The Signal, 1899-9-7, Page 8e diaries*, a.p► T, It91.
A little left of SUMMER GOODS, and
they must go now, as these prices are
sure to tempt you :
Special Ute Fan et
VMI., regular e.5..,
going at 15c.
Awti.r a p e c t• l lot
Volts going at 2 for
Files Gib thread ITand
Hose, regular 75c. ,
to 50c.
Fuse Fast Black Huss.
regular 26o., for 17c.
Jt rltlgYirtiu%IlpetJt„L:utiwt .M,us14
t'saaoed in price,
Special All Litten
Largo Towle,
caul et'6 lar 25c.
Opetal limo good
Sias White 'row ey.glltlp tii ,
.1.., goiug at b fur
Hamlew.0 I btuask
ries, only
3largs• jjtttlll !'
!Special line Coiured 141D011thimblefor
dk1rA. *Al Moor at IQ:. • yeti, worth
Div. rid
Clearing Balance of all Shirt Waists at Reduced Prices.
Just the thing for Children's School Dresses, House
Wrappers or separate Waists is our special line of double
fold Plaid and Stripe Dress Goods, going at 10c. yard.
New Fall Jackets,
New Fall Dress Goods,
New Fall Silks and Vel
vets are just to hand.
Oome and Inspect
our Stock.
We Larry a large range of the in Faucy Buckles, Blouse
Neta, Beaay Pius, Cyrano Chains,
Bracelets, in •B Pse novelties
of the season, anti tie prices are
lain Pray Tier eel Cellars.
New Shapes, New Styles, Litt1.-
IdI88 TriLL H-M0KENZIE, well known t this vicinity lee an ex•
pert and obliging Ike, MOM.
MRS McK NZIE io now prepared w execute Fan .w4SU ig the latest style, ant
guarantee tit and finials.,._.__.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Tramper, Sept. 6th,
Be.. Odder .. d H•rllta, f. visiting
bq .w, Alava Goldthorpe.
Mrs. and MI. Mabel O.ld'hern left last
'lltmadoy be stead N. Toronto (air.
Mm. George By,..mde roomed Saturday`
tram Toronto. where she boa been vasttta
kw lam mad • ee tablas to the fair.
the yillmge is perfeetiy as Aaron foot.
b.d team, whisk be hese pr1nb►og bard
then lovely mmmtmmr .ramie'. la the neer
future U will twee its an* ; thee, we
pseesme. 16 will be eat far esage.wt.
Oa flmturdmy strata* • and eertage paned
Shrew* hero be•rtms %ha body et James
Toht N its Int rouser p1... He had bow
ailing for ever • year, but his Mans was
m•. tbmmgbt manes .aril • few weeks before
hie death He leaven • widow and • large
1•mUy te rearm the lees of a •Qmmtise•to
bamhmed sad devoted father. The funeral
ems lana ly attended by relatives, neighbors
sail Mad
Inter day we imbed labor day for one
.t the stem hers. to the brick .mit tile yard
it eeinkrg in for both are se gross
e s te wales the .w working all day.
I• the Samway at the r pry►
their bog lee la oo.pletiom Oolddbrp• &
Beek W the men tiny putties leo t1.
esesivecaseke esti maabiisry. When It is
a.labni this will be the baseequipped mato
n abs t theme parts.
MOIDAY. Sept. 4th.
Jmmw L. Tenn we up few Leaden •t•
t.sdieg he !other's tumoral.
Ethel who bag boon home for
the ped Iwo months, went Look to Chicago
w Breard•y 1a&
Ater • pleasant visit of some weeks to
her pmwut• and other bleed. hire end In
Ood rleh, Mee Kate McDonald returned
e Dsee/1 es 8•tsrds, lam
Galt M•ld•me, of Hamilton, who is enjoy -
leg • pie ant monies from kis duties is
she Ambition City with ,ebbs,. and
hia.ds la Uederlab, was the goat of Mr.
W Kia Jot. M. William. at 8primpid•
eedmy .f int week.
Mee Train. from Stooktoo. Man., w1.
banns there, and has en beop.adiy
hes holidays in Ontario, btis been the go*
e t termor treads ugh neighbors, Mr. tied
M. R. out there, who now
melds •1 lee Rob Roy.
