HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-7, Page 5tire. �N. ays : 17 Ks- AS s - AS .2hemisi and for 'S(aative enough to suit, rE,. . AID tum Int soma IOH. Square Ys 115011 ;uglir. Ir 100 tlW tea 1 IRG •y. /• THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. DARIZI e.T, Sept. 7, 11%9. 6 W. ACHESON & SON. The Remainder of Swnmer Stock at a Tremendous Sacrifice In the course of $ season's business almost every department in the Ston accumulates a collection of odd lots and short lengths of goods. It is important that they be moved at onoe and without re- serve. Hence it is that Ibis week we offer all LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, DRESS OINGHANS, MUS- LINS, UNDERWEAR, SHORT LENGTHS OF DRESS GOODS, SILKS, WASH GOODS, CARPETS, ETC,, $TO, so far below their actual Value that W. rower„� Mn emery would be ewe likely 1 .4- tsno% miss al live .9d geed habits. £1M.. .. -.pesetSSW r . a.d r ead es yell M lh.mda. we .e.tw tb•. is Sae - lead It bee bees •Headed with worked mo- ose". A/mordlss to the ropers of industrial owsesli en mew worke4-.o. atm M Londe, Mom mesa em pbllehed 1. T.r ate the ,„... 1640 .o.t.11. have rtes Wined wtNka *9lamNity Gee erowe. with ewe 1,600,40 ...Mo. The bGelases dose la the pap ear wea {326,000,000 mad the prefile tb1�000,000. L ers.lmee.. we have to .ay that we have bees week lmpror.d with Mr. La.. soy'i ems' -sr, fr.mkws sad witty to aupyly as with .wars. lal.r.aito.. Frew ear martinet's' with 81m we believe he le • seeable busbies* * waa..ad riled * the making of glom. H. her promised ..w - me the sempeay if it la formed, sod . sup- .evf.e the bending el the Misery. All M whisk 1. reepeo.tdly ebdtted. wasat11J " 4." Miming owe of ws.aiso.ar, el 1080 brat .t window (L. (estimated ono week's ). ander proposed automat, sad Peas Raw Material. (Perot. paid M Pitts 98700 lbs. rad ,A $ 2.00..$ 98 70 37606 lbs. elphw of .ds 10.60.. 196 90 34646 lbs. ground Usiestes. 2 60 . 43 18 1974 lbs. greed seal or coke 4 00 .. 394 A CLEAN STY& IS INEVITABLE. ACHESON & SON. ABOUT GLASSBLOWING. Pub110 1MeeUlnxx Etat !!!d•,. t7r A1.adt lei Weigel amiss. nal favald •ren Was e. ? -arrar WW tee s.ry.r Set -• s+lew.m le we exceeds. THE mttedamm a the rat& timet. ." NM 1• w sates tllasia Je1My evens lee M .Nosh iii lej d . osmdbw .0 1lmi M as tea the gime fem.ry peeptililles was me very Iamb hos the 1-tdg- r rt- atter, ewe wide fess ell winkle end the adios., girt the worth el Male esWesse mosey ales that - Os nicks Joists Lwaitlem wen •ppolrated thrienbod ha weds agsm- th B. Tara M read ve rasa ell tda ....twM, widish r w.. as Wilms 1 QOmnQller't misece . Tsar immealMr bee casae 9uetaltp-satr gM.ed the yemen et Mi. Laney M ter tra of elm 'boom la thew m &- et the 0.. ht0ww.m.osi reports 11 Camila 9.d the U.ped Sebe, .94 by per - ..eel tmMrvews with the 1msdMs hardware ..erases M W. tee., we have 1dbote4 se•sie$ latermaties se suable as to fee.. wkly atumt-M Monate d au prade le he .this M W wain. -'e sl leaden elm ie (e.a4., she market mailable aid the prob- abilities M ..seas. Tbe maim ef Mr. Ami ley'. promal Mw elsosdy loos osbeaieeed M W psspit As erreemeed is Nall W Mei mal bypMmegemesemme Liar- tow & Preedeot se Niel M IM Mea. se te 1ts legal farm. sad le seendeled hers- . whit The smith whisk the Men. asked be armee is iNuaded . sever the sant of e.eetruadw of the emery. sad motes.• nosey . ,reads re*mg espmaer .sM Methre le mil sasedeleg. W. Nee ....Jed beet 9. ampere Milder si f4.. 6Mwem M Pitteherg. e earn•te perm as eye slmestreethee M PI0.000. 