HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-14, Page 2_w The Signal
y , 0 Mss
' ivw Tl[UXM.LT MuaKnm
Xown. noomilOIILD=. :J
- _ _._ -
TUUAWAY, arallir. 14. ]INS.
1 VON 6u AIOU"M oA>RTW3uenT
The address welch Mr. N. Clark
Wallace delivered at Toronto June
flea last night was a ppeclmere of uu-
• ,00pept eam comedy. lir. Wallace SAW
that the Liberals had sent their
&Melt man, their most experienced
statesman and their best speaker -
Sir Richard Cartwrlght-W present
sbelr caw at Toronto. but he luta his
audleuce to wormer why the (bnwr-
vativem had chosen such a third rate
. speaker as himself to reply W Bir
Richard. After quoting from the fig -
arm relating to the pocR office and
myings banks, Mr. Wallace exon
damned the immigraMom of 0adiclaus
and Do&k oloors, "who would refuse
to defend the country if It were at-
tacked." That argument will not ap-
peal very strongly w the pateltu mind.
He long as the Doukhoburs and ()all -
clans do -their full share In the buol-
ecav of peaceful production, enlarg-
ing the home market for Camadtaa
manufactures and adding W the
quantity of exportable produce. the
old Caow•Ys will be setisfled W look
after the defence of the country.
which las not been a very onerous
task during the last three-quarters of
a century. ('head& t"Jet workers
more than she needy fighters, and
Han. Mr. Allton Is suceee,fing. though
his predet•esnxr in office failed. W
get them.
Proceed vig. Mr. Wallace eulogised
the policy of protection and charg-
ed that the Liberals had offered oo>tn-
-- a ma4ala_ to__- Aba-_ L`&Uol titalOI6
whicb wuaW have rrined -%Ise work -
Ing of the protective policy. The
little a+an from Woodbridge seems
to hart' forgotten than both Sir
John Macdonald and Sir Charles
Tapper openly declared W 18T8 -that
they adopted protectbn a* a lever
by wttkh W obtain reciprocity
with the limited Status. and that
,�%-I. • O17r•p stilet 43 the - c:omeer oro late
am ]tf91 we the policy of reciprocity.
pretending that Mr. Blaine had
made, them An offer which they
needed the mandate of the country
to enable them W accept. Har Wil
frid Laurier, white mot opposed Soft
fair trade arrangement with the
United ytaten. tall made his tariff
concessions in favor of British pro.
ducts, with results most advantag-�
sus w both producers and consum-
ere in Canada. The situation ap-
pears to have rattled Mr. Wallace,
for he talked &boat it In the fol
WwWg erratic mahner :
It was safer, be thought, to havea
Protectionist policy administered 4
peruteeUonlsta than by free trade"
Past year we Imported •27,000 bicy
else; why coats we not make Uses
here ? Why not give mf tbbet pro
bmum ? But the 0overnmerel
would ,pot grant it. They Bak
thein was a revenue tariff, whirl
was not true, because they Laze[
the manufactured articles mon
heevlly shall the raw material, me
In the came of cotton. The (101,
reument had refused to carry cal
Imperial reciprocal trade. Had col
the Premier refused to take trod
OWCn kwo from the motber ,-.mn
try ? Did he not tell the Brltist
that Canada wanted nothlmg ? Sine
the 0orerument had assumed office
we were buying more and morefrom
the United Status, and lam sad Im
from the mother country
The Imperial national policy Wei
preferential trade with Great Brl
tale, but this the Preeler had re
teed to sea"(. lir. Chamberlain, th,
Atarqub d Hartingtote and other Sag
1:1 laden asked him what he want
ad, aing they would meet him half
way, bull he mid! "We do not wan
anything, we give you a %ferena
because we are going to hollow fol
!fed haws tree trade." Theen thsl, said
"We will not t000b It with a time roc
pole. If yon do not want It. -
T1s Prewobr of Canada who tool
,that po■ItICa was a tralteT to Canada
Wby did be take that position f Be
eamm he was looking to the Unite,
khats& The States had the Idea, an,
bad bad It too long, that our earl
*ahtaea depended on paving deal
Ings with the United lobate& We knev
that the People of the United State
were am exceedingly "Utah eatlom
They were looking out for the peopl
of the United Watem, and nobod
elme, and were notggpsi1ng to sive an,
ooti&mrmlonm to Dana . Ovx Baty wa
not to go to the United States, bu
to adopt the best policy for tide pea
Ue d Gnada. We should bare on
ber out In oar awn country, ou
Pulp wood made into pulp and pops
in our own Country- We would put a,
export duty oa both, them airtlele
sad problielt thes:Sortation of
pulp log or of a aw log, sod pot al
export duty on nickel. Although the
Government had hew given power t
Impose such export duties they be
belle afraid to elle as They were afral
to do justice to the Musillan peopt
beats they wore toadying to the
people ret the United States.
TIe people who buy h'cyelw hav,
moms right to he eoosldnred. And the]
regard AO per Civet. am quite anoagl
daty. ealther ker protection or to
reventeP. Mr. Wallaca's Termlon of ill,
ptrfPnntdAl trade negotiations wool
he 8211410- by of A meddled rehoilboy
Hee known. nt aught to know, tbal
nslthtr tho Duke of Devonshire. We
Cltamheri&tn nor any other Britlmt
*batesmrue dtlored, or was In it port
tion to offer, to tax Brithelc Import
of forwlpt prdxkmotm In order to dim
erteinAte in Canada's favor. While
CaAwdlan Tories WPP erring for Slid
ween. Bir Wilfrid L&RAOr by elm pr*
ferontlwl tariff not ciefy, rledoewd the
%•sem peyAtgo by Canadian orweeni ars
M British g-jea but ant the whol
Ftrltlalu Public Inquiring felt CwnAdbar
Pr -i l a, with the result that Can
ads' '8 experts to Britain ars grate
ren► than they over were before. Il
that evonstltutes brea.rfn to Vanael,
Carradiwre mwy WWI pray free mon
I► Y bapol, rra,Onm mrr See notion Mr.
