HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-31, Page 4Teets ,Air, Lag.M, 31, 1819.
E. B. Qc M_ N.
till pest maws to watchmen
• When. Two tnwd
mouths vl Wh•s1tyl yet,
and you eau buy much
cheater now.
SIX Ale $ LMNei W.IRra sew
at less the. ,le,rk.re ouuki
hey them tor earl) in the
FOR $10
.03uclir buy a good, subsWittal
hand Wheel. A little bet-
ter for $1b, Clevelanib fur $28.60,
and our Best 'New Wheels fur $40.
96 Wheel to chows. from.
Ws ban added sow Wheel' to
ear Livery and ret oy the hour,
sly, week ar month at reasonable
Bicycle & Music House
Bicycle Limy,
cwt S - Uoderlob.
t ►hut JfignaI,
IA romevse -
TO read W. D. Manilleolr'i state-
ment on the MAaan .u..Nai oto case,
one would think that the two last
named gentlemen were summoned by
telegraph from Ottawa. and that they
then waited upon Men" same, who
advanced. them the money for trans-
portation to and frees the c&pital.
The facts as given to us are that,
on the Friday Procedtn; the eeeaun-
ation of MARSHALL and Nsl_soi at
Ottawa, McPHassoe received instruc-
tions to find out what the two young
knew about the case. In oon-
- lag with 11. eastfeletiotis ' 31c-
PiOSOa milled at 414 Church street,
- `isw'M�����'ti a boarding hoose -kept by
�AsaaLLL's mother, on Friday even-
ing and had en interview with MAR-
saAUL and Hamm, whom lie had
never men before In that interview
he mak-itch- to -ad rotatee the money
neemsary for transportation to Otte.
wa, and told quite an interesting tale
not only to the two young mm who
were his immediate hearers but to
others who were out of sight but not
out of earshot
The following day MARSHALL was
served with a summons et his mother's
residence to attend the examination
et Ottawa Nsuow got his subprna
at the Y. M. C. A. building, where he
was working. Sunday about 2 P.M.
MoPuueow's office was telephoned and
an appointment hewing been prepared
thetwo young men went and saw
Mehteesoe, from whom they claim
tbey received twenty-six dollars.
The money was shown around during
the evening, and consisted of • twenty
dollar gold piece, and a five dollar and
a one dollar bill.
At the time that MoPassaow was
arranging with MARSHALL and Nue
sow, he ooald very easily have eon-
s versed with JANES FAR. and arranged
with him to aceompeny his clients to
Ottawa, as Fella was in the house
daring the whole of the McPHwaeow
interview, and would have been fully
es willing as were Haulm! and
MARSHALL to avail himself of the
Toronto lawyer's liberality in so far as
transportation to and from Ottawa was
concerned. FARR was fully as inti-
mate with McPeresou as were his
fellow -boarders, and if MoPneasow
had desired FARR'a presence at Otta-
ttowa there would have been no more
di*oalty in obtaining it than there
was in the ease of the two young men
who, up to that evening, had been
unbar straapera to MoPniasow. It is
quite evident that MnPailtaoir did not
desire that FARR should go to Ottawa.
There are pointe in W. D. Mo•
Pauusoe's statement that have a de-
cided limp, but it is not • " solemn
declaration." All we need say is that
it resembles very mach • scriptural
character named Mareieoestrre, and
• Yapalnoeuera was lame in both feet.
The tear had not- ap to the presubt
published one line of the udisial re-
port, but had depended upon partisan
reports, is absolutely true. Sven We
alleged quotation from 'rem Seam.
which The tar quotes to bees Am false
accusation *gaited; Tits Smut is
garbled by The Star.
But wbet'r the woe of poiutiug out
boles in a sieve, and saying that it
will leak, when everybody Mews it to
be a self-evident fact i
SNAP * 1OT8•
-This is the (rowing, as well as
the Growing Tnme.
- Sir Rtetteee'a eye is not dittoed,
syr b4 natural furca abated.
Waterloo county is now to the
fore. Next week West Kunio will be do
iug bunnies at the old stated.
-.The apple crop in Huron this
year will more than pay off this county's
shot•e of the sixty millions of expe*diture.