Gore To His Rat, -Thursday arching of
Ise west, death's uNlyiag bud made •
deep bleak le our midst by takes from as
a pgdar townemes. In the prose of James
Mob* der a resides* la W. D. ONO*
et term years, thirty of whisk were spat
a ems rill... The dimmed was • satire
el Tlppr•ry, Ireland, having come trona
there .ver fifty years age. For some years
1. lived la New York see, ad then tome
be Brookville. From there noon a Hares
Maty with Brews is C.., who he11t the
ravel roads to Blyth and some other poets
Is Y1. .arty. be decided to rata bene,
•ad fer seme ti.e resided near Carlow,
after h.,tavellinr or building of the roads
we less. L 1869 be dame to I )este', .s4
p.rn1.ssd part of lot 3, on the lake .here,
ben the late W. It grans, of 0ederlei4 the
Ines agent o1 Btebuan R Co., of Ha.uao..
Liter, le 1882, he bought the rent of the let
Ion (Merge McKee, now M Oape, Mist.
Aber • sa.bor of years spent be cearag
y the had. a 4*1 sten the farm mew a
god werkag order, with the beat impriso-
ned' la farm • aniteery ler tilling the sell
bernsed follewd tietly the rotatloa of trop'
e the 1.1d& Saone fallowing, he alw•ys
ea the iced, Mvtag • geed orep of fall
whoa* east year. Mr.Tobin was • good
i.ig.n hones mid eattde, ad was • reg -
Taber ,kilter to the fall ••d spring fairs a
Aederlst sad other peau. With his neigh
Mus 1. we swsm 'Hilts/ to de them •
N ed term • 4, give • help a the prmesare
N et Neap and harvest work. Is the metes
4h t *be iambi hes. he we the first
t Ikea big Ube, adl1. noerf.l d1per4Ne.
Mp1all be geed Oran. 1. 1he ape* et(
the eveaieg, der • day's work. 1n was
odes as athh•s, and was penin•, with n
ol •s F.nwiltr moth wedge ktm, a a Meg
■1•rats4 m sear sef/bbere 1. broken lei
M M alas, lies mime yeses faille Main
same woe hila. whish sib bl. withdraw'
Mal Seen boa week. Ahem* • swath
age a steel• Mt the were gees ; ..dleal
tuhlesM sigh ttlttselt►g did *bier Yost. net
eaulk. MU he gassed
rMrrsad ssifs ly he bar. s and
gora• dap err Were the end dM
far bin 'These mm boos mets 14
'Mb mcSMe., .1A old brad,,
tetldmb 1mi4t., may bore heed
talk et One woo walking tuned to
treetleone oa a rail goy te Nee
Terkrtate, tied gelato, the celery poi.I • or en hien the let express
passed and the ether, cronies the
8t. lawmen In the spring of the year when
the be was break's*. He provfd«t
el the Umber for the harbor L' p':,r ,.eel.
at U.drrlob pion when extended or •per.
N refile in the seven to. He we • Roman
Catholic in faith, and oonef•tent with kb
Don to Ms Protestant friend.. Oa S•t.r
My it largo ooaoarse of tries. and eoigb•
begs with mesber•.-ef bb f tinily followed
kb renal** to St Pear's R. C. aberek i•
Uedsrieh, where tw*gsl mass we. maid, sod
the Rev. Father West, who odobr..tsd it,
at lu clow gave as interesting ad.t •*ss,
speak's' of the eromooiwe of the obu:oke
and oar duties ono to est kir as neighbors,
and redodmg all that this world was only
• treamtory borne, asd while to it we mot
prepare for another life in the hereafter.
At the •lees the sad procession weeded its
way to the K. t'. cemetery to t)olberne,
mime airily rinse for burial were sad by
the Rev Father West, and the body was
lowered to la last rest In the testily plot.
