placed, which will be a few days, water will be let to but he could not. I have oftengdone this ease t hlrtg :,urban lk:mz with JrM. MARZE, D.D.e.. L D � _� ad Liars of Lha action, and exercised sup b the ower roach at tl$s 13oolsug"A' other r People, cmvt tilt I Lave never been a °� too oortvtmce them a what iaakd." two me all denialoveraalawe aataral meth a �•�ty t CUs nems religious control. Amon them ss was a able[ who Held hu ata- ;APITAL NOTES, _ s !quare (up m%atrel as• ON palest, tion during lite. They were tie &ectal F. Beancharme, timber agent In -the Klondike, has resigned and C. Rylvem LATRf11T IN PARIS. and political itleal rnitaof the community, and in Gaal judicial power ter, d ArthaMscn, has been appdnt ad in bye place. Some or the Little French ]Mof the sessos. T dvrole • K.erses�N. L� Dr.11tla' l[ ass whdiy in theft Randa The b An orderin-('urancil has been panned .8 s�rrttfIIetal teat► seas to ar sirs. were Apparently oon- netted with the Dru-Id-tc-al class at permitting toe minister of Interior px gyre a money allowaince In Crepe lib chine seems to be the ma- of the momefit ; It is worn sect few. ewotal attwtl•a d:w fe 1•e aw(w Weok�� Y• Oz the Druidical Drleste generally led a place of rations to the Government officials :mrlal ��°u°a�1 a colors ; but lot Leon's secluded life. Thew were Priers- in the Yukon. of buying Jing a crepe tie - ewes also. As a part of the ritual, David Horne, Whwpog has been chlme drew mol union they are abote Lipp human sacrifices were offered In appointed Chief Grain InspecWr an. IT certain of the talent of their dross large numbers, and augurles were taken from catvvlsfons of the limbs der the new grain Inspection act. maker. Perfectly made, It Is a per feet drew, but It an Indifferent hand gXg1 gRATON- E and from the appearance M the _ Time swee a at the Tyasta attempts b meddle with thla mgater C"N Neet%aarr��ON .. rt Oasrawe•UYamDw, IStaws. blood. Sometimes these vlctlmsLal were claim In the Interior of the tem. r TrWt- apokW'str must explain away every defect In floe style becomes obvious 1n a glaring shry Pie. sometimes ttAy were burned be. weveral facts before they can ask cuts- tamers to believe their reiterated which In moot so much case when E• OA11P10X. 0h-EAltR1MM" Ndi. Ume, otomy ha Otte• oven KedIW free a conoocrse of oelookeee. The cl°'lm that triNcle an 94XA for the a strong send closer -woven mnterlal In RaU.tteeaee,Ooaanti. victims who thus perished were pri clay' employed. soners, slaves, criminals, but also voluntary victims who chow to die Today %he aver coat of the ne a�u -- To De scetntwd with the perfume of m O. JORNBTON-BA �as4oIrlid '�• Ne"• � Ot11•■e: Orr. Nisle wkh some respected Individual. Or who gave their lives as a free-will t�e(rlss Or Ofe Is 15 Pot' cent. hlgld_,r OhAA it was twelve mantle o�u vlp,'etm 00 Unocal to be the rage In Parts. Sa so of white, blue t � 1st p ori sad .%"11 «seas. �� Otl. � offering lo behalf of a rick Vernon. Tile mistletoe was held to be a mpe. tlsalt.'whloh before the salt trust was formed sold for 88 cents a barrel. satin, a" with tape, are filled with Puwdero" Orrin root and •101st semtt Q RATE, BAJRRINTlg6 '� 64: woe: North •t. wart e•r mar AL Clay t of tate gift gods and an antidote iMrw ablb at i1.:,Q Carpets ane 20 per 0011 t. 1,'gher In powder. And la placed In the ward. maim t• Mad Y bwwa tatty It= istmrast 11M to barrenness and poison. Although also had temples, thick groves were also favorite seats of worship. There th&r, LA brims-------- WMA were 'Litethe carpet 41he --- _ . • f ARROW& P bd'1;iTR8IN=ZBt LT Aaswbowg. smllrBsre ii•d•rlsY. h wen various gods, including a fie- i'rectfeanlly a nails In New l:n g- T�Oarrww, ill;., W Plead y male goddees, and divinities of merinos rank correspendlag to the Roman IRnd are Oontvviled by a trust. Print eWths Of every kind are seltbrg for three.