The Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 44 'Plata. WT, £ 7t 1I e
sere eesok •1 Now and Mooed -
hated Whaois be be neared out 1.
T. Dem (26 Wheels la all),
Bicycle & Music House
Bicycle Urory,
West Street, - Oodrlob
Otimmens t The great meet Rpm whlo►
they based I halt artt.i.. s wad volsa was
the to apeemiatanneinity .r s redistributing
•iosee alter with danwd.•I eeaaae. The
ghee io set well taken, as has hes• SIMM.
road autkmiy, (bneervaMv, and Llbr
sad they Mee net►e otter hoed violated
the wet-kaewe prison!. want pomades sU
Krt1t.h sod ('.•die law that every elwt
10 legislative, body rtes the right 0o t errant.
all wriers assented with the freebies
of those w bo *Wm it. 1s.ka 1 „l js ftetat
fathom we have hem as able morn
eass►Ip as yea be found any 'where, even
dewn to a ward heeler.
Ilam • B.d..11..1■ the teeee.Isrveases the
renew, Reverie.
To. may absent W norms. 'la sur revenue which followed the
redaotlou to doge. in 1897 and 1898
shoed allay the Lars of those
who .esvrted that such reduosluae
would result in • lees of revenue sod fora
ti. (roveruewut to re.orl er come form of di -
root taxation Al it becomes genitally
ksowo that • reduotloo in proteoUve dude.,
no matter in what oo.owy eoluroed. results
to on Woman of revenue, the mea objeoW,
as far as (Lauda a onooeroed. of g•titng
bunk to • revenue tariff will dimiaieb.
We hay• but to trace the tufos•oe eeoh
reduction. must have on effetely. demand
to uoderetsod wby It Is that on teoressed
renew free Wapner a.swit. To de this
we relent keep in Mad two w,•U-.slablishd
Mot., assay. thus Moat 90 per oast d
the people are wage-oaro•r., ad time about
the same proportion live up W their Iacono.
A good deal of the omission which sur-
rounds many .woaomlo gantlet.. might b.
avoided were these two !rote kept in mind.
With our eyes open to ear ,urrousdtnge,
and thew note Ware as, a steeple but lope-
...... _ s.pissa egme$ ia-ne mine a timais-U
1 We ail know that after the riddled Ar-
m rvncAsm Moirid wee brout dew. a teasel .•.ling deem'
of pricespekoe- 1. 11100 when the pro
Iaraotial duties went tote fan forn this mewl-
ing down proem was repeated. Now, 1a
0.54.011 as 90 par oat. of the people spend
all the imam they Mem whether prises are
high se low, the coaling down would im•
easy mtdbt beetled by the •ppolatlsMI rf
the let egisoyv`e eldest wa. With as r►
Gonna* whniewn *o lite Maud ass 1•
q aeKo.a, It may be said that ethos the WM
poeteww of UMW., T. Fati, died, the
"Jiver of The Star did ant tbisk his eon
should mooed him, w the editor la gadet/es
was ell of the prisotpwl aspirants ler the
Mr. herrn., wlleotor of (loderlcb, seder
whose eapervrtaa the Chutes 08005 le con-
trolled, was down Mere lest week •rr••ataa
for he temporary of the emus,
want w111 be under this ooalrol of Lauer
Whitely, until • permanent naoeesor u
•ppolaled to the late oolleotot. Wa have
eves), reason to believe that Mr. Whitely
will satisfactorily perform the degas of this
le 0. steam the ogee, whether sada' •
Liberal or Cweteervative government, that
whoa • sablio office b.wmer eat there
are quits • •umber of appl -sots for It;
and we see sodden weals in Boob • oiroam-
st•nee. Party workers have • right to some
reward, and the .a solid 'ennoble" for
offioe is simply a pb•.o of life eemmen to all
political patens. We tall el see anything
specially obysugenabie to it, eros it it dose
oo.plteea the .nem of t.divtds•1 oh'ies.
