HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-10, Page 88 Tweeseeir, Aogna 10, tete. Removal SaleOCulteaLTegk. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR. CURTAINS and CARPETS, PRINTS, GINQHAMS and MUSLINS. Come and get some of the Bargains ! TRA L. Smith Bro's & Co. _ _ ,.� �,....-.ate B10 CWY AND LITTLE WOOL ievVaiptdee which 'UM' Oeneur.etiw twat: bee of the committee leek geed .rebs M work In such • way that it sboald not In- vestigate. • THE mountain has travailed and a very mall mouse has Vow forth. The West Huron election case has been brought ba an be high court of Parliament, and the malt b that nothing hes been discovered to prove that the alleged "macbiee" h.s beset at work in the t11l*&itueesay during the election engaged in the ballot -stuffing be•i. neon. =For mouths the Tory press half been shrieking that all that was wanted was an opportunity to prove wholesale ballot -.trod log and frauds on the part of returning goers and olden in connection with the West Hiroo election, and now after a ted*,.. investigation which lasted genre weeks and which cat thousand' of dollar. e very returning officer s�jetll out 01 jail (and with uo fear of being arrested) and the repetation off no outside organiser or speak - 1 .1rb$s,N/ etl. lett Om Amami of Mr., Um1Jtml Ms been tarnished. &nee last week, when THx SIU,AL dealt with the teeburu ase. little of important was brought to light, although tlousaoda of dollen have been expended in the investi dation The widest Istitude was allowed M the Cooeervstive lawyers, and the rules el evident that govern ordinary warts were put at defiance, yet tore oma. nothing brought out that wonhl go to show that s single dishooest vote had been polled for , the Liberal andidaN, and much lath was it shown that • dishonorable act was daoe by, • friend el his ar one working fey iin , A lot d irrelevant evidence 04 the "he- toid-am " kled mai admitted which would not be adowe A,* me ordinary division pourt, .ad. r jk/:t was made to do • drag -mat bene i bed theimaveogers did not ire shaggy lora, thoagt: they tried to swillsaels,tt p1 want. The Tory press, city mod r.4sl endeavored to make moan- Mid out d .olaiflls, but although •dept• .A .oend•bailding the material at hand proved unworkable, although in some came hysteria and absolute talseltood were triad OA ingredients to hying it to the right eonsis- teoay. Great things were hoped for by the Tories when the ogee of deputy returning .doer Sean came up for investigation. It wee in polling sub -division No. 3, Goderich, that most anexpeoted rasulta to the detriment of 1101mmee andid•tsn were alleged to have hbppimed. nee, it was stated, had given sway the manner in which the constituency had been swiped from the Tory column, sod the jail month was yawning with s mighty yawn for • hat of Grit pluggers and thugs wise had wantonly pulled some of the pillars from ander the British North America And by helping to leave Yr. McLiAx at home lest February, or words to that elect. And what has been the result of MI this hysterical nonsense! Nothing has been brought to light by the investigation except that FAaa,the returning offloer,is alleged to ban got intoxioated on more than one 00- omMost. and when in his cups it is claimed M.1 he indulged la tarn statements and e edlia No overt act has • Lem proved `4. ooeoerning the sliding d the bates, although