HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-31, Page 5S• (for itive Nit stere INa tLw H. :are IA E THE SIGNAL • GODERIOH ONTARIO. TRITIM 8V, Amami 31, 1899. ei W ACHESON & 36I�F � The Remainder of Summer Stock at a Tremendous Sacrifice I. the course of a see0011 a almost every department in IN jure /gsamuWes a collection of odd Iota and short lengths of II'ic important, that they be moved at unoe and without re- serve. Hence it is that this week we offer all LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, DRESS (INGHAHS, SECS- -LINK UNDERWEAR, SHORT LENGTHS Oif DRESS GOODS, SILKS, WASH GOODS, CARPKTS, ETC., ETC, eo far below their actual vaine that I CLEAN SEEP IS INEVITABLE. W. ACHESON & SON. AS WE ARE MN. A MTear' Writer's lai. Mb eaaf e orows I'h. fir obeli R000rdor pablbb.s the fel- Mice .1.100 o1 Gederb•. JO may help .. " to aro ...armlets as o' hem sen as " : A.testIy stayers was gs.R, we west lioderrcb on MltshotY. birth holiday eemtfe/I.g his are sem.eee smite, metier he rlmksheouc breathes el invitee(' hew., "ire hlkl.g ego •ed. *tapering Wen mita" This while .setts of law are pro *WSW within the M11dbg, marts of • ler more plasmas and .hall we way important satins ars bang eogyed is without. Oa the whole the mama tows with tto shady voew, Ire prowiewt rives sad lake banks, b1.k maid be comb improved by trees, lie 1fe a ear y town t • •hasty mend Iter ptcenrergue river •alley, lo.g piers sod W sees oi,ilisd. ItasMbte yd t•.ib•bls broad exgs•.. of lake, loaves • plowas et the early Ludlam tribes. Mould pongee the whir vhlo6 w• one olteo look apoa nae natures el •Mr..Mw ••d. Manage nth- ,with plena. les maim sad et.y U•do•(•b p---.. RAMBLKK. these. Who shot my 101 it is hpisMfal for eitmWte, ..aa --thug se N dem bed ists end rivet ! Upati p.rd- ed n Harbor Park,111111 1/7- o.y t 10 be irprered by t1.04411. of • few mase trey The sew •4.teor Item quite &e at. motive. and le de.Mned to de • torile base• mos It is 166 feet item tho mitre of t o heat shaft to the metre of the kMakes., .hist mikes the otldi.g 1. the .eiphber• Med of 186 feet highroad is 4•. • wp•ciy if 4.11 • Wilke bmrb.le of prat. The hide le b..y sear the s4v$ler. A dope\ .t abotirelstiv.ea bat -vf 'whiz 'kae user• pawed, bat twenty fast le repair, d to anew Sr large baste M sena the elevate,. A geed deal of trade h gram le Misr ding ma, thistly from Chimes oto are u rya• pay with the Mees'. Mare to he a geed port. It mast be rw.te.bord test web awe' ham *sly half th. sehtry to rely mos that bled Iowa posses, mad. ease. wetly, mate wet oe a0..asares sad be .4.o as bo reset by water to make ap ass drartne7. W were sorry to see he swam lasses leas mill m t4. mashy, with its maNYsst resting is shines We commTh.l it UUpss thresh we lad as sash of KO bermes rtais pa day m Se tows we Imes hemmed W1M the ise tido wens, end their New and tidy • . p*.ra•IS The moil IN se wok • alters that .leaw w as.p...Mvely wily kept op. The mi.w lbs wpm, to b• deelped for ionily aas, ler cerlaalJ a rose, his wife end a resessahle lamtly meld all walk "breast os thea. They appear to be mon posed of gravel, meed NW einekire hied sod we were Wormed Wad well W all kid. eI wattage. i'h. Gwd.rlwb tethers hove mese to was to MOU4.11. Neater, to in the omen ps.e.c.M here sad tees re bee wed leer up thee homeiste and trite //tssswwble plisse s their Malian 'h0roM tress, bei ds se Mtl.k.11 has deem Ong tbhtg 0800 herruste the visitor 1• the p.Ssl 00, .o..1 We Mees. Whether the kebab - lams see es warm prlt.Aae or set, they mom Is hove a k0.k•ris dew Oke oe Raga Their. s1N� yard ale sal he .eeesse�jo11 vasa amuk ee0.g.md wakes and sewage in Harbor Perk, mad he stile •1 who isaeme jetting here and Wiese fere • striking • tetras. M all Sewn we here sew "sea. 80oakisg el the well kept jW w e anal my t e 1My ease • lee-•bidiet people wast el as. There an •sly four is. now withis their plisse walls, sed one of Meg is an Wass proses. Their Nurehe• sn reseeteh a The Ramses U.tkda harsh, semi in 1896. Is the logon 0.d we think 14• ties* b tows. Ws have seldom seen anywhere owl fkn plet.rst as we M he nos bora TM4.'aw in the wisdom' are sroellest. Eie. Merge's aura, send is 1880, le .111r.d1y • very Woe bail/leg. We d,d sot we tee set•rlcr. Thaw are ►cow geed Methodist .harsh 1 sed • Presbyteries aloe rod, besides • 8al.aae Army berr.sks, rested in 1891. 