HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 7lour ROM
FLIED 8i 8TI8,
Correspondents Dare lot
Tell the Facts
tadioritles blase to Dint Flews
len Hospital Num ',
esseideet for the prawns* Kosmeely-
ra111se: Let Deas afastle-011eme
Wad Rioters to be Ruled by Ia7eMta
✓ltek Soldietr's Mau ion e -Kissel•
and Japan Arming -
s DxIJ bar been found 1n
Piece has voted toraise •11,MO
,w a sew electric lightpl Knights
Pythias art• • 1111 aeiioa atork State Utl oa. d
C', Y. epitser. Preddeipt of the Ohb
Central Railroad Qaal are
has r.
Ile alleged aritisll elbeere armee.
ad to Johannesburg bare been es
klir lAndr al.
seaman a 1. wen
acorn w
allUftiettlawor of
p,tourg will vote on n by law t,
raise $12,000 to erect a new CoIle-
rate Institute.
latebasWINO vatted be
a eyuccitme. It W feared roma Alves
lave hese eist.
Th. National Iron Moulders, Is eon -
maim selected Toronto as the place
d asst meeting.
French protectltuitsta are violent
ly s.ralllt.g the Franco Amerloan re-
a s'orlay treaty.
U Rubber Oriel& Company
is mid 10 have ateereso 1ks Dustup
-e•bb•e .Tkc_.1 iT.
-- a eoee rme •.4- beteg ioraed at
8 n. 0.11.. YOip fludir mills.
andBye. Peter cMitchell le peog;:rerinj
rwrably. Ills physician state that
kalu..kwtk .Iq,:14S.yji$ a few, 4M!..
gig James Eager 1loR J
le earl to is opmve arse
Wbo SueeeFda AI/at as U. 8. Secre-
tary se War.
lathe budder. He le to an hi/proving
Ire Hogue Peace O deroaoe Third
remitter ball accepted the arbitra-
tes atone tat has bre under ooa-
siders t ion.
Tb.• it n the Pottage* Coloatale
Mira tart R.rsb and Japan . are
anew with a view to a poatl84 ome-
let In Gam.
It w et..tet that the SwedIsb Gov-
' trnmrnt has (kidded to prokibdt a taw
latroduang a palely Norweg4au flag
nor arnaelatea
Bl.h ,p a (.nn er laid the earner -
Mine O ea *ow Hoar of Providence
le time gee -tend tit. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, Pete rtxom'.
A bench d the Ilaapasrial Bank d
Wads wi-1 shortly be mimed In Gua -
des, B. C., arra to tart etteet
hying a;readymade.
Tio tkat the Rock Leased
Bead would uldabsorb the Chicago ••
fasters I111note and St. Louis Booth
Western is positively dialed
- Mr. T. ('srmnt'n IrIs8 water spaniel.
team u., saved Madeline Bnbtltte,
aged seven yearn. frail chewable In
the Bt. Lawrence near lCllllp*ton.
he. Peaeuz, rteesRly 14816641.1°T.
senor of Para, has reso reggae to
lbs comma ta.1 of the 44th Brigade,
Mated nt ()temper, Department of
The L,r,l Mayor of Dub•!n Ina called
a meting for Tkoratbmy t:, 000vtder
fM geen.iet of the ..ration of a
Moment te tae memory of Merles
Stewart 1'aruef.
Detective Richer* of thee Mont•
nal pollex force, Ilea at the point of
Math at ha boas 1n that city. as a
meet of a malt he reosived Isom
francls Lnflser.
The charge senalnet the
tr"•teel soma that ago In JO ann.s-
bore by the Transvaal authorities has
ban reduced fpm Iilgb tr.aeon ire
causing disorder,
711 Pane Isewspayers uawaooe
fist Baler ltaAeba:td to
le marrl'l to the da Col -
`a the tie
Mabe Count
MI'•at will imotesaand :Ualsla !s'
h enable hits" towtariff' bego• sato t i!M
aorrttaamlet at Relines for the re -
'"`I ox Capt. Urey f ansa
lb" Sea Irk ltt7nli nnod asenrsrtsrsetiespl
sub of the strlpeyr henind with ate
la%a train the fore" el She Aster!oan
hlM'401 l'" egrapb . j ay,
Zt, Ceetelio. Reedibileaa llevbton-
o Desety hey Aimee late
fie Preach O.v.rafted la the Chime-
en of D1Spmtlea on the seenomeitte of
Aladmom tariff to the U. 8.
TMeernplen Mooelrataleatiett Y to ate
l- Wand Rim, F II•o and sock.
tIs hId 5 r are 1 tall bo be e5nneeled With
h tbe I/014 KO"
Thi casemate PaoMp
WIt0 William
"lb '"r'e,ledersal
a °SIM ad d-
ita oil. today notified IIS 0.S.
oelartment d tee Uttileg Of
411 Wm ee'ee California1• 7pMy #110
Hoag Koos and Mauriilue W Rosa-
tr. There were IN cares nt theurltlrs
in es we* ending July LOth. d
w 110 melted 8.1111;.
'11e Untied elates transport Mor-
gan C1ty arrived at San Frenetic°
reaamda Manilla. Mtla. havlag ue
478 sick and (xrovatesosnt sol-
dier. The vessel started with 478.
Ont tbrse died on the voyage.
The Rome Tribuaa, referring to the
lyarakiag d hailer at Taliale Lou-
idap. rye that the Federal Gersrn-
meat ought to stop rob • state of
'binge, whleh is aot oat) • judicial
Infamy, but •bows social degeneration.