Toe poll bearers were, Wm. F. Young, of
the Rob Roy : Hugh Chabot., J. 0 Stow•
tat, M. Foley. el Goebert; Roland Williams
and i). Cummings of this place Mr. Tobin
was twice married, i 1871 to Morgans
Dalton, who died February 1881, •
. 4.0. o1 the late Mrs. 1). Campion, of 001 -
borne. Three soca, Molted and William,
who resided at home, and James, of The
Free Press official in i.ondo', ad Dee daugh-
ter, dory, te*ohe, at Merlin, Keel lb.,
Oat., were children of this marriage. Hie
w ooed wife was Sarah, youotesl daughter
of the lata P. O'Meara, 01 Saltierd, to whom
be wee married in November, 1882. 8h.
survives him, with her two oblldreo, Riles
acd John, who live of home. 0 tr nolo.
and Leebirn and other friend. extend to
the beirved widow and family our despot
sympathy en the lost of • kind father,
Use summoned from them in the early
evesieg e( hie days. For promeNn of our
..4ghke,b•od he look an active starlet In
the forma, of the 8. 8.. 1889, the oatnt
es well remembered. He we.. sways •
teat reader of the newspaper. and well
peeled tor • debate with ba eoeforr am the
nonoral question of /he day.
MONDAY, Sept 414.
Mr. sod Mn. James Chisholm spat Hao
day In Stratford.
Mrs. John MoNevin, formerly of this
plan, le down from Wingbw on • vials to
her ohildren ad old fri..& in this .1044...
Cif arca Norge.-Commabe service will
he hold a Seaday at 10:30 a. e. lhnmd•y
evening before and after the weekly prayer
tae.Wsg the pastor will be pleaded to meet
wlti aey who wish to jots the msm.benblp
of the obareb. He will also bed a ateNarg
of the sseslem a Friday morons at tan
past too. when the anal preparatory ..rvls
will be held, sad 1t I .ipes4ed that the
Rey. Mr. Hamllem, of Lenda.bore, w111
preach that horse.
Norma,- The meal agoleq Dtmasnaar
too 1.. BI$at rat the ol. p, w*. ,
1.8'., den 00 4.. teseelivea•
weft. rr InS antherieed N eMlpb a
.tower end for use Moe
!`t A. NEWTON, DilfMls'1'.Olt LUOL
l w. win Melt D- ea se let mid
ltd _ s y of eon ecmdz. y 0h;
shop. x Henml0_I.a1 a a a.. M m till,
Tommy, Bipa. 5
Acrostic Boomer *same• le rapidly 4e -
apposes* and autumnal .hies are pressen
Fog MANITOBA. -Quito • .smmbr el ewe
yams men 1.f• hr• yesterday fir Unifies
w ea eoareleh trip
Amen Ft x us.,. -Harvest i eg event bee
Is th1. men* me Yee* 8.Wed Sled she
farmer* are e.wat fall what.
Sues Tea h.ow.-Q.4e • bnmber et
ear Wilms are mkt*, a the Id.Mal
Prevaolel Rtbibltw at Tennis Mia week.
Teals.* eros,,. -Oa Tasdoy .only
• tbsder sad 11gb•.ing .lam, win bony
A .olI is very sad bele Ill mew emend *srmid ,Small
very peer, the ram will 1. beesidlb( sed is
OOntvaLirnra.-The merrier* Meade
Dan/ Jethro Arbield, whn has too lima
time been r but health. will be pleased e
hoe *M he ie gradr•By haters iso a
heal*, mod *in* prevents* will glees 1.
bile e M ureas as formerly.
Thlieffee Como -Dickies Omen wee
held hum lair 1►ardoy. 01. Hear Jdg.
Dole pwdd. The Mod leiMy rtla
repeemembeilby Meerae. Maleelmlmeer
(.din.,es4 A. Mones.M, la.
et u.d•rte11. Th. deehN .e light, Mew
belt nig Oboe ones he WW.
