The Signal, 1899-8-10, Page 6m7 n 1- „t -r a A Novel of the Present Day. "Will the time ever come Y" she „ cried, lifting bar olsaped hands in a burst of agony. "ltuat r go on for- ever, and never know I But for this snspeam I could know some rest - some peace. The most horrible cer- tainty would be more bearable lhas this constant eurmiainf-this alter- nating of hope nod tater.' . She had received from Mr. Himoas 7y for all her laces and jewelry. verything had beau sold, and she had invested nearly the whole of it in the bank. She had pow, or would have, when this six hundred dollars was lout away, more than two thousand dollars at interest, and was in a fair way to add to it constantly. "Yea, God is good.l" she repeated, the tears eollinss over her tape lits rain. "Hut ob 1 it it were not for my Daisy, Ufa would srA be worth the attart It eestr to Uvd It. Howard I ch, Howard 1 where are you f What has happened to you f Shall I never, never tees you again i'• Mr. 8imoss' asact had been abroad and returned. He had spent a wb0is week in Liverpool, at hm employer's express desire, striving to trace Howard Moat`orrery, But he met with no success. The hotel where he had 'stopped, with his family, had been barred, sad the firm of whom he had p, based the shawls and ruga had ""Ladled. asg' their shop was 000upied bo trulterer, and be could not get t� alightsert clew to either the man or his fate. "I shall go myself just as soon as I can ave money enough," Cecile had mid to Mr. Simoss, when he told her ad the tailors of his agent. "Love will direct me where so ane else would think of going ; sad I &hall never know one awmeat'a peace until I learn what has become of my hus- band." She was thinking mdlay of all this as she sat there at her desk, with the results of her year of business be- fore bar, and wondering just how much money she would need to carry her through her proposed plgrimage. She knew that ,t would be very ex- pensive, for she would be obliged to take Martha along with her to look atter Daisy, whits she prosecuted her , amyelQrr --_ — - In the midst at these thoughts the door opened sad Martha, with a white, frightened face appeared upon the threshold. Ceeffe looked up through her tears ....... -:-0N daa,q®aodrtbe•giel, tttabTlivgb.• a boy has just come from the store to tell us that Mr. Simons is dead I" CHAPTZR XII. "You Must Tell Me." Dead I Her best friend dead! St riot - en down in an instant, without warn- ing, without a thought but that life and health would be spared to him for many, a year to come. Cecile was almost benumbed by the intelligence which Martha brought bar; but as soon as she could com- pass herself, abe want below to in- ter boy regarding the facts of tisq cane. , the Lad bees sent, he mid, by pate oC the firm, to tell her that Mr. Sim - am had died a couple of hours ags- dropped dead' in his oomAlmqQ-room while talking with some gantlemea, regarding a buniaem matter. Apoplexy, the physician, who bad bee hastily summoned to give smile- tanoe, said, had caused it, and he had passed away unconscious of any pain• or any idea that eternity was so as r. What would become of bar sow, without this kind friend to guide and counsel t Cecile naked herself again and again. Everything that he could do he had done to help her over the rough of poverty and dependencd, and she had learned to look top, to rel upon, and respect him almost as s� would a Mr or 0 eldej brother. .,He will not loan his reward" Ce- cile o-vile murmured through .fast -Falling learn. "Christ will not forget the 'in- asmuch ;' and the helping hand which ibis good man has extended has asel taialy saved one, at least, from lon- gerand" tllir t nod odd. 86 mtspendea all business while he -Jay dead. She weiif'M the church and looked bar last upon the kind face that would never beam upon bar again; upon the mute lips tint would never more speak words of encouragement and counsel is her ; and no aincerer mourner fol lowed him to big last rewtlag-Placa than that young; nod beautiful woman In whom he had taken so deep an Interest. Many woaki ince brcome digheart- ened nt this added blow -this removal of their only support. Not en with Cecile, however. It only appeared to opur her on to greater activity In Iter own behalf, anti to the development of greater reiourcenthan she had hitherto seemed to poetess. She rase superior to every misfor. tone, famed every obstacle with the spirit and courage of a hen,, and with the determination to conquer In the battle. It waw as If site 0011141 any, with a faith that wait almost nuhlime. th:q•a word" of Milton : ' 1 nrgue not Against Heaven'n hand or will, nor tints a Jot Of heart or hope, but still Ienr up and ateer Right onward." .. A week after the hurial of Mr.. Slmonw, site sought tut Interview with the other members of the firm, and p.roPoewl to nasume the manufacture of tits fancy g(xxis which