-We wonder some of the Tory
newspaper editors don't undertake W hinder
Jim Faits from walking oo the sidewalk -
they feel 110 badly.
-Does anyone imagine that Sir
RICHARD CARTWRIGHT ooukl have please,l
the Tories by anything he might have mud
at Massey Hall last week !
-One of the charges in Waterloo
is that an election fund of $600 was raised
by the Liberals. The amount in vowing
down. A short time ago it was estimated
by our veracious Tory contemporaries at
*50,000. It's the story of the huudrod
black crows over swain.
-H. J. HILL should have some of
the Tory newspapers to tell him where he
Could get roam of the "capably outrider."
who, they does, lwd'Aep-itshelloteeses
in West Heron the wrote way at the last
election. An exhibit so hard to get might
easily drew a crowd.
-There's a story published in the
Tory newspaper. that Premier HAaur will
probably retire from public life presently
awl then Premier Runt will ascend the lefl-
islative throne. We don't know what
grounds the Tory organs have for making
the statement, but if it were true what is
wrong about it!
OUR esteemed contemporary, The
Star, got rather excited last week and
devoted all its editorial space to
abs. of Tea SIGNAL and its editor.
As effort was made to show that Tit.
Sweat had deviated from the fate,
sled es oar ' askeem.d 0onteenporar►
hie a unique style of "nailing Bees'' we
give a specimen, so that our readers
may have the opportunity of laughing
at the erratic and senile sheet :
LIM NO. 1 -That The Rtar has not
pnbtlsMd one ciao of tie chain[ evidence,
but • ..ked report as far from the
party rammer ran plsee it."
resad ports l0 Th. Ater "erase.,
te faiweh lmgoe ly
oomp1s, .ad nt.. w.
edn0ues a oompsrean with 14,. ef1eIa1
epeeor with the reports
in any part pnhliewel le
The aide
All d which abBdetely proves tb.*
the esniesA - d T I lkeeaa that
ret ►a 41etb..,.8admue was la terkelMeit3
ism se Hs M'► admen whoa Me prtwee'
trod. Wee* ttppsemeab is his tees►ty,
sod he appn111Wd kksssif set TM Tho eh
doe, where he waded be . " devil ' lar two
years. •1'm yeas( mos read •U seed liter•
attire wits ender. and mob •ve.eto, wee
his delve at the *floe were ever, earned
boom with him • beadle et ".E•banges,"
sad wbss h. severe Ole esaeotio. with
The fines, was oesversast ea all su►jest*,
whitest sad otbmrwies. Returning 1. the
high wheel, where he studied tafa4huy ler
Me past four year*, the results el his aorta
demowtrabd that Cudmor. these wisely
end well whoa he r.samsd *0..edts.
Tb. Toronto (lobe : Row dare that moa
Farr make an affidavit without Otto per•
mires o1 Th. Mall mid Th. World
1e Ibis the msroe Farr wh as.ertloas the
Tory paper* were obsokll.g over • few dare
Why .11 fhb row ! in affidavits the .sere
le stiU 1 to 20 in tavor of the UosasrvsMve
party i. West Hero.
The Ossetrestlye poeticisms do not oars
who rook. the soap e1 the nation so long as
they mekeN..didavlta
The Ooeservatly politicians seem to
oletm the exclusive right to make affidavits
in West Huns a well as the divine richt
to govern Oa.da.
When oomabody said that Farr said bhet
he hod bees paid *500 te keep away from
(ttawe, Farr was soordiag to the Tory
papers a regular Alfred the (ret ler truth -
felines. When Farr says he ret ase poo or
any other gam, he is a mere Mascbawe.
Tb. rrepeal Carrow aylaw.
To the editor of Tun ts N A L :
DRAM Sia, -1 was Really sarprktd to
.e• that the tows commit has agreed to pass
s bylaw for the ringing .f $ oarf•w bell.
This Is a matter that affets a god "Bony
famtltes, and It would be well for the eons -
oil to consider, Wore they pass the ey+lam
finally, w hither there is nay general denied
for .00h a measure. Se ter a I have heard,
the W .C.T. U. b Obs only source from which
a request la this direction hart conte.