Ogee hese --On N.W sad eases
pOs I.$...8 gear, Jam. Kw, none
harderkeit thus tar • busy eases, ler .u,hs
la his lawn, •ad be is aril debit • swarm
baht... Aka .0 ear marebaats •d ms-
sts.4e awn bias wed la their re•ie.tive
lima et, Tide le be /rewkot time
/Anon OSNrLIIT D. -D. Btekee sew
hewer .hep le Seabed. sad 1t Is a
.gushes• tad 'abstained baddin • '1►.
eeatelmere ted sr•tessa doses. &pedal
meati.., Whne it is hilly .em l.t 1e will
mused sesd Nae hareems *u sMi ebodw neat
In .Mie an•asesss YU1./....4 rowss tho
norCsee AID Ooaou.- Ma. Liars
8tethers, el (:ieerle4, no w • 1 borne last
tabbat& •iter b.vbg sprat the
visit*, her er•.d.etb0, Mn. Davide*,
ad steer ,Motives Mies Na. ml Dowel
roe u tldtug rolallves to U.derieb
Mr. ad Mn. Jae Walker seemed home
so Moad•y abet Lain(• two snip .4.11
10 410111ee in Gargle Mies Mary if Luck ..., we in rut v,Uege on
Monday James rieit.3 relit
tit es at Uuderlo4 oe Se.d.y last.
MONDAY, dept 44h.
Mt.. Thee, Coulter milted li Tomah
tab week.
Mies Berges, .f Brookville, Is visiting
Mrs. Juba Colin.
(,tatty • Dasher et Dar villagers ate taking
in the Tornio fair.
Rev. W. J. West vi.ltod t, Tomato Dad
N **detach this week.
John Niobium. bf 'lorento, was Malebog
relatives ben the past week.
Mimes Maggie Frassr sad Jessie MoKel-
In spent Jaedey r 11. .Mage.
Mrs. Fred Molhacken and obildros w
termed to their home in Brunel..
George McDonald M. and hu reddens
to • Mr. Somerville, of P.Im.r.too.
Miss Maggie Mol).songh, of W Seem,
visited h., frtnd, Mi.. Agee Herbert.
Maw Aos.. and Mane Oliver spent
Sunday at their azalea, *ear Lomdeeboro.
Mrs. Mrur.. of T.rmberry, 1, lying 1U .l
typb.N i•v.e at the loins of leg ester,
Wm. Stewart.
rev:= S'.i. *est dohn e:ed...
address be yang mem Iw Seaday evwing.
It was Listened to with the 3Isest attention
by the o.egngatiw.
The reenter .,.trig .t the coastal took
plans on t mesd.y aiebt. All the .webers
sere preemie, the mayor to the chair. The
minutes of the last regular and special meet-
ing ware mid and adopted. The tr..l.tpr•,
statement fav August an road •atolioAr-
Revel pa --
Resident tar.... . i 550 00
Rico. It. rotes 275 67
Nutter rate. .. 144 40
JU:l..p.y.ble . . 5000 00
Ma,tl.d ometery34 50
Kebabs notes 35000 00
Trea's overdraft .,.$ .49 33
Salaries .. 1180 65
Pria11/4 i ody'ertls'g,. 74 96
Loral amu... 64 R4
Mai1wd s.otery 8 00
Petr works 274 72
Charity 3 90
fl listens unrest896 00
&::, payable 2000 00
Bak Sharon .... 45 54
W •*orw'k. espital . 108 56
Wath w'ka .'a'.'s. 413 01
Khoo. light " 149 47
Public shook 407 86
Market 26 00
Sp.otal fronts 50 70
Conned •kb.bor and
ekes expanses 200
M deoell.a.ous 96 43
Elevator rotors200 67
Kievan, mews .... 35000 00
$ 41004 17
$ 30Wp 81
r 1024 76
In bank 1990 28
L hand 44 48
1024 76
A,eaNa from M. Niuhobw,
asking the appointment of • eosonett.o to
isvesttg•te and It pse..ble arrive at some
esetlemeat of his ol•lr •.•I1•t the hewn a
et did net wish litigation, we read, asd,
en notion of hr. Knox, eseseded by Mr.
Cousin, the minter was rMorrud le the
w penal oo.ril1.s with ewer t• set.
A m...asb•tfw ire.ltereard Sweden
obairmsa of o.m.ltee es works of the
Termite dty eess•ll we. read •ed ,sherd
to the .p.elal os..ittes. The ie.mans•
Nes stated that the Amend* tlei•ty et
Menialpal woad held their
aeon) emiyeetio. 4s Towson teem the 340
to the 5th day et O.Mbr, aolasve, sad
invited Oedr*h to egad • repressat•tive.
