The Signal, 1899-8-10, Page 2WF.TI "' The Sicnal mM"Aeasu alrmy TtURSDAY MORNING ' RT W Kee"AJOe1DY1. x,, . 11HUIRMAY. AUG. IM 1111ff0. , ` THnOILI" THAT 11f11110ATIVR RAO11 oTHAIL Thr democratic attempt made by the Tory mcendal-mangers to ..art odium on Lir. Holmen In the West flu no ossa gives a nine to the mother aaimatioa them. Naw of the organ. Y lar av we have observed. has de.- sOMd ally effort to expli" away the piSJU stntaunauts of tba deputy and the aerutLsers pterent at the lull, &Sit while these statemout.s stand un- _ minted no amount of tbotgiesUve evi. .deuce as to the uoudltion of the bsikotn now can alter the facts. Mr. Cummings In his otter to the Ottawa Journal po,ntedly says: "Y0Qr asatearwut is 'that 13 hal luta caul; at the poll for McLean wen 11 ciobtrgyed and 14 false ballots wen •, .,,- . pmmiled- Iss$W A •fur Kuh%6w 111# SA1. oral candidate. " It this was done It was cute by me, and could not have been dune by anybody else. The ,bat but box was under my control all day. I b�k1 U,p Italy. 1 opened It In the tourn. ing atxl abowed It empty w the ecru tinsera I locked It In the morning and unlalked It in the evening. 1 talk the balk)ts from the voters. if the bedbotm '.hey gave we dM riot go Into tb,L4 box and if other ballots were put i , In the biz to their stead. I and I ouky am to bbtrno. and you [teed not have gotta beating about the tlpsa to speak .ot the connivance of Liberal of(ia{sls, as U there could be anybody bat myself to blame. I Am willing and desire to be bald remponrlble for whatever happened at the pulling booth in Colborne No. 4. 1 have sworn that every ballot that was handled to we was placed by me e In the box and counted for the party for whom It was marked. Two srrh- f rowers on the Tory side were there all"dav watching the prooeedimiga and they have also sworn to ttte same thing. The Tory theory, that a scheme was operated to secare the delivery - - of purekaaml_ totes, by Setting one gMmMZw-VWWll sit ilita 13eu keeping 4me Balint ahead of tin game, a =aria~ ballot beini given to each 006ar before he entered the polling ' a mopeow sir wty.,Nwaenivg WA tbaesev=' - oral o'rletals and several workers wore in the plot and that they were exceedingly oiever, but it aamumms that the -Tory Scrutineers and work- ers were- foots and that Ute officials were perjurers. Morro then that, it effectually dispooe" of the other theory, that the McLean buffets were taken out of the box and de- - stroyed, and "bogus ballot&•' with _ foreect Initials, marked for Holmen, substituted therefor. On this the- ory the ballots were all genatoe; all canto from that official pad. Theel. aborste tbrory founded clothe false. hood that fourteen of the ballots In the box were of "a different she," " wouldn't fit the stubs," were Of "s different shade," ,late., falls to the ground, If Use allegation be true that Tours brought out blank of ficial ballots, on which W get .par for their votes, these ballots being subsequently taken In and given to the deputy by other voters. Tito Tory organs and scandal pakers are too amLitiuus, and like most evil pi"ten they bvereach themselves. !The allegation that tis purchase ,scheme was worked it made as pas it4ve4y as the allegation that sir ballot box was staffed, and that many of the ballots were bogus rush alloWtton tends to negatfvt list other. A" to %bp !acts regarding the bath k)* Mr. Cummings has "worn that - - the bat W" empsy when the pot le Opened, as was attested by tit wrutlm *", Grit and Tory; that al the ballots voted, and no otben .' , wars+ pit in the box; that he Copan Od the box and counted the halloo to the pmaence of She witnesses who certified to the correetnenr O the count, and that he Is. and wish d to he so bald, responsible for al that happened. Nr, Cummings is a ill" of honor, and not one M th s710"wltgtemae,s exprrwrd a Boob at his probity. That war left fc characterless Tory editors s,tn do,11 pursuance of their po:h•y of detrat flat. Ifo thus takes the Jounral b task for its tefereatvu, him word behng an edfectivO reply to the as gsrtias Khat be said the ballot on Id not fit the stubn: 1>lwa you say that fourteen ba:lot where on different paper from the res with different type. That is trap, bu these fourteen ballots on which yoi Coae to destroy my cJtaraeter bay bn shown to be exactly the game a. ' the !allots as which McLean voter voted is other polling se"Ivlalots. I these 11 t!g7lets for Holmes are to coo damn Allorla my division, why show, not the dmllar ballots for McLpal ii condemn Mr. McLess's friends In th t•j Other divisloas. I did not know mysei . - until the tact was pointed out to m (kat tbevs are two distinct kind _ . of Official ballots printed from tw ,separate dtea placed side by side t moveI do work, and it I had know 8 this not we tbat It world