It may possibly pat • .top to one .west
yarn, which namely deserves anise, to soy
tint E. Holmes, the tatter ot tis sittmg
menthes, Is not an,pplioant for the vaouoy,
and if it wi'1 relieve any et. helloes the
representative of 011. riding ie gait. willing
M take tie white tato il. '
..y, tarther, that, however moot be may
est•sm tie to iinttoel lei illiertttriwite but'
n ot the remotest toieotloa of reoommead:ng
him for this position.
SODIIer1Ua, THURBDAr•AueUBT. a, ttjtI
wHeaa Aga :CO, IMO
Hamilton Herald : Keay will he weeder -
leg n Bob l.,.rsoll 1. elle willies to admit
Nat he wes 54utrtea.
• • •
LOOKING roe • H00500.
Pari. Review : Tb• kissing bug bee not
yet rasahad Pars. but we have es army of
Orb matinee foe something of the kind.
• e *
8t. Taomas Blamed le the
preaoher who Ibmlle the servim to an bear
m these het Mibi yd'1li ik He shall
not have to watt until he is dead to tome
bis praises .seeded.
• • e
MICK KNOW. IT 01.1..
Galt Reformer : New►alas Flood Davie
aeons to think that the Dake ot Devonshire
net . proper authority W oo.sult as to
,d _..slag of t0• words the latter imago
man mod In hie letter W Mr. Malopk.
• • •
TIT roe TAT.
Taranto Saturday Night : • The story is
told •f a ooa.try person who said to the
village tour : -"W hen 1 wet . good wont
1 tie W • Londa tailor for It. That'. the
platy*. By the way, do you ever go to
thorn' r "Oh, ye., 000aslwally." " W bore
de yen go" "Well, when 1 wont to bear
0 geed .anon I go to Leaden for it. That's
the plea."
• • •
t/OYe7Rt1O New TO ruse.
Vaaoa,e, Provisos : 10 is •mooing b
Us.•dl•ae to road that tae aliens In the
Atha district .r- eatbul.atio over the
quality of jostles which Mr. Justice Irving
is dispensing. Hie lordship is simply doing
IW duty, se every I'seedian knew he would,
bag the aalsotraotod alien, unused to the
methods employed by BriMob ooerte, is left
1. • elate of open mouthed -wonder.
o • •
rat NAIL'S HYr0001IT10tak
Da.da. True Bawer : The Mail pre-
tends to be very •irtartue WINS dl.o.esb,
Me redistribution bill. It calls the pr•.s.t
bill • gerrymander. I1 it wet. • erry
se•sdr The M•11 would support 1t from mom
feral el habit. Bat It makes the people
leash te see The Mall trying to be virtuosi
ever gerrymanders. Sorely it does not
think 11 sae fool anybody. AU the people
whe read The Mall are an idiots.
• • it
IlydART 1A11e.
L..Os. Chemins : Mr. Kipling, while
on • visit to Mr. Hardy, west to sae •
how which the author of Life's Utile
Irreales thought would sail bloc When Mr.
Kitting moved out of earshot Mr. Randy
observed te the 000ace.0 : " I may men
•les 00 you that this gentleman le sone other
(dress Mr. Halyard Kipling." " Is that so r
Oa. molted, , I •oyer beard the risme be-
fore." Presently Mr. Kipling, is toro,foaad
h imself slim with the lady, and remarked,
" Possibly you may not be aware that the
g eatism•a who brought me bore today 1.
