HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-24, Page 8g T1IMgsi; A g.et 24, ie4$,
alet Clearing
Out Stock.
Come and get some of the Bargains ! .
0.4 rSJ1 OR TRA iE. ,.....�
• Smith Bro's & Co.
bosiasM .tTem10 a/.. hp Oeaseee prawn
-NMrIMMea el Med ler Tams*
Eighty varieties el winter wheat have
bees trews Is the ehp.nmesMJ departamet
e l the OMM rie Aariseltteral Collage for at
base bre years u seeaembs, and lbs power
M withstand the .old weather, etr.agth of
*Maw, asemat of reek yield of grate.
weight Per .ea.sred 14huhol. oto , of each
trerfaiy It.a hese careful. determined each
yam The rsmlM of tame practical field
ea)wameaM at tie College term the hasty
Ire the adoatlos .f • yew of the very beet
Idris far Meeh. en the farm throughout
the Preview. The oo-oper•tive exp.rr
areata el the pest few years .how that
them variegate whir* h..e gives the beet
*werore resells la 114e .zp.ria.ate sea.
Meted .t the Cellars for Seligson i..ao-
emtaw ham attar* •lwsys ewes peed
eaNdaoM.s en the farms of tee Previous.;
_ la the anthem of 1898.(p eau. varieties ef
Mater wheat were .ed ter the se -operative
hints. Them were divided late tares sets
with three varieties U .moa set; the 1aw-
ew'e widen Wag ag seed la •11 the
gg4e ee a s by 'wbiole ice rwlM . et ail.
emebilm .said be oompwd with see sa-
The past winter woe mo.ptios•Ily severe
e s Ih1 %later wheat amp thresgheal Oa -
l.1 essusquseUy the number of complete
teats he net se terse .s usual Reports of
eaTe11iuUy eeadnot.d o0 operative expert
meats wills winter wheat were reoefv.d
hem erventy • Iwo .zperlmeaMre before the
19th base., at .141.1 time we marred to work
up We mmmary resells 1a order to place
int Wermaties Woes the wheat -growers
at es early a date se possible. 11 is iat.r-
able(M ks.w that them seventy-two good
reverts mime hese se less *am %weay '.v..
eeustles mad dlserleN la O*Ylri. (aolud(eg
ales V the went, Cents. Ie the ser, end
the Diarist of Algoma in the worth. A. w.
sew Moen/ eine mlllbo •Keit ee wheat 1.
Oster% seek autumn. the gesulie of the
winter wheat experiments oeydaeted on the
dfSmrt farms throughoutprovince ve
el is l .bl. value to these hl.r.eted le
E:e following table ivi•I ere
yield .f brew and grant �m 5 the
veetettte of winter whus$,S .d seveaty
bre terms 1. 1899:;-
if Lii�44
D swsra9 Golden Chad 1.3 126
Mower* them inea 1.1 .i:ti:22.4
Eerly Red Claw... 1.E Nal
BasipperesouGirat 1.2 ) E
Imaerl•I Latter 1.5 4
Bsetrded Whiter Pile 1.1 1 .4
Drop 1.0 .2
el the foreolag r.rietlib Pews
4. the o0 oper.Mva 11m4. Writ Os.
Ube lass+ midi el the past elm years. 1'be
amzi table germ the average remelts el the
teem rad werrimeats with *eel of these
vemblbe N Itis Agrbdtaral College end
also Ibreog1mt Ontario:
U w�l� ♦i
Dat1ise'e Golden Chat 47.5
liestrallegases Owl 43.6
Bash Red Claws= 43.5
1. In the emirate yield of wilder wheat
pm mos, the Dowses'. 0eldom Ora/ .teed
What meow 11 varieties tested ever .0a•
brie V tie yaw 1893, among .Ise varieties
V rash se the years 1894, 1896 and 1896,
sal malt moven vaebti . ls «soh of the
ys.i. 1991, 1888 .ad 1899.
IL 1. the fro operative experiments for
1899, the Stewart'. Chasmic., Bearded
Winter Fife and 1)...... Golden Ubad
aims through ter winter the beet, sad the
Golden Drop the poorest.