111bawl ben ua ealtmeee h9. • 8,ytism Me of seernee49 1089 bows bass • member e gem Intek@ s 18. Umbel 8mtns. 4h.et dams leeewer M the two nee .mesa Mr. ,.Montes Me COO,• whisk leo malar stab est mea s The menhie Imam the fasbery mama M lab* � ONO wt lee1` Ws smh.ye ter 480,000 will be swim int 10 Kansas the there, 9nd provide meg moms for ebbs we.b.. Olay, we are M4.emed, sea be made. teed end pined an the market ale than three weds. The thermos d tlme re- sulted tett .radpM.a, has a. Iopores.► Markle. aerldprer HM 440.000. sed pal tb y • able Is. TM be Madeet te essetr91* w f p eelas mal w le .1- ,p�. � . it . der N peat tk. as ust M 466,000 as M Mere - lore Mem draws ep ifit the 91meat, with • provides that Mews will set be sealed epos to advises •ley NW* tbmi ..otmsliy "I% ad. N. lave hew mated N 9 Ld4m brek• et is Tercets that It wealth to better est the tows to barrow the meet' en debalms 1a the sepal way, amid to lad 44 10 IN emery nadir thee lemerba the h.t& el the oa.psev. A lem of 150,000 fee eet tral mal se mama thymed a .•M pmade by the ayment N 017.00. a 05.000.Ob0. es m The mammy will at the mart may ler Ikilled workman, *8e grill le imparted Ina Be a,.. sed areal tweet, seen and hwill be Whom hen Mi b lam, who Meow. 11 the bothsae sad 1111 .,pay seam. them amber" wed mest The weekly alone el the proposed k•- het is asilimetal all 1010 bees@ et 100 The tet d .a.wlatere pears 080 beam le seMmaesd se $1767.22, •. teem. ( resee t pboa et 11.63. This 1eladss raw material, iseum s. wear sad tar. Inteds.. •al *the erpra.s. wanape.a%. beaty. ,nese labor sad aided labor at the see .4 wear died by the setae lee with the .w.. The pries of I. racial aowdly tet e ✓ es, ..d the market prise .eer de varies omasiderebly free time to Maw. Tal - the average .1r .ad she teed .arks pries rads( is the lost tow yeses M °meads. we AM tam a the .bye mmienla.,m, there le • merge of .se dater per los • ... M- imi i • liberal .11ew.bae for es lisp. tape• einem. S.Mm9iag the week&, 9 4.y week., Me 10184 tuts.• of tM bpwy wed he 43.200 bozo, or 4,320,000 square feet, w818 r9preseer es 9.9.81 error of 543, • 900. which would be available fee the py- mw► of the leas made . the Dempsey by the Mea The ere . ms.Ib.8.d by the mile, *Men ..gar the prepwd h ammo* air eye. sed is a ImM MasOm ew M add4Me.4 .rut they �w81r they wild ea et ides wages relay m the IIditsd Slates, parriwlsn H *hek we have obtained fr.es the ss.9tery of the wade., gem weaken wsim ea M Pillsbury, The ted,•sheet path to skilled Myer Is, the ma ---u d 43.200 bows .1 window slv wealth' Oahe 160 slad.r the ptsporod 175,600 seder e .eat. of w z.4 by the ON smith. • dtl..9. d 1100.440. Mr. Lewy ays deadlety that *e BN - Om workmen sew the work * tide 'sen- try seism the °.mdse tariff apse window jam . rased p to • pet 26 pee mint. be- low tarts rakes be the United Beata., Mese ea egdvalens Mate a ./mr.d by the O.veremthr apes window gime ness- a.wed M this a eny. W. 4.m them at it wise set to peel** the fleew9r9t seal ator the os.py hes lima hewed end the sgr.o.w% whit Mr. Limey will he made esmdit1m•lly pee ptetealise Mien gives . M. t.dwry. Them is • lamer makes ter shadow glow M l.seds, NM will rapidly *cn•m1 es 18e oomatry developer. And M.. a1 primas no ..*dew gime Tabery selaW.bed M this osm9vy. 