Eddie Day and Barry l'ettlt. the
ty'O laws yaphtamee who dirto-
l48a on Moodily sigbq and who. It
was feared for a tune. were drowned.
stelnyued to Toronto last sight on the
Shelhbaer Argils. They had been le
The Volk -read. while maintaining Its
app Mace to Kragler'e view" zea dy-
nt4mite ol.totadom. has given its as-
✓ tsso. that It s110 has the utmost
ooafldeaae la' Pr+ealdent Kruger. and
it a aetleved be has withdrawn hie re
The. Iiqutlawrs of the Ferment
Loan Company estate will pia 'the
debenture-Lolders and etepoedtore a
dlvlbesad of 55 (sate on the dollar on
Aug. 24th. It 1s expected that the
estate will d111 pray another e2 oeuts
on the dollar.
it Kat 6'°';"a Dar!°'ty.tswyear,
r -
rt am of Dr, Cl S. Bippl, Iwr_
ser at the London Aaeloan for Insane,
teadead. Heart trouble was the cause.
d tees iajueed in the City Hall
diemb r there January 3rd, 1898, and
sever t.M, recovered.
Arthur Thome (teenier, an ea -
neer On tile Perry Sound hallway,
heita$01014 WANT by • corolm'e
Jury of maalla"dtsr. Bk ran Into
another freight. knocking Fireman
J anne A. Ball oft the tender, and
causing fatal Inhales.
The (.read Trunk Railway we. at
once began the erection of a new red
brick depot building at Galt. The
okl station le now Icing moved out
of alta way. and the handsome new
.ructure is to stand in uta place.
The building will oast at least $5.-
M. 1'nui Doech.attel, PredoWat of the
French Chamber of O•potles. fleet
pnopw,e 1 to Mise Florence Davin,
;augkaer of John H. Davie. of New
leek, wit, preferred to become Lady
Terence Temple Neekwood, and now
manes the da>sg $er of Emilio Terry.
owner of tie a of Cheoonceau.
The licaar In n preliifr t.
20tH. Th 8311 6deele-
CI=setas. d whom 182 are from the
States. 108 from Great Brl-
tele. Lel from Canshl 10 from Aus-
tralia and ono feign 3apan. 01 the
!•' 2.8 ease evatw
don a J.an.
A recent rosette( of veterans of the
Cuban war of tedepr. dame Is cauedug
emakterable comment. blearta RdAr1-
Ma prorated at the tare g, at
Which tis orgauesa tion declared It -
eat to be the only legal repreneolr
tire of the Cuban revolution. A reso-
lution was adopted demanding that
the Milted States make tonna' declar-
ation of Its Intentlona and' supposed
righ basad Apo• the resolution
by Congress in April. 1898.
(lualberto Gomez timid that if Presi-
dent McKinley would not molder an
appeal favorably to the Casbtms they
know wham etaps to tabs to rid the
Island of the heel of foreign Imposdtlon.
At the meeting of the French Cab-
inet this morning the Minister of
War. Oen. Marquis De Gadlffe. an•
nour.ord taint Gen. D'Alstein had been
georgette] to the military command of
Pere. Oce Gen. /schism:. The Minis-
ter of War also stated that Cape
Villeneuve. who novelle wrote a tee-
ter sympathising with the anti-Drey-
foe Prof. 8lvetoa, land been placed
ender rigorous armee for sixty days
it was also annonooecl that In puri -
ea:: d the request of the Govern-
er/eta Covtalealoner at Regina a trial
alesivess would be Issued to compel
the ateledpg.s of Major E.terhazy an
the overt-aartlal retrying Copt.
A London paper's eorre.pondent at
Manila says that owing to the oen•
aorshtp It la impossible to write the
tb about the situation. The re -
morose and fighting qualities of the
natives are quite misunderstood by
tare American papers. "and we ran -
ace write the facte without being
scored of tre•ann, nor can we tell
of the practically unaadmoua opposl.
Eon to and dislike of war among the
U. S. troupe. The vo:unteers, or at
least a portage of them, were at one
time on the verge of mutiny. and
imams Gen. this Arad began sending
them homewards there would brave
been: sensational deeekopmafts. We
lam been absolutely reinsert all hos-
urpitl figural."
Merchants are Terrorized by
Threats of Boycott.
Cleveland, Ohb, July 81. B' gond
an ciatbreak ts t1e Polish .cttlemest.
which was ty &appeared by
the rl:ltla, then t rased wit -boat
serbas treble. Many care were
stated In the suburb., but so far as
learned no one was btjnrecl. A sob
which lamed on Fier street, In the
south end of the city. was diapered
by the nd11tia with fined bayonets
sad a number of the ringleaders
wave arrested.
Oeveral Cleveland military •
tee will esobably toe relived rom
ditty today by Adjutant General Ax-
lyas, The troops which have been
breed here from other olthe will
be re sit ed anal ell danger of riot -
boycott movement has reach-
ed a plot where 1t Is almost Maxie
tdbtir for any one who rales dee the
coles3dated oars to purchase the
azmessaMstt of life. Thla le e.peofally
troo In the 0otying districts of the
u lith 3A vele• st
dated cars?" is the almost udversal
Quark= pat to a would-be per-
ihelia* by the reerchaats. If the an-
tiwar bt to thea afftrnlative the ens -
tomer Is politely informed that he
or she cannot be served.
$leetrte Lines In Leedon.
Loedoe, July 30. -The chairman of
the Mettrepolitaa railway has en-
amelled that at the beg(aning at Oe -
Nast .Snide trader will be te-
stallsd Mt the units at the ants•;,
77e sewepl$ars una$[arottely intend
wtltaala ..lee.3a LT . At
the semlte aM pee teem aha. OjAw
Kala slimy* bees b oblMRtos-
• b. testers, pn.gt mao1 pp s!
tom frog riding' ea the tiny. Tide
alai be entirely remove, by
tie wpm eleetr'telty.