Walk,-", advocacy of export duties
on n'wttnf AM vrntat pulp ThP (lovarn-
tm t e0 wh'Ch be he•longwd l,w,n s
nn ateeh dattor, aesl thwrP is On way
to prows that aunt datlwe woaM be
Ursa Mvled U tote a rbawrat/srg-.ry
remained to tittles. MT. W&llanes
upeecl, AN a whole aaweats W little
Not only, 1s Uw wheat ere# In Mau -
more titan an ugly growt at being
Itoba and them Torrltorhs ver, large.
out tell off'oo. He dos not appear to
but Up quaky L ]sr•tcularly good,
leave aW one word In favor of Wr
%beaks to She floe growing Aeaaute.
Charles Tupper, the nomleal Tory
the abasnm of tressle and %be favor -
familiar. &sell a apeeah might better
able weather for thrashing. Reports
have. Iatea isft unipoksn.
k&Mm4 that uaarf, all the wbssa
Will grapm No. 1 hard, which Iesaar
that the very highest price will be
We suppose the Tories enjoy their
obtallod for It, thus paittlrg the
little yoke about the present prompter-tar=wo
in easy financial. elrcum-
mtannaem. and gime that lbs atiantkm
befog due to their lat
they anada a
d C
d the world will be turnf[l to the land
lamented N. P.. eW they world not m-
wbes such wheat can be ptrodutrd.
past it every time facts are presented
C&neda may look for a large lwnd-
carruburaUve of the existence of the
STU%on next year.
But they very. well
t so into the
at C
that their pretence that Causd'.au In-
that their
Northwest too lama now. ice land
dwell wan bomeafted by high SexaUcn
Is these walUng tot Cultivation. and
baa best exposed, and that even the
the farmers who have gone in ad-
mauufacturere ttaeemelves would wet-
rano are producing more thful enough
came greater tax rduetlous thea
to feed the newcomers. Not only this,
have yet been effected. Have. W. 8.
but the oto settlers will be able and
F7.akY the F[uanoe Minister, k-
nsg epee
glad ve
tQ Zgl employment and wages
lug at 1'arrsboru', to cetuberlaud
to those who &"two in the country
eotntty. N. 8., on Monday, dealt at
without sufficient ammm to sae W
puce, length with the statemront that
at once for U*mv elve& There is land
the Tory N. 11. L x411 In operation.
to be broken, racoma •ad buildings to
He claimed that no political party
be built, ditches to be dug and wood
had redeemediso mann au4e�lcx oleo
to be cot and ha not to msNioD
piedgee as the Liberal party
dune since they came Into power. The
em coymmt on railways and other
Tories put pledges In their mouths
public works The rapid settlement of
they had never made. They never
the Northwest means a great deal
promtaed free trade; did anybody
ever suppose that the would abolish
to the Jonhalfltaets d aid Cwttada
all tariffs? They hent promised W
Tone kDmigrant& will keep our foe -
reform the tariff with the haat !xis-
tortes busy, and they will help to pay
Able disturbance to ex"n# Indus-
the Dominkon Saxes With more con.
trive, and they had .lone mai. Tore Tories
hoped they would act with the tariff
ttibatort to the payment. of the In -
like a ball In a china shop. The 4ad
Ortert puddle
gone about elr tariff reform
den upon each Individual Will be te-
iy and carefully• atter fall InTmesti(4,
tion of Industrial conditions, Rud t
lets us re lobe over the No.
result oi that tha manufacsarlogand
I hand and let the net" of tis
the other industries of Canada were
earth know that there Is room in
flourbehiag moxa than ever before.
Canada for all the indmatrilVA and
as couldrl quote from the a of
Sir Charles Tepper when tile Liberal
side-bodkd men who find trouble in
tariff was brought down, and show
earning a living to the countries of
how he wept for the Industries that
their birth.
he asserted would be destroyed by It,
He could quote columns and columns
from the Tory press of that thew
predicting that the country would
Inevitably go to the loom. But as
trade revived and baatnea prospered
they swung rand and old ••Oh.
Tire fMmerse will be bath to learn
you have out made any Mega; you
that the agr'oultural Implement
have adopted our policy. You caught
makers antempfate raising the price
an In bathing and you have stolen our
clothes. The National Policy Is aUll
of ttue!r unaanufac�ares Increase In
In tome." He could show them that
cost of raw material is given ae slue
the National Policy was not in
reason[ for the rim.
force. that they had lowered the
duty to hundreds of team.and made
Will thew wltig of the party
aoormacus TadnetJovs to oleate. isle
p• " W io the tine at the
e!otbkng, for Instance. Under oke No-
tlooal Policy clothing posit 40, 50 and
Tory dM�e t0 it mode b F
7 outer,
In some ca ■ high iso 70 per cent.
Wallace, atalt H this to be the pub.
duty. Theme b1h protective dull-
lie break! Or will the party steetetm
had been cut down to 36 per cent.
he able Iso pimorwre, an external ap-
The British preferential feature of
the tariff brought that down to m
pearance of aubmielome tithe chief?
per cent. In many cases the duties
bed been reduced one -hal. Some ask-
Tortes are conA ing• Had tJmes
Old how It was that with theme redue-
and trade being doll they would have
times better times had come to mac-
blamed ter Reform tariff for causing
ufactarer& They had to be Content
the troabk but now that times are
with amaaar protitC but they found
that with lower prices there was a
good and bumbee on the ham all
Larger demand, ajud the increase of
over the country, they claim that It
business fulity eoeba11ated them. The
is all owing to the National Policy,
for the
fliffuyear of theBoth'
and Lake credit s 0o0ed1ngb•
year andiIn11gC J 30th, 18ii, were
not ecmp:ated the old tarot rates
were appAed to tDs Imperil of 1836
,.jhe UwBe of Ghi11a r equal
they wodn d hay collected two and a
fs ,Only let cents per head d the pop
quarter to two red a Dalt nellllon dol-
lore more rave than they did, and
tion, while that of Japan amounts
11 Led to ills Imp�rim
60 $4.60 per heed Evidently. U
Cha wase a of
l8ig t wote:d proDabty hhow
%�* foreign UgAe of China were de-
thnee ml' nos. Ha gave that as a
v�1oloped to the same exteoi as that
amp:e of the way the Liberals had
o Japan. It would equal at least
reformed the tariff In the Interests of
the onsumer.ry haId UL.ved ill,peopia
1 Britain now has
d thWitindo4retariff
She 11011', share of China's foreign
taxation. W u hear that the ole
$rade, laid dee y jealously watching
tariff to stltl In force, remember
theme figures and read Sir Char:ea
b rights b that quarsar.
