The Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 3JAS AFTER PRESTON, Whom They Regard as a Bad, Bad Man. Muo TALK BUT NO PROOF. Ottawa' July .-Tel debate ou {e' Peat(le cable reN4atIOa wale le- p� In the aftera kn bl Ur, may. ._114.. mkt t that W oam000�pmrupeM�t .the ,thief winnow. jar. Obarllna•e Utter of the Deas Wee not IK t ,t one. As the Arek'•lien n.,,e,. public property, tarry t',,, ty,„vi, control the MOM whir* i ral,le way there Weald be aapl. a, than w'dY H. borwe to Mak" tis Ih pal• war •upportlrt the Imeee••1 IOg throe ',.,,..ser : Firth. 1M•ame the peel. of elite s. tato e ..-.;-,-„ arty standpoint. .op rlsd 17,7„;-,- roa p od. I a; eswwh,l, Im,w•n.ure It wan • bort. seal practice! like 1111'1 practal oda, Sad not goleoyg the pipette% Wet Of poo et w ei nay wooer bl the try wwhtry, natal Oes-a.tietue was (me ba tea elr pain! 'ejecta had a Madmen mote lin- eal note the germopire e. sad pro Nu McNe If I saki that Mr. Chart - ton always uppoesd ••ay Canadian Mme wheel It wee la rivalfy with jG A--seseapJF-espe.Laiy if.• tY lana, d eobaM'laftived se Im- ine meat wer. _ �it_Vaa tiled to. sod that 1�twls L • alt�waas J�toe • lotion WM ed through itteeand w sbod i land inovldaae introkat a`d deobi apt read a Bret slow see Hoose thea west Late as - en the c..10 ha ▪ N arks Wallagalled to cares e4 al1e ClWalla,* �11 sea er {nude by a NsW York firm le Toronto. mad souther case of the sane kind In Mo•trea4 dr. Patereoa Bald that the lr,etreal era or bra looked alter kg the De- ,parment 01 J000 S. Asarthe, Toronto era an totem ter ase( had been mo- wed by the firsahe did tteeiedili ta to all the roue of the ease . 1.1'� Tela bparswest did imelerla a Me Of +glen whelk they thoeghtwas mufflieleelf. la further esplanation. Mr. Parser sold the gado were" melee Brltisk doede, tont then was en 0adereareal mS of ' 'Ao•(rauavvwtc e Le1.1/11 Or merle► & Ilan to Now Tork, sad rhipp„t ne%eral ewes W gone' to Sew D'or►. Tease goo* were planed is bad in the United PRAWN; perhaps ms or two of there calls were taken at and dot paid upon team, but that ae wet reseed by the bitil•wn tio,ernna•ut. and Um lionliament i s was .ant t w Ll pad theater• either to J l c pmpany or Lalmet =Others t they naked Johu Macdonald a Com- sey, to whom the geode had beau said. to paw the goodythe means The goc.4r were. o4 to John Ilac4n•ll k co. at a higher price than they wen entered la the Invoice. [see bebg t difference W *L000. The apartment, with the evidence before teat 4, ow.M leelinre that there wen a fra.duleet undervaluation. The eel - Oar slam want that thele roods were el British origin. and that they had lam correctly value& wtth the lt 0sp- Vas that the frtaredt heft as tared pet to Liverpool had trot been added. ver this Irregularity and endervaM- sla the apartment. tefated to grant preferential rate me tar geode Kt N. Clarke Walls'' shale id that there was an atri ape to cheat the Oonrrnment out of the duty upon E1.000 worth of poodle Them were not '131M at the• fete, dP n. seealtst pries is Enema It had bees proven that the goodly wore hack hos New York to be older Is pt the Metefit d tromped ederentlal lir. Foster angallated drat this mode 4 procedure ripened up opportunities for total epos the mmloma TM opened ap a dieuwioa aporti e pashlilitiee debuted in tbe importa- tiat °I 1oreige ted` goods through 1101 ports goods h tie prafereatial tariff, w oander was 10 ecieladed at 6 o'clock. TSE ESTiMATL9 PASSED. Attar rear the Montreal nnderval- mth o ease wan n Nader ooniid- eratlon for a _eosin thee, Kr. Mo- ll (Caps Barenj ardor the 10 eater- a more-datl*.t elesaftlea t ion taws sten .z101s hi re- gard to the pr d Bella lab agoerred to ailt goeunder the p.ferential tariff. la reply to Mr. E. F. Clarke, Mr. Paterson stated that owing to are r- oam in the loaminess the staff bad bas