& The Early Red Clawson and Imperial
Amber were the first mediae Bearded Win
tar 4Ile sad 8tewors'. (Jba.pbw wars the
lest ke seater* In 1899.
4. Dawe..'. Gold's Chaff and tae Early
Oemmee Gi.t paesseeed the .Mamas straw
end w Bearded Winter Fife the weakest
name la the tomb of this pier.
6. Btlwert'. Ob.mpioa and the Bearded
MON 1 41. produeed ti' leaved and the
GM. Drop the shortest straw In 1899.
la Wm so -operative experiments of
each el the pest dz years, the Diwsee'.
Glides Ohs/ win one of the least sed the
likely Olmwe Masi was one o1 the moot
a/tsed try rest.
7. 1r 11911 all varieties were prsot(eallyy
We rem anal, .141.14 b &early always the
deft whet se sent la sewn with eke wheat.
6. rho $tew•rt'. Ohamples sad DAween'e
oeldw Cha/ predated the plemptel sad
=mpmlsl Amber and Early Red Ulaweaa
Ms meek shrunken grsln in this year's tests.
9. The Stewart'
« Champlin and Dew•
u. . 00141 chef were the meat pepsler
tl'mbMM sad the Golden Drop was the least
1899.�eohler very with the experie'.di.re la
10. Marker the qN mess yew the ham
ewes Golden Obs/ bas Imes an •iseedtngly
Clislatvariety with the farmers whe rave
aesdsesls5 these se -operative e.purl-
methe throughout Orlmle.
DnfltJV5Nl1 (iv Inge low 1'Mrrwo efta-
The 4dlewty toe mete of whitey wheat
warke le will be teat free, by wall. ls one.
hail amend late .f ..eh ..tasty, to farmers
Mr IM.. who .i11 awfully tem
kinds V the est whish they diem*
mad wf;ptawe w rendes .leer harvest
mitt year. The mind will be met eat to tie
mdse V wi414 the yplleatlous are .*silvol
sin heft se the swift brae.
Gar L
Dewses's Golden CUE
Seely Owns. (Hat
U my Bed Olawora.
sir 1
1 0.Ides Okai)Imftesa (his
O.M 0.1s.
Rsmi palms sols. es. el Mose teas
tatildrie� w krm
with iseM.elisse M iagernoinaib. black
form on whte1 M OWN rail he twralshed
free of omit to his sadism, NNE Nal erpply
of gram for distribuidas is mass eked.
AU oommuntusti.us e1Nld he sMreemd
to 0. L Zarin,
Agrloultaral College,
G math, Aspast,171h,1899.
NOru..- The local ara.oy la Uaatm.see
to• TH ■ Sw i e r. la at the set oq of J.O. W ♦su.
.1.l'., ouowyyaacur, Ito.. wise will receive K
dery for .ubaorlptlo.a sdvenieleg sad Job
work. a.d le autborixed to eev* reeelpts ter
amounts paid for the setae
nOw will visit Dungannon se Ia aed
tie end.. of *sob month. All modern meth-
ods or extesotieg and Ming. and ..ttag 1rt1-
aoW teeth. Oak nen door to Medd'o bettor
shop. (lours. I..m. to 0 p.m.
Tc DAY, Ana. 22.
Oar Dublin wbsel re.offltaed for the term
on Mooday.
Elam I.tvlogebn has oomme.oed trona
Motoring apple barrels la ,lames Hol-
land's betiding
MILS. Samba u tedimesaid Irani Mmes.
famed • mid. We hops that she well bars
• Weedy recovery from the allow.
We, Moog with the numerous friends of
David Jardin., who has bem tor some time
u nwell, hops that be will woos be restored
to geed health.
We preemie that Saturday and Sunday
wore the warmest days Ih11 season. O.
800dsy .y(kt we were favored wit4 a light
Meyer of rain. whit* the ezoatve
heal sad laid the dint oil the highways.
New Mti.uagIL-Mrs. T. G. Asderom
h•a deepened of ber military basins, sad
Mach of fasuy good to the firm of R. B.
