HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-31, Page 2"»-.: .
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• sii ii0aA11D flsatl'tP>RIEIg'l's • • �" to have I y dpppre maks as of- Not w d for 4 otrlsy ��;b� �rr
The � alElltOi. . Scathing Arraignalent ,le b w was really
So Ir �wfir�sUwfrtmlLAf Ma
. g,atrrft.nrm A pttruftl d air Rk:hard Cart- •Ip1° of iTAng wldwtce. Ifat Lida PrM• u["�Mpw o/ th h Market Re�Q�}p
ff�Y* 4Z DAT l[oltN171a Wtt#bV• MauM Hall of -ib a oa41/wu • tmU a� Wag ow"S refused. w\m•.- r �-- ' `w
emlraotw from whluh are twin teA on Litx•a M. bass d, 'A --Ori*
= D, me•ll.zdvv"v. J wrsogter urlall : rt+'q}W=
w all tlhat �a ieeoesary Mercier and M a u re I • �dlWdherr If &"to t"'11� Det
- - - y (htnda said wan the 1 ba The Week.
-. I ' - "' tom° Rw t7lam wap% " . tM of Dr0fla Wad
w. tlm•sesl gat fllperp.. l It the to=" of tin rismeoss
THi?RADAY, AVO. ai. 19�.the _ teUd
days. Tt ;FuseRF�
and tion oW. Jensauss Sf. were ourreotr the tt" simply til- � Wharf 1Arkele,
knm'1+ag b�, tbtt/iI'to d f IA hot So r�� u�i�s� vprlarA M .Bort�Wa. ioik,ring are the skighat, I'rlersas
-- - --- - i 1` a�or Freystatter s Testimony lQiives IMi�'fW .ale be add wkehadl to raw Dat th.'; d 1 t Imp°lowin wd„t, «are.
T" "ILM •T T ou public epa,krn ofrdhli'I un• ludo
aatflt U\e rltdesmat of the Courts Oaf. JouaSst, sd y
r a tyslr d the Iroimt4mai rtuatlou std boot. Mereler (' int :iLiO 7U 1-2 iU D _tea
D.wt.ad has now a dalll Pape his trenchant crttblsmma k>< tlwlr Them the Lie. tbuu left JlheaOAd b allow the tlpeoWkeU to se vwOe New ark .• �• UT8
Iia !f•tst. egg4fved with a Thorne party policy add record. And tbq ed hr an 4ilit In w- orae• I S adv tend t\s trial woragelloss ld never 8t. IouL ... ..... .. 0 .) I.Q 07
typesetting mkohdne. modern tareriier '14 C, tdt.) > i The ecette TbMtlo ,.. 81�
ware nkri dlta frit Col- add If every •depart did Use sumo . •.... 071 1-2 0
sad oapltal to able it W bid lox PP`tvt°d Ouefor two Of I Mnftrdl and O•a. oil
lletrolt, sad ...... .! 0781-2 U�!Sll
• !�� �9t Milia►. mmbten' duflurr. It hi. Terry Iillgoera ltmexant seadoar4 A:1 OD1UUl3 LIGHT. An amualas aoone followed. M. iter- �MLuheapdad .• ,•- �� i � titiv7d
•1�i.�sag Itad pmsfsa,fled by Yrakeen braze sed •query ld }min. °all of ► )(mesad woo-oil"I ar40% t1 mildly, itllee pleaded that M bad A personal lsaalr and .►871
etot W have Lout Lh• trut �whllo liar- statement to make and mounted the
9�..Ma ebswNr irtsLAg oDtsbned le trtt>; mit amiss tslel\Irtt oa'wrse d Ihodnoa
• * ''-' 17uU tis firs& number the duplba ty d thed Oppoa+Nw orljCupn i aldmU W*OA eorgsstj threw the uwk- platform. But he had barcily uttered Tomb. AOM• c.,.--!''lour---O,i
iL 1 1 9 b and the trial eeds d tW tisoti :ward temetiWioW hoe tie 11 til- ball a dozen words when Oct. Jouawt l�atettta< 1n bap. •ie.b0 to
not betray liny of the hoell} OpVaii La0eg4 Dwives Teens lido a Corner and Demands Mat Du Fa•ty do Class M' Woe u taw •vafit`'>aNlh�Wtl of 1�4 ou saw hs was merely re-grlpding big atrdlght tallow. $8.20, to :9,2;, Hue.
Ity to tbkW �nadisn that tmarkeed CAM. HIM ezplaruntaou of Mr. Fu~o
l Lxamtded--Tee Gert Refws and a UrammRic Scene Fellows-- kksid fttn%1rywli '�agkwst Vitiated out, ewldsnoe, and, to the great gotlmf6ie• gesfaa PaNtsfllt tIR.W; lfauta,f„d
the course of the Kloodlke Nugget erf(rrt to eslalalimh 1898 rte n record MieweioPs f3vaaleii--rte and Maurel A wtpf ,htlP WbWb �� w� sneorety this of the tadlea e. the President or/R, S&M %O 03.011. all kat track
until nor eptly. lu this oxainectbn
and momisparlsose year by awvhSUt the yttemr a UA Ottluisr l.ltbt t pµmadt! yr �- J=wL Tile curtly told the specialist to leave the Tbs'�'
ifturs Of the Pubka as (v uuLr keep A Very &vel Season of fife Court. !.ou*A tea' held r tseariw In their platform, which he did discomfited. Whkoa6--OiYtar4q red and whits. eye
It W worthy of note that neither, sY y tawutiw from tit• momea% Major Frey- OONI�tsiD AN SSROR W 700, wwth and lvadt ; „•, e'fe
hog book wtpplemeutary eabimatewt atorth dad vrlsst ; N
Ube News nor the Auggem contains Retuxm!< Arg. BJ--Thecourt nitawstal Major 4rrleeu, and the c-eck of the VIL"tter eps•ud h1s1 I* cnittl Simi M. Testlonlero'r t°sttX10 agnlnst o•1 4%114 hard
tlhtan SDA paDYc tervlotL iieglgot/ or Ca Aw1n DrsyloN tlfree Dreyfus toilawed, .it then 1[. Ceara• Too. ��t� and No I uurthern at
any tvfre®kx W Use artery nlleteA I tfpeax.•d at 6.:1,5 a. octad, ofeletared around In nae group, ' coulzpttpd wlLwieEser lett fife
to his N been Laid b Yr. Marks. nor bW d natiett ury Imbillse woAd, eager to 8" the result. This sudleaow wtatgle, told Ovos� tia(IIEpj w murmur til
y ad osbawkv lartvfrrt to tho Inoom- r' k1e without may eztraa,tvl'u- watched dols ntradge spectacle until d49114% -ad thsu; p1!LW cry cit -(Ill deal lbs errpert, who the
Of uaWe-Whlte outs yuusfd at 21c
nerpanimt u[ the Loodm Financial any tnn'dent. The clerk d %he actrrt Co:edal Jatm rt burst from tet bmy�t declared reau,Direlyw was the auteor of 3.-e wfmwf. W
Iht Govfsrutgsst a turdeu or dfibfA (ren, the bordereau, was oaad to the wit- Rye-QUa" at 500 ►forth and w,g
News. Lu the Vauowver correspond- read a msdlest) osrUticatet A&Wd W 1fiRU(i[iED ditS 1Lii0ULDSRd I itssaiar ape Majus 1'rry ons bar. File testimony proved to be Bade
not or she ('h 'Rales -Herald :
and Ilahf}ItfeaL Afar a masterly rzpkai- wtnetter of ly��Ij In Lis matter ui 7-U�+ted at 8Eb weal; load
Volk. Mr. Foster's ouoitempLated ex- twro &'docs who" names wens ua- and the(+ the s tutors know that M. the Robin ok*l, which of the greatest mallet, ash. came to barley 81A
Whiskey permits were ttoa►e time known to the wtsdlesoe, deaderlt It Bort.Lion bind laked to satisfy them. pariesrda>s oontiess be had made an error, aqd Byatt-( i
petd:tene for 1999 Mats about fifty- M Awte e a +woanyttt Dwrtur til t7 $Ia sell I (,to ret $IS
frsned sous 6o be worth some- M. Bartl:io* ItOlked this fwd gold opal- dam_ tit stld he was now convinced that lrstsr• acid gtur4 aC D1g to o0rf IuLt t.