Some glee nsabe their gowns anal
=swat of soave other glri maks
to ilia Mighherhond of
latertertng with
Thirty-four Cases, 6 Deaths
at Soldiers' Home,
Two Murderers Blectrooatsd Today
at 8Ing Hing.
etre Takes lee Buildings In Lek*
Village - Death of Kate ahem
09renee- Ob team) *teams Tkreatee
to plane Down Building Weeks.
Paris, July 30. -TI. death L an
nouooed hem of Albert Monter, (eau
17414 11 lever.
?$ L441,aFaX0 4rBi1.1iJ71&Eli.
Monaco, July 30. -By the collapsing
u/ a wall of a new bu'Wing at Cenda-
m'ne, throe werkmeu were killed and
eleven eerlonel ' Injured.
lit. Catharines. Ont.. July 80. -Pat-
rick Caffrey, an o;d readout of this
were found -drowned In the mill
race ar-veer of the Packard Electric
works ties rnorrthg. His head and
shoulders were caught W tee flume
sates. his lady that being prevented
from "4rg Into the canal. Deceased
leaves a widow Cud fanmUy.
Omen ligand, Jur 30.-W. H. Pat-
erson, who was kr:led while work-
ing on the canal, Onrnwall, yesterday.
wee a reactant of this town. He had
been at work only a week after re -
coveting from terrible luju.les re-
ceived from a talltag derrick at the
pace webers death occurred yester-
day. He leaves a widow and family
of small child/reit
Woodstock, July a0.e -'ibe !death
o•eurred yesterday afternoon of Was
1191Fril. __Daughter at. Mx Thomas
newel. at 200 Light street. Mus•
Howell had been In for several
months, Iaavtnag sufferer, a great
deal from some pulmonary trouble.
Deceased was in her 25th year and
had very many warm personal
Irked* -Jia-,-- -. daae®k wait Alright
Paris, Jay 30. -Mme. Oouldere
was arrested at She Gare St. Lettere at
midnig8t, as she was departing far
Havre, oil the charge d poisoning het
000.41, Marie Se In tenay, the da ughte r
of a ass-brigadlor at pollee. The ar-
rest created a sedation on accottat
of the pwaitioo of the woman's fam-
ily, and the report that the act was
osaneeted with ttbe Magus affair.
Philadelphia, Pa.. July 80. -By the
eapetzing of a spall boat in the Dela-
ware Raver early this mornlng Otto
Kampf.- aged 87, las son Albert, aged
8, and Chrtgibn Oetariam. Kampf'.
brother -In-law, 80 years old. were
drowned. Two other., Frank Knober
and Lupi Meting, were reamed after
alleging for over an hour to the up-
turned boat. The party were on a
Cashing trlp
Tbr'outo. July 8L -Daniel Camp-
bell. au old man living at 56 Pearl
*rest, swallowed a quantity of Car
balk: acid yesterday saorntng and
seriously burnt his throat sad atom
ach. His erica of pain alarmed others
In the house and the ambulance was
at once summoned, atter which Otte'
err Fyfe removed the patient to Rt.
Michael's Hospital. He W not thooaght
to be In any ltarnedtate danger.
Owen hound, July 80.-A very .rod
den death took place this morning,
by wbleh Mr. David 8. Bled, a high-
ly esteemed either, pealed away.
Deatb was the result of hemorrhage
of the lane. Deceased was a prom-
inent member of ., the Methodist
Church and ens of the stauneltest
L0.cral-Conaervat vas 1n this section
of the Province. Sit Mare a widow,
sit eons and two daughters.
Thorold, July 30. -Mr. John Fleming.
FR AI of Wm. Flomlag, d ties place,
died et Mok rmport, Pa., on Friday
as tier result of Injnrles received a
week ago. The deceased was one of
(lee most popular of the young men
of the town. and as such wan highly
owteuemixl. He was • member ofPro-
tection Hem Fire Company and Cana -
d an Order of Foresters, under whose
auap'ees the funeral wag held ern Sun-
Bobcaygeon. July 30. -Another case
of "dldn't-know-lt-was-Ias4ed" has
occnrre1 here. Harry Newman. ave of
Thom Newman, of North Verulam,
was accidentally shot by Spencer
Deva at the Ts8dettce of Wm. Davit,
a "tear neighbor. Ye arrday tandem
tbe two boys were fooling with a
loaded gnu. when young Dealt acet-
dentally discharged It rubel the con-
tents entered Newman's side. kUling
him Instauely.
8t. Moeras, July 80. -Mrs John
Thornicrdt died at the family res1-
dseoe, Lambeth, on Friday, the re-
gale of alk accident which occurred on
Wedp/day. Mrs. Tbnrnkrof11 was
(hltLag a bons attached to a hay
prime She walking behind tbe
ares 0t the was pier
when In gee man-
ner the bolonr
f the drawbar slip-
ped (Ma tts plaoe, and the arm few
back with terrific tomo, striking
Mn. Thornlcroft M the abdomen:
('hatitatla, Oak. July $0. -At Topppp.er-
vtlle yesterday a ter; painful acctdernt
happened that stay prove fatal. Jaws
Rah ellie a reddest of this town. was
h lg the mot of a barn.
Hnnoxs- fel
a dieta1oe of abort
*4, etrRing res hex head HY*Kriel
was fractured and he elm strstalned a
irroken hip, border other Injuries that
make it doubtful 11 he will recover.