It s.ea to mm that parents. and not the
town oouaeil, are ►h wpee. to look after the
obildre. Next thldb we know will be
having spanking oommlttes of the noun.
oil to .hoed to the unruly children of eat -
hearted weals.
Another the. -will the bylaw be in-
formed, or will the council merely pass It sad
then leave it to take care of Itself ! If eo,
it w111 be worm th.0 useless : instead old*
log the obildren any good, it will glue them
a Isseu in dlerssp,toI for law ; and they get
piney of such lemons in this town, sow.
The sight-wMWhmea, 1 a, te to rims the
bell. bet he 05.001 leave hie dales to mane
home with every yo.sester he ease out ales
after the limo ,psdfie4 ; sed 1 don't think
the ratepayers want to .toad the expense
ti an e i al officer r the purpose
•r-.. •.Ei`rtt a. .
Hstohio•oa (Kan.) New. • " Yellow"
sewep•pere are caused by -yellow" people,
and the fact tease.. of them pesspes e
merely as oedema that then are s Wel
" yellow " people (a the Ueltd Stem
a- A a
KMxPINO AT IT hennas AI:,�•ttm
Toronto Star: net Montreal e..rreepee
(teat of The Terme; World who for the
pat fear or five years hu been constantly
tilling the sir with remora of a ce•.ral 'deo-
Moo, will tarn out a tree prophet if he
.cab l Mess enough.
• • •
Springfield (Mem.) Kepablioa. : The
truss are the first to be robbed of all d
vantages not naturally belonging to them.
They are first to be taken out from under
the prototaoa of tariffs and lawless railway
favors. and plaod in the ono field under
full exposure to competitive lefisenoes, ac-
tive or potential, and made to depend for
their superiority epos the legitimate aeon
omen whiob omcontratd aad highly eye•
temati•d effort i. .opposed to adore This
is the preset measure of the trust problem.
The arbitrary smashing of the trusts
through sweeping orohibitory enactment"
will not meet this problem, but only aggra-
vate it.
Windsor Reoord : Os hearing of the
sulolde of the colored mei named Johnston
yesterday. two Southern gentlemen visiting
here, Mteing at dinner at the Crawford,
made the remark that they before
Hared of • colored man deter by he own
hand. 11 1. probably true. Wbateys hIt
morel shorte.inn, the more seldom: it over,
pats his band to his own life. He live.
wholly in the present, and his transient
troubles sib I ghtly on hem while they stay.
When he is not iyeohed, the Southern negro
dies naturally, sod he generally bees out his
span. In northern latitudes his life is edam
alternation of feast and tastier), line, like
Mark Tapley, he is jolly ander adversity
and takes 0e tboaght of the morrow. I► is
the nett dsjs troubles thee worry and kill
.he Ouoa1an.
e a •
Uoldwie Smith in The Weekly Bee: We
are perpetually rennin, mention, always
disregarded, of the danger of forMag sleds
Mos and leading young man to forsake what
are supposed to be the bumbler and aspire
to the more lotslleotual eelli.ge. For the
plat of seer.tary to the llhrerian .t Cam-
bridp Reg., with a eatery of *1,000 and •
possible rte to *1,500, there have hese
n early 900 aopliOOMons. For similar and
equally poor appointments Mrs the am -
petition is almost as great. In this sense It
slay be said that progress has been aaoom
peeled with poverty, and poverty of • very
painful and humiliation kind. The one
would be serious enough If oompetiiiou wen
confined to the young men. Rat now
you., woman, mixed with • redden desire
of emasotpating themselves from matri-
mony and •tatenity, are crowding Into the
mals milling*, sad, harlot nobody to sup-
port bol thsemelves, .re underselling the
mm and ioere.ing the strain of the Mte.