t. pperwu insulation when the new
F- d our people who have not
The best fe4tum of Lite m!tu&t!on is
'aaade excanlooe Into the country are
that no manufacturer, worthy of Lire
aware to what extant oke crops
nation. now 400 for mora proteetore.
have suffered from droUth. Moet ram -
In the N. P, y4oe, there was never a
llkm bey telt In their butler blllsthe
eeem withopt Its deputatIl" of tile-
Off -t atil On pnrhtog up Of the pas.
atW!ad ma*facturens button -holing
tam • but all crops have ten aftect-
the Finance Wnister for tariff In-
dd• Toeatom are neither jay plentiful
creamer. Thom men have learned that,
mor As goad Is quality w 007 would
auction comes from tevd:Tideal effor'tl,
have bow had we had a few early
and not fresh Government favor. They
ablowoers; the putato crop Is likely to
will not se Kbe money, nor sit 4
be short, and corn has suffered. The
n;Dti the Tory
dairyman who has remarted to vo11-
bacb into of os.
Ing to to be congratulated this year.
ging the -general hlcetkun ram-
palgn tit* Trxlem tried to terrify the
QuDlb 1 grulloC at the CoA b
wnrk!ngmen of Paris, (int., by telling
flan of us, upon what appears
of the rain And stagnation sure to
to be most incone'ndve testimony, Is
follow Liberal smears■ flow false were
mltlgated the belief that he will
their ts*of>►deOSws may be }wined b,
list be n•' upon to dervel'oatJ)' his
tine tale d customs revenue at Pari&
ootitsmoe tea yon' detention. l oma
In 189!L6 It was $10,619 ; In 1A98 7
think thea the five years he nt
ft dropped to $11.01011; then In 18i07-8
on DowWa island will be dad ted
t rose Lo $t'Z,68L apil in 1898-9 It
Iran the en years of the oow aa-
tones; othorm look to President Lou-
reached $28.090. P+�*is workingmen
�,t he fetched agalni by the Tory
bet to er elm an a:oonet 1 f-
blue -rule honey.
ate pay The ohargem &gal -t y-
_-_ -,_ - - -
fom beve been very c.earlo stat-
Hrxe. flwrx E_ F,&Vmr ls perhaps bat-
ed. but ttmy were In saamnoe t�at be
ter kmwu down by the sea than lie L
umdert to Induce • foreign! power
up thin way. The Baiffax Chtontcle
to Haste ar.upoc France, or -that be
says he "clalae oto be a statesman,
ao11spltil to strengthen the kende of
b,tt he Goes dearly ,are to play the
• fovel power In tine evenl; of Its
der"4149oP" RtwLkWg d Mr. FoetAr's
ever bel at war with Freaco. M
h the last Aly d tie aeaelon, the
the wit s made speeches' lustead
jDluv ,
(,'hrtrt�eb saga. "wfblln the Conerrva-
d Clef testimony acoordln to the
My* Government Increased the debt by
British •More, and as po:flks and
an average of $8,000,000 a year, the
race pre udlos were Imporombit fan-
Liberal line �m *fit has only la -
ton In be trials- arco. It world be
cmmAm4d It ir, 6S.[f011,000 A ywar. • • •
eittflou:t for an owtalder to get at
The late Ooverremeat Increased she
the til even If the Impartiality and
debt from $140.000.000 In 1878 to
correctim is of the reports of proceed-
$pg•f,OOO,000 in t19i0, and 02i,8,t1110,
lugsbe rolled upon. The [lading
000 Irl IS1p6,•• (Illy tine Tnrkr another
CC s the c t Wall Dot unanimovi& TWO
s.)Li1Oe a" til will
�, P It vee woven
out of be seven jaACor decir*d
than ever,
DreylI. nn mt. and the decision of
thefive be formed the majority wi:h
The Ottawa Citlsen seeks to OR.
not be sly to alter Ilse opinion of
cow the outcry against Items of or -
any Indl [dual to or out of Franoe.
panditure which the Opposition did
d Woodstock, who has
beenby the Dominion Gov-
errenwctor of Lite new expert-
mentfar tine fattening rd
chlckiomamt tti the oto coun-
try. oouw&atnnod to Pier-
eheaPewell and fifty fowl. fmt
taw nll likely be lacraaaedshortelm." mays the Wond-
aberktovfww. "'b to Afford
the foblac• lesson am to title
pmvfit-b*-as d going more exttenm-
iTw1l And adenUfioaily into Chicken
relelrag it haw bPwn thPmtstom of far-
ina* in the paite to ahop fowl which
to tort lean to the fore to marks%, and
newt fowl mor"ly. hot also as►tteo. The
mrnA wxpreeu,t" pare In tine Falling of
a fowl tothw framt. Wban that f•,rma
It rtgalrlr bulb amAJI wxtra wxprnss, to
pat nevi nn Its hdey strevetum,
Which wit imero&ss market vwlee of
-itis fowl ra weak egebto
n .. �1' I I
11 11.