Smttb, Oedertoh and Sealorth Min RO-
Ms Harrier* is expected to t L c' .rpm ot
the D..R•.non breach is elms. tri scam
She has good sxper(s.o., having hsms fee
some years in the employ of the firm at
Uoder(ob. We wish the firm good 'mows.
Z1loauLa.Y.-00 Saturday last • mac, who
g ave hie seem es Pc.....8om.rs,of Tomato,
was wsehs ern M.11se5h a..d Roberta,
J. P.'., by eesel.ble T. Oeudry. The
Maar.e was that el emterl.g the h•.w el
Jett. Andrew, of A114fi.IJ, and steam: six.
Men dollars The primmer pt.6ed• not
pithy, and efts. the *rids o. was taken, it
was Molded to .emmlt him for trial
Somers was eppreb.aded a, Palmerston by
eesuteble Oaedry.
Cumene AND Gott. -Oa Wednesday of
Wt week Maes Margaret Stewart, who has
bees fee some tin. on . visit to her grand •
parch, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, returned
to keel William, per steamer Car -
mega (Morro Walker, of Gorn., spent
part el lose Sabbath at Me permit.' real -
domes, .sed i..rn.d bowie oa Monday, be.
imp.eeeesp•t.1.d by Ms paro.M. who hated
M vide frds in Gordo sad violaity. We
bops the venerable oo.ple will hare • pleas -
mil visit sad safe return J W. Van.
atter, of TH■ 81'.NAL Seal, was 00 bust•
suns In our village on Saturday last, and
was se well received that he felt himself at
h aute moon, ouroltlreus .. Reba. Medd,
ex -deputy reeve of West Wswan«.b. was 1n
ear village ea Monday the 21.1 Min.
beet, D. MoCKssaok, and dsuakter, last
week minted relatives at Port Ele n Walk-
erton and vletalty. H. reports having bid
• pleasant visite* tear among kis friends.
The Mmes Jardine, daughters ef D.
Jardine, Ashdald, and Mrs. Warms** bad
• pleeeent visit at 0. i). Howatt'. in Ae.
re last week Inst Sunday William
Nevins, of Ooderi.b. ae.empasied I.y his
wife, seven daughters and one moo, visited
Moaner, August 11.t.
A bold robbery was perpetrated .t the
residence of J. F. Andrew, 12th etre., last
Friday morning. The thM west trot into
the seller and helped himself to satisfy ti.
cravings of the inner man. He rained an
"cameo* to Mr Andrew's bedroom through
the hitches' pantry sad dials* room. lee
took Mr. Andrew's pante sed pilfered the
000kets and took $16 in osah sad all ether
valuables. 8.vpblon.-looking characters
travelling tbr.ogh the cetutry should be sr.
rested sad made to Flys an soee..t of ton.
TUESDAY, Aug. 22.
:lohool opened Monday, with 1'lir. Weeds
as %ember.
Ames Chisholm left Tamely morels,
for the Wm*,
Th. bridge 0,er tha river is reoetrlo,
another Beat of point wbloh was very much
n eeded.
Quito • member KR bete Td•ad•y more.
Ing fur Manitoba. Amens* that hats go.s
oar late reddae1., Alm. Clark earl Mr.
Whitmore. A Member of los.ple .ese to
the .:tion to ewe them off.
Mee ars 51 work excavate* the rules of
the stone tannery, whinh was hasty honor
it 1s to be turned into an apple evap-.rator,
and. rake ear..sanineThis le anIndustry Tete •ppropri►te or the village,
as the apatite mooed in the viotefty, which
are la WNW questley, cue be used up Instead
ef ping M waele es the armed. It will
.bo maks smpbymest for oar ymsl peer&
eat maybe Wag mon reetd'M Into ser
silage. O.sresl r Berber AN amend the
Mb el drawbar *bene for she rely. *vela,
Mrs. Aliso .Idled
at Bnesideld.
A merry wheetrt
Ovid the hospitality
Freak Allen was
week Maytag n a
Mies M1. Halle, Mather of oat wheel h
1891, ml.yd.55.1.1 dam vhalle5 In our
mlda� ►►hehe, jams, el bee irlesd.lytse inws,e,
MM 0. Maheaset M
,. te
9111 ie w M s . phi.
