The Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 8Removal
Sale 1 Clearin
Out Stocgk.
Come and get some of the Bargains !
043.4 O' V TRA E. •.
Smith Bro's & Co.
FOR mouths pasta number of Tory
newspaper have bean ringing the changes
oa the irregularities that would b shown
in Le/shorn polling subdivision, West Hu-
ron, should the Government grant an inves-
tigation. All that was wanted, they said,
was an opportunity to prove certain
time which they made, and the evidence
would be forthcoming to make their cue.
Their ooutenUou was as follows : That
Lisburn polling subdivision in every eon.
toot since 1882, when the riding was uoosti•
toted, had been nearly eiethly divided ori
political lines ; that there hal never been
more than a majonty of • dozen votes in
favor of the Reform candidate at any prev-
leer election, and that at the contest held
ts.a..uary goat. 1899, s majariL r at_ 38
4116twoonled for Mr. Houten against the
01twervative candidate, Mr. Mc,Luy. The
Tory newspapers and the West Huron poli-
. ,.... ,hied les naderokste i marmot Jur the alemp
in their vote on no other groaml than'thM
there had been crooked work against their
candidate at Leeburn.
Immediately after the election ROSIEST
btolrAN, the defeated Tory candidate,
made • canvas of the subdivision to 8ad
"where he was aL" He ia, and has been
for years, • cattle dealer in that district,
and is on good terms personally with •
large number of farmers, irrespective of
politic. He a practically the only cattle
shipper in the district, and las had oppor-
tunities of putting many of the farmers un-
der what they consider to be personal obli-
gations to his, in so far as advances -for
stock to be delivered are oorcernell, and in
other ways. And so, when he went around
making • canveas of those who claimed to
have voted for him, it was not to be won-
dered et that several who had marked their
ballots for his opposent, hut did not desire
to sate so openly, were willing to give him
the idea that they had polled in his favor -
"that was their (tient, not Snow."
They never expected to hear about tbe
matter again, and looked upon the fabrica-
tion they had imposed upon the credulsul
would-be statesman as a venial matter
which would hinder the business relations
that had formerly existed between them
and the cattle buyer from becoming
But the voter who had that idea in his
crop counted without the cattle buyer. The
latter made up his mind that the voters
should say with their first story, be it true
or false, and to that end he later on waited
en sash and •very me of them soompatied
by a legal gentleman, and asked that their
first atA•asat be implemented by a declar-
ation. This was a startling condition of af-
fairefor the (roe and independent electors
who had been jollying Mr. McLean into
Ude idea that they had voters for him, but
having made the plunge they continued in
deep water, and were induced to sign the
dooament in the belief that this was all the
straining their conscience would be nubje:t-
edd to.
It was not all, however, for when the de-
ec 'rations were obtained they formed the
beak for an application to Parliament by
Mr.'Bonuin thud' the question be brought
before the Privileges and Elections Commit-
tee' for investigation, with the result that
some torty-ons ot the voters wbo had told
Moira# that they had voted for him were
sasaeoned to Ottawa to give evidence be-
fore that sagest tribunal. For two weeks
• tryst ..arching enquiry was had into the
alleged b•lst-.tuhng by retarning ot6oer
0111111014111, and when all that oat be said
and done has bees said and done the re-
turning officer comet from the Ordeal with
flying Wiles and an unsmirchd reputation.
A bar an•lyeis of the evidence brings out
the following facts :
DowALD Camomile, of the township of
Colborne, was the returning officer whose
onaduot was imy.uglted, and he was sab-
jsbtd to • long siege in the witness box arnd
a perttoelerly severe cruse -examination. He
swore that he paned in the box the ballot
that had been initialled by him and given to
emit voter, and that in no way was the in-
ttsaity of the hallo, box interfered with
• AtO ie -daft of tare
pea t iet1'ight ballon were taken from
die boa and wanted, the remit being silty.
ttijht Inc Hotrn and thirty for McLear.,
Plod' of the ballots were initialled in ink
mid west in panel. het the retuning officer
maid swat the menu for the orange df io
leitialbng was that iso found the pen at
time Moak in the paper, and the pencil did
ties work sae easily. The h•Ilot-peptdr
pendens bad Mon regularly initialled try
the ealle uh,g osmr, who squarely atemeed
at .gwlr'wibtty be_.omlaeeU•s with tbe
boo• his d ermeytars►sdsetad tekis:
Tics two Tory.mlitNsan swore chef tan
had eardtlly watched the falra proceed -
Isp Mrd saw no irregula,itba They air
Masi tit returning olleer's elat•meet that
every balbse wee regularly and Wass y 4.-
gedlad fp W box, and that the 'timberb
the arra the dotallied Usa atom
bee ea irpriaik .
nos ahead smvi tafbabd iw
mune effect, and further swore that there
wetulcers s no fewer than tbrse ecru pne.-
mit at any time when a ballot wed placed In
the box.
