The Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 6. ------ -1
I ...
, ra irq!e'((.✓itE9°CrarldP« L. r°C;eSre'21 . °' from tsar. OlasPsd her b►hp, W her
nxxrxu croavuMveiy, and moaaW :.
11 '►A DA U (3 H T E R O F CAIN We m light Use battle ort 4It°`
dar You and L and God only
yy knows what Um rssalt may be."
The aszt Warning oesue went out
_ _ _ agalu and wan gm0 cagy bun.
'= time she was nearohltls tor' a
Lu., flume for hermit last
hall a sea
A Novel of the Present Day. use for h s tart what .be family.
-a few I urnAl u isma to a ,quiet bas
- ` 1
res psedctable attest, and them site on -
r _ at once, paying a month's rout
She had not been able to weep be-
tabs should miss him whoa be war
n adyAIIO .
tors -her grief had been too deep for
Thea ape returned. settled tier bill
tarn; but now, thankfulness torard
I trust u
you found your friends
at the bollel, and re(rtred W heir new
home with a lleeliC of rode toe
this noble -hearted man had touched I
well thtLa mumhug," Ice anM, , dwu
ally, darling their cxwversotion.
amt contwtt which runlxhaxl Isersetf.
the hidden springs, and she could 1111
.. Quite well," she answered, briefly.
It s and mean coca.
IM keep the diamund-drupe back.
"1 shall go home feeling quite re-
Pa iwhat Isis had always town
Never before had rhe known soy-
1ie4ed ng you," be went on,
„ tca
accustomed, but it was Icer own; Ito
t d obligation upon
thing like the feeling she was now
know that Ytau have tela•
I Lero W care fur yew, and' i
at while her mousy lasted
altpmrisacaog ; never tura had rhe
da,ubt not SISSY will arra►age every
depend upon no one.
!sown what it was to want for a
tlsing for your comfort."
Moptawhtle she lateedfed to take mea-
8411or-a7 I hundreds, if she had
•• TtuutJt you." berth returned. in
tactsum from her
surfs` Lo obtainproperty,
ed them -nor had she realised
the Spa tome as before, though she
husbaud's t find U suveewful
the value of usually until this mo-
wouddend In her heart what he
1wr purpose wee to returu immediate-
' meat.
She clasped it tightly in her bauda
would any U he could know bow fibs
if hey know
ly W Liverpool, W learn. If possible,
ward'■ tate.
-that precious roll at hills; As was
had txsru received by those
••friends" to already
bee referral;
"Martha, do you understand hones
no longer penniless; she could Liquid-
th est rite added: " We novo shall
work Y' she ed, when they were
ate hag obligations to Dr. Mortimer ;
learn tare tomorrow morning,- and
somewhat settled to fists flow .b
her baby would nut suitor, for now
Abe could provide for it ■home, oot o,
In the ad}olnlag room, 1►esr-
"Mean ; I Can cook, and wash and
Wad alt the cos{erta to'vMe►' s ,ling
lois. wonallopSad where %boy w*"
is gen. amid hoer the furless
Iloa. Wad," whih a fond look at Daisy,
had been accustomed -gat leant tartt
prurlded for.
,070a+altoaats' teoow %tow well I eon
' Is, there anything
y ng else that you
1b you remain lin the city T Dr
feud a tab Y
"i know that you have been Just
world like to dispose of Y' Yr. Simons
Mortimer asked.
M kind M kind can 1>e to t>a 1]Ot
asked, as be handed her the list he
For the present. yes." she saw
ever since our trouble," Cecile re-
had made out, and glancing at the
then kx''king up at him, find speaking
eponded with emotion, adding:
dies packago which Abe had
wish a quiver In her voice, she went
1 um going to tell you exactly bow
brought. I,
cat : -I am very curry W hove
I am situated, and then you can re-
Y4&;! .ssi+tissdv-"but Jewelery
1 -r-1 shall be sorry to say
main with me, or I will help you to
is hardly in your line d business;
to you 4111%
got a place where yold'%E'-command
however, 1 will show you what I have
may have P rlp er
higher wages than I shall at present
and perhapa you can advi'e me bow
plabtr; and -Dr. Mortimer, I oak'
tie table to give yon. You were pre&-
to dispose at it to the best advan-
never tell you 1pw ggrrateful I ass Sib
eat durtag my interview with toy hos-
you for your ex'Eeedtng kindness to
bdmd's trimer; you know bow she
She untied the other parcel and
we in my trouble."
scorned me, And refused me aid of
displayed several sets of elegant Jew-
She faltered and could not gin on.
any kind -overt Use name of my hus-
Wiry, carved corals and cameos from
"Do not mention it, Mea tlontgom
bond's lawyer. f have valuer some
Naples; ; Romsn and Florentine mo-
ery." he said, quickly ; " It has been
money on some costly articles which
seica, and a act of queer dead -gold
a pleasure to me -though a and one,
I brought from abroad, and we shall
oreamews which baked as it they,
►rug-lp do what I could fur
du vesy well for awhile If I eau ar-
belonged to the ages loos by.
len . arxd I truat th•it when we meet
rouge for an Income from Mr. Muni
Mr. I'llmons seemed much pleased
again -if ever ,yrs shall -1 shall firm
giLmery'r property there used be no
with them; Ire wasevid3titly a leer v
You far hap Llan I leave you.
tear for the future; but 11 I should
tot these small feminine fanciea, and he
Ilio not let your heart fall you," he
fail to do so 1 shall Shelf be driven
astral many gtiertlons regarding them.
contlnvAd. In grave. sweet tones;
W the necessity of going to work
Ile tcxok two seta. for film wife and
"be of good courage, for there im
to support myself."
daughter, quid kittclly offered to
One who doeth all things well.' We
Martha opened her eyes wide at
poor of the others fjor tier.
cannot Always know or see why God
Cecile gar* the merchant her hat:d
allows ouch heavy trials aq yours to
"Madam! what could you do'" she
as ►he arose to go, &lid he marvekd at
conic into our !Ives some sum. to
asked in surprise, all also glanced at
Iter great beauty and queenly appear-
blight them: but we shall know by
bar delicate hands, her young beauti-
- ----
--Afar. eserriheuMlt he nst r -that rhe
&wA 40Tr-ami--4t the-huewing lbs►- &U
lakes -and bar slender ferss- --
WAN anlferIW ntldtra-burdetr int fair-
paluC - __ _ _ ..-_._
"I -OO not know;TEave-never dour
row- simo at too heavy So be borne.