she- had hitherto tnkM under contract, rm etv. Ing a omtaln sum per dozen just for making them up. 8110 now wished them to supply err a woman b ftegrsn0 at►4 admire, C- love and re"sonoe Daisy was now a lovely child of a year and a halt, and went prattiln shoutthe botwa, making mk: usafi the day, and thinking au one quite equal to Iter -pretty mamma," aM] d1lar. dood Muria," while she won the hearts of all who saw her. One bright, warm day h, the last oT October Cecile declared that they all needed a holidts and, packing a hnmper with got things for their touch, she took Martha and Daisy, and went to spend Site day in C'antral fin rk. She was very lovely ilk her thin, soft, black robes, and in her dainty white hal with Its black velvet tows, and many an eye . turned lingeringly after the trio, wondering who that beautiful young noti'or anti exqulww chill could be. Daisy was nearly wild with jay at the sight of the granny lawns, the en greram and beautiful flower plots. and Oeolle was atmout happy again ase she looked Into her little one's spark- ling eyes, at Iter roey cheeks, end heard her glad laughter ring out so merrily on the balmy air. Martha, too, seemed filled with de- light at thin little ohauge in their life, and was as proud of liar lovely charge as If site had been the daugh- ter of some queen. The horning sped on gulden wings, whsle they wandered hither and thither, thinking snob avew and walk more beauWful than the haat; indeed, CWtral Park had never seem- ed no delightful to Cecile as to -day - at last, she had never appreciated it as now. It waw caused, probably by her loing n matnce and the mmno. tnnous life whl•h she tied beets lead- ing of lata After lunch. ate Lula Martha that she might hire (one of the goat teams for Daisy, and let her ride about for It couple of hours, wtaie she would sit In time shade of acme tress and read the new took which she had brought with her. Martha. went away almost as pleased as Daisy to test spa pow. er" of a' pair of pretty white goat*, and their golly -painted wagon. The day was unusually warm sad bright for the tw aeun, and Cecile, ly- Ing back In her nmwtin chair, with Oto carp and nothing to (to, approclatlid thin pleasant Idleness to the full. The pare., c1mr air was almost III* Milia to -hpr, mating 'her cheeks glow, her eyes to sparkle; the brfgbt sunlight, shining through the thick foliage, made fantastic hhad- Ows all about her, while the birds craeled sweetest musk• in tits boughs over bed head. It In a beautiful, beautiful waorhi after all,'• ,tae murmured; but even as she would It her red lips trembled and a shade of pain chased the WArkle, from her eyes Bite tied thought to read far into bar hook to -day. but It lay nogfact- ad upon her lap, while her mind went back two years, to the time when, able, and heir hueltend had wandered together through enchanted laude -- when there was not a care for her -when every wish was anticipated. and thin weeks and months were like a poem and a viedox f delight. " Ob I U I amid only be certain of his fate, whatever it may have been, I could beer to better." she conned. as her thouShte grew toots painful and atter. This wag ever her ory when she Yielded to such sad musings, and She retwlled with all her soul against the mystery of Howard's fats. What a charmed life would have been ours." she went on. " We were Mo united In heart and thought.; how he would have loved Daisy, and what pride and joy Ise would have ezper .i aced In watching her grow and develop. I feel that God knoerw bast." elle said% lifting her tear- Iaden eyes to the blue sky above; "But It in very hard to bear for aft that. i suppose I needed this discipline -Indeed. I know that lam a stranger wommin for It. better fit- ted to battle against the realities of life, better fitted to rear and edu- cate my Child, and I do strive to endure it patiently. But. ob! Idld love my hunhand with a devotion that was teudwr and true; ours wemee deetlnad to be a perfect life, and to Nave MY cup of happl- new dashed from my lips when It was filled to the brim waw a bitter, bitter blow, But I will try to be Wnwnkfut that my Daisy is spared to me; If she should be taken from me Ch, (bpd! I could not bear that, too." Sloe brobw off with a hitter cry at this thought. For full two house ser bad sat thus• never reading a word, Willie the past fk thxl tsar mind with Ito nitter enem- ork w. . Why It ebould have carne upon her with such hi ce on this bright• beau. tiful clay, the first that sive had de- arot wl to rest and recreation since her return. waw womeG,lng abe could rant understand. A shiver ran through tier as the lin of lowing her Wend shot into her mbnd ; and no fearful eves When that anowtbkooll Tyd happened to her,sshe started up to go In search of her. M«nwbUo. MAr4ho 'like engaged bee gust -team, nod Daisy was hay. Ing: a nxrst (INIghtful time. (Oke was satlwfledd