HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-10, Page 3_ ---- -- _ .._.� _ .
e TNOS:-fit 11Efl" ,.� h... lnrrm >� ntmo rn� Ma the .aNteaq -
w11a- `Ow Ifaase LASt an rxbwm Imagine in the Ilroeses tion
1 are pumaosed In 24 crow faotwy.
Tsasei 44 hom" aur 1� �' wY esinuased of
�r ` dreera and applaoMit:r for Dr. Borden kl that too could
uMnImUUSIy CIBCted1 Ry 11e 8uutb Went.-Ortb. 1'rovinoe of un guam*t^w it tenon will t
Of Commons. tarlo. Mr. Bairn le ane or the olduss wAmber for Beaultaraota was
Nouse and nays ox era *members 4A
hale House rulog the Workubaa fire 1n tit
thio mouno. !� matter. Eb road an affidavit f
MILITIA CLOTHING COiNTRACT3. �"0'D hr�"$ M 1. of Par. stark Of the
stating that
y GoTstntsast la ' (%emrid4►• pwlebeM o! glee o'outract hAe* bas
4nli4iw is at a ume '��
1t,.4awA, July al. -At this atter- � li&nW&I&ry science was W. Mnbok saki It was a p
y p,;arksl OK, dtawassiou of the ilio ike floor of this lacune last r* tt the OppcuiWOn and
rwu vary estlmawe�ppfoor�r WanDoo- j acs as Sir Juhn Mae- �� t as to the propriety
�jpuotr tvws �'af'�RaO� tot ~r ' r A. A. DprlaA, Hog. Lrdward the O4Tverameat playing iAX0 m
upon the L1tD aloha, fair Alexander Galt atad Sir for tiro work W be ootrp sopor
lary of lot W 'Pus' John Abadltt. A Juan who has teen Per 96&h&ry awdltlotss std a% p
for and Foraetryr t a objected tralcsd la •oak s soboo! must have as- per w The Goverameat w
to � epla>ld=rse t gRired a glNt deal of knowledge OV°stla t° ae/»pt that loette attdg
W Yea Iacaill, tM Use gt0ned ih• which will stand him In good stead err Nae country apoa the Pohl
A, Isutd not Lbs proper VttaBtLOMkOs IS, the chair. Apart from t I ap{�- that the work should be dote b
for the office. peal to the Judgment of every nae `m 00m et&nt workmen at the owrrou
Mr. F•orlsr said theft Mr. staewatt'S this Hoare that the member fur Weat- rats of wages and under ewer
ue1µwoalaIN were to the effect that worth, being often called tttio0 to pre- wgnt,Lary euadltloas, lastee'd of
De war o good lead surveyor and sidoover the Co>ataitteo of file Whose 00an isuatlon of the old system m
,hdev valuator. ball Iv was 1104 pas given signal ovldesoe of !flak' falii �, hiCln, tit lives were ground ou
Ari❑ forostry at *LL am of mind and Impartiaaty and d the PNOP&k
,ryrwhltt peoteeted ageing 'loom of judgment. Ibis vncant Mr- gong htohritel that his
s being found for defeated chair hail bolo a3orwd anu grnwd jeetlmS wY cos that tip w dpi
4' 1ptea. by moo vrbcas names will live lu the workmen had base lnevaoeed t %bat
SUton explabned 1"S %bL Waal history of Coa ida, and 1 venture to dna %f * contrary, the trate ,R,d &mono
• w official. and the dailies ofahe lot that it Mr. Bala In elected to had gone into the pooketa of the con
,. wOukl to the amKyWttn and he chair, as I aal etre he will be, he trac•Wnit The work was taken f
#epeivstpa of , 09 tom resmt[ppa will prove a wortrby araooeeeor of the Shorey • Comptuly because they w
the) ioypd • man vvho have lett mwb ho0nrable re- COcaerv♦tives and given to Workman
. Joy- )ra�d11 MIDI that U the Dards beblag tb m. I beg, therefore, k CumPany. who were Liberals.
91 MD !(gjgfier was going to move, caret W by Son. Yr. Field. Mr. Itaramotd slaw Look the vie
Soh- tag■ 11141uStv'-Adni'f Mftb s MI r", rW-UWry' tad "oaos'MV+"
y' iha great waste of Lumber that to Luc t al distrlat of the South PODIMU of Lite contractors rather toms
g{ooytg ter coofinuatly all over the Biding of Wantww•tb, do take the the worklogpeople.
pomblllon, ho Is pursutns a proper chair Of this House as Speaker." Ifs. Yuloclltt tontaudnd that lir Ser
policy• pr"vl3ed be cab s proper Fite ('Sanas Topper cm:d: '1 rise for gerQl's whole algu lest, win that th
,an iu use plans its PurP- of saying that I believe wort could have been �1p cheaper
Yr. rattan, explaining a grant d I as eg`ntu stag the wntirtre/tto d this and the only reason for that -was the
Vow to enable nae trustees iiia 049 of tttr House when I may Hutt the the other contractor would 000tin
.slaty ,d lit. Paul des Melilla to lwtwt-Wegsutiemau who has the 90" the n►eatng system, and that the
ply srtd grain sad farm fortune to be [tamed by the U(ivere. wort People wee satlaried with th
W wttbers In dlatress rel tM mettL tee this high office Is worthy of system and were satisfied with tile
,,inky, tumid That -'Milo wag a Colony ere hof img that has been ea;d of him wages.
trtabl!rbsd by the late 14 --PVN mM6 b7 right IWIlorabia deader of Lire Mr. George Taylor m-0 tine only ion
IS IIfJ5, who nes tie precedent by 0overameut. I am quit& erre that cluatoa he could conte to tromr Line
�y,g Ulan a grant. Tie sofsay every p eraDu who has lord tow prlvlltlp cusdon was that the sweating els
war estabhmdaxl antsier the aaaVic F of Slitting In this House with time hon tied been pot last for the purport
al Yatlwr tmoalolc. member for Wentworth agrees In the "awenting" a Conservative firm on
Mr. McNetl [staled that tale would ObLument that whether An a meenber of a eointttertc He eliallengird the Gov.
ID4 a prece&nt which would wbJeet of this 110QW as froiluently occupying ernment W allow that the Work
W uum,rumuest W laafohawe prows the position of Chairmtn of commit. Ca had any factory fur alma
ewe tees, as oocaatunally co yl the po- after they got the oDntraet.