'By tb O.v1...st rearm.. it *rem that ..or 16,000,000 Klein lees of window were t.pr.d to the yaw ending Jane It. nameable to apple Mat Me pre - pad •epeey we•M he sok .maim the Toter penia d the mast, fee le .my way.. a ..meld be here wanes,► fee Masao dsdere . make their purchase. M the matey rather than frsn had. laderish Aare peeallar advantages for ale kidiwy. We t e ele.l taipple, •Adults by lad sad water. Vends Van.. sea- tert here ie res n..1. ma parry ether elms se w e we a ram baths. ebb ,,anent where ease f.otsrlse are es Imiisbed, we are beamed MM Me Motorise 4.h t5 he dared . dem dartos the het ember end the raw .Mselef has M he canted ken a Mame. Here, *Nag . the oma ,want,. Mr La.sey is et the emblem 1a•% the beery e be worked ad the yew mad. The raw materW, sae, ages sad seed . d elate it Ned sad pp.e.tb1y sew ..se Ise them the we hays re. eared fry. the IJnssd ems -'-plat is ear iamb ef ems M .emeameta Oar ,sees have hath ret dm the pint few .eatlr, is eq.thtly le hes mat Beth passible M make • tan el the mad oh amiable ken, be Mr. l.tmo.y .teees that he w made glass treat the seed (sed an the .here .f Lake Mt. Clair, and be has egad -ad the seed ben sad tied" Is similar to Ms Lake 8t (Asir seed. H. slabs teat h . possible tact • sere& properties of the f.m seed ley haus to be imported . d. with the reel pad, sate M W.lawberg the Nesse islets tget.d from St twat., sad M Mama Item &seised. This wUl tat make my •ppewable diastere a the tai d 1idameme. We are edema to hell... AM a ..Meow ease fw.ty read stay be aeassudaUy see. dossed um .sed• ea • se-cp•.sMv. bels. Al the pr.aene rear d ditty there meld be ae made for ped" M • 'speak* who Weald he area M pay the masa sae at Imes, and M maks alma". for Imam s.1► Mn 4.n strikes. The sale d epee ite quality, sad the q $y deptmi@ .per the the .f lite Nikons.j se.per.- NEW BOOKS SCHOOLOPEN!NC. A full lined tee New Catholic Readers just authorised. Part L, 10o.; Fart ii., 15th 4..omd Randa', 90e.; Third Reeder, 30c. Here are some prions for you to think over : 100 -Parte Aonbitler, 1a ..ch. 4100 -Page Scribbler, 9th each. 600 -Page Scribbler, 6o. each. This lath la I:seam Book is the H1storidal Serbs, which you will And aM our liters. Oily 5th each. 242 Peas, Se. per dossn during Selto.! Opening. wink of ii ---9 dtarpeaed time Pencils for 1a H... S}... le. each. P*suI h, la ,mob, 100. 411lm4loi. 1)*9r 0,94 R, , nodi or 2 for So. r°17 (bade, 5a each or 8 for 114 totter'. Poet Varna round lead HMO* sippers, 3c, each of 2 fpr 5c. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Our Telephort0 (d NO. No. Ooart a ,quare, COoderieh. r' %Two DearsrW et Gil BMelA �Isit ees. l, 110 As(a} u 50 116466 0000 �lll.d klieg sad m•.gs.s.1 421 00 USA Wm. - is tern Gt $16..$270 00 216 /ylss.. =amen 12.. 216 00 12.. 72 00 8 12.. "96 00 • 664 00 luouresse, repeat's 2r moos= 12 00 Weer tad tsar, preportw b% 30 00 Tries, prepense. 26 .1W a 16000 2 60 Bows, hay sad .94. (t4 124e 136 00 Issids.tai o®oe upas.. 10 00 $1779 22 OmiAdt . .1 .•aafeetaase, 1 los, 100 N. ..$1 64 expenses 1 00 Prate pm hat eagle etreig18, 10.30, kowes• mama prise a 00 Oath a manefael sea ma par mam" 2 00 Pre& Nora -By N! .ari_r w- . l we 9 massa. ammo of -. - Up sae wetly. work . akthed mbar" b 40 Yes.. Or this beat with the same .ember d mama. the IoW week's as - pee wee4d be slily 720 Met and se make 1090 b..es ram wok w.sli meioses es s stele• 9KKblow.e., 6 9 Name, lode solve . levet ving •s •ddidemal ler psmdMnw.f 1910 per week. Hb p h i the basest .f the m.emhen the lee p9.7 to make as meth Slam as pee- CAM: F i:`M:ta0 .d 4N•a 7B(�,.trel�a.e11, M 9se ..sok ►y ma.err d worh.e •bows Gawped. The reals se the ,,sett Bead • ran- mMg sesi mmnt from • amber meg the maim. . TM Arse