ucrasdd at the Tomato caatotme toms. It was also errethged to groat suss increases et retry there cos the ter re merit. As the matter was Nat eel folly determined, however, be do- oliaed to leve the names d the tor- tuate men. Replying to the watchers at the Op - Paton because of the therms. of staff at Vamooses', M.T. Peterson said teat if the rate of pereeatege of reve- rt collected with what it eon to op- ens the Canteen Dsparttaedt in 104-6 w.. applied to tea 'swans el Prate at oneedde rbt*IA0 11 tss ward. thehan it la At midnight the last d[ tbs items Mir the head et Cestare Depart- ment was peened, and the Oeeelttee was the the House adjourned. 26.--( LID - ata Medd Laurier lalarn Ottawa, July 26.trtd,li ielel1 r the Hance rues tagart ieS d/► iwotetlon whish the lather bad pee- ler* in reference 10 Cal•da's do - the to obtain a pr�iKill f/ to tis Intim markets wan ant aatidse- her t Wm. The Frasier meld thus le (t ha prepared ODs s of kis own and 11 to M*. WNW *MI WO- **. go- sY y uwy would *beat K 1Md11uv oiovvd t.ho Ie re tato Mels n rhesintion retardingi.hi Je def da3ta In caws• d- "Vielal1- been ng dry [sed 110Ono per • .gym, w. w eit- ilenebod mins of _`astoOwlet fhb darts em now re�lred glad the rhe elation proposed to Isorestss the film of mubsele ha 2 .es. sant. ea Ila Tort of the work felt LCA, fans batnot wwhichw+ n used 67.0,001)i67.0,001), rear. siateteet bout itllr ttr ea inrareaged. The d wits with it. Mares'Upper rtr ee- ` Pacific netts bill was taint MP I Vita tim . It wan Peeled and tad BHI tacos fir• prodders for ata b °! Med with - cooing aea emote "enrollee where _ mewl Ree their lea RIP MI ern red s 114 �. tMrwr ie to bar, !rr WlItetra ne la t moony SOW - weld darn to-* Alt or to cortaken p yf�g'�lr`ltt•ile► water Mhid l h(1n lag �lest 41 plait ,Lew, Ia 01 M• up hada a aaa.4t*1 parts of Wen, provinces par l unoccupied fares. sof oleareted to tee tease W1ml�Rr*tkmtaggar* ,Ile M that Jotw Delp, of I4nrpool, was sea Wooled dy et laher agitator. he met say, a liras hosier. CCk4 IlomvUla wanted to Mow treat Mr. Moargall uwaat by roe terrlug .to abaydllalsd farms W the Marilee ,Provbars. Me slaked a disposillJoa to belittle New Brum- e b/ ikon me nberr. Were tete fared W New Brom/wick or web WY to Prime Edward I.leud7 ear (.Charles Tupper mid dire was les intention of reaming duvets the Martha. 'roams'. Thane was a Comervatlre caucus Otis forenoon. Resolution of con damn wee* passed with gamines of tlaaator 8aoford and Hon. W. U. Iwaa lar Charier Tupper 'fated Out, be intendsd to leave for kuglaud ou Auger � Prorogation IS explxtwl before ti Ottawa, July 26.-lu the afteruuun the item of immigratiuu was taken up. the expellee', for travelling of 1w negrstaou *gent+ being explained by Mr. Kira. Mr. Willem called attelttuu to the sttauuut elven, on untformv for agents. sons" of whom appeared to hall 4114 ghees' man during tits year. Mr Kr- im did sot think that tfirM 1U*t1 went to one maa although It "P- (ware.l w be nu from the Auditor - General's report. !Se"pnrol►sed LW look into the matter. Mr. blftua, replying to Mir (buries Tupper'• referenced earlier in th.3 see clan to Mr. John Dyke. rale that he esesignieed that the.eretee. readared by Mr. jerks had been valuable to Cartada'tii tee yam Mr. Dyke. he raid. war not merely an lmmlgratloo agent. but took a depp interne in oommer- clal affairs. awl 1n that connection was et much use to Canada. Sir Charles Tupper considered that 1bbl would be elaineotly satfrtactury and would meet the cane admirably. He understood that Its. Dyke had an- derg'oi• an operation and win Improv. la health. Mr. WUeoo complained that #6.:438 had been expeo1W on the office In Dublin and $2,888 on the office In Londonderry. while only alae lmml• grantee were meat out from Ireland. Mr. Blfton admitted that the re- sults had not been proportionate to the amount spent. The fact was that when Mr. Devlin was appointed anti went over to Ireland. be had met warn (Kiang opponition from the Na- tiooailet peer In that country. On different orcatlonr the Gndlnndko had looked to emigration as the bent ont- let for the grievances of the people. but. the Natlonalbrts were oppcasel to 10161.