Yr. rlftou could not are that title sitkn temporarily of lila Dr. MonAfgne narked whether, wiser
IF an exorbitant Amount at all, dales 4nvs always team discharged In the cond!tloom of the contract
alsol tbv nVorts allowed 0^4 Wle a)t Icdapendenl, able and Impartial w-atved, thole had tieen a corresPcxh
W" a meritorious sataWise, for m&unsr, the$ oomtnea4v him W time air !ng redugLoya In the amount paid
whk•h, n owever, he diAllgd no ere- Irrofal @slflrely. I befjlsve, of this the contractor. t • ,
814 its be was only OWrrblg On a Hous." Dr. Burden sold that the contractor
work totnmenced by to late Gov. Bir John aoarlacot then put the mo- had pald tine union rate of wages fo
"Mmint. tion, which was unanimotshy carried• all work done under the coatracL an
fV(,1p•I llugbes cored that the after which Mir John said: I declare that lie had not made a redaction In
alarm t.- strwk OUL fir. Thomas Bain unaalnounly elected the amount piL!A as he load given con -
Mr. t,.rt.•r Atbnitted thst the late W the cbalr of speaker of thla Hous." seat to the work being d:me that way
wytmm"ut had started than Meal, Hit. SPEAKER BAIN. ht an en
bot lit- itwb,ted that the OOverneaent Sir WilfridLaurier said there w
d that day never yiI��lended the grans When Mr. Bala rise to proceed to no rveaaon for A long discussion. The
to be nn annual attab. tiro ahalr his oolleaguer on both -Ides only thing the Oppuwtiou blamed tine
dor N lifrld LaarMr sxprsrmA hie sheered him lustily and bis dsak m&W Government for was that the Minister
wrwiw• at tho attitude d i m mm• Mr kicMallen, shook h!m heartily by of MIUSLa had tort Pnfor nerd the inn-
'Jaiii, tv Ttw Opp�u", -I .T TAG 'Vwo% R4M .10044 �- U-0&4 j hSte an ra�-4h • tamm: -'^. tca,j- I= iw,i tune We VIA"-
I�'ioldiag wx,t Ido at the foot of ire ernlywnt for having r
r r tbr•T knew that tike (Joveeawweot M gl en the coatrAcL
were mdmp!y following in mks traeb alio, orS'eb SAppeor W be 1a•twwmmr the W Workman tit Compitny at 411 cents
d their IrideoogfOrR who r dooke (A tl~ two Mhnlo4•rs, solid higher than Shorey • l'cwnpany too-
good tie• colony" tl 1896. Father La. bourceol him to ttw dao. Then, whr,i doted- .
taabe has best 4W a of the l" turned Ur the Have, the Prentler Mr. Foaier bk1 Ise certainly dk
Atli tor+ Flnnuce Minister bowel Uy objY)t to It, as the Premler t It.
1h!( Mv.a.ls, cad tOr >le0rr thea 110 Wax. the comber• chti ed again, &rel 8 r Wilfrid, continuing, said the only
t bean her ofavOMd fits t0 thio In tin calm, mmMcAl voice that la such glmestlon was, has the antraWr lived
Pe ins taken Ww;�-beeeds, wtq
! Sip Real- w strAllig characterlstte, tine newly up to the contract i The cbronolggioad
- herr Mud ebmtot Speaker addressed tho ikli se
sort au4 M0� to convert ti follovr i 1, re ardor of events contract
that the pro -
stns naw reit s farmers. let peatfuUy W Lbamk vtskrts of glare eantract ht►d nut been
file Monne, of Commons for the i odor Infringed. Under the contract ! , Be 441 milt believe tint that, plan they have ei.nferred on was In elect_ nn'ki of wages Itad born W.
Ise lord entirely moeesdal, but I unanlruously as their speaker. Mr. In
then• has bead enough to encouragesom gram neap time item for the
We GuI.•rumemt to give' them far- T eel specially grasefni for the kindly cartridge factory. Anted a number of
tier nssl.taWe after four, years. in WILY W wli:c!r the honorable leader of quest'ons in re(eramoo to the dbnxles-ti
r Meal. It would net be brvurkt ap t18+ Oppos!tlon Ione ezptsss0tl hlt�rlf, of employees from We famtory, anti
eery y.-ar, &ad in this ease t was a11d I pn assure LIN Roaao lhnt It will nn t the rote of wages pnki W Pm-
. given, n lying arm the bony, as be my be* endeavor to discharge tho pbyeee.
owl kty;wa character d rather La. duties &Suched to my offce with Jus- Mr Boyden said Ire was unable to
ceaer, ttuot It would be applied to t'e!, And IMPOrtWlty. I can only ap- answer the qumt'ocn" at present. and
Mi, punww• for which It was In. pram W gentlemen (•u login elder when wcnkt give an nfrever Inter. Tonere
andel. Parilapant to tent f Leel Sensible of tmy inability W effl- were. however. very few etmfloyeoz+
iaa. Th-- half•broPds are la�ocal- C#Mtly dLcherge Were dfntb-A. and I who were not pad by the day• ani
tar lo•ltf.,u, and tM (iovewI - -- - Ask ask for Wooer oarneat and kind coy- when p'ewwork was adapted It was
agwr.i that to some extent tiey operat'on for %he pinrervntbn of thy MWN exactly the same clrcumstatie-A
we went of the nation. Tee vol, right& and ftadvlk�s Atnlndhtion at_ as similar wort was done hu Wool-
� seat more In charity, than may t ote taehlKg to the Hamm of tkrmmrns vreh.
Sim from tion far ggoorrttsm past Mr. Ingram obj oUxl to she proposal
Mt. L ILLTISIM ((49sosrvasi" Pru. 8 r WIIfrM I.earler Informed the W pay $0,(100 for the purethaw of u
voneher)acausevly regretted tont there Holum thAt HM Exeallmey would tip rete for e, drUl ground and site for an
should tie any objection to this ruts. 4i ,,ttendanoo at the Senate W receive armrtry at St Thomas from Dr. Wil-
-m Parliament Toted (arse mom, d the new Speaker at 4 o'ciock. sod the am. The land, he said, nw,&king from
wary 1(w tybjlet& not a. dfooening as H. adjDarned until flat t;me. pPrmotlal knowledge, was not worth
Wil This was an elpnrtmMst which IN THE SENATH CIIAY•BSR. that sum. It caw explawwA that the
had been am& to favor of the land was W be Hamm by ezproprla-
poorer At 4 o'clock the members of the Cion
emu- aA the half-breide In the HtlyaMe of Commons attended to the
amt%bwrmt, who are In snob a podtbe sewage Cbambrr, wkere Elie $zeeaenrT Col. Prior at some k,lgtin pro -
tint milk- its Oovernment Gane to had taken his seat on the throe@. The sensed the clakm of property tperty owfare
Lkeb re•a•ue trey would I r - ' • ,as were fall and a xr@at oi@al ort whosr property had lawn depreciattxl
in the erection of torte rear Victoria.
