HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-24, Page 3. I _ ___ _._ _. _ _ _. - atldwhj ta)tl Ina did obatwo r RLt bti/lttsai0iII1W james Farr's.Story » .. . . olowwv.. .t 1,smg fence tae glf it 0" iced Jlkw p j , g a[ JILT. Davis eace inure brought to go alb tM tirala on Sunday even the aft of the Nouns the 1►itd- Told _fin e Odith.wlaD,w,.l„g ray he u- incl la. . . _ Wend n tdseas tkr uecewtltY of Patrick matter. He road an •:tpDrao4 b1161r D _ _II I_O al that wuuld look 1111n the murniMg floor rfprhU tit V they did taut he Par o rt of a would not, i ttsent. son b Holahast pruprlslor o[ - - --" - W_ J&MW Nelson told me since bin filters frdgh taira that its said ]tie- rho isr. IVHerald, ceot by the Ylteuvon had told VIA that It I would i neem The "ire las QQtdetaHoa was Denies That There Was Crookedness forward and make the r fr terms the teas a what .air WI! - HQ kind Of dsaarutlon the TurMa w:2 d lrid stated la the llamas. Poll. we tae, t In reply to )fr. Davin, div Wilfrid a{ His toll hsoasb all rttht, and it would saki that the oabllabed 1 •hoot was 1 • be npwy in my poo et, is Substance vorroot. 89. I have not recetVed any nwwy Mr. hurter read an affidavit made - - LiLrdatly or tadlractt -a' any aam4taWO by Dr. Thomas Innis, of Gaspe, the of any kind from t a Any to In- Cousarvative 'candidate, In 11011011, In AYS HE VOTED FOR MR. M LEAN dna me being ace, from Ottawa er that H. A.asn mi whish est forth S toevadbefng.erve with •rt bppppedppa, that H. A. I,e+mieu, Lnepectdx of and the only thin[ that has deterred Oustomm is the Montreal district, Lae from going has been m unfortun- father of Mr. Lnmiadxx, M. P., had --- ate drinking, brought on by the fear taken part is the election In favor to A olwmgeet Proved It b bbowla Hle Ballot to • Vro- and worry occasioned by the state- of his eon, Rudolph Lemldax, who Ad1 Accorling [ y g menta made by my fellow -employes wao''electod for Gaspe, and who now alacat Tory-AppOUtied.s Tory Poll Clerk- -Wu Begged by the ad to my liability town•eet for tearing site for that riding, and u the to- 1.up the ballot handed me by Robert presentative of the Liberal cendl- Litlnds to go Poeward Sad Testify, but was Scared Out of Oohng by Clark. date toot life name of H. A. Laaidr. Threats That He Would Get Into Trouble That •' Thirteen 80. I was informed by the people in and Mr. Fluster said that the lmepeotor, Tory the boarding-house that Henry Bogs Lemieux, abomld not only be dLmlmdd, d d Good Ballots " Yarn and How It Orglinated. bad told them after his return from but dseervod something also dome to lvtax evliense at Ottawa that I had him. Uoderk•h. {u`, 11S.-(dps''ial to We without making nay p,erot ular re Otter not above up in Ottawa or I Bir Richard Cartwright saW that Ul rJamwn Farr, a Deputy Re- mart to me. would get into trouble. he would lay the matter before the log Ofrlder In the W Huron 16. 1 bad bean drinking for several ---- _ -- - Minister of Oaatomd. aekg-A__tl! s . ding. Saul w Voll e-s.ao Ji (SL SnRmbmt. , - Mei-iimtar-tbnm Dawe a -View- d ",,,lis un Febrsar7 h1g day new n -bottle of whiskey -- the work d the asmk,u. He started ■adv tits, following aekarlR 'doiatat• whh me In the btxyth. Inert of Ag e'aLowwroe the Kethodlstbilmea• out by daytng tb3t the (lovernmeat ,We before llenrT W Tess' "'We I drank myself. 1 asked Mr. ter Who Prayed for g1m Welfare• anti gone batt on their pyrro fens n commbwdono In t111f Court Hortion W ort me u bottle. anti he while out of office. In the Liberal ron- in Ilse Incelett! veru related by a of Justice: prrurmlae.l to du ser, bras Bid out. Bradford Icon ventiOn It was duceldd W reduce the I I am the Janes IFarr wko scMd TURF QY A BA[.I,OT. y who rixlutstel that tezattun, o roans filo expenditure &, Duty Returning Offfosr at 110. her name be not mentioned In ccs- atul w gars n dlmualtkin of the debt J polling subdivision In tib Town of 17. When the charges as to the tteoti,n with k. tiudarlmh At She bye.slectletf Mild to Irregularities at my polling dubdlvi- " It was W Pittsburg." she said. It well is de astd by tate tont Crest Huns an floe t1at.'Nfdary. slow were first mode by Mr. &•r "1 tx.11evo in the Library Hall, 14 was slyly Aurid by the Liberals out t dare, some or my fellow employees at where I (blit heard Cul. ler cull of t.(ftee for parity In eliev. the whine. 18gp• R'u tlr,in d railway wbridlew floe indle ., Fur vightow Nre prior 40 the D, W. Taanisd m A (b'm-. where i Spink. There was a large nudl peudonve of Partlement W tie pre - Ad ut .iPntl 1 was a trent work. Sad mums of my follow -board- emoe gathered there, among them be- aervetL and that an et,mumk:el and of the tuwm ei whtlra 1 era, where 1 resale in TUryntu ask- fres clergyman and the cream d lou /rtemtllke sdminletratki n wins try be carried ext business as A oarpsu ter. ed me If there was guy truth In professional Urn of the city. lbl. given the people. He then proceeded ■ml from about kha Zea[ 1898 utttll the chargee, and i said No, not a iggerpll's mGaeoll wad mansnlfLeont W may that the debt. the taxaMoa and Ng time 1 left (loder h 1 acted as wrre•1," Stough I always admitted from m► oratorical standpoint, but the expeadlta- bad been Increased, Doty Returning Ofiltrr At the Snaring