bay been any good reason for refusing t teoeire the ballots handed to me b the voters in question, which I am gamed, and still assume, to have boei tbI mance that I COWS tinea. .. I am ready for the mast sparchia ffig� oe.nduct. I Dare noe,s ogmw aplagt pare [kat L jn9gisd witeoald not hove deo so had I wished to do It, and I had n wib to do It it I bad bane able. Tlap wriotenee also s that in th - t trot o sole with an around pad it we Mold that the width me the !allot faded. and that It* ballet from ti! lop of the pad could not be fitted t lye stet ate the bottom. That was I he eMe 01e d ; R wWdd be ■ wonAn H two beflots Ott Ofs, pat would par ' feet y tit ally can 0101, This Tory sh n " . des homed ca the alleged "Im" bal iAO story is worthy at Minh a discredit W listed gin'NMI, Parliament will M Pr,roghed n Monday asst mach to the rMlef o 46 public an wail as the MsMW M. ansrfon bas base annoomomfe si ft9. tltatlas to Mw dmtttcsi.w pnitc . M the OPoadMne. and the Hoem, so the O(WAKUy are 401hud to a Dario ,ofJ"s . - l F11 ­r'ww,4F-7TTulliie,c7 y , S � t;Ioa[IIto1M twlltO0A11><• tDd'I'pRIAL NOTES. Tin New TWk gt. •` ��W SPEAKER'S ' I .Journal ,QW-, tact Z1aoaWWX 16 virtue of near lilt i ice' LIEEA ansa pates the that a oomina laatasage, so tar from baling seinen- dry A00 �d to PaY the bill for sar0y a head of union hot~& two mWVA imets t4 ht SupprWawdat _ ♦bP paupion, may soseties" be like mean 't�'da1' rt lame to eal e... � Mr. Bain Cache to Canada of promutiog dial lo• believes d the demMm WM mob Is. 1M future view In- g:eater axes with which a* ia)si- utsamlem ► r0 16" ado lanhatly as they - When a Child, vttmi rupareioes may be conveyed from hart Mtla aoettalatasg tS.do. the ow to the other. Tits" when ]IDac,twa ballots 'lir One division of diebwmooeaarimbetween two motions West gdaca are esid to have been 27 'YEARS IN PARLIAMENT, epsahin9 the mama tonging their diliseat from the rest, and all oast- oomm4mity of speech merely enlarges ter Hobmas. The Tories assert that Ttte Ulube's "Mon of the Day '. the area of irritatioa and laellltates euch a discovery ke certain evidence column contains the following ro- the eschan+e d the kind of criticism of fraud. But forty ballots sarotly n11 ng Haan. '>�e linin' M. P. caloutigted to bregtlobad tarper oa similar to the "dltlerert" lot have for Weatintn•tb: both sides. It b eatrammily probable, been found is another MvittMa, aged In els aroubnge year. -ST Wa1Mr the journal mays, "that pose a sh" all are marked llor MaliAmia. to that Bain, r aburdy moolsleb Im mer. tersot language Spoken Or either side evbdeaoo of tnttd, toot whose bolding was [tear the tow9 of of the border between Oanada and the ____ - Denny, in Sthrliagnhlre. heard of Uulted States our Alt areas with The bob bath Is will to beat Pa"- the prwpeets at the advancement of the L*wu mitoa would have been ►omig tear's scheme an a preventive of and UPPOr Chafe, sad, selling him farm. ago adjusted. It is certain that were recoody for hydrophobia. Physicians he and hb wile Jane, who belong, ad W the Rolls, one of tie older[ our po:itical institutions Irma nearly of undoubted shading report many tamUite if 18tlrYg9eblre, took ,ship alikoe tbese would be a brighter pros- CAMM In which patients bay* bora at Glasgow for Quebec. -With peon of ,settling ,sash a question as cured after the most alarming qtly- them oases Ukelr infant family, d 7 lend d three ye.trs being one of that d the Alaskan bowrodary wkb- tome of rabies bad developed. Tho IW chive beculn`hes' Ii out slopping to think on the offset trostmeut consists In "ubjscting the �t,s bo mike Speaker y �rtliih . the uee4hod of +4s. ee4tlageSlt blttgm one to long a",ropeated SWOSt• , ' of ,oh o'"�.��w1Lh Might be,* an ill* sent *tactics. 1np � i lh ai a $timparmitom,.."df teop:e in Grade care a good deal 175 degree" and upward. _ _ !till ,family at Montreal, prow eikw l Dy Durham hart w Tturvato a n d kem thea would be supposed from a Kit Charles Tupper weeps bet ey fill* to-., upWeb reading d the wwppapers about Lean over the surrowu of the poor ship �atttoro' W the ty of Went/cRl� Tiepin his sturdy their claims to the ownership of a �h�, Takoner. leis"- after taklug out over 8w%tWh tbgW and sinew■ were strip of Alaska, and a good deal more 46.000 a year from like claim must given all the work that, they o.wid about the other yventipas which pay a royalty Of 1 "eat W the oho to clear lie towering pinea ;ted are before the Joint Commla ion, but (kc yeentaeat. It W Tog= that the hardwood tips that Levered hike 100 Gaither political party will yield to gird W Us Catu►oflau bolougr people'; enr"' A�,Preslp.yterliau. Wal- ter Bainlyllled himself ►he other in the fervor of its devotion that the seekers are largely alleys; with theof the Church In to the prialliple of maintaining the that