Hon. II may nem harsh and endemeor•tle
to Glees against anyone the doer of the
highest culture Yet it is hardly kind to
levies; a youth to climb to • position le
wheh, whets be has attained I1, be w111
starve. '11m overstocking N the prof eosins
le • hard fano, 1.d there e e ase In at-
tempting to Wit. .1een
• e •
Atropos, Age: we tepee as unpre-
meditated rash of segAmtissa the nett 11e.
we advertise Ise • bey be leers the petal,
lag. Debet.. Narey Davis, wt. ollued
the WMalpsg beak rake and Made *10. •
OM, the see d 181 11.g J PM Mishdl
harem.. Peeoyi same has geed the 1nt-
agla•Msa el
an youth as 00 bloodthirsty
W eibel Seed ever 414. Os the hole 4
Dart' Meows .ewes the fame of flaky A
Cotner*. devil far two years es. The
Btrempte These, winner of the Kdwerd
Rake p,elkleney an4 Prins et
Wake.eBdeeebtp Is the Uehardsy ofr-
este. Parer Davis 11 • rile who appal.
mww.faly fee bey...... lly be* Oadowa
hi • beam nope to plugs la treat of the
y.seatky. H. M brew 1e Igo
adle. Treaty Station 1 the Rerltwet
-Tribute te rete meesabe.
C.opswA,Art, ATHA$ABCA.
J sly 191►, 1899.
To the editor of THE ululLt t
Doan You have a doubt
thought that I had alto..ther forgotten to
writ b yea, het 1 bad not ; the rases for
my en verities so.uer is that motif we
reaohd this point our journey areaway from
home, let tram the time we leave Yore our
journey will be homeward, and 1 thought
that this would be the last place to write
Our trip so far has nob been altogether
delightful, as we are camping ROOT of the
Mme. Dot time is sot w bad as the wet
weather sad the mesquite* (which are genes
41113f1 ewe /A 010116). as a protection agalast
whish we sometimes 4n to use mete sroand
oar heads in the day use, white at otghs
we sleep seder mantas. -ba..
The ...bare et the Indian treaty party
are as follows :- Oemmesimer.- Han.
David Laird, Widpmg, He. Jam Roea,
Moen., sod J A. J. MoKmses, Ottawa ;
secretaries- Hardee 8. Yonne, 1Wmoa-
toe, Alta., and myself ; adviser to Comet.
e lect. Fr. A. Lacombe, At. Albert, N,W.T.;
interpreter mad intermediary, Pierre
D'Fsohambs.nit, St. Basila.., Man. ;
. 00aotant, H. A. Oeary, Aletan•
and via, Ont., besides lea North West
Mounted Police, while the mabern of the
half-breeearly party are:-Cammld.aers-
Mejer Ju. W.(bier. Calgary, and J. Arthur
Coe, Ottawa ; mmereimrtes- Ohm.. M•Ir,
Priam Albert, N.W.T., and J. F. Prud-
hoe.., 31. Roait.00, Msa.
After 'saying Winnipeg we po...d.d to
ISda.wn, Alta., when we remained • few
days making final preparations for our trip.
This la • very nice town, with a populaUen
of .boat four thousand. Coal mini., is one
of the most el Mastro ladstrfes of the plum,
there beteg several coal mines In the violet-
ty of the town.
From this point the Haden Ray Com-
pepy have °barge of the transport e1 the
Os the 29th of My we started over the
prairie for Athetoses L.mdieg (a distance of
. boat one baadred miles) by wanes (skeet
tweet' .tree.), [ikon we arrived se Juno
let. Os the 3rd of Jun we left the tnsd-
Inn, pross.dtmg by beats up the Athabasca
River. Thee beats aro about fifty feet in
leege. sad hays to be crooked by Iodises,
who have regular tracking harmer, with
wbeb the boats are palled. In the man•
n es we reached the Little Skye River,
which a about sevoaty five miles from Atha-
basca landing, se the 10th. .
Om solemn of the Hudson Ray Company
not having ea.ngh treks. the N. W. M.
Pulte, who were on escort, volunteered to
kook their own boat, whloh work they said
was the hardest they had ever dos. Nett
day whi'e treaties one of the polies fell into
the river and was reo,l,d by an ladies
named Baptiste, who WILL re • day or two,
hart internally, while helping to get the
boats throng' the rapids.
O0 the night of the 13th we were
eamped at the forks of the Little
Slave and Saniteaa Ravers, where the ens
mlseloa.r., eeerenrise, No., waited epos
Father Leonel* asci presented hie with
an addreu, written en btrab hark, le honer
of the fiftieth aelveresry ref his priesthood.