rap err ballot headed me by his attack on religion and the Bible stat Instead at pevtmctk,u botne tome mssicipsl ekwtkm• for the same me Rc-hert Clark, was blampholwas. Howewer, the away with the rate d the tariff of Dom of otxderlch at the subdlvhslon 18. At various times In ambsequent MAll's powers am an orator and as euxkmw collected was only reduced by ., for which I acted as Dotal Return L•ouvereaSlws. sums of my fellow- an actor mads a deep tnpreadion on 27.100 of 1 per tsuL That wasgivou in Offlrew on the ,-lint PFebreary, employees told .fellow -boarders in- him hearer. and eeeaed to affect as u tariff for revenue only. The Igpp. fornse] me that ror Starting up a One man Ian particular, Rev. Alex. taxation had anereamed on an aver a. A postcard reasived b7 me from ta!lot i war liable w be ar. ted, Iader Clark, pastor of Ute Metho- age of mix million collar over what Mr. Lane, the eloetkom clerk ad wag the arts their remarks on this heoc dirt (Minh. which every tine M It halt been between 18=2 and 1898. Met Intlmatk,n 1 bad of being filo cawone i me a great deal of fear. Pittsburg kneiv am the Old Home. Turning to the Independence of Par plosed 1leput) Returning Otfkwr at 19. I first met James Vance. re- Ilnment, be pointed W the " At the conclgsi o of the IeeWre piaeln[ of W an1.1 electron, ted 1 Uri not been fererd to to the evidence given as Ingersoll was hacking from the v »m previously spoken b &"Ome about Col. 1 e'Ves' rr h and Bed•hsrd In the ors y Ottawa at itlg boa Yece. in the stags• 4i ala peculiarly graceful I ITar Chamber to R7ve Seats boldin Appointed. Om "con nt of city of Tomato. wave has ffitroducad Manner, when Rev. Nr. Clark hound!" to Mr. Blair and 7[r. 'forte proving noted as Dspml# Ilogarm►npI blmmelf W and eat w Sae (cram and asked to be In the Cabinet, and of Forbes on r frurseftup..f A*%*_saveat. m°t lubes► float Jets -6Mk,ar t&r•-na•M Matron lrrbr'odderted •^•fo f!s , tblt„6sOn M _ mlellti r_oo or _ifr, ed to be Isolated. '...., V FMId 1Te dam' t wlf t 7 -. 4. ► npTuslnted 19mary Ar siB n w known es snarl-_.. - -„_ formality hartng been grana SasAa[h. f q trknd „f mine. and a Opneer -ative. URGED TO go TD OTTAWA. Ida °1lnrt and the agnostic clarp tion o? [<tvtng oorttreA'L wTSDort ell clerk. Y0.• iJtn ttus a1 hand•, the minister with emtrer- Irublk• txmmpetitlw. He referred So as my i* 000041M or the maid rads. She, a=nomie with a graive the greotw for harbors and usher us AN EAIPLOYYE OF ICI.EIN• lutwview with VARM he discsed peculiarly him own. i well reoem- outside Ontario. and maid that ween he 5. Uurk ig ter ra-A 1 11ee in Coder wits maw the reports which had ap• her She pt Itetlt 7 would only wentlan In regard to she tri'9 MIA i1aq dein amrpsa•-pealued IR ver PaMra' at tlo lobs unisr. ,Hite great nger•4tiimtmt th►t firer tgwertdiaawt tens .Ott for Robert McL tan, tlr gulaeltlea at my Ili suhdh inion at 'ttaalit,br tc CisueC She Sees Wast ron[election, and coli RasO the hated of that good evidently afraid to faa:e an Investl- reett•nnU.r rad bass nit the pa staid mlakrter, whose fame am a Christ- trees' He totmeh"d on the Wast rertYen, rand had bees well pmldfor &ettedt me, If there was arty truth to Inti of the real kind was known F101 electlon cams, Lund saki this% It. and tit account of my peraonal tom' chargts made, atut 1 informed throughout 1,payboR Ute Dominlon Oowernmomt Selected w,jollhikoruB with Was and having Wm that thele was not. lee asked -Mr. (park. when he IMit Cul. ler- the prime °cover to Unit affair and pee rryioaswd by aim personally, ms If I had any objection to going rar ull's hand In his held It tightly gave him it posttlas In their derviea nal Ila I,rig Ilia to do so, Ottews. and giving my evidence, wb!M be IttSed Ilia eyes toward Ire aakd tbmt Parliament had me - I fell to unetlei toeing for kin at t - mj r'wp•y(ng that r bad 'lot, cumt,liehed n Wing. leavwn and preyed In a fervent wan- Aili(s!t Qsb " wkaL es','d that I should go at ogee. ha than bed would direet-the•wow$vp- This lita0 tt was revolved with d,.r kit 'Llan 1=ia7,catte>!( -Ind 1 Informed him that--f--would rot taltill to SrMr 1pttl (1'-Knotheraud laughTM-Wtw_ ._ siate•l ,40- my 'that I `joitiirded to wall to be subpoanaeti, In order that a atter sphere. Ilia not #-Fiat d "You are Mo r, vote for Yr. MCIAMM I mslsii get my expHrtues. Tlnls I°' n king arse, but It waa prayer tire h d from te heart Mr. Foster clslmsed that Is was pot g. I remember lines Yates coming10"low lasted only a few minoteR upon Ingersoll. Tile "no W the Oppoltba but W Use beat - DM atml Inas Its effect r the nl[ht One thin election W13Y HE DID NOT 00. gleet agnast'c, looking the Rood Chris- isee' Inability of the (lovernteeot He sad advising M M iKilgn my post- , 21. At the time of my Interview SiAll In the oyes, thanked him must moved a long amm amendment 0 try o - tor an deputy fobookag officerand with Imo. Vance &bore nentioned I Ineert:ly for hid kindmess, and sol- Dun W Into Supply and which In to return the be" box papers, the fully mteuded going to Ottawa, hist evenly added that Mr. Clark war the eluded ` ' financial xtatlrttic• of the reason Riven by No for asking ad, On aecoent of the remarks made to ries Christian minister that had ever n'ear