Point Edgard. Ont„ July 80, --About
2 vetoed tile aftsraam a maw ante -
named Leslie Wang, d
Mob.. was 4I rroowpad la the r lf '
the Grand 'Nuk t t1Yg M Metra
Ffe wait ing iefea arimi traM . alt.
Wit DOW he wai He t L* 17
'rub 'tee companion's, and H le eup-
p t t erampa, as be ung a gond
20Obsetou', Jet, L9.-Dnrtng en ex-
hlMtton flown bya family d expert
aw:mmers at 0 vso thin arenas
a mentor of the pier at that Oniet,
su mr00trt+ **Sell Abbott 200 pa,00l. were
strmdlag. e$A16$afy gave
Mpltating g rtes of the
Into the weed. to an in.est harp
rearm and .8li8rtet eras. IOW e4
etruggUag "Claes 01 1111110141110 In froze
rite ti tea Lee 9I water. Racy wore
rendered eacoosobss. and It was trey
by Kat of great efforts .n the part
or the byalanders that no liver were
Woodetoek, Jaly 30. -The death of
Mtn E. 8. Hobbs, Orford street, m-
ourned at an ear:7 hour yester4Py
n. 'slag. Dessam' had been a great
sufferer tar moms weeks as the rests:t
et as aoeldsnt O.er two swaths agb
Mrs. Robasa Mil on a garden rake,
one of the sharp iron pDmaga
Crating the kneecap. SBortly a alter
bioud-poiaonl■ developed.Mrs. Hobbs
was an mint of T. tl 1408bs, OX -M. P.
P., d Loudon, sad leaves a widower
and five children. There are two
daughteess at home, Addie •ad Emily,
and the three saro J. H. Hobbs,
Detroit, W. R. Hobbs, of TTLoabas[
and A. Hobbs, hardware merchant, al
Bombay. July 81. -At Poona. cap.
Ital of the di.trict of that name, In
the Presidency. there have been 59
(uses of *be plague and 58 deaths
from that Messes 1a 58 hours. At
the cantonment le the olty, 810
cares of the plague and 281 deaths
hare beenrapoeted
memorial frwh eaaee Imave occurred
aanong the Europeans. The meteor-
eoq as- -Wier& tit! OM. be teeesoos and the prosper"
are ominous.
Washington, July 31. - Surgeou
Gran. titeruberg bar received the fol-
lowing from I,ient.-Col. Dewitt at
Fort Mentoe, teased lag the out-
break of yellow fever at the soldiers'
Stied at Va.r At 4 o'clock
p. m. y Servo(' Pettus. U.
d. Marine Hospital eervloe quarab-
tlne offloer. officially stated that
yellow fever *as at Natlsmal Mol-
dier"' ,Hove, Hampton , 84 cases.
with six deaths. Commanding offi-
cer took immediate measures for
quarantl ie.
New York, July 81. -Two murderers.
Lewis 1'ullersm and Kellam' ale -Dun -
aid wen ezecutad at Slag thug Priem
tills morning. Lewis l'ullerson, a negro
porter, twenty-nine yearis od on
!larch 11th, 1898. tiled 3.1s common
haw wlfe,Kato Smith, a whits woman,
lh their apartments in New York. by
arangulattou. Michael McDonald a
beef carrier, sopiuycd in the Eastman
l'ompaure glaimbter house 4m New
York. on May {Kin. 1898, willies intoxi-
cated, ebei and lolled Otepheu Titus.
tee bead -tire beeper. st Eastw's.
Malmo, N. Y.. July 81. -One hundred
and slzty-talae b.fldings of Tupper
Lake Village, widish was burned yes.
.oer lay - • eiesPwlemett y«E'. t ateablg',
nearly every Krenture In the
Sixty-four balm= places were burned.
The fire probgtlon was very meagre
The fire eat about 10.30 a. m.,
Sunday. In and Page's .tore.
Tho lav cannot less than 4150,000.
Particulars are very meagre.
Warhington, July 31. -Mrs. Kate
Chase Sprague died et Etlgewaod. her
country home, near tha city. at 8
oc:ock this morning.
Chbaao. III.. July 31.-Th/teased' of
persons attended ye.tertlay the funeral
of Adolph L. Luetgert, the w fe mur-
derer who died In the Jollet peniten-
tiary. Promineut in the group about
time bier at the nortbweet Turner
Hall were Luetgert's t.arce children.
near a floral pillow with the twerlp-
t:on, " Our Father's Word.: ' I Am
Isuosent.' "
Ch:.ago, 111., July 81. -The brick -
makers and aftied trades lit the build-
ing trade council will begin to -day the
teak of closing down work cm all b utld-
ingr wlaere an attempt 1a made to
use non-union brick.
Boone, Iowa, Clog. 1. -The fast
mall train an the Chicago a North-
western Road, which left Chicago at
10 o'c:ock last night Ida the track
at " Kate Kelly Curve," just east
of the Des Mohr. River bridge at
5 o'clork thin morning. The engine
and all the care were wrecked. The
hollowing were kUled: Engineer Jno.
Masterson, Fireman Artier Schmidt,
Postal Clerk Cl 0. Btooe. J. J.
O'Brien, it postal clerk, living I.
Chicago, died after reaching the
city. Four postal clerks and two
trainmen were injured, but tbe ez
tent of thei: injuries cannot be de
t.rmined, until the swarm at the
baspetal here have examined them.
sauw Dori ago, Aug. 1. -Vice -Pre,: -
dent Wenoedeo F'Igureo, as a result
of tb3 emscanslnatkw of President Her-
mans:. July 28th. has taken charge
'.1 tb3 () overt/ment of ,8eato Domingv.
a. President. and has formed a cabi-
net, as follows: Minister of the In-
terkrr, le. D. Morales; M1nlster of
War and Marine, Tib Patin; Minis.
ter of Foreign Affair. E. Henrlg4en ;
Minister of Finance. J. De J. Alvarez;
Mlnhaer of Justice. $eeesttan Val-
verde , Minister d Agriculture, T.