ago three and, a halt millisam barfly a wear imilri.:ibie fol. (lel. hu Va%y do ogetica , r was too badly placed." �jny l� ",I�l Is the hasy, and not Dre flu, had wrltteo Tlvronto. b
thing Ube g800.00U b the 0 --ern- ('lam to ve lily tioxL b came to �' Fiseyerkisotter had
, TAP* Ill revenee oonay that war fuU11ou lass titan Mr. Fiidiag rwkW teal Maitre Dismangr•ca►uus°i for defense, •if *.tort It wisald ullied Ill the am rot the l,ordereau. �4 anouuncemaa( NwkrrhmPo--Firm ; {& tu,rth a,d
to be spgst In builds roNla. but for 19(10, yep Mr. Biafd'sg oarrNhd out Ite[trnea std UegL17 returned to aootiire r' table, end, In eM�mR ••f imM► b t Ma !'r+' made a deep Impression uu the 700 •nom
building Maltre Labor(. ret -r-I fur response to a look d inquiry from y court, and was meted with a n- .]Ira-(ka#A'
tee (1pyWfsmeat. lniReati u[ carry- R14 liar grant selAorms for tM bw<•fMt the dafesns asked the PredAent of q Y i while Ia tea'vMr Act ly.tit.' g 1M an. 86o wtst,etnd .1tr
Iisr of the Dreyfus, rb reed ei hew words to I sait� Wyse. Amid file greatest; arae murmur of got, also
The nazi a dA1 tract Isere
frit t6 'oat, caghtellod theca permits � ,
Iieupkt and hada Surplus of the apart. Col. Jouatsst, to instrneb the tleomar, with a hsbr of \Is expert, M. Pelletier, also teatltloed far- ua at 143 ei t.
aAd p�etM pertnlis to their two well-tlRtown tne0teal men. toesatn- ebou�srs u� �M�'�'�. ••fur the itvt.ln y the
Party irrwl.. Ia this wry. all F .IxI(/,(xlo ngAlnrt Mr. Feetsr'r dcP- turd a smile ua bis lane. ' 811.11 Mutt oraD:y to Dreyfus. apt. elft by! ijte burn•(. o., tract
lite Do Paty doiClam>. bot Cbl. Jcoau•s Dre us U sop. l aabonar d pilsk Ip r, AMUSED THE CROWD. 'ItirtOdo.
the revenue was lest• and Mr. Marko cit of =4.000.0(10. fair Ris lard's -tato• Yf appeared per[act a -m- ad- y(atjpr Fegtair Use replied pnnnpt at
rof•azed IIIIIL s the 1 !lens n 11.41 t.m., ltd- lame►-Qtprnd at :'lu caret for New•
s s as a result Dawoott Will have ueett that the nddltlai W L1w filed �.- Idowlaald Niro, nn F: Iltyi � lye malul;•j�tlr� tee truth et ido l,ro'- \[. Coaard, aaolber ozpert, thea do -
w leiwy least this winter that ` jwwnsd See court, mad M. 6lerliaku %'tout atntemeuis, ,
k rharges d,r Canada, mads Ivy the I,[D haw►r;aeper tn9av, wax thea calk W IrebedasP hy. belongings and the .tel- Aad lid r{ die l'ke esu leemied that u the roru.t u[ lib ez- at Lwreow Marks"
wUl have llgaaw up W 1{1 w glare. g h luatorll, moo. C'oL lfmtae'nd, till the other amlaallan be had acquired the, con• Toroato, A
erale netween 1897 nod 19W was heart, the wtttwlm bar, and deprmed M Nw diers earthed 4.lem out. ILgtid, when drlaea toeodl(ay tr'k•si to vlctbn that the bordereau was not �' r `Roes'pt« tit (Area
The story ke, of CRtrse, atranl. TaeK that Major s ovant Fbmerhazy mitt- To the so ifaper meet who crowded Prtxlue. weer Inrg< 9,W,I hatfu•4r ,i
fR: ,000, to Iu Aciltiom; contrast with leiesd � plrmtha0 lee wn4n the foal- our' ie out oL it, He tad a dt"•- written by Sstiar•basy. But he cou:d grata, ,.V kwon of Its with t
around Maitre Labori asking him for ,. * y• : bossy
Tose matter d these permits Was /M wtd and mcklew uhrrtes o t the law bosdeea+t►a tale tea i txt oplmaraire, vibe brotwil. not goy it was written by Dreyfus, ha• k&J:vtlry of rho usual l►iturvla .,
u , W the tHkrute daring the resslon pssommew Counsel said t►ere was ami thotttte k I Akin weiina his limbo cause be had not soon the prlso•mr's fret or fruit. m > ha.u-
{ Oppo"cu asane, while like pointing A WORD F'Olt DRE'YFtat, a esrt•IA rossalblaa. a to the border- ware Bluth: ng milt s mtyprr se(i, rattle handwriting. v•gst tit- Li oY uLot
and was fully explained. It Mr- out that the prit'sreses to CruiaAa :N The next, witness wan M. Guhert. An sou. addimt • "But [list ke a.3. ,M.This
rlirrha told thin stow,, Which le the lawt three yeard Stas Imm sa treat ezpert of the Bank of. Pristtee, who BertiAM did what dozens could ]v'l ik ( continual
witless kept the court In w •liens. r alin for "ri and wltlw nod
'like kyntrt aQ}orrved as 11."(I n u.. continual Innsgh by the eztneg,- F.rta•r for
ok,atwinl, he decor gyre .his lmagiaa d he the Ireeoed nig tLlrty yotargs will earn claim the baser of belgt the fire% da It proven a clever forgery. dinar modulations of his votoe, mise 'gar follow' : .,. !-:ta,
Nat. it may M that whlrte will atau let Femmes w ly►vie declared is That M °' „ Y 900 Darit•ta snwl tit 7' Lu 7� !- c;
OT1ERIWO Houma &TILL- P -aced emphasis and gestures reds Bojo bmsieis sold w TI I---- to 7•'
7 give our people as Idea Of the tract favor of Irg,eyfs 4 He'reporkd on eft- Ranee, Aug. s% --When the wart- The final witness, M. Varinaud,-a,
be high In Davassis . A good Many nitrides nor eonetry le maktrg under auairartg t.Ife doCameulp In the came. martla: of Captain Drgldus began ahem]rise upend aIanaesor of deneral malntmined the dee'aratlon he lead lnikarr�f- 8 044. at b 7L' olds•
people will not txmoider that Y, be a Government thalt exisris try and fur that ENWhwi7• goad not Dreyfus. greyly this morning in the Lycee• M. - entWAeOurnaa made before the Court of Cessation, fit" •'Id at
1>STIa W W l o.