ekarge upon Use local mu n:0lpalitbs later" was taken in the proceed- Than Mlelataer promised W take the
The object of the erYR was to en logo, a large number of visitors being matter tip da reeves.
able them to M"ms vulaable Ott- pewenI. to see the first farmer who Otiwtva. keg. -The H<Xune pre-
saa tae otxapied the position assume the meted a pro 14, look when It met
Mr. Darts (Kim
) saw that dot" of Hrd Commoner of the Dom- at 11 O'olook Lo -day. There were very
v these half- been do. taloa. Advancing to Lbs bar d tine ter► Maemhnre hs their rents. Mr. Davin
prfrel .4 theft livelihood. Senate, the $pester -.:est of the Com- complained that there was no quorum
ieNgkting and d been me- who was clothed In his robes at Ohs Prfirija oin And Eleotfuosr Corla-
aW tn'mppnrtcrowd the of office, defiled his three cornered
Polk,,, ire.ty, the mlttee Lode and charged the Min-
, latic" ani �yt� VMS bat and announced to his Szoonency fusers wish and
barked the tnvee-
AL that be had been obosen b the House t tim�
Father IA,,fm nbe tai b01- of Coomom as their speaker, and he cyte 7
to a rq tlwrsc aaQI. trying prUpd. that any ae'rore he might ` was notft k1 that unto etwtemeut
b mnk, tiro ewpgpr �t tams might he imp ted to him al0ae, Mr. Davin Asked that that state -
Mr. ('lana• y t• socald I" op. and not to Ice ODOUROI , wildlife ser- ment be withdrawn.
POO the Item. bat he tops i n Min• vast be waw His 13Madlone doffed his Mr. McMullen also bid that the
Id- of the inLeACr w"M mt fled hat • the speaker of the nate con- etajlement urns not true, and therefor,
IL ilemwaamrJ W name to Ltd 1lerae ts►r v" his approval slid the Common&
tartkrr irrnnba sed to Mor Chamber. , ' Kr. Oil caw kt order In saying
Nr Wilfri l Laurier asaod this wan Tis newly elected Speaker then read rsho8lfton anbstttnted the word
an rr,iTk4rtnnl cagey-a"a It was not pro s in the prwAanrte of crowded .• unfounded." and business was then
The item tat Iosco ft asiaLur. gal= an masnai prooseding. procaeded with.
passed. BUSLN M lam' THE HOUSE. The Haase went Into committee an
TRIBUTE TO THa LATS BPRA&UM In reply to a �aMl. by stir the bill to give the city of Ottawa
?taws of the death of Sir J417 id- !1�uries Tlppr, the Lhrmier ssid that SWAM for improving tho city In re-
tu wan received at the HsSwa otOem- r&ilrw rnrotatlean wonid prttlt- tarn for certain advAntagew which
aas sh(,rtly arbor to- eWs sewer ks ta� rip 1n0 -sorrow, tine Oovernment received.
orwmenerd, and cast a ri o"mr leis r. Yoak (Jacques Cartier), in vlew Dr. Sproule accused the Govenlment
Numbers and oftlelalstf,*W 8•une. ie repeat tisaosial disturbanee 1a of sakdag the grant W please the
'lila men's Wait met at Mroatrear. asked that the Ooverament people of Ottawa wish a view W t -
to mearages of L"u`.,ryy =_ appoint a bang (�cfor In order to ting political oapltal from It, aft*
to Tcvonlo broapbt a quiet aN{l. renal, ;abi(a coatidenee. tEsw 20 years. was tit longi for the
tutloD of the an lutea tient #tea Mi. FbkVm said be fully realised ansngmnwnt to IasL
Fir Wilfrid, atter ■ brto� the lapSrMrace of the question and At the elggesUen d Mfr Charles
with Mr. Foster, who was iso ie be womi0 give the oforestsun duo Cull- �yppyr Lie resolution Was passed and
O�Vcsltinn in the alranoe Alan siders He wild Lake It before the debate mos oil W the ssooM
tenrr�4iam L1aPper, rnss at k�It-poet S his u>ttrei[ It talght fly+ too Into reading of the ECIh ao that the leader
o'clock to formally along trite note a this meicn W Introduce such Isms- (A the OplXmltion world have a chance
Inlay! nine pervadbd t Otlttaber. porta" irgiMatkoa, $fat If Anythingof Saying
Ater dinner a km something on the railway
d items vee* eoe10 be doeM it would be. easolotkrur iweforo leaving for F,ng-
ti�� AnS lay. the trews of "In Boom than west Into supply land.
ar's death Was se- and the 'wgpleuao�tarJ omtlmates for In the railway trovotatktnn Mir
11 -de y the Presser, votes to elm- .tIM lorfttlb ooptagent In the Ygkoff Charlie; Topper pointed to Uw pod -
P14 andIle i8 ppropristn 1 17Wved "up alien opt Dr. Borden staged in Hort which the Libillel party ocow
jrnrntment of E1q" $emir until root' to a gneotltt, that it had been pleb M regard to m0way granisL In
1 m'do>rk to nn7Crow, dwided to withdraw one-half of the calm oarse0tbn he allesad that the
Or. F(W-1, who Is i" the Op• tyke am moon ae arras fill had Liberoim had .nm back on their pro-
Prtion In til, OkrrMs is alt► bags nada with the UoLted 8latee su- tmw$o t. It what the Lihera4 had
•Mea, wconoled the sats n e few t ter LAI+ Uvnoio, to iAM At wild In the pea was oorpect, Won the
w@II•ehn,en words, POW4 60" or'e the Homy were in-
(ktawn, Aug 1.�-Wba the ,� cele ,boo�ltt ap the trodooed for carrybug not A Srbetne
aramhk i W -oily &s vileri t, war+ of the wamwr' In wbleh Of y and corraptica.
'nn til, with M&r to Wit- WorklMti k URnepany. of r. Rlafr-Rut tbo bon. gmntkeman
tsar u" `"*sus ae6bg anew M_6;&sl. had es"Ied out Wil work (bat not 1ti1Wt that 7
hater Tine moot wag be
oath uy t,,M*� us �AyA ��,���.�.,��' �j}���tittr Aobtract for mUltip cMth- rfa@iar�(:Sarins No(, j mkt not.