"You always have usaething nom
any work In my life, but there are
"Mr. Alm,ms," she @aid "i am very
forting to any W me," she answer-
thousands of girls to Won city not an
grateful Li you for your kil.dife., W
e1, ix,nra springing to tier eyes; but
old as I who labor for their livinrgg
: me 1g.dV'- When 1 came to you hope
resolutely preventing their falling,
and I can at least try; If I am
'and courage were well-nigh dead w SIS-
she drew from her keg the cull
llgv'd ten" Cecus turwN wt
tb cat•. b%1, ...
M 1rou -wRIA `Jdr. -Oki t ', - 00011
asM/Wftsmst- •• . a . ,w ,..
pithy have mads me brave to face the
tier. saying: " Now, it you will
"Of course," she vattiaded, Atter a
btav le of lite Once more."
please tell me the amount of my on
moment or two of thought, "Icould
The nw.rrhant's eyev grew mouxt tat
debtednew to you I will cancel it."
not take care of Delay and work too,
her words, and lie 4-4a.hfcd the hnrhd
lar. Mortimer flushed.
so I wish to propose to you to re -
she had given titan.
He could not bear that she should
main with me, care for her, and keep
"My CInM," Ifo Haiti, almost tcuder-
be annoyed with business affairs
hoose for mo --for whatever wages
Iy, "my dugghtert i judge, IN about
when her heart was an sore from
-You may think Jost -while I earn
Your ow -n W. And your sad face
her trouble,. anti somehow it was ole
th- money to support us.'.
toorhea my heart in a tend -r mpot.
noxious W him to Lake money from
'•Oh, madam. I will do anythingfor
AM I dtnve been impelled to do for you
You, You have been so kind and' gen-
as 1 0muld wish another to do by Iter
"Is It quite cceivwntent T' he ask
tie to mei I would rather ntay
in a like Kwition. But will you not
ed, as he named She sum he had geld
with you for whatever ca
Moa n
oonnfida' 1r1rfte n little more folly ! Your
out for her.
afford to give me -were It over an,
father 'and I were frlerds-let, me be
"It is perfectly convenient," she re-
fittie-than W go among strangers
your friend none). i du n
not udrratand
plied, with s slight uplifting of her
for a large sum," the honest girl re -
the npodadty which bas brought you
golden -crowned head, and she laid the
S,arned. tearfully.
here to-diy. I thought lair. Montgon,-
bills in his hand as she spoke.
I know your gmpathkse new wttlh
Pry was very wealthy; Is know that
, His, quick eye told him that she held
me," Cecile saitt sadly. and deeply
he has n taster-Ifrs- Colonel Langley
no small amount even after paying
touched by tier words, "bat you have
-who ts, and It seems to me cruel, un-
him, and he thought, with a sense of
cam to tills country to earn your
called for, that you should be obliged
relief, that her friends, whom tills had
own living and I must cot allow you
to part with these peentlful things
visited that morning must bnve sup-
to "critics your own interests for
which Your husband gave to you. if
plied bar with all the funds that abe
fns. I hope, however, I shalt he able
yo% are In any difficulty which I can
needed, and that all trouble, finsaci-
to do for yon as well as any one
help you out of, be sure I ►hall be very
ally, would be smoothed from bar path
could; a little while will deckle the
glad to do no."
in the future.
Matter; meanwhll„ I have hired these
Cecile could not resist Lille kind tip-
He little realized how forlorn the
simply-furnimbed rooms, thinking It
peal -the eompasslortat gleam In Lite
future appeared to this young and
best to be careful until I am sure of
OW gf-ntlrman's eras, and the temdPr,
delicately nurtured women, and that
the future. 1 know nothing about
winning cadt•rtoe of his voice; and re-
when this money, which she bad real-
housework, and I alkali be obill ,d to
morning her seat, she told Wm all her
ized from the sacrifice of her tress-
deMud entirely upon you, and while
troubkr, paAdng as lightly am rhe
aures, was gone, she did not know
I am waiting for the result of my
could, and be truthful, over Mrs. Lang-
where she amid look for more.
plans regarding Mr. Montgomery's
key's trv,ntment of her that morning.
But she was much too proud to al-
lawyer, you shall Beach me what
Mr. Rimtxw Ilatplwd ht amnsrment.
He could not believe, that Howard
low him to seapxt anything of the
You know, no that I need not be so
useless If misfortune continues to fol
was diad, but him absence was cer-
kind. She could oat accept charity
even from one who wee so kindly die-
low me,"
tallnly mast muocountabie. And ho
posed toward her as Dr. Mortimer
Oocilo spoke very gravely ,and
had Ito arlatiou to offer W the nays-
had shown himself to be,
He set talking withjbor some time
Sho wondered how she could
'1 shalt send an agent abroad the
longer. and when at length he arose
have lived so bog wtthoat
first d next month•" lie meld hope-
fully; "and
to go, be took her hand in both h a
nraderetandlug something of the
be Shall look Into the mat-
reallties of l e, wlthmt comprthmd-
Ssir; I ,will do all that% I can for yOa,
"Ittra Moatornery," he said, sadly,
ing. from the condition of th se
my child. But alxut tills matter of
while a wistAl look came into his,
around her, th'tt this world Is not
your sappoort-that The can easily ar-
eyes, "I regret more than I can tell
& bel of rooms. upon which one may
range. 1 am sure. There wi;! be no
you to bid you farewell. I have al-
Ito forever at ease, without coming
trouble about your identity, and you
most grown to feel, during the last
In contact with their thorn,&
are. of nonhae, entitled tr a generous
fortnight, as it
g you in some measure
"If Dally llve,; to grow to woman -
Income Isom your haibw«.d's t
Proper' Y-
D*lon` to ma. I suppose such a feeling
haod," aka thew bt, I will teach her
any lawyer would grant you that, I
would Waturally spring from the care
to work; she t Ill have some duties
will Institute Inquiries about Mr.