a drawback to tiro Yukon, eves U vmte the u. The witairs+ Alphonse ifertilfug• Chief of the Aa- that the bordervau was not written foes, first; ion buetset.
the peop.a (>Paa� his �a with a ler chropummtfc I�pa rtmrnt u[ the Purls PassA Ai;- 20. 8.44) a• w. -Mi was by Fiterhasy. ILi 1-_a. aaul.t at
It ear cot thinly nawmpaper comes There's mot a drys Line Ia the alteeoh : alast Prefecture of Po:iee, resumed bet ties- ilunL sa the, vk:ilgill d stat CltaanH
ppe�ts{roal ttlssltanrwsR Vr'Otn!!'4g at DE FRF.TtTVET TO -MORROW. (lots,. uas4er : 1,00(1 baahr4e orf ,xw
''r Poodtmtd It bristles with Interesting. trrefvt• b charaAtM�sd"aM a M,sbttul tlmon Interrupted yesterday by the th'A morning
the uack flag
at L tit it& ,T
r• Pt 7 7 the mortal a f aroyl ill Oil. Josaort than announced that .'a1 nt rd to L 1 -:oak gad :A,1 I.ft
IS, Is mot by d some that no& a coin- expe, % lbshnl!'lt#ry',,pti Ir I • B"- adjournmont of the court for the day. l' k � ' M. Y Ile F'ra clnet who u W" of nit] at 1/ 40 4 -Ls.
at,le facts Itead his ThRtk over It. the attic vnnduw. Suale days mato y resigned
platulaw word about the Officials up- he adds. 111 use w d p!o[onad ty, In ihke case M. Bertlaor la testifying Iluerttl stated that 1n the overt of bit, Mbilrter of War May 8th of the pre- Ry^• tetoaxl7 : 'rte � sold tit .-ss.
ar-d tvro tt bo'w_ Disyftts. '•I hAre ret a handwriting expert, uad gave big flu
psarm-to sOoen& Davtstxt papers sl- EDITORIAL NOTES IV" right In oodrptttdn. and am dtent, reason for bellowing Dreyfus to be the dstith the patty wptAdI1eImS the Wiacl[ sant year, and who was wcaxded b7 $11 ser y ��POa at i610 to
It lou know that two of the M. Krantz, who. In turn. was ruc-
tttough ln•vidatt that dlatlwter are a taefl I see bet "a unfortunate author of the famous bordereas, spm (Strew, rtoo'n#%L
in R'1Anilxg Is V hard W .,ret r n who wttg tbera." which the prosecution mainly depends Partly bats• been dIR onetoar'.atts,ly, from oeedCf b7 Gen Ike MnnluL ili• Gal I/nr•ed , tart
many. 'lite -bath element has begun to m� deb exandewt5fail of tide 1 ('ommuu:ca- tupay 3,.,0
laborer W cut wvnd for law than • memmnr d vat from the to setae: the charge inst the mrgfc jlrin' ry tee would
of the I y. at 1t5 to
apfreetite that mot even with the plvpre °� ttoxu wtttr the Iwtyre a still strictly for- mlabtry, woa:A b,e Amo the milt- IRtr cwt.
•10 aha;itAL pt/AfgauiA tJ+iV edlAtasrb =' u tti,ni. W\etre are All those for addieasne greeted t1m+� wordy d ryru prisoner. III b- ern 1- weR Rutiw osnkl at JD ler-L'Sc ry.r
.... ... _._ pally ilffls Ttf3I[ SPSll41: ,. , _ t1e. pro of • .orditillr7 wt4tlll.to iW17Rx. 3tAA the 1Nls cot t}w,,- at - �Ie :i
%law ax'darlT operation of C'ansctan °�saare wbu iWiR 4ii ware told. of BLAM" l+�li'EILHAZY: Iclime" jlatu ars i►o% a]isrwrYl to ep closed at the request that a rognt- F4JVr. a+ 1C
law The Nugget mays: faring to woe.' at prices SR t , The oemla Aspect of M. Brrtlilea'a Newco. U. 0 sarin reshttned watph on cry ciamml•sI be sent to Col. Do pledtUafs al 14 to I& Lica
woakl depress wfttgas to starvation Mr' � %then rtepshated trio ev1 performance again aPpet► ed to tills rl- Nle timet it 5 a err Paty Ile Clem whose tllr►esr provMta Inner Dr o, fielnit Wr clwi01 •i ri tly
It would oe® task If the Klondike deduce lie bad given beta" the Court sibl:ltles of the audwace. tboagh the GOT :YO AN'tWBR. his attiadsrdve In wart. to which Id'w'AA'
was trooslnt a verttsbb harvest, for ratio r of Cltwsatiou. Hs gave his tart. Judges paid e:nes attention to lila Parim. Aug.2g.-B rmisaloa d Col. Jouaust agreed. Ilia stop does Perm lred•ee whelemia
the iawysrst owing fir the nu►ay CA- - mostly In a clear. convincing assuming, demonazrrttm& whkh wen cane.ud- the PuUce (C.,mmlagory the Abbe Do. not satisfy the defence, but they ae- Tigrosto, Aug.
pater which aro ariesi g about trnno- Of all the ezixndttorvs d the its aqd wag ndist emphatic In atm- ed at 8.79 a.ug the wltmew owing sore, of the neighboring Churg of Ifuleace to the commission taking Do kAA. par to.t Poww. SS ti8Xby. .atr straw.
few of clalw, etc. ar.on, variniady placed ivy the Tory but wag
the bordarosu to F,rterhaay. 1n a declamatory tone: "I am PAty T►e Clam's •%do tlmony on tM
The Na- tx,bes flint organs at =SO,t1u0,000 to gTOa(l0(l,-
Answering questions tit the kadgso. convlgoad 1!s writer atf the bordexeau ti Vincent, a Pant, today several gar ria• Per tor. 1 . x4.L9;
times n� the door tae:1 at the head. principle that halt a bmf M better lutlor ehai e. W5w lou b 17r. butter.