to ride ■lowly, so that Martha (,mid walk beeilde her, and etre wan peeor"tly happy to be allowed to hold the reins In her hands lfkee el " weal dwiver," ,'while she watched her pretty whits stoo(1@ *stmt ahmd of her. :;,Y, with the srefvbw.ry materlalls at fm- F1he guy 7 pnlnte(1 wfrtare witLing In tlto n I porters' prroes, than allowing her w Iter hair a beautiful golden, a Profit on the article( themselves, as trifle darner than her m(Aher's, wall ase upon the labor employed in was very long for oat of her age, and their oonstrurtlon, while she woudi floated over her shonlderA 1■ the ' ,' w supply them am heretofore. ' browse like woven ssnrhynw." ' Her At first they demunrred ; hat Cecile eyes, of a 4esp, dark blab, were very informed them that if she could unit large and irAr.1jigent while her ace mnke thin Arran tnpot with them was remarkable for Its delicacy and slip should do so Wlth some other par- refinement. tins. Nhp knew that she was Cotwpe- She were today a little dress of tent to mnnsfr• ovelt n business, She blue silk, daintilytrimmed with white heel her own In•erents to oonafder, nod )sou, a white nu -bat with blue rlb- must make the mart of her thus and boss, tl�ep kid hunts of the same hima, �, fill"Mles while they were aparptl to tzz,l: ed at the tops with bows of " Iter. smooth abluing natin. Bush a pror'eedfa no thin, the firm . Cecile took great oomfort in allow. knew, world to of grent Injury tolag bar exquisite taste to have fair m the. Her skill and work had nes play In dremlmg her darling, and this ` quirrapidlyeb a reputation that the abs ooald aril] do with very little ' rt wm daaml for their goods waw rapidly expense, cut d the cast-off finery IAer&wing. and they could hatter lkst had bteq hers daring the days Alford to iinve her make the extra of bar he msidenhoal, end welsh Afteg than they oonld to loss Isar ssoe spirit of enseemy, bad prompted sltengMher. Lar to store away is a trunk with 80 they e0onpnt«f to Siva aerili other things batore eke went away. mwmt, and Crelle Weatse It manufwc- While Martha and her elargw were tarer and regular womnn of i"mine$L roving nbost at their ewapwoot will. And oil this Nae she Mss ripth8y encountered is nos of the abad- "An 1Rwater is utv. Aar Aotil jd drive -ways an siaaggset carriage together with the employyment wh!oh drawn by a pair of mso`=eent hawses. lnpt iter from morbidly dwelMng naps Two mthly dreamed ladies were seat- 1 ��, lipr tronswii, sryrtrbd h*Rlth And ad withis, nett sppwared to be Pnjoy- "'" sbrsngtla SD her. Mot Amlmation n, her Ing the day and Piero fbo atmast, sou t a teem, br!Irhi took to her cyan they roda,Nowly al�sg iy and swlf-prsacmkn¢ to fpr ..What s basely aklld t" one of the ,sales S=Oiadmwd. as they CAMP in 900 wan Yips own. fair. wtajAly Illy. 8104 of DIA" Is g wKMal raelp,r gentlewoman-- Yat eytruly ; sad how happy the LLttdle� rl;a; lwka,•' nplfN her I l4iw LrFa}[�i 11161 ilwn YR Q" rM $&AdZ who Mow b for dips Osman Wdpwt will drrwa ulow of Cie. w her htl�trta(11 �r111 }w ,t„1ta,1. pel. ��, °;°�� ' c. ttltlg T JI1tM!' 1 F ewe odeloat, rrear.a. +�.' im ve aaJ11 19at to1,7."r. ar, land let uA til ant to theim ai W f11d that l" have &adnearness?brie her." whet had a so wan. I lip s. oome W tlnd of abs Munk sesterkaialue and The well•tralnted horses «ass to be him gtjoa t!M atbjsol d gi adopt palsy -r tM immeil##b hall, and the lady brat for- ya"epg wUe as hxxuSw inns her foie t r sV aoMe (oral 'wwesrti, an lakuml¢g essays Upon Orteutaltem Is ward with a wistful look Is bar large, hand'sapropwly B lie kamd vie"" It ao • _1a^.�,a-r..,} t�U fiery 110 au eewi by 94r Alfred Lyall, ai dant e�U�I� digs by dkarrtat aft lssavls ter a; hwylanwt I�lttle v¢e," she said with •smile, Noy tag i he Qi -AM du t %*Ui $060 y a�~' I 1 nae t1Fse I.lwt. (ionsatn ut the adopt hue; .he shalt be In Ponjoub. an kiss relations of the "you are having • stn. time, aren't kw.atwtid�aos,wtbtyg pito eeMy +erpsst.tilay' dhls�Miar..nd Ia- 70¢ t" Matt tTDlnatue tlo.erwaasat W the Chlueas Me la a weal delver now," Da"d'x'rn mal �s0!)MrIT aha veelt as my rellgloss f1stLlse tank do not psis W lbat oauJQ out khat tfithee!la, w we 111n comewitlead Its �e OkA city of aha pro - di s tyyI 0 locrti tg u- stun as air of bhantlful o41ht, and ♦nota $b sopaase to his faire. I WAR tltw and oducAa dignity. yd drawlag the !Ines more tri$ q► a aV way. to 4imma l' wlwre bar, as yon ol"nat possibly be Melt "gD" over wfbbM they preside are ti fly user her small steeds lholle hop4g b tt�jler la aDpk to 4u at by000ass' qsy DasC. t Ahs ?w nabjw t. flim civil offto►ala W dogs - he lady laughed mud«U7• abjegt Dirty that she wilt" M glad moss wltiNe person to have Ti datloa, WWI* a Ashy who proolotwe "Aad do you lits to be a real dri- to Qlve t4 her. Dare of HcrwaYd r ohlld. and yus most tl tom, or averts a [trod ver r' she asked. g the little use to give bar W tan. Coupe." of