and interest I have had for you; and
eyer3 tray to fulfil; Abe abrin learn
MonttrxnerY's man Of bastnes& we him
1 shall took back upon our short but
the value of marry, and th'tt mump-
myself for you. and you shall ,have
and acquaintance with a great deal of
one. N not she Yarrelf, her to earn
Your Just dor'- i Am astonblxd. to
gratification. Let me beg that it you
every dollar that In expended for h'1'
all the re learnt, at the
Y rl position
ever stand to need o{ a friend ngain,
comfort and pilmnmare. It Ica n anls-
Mrs. Lortglpy hav Assumed toward
os, will not hesitate to call upon m*
takers kindness to allow all one to
"Mrs. Langley is very proud, and Polls
I snball be only too happy to respond
td such a Call at any I mis, and under
tical along ns, i have drifted. with
to Berne M persoetsaf re,ponalbtllty
objected to my marriage with her
any ."
se co one's own enjoyment'
. brother." Crile rotif ta d with height,
ns, Cecile sting-
r 11
*reed color. .
"olt what gronn4 If I may presume
ingT vain controlrtheroe quivering
not her lips and her falterigtone
"Where Are You?"
to ask T Some of the hart blood to the
"I shall nevor forget you, Dor what
A week IASer Cecile returned to Mr.
country flows ht the Vavas aur veina."
you have time, and Iwill not forget
Slmous to aseertn U albe bid any
said Mr. Simons.with Crmddetable
your kind offer for the future."
news for her.
"I shall feel anxious to know of
He told bar, with a very grave face,
'She was opposed to use on account
your happiness and prosperity. Will
that h" had rtbooneged who Howard's
my lack of foutmr."
you let me hear from you if -will you
lawyer wan only three days previous,
•'ism : tlw•re Are some attributes
write and tell me if your husband re-
and tint at that tiles he lay at the
mer• evarntial than gold, some of
turns, so that i may rejoice with
point of /heath. He but died gine* Shen
which I iam Imlinrd to think that Mrs.
you r' he asked, gently.
-was,, In tact• to be tmrle:t that
itrefiry 10 stilf may lack." the over-
"Ys, It Howard comes buck to me I
Ye'y day, ctrl, of come. It would
chatat ra-marked, with an spproclative
will write you at once; but," and her
1"' Impossible to anything about an In-
gl&rwp Into Ceelle's beautiful, Intent-
tone rang with despair, "Dr. Morti-
came for her jo"1 yet.
gen tsface.
met be will Dot. I believe that be U
lie thought, however, there would
-T" sorter entad that now." Ito add-
'soros to )n days
de■6 that some terrible accident be-
dthanom ram t
he no difficulty about It, and he would
proem to the matter K
Js, soon as
rd : me n A t*v►
Mrs. Matitgrornery. and perhaps I may
tell g, perhaps that I
shall never know about -or he Heger
propriety and w r rwspxCt for
have some rheerl rp news for yon."
would here tailed to reach the ♦*ase!
tha dead would allow.
But when next oh- saw him he was
Cel -1.10 Was fly oasrtk.e•fsd. Mr.
in time."
not .mo ilopuPoful.
Itln,oxum like a towPrOf mtrioncth
to hor; ha had been A friend of her
Her face was so white and hopeless,
bar eyes so like those of some fgwn
fol I.anglf-y; isw cold, hid aasumM
father's. and that fact made him a", a'
mWtall wounded, that his heart
the mauagemeDt of all 611 Ixother-
In-kL;"w'm AlsOmAffailas. alit would Mot er•
keno of a stra r to iter.
so ed l or her.
ter bin lnter,im until him rptism.
t Rtn• warder•Pd what favor her father
not be so despairing," he said,
if- received noasa mmmanlcntMn re-
rosld hair rrnAmd him that made
soothingly, while his own grew moist
gantbr his wilier
him on rvie surd g+ y pr to help tier;
from sympathy. "[ cannot as -roe with
He ratmrs tl-probably at the Intl.
•he could liUt a.t, and si1P wont
Away. I& treat berhrn lifted from bre
you. i believe that Mr. MontgomeryCation
must return, sad that will h
of his wife, to listen to Coelle'm
heart, ma*. hopeful than site find
very happy once Casale. at i must
claim, saying that ander the pers-
Isar circumstances at Ileo return hen
thought It f k' faver to foot again
when she had come thea'► -a thoawtnd
leave you now; and let me charge
you again -do ndt forget, my deer
cid not feel at liberty to y over
dollArw to her the
friend, •ou,
any r°°ney to her w1awt first Coo'
pores, and promin,o
of as m&rh more At no Mount day.
that I will acme to' yy do
an thing for you, at your afightest
Nolting Mr, Montgcxser
Mr. Mesons had Dead &11 bb elaquenco
"You are very kind' I will not for-
In (Wile's favor, int wlthaot nvall;
hn'ba,i than threatened the obdnrat*
C p,Artins•
+ ' -•-+
et," abs, said, while bar eyes met his
' hw TMfti atoeb
Hurn with thv law. but had ,mW
When nwil loarrlvwd at , .