The eoevwtlos wit* be bid is the mew Guy
ball, ad mameree eabfesW of eras import -
•no la model •I gayer m ed will be de-
oaesd, eaek a saw* beim&, Meet* BOO -
tag, sewage ad-11edem • *Mee wets
gone l.eI lat
et 4 w. diebeithe
.t serfage mad urea eb•aing, mastoip•1
ehlea, mad ethers.
it A eorb aMka helm C. A. Woolsey
anise ler the reduced *seem gsem whet
were seas wee the Royal electric Co.'s tee
4es 16, *4(44e pba1, we road, ad le we
belied le rebus the ebegsi.
J. Matenell erste rat leg 44. moonbeams*
et Owe ..asebls be see w the szbIbfNw
grenade dart* the fad eh*. W -'-
4. be leader t1. *steel sail dire.tIw et the
nosed' teesemithe of t1. esel•iy. It W
lase the eutem to sppnas ew4bles a
Ude way fir several
se -
meter Menge. Holo peen,
the re -
goes was treated.
W. Neem, nesr.hry et be O•.el1.
Fire Uderwrls.n' A.e.latiea wrote sa-
es*, et 18. Lapeer'/ repast ..der
d•N ydy 901h Mat. T1. ebs.ger made
sae the preview Lspe.tia. es Jay 96th,
1898. wen as fellows i Two ebe.1oal fin
wteg.Mhere, three madame ..a►. di•mpM
w hen 1300 foe et sew bees, p.roksg•d
fmM fee t. sts.dp4pe add to be shut off es
aired d slat. wbletle by num living 300
tet dims* t the amasser a invs'.ved sen
dose. Oa the date above Mend the 1n-
apeN•r 4415 alarm fres ire boll at 11:46
A r , base .1455 d d. wen arrived
11:47! two .teen.. thrown 110 feet fieri,•
easily se 111494, net lime et hese 100 feet,
..mise en lath. Memo arrived wltb ire
Ili et 11:511 ps.phg at 12)00 with steam 20
•ad water 30 Ila., mid pronto toelre trine
to 80 and 130 Ibe., r.epesuvelr, at 19:01,
whim on •Moani woe throws 120 fen born.
w ally thee5rgn 960 foot of lea and • If le
seed. The pm.pag was fro. • 4,4at
*Mrs t1. a.l' of pressure wa•beet 40 lbs
The 9.0044, Ne , erre fond fa goad •os.,
Mies. Qd•r4sh le *on medal soder eine
"t)," 0. m.Wos et Hamby teed
Ikeda the emansmi-lose wee referred te
ebbe seer it use.
INN ieMowl.g a5sess•r trete referred to
Ib. imam eme.tat .-Th. LAM.. I/.m..
(.saes Oe., 0101 The EOM, Meter 0a,
en 1 Left robber floe, 11 The Ser, grist
lag ad dverteleg. 416 90 4 T1. Ohba, sit.
vorselog, 46 ; Lee & flhspprd. weplirs for
waterworks e..seMtiee, Ilii 68. bis sup-
plied tar swat beeteleilles. 407 04. ter sae-
*. ler laws Salk
Snare,41 60, 100 Tem mad ser wain*f► NA NB 111 5 JamMarra* d flea.
Weft 0.., ler hem, Ste, 144.11; 1'1.
Sime. Mb. 0.., ,rive red be bvdr.nt,46t
ROM. K.,,. 90 loads .t gravel me Tem*
410704‘03.1.22 Was idettallicii$A,fiie$
tt +milt gr pebbling Cs., '740140. abate{
Aea* at A
Ate *ea* B. tb.set'. foe 4167.74,
balsam e1 seetrsu►, •d mit let 410 a o...
wMa MIAS the gira.ehtbia akteetalle
ea So. ells el Memo. Pine. Mit sumo.,,
mimed te t1. pabile wale ee ere eke.
It wit tseyett ty kir. amber,
by Mr. mites that es, .- to; grit
lib w•Ir tad dab 1 . Juot lee earreasse
L a.«tlgW.e the tliM i 144,4 Or's
dyesat Mesa tad the i viimait oeserai
esd Regal M T.wte, 1.