fit Gal wee 9► tile by W. (�i.pMil sad P. Meg*... mber wee *meg 52 per w * the dock, end he did mm me low the gees- works earworka mid p.sibly get seal temper ass he mall. There was a herd Gel sleek aM might p.eebly be Mem* M for 1150 aeon, lost be was aware el 16 Iafem Me sot (ler that prim N Heaths had pew fpmem teen H. P. Mem, of Abe Mater. bat Ike lima after .Il wee say • eat IL L Stem asked how said thew be fereed . awry eat tt.dr pars el the oth. 1fm1", U they Named to sews when mat- o& 4od, end atter Me belittles sad pion. bed both pet ap iL Heater mid 1bo nee meld he sed M 8sigt... Nene, het reepos ib4 teen weeld be s.sar.d. P. M.Swsa, or., es being asked to sp..8 from the planhe e.., mid ta,e / sty el orae mean wen a deldten. a a rale. Who the salt badman was started the sly of ere 91.110 104 y 10*. 18. '-*95.4 r• ,..Is the rds.try went . prase 11 he was "Mai the Mr prism per barrel for salt now •Yat M sea turban I8. I*d..lry Marled be meld sword . pay he tees 410 • day, sad them haws • Mg sarin. If the *Mery was .Mated end war g=irdhOg well l Cased., It wall omen he worked by eters ed the pay t trora- w mid oma fled Its eves Thera wore let le /ewer men a °m de s I Belem, et amylase* ..s, sed .1M1u1 it was t- eemed thee Ms work was herd es the ems, be believed Mat Mots were mea * other trenches el trade & Canada *he worked border far • geed dela le Ney. aL Hamm admitted tem sweeties would same m, bat the prelim 9f the Got. aiGh mem mad seat M Ire. the area, a the week... who woad out Ase tet tall ..ie male of woes mail Me unseat admired by thewas paid beak. Mees. Wigwam and 8er.., ap- peared . be area of Gep.Mlise. M. order the prime .n.gemse1 the sod. ris8 beery staid s.dersell my lnstiteti.m serried a by espltallste mod paying sale ▪ Mr. Tem Meted that tee seam aimed a the wage weeld meet . $43,000, .r eve 11000 • week for rorty weeks. L 8•.ader. asked M Milled wee wily be - ase ote.khelders. E. Hen. answered that ley mea sen• leg . $15 • week wee eligible M be • .GGk8eld. (t. Anha.n wee Mtunsed le N. progress of NGderir. The rem the wages et cam Nem were so high wee bemuse the werb had • Mame . Worts. 111e. At Wel. W eber4i where tow are gl•.wer8., 48. Mee ars 16 • day. There was .e Nagar e l the ameba Mg glutted whit. there Wsee is. Ibacem prsfedent the the eselsesymald TM swam Mao Master ked aoes seagree high. edoath *at if•meNaked Msense shit *. elms Nee ready for work he said art be area es mase. If the forty et (11 mem toad ..•trite .sly 1100 mak t� mid be sem bleg Nate -the, bob ei Me melee m gm was N- ebel&. Tare W bee deem 6iwi. M the Mabee asidadred Ores Bayles. bet they d W waMdry pct.. fee MgeM•- Wa Mr. M.Kwen's emMNMu *beat w age Islam was nee seemed. se ON mese la▪ me tis •vs. eras the beam wet late Y Maim bad sees sea *swim 411. Mid be1M eat see/der a • lf►MWyar bambini. He angled Moro were mm b GMB awed lathe who had . beim .1. ▪ Athena Meted the m.ptieg the the noshes, as • while did met Mem the rept,*. lie was sew spekM4 as • eenpeyor and am m 9M.1 am • iit•s. Mr. e1e../'r quieten as es hew es ilawipt . me le ,mem M 09dset.4 N ha desioN le bask ..e W bothered err d the ..al . nes He (les. A.) dM sot 181.8 we .Meld sgtlye ,strep sway IMMMO ....r• ly. i7.. teem might give 160,000. M the Wm w/sId bey tM spm he te the Wk .beet pins Maw with the mw 1f they 9engd ls�u.rty MOW•mew meos at be er. ad replg/gd hh loyser rowed red 8Mw8d min wan had am thee • eeei sIs setae_ le law (soli weave. mea mit deb 48e tle►YYsvrpt Meeh pea red 1040 Tamm a wet, es sow