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The Signal, 1899-9-7, Page 4
• • 4 TavasDAT, Sept. t, 1 . B. B. A M. H. DON'T WAIT till next AMOCO* to purchase • Wheal. Two rood swathe of Wheeling yet, 11104 you can lay wuub cheaper now. Wes £&U MILLING MUMMA new • at Mase than dealers maid boy them for early u, the FOR $1O cobex buy a gond, wbetaptiai ood-head Wheel. A little bet- ter Cleveland. for NEW a.d our 's Beat New Wbe. S fur M. 96 Wkeele to choose from. We laveadded sew Wheels t aUv y sod rest oe the b weak or masa at reasonable EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music douse Ain I�lll i hyde Livery, West Best - Goderiek, ight ignaI, roD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING air a. Mt iailAhilhi .. y e00•1111r91. TRUSaDA1, RAPT. 1, e4a THE SENATE. TKnamber of deaths that baye labia - in the *nate witbia the piti#w' mentis bee get If/ail�ai TiMpIne thinning that if "the oidia Dry coarse of appointment be pur- sued tet body will noon be a body of pietism,. tis•m,. In 1496, when the Lib- erals came to power, there were not more than a baker.* dozen of Senators in Canada of Reform predilections &hoe that time -emend • ?lave- heirs called sway, and of late the mortality hal been particularly great. As a m- oult the political complexion of that august body when the existing vacan- cies are filled will stand fiftyooe Con- servatives to thirty Liberals, in a house of eighbyone members. When Sir RIOIARD CARTwRJaHT, in answer to a query about the Senate acid, "We can leave the Senate in the hands of Providence," he set The ?dad and Eni- pire .thinking, and the remit of its thought is en article in which a plea is advanced in favor of appointing non-partiains to the Senate in the future. The article in full is as fol- lows : "Since the opening of the present Par. hb.ernt death hem been busy in both Hews. In the Senate its work has been e*etally rapid. Within the present yew. almost within the present mummer, ween members of that body have been oisd away. On Thursday, at Quebec, Senator Price breathed his iast. A few days before, Senator Temple had passed away in Fredericton, N. B. Going back over the newspaper Bleu • fortnight farther, we meet the death notice of Sena- tor Belsrose. Leos than • month earlier Senator Sanford had lost hie life in a Muskoka lake. Before him had gine in rapid.aoes.eion Senator Adsme, Senator 8athelaad and Senator Boulton. If the $.osa of all these men be filled by our - omen of equal moderation, of equal ns - timid spirit, and of equal 000aoientiocs- nam. there will be no resale to find fault with the appointments. But in choosing ween to an the vacancies the Government can hardly do it. duty by the oobstry if it adheres to the notion that the Sonat matt be • chamber of violent partisans IaIsenosd by that notion, it would be in- clined to select men of the violan party typo. To replant the deceased members by politicians of that stamp would be the very opporite of Senate reform. The Senators whose hats are now vacant were .11 too patriotic, and, as • rad. too Judie al -minded to be bigoted partisans. and we believe the rime remark can be trolly wade &boat the majority of the colleagues they leave behind them. When the work al name latter is done, .ad when %Pair obituary mottoes cone to he written by Weir newspaper opponent., we believe that them opponent. will not do the Sen- ators the injustice of saying they were ono -sided patty men. On the contrary, it will be due to them to say that they soneslted the inteesa of their country astir than o1 their partyy. So much can be fairly said of the