{auartt•rs of a oeut mora per -' o ' . AM1f3tON. HOLT HOI.l1lt6, aAt>�3 ten is ZIL � nymphs. fates, etc. They probably yard thaul they wale a year ane. i • . t�s•eea, ao, Herirsa head Images d their dirfnities. The downfall of the The averagin 1rteTeoae let the price o>< their products made by the ferns, of J• Oi•'ommalosimerFfor-ktag �%'� hastened by an conquest� Gwnl. There uses 6 AI&tm•sst of gods steel and caPp+r trusts Is 40 per cent. / &ljow eXYANCSIL •eap/maa•w oftall aadavks •r d•po.fuoe•er.ol•mr`dar�elawuta•-1' who could not protect their wer- The aaltAratc6te coal resron is urrdv,r twist wmtrol. This trust ordered an Ye' es •r , fib• R e� auaunt west..uses, Ith• Cert chippers. Haman macrdtles were dry Froman authority, advance of 25 per cent, about a Montle � '' �uaYagg fou one(•, or in any C4aty • I�,irms MU�essedb general, were the leading a a, ural rlatoe, titan It has put ext an - iso a (lours All tear•seuoC■saretallyamd�Pere�msui�� exeeatmd R••Id•no• I'. O. features of the ancient religion of n oral L onsets par ton. �i6 I cols sad adhvaa.•>s■i mewsoa, Out > x Lice Celts. _-_� ". a �YT BLSO� lllshL of a llaanan then u 1t,0ANN ANf 1�IIRAlrCti r . nafi do4e 1101 t illi! dab find moil thN The J aid Rove ' Tdtie 1�pR fia{'aa 7Le •' BeturA '-=-_-.�••*1, Th* Y , IL Mlles bait thataim{w+ probablyseveral -- -TI~ PmooBtAcrR)tl t!=niCuar�tClO� Tito° LN """"••!S miles within he llmlt, accord- tubae d seam i'rewis elegance. Them street tng to Capt. F. L. 7.allnskt, the retired sarbats are very large, of%en three- - - J. T. NArTSL-FIRZ, L11lt Briete. Learn tis, "NO,- It's Army of .ser, who ranks am on the hlgbst &attnorfties is the woe on yard quarters of a yard bets, anA lualt a yard wide, so sbaL the . spread a AND AC ­ • aides$ Ismarasee t • ail dew•st rates 11 Cor. North say batter than "NIS,, munitions of wise. On the point of good deal of odor around them. : 4L. sad�uat% OdeeilL Tl x - - __ _-- ______ .r the twig is brat the limb Is inclined b go braise later. iblo r Cat Zaltnski mays: Order ex einddtlons and with -"�- The row charms consist of little enameled MONK♦ TO LtF,D-A LARD! AMOV" ., M of Privau Fasda for Imvtmaat dour. ,' us ea d ae A bade often tnrns frectiow Farad the genas powder and mjectllee avail- P eggs. They erre vet luaau- tlfal 'and m•eyyea A M pnutt«� OA ----_W a'• ",DrO07'. ` ;r -bat In the wrong direction. 11me ls CattshL by the tell more able• I believe It prtsefble to fire ° Naos a distance d elghteeta milesThe scud vary ♦ luable, are mads lrt all eolirra and heel tiotrme erre exact D RADCLIfT= OiNRR`L t NUB ` frequently than by Llee forelock. distance v►d11 be greater wbem a pow- reprw*entatiow of a bird's i1• amus, Neal 6tate and YMOT Every man knows how a wife shOald be teenaged but few areable der le pmvdaeed that will start a uniform pieces to an the gen through- out the course, of the from egg• and sometimes tihtoa h the chip. Ped shell a ra the head of the lit. tie bird. ;Mair" now considered the A�es L onit tbvtelar ••mea■le• ( Mes.