- r Is (Y1.nr I*- _As!3"_ >ts" U* ae ama-i a Statement BtQw�Lthat - til 14JW!r a ate
I ea tabule -i - ono nwaa.. M
!1'(rrinq wit Jstr bonlllam ilvtw �d.'
'f'be (ioverrwM•tl{6w tl. is biers
I lekirkled of the death of HLr 7snrse
• Ire plestood to give leave to
t tie Renown to Proseed to the all*"
totter. t rano a eesre tri
iletMr ,,,seri Ut tb, 0tfloe of
la erre ,Ar#
■acne of (banmtlio
Thee the arret important of ell
N)w„ a be enths�r von b7
It, 0atfirres! 6 oU 1+rmg
�rl0o: at f(ie .8o(ae.
Ne gnallLfeg trywestlra v gerrD"a6 theVftiiftaonr y
*A be. View be of flute ovall.
leanti retrad. snot
of mind. RrnMtema
of ,]wa,
T outlnitt to a *�" of
vovi�al I thll le ,Yaat•
spate were eagle a'by p&rt5ss outatda
umwo. W Il t>6Elpany a smlwb
Iy1tlrMat. a 1,!Sat firm the
contract at a •Mur! own A hig er fig.
am than Momf rm. 8110107 A ()ospasty
oft@+rd M do tie w mit.
Dr. Borden said tart the gr*atrr
pert of Min ekv4blSsg t(I which Yr. P)er-
gtrrtai riAlgrrrd wast wanM+td in a harry
and the Wage . Workman had given It
Mt Chsrlss Tapper diol wA ■rr• any
harm In )*Wag Mt the work to the
penpw it bbfr boom if a roaarenaMa
pride Iran dbbbb"
SWAM! that t Ulu ev■team of
lettleg oat tho want was the prinel-
WfI fast >ffi10h than. m►Mgrw nolop m
wan "Stow on.
Mr. ■lifter wbulr nt the work eoujd
to 1 .poo to fhb Iainsrs than bt
a ewntrMil /eatery,.
W. waHaeme no itt'ab-q $"if the
llnMcrra�llt�ty' otfngmtrtwAnm�raertpi^ and tM a"
up woo ahw mita I W IP
toss i In I
41tt . Arge-
•ou rl..
soAtaK railways
trqy�,e bbw�` nbrfr rte.
fdlowing war ift Violation d
tract upon rwhk'A they VA led to
am fivivia.
Ottawa, Aug. I. -In the attern000
a . '111Mill�R�ygat llgw of
r4netiol( e[ i 'ISG
Wdoard blow ite,Bway
to IiMRay , tn-
a Wide darer teat )pllllbor•
W0 ,faselpled up puarttltomas of of
egsiat r)r. l ror � ebjsoSad to ur
11i�Mr, and omo=M out as *60
vToo actuality Crows $760.000 149WIPM611. lb leadielild Wait this �td
way W toot t • emut of A
anonfinIsb tile Is�laAnd PF"'Ifift X.
itoetl7 � tF rAO f 1tw wtbb
M M fn tltM tit She Ptw-
lair, eau Lei IJllaaty
-- -
°°.�, .' a l�rtrt In nal 0 ,.t noir lot to Iwi lan$11 the � hour THOSE YUKON "CN�fl6ES,"
A kvyau A Ior of Lir sasrin•. with Yarufflelwat loin,•
worn In cattuact4ou or the lus 6011. * Nun had been called to ter lock and nasal at Ideal$ Bis Marls MWIlum's retttarb In the
siwllld lave gone to the -fear cad Mr. ('larks argod that . ..
> Court Moored d Saying bml tyle,- aawlal mfonowathm be given at the
>a red a Woo- Mani" tw arhhtra• Qm.efina � W the best location of An Illustration of How Thoy
Par• %%m or Mout the pwTl i al tie ea4 .= W the cauaL
Is oci ie•ed which egad. thhe (lo►dlea- At 12.15 the item was passed. lair. Were Made.
tram amat 11]►gt$nt We arbitrator could Foeier• suggested as adjourmest. Mr. .
Life beve g ardem0. The dleouselOn arose F isitlitg agreed, end ,it 12.'90 the r --
A acre an flow d $•911,6(!6 to pay R.. eAijoarned.
the aasomli of the award. Mr. Blair Ottawa, Out.. Aug. 3.-(Jleclal WHERE MURRAY BLUNDERED
�� Dald 0*0 the Chief Gmem=Nmt Fit- The House today took ut tlw rail
the gimsar hint Lila% Ice always way reutluLhuus is mltsee of tbt, if No J„flu Murray had come out
of refused $p Zi lu arbltratbn -on s Whole, Mr. B141r ,pate to 4w reeulu W tho older portlww of Canada, from
ales cam billion, which he bad previously tilos He MaAle a geacenl "aWal ut. L&ww- and stated that the offtululs
pro passed 1 Ig t, and he had acre- The amount Involved waa 06540,1100, were all corrupt, theststemeut would
pro oOnree but to get Au oot&lde arta- havu been a sod all over Lite
ss trator, and so lawyers were heard Attd to fair umoheL Amount
was ill telsuad lIt
7 e*votex As W the amount is was not uX,Aucry and maple W du duty as a
0 cm either dde, the Government Jlttnlgt- out of proportion to what had In the text for *AkwLa1 Articles. where
t utter arguing the case for the Gov- pa os been given by the late /cavern- the high standing and good charil-
y ertunent, ruept to mllwayw He to ter W John Murray would have froom
t Vol,T COLBOftNF; BRLAHWATIstt, give, at the request Mr. Foster, ,tet forth anti the pubic: &&oil W ac.
r the amount of subsidies by she late s bin word as autAlier proof that
time 'fine item of $1:dl,tM for the torr a car Canadian ufflClaly In the mu-
t- strtotlo a of a broakwater at fort llovedrament during the test few
t C'ulburame gave rime W a lou d(8DW n of the term of the (knennment. kon teritury were corrupt. Yr. Mur -
Atm. Yr. k1•.dls said that It was Car"
tJtete wan $1 L'9T,()DO; in ray, however. made hie rtatlmattt an
m 1889, #3Aa0,000 ; :n 1t�90. $8.el8.. ons of the creeks not tar from Dow -
tile the intention W have i tweuty-oae-
tlne foot harbor at fort Colbords TWO 000; ,n 1891, $765.000; In 1892, $4.- sue, and what happened L related !rl
breakwater woad afford substan I 132AM; In 1895, $1,082,000. and In the Lem of the Yukon tion dated June
t lytvtectaoor to the euttanoe 10 glee 1894. $4.658,000. lath, as follows:
- canal. Dr. Montague sold %lint Se had Having explained that the amount "A [mew da s ago up oil the creeks
from remelt Ww report o>l the Oevemn t en- w'sa n04 out of proportion W what ks. In s Pal> boom beture a crowd,
were gtnserst anti It was only the heglnuhtg the late Government granted ever made the RASA! aseertoA Lhat the of -
of an tmmeom work that would cost Anoe the policy was adopted. Mr. ficlaly wren all oorrapt Upon {
$.800.000. Tbere wan at I'ors Col- Blair than said that there was troth- challeoged be proceeded to say. the
„ ipor[te no p� aJ harbor anQ the ing tnatoststent with the tenets of Mr. Oglivis and Mr. gentler were In
1tss111R' the orf •IIM Lfbsysl . 0 OlN6v i0. Ol!�i,..,
tis, ,truce Qat"M Itap,lied that
the making nW The fact that was manela�ryel out of whom !