t�e Yellow Alver. is decorated Ye likes to be any -ting we -al," Ctetlsaal Pettit sd [tot klwws 4' (1b be Coatbtned.) skid Mit be were a sea she returned, with emphasis tankful m oswtful geaersl. TW go vurnni m " There's a lesson in a nutshell for 8be Wan than clout opulm ltel.y bwve��yr $jam'$ ��� 1Z'1rJf8YtN�TO>i even hew stoat we m gf Mt .fill a other on aletapMyai carriage, the child abs hail stet asap, bet hewri writ of prababitloo against the re. other pewpaat of the carriage, her yearsed for far w ith a" leggl _ hag IIATI! Mild to Moto" � in "Isimallim W MWbei of a 1luddhn. tape gleal¢In with amusement. -{Ike oaredtad elK our rttrw cow- �d �I� tea. situ in a prerYasts claw of exlrtout e "Well." exo�imed the first speaker, eked Vhlns,$ ler lit* betaew muni WASt had made the government s goon heartily. „ oft are a real beauty any- a wildd Sir"! dstermisati¢B b got Own of the flair• deal of trouble and been executed. way.and I love beautiful children." tel@ is recalled by WoMe- In T is looked up at Der with wide, I,m 'a — NW -b`* * Luxurlaut haft IN, to some extent,lu`¢ The regulstlo¢s to a govejp the esrae eyes IlMlat had red auythlag but mherlted family gmtgl7. salt to sono- opening of tnlnw to Hasuleaµ: "lis Malama loves weal dood dlrla bet- healthye extort It TtsiWW to a excavating, as keg as the aeries the o e w u she alta Irxalthy costttltat!oe. ant tis hair ♦tut ter," eke it ae i! flat authority hqd Iplcd jar to low Miss she met below kiss gntuad are lw- waw sa[fl t to decide all ups- be emltivatad. It Can be mine b«tilffg, �e to the sou above, rasoais art q tar tMaltglill .l 4a tlw ['ark, and jU tios(S dotty or otherwise. this to" scud W snake term std pt'°I=rued !p lM aatatat e0br oo♦ w he allowed to obstruct Me "Who's your mamma, pretty use f eatMse tM n7 m,tu 5u with Proper care ��a�l AtfOU- work, oil tibe ground that it is lis- -What is your Daniel" gee how ltclle matmged to tion. Tate link point is a man scalp : jurkane to ' Feug ftul.• " Feng Y name, answered the child, rs alar seooad stirs treadom-qo6 u lleotiiel while she shook the reinsb tiaAstrrfily' and above all W pin, SMtI is she ICoal supernatural In y eep a for her. or a oomb, or a ki or a bran Iluemre aad fpr a 1ppg %late rall- to tri hie& away the flies that were Irl �'w, taP&" 1ANtallr►ag be- &Meat, it; OWS07 e • Mee ism romift7-dw vw old; levegtlornl awoy3ng the goats," my name is- yond00*=aaaa • therefore Ike remnlw4ad tbe lorebead sad hanging down be- of " 10miffa ds►tle " were kept out of Daisy.,, to nabr a waVfte of diMmovery, and bled, a rtbbott ocatlahyt It betLLmd sad iia eoepVy. because to every plate Daisy, i Yea look like one, you blue- thus we ft jewaseldnig tater ttOW the eats so all b Prsvist It wlhwe It was attempted to put them eyed darling ; but-laiay whu t" clew utile her ddMMtiti�•ii forty ,r'd over the chet�. TM The stranger was dee desplesd thaw. Iii __ Qhal was disturbed. T1s g ply interested When No wan abowO'.Lto Cemallo's t bid polar is w have It m fr«ly � ww orders that the in the child, sad her eyes lingered on menji, logo 1. wan IilsarbtMpay_ eltpiowt to the air day and ni liJ11 avec �1 scall beep still U the her with an almost covetous crates imfr. No Aroma oche umteigtlsd f Aepattae the perp rewrtam of the be not die- aioo In thein / " etalleab� 41 the form of neon tubed In Use vicinity of bis habl"Daisy Moot-gomery." U Ug aha erica pati The >tOIM tress,tlmaf:artlstkain 1t*Sati.+ad-evtry.aaitre tsps The tact was a lung name, and she alaD011ttMalti for ('calls dearly bind t'ir alwaya hesitated when pruoounoing It. ae 1 t b."� tul-.ilw , wwo al- N t'on a with a ker- mpg lateral galleries train The Moms fe the crrriage started muctoZ to her, aaQ. as her oltkaf.-Wbasan-0 Life. gse�sfis is offblslJy de- ns 1f something had stung her and baainelw been so promperomt she dvance a; a rn al The Ott., quickly from the thiid to felk.jtrliryeainm:akltngherhoaseas&t. t7une tOf Rheumatism. =_lk sed better behave itself Martha, whom she had nut deigned to %rac:tiwe as parlble, &a4 she was'dw The application of Nervillne-nerve. AIG notice before. termines LO ems ,und her chill with petn pure -which pcmrwes such tuar- The girl• on the contrary• had al- all the ttwftning influences - In jter 'allow power over all nervi pain, baa DALLIT`S FA=Y ready, recognised bar as Mrs Cd- p tn"r. proved a rerttarkable success In rheu- md Langley, the Manan who had our. Slip was greatly nsteleted in this by trlatlsm and rneuralRa. Nervllltve acts tIIaR PILLS iamited sed abused hat kind mis- the many tnsoures, pictures• mature tress, and ale would have been lad tAt the ne I'd soothes thea, drives to have g std arlktlsN d virtu that site lad f-aln pot and esti gees relief. Try 1t Cpit t� WtA'st fold O( passed on Daisy. it t a could te.odht ylyth Iter from abroad and be oatvinped her to speak to Dairy, it she cool Where as earth dors site get all tlwdChM P�tp 1� O�tg, have done so without being rude. money to bR these thiup?" Mts. ls>��� Ver Charity.Mrs. Langley now perceived that Langley sWroal staring 6 Ii: y at TLe No" Frele Props. of V►ertnat. A surcharged stamR oto Martha was the same girl who had w costly painting opptslte her, asserts tract ties estate left by Bar- Tito Wrm surc�oirifed postage stamp come with Ceoile to her boom more But be -ton she could think of any ones Mource de Hirsch de Oereutb 7 y the than a year agu, and the odor Elam- g not reaea comhmwitooi b ed vividly into ler cheeks a she n- solution to the pn::flog problem !