1'0 \Igor .d..M0oa of the roan to •tteeded be a also ap-to-doth bruit idles ; bat, fib tee many .t.'Isr fa othoti .., Ia rw.•Msi Hewed' are tee wall. OWdaite is a bows et 4•rwnllles wad lesoteiaa If Osdssi.k a0. mom bee water fns the like up ever .MO tote lets as Ms. snow etand•oipa, whew it Imre to mess' losatel. thresh the Mw., surely Mleths11. set of ton •bmdssea of her deeds' 'Were. 'Wald M able be notion • lesenia os the nark.' square, "where 0eor jege enimbl drlak,"-4te say i tela pt tee sewn arid iter whale. Mather Ilse wbew.tiel . task tweeters le the egos As. no" an else some Ise j544. s and -esu lista t ad be•mwel hQim.. There we, boW.yor, some sable mMAg.mfet Miele Meese end {,flim• be adlp Wlei might he lue..vod. Th. lowe ▪ them.. •whip fete low. It has 1*. very win, where It tea tem we Iris way of tee r•d4M1eo streels. FRUM OLD QUEBEC. Farther ewermatI.., if soy is seeded. et Mie mer.1..11)odd'. Kldasy Pula. Qrbao, Aug. 36. -This city 1. the oldest a Ceseda. It poelaees tbe moot import• able fortress Is (colo. It le bettai, there. faro, that 1)•dd'e Kldoey Pdb ebeald be hoed deisg their great work la the sty of gushes. Dodd'' Kidney Pills are the old w sers for kldaey dee..s a pia form. Dedd's Kidney Pith are than, Mesas and Wham 4..hos ageless death and eaffaries from 0.y dowse sawed by unhealthy kid ODIC Julies Walton, of teethe, says : "I •m sled M say that my core by Dedd'. Kldsey Pill of kidney trouble bas ben perfet. 1 satisfactory to am. I often rseeweend 0edd'. Ktd..y BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. 1. MA.440.• A PAH -CMS? -"10 M•rriye • Failure" as the his t • Wale volume. by Mw M.uste..tl., of CB.tes, sad gives soled Weise is the married and esinarrird. The lame hook es05ine ewes shirk* poem., we "Lew" • tale et the early settlement of Hares eeenty, Wag • nem. For sale by The W. A Pae Co., Clb1n, Ort. "boons or TUE HrrrL.rzar."-We here Mien as • well printed book of pease from the WU105o ilrlggv pew,, Tomato. estOUed " Sees, el the 8. 11sooat and Other Peens " 'TM &ethos i. Thews O'Hbe.., M.A., • as..e t ob. neighboring ..eeety of Bruse, and well ase Screrahly Mews M • writer' t' poetry and prase thrombin' Camas •ed the esgkborhg 1..ebB. Tho lyrist deal with the Whew, tkw esalewt, the lane, the old lee wheel W teMa *.al..r t early hie I. the O•e•dI&e beak weeds In • manses true to Ui. 1. the .111 !shinned day.. " The Daum et M.Deagall'. " is • rwlltle gredeMw 05 verset the relltekleg *ides days, sad thene w ether as.b re in this little beet hat Wring op gentle .Neron t loved .etas .a Ike .wet Meg age. The back .Meld have • large tale in the Hers Troia. I. le oa sale at Porter's heektors WrrwoDtwr MAUAran■ AND Revise r0. S.rraaes.- A well illustrated artiele ca Healed and ire p� M el mewl lasses' at • Mase "rhea oworld'• satiation b Mowed es the 11.o.. The remarkable emcee history ef Pram Bismarck, with se grsviO4M, is w•eded•1. "la the *•le•rl.,' is a well illustrated aee1eat t Spain't last baud pemst '- , nave the (lade. Lsweil tad His brands" has u:qeislee p.Nnla t the pose sal bh • eemplbhed cite. No les has three articles w die voted to Re kl. ad this messes to our age, wlt8 espies quotation and •zodlest pore snit. "M.