HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-24, Page 6A DALJJOHTER OF CAIN. A Novel of the Present Day. Cecile was despiy teethed by tbls proof of ber lem and fidelity. " No, say ted girl." she answered. "1 must go alone and you reed not be anxiesse about me at all ; trevel- 1 4 log le made wry can and safe for la4lee la tale country ; besides. If Yon should go wltb me, the business would have to stop, and I oanao% afford that under any clrcuwstenoss now ; and then all these pour girls would be thrown out of employ- ment." (ceche cO themed, thoughtful for other* even in the midst of her own trsublaa ' You knew pretty welt h•tw I have managed," ate went on. encourag. Moly, rte see Paw the girl's anxious look." and you did so well durtug those few days when l was III that I feel I nae heel ynu fully. How• ever. do your best. and keep the girlie at work en the passant patterns until you hear from me. I admitwSUe. • T nave much r doeettoo get ready. W1nUe I arrange about my busiaers, I shall leave you to pat up whet clothing I shall wed for a few weeks and peck a basket of luncheon for me-belag, alone, 1 shall not like to ret out at the def ferent stopping -places." All Ceicia'sorgy seemed to (have returned to her now. His felt mach alreadystrenger with her mtodfr fully determined upon her course of action, she was ready and eager to put her plana Into nee - Everything was very ahprtly ar- ran There was not a girl is her employ who did not sympathise with her deeply in her •tfhotico, and all pro- miaed to be faithful daring her ab- aenoe, and give Martha no more trouble than they could help. Juan before starting, Ceoile tele- graphed to Dr. Mortimer that she was in deep trouble, that she would start that hour for Sea Fr.,ciaco, go straight through and asked him to meet her, if poeeible, when she ar- rived. It was • longtediae journey -al- most interminable, it seemed to Ce- -W !*I.'$ tippd, iptpatisat,apirit._.. -- ate grew talo sad o - with Orn. • '-• -dist inward chafing, whHe a short of ' slow fever hong about her, eating Aiwa) her atreagth mad vitality with every pa siag day. � `It' •wea't►ultw; 7felanteer, [f last, and s as the train steamed into the mag- 'SGcept station at Oakland -the. ter - onions of the Central Pacific Railroad •-she looked eagerly forth from the ear window, aaxiocaly manning every countenance. Albion the first she saw, when the train stopped, was Dr. Mortimer's friendly face; for, faithful to his pre-` mise to "help her in any emergency," be had Dome to meet her here, well knowing that it would be very hard for her to look after her baggage and prom the bay to San Francisco alone, after her wearisome joaroe , She had been brave and self-reliaat all the way, but now the reaction had Dome -the strain upon her delicate organisation had been more than she could well bear e her Strength for- sook her, and she reek back in . her chair and gave way to a burst d ner- vous weeping. Dr. Mortimer had nese that aaxi- oaa face, those strained, troubled eyes at the window, and he immedi- ately sprang upon the car and came to her. For one brief instant he held the hand •be gave him without a word of greeting, thee stepped be- hind her chair and stood quietly waiting there until she could remov- er in a measure her composure. sees haw aehe ..grey ax . . xhee _. et eome..iL•tbst lam distance -alone, driven by some great trouble to seek bis aid; she was worn, anxious, ner- veue, and needed rest and quiet more than anything slssat resent. "Give me your atec a)ia,, Kos. Mont Montgo- mery," he said, at length, bending for- ward and speaking in a low tone, end I will go and attend to your baggage, then return foryou.'' Elbe gave him her one eheck, for she had brought only a single small trunk ; and he went out, while the thanked aim la her inmost heart for his thoughtfulness And delicacy in thea leaving her .lane. When he retumhed abe was more like herself, and gave him both her hands is a burn of gratitude. "This Is were/good oY you, Mr. Mor- timer. I fear 1 have put you to a great deal of trouble," she said, not able, even thee, to control the qui- vering of her beautiful lips. "But," she ■dded, trying to smile, "I have taken you at your word, and kept my promise to you. I am in sore need of a heeled just now, and have turn- ed to you aa you bade me do." ' You bave dome perfectly right," be answered, heartily, 'and in so doing you have conferred a great favor upon me by your ooefidenee in in.. But some we will not remain longer ben,; I bave engaged room* for you in the come house where I have ray home - I thought it would be mach more pleasant sod more home -like than for you to go to a hotel ; and Mrs. Law- son, my landlady, is a kind, motherly woman, and will exert herself to make you eemtortable." Cecile was touched by this evidence of his adesideration for her. She had dreaded, more than she would have been willing to confesa, going •Ime to a strange hotel, but had expected to be obliged to do so. They