torcom 11 ed witts h IftW and to do p bsltW that I had been dying the day or two succeed- w'alied hla godspeed. He then left theup orating aril wA trot, therefore. be In his apsecb. The n alount voted by ta>< lbs interview b7 come of my fel- piMfdxm. and fire &arteodx slowly Able, to properly Parliament, he put at $:,1,796,844, prove y yMffel my duties, lowsa bjeO, a the effect that 1 1•.. out q tic hough' which was over $18,000.000 more let 1 mebe4lto O W smaaea for was liable W be sseeeted for tear T!m Frtlori. tbongh chows I p a ballot, I chs deter ,than !a Mr. it toot over ten teV- at me &at a• o tb t tree tnRetl my mind and es.11 nm !eve was. it brought tint eke °rev fax Mr. Fcettar W head his armertd- Irued i was a al - of Mr. Me- std trot p. gri-rat mnhhood of the agaodt!e. Rrv• ttient. Title Honda (tlwlded on tete amend- LmY. end on that , teceouat I re- •p 1 Sad beast thlukln for pod, Aletuterier Clark west west. I nm [ trent. watch wad lost by 12 to 29. lend to tallow Me uArlge. time d p W Dakota, where I 'to- more to what State he em*rated, paamo& and Mr. TOTFD FOR taut i bWere It was Mku mrl, and The Supplybill was T'iLi TORLliB. have as living, and told moms E'►eltiltK w01 reply b Mr. FoeAsr at there ld I••eamm 111. He was at U 7. TSF night labors •1ka ailan of ay friends that I intended ,[otog !f .,rint•k. f these, mad on or about Jul lit.k•J. and the Governor of She State, 1fllUam ytU•hef , the.TlOarD Clark y 18th I Par:iameet will prorogue at 4.7g toderich, and a -pi . Oshawa- Purchased wtth my own money a v rhaal krrywn him emamy years, hatt this afternoon. There are very fes/ live, Interviewed ticket for D I'•o r'r'sooved to hid home. Mr. ('lark ante e,.e V a nasslt nista, Trot before goln members left In the city to attend d the arra KF*w' wdrae and was threatened with ngememt than gnrrlvodat 1 went W OodMteh to cotnsalt cel the Aging ceremonies between its, 1. on telbwlsg may wife, but an she strongly ob• doeth. The tie*.* came asst, and In- Ott^WA report : Parusamnt was while the mild JV kew I 5§MWL heard It In Washington whwrn to ToconLo pexrnosrmmf 8sturlsty aftermoou af• F'S a1e-. _ ir- _t. »-• .dam_:_i nuaO .1.-.._ N<7 tat w%I. Fosgam'. tevgJm% Mddetlt es ballot„ -blob was mUfbad for i'ANYrE 41' _ A-=_ wtei ly as pomtble naA attd Mr. Fbldluve'a reply thoretp, was At the d the Cht•tstlan 1klsam, and which I dgrlfitmug 1w After the Clerk cyf the t)emte haA Its ballot box in him taus. 28. On my retarn to Tora►:o on July minister. and mites the death of Mr. read n link d the bills Passed at the It i hnd on, cooveradVirm wttb any- ere I net James Vander on YotiVe Clark was alapalj eanallAntly In at- susaeya the Governor General read Indy ne ere W duties An dsNst ve_ °!mss' Amr tie corner of King and teudanes upon Alas Allen Mr. Clark the ftAlowdng speech from Ute throne: Nj Z inlormvd Win %MIs-yna I had thought of d:M Ingersoll took cltargr d the re- Oevltbmsn or the )iaa,r Ar Gb®, Ar L m In r, had eetone v' no me so'rir to Dakota, acs he then said walnut and brought them east W New nsotu M retievinlg yon of your duties I- Any In reference to the m&ttus that 1 wrwn!d have muds a wistake Castle, where they were buried. At ,luringthis ru Ansein except the printad n- 11' I lied dome a o protrnctrl ewdel0n 1 at and stated that she filo fsrtwral, after the Officiating de- ►tnictimu in file trllaR bot tag sire W thank you for floe Ailillrut at- tofaR t11big for we W do was to go to clergyman Ina.: concluded his neraaon, tenttau you have Riven to the many DENiM ALI, WROXODOING, O"Awn andcJear pmyseU try giving my tiSs aguomt!o delivered an adds" Important awnseres wbirh have bwen V. 1 fillductad the poll to a fa'r and ev!4weoe. aN. 1 i tloft Sold It' mi that I touching Spon the- grand Info and rabaltlet kw your pontdderation. i !miwCAI manner to tlr bast of my wtyu!d d, a c character Of the dead man, wbtch ant KIRA eo obiworve thst the art`.on jtI'°lennt. And every ballot 4R4.d so It. on my returigag W my lmArd- moved hie hearers to Sear. It was of Canada !a darkling to unite with Iiy the voters wax Italy dgpnittM IN 1t1 . ,hones late dame eight during the caw of item beat efforts. Sad was from the mother country and tete Austral - balkrt box. FRMLFW Wing week I was Informed tvy tine heart." -Bradford pCvaning Star. Ian oofoolee in the oon ilrar.Lion of a 1M Duruig tltr contrast of the day Janne Nelson, a fellow4ra ardor, that i PacVlc cable hax nest with gonewal Robert Clarkad, s bulkyt Mr. Panor had called to am me and f DALUT approval. i ffirwrntalate you on the Which lie mm'd hnnod bow nye the flow. wAaW me to igo to Iran house as ne .to evidence d coatlnued prosperity that and oil lo,41tHn nd n as M aot= Taeog- all I am.