Mr. Hardy, rho eminent author." " Oh,
Indeed," was bet reply. " I didn't know his
Now York Harold : Canada's oommwoiel
kst•r.•tl Ile with the Vatted States, and It
A balmiest that there should be Kindly
Isaias os 11.06 sides of the bonier. The
people a the Domloioa w111 oaalnly be
saassabla to roman in tiss boundary goes -
OK., as la others at issue between as, and
e n our part tit memory of the Weise heaped
.pm ear srthorn •olghbors by • rabid an-
n tteati.Nst press and theIrrl1Slne 1.Ri1la-
atem we 'hove emoted In the p0./ -to say
sulking of the fact that we find them Knob
good 0010omsrs )o.1 now -should indium as
to bapatient and forbearhs pending an Iu-
evltableLsgreemest upon the point le 4t.•
81moe. Reformer : It 1s oorreatly
rap.eted that Sir Wilfrid Laurier
has denit•ed to .so,p0 the proposed
gift of 5100,000 intended to be misei by
Ms friends te relieve his saxlety about pro.
visl•. for MI. family. For the present thers
f.w the whole thing le dropped. Wo de
W'treard•r *t WA warm by m am..e lately
sensitive as Sir Po Ilfrid. Perhaps It 1, as
well that this mares is tekeu and that
the gift should he podpoaed until his retire-
ment from the Premiership. The gift thee
ooaW met be mluedsr.too4. is the soma.
elm to, Prime Minister shr.ald be p.ld by
thea sem o0.mImeurete with hl,
serves and the ,soul detln be is expected
.mediately give rise to a proporttoo•te Is•
Orem in selective demand. To supply the
isoremed queenly demanded wool.] oertain•
ly require an Increase in the number of per.
seas seamed la production and distribution
-thus deoreauog the number of the unem-
ployed. A d.oreaee in the number cf the
unemployed invariably !cruse wavee to rise.
W. have, thereton, 0. a neoomery moult
of the Iowans., of the land an enormous M-
orose* of the .a:..r•r la reoeipt of wages
and an .meal 1n in iha average wags•.
et those who were employed prior to the
The degree M width thew improvement.
la the position of the wa*e-earners 53551
have ineseeoed effective demand may M
understood whoa we awarder the simple,
..e all owl well andornmed,-Mia Mee •aM t
Ole wealth Wettings prodeoed mob year by
the oommantty roommate. less a sail frac-
goo. the amount of wages paid dor their
actual produotioa and distribution. Jadg•
erg trout an estimate of the arcual ['rodeo -
tie. of our forms mad* by on otfinlal of the
A,noslsare Department. tn• soon.' pro -
Motion of wealth from all worms In Lan -
da most be in the neighborhood of 51,600,-
000,000. Now, os this .um roughly repro
..ate wages paid by employers end wages
paid to those who employ themselves sod
pay themselves not of the proo*a1e o1 the
things they prodooe, it Is easy to ender -
stand why an Ie., in the average am-
ber and pay of the wag...armee nm4,r con
treat, and an increase is the oe
power of wog•• generally, cabin s a car...•
In the price of oomrnoditles neoeeesrily le
naives, mot have produced the business
activity that hoe tho lost, and
the Mot ten months of the prosect, final
year. The general 1.01.0 . in the wages
and Is 111. somber of people In receipt of
wages enables the commually se a whole to
aphid more motley in the pontos* ret t11ei
obwpened commodities than they c•ud
possibly spend when wag. were lower.
wage-earners fewer. and prlo.e higher. Im-
ports would increase is proportion to the
leorwaaed paro110.1ng power of the people.
Allowing for all conditions ander wt.toh
prodaolios is married on, It 'seamy to see that
the Fielding anti mut have thorned the
purohaaing power of wages fully 20 per Dent.
Assumlog the.grreste mans! proJooMon
of wealth to he 51,500,000,000 prior to the
reduouot of the Wulff, ties leonine of 20
per neat. Its the pathogen power of wailn
would give rise in to morn of • year to 0
demand over sad ebony what, op to this
point, Lad t sen es11.4 for of some $300,000,-
1000 worth of oommodttlss.
The extra bands necessary to prodso. sad
dletrihate this increased quantity 0. oalho-
iest W anomet for the (teammate the aam-
bar et unemployed sod the coose issat la-
crosse in wages whlob has 000arred eines the
tariff woe pat in twos. Title Inoes:wed d-
ad hae hem our own engines of produo
den and distribution bap beyond their
ability to supply it, thus foro'ng ue to W-
orsen oar orders abroad. Heece the in-
creased revenue from imports.