repaired to the ferry and roomed tbe bay, which, occupied some twenty minutes, And upon landing arida the doctor led her to his own earriage, whirls was wattles to cos- vy them to good Kra. Lavraoa's boarding house. freeing thele drive be would not al- low her to tell bins anything, even though he was exceedingly enslave to know what dire nese .ity could have sent her flying thus to him. "Yon moat not talk until you have had food and rest." be said decided- ly, when ooce she lifted her white face to him and esennenl abont 10 non - fide to him. and be Immediately he gun a lively dhr'rtpstirxl of the cit' generally. and the acre t. ttroegt1 wbtcb they were paining. while with s woes or rest/einem already stealing over her, she leaned btpok against the eat maidens and listened to hire. Mee hand her rhmmei---a bedroom, with a charming little Attlee roan tectett-very pleaeant and rosy. N Met Lawson hail en inviting testi all ready to nerve to her as seen as dice rbnaki melee* her trey. el.s1attsd garments with freak ones. i have an espointment now," Dr. Mortimer 1014 east as she was about to et dowels l0 the fable. "I shall -be, aliment for an boor. perhaps a Halle MwCgur.eaetmce roe send eat well wad rest and when I return ens eball tell me an your trouble." the mould not mask as he took her Med at perdrag the great sobs br en. but she was lighter than she bad been ewe lode M lay, for nine knew diet t4J sdseaeg. Grave ,man would do hie magi 1a help lir, and suaNbow b0s ei' r. , algbt of his noble, kindle filet mte4e her very hopeful. And row, how was it with blue- eyed. golden -banned Daley t T1s biat- Wel little fairy sat upon the stool etbere her mother hart placed her for some ten minutes, keeeppl1ug up a beak. imaginary 000versation with her newly -acquired treasure -the doll. While thus employed another car- riage stepped b.lore the store foul a lady am a traveling deem alighted and '.1e the melees of goods tat 1 ordered yesterday ready for pier' ate caked. approachtug the cossets? where (:melt. had stead but a few ,.,inutss before. It was Mew. Lattglq. and abs seemed to be In something of a burry. The obsequious clerk bowed as be $ n'ewered : Yes. madam," and handed her what appeared to be a box neatly wrap- ped In white paper. - ,e, med. Mgt.. sad thee with* mut arranging the (-oateutr of her purse, be way called further down the counter to wait upon other cus- tomera. Mre. Langley took up her parted and wits about tarring t0 lasay. the a ore. being so latent upon her er- rand that she had mot even noticed the ch Id sitting so near her. when Daisy. proud of her new possession. held her up. saying brightly : -Wily W a weal besety." Thune words, "real beauty." bad seemed to cling to her ever nem her meeting with her aunt In the Park. and the was continually using them, rotnewhat to the annoyance of j'eclle. who was always unpleasantly remind- ed of he'r sister-in-law whenever the heard them. Mea Langley glancel down upon the nh'.Id and started. She knew her instantly and her face flushed wltb pleasure at the meeting; 1t was her brother's little one. and her heart was strangely noted by her presence. Shp ire real b+nut7, alerting" she replied. bending ,Sown and hastily t owing the title flower-like Inc.; "but where tu mamma r" ..Mamma wayldown there." Dees ▪ ,- pointing rW, the gone. Mrs- Langleytwitted. flat pMle was not In Mgbt--'he was etaadlng oto the otther side of n pillar at lb. =40111 AL *.taawa.,,.banlptg amt. ed der purchase. and was rtow*WaLLfng for her change. There was no vine near them -the clerks were all buoy wtth other cua- tOmera. and they were Just at th entranue to the store. which ',toed :sputa a corner, with doors opening of two streets. A strange light had shot Into Mnt. Langley'a eyes as she noticed all ttla and dually quitting the child she went out to her carriage. john. 1 have a little more Mud - neer tp 1p do;' she mid, burrledly, to the drive " 700 ca■ drive on to the station and get my baggage checked. ane L will take a car; that will nave time. and I have uoue to lose." John touched his hat, gathered up the solar, and drove on, while IiLq b,le- tress returned to the store. a desperate awl diaboibel purpose In her heart. Everybody was busy, and Daisy aft= ting Just where nate had left her ; whiled quick, snare htag glance told her that Cecile was nowb.re In nigh " Come. dear, mamma wants you. I will take you to her." she mid. In a low, ooaring tone, and !holding out her hand to her. Nevar doubting the troth of thin aaeertfo0, the little one got down from her perdu, pat her hand confidingly Into the one extended to her. and the tstr,poneed oat of 110.4, .eeetveree• to the eters, this coming cot -npai another street. Walking as .wlftly as she could f n 1lttle way with her small charge. Mrs. Langley turned another comer. hulled a oar, and entered, a sigh .of relief escaping her as she thus felt reasonablysure of not being followed, After ring a short distance. she changed cars, and was taken directly