� to lead oo stmiglat has•, at the =Jim stuns Is us w r to t0 do It. Some men an too stubborn to ac- projectile breech to matale." Iuckfa*t ebarm to wear. y�� user. u: eeooed eoCraMa WO%grest.Godocki. knowledge she corn until you step On their taws. Glass for Usdergrousd Plyea _ 0100 Reused 81006 * --�-'--- ---- ". A else Mao hall Ads hook with Inquiry. but foot belts "The days of the underground cast and wrought Irvin gas. water The seadsre of this paper will los pleased b learn that there is at least AUCTrotvt UMMO. . 60YA8 OL`�'DRT, IUCTIOleRBIt AIfR n his with Impertinence. sad steam pipes are &bons number- overs decoded disease that stulemoe bas Iii..arsace Axawt Oedecfa►.Oaa hem% [.oeaon and'AeaoAu.LYtr• n Iso Co., the (fere Actors always like t„ tread LM boards. but It's a dead! insult �' ° Boetotn electrician H quoted as aayl " Electrolysis b Playing been able Lu ants M &i11M stases. and that is Catarrh- Haft's Catarrh Cafe Di.,let Yatoal tK (a """amended b r any part of the cmmty. to b y to ask them how the walking Ir. It mometlmee ns that it big %ke with the iron in all �� LDe big stiles, and In a few years Ia the only prsltive care now known %O It -I the med'nni irateral laatarrh betrmg fray t7 t Z _ JOlfNd KN V O N Pf d takes a speaker bringer to clear his throat than ►t AOes b Cissas the from now the water Pipes will bo- uncle se weak that they will bars% t&l a haeme•. regalrM o et'nartd4utiosal uwatnwc%. Hall's CAL arrh Cars Is taken Internally. liar. las tad coated a►M�s�oa��� •� w be 1. 6 a %le, . NII. every time any promi,mm it pat on acting and wlvem Whenever some a effect aRrwe It Is to the effect that they them on account of being corroded the action ,rt the powerful air directly upon tics blood and msooee surface d the %7111 no, the Stroylnt the foundat:rn p1��o'e• /artms'• an tis. r k man le I� YNOZ made a serious mistake In marry- 1 re rang. I will venture that wym Team from allow nothing will banned for of the dies- seas sad the giving W$tien• ettVvnotb by buttding up the Osaatr Au % is maw that .men who rnev.w drfmt, smoke or stay cut laq at madet�rwrad piping Of all kinds where high pmeseurws are carried. ooaRltutlon and -s�*f °atUm In d0tmg Its wrack. Tlae WiLmn ou Lam. night live to a ripe old sae. Per• ezopt glass lurfm have sen much nth In Ila our&tdrs �%s �� jv haps thhvave their Ponlehment.-CAI• ,The powers that they offer can hundred diollam for any case %hat It -` c ngOfalls Salzat Trio, tie came Bend for flat ,I testi. OUTR BUT 01111,00RAD. - - Os what propitious day Is the lite tobatals. - MHler's Grip'PMWArw (lire, of the Iiberal party did the World Adders. F. J. CH NET A Co..wrlaee sele oblamy.se Ward. Bantu a -----,---K- Lust Brldsea withheld Jib tirades Whoa did the hfontresl Star assume the "also of anything lint Comserva O 8ofd by Trio. �" i Paris iNosey (Leaner, Ez-Prinewss Chlmay, formerly Clara The length of some of the blows: else a ive or- goer f Goes the Public need to be told hall's Family Pills ate the bl tt. turd, lies jest won the applause of M re, lm the wvsrlA are s. follows : kfoetreAl, H,TOl feet kkisrttt Brook- to ro the Telegram is antagonistic to Che Liberal party 1 Theme trio pa- BeQ s[adlelae thO French Jew-hateom. It him come hentere a Jewlwb ..y. Lo lighsl*vt41•r lyn, 5.989 feet doom ; Dolwper. 