the expertise of acim!almtering the Rest Flamiow. and his forestal waeedno,ss of ever toot of actual or 7 terrlUwy ke large. and that when the character *tad aMrl honesty gain made IlISs • mbar of f Importance in potential British ,se41." goM Ii mined the population will leave. the ooatmsmlty In whish he lived. There may be some truth In ,mor cru- But It palate "Ir• l�arli m and some of In 1840, wbas the o�tlolywwasklp system temporary's iQea. Canadlanr who read his followers to think that the treds- of muaiolpsJ lrelsrn�ent was killing - lit United Stats papers that they ury eb ntW profit by the royalty while mated, Wsnw !Hain was Oise ted one of Its first t a tnvd a t and that Canadian the Liberals are In aciatrol. That Is � hg• hall for several pn,t waren b. held nor several ysan. ye territory wilt be disposed of by tutu- tb: ,ecret of the attack. - tlatlou between the United States and - -- Oreat Brtwu without reference to Lundell FSPWO 1610 419109 miT Roow- the optnJons or the rights of the people v! It now. "The reviewers are very d the Dembrtbst, cannot profew to en- severe on the disgusting mention of �� tertabi frleatt teSRnV toward those his took, .'•lbs Rough Rhlers," wlihlh �, who thtraAtlltfatt to robbery. Yore- be largely devoted to pral le of him- l over. cxm& Ihappepn w wan#, self and reflections on other of- 1 tel ms's- partimt 4Il tl� - flows. The Loados Cbrearsl s gay&; �R tory that the Yankees have stolen " No szoJest person could read Roosevelt's book without a qu&10- I� ,v ' from her anA ail' tryJ,9 to keep Farther, we bare fever before met '/ J. They want to send man machlrtery much vanity In paint tram one who u!d r( sad , 4rn •M -?M to Mw , JU00sibn . and Sas pat4ryruAwLy a. lnr16xe epNwl , LA the history off the war 'Waders the , ,. . { j „ . .1 t to bring gold out. without paying lication d b• Involves the pubnd toll either way to the squatters wribout lailtrowt lastaman / who have W-ated at the bead cities the who should ha esUtte - Lynn Canal. They do rot want to Oil them- We don't know how dke- �;, build ape thousand mike of expert- clylne fly" alongside an attitude d reupcstdb:e d- /; %/ ` give railway from Kitimat, when One fps tohdY thich is. - `I / hundred miles from Sksguay would - - - - -- hundred serve the purpose if the boundary The ezpoNa fawn Canada. lncludlarg 1. i question were spttle.l, and c"An and balliun, fell from 4159,5SI•- " . ,Canada had pnsa olon of what belongs to 938 W 41154,088,650 In the year ended her. June 80th, but they are still 4arger - _==______________. than the imparts. which Increased HON. THOMAS G[R 7AI9>•m 18DOAA, from 4130,6WOO6 to 415::,021.058 t'lpeaker of the Hcsue of Cummona f C The death d Ion. -Jr Jame. David The duty cgllectod '� 62-.157,7"8 in 1898. and 4'=5.157,930 lo 1899. finally retiring voluntarily. T1re Edgar, Speaker of . the Blouse of Commons, wi;l to- mounted by a C'anadn's foreign trade was larger I&MUy was educated at the i'ohlic Sclicolm. and it b related that the wide circle d frklaoke throughout last year than at any pr'svloar period d Dominion. but present Him. Tbomu Batu was dls In the the 40Mbhodthsm�afisehb clues attmht7uu Canada. Though It was known that the Ilmis ha,s ns. hego reached. With tt has his health was poor, he had an re- the mettbmeot of the Northwest. we Although he had the ordiaary hard oxrhLly olulttOd •active service In sh0 .hall soon have male hall► and sant lits of the farmer's sea of a day when agrk ur.tural mackisary was undreamt prominest position which be has to mend tow British market, while of, 'Dumas Dain found time to read occupied for the lest (cal 'yenta that the development of Canadian mines omuivorohs:y ; but, thanks to the care his sudden demlmw was a shock to will extend the bonne market for food- a-resed by the elder Bala, the family rho members a Par:larhent. Thorgh stella, as well .as for manafaetnred had no opportunity to read anything but books written in good Sng,lmh by notghlse 58 years old, Sir James Ed- produvh „ _, good men. Perhaps it was in title .gar bad been a hard pWltrcal fighter _- - - ear,y sebeob that the new Speaker ac - for nearly thirty years, acrd In the Tlve failure of the Ville Marie Bank• quLred him command of forceful, genu - first halt of like political career be followed by the emispeco!on of the tae English. When be was a prlvMe eswba'r d the �e the Haroard to - frequently carried the banner In a Jacques Cartier Bank and the runs Porters rejoiced when It wan their lot forlorn hope. His was a scholarly owl Live Hoohelaga and Nat!oviale In to "take" his apseehas, for in them man, with a mind that enabled him Montreal are to be depkred. The In- was wanting the involved sentence, to compile a law book or to ccta- st!tutbp tailing was a "mall concern, havtAtg a beginning but no end- tbee- often