a00 h.eae. 17efi:tght M w, am/ N .1484 Mb o the passe •les elw.a why pee damages a Me fee t*egt t ee. J. B. Tae air dM4M m to rr dseem d W fiwmga lag rrrsNt- es A apithiseli the. leek Me pallorms sed sed 11 the gel me red the m.pulk.o wive s4eMd clot May W a m Ware 8._sebile ea P. It DM Ata A se- Olt Mee. le b. 09410ar I - TIM imallbee reit se eintwlkdg wo re ez- pttdefhN pass b sew *9 4reneld) the NM beam hal oath* fee .mtert.t 'M Bonne, 8bM tamed Iha10rt.s 1. the &Ne and had been Named eat by e1Nter lista, and were sot wastes to lave their ms seasery. e S. L 0*954-ries Lemon sold Moro were thosMmi sf thee available. J. a. Tar-- Tho Agates gives were 26,000. A. 8•mmdws-Well, we meat M.• fedi. la oar fellow man H. L Serame- What faith has sat fellow mos shows Is se/ A general gazes took plow at the Mast,n widish wee taboo part le by Mame Oa.pbn, 8auad.1., 411osma, Mame. Team est paws, Aber the .heir.. 8th ma.aged . week order out et able, Mr, 8.nadere pill bad the User amid la • aa few atem a p..Mnd.d hie remark,. Jobs A.Be. thought Is was .teasel. that with weepeotl.. prosm of from $30,000 to $40,000 • year the shareholders wo.M n M be wither . risk .vow $100. W. Campbell %bought 1101 0...nme.t H eald be sea es be Me t ria Mara.. he - ter. 9.y halm ,ryas wee lammed. A. 8.odsrs was satisfied that no Morass woald be mode In the tariff. E. Ham- W lot we propose . Ret M • be... lib 18. eas hosaMoa A 8•o.d.re-That's se broad as Ws keg. The (Ioverameas policy ..wards reds•.*.' Swath. After quite • tilt mere jangling We ma* Mit wee breast* to • oleos with the u.der- t.•ndimiR *mats pairing approved of the .mm meal Midas the n tassuy seeps to sate* • p-imw . the maple. CL[ROYMAN'8 0000 WILL.. Rev. T. Althea d Reamed HILL, rem - meds Ddde gld.ey Pols Tomb. Sept 4 -Rev. Mr. IO1ele, sf Mama Hill wee is this sly rs.etly, en W w• Naos Imo trip, .md was bier- i as l W .:pert...• * the w of Dedd'e Hees/ PtUs, pabliserd mase Me apo. Mr. Elliott mid at Me Mme : I ,..- aider Dodd'. Kidney PU. •good r.IMbe .adl9Me ter the diem for wish they are reemsed.d. Whw I hear p..pe am- ple* el Imo banker rkee stip tremble I always my : 'wby dont ye. take Dodd'. Keep Pill?' I wish . my this MGM EMMA a et.dy unsolicited and only 'toed will M teen' Idaaos me to allow my name . be esblIshad is M. 000mett.a" Whop interviewed Mr. Elliott fully mad sap-alMYy_ ies.hie 4111 trti.j. me FOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERL. t artk.lere M w newts 10.9499 . be Bete at ...1rea1. The that 1)s..ten Ohr.tLas &doomor Om,..Msa will be held * Meerre•l, basin - Ming Thersd.7 means, Oot 6110, end don Mg Monday might, Oweber the 9th, 1899. The meat. will be held a the elms* aed o•mw•dens N. James Methodist obeas8, et Catherine sees•. •i•dtfalr,YtlretAowl.RYa loo9i esmentble . m 10114 peat pr.peratiose ter tae .vent G ad looking fee • Imes number of delegates from all parts of 1b. Ue.l.fen�mp.eWly Ontario, Qeebee and tits Maritime Prev- iews. The see elery of Moawel '99 sem. ahem le Nay Tombs, owe of O. T. R , Beard of Trade B.adieg, of whom enquiry .bead 8 male fee my. etorm•Maot Woad i. the 8eg1/ nMs sew fare tor the resod trip, hum all Miaow * ('•sad*.. the raw embed 10 dames by all tha railway, uunp..w ler farther p•rWsen Irl. to Cr J. Atkinson, eaer9tary Castilian mu- te el 0. B., 26 Lumley ave., Terse.. Au ssamedeMun & the hese .t enfants et is Mardian arum.