May infirmness are at work under
1ho 000ditioas prodaoed by our yet exoeseive
protective tariff whin' will tend W check
gee •xponsioo of oar Torsion trade for the
sent year, and mut shorten the period of
oar present spell of prosperity. '
The most unfavorable oironm.anos we
have to contend with at present le the rapid
expansion of our protested Industries and
the formation of trusts and oombinee known
to be going on. All pretend manafartar
ens and their advocates both in and not of
parliament mainain that In the sheens of
protective tariffs their prodsots would sell
for less than it onto to predates them : and
the* osa he little doubt of tee truth of this
This ooateetion of the manufactorete he.
leg true, a ooaNdenble pesoestese of the
total outing of all our protseted erdu.trld
est.bbehmpte mot represent an actual des•
Meagan et the wealth of the oommeolty.
This destrnotlon of wealth is reprimand by
the difference between eon of prodacttos
ander protection and what the selling pries
of the same prodects would be In the ab -
nen of prolsetioo.
Assuming the output of nor preheated le•
d..trial seabliehment. W be 5500,000,000
for the oarmee final yea (.hoot the total
for 1891) and the differeuwbetween Unmet
of production ostler promotion and the sell.
Ise pries In the sh0.nos et protection to he
10 per moat., the wealth destroyed by them
proteoted ..t�f btlshment. would eq nal 550.-
000,000 doing the year, than ooatraotine
the patrolmen, power of the oommontty to
that sxt.nt. Under present oosdigone we
know the output of thew Industries to be
Ieoreasisa .00rmonely, nemosarily rennin,
the expansion of the prodt•produoing tinder.
taklnes, from whish all the diehor.emeets
of the community mast to drawn.
It should be kopt le mind thee the pro
!meted indostrin are, like the (lovernmwat,
the Idle and Indigent, a charge on those
oft:Mins In nor midut who devote t homsefve.
to the prodaotlon of thlap whlob would sell
for more than the omit et predaetlow 1n the
.bseeo of protonic*.
Knowl•g thew fano, it may he prod lolled
with some dolmen et certainty that nor rev
now es imports for the next excel year will
skew lees buoyantly and trade gemenlly less
exea.doa than was exooriewed daring the
past two years.
(held we net the tariff belew the prnteob-
ive mist, on, .rpassien Is pnpelatlos,
wealth, waufeetere..nd trace 'mold ba
nplhe ovum' d beyond tm. et tmost eau•
plan. (leder moil nnndlttnee all indest,Iss
would .AA ...Ills hp eh• state, for these
that did sot weals be gntrkt abandoned.
R WAshiNOloi..
Ghees, Jody 21, 1899
O 0
lelltnID AY rA.Tal0N0atr.
81 Means Journal : The pnel►ion whish
the Seaman should 000am le regard M
palate oder. 0..appssed, If the .bj.ot of
the tls.a/s ss hounded M the framers .f
}}areff. nablee 4.,. le properlyunderstood, te
b ..
e ..what judtd 1. hen mea hay.
i . appointed t. positions in that body
Mer Yen •rp.Md to vb. subjects whim
ago 1ew.M1 bow. t.hewi .006.0► Only pr.-
1fllMea! whist .mea with the hest of sea
r g•mrwasl Moat .t Mar Is Me lower
Amber. 1. web 0he .,e. no gnu part of
ire 0rsryotivs $.nates.t who Was jest
0leek d Oho maw of the Ossamoste by ren.
OMAN Iho gOSAIIMallla MB paned la Mle
Teri mew ti :a1 M. Joseph list flialdog
mit Progress.