TUllepay. Aug 29.
1.45,51 days last week
MeVpmfleet Yews en -
of Lemma. lwwa lei,
le 'I motioned*, last
•ise w
nvleod .1 harem for
NOO,� Iu
d ealt V • rather impererat sweat whish
wet be Ne sadig et eased Orald's pteselcea
at srceery.
Aker • plsea•at Mollis el . Ier1•U1t
Irma bis d5 4, ea The free Prete, J. L
Tobla retuned ea t.5.dM en Mistoky of
last week. This risk. Midas tti. wheal. he
had • *.Urian with hIN. rad Wet a bsw'
lao•i araNr el Weeds sad *••hest eke •
very imfmrab .Vale pillet.. TM 1►Ner'
*flea*ra wW abet his lee. ttaemem @ la
11e Tema COM Greatly.
O. 8shrday lase Mrs. U►s.. Wille'* •rd
4.m5141er, Bleaohe, .stared hems N Cal.
«110. kin. Willem. dories her May el
aa.rly saws weeks, met • have slags s of
red,ti.ras sad old Mande *hoot here sad
vlag seamy • pleee1 oralever eM Her preaemae everywhere
o1ord►1 brighlpom asessRal es, and we haps
Is the fatten Iblale7 will bear hes as sa • .
. teal visitor.
Phe lhre bare earn storaing whistle.
blew■ by Wm. Stewart, el Ike firm el
Neocare & Rya., ae.emeed that thre.►lei
V Dunlop foe 1899 had eemme.wd o. Yoe
day of last week. The wheat sews surly
e a old land, esm.er tallest, f• mot taming
out favorably, and that ea mew lead end pea
around, sews about • mo.tb lacer, eremites
about fifteen bushels to the &e n. Thu ma
G oa Joseph Thome. Jig a tea the .toff.
Mies Mary E. Tobin baa gone back to her
settee* .t Merles, 1. Komi meaty, after e.-
Joying a pleaa•.t vacation under lit • par
.ruts! srrd.R-SneiV 'err •,say oho sed lama
pleasure of learning that out of the throe
Wplla she rad prepared for the wtra..e
sad nubile school leaving examiastiess at
014.thsm ties had passed the entranos and
sae the leavI.g• On her retire to her
school she visited hoe brother and frlmds
in the Forest Clty.
TUmID.Y, Au'. 22nd.
M.. Mee Ihtdwas velum in W aw•.osk.
Public' school oom•wo.d bore on Moe -
Mrs Lillie Rogers is visiting la 1rea-
Mae Mary Maker, of to Ingham, le home
at primal
Miss Maggio M.AWeter ha. retmrsed to
/111 le Grew -
J. B. Duff went to Detroit on the *sour
* too less week.
Joe Parker, of Wmgliam,.peat Sunday
at Albert Heeb.'.
Mrs. (Ur.) tool., who le beem very tll,ts
slowly roe.►erisg.
Meld BMA..., of Wls514am, .pest 8t -
day .t R. N. Dare.
'1'h. Aimee &Amtrgt pats purchased •
sew Ked Bird wha.L_- -
-_ --
Mier Mand. Uo1 dik- -tj,k.wet, L
visiting Mw Lillie Deett.a.
Rev. Mt tiorostt,cfOwes lleaadivisitor!
Fier. W..1 .vestIh1. we�k
.fhsttivi MdPkiriii 'wjta'f ;
Jeanie, are y4m11.g le De4re1..
Mime Keedail, el Br....le, to vetting her
(other, ear perdu. station easel
Wm. Gray and daughter, Jean, have
returned from • rah te Laetwel.
Joseph Leech and Mies Cod* are sway
se an u/esded vine to the Week
Ira Barkley, of Ypsilanti. Mob., was
vistaed at Wes. Meseses,B(serole.
W mar Week ot W oodateek..1.l ted hit
brother, Roy. 1. . J. Week low week.
Mies Bla..h. Jamieson, el if ardwitek,was
visiting her Meter, Mr.. R G. Ca.mon.
Yrs. Jobe Mol)s.old and daogbter, Ger-
d., of uederlob, wiggled Mr. Jobs Chatham.