Forty-ooa electors were put on the stand,
and thirty-five of them swore that each of
them marked the ballot that was given tong
him by the retuning; officer, assine w that
it was safely deposited in the box. The
other six mold not say positively that they
Mw the ballot placed ill the box, but ex-
pressed themselves as satisfied that such
was the Les as they had implicit mule -
deem iu the honesty ad
of io-
turniug ucer ('t'MMINlle.
In U e evidence given by several voters it
was shown that they were told that the do-
c•lar•tiou which they had .aped wits of She
value and stature of es oak -sad v-
ing otue'aROed it if Massy tallsf le vtliek to
their story they would he liable 1. prosecu-
tion for perjury. It was also shown that
when they signed the doclarati,u they were
fgiveir ts.alsietebait tart •tbey Manteed iris s
responaibibty, as the instrument was not
binding on them as an oath would ile, and
that the matter would go no further.
Osie of the peculiar features in the case
came out in evidence was that the wit -
nes were aatompatiel to Ottawa by
Major Joe Bscx, who, although not nub -
mensal, continued with them to the 1st,
and aacted s their "guide, philosopher ,mid
friend" all through. Tha'gtllant Major
k the defeated Tory eanii.latefor the Legis-
latorsof Ontario, is • statesman .mit of a
and d was pleased to diaper... :'. •
although party the strain toll an his mist -
book. To such au *stent was this the ease'
that the gentlemen Inc whom he acted as
caretaker and general utility matt agreed to
at assessment of fifty touts each to help de-
fray hs expenses, and as a •light
sl reougui-
tioof the valuable services which he roe-
derel to them ay political pilot on the
treacherous Sea of Irlveatlgw
ation. The u-
tributieas to the Major is known in Ottawa
as " the Boma memorial fund."as
And here the matter .umos a &lupe
which requires explanation on the part of
Major Baca. Granted that he went to 01•
taw ostensibly to attend • fraternal societ y
gathering, did he not get instructions from
Mr. McLaa' at Goderich station t, keep
an eye on the consignment of witnesses be-
tween the starting and objective point. ?immediatelyWas he riot in conversation with Mr. Mc-
Leanimmediatelybefore the train lett
(ioderich, and wee not the conducting of
witnesses witnees and the proper coaching of
them during the trip and until the trial
cloned a likely subject Inc discussion 1 1f
Mr. McLean dud not instruct Major Baca
ion there litres why did the Major bocooke Utc
self-appointed ileal of the delegation and
supersede J. J. WduottT, who had been in-
stalled se "Captain " at the commencement
of the journey' So well (cached were the
witoesees that it was a common thing when
any them was oof thewas asked if they hailed
from West Huron to answer, "Ask Jot, I'm
not raying a thine."
Mr. R. C. HAYS, who was suhp,enastl s
• witness, and who, one would think. would
le able legititn ately to instruct the wit•
e., appears to have been " kat in the
shuffle," tut Major Brio was the "tip"
everywhere. Outride of the Major there
was another Reif -appointed guardian angel
et the Brunswick Hotet,where the witnesses
were billeted, in the person of one Wru.rANa
Few, an erstwhile organiser Inc the Tory p
ty. He stayed with the boys to the heel of thean
hunt, and enlivened my a dull minute by
giving his experiences in elections more orso
Idevious oq various occasions and in
divers way.
Why was all this hogger.muggering of
necessary necery on the part of outside i s
BICE Bwcand ex -Tory organ-
iser Fee? Did they think that the contin-
gent of witness Wu • delicate piece of
machinery that might not be able to work
smoothly everewhen oiled well, sed that it
was necessary that they should " hug the
machine "-to use • now popular expres
Win -
akin as -
an 1 Why wMr. HAYS sldeirackel at
the examination and Mr. Race recognized
se the "chief tip" by Meson. Bo#ums and
Pewits. from start. to finish ! Why soam the
-tit win epmt on else proceed-
ings by excluding witnesses, whoa Mr.