Maned le tliniiss•hy Mn =.Met,
seated by Me. 4dW, Mat It be referred
be the whet ..d light sommises. The
ameadma.t tees list, only the mtvee ay
mender trebly fee it. The unties twrisd.
The Bashes eamm1we reoemmeeded py-
meas .t the lo111011net aeeoaate : The Slot,
iib 00 ; Tit. 8rwasi,, 441 40.
The water and light committee room
mended IA* a GOA Pipe be pat iu from tie
Valve above the peer bapn te the
manor le the bile, Petr the psrpu*. el
+. WMISTSt OW MIST es the male bare
Weer hen thaw:Way rrsshed;'hat, hartsg
made .0.aamiwtin of the Stake *rib .o4
ending t►.► e..0 gravel sad toad aoar.ul
a.. Iles., ea .xeredes be ma le to the;u-
•ake pipe in Our arib e se to to clear et .ad gravel. The tonmiti s alae te
petted that they W rewired tenders Ise
'M ereuUea of • e►iwury .► tk.lpr
boom se totoffee/4JL..4. Liam,. W e ,
Ilse. Reif, 498 06; A. B. (,aper, 1!180.
The repent we taken up clone by alaew.
Moved by Mr. (.iatoiun, mamba! by
Mr. Koos, that t4.Ifrat sad eteod .1*..•
he odep ed.
Moved b) Mr. Hareber, acioaded by Mr.
Natal that tb.y be refined book totheono
mitts to report as to coat. et.. The NMd
moat tarried. Clan.. 3 was adopted.
tlov-ed by Mr Helmet, .ecocd.d by Mr.
Hester, that lie report as amesded be
adopted. Carried.
rhe Public Works committee reoommead•
ed that ow log to the lateness of the 1.0.00
se. aotioa he take in the matter of the
ar.otba of a btad used io the dg.are this
You. Tb.y aloe reported that they had re-
oeved tenders for the laying of the gnu.-
Itille walk. a. follows : A. B. Color, for
sidewalk., 9ie per wi. 1t, for 04`010411,41. 10
per W. It. ; A. Oe.M., for .id.walke, 1 o
per .y It. for of ts, 130 pts .q it. ;
L Mardis t Cit., in sidewalk., 94o per eq.
tt., for aromtyth lis per sq. ft, ; Uaelp•
P.romoat Co., let 1dewolks and omens.
l to per Di h„ mad reatmmeadedth e.1 1'. L
MtiI+R A e'rl isr be st.p j ei
oempIYiag .114 14. term. of the .0.4,01*
(their tender been the lowed,' I. With rel.
erne* to toe mak* of putting in gullies,
which wao referred book to tai Board el
Works at lanasene4teteeuy, thes teem
medal that ate be made is their to
port. The eemla"Me reeemmeeded tin at,
sptaos of W. Garrott's tender for ggie.
io the tasks a Minato road .od gg
.crest, tn. Dost beim* 126. 01 ' mote S el.
Mr. Natal, osoeaded by Mr. Marto: t'1..
owed by M•.es, ssooadd by Mr.
Casten, that John Ntobolna hr paid the
b.l.00e coml., to him from his eostru•
with the to• a, s.oh taboos to be eertiged
to 1 y the °berme. of 1he water and light
oommittn for 1899. Cart led.
Moved by Mr. Holmes, e.eeodetl by Mr.
Nobel, that bylaw M.. 10 e1 the tows et
t.oderiob for the yen 1899 be amended by
.trltlar oat the ries el Jams Farr so lap'
sty ret.reiag officer fur No. 3 p diem on.
Moved in embedment by Mr. Mart'., sec-
onded by Mr. Hamber, (ha, the sol titer's
',pintos. be taken in the .a'.., the clerk to
ret the said opines news
The omeod.ont was loot on the following
vete : Yea -Mee... Raabe, Martin sod
Koos ; no, -Weirs. If time. Nd:el, Cs
vino and Thomism, and OM .r.Ncs
boort! by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr
Nolte, that E Vas Every be •ppotatod
deputy rotor.:no *fine fur pol,t.i ..h
derives Ne. 3, sad thio bis same be it.
warted a bylaw 10, el the ewe N 0eder10•,
1899. Carried.
Bylaw Ne 11, to awes end levy the elm
et $28,570 12 for ranepsl w ether fat
pier wasted twin. O. esetioa of Meow.