4;218 ise{ long; the New Havre sM OtAM para have always spoken ttx deem- Alves and in no nn for tone either A JJOLL°g physician who had long wOmahipped a lady at a distance was dhaar V""y Parirt by name timfin*klar• oat d =60,+100. TJo* mmoney fir 9.000 feat Wa bridge • t; wow At Lila World Ata made en n 11 oar day atu'den:y called to sit tend her. was advaamee4 b tit* prNOew whxs Hnrrnest.md, near Pittsburg. Pa.. 5,. a r o a reciprocal erethic and spoken for all for He found her sutterie from no par- N she w%@ advowLlead as &batt to pow+ ON tact' loser• (,dna has the i errs bridgeoomtegg the three in oaw Iond double -column tioularly dangerous malady, but she wanted him at the Fb11s Sea gv"s With it rhe famished isznrbuityr ° hone wvWA ; i% 2e 000 , teen, No doubt file others will return to prescribe for her nov. at Pommy fact tang: ltd ql ls TO feast 7 the favor. -Toronto fetor. grthgleaa; p he took her band and aril P&Id An enc 'moms bill At the Hath fee1`00t high wide a TO taws high. there firs 000 atones, and _._._.._ aa(d ismprsrslvel Weli I 1WInlntm, whose manager refused to a�w murrsnoi"o' her maltltmobvss each or the plttarr, which are T5 fort apart. lfigur a •yya Y tssaidod San"*. sAon�d-premcrdbe-I should prescribe that you `et marded.^ trunks -W Lite blU was has pedestal, run which Is the figured Tfie Warty with w majority In the "t)h, toodneam,' weld the istelewting ate case Iwuderr matte man y 7 a licca 21 test lbonngg and made rroL of Senate• will never be is favor v! re,- form. Tf the Ialsibd, "vehO would marc l sett, i wee- rntHe tripe to taw ex b4OMB' law -pr Nese Oso block of saw is. __ Conservatives were ebe they woes d vast fight e,0 bard der M• •'1 would," .Rapped the duct= with --- - _ VALLZ�!'B 710T aortia - lfhmrde Lobi wtilinc♦es � tar Use retention M the PAMAt* no ala the Tmucdt7 at s 611 -toot pickerel. - e At presnt ermatltated, for the .fy "Yoe r• estlaimed the ttabdwu. do a ddi(F:pgN dl�B� Rtudred namis.'• will sorely c.wsw if the Llberals as. "Ya" - . "a t&ltsm" till Fr*neb care A new lacing nl Otttee,.-RPmats (9Nry1. "Wee, doetatr, it that U the fekrfnl f'OMPENRATtON. , ataxia lig to ars story tetar*at• alternative, yon MAY go away and lot Who would wish the Jua►Bsy'■ end r Ing data Nw the t Ww think - --' itse fie is Ora Ilese,b. Tbvmgh the way he "Who and Inns, • 'eorte.ettatfea" buil" a the *di. ttammsa-- Yam oa�lt to be more careful There's ---.4- '••+l There a m plaewg round thin hand tar Of the Qartllh- "star and W--. Js am Farr wvrtlfd be Interesting ,Timmy loner, he wellcAly ever Freaks Any of his toys. Johnny -Yee„ and he Art sAft-rdeff portelt of Rome. ``Sa, the adti.mllt=irw there, baa We may feast and hear w snag e , Who would shirk the ' bra the mveriwsul pa►Ile,+ +sup K It was I Istg Yke the maeat d GaMtl AOn't got half a1eJYty vNw oaeg y t do. ON too on, but it doman•t took t be team like It rugged mewls 7 Taau a we eiiamb threwmgtt ttksudu , asd Jred- Moa.-Aflwt�td teaser, For thx vrw+k arrlad Septi. EM the "L A 1 flower �••-- -... o -tonna. rMoclgle of wlmew% at Fnrt William q1t Rke Nfaai for ttw twmNd et Tokmsawyv;,s I_ re etKanlra mare ash IAsra' Ninety -Me /Nr at Abo iLw4sd teM wttlus @fM is rBYfr1 In tnveOrrsvewrT to M.l0��00 ttowb*#A with r IdP nawrmM d Y89hwsu, loavlrmg ben A" Cleve stock le b !ma •trtaDiWnM y W1tvoRt4 R twoft aril ra4miiwcm fb�y. �i8wm 1AtrMs d PwW i : greed e0aditdce. - wines IAIP.,000 itaobels. - a l a of A O"and ea+ns�a twrlMB Aurop ma uaptia tar. ►y jtbrded guilty tae a charge of broom, r ep•11Bt � L Ae 0 IM • A �l