Rem Bowas allowed to be presents Meat M
scald get safely delivered of Mea MhjraeaaleOs
to the witness while their lap wise ender
the mahogany at the Hotel llesswwdel T If
Mr. Beck wasn't at Ottawa t. loud ep the
wfUsnd ssaakeep them loaded tip, what
was he then Inc. ami what has he paid
for? ,
The whole thing was a huge hushes se
far s the Tortes could make it. They
Mew trete the start that there wM DM the
eM egbe•scintilla of *reviewer ephes* Mr.
tt5ttltsus, mei tots) knee tbtt forty cad
d pastors left to themselves worlaetors the
theory which had Men set up, Wad expoes
tic b
tw.w of .very probation apart
etaithe vee0vm
g which they bad adand.
s It wasn•d wary tteamms da. to ,cash the
wdise•s to tura their halm spun Mr
Otre.t#ao, aid Mick that g.ntl.'man kneelei Mat lid abaaedi iwss bettor than his Ml.
mays *'. Bats erns shout the saw el
e mu to eab•viir to bebttie his fellow roe -
dent from Whores) luwu.hlp when riot au
Wier maw amid be head W de tt. !tett
the lumbar( %bet soa• to shed tbg /MUM
light over the wituesw• tailed, 1114 whoa
Ow report el the l.'.uumltt.e is published it
will be sett by aril mil 'Tory how, es far
as uacboa 4, Cu&borne, le out)o rst•d, it.y
why tutu to shear redeemed shorn.
The *taws Iaveseteattea.
Tao Omeiw► Martyry 1.►« ibis view el
the Ws* Hares .Ieetiea ie.asttattiea
liver utas the West Hems elopee wee
brought up IS Parbasost the Ceneervativs
pew ►a• referred to it same already proem
to save reeked with corruption. Dprtog
tee progress of the hvsstiga't'e' before the
Privelege. adIlleotio.sOomo. en they hove
from deep to day °kuwbrised ea stead
traria 'Acclimatisias villa .sold easy 5i
takers be deemed pleai . sad mltbk
ter the meet part bad 50.5 BilidellY.x-
plashed by the evident,. 11sy were
that " the gang of (lett bean, wk. tilt1
Maim operated is W.a Elgin, were` also
press{ in West Beres, although there is
sot a .etatile o1 more seldomoe to is•tdy
such s.s.rtioa.. The toot that a certain
. ember of voter say they voted ter
Mr. UoLea• In ore pollute aebdivd•ios,
whereas there w. .et that slay bat•
tote masked ler hies, is not sulfides% to
pre+.'es.g eietag. -Waha/o,i.ows age*
.1 '.taps hefa.. the time eras Meetail1:.
teatioaaliy voted ter the wrote oasddato.
The fact that 14 bal:ete were printed an
paper eit d.Beru,t tee tare tram , thew 1e is.
box has bets pretty smiataisterDy explained.
Tire keds of paper were used by the prioree,
and the ballots ea thea paper, while mated
for Mr. Helms in me ppeltlag subdivision'
wemarked Mr Mr. Molests a other.
The most ausNalose •ira.m•tanw wish
hat yet aims ie that just revealed by the
*vides., el tice deputy retaahg d
iose as Ne. 2. Colborne, wee swears 't•
two forged baiata, ow of which b• re
jectd, and neither of whieb be will
swear were pus a the her at .n.
The Conservatives tater frees this tet
**repeaters" were used, Ira, • ballot was
forged and placed in the box a pas of tic
initialled b.l1a headed to the Urger by the
deputy rsturntair •toer. Ti. sonorities
ta that flair initialled ballet was takes out-
rtaid. aad .eked ter Mr.Holme• and alter.
wards deposited by some one who secured
another initialled ballot mid brought it oat
to be to return marked amid deposited, and
this the operaUo° was repeated ever and
ever agar. But there is ootbiug whatever
to show that such was done; 11 is amity • rue
p41ae. but i1 affords the Tory prise • fresh
.[caw Inc deserter es (t* tsagleatan sad
carrying es the work of miweprseetatlon
and exaggeration.
Noric&- The Meal agency la 11 eon
14‘LtM dt1eUoli�aeepsrlm:r,::i .11a #1171 filth ole
date 1., eabs.riptlos..•dvertkt. sed job-
obwork, amid is authorised to rave receipts for
amens paid for the name
lA. acs. wiU visit Dunsuaoe en let amid
lid .redly of ,sob meat►, AU mdse mab-
oda of eztnctlIgtr sad slued. sad sutler mirth
1eW teeth. Oma. next door to Mdd'• tabor
shop. Hours. 5 a.m. te 6 D.m.
•TosnAY, Au,. 1
A Dayises has oommesed the (made -
Moo Inc 1). U. Hackle's barns shop.
Thomas Begley bas p°roka.ed • New trio
than engine, with which he is prepared to
hresb for the season.
•d'b• toot. toot of the threshing .loll•
e new in order, as tamers are throatiness
fall wheat to make room for sprints er.1•.
W regret to have to state that Wm.