M. (lobert declared hL wnvkLloa b .hie pts board
sitting there.!*u quarters of the Anti -Somite I,eague yam non"' mod nr4.tmihs 1:t to I a big r, d.+
id clerk
of elist,co mining ,the. filer sun, the 1lppvhaktio,ta voted • IruR qsto the Rue de Chabro, where M. Gurr- The court adjoarrled for the dayat pdunxd "film. IS to 170., butter, cross
and cleerk of nrords, hued ,the. [tit p that Ilse tionlarean ore■ wrlLteu in a Dfyfw \ndrd him without !lath- fry.
kraoy i%eedsAgtt+stataxtf Is
running natural hoed. egad sold tbery iq,abd w� an a:yte•sbn of disdain,
is, the President of the Lesgue, aqd .1140 O'clock 46, M- . S. Poadxl rolig, '- to •:ae.v laslrer,
lowing natk-. dotted the 2nd InA' Lha Government eztrav �st�Ttnen waw uo tracing fear other trickery. welch V abewsd In a al mete Do- a &umber d his eompaglon° are en- •rsommery, Iman, 1J Lk, y0a;
Nmainw Is hereby given that on and aim Ues. flogs faked to be confroatsd tkoslsw seiner just biobre the trenched, but received no roply- Ile re- THE BINDEE TWINE BALE. 'txk, Iv_w hitt. 1R to Ila: hoary, IMF
after Negvterelver lot, 1899. the main- n n o& the Oppoattion gouty of neglect with M. Gobert and put a number of specialist's test4duoty, when M• Do- -
OW Ileense of the grantor. an well an of 41ty + sewed his efforts to rommunlca to small. N M t C.
y les
ydesUbss6 over Quo or two u( which mange beaded bl• a paper which X with the eccupanta, later, brut wite It Was 8*14 by Tawdor to the Highest I
d figs grgohtee, must be PrefawoteQ the wltuew etumbbd. to the infinite Bortillon yd submitted to the the yogi resat. The Abbe said he Bidder. welm"uamew
.f with all hills of onto entered for "!b•' A L<nsdoq cable sntys that Ube pro- matlsfeictlon of the military w1U. judges as ocor incing proof of the gur.t
traittnaat.himdflen This la by ceder of .hie aosumed. The Drlsobsr perused had listened lntratLy, but could bear The fact+ tie that the product o,i L:ve.p,ul. Aug ;:4. 1;:.•eO.-Wheot-
d timid (trthin office,
lin is Iv portion d pasptevs to the popgilt'on noose°. who smiled and ezehangW o for a few moments and thea hand-
no sound Inside the baL'ding except the binder twine factory outs said by Nor. i.print, ter L 1-Y,d: (:oil., III 1•-'•d
of E .r,, nd Ia lower now than It ha° glances a1 If back with a aliru o[ kis aboa!- the ringing of the ball. He added: I the Government at the h:gheet twice W 84 ld: ,•or'q\=%V. 8o :x1. ol,l, i
Very important Ktrpute c4►Imw oar Int1L a do not eves howewar, that there ling 1 I Id . v Ce 9 I -Yd ;
rwimt up for hear4tg before (lo'd beelt for lorty�twe years Like enough BER'( 1")N'N IIHEATILICAAI.A. dere and without utters a word . quoted anywhere a► the I. no. the sale Pa I,ork, prise
(`emrpfnraver 8eakler, and n good lbs R M. Bertllltw. the noted an wo.tern m•s+, fills; lard. Prhrnr sweet.
been •general suicide fit the famatea was tDo t thin t flora b no
tk+cLatov will be blamh!ett tree CONTRADICTED MAURSL. ern. Ta fid; A
1 of him time le tol.kew with tttr meter, or specialist In the measure- LLs ..kid.
priory Is not In accord- [suet q to found t miss told, also, trail) ma, twfigk 1, Me
%rails for trehtht the cntsse of such a 1 8111; L. Jr.ry Asstrffis,2 Sia on; .4a
ret o/ thecae. � meat of the human body. was called There was a highly dtageat4u scene ones with Gierlm's Ideas." alter quotations had been tasked for
The Nstget dimirrition the eftorb sill State of affairs. We wonder the pros- as the next. wftnem. He wore a towards this cold of She spina. Mal M. Guerin's brother Louis was ask - from nearly, W not Qante, all the larg- eriptM g,•r1 W fins, Y.4g; bacon, tuo�
pie Wad I& dark blue frdek cost. std. to the tr'• Labor.leadiaE comment for &he de- ad to try .to eommyniol" wlth the est dealers in Canada. Ile tender of clear, light, Bat; baavy. :r!A M:
OWtabt Perones to got AWAY witbumt general surprise d the audlegea. 10um. asked to have Mahar Freyrtat- beat agM party, but he refused to do Rate A 9m. of Ottawa, was Accepted, Short. e:atr. heavy, AMa 8.1 : •h�w,e,
Paying their debts and ad�a: There W n gar( demtind stprtaplgg ehLerfrst Lhie cart educe wlLbout a tar• ons• tit the merelaers of the court so. a tulclde descry gAlned ground add hese the boilow7leon d the corp k'o'ore 1, ;Oa *J: white, 41st Gd. what,
The new catalase red'�taustin ie work- single and carrying a high martial Of 1894, which convicted through the fact that a back flag that the Government ani .lie, twine oras• cos"l Ilan.
tdmt ■p for Canadian rbtcbue and turkwIre aQ paper ire fun• called la contradiction of a Llve utt,t--t'b,.o-_WboekL kits rt Arse;
inn very os nnrctorlhy to cesdltora ne etnt In his hued Instead But L1r 7 Dl�>'d to the al tfo window tit the to 1 ribeg r clown. tar It ke proved Ka_ l ''etanolanf Cal., M ldtvr qs I.