seed by amay poop a poem with moo hal facllis end and it Is Improbable that age bat the 1 7.. >� y Members f h saewlan of the Boons. It truly roar to his relations is him fellow man he shareholders will he losers; but the be said that Mr. Bath's speeches need. was so uniformly courteous and ei small shareholder, or depositor. b in- ed rs revision, tar they were mode:ff fol that he made no enemies. Ins ollned to be panicky, and even in of concise Saglish. It was is the Council of the county wife, who was a daughter of the Toronto the result has been n decline is which he has lived all his life that ' late T. G. Rkloht, was also a one- in wine mining stooks awl other Hop. Thomas Baia learned to speak I omdul author, and their children in- shares. No doubt the flurry will .eat eaai-y amid with Understanding on pub. For ' bedecked the parents' ta,stea and ably- be over, as our Canadian banks are ,Js. questions. several ears he '"' ad io the Township Ocwtacll of 1 Ides. In their mourning for the fortunately operating on an ezozllept West Flambaroi, and in 1870 tie was ' Ion of a beloved husband and system and are worthy of every ono- elected Warden of Wentworth. In 1872 Mr. Baia was given the Llbrsral father, the family of the departed fkiwnoe, but in the meantime A good nomination for North Wentworth, and I statesman will have Universal mym- many narrow people may feel alarm mat for that riding Until 1896, when • pathy. and foolish ones may eacrUlDe shares the rid16g was wiped out. Mr. Bain r _. _ - . to other and more cool -beaded inve0- was married Juae filth, 1847, to Miss TRRPAAING FOR KAAVRaIT. tors' gain. Haven Weir and has a family of two I Thr enter" of Parts are Owed to -_ umtarried dattafoten Twelve years Col. Robert Ingersoll died so and- ago the present Speaker retired from L low in a tmtgRe n( agitation. it da not 2de my that three will be no chance for active farming and removed to the . ' the affair" that moves them, but Itlr blo9rapbere to tell stories nlsoot 716" of DUndam, where he has since resided. Mr. Jame" Somervl.le, M. P. t tlr approach of the day when the lits death -bad recantation, such an for Weatwo;tb and North Brant, is a r sontracis ibr places or refreshment in those that were circulated after the near neigtW- of hiat and between t tlr exhibition of 1900 will he decided. doath of Thosmas Palm ninety yens the there exists a firm friendship. In 1889• aeovrding to a writer to ago, its, died an hal lived, a disbeliever ) t110• Mat!n, who revels In oxhlhltlon henw of the Oboe Iasi night sought sought from pita Illg the Culture. religion. Though rums lntovbm to snppl , eon the the a stal'stleo, the contractors who seenred m f man of vulture, Irrgergoll's methoJg d eketiou vary meagre sketches o4 his carver is c - conoess!o ni for time elghly-six rmtaur- controvesey wore very offensive. He that appear In the Parliamentary unto, totes and brnaserles paid dJM " delighted to ridicule rather than In CbmP&RUM . Mr. Bain war punt Ons b talk about himself. The edit authorities h the shape of rept rip' nrguumetR. But lie could argaw, nod ors of the Parliamentary Compd67Oons a ward of 1,200.000 franca One of these in the famous oontroversy with Hoa. have mmiA that members d the House t conoaes!onarUw. after sovertux -tit ex- Ieremlala Blast In the North Avner:• are divided btripel Into, two elaaws t Premium. oteare•I I,500,UOJ (ranee. Nett J Dear Review Ingersoll quite got the so tar as furn!xbWg Information about themwlvap The a year much greater things are px better of I,b orthoiox but um&liful men Gorr, go'"c pg1d the {haat i,dost foe B proted. In IRFM 82,000,000 visitors a oppoorwt6. Not so wheh Father Lam- trnusmit too ptbibhwra of tube of I eamw to Parr. next year sun than bort took Ingersoll In hand. That compwnd,umn sketcbe,, that If print double that number will, It b artlmit- eg"lreselve priest fought the pagan- coli world leave little room for those conoern!ng ordt"ty I ated, come to the exhibition. If thl� o!oas Infklei with his own weapons mortahr like Cabinet MlydaWrm. while, tbose of the v hope be reallead the gain to Parts anA Clave him the greatest drubbing latter claw are reluctant on account ° le ever got. Cd. Ingersoll war a man l wall be eadrmnhs. Tile visitors to lila Of fine appearance, an able laweyr, of modesty, to give ++ny hlormatba. It Im cot to be thought that P, last exhibition, It is said, left behind and, bot for his enmity to the Chris- the for mer claw to a la ate but Nr. Hula " there in Paris 1.250,000000 francs. tout redgkin, he would have [teen an certainly hel "'wh to the latter diva. e or 1110.000,000. The r"hipts of ibe essewmed etthumn. akxv. Aged ole molten Mr. "her wag --- e railways increased by 78,000,000 Newly d the dAgp „( a Liberal .!ah- asked to give, to the ren en of the Glohe