Duel.I I, who has bees is n poet state el
health ler seats time, is at present very 111
Densis#os Rine thea -The following
is the remelt of CPI weekly Meet of tis Us
gasses off•bad ride slab, hold es Widnes
day, July 25:111:
�00 p4.. SOO vls.
U. U Stale26
A Daylbon 39 22
B, J. Deawford 32 19
Jas. Can hot land 2a 22
A. P. Daher . 25 13
D.' McCormick 15 29
Sealocs Au:luaaT.-Us Wednesday o1
last week Jobs MoLean, a prominest farm•
ar In W est Wawauo.b In the vloinity of
Daft suffered • serious accident ia
the bars while draw:De in wheat. As he
was Doming out of the mow be made as at
tempt to set en the wages, and as the wag-
es was is motion he fall and was sertenely
tiiered, fracturing MA erm and him shoulder.
Mdioal atteadses was proonrd immedi-
ately after the nootdent befell him, but he
will probably be unable to do my more
work the mason. His .smsrous fri•.de
hope that Ito will rwover in dem Limo from
the drone of the seoiJes6.
Hoax AND 'lskktr.-Wiliam Pluakstt
and wile, formerly of Weed Walruses!) and
now of Hallett, left for home on Monday
tut after •duces relatives and friends to
Ashfield mid West Wawanrh. He was a
member of the ms.iatpal oounoil of West
viawsnoeh for DOOM •Gordon Point-
er, of Churebvttle. 1s vbltag his sant, Mrs.
T. Disbar, and other r•ativw....Mre 11
Hewett and two dsghterr, of Desmminsa,
Iowa, ere Mailbag relatives and friend' here.
.CMM. Young, of Pontiac, Web., Is vis
Meg friends In this vlmedty.. . P. J. Foley,
of Mortis, Ms , is on a two weeks' visit to
ha sister. Mrs. J. M. O'Connor, Dungan
see, ..d to his old home in Oolborsr. it is
about two yeas sinew he left Gdrtoh. He
looks well, and dates that ho is doily, well
sod is Mthly please with the meat' oosn-
by.... Rd wird Durnin, accompanied by his
wile, a -stunted home oo Friday soar a three
.esti visit to reatites in the vioi.aly of
Blows. ... Milton Bechtel and wife, of
Hawkesvill., arrived here on Saturday last
OP • visit to Mr. Bechtel's parent*, Mr.and
Mee. Welted ....LI. W. Berry is visiting
B J, Creward....Mr. lad Mrs. Whyaed
Deme hereto on A dewily el last week from
visiting their sex -le -law -and daughterNt.
and Mrs. Bechtel, ole Hawknevfll. 'They
repos6 having had s vary pleasst vale
Rev. W. Stoat ed wife were goats Of R
T. L. Armstrong lest week.... Mrs. T
Pentland returned home on Moodily *net a
week's visll to relatives and friends to ll•de
rich.... Miss Maty Mabel Rose in vl.Din/r
her assets, Mn. Smith and Mie Isabel
Monts, of Harm towssbtp
MONDAY, ,Indy 31.
Realism of this Daelep letter written from
Ottawa and pebtlebed in TRU SPINAL. last
wank may like s hear something more about.
the Csasdiae oapleal. Te resume, thea :-
Alter gong with or architect to the ally
pestotloe and meting our letter, we enrolled
elf to • bridge seer ty over the eaeal sad
watched till a beat wait Melted ftrrealli.
Inter we met B Ma.lbrmac lad had •
walk with hien te the Wiedesr, wen we
parted. Alter fes st the Braswi. k owes
• party of as west a the V.M.U.A. rooms
eat were pretreat at a pryer madam there.
tad at the mese resolved a Medial knits
Mics to eeme mala lad w the nadlag room
Old other parts of the Belli darks ar
gaff..5tee many of as ca. jt Ws01sg 1.
eat quarters. we hard that wilt airtime•
amt et tier last alae le
ea r with* elfMayMk a1/Na p
ilMee Seed* entweles Ude tile trot stem-vtrestesidr ,leg saw Gall
MIS .t tie !Werth eomtnaa 4.Ott, -ebb day
tatters have granted psslelee M ass the
sere es ISG Lord's Day la the .1'y. Tee
eanietee of tine grab 14waiy. after p•ylee
mwamaes, were es M eke poor of • Milt
see esdeseteed lou Mwere tic. ret perch
ease of the livery babas suffer wetter.