NirhMas a returns from her
a ink of flair In t wit asap de lha
that it henaled him for Inootha a ter-
who o0olrl ham no right e An
gh y tor-
len d bor husband'm fortune unless
slip maid ove h's do d .
Interview with Mr. Rlmtsnm, stip fond
Dr. Mortimer in her parlor waiting
for her.
1 ars obl nnexpmrtedly, to
return to illornpa W -morrow
morning." he Wald. slameing at a
telegram wbteh hp Call In his hand.
" and as i had previously made An
sagagomeut for this evening, i
waited for yon, as Martha told fr
Tae wished to ase ma"
()wclse's fans exprv+asad regrcet at
Ube Intelligence of him near fallmpar
__,..Mew Be had lives rrm%h a erAsfort
- is her: his was sgrh A strvrrtg, tree
nature W bra upon In w thaw of
tnoable, that It made her very Wad
M have him go.
The mwslnr had rlAslned Into bar
wbNw far* while he was spooking
Wad res had a half-gellty feeling Met
bo dsiell sampwct the nature, of
the perusal which Md talon her out
. a owmd tissw fish day-
Jb1S of asavew has did toot, And set
Ml few onmw time b liar Is a
A Ob-rfnl, way, which m ode
'' $or "Sao the all Stora bow mneh
Ma i ane Dairy fnr a moment d"
he allod as he Twleosed her hand,
but he spooks with difficalty.
He had not realized until that mot-
moat how sod this partlpg was going
to be.
Cecile went Into the next room and
brought the little one to him.
He clasped bar close to his strong
I Cannot tell you bow deepDly all
I bare i... to this assall
darling," he sehd, with assteady lip.;
and than to renewal his, amatteo, es
bowed his manly head ovar thin sonny -
haired, 1.Stgbin& child• and kiwad her
After a moment ,or two be gavp her
beck seylug core more;
' Woe the sire n( this child, rem@m--
bo that i am always your friend."
1 will rwdemher," OKAIe answered.
while stxn•thins Ilk@ a ahnked her
nlferolMa, mod ohms a tar now more
handclaap he want away while the
Mriekww yroninit neosthwr, vaeling all It
leer Isat ped rMly sepport was tabes
pet an Israel.
it widow; and them thit hope was cat
off am! with it ell th'xsght of return
Ing to Liverpool to try to, learn How-
ard'x tate
For &WAkM week .b• was nearly III
from anxtaty. Rcxnothing mu,% be *)tip
to most this emorgwnr) . bar present
fonds would not Inst nlways, and she
Must arosse herself And hpnd all her
exurgMe to provide for the future.
Rya what to do T was the gnputbl.
Night wftf-r night sow lay #,wake
tO think of s•ounethirag At once
toN and practicable.
"There iN not a #d so uuefal toll"
llAptknow how to dn," waw had told
mo nk when earwltlnk with
hien Ahcxrt the ler. 1. cannotMach. for, #If$ i havv had perry
ndvantme in Ili* way of pill edonatMn.
I W merely A tOOOOP cele for know)•
104r -I was nOt trnlraM t+o aremmw»l•
allulle whAlt I rvrv,lvwd - tsfsaaMst I tarn►
1 itn Ikut efroMg ept„K I phrysfkfally. It
Wt.- thn snrpiw, wityh, i ni>ide ; i
"TWO it i U -Ad W pats my
ut1>Q'.-OPW We And I'm mum I an
th k i am linea for anything,"
f ,
• V1
'•IL Is & harQ cape, my cW4" ell,deKlsute, and Is "STM "i atOFJOL/'M I ISSUE N a—
Bicap" .alai nYmpathlxlahgl7 ; "'and Aid 1tR'r rt good eery Q v1, 1
thaw *^*" of yiur husbAod & Is w to asst tat* thghe ytwtag t6*me4 ObwllM rrenhy 1111" yr a Oath Mo - ---
wadmsLrr In human fore Bu . we'll ese watch the sura ta4 out of them to. PreneverUvo Be
knot & poeslss• Does
what watt be done for you. U --Toa ale by little y t can I have never ku<rr►ti • parsecs b mot-
have no false pride about working oreaasd; the wail was kept hawk, and
fie ytw reread I" they saw that their wart was &p Ter from rheuuaatkaa who ate tnsly
$e Iociktd at her keenly as he Wald prSheled of obhave acrd 1 knob of hundredsby Thrivel
Lull, AhSa Yet! a klad ward for LYtw el- who have been relluvfed of attacks by
She lifted her load with 000sctotp ways, 1f mdse had cause to reprove for eatbig them. 1 have iit:nu had Ober -
so gently
that .:as a It was, does rtes ordered twv and three menthe be- a
"No. Sir; I ant Willing to wd1Yi•,-1 p gently %Yat ooaa scald tab et -
shall be prtwsd to be able tai support fegoo, yet sin firmly that it wan out tars the snsaun for them up:eated hone- If your bub
myself seal my ahUd ; an4 1 (will Madly repeated. She paid t►moo a fair price about^ ,Laid tM supply the orders have Y y to dellen
&Tall myrblf d anytWug which you -tie, the u P'W would not Ip t
tray rtoommtind mr, W do." alae aa- prom -and they were eager to `di had to .Dula W tltba and w CA tier. and sickly and its food do
swered with animation their utmost to Isla for them. The ordilLary olserry car e
"That V DNsss ane. f ilOt nourish It, int fifte
fapokSaa like a noes wpm- tlT. Simone was jsM1W*t over Y ,r talar as aao..d which eellevaa It It doer p tt
an." lir. Sianome returned rubbing him success; he was reaping a rich hare- not effectually care. of otplMA it may or twenty drops of Scott- halide ttgether with a aatldied air, eat from the arrangement without all be In the fta an, and that rhey
and giving ing her a Stan -of adus"Moa. Way of the annoyance of manufaetur- matt t would d'sappeae anyhow, but Emulsion in Its bottle thrt
In spite of her sadness CceJle was log, while he was gaining a repute- t► Us We to may %list there Is rxi Theu-
very, eery beautiful. tier fair fare tion for praQuclog the daintiest or four times a da; an
was daily &ssuutltrp more character; "aothiaga" in the world. Ilia ties, DO,.% it dur)tlOf a thingUOtrY waauu. I y d yU
there was a tholightfuh,cye In her caps,•and so turth, were b groat de- dO't know of anything laenitl,ler, Vjll see a muted Chan
eyes which lent them nu added charm; mead all over the city, and he wax be- thigh y even dile Hot- lwWak, tics- change.