Rev. W. J. West mtoriau.il tie Wool,
el the Presbyteries °here& last Friday even.
Rev. Mr. Dates, sl Bel.rave, 000deoNd
aurae in the Methedlat chattel lea 8an•
fhe Misses L uta tad Harriet tlesderees
rove reared to Tereate, after • ewe weeks
'reit to isln..s1. triead..
Mrs. George Mantle, of Warred'. Ori.,
and see Georg. rooted Yrs. Mesita'. eater,
Mrs. R. N. (tuff, last week.
fdl. Bad. Collie and Will Batley left
Tuesday morning for i.rtelw sad Ramis -
fold, Ike., 1..p.nd term months with re -
lett ves.
Mr. and Mr,. Ira Etcher, Mrs. John
Gese!t, Ma. Mary Flakes, Der. Hall met
Charles Colette, left Tuesday morning for
Mrs Fred McCr.ckes sad children sed
Mies Bra McCreekes, of brwels, and Mrs.
0. Thoreto., of Wiagksm, visited at Mr..
John Gardiner's.
CA5LOw. w
Moero.Y, Lag. 14, 1899.
Colborne bor.e menalI met is the Mwaebip
hall. All the members were present.
Minutes of previous nesting were read sad
=The following a.seeeM were paid
Barker, road work, 410.00 ; - Jobe
Barker, operating grader, 48.00 ; Joh•
Barker, oars of gravel pit, 42 60 ; John
Barker, two contracts on boundary, 49 00 ;
James Glean, team es grader, 42.50 ; Gee.
Bradford, shortieslag grader knife, 41 50 ;
Singel., plinths,' voter,' list sad adveresia*
436.60 ; Ohm.Moaford,baryaa*.hsep, $ 50;
Robert Qmaid, rad work, $2 00Q11 John
Clark,tnilding onlyers,$25 00 ; 1.441 iTort;
hetet* advert, $5.60 ; Wm, 8sptth, for
stone bam'K, $ .70 ; Wm. Hill, tile for
draaa,$3,000 ; Wm. Mllltm,raad work,$ .140;
Janus Feagee, red work, 4 .26 ;
Robertson, search in registry office, 4 .25 ;
Rlatard Rowdies,mttlna gross in cemetery,
$13.10. Alexander Stewart made .pplioa-
ties to the toenail for damages sustained to
kis berm by stopping to a hole sad falling.
Alex, Robertson mord, ssooaded by Rieh.
ard Jewell,th,t so •olim be taken. Car-
ried. The'osaty esy was eyed sI 1 4.10
mills ; township rete, 1 8/10 ; sp sI schwa
rate, 1 4.10 ; .leo .gidsal rates to raise
the 5.11010 required for the different
'oboels to the wwsuklp. Adjourned to
mese montane Mealy, Ike Dish of Stoma.
bur, at 2 .oleek p.e. F. W. MoDoIeoe,
Aabeeld maned met August 12th, mem.
bore all whoosh Minutes read sad sp.
proved. Yho rake for the primal year were
dyed si 1 4/10 mills ter oo aty ..rpd.a,
3 .Ills ter towasbip p.rp...., 1 e/10 mills
Fouron Guard
Men's Furnishing
The undersigned wide); to announce to the pujirlie that he is opeu
ing a " Men's Furnishing Stool " in connection with
A great demand has been trade fur nice, natty good,, and I tem
here to 611 that demand by keeping ouch • .tock se will meet the re-
quirements of the most dressy.
Wanly Opening will be eat
Saturday, August 2itk.
,'..!„ Y4w .. --•�. rCn M'v;.: rpVypy ..rl,u,fi
For that day any Collar In the Store for IOc.
Coma and stambeemy Stook, whether you bay or sot
Godericb, AGR. 94th, 189'
for special ..heel pule...e ao4 a rate ma-
ebr1 1e tweet the trustee's estimate for the
sere* eobool soothes in the towes111p,
Choke were tamed Mr the fedirwria
, mount : Jets Webster, arawlWra sen.