certain inner irregrderitiea an alleged to have hap. peed, swop as would ensue at • booth impel ended by a semi-lotoxtat.d man. A Nythied $600 cheque is alluded to by mental witnesses, but no one of these saw tufts paper, and an alleged railway ticket to Olsen b elm spoon of, although no one Mgr saw it., and it certainly was not need by Fins, who is stall a resident of Toronto, despite the aorta that were made to create . the Myrmidon that he had Lied the country. Perhaps the testimony in regard to FAat that kit the k:ehds of Roams MoLu, on Me oast pexis was to testimony d WiL- f1AM Mnvu.o., the town clerk of Gode- tie►, and a strong (Jo.earmativw This gentls.an, when on the stand, sated that the night before the election he had arranged with Rana te vote for McLean, .std that ten d.y,when he went to vote, IAN vot lel !immediately atter him, showed him the bal- lot which was marked for I4cLaax, and de. posited it in the helot -bolt. The fact that PAmm's nesse liken Mrrcrr.u.'s on the poll 1 Ilst b Wilier esrrulration of Mtrenr$LL's O edemas on the point. The mvestigatlon U practically neer, and n*ewg has been advan.ed in evidence to thew that any effort wee made by any in- dividual unduly to influence the election, lessm the remora concerning FAas's ghost Marisa be given oredeoes. The Tory neweppers .say fast and nn emd Tory pmliuolees may a.,rt what they Moms, beet my to the p -..set nsthimg hear - Leg the semblmree of samieloe' hag :bees breigle does hi 1a 3 !Winking Aker or any Moral in ON Aliel, except is tee tees of Ileum PAIL& and TAfrm'N giberdian does ben s4ew to have been d. portlailarly Swots .sate, as 1e ergwg5pstl, voted dm Pis MMCL*U. Primps tied b oma ,'Wawa eby the Oomssrv.4ve pashas in rawrWgl with ria levueipiMn dsellne4 to sIsa.oa L& K. Might toll too tm.h, sew phut Neer few/1kb play le the ..4.y AO Y mot gads in the ,dope et ria ,.1 .MAP -SHOT& ---Our esteemed 100-1- � parer, should tete a Hine. -Why didn't the Tories subpoena Jail FAN? -That story .boat TiJei'e-having skipped to Dakota was soother invention of the enemy. -A letter containing • cheque for $600, or any uth. r amount that our Tory friends would like to give bite, will find Janne FAN if addressed w Turtwtu. He u stall in fair Canada. -The West Huron case is before the high wen of Parliament, and when the t wt tin `n as et sew mitts* brings in • Bening that the eiectiou for West Huron should be voided, Mr. geese will retire --.ad mot until ton. Then b • good dee of (dal talk the.e days by newspapers and people who dou't know what they are talking about. -When The Star calls people slanderers it should remember that the only and original newspaper slanderer in Huron is the senior partner of The Star. The name was blown iu his Is,ttlo by • jury of his fallow-ouualrywn only a few short years ago, and there are many of nil 14 hu remral• br the tearful and prayerful way in wLo 4. he pleaded that he be not scut to jail-wtetq R. B. O.� moored him to 'bat crow, feathers and an, and without gravy." 7b Star reed not move oat of iia once to find the champion slanderer. tro tenet metes 'Eno et mime The Privileges .m0_ mitre. Wednesday ma.wifi H iso e s the West R.ub d elle. emery, suite' ad that they bad perMary atr.d leo the madam of the Isl rseg$ soar sed cartes doputter ; beard the babi.Way of 99 wits... es; exuulsed /kresm►().ealy Goon Jodie tear other *themes ; hely witless. also failed to Mead. The proceedings of the e. .Itte. being thus loo.eplete, It b not warmed l0 reindict any oseelasfe.., bat preemie the evidence that the Renee eat take ..oh oboe therms and as to oesW.