Helm.. and Heather, ride 34 was etneeaded
end the bylaw rad • third time. Neve/
by Mr. NOLO ad eewded by Mr. Horse
that the bl low se read be per.1 (Marled.
The rano se iced by the bylaw an o
follows: For Collegian lane no. tire.tike
e a the &Ile; awn rate. 144 10; *bile sad
separate sone rate, 4 3.10 ; maoty
rate. 9-18: coaoodidaled d.bwt.rn
3 410, the betas at the rata of
Iwo and • bill Date w Os donor mi 1the
when of 4140 taxable properly .red ise.M
Bylaw Ne, 12 was rad twin. Meld
by Mr. He er,e y Mr. Nebel,
Mit rule 34 be le load bylaw rine a
third ti.. The vete as the meths steed e
fellows: Yea --Helm. sad Mattel; may -
Humber. Marta. ()..teles, sees.
The mate! tine disarmed.
The eases barge Demme s. from Pro-
vide's' Bay, en rat• to Part Hosea with
• serge of cedar ties, ria 1. baro for Mei*
A large masher el logp were men neaten
armed near this pert se Monday, evidently
broken away ham setae raft het* lbw
day'. blew.
The estion- M. L. 1Week, wbie4 we
rtearMg up be Spada& Rine, Ilgbt, wag
*she la Sesd•y's blow Sed len part of
bar mimes Ng. bbe ma in beg tar shelter.
mot mealamg aesemary noire varied
merle agals.
Tito ales M the Mg elevator leaded e1,ht
emus. the avenge espeeity of ebb belay ever
700 b thele ere it shed as hoar. Nm.
Meed•y .maim, las. 740 baobab paned
hem the wefgb-aarer'e ger lase • or fm
we a,a.n ad forty.ive neondr. N.
tr4mear whatever is required la Indio*
tin mem.
Maier, Oat , Aso. 30. - W. J. Brews,
*mar of the etess.r Car.ean, net with •
.rico. •radent 0t t1. C P.R desk here
this.ernay. Mr. Bro}., win with W
fled, had be* dews die hike fee • *es -
Ere .alp, had *pod *eh* ad wee *lag
•be.rd .*so when he fall eft thews peek,
trestartag several Mb. ad *henries bjw
leg insamil. Re was seamen' a t1. Hmr•
poo H.plal, where the **eh* mo be
will near, but h0 will be Mid M fee
several weeks.
Pubil. /tooled..
t NThe e•tiseaaestfrlg of tpbe„..mabsidre N
hen at she ofilti N obi • Ltmtlea,
0ederleb, se Thursday, Sept fart, YMef.
r. r.
Dated this Mb eon_ 161. f•li
0 W N Ol OODER1011.
ASS Nouse that the
Ila ..,passu.e et the
Weds a IaJ usiltbls
Ira= Width tot I
ms[1f►s,0a/ sal Mg w.
1 obe toe is k th, •mit «
• tN .rheat
iMA est
le se
etiet a:
aset e as keet Ilial* i ium of
Ma MOW thorn
ea Them
l> 1.14.,
IaY 1r a•. esti r Rept N s
rMr, fkmllr. Far •wt............ Ila I
0 toe
tpA owl 1 be
pot bash
i ser bash 511 t.
M t.
fresh mipaokod, IPs ".. 11 te
......M• SIN
r bash.....-'.........
v5 1 N t
to Hou 000at
.v.elb...............`'.'` yytflw•M
= ,,t.rrd ,,prlb. •gy 1004111
11ree..dd 1 i; e.a/tar U .0 1 N 010
f]•t tla tune Ip
()rd m•rs' .. 11010170
You will soon be looking for a NSW
Remember coat WE SILT. TH1 BR8T
In the market.
cannot be beat
A Guarantee with every Pearl Stove.
with SttWouud 0, to the pest
1. 1410 beet Coal Double -Hester,
- is the best ('^st Putnece.