guotetak,g eonceettIng him Career ° {rattan. tIN Incofne d thg [ � atm w11a0A is given to the iubllo by D ha asteware7 Is. thou+ measured ac. by 8,000,000, and lbs Paris ooirol tilt. Tory irrww U art always rwllable• neutc that will n well bsoose the f Aut'es by 10,000,000. Fbrlluer, its ymc U 11 r [rhe that the Liberals; yell- b'AdOr of his h 4t1e office: "llllhe s tall nT else th4Lties vrere apt• ►M[s ten6ay refined to cossadrer the add:- haw been as uneventful life. a quiet life. Theins Is Utttle b ler said Masted to Lite *zgat of so par debt, ship off 4,i(X1 to the meashwrW mpadesal &boat wrv. I ars r&! lim have If Thee flgnrps do nosy of aoarms, lin• Indemnity an miscount of the kingth of been" --thin with Itsr�ph� d,esto aPiylldng Ilke tie whole akin the pgaSent enelOrl. LItOy took UIP kwon gray wycts -•a p*Om1Mpt ,Ill It to I nov from the exhlblti0a df riche eoules. There was no herd for San, M anntwubm d the • 'Have Dear 10 �� press "ay' at taaddsM u 1889. But toy certainly .IVO An Idea keepint the rseritopm at ottnwa nn- organ,""flans Psr Is.. In of the W%bmVrewl Intereets which have tit Atsuls The beninmm could have • Aecrwt a ewtue, f suppose you a everything tc, gain from peace rend Mery finished early in Junw brit for the n1� 1 No. I have aver ts." a q r ►rapgnlll\r I! 1900. by the and re.edkse ottMt My UL%Us S"or ran in that if they bad L Mould hhvw vin. s __ -. _. _._ . _ �, by Davin, the two Tupprna eked a few & fc, OTT Ip for ra *ret swolet y -it.-- a obeyed the command of Other nnrvWm"ato aCanada has alvs 'J4rrl..s It wvuid "Toa era t thought to fan w prohtDl 0 Great BritsW amid ban expromed bar be a trove ntlletake to rrwerOt the obi empathy with the Outlandows. 'I'bat tlouket }" "7 tsellevs+ that iwohthltku M s slinc�egrwull" fur their olatlW10 than b is as mi for freedom and rlgbt. fry good and dadrnblw thing. When i esnee to r .-9s. talo weeO paying them as extra 4u10 atploce P&TRAMOV& i made up my mind that T TDaI i• loaded t+ ta Ipsmilllag to Rather lot the Innocent dudfir with the wo old W-orGr r(t' it whltmerar MAW) e d it. I ha vp od wonna Oaae&aaa, but it b *sly stupid. Why guilty. The dscialru t0 raise tie "cler f tsnrw nm,we, n &N#,r my ill. and i bra the !town devsl Official galaxies of Messrs. Paterson aped •mess an • 141 evoke ilii. in the and Joly ftl 43,000 to 67,(VX) Is utu streak toward Canada 16rd t►Irgs q and Iitwtl IwhA- tt6pd b g(Iw whaswvwr Canadian f Thal N40M b we aware right. Tha mart In rtharYw of the, ('lis. Nbwlet�w T may have pf*ahsrd to tie - a tarns and Talarld Revenue doperuseests f that then was no eammand, appal, if1L� ^t' Affil* tiMral ahebrta, am 1 hate der an manch hasd Wort. and rsrge4+s s. requ"st, air hint, in the matter, and as much ability, as tits Nlnbinle of Sys bm s is♦ oaf tiles (VR"l ttA0 V that its &W.arstioa was the nnaal- Agricv More. Jmtivo. Flobarbesa, Trt,ob r Ott the y~ ' Bnllas9opa d revels Rad volustary expression of the and f,smawee, " a"'* Mm othar� mond the" Ana W& be ee dlaarisalpsttan tutus. o,f "-"k ft help r11r and wnr- tl rupteufatattvle lis[ the thnedfan nae sichum the former h lily, na0tt r.a1, w� ���'(. =�i.� ... =ttr� •IIF . 1� _t �1•a}tsr. �tWria tintp liaqre lire ton hang ever our r"a b 171, ..61 -• s - ... -_-----'---------- ---- - - -- _ ___ ____... _ John t[ollU►an for l.reasentcttkta b �UIO�� 'Ftkv*a,. ,tet Otago ttaas taftar.[te,d ,n Market t7, a = havi aaamlhi& a Seal I3 UNPOPULdBI l"I 11'a�y --: w. ll 1i-010 wtN{{nwwe.rr The uUIfWd% n eI'*%Ci X,Valwaye fu0llevetl that Sas fraud to Yoap up a t} _ _ acuall but errins.att mlptla fo10 a ft8h Tupayere Olen► It LEADING IrHEAT YARKt>alg The 4pM�i hell always been. of Q� }}t j� Fofbwia9 are the o ices mi nourtrlm an albMY mapporter of lmper- � If IbL 11a1711r imt�rtanf oovAJU tpda�lj4, pr 1+►1 eqn� while not an Ine- C�loago ... Oaah. rage Nsrr an the bard and New Mont - ... ' w6 7t dtlbra ve one �W�es�Lg� PIi�PBBB? �T61� of the tdaa. bet5sredi when lu the Milwaukee, ... ... ... 07 1( !at that he lett toad c y m'• L+OOr ... ••• .- O 49 1.4 0 70 �ha{Gbs tdCastad16lq N4 7bledo ... ... ... .. 070 07176 4b*re of 1 trader Did dOq„ Dortr0lt, rod » ». ....._ 0 Te 3.4 muni to tM riga ts0twoen tilt tIIOt ALD[ LO L!S{8 tIl 111�Ild Ileteolt, w1tMS .. 071 the Dan ItmB tine beta laud. llullnih, ltfo 1, N. O68 -8 0d 16 -._.._ _ - _ p Minneapolis ...... ... 0 69 7.8 056,54 Mm 110080. TORONTO irARMERM, M-ki(Kim. SAING0 WIS HELPLESS. wort,t S.i.R bushels1 R�u SIB JOL111 9IY68 HIa i9I1f8 laid. ° air And two wad' or straw wta tate daik"wi " of fruit sad Arraigned Spanish Officers himalnrrner. M bumbeis 0e114 Plead Justification. on the Peace oouforenoa-Thinks Good as folbws: {i'plb". ural load sola! at 7 o per hea6N ; ggcx,ms (� WftL Reoalts Will follow --The Alaska,s Ole [ofd as . goo b 6"%c. - Eoundar7gaae�-Refttsedth0AOqueet Oaf firmer. 