- i0g and e.mp�Istlog legalry as may be deemed base. W hes the eo.amitwe had bees tolled t cede. Mr. Bitten rend a telegram ebbe had bees r•eetvd by Majr Betided, Y. P., from J. Veno., the eN referred to in the evident* of witnesses Nemo Nd Mar. shall. The telegram was as hollow :- „ Tomato. Ash. 9.-Aharl.Nly ie troth whatever In alkmatlo. that I paid Farr any sem of money to •hatee bre to keep eat .f the way. I did se .inter dirsoey oar lo - directly, sod have so kneeled' et seek having been doe.. Interviewed hie as te whet his fieldmice would be, aid e urged his be n down cad give hL evdome, width he pre.r.d M do. Ate wldiag se testify to the.. toot.. (Seised) .1. VAxos " THE PROHIBITION QUESTION. .serer by meet ■.reed tllessber 1. the Now of ('. pia. Following Is the Hammed report of the rpeeob by R. Holmes, Y.P., apes Y Filet's rs.oi.tios In fever .t PnvIeotal pr beemsr Mr. Speaker, it is not Tema..e the resole Man of ete kea. membee foe Yarmouth (Y Flint) goes a far as I would hire It to, the I shall give It toy trappers, bee Nis beano It seems to me to be the mot graotlaab sod feasible .oI 4.. .f the prolem mew be - ton se. Ia two brat that N my ditrpees at UM Imo boar, I.belt I nos .bow that the metes of the Oresem Beit b loathed seder the presser etroa.ot•.'s. I am one of thew who endeavor be look at obese see...s a they are, shod net se they elub b. We have .o right to ge behind the mote r.00rdd for the proviso* d Genet) any more than the people of Quebee bay ebe right to ge babied too vitae recorded the provl.oe el Osage*. end I teak w inset look epee the matter jest a it pre mots heel/ Nes here. It hes bee argil teeltht es N armament that If we were eo reverse the sieneuon the people of the one lam of Oman* would not be idling to he merged. as it r Wonted it W bane selsepia ed to Esme the prevleo. ef Qs4boa Hon. gentlemee of the () m mo Many words. mere that the / b booed te teeny out prehibitise, ben it the game time there Is . simnel rssryatdee that se fen as the province d ()ethos he .ose.red at all emote and Indeed se fes as the Met - beton o e•esrm.d, prebtbitise would be 45asly Ylq.attv.. bea.a+1/ has men g s,iNLLN bethisd h. I wanb be .011 yew aru4a, M. Speaker, te see or tore mien wbuM. 1 rink the G•vra.e.t b MOM *Ms mike. It has takes. We leek pm the pse5lw .f Outdo as bene bite p.wtlmas as hr me pnhiae d ., l 1. a s e b etmarntrd. sae award the tee a the prey a Omlarm ere the somlt.Wat I. the Nomad M ltfag as M sees. .x• 1 m tM sand we M I behove ihe1 emely.Y of the vete he the ermines el Oaken wen* tea14.o..y ressm.able sea M weld beAWMddtrbeeradl.4 as Ms iris M .seat a .4.4 probibllory :11.1 Ngmesei '. musty Met b Wes ere.n yh.�tivb m fie.setlmsem ea NT eras• 1 V the ,swim, of Weida TM hos. mla.hr fat jshl/ar (Mr. Rbb.rdae) mid Nieshewas to his mid that h� pee r 1 amid w tom, of en* M Mt it1 epee Me. p ; Rtl.tr. with ... psi., M tree fee SfnMl � i dm w thin rem. �w«.+e�l�d erre tlts5.l by • beve es be • bend ISINISWO 110 .111100. da1117t meth hes IM eiAibMla 1 es tea Ie1 r. e- • r. 1. t • m • THE SIGNAL : (IODPRIOH ONTARIO. M M es new the View seediness myllydii Noe • min fig w�Mq be etl L ties ether proviso p{ Oasris then me Merely •t itosewq sed est of times d.