(ordero !lido; Minb.isr d Poste and
Telegraph. Jaime R. Vidal ; Sub-Bec-
vetary of the interior, Brauan Alva-
rez; tiab-Secretary of Janke. Pedro
T. Peres.
The nocrttry U quiet and no fears
of deitarbane.s are entertained.
Thin plain was visited during that
afternoon of Jaly 27th by s severe
tornado which blew at the rate of 40
miles an lour. Three ooa"e tlntgg vessels
.loaded with prologs averanchol'ed u
the outer harbor ware wrerited and
about fifteen men pert hod:
Cleveland, O., Aug. 1. -This la the
sixteenth day of the present street
car strike. late last stght surae un-
knwwn persons pushed an eleotrie
freight ear loaded with ties from a
svelte' en Mayfteel Heights, aid east
of the city, an to the eaa:n track anal
down the long steep hill towards
F.uc141 aeons,. Half way (Yuen tit.
imam It collided with an spbouud oar
will: terrific force. Both ears were
(w1 tum np-honnd oar. tobadly wrecked. Two
neither they nor the anew gkfw In jareai
hsyead it severe - able
A . sit a: Late
perked street rdhritj stalkers be-
Hea>zaieldng *Stempel to wreck the
Zet the Sandusky & letter-Taeban
neve. Lantgee Monet were ply on
CIM *NW Wines were twee be,-
twloda the i -*S* *Ad pllanka mpbktd
aro* the traek, se alt A girow the
ears oft. u p0id61w v 1500 as the
pk/b to dSraat the new win er'etared
a staehaea$ of egareld . trete
•IAS Imol"1S
led the ihia by
I$Oaa.Ob at i
teg0tyr, at Ceve-
enne sr. ter.lend. de -Sa"'>t' has tor
areae beth Wrtma '
Ei slgatou, Ont.. .1110y I8.-Iest even-
ing the t eria`are eld son of Was.
Ewart, street, telt from the
ere:mhos a4 •gpim tures, br.a y
both wrists at the joiglt The aeetdsO{,
trib). besot pain Is • most en-
ema! era
Jaws• tntwte.. of DenpWt. Mut„
was /throws tett of Ma magma mood
An Appeal for the Suppression
of Lynching.
Atlanta, Ga.. Autmg1„r-Uuuuuur
Candler St, -day tanked a proclasmatiula
w Klee people of (lturgin.dto:ariaag that
ly:ach taw and orates must cease la the
elate, add eppnaliug W hath racier to
uplwkl She law of the State and aid
:n bringing crimluals to justice. His
prwlamation ha part tuIl,wu:
Reproach has teen brought upon
time fair nacre of Omega' of late.
Fearful orator have been nun mated
by lawless man within her tomer•.
Rutrtery,prsou, burglary,aasar:ttathon.
guarder, and that futile/a of all crimes,
rape. (tare blurred our tale escutcheon.
To area thew fail crimes, lynch
haw, that midst dangerous of 311 reme-
d'er, bee been resorted to by mtsaulded
oitLWi(/. We bare twee denounced all
Apaches and barbarous. From the
mountald to the sea. we bare trem-
hied for the safety of our wives and
oar daughters. became of the d'a-
bul oal assaults made on tare 10m811-
hesd`4S9•'tltl deme•. wile area dte-
graoa to their ear.
"The purity of the fair mothers and
daughters of Gerngh► must and shall
he preeerrtdl and at the same time
the Ilvee and liberties of all of the
lawtytb'dag negrom In (leorgla must
and shall be protected. Arson and bur-
glary &aid n. ..4natlun and robbery
and rape must stop. and et the wine
time Ouch -taw- must atop. g'ite teed
of both rases and the fair name of time
State demand this, The mob often
makes misiahn., end the innocent suf-
fer with the guilty. It never knows
where to stop, but. alter Dunlrhls%
the guilty, drunk weth the blood of
line victim. Its thlret for the blood of
another often sacrifices on the altar
of vengeance ,Lase who are (Witten
of any crane. We must away with the
nnrb; we meet re•entlirone the law.
We musk restore the altar of reason
and tue.r down time altar that pearlon
luta erected We must do that in the
interest of the white men e f Ueorgta•
and In the Interest of the siege:ea of
Georgia. and for the fair name of
(leorgta• and to protect the virtue of
the women of Oeongia."
Cogrler.:..$rings Word of a
r.,igticgetate Fight ..
at. Louis, Mo., Aug. 1.-A special to
the Globe -Democrat, from Ortiae,
Mez., says: "Any doubt that the
Yaoquia are on the war path in earn-
est was dispelled to -day when new■
reached Isere that several America.ne
and Mezieans bad been killed Is the
Yacqui River Valley, east and south-
east of this manatee
The o*.-wr who came in with the
n ews of the slaughter declares that
be saw a desperate fight at a point
forty miles southeast of Ortise, and
that be has putative evidence that
J. F. Beckley, a merchant of Her-
mosillo, and E. Miller, a photographer
io his mareoy, were among The killed.
Beasley was one of the best known
Americans in Sonora. The inhabitants•
of tbe towns, in and near the Yaoga
Valley are in a date of terror.
"(leoeral Tames, commander d the
first military woe, which include.