►illis the bows of halm dim." by Hath Prise Hapset ; • rkewe•• aroma by Dr. B.Nerl•.d, se "Oar Great Froward Mevesw0- Shall it 8•o•ed"' "11e hellos•• of Jesus Grit is Civilise - ties." by Dr. Hillis, are eels worthy ewers. A. illustrated weary el the days of Wesley, Ow World's Pretrew. and other •rooles, maks op • notable .amber. Eight articles are 111..1r•ted. 40CURRENCY• DUNLOP Mu,D1r, Amami Beth.7•k. Gilmour Wet . vTwbia i.Yrs•wr.Mweor . res, of ladr. 1mo by dawnane day recently her bretkar, 1. H. Berko. . MIM I i 111-•r7e1 1)obsuu njol•ss la the Oar whitest awe to Carlow to make pntawd u of . baby d•sdkter, bees on 1444• sum. repair M Robert B4.ei s 1•rm►ew. both, Ass. 6th. The arssnles le th. M•ett•b• harvest Merril : Albert Ae8tea, 7th 11.., has olds Welt tram bore Robert se4 Rle8ard "'rook • pont had ea bis farm and the .ample .pp..,. es he all r1gbt. Selective : Ti. ocelot. ► ler carrying the mile Memo" Helgr•v. @tabun •ad tlto ppooetsftiso, has been re•truded to Mrs. Taflt. Grey : Mlee Martha Isar and "Mur left toe P1.M0aril. l'e.w., last week, aft.r • holiday .Wt ander the parental roof on the fltth 0000weloo. Merry t !he family of N . H. Clwkey, 6th Ilse, lido for Manitoba lain week to join Mr. Cloak., and the eldest eon who mut West teat sprlog, Grey : Peas are thrown out 8s., thirty bushel" to the wen to many platten and the promo's for forty baobab to the airs of taw we very wenn(. ('later : We are all yery sorry to leen el the remora! .f P. B Brook, of 4M Mol. sea's Mak, ham. to Toronto, wish Owe' h e left for es Thursday t last week. Westfield : C. W. Crandall, et Ceiba..., he has been here for the past few maks Myt. orohard., last w.k parok•asd W. H. Yletumore's orchard, sear Washita, ler' 4300. Tsr.berry : 1'be home of John C•so• mere, of To/sherry, has been °loaded by ben•yseneat, Mrs. C...more b•elog passed away on Saod•y of last week at the we of fifty years. Urey : W. H. Stewart, formerly tsao4er u 8. 8. *o. 1, was granted his Normal 001- aRe oa1Uewa0h. There was a m(ea•ke made b his teas or he 'maid hare reooired It i.• mdi•teiy atter the Statela•W.. W Ingham : The ooatr.et for the 'gram - Italic sidewalk' to to bull' thio year het Mee awerdea to Cherie" Barbar, who will bgio at Dom and pooh the work •e rapidly as poodle ; price 101 wets • .gears took Motes : Dr. Yrnok Bolsa. (s.. el Mrs. Boles,) was home oa • .bort yW1 1••t weak. He bas deotaed to haw op his aitio4I at (11o, M05blt&e, tae people of .h4eh piaw were delighted to learn teat be war • Can- d i•n Halle..: H. Camper has rooted the farm of Wm. Morris, on the 3rd wooreeloa of Hallett, for • farm of tiro years and 8 Oliddea, of Beadle, Ha1ls1, Mas rental the farm of C. Dale, mostly oscspled by Mr. Cooper. f3e•leet' : T. J. Wilma, mood ton of D. D. Wilms, 1St ea 1..day for M•aioba. Mr. Wiles M • relent gr•d.sto of the Chi - moo Distal College and he goat to Manitoba to look oat a loo•tton in which to hang oat his shingle. Wingless' : H. Hoek and wife oelebr•t.d Mrs SLUMS a.aimmery al caw wadding on Wednesday the 16th last. Mr. Beak is new la Ma eeventy-tiff► year and Mrs. Hoek h la her 'treaty Ales year. They have Si sew wed one daughter. Cantos : Mn. loves weal to Toronto on Thursday monitor of Set week, being called then by • telegram owlaa to her 4.ughtor Wang sensory 111, with •ppssdi• fila. It was only • "took sac Mrs. Wil- liam..n was sluing her parents bora B.alorth : TM may friends In 8mlorth end vlctuty d Mrs. Martin CW0..wertb, lte el this tows, will regret to learn of ha death, alike @warred at the residence o1 her Imola-6w, Jesse Brewseil, Hartaey., Men , on Await 13th. is her 74110 year. /odarlab towsa►Ip : There is mosey 0 apples, se man 4e mete Irmo the •meso% paid lately for soca scaliest" 1). Horw, Maitland oeaomeie., sold kis .hard to the havers for 4620 ; Thomas Cos, 6th son , for 4en 600 ; J. Porter, 3rd l., for4600. Guidon* tow.thfp A runaway