«y. m tees Ih. pywestees et Thi NMI tate pelted was sheet, .tee than eee•Mif the • es the 11e► Is silty M I. sementramem the par. .. d the totes pelted omae thea hen Nis wefts se the the. 1a ds �p heM'wit wee ad, Vee- she ve,tas the t e.adtotneemestoM. esisminimr the Neta whish. with emir tome _e___ woo erasgb eves.. M MoheklMse, 1 that there le res • sonsiesey thew .set tensed by them 'gorse t. IMMO the O.vrewet M peeskes • pewit law. It hes hese .rated s migle. s4 ended tl.. teed Ilse .plea the the *epee the Gerveramomi N eslredees. • btbMhry by. Ideatee.i� • 1 Ma M task sod 1 with M gene bratty tit et see er two peewee N b1� the I,..-slty as evitisses tMM the at large do me mod W Hewers..► being .meted apes. elder W teems eroeenery isllsi•wa. At the Vest PrNbyteri•e Assembly the stew. M J oreN, whe 1. ropen.ted as • Gass. Uwe, said : ' I beim* the(iever..e•t kmdone .i It In sat ming name P•rU•ment the �+��•� et • preh h ks law, bmst e • Isom, tl pew! a the pretest thew, arse * f.ae none claw The " Yr. Jeanie aloe saki, „ wee pMithiu., ret dneeme awl hey fwd. Re.tltos CaesoY, wbs b des q as . Ceesse •tly. Waw t H. wee • Comervellve M ler es piles. elm emmemeset. Iia he did ea SIM t. ens,tien • Jim Primeval M.V4•r was imelined M frisk thee them had see hese • Name.,e b r•msrd M Itrehlbtree. TM Ser. Mr. P.M. as • seed may pee�l1s. i• this Howse km M prv.4. s i. the Meth.dMI 0..r. wM b nes • Oseesrv.Nve. mid that 1. set believe the the Oo.er.M.ns was apse be itemises a prohfbeery The Rev. Ib. lino. a 1►b sty. eche, I lime, b aloe a Oeeser•mMv., has pissed him sell open nerd as .sesid.ej.R the stet mens le not jeweled le isredeotsg • Wiley. liquor low m the few et W v reseeded. 'Tis New York " Ia/t)s.dse'. w• Ms Nee bee NOV vat. hell men pee 1 �p1sth e•edllMt web .teWa..M.o 5. r- ate re .a• o.- •o- seob wesid time met 1MetrlaMaa gaited Dominos w w, and did tallied be - rettmtiN as • very ksMrta.t 4, le dosesmm the Cameos _'*-Yalta vete, acid r That the Denims is net .•0.1yad n alfermly ripe for 4tW pretie., •the there le teed era tress deal of week be done en 14 kale ..ISS 1a Cried* dpread whin e is . do no Mme to ae e ens" I. vow of W von o the ~km premises and the ad -..res vete m the memos re Qs boo, I think the (le,atsa�t `aa jaalyad •1 the present time n om lbm Wok ♦ law Viiddb; tit i , i extent, would be • dead le1Mt, ll..e then wore pr.e.plve endings 4. law meld he defresd with . te gree' .t sem.tw,1, for Etat usual his M Rive my vele to fewer s[ li-1 baton the prie.pl, el prehdesiss, lot I belle w ran *sly d•aaw obey shoes that Van the semen el the peropi. The Memo has hese .adv that Ite eel airy b ready prohibition. 1 de mot sem part la the pleble.IMke•.p• go, wfrtwr I W 1 eepprtmelty to apse armed the people to go and record I vote,, whether they were 10 favor of mese Mobi4lloe, baa..er, I said, t Oweemmee weehi he belWa.eed by the nth, .s4 if the people did mat mman eat roe ft west be takes as N •vld.so* the they were w i favor et prohibition who stayed al Mme orbsat4y roasted mu i ag test as for the premises of preblbl Mem ; .d 1 think that ma fair, b.c•me men who ems net 01.e est tied men b veto Is fever el • lee i sen gong to Meese it. A sr mem* M .ee.eed i mel tasked ■p by peels *Mese ; sad pat a prwhibitory her on eke statue* n ot hacked .p by et,c.ger pa1U. se evert bias wee Wlemted by