Am.dteeelel 4.,-w o ..�
'Th. ''mein Paiifpl Vic$ed
about four mile. from %tikes, es the bake
of Lake Boron, at lbs pros, Sloe comes
far short of thee etarveU•.s propordoae pre-
dioted,for it by its s.•gaimepromoter. The
latter piotard • bear/Out and imposing
oity .ed Immense business braid-
ings and fine residences, broad
streets, on tenni ran eleor.,: oars in all
dlrecttooe, sad • forest of moms in the pro-
posed barber.
The ette, to the ordinary traveler, seem
most anproml.ieg tor the foundation of the
large city wbioh people tor mites aroacd
were elven to understand would be eaab,
limbed. Kverybody who knows the di.triot
wonders why men poss.wtog beelve.e
memos oosld be found 'offline to put mosey
into such an apparently font etio whom.
as creates, • huge city mean miles from
any _ra!roed Thon.aada aL-doLlora h.s..
. beady been spout by the promoters, whin'
to the casual observer, migbt as well have
been thrown into this lake.
The proposed p01•tial hotel i.batone *tory
h igh, work hewing been suspended on it last
fall. The winter played bsvoo with the
lowish wailk the sash tae holm !•Ilea
down, .►Ile atsay of those nolle promise
,to go the sane way. A trip terougb the
ostler .nobles one bast to jodge of their
ebeky oendition. imide' the 1.1.l this
Landis' was to swabn five large .tore.,
but latest reports are to the 'Got that the
plane will be romedeled by &skilled arohIt.ct.
and what the new idea is remains a profound
The St. Joseph Lumber Company ham a
mill h the place, bat no lop beim on the
ground It romans idle. The ofos of the
builder and oontrmar was .ise looked when
an Advection representative called, but two
run were working .moue • entail amount of
lambsr, •videnUy the mill's production.
rhe briok yard had firer men loading • kiln.
rhe bleak.mitb shop was Idle, a ooaple of
old tires and • dilapidated wagon outside
100'.% 'nf, however, that memo work is done
some ,,me. A three -.tory brisk building
northwest of the hotel is mod for meantao-
torire safety pine, hair owlet.. rooks),,
cement, organ pipes •ad other aeons, tt is
sa►d, but jest what nobody to km.,
4dmttl.00e being strictly prohibited. Th.
✓ ead of the hammer is 000uionally ►nerd.
The shoemaker, W. Bedard. was evidmildp
tekiog • holiday, for his place me silts
- The place oonalas about k donee homes,
font of whish are ootiforroble brick dwell.
tnit.. Titers are two stores, ong of wbioh is
also Live posWioa
The latest report, given to The Adv.r
Mew by one is authority, is to the Ant
that Liss hotel property is W be ouroh•s.d
by • 000pl. of Mostro•1 sapit•llea, who
will bustle matters ttroa,k without deny.
People generally give an n realm for oss-
sattoo of work that the man who Mu been
tarnishing MM. money Ms res sot of fend.,
bel this may enly he another of the wild
rumors afloat, as the financial banker is
known to hays been very slob and extreme.
ly sareful.
Though builders opera llops bas• mman&
the people oongvu wondering what the
next trio of the clever manager will pro-
M finites meter r. Pall.reerebt►.
ReferringM the vanney la the elfin.
aaals wlteter at Climes. The New Era
sap •
The Gdwl.h Star sagssN Met the vao- /aseew.l.4.
Montreal Gazette :-C. Vallee, of the
(ammo's Hotel, We returned from • fort-
alght'• trip is the Mu.kok• district, during
whloh he oomplerd the poroh•w of the
Hotel So. Joseph, on iwk* Heron, aid some
tweedy -three miles from (loderioh, Ool,
The purebeme •lac Inoluder • largo treat of
land, wild and improved. The pries paid
for the whole is 550,000. A new wharf Is to
prone@ o1 construction at St. Jceeph, and
railway oommuniostioa 1s oo.templated.
When thew are oomeletd, St. Joseph, it is
antlelpetd, will be a very popular report,
Brunetti : Walter Lowry has opened •
livery .table .t Blyth.