amides' °warred i. 1f►yfldd roe weesbg reo00My. Jobs Beacom had ate bene tied lea poet In feel saramw, am, end the • �jerk doom thio ttewwd • ed buggies ride, and .Dashed kis ewe b.Rey th maw - tars Hastert► : A tow hyo age moms exeallest netts were delivered bore to Mr. Wates. ler .hlpetept. W. J. D0.b.., of MoKUlop, dolloped afty tee bead, the average weight of welsh was 1,468 moods. This mhos 104 Mad that Mr. Dlokth Mas daposed of this Meaner, the average weight of th• herd bo- lsi 1.433. George Mardis, .las of Mehlll.p, delivered twelve flee Mad tee news day. This wakes forty two head for Mr. Msrdb, and teem shrub overtired 1,459 ponds. It is with o eals the the thee 68. weer► is m•1., and Y.KUlep h fat whim be the frost as the bpi cattle 1110404 M*..Mip a the oesety. NEW BO.KS SCHOOLOPE INC. A full line of the New Catholic Renders ,just authorized. 11., 16a Second Hadar, Me.; ,Third Reader, 30o. Hers are some prices for you to think over : 100 -Pans Scribbler, 10. Parish. 200+Py. Scribbler, 2o each. 500-Rge Scribbler, 5th each. The latest la $Iterease Hooks is the Historical Serie.j'which you will ear Store. Only do, each. 292 Pons, 3e. per dame daring School ()potting. Jost think of it --6 ghglpeagd Slate Pencils for lc. School Sponges, le. sae& A. 01. Pendia, la snob. 10e. damn. dotter (Trade. 90. esoh or 9 for 6o. Poly Orad, fico mob or 6 for 26o. Porter's Rest Tape, rained lead, robber tippawl, 30each or 2 for 5e. part I., 10o.; Part Oke. Moes Pearl Vides, el (loderle►, and her towhee Charles were tr•imiest .falter. Fri• day of 6e6 week. A load el laselitrieb autumn boyss,, saes whom war• D. C. Straoh&e, Jas. Be.han•a and 1>..iel M.K.•y, • 16 Augas M.Den•ad, new el low•, Ws had hese 'beset thirty• seen ysarc tress 81. native tows, visited D. lsweem sad D. towels*, wee 01.rser seers were with Mr. MoDoaald at this plan Ing mill Nal 1. the Direst*: Town. Tee party afterwards went to the Peat Yarm to e.1. J. Wrieht, another 4.11•w bowtse- man el 0.d•rtch to the loeg ago. lloadey .sr.0a of last week Mien Jesse C0.16, ashy pt oepbruo of oar masts of 110101s-tt evened the school with • fall roU of s"o"ften, throe of schwa were boils sits. Mess Oonw Ma mode • few p1*o.- Uwe W the diarist peados •sal will ham • ole'. el •.nese for 'the .00,0.01 of Nib roar. 01 lbws enholsr. teat pawed the emeansttos is Jose, Robert Uaashig *ad Et*. Yeats bare Doss• 4104 0prep•r•( 1 they(sole wheel ImvlsandWale 0 , d W .81.n.va 4 i'Odfl•tl.i. banns a UM. "riot wham It mons. Mia Gose*. Was this procw % reside' In Uoderto►, /mase beak and forward on hoe wheel .00h day. 1. Ued.rlsh salt 4.,...1? Las* sprits we most octad la oar eenrospesdos0o that 10. 0... was la seed of • mew sark0 keen and aloe of • DOW U.T.R. shah. TM 64• sr, of ohms. the u.T.R. should 4.014, bat the tows shot& west • sewmarkt Mw, Seer ea • new dM or se the old moa This . he.e .1de Mw Moe talked over by tbe oounoil, oat w tar weblike Mas boos said about It at their meet0g.. Whoa we wroth on this suf,joet one of the jssior gree -buy - ere of the tows "aid we ware es the debt tr•ob. The le•die4 town of the mauls should have *away womb to provide • mashie market home. 1a a few Gaya • mai of the Ginseng el Mie tows M to be takes en the proposition t • lean to the i010ltere tamory. Goa& .•t • line be Mash es he ballet to amble the ratop•yere to vete'yse" or "no" on Qs question of • sew market hew ! Aaathar proposal is Wow the tows, nemeiy. that for the ee0.blis\asnl el slaw troika, and we wJi.,. • pubhs mese• bg le to he bold to thew this whew. At the o.m1 Mi• could there not be • 0014 eg- os the advisability of bevies • ousel was root. io tows --lay Ore car web Ray eons. tor sod 'Sag from the Mottos to Lewin' Park, running dews Kass sad Wet Minn . ad •resod the north 10.1f of the Rgmaw, and also • lies from the railway erweeM en Qui Hares read 0. rim to by the meta MM ief the Bgmare to oos000s with the other has. These ltw would bet gree bend& to we/Magmas la rotas to sea Mei 41st' Werk, tad Nee for the women 1. .