to the railway station. - Here she found the train on which she was to leave, wanting. Ten min- utes was all the time that remained. She already had her ticket. and en- tering a pallier car, she placed Daisy on a chair, bade the porter hare an eye on Iter for a few minutes. and then went In search of John. to get her checks. fills erste nervous aol trembling, and so excited that the coachman. who was also looking for her, wondered what had occurred to disturb her oompo.ure to such nu extent. She wen florally calm, Imperious and self- aanlred. She ,dlsmluet ham as noon as elm ooutd, and the returned to Daley. • Where's tic mamma 7" the little one demilagp/ looking up into her face With w eyes end a grieved expresatre about her month. Mumma will come by and hy." .he returned soothingly, and then began to talk In a very Intereating manner abont Mine Dolly. to turn her atten- tion. A boy with fruit was passing, and She bought a quantity of oranges. bananas and confeetlonery, and with them kept Daisy busily employed until the train wail well turd* wa , and the poor little darling wee bung borne, as fast as sterna and wheels could carry her. away from the fond mother wile was at that moment frantically searching for her, and bound over the platen for far California, Helen Langley had nenomplkthed A bold and dastardly deed ; but she had gained herobject-herbrother's beau- tiful ehlld was In her possession, and she meant to keep her. - ' " Nn one will neer suspect me. rc cnne wit! ever dream that 7 hole the chlkl. 1 have managed J:hls thing very cleverly," rhe thought to herself. ne, after fong and wenrtlome effort, elle lied beguiled Daley to sleep, and sat holding her In her arms, wltb a sellae of triumph at having thus ssocesfufly achieved her parpoese. Rut elle was Kenny mlateken. A mother -'r love and intuition were more powerful and .Inerring agente to diesel her rewarder act than she -bre ta41.ed. /the was yet to realise what Coolie load one, told her, that "a Vavalbur was a eaten for it Montgomery," It more anneee than one. l"BAFTYE =Y1. "W. WIII Pied flea" When Dr. Murtlreer returned from Ills °aypotnieneet," h, frrtnd Ce - elle looking much refreshed althoa-b eti,l eery aniloub and warn. - Bite had ezohangwd Iter travelling` dues lora handsome Meek allk. which Bead her slight figura Ilion a g and theu*s, h she wore no colors snub est roamy lam wbbh alio had arranged ahem her throat gave ier an air of elegance that wan very atrtl1r*. She was taming fat'r In Dr More- aftcocerward f tlg.*oody tale, nit ,se Re had fpotmveMrdto�lle per during tate yew theft ba�eiapbed slam he Isms lite la I�'t<w� and la that way m7• thee. bee self with feeds eifflq 55% all m7 eyalk ' " periled like Nor OW a 'bamngete Wants. and 1 maul lest -1 scent r.SMo, It W lot- would not weakly lean l red any ow." oosaa te 151*, ahtd no Ile thought - had river ma= M�1yy wogi had ever had power to attract one sorsa. ratbthy' htlaatlfyl than �7tIBb hI attlfwa,4 was ahs ��Oldi tYls ; tel Mir Hue sates. sow, however, that she had and pride with w eM ssasMr Improved She had developed heats a4eatileb ail! depth �koMraohr woa.rg lily She was a hundn'eth u14 With* he had sot =meow Me hos- stat_ let now titan Me rad ever ranted. It was a very stormy Interview bei . He had been greatly disappointed that I he4 with ply proud Water -en breams he bad never (ward front her, law," he o0attasad. her cheek glow - He was hurt that slue 4.11 not writs ing at the tpg*►raltoe. " and after and toll hint aeoetklig about tier sito had aboard me beyond enduganoe see. she added lawn* to Injury by orniriag He forgot that he bad weld to hes, to adopt my shlld-Alio had now of "11 your husband returns, yeti will her own -and relieve me of IbM bur - write and tell a, that I may rents, den ! Of Donees, I lndlgnsutly rattetsd with you." and she bad emu her this prvposIttue I woule haves taag�1 preen* la that wry. poverty and want a desperate k�A4 Maar Bites he had been upon the before 1 maid , have gtvsu up nes {wW1 of writhes to her. for the kung- darling -and them the mocked at ts7 wtoil to know her better was" atroug grief. deo;arpng that myhusband ked thin him ; but as often lie had not met With aapp aro t, *a 1 b.- thrown as do air pea. saying' Imps- neared. but beeontlag weary of ens, to tirntly to Idartrlf she had prophesied he would 'I am a fool -she would despise me du. bad ass.,. (1 she knew bow weak 1 am. Hie " W asomase-want a reproach told me the would mail upon me Oahe to and ' she Int 1" Dr. Mortimer ever seeded me. but the does not :she exolal Lat/ladly ; then added: 'Het probably dues not think of me at a11, you have au and to battle with polo except. perhaps, as a kindhearted fel- arty. 1 tend; you fuuud your hes- low who once 4',d her a tincture el- band's nota of business, and had your thmigh sae war grateful enough at war smoothed few you. I hope." khe time. and she mid else could 'never No; I did not dltcover who he war fermi mai' I am a dolt to let her until It Was tdb late ; Ile died. and haunt me thus. 1f her limb/tad has 91 La th �� �t wehahatmha,'eass( 11ad' 1fe14tsfUa • tntttlev'''lld6'ih1" t have no butters to be thinking of nothing frost I could have estab- her in t111s way:" but a sigh of lobe- Mailed my rlgb by a !ewelet, I sup- Iineo, escaped him, and a settee of pose, but 1 wrehired- in care aomcthlrtg lost out of hie Ills always to drag my before the mobilo, pervaded atm at such trees when is nod es 1 a mind to work realized how nearly he had oom0 to and be lore that beautiful. desolate woman, " Mrs why old you not whom he had befrleuded during their ,rend to " . have helped you voyage across the Atitantic. 