-. ta. I thereepon walked up PURE FRUIT ZXTRA tg pwwvalty in all parts of tam Dominion aivrg the IniSaIN mins L tore It op, to hes hopes, wNeleom and had sn ante thm which ham mumulated e fora- bst •n t/fnR a, I net make the re- NAWT!R f with Vaaoo, when Ito In- gTt 610R'SilI With ill 9wd Mob Y ttun of so many cow ads having for mark ^Oh, he, f' 1'hnse was into old loraeoQ les he was tiol>y away tc the thq alWwo site their objet Ate (lows mppgg"&% of enter - 11 I Arsmxd ydsterd&r notNkV and might be away for Is 1 ieJ g prison that must tend torrwtne the 11 The Mtttots rariLbed me for tits lace dam and wanted to know wlte- wealth of the country. Oentletean of aid eler'VOR were pt•I~ ON very then or n ll, I was gating to Ottawa. NIOILINO TRA QU"N'g SWANa1 the Mama of Comtnona. I thank you Lhhi paMr. Sty A wwsr dflieuit to Ase tafovmsxl we thalh It 1 dA not gn - In Her Majesty's name for th- map• avod hand, out mere than one at i be and thaO It ptetuedsfao 014 Oda mes~ SKU orae hes you have RTAnSW fox the polo (ad, tlmh aaq I gym mnt'lsfled that, the watt d,be far V~ f ars to tired on the Tienwa tvrdnn fur the go at M servt.e. Honorable gv!rutlwmsww. of Preerrx. • ref She, bleak arms. I ,tit" tW ♦Hina that I ewoaM The Qudeen'm Swainherd &Ad the d- the Peeato. RwntJemen of the House 1s►kds i:l the hatfut b := to beeaus i i Mt the m urg alight. in$ AN" h:•m It I flelais of the Dyers' and Vintner' of Outstations, !n bbiding you farewell wast hAvw Inadvetke. try on aawerM ovum liable to amt Inlb Itisuble on rtes- Cnmpaakei arrived at Windsor yes- i d t W exprew the hope WAS Can- ,rvAdrxig hnndtsl out mono than and ontmt of the torn tea!lok mad was los- torday Afternoon. says the Westmdn- aft any king continue to enjoy the At the acme urqe formed by hlm that be thought not, rater Gasoline, for the purpose d pttertpdtlty Leat wt present PrevaJim." HAD No iRRF,Gpf.Alt BALLOT4t. but that In any event it wM far bet- nicking by working the Thaws 12 1, l:ke ottxtre q_ the CIIWe ter for me- to go down and tell all I Swans ma Mglmg W Her Majesty A elves d Miller's Worm Powder trattll, when no vo?sioi wets - ij'a the kmew, and the two oanpaulm who claim coaelonally will keep the child hism t linoth, treneaonaH7 MUG" RAD BRFN DRiNKINO. floc birds tin the note.. The raw. Isealthy. wind- As mere And ,• Illi,. Raving made up my into(] W go Ing boat ft*LUI& twavUying SteTaIIltg IN 11tITAIIR. MY > the give am arty (otxtay directly or tndl- party ptrantMd & hfsbly pbtnr- m time dtxrl Sl1ebutrwi tly, tat' did tie KIT& aa• a check or wrgoe septaranew, flags ornamented They gave No Law w Bono Them Floods badi Any.balfurttlsa ow with &my rands, ntr did Witt dw&M, floating froom use thelubila liet r ad, say asals7;anee whatever atamn of all the crani exewrrung s+nd I rwrtn n "re hAnd-d to 7 vmtata In ofidLig sarvaa,e of a subpoena, hot. the Queen's boat, whisb dbpiayed a A standing p.le:i or the apologists h dA saf ftesadno them on tine "On trary. he repeatedly urged large whtte3 ensign bearing a gold anti treneticlerdes of tudntttrhal tuowo- et any „there at tlg► y►itwy`yw dwftw new to . t tlttaws of ay own free crown, wMh t11e rsnyal fnlil&Is In y int that Under different names %110 S' 0O illi oM fol will wall give fay evlAusnee beforw the red l scar et nand the crewacrew of ais of She TruAU flourish rig well In Free Trade Engsa,l an in tale tsritf-rlddea fault tfoe i had a y " the Dec- eommittft ooavenm ei h6h witb Abrn- M-PHl:RaON'fo " EAHY MONEY." r boats bhr jerseys, their hats Admit all that L said of the ebur lain le in who Rolled as about the and caps ducked with swan actor of oerfJlab trade &Associations in i!f- i° m Ili L7. 'Huhn gave, OTMll and Jatem MY ng aell►•4liliom. I quills. Opshep s Rhamea Ririe the (treat BHWn : Use Mmntlal toeAltkn iafewmeri him that they'd was no per Nelson, who snow a,ve. ova before tons Dyers' and Vintners' craft stopped, of tbetr sourness is Sbmt they ocintrHl titular trouble Up than, exow a to oammlttee at Ottawa, wore ant nor slid >jise w&tern cheered the moue product W.Itr-t which no rom l►eM•,m ballots, aM11IDg thaluby the toot to their statement as b whom Queen a haat as IL pass* b file point s has art"". or which they fire sxIra blank w nab batons vi ftlelr It k;.1 dist two t letxlleryr ptwrw. T71e swan voy sae acee b wail cheaper than all rlvaleb •t the a e l[tT t►i• I sw t etre ' Brt*& rr foraign. Uodr British She name da/ ad, they left fox Ottawa dwrinlf Trhih tM ilkri are cl:zw ly Fees Trades It U abgoiUtWj impessdible the pv!I• , that the leder tt - and wax tole by Nolsou Sat hnd orxnnted, oeemptm movetal days, for liens a It is ^hind. Wy I In tin ed nen 1 a , I fi t , trsmd Utomelp from Mr. LII. D. Ilial Ih, ballots hof liven rawy evenw. ; eat The Trade vrtmad rereviort d notes rare and exceptional THl1.wF. THTRTREN BALI.OTB. "' 1"h'etwxt, 'less lawyer, on Butlday at- ninon mi)mre Nervillna b In the a" to race ternoon, and that the said Mcpher g S&I l prices above a il. During the noon host on Yid sort Minted thew to makes a stance• market. Nertld9ime a tae great nerve- nMomsl level- The temaasnt they e:ettio" risky "Ito a anmlbar of the mast of tbar evidence an that his pato core. Its poaatratims and pain should ander'tabe to do -so of salphe "a of the Organ faatW,V and opidd tap It (town and i ost them AGM41'ns po 0C is amsll that rellet V getlda "om, An "" Da- tseyeM sorb voted atm polling mbb- what to say as Ottawa. I to nxlred akwaet titateata shimm. Try it and be M Fbar~d If SIMI rvl"t^vlIIIIJ !M , and as mhwt of them were This. Marshall how• much they had cowvimn•ed. _ ace jQ boon tsey opoor U nthn "-mia!ly -del kdown to mr Sad ad got, std be said $tgt with A promise i lad assn in the built of keepleg io 1{1aM II more ►t Ila MLMnre tens The