•, dee*9 the mama - Ma, me b mated et the Mani rake et illy epng ems per ate ter lodging ,ad twa- t. lye mete .eek fee .me., by eptly*/ M ,.tor s. lM /haters of the Hebei o. II - tam, J. H. aybdt96781. lar. Sr., Meat. real. Hoed ,ouum.od•Men may be had by these who prefer It, * Send, respeetebie pee., M tram 41.60 . $3.50 per day. The peegrey wale ..nudged by the athdbe meth ed (antese t.dasvGr, is very Waft amid premier te be MI .f la. term end swat be all w M ,tied ee.r • 'Ty .laed -helpful t. U. IL worker*. se tep4r,eder heads ded (Nimes eillemeadp, minima. bible Maly, limier week, .M , 9411 be dammed. Speakers are 11,11ted hoes s•el. prep*es and at base tem from the 1Td.d Matas, Kew. J. W U - oar Magma, D. D., of New Toth ally, and J. Witte Baer, e.es9tvy the the United Mm.isy of Ultimate Eode•.., d Mates. Beth W Moe 4uaMmaea are dl. :*ga9.d leader. M the 0. s. 1eym.ea4, able and drgaat, sad very mate beloved by ledeavorers. TM terser will .,.deet . " quiet Ler'• .t dm .peatn9 .1114•. es Thursday. Friday end Saturday. Moab pwmeew-will be given 10 leaser Ciristw Seda.or. Oa 8•t relay More will be • jester workers' breakfast lads geed feeler raily ; at 48. latter en.ot4R there Will M • display et you.' Canadian patriotism M e.eometiom with the obildres's exercises *bleb are Miura prepared. Tbe Qeheo and Galeria pwgma1l Mimee will meal, osa•r•10a S•M,'-y foresee., for the traseaoha .4 ibmbt unseal ►mise.•. W. G T. Y. OOLUM2L ,ser TallanIAWSIIIIA From Th. iteral Templar *ilea. W b. is not .sok of .new DeIitlr ? Oar C..ad& saag8t»1 pbW virtue fee revises. Ballet 8.g temperate* le the sige of ala. mhos we *mat. TM *ismer of the Queues prise, tar mot Iwpeetml sweat at 0.1ey.. • .lobar. We are perms le t8. lige Page, tie .loaf partes, for we draw mare than ►df the ureaes. We ,heed Macaw our pope to Now se party. The would amble them to me 18Hr sea j9d5eat. How . It %bat se ew.8' . dad name moth meek pp Math peeler is Gear lased workbag AU bleary Mhos le Aha/ oedema .e. lad M wised delay. N. *sties ten over .aped s8e warm d de. It a w 7emea fee Ismer ilea Never pray M 0.4 M Moss sed taster that ems ter *ash he meths ae bathe t TMs b me ear 41r the Man d the e re when peeve os► ewe 4.em party sed other Mut bed vete meet** Tbe ame t i- Tbe mama the sew ales bard. home the devil Mob It W the lore. lie knew. OM W hs. 11-111011ktill beth... atilt to md. The *elan of 441 naive theaspds that Nie ridded by .Med d Mee, of t Meas e agetree hew /Ne Meese of liqeel! sed seteallitlints= *Sim trathas ere ram haway sea! . terms he res dreple. y Rum y"• air > wool t rgw.wr dsem -fide w DM yea M bet N the w.Mbs, beteg w b1 er *9..id.Mgdmk Moshe'• Lite the law aggikel to lateens, the ar- meet web la fiber e1 "1M Ln4M me oybw V11A way the puled, b pa. Tweey•dyi yew age wWe'y, le ren, y111! �gle!. et me ether 1Mvee.t wan the Set tea t4ewa.1 N • ebe Hoer w Mals teas* s • eastm a needy fee ethryllibes.Atter ell the ol,nlehrlabraort mod Weir Ibe b wire well* Y N 9 "•9w =Mew w eased rezgeogG9w. v.0. tan ate halt Mg a etimtre iway Om et the get &Meer. M JWr Urwraq, e" im fjeslmg manse M Omadm, him wall • Mae Orr areas &Mk met • W y 8. yy. a I stet emiohs9s I t Mise. le it I rsere. Ire wee gree• Nee 1a w pastas . 4kr he seep • mea lei mew Thus aelWey show. Re was w e1 the Mann M be peoteml prtf, aced wham am rIM we 'Meed be wee bawd by M the Deselmisn d meds. Hie gererias e Ho lemee dar.et bin ; M tweeted lewil with the wise sup; .w he I. sver shoA.1 at $1 26 • d•y. W erklrlp at the same job . • ae.leek44 �aa� lake, she 1s sadly a .1 Mae' •e • My 1•keeer. He refswd to tell W 0941 er 41•el... N. Idatily. A semis d woks ago he ,.94,.d • l$1mr h.m lrgamd, the saveloys d rats was deows8/ with • seat of orato sal the GM •fen IDmllsb erg That MIN the 7,a.e fellow d.