1■ your extreme > I would have been Nevertheless. 'wben he had met her so geed to do no," Dr. Mortimer saidt that day In the car, and looked Into o1e.pla graved. those fathomless boos etmenes llfeer4 e=1lssasilse." CeNilr *lle,Wi 1 , that Howard Montgou ery lied more etntightentig kee form. a rich color returned, and that suede other troahb in her eh Ler eyes lseeted had been added to fill up the measure w:te) so the reecho mad of hergrid- pumpers 1 sa{mALed her dnrlag "Was Dale dead?". he asked atm- the last re, "teoau.e sose- s•1f, as he saw that site wets alone. thing rose Hill m., making ins But. no: that would not be a determined 'Ot�ynee In the struggle. trouble that would send her flying to Helen 1* 11N/ told me before my the far were to seek aid from him- marrhage--wants elle tried to dissuade A estrange thrill shot through hem. me from waddle% her brother -that She was alone. nod lit sorrow ; mho i was a 'metes Mby'-that I had uo had come to him. Lind that was sof- character, ehtd,w*s not fit to be her fictient to make him her stave, and brother's wile -war not hip equal devote every energy to her arrvbe, either mentally or :socially ; ao.l now "Yon are feeling scutewhat Hated," she reproaelmd me with 11 agate. ex• lie said, gently. aid he took her hand ulting over the ruin which aid had again. when ate rose to meet Minion prophesied. 1 felt that the time had Itis return. come to test my character, ao.1 to "Yes. I am much refreshed; amt. prove the material of whale 4 was Dr. Mortimer," with an semen gutter made, and I resolved 4entyq should tleer sone h "1t ware very Mindl4. sshef3ri g y heel I llgt opsit yew ' to 'araange- them .Met* od et ra -my-advee atisle comforts for e. - crush ma I veered I would rlae above Cecile glanced around the cheerful. Its -that I would make myself lade - home -like apartment as she spoke. pendent of her or the charity of any 5.. 4f-, "Jll"1Rtcds,.:1 p rl ser .-Asr3 -IHRaeusa.atau' 4..s:,'.twy,- -•me moot h curve4ia a Ilttle smile o1 horn supported ss'aelf, any ohlld and amusement an well as pleasure at her Martha , yon remember mod. kind altpr,eIanlon 'of I,M ,dfwtlti elle did Martha , a more faithful girl never not knowthat he had glom up his breathed : and we three have formed own roman to her. and, taken s small. a little (household elf ourselves .antll poorly furnished one up another -Daisy was stolen; anal the anterior., flight. for Mrs. Daw*aeen house wan wh'ch had been so strong and brave full. and In no tither way could C'e- natal now, ended in a sub. elle have been acoommed.ted there- '• Mrs. Montgomery. 1 am amat..1 at "I arranir d for you jest ap I would what you have told me! how have you have done for my own rester, 11 L had managed to do all their' D. Mor - one. and she had comae to virile me," Ise timer asked, hie fine ayee ekpresvlug sand amply the wonder and admiration he experi- The tears started to Cecile's eyes; It exceed for the spirit and independence was infinitely' comforting to her to *Well she manifeete1. have him speak thuie to her. it would Much na he had admired her during be grand. idle thought, to hare nisch a their voyage acmes the mean, he haat brother. new dreamed that she poe(.+esed a f ampcle you are wondering what foeo like this; be had deemed her a has broh*bt me to San Francisco In beihjt fol cultl,aceo woman. --005 who. eieeh haste to reek yot(T aesiatance," all her life. had sat in the lap of she eat& a slight flash rising to her luxury. and who meet always be cheek, "but, my friend I am in sone .hiolded and tendert cared for. and teetered -my child." a Vest sob swell. never be permitted battle with the la her cheap "my aide hat been sharp winds of adv ty. from me. Here alio .at be Are him now, the "Dewy stolen from you!" be eJ*cu- name and yet not the came , for tiro feted In astnnlahment, while We great thew• yells; that hail relined sloop beset seemed to bound Into Ida throat their parting had served to develop at this dreadful intellligence. • ''Hn her a rare womaabeod. 4be was He had grown very fond of the lovely far more dignified -mord self -poe sa el. babe during that and voyage, but he and her every movement. though now, had been sure, from the d.impair to her ss then, full of grans, told of a see- thed- eyes that day, that she was reliance, ern d rseveres°, thed-e mit. wick si.10draw* ed'Wetwo_ etwoulara mapirnth�g co (moos salt "when" and "how." he ha6 *bruntlite when ones her fasolutken was with keenest pain from hearing the taken. fatal words. 