Hagar•, Sinaloa and Lower California,
who was in the held with the 12th
Regiment, is reported ■mo.g the
alien. No information is obtainable as
yet of the number of fighting Indiana
under arms, but if the outbreak is of
the proportions of the seer ended in,
1897 the number may be paused at
between three and flour thousand.
This outbreak is a surprise to the
'State officials.
"It is imposettee to secure aocur-
ate figures as to the total number
killed to date, but the estimate d
arty cm each side le not considered ex -
time ye."
The Filipinos Are Learning
Now to Fight.
Manila, Aug. 1. -Sunday's fight
at Caa3mba was a warm one. The
insurgents twill their fire until the
contingent .d the list regiment was
wattle three hundredards, when
they tired. Beat. Love, who was walk-
ing evert along the front of the men,
wee shot in the arm. Aa insurgent
officer, equally brave, stood at the
top of the trenches, directing the fire
of the insurgents until be was killed,
when the F111pinos fled.
.The total Ions at Calumba was
"even killed and twenty wounded. Six-
teen dead inanrgents have been found.
The if. t4. ggaarrison at Moroeg is
going to Clith ba A body of in-
sorients has visited Taytay, where
they killed several natives who were
friendly to the U. R.
DHOt7HD IM 70110070 IAT.
Was altar Slovenia or slipped Prom
Toronto, July 31. -William :Coott,
for many yearn caretaker at 42 Cbareh
street was accidentally drowned In
the bay oo Saturday afterneen &bout
half -peat tweet
Shortly aft.ee that time William
White, fa lleratelay street, was walk -
tag algins the oribwnrk at the foot of
Joie street, when he aniseed the body
in the water. He at etre est to work
to get it ashore, sad 11lien eaiatoned
Dr. Badgenew. The -•Mer timid that
these vltl -owe seats e! Mb in the
The Commoners Sang the
National Anthem
Ottawa. July 81.-15 1. -Whesr
the House met treday the Premier. In
the absence of Mr. Altair, lutrtduotd
a bill to authorise the Uoverumeot to
oonitruet a branch line from Char
krttetown to Marra, Harbor, Prince
Edward Deland. as a public work. The
b111 was read u lint tlude.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, after some far-
ther prelttulnarlse were disposed of,
said that he wanted to Interrupt the
regular business was to propose a eat
of resolution" lu regar4 to the cold!-
tlou of tillage In Mar Traaevaal, The
Trars.raal, sitlaaygb a self-governing
country, wars ueve:rthele,la.,nnder the
suzerainty of Her Majesty time Queen.
There were 80.000 British subjects la
the Traumata. who were allowtd to
develop the eoantry, to opsit mince
and to other -war share In the
detelopvene of the country, yet
they had been denied 507 parti-
cipation In the admlubttgatba of tht
temeara. LM, wap itUbJeat to tax-
ation and the frit share and bdtlbens
of citizenship was Imposed upon them,
yet they were denied the rights of
citizens. There were things to be ad-
mired In the character of President
Kruger. His petrtetiate and stern-
oeell might be admired, but patriotism
was not incompatible with justice or
generosity. It might be said that to
refire the Uitlendars clUpassbtp was
within the Hiatt of Preslgpnr Kra -
ger. that might be true, It be did not
impose upon them the burdens of el-
tisenahlp. The treaty that made the
Tranavaal independent also gave to
the Queen suzerainty there, and
therefore the subjects of the Queen
should be given the rights
of e,tlratr. But the Premier said Haat
to would not put the (pua.t ora on theme
gr(unds, but he would appeal (Al the
c:m.cssoe and julgmeut of mankind.
There was no country eompased as
Camelia was by different races. who
could tetter appeal to give to the
Ilr:tlali subJ}•cts in the Transvaal
adequate jr,t oe and equal rights to
all. A poi cll...that would give to every
o tlzeu who tore the burdens of citizen -
/fit p the rights of olthem. That was
the polo; which Canada hurt adopte.t
and which„,pruvo41 ooaY.
Lai ttii trial In C•ppss-- Cokpesr. - and 1t
'domed- fir- pet -in .rase !r /ip Trane
Taal. The fjitlanders should get the
MOW rights in the Traisvacal sit the
Date!' cameos got in Cape Colony. It
seamed to him that the sympathy of
the aisa hails atstretasss e4 - a eek& -he
extended to out' fellow countrymen In
Both Afr:ca, to forward them our
good fellowship and to show that sym-
pathy. He regretted that Sir Charles
Tupper was absent. and read a letter
from the leader of the Opposltlon ap-
proving of the resolution. He moved,
wounded by Mr. Foster, the following
rem' utIon :
That this Howse has viewed with
regret the eoesplioatbos *hitch have
arlseu in the Transvaal repubilc, of
which Her Majesty le raseraln, from
the refusal to a000rd to Her Majes-
ty's subjects now settled In that re-
gion. any adequate participation In
Its government.
"That this HHoase'has learned with
Mill greeter regret that the condition
of things there existing has resulted
In Intolerable oppression and has pro-
duced great and dangerous excite-
ment among several classes al Her
Majeeste'. subjects In bee Mouth Afrl-
duTM Nouse. representing a
people which hlargely sueoeeded by
the adoption of the principle of con-
ceding equal political rights to every
portion of the population. u barmon-
latnMg estrangements and In producing
general content with the existing sys-
tem of government. desdree to express
Its sympathy with the efforts of Her
Majesty's Imperial authorities to ob-
tain for the subjects of Her Majesty
who have taken up their abode In the
Trararvaal such measure of justice
apd prelltical recognitlon as may be
Alaakil necs7nry to secure them In
tthee full posser ssoof equal rights and
Re Feiner made a brief but eloquent
appeal for the Ultlandsru In stronding
the resolnt4m. They might be railed
Outlanders. but this part of the great
British Empire said they were Tn-
Iandera There should be. mad he no
taxation without representation. and
Ile had much pleasure in supporting
the rwndutton to the British subjects
In the Tran van!, who were strag-
gling for three rights.