8eafort1 : Miss Preadereest has secured
the priecip•I.hlp of a eohool at Sault Ste.
Brussels : label Rogerson, o1 Bradferd,
Pa.. L. the guest of isle sister, Mn, M A.
Beres, MITI st.
Jr.y : Rev. Vv. A. Smith, 11,D., sad
Mies Bell, of Wilkesport, were oaths*
miler the parental reef recently.
Rester : Harry $tanoomb while riding
hie wheel lath* kat .an on Monday of last
week received a partial .aotrok..
$.•forth : Mr.. Craig, .f Nebraska, 1.
welting her sister, Me. (wird. It is sixty-
seven years shoe the sisters have me., se
Be °nGuard!
T111 GUT 1. Memo 1m11as04.
D.4.'. now, P111. .e11 *sly
Iw evm ahm this, are Ivied,
I.ft*t 4 hes ,. ba tis.
bbet �1 soma Tad w
� 'SI
Mak.. visit will orlslely be an eaje la
Rester : Mn. A F. Manaleg, .1. 0..
hewn til for .ors. Mina 4 at present la T.
note ►o.lrlt.i foe lre•twa Her may
AMA. bore horse fit • speedy .w permits -
est rebel.
Grey : Loftus Mark, 01 S&orti,
he to Mrs. Mande• tl.tlt6, ape► three
weeks at the Mesh! swigs, Prestos, with
bene6.W results 1. o..neoliea with kle
l3satart# : Brunt U0Ittendee, eon .f A.
K. Unttteadon. who has bad a farm rented
u Kellett, ham rooted the Shute tarn, In
MoKillop near Besohd
weo, tied takes pee•
e aseloa this tall.
Soeforth MIs. H.IMs Brooks, formerly
01 Seafortb, but new of goutren, hes re•
Delved a &ppolntamet as t.aob.r ie the new
..iv.nity for bedew at hioate n), founded
by Lad Strotbou•a.
Wrot :ter : There died a1 Slmvale Jas.
Sway, • former nohow of hie piss*, bol
late of Clifford. Faunal took pleas from
Clifford W 400.'dorsi. oometery. H. leave.
• wife and fear .01ldr...
Orgy : A de.gkter has come le bel.hte
N. bow, of J. E. sad Mrs. Beveridge. 00
Key Wee0, klwesol. The •tend mamma
was toeurly Mies Allis Cardiff, d•sehter of
John Cardiff, 8th ma. of Grey.
(lists. : F, ft. Beattie, late et Jaokeas
Balm, hem moored • poet ioa with the firm
d White A Meehan, Wies ilme.
o. the W isatpeg laoroeee team, la MOM
bayed •.sa.iwof k t saints lately. -
UUato.: Joke Unlb, who was .k ane
Uma la beaus. herw is tee erns of orafb
MoWbirter, has hew spending a few days
with old Heads ltrw, but leis m S*tardmy,
22nd •1i , for St. Louis, when he le now
,-tiny._04 Atl.attd•!•"nr=•"Cm•-•R ('Yip
sm passing -shrdtoemgi (.10eg.• se a.
Hamiltes. Mr. Meaty low 11oldm . let ode
profeMeaal oerl Hoots and is ready, for work.
He is . elegem young man with • bright
Breaths : '1. A. Hawltn, of Brumes,
was whether leis penman at Pert Albert rio
natty. Hu brother, G. A., of 'Lliioage
Heights, Ill., trim is state eap.riate•doa►
of schools, was eke enigma soder the parent-
al root.
Walton : _ ,1,1]yltp•ll, of Leathery, wee
is tow. en Mooday of last week Mens a
wound In hie head dressed mend by •
hayfork pulley which became denoted from
the roil of the been, ewtkine bio es the
heed In le fall.
Browne: D. J, Wright, wife and ohllaree,
Da heroine, Man. , are guests at the Ifethed'.0
parsonage, Mr. Wright to toe principal of
the pulite" motion there. Stn. Wright 0.(
n iece of Sire. (Rev.) Holman sad a dareghler
of Premier throwaway.