►e has been slued at >11Et1.000,00(1, of ord'aary sender, for wham Informal - ad opeied and the object of her which #100.000.000 wilt be expend. tion It may be saki the term simply called that interview. the�rm�1`r eo$ered. ad In carrying on the vartess Chari- mus enthat a stamp possessing a ser Where do you lives'• she demanded, (Yells did Sept drwam who her visitor ties founded or fostered by the bar. tain value has hem reduced to that of abarplwas whew the Inutility had called her ounce �eLappdd baron. Thin anorM a uo&ller veto@ by oft daUl.tq�p�e�Ip� "In 4est --th street," she replied, frotu her wont -rano and to'd her die expesdlture for dlMrity In in bar. ou lite stamp the amtwathof-L pro. respectfully, and she could have bit- had a eallsr welting In her parlor. nosy with thetrlt and nets of soot worth. Thus the ordinary 3_031tt tau her tmgue out for having told She started risiNy, flushed scarlet. Baron ,Hlreoh Mod his wife. The e1140nb 'Ing no longer required. tltove her ; but ahe had replied unthinking- then Clew whtte as tike dainty raffle baron started In life poor• but be. m.w In thr vau'ts of the Post.off!oe y-' lout her throat, as the thought fiaabrl came lmmsnsely wealth through D"lartmwat here all In!" surohArgcd "What number r' into her mladthat perltapFe Hello had I�p T � to "-ernt atom an,l are now h ••L-.madam_I-L a ", we asst eo romr ip ., fat371%--0itVs*r let' inaabbi. la�re:tments. Ulm g lyZ.w e°" wQH tw vnon. Inca r�iat iisj i tlib.s .i to mamma now," the girl said• Vu sou- hushtand Ott* were forever disappear. and the new L'-opot fusion, while she attempted to make mostly for the tioneth of the need? p "Mia Helen ! have you of ",race. and stamp In rrcl will be Istrod the child drive on. Itmrd art abuitt owandt" ate began m a large __ "What number. girl ?-you must aak.d to a1 W. attralned toss, a. etss sbalo alta RUwta'e pereeastion of oh, my ! loot► your eotlsplexlwt has W1 top•" Helen Langley maid. with >g tae Jswu within her dominiom. itu cored Yes% Miller's CYisipotnad Iron flambing eyes and Imperative `ak itrhs • f- toil weak P T1 7 perative Ntne. and fa4rl N«atad. 1'llis djd, It A motion flush mounted to Martha's•of HolivivN7" What should I bear itis i(nisss Pesti Lie• brow; abe was sot In the haughty of him t" dameanded Man Laaglsy, womaa'a employ. and there was coldly, while Nie gazed, m s It tarda- I AN F-nglteb sclss/M hM sawed the twthtng to compel her, to RRlva. the atr d, at ()mail& tlhe• nr•erand to be more C. C_ RICHARDH « CO.: my.Wq., of Lake ' eavalgma or the number of her mistrese' realdev,ce if Ix-Antiful every Unit• she sow her. "Laked Ila whlh she did not choone Dear 8haa-i hare used MINAl1D•S the "1 do ant know• of course, only I No many wtelrd asd Aartml tale were E' bty-four West --th street." c old imagine no other reaason to bran IJMKE14T In my stable for over a related tg rrnag g try the nnattr« and sathuentl- Ilsped )Ills Daisy, with all tib ort- 7w here," ale aurwrrcd• with a dight year. &W oonWAkr It the very beat for cate d by early explorers, relative to lsonness In the world. " Why. NfArfa! emphattiaa and Instantly regaining liar horoe flesh I can jet• and strongly rv- taw• de@troctive powers of a gigantic you trodot," abe added, with an air s►•I( of superiority at having been able IFer - commend tt. fish which upset* boats and kills momsRtary hope had been de- man merely by A tomb. the evil spit to tell what she thought she could 'stroy(d and she realized that Iter (nen. Hough. IL Proving to los a how electric eel tvQt buslafirhds similar had aoogfR her ice no Llcery Btalrles (lochs. (larger and stoic@ powerful than his i9he had been taught the stnmet and unselfish mdlive, and braced herself Mouth ."M"icsn roogruetd, which number by Cecile. who had maid: for a 4MMan sable Interview. abounds in the lake• and which If she should ever wand" away "I will tell you presently why I halve would pnralym rowers by contact and get' fort, sea can then at least come," Helen responded coolly. "But." with t ,paddles tell where she lives." glaacltg aga}aabout the pretty room. Mm Langley 11111104 A glance of • really. (analis, how very comtoriaMy iow•p Tike T triumph at Martha. as Dale, thus you are ftxcdl flow did you manage to The waved Bona We offer (lite FdunMvd Lolinfw Re - gave her the Information she deslr- 9"t• all them nice thlltjs 7:' ,- Very C ward for any case of Catarrh -flat ad. draw forth some Ivory tablets 0rile.'seyesgkrwrd in firer Marg L the summer girl we'd f be pend Hall's (;atarrt from bar pocket and wrote It down. "I earned mast o1 thein Mrtt Langer Palo blue shirt waist of pique cannCore. " You may drive on now. John." My." she returru4 proudly. In bar )talo blab shirt waist of pique, able said to the ooachman, and the "FArrwd them! Haw, pray?