•ppenr'ed• Lase Toomey • aaek firm DmnN4 drove delete elm the list of ratlw•y .85.91... •ed • di.wan*W9d eokkes .w eagerly looked ute tLe f•w of every .e•& After `oils do.. the U. And mokM9 seta s toe his Imo boythe old t9Y seellea.•s leeks dem wieder the wds4l s( W sera. •.d deem bask . the atty. The Ave mem that broa4ht Jobs awey dews be *Nei- f.g dirt was We dewat911 of the yang Segiumm . m cool, ' ' A911.9. '4th sato D. R..,h tolls the f llemisg story : • I had 1. my perish, 1. Ind., • meas who amid 18.. • Week ; 5th/ et the 8s seed . give h1e wife ores .Yips.m for heasekeepl.g, sad seed the rest 1. desk. I mei . ►in and said : • hew, .appose w9 theme 1e elder far ea meter r • win yea It 1 de Y was the reG&w d. • Yea' I said. .1 *11th ' ' R 8mid 8e, • 4eee beer, Me and midis r • Yes.' ' Aad how shall I knew ye have kept year lee • Why, yea k w Meth iolW 11111 ask years.' iee t was weed. sad ..w he le • happy and prosperous .ss. d beeleme M at Pebershare. W I am Dan d Cheese - 1w. * As Ie.srwass most. A quiet but insereseng waddler Ink pew en the 24th .f Ae4mmt se the rrdds.-s of Jobe 810w.*, W7 Malay stoma owe.. when MAG Mise 0. Joys*, Lae taehar fa the Normal tweet, and Jame Seobos1s- Deep, L1e of the tirill.4 sexy, were risky Rev. Juba Wood. parttse primly*, tet e.etd are wed •ad favorably kaolin' is Ottawa bub elided, w by r.aeeo el their religiose vein their aisle adbien . that mall bat de- voted F.dy et (lest•., k.ow. e " W Breton.." 4 bit of ..eery. eseeeiL4 with dab la- letimesthaveatop.atith lord Cecil, lett their ,.,seat 1. W Brills. army sena tinny yuan age te devote their Mr sed eesrgies te the saw d 'alma. They travelled ad pnlsehe1 is .s p..ee- slap for teem yew Mil the eafsetmee doth by drowmfav's Weaelli tjtrtmd• ler Lard Osetl. The awn friend ed el.pas- en of the made d lord wee�sM�yaA by the sad 111, d M. dews seined, loss did mot amiss treat oeM.e&, M the sestet he had marked eel ler hamar Hs .sued Its?AbMtslsa..etheefeK tercet ler. te sae stmall it-.mmitien d kin- dred sprit. Moor welsh be removed s • reset, beetle .f the Omed1-- Northwest, where he es*9.4 & 10Msithery work . Me present days wend sbtly .standee . ..it the femme seems of his abet as p• wrte.uy .seemed. Veleta, (Nam ably be has beta taking a imam tart le the quiet w1etMp el the Hembree. sal 4d. endsr.md that b wee es this masa the" the ,94th sees made le jets Mode 9.d burns with • well -keens f11nw fd*w•w.mblpp.r-••• el eoyenil thought 9.d Mina 9.d ane l every way, her Meds Waive. veil .d -plod M asb14 the etteg9Uat M W Inhere of aye sopa the red men d she prsM Northwest .7.w. Perm Bess, •.mpee.t d Haifa:, N.B., war W beim M °Mderith l manse - Wm wile the Able eforemos at the Tam mesas Hall, e es imamate mews with ap.lm Duras% sed wee aro . with lord aeU, brother et the Margais ef larger. ama Dealt" sem 9. .sneer a ear Royal Ennlse.re (BaiMth Army). The ale Lord Gell ma. Ds remembered 87 • peed 109.7 o: our r.. ion is .th.e0M*n wnk tie soft- ener .4 Brethren M the drill abed here years age. Tum 81wmAL to January lot, 1900, far 26 elate. JIM* beers the ase• emmws•Mems and daring Mm rah d properables • rand •841.91 ta9Ner reolhd %he feibwln. mote .4 ami- ties from the ..zea met herd one el M papal : • Der Mss, please do nee path Jamey .o wash lora mush et W Mats . Mullet* that les waster s be Odd Mak • rued deo er be wet sem leloses* g.t1ss1� and I do mo" 494 s. , aBe page hdi 