K•moedvnla: Mr. and Mrs. TieeodW
Wsstph.11, of Cleveland. 'peat • 1.. days
lately bore with Mr. Westphal'. wrests.
Mt. Wie•MAMrU iaeld•d to Cie alead he,
many' yeah lilt• most .he
go abroad, b0. prospered.
Bramsehr : The school beard of tea Wal-
ls:mbarg separate school has ..gaged P.
Weirder u principal for melt year. M. has night te.2.d deportment of
Ask your doctor how
many preparations of cod-
liver oil there arc.
He will answer, "Hun-
dreds of them." Ask him
which is the best. He will
reply, "Scott's Emulsion."
Then see that this is the
,one you obtaitn. It contains
the purest cod-liver oil, free
from unpleasant odor and
taste. You also get the hy-
pophoephites and glycerine.
All three are blended into
one grand healing and nour-
ishing rernedy.
ecerr • wwNi, co..i .Meake.
Brussel. while oohed for the pest year o•o-
•md.M►, ern resigned la haulier •'self
Hr.rsY i ♦ t.sagdess, North Dakota,
paper •aye :-'•balm Med Abraham, of
Winds Gal. is visiting Mrs. W. a
11 Ansa. both former reeld..t. of B,
111...m. piper 1Mwtes that Mn. A. Maid
h as returned alter • plas.aat emit with
fries& is the Mussk
srthiteem•, a bar '4 s JOU .boroJ tOs.
stalk of sweet pee .doh had me it wits
fail, well formed dowers, sad every stalk
e. the .ame phew1 bears •l keit .Ix. Thi.
le • very .amaal, as three bads
t0 the .alk is as moth as the usual variety
MoKillop: Gorge Mardi. haat sold 42
steers. foe width he resbsd $3,020 He d• -
livered 30 head, ea the 15th .lt , that aver-
aged 1,444 pomade, and Mr. Watson, the
Myer, said that one Toad of then was the
beet in the eonety. Wm. Drake Iwo meld
104 Mad of oaten, sad ddivored 62 that
averaged 1,409 p...d..
Crssbr..k : R. C Bank, son .f the
well 11.ow. Tho.. Knee, south of Cea.-
br.ok, le the Demises fee Bea•Ufsl Mime
..alit...., ti M•nitobt, er the Liberia
dtoeste. lir, is • well-1-do.batfier emu
wi0 • large olrole off ,•ds, sad we .mp.a
to w him get there and Mwpy t Pens'
twat pl.oe in Manitoba pndad.l politica
Gerrie : Mt. ..d Mn. Moloy, .he
h ad bees heading a part of their bt.y-
mem with frisade la this Iee•li07, left fee
Tomes .a'ltaasday, WA& Mk %WI IMAM
eventually is settle dew. 1. Indianapolis,
Iedta.. The lady was well knees Wee ..
Alb. Muriel Nelmam and ly •.Meer to Ara
(Dr.) Task. Mr. M oK•y is a em .f a Whale -
sale artreb..t of Tomah, .ltd is e.ea.sted
with a mortmatil. army.
Special Price!
t .w�. sett
Pure manilla Binder Twine
rT_ n.. RO73-7I
ni S OLD
to read over a list of bargains and decide just what you want at these seem-
ingly low prices, but quite another affair when you visit those saoeiled bar-
gain sales. You are often disappointed. Any old thing is not bargain be-
cause " the price wee so much " and " is now so mach." What it was may
represent two or three times its present value, and not a bargain at any price.
A bargain is an advantageous purchase of something you want..
SMARTINGG.-Another.hlpttwat of our
celebrate l 9/4 bles.hd Twill Sheet -
lag, mooed 2be
PILLOW COTTON. -Oar fourth re-
past to hand of Ora 401e. white
Pillow Cotton at
A 40in super Pillow Ootto•, mad
even thread, at
FLANbRLRTTR.-The first lot of see
new Fl.anelettes to these
4a, 44e., 60., 64e„ 7e., 10o. sad 1240.