t pnimened Mr. a e wa replied that the nig Rrs and a gentleman lorenteut estimate war for the break- "Ods particular newspaper had Bald gp present offered to Isar
- water slow. &W thbm would, of coarse, rt would not make It correct. ,M him $•'600 tkat It was not no. They
e he a salumble and tuneful work 1f no- leader of the OpEansitlon had taken agreed W meet In Dawaacn unci pat
thtng elae was dune Tho Government no exeeptkn In his speech to illy the mo0ey. When they met fir.
t dd not contemplate cx&"Ying out any the grants. He den ed that Murray took back water. !n the
ire such wort as Dr. Montague had the fpbilcy of granting a subsidy, for menntlme the gentleman had com-
e "(mt of. Mr. Ovier laid mows upon the Quebec bridge wan inaDy way In- munieased wtoh the officiate. Murray
e the opinion d Senator MoCallum. who cnnn4tent with the pellet of extend- walked up to the three without motic-
was faml0ar with the plane, and who tog the interoolontal to Montreal by log It and way Promptly Laken W
said that She present expenditure the Drummtwyd County and Grand task. He was asked successively by Mr.
would be /has t waste. Dr. MoXnt&gue Trunk ratadn Chs that netlist he dot- Senkler ant by Mr. Ogilvie. w4 p o he
tits sold that the people of Port Colborne feted with the Seder of the Oppoe- did nott know even by right. what
ase &Xpecsed the whole work to be dome, tion. The principal reason of extending eructed he b it for the charge. It le
of At an expemgture (A waweral Million the interodonlat was to obtain unneoemsry to repeat ht. awkw•nl
t dollars. Beside title $1:9,000, the De- thrvymwI business, although tla reed at�Pla to opolog'iMs. and admitted
partment of Bakiways was spon,406 paserd throggit a country which It was untrue, He promised a fill]
Workman $330.000 on the canal entrance. sir would rive A good local traffic. Ho al *wy-.
tilaoe Wi irld Laurier Bald that Dr. Mian- that A.RhOUgh the Queues; brkke was The following Is the apology-: _
Lague trrw $bat the report gin's the to be balite and the leader of the Op- "Having sfatad Pubticty that >fr.
I cost d maklmor fort Colborne such u Isnottiont saki It would be built, It was OCUTLO and Mr. donkler own an in.
were haJ!bor AD Berta o hm. IL would Ice, Important that the Interookntat Wre in Na a below DominLon and
oL no doubrt, a very desirable thing should reach Montreal nod have Its lmrn!ng the nacre Lo be untrue. I
W to have on our gdq of the lake tetertnum there. homwiLh tender an apology, for the
arch a harbor As Buffalo. It we Mr. Blair referred briefly to a few statement. (agd.) John Murray."
could d o, it. but the Gareaa seas of the atbaldlen, and afterwards took Thin apDlogy Is also published in the
r had no unteetaon of doinfE that. They op the new roguLationsi which were Kkmdlke Mlaer, another Dawson
d wee* not going In for e10vaLore and pruv� before the subsidies would Isewspnper, whose narrative of what
other addistdaal works. The sett• be given. In Lire first place. Ise dealt occurred Lie as follows:
mates spoke for themselves ; if with the clauses preventnX tile amal- "Ibis above is the outcome - an
these oilier laprovemenM were to Sensation of tiny of the weatern rondo action wrhieh woe made to a road -
be made hmeetter or to be ooatem. or o( mating any agreement what- boom of the weeks. Hr. Murray w
as plate,!, than would be the tine to ever. Any egroemem of any kind be- Started Nhat the officials were all
discuss thea Mr. Foster asked if twreeu these raids would become Doll corrupt, and to prove it claimed that
the report woe purely academic. Mgr and void on An appeal to the courts, Messrs. Ogilvie and Neankler were In -
Wilfrid seplied that it was not, but Hr. MacLean (F•aet York), who has teerated in his claim. Se was prompt-
tltat It wog lay thntrooghiy practl- not been able W M much, In the ly dballertgaed by a gentleman proo-
tal men. 7F. Yoaltm exIA&V6ed lioW" t$ir. ntMaG-fi; rmtfia 'til tha,ra ant.-T4w "w otttwo;-;A •L9re VAIiir "Its"
slant he meats that only the break- cident which be had met with In To- (fiat W. Murray met this aeatleman
water was to he made (tow, and the Tonto, saki that the clause would and !fie two aooemd off CIA on the
other Improvements might come not prevent the manipulating of the street, sad there admitted that he
Later on. and vire Premier a- stock. was mistaken► in shoat bad made the
1 quippoed. Mr. Mulock explained the Mr. Blair said that there were story out of whole oloth. He promised
object of the breatwisner, which many things whlcb were possible to atwlogiyn through the public
would enable the large lake vMmda and cowtd not be prevented by regn- prem-'•
to transfer their cargoes to vessels latfons. He expected more encour- The Yukon Sun, which is a Cauad-
able to go tlwough the annals. ageeamt from Yr. Maclean, who ladia• paper, p1 bliyhed by a western
Elevators would ,roe by private en- baso long talking In the dirgetlolu dilong mus led to make tbo follow-
terprise. The breakwater would which he (Bialy) was now trying to ing editorial eDlmclient on this Incl -
divert a prigs, amount of trade that imp• It was possible for railway deat :
now goes to Buffalo. Mr. McCleary eorporatlon to Influeaco a majority •'Fbr MOMilb the governmeDt Offi-
advocated tie Government eleva- of the inembers of the House to act cials of the YukoC6 wdether rightly
term at eefk� Wlboeue. Mr. William in their Interests, but %bat wasnot or wrongly, have endured a storm
('-them eexplained the situation of likely. Mr. Blair turned W the clause of show. varyiss from individual mud
tate harbor, the great need of the which provided that tile railways dinging efforts W the organized
work, and Its probable beneficial ef- subeldised altouki render service to many condemnation of associations.