*Hy film the reamed el the mare, bet No
peons bike have • hater time - ted .a
Hes whit make a ggaeNm• M rg area-
.pIIIc Babbath brMk -ata ah•aptg lea
rM. le the mita Yue a p•Ifttuht
W IIS( h. mosey ao eared
.fc • t • the prooering of Ohms assess
m.t.ta, AIIbesvS mealy oval member et
o ar party wept to 110.5 sus .1 (5. MST
ehnr"Mb •f't,ei.:-y, e,w' PO4 * rid. vi
t he eras W. (view wee. pa.J•at ) otteset.
ed blgb pea, M the cathedral. Hie Ones
el Ottawa was psmpspl ea his Wane aatl
took a pert yt the ttlpvipe.. The armee
was its dish. sod dere/,,e lase .t w
parry wdete4ad Ile .Ebtrlwp ear ,.jeers
here even east et s• end to see Mis t
Mary ,iso Matti ai tbe vas and hosseleas
Jeremiah Dales Wag the wads. 1• Ne
Maseag some des went ter aerial Imam.
when Demos WNW breaches. The sanfne
ep•s•d with aa ore's -bearer
and the sbrd.te.n, with Ma oats
h Ike roue ildeew the attire\ tell •
hymn. It boa • het matt. the Ca10s dM
eaties bat ansouooed that maul.'
wool be bald dally s• w ie k daps u lO a Y.
Tele. hemmer, did sot suit as, s we bad be
Le la atteedeae• ale tic Parllameat 0.114.
hate ea weak days. Oa Monday H. Me.
Maas, Was. M.Oossall lad t N. Bbaw
wen •remised.. The latter. Macho been •
sarateneer, had a Iodises Iles of it. H.
Zoeller, who an was assisted, eau Mr
Weed. Moeda/ efhtaeao we mow • Mae
gob • overs fan at • bicycle. mating 1!a
eye, amid also mea the editor of Taw BIa#u
Neat day Teeady, Joke Lwow, M. J.
Tobin lad Jobe Mellen greeted neat the
Breaewisk in time ler breakfast and gave
es were hose sena This dry Jobe M. sad
R. B. H. Wallaby by Jar. Dalton. Jae, Me-
lkweg a ,alma y waerea ueladt ei
s - dibbles ems esse ted; is
sol dieoharg•d. Ie lice .1tormoon we met
famous Hennas Jekla, who was very srt-
sous toes lei 1i aadodt part* ,ilia la
mot. toter we WMs Shows all unmet the
building by the ssmh,r for Wet Hew..,
mono parte of t► thee wily taesbara an al.
lowed te piss 1Sra�,anaballeag}d. Is tic
..*..less' roosts m mow card ta►Itt, whle
an ea easseMasU All of s at timer
tsleaad to debase deiis the Houser, sad meet
et as were Wm the Dower taktsg • view el
the d1y. W.deeeday was my
eat day w the capital. the
•,..then betMng two •••ban, mefnha
lad .1t•rmoen. Jobe Lenses. Mlehasl
Tobin and Jobe Molten were .gsmlod
and retaised. 8, B. Williams, Jobs Haat.
sr. Js. Taylor aid W. Graham ware die
*barged. Nese et oar party mu is love
with Dr. Realm& who was • bard sreoa ax
amts•.. Wm. Table sad 'leery Zeene•r
also received tisk dhelieroe tkla ds a'
. The
who were Oared liberty said goodbye bed
left for hone. We we all pleased with
Ottawa and • ash the aadeers we received.
Fto•selally, the trip was •11 neat for thew
wbo are wawa-eerame, 1501 aka farmers will
lose by M.
• Trainer, began lat.
James Tohii,-ef iia 'ter of 'Iia Dineen
Free Pros, le •peadiee holi.'•ye at the gar
mita) horn* here, tad le enjoying himself lr'
theUaovarloplon.sobol way. 1• epta Io kstoa oarrep viesitsten.
record b
the leader of the 'Meets et Colborne tows.
rieht,„ Bobeer •iwrwad.- , sat of les pert ole,:
took the highest mark of all the Otlborn•
penile at the retest sntrasee etelnioattor.
This reboots smelt andel' open his timber,
Mira Andreae mother of wee« papilla
tfis Amnia BMs, let year took the high-
est standee, in the township •% this examla-
.tion, Mist bihaw Min year ham passed the
pob'ie wheel lewdest ezaminst•ee and Mini
(4 1a \'oONv wee ssaasesiel as an ,mimeo,
MONDAY, July 31st.
Mr. McKay bstlt • gas atooa Ionedatlos
under his bars es the 12th 0000esion, W.
W awmoab.
Newly ell the had fall wheat will be
harvestedharvestthis week.
. The tall wheat will
be • fair orop sad the sprats orot.s all look
Nearly alt the school ohildran in this
viotsity have the wboop:ai oouth. Tele Is
see a vat' p'esest wsy of spoediog the
Ta51DAy, Aaruet 1.