»g g ginain to reaelve lar a orders from up, % Y &fin and as perfect is gaud
!as stmt We have had abundal,
Iter bearing was more dl nlacd and g alt very fine nears d collo ctrl ohofirA
H If-relhaut; while tiff- blauk garment other dates. Morisco, which ate rery annoying 'rhe proof that they Will thri,,
Which aIle AIWAylf wore Iww-al- "Who does all this -who spats up cobn'd people of the Math think, and
though ,be d'du not airtime widow&' all thew delightful trifles& asked It may les that the &tips be►'al ear1zhiJ&cn
•iii this emulsion when Ot}le,
wwdn- the cord not du that without Helen Lansley one da r of Ylm, ns, yte ayelato th and finemAme others as
prcx,t pwritive of Howards death, she rehcted two charming breakfast- '16W fails to flourish the
PTenn thotgh site Irand such must be Caps, a fiohu, and some ties, paying a well, that all the cramp y culla !• III,
Lite fact -wase extrt•uhe1Y becoming W good round sum for the style" as future► out pt the cherry by eatlug lU.- YL 1s the SilmC W1Ih lar
Iver ab love! awallo
p losaxte well as the material. w-t>ap* tdieo ata all. t7
That un u, etkxaably was the parse. that
>*. Strauss that deepl7 fnteeeetotd in ' - A srho aaaos flrsm rastia s Iles arse. bpi in "Gout ?has fears of C -: ,,
her; every d" two toaod saris sum gess sesfths ago," the serehaat re- appendicitio may have cbatsged dt y.btt's Emnhion seeing to ,
trait to admire In her, and he load pprlied, chuckling to himself, sad won- somewhat, though, for abs Ilfe of m",
dAtermined to help her lin an Indepeu6 dering it the "trifles" would appear I cannot m;d•rstand why it to so data- t1le element lackingIn their
egg% podtlon-If site proved herself so "delightful" in her eyes if she had ro,s now to .a allow apple recd
ready to help born. -It -if for scathing known who bad fashioned them. ger u se"d or cherry ow a. when to ' UOd. Do not fail to try jt j(
Snore tltaa to defeat Mra Iangleyl "I m'tglit have knowp it;' ahe amid a{dtashhxxd tluur IV wan the rule to ver Children d0 not thrive
tnaltiJonsa spite agalust her, to a ss[lsfied tone. TYe Lve a de- do so rather than the ezah,tk>+t. lin t
"With each A ayirtt," he went on. aided French air; Wool int Is, such a ilm'ld't the ,Wit s sard is tory fee -
"them It Is s,8 useful for 111GfIf
your ealth 9Is no i Was. on J wanctmft If Ca•*W*4 tqW" vtotobliged -vitab der ,p qp ewalblsd and appendlcltle to in
from mea In in a day or two; but ported." bhheard to then. As a eprls* tnrd'- tlmmer u -bin Winter.
before yoa 'o I have Monte amore matey, A year want Iy, Wad at the end, ciao generally cherries are without Ajoo our donor fAtg ie asf rr
for yea; your laces are sell very when Cecile m,..fe up Mer ■osatata, dotsAA the molt valuable of the small ! y sr.
T jewelry whe found a_aa W is her favor of fruit crop. even If they M not effeo- SCOTT A sOWNk qac. Toro,
car wet
well, and another apt of Wally carr rheumatid. They foe the
hes bean ollroosed d:' Mix hundred dollars; all this besides blood of ,the tufo acid which proditius
He paid tier three hundred dollars the necessary expenses of her business the catdttlon known as rheumatism, PI UMATIO Jolt, IN IN ViNTRD
more, and she went away feeling quite sad the oast of her own household -"and V they do o more than that we '—
hopeful, although as noha
vet thing "God s been ver good to nit"Acauld be It
" I think are, grateful.- Amy A"mopt to Out a Way Out Wsras
d'fitdte hrd
ad tru rtermined upon. note maid, the thankful tsars starticn ng Wash Star. Life Authertumat Ones.