fect upon Canadian, trade. He also the Government to the eviamil of 8 They have been eueeed from Dan to
urged that the control of the ole- ler cent. per annum On the money Beersheba, foe bad reglnlaticas and for
vators aboold cot ire gtren W nny received' is meant that the Goo- rood regulations, for their Inability to
gators s Yr. Fielding, la reply ernment was simply making an ad- Ptwap the situation and for their abl'-
W a question, said It was not pro-
ro venae W nue roads At present the tY to are the aitnatloq for girl,
posted W undertake any farther Postmaster General paid about $1,- kindness of beast, and for their hard -
works titan those he had enc tlaoed. 4M•� per annum for carrying the Dam of heart' for their effort& to pre -
u malls akpoe, which was abaci $100 vent every tool and incapable rrom
It t was not proposed W undertake a mile of all the roads In Canada. Ic fbilsg Into the country, and for al -
Mre. ja the Rosea to -dory Mr. Rutherford loatring tbem to same in, for tbelr
IJT. Hann* had bid that a great Ara( e�rqufe*d wlietber the Canadian Pat- tailea a to secure for every man a rich
,.f money had ,been wanted on she 1Sokrrithospowwr,by oiep0itfmgp)nvioolaiaa, for their stabbormess In not
Instals. He had been advised by those to build yranett limes from potnt a on allowing 1rJ WAS bO get a oerr'tifleate
who were qualified W express an opin' of Tenord oil the Name claim ; in tact
Ion that even After the money Is tine:, mann Ilse Ut any point within
spent the harbor provided will not the IksMlon. they have been Donee for every evil
Mr. Blair std that gnortlon was (Xie that has befallen the biggest a
attract the larger chew of yesse4 of orna that ever invaded
there. The cheapest route V the
Involving a ,, legal Interpretation, dirt In, ane gteeom
&&feet. al, un4wr Ile could tw assured in the sbawnc i of any ink t al deter•- new, wild, n ralsrn district
the proposed expenditure would ow It give any
Ise did not think it well k> "This unparalleled w4atedudtem of
IRs give any deelslve opinion thereon. S"akoN ottioials bas igen a godsend
good harbor he could not appmve to ma A lar ,
of it. He toted that this Item Of ream Coni amassing to -day of the PubUc N 7. eihifGati mortal, con n
$150.000 warms ons tine oommencement up° is b inns f r e session. eIfMP lay b --round DAwmm eating ills bacon
Jand beans. al, it pas enabled bio W
of an expsndtture of $5,000,000 to up Its business o for the te,
carry out the to Without a Mr. Cowan., of readz, and
mo presented a' rIt domes time a hla. people that he was I
deepening. {aor t,, wlt.ch he read and moved. It does out of • etch elate by crooked I
harbor of refuge and proper dockage first dealt with the Manitoba election Govermefeat offlclals. and was now I
facilities, Me breakwaters would be d
R iliti fraudo case, (tad said that the Ree of p*anRem"-Winnipeg Til'iaane. r
the Money for- probing there frauds ---.
Ids. Wm. Gilrolr saki that Lite her was not only ,
gooey At Port Coltr)rn a is as safe &@&nypen7 jA.ttfted tint well ex- Zi�eTe=Y 8 >jAYILY BALD
In the lakes. but the difficulty wasIn the case of Sam Hughes, M. P.. W� A t0 1 htAd
that the reef outside Is I Dia [ against Mr. HcLauglrgn, of Lindsay, ,r+
In vessels W dram In Iwo. It was saki that the charger were not Wit nt IL f
tlwr. The Government had asked well founded.
to remove the reef, and, from an troop. (
os's standpoint, Ile suggested that A. to Lose liliatChrif r. Christie
Dail, the, TH1T W gIR14 Dla{INQ)ilat'r1D- l
report bki Wut Mr. Chrdetle faFlod W
tla wharf and crib be ooansteneted at ♦ Ouriomg will /1180 Tosteedsy In a
true name time that the rem[ r re- Prove his charge. a admitted ke chat
moved In order that the star taken Yr. Chettg&D [sad made shed or, but M(tuteeal Oenrt
from the ridge M194 be wtYlsed, a tern, 6e had aJsaT'ly punished for the Curious document& are Med in court
small cost, to illi tip Cribs. and the pit&. sometimes, and a will probated this •
R41"rriu8 to the Dor$vUle case• tho exllses of Its removal saved. Hr. r'ePOrt Bald that tM eyldenoe ettowe(1 ming amtnlrr snore pAasgea Which �
Clark* Wallace said that the expen entitle it to special notice. The neM
doaclasively glen Yr. DomvUle had Lagar appoints
d!ture wonld be series Mr. Britton dam nothing to Injure him twputatt m t3P0 me Ids noon and ds hter
DAM that If tib work was part of s ti a of[!o,,r, a gentlexaam, or a tnnero- hl, exeoatora [Irn6 b pay all his JwR
larger ceheme he wosld oppose It. It her of Partlauvent. debts and funeral expenses, and alt l
It was not tteoaeanry W meet preel,mt onOwing to ooN$Inuoil obstruction outer legne!es which say fall due- I
treeeme!tlm Lia Government should eons• on and 'therm left," to be divided ns fol- r
eider well hefore nlperking upon tit* is Part Of We 1 tion' It hes
n Iowa; f
wort whether conditions warrant It. hei round leu for t11e Gov_ erOsoni W 'First. to MM, -- to get nothln r
71wre are reasons why itaprovementn LA0 on wide the ren as she took her mhar,n from me In tip
ISOtoe to focresse the Poll t&x oil 1ara; wl y Just cause or hi,tlne,
should too made a ovesreal, but cur �4 ,anter Canada. T1te tatiant an r
Inns levator to time ile 4 Lot huUd- mat the
witch she most to -day own Is throb
to w1fi r'eQodre to be deferred nn
Ing elevators qm itN- f$t Lawreeee til next sesdsa. tradb
,mute. " 8aoor4 notlsing to -, Y M
MT. kio(UOff`Y sAid appdatlhn to the cheated we Out of half of a property
vote meant the abaaAobmmt of the Duosesdao Daame Aad abwkNes. I lad On - streat., and never paid W
Welland Oanat for kis carrying trade. A big newspaper. the Mmmtlwsl Ga. a smut out of the IN2 500 which be
Tin oontemstion that it the vote should melte, matt very amaU and not try me to to pay in* Our it, he coaxed I
Apt lave smdtugh to imptays the We!- give him the W protect
led Casal and maty It d suttlel ant very I arot alther, it talks thus: litho from hb. motlau� as be told me
capacity to meet the demands d the :meteor Sanford. who was A free Hutt at My ,hath Alto would put him
ceirrYilng trade no tortbbr sum should River W PSUsathropic iwrpom" In bin .put of the hour.. lir wfU UTNIWnttand
be gtrentesd was proposfe. . Trim Itfa left nothing to shanty In has all title when he tamore this, will read;
cunei was the key of the late -ear, will, hieatiid, U. Oil "Third. nothing for -- as he sayll
ing ere►ie and it must be implies, . e t4%meat by is ouceerm-.ou caugim takes that he Is nit my eco -how he beecross
Aird never seen the details of the pro- su mach from We ,galley o tbolo, no smart I do it(* know -1 know he in
pUeetl wi=t, bull he knew time and who rue 1n the Pro A quart man
T'luere are Jibat trn(twr his owty
a(gtsia v@rr &U have gone by Port (W- MUM caafine than tkiat of , clean fattier; but howl
poll- M knows he u not
h1011 became cd tin lack of preter- Woes that senor from the rule of Lib- my qA beats al_10oReWtor."