Senators whose names ars to be found In this year's desalt ren.' ` Of eoante, no one desires to say any- thing derogatory of the dead, but the nineepaper that would dare to say that any of the deceased Senators, save Senator ROMPS, had ever given • nos-paethan vote on a question where parMsan hip wap an lame would be lying and deliberately iying. The Mall and Empire knows, and every- body knows that party lines are as strictly drawn in the Senate as in any conclave 1s. Canada. When the Liber- als get • majority, as get a majority they will, the party lines will not be eliminated. but will oontinue, with Mee weight of the log on the other side Of the Hoare. Whether that will im prove 4be conditions we are not going to argue. Our own opinion, publicly expressed, is that the beet way to im- prove the Senate is to improve It out of existence. It was al- ways an absolutely isulsg. Med pod- oslsrly expensive tarlltaYftar and es 111 was in the beghaldilliliVitiw and ever .ball he. Ottawa hes e Degesimmet et w Defame sad awerben .f N: ws R•�pllEeRn.meagelsWeerm...p.se6 1. weer thaw with their sellas. a tib bOM. poem fro d15atawel g .ea.r... M Ohm Memo railway property aN 115 Sakf w der tee w beet II as godS e dr perms* we - SNAP MOM -Oar sh.rldag oonlempw'.nes have te+leuu Le "Make.. -What has became of the alleged ..troy ul the ballot 1 -A bot time in Canada is nothing to • Damian in Fis oe. -This is no time fur Canada to adopt • starvation policy. -It you want to be believed nowa- days don't say, " 1 declaim." -How the people of Toronto did take to Ceueral HurroNb jingo talk. -The declaration -mongers find fault with the men who make declarations, -This is the sixty million time, and Caueztouts are booed to be the sixty-willioa- ere. -The Starvationists are in full cry against proper increase in the public .x• penditure. -The latest is a story that a tramp has been arrested for stealing soap. 1t wun't wash. -Take • Tory's snout from .,the poke. trough and he immediately begin to squeal for retrenchment. -The Ottawa Citizen enunciates • truism when it gayer " We are s silent people." We r.,'so we are. - Those alleged political irregulari- ties IR Wit bio aro enough to cause Amp r Itea.a to wear crape ou his lace. -Where ware the Conservative newspapers with their denunciation a of bal- lot -stuffing whenCiutseswlruN urs king1 - Major Baca in Wert Hares, like Omen! Misuse w the Da.zrtn o •p Dhen-�R Lttvv bid=stff mode i111i�tsvalt chow. • ' . • . -Th. West Enron Wets with the blue sod white dace are new far dors w arm theathiP.7t. O.'k i- ham pease stamps. - t -Old •' Uncle Cn s aux " TOMB is in Europe, bat where on earth is CHARLIE! Mireopi: !'`iii"iiiattilr;e"hti• "TeUdikifor Amami. -. • -I4 appear that the Baoa.dlm• mortal fund did not realise $20 dol ars. -Put the Late Arius& WARD used tosay, "That is 2 mutch." - Even The Toronto News her Is solei ashamed of the way in which it tried to jug -handle the evident, to the West Harm case. .Tedburgh jmgace " was to hang a "a man first and try him afterwards That's what the gooey press would like to do u . th JANE/ FAsa. -Since Hon. WALTER HUMPHRIlta MosTAeu■ quit travelling in special cars at the country's expense, he cannot see any signs of the pewittg tame. -The Hon. CLAREE WALLAc F.. a preeeeutly billed to give • " eume all -ye " speech in reply to the recent address on the growing time by Sir RICHARD CARTw.roeT. -Our esteemed Tory oontempr•ries don't know whether to throw their energies into able srUshs ea the war cloud is the Transvaal or the probabilities et am seely general eleotos. -r-- _ - --TAM= teal continues