•klag eltwei•4 tripe. R1..lsg the ams is Sem day would warp toe Werth .*.ond0.•e and stable phas.r.-.eeken to speed he d.y Iters ohosply. Before auymo rales objection to this It bum iK her) take • walk reeled to the hers. and bowel* liveries and see how mash mosey to spat b this way u 0040ne4 on 8a.day ; or lot Mai (or her) w•to4 the overdrive• horses •ed Meed M. "Toilets maim isle town and bee•ki.a the Sabbath. A ride es she ears we0M he plasm•% for those who are kept is leaps sad factories darter *be west. Pleasure es S.sday people w111 have, and tt they had • soot oar service it "mold be lee expensive M many Babb•th•beaakere of the tows. la •w0leefoo, I wheat suggest that coy t the tows.p•eple like walking est le halt - laced own s • thadoy. 11 would he • boos ••d 1 bkst•itg to these potpie on Sta. day 6 take them thew 11 them le they ratepayer b (aederiek 'do is afraid Mil his protest weld rho Use her., tea WW, if be Mw 0.y money, keep M fur himself to dreg est W earthly ezi•ieseeowl sal speed It for the public geed ,.d the advaneemenl of the tom. Morris : A sad oiro.meta.oe marred at the boa of Jetta Moldlny. of Morris, re sway. whoa his two d••tht.1., Mary ..d Radial, bosoms violently Immo. Dr, Maine mit them M the Homewood retreat at 0nglp►, where it is hosed they will ..en be reet.,d to geed health. IL1.w : Dpll•, the Isar-ysar..ld d•agh- tor et Mr. and Mn. Christ l"a"ss one day meetly in reasibi4 to .be t.41. ter • dealt t water, took hold of • *rook me - Wand tarok, pallier It down ova herself ; fortunately her body .00sped on- bart, Inst her feet &ed akho were badly et rood. WI•gbem : M•itlaad M•Ds•ld assent two of the Mat ep•eirs00 el ham hat oro e tas been teas 05 Wiegb•ss, remotly at Zetlad. TM larged sow nim areal 19e Ingo* and weighed tear pounds, while he odor meaeand 17 boot meal weighed two poseds and fourteen sanest. 9eatorth: Charles Stewart, who bee bass bore tee tee or three weeks visiting his paresis, Mr. &ed Mrs. Ake. Stewart &ed ether binds, loft less work for 84. Past. Mr. Stewart has reesntiy resrssd from the Philippine' where ►c was • member of the 0ggreph corp to the Americas army. He spat • year 05 Manila ..d the surrounding ooea0ry, Otis duty with his rerimtet. Glisten : R... Mr. Wade left as Toes• day, 22.4 last.. for Killer..y, es kit way to D.koa whore Mn. Wads will leave for shortly to reside WIN thele elm. The rev.reed gentlessa as • former plater b this tows .d also as sus of the pioneers of °elbore , desemdly bas the restart, used - will and *.tete el • lure oirol..( fm..m aloe., sad their sinews wise is 1 �p 04..od Mrs. Wads m) lir enjoy all the hapl- sees 0.d emoted welsh this week au 1Seed. find .t PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Our Telephone is No. IOU Curt House Square, Goderkh, (Two Doors West of Old Stand), Winches' : After foams= years of falafel earylee as b•Rga aims at di Wisc. bas •ttlom ef the G. T. R. John Smith has reeved • well merited proaseies be the p0Mlies of statist &gem at SOW, nod on - tared Gs hl duties w Wednesday of last week. Mn. Smith sad f•sily will remove Moto tat.. James 0.11, of Lookaew, ie the my bemoans for Iie pseitios made wrest by Mr. 8alth'4 ptemettee. The dee p�artare of Mr. 8mlth nod family will be Unary telt a tits Baptist •hurl. Gdorbh teweselp t Atter weeks of suf. false tram • hreksn kip, see of the early seNlaes of this towtsiap has pasted away, as the gee of eighty 1100 sad Owes month, a the passe of Wm Poseybtksr, el the 15th sone.sloa Dotwsed was the relies el the late Jeb. Psntyb•Itcr, wt. did a Mares bet, need had bees • r"e"seal real- ism dthe 16th estmsiMljtar ever Mtyy.w *swM • b.rdworkIr, ldas4w e, iw.ms tad M1.ys41t. esmedesm seg este.m ei d1 wwy�p keen Iwo. Abe leave sow Msginor, NA. Jeb. Parker, .d • .e...4. lives a r•..Mes reset .4. agsesr....Herhme 14 Why.left here is Mmtd•y M Win ole vow 'wake se Twes0. Jesstbe....J. O. Ward Mewed hese o. Meeday .f10 a slat of • how days to relatives M N as- h•m ..d asehisiaehes 1. WNMei.nb. . Mee. Joao Bey4swel Goderitakis here .145*01aee p•risM, Mr. anal Mrs. That. Peet lead. PORT ALSER1. MoruDAy, Ant. 58, Jas, Yee.