i tt". e•railmm Is Ontario, 1'he'W" .i* giro some ,tires•
MT. Foster NAM tryst the Government The Succession dutlieet'ik hylas pro. done to the t and 000eludew,
Mlrahld %eve the eoewfafSotion of vino*, •o far as the Liberal Govern- " And f hare 1 to along with,
w6.wvs Mad e:evatctn to private on. meet erre remp=iAbis for them, repro- Dat grarsbelIng t tout, b tie
Is Whert*Mag this kind of sant "pis ystAos. Rich men. who$ wleh of your f,,thalf.`•--Moestteal Her.
bodem �t�r8 Sad bitten cif mire witejnghy or unwittingly have 0,. nil
t11ha they raid ob"W. trhspnri paylgg their fair sharo of taxa _ *-'----- t, -
Mr. Risky said the Government did tinny' are fans compelled W make nil KinardteLbdtneet ON" bl$SIS dL
q�to do flat whiab private toe what they have Wore, *mMtte(1 to
.;a d be eapeelod to da e- By t"bW
w.a m: (!hey orpwt- oil �� to tk"$11,11,• - �tiy�� . t 1 f a
to the pends to he dnlpssed by pri- Iws always palet Ala WOWA I go todie reef
Tate ente'grioD, or'llia extension of all a rr, 40 m•ch kmmm wd and �, re's• iln6 ; Of boorss y0vrt
wtserrss or tiers or the badidin- d a thea ail to this 02%4t. jangler V inn*. or�;°b'
be water r Atl 611ass thtmgS rose •hy 8gp11Nli 5of Maio*
IN dogae �d 1[ you, dib waald you dr
aoR wllWa iia reaps d otiva�e enter- tip (terry /sum wk6 nice to hmvro, too r•
�pae�� bull witch ttir $Sty aid yrs- tenet, twigalMsentgas wlwf riat�� I Lupe a4 icon,." f
p "Whim of the State or fed- %Safe has on* "I he" so, toe; hensw s It weeld Im
ern, 00ru a)e ent. Tile brusk- id)tlf to mt did-hints-wUfT""T v,64a �y awiward for to be known as
wow d 1p�t othe r t to start Nps! to BSMM)a tMs Caul* of time The finis girl who"' her le in boill."
e�i$la ilorbe aro at pen,- ats11dsous potVIO." it Beater Hanford
1 t lliwlaaeth> aprt�h/ at iSe olatm, Ot idt:;;L is hie win for ehardty, he Of Lora! Balh�at 'rive on the
r,eMpI� roSMa sS Io.pW not me `� has a�e� s��t _ta a el, ors n PariM-
So 0 stn v(wrMM tlrawlS� Mactrw than `dD` � 6=4Z ere reY I"nsnes taoet. The 161rd. dead. to a bar -
14 Set fltrrltl nW-'jlSant 6j rough she SnyonM. atm th�e� Y1�tmf�� rWer. The fourth am, Lahr
aunt'. tMt fin• ryas N +4v'flMem *Award Oerlh.,,fn a ttf Io i8i
for dis h•rboi' to fill fw4. � *ret ht law -0iilnw►�tlw a QramaAimM atld JI th* 1)ootgott ere
We l �wrtoA ninon �� `y �R ►Iou� t/tem M itrf/M t+o Ills er s I hUse
Sri rcebe M ragw Mrntet t a t ,t ar�»vw w gvtnd • tk* aeeatM e0o. Is in Use
via the W rasa U y gays to arcA.
Df.' I* flould a" Lao jasslDPa" th► It- wtim be wavoo In erwnplial- An.a**, gnashed
For tie Proposed re onlmsir �grm °��
iaT h1Lw tDfs trm�ap� I's ty(os Madrlsl. $In traespft
thew• was row that it prlaanm I tMr10 M hNaor Cd r AMa wlu 1d0dla ingi e
wooed >"amSis in Mp am for 1t_ •hilae to the lrlaaAr is aasAkr
trade Ubrosgh (*- or Vena�'s also IS. -Polo, r. �tr�tb and ha-
kir: k. P, (liar#* _ _
a maom of such neem to M) Wovvmt 1them etre Of an obaki,
h?aeada 02 daeb*M na91 Mlga vote in , - t`erwIltmve Burr f: /IpR B,.frf`s /Rt >IylrkIsh
• ' J.....
1, s?o. - t d + ♦RAY- �1 "
The Signal
0 rwatdmap
Twraoe of Sub"rtaalwat
O,.eueaM. in adranw.... . ' .....I U
I fares mnuLb 4. ........ a , .... .
rima roetbe, ......I .............
One year. ,a ......... ....,...... 1 h
Adverdafaa Maawr
regal and other carnal a 1 vertirAentw, W.
err Ira o f K ant I o. rtiu an 1 3 0=44=41-F
}nN p� Ilse
for eau► sab.eouwut li.ertl our. watarrd a
a -.W our ale.
Nur Dore wrdq d e1: 11.•w and ceder, M M
Adveni-momesla of lAoA. Mrd, .irate/.
-4luiatiunr Yee nt, 61N1a•Ieo- Wamtsfia .