1e& se as 10 keep Ms Miele.4. frees NOW{ big- ger than hs beady mad refer eej him ter EverWse KMOWS THE VAUJIE Or NEW GOODS_ are arriving daily, and ae we always buy them at the right prices they are always sold at the right prime AT PEDDER'S. Quality the best at the lowest possible price every day in the week and every day in the month. '-We find this policy a trade -winner and intend b) stick to A few purchases will convince you that you have made • mistake in not buying all your Dry Goods and Clothing from J. H. PEDDER, Qolborn•'e Old Stand,Goderioh. Hardware Specials SCOTCH, FIRE alum PORTLAND CELIEKtt _ HAMILTON 1IVDRAULIC CEMENT ASBESTiC WALL PLASTER ASBESTINE WEATHERPROOF and FIREPROOF PAINT . PAINTS A AND A FULLRLINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES IN STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. �. W.M°KENZIE Ii4MT um SQUARE, The Place to Buy AH Hardware Cheap. NEW COOK STOVE 10 Galeria by Jaa Mess. Alt Tse OMIT OF N/B&TT. .1a II %WM 59wtt. NUM MIA Nit Alf MIM MUM AN mown voce mom At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a Rood reliable Oook Stove in the kitchen. It is with coot stove, like every thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ILMARDEBIT StovesandRanges .A.T O.BITTLE BROS. F1I UR,Stealittenaid' itti Rat We of Sumer,, Dort Sturdy Bra. Ter lee M Omdeee4 by Alta wawa. A creat Snap peal. d wbiski:etre NT1i a .emirs. le ear The e.'e ser s1* time. ss wharf f e7ery18199 that ma he Mlallbga tip fle-debe mem i. are Th. teems New that they ma amigo or yea r a rasp fist their Wit Glt.1*975bade - dew theley Mardng g w 0theisse• ablethea �'ma s imtl1M 9p T. 0. TIPLINO I:wad Iwo, UM" TEtlin Putilowattieciii i ars fs Brat J. BROPIIEY & SON - 799 Lm4D11ta - g88»tV&4 XV•VMAW( e ane. T.mba\mer 8. Orders e.mW'sely •Mended 10 at .11 Mae.. mgat er day. Mem slew Strew, 110M5 . gem- las S 7010 SIIITS ai ff ERCOATS REA01-i IOE CLOTHING CIEAP Mr ewe make Oen wills. lama _9}16s soM by yard or Me ay & the Leath Tximilila O.&40 as good a the bawl main t. Any arty to Coned*. °grbfon lads the trade in - WEDDING CAKE H. DUNLOP, Xe beak at beatrs•1 aMere8. COAL (WOOD CH AL and KINDLING. Weise eon N the wag Nahum SLrw14, whore we berm hum isovt tint os, umte.rty for aR• of ythre. We know the f94 e1d orsaaa tag Awed mm. Alva 8110 m o.d•t aatrveme 451. bowmen win b. meemml D..OANTELON. . t..I'. vary riga or at Amp an an M our Mahe, antes" ANNAN We tva"fi.eni brag in oennleYen. ORME i FUEL Cil►. JOHN Sr PLL1T, i*swe JOHN Rem Nf, - ,301114r EPPS'S COCOA GRATML Distinguished everywhere forof Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Speoially grate- ful and oomfbrtfng to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only� _in 1-4 Ib. tins labe lled- J'A3U7 s EPPS & d0., Ltd., Homceopathio Chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST RIFF= EPPS'S COCOA } NOTICE TO FLOURS AID APPLE DEALERS+ I water ready te take all (t•14 or wigs fail Apple" shy yea may have 51 my Brag - mbar, Ood4,kk, em MONDAY' NEXT, AU0. 9Brs. Miami prise old sed emit for every teed or bar that yes oma brims, se this'll mil Me - where before seep .G or my •gest. D. F. HAMLiNK. 40 34 PLANING ZILL. UTAQI4f* tali. Buchallaiii & Rliyllas BASH. DOOR and BLIND Melee led Weds act LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES AM bulldog's material et every dsmd7•se School Furniture n SDeoialtT, AVE HAVE FOR- - SALE CHEAP ia, i 6 MN rows TiMM BIM ter sdee .91i. I NlgB rlAeb GAN. Atte sap Tim. Taer this Ramemee. 41e -N1 Tie Hefei Riallmi►. a