Ur. McNeill and Mr. Wallace also
woke in support of the resolution.
which was earrled iry the whole He
rlarg lnand singeing " 1.4 osRase the
Kra Maims Attempted Mikado With •
•read -Kane.
lbreinto, July 31, -Mrs. Alexandrine
Rales, a middle-aged women bated -
hag at No. 1 et. Vincent street.
made an attempt on her life yester-
day morning by stabbing herself
three times in the left breast. Only
one of the wounds was serlons, and
this one penetrated the body to the
depths of a maple of esthete and
mussed the heart by almnet n mir-
The unfortunate woman was In
the dining -room at the time. having
just tlnlabed breakfast. and, seising
an opportunity when .he was alone
for a moment, picked up a bread-
knife and tried to commit suicide.
Other members of the bon.eho)r
sintering the room a couple of 'ac-
tuante later found her lying prone
dot th.e floor with the knife M her
aide and bloat Issuing from the
wound. Dr. Greig was Instantly
summoned, and after dreaetng her
Injuries, which he found to be not
neoesearI1y fatal. had Mrs. Raines
removed to the General Hospital.
It to very probable that she will re-
Mrs. Realm bad been an invalid
for a long time, and It I. thought
that 111 -health had deprlred her teto-
Imrarlly of her reason.
AW**‘" --
arts ladle err, as
Scott had 110. ALAS& water in -
terse Apart stopped beat-
ing wb le was laboring with
Boott,was (torn In Ireland and came
to Casede niers than 50 years ago. Hs
Wes 73 yells did, sad leaves a a.n and
a daughter.
■en51k Writes to Meese.
Cairoo July 80. -King Meoollk has
Write% a most cordial letter Ate (lea.
Lord Kitchener. Alyder naililiOneeraor
n1 4 frontier bettw ,tie 1 pbp.
Ilan Sosdra and Abysdt 5 on trliaat-
AM* wren dens in whieb op Few
=mare of e Mmes ea
aria, h perces ears beet,
wlthlb the leaf 48 boars. This
radon TO eerie eines May 4116 in
ciellag 116 diadem a041 88 corr.
The labia 1 ie & Meat
it. b 111- , eaiMlat War of shifty• ;fast alt woeor Mleu'd Ile at the foot
7 - "Tie WIUDOa:AID
rimlersa AIM Hggtaeer =nod Aad Many
Pert Jervin. 7.,JJey)y 80. -- A
freight and a fest passenger train
were wrecked on the Erie road near
Lackawanna last migbt. Two live*
were bst, and between 25 and 30
ware lsjte d. The killer, were Mteehan
Oniwa$je.r Port Jervis, engineer. and
Fret Bella, Port Je ala, fireman. A
landfill* cased the d•r4lmeat of 20
oars of a frelgbt, sad the debris was
peed upon the weft/mond tracks just
as the Not 7 (Mette° expire frost
Ned Tort for Baffak, put in an ap.
par.tssee reuniter at the rate of 6A
Wien an hoer. -
The reins Df the exprutw trate
crashed into the wreak aid the bag-
gage ear. eOmbt0atdoi sad buffet car
egad Our P011141111a were piled ip: radial
the oar 'The ftivi
the tlhrowwn
feetiro thirty
rte rad
t msRIrblr at oneatm
s brieHr maid
Ise WON 8.
Mirka Re Near
The Week.
Leading Whites Starker
Following are the closing Sloes at
important centres to -day:
(:hide $-- SM 71 $-4
Naw Ytart .. -- 0 761-1
MIlwaultae ... M. ..... 0721-2 -.-
8t. Loni ... .......» 0 711 8-4 40 74
'11..do 0 75 1-8
Derck, , red, ., ....... 0 72 1-4 0 70
psadroit, white ., -- ,. 072 1-4 -a-
Duluth, No 1
Northam .. .. 0 7e 7-8 0 71 1-8
Minneepolia .. .. .... --- 0 68 1-8
Orate and Prods**.
Toronto, July 29. -Flour -Ontario
pate,nta, in bags, 43.66 to $3.70 ;
straight roller,.20 to $3.25; Huta-
garian patents, $44.10 ; Manitoba bak-
ers', 08.70 to $3.80, ■11 on track at
Wheat -Ontario, red and white, 67c
to Obc north and west ; Row., 67c to
IPo north and west ; Pb. 11raa. bard,
80o to 81c 11.roato, and No. 1 North-
ern at 78c.
Oats -White oats quoted at 290
Rye -Quoted at Mc.
Nar:sy--Qnoted at Mhz to -43. wMt-
Bur:kwheat-Firm; 48c north and
50e east.
Bran -City mills sell bean at 7113
amid aborts at 416, in oar lots, f.o.b.,
(aura -Canadian, See west, and Am-
es'icen, 41 to 42c on track here.
O•tmesl-Quoted at 43.80 by the bas
and $3.60 by the barrel, on track at
K Lauren* Karaea
Toronto. July 29.-Reoetpts of grain
and hay' Were fair. ooneldering that
tate farmers are busy with tbe har-
vest, 900 bushels of grain and 20 loads
of hay being delivered. There wee a
large suar'ke& of fruit, vegetables,
butter, eggs and poultry.
Wheat. firmer, 500 Wilhelm selling as
follow.: W1hit% 100 barbel• at 701.2
to 71e.: red. 203 bushels at 701.2c.,
goose, 1'00 bushels at 701-2c.