!`t -.w
not challenge by saying thast "If the
Opposition had challenged ■ vote on
the Items, the (crit organa would have
yelled, Obstruction I" That story will
not go. Teel Oppnetflon obstructed ■
good deal, but cDalieuged only $3!-
000 of skit the eatlmatoo submitted
Tiley Mfber thotCht the items were
Prop" or they did not. They are not
mtltied to practleatly *eeprove an ap-
propriation i■ the Hosea and -then
condemn k when the amMon Is nvor,
might will be copied In all large elute,
a curt for tbw trial of jeavdlee, M
Wh*h all Atw4mod ander 16 yarn are
brMd. No lawywrs ars, permitted in Ik
the kx%* being ilea alaalnew. and
laving wide power. He deals with
boy* as a parrot rwtyfer than na An
agent d the law, sad sxeallent roe
aul%m ars nwpnt't*d. vary Often. It V
Mu M foe roe% b • least! payee rnmrt
exrorlc{frrt may be %raised the rails of
it 70406 firs
w�TEai� E �i� t� rocOf sNi Vr t°
bMilan lockade Slid a poo o «` �°.�ta.�r THE Tfl a aisis
g�rbttl7 for Sills
wow betwee• aliand t t
Proceedings Against Mn A Bib Freighter Sunk in St.
Important ports have k.ai �.�,• bet �Ommisslon of Delegates
w4 dA mud all kWdd d pteopoaltkrrld
Breithaupt at Berlin. Mary's River �;; &, mum the One Sim otaallabile wreckersto
On the lakes be pint Upon W wmok On Terms.
SOME EYIDENt OF BRIBERY, of the H'"" boo ngow m of oil*&
JUST AT THE BUSY 11ME. that the woof of tralshma bar and
_ gelling her out d tite wZ gamy be TERROR AT %OMANMESBUII
Bmr:ta, Sept. &,-7%4 trial of the Detroit, Sept. 7.- most ah rnnlnC aucwupllcehed a n* taw 0a as b
petitloti agalmot th• daoNoa at I.oUis dtuatlon that baa been experienced P�1Wa. Pnlorta, dept. t).� N
J. Bmltbavpt u monbsr of the On- Ints .aa dflo,sl ta.�
Lasko Legi■latusa toil North Water- is a quarter ata Century with regard C. P. H. 8TJUuk;Bif IiLMKED. Vw{rmt fro -
ea eretary of state of t
too open tole mnra4tg heeler* Me*nrs to lakes trelght traffic exists teras! MoOtre&l,t T. -Mr. Piers. wan- aryu llfpaWla, Yr. V. W IIheA1i�10 r.
Juualla Oall r And Justice Meredith. u a coess{ueaoe of the wrecking yea oils to Mayo: •' Thi Uo. %,. wln4tle
The rhspoaoieet sea exacted 10 Use tsrola d ods �� Canadian Paolflo Ra4wa7 that three OaaNre* are dt i, reaht4n
Ikuftg am Houghtb, a stsamom said that be band s'eoely aomdnrnlcatlour of y,uaonptbe,
• may�oirr'lty tit lli over Ite. m.g.�tle.at stool Iraigiller. ase of the word taut like e}usl was Moakscd a Mr. J� i1 by tyy
Lackner, of Ortioularswetlo tivilkcandan two largest so the, lakes, which came wepleof days 17thy Lila tllfvt a ah+. the Brit1aL S_a"ts of ",
wrtbudarr owotal l66 to rlaf In St. h[ar ■ R1var y foe lieu Cbl 7 N
pager of the usual character, sad the g J by a oo:� a karma. 'rhe aWam■hly Atha - -van- Tutu first Ie a Juliet
trial m■ Must for some d0 To da Woe with a heavily laden bare. The oa In detained at, the Boo '• now. oomlu,mmL tit in inquiry; it, round y
esu imayt to to a somQetfrni charges barge swung round and struck the Mr. PWM however, TOM that A CummMOW" tit delagate, from Irak
g Have htosn la the olds makinoadg what She oausl will ler olearaa In a few �verfswnir to hosting touhnlcahtl
d card. Hal
against a itne do- must have been a large hots, Lboagh days Town."he third lir a ounfereutue at Cup.
Bossard. t Bonnard a roan d paided em Ila dlmsaalotis are not yet known. Lhtrutt, S9p6. d. -A despatch from
Stand [Dat thad paid them Tea Irandrelghted boat soak In a tow #-wit 84 Mara says Qat Mr. R. 1'. In tide statement a cratury Itsits
arms of maneo at , Flour
time, raq� mltiute& Tfba sMpp V in only g0 toot of Tiomson, who v!tdted this wreak d uJsrsuyr [het the Trwuavaul 0w;-rn-
Ing from js to j7b. Phut u[ them ■old water, but the river ls at rbL ret lbs o%*elser mwrt to Lieu eoulrd
that Bossard and a mate named Lew 1s H� Hough In Bt. Ltary'a " ]u,lpJuv, ra.
of so narrow that It oon&Ututes an et- River last night, re ted that Uw and lnv Urwt Britain to Jc(r,u. it":
of London. produosd a ' quantlt, festive blockade. The las HouQ!~ per etert'tutbn She of ills
money, saying that they bad ibex* Loa bstvnQa to the Besse®Cgs Lina Ehes st aaer's�aKpOlet lead vheert flnlshed er She ILO:e utTlte soft and Site place of U Tting rorurrl
$211,1100 Manny, and that thole esu was launched at the (abbe Yards. Houghton'• uwu pump+ were immeell- AMMUNITION FOR TRAN8o'A tl,
1$30,000 more of Government mane,, t
C noshed, a tow wools ago, and Is nilly put to work, and in a short LuMrnro
main tour features
ri to the one of the two largest boat* on file $!toe the water len the told was low- a V. -Tile F"1 o:, steam ltoy,
oboe teeturoo d toner Utorlesv but takd& .� other ore ls the Samuel and a.x b o.Me. A b ores d men P� h'etu sailed i d'1Dw
(bore were discrepancies to regard to lig nrp liuv'ro uo Ill
some d lbs detal:a AN of the wit• Morass her ulster slop She Is 476 feet war thou wnt to the wreck to twg:n 'Sill for Mad agaao ail, T w Dakar, .t i t.