fiatler'm ApWepr• jbit leo to rMw of ftmnN Tlnkonm. s tally ace to how I ! ht velars aoa4 and atiomR. The maid klarshatl 'Otvd vtith the w 1 a a aatlall of and iieiteoll have itltormnd me nlnre Qaltd, recently on board saes ws nils int 1Mtalife ANK)datlnn. '"am, v of ,,, hew hear I could their return from Ottawa that sh*y lamer abewianfe sus d the ptytw and M t s[ tewgn verypmu wlthdn estgxg Irl the dahe K Brlusabiratidrst InrW Awmaladon, and of 'em, t- (hm actual count, I remark- *met gent $1,8.80 At Ottawa an wls Ori 10 Armalr name (eery. Nott sa tips Mere away n lady to An A favor- lwne4nemm which ,AM rsltet to es ad, "Het t ci°g. ilia poll clerk. T indeed, p M that slice wrest t#pN of Las AmeetnwU frawte. brltlmt tiwrv, wore thbrlaae d-- gond ahead on tho traeeahtim they hit-] to tab nada cotaplAlneA. saettrrlanM weuid III Aeoerve thwlr rrpa- R"tle bellota weft tette fan ►ss • ench ttbe lot a mew snit of cittlw.tc. bra lithe IhI1F Aeon one• that there Nelson n wn mid that It had hnd" r 'tw"" tancA to"'M1 turd trail for slat am eP ami aswnttmw I. ver* that ning told taA sD1br to fi*i to Saw IaAy they idsrteM let am Pit aq eppvrtuml- many d the ourployeta of A nOTMENT) Will HIM. mind apeloghst, SIM o1.f orebd them by, &66@n ty d Mkttil erssn rectory and bf! s works w Ohaw's. I started for tlat- nos watolRmg '"Ery refolly the m pr4ete_ °A pointe lidliucrn ibtith About She "A of tkn wmwk In whink I matt rirha She m&Uor " tem 94H;X VM6 W ttvd(Ilt1'Hra votedBORAT1i9t .Kg[as Illy thin poet ltsisrviose with Varna, logit g lady about to Mara byr tibbhmtR -4.4.Ht11I hest. have htttn drinking rathls ffaM-47. ams. rOObW Wit be Stf& ! PtrektUIoolmilotte M. t nol"e rLatmd to Unies lfol- rromy and boles very dh, i got df at r'FItiitee AIM&. aro rem tam #caws ON or TlwloeAs Mat!ahall VA" M pllttrs to A eauth. sod rarmablad I LoM to go b lbs didemI" ( emelt aaIlt!M b logMrtis to- mos Ina .ss flan IAbt b doll• ice tliwt lssoe lot a tett► flays. "lett you fiefs vUr7 rmda" tet!fldtmil iMyowArags ymf lth oottiat plNs'i'"I mom: "1? AItN 11141 iellgat ttfa T and b 'logtpnto, "Wart. lila amwl not go.- RdntlavMA T"Mft W1111111111Mtansfi t~lie beibaAaof tarfrf In Purr. res this.,. i adyrd ' itgA)► tr$Itgau tWdal fast lawmen ol lllusr. this awl!(r. Ow't•tnR Mr. flotttlrla. radens , - so love wA fur# nmuollmotion d - - -.-- pKvi(ertE"n.-- :I1tMsipala `Rtirort. tilat wy on .tM aria• w•41 WI)wlllr /1t $at Or wblst i did for aro &I Mowx--IUWO IF 4 fsf*w a yybo lr . Andre« (inti _41- "I"A f. - lona ghvwm 'IU lej{ rvf>hm 1► l7of t! T'ab"0 dill tart at nay has, y ,. N=-wilt' to to -Med a 'ie Hhrory at ahopll tiles LtdN1a ao. k'rtgt bra emrAw tmeat km T ... ` • W,M! .. _. 1•, •,a Yorkaatre. .: i ..:.1 I . .1. . - :. •- . a - , ALI I , wall' a.•.:'i: cc.Sra,°':. !'9a_ L ,.', , n., x ": 4, vR,,.'Ahak' *i :t. '::tsrvnT.e'°."•i CROPS Of THEPflOEM CHAH6E0 8Y I TQM O Complete Statement of Acre -A Sport in Which There is ages in Various Grains. Some Excitement. The Signal . . -' teru" s m btvxsy TgURBIIAY MORNING M 1Y D. agaGALL100DbY. .h Terms of mwbearlriser, (Ase sau..aa. ,y advance .. .I 14 bice meutha. • THRESHING RETIfAIri'8 NOT IN eil.,xuatn.. .. , U". ytrr, Tlw folbwLag aro the crop omt4naatoo SAVED BY A LUCKY SHOT. -- n `''II for 1899. as compiled b tea lark, fa the asueat ng. after a hasty" blue, Ad r ea,m s lcwf.e. ttoemt of Agri Wittirs. This sure- Less, enol snap or ileal In-"htdMrw. N>. ' "• Deeper wd, werN W t at da,jbrvak Armed with u,tr, Ice . f w tlrd 1 . • rd. In-" 1 J u+nlr par Ilse , aper aro final. but WWI) ields teceept gone atM1 plrWlr, atul a knife nonuse. faweaoh.0::i.11nt i".er.( m.. '(..died by W tin ease of hay) wilhe reviled In N a rrenppaar•R .. el• ',,. November from actual threshing rp• Nodru lad the tray, carrying only Ilii evloe.s sands of s/s 11•,e. and ugder. gA Dor suits: machete. We plunged law the thick esti neral) a ruall Ad eril-e en(. d Inst, r.rud, As rryeA. Fall Wtteat-Tali crop has an aces loawat fWlowlug ge y I.w.(tw.. .e M aitt •.1ao. vVaated Sad w of 1.049,681 acres tarvaesed. yLoI& water coarse. runuung bdiween high Uu,late. CLa,.d;•. a. d, not •r.wdtam 8 it I" 14,Y01,814 bushels, or as aver- banks. evidently at raging turrous to ae.a still pwreit. 4Det oath. age of 18.5 bushols Icer Acre, Last Mase 4A flood. In Some placed them How.. -.sale Sad 4rns• on hale. ,.at to cx,,S,d a lluer. $l for Srdt n-=Ui, Ma per •ab- yaar 1,048.182 acror rawe .yb,lft8.- spread out law a tow swamp. SOUP yueun w"rata. firm 718 busbels. or 2A bwibokt an not*. "a ptxtLns bundredr of gnat whoop paim Aur •p..d •i untb e. t,r,=-%zSM-315. +A k a a alb for Ste 17 years, 1882.98, treses with snaggy trunks and Int- cr.eaaiwe the peruni•ry bou•dt of •ty ,dt.►d t warms 9(10.SW u!rew. giving 18.442.511 yy fyon,lw err laat^w. 1 "paned' ufl" •,&t or o rstwny. t , be c n. doral ten advert 4d, bushels. or 20.5 bushels per acre. This ons of tbese fronds whlob bad fallen mens Sad Ai ad •A scones y. flea for 1899 Is therefore an nboue - Lwwl anti ce faaq i trice roe d ern per W the gtouttd and found the mW word, Ass sally low and. There were 311.783 r1b over forty feet lu 'eusth. The lAwal nodes in trd•nary .tending typo two Acres d fall wheat ploughed to the rib ltedif was ace Jorge" a man's , pat,. pry r cherrd. h o mato• for Ird then tee. spring. or over one-slxth of the area We found many tracks of the wart benevo ntlum rcM.