12, 421 19 ; Jae. Baskett, retakes' sawn,
and teepeodngg,, $ 96 ; N. Bowels, plank.
49.30; Juba M'.4soh, Travel, $2 16; Ida
Forgumua.topiarist bridge. coo. 10, $3.00t
Juba Farrah, repairing orlyert S R. 3 .ad
4 esti i.peet nc, 44 00; M. Ferrets, gravel.
It.t 8. R. 3 .cul 4. 514 18; Wm- Read, cul-
vert S. R. 3 sod 4. 46 00; (:5015• Heater.
spreading 1 and repealer culvert, 41;
Wei. Bead/trees. n,ve1, 43 20; George
Burrow., plank, 41.75; Isaac orf ierh pLL
vett at P. A.. 44.00: J. 14 G repeat.
tag culvert 1... R., 41; '1'. MoCerthy,
55.'; R Kaiptly, repairing ouhort 14. R.
sad 7, 41; D, Decals, towinr imitate 1.her
teams, 81; I. K.13.U1.'a, dsliveci.a p4 sk
and reporlat o*Mort L R . 43; Joke Kirk-
Petri*. kieSI` . 4 $33; ropsirfe, LriJL,
se 41wlatte,tt,113 1w outters '8 -R 3 oaf
4, 420; culvert 8. R. 6 and 7. 414.50; teeth
m K, b, 51.87; Wm. H,ck.,t, ditch 9 etc
3 and 4, 410 50; A. Droopy. •rtd,.g 8. R.
6 .ad 7, 413; T. Todd, plonk, 4$1i3; Jae.k
rebate, £'i aafi k dhotis It 9 ►i6A`1Qf,3iCr
James M• se, repatriate culvert con. 4, 41•
Thomas Johaeto., rivalries, brides S. R. 6
and 7, 43.50; F. Respell. u1.aning dash cm.
4, $4; Jobe Hewett, gravelling and Tonal.
tae hill sen. 4. 44; Jobe Hall, repartee
bridge .t Cra.afor, 50. ; Henry Horner.
g ravel, 49.76; Jobs Kilpatrick, gravelltag
coo. 7 sod N. R 6 .red 7. 463: P Moran,
gravel o. D. L. 47046; W. MMaer, in-
.p.otneg .5a. 7, 49; I) MoDeaeld, 51..
plank, 460 96; R. ufbeow, culvert 8. R. 6
sad 7, 818.19: Red MuKerxie. retsina.
outvote A R. 19 rad 13, 54.:0, and culvert
L R. 414.50; C. Wavelet. burying sheep.
50a, F. Munroe. iter ono 12. 43; A. Ma
B.vaey, the sea. 12, 4:.60: 0. Roes, gravel,
42; J. K. MoDsaaM. $9 92; A. Idopgtrt,
travel, 48 17; W. and R. Mot' ill, those!
Um gravel, $3; Pat W.lt.oa, rtp.,rttg oal-
rem, 44; 0 Row, repairing bridge me.
10, 5014 ; Wm. Pierce, Brian soil rep•ariom
.abort 8. R 3 and 4, 43. A letter from
James Rose was read ',yarding tartans
4tsleam lot 6, eon 13, W. D. Ti.. sleek
wee bstraot.d to write Rees to my Chet
them.tt.r amid he drily **gained Into o.
September 29:h at 4 ,: sleek r. r (Joa.c,t
,djoerwd to inti aysin on September 30.
W. Srovti.,..
W. H. herr, of Rr..eb, .411 preach la
Vlot.r(a street alarok ea llaisdigyrItept. 10
The Presbytery of Harm w111 meet is
WIIII. ehurob, Clint..,, tie Tuesday, 8ep
amber 12 h.
The financial meeting of the 0edrrioh die
eat of the Methodist church takes plane at
S.slerth today.