'How have i does itb?" (:eclle mid. Tei," Cecile retnrnr•d, "nearly a repeating his worts. While her voice fortnlght ago slip dlaappenred In the dropped to a low, reverent tone. moist myeterkna manner, and i be- -First by casting all my care upon nlere she has been brought to this city; Him who carotic for those whom 11e er 1 have followed her as quickly na I afflletnt It has the hardest and could -t moat find her, or i shall die: ret the averted lesson that I hare and Mill, Dr. Mortimer. Is when I want bad to learn during all my 11fe. but you to help sae to at." once learned, alt other things have "Of coarse I shall help you." he maid been comparatively easy. I took (ha eartily, while erased pitifully Into contract of n gentleman In New her sad ern; "but you cowmen me York to fornimh him with fancy too more than I can tell you. Stolen! Who doles made of Inceri lie was exceed - could have done s0ch n dastardly deed, ingly kind and exerted himself to and for what purpeee?" help me In every potebI. way. and 1 believe we were mutually benefited by oar busboys' arrangement" She then went more • Into the de- a11s, giving him a- oompete bl.tory of her career an a manufacturer and woman of Mishima. "it has not been smooth all the way along." she 000cludsd. with a Hale sigh. but with a brave smile; "I have been obliged 10 work hard with Jtoth hernia and bruin, but 1 have achieved, In a teem/ere at least, hfiy purpose; 1 have not only made bile money and won for my .anal! family every oomlort. but 1 have grown better and etrouger, both mentally and physloally. i have saved money, tox,, and if 1 never re- ceive a dollar 0f my husband's pre,• pxerty, there ter no reason, If my linen. nem comtl00ew to prosper In the fu tore, as It hie., In Ike port, why 1 shall not have a sung little fortune of my own by and by. Dr. Mortimer reaebel out noel claweel the hand that lay near him. '.lira. Montgomery." he said. with a thrall in hie tonna. '-1 am very pmnd of you -I boner you ; you have shown yoareeff a retrong, (wave. wise, am well as a loving woman. if there were more like you In the world there would be fewer bad man. fewer mis- erable homes; for. In my opinion. the cause of much of the erlme In our country promo -Ls from vain. weak- minded women, who w111 not work, but mend selfishly Ind extr tragant- ly. ate they drive tbelr hnabini-% mad frt_gede to desperation, and they weeift be illegal haven* to gratify Meir foolbh whims." 'I fear 1 do not deserve your praises." 0eelle answered, hely ; '163 force of oirromms$aa o1e. has driven me to exertion. aad doubt - leen I owe everything la ,that. But. oh ! Lir. Mortimer." eke cried, all the anguish and mother -love for her lost darling emddenly reline bike her heart 111m a great waveto the "My emplcJona have fallen upon liar annt-my buat,ancya sister, MH. Lang- ley" ; and then ate told him the cls ennettancen of Daley's mats (gaap- ppeeararce-the thought that had cones like an Inspiration to ier, her vinit to Mrs. Langley'. residence, and the dis- covery that she had left for CalUor- nta the eery day her cWld wan kit. Dr. Mortiner's rale was almost a blank as he Mitered. But f th h t--ezcose rue --I i e- Ileved-" 1 , and then stopped In oonfenon. Cecile smiled sadly. "You believed I Bought help and com- fort from m7 Itrsband'a sister upon my return from Europe," she said, it vivid scarlet staining her eheeka, and uttderatanding hire at one". "So 1 did. but Mrs. Lowrie, had been opposed to m7 marriage with her brother, and had threatened to les revenged upon me If ever the opportmtlty was offered her, and when Isouget her, sed told lier my sad story, she refused me all *ld-she *nand not 'rhesus a shelter. even, until f 0°114 decide what wpa best for nee to do --rhe would not ovipu lend me rnemey enough to caueel my bndebtednese to you, and meeked ret my grief and trouble"' 'Mrs Montgomery -1 am /hocked-- grleved beyond expression I" Dr. Morti- mer ezclatnhpd 1n dismay. "You had en- dured all this on that day that 1 left yos1, and ynu did not tell me! -you let me go away believing you were pro- vided with every comfort, with kind friends to care for sou and to gess you the sympathy you /o much ne►ek1 -you were overwhelmed with sorrow„ phdlyoo meld not confide 1. use when there was nothing that 1 wouM not rave dewse for you r" lib concluded, re- proachfully. No, I meld not tell roe," Civello rw'- twurne& lifting her golden (read with a regal esofement. ''I wan ten prowl to tela yew --kind ae yon 11rd hewn to met -that my hu bard's men and only gh- ee. had turned me tato the street na she would hare turned a beggar; that Me refused ops all old--,,t.n the o4 dries of my tsnaband's lawyer, so that 1 might procure the neensyr 1 Asa merit needed.'