Mier Hattie MoCnolts is visit lite is
Mir Mary Yaett Is melting in Sealor,h
mid venni, y.
Mies M. Smlilie, of Waken, is visiting
Ifni. Wm. Smith.
Mimi L M. Kee. Molesworth, is vWtisg
Mr. On. McDonald.
Jobe Patterson, of Glee Morris, l vle•
Stag relatives is the v Ibtse.
Mtn Monis MoDoeough, of Wiogba.,
was walti°g Mies Aerie Herbert.
Mies Morrie', of Wisghan, les gale •
iron pal Mag elan bete at presses.
The Miss Lazio and Harriet Sea,tones,
at Team* are vmitihv Wes. Sanderson.
Gan ada'u Greatest ala Wiest.
Orlfaths' M•otbol Lafs..t le the sass►
.at curative discovery ot tM egp, Pay
trete' muck, membrrat amid tame to the
very bone, buisb., palm, mail aisle with a
power Impomotble with any other
Use 1t for rheumatism. mareiM ,
cls ted all More°..,, 115.
tloa, all drafgipt.2
Catarrh Starts
With else atapie Cold la She Med- no-
.pent /t and the beds at this Eetedees
S.tfser of 5.altk sad alappaaa. or*
Sew.-rnveat the Gaol Smoky by •
Need/ APptteaemos •f J•psaw Bala rb
/mire -Omega late Need dela s. a Naane,
Catarrh Aare t•othe do
•moa 00 tier iter how etolrnt or r
how long
standing 1 U fat as potent in gas 16.1
hove MW the •brim W Mains for nfty
dears the most tsMdent mid, to the
alined anoondbas pts.eM of tM
malady. Toa take no manes a testing It,
end the nsost disheartened 'offerer W at
yya ted lope -It has maiden, and
they lave testified to It. "ICI give lffaa
t•..trss .jy.W mine
stab. B does t tnot
hat% poew or gab
kdaetles to. • Man who would /peed mg
1•st dollar for reset. Japanese Waste
Oar Is a Ie•ndeed curs. 1t bash,
sooths, alleys leflannostion. drives s�wwatyy tbe
feel 05.145 sad the 4Ytres•ine Oe dsabs
. eesmgaalmast, and never leases • tad
after .!toot, Bose .o -ea led corm do. Ja-
panese Catarrh O.r gnaratw to can
la � �ge. rIM the gm•rrt iO4
Sole Amer, Ood.rfoh.
-rwr :v-^,Vsr1....... " . s,,. dr,
Aug. 28th to Sept. lth, 'W!.
Meetratea is the World's Lvatloas-wire-
Iso vose .pgy, Winces. Tekpbesag,,rovnd X lays.
IIIA NM ID atnkil /ITR*Maltigt
Esewrmeam es An ssee�re es Twee.
pa Press Las. I•r•. adiaei easad prune
w rvew••Iw gets 1. 41=T .
4. O.
BY-LAW NO. 10 Or 1829. or TES
►U �t N t 'lira no, i to ruts 1
1 tlbsPIIIIE jtlg•g-rO t9
j tiruk�YJI�A1p�ra, It UYON�A1pY
• A�(O
for lM +ls whittsare of
aaeeea ttaYsae otteei�
snipers** of
tastm taaaa
papers, 8t I.a1sRa•ot6.wade
le tire bet__
r arpiaI~irsieit'
lahmatig `�. wp1.'t eallitthe ailaa S eater
4y� edAlitil NiMd a t la a tat Pi
rt �I
A ' �. Met
thr went
-- =get are the
lk• laxed sas°Wyaltar 1kderiaA5ag a lad direct.57-
IIs a,, tat the Meieast
anion •t �aad Mln-
tL RE IT tREpM11EwENA01[1DatM h u
the bed et
oneeted Ma et
that it te lawhi ter the
r bonen sae Penes er
treeeerar. trattleee bobs. •e the
wute es me death the
saMag Mot Mein
to the p. Rlia.. et the Wt fersit,. fsa
'err. s fellows :- the saki pshelepmai1
arm of ,11a.00 a twelve ewe tram the Ira
taaadsel. bat neapaba i ot &oven ta the Wsm te s heeemid tet
lows :-
t10sw t s it/ 415I efdlaam.rl, NIt.
ed Now on IMOr .f January. 1Mlt, to
maker with lemma te Me sem.11..