•sd cher Iek/tlow Sad benevolent knlltdtatt•r, ia't rate. oil" ft. under thele treed. Thr hugs had been I 'I Spring Wbo&t-dprltty wheat hum au eatlttg Slid, paint deeds. of watch they rubocribers who fail to ronpenNsw• Tia SIGNAL a acreage of W98,726, yielding 7.087,- are very fond, although tow tbey regularly by trail will router a Myer by ad,• 1 977 bushels, or an &T@ Age of 17.8 crack these Ivory -U sa nuts is Inoon- ,innlnling uw of the foot at ea e•rb w date sin tradable per acre. This Is a good show- oetvab:e. dQeta1 the %rdullard US- I--Ibl.-. .ka.sa ut 4 deteteipo 1t Ing. r etre sEeel!eeas ee tea• y rad- t sno fat'lint ole tae ala-"odllesbew '%IZI`NletrM tis 2= _.. ""rI 889.'20. and the total yWd !1.87,.785 Owed of ca tapir. baowily marked In `1 burheb, an average Of 17.7 bushel@ the raft mud. The grant traoks led in rabMobee's ""Jet. Par acre. while the Average for all eaurely different direction from . J. t:, 'roast], of Gedwlets, low. r. . al► Use seventeen years M 15.8 btathels .or course. but we eagerly followed. relit. d Loral Travelling Agren: for the 4owtr . iter acro. haying to get a abut at this noble •blpr of Ooderieh, Co'boree, A.hseld mad BarMj-490.874 acres of barley err ,Phe nLnl dashed aLead VVrr•wo-ish. Ye :4AE':.9'= bushels. Or :'9.8 tramin- quarry. >d L s.1 p rtwe i. e+. over Ile Airtrict are SAsu el per acre in 1,98 the acreage was at u rapid pace. cutting bis way here eripuw•red to reeciv. .•bicriptlona a Ties t2,6,A,668 reage cry and there among the vines and thick AIo1dAi_ 4118,784. giving growth. and we followed ad best we All moi Snuniral on. tier&" be add ra.. ed 28.9 bushels per acre. The average gyp& dteu Anklltg up W our boot U. N,till.l,1CUDDY. yleld for 188'_ -UO is 25.8. In the soft mod. After tea or Tux twick. Chow-T1tin prep has the I fifteen Telephone Cab ge. OodsrlM. Cwt. flock aWrititesSpan d this fatiguing ateu Ur Ile gralur. The ::.868. !3 work tete Spaniard proceeded more "----""-•-----"--- '-- at -ret have yielded 89.542,162 bushels. cautiously, uttering the Single word IMUWAY. AOGI•j r 94. 100. beteg &A average of .17.9 bushels per „Cly „ - acre. Last ear's acreagr was 2,- The ten by tars time was well up. wi At 11LLMM mvebm. r-; 876.860. anif the UA&I yield wax 8d,,- and It was very but. the •woods mese---------- _ .____.. _ , 858,'943 bashebm or 88.8 buetsoiw Per al de*w*ed. and not a breath of wind GRAND V"ht RAALWA.T. acre. The average for the 17 years eslrrwj the Wave& I was completely ls 84.5 bushels per, acre. soaked through with perspiration and Rye -'!!kora were 137.814 acres is An1ITa . - i : rye. ytcldfng 3.' 71.885 bmsheta. Ar an wan getting verj tblydj, and In ted- tlsat H.er e4a average of 16.5 bushels par acre. 'Rte ofutyn the moyQaltoes were Ua&rly eat- 1(.11 sada K: pre.. 7L put ..I... ...... acreage Yn 1898 was 163.099. and Ing no up. 1 was looking about fur Mixed. ... 7 p.te a water virus with which W quench MSU and Kxpro'. .taut amt. the average yield Per acre 16.E. my thirst when the ipealard grip- MUdlh of this crop. however. M iecl pent my arm like a vise and printed pell Anal s pt•es. . ........... d.me as eggs. to a dark spot in the trades. •'Moan Ifwltdl seea ._.--- teJ1t Peas -748,188 acres yield 15.549,- Mixed..................... .......... = ,;. 670 battrla. an overage of •_'OA bush- tale cow:' los wttkgered- At this mfr ....r. . s . els per acre. Last ear's acreage agent gr a beard a deep atgb of content. D1arritz T. , [ 1t .521,268 bash- much as an old sow might utter, and -_ =~ers114 14 bad P ` L Lig &land a.-towatopen, Lhmoll --la _I- . ti lir yrttb Use back •tin-oxb- taao •vera/e Zoe 1BBS-98 is 19.6 bushels 4 aew Per eters eve cid Saptr y1stR In las cool r>ag8c ails with a little calf about a MMOk Old 4:11." Leser -50,485 acres of aeras Rive r• 849.7911 bushmM or an average Of valid (n herabo& her. and mph Wf (tha Lean sssarl••,ee 21 bushels per acre. compared with tad ten her aides F,rerl inoses or 4_-_._.._ floc the mother gore a grunt of ooa• M. MAR[IC IH,D.td., I D.tl, DRNTAL 44.::20. acres. JA. 1898, jivlp;, 75fl h J• t41 _ on- tate.t slid m ov Mmis e57 boabels. ce 16.9 bushels per ai re. The tapir is usual) tlmld and ex- er OR R ie The average yield of IN, And for the int y natural teeth • m, wI&Iri . name Cor. OA 17 yenta Is 17.4 per n.:re. tremetj og proved to approach ;but ami s. and waw• tepstmir 1. Y.ntnsce on We.t Hay sad Ubnrr-'5.505.4'.:2 acres courada,pergeous proved the cow t, be AM meet otrotar o u and darlly a ud In defence have yblded W,4fEfc,70S wnr, an W ,• M. 1 ItNBULi, t-ly l)wlith , d her just a. teauj o mote vttlow 14. avertage of 1.4 sorra per acre. Lnmt fears figures were 2,458,ti08 nrrw. animal. Bdtden Immediately rushed pr. r•a.ol mit etold and pr=ir. doing figuretM8 tarn. 5 1.79 tong we• and with a load halloo dWalt ed arl1*Ww Nefa internes t». now fir aitrw.7wemn ,.i his n at the o:d tat* as she aj ba -ea. &uentlm ai•er to the pr r acre, TRW, avers for the 17 N •cellon tee nmterwl teeth. Oelr•e tw sw Des tin her wallow. The mfwt, ettlkhns her Laan'a new blame. 