Mr. lilmcna howerer. bad a plan In to hat Says as aha sat *war bsr books -r. Various tote safety Jail I. the
sulcal for her. but 1ta.AA- not wish W and looked open these figures; "and tif of a extent novel a Ikuto„uI
unsold it W her until jh* had torted yet," she added wearily, "there Is 3NGLISE ABMT BLACKING , 1 air wicks has icatba,u ,k -
her proven a little. nothing that will ever ewsa the pale is wed the Pullman'and Palm vwiapnd. Wad Is about to be plu,r,i un
He had rwele*d from the pint bow is my heart until I know my dart- the market. The walls d the vaults
of tier site was In *very tier throat
iog'a tate. CST POTIPT7 ail pQ th• 0011IIt1y. or Cells am steel tuber, XMC'^l ai,out
of her Sys the lace s,1 Iter t oa a CPIs be Coatlase- - tour and one-half laches apart, and
wax fol knot;
gathered tato Samher s ----- -- Woman Smoke 'sea Otsarettes. the floor and calling of double marl
knot ; sib ties Of her hat TIGZB BTOOZ PCLIBB
wen• always fwasernrd W sash a dainty The fierce criassds agaLiK Lotas000 aqs wftY as air sire) ta•tw,
how; ad too* any- site tany- in the modern glo7a !""'s{ y1 of the day. clgareVtM to London has developed the T nhses e tttbes Wad Macon aces are all
tiling hfingers, ing Into tier ssecdar fingelie raw " tea a redia, which M particularly' in o mmunk&Uon and ate kept f Ik,d
.4h&i who lak k *ety- arroassd-it- Tie value a*- *4 museum -- bi< 11modoulatedlf • omd! ate, Is,_ cane obs
terms peeVky. artWe - *:-titwatvrttl moaw find fids w I as oltfem tE SCI monis. the
v►*W..-= The value of newspaper adver
One a a day or LwberHkr tis tls to lembLim Aatlomanhwe In New in pyre int ouom
ipOr her rewhoual a number int striking It. rei4r OBER& as autessatic alarm nL ,n
Above, conversation, he mat*Yt er at ahs ratkoms In N6vr'York hlitTia the k--Tee e1pL are made of a 7
her owit honks, g ioaies gradb of green Use, which Iters deelwxd point. The door is al.o baht
part half year. An ubssrger ruuL*dl the with air tubes and
lira Montgomery," he mid open- fact three tar four dry bounce but little dust crud b composed of no- the ing b aria
i a fox fllkd with delicate team rib the Ilroken leaf. Tlhls le dam d w that uDbec by a b'bw, hiregod tier
.LMALa' WeR twato,"g. "'wfe,ohlllt"'ls"6f6" To t wOAt laic IS444tp. 1 fife Mawr may. W 4tit*66'iwvm g •11s..&1M..3 ,MSk*.r
wiuter were the only onev of the ( are fvmoved before the lock can r
go into fancy necktlesl Jabota, break- cylinders. but not sufficient to affect
greater -department &bores that never gotten at. The tubes coutals in
fast -cans, etc.. pretty ext-rutvely, and advertised In the new the lutp:x. The tante to so;d W be
I Want yo!_to make up n some ram- eDalwrs- the d in able at first, the effect as be- tbeir• interior cotagonal ban abort
p utter hand file great advertisersri.0 have iers seven-etgksbs of an inch In d4mevr
pka You have tatAKr, or I am gtraLly ell en)>ysd great iag*sperlty. (>ss til ginner teltrag a sense d Oppression In hardened mistaken; you have land an un- the heed ani a n to take bold of d ha tool steel. These art.
tt of heel all th, oPPerl Ih°'e• which was ecpected would
T R kn n'eent pretty tall• cams out $800.000 ahead us, the sornetlabla After a few cigarettes pivoted at the ag►ds, and readily turn,
tillagewhich the unanafao%are Mo have been amokal the feel_ so that even if the air pressure W14T
7 year's hustnSaws. Only bold advertising cfsptestedf ed the 11e11 world be as ,hist
Seriolvely in Pars& taut i believe they carried it over the rocks which throat- hig is suocerQrd by one d in4ms+ ex- I'e
Can be mad- here Javt as well an to 1m- eoetl hllaratloa i'hysicians may the effect cult to escape from &A any otter
port them. I want you to do your The remits of wine adverNsitg Are ui the nerves of Colftlntmxsly m000king now
the market-Pt1)Ia,M•il.hi3
fiery beast for * and iI OUT plan In highly satisfactory to those who tea elgarettps Is as d•iot rloos as _ -
w etlaxx I filet perhaps will 111 tpet d their mob mossy to this way. one drinking whnfntl,e. Tiro first step to -
have found the 'work' which you New York firm that had a new AT. ward & cure is a cap d strong tea. D<Isle>1T8
seek.'" ticle W pat on the market last win- -- --
HC gave Iter nelrnQte directions Cat- ter and spear $100.000 In newspaper laewY Thtr T YQBZ FRUIT Z= PACTS
cernhng Wwhat be wLhad to here me&, advertising. reported later that It
and en weal away, leaving ler was compelled to refuse to take any
We offer One Huo4rvd Ddlerer Ito- tIa the but IDadt 0! Wd in CaA3df.
lighter of heart than she land been new business. The orders fairly ward for any case of Catarrh that I sly a g
any day air" landing in New York. swamped the house, though It had can n"A be cured by Hall's Catarrh •`7
Here was something tangible -some- character and ample capital. (,*are. -,.—d
thing that promised employment and Theme instances of Hotness saga. F. J. CHENEY k IN).. Tok•d O. Y@&rale Weakness.
remuneration ; and It would be such city are well worth the attention of We. the unt09rsr!gne4 have known -I dunno whether 1 shall ever tate
pretty, enjoyable work. Loaf the business world In%igent news- F. J. Choosey for the last rUteea years. V wife to Another ball game,' .1w
Her fingers were. Indeed, very cult- paper Advertising always brings het. and belle" him perfectly honxablm Mr. Retailer.fling, as ar. Simons had surmised, and ter return than any other forms of H all Walloons tran•nfetkwu n to
and finau- " Bother oo much 1"
utxler their magical manipulations. uiver%Wng. Experience has taught elally able to carry out any ob1!ga- "Ob. no; have finally got her ba
lovely thea, pretty caps and dainty all of our most successful merchants tions made by tbel• firm. point wbere obm umk aUtitle the gn*e
luefuldresee@ grew very rapidly, a &
nd that It it necessary to keep In touch Wast k Trux. Wholesale Dar ivy, prettT well. bat when the umpire
when the merchant1rdl
saw them he was with the public, and the only prac- To. ss, Welding a
Kinna 1 rrin, robbed us, of a run she Just laughmi
more than satisfied with the rewn)t doable means is 00 Mwspelpvr ,,E!rm Wholesale Druggists. Toteer, O. and sold: "Ain't that fanny t'
of lily " plan." and Printer. - _ Halt's Catarrh Cots le taken later — --
I wish you had a dosen pair of - - -- ,.a. endyma g surfaces
n the Wuod I sued to be continually Shred. Now
hands," he sold• "and we would open r and mucous what hoe. thee 7sys em. I am strong and well -Miller's t•,no-
a wholesale as well an a retail depart per pound iron 111110 aid IA
menet of there things." 1tot+tle. "b all drt bfa
Ceellp's face lighted with a sudden Hall'u Faml y Pill@ ars the best. *mad" laking In f wades.