Ile tow. ch ental, set elan -dine a
Imes ,-,eparatl� per�1poma,
Hume." -o Bale cued inm•w so
841e, reel to
acarid t 4rw. it fee 4MR anaaaa. Me Iter oaf
e gnenm nr•eth Lara•rad�v�iasw� Ian pro tea
Any ep,w;W untt7. the oq)eet of wn4b 4 to
proneNe the prurfsry bneeatot eey b-iltwW-
aal or wipaay. t ,ire a rrw'd An ad won hae-
mono And ewe 'a ameardisA43.
I^ml sell, w to nonpan,lf type one c"nt per
wgqrd, mo nulla 4r Lhan Me.
I,00al notloee In o,rdrnary read Ino typo two
•entA per wuM. No notice for leve them We.
Notre.. f(wchuroawAnd other realrl,w0 and
benevolent ludituttons. ►aof rate.
nulrcrlberw who WI to receive Tea 8mowu
reeunariy by unell will hunter a favor by so-
truahasing w of tike fact at ar earl, a dale as
poua(�hlyw•. ,std d,,
tyl�DYd n1 +Y' t teas .7h". a ti+ v .i.
Puhliah.r's Neirre.
J. V. Lw Towz. 1, or Ooderh•h, hes tams ep-
polnU d 1. 1 TravellinK Aden' for Lbs Town -
all" of Uoderiey, Colborne, Ae►asM cad
W w wasio.h.
L r,1 pi,-mtt'etiover rhe d1-1 riot are nor
erpowerrd to n cru, e-ubreriptl,gts to Tea
prom m-
AII rommunIcat no a mrul be ddrered
piano Call As. TNa Brewin
Tie OodertoA, pet
71HURSDAY. AW. W. 1899.--
TRAVULLINai optima.
- -- --1---- -
del9M -
11 _ ..................IIL,M &.a
INs� e....... . ,�p
Mall and L:Drw.a....... .............IaN ►P.Z
Mall wnA less or, as ...................... T.Y a.�.
Mall and raprea&...... ............:-. i Pa►
Mixed .. .......... 8.R pane
_ a.
D T.
Itsoemeopposite mkt '.
�pGaooid��trilling. Crown cad tleek a
15 Yens tirpw&o&
I., H MARIZZ. D.D.SS..� LD 11,
W uurral to" r �«w: ca w�aes t
it. and Noisier Igslatrk ltJ "ass eas west
*PML .
X. TURNBULj. D.--_ lap4l., D9N
W. nal enT.-i ILtrly
W. Diann, of Montreal 1 O.tld ' ewaeW.
Pullen of Ice natural tooth. a" in We
'Aan'q new blank. In riU
alter. Netwwrryy Public. Cansidtsa Bank of
;ewmdw" 4,l me.brr, the agaam Oodertch.
eikw. Ndtfaey he 00!00 over Il*duo
4 fleuare, Gwdalr .
V-, 1Vn14aTUA-UAKKtaTXK, 19014;-
• alter, Cornell -lane , !e. 11�ea� ae
Dna. ttgla.ACar. B860MON and 8S, AJ.
treetr. (ioderick. O.at. alt
At. Odke : North at., neat dome Mrend,
once. Private /vends to load Al boa ratem
sInter*". free
' Armors ye. 8 W.
Prood te., Oesettal. J.
torr, 9dicltare to T�l�at.a�.�.�
. t'. Catnerva. Q.0 , P. Hal,, erenreT sins&
. eosnod loner for tahfue ■Ad ,ler .
e„arnrmanoaa of ball, eafrlavt.e ar aalama-
I,oma dopmdltoia or ablemh drolaratloas is dw
,w0erm any action, wit or prearualer r
he It4h Court of JaniU , the Court ref Appeal
w Ontario. em In any Cminty or Dtreden
'nun Alit r.wactlone earell.ily and praa��py
aecuted. lteeldatnoe and P. O. addreas fl! -
&Risen, Out. mom
Mone b loss, prlveb foods r Aest-
lar dartos �o tent or N. H e m sal irra as
rat s dor neM. R N. L er,
*duo In
FJ. T. NArTRL -r[RL, Llri AND AC.
. Cid" ]aatranoe 1. st lowest rasa&
mea: Cor. FbrW at and acre, Gederieb. 74
d Private Funds for Investrousst w.
tt lobus on crouchse m..rtsnsaw. Apply to
'�0 anew, 1 0 estate }Ifesalaa
,.l1wwooL Only An4ela.r somMmko:.pr_aw4aA
Money ie Ned ea emaafala Imes• ai lbo lowast
►te of .... .t� jnoing, 1�ni- mm way to sellNthe
serower. (iaa, 8ae a h� !S�e
Feet street, (led , . roMtf
Inn -- Attest. 004411c .On,. Aggeennt
iwndon and Lanoaablre rire its, Ca. the yVete
Marriot Mutual In•. ( a (Atlee atteaHd 1 to
anT part at the county. a. )
A" I,amad 3aluuw. I aL oft. Haw.
ng bad marntdarr►bA eaperbgso ,a tion are
tluneerhW trade, he ma a paidtlan to din
eberre witn rtlt w�iktr.JldseLion all com-
lsrloar ordew left at
Hendon'" ,ffoul• or set by cwt te, his "Alyea~
M. O.. carefully sWwded to. J
, County Auctioneer, irate
Somme__ Iy
fr" KIN UNDaR T1eS rusts.
tt Resited Bang Is IBihors Ilaehfed a
wife manage.
The Elkhorn, Man., Adrocat* Days.
For romM little time past there has
town a fneling eztsting Against Mr.
F:. R. Hayward. who residua httown
and "a* 8 a fast a few nulls, out,
Rumors wee" taut that he Sad
been dart Abudvs towards his wife
fasdlly, sail a number of people
ted a�� nt
treetIdlwArrw hen�aeeee�oie tiny
ile won for nM obey roap'hly &oiled
sand Thi was mi ilerwke rbovu-
dnalm pntHelly and
rwam t& a E40110111111'gr
alget Mr.
ON Friday night s wetted Rtsat
c•tbttt him in bin dant yard00 aoaaRR
1110" a osmrraat 0f wavT Viae@ din
r6 w to 090 wytar awhim
ie ono r Mama lot ap Mo want branot Ownsab i
Iw vanreaece, am llon4a11
trasato Yiddef sed 2-" a 1*Ay 4
five Awnw o, on
alt and hatlpry', misfab" em r « to ohmic file IN
was bound Is $400 rte tori, t11p
Maas't��i L&VIMTY�R�?A�1AYCt�i�
s� *, -cab � dim msfil.