to perturb Me inner oonosi Mts-'ef a number of our e steemed aoet.wepaties. Alt :r he lands a number of Meat WOW jail bars for Criminal libel they win be more perturbed. -Toronto was threatened with a milk famine on mem:rotd the droeth, but the heavy rain last Thursday night brought relief. and the milk -dealers can get plenty of water now to oke out the oow-bosiee' eappby. --The young man who idea. him - @ elf " Looker-on," in Ottawa Events is the only uew.p.per writer who now amicus_ takes stock in the West Harm •as*II.Ra, Somebody has evidently dipped .omlothhig into the young chap's coffee. -Col. DoKVILLR, of the gallant huzzars, is camping on the trail of the Hon. (:some Form with a double edged enick- erasee, and the erstwhile temperance pro- fessor in beginning to realize that the lot of • harried politician a not • happy one. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. THAM ArrLU* To rAJ' Zxr*.114, TOO. H..Utea Tints :-Tho e.thr peeskiaal ..d grapbolegien win yes et the Ihmyfus tris prove .gain that expert" touMm..y is s esmprobeeefve that it anally covers beth sides of 1 saes. * • e THRs. D.MR.IS OT LAA.•. Hamilton Herald : The teetmoay al those ha.dwrid.g impute at the Dreyfus trial remind. owe e1 the tapas of lord Hawkins, We flew R.gllth judge: "there we throe degrees .f Ser--wdM•ry Ilan, d- d ban rad exp.rte.' • •_ * HOPI TOR THS etx. Venerator Preview: A lady is 1•kieg part te the Ontario rids mashes es • row. oillendee. Thera is ems hops th▪ at n urs to some sows ?ember or Ike sex wit Moak throw & w 10.ditdea that 11 seas* threw a stere mitt -•stl lne.e ebt. tepee o1 eenerasy. • . •, R's Jun Tee WAT TOO HOLD Tons norm. The Te,ease Alan : How M yea pre. ammo •• U 815.4111 r • Weeders paper ..k.. Mt. ewe' QWs.dera" ek 114 w•• tltat blase alr "Ihrlmn gt~.l It le ..W them She Been say •• As15dtlma' Kruger e eadr.ad to pr..mehes then an emeriti. aided *•renes.; • • A HAN'S A MAC M. •' MAR Leiden Advertiser : A a•nsrel wended was dowse d.v5epd be 80.d•d the other day. The •.tend► fes e.Mtetaa es writ - Ms to by • seavla that lin pwdireat the Peterhead peahaat ry was 4halee man hewag, b-. amass all w beaks le w .f that peed metebUr. meet there was est ea et the warble of Ns ped ROMP. levet l.Ifwr, orf num se sew* Is. iymed .Nen THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH$ONTARIO tee ablatd wad pakleeem at the wilet wimp wade the uw elaz.b that he •t gees had It rw•edled. Talk Waal the popularity of WW1e� bard bolas is the ware star • • • $MUT oma Vr. Bolds Abscise : bag hid her r.Ul.g at gam mad honing why when should have th..oasge.eas s1 of fibre, whoa the Ueda weenies in W miner sweets sansally • Yea o.swlwys i ll wW 1dM of • hes head • woman w by the .p4M..he ex. proem of was a rusor.l, w't yes r Aad the ea. who had h..s dein e the talk - before was s and Nat she spluttered win she tried to .peak. AOT JLWI, BUT THAT'D LUIS HANNA. Chimp Tlhh-Hsrmkl : 11 raised 1. Park Wdnsaday sad M. t: wept •.d hk 1.Wwer., by Wtdl.g desk dishpans and w.sbbeelne oat of the wl smwe, esaee.ted la .atoll.( eae..b water te tido these over for .modem weak se two Now U Net said bags • shower sf rrew 1mp is Pari. the sett -Jude" m tin tined Ooddeat /night asap their Gagers st ten• gsversaeat and 1** the digs go ea tadsdnttsly. 151 rLOt'O&A*1 Aaa BUST. O*.•dien Hardware and Motel Jeas.•1 • -le b .o esagrsr**1.g to say time Devoe ta the listoory of the Do.nlea were the ?kale seediness s good or she .wanes ter the Ware .s prshlig. The /nandaaaetag Indsstrhs have ssrtainly tame beide reached each • 4144 Maio of devalop/nea1, and they Imo oraasora ly . s have. The dImoodty with them sow le art the rooming of orders. bed the tilling el Ihsss. Ther b taw of every Wawa s.1 rens mO..