(A cepa of the address you will hod hers
On the afternoon of the lhth we reaebd
the Little Slave Lake, whish is gains large
body of w.ter,it takes ue until the 19th to
merit but the wind was against se meet
of the time, and the mea bled to row nearly
all the way. Iden then Is a Hies tome
spring/leg up celled Willow Pettit. It on-
set* of several seeders' stores, while em
abet three miles Is the Hades. Ray Co.*
feel. Oer party soaped about halfway 1a-
iw.an the tows sad the fon, where ties
iodine Onot /he.ommimMmen en she fol-
lowing •fteraeos. but soon adjonrod to
met earl ..ening. Atter the holies .r
rived the ext day 11 did not take long ter
themomstte.leeers s et laic the arms of the
treaty,aed after abort dl.ouseenethe i.db.e
erred w take 15, sad .1 6.45 r r ,th.trealy
Welt steed .ad wltsersmd, the male,
was adjowned soul the fellewl.g dey,vibe
the iodise eons and reoetvd their pay -
meats. In the •,.slag the Irdium, Iselin;
etyma eves nm1v*g think mosey. h14 tot
and berm rase, w� sews very Imterwt-
Here our party was divided. Masers.
Riva and Melt seas wile ewe cf the pollee
proessled by avortas& rants to Denver.
sed At. John. R. ili,�, be meet the Indian. se
those plane, laths Mr 1.1lyd and she rent
et Ns party to i. on M Pesos River Lead.
lag, thee deme the Po.s. River to V.
.UIies and Rd River Peet and on to
ehipew.yal, when may mama to reeds
0. leaving Lever..r. Lite se the 9410
sem were ea set wayM Poses Rear Lando
leg, • demes of .t oma bundled mess,
weeded eeoatry, over tee sten
4sY .yer amassed e, over tms4le4 I
* MMM se, arneime as tie teeellet r ales
basset.. el) IlseIMIL 1711 kmrsny towed
Me peat 5. theiparadat94-had ssitussillsita
t. * o•lekMiad Detala$s. Day .t tau pine
b msllsg Iraatl ttst4 Mytal1
On the amen* the deo d July. the
bear bete really. el prepared to drill)
dews the Pease lever ea our way to Ter -
whisk poise we rsanhed Mier • limy
hard sod Weems trip, ea ea 6th. 1 mlg►b
my here that .11 this s.rthera emery is
prb1Wlly severed dN sprees and poplar.
Oe the 8t1 the UAW* (Revs. rad <10..)
arrived sad in oboe ewe sad one -kelt boon
the treaty was shoed tad 011.•.1. mode.
Tho eat day beim Seeder, we rotted at
this plea, and is theJMrnooa the blame
ea -Rosa party rejoined es os their pay Oak
from Denvegaa, when they had made a
treaty, but 0watlg to N. Iodtaat not kale
Inc arrlred they did sot ye to St. Jobe, B.
C 1■ the eyoalag they mato 1.11 S. sad
went on down the river, Inviug us to fol-
low the seat day,
Os the 1(th we arrived at the raplJ.,
whiob aro very demere.. Here oar beets
had to he seeded sad the goods peeked
down ibis shore about half a mile, while the
boats were tinea through the rapid. by Oka
gales and nun of • sow. The bets arse
Woad loaded, we serenaded dews the river
abeue toe mile to the Chola, where they
had agatn to its unloaded sod lowered by
rope, damaging ase slightly, whish wee re-
paird se Kw River Pet, where we arriv-
ed •tt 1.30 r. e. the wire •vealag. Oa or -
riving here wstsinM Net the mew party
had settled W &Mae of some el Ne
Indium and hail proceeded down the river
s Ohtaw•ysa (week M on Lake Atha-
bsws), INTUIT ear party to settle with its
balsm whoa might be winos to .dept the
term, o1 the treaty. Neal day Mr. Laird
at the immolates ladies. and sees had
everything ready ter ear d•parte., w►loh
took dace the saes alternooa.' W cow
tingled our journey dawn street. •rrlvieg
at Chi01weyea ea the eyeing of the 14th.