It itae the effect u�(( cpmtr.ltfsial P-.ople he Brltaln, and the Dominion Govern- asW tshment waw short lived• the W- Maurel, thio pzs,elding Judge upon boaao at tour o'clock this mctraing, this tam almost Immediately row4d
try eeLtio their defit� De/are they t+arL aarnt Is to start chtoken fattenin P that occasion. who bad testified that and that�ome, days oM. Guerin said about m•s half the total hase t 1'i9L° Yrmtor•s ets•�: `elft :.+ Ill. Y g first worcke of IIL ltertlllon Mlosg a Pawc R•9d Uci •Aft Now. nominal. lar . rJ
leave the town. -Th1. b easily awe stations. where instructions will also request to permit hke diagrams and
be only read ami° of the dueumvntw to that In the event o els depth the r\olawals deslews at an advamos R -M •-nor firm; now R4 " i4ii {
i a an there is only onto way of '.tet• b be ht In. 'Rte Ye- of the secret cSogeter commuolcuUed to party aboo:d hoist the black flag. �m Akan ten per cent., and thew purer w
fed be glvop in the proper ti0�I� u papers Lbe snort martial. The Sha}w. noisiest o:I. 86 n 1•td; fatureae til^t. (eyed is'
tint pmt mf Dawwm. and that W I& anted and U. RertltWw A l UKIIINiTE DTINO; abate Is town started offering It to q
Aaamer, asd as all steamers .are killing, packing and Rhtpptag of pool rem( w for w moment Later be to recount what Wcurreo. Raiff his - Pared Aug.6--Miedsaw Clients- the !utak trade ata a from "'f, UCS. nr 51 -td. Floor. 1vM, tit
watit�md, It IS Im conviction of the guilt of the prisoner �' i.gaAna-Ckke-VYheat off coafd:I
pnmdtvle for Jeremy- try. Ivsrttnps our frkend the chicken returned at the bead of a squaA iN P bop, whose snail is among the essence- a•voa to tam per Llage d there Deem buyer, 1
dddiess to escape the v' taut eye of was formed by the ev. the
of the ou u le a' r wife- end Re( ci at W,t sea I,,t_ag;
a editor rt/ rho Spectator might tend w composed of ash infantry sewteaaL I,uwmtrrta was slbwod.to vlsbfi M. Uue- 7 •=mgrd. gown firm. lkirm orf eowvt mugnl .t„�n
iezptrty in handwriting. the `epode out that uea pest. war- III( R
tI Litase to whomm Weep are trd,bte111 raarpt lex b1w surplus clock In this Unci roar privates, all staggsrisg tion of C"Iorel Du POSY De ('lama. I rlrl today an account d the eemite, my han been saieard d. (xi resea�Re 'Istot add steady. rrtdeus
order the we ht of tntanenee leather d (les eon's it epip Ted to be nite � ortmple ozplaasatloa of the xreaL
iWnMoet 1• made Of the White ]'am direction. "mal•" le cssgttauad, "I most atld, oh'PmsnCs of wheat to the 1'niuvl'
satchels. bre tg with documents. some slight Influence was exerdsed iTeadsnt, who appawted to be mi- Kingdc.m a"• 95AM pitnrtere. w, the
.i. & Yukon It;altway, and ties, remark M chmrtr. which they deposited ly tt tabled the door for Maehhttr dffertnee between the pn{oo the Gov- etisUlMat =Ami o earsorn. Nalso,
The Canada's Cup" u, the Yate over �y mead by hearing the sects" f ernmeut recelvetd and fiat welch t
made that • K >r omfolrtubate icer Van- m the stags, ors a roar of laughter Cbantebup mind dee remained forty t
tree acittnaxn. H was tolyl won Ips dosrbr hseutl." Tle whttd+es waw Woo , massy d lbs farmers b t1iaL °�' qu<�Sorte, dal.. Fuz, As+i., IPA
- couver rind Ftp4}�,,.eLt,,�a merchants that 7 7 echoer! through the comet. Noun the oextkirest er to wether one or more minataw in the ettootfholQ On return-
- Paid &d; Atm.k•f,n mlxai in% fid. F-F,ur.
z`� close contest. and• alt d Use Cans- es were Angst" to aapprees a q 1 to the street she re trd that ovvtrtn to Use Cab•a war She price of
Cyuids lido not p yet • thrae�i hnhg h>� d the lfodumenUs were read. end lou P� mnnf ln, which eonstitown 48 per spat gmotAt:tinw Minn., S r W. .int
dimes would rather haws (rept IL of omlie as the gained on M. Bsrtlllen's until the were all rears. hale son pras•ta a djfvg conditkm, warp wbeat, spot stAndy ; N� _ it.
routs, to the KliarWile. Wore this the - stage properties strewed over It r i herss the WAtl of the black flag 'mat. of fie finished product. advanced
ewttrsw t '} 1'bis was la direct coatrwdMLk,n of g igure never fret thou ht or, W• Ian -8t.
. caps, they owvmle>f command Un %rade they Iona M �Imdleuven •hoxiid the platform A tatNie was brought i thin mets. w w f g
P Col. Maurel, end M. Labor( at once I lei' �m Parer-Cktse-Rhett flaw dell: La
*%cost wlthoui No dtlabt of Iso tea gentWomm The good feeling In. cord which the ane he was usingl Gots of h Use ld ae of twlue In R
,diPmtt•, W dsmandM the confrontation of Ma � Remedies Aug.Arty"8.-When the trial a/ all party of the world about trebled. IW 78c. NOT. ?.Of- 7:ic. planar, tons
ft• Llvernsmb, In war" the fieaa%e Pwievalling, and tbil alAaoea d miwsn- could be Phased. jos•,Freystatter with Col. Mantel. Oft". Dreyfo° opened in the Lyme "an Dominion Gowrament Rot betn9 dull. Aug. 42f 40c. Nov. and nb. '-7f
t' to defeat the Canadian ral(wwy �'ndhhts °o common at such BARED THE CROWD. i[,tCitiiL AT BAY. building tills morning Gen. Mercier. �dble for the war In Cnbn ran- 90r.
who) wan Minister of War when rlrey-
reAeme, fid a .tad for (auada sou a "nettle ai'e Pleasant to note. The Tile witness began by tug that The lattovr mounted the and not be held responsible for the high sradsereet's on Trade.
jn6 "team fns wow (trot triad, b 1sP4, ors° pas
whole and for BrWob Watnbla its Beaver might have done bettaaw 1n only Intelligent men am Blow ISL Predicated It nallelable objac:U, his price the farmers had t0 pal for
ports i[ sent u usual, le Lice feast vow of Lite iiasiuetr at hlho•trssi le very fool.
IA parrcvstar. rough vvwathesr but her Imidc was to exptanattnnim. and the samrt was ball shill a or btsarios out bedoaUh i y g their Coutts. The 11101 trade is pttlsg mare setive
sore lecu nor file atxlfenee, nftfx amu- 7 y d w:triwss seats thus daflelW °ettin The Opvernmoxtt In also told that
lik$imatavn .,f Nle year's emtgnt of lone. and she lost, to a boat and a leery tis I ors an looking U"ubd wt rest fixe teptwt+ as to hi■ having It Rhould have Meld this twine until °s d W'YT doll aE the °f
Wood Into mole♦ at Ills extraordinary Item wli6 • vlobub ha look, 1 find to the letwid of Jentry, sad as the talttmn ttie..,,t w.tl tb
geld wary greatly. hat shrewd miners apo twmaniike Club. The Canadians wtirds amt Pope I-11- minx, beau td► "How cis, you "Plsln this thi"�•a c1 M. I b li w areeaL. late to the senwoa a»d Llan thtvwn k MAI trade az° aur• *"Nora& There is
borM and went out. Labor. Then lbs (3ologel at ba r(- Oak the market SO kepis the price down.