Rey. T. M. Campbell, o1 0..ph.11ford, a
former pastor et North street Methodist
°hurob, will preach In that ohoroh on Ben•
day, September 3rd, in the laureate of the
For the efleetivet .000mplishmeat of the
swsal harvest te.okselvto festival the
keel seep of the S.I..taa. Army has ret
it.alt as • goal of financial r5eslt the sem of
445, which will M devoted to the ma(.W, .
ease and exteaateo of their away Newton's
newelss for the social antelkerattas of the
degraded sad seedy slam.'.. AU friends
and sympathizers who would like to sire
thaek•offer(age.t this time are earnestly
iavl4.d to do mak Gills need not
take the form of atesatary oontribe-
taen.. Offerings in libel sad of any kind
will be egoagy aooeptabls. Nothin, to eat.
tf ar or look at will be recused. Kaowan5
'fig warm sad well•deserved sympathy
whish tie aok.owledeed good work of the
Army has gathered. more seems to be little
debt that the highest erpoetattone of
Mese ooa.era.d to this MRK, will be
asdraw ramp (.rroberssee .k. Report
Thai bail's alda.y P4lee ere elle
Witty Care ter 4L. . Sack,
Berlin, Aag. 21. -Andrew Rause, of title
Mire, mamma the story that he was gdek
ly eared ef pains is the book •ted bldn.y.
by 1)odd's Kidney Pills. Be had tried
rabbis, with Unlmest. sad various other
.seethes to to pnrPo.e sad he was advised
se solo D.dd'a Kaley Pills.
"I dM," he says, "and pet beret from
the time 1 carted to take them. 1 .m
.(Hero to saying that Ddd'• Kidney Pella
eared tie ter wbld I erase, he too thank•
fel "
L • letter dated Jame 19, 1899, Mr.
Bowes answers tea eegelry as te hes our by
odd'* Kidney Pills as follere : 'I ase
eleasd t. my I am oared entliply ammo
salsa 1Jodd's Kbdsoy Jhllo"
Years rely, ANDREW HAUBS.
ei•Onrati Isgslrer : Monroe R. ..,
106 years, of Anderson, Ind., who
w his eighty y.ar•old son at
1. k and placed him le the halide
el etalpsae, wit" ...at ►1. wlp soother.
mein te Leine M. to, lives Is •
braes V les4d4Nm. Re shims
the apateMw�beleg the *ser who drove
OseNtsOa ♦0ys,
".. ... s
Ma 21
per ewt
.m bash
.pee era
toe.... ...___ , , „ ....,..: . sof :
lis.... le 0
ravished. I deo1 t 0le ni
...�.-..._...... to 0M ON
-E-D !S,
the lint mote er the Ire railway ever 0es-
MraoMd in Iodises. Hb 99 year•eld .W
died ,.o..tiy. Me .realth sad 'acetal
.otivlt7 are somot►Ing aiarydoss. Htraat
w as one of the babies of the faintly, sad he
a eighty years old.
IllikelEaw OMNI Is nue Nualved Rasta
WltM. • pens& et dzty Arra, a.. hes
area seem .11 =Linseed 14 Wrhe'e
Kola the lone a hop dT 5Vety-eve ahso1W scares -sat
them Aimee an g.tbeM from hospital
resort*. 4a a bottle ; tree hottlee for 41.
Qa 1ta K The Mi, eek Minato es. a
ra}tlunt seas Ole l 1 dun
el ► a
Bola Avow, U.derleb.
Goschen -The compounders of
Japanese Catarrh Con guarantee to
stew ley tore' tifattitfis. If Ole put-
Cbasing at one purchase six bozos of
the cure and using the whole contents
of same, exactly as directed, there be
failure to cure, the money paid for same
w ill be refunded by these, providing
that six guarantee slips are presented
together with a receipted bill from the
druggist or drake from whom purchas-
ed, and declaring that the whole six
boxes have been used by the perces
claiming the refund, and that these has
beer no core. This is a strong poems
tion for the proprietors to take, but
they have abwltse faith that on a bis
trial it will do all that is claimed for
Japanese Catarrh Cure. 1
v�sl�stsslenla�'�es�k ts��es bMn
eltsses S.G.
,.1. atom ill
skeet.. 1 B.0. m °..ls-*than er
bb mm�PMMIi4 • MMRIMI4M ss,. T 18
Solo Agent, Galeria.
Waicr Taleffl
Fountains and sprinklers may be
allowed to run between May Tat
and November 1st, and shall not be
allowed to run more than szv&N
hours each day.