ua■ses are Germans and some of chem '� and las a 60-Lbot beam Her dnocelll out the oxrgo o[ ore, ae 10th. has arrtre.f here with 8s c„s„
speak only through am Ifeterpreter. Oast was $300'000' Tibia trip down was noon as t le water lowered st[fiotently, of nouuunAlore for tiro Tran»,uai
TU hearin` of the evidep°e is ox- � ed tbtrd trip, and ale was loadIt was oal,•ulated that at bast '2,000 Government.
d with 6,400 tons of ora Her consort, loxes of ore would have to be removed
treacly to Louis. the Frtt■. Is 400 feet Ong and has a baton the boat could be released. and TERROR IN JOHANNF.ftUlti;
TO EZAMLNS THE BALLOTS s6dool been. She had on 7,066 ton■ this% this o:uht tam sooaaplWned in Ii°Odus � fl -'las Pall Yall
The petitioner was represented by of ora three or four oLya L'.�gbterLg Uase%M to Dr4ats tail u,tv4•e•
Megan- W. D. McPherson and Edmund was to be Commenced at tlae bow, free Johan�rg, trader date t
ler Brlet ol, at Throve tu. and Mr. Wm. allowing it to ewlny down stream. test 10th, saying; "Jottaauwebura I.
Rea!t aeeaeed •:inoel a■ though the tln-
de, of WatMess For the rapped- hep TTtL would part) tree lbs otartrwl the suit
Deme*. it a efty W trrr.,r..y
gar til thele had not ols.'y pointed out the mnn `fixe
ant appeared )[cera A. B. Ay -'em- the • where the big Straightener turd &flow notes the waiting buate rheic ,")a waken and
worth, Q. C.. W. l brdonaid, Torowo; 4< to Sae. Everything wan being dome � Hoa It Coco !* there sur,
C. Bltmer, Berta. •bcia. be wreaked but bad ded satAs the -
tis, ui lames Haight, *ri the time, the tatter being g these a, Push the yr. LatipperaCuum. Two time ties ls ydrdr� through all the
Waterloo. [lir. McPherson. to opening mast dimetrma for Inks traffic that togs left cwto go -last night to aid in g to the anxious
the nue, said that he proposed to 90 eonb be easily Imalitood. Hoe work. q-tkdU. 'Will UM tort really fire „m
tutu the re@W,t of the wratiny of the Fur weeks al have bean From Wednesday midnight until 7 -I' 'L It VO-INO lbs Boers will
DPewib slaughter es m cold
ballots In so far &a It m%rh% be nares- aax:oumly try to hewn come weals o'clock last so Ing only three freights blood, U a war
nary to reduce the majority. He Bob- passed down the Detroit River, and breaks oat[ Will they s%op our t,wd
d getting r1d the esm•moam asoact ■uppl, t eHow Ian& would It take t be
milted that the majority ahot►d be d freight that presented Itself for all of theme wars from Lake Michigan, tl■k
reduced by 61. ,h!pmant. and vessel cleavers have ports During oke day only a Tory Brl to fight their way up?. - etc.
When the Court releaed at E low freighter n the river. As darftaee falls Use men
o'clock what ail+ called the fretted over the foot aka% they could pamm*d D d reeeor% to discs tthhe w the
lbneard urea get Deets enough to 1 the 17t1s fact dBaoostra•e the complete- grim
charges were Ualmet up These ars 2$ oietnard for t{ona11n�aagges.. T supply
Come and effectiveness of the block, =Qef *WIN and death. tat lost
charges of norrypUon against Albert Inas been r"oarkelhie, amid the num- side, and also shows that by tar Use woman 90 to Shelf b,�tod sad Sall, Delle to dream of
Hansard, s Barbie botelkemm The boe,tbn of the foregoing
oomdltkw• largest part of %be business comes
first wltrleme was Fred. Howe■, who orego, from Lake Them soar• Tile war talk sUariW.Uo work,
swore that on the evening before with ails ofami r and the high re Inas CIS of � trona the harried arm
the elerLion BoeLrd said to bumthat Hndmd to ill l rates sly high ether- malty asseason Insaid toobbe greathis ter td of lilts 'guru
btnogSL let toward c
where. veto leading marine author- 7gleaner the f d a goer v mud
be world give els if $efts• ({les have toren ted to a, that the than for twenty ,rare Past• Tb firing 7 At r,
harp[ was elected. Tars i1sys atter I be has never been seen before. shortage` of boat. pasefmg Up i■ pro- NatalJobasuwebrrg train has polls,
the election be saw Bonnard In oam- Tlr Maulloollp grain fleet will be bably due to Use fact the.[ the, are them coping s%On°.
pony with Ani art Nabia, who wort reromsl ftwb , Will eh will In turn being held In Lake Erin ports. waiting BThOel hart adds that its
for Use sitars Berard pulled out delay t o outgoing timaan stem more at for cargoes at A fancy price, such u Vatll the mWdb a tong off hostilities
Luso $2 bills, [tad gave roto b w1t lllCelrv&L Tile foe- In tbla part
tm mute W (():law Ups blockade. Lie overt tlspammber, when
new and one to Nahl*. The wltoamrb
a abm6 will be very heavy. The local vessel ropnes and mall toying of Use riven will
gala Under eromeoiatatn. Una the&g lt` Tose a ke d11iJrrent, oarrbrr are pjeLt4g ready for A prevent miLlSe'ry operatioe& He con
W IV" IGAN Tines tbdW rV**A- Ori the altmt� FtOeN aa= that �iilaSsS Tab -ti boat& wilt tie phyla• '� � Ri4i Ob4t VLW -?A%. W,my
Un- Tory, bat he oro% Jobs %sane out the k10iM;ade world naturally raise the mgs ls cldxeed sed Lbs, expect b weather caebig afterward will prove
to haul voters iso the Cotiservabtve cera., and nay they would not be sur- do Dome d the tallest hustling they� wore deadly than the Mailers.
side. He would not sell dim vote. Mad primed U there shook] be an abnormal have dare tri years. The boalr will READY, ATE READY.