this pithiest vote maid be • fres, I he,ve that t temprreoe people of the Demises el Cm o de are mot se unremovable i. Ther de mods as te teak that ease, p.tt.ns the statute book • prohibitory law wee sod to its est.ee..set. They wast te law that would be mimesd, aid bhe, r satisfied rhes with the .mall • len el the total vete r it It oo514 net be selereed ; and the ex locos of !he poet the show. that. I d s think time b • breath of promise em Qs of the Gover•moat is not carrying se kat les boom o•11.d a mama teem th to pas coo tom. Astute boot • preen eery lee. Thre ie ne Womb of the Oovr.. eb ter net damp shah •brat putt aseessod to plebe& 891 that they wield submit • pull. Weald es guided by that. Bamttppak a the tees aide eons IW n Y. mist* is Lm M a pre - Maury I.w the Oevre..a w bard m mom Mtblatlom; bat they make* the eft that is all Iserlebs..1 Wes .harsonr 1 le absolutely l.ps.ihfa Se fderas h1 an - Ism ther. b • Meth mrj'Aty 1.N.d IL A niece majority le mfit..44..s N Insure the surmised the hem opsginstim,o ite should ark the O.vett.Wa1 to pet es the .Wee both a kw whish they are usable t• (oro. Whaa the eeNmeest of this eosi- n le loll j slr,mm mid i:MMdatly .T- prtreA b salify she a medseet of • peedl b- 1 wy 1•w sod to Mime Its enforeemo.t, I o.ld be one of the lira to tote In favor of . In the mesons, I .m prepared to snow pet the .mese d the boa member fee uroeth (Yr. nosy mid Mis evn tw « Arita whom down free iledleb• then* t.leLlore mend ilisside Mrs Pomo Awer..-eery Mont ken gad h BEd llsh�tE�t eu leers of the daAh.f Msg. (hake $iejsm.k,of 4SMeh Imelda om Me I SIk a Joh. Ito Seemed woe GMbwMr. Ekon dasghter of the 1 Stir goad . tlrke pas Ito elpl y set- tles* Glee �w .1 �. ties Ailmte~ M the w eaubless UM Moe so din br minim hie. _ T%..4.1, ge4r, with ilea : '• ellpMta oadwelah,,� talablte., woes ISM her Videsdiog e sous Int: . welshhew Isar 1wNtsgt�r�. w w see .eJ wee. Weer Mame lee►?... tisesel lit aassest The Oharashe bed al eft tho 96th sit. whom • to se W i&p, sis- ort a the sebvbbM-w.s at 1eseeserme ~s�t'te.g asoma asked lei r, lir a. rage Rosi, W. 1 mho le Massa He- len seee. Mem >• Helm te restive the Silltr' • 14 eMtom Melt nib. and Nage .N n* hate of ser Inib. Oat de d se ante hfie start Ira lleahet ea'•pa•d Ir. Aatetw these praise/ a the unshed tree owe assess were Mr. ad Ilea Foley,JahnMa.Meb, Y. lieu th'%tispk H.04y Y1 -*14 PORT ALBERT. TT' =DAY, Aug. 81h. Yom"Seb.s.iats was a &tettered Met week. H t t of =heard;.•. sprat ',iia a -J ]tet --A. iimpe v (1:..M .:bate ft. Cents* the bt#eay of sib week. Yr. Yodaotatly trlearmsM from o rip .p the lakes. whish M 'mimed very meek. easy. nob • s remsa B b Magidodus i• WI' y tasghlaohbmL Yrs W. R44.eits mel d•sebeir. lea. leak ha w'M..ebe be Breathed 11M week. Mn, C. F. Beesley, of Sash Bra Marie, Mid., le here vloraeg her seat, Mea Jen M Wm Fames Gray returned es Saturday free having • pima...W1 m Teesweee cad vloleltr. • Mr. and Mrs (sew Reeking visited their irtend., Yr..md Ye. Mollie/sou la Amber - ley 1a/ week. Ybs Ansi• Or.wtord sod Mies Tem Gorda. varied Mn. R. Dank, Damps- s0o, last wall. A, lacy .t. Mw 11. Hayden', trim& from WMr.si had • eery piw11 pise1, Mrs ds Tessa y. J. Jd.ass reamed to hts home in sau- teed Wilke e14. mdna. • leo day. with W _ - • "-J.