t. place It to the pelghborbood of y20.- mint hut, try ajait. r } The first witnesses ealkxl t•►day was Wboat It ha known that actual) (,nl a groat doal a# it" and Rrneral
Y. BrrtWe" eomrasutmd I,u deposit- piled savagely; "I mold I only read one a M Paraf-Javal. .tile dnao htRmnn r y m°rchwndfr° ea�fg�
QQ0,000. lc•efit 1(o(IHllvr;l. a Caul -- --- t'w, at E.JO a.m• It uWailted t`,e R <xte fifteenth of the total taint tan• >brtward for eaq
document. I did bot say only oto piss j gamed to Canada i° mads tit Use °�
Henry Clown, k Cie. In doily F'bnnn- , wlneee ewlrlenaa waw lnserru k,n meat and ilia die*aatl Oor uotau r
friM)rrar also has Iarfis lntevewLR fe tr►e wlx,lw seefkws, std will probably davrtent was nerd." aaturday by the aAjnarmsnt of She psnitr•gtla this run i id very active. f3\�isq ate Ivory Itself.
trltbon. thinks It will not reach that elal Clrenlar warn pe,nple, against the oc,nipy the wtd,lm of tkrrdornn►'s Thin ertat+emrrt called G,rlsh an out- court. M. I'azat-Javal w•a eallrl by uerll+ aerytile other. M -Montreal Her- Bow and rn ltd to have their has&
lk 1tru. He also makes the slmewbmt many tnjudlclma ventures which 4tr nn- •lfhtr Court room prw burst of hik•ns and Indignant -0bil:" system b, old the mad of am gm- .
wtwAeA a eurk*M mwwffi While M. Her- from the andlenee, whh bnkfxl , tt Site aiefo A ell refute the cul Norm spa• WI
usually present theeanelrfr in w potkxt t►ttish M. Alpiwtire BerLUlon, chis[ of ------- _ _ __ ono rmikety mad ee: Trlr
Yulumkatnis eLaintaiit that "the tlllori. whom the Ihnlyfuslnr<is, W their IL as an Infamoan efonteeskrn. The 41x• Anthea Dr► shad up lir, mail$". eptrrtst!�py- is 1M
of ftmsh tldrre. The warning ke trinirl I Anthropocentric, pie ollic% t of Nartl t' a gEiada
Yukcxh le thio malntelnfvd or wmstaltwvl w r• camas ledmitpwt rdemertts, describe as witneRw, t,nrml,IhnR wfth ehamo+, Inst fife I'arla prefecture of poflce, Inst I4v#=bersrt ars aid in-
, so the present 0,0*tkm of rtur Iadar a "d•narrow mantwc," Rpent Lite ovidrntiy determined to fight to the Mr. McLean, of East York, maser nn
by rho mrrney taken cwrt. Thor Yukon Lrlal ctirtrdimty there M a Ann of them tematntryr hwrage of SIM .sisdoo last, thew a flrtiee kink orf hwtessl at wowk, attemptusl W pp,ve that flirt knt„r1wrK ,tPMc\ 1n the , mftd rel dk4ts exce1ent conditions prievahll
I hitherto 41ae (beam wtmetadned h the Rea l�7riagnter haat writton the borderertn Iq flaw' ptti4ly do a 10,16oaiuhp of Roar
7 iso initiates lu nnlnbrillehlo term^ M. l,nt.wi Amit then sndience ,s the (rxtrexwrw the o Utiot dor In OWneetlon
overdoing fenny fines, and readjewt- Initiates a disgalwed Band, and by aeanv of a r snood tvhsal. RmWktanes eo•tisus
feted and aaorley tvh ch were hrough6 hfR fat sgzaa- tit pro ving ger,dartees shouted : " 6 leer, , with the, nobAdy V, tlae`Ontark, unci
mount cat hard( take is" without key-woeri. "Interest•" and that It good.
Zito lt" Ile t6lnkw better rentlh M►1 y P Dteylma was tate wutbxw• o,a( the Mr- 6lrnes7" a i Rwlny River Railway. He w•dvaontaw 1
.yF,. extnlcl edit linos been wr,ttfm by Forder- The rolef6 trade at the Co11iVt has"
hurtbW somebody. tri good times It khk! a Tice ltuijartty orf thou tigWla, the Oo►wwimeni own" "Wil" of nil bgoa
its ob&Ialbed when tlxe work M ,tone tt��+• qq Y•tle the
F: a d iene . patty, although the dceartrnt wow hr . • good
pe t11e pant few weeks atttl
le well UO make file egos& of tun. liol►vwlr, diterly anl4bb Lo eumpretLetrJ n handtit•tL1m rltlwnyw It tw pr<Nethty rx>L Sha 11
(nag,' V end ,anUgv and In a nusee a,pppr 1M After th'w the aroylit A Ir, In
g, reselwtdbtg that cN prospects foie business for the fa
rga' 4 M 14ertilbn's tlht</r had left lily slofng the Toronto World of which
ILMe but eadtlo• ieltomld truer M Ais woe111trmnA ne lYn;rr FreyitntLer, fn n Fiterisssl. n.re vary eatou[zghtg. RuLd1Ag up-
' ttMhACLb•f way. He anyo L)xire Is A con roan. Even "La Da.b Bian^Int' Mr. Mclenn to eolltor, any Injnvtice, eratioos ora
• Put on all sail, but doe's difbtlt, ixvlft vole.•, told exact) what ORE ftAPHIC TESTIhMY. tlaEn active, the Mile are
us of Idle man 4L Liteotvusllr .�°d' (tido whits lady) abaridtmter! Cor Poul• eat hat. po11t4as1 soetwd, 6ri Roy
Wh� f tits docatmente orf Lhe ~.OF where, tnsy and the allpdtmata d 'amber
lose control of the ftanvaa. 1th the Rid of a blackboard. M. that : the Dominos add Provincial
Who would stare but for the (los- A QUEER SCENE• and lrnw Col. Maltreat not one read 4eau quko Iargw The scarcity d wit-
ewd•ssrnt old von them. Fle y l'arafJawal, at about 8.40 a.m. 3s CtovernpeaM ltd a the courRR
!' frays a (what ueer uawallow are Aeled d In the meauwhile U. Berl,Lluu, with Qiwxv dourim+ntw, bet made comments monatrated the fallae of �� ab:n dwelfing hoards in ttoara osatns
Irigh trtMhte to Rev. Dr. Grant, who q q geatorax and W the shrill. intrind o n theses. This, wow practically culling lows esdcalatkes and crttkhwd -the FA at advocated
he and histhe astralamber from oo"timuW and the demand for boasss,
:the newwpopen I We are apPewl- to'oe of a quark at a country fair, Maassl n tlx,rrough Isar. and the nolo- jst to i vvtuld It It pas oo WU load to a Volatile -
ad one, or the gospel pioneers of Uaw- E t eth unfolri6d it oust submitting a have beast e, to rte first is ret their
ed to to decide • ocntrovsray over CMiN.IUkw lain n.unoiogm, pralu.:tn¢ Awl glared at tiie tgnjrr fng,lotrl^. adco of the aotivih7 1r1 bs►idldg »p-
rtw and or Iran of a hoepltat ear- + FsUerhasy's bairdwriLlalt t0 the (meas their word, to tdsesprseuL Sherr
v,w� sM Sw+I the cgs d the Jerroy L(dtr. Heves' it it every minute some forth payer Uor- Ftryatetter, however, was tort d -R- T,r,ha as tl►c w,[tar's haadwritln osfrLtve"! and eaatio•s next spring.