POr sale by
1110 Ohespt .tove and Penmen Mea,
®•••rcw, •v„ (hodsrlcb.
a wtea'u•ayr...-.i
.sly positive,
to earth,
for all RAN"
eC ..
m Oma =lbsdlea,
UirtakER Sad Eibaliers
Graduate of Manackuw.ite (.oI
loge of Embalming.
WW1% HSARgs.
X.87 000439 AT MUDt
laadrwae MILOCa. 0.e.$JCf•.
T81 Burr
SC1I1toll laid Coal
IN 105 MARKi17
A(Mai weighed the Market
whore yea gr M s Ikea ie•Ir.
Orders left .t LU dt
then pn.pely WW2":"Mg
Hwoorass►to Obrplwf I lank
W.eteeterer et all 1461. ret
drabs 1Iliak't. 6tH Paas, Sheet Lw'
Works, oto., etc.,
tad Dodo la-
M.Ohtser, (l.elbtp, 4••
Stem amid s tea. .WiIN*en .
Ohre& Val*. I ad aired
1w1ms Oms.trllo w Need .t Louis
♦oossss lb*et Steel Wats, fly 11(eg
ler see d Ltwm ad elks
Itoseirag ptosis, mwededAra
Prig. 1ltlla
You Nu Ni Dolls ...
01111 Ivo!, well Shoe Dollar Valium Iour W8
We are determined to let you know the prices
we are selling our
BOOTS and SIiois
1f you want a pair of good Carpet Slippers for 150., or Tweed Slippers
for 10c., • pair of $1.25 fine Oxford Ten for 890., or • pair of Plow Sb
79c., come to
T'_ ATTe.S
North side of the 8yuare, Uorleriob.
N.B.--We have received largo sbipmeuts d new good., which will be .lad
vary boo. P. T. 11.
have leaned the
Warehouse lately
occupied by
and are prepared
to buy
all the year round.
Hamilton Street, Oodericb,
N. 0. -All kinds of gram weds for
1101 0115 FrR F*LILIES
el W mat 1s ds aunt.
• .e a u roe (If
the mu era
par ,.r th
et to Sas leer
to tree s•voed
nes Mmes. Mwe en reeem.
,••apes..e reemee coo. - E•••sA
Soli* of (images mad be left at We
Once not latter than ti•terday
noon. The Copy for changes
wast be lett not later titan Mon-
day noon. Casal Advertisement
•OOepwsl eo CO Ile .. Wsdaeed•y d
each week
aro reducing their prices on the fol-
Bt [ivotis
to make room for their Large
Stook 0t Winter Goods:
Coal 011 Stoves
Window Screens
Screen Doors, SIC.
clave us do your Plumbing, Heating
and Troughing. We guarantee yen
perfect Satisfaction or no pay.
Whdasio sad Refine
The Best are the Cheapest.
Wtet•.t* w Wilk Sew Timm
We bine • hill Ilse d Mem.
livery neve is gsslaate L
We emery • fall Iles d b...•
Dairy Sapphes and
Snow Fnrnishinas.
Lee me .roe es year Moth
ha, 11.**Mo mad 1DmvfTtieaglimb
Opening... .
The R. B. Smith Dry Goods Co.
have the pleasure to announce the opening of their'Millinely
Department for the
FALL OF 1899.
The formal opening will take place in the latter part of
this month.
Our Managers, Designers and Head Trimmers have just.
returned from the Canadian and American Openiskgs. Our
Miss DoNot:lf and the others report an immense showing of
Paris, London and New York Millinery.
To get the full benefit for our Customers of such an ag-
gregation of Fall Styles we had four representatives there,
and s.reproduction of the nattiest headwear, along wiith the
product of our own Designers, will await you shortly.
We are the only Millinery firm in the County whose
Millinery business warrants the presence of Four Artists at
the Opening& Such has been the unusual growth of our
Millinery business under its able management that Last year's
business surprised ourselves even, who are bard to astonish,
knowing our capacity and purpose to lead the West in High_
Claw Millinery.
It is now a fact that many excellent goods, both in
Flowers and Hats, are made in our own country, and we are
always glad to give our Canadian goods a above alongside of
those imported.
40101a. ecNupNwn. seg
porn n v!a n II Ht7 F>!