- heotort•e trades. The earioniMnl We - bey, whit* is after all the ahs! Weary in Me mushy, Is in a being sandleiaa else tar *.any yaa5. e • • Tate VARMnee'OROWIeu AMC Cassino O••K1, !.end... Bag.) "The fanner who *wooers hundred awes EA load. .leer at debt .•d well .tooted, r the meet adspedert .an la (heeds today' Saab I/se w opaias expressed the other day tea Teresa* jssrp.list by atm ss.r.ger el • ergs Western Osten* lea. oosepmy. Ie dsaribes pliably •sanel the vast over tee vtks batter wild kw coma ever Ms Chis - adios farming oo.ms.ity darhg the pees tea er three years. 'Bumper" crew, sans - Canary pricer, and good times 'amorally have oomlda.d to pias the .ariosltanli.t both in the Old Canada and the Nsw, on a beton Wake/ thea he has Net knows be fere. Hs has dame sots than wipe .f any leeway which 4.a years may have Isis to thsk Wal.. Re his bogs able, if shrewd and saterprtd.e, ee.rid.rebte n sirserthes hen position to the future r ORA/1.lT THS OLD.! WOMAN IN Call ADA. Montreal What : There is .t present le Montreal an old lady who probably cask' not find another parson of her age In tena whole province. Her same a Mia. Gall. pan, and she is 106 years old. Altheagh 'somewhat deaf, Mrs. G.lip..e has preserved all her other phy.lsal sed masted faculties, sad to bear her talk el Wag. of • amatory leo b • great delight to theme who approace her. flim w.n born n Selpioe, n J scary, 1792S, Wm same year and mean that Laub XVI. fell • Tion. to the :int Preach revolution. She married fee tie fires time is 11116, hat is the Bolen.e of years 'arrived the and three other bas. bards. Ste had hoariest chair.., Isar .f when, ars still thine. For the last tea yeses lira. G.Upes. has twee Solna with are el dor daughters at Nsethi.p.ea,Ma.a , bat mem two weeks age she resolved to . s.. sad sad her vele a Osesds. with m- ediae 4.abtor. Ms. Pesmilk # Tom old, at whew madame. 140 Sit Charles ner- r 11.ee etre**, she is new Rathg. * TH1 TOR[& ARE TO ■LAM& 8storth Expositor: The Ocnscrysdv. ewer and Co.een&tive mean Itatenlb prolege to be greatly disppnntd and ha e.tr4ed b.esw the N est Heron atomise was bad to be pestered as sosaet N the siesta. of the seism. For the delay they Mame the Lanni, , •.d attompt to make party capital oat of it, while the fault is really their own, and It would seem that their ohjeot was set to have loathes dose or • wrong righted, hut rather to get • Madame of • foundation, through • partial investi- gation, on whish they might, with • show. Me of truth, make obargee of ower. and • Posit b.i.g whist the Liberals. a«Meted to t.k• advantage of the nestle* warts, the usual proo.edlat, and it was set eatil, praotioslly, the oldster hears of the sego e. that they .eked for • parliamentary sots.ittee t0 ave ?sate the natter, whom Shay asrtainly had gsfRoigst eritie rA mesh earlier tb the swloc, os whish to tee tevwtyeano.. 1a w aaette el Ma committee they ease! ��;�� on tin WY given them atmem mty ea Male asking for it, and every fasidty was offered by ten. (1 meat to =a We ?nem 10 pro- ceed &. speedily as possible with use ayes. tination. WHAT YO' f3WINE 10 SAY? When de trumpet am a beth' an' de etas cloy am • shoran' an' d• owls dey am • bootie' In de trees, Whoa de serf It •w • guskin' an' de dead eey am a walla' and de people am . sheltie' In de knees. When ye' hs' de rollln' thundeb an' de - rook. am real saadab an' de bole am I. defy wondeb stand's' awed, A. yo' fie' yo'.tf a tremblia' while de nations am asesleblin', 