• "Thet--but-you had moer'yr-yes told see that It was perfectly convenient to r!tend what 1 i voted ynn-yyrrww Dr. itertlen, Learing he might b►betrayi"tng ton torah (oddity regarding her affairs he /topped 4ot(t and teamed NW a ism. "Tett t lied money. Inv friend, and It was oerfeetly eorivenient for me to nathoet my ImMIM4temer to you ; sn please do met reproach me for a pride which 1 could tint Onseldv. W7 hat- band lied levkehed *emsrons and tripevenlygi= lm during our all I knew ehowld 1 a IM�ement's contort wltj - 41110 etDlnalon of every other thought. "my life, my Work for the last three yearn wtll an have leen a tailor* le f rennet find my child." "1 know," be wormed, gravels ; "and 1f. as Ton ameba abet In here In thin eat7, we will find her ;" end Cecile took courage from hie tysp.-oonf1 which 1011t towa1111. dt then kIs.iPootif, hMee altht with her Interest Ci!'APTgg Mira - TSS Mother -Titer' "I do not, know Mut 1 aln7 haw come mall rr ai- eoog rano epee a ehaeleM ('1010," terward, when they - the matter of DI<iry'. I hate not the atmte- that tent Langley tae tia7aa heindothir etllinellilaee which pekes that wr lea amaghe le that idPease Into the IMO ora game island wahnrw my h7 tea t35 *31 atel� a o aaosms Bohn IYllltel • h feeds ti t ores to 1eWith w�a Drunkard halt 1DrlratLg wither -Orme . When ~w mltll`mee In au I•rMahht4 a roam Maw aAsttl. ae4 which I Imo* not Was able M are w ettrbtlr ways. but eeaata r than that is drunkard was sobered wnmMeed at seals off. ler *OW HOW fes the very ds and about the AMMO Male that . he MMrlfq for cease M 1M only eir- b tr t p54.1,7 her awe,. If alts hew y ateaknue to lake kW ; 1 she sot bred i o earnestly for nee to Sive icer he ILMI, even utfarleg ma a har1dar se )mane' Int ebohagms"--1kl. with cording lips end !killing quo'perhaps 1 Mould e at ban Attributed the ktdnuppl:g to herr 'What plan (d action here yeti tltoaibt a Y' naked Dr. Mortimer. 8• i would not her by tell - k. -her trail he tr. foinult- aha of Iter kept theft watt with lira Latttis7 la Ilam refitedeset was a very 1 wild aid rowed ahs had ears r what would prove to be a fruitage clues' but at all events he would do what hie cusdd to help her. "I thought of searalttas all of the hoteldther-a1 least all of 11e first- class hotels;- Mrs Irutgley would Pat- ronise only each -an& If I could find her name, trace her from there. Fall- ing In tlhe& I w111 net soros detective at work," Cecile awewerM- "Yee..that w111 be the hast course ta, Puede." he returnee, "aid 1 will be- 'lft Taws tins for tills very afternoon, and go over the 11gt of names" Cecile etched: she began to realize that the tads she had net (herself bade fair to be a long one, Meanwhile, P hat could airs do to em- ploy herself to snake the time paw quickly 7 She at length daelded, that ere could not be Idle; she matt have work, or she would chafe and worry away what little (strewth remained to tor. The next day, closely veiled. are went out and bought a quantity of Mons; veteran"' to ler rooms she set about making some samples to send to Martha for the girls to Dopy In her manufactory, The fourth day atter her arrival. about ten In the morning.Dr. Morti- mer knocked on her door. At her sweet, low--volord "Corm', In," lie entered, and, as Coolie areae• to greet him, he thnuEht, drupe tiro bad, '901111ring eyes and anxlous quiver of her lets, he land never men a fairer elaion In all his life. Her golden hair was culled like a coronet about her shapely head and shone smooth and glossy as satin. lihn wore a tra1Wig juts ds negllge of .00tlerr, wlrl4y exedettel7 trimmed witicnnnte_ Hue* fairylike .nae& -nkgle r owl j r.enaswat Irma s -eiusler - O( fragrant geranium leaves fagot"! Just beneath her faultlessly receded cnida. . Pee estr.-+.'nieaee erteikttt- interne Putt are hie gleam fell upon them. He had sent her a lovely bouquet the d't7 before, and hq uses quite sure Utoa' leave* had been called from It : but his heart would not have throbbed lei the way 11 44 if he mould Lave known how tenderly Cecile's fair hands had separated then from the flowers. and preened them to her quivering lies. as she uunrmured, brokenly Oh. Howard my dear love! you al- ways loved these delicate. fragrant things. and their perfume seema to bring you nearer tome." And so. with only her great. nh- sorb{n love for her husband welling up In her heart. she had pinned them upon her breast, little Imagining the wild hope that would thrill smother as he looked apse them. Dr. Mortimer once, while talking with her about the past, had asked her how she now felt regarding her Irusband'e alsenc nod. lifting her hopeless eyes to, his. she had answered : " Dr. Mortimer. i1 Howard Mont- gomery were living and could (Nome to me, f know he wouki do so: he would never forsake the woman whom he haul wedded -no matter what frtnite he might ranee dacovered in her afterward -a1 lids sister tried to torture me into believing. No - 1..1. dr. *d -item.,, -no-nitro way 1y - wh'oh t0 *comm for hlsotheenre. For n whole year -yet, more-i'looke.l and Shaped for his return : then the hope died.