26 ou , _nn" __ r Arlt .. - -- pg plt. aS - Other Crops•-Ad,rr eAgeses only call ad, Aaineget for tsbr bhn7>zlec In tin instant and dissited df y° bet^t __ __ trOAL- _ given for the folkywtmg crops: Corn. the thick ander-brv:sh. making a wRNKST RKATON-9ARR18 nOU- I for busking 88&590; core. for alio, swath like a mowing mechlne. aced E ettor. Notaq PSblic. (-a""lee k of 171.985, each being an Increase over b*artng doom nodi saplings like readA Consomme t'Daris tha Sip am last year's figures. Buckwheat. as she crashed ahead Thle animal. y taw -Ir 18'2.082. Potatoes. 168.141. Car- when exctted, wilt [o tis I a alone. CAMPiON. aC.-BARRWTZR t?,r y rote. 11.901 ; each being Idea than tropical forest at full = :. ot t• attar. Notary, fee Olned over I(edk•A) in 1898: ttanftel wurzf4s, 58.401 through tangied mass d vines dna hallo.acute• Ciodorlah• 111 turnips. 158.440• each having An irtanebled that mem Impenetrable 0.e increase. Tbere are only 2306 acres The calf started to follow Ito mother. M c ur. Co mes-DARRle1iM, mOfr1- d tobmpoo reported under eultivm- but s dtnib from m rifle brought It vie rata,. One. unbars , tr Yenq r tin. which in Mme than one-third Sit aan. ,GoOriaees: per. Nsautdwo sad tlt wranw SO its knees. It va nlj atsempted to •lr.eta.Oetloeleh.Out. 080 the acreage of last year. There rise and follow the old one. but flnallj ------ 'i are W8,7RY s rape 7.1(18 lo flaz, polled over an ler s:de, uttering plain- It.C. BAYtt, HAMUBT[R- 13OUCITOI SIGNAL 1, Sad 1.149 m hops. There are 888.• sire cries d dlstrem. I waa about to P Goo•: rtk loSt.ad next dor it 0T8 In orchard Nott garden. and dispatch It with another ballot whets o Int F'rirnte YuwG b fwd u oowoK ratKgi 10,802 in rmeyarb a renewed crashing In she forest an- of utai..t. tlte8 / - noutned the smother returning to her (IAKROWtPROUD/'OUT,BARIUSTER1 71 DALLM ?A=T seLV2 little one's assistance. and telae Span- r,.V. .1 4_. W. Ivro ddtbo JJ A lard cried out: "Look out t Mountain ___ JS Yfy handy hr trS"ile17 to cow qme back. Alto mad now ; tromp AMF.RON, HOLE t KOLM96. RA vow down." '•Gott lm Himself" yelled QZ.ioheaersled•hwwtW ,te. OWM With them. Prim 10dL Woltdsn. firing both barrels d his gun u tiwterow, Q.C., P. Holl. Dedleir - - true NNrt&et els iaVir &sds loin sMw. .-. - r batt"tW a "ill tAW1..ai .rflfsmti'' .46nft- ri'4iMAIllO q than to farther err taw animal. s • eost uL-obner fur risking tied r __ Re begin to fear that Bob Holmes rgywlmisst of b+IG atW«ri r w "ft Is rad p baoahl Y De ls ererbod up Mrs, ran to Iter calf tx an Instant, d u'a g ey u1 stui es,. dx oa•mn A larutMas es dt to be,-Hal ice dpsotator. aid g over It with Iter long wont. Bim F._4r aottow rat' :'I wusoeYsa ht Std grunted ercoura[ingl ; but It tie h tvarsotJu.itre. th'oettof Appdrl Of this Mad are the dirty, corn for On or Int any d ewnbtr or iliviatoa bN whfrJa the onlj tnwaad feebly. arts Iletn, like w for Allt•anSawtoases f.11yendprotAp , pM fknsh, she hors dawn upon nn, tier small extenied. Itsidwr,e a•d"9 O. Ndron•- a Speatatrmr Still a few outer Conser- eyes gleaming wlckvdlj. ranmon.Out. 4 twuf votive newopmows throw out I took a almwdy atm and p!ant.ed w- __ _- - . agawwt political oPponmts. There allot hetween liar eyes, but It new . dtsno not lona a word of erld mor In tppeA Iter. merely lenvlvig a red IAA1sa AND OtaOlaAwClt. a oonuwtwu ,with the Wast Huron dm"tett. By this tiame she wum wlthtn Ounce to 1 paa the honesty of Mr. Sens srde of me and comingdown the [ N. LRA. Prft, RARRI$Unt Bart. OdOR Holmes. l'be wtknemm taotifled th" ; ilw No Sire Proctor Mwrltttwe('wdn. Oaltw E rr. who Is al to have doom lige Ike magi, Roltsa was U n s : ads sm,lltdw stedet.-----y------ ey Gould not ulna tete empty ulrllm oat d eroobed work At poll 8. OoderlUb. film gun. I threw up tb lever of myA I J. T. NAITKL-p'1RY, LMC AND AC t d told him int m the night of the Winchester find to~ another car. e eMont iesurum* AgmL: at bwmK rwtAw eleeuvn Mr. Jiohnem thanked hlun. te' Into the obaabr. Taw enraged nasi•: One. North aced l aSquare, ooderiob. 70 ibis Mr. Holmms empleatically . tie. aelngal was oasailag airDlslrt at me, ONKY TO LXND-A LAROs AMOUNT Hier) on weesoMted tsp ith before the committee. and pa in " Able elnne for or FM rate Raw4 for invoaw.e t, at low &od aMo to scoot[ Farr at all on a allot• only tbo , head and rounded wt tater •int t sr, I Apply in ' that tight. Tyne yellowvt, most carver d the heavy -set body Aowing uARROw t NROV . WAS" our that roaaw the ateeets nail I tied juatt bad evidence of Lam WOOM Dot be Iyaagsd for stealing titbkhem of the creature's retreiStn` --- Rem.Rea►R -01SNKRAL- _____W WAS" lis aapper on atmh Evidence me that stall from In prevlouw allot. which =t.sOOid R oo PmA2: Gil Upon t►blrb It M sought W throw lied apparently glanewd off wltboot 11obe1 to wwr►yhtkras.AS the lowest I ' suspicion on Mr. Holmen' Integrity. damage. an I took accurate aim at raft oflsts"otamwg la m tea M wit the -4 t. Thailand Jourinal. She upper part of her Forel h in Vyp: sy,aw.e OOed: tmaaoae ;Oar btsea ' m[• oP [ it'emtstseec,(Aodtrrlch. 9ml6nt ti break or shatter the bons etand g -__......