100 bushels selibkr at COULD HOLO OU lr0, 1.WIiCtE If Ac uesa vlollgIs y�p, '1ftddt!--d4'_t�[i to $8.60 per. 1lndrta o16hle : Trap geouuA re,ssktf Iaostdxt. Aug. 5. -gable leiter.l-It M " Qr W. while old sold at W.!16 of the eonrt-marital of tMoeraU TOralod that ouO ui the Arlan! to ({10.60 and pate}, wba are charged with ibveramoat measures of the calm Straw firm, at 60 to $7 .,u i.r Swaim wall bs old age peusk- ton. wrreadsrnag Santiago de Cuba tow there is every prospect of a hot It America" wftbout having exhausteddti over the bill. Many Supporters Il0 TOROhTO HIDES AND W(x)L. all mean of detester. %mint phafs W. Ocier'umw,t are utterly Opposed to TWsnto' Aug. 5--Hhks, No. I what they term "Soclallstio {shale- • 6% to 8%0' MP14 8% W Aa' day. General Paref to hie of San- 1lsklau. NO, 1. lib; Ifo, L 7c. SaW the tot she cit of Ban- tinct.' the tazpoeyatu are In arms Sb""P . p pew y agahtet the prompeotive heavy d0- skias, fresh, thou b $l. Lambaklaa logo ole Canons Ironed d o m,uty ut b"atlds upon 14teir diminishing Inoorpea trash. 880. Pistte, iresh. 85c. WOq the muigly. ;having diel "f hunger. a,A It W pointed out that no matter lissos• 18 b 140; unwashed (leap' t--prevPd fou h brave. he added, she how dlsatdnutr It three out to lire such So; fulled. lb to 16%c. Tai. fkls m and bravely, rttW many or- a Measure could raver be repeoJed In low, roQ0 17to ao; reneereht a.: Until. and osp vlieS k ed to name, a deutocraVe rotor ry like Brltalu. It b she The the hospital* n I ntgdldaer tel L reoos,tlmrd an awry 8660 that In- TORONTO FRUIT MARKET, ezuparg0d bgittroen w an 16t creasa..d expettdlta/e will be requisite Receipts d fruit still \taus �f to meet the tinges rivalry of the larggee Trade active, wllb prim ter, th I&Sftrrdshow�tmi-� oto Vatted States and Europe, while = In soma lines. Bamober fldent Of forcing the ams "UWE of migu4 are not lack! that Choat Brit- red, 6 to Sc ; black. 5% to Ye ; Law. Ssntiata eC s Income Is beano. high water, ton berries• a to 7%o ; red currsa & (ionwal Total made a ednillar de- and there le a moi espsaad hr that 80 to 40c; black currents. 50 is femiog. He Said Santiago was defence. this Is no %tree to escrlfloe millions7070; berries. Ti) to 9th; poatime 20 W-. and that It was lmpossib;e to which ndglnt be apmri In Insuring the to 350; orientation. 15 to :XX.: h,Ad out longer. Cie read a telegram country aflstsR trhostile fleets. As b eg vamebwrWo, 80 to 700; vetab;a sent bin by Captain -()=oral Blanca, the o'4 alppaaMbe mrob40c tia, sschecti many p- row. pm50 to 75c; at - v►Do alter consulting with thin an Pk think it would fatally decnrn) the Ales• 18 to 880 ; blueberries, ado b rho , ofbas at onsuMadtiwithapproved of the mens° of duty, beards tine family and 75c per baaka. 1 aspltalms"on. rendr,irom the cttlatrl lam tbolfty and en- TORQNTO LIVE STOi;j(. , Another Spanish officer test - Exp'ort Cattle. dace. ".73 w that when be entered Santta90 be MAY LEASE AN 0116 ?ID. deibetlt k�hly K,6V b : 44;tgi' found thees�ewrlwe d w troops I„terert.ng later ► i io�tom rnsn �k�s• cattle, picked "a. p1..; sick. tlh« Brctlrh Orth iAoeaNOflRbpau�� 44,40; Mt*OW. flood. $8X0 W gel. p General Rubi gave testimony to the that It has reeettasd A< rt{rii butchoW. tpdbla sized. a{cYbt) to effect that /archer reslsbsoe world taw 1'hlllls 8011 ttektdtg thin ire 63.50; hmtltMrim onmmon, 48.1_ b have been linens or sell b Ff1 43.80; Wisrior, 43 W 63, O equivalent to the death d tOlsS1 iJM Jgf Aw 1+l�4w-.....e, �a�9Ae .htll4t �wtlh C¢. Rtt14 ►n g^satf6pr 'Ca. "K sem, isti.lia rte t o seeUtled tk�t he t L on j sQarasly Inhabl b) 4y. 60 io ?b ; •anllck cows oath was biookabd, land tYonyore dk1 a" natives. The Filipinos who atm englh- w 645. palls, heavy export oW thke part In the conference where It uorlug the deal says that It case of quality. 48.80 to 44.80; bulls, aw,llhn was decided to surrender. their defeat. Agujpaklo and other *xpors $11,4110 b q lhq ; load. of But, be Said. he believed all means leaders. with a large motion of the od butchers and NbutchersOf resistance had, been exhausted. Filipinos, may settle at Baa9usy, ander K tn"t' al:al sodium thooeh, perbapa the oap!tnlatbn Or:tlrh prutcctlou and the company -s goodto 44.871-0; eloekers sad urge, b might bave been avoided by an at Cu 0. The board unow constd*ringthe aJ,�'50 .��: lavedatt I�: Locution, bh It ke understood the cosec � ars, hsavy. a+ re i tempt causing Areal th bio the eaemOL to N ; ealvea, inch. 68 to ": Vries ed.the pirit bloodshed. troops Bas islanpituy ke not averse bl to ming tits per cwt.. 48,25 to 41.66; dierp, h* added, the sot the troops moa" rdaad, ox, eery favorable terms Ivelag akgwP. bacla �� .offered. i� cwt,. SP -50 to MT5; unit, par weakened molar they iorR all hope of Bill JULIAN13 VIEWS, cwt^•• 64 b 44.50; bow 160 to Z ohsside kelp. Iha escb. 113.25: 1tc� 1 L tats #t.SQ Lon! Paunopfote, Ahe B11tish Am- DOp, Leavy fate 14.80; bogs, cove a.msaaclur to the United Slates. aro- fed. 44.:60 to 44.80 ; ONE MONTH'S f IM�NCESe ulat ( w receive ahamlicia t s he poor � .