- owe trivet to identify ids, Deena with the lavdkkder movement. Mr. E. F. Clarks anted why It wan that Mr. W. F. McCreary, the agent at Winnipeg, did riot wear 01s uniform. whlcb had cont abort 5140. Mr. Clarke qn otei a letter from Winni- peg. alleging that Mr. Medreery did not do eo. M1. tliftd* 0011111 not any whether or ant lir. McCreary noire him uni- form. Gut he presumed that he Md. If trite (Ioveriuue•t supplied theorem 11 was his opinion flat officials three He had been ttoothat thgbt to e impression had got abroad that Mr. McCreary did not wear his uniform because he bad not the saesal taste for displaybtg brass buttons 'hat wane other people had. LMtt.-(bl. Hagiws contended that Mr. T. 0. ()urea. who bad been the Peirce candidate to West Middlesex. Is 1896. and was now as aamtgra- tion agatt in the Western Mates. had sold ham party. and. therefore, d ereld not M. a Government posi- tion. Mr. 811tom replied that Mr. Morrie was Hoang good work In the United Heaths. DOUKHOBOR IMMIGRATION. Mr. RUtom. In reply to moon; questions. went it considerable detail poicerning the Daukheior., for whom' he said nothing had been done by the Government which would not be done for others. Mr. Foster saki that he had no pre. *diem evilest the Doukhobor*. but at the wane time he thought It Mend be well for the department to nes Just how mach of this class of Immigration It was desirable to *troth*. at eine time. so that they well have an opportunity of aaslal- lating with the present populatlom of the west, - Mr. Oliver. Alberta. opposed the encouragement of Galician Imml. ;ration. He feared that (aanada n ight get an overwbelming pr'opor• %Ion of that clans Mr. Monk pointed out that while large swam were betttg expended to settle Manitoba and the Northwest, people were leaving Qwbec about as fast as they were going into the west. De read a number of inter- view) from the press to prove that F7wlt,-Canadian{ were going t0 the United Mate•. ]die eoagidered it bet- ter that IOe Merry should have a few goo( les�raate rather than a hod a arellgrom Mr. Davin 'Ngardd thane com- pialnts as a terrible indictment. of the Goverllslrnt's Immigration po1- Mr. Boatsma maid tone was Ito newi for either the Provincial or Do. m10M.n Government's emending money to bring people from one part or the Dominion to another, an there wan plenty of room for people M tate ta' 111 pontoon artp'r. M 0mlre&tion agtnte trying to Larios *be young men of his Provbloa to go west, as they were bettor adopted to liter at home and develop their own Pro- vlaee, HI approved of tit policy of brtnging bark to Canada those yeneh-Canadians who had gone awe to the !Estes. Mr. Fraser (Gtrfaboro') aid that wbat thea ooantry wanted wen mon people, and If they had 'the know- ledge' -of 1 arntag and were well be- haved In their own reentry they ought to he welcomed bee, even`if they did not nose qp to the flee tlaedatd nr e1e�e of the memhee for Janney Casser. Mr. Davie (fld"katchewan) differed floe Mt. aloe'~ %elm sad stated that haw did cob ills -She also- IOW of kung -whrewridsal- Iyr preferred este the leads of the iulorthwwst remain milled rather than lave throat terra by Gallo. MR. PRISEITON'A DUTIR9. Me. Garbs asked for particulars in INgtrets* to the office of Mr. W. T. R. Prater and .Dram replied that be was ekes in Kaglaad sad �at A kola a year. Mr. =tttraglllr. a M eminee ly 1st the work, the oeou- patios he bed engaged is tax Rfpow boom roWnwily fitted Kra far thj�e, podtlet. nolo moo *hot • greies t We. Prean to 1Mpot la Iaglapd• *2. toet.gee questloaad Mr. Pres- ida'a fltn.ss eve the peMtlow d la- r , as he knew nothing atmos �ja• Dailla matEMS. Davig old Mr. • Prestos Aad ger lets avant mew.14 ad4r.a - ing a raadlay 80hbtl, mans Mali to alas hie favorite Nba,ydtoiaR,, "My te tnLT (lt ..