W lette aeries share sI the point several
bandrd shots wan grad by lideas os
more, white lacked from where we wee cm
the lake as tress► as Mgagemsst was be-
ing carried on by peep. there.
Cbip.weyan is • very pretty plan. Wag
situated epos send reek, while at• Hales
ltsy Co. hon the Isr sstestablWroent here
that we hors mob with yet.
Oa our arrival we lamed that the other
perry had left, after finishing proceedings
here, for Fort Sank ea the tired Alan
River. leaving Mr. I.sird's -,.rt le so
arms lake Athabasca be Fon 3e foo, •
Metopes of about twe hundred miles, to
make treaty there.
When we loam tela Ales we pressed up
the Mbabane. Ower to Fort M.Merray.
thence to Wpl4Nw 1.•k•, whisk a the Int
plan of m•aelas, bad on co the Atbsbna
to t be Lashes .1 the same same teem
whiob we started se sur tour throe. the
Mourne of Atheliesee
We expect, d seeking sslarenen"JJeee
to be out of this were.1 the twsmry by the
lot of October.
1 bpitbet betel tter b11i tieisi-�p Bili
iy, Mt es the scala ere sees hem them %e l
the eessWy with p•oertby,-if ieanlle..
hopper that lotion ge astray.
Veen dsaor.iy,
JoaATwAN W. MArtax.
I• 1�
and will he SHORT, *HARP *owl CLEAN. Remember, the laeterial for a
Firit•Aas Salt forjut HAL Paten. The Goode are New and right Up to-
odate, and the Fr/rebid HAL,. When we advertise a Male we do jest as we
To the Very Revered
Fatter A Lacombe, O. 111.1..
Vicar desert" t at. Albert.
DIA( FATHER Laoors.,-Wa oasu.I a1 -
low this the anniversary e1 year
e pitolic.m•rria(o is phi without meteor
tag ear eardW arse essdal4n m the sow
.1eil.n of a epee made pe Menses by me
met labor for to et b.msmty and seal
for the Urea. Ul oids.lery.
W bele the medium of expression a alto.
tether loaiegeate, sad there 1e an abomme
of pomp ..d aei.mory• the mere and Ola
eulogy whloh weld have marked the day
bad not your knee sense of duty led yea to
u ndertake this ardent; aed baardoss mil. 1
-There are three condItion,
When the blood is poor;
When more flesh is needed;
When there is weakness
of the throat or lungs.
There is one cure: that is
Scott's Emulsion.
It contains the best cod-
liver ell emulsified, or di-
gested, and combined with
the hypophosphites and
glycerine. It promises more
prompt relief and more last-
ing benefit in these eases than
can be obtained from the
use of any ether remedy.
ream W I...a, m r.MYt►
scone; WOWNk, Chwel afeseal..
cion to facilitate the mattes of a treaty
with the ladies of the Neth. It seems to
es %h•b there le • den.. 1n the stream
trea -
stea000 et Chia esiebrates whist harmsnlaes
with your Oily years of .Wosary bell.
The mss in Oto utas test le We eel el
the early ..rotas, the oaaeteg of the I.-
.It•s hymns, W roegk breakfast sadly
sowed, the perils la the rapids. the dlosen-
forte tie I t. lead, typify a lUe whet will
mak• the mast latera.Wg and edifying
Meter in our country's Mowry. TM NW
of that chapter will be "Pere Laseeeba"
W. enure you that we k0g►i, eppesinte
Ike private, of nein, yes 1' somp..I.a
sad ;diet woman over Mai* the meaty
of days of dr..ry travel made Might
year 4414014m',abdomen., sad days of
randier. made more jeyos by your eeo1J
W. beg yea to aoo.pt this jt.mble testi
n osy of our regard and est.ow, with the
d ente wink that the Master may grant
that our comity may mains* for missy
years to be Nod by year p,.ssoe sed
year 'shwa
U. blase. P.C. and IMIsn osma4.ioe.r.
B. Oamman, 0,11.I.. Sishop el lber•, V is.
Apemen* .t At1btma and MoKs..N,
Overt .f tai Royal Oommians.
J. A. UcKattsi, Indica Treaty Omar.
Jae. Rare, tads. Treaty Cate.