DOME1'8-the new make of Flanmel,
teed pattern of grey, blue trod
HOER -Another let el those Rey.'
Ribbed Aces at - 10e
Gabe' Bleck ('eltee Hoes, repeont, 10•
Indies' Stook Cotton How, 2 for.. 25.
Entre vales in C0.amare Roes at
... 26o , 360. and 4fio
Leather BMW tor
ibreale. la Tweed.. . _- . -.
Bargter. le C'ethag. -
Mme tines W. Want to Clear at Any .Id
LIBLK GLOVES. --A lag let e$Ladies' ,
sad Girle' Black Limb alma., were
144 be ibo.l an a 1, 6.
LINKN HATS. -A km pt et these
• Liam •od Ora.k Rats that wen
60a.: mew . 16e
A - • eat te dear all
the straws. If wit told you hew
low the primes are you Weald t11bk
they wars no geed.
RRMNANT$. Most of oar yammer
good. are down a short eon and
nommen. We are r.eaenrint *lire
op and potting en little price Wok-
en smell eeeagh bo moors a speedy
Waage of ewama
WAS!' SUITS fel 60.
A wail lot el anal raw Womb
Seise: were *1.00, ten jest half
ere. 50e
McKim's Cash Sjoxe,Iioderjch.
r..,ERI^Uw6Af l - CENTRE.
Art Ilreedlewrkk
Wash Goods
nwg«h- me
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Side Oombs
Curling Tongs
Silk Gloves
Hid Gloves
Oft iota Gloves
Art Sateen*
Ken's Underwear
ag1's Shirts
Ladies' Belts
fees' Ties
Shirt Waists
Ladies' Skirts
Ladies' Lustre Skirts
Umbrellas -
p......4ix ...oh w. , •.
Coote and nee Qusli$y; eon s as Olagel Priem.
It will pay you to bay yeas y Goods at
in blit weather t
Tea won't do,
Liquor won't do.
They increase the heart action and
bodily heat,
i. the ideal Bummer driak.�
Use it at meal times and any time.
Bottles, 26e., 60c. and 76c.
Not more than a Dent a drink.
Bedford Block, W. C.
Yrescr4$ls. work •1 ad bare.
will Mid
td.0 we jay medal .100.11.. M Ast-
erism TWiN Areteim Asy net off
Mad preseMb Mss.sed. We keep
Poweas and Yaw Pew.
Alberich.dema. IloolOp's wed esker
MAIMS, NM other Mathis Idea
Root Beer Extract,
Ginger Beer Extract,
Almond Cream,
• fine thaw for e...rh. UgfaM lila, lea
Edelweiss Cream,
el the Were /e elerlf
1M sower earptssa 1ms
GOODE, Cneallet,
Shoe -----
Every Man wants Shoes
that will fit his feet.
These are the desirable kind. Made for wear and for
comfort. Sold to divide a good thing with appreciative
people. Broad enongh to insure comfort, graceful enough
for style. cheap enough for economy, elegant enough to suit
COMM Of aur /laser
AND 1090111.
MOST Toa Tat MAIM Root,
Stock nearly complete again. New goods ieceived daily.
A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just to hand.
eTh newest and latest Perfumes
Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
Rubber Good,, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Water and Ise Bags, etc.. etc
Oornsr Caiborne-et and Square
We beg toAtate that we Niro_ Arlin opened a
-''flre�f bolsi ,7it"t11l1� �i utdrs'll[1►A^"5"""'
Montreal street, the store formerly occupied by H.
J. Horton.
We have a complete stock of fresh Groceries. .
and shall be able to supply our customers with first-
class goods at the lowest possible prices.
We hope to be able to serve all our old friends,
and many new ones.
STURDY & 00.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured LEO1, Gbdei