-rM,t.riil atom 'tthees, et (tido•.., Vitt,t51 b die d•• augured la 7 for look or std herr he sed 'Them Ike r het. b te Mk si- n the•• on b• pre reo.rd•d•• o..ldM.e5 The e M tie ne pet petVple 0 • L 1 lad . n the h r ant th 5 t 1 Y DUNLOP. Moarer, deg 7. Norma. MoLeed %.dared with Magma at LoebaMb. ,lobs litre., • one Uwe reediest, visited old Meads hen lately. ora C1es. amble. ••d daughter, Mahal, of Wladeer, are op es • reit to I. elves sad friends 4... Me. Gammen, et New York, and Kra Merriam, of Iwoknew, were the meats of lira Thos. TINL,... Thereto, o lest w•ok. Bea.. McAIIMt•r, tersely of this bare, est sew of Harriette, eras In Galeria with the mown stardom from thews •.d mot old friesids god ..Imkben there. Miss Kae Mae/mild sod Yl. C. Cl.f- da, el Detroit, •es .4.444. her.. both ham brought their wheelie with them cod wflj, .hilt • large enrols of Irked, in this seethe' aid la Ood.rieh dards, their furlough from the City et the Straits. W. with bas, • pleasant say 1e our tidal. Yn. (tree and ewe ohlldres, with 1�II. 45.T.vbb, of Newham, and Mem. idubyte Headmen, of Od.rtek, ep..$ a pleased day a (.ene•1/ee FrM•y of lain lose the party maiming • .moist time at Mil Mime May sad Rv Deck", .1 see mimed • theme tout for mend digs last week at Leri•ed4.e. the Rom. Father W.se, .Wad saws Was ben .t ale Mrs lest Moetay mob, sad pie farms made • .lean • b4d.r. Is the meg ream d Me life Nn reversed gehUl•s•a was amp. op e„ • farm .d remarked that dares his lil.um• Mat ob•Wge. h.re sues lot atsdie•ry b esu mammal Mt the his. a LEERt/RN.` Mo.nAy, A. 71h. Mie. Loess atirreg Is se from eked. •h ung her parser Nd ehtives ahem Mia C Gerdes, of Heskeha, who M • . 'miss hr .cheer v.NMWa, was 4. gore of her autos. the Mtn. tyres, 8.t.NMy Mf pass Rut. raay Y1A1 . alis #Mr m1lat Al. a kir N the hew d M. former'. new, Mrs. Harty Hayden. isms week Amber 11,1155..4 see, .1 Ain, leave this week 1r theft hem. la (dose* aftr.p.ad• i/m a womb at the Nd ho... VY. H. Reid sad Me irlesd, Mr, Foley. et the 9th eseew.p.&, wheeled over be the Labe e. Terme lee and squab • pl.e•e.t .... CONFIRMED BY MR. TUT rLE- A tsraatlo.d Yea Toadied Tsai Dela'. }Wary Pills WW Oars i'eesane•ily. &milord. Lag. 7. --R M Tattle, pre- m. Mr of the Amebae Hotel ran, r.14,.d • helm 1s1My beet o Terme) ge.t'...p, satin whether ho..r. of Bright's dimes by 11144'. Kohn" Fain bad eon pera.s..t es ter. It mem the write 4. e.poaWty is- *.rseed is kneey dtw.ae..od their eon. and was bailees to ascertain if Dodd's 114 ••y Ptlle.Yed Wag oompiaiste pue.besot ly. Mr. Tsttla'u nilly reed as Weave : U4a.tfwd, play 31e, 1899. Geer tlk-Y.tn of the f erein , and . nay wean .ay the Deed'. AY.., Pita ba.mi dons me �r rpod. The ee mule has b. emOmily Yr. Taisho Md ams 'only. a 3. TrTTu. Belmht's eraw for sir years, aid wed Ors bars of 1 odd'. Kid.•y Pur. lmapereame 1. Athlone Mr. Mark White, tbe wet -know. team the Tenet. I.acra.r Cls► apt Osgood* Perr Ye'tLoI wrtW' I Lummaeeo illest w those etot aesiia, hearth, v tsLd terws% e% sad testate 111 FOR SALK BY JAYlgi WILSON, Ste Anent, Oda4.h. RHEU- MATISM For title painful tomb* Orifilth'. Liniment Is an absolute pen destroyer -It penetrates and Iubrim er tf. Joints, takes away all the einem aid selves relief In a few minutes -wake wonders In chronicC rheumatism em.sw. 4. 