% of Uoderld, spent 8164•y a the .illats. Mss Sheeler le 'Mtlas Mr. sed Mrs. hoofer, of oar berg. Joe. °reheat, of Vey City, le .Illus rol•tive. 1. this .i.lalty. Wo ace plowed to learn that Mrs. Jos. (Moor is sow oa the way to recovery. Jae. 8to.ww. left 1•s6 week for Leedom' sewed he hasewed • sita0•os ea • "trete. ear Use. Thomas Rl hardaoe, er., resolved • severe 05joty in his Mad Mals worlds( with Ms oh esklr .1161 Mn. Harry a as/ Mrs. Jamie. it., of Pittober.. 1'q., who have h.•. masts N the Royal, r t.rsou 8•tard•y to Mph hems CARLOW. Moe DAy, Aug. 286h. Mrs. 4. 7.1ngte...4 daughter Te.. are visiting in Wls►aW. Des. Howell, V.8., of Den Moises, Iowa., 1• .1 present visiting kis brother, W. N. Howell, oar powder me ek•nt and drsy. man Ose1. Yeats a .eoorda.ee with • request free' the memos et the 0. N. W . exhibition is n1M.R W mw 05 !UMW' order for a greed review sal Ike Oe&e1y Fair. Tenable( is the order of the day. Se trope turned out above ezKwsptetses. Tail wheel la post -met half . ore", aid with the tankard 'atattebt there will be IiUle sows M harvest asst year. The day weath- er is also .6ectiaa fruit, aid high "Ams will be the only oossolatto.. Our vitae. in • different comm of the word is In very truth "The Darted VU - leer." a000.sled foe by Mie targe Renew from here who keys gone Wok. Thee leaving on the 22d wore Miles Ty*Mll, 0. Berk well, A. T. Jo4ne1o•, (iso. Term - ma, A. fit rlu1, A. Grew and J. Olds wails Mr. and Mrs. Alex Yes.g Iodised smog oe t4s 39010. A warm s.o.ptton will await their niters at the alms Halt of their Maws METHODIST DISTINCT MEETING. drraa.orseuto 1Nei ale Troe.sseewps of web. rvre.wtl.Mimarp 4.a. innies.a.• The emanolel .oetbg of the Ooderleb distr.. of the Methodut harsh was old at 8o•fereh on Thursday of last week. Rs.. Jasper Wilson, M.A.. presided and lie.. 9. alt Mks sassed tas•s.Mergy.• wore lay delegates from their w_osdgflve nd Nahei or rool*. J. P. &ewe. P. Sema J. H. M.Ws,-G.Mei.►0..1IL li Leath, John Brattish, Dilates Oco. Castries. Helawvtlle ; N. H. Yeses Blyth ; T. H. Taylor, Asher' ; H. S. B.rkhelder, Wailes; II..Mall Braithwaite, [seashore ; pis. A. 44..r, Bayfield ; E Jobashr, Veen& Arnyemsres were moods ter holder the masa! ah1ona-y wens@ ea sash Wda. 11e • Sweetish ee.l.ry had " was 6\i Whine t Wenn d••i•R Ike afters.... Rev. Dr. Llamas, of Thresh, .d W. J. Peenash, .1 Sr.eferd, wens pent by a. vitiates m he interest el the grist seoae mad very folly sed .{early pretested the matter tow wrielsg. It sees resolved to spein1 eed groat• the a•ve.wt 05 he die riot by agates .petal .es.1•.s b sae\ .hureb s Sudsy, Oar►. 9th. Lay workers are M be asked to take • fall share la thea .wrvion. The fotlowieg h an Gatlin .4 the CI.5 et services pr.peeed :- r North -t., A.. R. B. Clean.$; r.r. pl•tl0ra a..tlr. 0.4.r*d, V Ite•ra-a. , am. Re.. B. L. H.Me" ; r... platter' .ssM*g. Cantos, RaUenbary-.k, A. r. R. T. B. (sapl/.d ; 0.0 platfwm (Aimee.. O.Mr10-oke A -r. Re.. J. Willies, M.A.; P.m. platform aeea.t. He•ferh, A r. ROT. A. O. Tithe; r.r. pl.� term •.Ares. Holaesydlle. A r. Re.. J. Greta t 0.0. Oh fess s••M.r. Blyth, A. r. Rev. W. O. Howes ; c.M.li fns meeting. Disguises. 