pI' at tM of font per
Matte Mq M Jot M.rv� a 0> d
Mslio'asg.W�t of .atka thp,mita aeuo
.ad thspy'r tMs
ami Wl�d ter sums el set paresiIsi
mesh with. 11 weessery, estee�s
tee named of Wen•L wbM&
or It tie .old aimta14 . mitiso •
_ Mea the attsuri .f the l
n.a • the Math or weer •t the
redllf 1Mtksl a the mid Iswe of Oed•
t• lasa••a1.1 weal of tie sad t we or
ad Ye mise mail le p out
fielyalp. tk• oka�ue s w
t (ilwiwi tlN ;to tor
Wiled fee the pwrp•a•s Mow
s •
N ter t o t amstt.1 Memel sem of
egg la
as •toresid
1 Wt•a over ••d
tawall a upon eke
whole taxable
greneettp wields a the std
mNkl d every year trio
the et twelve y next after the
pg••�5��� of hell.. sod the esaeem , t tea
ehessel bM/e seta the yagWatly • Aaem W 7
.1 the Pte'viaee if Osteal., the fdlowtag
sates, mad, 1 -
la thereat NIG,
la theism/ MI. Male
Is the rear IM1,
le the deer lata, M
la tM 7 sue Irak
In the year MM
a the year 11fp1,
Ila. the
ha the year l yearSS NO M
is flimyear Dna tem la
1. the yaw 1011, MLt,45
forfleeFurpO.� d tat the mW primeval
ir.se14 15 getesaeatergett'eleea •l the
rate afoteeald.
a. ilk bg•aw shed came late full luresend
Abet immediately.ity thea�.t-obesielag eoearm•
1M PaMeiae. -'& private istive dw.m Wy iof
the t to 55. 05Ilitell r lie
.56 p pI at text ewes llterool, or
r• pow .Yale Ilio ea u aforesaid
of the .aM re, u •6m Iambi for
twelve mom*
%UMW e !soa the
the momsaid
beeley ter late
Iranrre boa --with latem•tt at th
as wed meat m•, m• cerin a..r d.
sshemto ththe .s� • 1la se .IsmNW, emeephoi upon
`aa rfleelM b/ lawsuagp Me es5. thermal mad et the V
51i to sash �hsstw•�t MM«osspa the
West•.• Io he a pall, es tome Be tlmw Yrj
w add board w.a.� w aagasep 5
saM °aleaSSas rthattg�g jiss
ma lees er :4 011101
assswer win .5711/ ehemmuu
less than twos set thspKi•.t the
emir sad look other mop esment .sod Weals.
Nees for Messina*, et the amid s.eoi so to be
Isnsd as aformld, sad the atwwt thereon,
std be Its doe repaymst, aad Inc the masa.
s a labs oo.aarn dart's the said
sf twelve years of the said aha0ary
s Melsun
Mkt mayor or the .oltoll r or ooel
taut 45. said W eerperstdes of '115.aid Iowa el
lout opt ee p514 ver t the d•� t e borrower
gate tap 5514 •plenty le perteoted to the
MtYAKIw of the sold the mayor of the .td
L Tbat the rotes of the electors of the said
emalelpalltr 'staled to rote for or amainet
this by law *hall he taken on tri , the
eighth day of September, (5.. commessing a
ilia Moro( Was of tSe cook In tk.,
and afoot if at Inset theekak a the aftermen,
sad each poll •15.11 be taken V the •eelsms
p hea
l t `s al�es. le wbbi dm POI la the lett
eddal tisanes was held. ossell, roiliest
rubdlvllteeWlli's�n number I at MoClymcai's wage
shop. J. BreekewWge, deputy retarnts'
ollleer : polling lubdtvleien number 1 at 'rhos•
vides', feed Nara, Charles Hasa, deputy re -
turnip/ po111ag wbdlrUtos member
3 at 15. ion Hall, lames carr. depot re, -
• pollees eabdivigme miaow, t
at.1. eiyY- elsaa'a maobdne chop, Joh. r,
Bat.., t�epmt, rotenone °Meer -lag sub,
eivisles }ember 5 as Mn, s
David 5T•rwlok, dspaty rel
pointed enbdlvlslos number '1x/54
furniture r. George/Mopped, d
tennlmsiker ; ponies eo vislan 7
Batt Jaime Hays' dw.11ly home, Jabs
g' P6588
the agerae Nark .1 (Ss gid
ep ilio y, the tlth day ad
Tows Hall is {5p
.t pave o'clock In the
5.5. ausber of votes Oren ter
-lislowws5�5411111 at sie•I tat ewer wilt
1• twpp�
04 TbmrM.v. the 7th dee et f , 12
ter tbe sweetmeat Of pee oap to mum ei
the various Donnie Mees, sad at the goal
inuendeg ■p of the sod vasa b the 'Week ea
ehhaaif et panes* alwsst.d is Wr•otag ar
ltd►. age to
et tem tram. end.