- " Hops died." (Tb be C7omtii*ed.) DALLIT'8 FAMILY or LXYI8 PILLS will remove all impurities of the skin. Prins 10 ants. Hint for Writers. Don moisten your new poll be- tween your Ilpz before you begin to write. Take your cheap :feel pen, dip It in the Ink, then heed It In the flame d a match for a few seconds, wipe 11 ranehAly, dip It into the ink again, and you have a pen that wUI make glad 'los heart within yea Try 1t once.-Manvoq Rotas. C. C. RICHARDS • 00. Dear 8irse-i !hays great faith in ifiNARD'B LINIMRNT, as last year I cured a horse et Ring -bone, with five bottles. It bl1tered the borne bat in a month there was no ring -bone and no lame - nem. Dani*! Mrrahloon. Phar Va I les N. H. • 1tu.slan Crusade. Tim temppeerra�me crusade has arm* gt. Petersterg' The Randall Oovera- ment ahs taken away from 25,000 e the r1ggat too sell alcoholic liquors. an has repinoed there by 5.000 estab- lishments placed under the control rel the State and located at egos! dna. thwart Apart There rastabllehhaents are directed by,yoo g women. The li- quor a delivered 1n bottle., to winch a affixed a ()overtimes* mark. The commasr ran obtain only one bottle la melt shop, and If. when he Theta another eslablhatnent ho shown the WW1 Sign Of batbn no Ilgonr will be nerved Va. --- Miner's Worm Powders correct all much troebles es leek of tippetlte, 11U- 'avnese dr'4waldbss. Sallee eompletket. rte.; nlos eo s. tee Opttsal Mssa.remeets, dna now wiliest teeasmllag Matra - nowt for sealrabil7 aQis/lihor width of the p o*ldad with was vertical grldwiirsme y, in wMeb le om lintsd a nor rest, to *dlnst ►os-soatlal p eve. with Um poplin, for taking Ehn nu,esmary nomsore*. MtitaAl Grip Powder, arra rtwr,Idallattt OM* Bl�itisrb, TM'lae5e tlralew After a moss& tornado In Australia thouranal d water unarms were found on the beach in one pla�e, while h1 indNflee the hem* was eathely rid si e7. leavItes nothing hurt hare 1drllt weer them bora, �y v"/ l�ldkgtl +.t lankly of where ?d tet`1 Mr, °r New Utterer a mow*, ; Ig1Hwr'e elom- and PK*eit • wand trot tine l ema7*acid a *Wafter .�tle a IIs rave Il(te beers. them lammed Illi lbs bas tar A ants an addrs esti e5n e-1- r w 41m �� he stamp. I hemctgtemrd ` to the other fthe Mum it �i� to naw 1t tall�ad fern to ! plek 1t tit. J 54 was about to I *neap It the Owe darted 1. a sag 05arse towriod the ales wall Ube a wilared title* bifid wikk aaladrk.• i , Oral. the drinker dback and In- rew *any watched the bit of paper, wIde upon remelting the wall, baps to asowtd At It sanend.d the tipplers fare ; grew more ingest, Ms body more rig . Id Els saw L b :hsmyster- ious n eemot*gg. Ells now from year, of seamless drink 1 a[. Hs Meowekt %kat toe aalaaated ; stamp wag a warning. At the tey of the walogeobag the .halo slop' i Peck squatted as if for a me- i meat's rest before amending Ogle er, and then made a dart toierird ler .insminirir &award beim trembling Pot saw 1t stop naw h hesitate and leap. Bs was mq0.' tlon*bly deceived u he contln.ed hiaTtodrink to moms; the damp I:� shin Id. to warn him no It arsenal to ham. W11b a pttItsl yN1 of fear and 5.S. latloa be rvsksd from lbs mnbos Teem that event- ful Width until los die& in �latpsl0ol circumstances recently. "'%lot+ man rover swallowed a deep of liquor. The moistened hears had 1sHsn epee a cockroach's beak and stook thee. -Kanaaa City Stat. 1 geere ?Mee We offer One Hundred Dollar,' Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that ` be cured by Halls Catarrh ma F. J. CHENEY • CO" Toledo, O. We, the umaerattned, have known r. . Cheesy for the last fifteen years. and believe him perfecay honorable in all badness transactions and finan- cially able to carry oat any obliga- tions made by their firm. Real • Truax. Wholes ale Druggists. Toledo, O. Welding, Klanan • Marvin, W holemie Halle Cabaret 0 Carp 1a takenlater- nedi7. acftgt surely moos the wood an to mmtus. /Macre f 111.ssem,- Ta�'atsrlt.towed4s1r-mot tree. Velgp 7"o p01 bottle. Bole by all Hall's Pantile Pith ars the bosh A story is told by London Yid Bite of one or the new screed of Scotch parsons who was recently preaching in a ttrawge church In a village. Fearing has hair was not properly parted M the middle or that he bad a aswdge on he now. be (1010'17 and significantly said to the beadle -there being no mirror 1n the vestry : "John, could you gat me a glean?" John disap- peared. anti alter a few minutes returned with a pared -0ndsrneatb his coat, water. to rte astonish- ment of the pantos. lei produced. 