compliments the offk•IaIR on , eted with wonderful hleroglyphl•,s. w►yed. and Iain worth, Prl R• Povlk1• Tlreg,ewould have
to be dialog 1 The Lip an a seaood-time spoken to n At the game time. the draughtsman been the usual cry or johbovy fill made at Wie�hlr:y ncllve
tile order malntaind+d. tie mays: : coplew M whlM be ptswE`nted to the sono of trawler and feAtkw""ess, nasi torr til asU i L-Umtsst Is now
y httde b avers that she is onlyF no, tale r even if T. HMNIM a e p dodo mail file few. al Ilse.-Wrxethettx k `
Lim me any that I cv,rewiARr Yr. calx,, wIM an wxprvlwtlort of have earrinrf ee,av'ntfoxh deer ev.•ry min, tide tit+ wunM out have owl ReuL:[el-Fiovlww. being also b Boo ti the
M, 1sssL:o tea ykerM her new him Ow Ili° wfsdnm, samrTufly exarobved brarowr. Pro bervest Per
0lilvte lice khnl more row ttx pswdtlom ' anytidng. In brio•r, he mog,Nny mew - -.- . -_-- oporatLz Y the "Will I Pe -
tl,ow Their handa elunt•vrost tomethR. 14ern. Mere er stein nak!A tar irw heart, hod lkhr this wiliest sibsst the P--
rte oneuplwo. Fie iw thoroughly ler basd4t sevler. Heal •elEte ret go recall sot may be Rail to Amite been a field Fits 6tradartb a•d Mmkaom � crit
stir/test, and a more Ioyeil man to the test abs was Mrs. Langtry in 1hd7/, Iltefr syot, gnslrm ffB the bag, W14o and plaaaA trlwunlf hostile Marvel. 7'bw day for that handtfrlllny eYpettw, who Not to •assays limp NE 1�n1 prevlrice•
strips of pnprv. while M. Bortillove fa'h'dillux nppsnradee of ►tram own devoted theaaew•lvele to darwoitsleln Tito vrrwlwt txf ever IL hes .Ren Wliieet egtt N In nod
\ubNesUs Of Nhty ooar►%ry [ hawe never and • oartaial a u one
wows. and I have had nose oxperterlens, 1 gvvrd many Years old- IgnftoA awe- their tattle. trying to ors- true•, IrAH tk wnel ar civilian wtttrw, •ad,itvev'w evkfersse. 7%0 puW}r fofhoEv- d.tk»(i t\wt kir. ttifagvse IR an seoa[d be petitT gaily !r a wieek
or than 14. "lien ated Waren d the Plain hlw any dlagramR, whieln wan In ntrtklttR' eo,wtrawt wlNl the -d aIle Ae r•ttitoe lbs nonacked to air# a Ilterar leartarc et or tam eiayn 'Bare a Baal
of life. fie in mels ruthnl, oleobtxM ,oned s lith Ifs! i lffe w'Mt LLA the Mettler is
of gaff fuss v►k•m AI MrwaMw peened to Ulf. I,ebwl wrt•e1, nnflinnhting rLSittsda of F'r'y- �t rirlretMiy Park s)duty. I lora been of ruFn t
lag at tine truth oil LMn Tune" on orbs outs berm le 1116E; the Reid tlermange, w}t(t, howevear, altlsar• °tatter, wilt, wore she sport antform hr(lat t, seatrsl Ilxt(snt•s1 wltle the beard during the wRsdcd of Live one now tovoriab:tm for the \areata 'I'lls"
w Uttunwghly 4wltSeomtent, wail tchwfriend pmriai rencmied srym say too; she .van �i ft ffOr, Ort attwntf(rri
enN did not rise ve ,Haab ,refit from of n major of fartflkevy, with mwsfals on time Atm<xwR wonhl 1 Iltk•RI
of tile minor.1. T Ix, DQThen lbw temp wts��
m»cried !ry 1871 to Mr. Lryery. Eibw slvwtr pttrt+s•rl. 1 hfw iroeaiet. 1t wow A Li'PI'I,E UiiMi'IHH, Conservative orator. Tat hw ,leafs Then ILq best a gW1d r
at" prakeo of Use other offielwlswith Proyfn. sort At the scene with a Gen. Wearcier did not mis m to to well with literarysub is those w wbniirsh mfl!sliw'UI Ibb
rays W i• an.s m. I4orr settle 4f as Rt► 1 RF.MARKATILF SCENF,. hx' ball�ttte�t A good EAataT
wham M had tit cka•al ke nlnowt equally Look of otaWwetio& 7'bw elmrses us- very nb•fewfnt this morning. Be have
a chew eau Ism ola1iLomgleilewr' (s� weak flat week
"Dl teritnes of 111, EtteWOm during the, (icor. Mercer at onion dr•ferl Majw trareely on" it seam to (,isa.Onam 7 y Li era have basis Y= t1N a# two
slt(IYifr, aril hw U desiQ111mttrcRMvf with _ _ _____ course d his dsoometrwtions *ram Fre,=tor'R deelaratLwt that the, the wwo morning. But darMg the Md, hilly tw,etry, tw w smiDjmat boa the greet �tjality ilotlinghhe
k1<IM mief,dbs of tbetr etfterse, nit marlin- , Lack at yonr one dollar b11ls.Lods- that the handwrww of the hor• I+uitsta I,'I'Ttch WAP contained in brief °uspesefow of the crtart's sit- wW,h n►lowa of the nen of a HT" tlfl tb° sgilllElry oslaElfEw sad
%shtlin law and ardor. Hew vis"rdo nro: ier•telt $1 buts are said to be An eir. derosa r r 1 rhythm the dustier. t U a lie." (Treutendona t Itotnt imaginatlm, watch no the do rtor pis. orpauitat d tLs Tbteetke I nleI 9 -
Off, EesmMtrlr•s r hg. fur attA (la,n. .}mea and ltliAb e►�l1
" No wtnnot no man tierrl a d whicts j t TW0d. eo oatlont In wen'aat'.on.l waltad u FeRWs, without violating Log, wlti elutt=
tog; g arbtfd, rafwMest Thee coertseg,lMt L a 11sp1s• 1 Ma r F'"• D and down the court yard qR Lens Haws y hl 4AP I'be `
the prlRrmoses blotmlai .tad," 'iso wit JO yIaoLter, however, was of the Lytree, 9-41 en thkorliol. Mit which when Intrndlaced N
ami h►as fire news tet California,Alien Lar( note of Sha series ret Ig78, an the andaantok1, :and r Ly y engaged In in men m»red
neo flnail7 antsom be would give epitod firmly. look- oxxerersation. Into political ke apt Nv NxA Into st�s- bur rnpp Eteroehtte is
I haat to shoot to kill to save my (w•►- oaatnlae rho portrait of Prlmoom a prime* 'AMe60k.tule of the Int} Colonel Jouawst straight In the Oan. Ds aolsd•fftA was not P, tit tseaa and utteelrtntnttpp not ennaHltr\t pod and are wee lard.