- was trimmed around the shoulders and We. Jthe(ENFTY A O(r., ToleAh, G. back t passed wells Martha want the skeptical response, w1tlle sip Byrd MMM Thlstmalth�a.0 oval toanodl F. J. ('honey thretViedL e a io fifteeen Y 1A bock W her 1st ith 6 the fat 1 I at 1 NO 32 .!-,U, , YouAre 7"t Pete tp BUeak? L your f6h soft and havc}' � hs wcightl� I These Asti symptom, of :1 or poor blood, anti jet as freq",t ttumrntr as in tfac wltnhte. Aad you cut be i I: Wttd at One time just ea wdl Y aaotfta. Septula Emulsion Of cod f V1lT oil With hypo Will ccrtainl Alwpq cveryo¢t ltliad ft Will not wtalasl stam aCfl. pow ttio�ii�le a 6ca1 41 anc'Dd city nd. u meswish a the train t [nos power lo the strvea L bscls your old wvcasW awd acct, VIATUNS OP MUM* TALLOW A lies Nagl u4 IRa�edy. or Weism Dewey axverl•seaa the •Renta It is refreshing to ;earn frau Mac Patti• that bar tahilible. ey.trat q Qeeawrri¢IE her cv1sition .nd avow. Lang wrink.es is the llboral new „( ton tallow, siva the (ILicago fust. ' jr we are retuning to the wlshrm of m. grandiackhers 1Mn has never base any dovubt In our maids that the "w gsvity sad beauty d our tama!e as. nesters were dlrect'y atft•Ibutable is mutton t►Ilawq which pot only pee the oseamisat eoagpledoss, bat u• rested o+aap, ion fever, broocauj troobiaa tad othaF trials of a Puritan wipfsr. Indeed, we have It f res a member of rrA�dmiral Dewey's fasill. that ehea Opie was • little bol u Vermeal he never went b bed is tie - odd nights d wrjtltw ttntil his little moss *- ly Crosland Via, taYn a etAs acknuwl•��sa hu abilty its "gmwli the battle afar off." The r wm remosaae a.l the hirb.00 adlodvecipes d Mur is.ht gstawatfoo and return to the scant simp'teity of mutton tallow. has d", ser we shall rear seas ad wanes r of o!d, notable for their vslw u/ conspicuous for Bair h:gtaing hasty. 1WaLft AUT MACX Is itmd 14 nit fist dam bow] &' sobso wle Tt vw - , 'I b, BoR of Solem.n,'• teaq,k• ky bpea o,Unakedt by nn eaainvnt - 11 I'Ns I tamout easiest W egoeed A-,o.(M. 0011.0110. In lis first place, the value Or thv matwilth In We each t, 04M1 W At j1rg011INAW 00(/. and ten labor at is.00DAWADO. Th.• ,*ask l of gold were vambd at g_,:tYa.i81. ' OIC, ; tj" vewNs of silver at ♦3,:211 715.000; thi TOAMSoU d the pri-W I atm] the rvvhse of the sunsets at $In. 1 050AM aka 1 tba trumps" of g..ld at $1,0(10.((10. MUler's Worm 1'u aM Lim tar laxnfit In mid cinerawoblldr•a :taitYs As tA�r. m resit w er Il r gar seviv omdy. smme more sheer fabric or of needle or std ielbve him perfectly hunorabip Te rn ve tae carr charge. "BY oneNt labor vividly at her lane. work • bat It dWtt the ,mail,, In all business tranu►etMw and flnan- She did not tell her anything re- "By ala." m Anwith both hnt,d ' chally able Ito carry out an ufin T., ,-Iii peen.atum gra) _ ik. gardln6 this meeting. for she 1¢- and brain," We aruswwerd, briefly. shift waist d 1 from kiss ulster 7 ga .• tLww hal► .should be wtefl tlssrerl uc,ra. wtlneticely telt that it would be a "I dip ►fob brliavo it. You were never gars•st d yesteryear." If the °ads 67 Lhte� firm. end ■' t R {lest A Truax. Wh .gb with a kart war disagreeable topic to ('Delle and she taa*Int to work, and girls Ilkp you do mbin Truck is of p14ue the ♦amts our- Toledo. o. Wald Kinn tt a rain, b Mone a rmth :a its bupe(1 that no harm would remit ¢dt work for twerp thlntpa as thane,•• rangewent d a waved band Boutin- Wholesale Imo• skit. Tbo to If d t.• far from It. Helmut Langley retertdd, insultingly. esu as a decoration on the all". It Ball's Cate e�is kms` lath- a:Ytagh a r • tl ill -oat the hair -- . (83APTER it1i1. and glancing around lite room. access down from the belt on the aa -1 the fissile rose at thls, liar tans like a lett side, and about the line of Item r'a117' 40NAC directly °port the blon0 V y y" the le•tiet d "I �1'oskl Not TrwrS Her With Yo¢.' and man¢d gurfAnM of the ore of anavaa hr. Cecile In its whftemxss, leer eyes enOirCleO abs skirt. IL is a very system. A few dilates after Cecile's visit to pretty rtnLb for a colored pique, TDstlmi¢ials sant free. Price 7'c per glerunlAg Mite, a Ido such as tie V q hryWo. Fold by all dr�gl.ts. rlseld'e IisthBeii I�r ifl ids, sW Central Park Mrs. Col. Lngley'a ele- woman before Iter had never believed - '- -- - gant carriage stopped before No. 84 tlwy could craft, tb•tatbwr Btauou in a moreb spit•♦ Hull's Family t'fllg are tits [wast West —th atre . and