1. r. R... 8. J. Mai as. plaster. unenIng. Nils, AA". May. H. E. KsAM.Mt 7.11. platform .ese.dg. Ashore, A. r. Ray. J. K0.so•y, &D. Wawa, A .. Rev. A. 1, Rer.sl, M.A. Leede.bene, A. r. Rev. W. Pashohl ; P.m )la A. r Ree. R. A. Shaw ; r. r aim hem Wang Vera, A.M. R•.. J. W. Adnw.. Oi, lb, Benaalr, moraine lad wean. Rev. J. Wash, M.A. NEW GOODS! are arriving daily, and es we always buy them at the right prices they are always sold at the right prices A T PEDDER'S. Quality the best at the lowest possible price every day in the week and every day in the month. We find this policy a trade -winner and intend to stick to it. A few purchases will convince you that you' have made a mistake in not buying all your Dry Goods and Clothing from J. H. PEDDER Oolborne's Old Stand. - Goderiobe • ardware pecials BLUEVALE. MoUDAT, Aur. 58th. Horsens is warty over 05 this 'Malty. Mrs. it. N. Dna b visiting fried• in Salt Wwaoah. Woe Berlee Jettss1ee, of Wew•sm►, spent So•d.y at 11. N. Doff.. Miss Mabel Is0.oz. of Detroit, visited Mr east, Mn. Harty Dist, lot week. Ws are sorry to beer that Mn. Peter root.., of tea Shumate triad, le w the skit ls. Mins Viral• MoCrno .., of Loader., M .tads, her grandmother es the Rleamale reed. W• are pleased to ter tot Mrs. (Dr.) Toole ie rapidly reoo..e4*g from Mr swims Ilse. Ra.. W. J. West 0wsd.*ted divine sore• lee a Calvin's oberoa, Wiweness, $..day ..00054 last. Mrs- M.loelm, wife of James Malotw, M P.P., .f Klaoardir visited Mn. John Ilobernoo last week: Mn. Ale.. M.O.• •d Madras OI•dym aed Ethel, of Valparaiso, I.dkaa, are .b- itlog Mr. and Mr.. Job. Uardiser. Mw. Meer, who had bete le Hamilton for the p•s tee• t.o.IM, has reterned home. He leave i. • week for Tomato, whets he w11) •:toad the Oelle4. of Phar. mast. DUNGANNON. Norms.- The Meal seemq b Minimises for Tim Blow at bat the Niles of J. O. WAND, Mve or - r• .•1lttsh0aeor terefts.. Mr wUas shod /eh e1mmm me 'tar *.S Owl mewlpie (or (_ A. NEWTON, D1 tBT, Or LUCK - v e neve. cow .IMP let d .gh ridav of each 0. I tk- RMaI Jeer ee tlomsgowa� Mr :at Nip. Hamm 5..m.tee am. Tammy, Asa. 29 THE Wi.ala-TM memos talatsMen the days is : " Very warm ..d dry." 1iu,.. -%Vu Moilfs.tt. i. 111 fres the *Meta t e•trie toyer. W• hope to hear of his warty revery. To rue Warr.-QdM • as'her of our Tote mss loft rsee.tly es the wsours.S to M•sl0.8. wed 110• Northwest. Amongst them were Joh. Caspbdt, Albs t Glens •d Them.. Mels... Aooini'r r. - W e regret M hots to tale that es Monday .frees... Mrs. John Mo. 1..n while in the bars bad the .ld.rth. 0. f.11 and irmotors mos of Mr arse, It is set Iwo sines her M•b0.d 'net with • similar mia►... ArriscuAviD.-MI6 Maud Whited left Iwo es M..4.7 to Mehire I.ashao at Tew•t r. Her wt Meade win be slowed to knew that No Me been 04 0. •dysse el weary ter 1000, wk 0\.m that her p rviene ore valued. LEE BURN. Mows*,, APR. 561\. pr. Rev. Dr. Fraser, of Ades, pvwebed Woo Ink 6 4 .... Oe •tales mole. ell M held ea Bge.mber 1018. Tioest lot were the Re all lee woe. Ryas aid Nowak •d R*Jadas.'o otres.. e won es the mews. The 6g.a.s 14se threshed part all drew Asir area tram the Mid M the machete and neva see h.nditsif M O. The most* owes .1 t8. W..meee I111sdous7 AaaIh.ry doelet1 ef s►• Prate/t- wee alma ten amp bed Tomb.y after. sae •i bee *toe wn�e e. At MemM ••tbe 1 qeem nil& Mealier with satMM0.M •f eatblq ilooa the.4g�ae sed nee amsetter r M �M M`sld tis tln/s ht nae d W sue Y . Mf. e. 1im .11\.mrT EvseW,1.7 OTHRK"aws INDIANWOMANSBALM AS METUMENT MEDIC Ter males& Gederle\ bv Jas. Wiles& i00h FERRY T •1'' MORtiIti�, THE BEST TONIC Ta OV100MR IT IS BBBBB . SOWS NUM enne.nw rase "arson Per pale he fledm1N by Jas. Warm., CANTELON'S Paltry, OyilerPattletTat, Slob Bread and Cteni EaIU,Iiaa Pies adLady Filen, Ilues, lams, laws, Braid! Etc. 1)amtoAiwOtr TALL Ezgl.trtow.- The pies this •re est ter the wast .zMbltads el the ANadld end Waimea* Brash 1tyiss1ar.l &ha , be he bald hen e• WL00d y sad Tinoradoy. OsMbeo 1166 mei 1918. The Ila were prism/ by Ter fkiORAL, sed ere • ting •peelmee cr the go= at. ; Owns Lan Oornw.