�, � pea. 671.09 stat coin on file alev16tion b thin peer- age. The Ambassador said: "Nater- Bwi,meosr iallnrN tee the week nun. sily. i am averse to trumpetldg MY . work at the oonlerenoe. Little mon be her s.6. Sa AgLIASt 16 last week asd Receipts for July Higher Than sad that the world does not know '8 la tale week a year ago. already. But I can express my solid For the Doitfion tad , Canelo we Last Year, o.wly:etim that a tauglble commeno► efeamnoa were as 181011ws: Muntraai•: ment has been made in new methods of 41r4.0"A85: Tbromw 1.4:.1, is. international dealing, espealally In the per soft; WWIpeg. $I, J +etilement of the grave Innes which 787,698• Increase 48.1 per tent.: Ha1L EXPENDITURES ARE SMALLER. are bound to arise at time. between 488. Inereaes, 8 per OMt,; list Jana aatu,tg. fax. $1.428--W; ff *"ton. 667!1, Ottawa. Aug. 5.-(SpcW.)-Tiro re -"Is would mmin4flins1y be out of 4675,288, does 1.8 oft cent.: Van. venue returns for live first month of Place for use to iftachos the Alaskan oonver, !1,005,720; Mete ria, s5m queatton. 1 am not mare Iiam thor. 016. the Pr cal returns Published fu day ,wgbiy conversant with w later de- The total amstpA of deprits Y 1 show rvgnipta of 61,308,_811, an In• vekvpmenta However, the good sense, the Government savings cranks as ere -sr of f&W5,618 over the same tact and Wig&= of the diplomatists July lot last was $15.470.110. a month of ttse lwevlous year. The ex- on both side" are sufficient gaaran-last 410.1198,748 at the bogb. Imnditan reacles, 65.530.96{ . a Glc ties Of a final. honorable settlement. of tae year. Then 48.128.696 crease of 4247,604 our July, 189(1. I am afraid exosstd o prate has been was withdrawn last year and pat The detnIts are an follows: reoolsred nae for the good understand. Into circulation. 1898. 1899. - � which exlsis between s the two T1tS VATS OF A OA11aAR'a ABmas. (-VAO M ... ... ...6160.508 4857,174 LOW.couand but It ls assuredly flatter ?111111111 .. 61,890 40.815 M' sad It would be stfectatlon on shah [try part b appear to ignore the egears'g taanee4s /Indo a t)ountw Port orf:oe......... 110.0100 14 happy chaise which bu come about tread to Reality Psbl'o worts ,..__117718 _ tT1�17D and which none le in a bat- Wbasr-Nsthespos" pas In the mouth Yfie�e ianeohi . E' __ 7'Jb.1188 pK position to reeWabs than the of Hasnlsi 00 surfaces .spelt abo d Totals ._ 4918.198 61.808,811 it the dM of No grant Afteader hay F.x fte" . _.45.778,481 65.580.694 Onablwing to the prorogation yseat I g the bar surd X11• There be unable b take my aunt ohrlr9 the to • .6M tr�ie1. RM was expended on lapital ac- present sarsiaoe d I'arliaaaent. but 1 M pom*- aiartt 4txlo,9e7, a deanase of $I""-' will go to Windsor to 'king hands' In vagamae at a as= O(Xl from tive surae month Of Iset year. the ordinary ocurw." OarrcfoOmde t77 0� t]kS Bamboo" 81a Thlb large ezpendttore is what happens Coons and Countries Beal Do Castel- Mag. ~ the Peru malaris. a dill every year In paying off outeQtnding lane and taeir acttvrnte for tive fiscal year. which � on beard the mare Hao extravagance was ciclosedJane both art. te Last sam yacht V.alfa have been the nvS•bd *==•anew esrrhA _ social s[eean of Cowen fah week. an almoft In them a etppu[. at mpa4 OOULDN'T WORK ETON. eblml ,I - mom coats • clooraw ' TOUN13 GAAIRALDI'8 Allga. The yoaa9 Duke Of AIDS tree d rains Orlaltal . wM Albany, a shy, to ligate '1'1 i Proposes to Undo HL Paehes+s Work Is deticata loll. wan recently ladasnd by tile, mppw ee"aw a" . Favor of the Paiasr• - saftyprmleg holow, Ethallams d sontalned Is the =a those d his owayi b oak the WM 6e w alpan>w Plso L ebkMkv„ who, 15 I.utnkxl Cmbie, : Tube Rome corse- can them= an alRigi ~,a February. .\. 0. 80. [las palpslalmsA wpowudent of the Daily Telegraph says.. holiday !m been of bin1m�sm�f� da- Feerar by the �peaw ora. Fast "Fivery- pert Is talklim of the psrtatw �• ' vrMre he b clays afterward usibe, was killed. sod �o oommnws tris edreatJcl as bear to Project" and alatn of GOneral Rlmbl" the otrand Duchy of Cobs Her Myr. IncPalso wf/awed !! his thirty, Garlbaldl in going to South America. J by [mads the ' (lest year, Him wY��ashea that request b the Oar• the alabaster are tie is due to arrive in Buenos Ayres cruor. d Egon. who. however. do Thy Prezio" tura wanly �1yep to a today ec to -morrow, aid hM oAepsl- elirrd warkmgaa s plod os. tif>• -umbers hie object In too owloslsa Patagonia (gr' Hoary Iloughton'is admirable b uko 4aru of( Sop daye aflar. with Italiana Huge tracts of land Pletsre, "When the Deed Leaves Fall," when aw proprybr of the des rm. are being given to him wlmo>ot for has Just been Purchased by King Hum• ed for lits ern, iM low i4 #68 doom• nothln9 by the Argenthoe Republle bort for the International exhibition--whse.