was not a Wean who would be tufts- jump In rates right away. not oaf be bunched together. but Hl ila. Sept, tis. -The British tie•pj
cooed by a couple of dollars, And never Ole the other band, word was m. they w� all be making their ben& here are holding ttwarne er In read, -
took any move, lex elm cote. Be had saved by a local Teee•1 owner ,es- �• nee, hating t.eete warned that cher
TOW for Brdthaupt In- other rbc• tads, stating the% there would be Marine mea %D-day Cclmmenbed an will be ardared to embark for .scutl,
UGON. Combined effort an tbrr part of Cleve- the fact that title is Yrs first serious Airles. Trapsporr are being sugaa,d
August NaDls swore that Bossard Land all pipers to take advantage of accident at the narrow pelage ared ft is ezpeMed Nu►t Use first regi-
to!d him two or throw days before tile the bkcekading of the Boo to tusk since the channel was opened up• about will start within We dale The
election, to come In after the *fee- Use high rata which Dare bean preva- lion L. McCurdy. the underwriter. of actions, for their molal is pwfw•tly
n L.
tion. and when be and was west lauIt is Bald that tbl+ has already Chicago, early foresaw Ube danger of mattered
In tbe, were eaeb giveand told proved a steueso to maw extent. A 4301►taloa on this spot and devised a BORDER RFYi1Mr,NT UNDER OItUF:,;
to do *hat they liked with it He 6,000-600 reset was chartered to system of signals between up and MSi� t; y -Tile fir" Dattal.n,
db not kms slut Bossard rive btm earry a cargo of ore from Fatauaba down bound boats. It was adoptedbl d the Border 8eglmaat, etaL.s,Pd
the money for. and did not kms for ail $1.20. aaveral other smaller boat+, the Government officials and oyer• hate. has best onderad %o . ^Uo ld
whom be was working. The witnae It b reported. have been chartered at &ted by therm. Thea HaaghL>a's sect
had De vote, and was wort remdtrA= to *mhdLrk for Colon
pig a11 the nose Lerma Ami was not dm to aa, ofsfecs 1c Cape y
election dam. GR„AT FL1r�'1'9 UP• illi) system, u It started with • E1lPlOflEfl PE11R� RETURNS,
broken wheel elnaln
Ever, Coed flee great fMet off , The ore rats from Facamba went
boats timed above the blockade Is ten- back to $1.20 a day, but coal mb[y
15,000,000 FOR ON�flITU. domed Year onto tit. HougDton Is pets to Lake 1t114ehlpa pctUs have
raised and they are roaddly piling ap been Unable to cat Ube rate, and
at the Bou awaiting theft event- charters were made to -day, at ileo Steamer Windward Reaches
Tbose boats lucky 60000 60 he There will be a Rg jam at the ors
Will of the late Baroness Caught below she Soo will be placed mace,:vtrg ports ems glee Hamblen In
in the Lake Mlcbkgan trade to &great released. and to av01d tea orally own- Newfoundland.
Hirsch Probated. extent. One notable cans was record- are are ending their *hips for grain.
ed yeateed&y at Detroit. 711hs big C•onwgaentl, the isarheet ail Duluth kr
Catosgie was bound up not an strong an It was yesterday.
withmu load. Her owners beard of the Two dollars L the bort [' CRIPPLED BY THE FROST.
0 SPEECH IN HER HONOR. b�='kade aed hv�w talmW&Dhed been sAre d of Iw
pa'd on are from tis head d the
erecters to Detroit and bad Xie ods. Zk�(M. Ntld,. Bap1, •10. - Lbae.
London. Sept. li.-Sines the death of oW,n dateSiametlon changed w Lake Th steamer Yard, lasing tore �U�ste milt windward, arrived
the Baronets von Hirsch, on Aprit lot Michigan, schooner Panna, arrived as i)strotot *Wondet� � Gfeen-
la■t, many rumor• have been current Some learned heads in Detroit say tpday. haring talon the Canad!an 1•ad, having , Wilkinson In tis far
an to the amount of money which ab• that the Houghton cannel be raised channel to avoid tins wreck of Ute eortb tills a story Of wNcCk.i
lett and the disposition of it. Inside d a week, and that so far u mahby t AM dinater• Peary'a
Thus terms of her -wU, which she the general welfare d the lake traf- Houghton. Tits Parana struck on a shit to ease~ len getting the
made on September Surd, 1816, and fic is concerned 10 world to better tock nbrend d Iiteter flock lights and W nand flf%y loose tartber north
which leu fifteen 000dicl:m, show that to blow the H lA k -king bradly. An extra crew was than g
oagbtan and her cargo shlgped to work the Sverdrup il@de rml From His
abs dtspoad at • sum aaoantleg to nil, high wttlln d,eamise although tow left for, el o t>�P* and Yee diameter book the fes d his having
over heSAGO.adopted wnB-1[aerles tthere Is no probability d ithb being The steamer Ibt000■kay was released shaven •t boldly,.fo frost bollen and loan d
Asked for an estimate of the froom the Eno&mpmenL b7 the Favorite LOaa. torr dt the keit fcet and
Arnold Deforest BL,chottAbelm and amount d odamaghe done each day to to -day, and passed down at 5 Weloct these Oft Uhes ht 'Itbb occurred m
Raymond Deforest Blachoftahelm- the veeeim*n by the delay, a peva• th a afternoon, trader her own steam. Jaanary JIM, the very ntgb% Mrs.
she felt the Interest d 6tklrt001. Un- turret Detroit man said yesterday Slier Tile k" was Peary's &wood baby was born. Peary
tL) gbh, reach the age d flirty, when M could not oalonL4 ssru��h a gr.a{ pounded atomm on the bad set out four days before from
the Capital sum is to be paid to them. figure. He maid: "It it lila ftoc�cm' but the steamer V Iwativig but per{ laotiger, ptisbbg towards Cepa
To her adopted daughter, Luciana*, at any other Uma It would not UUIIL W -dA&, on the m rtherre extremity
she bequeathed the Interest of 1.006: been so bad, but jet noir, when you BLOCKED AT THE BOO. Of Ortmomi Land. The party met s
JIM., the capital becoming bar shoo- m nay every emotions Is Lnvalte- Bisalt 114. Sept.. -The fol- eerMark% t. ie of
aooldents, and then had W
lute property at the age of thirty. a L It is dept, awful -It In appall- Inw!!tg boats are lyaag, at the piey hips retreat to Ouager, The, could not
The baroness, moreover, directed that Ing.- awaiting the rising of the blockade: tannic had � boom I% them night.