-dlos. 14. L 14.. �yem� M Oeerlsh, Um T. Lavery, me e Ord baby Iden, et Pewee& have re. tm.eed M their hoarse Ow •plwe,. 6 .roe le Me Wks' enter, Mrs. 44.1i..s\, d Rho Mss.tr% Hwa.... Wm A, h. De Map old the Mlwm B.. wed Ma M.1Mm4 ba.. .eehred beers heat Mak .4H be ilepmr- deo wad .tow pe41M .... Sorsa aed W ilw 110.war1.pent Seeley Mrs. P. Somas end *hales., .f In. Merged ham Isse week alms Ow *ape emit M bee tllflel 4160. • 1o. •eel Moe Mt ere se gold as the best male in any city in Canada, Gantelae %sada the trade in WEDDING OA KES SCOTCH FIRE BRICK PORTLAND CEriENT HAMILTON HYDRAULIC CEMENT ASBESTIC WALL PLASTER ASBESTINE WEATHERPROOF and FIREPROOF PAINT CLASS PAINTS OILS AND ALINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPUBS 1P4 STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. R. W. &KENZIE RAST SIDE SQUARE. The Place to Buy A11 Hardware Cheap. In they dasignlng and ornament- ing and almond trine. (lire kis An order and yotrr-sat idantion will be •esarnd. D. OANTELON. WWfaT-1111". A Musa1sd Mdg.- Ism� J. BIIO?IIEY & SON - a■ wDua - "?Baer Dvre,etore and TP.rnbQAmers, Orden e.rehlly .•1.5414 M as all bear% nimbi or day, More .a Wet Meet. RwMs.re, owe - bee twee. A Great Soap,. T. r n.1 Vtr.I 11116 - Wil Wiwi" TOR feedIT 34,1111111 I1iON, s dalsseOsMMll Is oar Dieter Sap, N ba • pessd, of weal" we sell a barrel • week. This isn't oar eels sap. as we awry •ver71►1•R that ma b• found a en sp- twang wooers ••e••. aed our prim• are right. TM hewer" keow that they ea. away" 'GS (rem se • snap for torr prod.... We draw the line .t se I.tltl'a0. trade - •verythlug gem : Oltaware or pteaot.., weds staff or •bdoore this °kine. We deal la .11 of them. G. TIPLING A 00., Bedford Bleak, Osdork\ NEW GOODS FOR SlllTSd OYERCOATS READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP M7 ewe make. Galt aed see th... awes s'ld b7 lard or mads ap In the latest Mika THIIRMB MBS_ H. DUNLOP, NOT, Umiak of Mwtrell adaa0. COAL W000 CHARCOAL and KINDLING. NOTIC& TO FlEi6&9 AID APPLE DBlLBBB, We arm *till at the sans old stand, Nelson Street, where we ham been mpplyd.R was ou.tomere for a number of yews. Ws Irp. Pm fool that .nits yam. Orders left with our delivery rip or at Woman 'Move and tin .hop and at our calm will reosiv peo..pt •tteotion. All mal weigkd (n market mien, unloose otherwise ordered. We ran several Dray" in 'sensation. CARTAGE & FUEL CO., JOHN S. PLATT, Manager Mee 62. - hart -ti I will Its ready to take all °all or Wind. fall Apple" %b.t you asps have •t ay Evap- orator, OoderW, os MONDAY NEXT. AUG. 94... Hig►est prim paid and molt for every bad or bar that yes eia brio*, so don't .ill ohm where bakes soft too or my age► `e ..--tIAMLINK. 40 36 / a SILL. 1$TI ILI$M4D still. Buchanan" & Rheas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Deakin la all Mods d LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Ane beltdzrs o•Se i.l of every do•ertpYos Schou Furniture a SDeoialtyt tiVE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP 1 SENALE IIJU. I 15 IIOIISE HMO MESHING OWE 110 ('ADD 01Da0. 3 NIISH POWERS 4000 A7D sail Tarr. T=1T Aa. 4Arostss. wergereseAsto !ie Raba Bicycle Co. 0on3Dssxva_ The Western Fair, London. SEPTEMBER 7th to 16th, 1899. Entries doss September 6th. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Rzhibite will be unsurpassed. Attractions better than ever. Hippo - d me0 Chariot Rases, Champion Sword Contests, Imperial Ja Paso." Lady Riders, World Renowned Gymnasts and Aerial Artist. Mee. eerie each evening, "The British and Amerioen. in Ramos," • ell r8.g and platform attractions. Special ezeunion train■ will leave i.ondon each evening after the f4► work.. Orate& will be benutifolly illuminated. Seed for Prins Lista and Programssem. ' 1 % ILIARTIINE, trolled.