Mrs. Lan "Mrs. In It haw been daalded to establish n Ysrlh and Marssilloa are tr,nnecW fD' +rgAe. I de than icily, 'my ANIOBAI KIRD KURT Go by telegraph IbM t sailer ley herself sat therein. tdAwa !. valuable. If you have any bull- rneteorologleal ulte@ryatory at the TO Ts)♦ 'tea AjtITS 7 She alighted. and. mountlag the reals with me you will pfeaw state It top of the great cathedral spire in MOUNTAIN. ground y Al�s .mit In he Olm, German I he world is not d PIPM and, are b=d bur feet hr slept. rang kiss bell. ca carr. I Osaall, corn be all tuslneret 7• T1s xtr Cathedral is disposed to re. afeath the sulfaseh wtib manIWAI Does Mrs. Md or t er? reside calls In the Wtutdo; b below, where one of abs moot extraordinary the lar prove d, merrhaat who k 3AM feet apart, It cost nearly aeref" she inquired of the Inndlady, mJ gr*,dlr+tTM• main: bull since you, nm existence, on account of the Rnent •� t� who arsewend her ring. harvet I bill 1'Teton to yea." size and bright d its spire, whlch treasures of goals linden from pub L1.500,000 to burr the wire+. Ye'm,•' was the reply, while the Helen operxd ler aim at thin reaches an olevatton d 5_'$ feet. hie knowledge. Fe• rosy do M he �wra �� p GROCER wondered what this grand "In the wraTrroom below," (',,elle Itnd Although the great cltarch wan bolt. pp� YOIIii QRtOii Indy could want with her alutet but maid. What ctmld the girl be In, tl(nt On more than 500 yeah ago, the Pleases with his own Werra, and g Pretty tenant, she talked thuh like a man al)(,et tltp spire was not completed anti! 18%. by toulishly ehrts to keep them go- FOR BO=00 _ T1 DVDwx. s0► wirrruTs '• Show me to her rooms." Dom- ma.nufactum d goods? eluded, like talent@, folded In nap, some vied s� a rrn r•ane marded Mrs. Langley authoritative. -"What di you meaa? What do (m MUler's Compound iron I'iI only2 �e��sr ss�se�� Iy. and the landlady, with an have no dh with a 'warrrrw,m' Y• site cents for :,o dome is' On. that is its own concern. The ,.Oil Oi alloeWbkw Nskeo i .i.,t•ub Angry fluteh on her cheek at be ttsbr6 cutiogll - -- world won't run after him. and pere"f Ili .la r Ing y- kung iW v..awr .ttAer least addresmd, turned to obey with. "I do +� hods that I feel called 7lfirmfarr Bwn7 Bashes Lim to Allow It to lou, h4 goads. out a ward. upon to enter very minutely into do. Th" German faab:oa of gn,wing The when and alpr•t merchant, how. A A,&%r �era thnokasa After Helen Langley's Interview tall♦,•• Cecile ankl, with dignity. "buy- gouseberrler on standard bat,heg-that ever, lav C.a am(4a With Cecile on that morningwhen for me to flay, however, that when w Gr to wnl c1[ In stock jmst what the you '] Pati g off all but one pgWdtkrostcn sea 011111, -_ shehad Dotnre to Ger In her trouble, drove paean hpartlesrly form your It my stem and albwirg the plant to hewn pmhltr is In ttep(1 d, takes advantage Wi„3rsarana she hull been nearly dietractml on dire necessity. you unconaelounly rpn- out at n ocmvea!eMt bs*bt for pick. d the adrwrtbnhtg reV.ymes of a wnb - - - her brother's account. d-trcl me the greatest mrrvlce In roar tag. like ataD.lwrd roms, gives a great stantial Ami trusted newrspnppr ifko $Q$� HlixotipsAE � I In spite of .bar skWticism in Ce- pdwer; Ton drrove me to snlf-depend. affect of neatoerr. Tke same effect blw ,tam ♦„ t,rtn that fMet to Iq clle'sh prAser m. she knew well mougb enor. and lr1 me W discover that In Is tV be [son In the Scotch way yyt g LONDON, that something mast hem happened my character which I never dreamed OowkiL• ra3ptorry busbes, by trnlu. attention. The public In Independ- to him, for he waw not a man who Wt�m+ed-soot rrwolution, ng two DA Dent put, To secure Its favor Ib interest BINDER �� t ins 7 rage, t 1A bribe" into an In. lttsdr - would ever. under any circumstance. amid a tast!1've ptn"r that hen enabled IN"- h bW arch. moat first be awakened; then bel. dewwrt w woman to the way that she no to rise 1p r m an on seers i do ---,-----Maas rrlattlonw are eatdl iie� i •♦ INE. Pretended to itis wife to ttelleve to not reed Inelp from ADyrwr." filkatd.LliVaatOgMDlatemyaf 7 established had time. "How have you done title?,, Helen - A dopa d MUler's Worm I Prto•a Mort b herself, he had noon the a@kvd, TWOLldhtg her woodwingl7- ♦ Basta! )/aaN1s's Delltealiy. oerawtonall will t 'r d DEALMMs Ami Mi UV&rATlae. t only object m earth whom she had "With thew" handb" she returned, The BostonWilto mancolorcd'deopti• anithy. y the children oqi reslly tovA(i, and alt, 1asiALad ho:Q!ttg out tht'lsc+wldtw, delicate mem- "Yost twins,' lis rimtwwetrd _ - --pA%hLtNf,711'LY.ct'Itzn R that a senmh should at once be in. bPr@ with a Tw'oatd amlle, "and," touch- "He. lues!" exclaimed the other ' Moan--- fa the r11LfPllmes FITS ,hstituted for him, and an u nt had Irng hat gloaming forehead with oft• tort tlemwn. has ge rah 'Yost wore U, V, The h Klaah Orsat Ne•.e Ret been dispatched to Liverpool to t ttdar