Inspiration. i was cured of a norm cold by MIN -
i wish- you would." she answered ARD -8 LINIMENT. larlaets Wevso Sas, Wire A trnsedh has been atarted in l.ur-
eAgprly, -and Rive me the contract Oxford, N. S. R. F. Hewson. Br ok ombankmeats to t river IItaaptrs
talo " here baked luesact ot
to supply you. i would make all the • I was cured of & terrible apraln by banks -from (bola have be ax ee@- (ieorp a1V. m alda[ it Illegal to leak
wimples, and hire young girls to Ica- 1Il\ARD R LINIMENT, fully used for several years fa Italy, bread on Sunday i"n the city of I,00-
It3te thaw in quantities, 1t would give Fred Collison, and aro being Introttna3d Into France, dos,, ticoggY the iaet las long been
ale• plenty of work, and also give use Yarmouth. N. R. Y. A. A. C. Belgtatq Egypt and England. A man Ig vd. 1js gy@atloa a[ $nada Ink-
opiortnnity tomato something out I was cured of Black Erysipelas by tie of br!eks, 10 by 10 William, anti 4 ing Ica now to be taken up is &HIS,
of my employ""." MiNARD'S LINIMENT. Inches thick. Are wovenher
Mr. Simons regarded her with sur svUl
rriglee. J. W. Ruggles. strong galran)sed and anntoeslel Iron melot
prise. wires, In wain a way am W form a Iffimd a Lmipaatollaea Dkoem
I had no Ilea that you had ouch a proper band. The mwotle can be woven
head for bDatness," he exclaimed, soot!- —
hi at Iter eagerness. - i have tali a on s ho cls, Ws ISM clown, n an to eas. p, prprut F,z
R R phos-C:eewt tioott. Chen:
miter to let you try It; but if you form to old efficwnons, and le cheap what's, that strapped on that last
durable And etflcieet *tPDsd
&atertake tills work you most have lodip?Ifo Jails for Ohlldraw burger SaoOrd Ezplaer-Dutra nit
some plroa t which to carry It prof unless Worse I barges cheesy. Vo shai off a pound
nnrJ I did not think you would tuts to A }°fi should harbor m very youth- chlldron Areal ~ Mics Line artch mine• Now We puna got outmoded,
Sul offender ex In extreme case@ MY•
leaves your home," ° `t aln'd It?
" No. i alio nki not," Cecile astM, Not much of each punishment would
gravely. Am she thought of Delay; she be wired to snake hardened trim- Obeo"vo Agrtealtnre. ----- ---
ooukl not go away and leave the child Vials of thaws who have but gone Daring &las yelp of steady work ASK YOUR GROCER
all day; slip must hays that carefat AstraY In cblldish folly. In roar much Horace, Plnnket•a mew-politic&I Irish eOi 1pt00' ■1LALdfl/ Dla>Datt. errs
training which ony her mother court caeca R fire it b probable that a wgrtcnlSuraI organisation has pgrlTUTigO TiaA7fDOOfI►il wkrl►
glut• her. strap judiciously applied would wort wron`bt a quiet revolution by teach- @Oman fid
Alter a moment's thought her face nMr^ reform than could a thousand ing the farmers the beaprlt or co• and -8.0 rales sm,aic,aaaasda bksj.
olea4 eehhl and slap said : Jai!&. and this In many Instances b the operation, and as a remit then are f • •re'r •ss pals -m- s em
Tlfer* b n large unoccupied room duty that lxuentm have neglected to flow over 100 auxiliary dairying ro. Ws*s t=be used mem nse wta r
perform. -San Francisco Examiner. cletles, with ten thoomild members; Tea &sae
an the house where I Ilse : if I court Oar se Wad collie Wed @ssyy Wf tM p atceew
that. It would he Just the place; fire mbwUsnsors exleWs, with P, Agee. P•ekseltwBm&keisssea ItotaeI
pleasant grid airy, and I could Miller's Worm P seed All meals Inetesd d Tea Wad lean,
It b *-M f owderA the medlo{oke three Manta two fSaderatloes and
esslly Attend to eel business and still lir chi so if
ptAIM ted sl reasaa@ C&w
be. at 1, Mrs. Borrowing obtldgo&• A Oven Photograph" by z !Says as► . VY. r.+wy7faw
• Well, Maw- Montgomery, satisfaction, you can in Ma sear tine French author- Rbaws a *nail• hard kernel, car -..d — - - —
you sh0 things to your aoorondaga la ets tot bard aklru. This tin earn
you shall have the contract for one itiwm are collecting n tax of flftepn Y y Dorn
year; hire the vacant mom at once fransu on *very unmarried male Causer keett PAID. The only sure mnamr
If you can, and we will furnblp It ftor native over twenty-five years of ago, of Pxtractlrg lt. without paw. in a Ment'
you with the neem airy tables, chairs, Ain) "t sev8n and a half francs on do Y 16 1'U* --'s PalnlewC'orn Eztrac- BINDER Zishna
etc., &tel I will you If your every nail" woman orpr twenty-one WT. Sant Yeo. 1'alalessT Yea Cheap Grader
promise yeah W who has not s ehlM, ten tadeed! Try kR
work s an pretty thin ss term"-pot»t
ing to the pretty things she had mad* IpgltlmAte Or 111e91tlmate. Macy i.ewas% rn'iiTT T'Zl,
-" all tiff- business yon want." native@ borrow children when the tax T6 'Post tie Toch proem j w JJ,,jN jj`` J
The, kind merchant was glad to see thtflro tor arrive@ and return tlesen to t graudt taternathonst•,n llaLAM .Yat star 9VOTa'eroirs.