0 sim..h, whet ye' ,wine to t.0 de Iswd Whoa d. plasm Mt • kaeokn' at each odder an' • rookie' an' de tempests Nein a hsoka' ea ye' wee. Win d dieters' •m • faille' an' de bet Meds am • erta*111.' an' de &Bigot am • raphe ye' to fro, ` Whoa de sea bah quit Ie Nn1.' an' de bract wolves ant • *Wain' .e de mann. two ley replete' on the and, An' yo' asked to tell de story what ye' do- te' .p in glory, 0 sia.ah, what ye swim to toll de Lewd 1 Wheat yo' ..o de *Ahem melees' tap de red an' all s stage Well de mall be • rhea' s54 Whoa doy tel' ddr ??rises a.' re. Ata do golden stoat oiaigu l.g15h ' •Il.laj•h• batty to de lam'. Whale de hills dey am • manila' an' de ml. pber fib'. • flasher ea' yo' feel de matte' While eh de Whet de sheep .letook' oheses hew de treat., whet yin eappeol.', *dead si.. 514, Toa's • Roles to tail de Lewd ! Oh, bete de vial's brokers ea' M wrmthfsl eery ,shat with las awful Santee is *hoo- fs' up d. sky. '1 d d. drape* .1t . births' an' de earl be. etas es dsrhea, ask de Masten fe' to h. lea to ye' cry, Sap l ..lets' a.' rsm..roMu', Abhors M the ween' iww,gte ye' wt.kd knee to paha' ea is tied e Whoayea's* at de We aa' Sera &. a aria' yo _ ssllls't uamM/n' leash. wine For Best ».sella M it la "'Ae eigrL" Rya ► : Weed has hese reamed heel Ne Oswego Gmatemeat that Me Blyth pestle Ulrry win be fstlme.lps 15 • for days. TheeN Iligth Y sss.Rr iMoaerie ....ead 4pe,mle etek la the twooraima kkattee Wei se het wok. TM Mwr Me m ..d w tsetse to h.a,.g. MegNe, have • phamat bails, mew THE CRASS FACTORY CARL. 1 u the settee M Rea bleat. The rassiage t of Dadra* were mew soled eo fir tNer any proposal herb import- ant Nan w gram homy proedtaa aew beton Nen. r Rawlmen Mil te shaterroalh• orN� .la willdhMbW waally alms 11100,000 la the tows..sd te five yeses We number will lm all be her.sed tea Reid. 'rib rase&, and wirelike. ma ad- will N et lees/ ,000 M our popal.Mvs, bee da•ge selhly to *ditties, is imr.n. in Ne .alas of mal .etas, ?refits m our husis __ mea, W • 10... r&te el is hem.. the O. 1'. R. and the *le bows tab •.ity, The se.sslthe •ppbl.eat be enemies W fir p.W have end. • hest satbt.t1sry no- w " hot the prepeeineo is t n o. e/dmg Mehl) las prem. lbs ever be reegstod to me M Wore. It Mai veremay sd.* study b he ander- obey steed eN M lima I. 5. maare ke op Rids mines wham, the rid le too greak eh • wad gige a delmlto &sewer very B oob, and It may he • help to ohs wN have not yet 111v.. We weakest risme soma. cos, it we knell sa•1. Me arguments whish Immo beam rained by me Njoosers, ..d me ameere whisk have been made. The fib. holism are : Ftree-share h a risk et the wsrkwema not .,setae M G.duri.h after the finesry ham bees boil*. L .newer to this we w re. tarred to the pea ..4 .berme.t whisk has bean Nblimbd fi tie papers. Seism lee tows pate eat mese wt iM w are beard N ader a mashy 10 oleo here. lam we&m e••te p.usibly have any motive a elgdag lhi ytsewewt if he did am behag to ohm.. Besides. boss the mho pons a view the 000pw e le • .am .ad Mere as 96, .. 000 Werk sea y m sheers 1r... he mere Lith b hose the mora lima la bens marded by every mmn a briar every dal deem.417 Thi town le taliag all lig risk. To NL itis •meveered URA the he. glva q empioywt..s hew. .tad pay their jimmy ho. Belgians to Osuerieb ter haat lees woes, than they would receive M home. The dollen they risk n tats way are jam se god to Nem ea the dollars we invest a the misers are se us.. TM report of the eons - dines show that ea..tenth of the ..?hal- ed sara& resolved wt of the wagon ea alas swaths grill mere Man inset the ..