•' avid bay "are the sabse that IN' condition that an average of ioo. at VOnlce. It will 0r WaNy be placed were hers T" estprimdi 000 Italian fatalities shall be taken In the 11[rplclpal = at Susan. Bald that M = eogetM. then yearly. and that they shall !m- INTi111RNATIONAL POLMCK and. Mver d.;,.^.�..r-,,,+� �.y welt ntedtately rvasnrnitswcl. 1t In err Whatever fanciful reasons ars of- "T 900(t fA• m"n9 w cad cNY' sMte:l that tie falls for this enter- tei4d lion the visit of the French Me Sent them to his wife ,tp,irke Its Prime have been furnished by Prince later of Faxbign Affairs, I7olcaaes, to for her washing t And f� laid 1•s Odeaealhl and the Duke of Tovlonta. St. Pete[*1tt+., it Is male be aunums late Slabsgoare Will" tri the former a Senator and the latter it has togesom" to the Present all- tfoleleet h16v� iii ash ami 71 I a Deputy. It 1,. however. mappooed esttted eolditbl tet p lithe. tint Caartr. adop"d by folia A.M. that the Italian Government will have 6WIus was ado'6sd by Augustus. am The prlml7 ehPub et lcelesase We sarin any In the matter and most i• m4y be to a>aaroWd by mltlsts. anal uss4 got peen evidence that twrfere tvwcause of tin condition that the alliance 601ds m01'e Lisa elghtasR OtaNrlaa afMr the Omllity. mast aFMtndrrt thdr good, u xbtw kh dMtb by a Ro�� nationality. this, Chair to visit the ails lfl cou- to O=ws ler dirty 400. W. "But is arwtM quarters It b rhe [fop d 1/90. old also by personal cal- g0t��ev clareA that sM real and sr!oas ob. tact wtm idle, Maslen court and Ess d lib *(Amay wboi0 Taw w bet Of (iarihalAl m 'deparWto le b atstgslraa, to nasarlaln to what ez- flowed f1s rtObM Mond of CrOM am obtain' fonds• Influence and tent the a11JafSn.ma M Z:� OfPompeyow GreetI P*e'kt60 Tis visit is �4ttwith whil h b return to Italy to Land lot apa&Ao the te - a potisieal MOVOMOWrt with the twtp of to Pretoria, isS y. almon In the Sitmdix& the Clerical party and the Vatican. Bis laglerem ke e��taiwprs- The oDet" w. with bh Cohen atam- to rnOrthrow the fsonarch♦ nnil to oldest 1Cttt��eerr to aaespf the MoIr e», wharva8� raCrw�a, aetdal -big - Secretary a Reg�hog with the, >'oIM d the British Secretary d w"yu, river beta, ate., b- coaveft• nn percNanipr. iYig itlbM.,r. AOtMrrl the pd )�. JosSib dksat�l ed wlat motes ezpodition ofDtetuttl Gsnibt =4wA kis twMhev.ta. lav R, t i to amezt[emt old taw, flotstegaaf acv. sant 11110119- the nrmiMbias bill *01 have %pea tkS sad what eezt a jus rsey s7� nae[ h hike ewlbrtpining arch Lofene Ultlandsa He was the �v at extreme q and ex - They hate tefa-t to idd him itael• the Dohteh party wheal the reeaat eau- pafw. ifto�arahpd, amiss, ocaverlest, Dye. ,t,t l daatolnrw tint they will re- 0esioo8 ware made by Pteeldest ll,1va also cheap trip to the Area" pudiatO him when hal rwtarns for much for..Rale, It ft this oheapw[n that shove an 00%,11, It W04" ft Mwam that the As old lady hes writtan to Mr. all ails will develop the rellw- of ono of the itSliaa hero mhonid try Arthur J. Salt am Fleet Lary of those toric{( re� ones mskhg profit - to degIrm the work of bb fattier In the Treaipry t haulm a61e t attslba - of mists t*411 favor Of thn Papacy. Gone at Cantle . In tlti IlOaas d ham maid, *It b mfflehat so matte ant mtaa8la Rdt g hit Is. a171ce'nta, vela aortalnlpg N Is set Gar1MM1 rime tr4wn him 9rt•a and a handsome al 107 quar. lathe as Ilve esMl6a of gold to libe strike him eon to the swrtlt' Merlotti teriy, if he will elmear never LO play aal4ts yur,A ate waved At a pro[it• hot was the real boars" of the Gavlhaidian golf on gsm dlty. t� like ffiaOdiia asked i ravel fist caami10agfn of the Nominee noA trent tivO -- rieldr fres thus lltto dollen par only Tenwdae fle9l eapfr�TOA Anrin[ ALL OVSK 118 o_llwty. ouble toad In at a tate. It is the war Ot 1.8'70. lie hof the halls" 60d tiltttll to e't -� I.h w '... if tile+ raewet (IMsrrTwrt monlsWo,st x71011 bAS flRet by !Tile Arab east evat pS u nim$' 1 Iph war." omptoyer in a C mamm. !r w {la Otlltiorhiar N 1t 1r Set to t wash to c Per lah- Table FwaM4ee •Nt Patronized. WLanll�f• Mas... Attu 4. - Albert M 0s.- elbow alb I Brown, Av hired roan, was forp�bill eh"e� yeb I Oele d 11emtlrmia's tnnntclioal dflrlals, totally sheet at Union �pya(ft srlda by � mea who to mbol f g Is mired i the his -age lookins. The � lies' rltalataQttltat7M .t! calfs 1sa .q►iar roan qac .:ar to man Sam of 6i hilt in ffill city. klref0 the pw fiethe l+altti M loanlisdNhnJenkiaa dfhtR. ,•� ypsts► ttefs tftSize e Ift�didlow *y Visi Of A s 3s.. * in..wlwo_ � �f 1 ht tots pf kt i Lk r I .shat osM that' rte t10rt 1t ws,s ft I ibp h+vote m- . w drank s.0 POMP AzdA_aLAJL J. , . d 1