Perris. mfi mend ter. Ibt day at Jan.
WM. Mf rcRELL,
_ Mayer.
6 41. eI'•Wee
d has
to Yo 4ent of
OMlplapd there -
oleo -
t q amiss tp
at the 50. 1elle
le at
J en,
lwtallyata MOM r Bea Maul
Met "aa 4..,NI et email pv'
Meta the
leas per.
1a Oa. moth *beet
lreflea ei 'images sunt be left .s alb
Oils tele der than Saturday
now The tor ehaagge
end be left sit �ater Mau Mon-
day meek. Now Adesirtheseeede
ideeephill MI to seen Agirwreig t M
- tic ail shwa Irht It is is
The N!WSh ShoeStore,
FROM pact experience we lave toxon that the CASH BUYERS have to
Slieavedgghto she eic pop5
Modalred etis•wbstdon
q'.s 51*.o�paw
Owat altend
Hi•ee• vgre•`ing
tor6 ybnouamjlwulthmoe d�Er pua
we hoseewhithote
OE.tom.asa yrmrokbhiebdoe hb owtoo•r, we have (leaded M do (1541 Business. y we b.
We have • really good opsit bellows league Big bottle liipeb Oil ties Dredging, extra
lamere M p,$1b Shoe for4rtmers, good79s Iessie .t #Gar tor, ..........
11.0000, piesgood, loo
Bee our mown mule flue Tweed Slippers, very A Mae (carpet fiiippar,
beet pulley, worth ilk. pair, for 105. lar Iter almaalma'
We Lave received a lents shipment of (�
N=w STIOCale
this week, which will be geld v,ry
low. You nee it is the CASH ONLY that does it.
._ Mitsd...1G. MURRAY. as old aogysl•a oL Ail da . U kwde
at itapsiriog lad mistook worst Wet the peeve' ' Bs guaranteed.
Pio 1 _ LDS,
At any season ot the year there
ix OG greater -comfort than a
reliable Cook Stove its the kitchen.
It is with coot stoves like every-
thing else : there are good, Lad and
indifferent varieties
We know you wilt be pleased
with our
Pliikrs,Steanitters aid Tiuiills
West W. a gtasn. mut bard, Brea.
- Tag IJADIre -
t'urIxta\ D'6reetors (sulk
Orders usefully addled Is as alt
Sews. MOW or day.
these ea wMN Smeet. EeaYeaes. elme-
bee Street.
A Great Snap.
beer Wager 8..p, at ba a
blued, of wed we sett • barrel • week.
This tea's alar only seep. as • esti
thee a he feud a ea .p
to-daJ 'leg., mir m
d oprime
en The e as
rm. knew tisk they
01a wart get fr.. s • map ter their
pen . W ds.draw the 1at s.
IaQtimate trade - everything gess
GI ..warn or promos, tarda. staff..
°haters able Chia•. W. deal in all
of them.
T. G. TIPLINO & 00.,
Bedford 11Iga5, O oderiee
[Welder: ad Embalmers
Graduate of Maares isusette Col-
lege of Embalming.
Summer Goods
(tan either meal ell .r genleee. )
TTM late* thing.
olittlir fro& e1 OONNEC
firma lar aewara mid Wedges
eon be had from
PL171111See, ANh
Esai ,0
AWE geld demM.a.
'�lipTBR llt1111lr
ScIlltoll i; I Coal
wo�' �,-
where yea pt iia • t allket Sw.s
Qtlwa• 11611 ae um Mies ptlw5 tail ad i.
hs • epeoal heavy Ba. of
Eavetror • barna
sad hooses,
It. halm mid Sidiog
carefully put as.
• , • LDODaeca. ,05 .
Wood end pot
- AT _
Tat (leap
&eve Mae,
nied* et ay law
•stat therm
mit Maw.%'
The Best are the Cheapest.
wlsaeen tial Wide Etre IMMO
We Uhl erfall Ila' el Mem.
Every awn le gamasime ,
We made m tall Maid bear
Dairy Supplies sad
House Furnishing&
ass. Hestia, d Says .T4Tsar �wedoo
Mk* GOD] M
8 a * ".' .
arm s••••• Sy'OM 1 MM.
ruaAstereg et d liege
Smoke 01yki, isle rims, St Iron
Works, atom. As.,
Aad Dwane to -
ambits. lesillem 01011114 S1r
All sem of P4" .rt Maps_ FLAW"
Sloan and Wogs Bi•
Oh Val sunim°'
ttz OweMrtbiM Lw
llwall► HM
75,555, ,.---_, g -IS