at the age of thirty-five a nam of Is It was stated locally today that Samuel lCtchell, Ni� and coa■brt. take tbelter in a cave
000,000[. shall be paid to -each of her thio IN the Moet time the shippers over Iosco, Oilver, �mmi. AthsJnaom kn an Lorbori. Hors Peary's exertions
adopted eons, and 10,006,0001. to beer had to get tote ve -f lmen rattled slid Marttana. Peonsylvanla, North wwrty caused a timaUoo. His fort became
adopted daughter. amamh rabes into smlthereens, but it I'orbose, Jostles, Tiffin. Arthur orr, fr-on, and be had so be hateied on a
In the event d the hath of either to thought %flat want of the vesaelmen (feotgr a
Orr. Gladstone, Wallup mum back to this Wltidwa,d. 100
Of them without lame, his or her share vrtll keep their heads until Utes boat b Spanner, Barslett. . mlltm am k whom Doctor Dbdrbk
in to be distributed Among the to:- shoed, e�fatat"d the feomea s0es.
lowing charities: FFFMIT IN DETROIT. 'itim crippled, Pagry OMM do little
1. The BarOnds h land b New OLBROT DOIKg ?saint gHAAAL
Yerk_ lilrrrD The effect d Ute blockeide was oar this spring and monomer len &dv incheff
E. TLe GaVetac �eron de Hlrseh toed focally yesterday. and It Is est- h'sebfterfaa Omem&wT lead L the DOrMLbut two He oraade tine " In April.
fond In Vienna. pe~'cU+d that so -morrow or next day grhmatag Pavowamy. stedt batIlls
S. The Eoole Normeab he ers ler"Ite Orion- smember of bV freightP-Wng I,«osto Net mold no4 ed Up rip, t
tab In Parla down wUl be dlmletlrteed greatly. Sept. 9• -The twentieth he had to a[tot
4. The Jew1Nt 11everal d Vile by boats paging Century fund of the Prefttsrian therefore meds some ex drips
Bo&fM K Oottdlars b church k p1
ItUfdoD• lase ,oestorda, reported that their ihare estg fed =as% The roared artsbNl Land, def IL
deet3naVors had been changed to minlstere have responded meet gra• vrem•arn Lad fiadfeg that Bu-
Tbe card re hes' eft hinting to Lah* Mickli an port. eroosly to the appeal, and It le ch"'*' aUr< was eamil, a closed
abouts and redeliver amounting to The blockade will bar oat the b'4 quite expected• when oke fall re• hay
about fe Belgian peasg6er stamen Northwest and tarns are in. that they will be" Bristly stated. the expedition's work
Tilt the Belgian dtate she has left of 1� 1a ppeed�
Orth led, ptob'►Wv, Local Manager antlg43tltsed she amount asked from V ns follrws: On At1g. fEsh. 11[08, the
Una anttgn[tls and glee uollrLlon d Hart steeted yesterday that in all tom• while the lefty aro also marl- Wkdward Ismrteel from tis $ at
nettle of leer tato sun Lux'laa, am well terbsbtlJy the two boats will meet femtbg a creditable interest In tM F.tah, Whale aonred and gift
m his i papas And engravings, and a at the roses d the bltekade and orifi mchems. dale working to (ops Dtardlb, 80
mArhle bust d him. there etch^ The f, xecaUve Oamelttes hawing Milan north. Hare Abe wan (saran In
A the eh&rttablt bequests ore pm�agefm by elver
7XMOOOf. to the ElaoilestSAM@r% eo Am to Cause, m Allay. char d the fund met an Tkursday for the winger. about a quarter aIle
roallte Orfmtab, S=OJ of to She, Thoi D. de C. yetgN reostwed a tela• In the church dfiwa1'pew from the Above. hoary, ieeme&gStely W
Alliance laaelite Unlvereallo, 6,000,, gram from Ito* r Mack c agent halt sent wore: Principal aboas Rev. gave prwpoaat'one to work north. He
OOOf. to the Baran de Meech fund to night stating that no jar" or leaded lir- Campbell. agent of the fund; � f s�'e. and with he's five Fr
boats can gee thrm`h tine St. Mary's Rev. Dr. Barclay. of Montreal; Rev. as ties
New York, a,o0anse In to the Jewlah R. Murray,egan & aerie d s In
River an an000rat of til* bla lads, Tole Joshes, Hallla>< Revs L. H. uthye dorthward In
Bo•aef of GwtrAlatw In London, 8.000: matlttg !ae� trlplt
OOO(- too tine New Tort H tar Jew- boats d the Arnold Tr Jordan. 0. Wallace. Mr Thomas All. and Ciselsehrg 4,090 psteaiof pile
Imo Working GIria, and I1 ,(IbOt. so Co.. titer MlnnLn M. and the Otelfragwv Taylor. Bon. Jastip Maclennan. vim[ kt FCA fonpr. GruM1Y old
the Baron dP Hirsch
in Galicia, 10, pus all rf.oht, AS Can all other Cloo, Rutherford, fhaa4tos. ksAdgWUIO s In TA4r Franklin bay.