Any person guilty of any infrac-
tion of the provision of the $y•
law shall, on conviction thereof,
pay a sum not exceeding *20, ex-
clusive of costa.
It has been brought to my
notice that certain ratepayers al-
low their lawn sprinklers to run
all night I wish to draw the at-
tention of all water takers to the
above extract from the Bylaws,
which from the date of this notice
will be strictly enforced.
Call and get Bylaw.
11' APPLE 11B1L1118,
1 will be ready M take el1 Coll or Wiled.
fail Apples that you may have al my Evap-
orator, (lederleh, oe
Hlgh.ai price paid and seek for nary lead
or hag that you sen brl.e, ee don't mil else-
where beton seeing me er my &Real
40 3t
- IRS r.aADtyo -
Fanero►4 D�rtetortbaVa
•r4s . omeagully sotended 4 •e see
hews, PION er dq,
Me edea moose. SssMe.w. epee.
Rotdoe of change. mat be left at this
l)fsoe Doe IMir than 8sarday
noon. The Oopy for Aussie
meet be len eat Lbw Nan KW
day .tee., °weal Adverfdla4sal.
•eespled ae 4a see. Wednesday N
Brei 7411,
You Shove Hal! Do11s .. ,
Our 1,1131ov�„Toorw,.
Wo are determined to let you know the l)ricela
- we aro selling our
If you want • pair of good Carpet Slippers for 15o., or Tweed Slipper,
for 10c., a pair of $146 tine Oxford Ties for 89u., or a pair of Plow Shoes for
790., some to
'Ade of the IcCre; eriub THE SHOE DEALER
N.B.-We have rexrivtxl lav=e shipments of new goods, whish will be acid
very low. a P. T. 11.
Cooper &Wilsoa
have leased the
Warehouse lately
occupied by
and are prepared
- .bar. -_
all the year round. I
TUB Bier
ScIiilloil°ilail Cod
Hamilton Street, Coderie:h,
N. B. --All kinds of gram wells kr
At any season 01 the year there
is no greater comfort than a good
reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen.
It is with cook •.;,Ives like every-
thing else : there are good;bad and
indifferent varieties.
We know you will be p:.; .sed
hith our
Pfvbers, Stegtters 31111 Tiesailts
wed Ade of Square, next Sturdy lima.
blerlaters and Embalmers
Graduate ul Mosearhnectt. Col-
lege of Embalming.
RBST 000108 AT MOD=
$EItPWRO nu.Wm'k, •5s1'.,
are reducing their prices on the fol-
to make room for their Lame
Stock of Winter Goode
Coal Oil Stoves
Window Screens
Screen Doors, &c.
Have us do your Plumbing, Heating
and Troughing. We guarantee yea
perfect settef•c4ion or no pay.
„amnia! nia!ih g s ligis . bet a Markt ,,a4..
Rini. LEE.
Onion loft as Lam Seers 1�Vlh AD'S
IMO • special Meaty Ilse of
T's and Siding
carefully pat ea.
HUDeVaer10111 roe
Wood and Ooe1
woRsEu�a =v.
of'►fh es M el • .obmspbK
w e •r daft•seta ardlh
=ribs w)K4
n me nerd
week to time cited
ole N wed
f .p
..eratrn Snatet:a~e..
The Best are the Cheapest.
Wk141ns ala Wftet asp Mom
We here • fall We ei Ilam,
Every .ave Y aher.abeed.
WI tarry • fall ll.e of home.
Dairy Supplies and
Let as aware ea yea* Pletale,
1e5, Reabfen and al ee•TleslgaJng.
twsee.areoRnewef *Aral.
hili( .alms* el tea kindest
awes $.will. Bail Paw, lases Igen
Works, /1e., Nth,
Awa Melee
'tyle., Mr ideary (... 4. s, bs.
0:111.Meek 5 iter 'a y g'
ImM,s omisi 1(yse Read et -i,.w..
A bre et *tea Ween a:4 154
1Ns s ler nes el (.cows and elloorl
44..114'. swmrtly Mesaba w
-. _. 4
A. N.
p. o, gas R. SIMM.