1. west of water street, Faeo.ver. B.C., wee a great sneerer true pufal 113 - tacks of Rheumatism ie is t su ;es. 11 were.r.dtl5e.ttt we the ,ciscos that lei reale ..t 1104 (Im t. a r..t pd Arleta's Mea- lyter great�p 41 alis.., sed M tksh far Nara 1n* pate hen mare. ly let Lm. , ..em: It m.rtalay Se • groat pew reliever." g GIF FIT . aNTNoc. Ir.U:N1M. l.ta•ri roma omen AT ALL DRIjOQI$T$.411 Os0TS FOR HALF Rt JAB. WILSON. Sole Agent. Goiania. /HE NATION'S HOLIDAY ! 1899 Canada's .. Great EXPOSITION Afro INIUST.IIAL,, FAllt TORONTO Aug. 28th to Sept. ltb, 'N. ALL IIP-TO-DATl3 AWILACTIO4e. Pills*tss 01 T11 caw m"="444.14744117.:::-.11;1°. Ynlem 'Pad. In, prevai MAIM MIUTAAT AMD MAL SPECTSCLII (lilt$ 11RR1 Ill Iiltllll Il1'Iir IEfi000. elresx�fla 1 x7. Ir. 1.•1 en teeth. Rif1R1(0 01491 A1.10. elk. �selMAseb ea All damn of thereat. Per Me Lisa, s p+ w gni es Penn TUN • .....mt.. w'•:rt lag delta tewh�5.� of fI lu,Mand o0 5010015.1.. ~ANDYIR�M1_ Yr Nr w tomer sal at m • men Qf W ..Id mw NWltl b TR N untable kw mem are the ss is 1. 4.. •samiy demise sod direct at t wens ram ore after the pawing •l *Mese le tow, Ser the Npymrst of pried m& rte ttse�l omega seethed T 4MMl��y. of Seri .._s11Aor1a .kat it .yl ►• the eahl et the N� �ms�E� for the stro1=. from ay ami E'hef y .0 .1118..1410 lend pwer�.a�� ohs 1.ass tdr�e�s ii..__tir Me maim N Me fur et the of Madan shis se Mews :- tho W e f 511141..5 h twelve l..sst rho • 1. of moan law rear ase kaedrad• hat relatable is Mashes.b mit. low :- UM on W tat dor a tummy, OWL , sed - Nee se the le My alJaneary. fall Ila nether with laterest titres. ta Ns on eke NNW a lash.1 at the per Bent. payable at thetas* tee the meat d Mak J� msec et the Nae.aves ef said N taws et S.drkb tor sem _ ea 'teak Nth. Itr•oata r,. roams se w mens .f Nerve width 45 Mimi. S1 She .0 514to Iowa, •t b, . ail � .1*4. worse - .aeaN 5. 41. ltenteiMNe en* the mor •y; erlbak a.. a. "et the .ny' iall� Ver w =tits esh,dergete We' 0.11 spate} ...0 ~ p•L� old stair Yd f M~M r •.•ges .( {h. reeerr the sad 14.514 he es- 0454$gand vd' apWt•d ter Ihe p••p.em a1..,. L A.1 fort►• r.py.ssat .t W aY taw mon awn t th .'else and len � end .hole ta1ahi. above all oilier 'Vee v muds the amd mem mid tb�� iie � Err er y teethe Vow of W Mesio. et O.t...� the AMialit 1sw1Y'.e sl.lr 1- 1LatboJwrli(, la the ler qbf, r.Wroarl.A, la the soar ins, 1a the ler tlyl 1. the Tear Ifo. la the tsar 1.57„ 1■ tis tsar 114., 1. 11.• 1•r Mb y 1. the rear Illi. NSA salefar 1h• •f repaying the este prtsslp.l sus et a and interest t terse at tbe joss iw rWl slaw hew tall brae and Yin th...f ontarse■esu thesis .ssaete•. sated Vet 51 gaol hsmist I1r.54. NW I00' y%tP0.,, n •�5�y5,5e or the .Y I�wtl semi M h . the t tw'f or eg N Yi able a Ised rhe said mud eithe rate atomise I5.ur �u ase. Yeswirat. atrva•ld t� _ w _www. s eN ll most 41. u.&.. Is httitesrN w sea pts,,Mg tkl. law. end egi sties rr..rm..rr w eeMd w t the betiory sat of 0_ v! e�Mi mt Ise of N s w.reea, ew Wadi es ow Y the acral 000[.0, he tenwrid h rnmer...4 te Ms firth lei.. N tlwe,0�y amiss s5 be seats. and ampentM4h _ge '•w dNM ais, thatt deem the eseet siNell illerelliffiele nus» ,Y0 dad free w at 0a► Bert W esY lem than borrower egg o.usw 1. tytl �� year. and =ghee i par tam for theassmter a0ltthe �y0id.l 1 too Mameamd,le •se•1s� .s., end tet Ir d�aseda5l.aepggeatWae dr the mats- to/sass MIN of totem.. - tas.. alt 4 xii.n .y044.41.5.4 •• la assitiM ant of W R the P/eerte0eblitirre� Maya of the aid TINS theage the elege m of the said • -�. to vas tar r mama w en th ned ale. • g t e �� e_a Nil; the lest Tree