----- --- '-- - - --- _,__ • Thin peopld should take Mlller•a • cha sen to leap out of the way of ' Compound Iran PilYL leer rush, atttl than Ret a •bot at her AUOCTUONSERI N. s!fe and teach some vital point. It Tet it Jofftallr Supports Whltaep. thin shot did not emacised in mtopping r1'SOMAS fAUNDifT, AUCTIONIC Cit AND It In right that people idould von tale animal. i judged Siat i would he "I ou add rad A eedsBg,, (Ar ds s6 Ow . '= London and ve Ag go, Per lam ,Oft1 M Gose tdeean the abject policy yr Mr. .i. P. tnamplod In the real and the life Ob riot Mutual his. c o. tldea etleniled M M she cacounty. WIT . t of me. Tine tapir to built ley Part of the c Whitney and hes rAlcy of not only mnpwthlng like a steal) In regard blteMyr atone strength ht a rtim railway nubvkkbm rhinoceros than any and- XNO1,GRiRAI. AUC'TION[slt - hot In regaother nulmai of the booth AmrrloaA rd to the lbnruew bill and rush Cuy [ I atuVater, O•derlob. Umi. Hay - other gmevtlau sfH retug municipaltws hadoneerallto expedience n tie wws s,onatIneut. As i lived, i jump-] said* tiilawri to t o• he 1. to a 'ealtiM to N,- rlyq%th WhtU*y policy of complicity" In sa far " I eould, druppin[ my SUn oIllsrN with Userouah sieti-hrttea aY oea- sbd grabbing for my six-shooter. My tdasioom owtrmaed b bltn. O dewhis w]yalrtr " for t for arion-Pttrgr the tonna ry aim. though. was train. and the tapir h Hotel. Oe, caarseffulllyywK Meed W JOEN far bis bertetg d txrHo vee came tumbil toward me with her KNOLL. County AuctMweee, teff-tt wa•r pu not gutrenbee to re r![ht forebe iron anti uxolas. Bas mtmect pmbllc r atm I. rrothln W be - - - -- -_ - -_ _ .--- - - -_ ppvwtrHHaaA or. • • It Ice ha W be jnlo at tit *zoif, rig rri; t the MARSIAOU I.ICKNaRx. blind to the truth that the_ Spanlard's form finished In front d -------------- --- , OfeDoal me; his kooln machete smeA Inds! W. LANE. i89URR OF IMAR1t1AOK LR- ' ,, San has acted as thins tool of o be ter hie* circle above hes And de- • owm"IL. pedeAoe. Oink getter g'rslobmtvs, and has peen no better _ - -. __ - - __ ; than a it" In the whip of the lneor fohr7ed on the nock of the unfortunate poasted forces whleb have rhastbwd t'mp!r *%It terrific frree. On the IntTimb /fObT g>•1,1tlTIr>• .t/1.1f01 - J this Prtyv Stant Ire had leaped bmek. and tho beep.-lbrontr, 'MI*gram. tap'r tumboll over, the reit blood g -h- the llliamltabA well kndle I p*wt#tsT. reafevrllg d mantlmdOo 1'alw people atwald take Miller's drag out fromSlue t cut which the ogemms Compound Iron Pill& moohete had made. Tho and was says: "1'tcRrem ls the end for wh.sh uK4". A ballot from my sit-ehoobr. titan was do reed To thin end. thew. - POUNGSl lKrabtemud.back d tine fore -leg, reached w It 's him darty to direct an his lot. Them jamrnala which have most in vl al part. and tine brave animal SOY about the corruption in West 0tr'etclted out In the soft mixt with gnle i,ar all the 1wvAsatir>frr of Mks limen S"M to bmTe least to may about an mitring Kr'o". dead: Ante ton gvtnlum and tante-la short, all She the perpsttution of tb* Tory terry- Noun• tntiit>as rat lou Asilwlty." To no Blum, of maa&r by the 6taste. The one is no woes than the other, IU West Hmr- ot a Nest was stolen. 1!11 object of the gerrymander Tram to steal a wore at aeata, to the cine came there was the staff eff of the ballot boxes. In the other there was tb* "blving at (be Chita.•• Tie one is demeshoinA by the Tory organs as being all that to uD- hoty. The other is dseribed an being oil bast is patriotic. Pollues makes setas fella Tory eros-eyed.-Datndse Be Hoar. timer es Ieftm a? Thejoke of t►d "awn in h14 refer - 620"a lla news •pmr. M "tile fair ftMo O f L6iieil, f a tdirw filet Vito* (Yt home, III: ljal, tlrreod, d 410 allCyy Sad thus taut..&L--8tvathroy Age. ' to 0%nab what pear atials to" p thew Is, to 01 Iw Jr Home flow oaf sow we *t^e IN abs and Mow tm+ntbh loam ibaa ,rata kn alk --Alk" w .1 A POU MM bae&b" lllalmar. Mr. W. F. Mao:ean, M. P. for Sat York, is an agitator and an alarmist. Of course all agitators are alarmists. Tihat is their sitacit In trade. Lest Bas ion Mr. Madison vohsmandy do- elatod that the only " for the Northwest to regard to railway rated won tot the GranA Truck in. This .1111lgo M doe'atad that the Grand T7ask Sed the 0. P. a. war going to aaaldsmsts; we would sae that Wkwitly. Next WWWOb Mr. Maxima will be coo a new track, bust it Is Im- qb:e to ptiedfof wbkt It will be.- aipm lhee Prada . mgseassmy ra mismata Tho wevuunj eM tho ba11o" oast tai the lots bgw•wle %kml lot No" W41ter- lart was omruaneei before Mr. John (1lrrab Hall yla/laada..TThin ngt trrum r "Me &.4 o ft"batatrr mt- e vkretafiPe r to avarmnwt t4 he etrysd,* Ht tb SpReftonti, - , people are Shead truths more applio- Able than to bna YAO good. latogtdsm he rAwomartly their wainhwoeed dry In •yramr to (to forward ♦lair mast U%Wae all the Available and papa mesas at their command Then aro masa+ agen- ofs which iamb for She meveh&nt's eacoemn, teat Ions expot We 0 lies shown that a r*mbar use of the adwortideg "Irwato of a eoand a04 poplar meter papimr, like this one, Is Ste most of foeuves of thwvtn all, Kbmkwt l dalaw&4 nom Odli%4 a 11 rar boputrfss paaott rew For no to topelrl Int ps"umatic if" as baa patant d a filling of or o$br fin matrdrlai, goat 11111 an=o to iM tioimw Ile ole dtyart y_tb t¢Sf- tft of eaarrabe In IoMM - ,' S 701Awltt a" W to row on f1 pw lti i..