finger. "with these brahull" momewhat ivy an 'You I dkre Ally ?' Igltart mouatslns d the 1'fill_ toter. lie alp or war•nwwtr lura elm op: but after n trultlear I.Yoa kat now, I sat T Mt!a Lang- Vary much try swrYtten Yea, In- T° tatandw aro Halcon (Mlndora). g gy��srrser, tun end r search M three rneaths the MAO had Icy demmanded ImPatlentl •Her• curb»- deMI-We Its fam'. tees; Ain (lpnadse�) b M_.d R 1-bil.'I'lPhisit Mair a y d prvrctttra call,torts pair of [wef. 1tGu N,804 effuse@@@iNWbolus rsroturnedl and the eral belief y multi to time IiJC•he"t pgteb. s,',wBtaehea, don't Tea ncttve voloaengem yam know. and W,eeb (Lmt i?at •ase Dame darer among all eta friends waw that le Then dews tart signify -rat iraet to was no end d truutrlw for a whllp", > A fees, and Son OrIstntat t('- ). Oyu, was dead. yon." Cecile Answered coldly; '•the fact i 7.87.) tool, Colatel Langley and many others be- rpmAIFO tent m iL. asywryy rrtwha are ample toy My wtfe r, having the kiosk „( IeraadLh ' `� hivedthat he end 0eld robbed and Mil my nerdA. Vow, what Dan i do far net►.id11Mr's <'rarpnand Inn 1'lllw tUd Y a+�_ t Oemown is Qiwg, mardripQ for L( any AdxJdpnt had hap Tmou ,vis d'd pdt fest yet rum- ta ilnfix-Wgtld pelted to him them wem•e papers Atwxrt 7 ,tom like to he & Sol -tits pettlat-Aatda from the wtp f0'tahke to to toldall this; It did not Itsananag v [rood. dlar In lila Phil ins t r tickets which pts h" with halmr 11"Wir well for tie Sniconw d her pr- Bnruutns contain a great drat of in a UNDW&l Nott d way. ' enX-YM:♦s t,m o(, nvhLrh Wentld have ldantlfied him, and vend- nourishment. Strip oft the skits and ••I camp to 1110 V I Could out hot take df every parWeled the fibre sn- ..--. .- - they v►daxld doutrtiant have ry+ewlrM P denrtwth. Put then♦ In A " - _ .. _ s,me rowlr or elm ICng before this. ,oat to taornr an►y," anile n ; tut tier granlin dish, "Helm'. I think we oltltt to make rynv dr(x,twatl kniltilj beneath the and @prtnkle over them two tnblo. over HowAr *x fortune to hfg wife and wmlfe of sxrrn which rurved (Yrile'm "P0 ill of agar, one teabMrpoeu d ASK YOUR DEALER FOR chUd," he Ii ad sold on more tbmn one rid Ilpa at the Nita d much tasty nr Juice. -0 tablatlptions of wafer. Ot cC nt. for his Conaolenoe often ftiiRars+p, nrtA n mimurrrrt fltrth ttrisnted and hate In a quick man tot about •JD to n minnts4 Tw,Athg irwgnarntV. E DDY_ 1< - ' kvabled him as lie thought of that tanne Serve dlnllcate girl struggling for alae aalaW,rt `� tlok- Martha. tall ,dn th•lt T rrN•t _ d herselfand little orw. Iter do the perk uWL Ttuotlttj ?" wltw lt"membor Birt he Was one of thopn men Who onrrttnrcd trying to ["mer ttetaelf. We Qost t adrertise for nMamr iffec hAve nn bteLlttu of oluararrtrr, and air Nq who sold rhetni,tg to rni. glwa t. pwenahly did Twit but for Mrtne@a we kvrtrv► that If held In nomplet* sabjxUDrt h, the reoogT►Me you. and T MTM mtbjeot to ermokp@� ,ou ahoald hero P,: stronger will of e w wlaua T1` i* w An, hotpo Mrs. Langley. a prompt, ertbxaat rntoi House Horse Scrub a '' res." ehw world ImpwtMntly >msi with hweslrnt pwolftsruvrs- Nervi d7 on hand i t reply; "that siny girl Is no more com- Helen's pywn flashef : blot ehw derfel�terourutive A watt .? ��t to mbndA a fortune then fpr �t Test b 0omttol bar temper It rellevny In oke sisals; li Aum p B R u S H E S o ,. d►n7 D; beldAes we An not know �t thorn, ill. rM lgtioew,t UN last rim 1, tarts Mrd the wlrotr Nre IM•' fin it woMw knAvct the . Well, ere Can advertkrN i do nit Yes, abe (lid ewc�ogm,Itr asp," aha btfet brown iemrlro for pada. fool right to keep thlm money from returned, "for I= to 1w,t.h her 77w last« la Via» Tfref aro made by a new pr,. ft will OUT�ABTany uthar kind Da bat." the Coforwi sold ms----- _ _ find Dafay. Did the child say moth. firg gf the mwpting t "Yar',�NW �-ako0@ ilia sssrLeE "AQasrtlao, Indwert l" aueetved '1 11110 : Arc told ore noth!aagg ... �t -1 Nd b eXw •and harp lilt New York tnq ro , •'Wtvll, IL wwv that etrcamwSAntvt en n.• _ -- what it means. It will do her - - fecad b He Moet have 11 _._ _- __ . feel the sari of money after her whirls Twtw�ht tae hers b -day. Mrs mpOd Painfully?.. VI P , C0.1 tool the fiend d 00 offer to 1 Langley sold, etmmwbat nPritt 'He the contrary, MBmAear, lie 1i her. Tr ehw iia WAD .•Martha wormed nett give Orr ytmr aA. wahlol �y s)►right and with Rrrmvt • • d gives row taw ch, I d� bat Daley knew N and tNd aur- dwty" wools horn hers seen lNag fir iter; holt and talar dAw the wA 1 found you Rss1 bAw• tVnma w rtharvel ttf �!L it and P yon rrttduld once seen Itis at, Tbs eh!Id is lovely. C M. and 0 0I0AM• 80411 ibe .yeas ora» V rodalOA pomll'iission Merchants, It"d +nrd ay tie whI i hs wttl♦ nm4 � 0� t b 1 >, w1 h sir relseted IB� M ♦v� $it, msitaheted et Cn�Cey. I struck `'fid• • Cwi overlomW e much bearer for my Ibrol pchild iltifiars Rrtbr'Traw4are cote, Advamost MtyO � C44SI COWMatill I I . 'K REAL