Tie rosteloo of her estate k left in beets of that chums, and they will Cort- F•A00uruglog reports were mWv. P-ry found the Gratify bonne And Crew -
trust for her dsterm, Mrs. GeiddmbaMt tinvir thdr daily trips from Maekirime red from the Synodical Commlt"er tseta Jura as Mfg Ilg him prodeoewnr
to the Roo on eciroaduuJe time. In the MarlUms ProvineI Ontario, leAm H also
Mire LevL and
and lora Nestler ti thio
p mgrs fq w� people
fbrw favL and ler brother. Ferdinand Capt, A. E. Stswart teo*Ivwd a tele and Qvehsc, A11 the oalgtagaLtotim the WoP"vt7 kilt s
RaptnAel BdBahoffwhefut. gram yc tCMa fro" the ■cone d the tarOughout the church will he or- Inct� many � of Violation as -
Tose le arionew expreaeod A wish In her accident, wble� loth leis Mat vas ianlswd for [Jos OurDaem of farthering peavons. ro
will that Rho should be hurled all nim- mein not drawing over 18 1-2 feet of the motivation. and in order to Complete After sPando asci In
ply as doonany wvsid p►rmit, that rn water could get through tow old Can. the canvass u opeadll, ai ptxwlW*, F,l 1dnA. jj�� Im
flow -w should be used. and that no adbun rhAnuwl and by the Hdwghion. a number Of mlYageeis will be a& Ma& .lets. h NnfLma and
speenh should be made tits her hemor. WILL SPEND MONEY FREELY. COQ T� PlabbaLk schools will les 1O1 e^. smourkt� 40 the tor
From Indications fast night the ailed to stake a qst Cal Coe ill be lir' and 16 of the (altar. JU alp got
To Llerl• UKDla OAKTAM veserlmon all over the lakes and per tan Nil t�ap4teetber tabled
th. lArlet t�vuw ems An Ord, [held year. and
tlralarfy •t Chbagre. are willing to fare tpedp Bcmletlell wilt also 1» mtmA� most and fort g year from
par let*achiag t)Mdcr aesD«erag Troop do signet anything b got traffic AotM to ta1P A�ttb_tg wMh lith g0pa ahem must the
to Isdi& started rep agaln, even, It Is aid, to "� At fib, Ail the m�11aa landed
London. Sept. 10 -AB the hill soter- baying the Doll las Hrfn$SLon And oov/)�pgt OV ALrT, AVINMAIJ< foil, the ld"W WWO atara4 and Vinery
j�sMwr and ellgUwe cteserlbad by RoA,ard bkming her ap get bar cat of the ,She � d J we" b CNe Tart to ksr. gather%4
Elpltng In itis rtarlas d Anglo-Irdlas wa7 it wY said last night by a De ..W -NAI be the Perot �'bm &td deft tar No expoomm'
society era thrwatmm with 616 r- troll marine man wbo is reewogrnlmci a* wrser4kmaraf, lofts l"tmg. He rem&Itm alb R title
mlreatlnn by a nnesrt order that, In an an authority. and who' has w Lcaudoa, tall And wletor. and nlett illeb"Arrys'
fettim, tide t se". 10 ---Thee Find M
t*Krp+ utast eperad LM teem 1nLsrwssr oe the lakwa, that a .Jersey will. It ls meat probable, be When tluw Be"igtrip
Alt c hoe well r.shil
bettor part of tow mold swabber tender ochPmw b ern foot to got around the appointed the fleet (lefv*rwuor-GwDPral MMh' m.ktmg trip wttwr tirfp Cver.tki
autTan Ifeatwad of In [arracks- This Fiosughtore difficulty. of the Obitterrrwaalth of Australia, Polar
ha� tee soee•yd Thee north. sl'
is doter So check the ravages d etaterfo According to Un� gentleman, tele an aeon aim thus M%if I to its ]r~10poad she4el► or fared
favor. maw to he -Ins be the :Lail Able arran y ng will hall
D*rW .Parllamwnk •heat b "Volis
M'0 7 I[Proo-t* an hNng mads paewtl Im D+nsM3oih.
L lbs MR&M gowres to the lis; fila ewhe a ?4r wwl sfrtvrn[tf Mlle loges- t'tllifj_- 01lid vlplsues, Furl -'timlst vrhat6r w.g�n.lt�tM�tfO �11j1�K.ij�t�Mr_ -
Living neAiw esayam mraem exile trTteh ago swat eft ivsrPTllflr island from Mad of Jelin t known to L.'MM1a I A bis ^iri"'"^vw" , .
ail asntres d ehlllablco. Alrewdy ptsTr Lwow to Hal Label. It io ml- sited Am ha fore the Prw,Meat of thus fgmhr IN to TO
pbefs foreg m the and d gaining. pofC that the vae*Imwn at all the largo ImMrcolcehtl CTIMnlwrarrnw hold at O{ Atl
sad snowy. shipping ports ars wllpmg UC [www In 18p4. !1s ps gl year, OK le, h the Traaa, wars f
spend all kinds of recently to and Provisos to ►b enmlug to rang.ill" at aoottma fiat fsi ill. 6g
Ahta*ked s Qstednetar. make a channel throughmetol ed Army. bet V "to this oda r sof 1 that ieth ogees
of irtor Rwpf. 1LOt4a 1p Flw►via, a Way. 'Tho, -ed to have this wq• (ieive'Uop M 4W f11oUUr WwweIfem tioeta 1Td ttt11 enarti•ar i. ff Was
txonoMrtor of LM oKwwA 1CIwrsTtr Itngn nee io •p'+to1, for to ,lig a 80. 1891/ 00 ]g0$, Hw waw now t•f aha ,�,',
Fattens% Railway. wall pilled hos his ton% ctmm»I through that Paneogw most popular shat V. 4 mrr'I" w i'Saa>v
nail ,ttelmaday avwntng by two ween wcul.l retell an ImmPnew ftama6 of roll- governors shirt 61r► , Mop I�
1 hoe�,ow"Mo-im-
haA wrmnld urn• :fid to % _v' 'anywhr,ta N /cam trytmt to w}nt for dk mon.,. Ii u atatod, fxvwevAr. til&{ dnaMwdl, neep4vvelwr A} erg oleo" gored
orrlwrilyejb eiandnowIlseinthethevrsaeltewr"ItelraTo money b pMntaaen{ h !+M,,, . vso�elAE�:~ IMt1n d the lLjrrlea hs � ththe PC . W tta��%rr� Y,� �M-y�ffle� � life s: 1 tIts
'1111 I a
. ,
. - /