Oat. eaeer ; 400 bushels sold at 36
t, 36o.
Hay, steady, at $10 to $11 per ton
for old. while new sold at $7 SO 118.50.
Straw, naolianged, at about 46 par
Batter, firmer : time reapply of butter
tree limiter. selling at 16 to 20e. Ib.
fur ter balk.- w8rii io_iT eery extra
Mesita dairg.
brought 21 to t221*.ltl gtFs .
were ezeept'tonal.
Fes, easter ; there was a p8 1111el
sepp_hy d eggs .slung at 15 to Ile..
Perm Produce Wholesale.
Toronto, Jaly 29. -Hay. baled. ear.
Iota, per ton. $7.50 to $8.75 ; straw,
baled, oar Iota. per ton, $4 to 44.50;
but4p.r, choice. tubs, 18 to lac.; butter.
medium. tithe, 11 to 12o.; butter.
(leery, lb. roils, 14 to 16o_; butter,
creamery. Ib. rolls. 18 to 19c.; butter.
creamery. boxes, 17 to 18c.; eggs,
cho:oue, new -laid. 13 1-2 to 14c.; hooey,
per Ib., 8 to 7o.
arttlehlsark is
Liverpool, July ^9. -12.30. -No. 1
Nor., spring, 54 11x4 ; No. 1 Cal.. to
1.4 to 6s 24 ; red winter, • 58
oorn, new, 8s 4 1-44 ; 0341, 8. 4 3-4d ;
peas, 5s 10d ; pork, prime western
mem. fIOS Di ; lard, prime western,
27s 9d ; Anieriesue relined. :Vie 34:1;
tallow, Australian, 25s 8d ; Ameri-
can. good to fine. 28s Chi ; bacon, I.C..
light, 31s 6d ; l e., heavy. 81s ;
heavy, 29e 411 ; cheese. new. colored.
45. ; elalte, 44s 8d. Wheat firer
Dorn Item.
Liverpool, July 29. -Clow -Wheat,
spat firm ; Na 2 R. W., 59 ;lid ; No.
1 Nor., spring. 5. 11164, Vetere.
arm ; July 5s 6 8-4d ; August. men -
kali ; September, 5s 10 1-8d ; Octo-
ber, nominal,: December. Ile 111.4d.
Make, spot firm ; mixed Arerlean,
8. 4 1-441, taw ; 8e 4 8-4d. old. Fu-
tures, steady ; July, 3s 4 141; Aug
est, nominal ; Reptember, 3e tad ;
October, 8a 4 7-Rc1 ; November and
December, nominal. Flour, Minn.,
17s 9d.
London. July 29.-Clue-Whept -
Number of cargoes waiting at out
ports 8: wheat, off wast. buyers in-
different oopeer aoteors ; on passage, more
lrabout. parcels.
1 Cala1
hard Mas.'29s 9d , steam, second hall AAnngg-
est and first half September. S8s
lad. Make. off coast, nothing do -
lag. On pa.sa4e, quiet and stead
cargoes mixed American. sail ,
steam, August, id. parcel ; LZTe.
spot quotsstlans, Gal., Fox, Lissa., 18a
8d ; American mixed, 10a Ad ; flour•
spirt quotations, Minn., 23.. Ant-
werp -Spot wheat steady, quota -
tens, No. 2 R. W., 16 5-8f.
Apples Balt a Orop-Plum. Plestlful
Grapes Also.
Speaking of the peaoh prospect in
the Niagara District the Glob's 00412-
Generally apeaking the early eerie-
tlea area good Drop. Is the vtclnity
of St. Catbariaee the treesare break-
ing down with the fruit. This Is not
peavery grre "clingstones,"
cli importance, as the ea(:;
rarities and are outnumbered by
twenty to one in aoteage by the late
4Tebrws, Of the late varieties in Niagara
nobip, those trees whish •re with-
in a mite or two of the water, either
Lake Ontario or Niagara River, are
fairly well loaded. Two-thlyde of
them orchards are expected to give
an average orop. In the interior they
here met with some reverse in the
weather, and are alennst a failure.
Further west, in the neighborhood of
St. Catharines, the prospects are
better, lad there will no doubt be a
good 8.71 crop. This is not .o disap-
pointing, nomadering the heavy yield
of last season. The Orawfords, the old
favorites., wi8 be light, but the Long -
harts, the variety most to favor for
atoning, are a tali orop.
The other varieties of halite are
Mealy all beating better than the
peaches 1181. aeric/. The apples are
somewhat starve, and the car.tal• r-
elents of • 8t. Catharines buyer
wee that they wosM not be over halt
n crop.
•rase to said ode thee largetithey'
have ever had.
Peale are Daly • fair crop, and are
Mas tura the average. The pear mar -
het has row been depressed, large!
on aroma of the feet that thee will
not damp lose enough to 1N skipped
to the best asavbets. With better
mail d s of deklag .rad paekhg, prleas
ere lmprav(ag, and a good old oonm-
try trail
1'ks la now expected -
e grape atop well be large.
err -
erre were . edfprwnwbeseeete. u
.i ondding6r e& 01 I th..new►
M eatltpaysd *fib a week ere We
viands wpQfy' M wheat le Uukada *1114
the Mit tle4 States has inarea 1.-
0 that of t d
CTMIrud 7111,000 bor'MiAbh0and 0
MCR taaa Aerreard barrow400beadle' s
tNekt pay bigw daNliib tg etfit tic
set bas. tL
A man's farRtte cede he find -e0bale
mitla* ails=ewe% t11ea$bf fta' 11 r""'