&sal permute to be meas by ten. tows. Thi .4.k of failure waald ave to be vary ahslL T6. Wei b aN kilo p. s1 .l the rredte bet let .1 ►b_#M`-The .s. -rex .S Ms risk ef tiere tibiae profits ever the wages parable to thea Thirdly -The awn will ass Who Side families with Nem at the .art. lot some** now the taw. les .merit 100 meed homes belie to pat Nem n. Fourthly -the mea are pastes op re mak. Te this t• M answered, are we math - fled they wall oohs 1 If as, it matron little f{too..ue:4amIs.ateitaf.fim4enm.. Tht.abfer• `lm look. yr rm.s..•bis, but a little Mangles will show that it is only ...elhset- al. The r.a..me for this were tally ex - 15.. d .a the p4. j we.Nng. The .01 R lay. nven.Nd a jowl steak shpmfee a the States red harm bee..wbdhd by the promoters; they eke assesgseaty The workless Nosed as they make end hive Rah pet .dee bq..d their Masao The .eaten will ems sash mai several h.drsd dollars wit►etl ail up sIe must be lease n that le addition Ise Ward - Sas expense a amrids of wash, they have to ninont15 their hock,. Lily -We ass erge aped the am...il be Msbrelt w bylaw withes debar to the Mr. Lamy hog b... barb six ready n hiy• iaf.r..Mea to those who weal is. Ie k IMA talr to keep him any Mager and M dem tors rake' favorite!, as our 1•teflyenom r bushels rapacity that we theuld .N he able to say yes or .o New, we de met wish he Wi.eag any par. Is the baby too thin? Does he increase too slow. ly in weight? Are you la constant fear he will be 111? Then give him more flesh. Give him more power to resist disease. He certainly needs a fat -forming food. Soott's Emulsion is just that food. It will make the baby plump; increase the weight; bring color to the cheeks, and prosperity to the whole body. Thin children take to It as naturally u they do to their milk. aog'rT • fa�lr� mlrl ad► mat arm way sr ..ether, het 1a e* own 4W,..10 nub de •.k every romper* he take the Mable, wheelie defy, .snubby le prays the report el the semmiw aid Me prspeeed sarcoma belt. he .lakes y Ws w ed how he will yea. tai Tlzaes' Ooalrrrra.. TALL FARMM. Guar No.Eswsoral, t:i.denek. Taesi , Wednesday and Thunder, t3.ph se, 93. 913. I.ieerrlal, Tanen, Aug. se to Sol* 9. W..eers. Lomita, Sept. 7 le 16 Beath Hmr.., Ewer, Snob 18. 19. How Csmtssl, Mame. bap• 19, 90. Wire/ham. 19, 90. Norther., Wmlkoreom, Sept 19, 90. Hay, Zerioh, dept 90, 91. Harm Township, Ripley, dept 96, 27. St.atoed, Om. 3, 4. Imelasw, omen a, 4 Rags Hans, Brumalo, OA 6, 6. Hewlok, Gerrie, O.A. 7. Morris Breath, Myth. 006. 9, HI Ynardlet' ON: 10, 1t Ifeet W ._'seen, 15Eyeres riga hi. 99. &ashy. Hassid. Ort 3, 4. Anhesld�.awl W aw.neeh. D.ypmem-,11. Oet cOliiiT11 ct1RRENCY. W154...: The Taw says : Mame. Ore,, Yams 1 lgreag, salt msinewamr. sea, ham a megiflsss s4, weekwith �• boa• hirers be eiitRl Yf i 'fmk�Ys t leo down141000 feet if mmMsmmty M sinks salt. and the dr.0 msa .s...omil the =- parse et mamba the brims from the well mew used, two =Use away, will be .at.rta!- ly rmdum.d. It w01 take .erly rex weeks to esepMn the work, mrd we hep. to .s Ile firm's eaterprise awarded by s rlkaa a g ood one et Mme. Blyth : R.T. Father McK.a, who ham bees a manse of the Rosa. (Lt1.as e4urshee all Myth, Wertheim aid St Ayes• the hr the pa** tea Tears. Wt ow Then - day for Leedom, whets be w111 he Medias te the rooter of 8►. Poser's O•eksds.l. Father MoKooa's postorasen the parent was • miry soomesfel ea.. Puns he dams hero Blyta .ad WI/apes .?rets have hoew overhauled and rodoosr.Nd, es Nos they ase samara the srsttie.e ohirohes a Minn s.e.ty. rather MoKsea was p.palar with all elegem .ad his removal is vett wash tweeted -Birth Stoddard. We would like to draw your 1 Attention 1 to some goods you are ming every clay now. 3 and 3 Bushel Baskets, Potato Scoops, Manure Drags, Garden Rakes, Witeelbarrows, _ Lanterns.