liar facv light up with interest, the parents as soon as the tax col- will be held In TAMMAIA to November _
110101' flAmh into her cheeks, hope Into sector has gas out. next, when the meet oaf Swwibfi,
laps *y,oa no the future began to You thlnk I bolt so as batter; Gsnnan. F Ish and American axes FITS ftralllNI1d1TLy"agrf By
tw•1R titers before her. and flows will be anbmitted to a sorts" Da lCty«n tyt@mt 1Nevn Iter
ShP went home anti hargalnpd for Ys' and i feet better -Miller's Com- of stringent tests. Wulf grant Inedutb 1*'u, Ne ata a ndrt It-
alie Tneant room with hpr landlady.f Iron Mile aid it, and motip
-- __ andwinmo y Prima AwardM to the t lir* day's e@a send r
Mr. Roman stocked It for liar with PIpDOOI1W Il[!t>1//Iolfl - gby by fit Bch tr ec, hladeltthia,
olMlnr ani tables far the wars ,rs, and 1reMlpard ds• 1M1 t bottla ror
even mmt her a fleets and a Nksm's uWalaat Qpps wD w J A starts lteo otro fart*• sta-
prwtty omdsmsn who Weak im1 remalM delas. cit► M apppl,
clock. from adrss•IlakDg sYoald elm to pro- Thnie ma --
An wdvertlaement was Inserted In dens by their &d,roKk emsentw strong yst esteem a man Of many i.s wtstaas dre wti a.eewlsg issSlower
one of the dally papers for Rlrle to Wad historic impsemto&s an the puts bwrT and any Ilse meek aiike._Ani- %sowPala bet fa 1gvcoetuty re nonsuch
work ns, fancy ties, cte.. Wad Girlie Ito mind. Bustnum &Dnoan(emeny oesrl , Loa
aonsD had her hands tall, rlucxo"fn her be esosatkmal, but they should -The -ate °Orr"°%"=n1 s"•ad*" food am
R ttrfcd rdvertlepmse»t should ssisrp to tie whole Win -U ha=
help from the crowds that poured in be striking. Direct statep nts to 1• be followed by a better arks, If t""ra• sun to fie ntomrek mwd
&Pap her. trger for employment. lag what the Advert has to sell, aiblo, post- wand t M /awn Y
ShP selected thomP who exhibited the` bine quality and sty tt)s goods fi altNW.
na,Mt tpiste In their wppe►rei, Aad them and tile prices o{ Neuss of the priD- - - - - -
In JM tb&JLIW,U aaBiha tram the clay ntPal malipliesalim.
are the Chid poloy
D ON't try N teff -.i3 -.r •'+w+,r-_-«--+,r. _ .:asw••xaas. y."sorsr,r3s.+ +r
Of ler Iftsfull
Of in New YOYk sip had w know art ClAtaingirs all your stock In dr diars
room full of Islay workers, rand wvpry one adveroianmpnt ; that Is ploor pal ASK YOUR Dvtyplt (rte `
week Alm turned out ease after case Jry. Deal with MMppn,oppttaalties cal at . • x71
all Mva1Y lingerie, which Iadkr an much length CJtvo the prltttSar a Ohant a ten4 ,
¢AaUre. *low Ills atoll. Yaw know your trade; S'
Every day .Mlae amAne. ed npw tl be known his. Our pylic OY sthA EDDY' ` 1
prgT : her mist semmwot emin*ntly dtnplgy to catch the putiMo eye t
MUNI for business, with,.,,, abs had counts for mash in an 11
vwrtlapmo et. '
nevpr drmmpd that shp could do any. «.
thing of the find until neretselty drove M7 dacghter hes lmpwrmPod fen asci uw s i e
her f It, vs, thatyonwould etarv+ply know her-. House s 9ewb acrd Stove
She made All y awn patterns; wrM s "O rill wil
aweh olglnty, airy little things rathwy ('rrmpeuml 1r'a° I'111n c1M It,
wawa too: inspected every article esu eHMaklf the -. HES41
It came, from the hands of the work. g Operation. _..,, i
wnmau. tow that it was, p A rwr short -- R-Ua ,
y T +IghMd old gnatMtsfnet _
msada, pecke l all into their ry ITP nT Into
ase of our
tarpi,o tow" for TW7 - ... - .
boxes, and kept tier own acra.unts. he firm% alae and onesing from the r"`r sh Dade b7 a tNM' 1gg $1 w»T Other kiMd
it was a very busy life for Iver, w heart a( the country. and iwatng a matt . i -. 00
life an mntlrply dlffwrpnt from nny dlggkag, Nvnt to h And halt. wailer.
thing that ohs had ,over Imagined pow- " MY man. fee wltoth dlggvsat that
sihlw for her thnt she ottwn wondprM thin long andnarxvw gravor- -- ., "— """,
If she wore the esm" porom who had nut the man tr>cnh no not'ep. Going -i
been an Apfondent Pon Othpre for happ rh,w" he rownarked again:
pleas. And In for everything In " M a@n, for whoa dlggest tpu e J VIPOND , O •
hip. tits g Arul sarror gravels' s
And yet it wax not an flnhaPpuy TI,e man knokM at and said:
fill lwtou";'*tip was 601fa7ltg am hnn@st "On on, you sill old f Cr ONIt and ProdtjC OOMMISWO, ,
Iltug, wM ftif Moons n/ lay 'not gas plpwet - TAW.&u Ar,sipo gn -iN
idid Y " f ►d »efiwes who - - _ s*etl "alicifl/, 9' " .•
otherwise Wtlald'e Lliaat OWU 6arnt in aR A_ _ fah luaae114 L
.- .