Party. Tlxre M Piety Of waaLMIM Louise. Thu PuMm-MM. with tis &. wvlLftfg of Wass Ww'dnresa. ftecontlag face: tar the past few ~Ong. and it b with that srthWit- tot. Thomas Jour. Rstarm lbw watts, acyl
and drinkbsg and Prostitution. wdnlob Motion of she poiiraft 1UP41 he vert to itis n°� Then hew Wteatrir,, i swear that what I have RAM run wwvsl bare that he Is domkous of nal. ertl W46 of .hes brrmtakwl fdok 'll"an
etlsbt,ed the dsak attached %ear %be milt- hR arae." leaven the d --
always ant by aybdence In mining **"'*"A "I'll 11111111 11111 of Prtndon nogg bar. drew bite wtlllr Mears-, de_ " And." }Y a a\btg stip M the gem- ctal yews rhtditl[k Jane 811th dolaor-
to*lw but no eryg, remember
added, " I real a c. The and of Interest rftw OLDHAM 11ra1gilt Lha allWrsgatw asks (tl lQopofys and
oDou disorder. n^ crime I.tslg0 Y badly dose the (mon in► hie bt ham o0 hip flair. and Ifo. mer why teatsrlLlrer the despnLcil, In the overt yard was Owptafn -- sxpnr a $111 774. ami •gnln4
a4Almt SIM pAoe; no disorderly w trig hoperhOt io tin drawing. &adthfl "^ ne drrwa16tAn but I hare a vivid rrikeetion of-Freystaettsr, M the Marine In Lg� (pewee OP-* v" Evieosasy gg04r47tt,TAA in 00 p�Nlals ^yawl•
riUtisws eLMdcit w. And Tilts, all rates preflid ewalltlt a d pas of film rmb C(WTIi *Tae 000AMREAlt. She fact them the first *feeds were.' 'tnntry, wbo taatlncd me lararahly E•Jrymwsew Vimes, or n gain in two Ntl� r el 11
hnsiles , j ora there• --were from defect, Yg4►trl r, t11041s l' with what � AeemAn wttewilho (fewvwer »rsise Ia atrwted• Emh-* to nrAytns aL lfatarAar aqd cafe LavriMn. Aag. zT. Th+ nntwwl weak o t' trtrA a Wait !gip!}i�oW t�UTA hUnIR
'e'•' - tilt own" MMRy1 driirhf letters, tin t� ��eBasmtntly trwo the i10 tN Laoluel hoildo r of the GMbare arttwn of
�" enteeed or aslMttmpti4w Rod
Awth. em(torts brrutht by SAM Oyer dirte}ilpsnMm WAird tray bre, is sfud�a• gaming at him, fun%& at the 'Rtli emphaltle Af+rtlAratton inerea� =111. Who was President of She thew, known as "the olUham w �„� exprrtw the rretgra for this year'
,,be anosveWlNh►ray W"I atmairtheo oa►ernd ofbeteally by tb a Asst than sL tee rmlrrlrsw the amt the ed thio saaanilin. (1Maral I[erclti• ema'rt martial of I991. In a facet in. hope Ndtmrdny. TMrw otP•rsdwlro nub. ^Inrhnk 9RI I.E'►M.01S, art- gpinet
grc,}1� glmsw nlsdo .fin sett rnwtng teyly this Mht feature Of„ t la/twr's wN- cellose t Lite Year to r fnaA. g"19d.R90.11fro.
Air Tf*iliMilMf that the OaMpattrne thou n+eamtdrtei% Is, 11''16 M WOOL ksmll' 1mt�tlAlltk P dI thiol put t� fI r 1 A0t1, the
amkl Otb"W .iswom son Aoe tha/ Is L '" ' hint rmtlla lip the /� =10. 1!0 eaptal". m -saw la A orb" fhb yyeeaaaar raaeh«d - . , •
•%ralMimf telt Trt�uvni ofrle{nin was reset w MN wlilmh ItAs home 'A�r M n� �sastmOA dsreeawy %n rot'T , wlw,M wbAwl trtis m&" tis the Into [k (/(Folic\ tisdie, Itldfgo blue send. wbole pt wbM:h will be lnmvt by them Tbs appolatasaest of Dr• C. 1' itike
In SIM Inteertlheta d ltetlne pod p>A anA tiatny vvbtn. 11ol p4oyer gpdfn korrirswn, and that a fww flus would Nnmdhwrt. rAitlf d the rntsfi4y4 rNy and womrhlg him rive educts- alaMng the weak M the PopniRr se!awl.te frmt, W. P. feta I.r11p{�ea t.0
^s't1M. hot mainly wiMt a view to kits- welch the Md iA Printed Is poor,atjd safti twRpatrtmarttt' Hillis IrftA MRrwtw 41"C thou j,,attajshlne enact Position ret irep°eiam 11t( 1iAskf rev
It be A taw
MlOafeR later i% Beftfllon LAMRY AN(3R'f. A UNITABLE ItEictlisT1ON ta the dM d Mat and alcotimald, °mull. Quelnee, to aadaEtwrd.
•shit Plwtotsrwet, lbw rein a.[ lin Ur, etly tea than a mal" fouls sham -nem. atrndR to the Judges' taWa and lgbotf wins \Qtly Itdltsans at M his friends. who 'inhlssr tikxraanA non. women and I At tat llerdaagMl rl fats. licaa'h
plrlw\1e t%INMvMr MMlrsrl in flaw pts- ferrnooHntaty that stta h%N sows peoma arounot ta�(�II,, th-
s slid bet tMq her a'I>A . TLaIlOgen, f>fn. Merclsr'a Lee M wHb their ww►kse!Llsewtfaf. tis ekwnt Lh1 (tall .angoKl t ox
vtl/rstdtded. IUmurd ffy /Lb (Itnwmriirfrrot /oagN4, th' ow.ullnm, a� teflon. mad asa.,. m asd shaoh him \rids. T NA cam to I►anos ills hell
Co til and galea el owev , were 7, win
'A J1 bh. .° �. ! j. n dodaniet aeN c days (e'r��.�.�� The y
.. ••R-' ' . , ^ 1,-I" '1 �'! k : i ! ,len .1 ,it - , «. Mrs. • op I* �-
. •.,. w .. _ _ .. .
• etixlwa b o•r, Iw41
,*anwos a41a w.. -n ¢nM sF' tea:, ,
•/f a,", ae awe .t r, ,r . 't , , ., f� , i i aA's - &erl� y vlMtes hf •eery arch seas•, to el• ` -
.V-10- -n r• }r. -f • iv,a, r r,. ..,• .Ili IWI took ) y 7 • .
e N.
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"�t' . 1111 I . .. k.b 'e _ s::
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