Jas Weexsa, Half -11 *d Omer.
J. Arraoa (bra 11 1t limed (east.
B Aanmo, S. YoU'O, Seely. to ladies
testy C...
J. r Pacnaommt, Sooty. to Halt Bred
J; t! ifeertic, Sal-. to Indica 3'.s.ty
Ql *s. Wein. Sooty. to Halt Brad nom.
O. H. Weer. 11 D , I'hy.toia, to Com.
A. 1. 811TOAR, Iap.ator 1. ennead of
P. IYK.caAm.OAULT, Interpreter sad
H. A, Censor, Aoose.t5.t ter Com.
H. R. Rosso. B.osrinteacenI of Trans-
port ter Red... Bay Oe.
Little Sieve Revel
Jia* 1310, 1899. f
This hllhi Asoma tow
Ibdtive nal asamltd essa'sers M tie
Kota plant as nature's sure min* Ilse
Asthma has Sem abn:Haauy seem-- r
the matey romerksbie tures
through the sm of Clarke's bola
sed al Rot Obmovery. Kador.d
pnhssies everywhere. Ove bel
eases ab.Wutely tend rii=ler. fire
guarante•l Sold by are
New Goods
Battle Thorold Cements,
in sacks, fresh and strong.
Beat English Portland- Cements,
highest grades only.
Ellwood. Field Pence,
42 and 50 inches high. This fence
is hog -proof. Call and examine it.
o .
To every one who purchases half a Suit of our Al
Scotch Tweeds or Fine Imported Worsteds we will
give the other half for Nothing. In other words, we
will sell out all our Fine Tweeds and Worsteds at
Fine Imported Tweeds, double
fold, were $1.50, for 750.
$2.00 Tweeds, now $1.00
$2.25 Tweeds, now , $1.25
Very fine Fancy Imported Wor-
steds and Scotch Tweeds, were
$3.00, for $1.60
$3.50 Tweeds and Worsteds for $1.76
$4.00 Tweeds and Worsteds for $2.00
And the very best goods in the
market, were $4.50 and $5.00,
for $2.25 and $2 50
Some of these us the finest goods
made. All New and at HALF
Trost eringa at same ht Prior..
Any Bait bought at these prices we
will trim and out to your measure at
$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
, Any Huit bought at these prices TM
will make and trim for
$7.00, $7.50 and $8.00
according to the quality of Trimming
We think you will not let this op-
portunity pas. Not often you get
each imamate. for tech Bargains of
New Up-to-date Goods.
This Sale will commeace on Friday, Sept. 1st,
W A.-. 111�aKZ�ILC,
Uoderich Bargain Centre.
August 31
September 1
A Prominent Citizen Says:
" I hats a weak stomach which ordinarily cannot digest heavy
foods, but I CA)t RAT AND UMW ANYTHING if I take an ooma-
B 11TER.9,"
A Leading Farmer of fioderich Tp. Says:
"!lam dMR1ter unproved wonderfully on your SAFSAFRAS
I wont one now for myself."
That's the wary they ell talk.
SOc. 6 for $2.50.
Bedford 1;1(ick, N/, (;a GOODE, . Chemist.
Year Presentees patrols*• .1Yo1Md.
hoe --
Every Man wants Shoes
that will fit his feet.
These are the desirable kind. Made for wear and for
comfort. Sold to divide a good thing with appreciative
people. Broad enough to insure comfort, graceful enough
for style. cheap enough for economy, elegant enough to suit
OOaN Q Or MATT STRAW TO a aormi. SNOB HAN, OND 001.1
AND ODOAR& assay e's. ran Malian Noor,.
Scot k nearly complete again. New good' received daily.
A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just to hand.
The newest and latest Perfumes!
Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, eta, elle
L - �
Corner Colborne -stand Square
We beg to state that we have again opened a
Grocery business, at the corner of the Square and
Montreal street,:the storetformefly oecupied by H.
J. Horton.
We have a complete stock of fresh Groceries,
and shall be able to supply our customers with first-
class goods at the lowest possible prices. •
We hope to be able to serve all our old Mends,
and many new ones.
STURDY & 00.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MaeLEOD, Qoderieh, Ont.
o w
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