ty pally oWrshor l a meurriasme We Won't Keep Still Until yon,.give us an o rtunity to Show what we cel you and mons st on the basis of 0ONLY. NOTE A FEW OF OUR PRICES : We have some nitoce of those 20o. beat sown sole Tweed Slippers, only IUc, Carpet Slippers, 1 ba. per pair, worth 25.., very boa quu.Yss; Don't forget oar plow Sheila jest the thing tar harvest; The. is our price ler a regular $1.00 lime. • We are offering two specials in Wise' Vino Hid Odtord Tion; wail sold et *1.35 so .1.8.5 per pair ; thaw we will sell art $1.19 'pderto NO� 1 paid;; an pair in ear there eat 4this lot only 89c. No. 9 was Bold at $1.00 to $1.25 These are new, up-to-date goods and all right, Repairing neatly and promptly done by Mr. MURRAY. P. T. H S • liars& 1 ot.lhs4;p-,' ... y•$s...tgipmlr am. 7 1 NEW COOK STOYK At any Beason of the year there 1Y no greater comfort than • geed reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is witn Boot stoves like every - Num o)isn ; shoe nuao, bad awl indifferent varieties, We know you will be pleased With our - FAMOUS and ABZSDIEN StovesandRanges OAT.Y. ♦T CATTLE BROS. al bads W.M.I4. of Brass.. tae. Mord, Ibex J. BRO?IIEY & SON - Tm■ Lemma - i'f v s ertA \yu.tors shwa lel.rwbak�ev e . *Ne ser �My a.to.eprd N ea •11 e er der. more ea Weil INN& tabs.,.., Nee- boo Great Snap,. r Nr Wane Soap, ia 6a • posed, .t which we ask a barrel . week. 110 Ye't ger only hey. as a orry everything the sen be bead m .a so. .«dot• emery eters, sad our pima w t The hairs knew teat they Wba wayi fie tree a . nay ler Ink resew We draw the Ikea se 1•Rtsi.•ee Ied• - .vey.hkam pa : Ol..ttww es pmesses, .area. use sr .hereon MW. Oho., Ws d.I m dl ef th... T. G. TIPLING t+l)i 00., ,jis lferd Meek. O then* do5a lespavt ,yhei �ww•sii!��ker trouts. re g- ( f. tresssysoomiberr ea Ps` ld w .mer ren 4. si oa as the for the •a M wbdei• a George se ier ne a IVO; Nob. si the t tall Y HH Ill. met veten slum far num ilk st BEOKIR & MYERS, Jiercaters aid Inkblot! Graduate of Ma.aolusette Col- lege of Itassallaing. MECIOff. IN Nieto WPM. siN•Y411. a S� at et thejttaf[41 votes by tea .'IoM M is water[ Wsre-i 18• sr sleets. dd4 iMlb W of JeYy, WM. M17C3[>j<ig• Rosen ?wOmPeoG1r. moor. r Metoventialgett elm Sommer Goods SCREEN DOORE•so WINDOWS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVIES' ( item skint eel eil et assoiees.) DISH WASHERS II. luso ems. TOR CREAM FREEZERS 0 DEN -HOSE AND masa it It 1GERATOREI HAltitOOIS PAINTS, 011,8 Ain VARNISHES CROWN 1KAORINE OIL FOR MIA J At *ILfiuN shaedne wrest be lett ea We OSee dee Leer than WW1* stem The Oepy ter einnme meet be lot1 ass War Von sami. dq sees. Mona Athertieresie v 1111 mea. Maass* tst ean Ise had from LEE a SHEPNARD Pecirsum, on Werorwo HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Scrajoild Coal Ali oval winds' sei the 11141ist maim whirs no est SIN lbs. he s sok INTEL LEL Orden hie se UPI WORSELL THE TINSIIMI hos • spatial heavy Ilan of Eavefroughing 'Id. Wag and Slag cents* pet on. Wood awl Mal Parnacee WORSECL'S The (Mop Stove Mae, The Best are the Cheapest K IC IA wian••• se4 Wish Mrs Mew OIL STOVE Ivory Awe ronmArsd. We awry a MI ilest ell Mew made Dalri 'MU, sad Roue Pandakth" H. 0. RUINER. MAN BOMB* won& A. 8. OHRY8TAL, mainelameme dab Mall et BO ILIC14.13. sawn *swim Salt Pena Ohs* bi• Afl asse 6t No rod 1Z6.71,0", Store Wenn 8=4V et Loma btlict: model thontera essil 116.1111