- OSMENT48-i'ort and and Thorold (fresh stock). TABLE CUTLERY -Rogers, i.X.L., Landers, -t=-___mak and all Ie.ding makes. Be sure and ark for . Cash Register Rebate Check with airy cub par chase. N. D. ROUGVIE. YC�'U Soe1 RED'S OLD 8T181 Tor NotIIillg. To everyone who purchases half a Suit of out Al Scotch Tweeds or Fine Imported Worsteds we WM give the other half for Nothing. In other words, we will sell ou't'alt our Fine Tweeds and Worsteds at JUST HALF PRICE. Fuze Imparted Tweeds, double CUTTING fold, were $1.60, for 76a $2.00Tweeds, neer $levo $2.26 Tweeds, now $1.98 Very fine Fancy Imported Wor- ded. and Sootoh T.eedr, wets tips • $1,50 $3.60 Tweeds and Worsteds for $1.76 $4.00 Tweed. and Worsteds for $2.00 And the very beet goods in the market, were $4.60 and $6.00, ter -.. _.. _. $4.26 and $2.60 Some of these are the finest goods made. All Now sad at IiALF PRIM. Tramming' at same Out PTiost. Any Bait bought at these priors we will trim and out to your measure at $2.00, $260 and $8,00. MAKING Any Sails bought at thea prices we will make and trim for $7.00, $7.60 and $8.00 s000rding to the quality of Trimming need. - We tbink you will not let this op- portunity page. Net oftem you got such a chasm fer such Bargains Of New 17p-todelts Goods. This Sale will comaeace ed Friday, Sept. 1st, .ad will be SHORT, SHARP and CLEAN. Remember, the Material for a Eirer taamt Bait ter,jett la , Paton. The Gees are New and right 17p -to - arm, ass the Pries -jest Hits. Wien w. advertise a B.a w. de Jost .g we fay. SFT+- A.- M©I,D\ E, k 8 OLD mitt Goderich Bargain Centre, NKXT BARGAIN DAYS August 31 AND September 1 ItliMIMBIR TRZ DATI$, JAMES ROBINSON. A Prominent Citizen Says: .. I hive • weak stomach whish ordinarily MOM digest foods, bat I CAN RAT AND DIGNI? lake an ooca v� .oral dose of your SASSAFRAS BLOOD AND BTOIIIACM 611TER8." A Leading Fuser of Goderich Tp. Says: " My daughter improved wonderfully on year SASSAFRAS BITTERS, I went one now for myself." • - Thuya the was they all talk. SOc. 6 for $2.50. Bedford Block, W. 0. GOQDE, Chemin?~ Year Pr_Mesipten Mtr nese rsisd. Shoe that Pleases Every Man wants Shoes that will fit his feet. These are the desirable kind. ]Ej1de for wear and for comfort. Sold to divide a good thing with appreciative people. Broad enough to insure comfort, graceful enough for style. cheap enough for economy, elegant enough to suit anybody. WM. SHARMAN, JR. aoRla a 9412 arm= un UQUA.a TIM P11a01•10•L MOM BLE, AID r)L■ G ODmBZpa_ A UR vas MO SWIM 11001.2 MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. Stook nearly complete again. New goods reesilred daily. A lot of fine Bath and arriage Sponges just /�haad. The newest and latest Perfumes! Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Oondition Powders. Rnbber Goods, Syringes, Atomisers, Rot Wass and lee Bags, lite, etc F. JORDAN, Corner 0olbome-sig and Bgttare THE -GASH CORNER GROCERY. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season During the preserving season you VW require Sugar. Call slid _see our values. The beet dollar's worth for 100 cents in town - A cam 1 stock of Groceries aid Provisions always on hand. Pro1pt% delivered. ST iJ RDs' 8z- COQ, dor. Sgnare and Montreal Street. ?elsplee i 91. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MACLEOD$S SYSTEM RENOVATOR A Won /ul Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE •9L000. KIDNEY and USER TROUBLE$. Menatuctured.E2 4. MI Melki.l►tG0, . t w 1, -Ont.