1n the form of a Isms, ado bottle with a gill of whiskey, saying " Ye manna Met on shoot It. minlster. for I got It as a great favor. and 1 wattnn has got It ava 1f i badma saki It was for yea 1" Tableau! W1rnl children are pace. pesvlah and rennin at nigghtt, they require a dose or two a M!lier's Worm Powders. Mestel Meek. One at the maat(sgpieees of munica: Cocks has Just been completed (we the FrOWOT r d Chime, is "risme pa: - ace, bandies poiating oat the correct time, 1l wt7 play selections wltb a Luny equipped • antamet)c orchestra. It isd lsntQoed Int llama ar-eatepsminat&Lastd 1 sight each d1wbdeb has • repertoire of sl melodic All of the chick waste masted by bychick the emperor himeste and eoseht at forty toretgn and tweety-eoat Chrome r a, 'IIs cane d the e:nek is made of resound, in Chippendale antique style. L Year Wife tlioseepsred e Examine her feet, end if she has corms bur her Putnam's Painless Corn Eat.raetor. Home gel then become Eden. Mock of the misery .f married !de is doe to earns. Patnam'a Nitrite - tor is ears, painless, and prompt. Osllesting Meyele Vat '11b Pkssot Governmentt,, bating e erieneed oonstderab a dMf seity la p oo,iectiteetbe tax on bioyelse. kis 1*- em:1 mod it new method ce eo l.etlmg that impart. On payment of the an. suet (yens tax the aatheeting pro- vide a essa1 metal plats width the owner is regalred to exhibit on a pre. miOsnt part of bis wheel. Any nu- cleon not bearing the mark w1:1 be seared, and Its owner summoned and tined. The tax levied la $1.20 for an ordinary bicycle, $2.40 for • tandem and the tame for a motor eye''. A diLtexveet stye of plate will be Issued for each year. DALLZT'8 PIM/UM C011712 is not strong, bitter, black coffee. Diamond elides. Diamond alleles, to be worn on vel- vet ribbon at the threat and wrist, Jewelry an amg the handsomest peasof in rescue. and may be ad- apted to various other uses, ons of which a ti0 enbanoe the beauty of a pearl Dollar Of many rows. ¥m di's Lisboa Oates Garret in Cewr, When a women sees the doctors Muggy next dnnr his Is one part sym- pathy and three parts curiosity. - Emma Celeton. The only way we can Mang erne trembles he to know of ntttnebody who ham worse -Washington Democrat. They ere MOUE No mgr. 1888 Perhaps you have made up your mind to take 4.8cott's 1.II1tdS1011 4 this summer. Then look for .� .. this picture on the wrapper, a man with a big fish on his back... Do not let anyone tail to you of something "just as od." When you want cod liver oU and the by phosphites you want the very best. You will find them In only one place, ' Scott's Ematsfon. There is no other emul- sion like it; none other does the same work; and no other hu the same record of cures. Au Drugaistt�...cc...tae (k. Scorn a $owe., 11sv.a's. ' Irish Masterson. Ten years ago lrbb maskers', whit i, now command from VS to 320 per barrel. sold for four. The increase it due to the Americas demand. almo,t all the mackerel DOW ,ase.t in the 1' n, ted eluates ooealag from Ireland in .Wed ..f from the New Ermined Doan. flit% forum soeree of supply for th., entire Doaatry. EtB8T1 PAM SUTUNINATOB. No family should be Without a bottle. The .rssb-?eU Ooldrise. Tho most beautllal sad costly Rea tie hi the world comae from Chian. anit_Irm Barest and moot expeasice dt alt ye- the brash-tatt' W hedete of these More told for as hi i as L160 each, and in Europa tie rMgP rads from ZOO tol tiro. Th.. •'h -'s0 small fiat a ave aMirraplehee will Dover lt,ald probably there Is Y living thing M 11. Mee mad weigh* that is want, o moor mom{. CANADIAN PACIFIC Harvest Excursions w ILn. ar. Res Os *113. 2e111, ofTINN1N61011.IICT. 281114, sad SEPT. 12711, •• •• N81'. 11711, 1891 mot ea rates TO prattle/. amsnas a.,w aroma ��� ro - 1130 l �.,X� :..:135 .00•Mtim RID peau 1�O tele at, .D..wlV7 I7001h aUpoint. M h Oeterle, Detroit. MI, roe :II Mier paryaarw apply 1e 1Le neer,•., Canadian t'ullle ,fecal. ar to A M MOT/AM Anditeat (=MM.. ekeModafw ?lEsi•e kliegs. TIGER STOVE POLISH. rem Ire 1.7. ts*tiaT OO. IJcalsea. samsaea, liereaes sad Crieff"" A88 p�TO TR GROCER at :aural= ? A1Rca Aka =sa.T er es.w Er..sd es Me ually as £ 0..Pum palte�kye wUi sass . Y .engl WANTED AN iIIDI,'MRI QM arena et ober sad appoint yams. esi r .gp caaset . Lhel fl D,PAR:tc ntimm... FITSn ,ar„Ma. after fuel day's elip.. M " Cera h L 1 erne ASK YOUR DEALER FOR EDDY'S House, horse, Scrub and Stove BRUSHES. - L - stele by a new process end win Q t. (LAST any otherpiind (•a ♦ Use market, J. J. VIPOND & CO., Fruit and ProdJCA Oorntntasion Merchant., Alvan MKaaMtmtRSRQa, t MONTREAL. am y10Nes ewe •pht r". gel ateSAC tl� 1 week. our' , thaw veils bund 1s • rite . tints (,snarl for II Coned 7fa kouu pact Wes 1 ,wrItI Ineerur fico 1 stat* A, w. 0 blare: se bood eased ,trthu] Md. 11(.b , at 1e- !W Lon • fu tap ret Indlni sadden hese` theJ ares a pWadrll t? t k le cath teen the tile W. The Ind a of tr rice em.'ct dna Aim) :par an is repo Ind Pau Lad 1'a bon (bort, private that ,and ti at ti u wl • I4 - laic Ont., Re R. Pe Maden C1 *ft r MMe.p , sores %nen kap • a sglghhos 11ftb IIP .ff:c "floc Mthe y M Awear f, sad k dr ek the ha « 1 w on Its Gni wl1t Milos :S arab Nandi b. } mitt hath •. Am .A of ll ire- al 8bhn1 Ai ftp ! I flea stptrn• of the w1 to01 • Ere real t sad N. and 411 n • 118,45, - Mot st Da MO or on F,. 0. C. I. ma leseral a Halt Caen r '1t1lll tat oat and he to neem MI . Vanua ee tit eat. n halt yr helm Cha Yams • hr illi *I t ' resp 'hall army we to Ory Ile los, stets mm Cha Wor lam