••14o•"ttr'edal." sad words Walt te oarrange thatr�-• 14ag r. 5�_ sal with hie 0sM4• me stair to easelliftle OA telt leterliel se go stead ttassIgretenw Mae M,. Della .sle/eaded therehere DOU[BOBORS PLOUGHING NUN was LAW- SAMOSA (0tl,NIAtit""' r(MRl wet tea Ai aYMyyngllpnMtlwwupiig4, m wluk Mr. fit for the work. It wan a poetical a ntmeat, the plao. waaeneaded for reetoa, who was recommended by politicians, and he got It. Mr. Britton cb•linged Mr. flavin to stats what he himeeft knew about Mr. Preston. Mr. Boer coterta*-•lireoldr. Brit.k� too ins fought and wriggled le many • court d justice, defending crimin- als not half as vile ea this P.restow, and he wanted to put on record the opinion of the brother of a diattngulah- ed Liberal leader la regard to Mr. Preston, Mr. Davin than quoted from as interview ,with Mr. Sam Blake, Q C., in reference to the matter. In reply to • el/Seaar by Mr. Davin. Mr. 8ittoa stated that Mr. Preston is allowed his aetual outlay for ex- peaesa. Mr. Britton seed be did not appear as an apologist for lir. I'rorton, and ad not hold a brrief for him, bat he wanted to call attention to the fact that Mr. Davin had failed to name a e agle thing Mr. Preston had done In Wear Elgin. and had pat forward a telegram ant by Mr. Preston to Mr. Macnhsh as the reason for attacking him. TILE wiNT ELGIN FLECTION. Mr. Bennett read Mr. Maculates d. - Maranon that a Worse number of per - amu were specially meet into West EI- gbi for the exprem purpose of taking Vis. ha Lit ill jrea*.eatatt n, .ad. Cont' ire iiiinand that fraudulaat and corrupt means were used by some re three persons to secure his Motion. HP mrosed that the services* of Mr. W. T. R. I'relton should In the opinion of the House be dlspetued with. and that the item ND. 92 be rdoced by $8.000 and ezp'eaa Mr. N. (Clarke Wallace taunted Mr. Brister wit,. being. In hie anxiety to reach the Judgeship which is jolt be- hind loin back, reedy to vote that black he wale. and white is black. or any-, thing that may be required of him. Mr. Britton had aired what M2. Preston had done, when every newspaper In the country was ring+ing with denuncia- tion of Gem for his conduct in West Elate Lennox. Northumberland, and all fires the country where the same machine had been at work. Del Mr. Britton think the people of Canada were fools, after the declaration re Mr. Macrae*? ' Mr. Beton explained t,(m donee of Mr. ['Tenon. and said he bothered him n capable man for the position. Re- ferring to the charger against Mr. Preston In connection with the West Elgin election trial. he desired to say for himself and him colleagues that be had nothing to say to explanation or eztennat!om of any frauds alleged or admitted. All he could Ray wee that when anything M pros ed moiled Mr. Preston. when It le shown that he hue been guilty of any Impropriety wh'eh reader's! hltn unworthy to be In the service of the Government, then the (iovernment will Mambos him. but not Until then. The Government wee not going to demises any public eer- rant 1nrean/le he happens to be abused by the Tory party. Something else would have to happen b•a'ded hie being slandered In the Mali and Emhllre- myself Mare endured that kind of thing wiga Oeasklerable equanimity for e. oonalderable length of time. raid Mr. 8 Eton-b+fore the Government would dam1ss any man whole it con- siders fit for the performance of the dutke of the office to which he has been appointed. Mr. Davin caked if a man who had been an organiser, std. as 1t wan ad- mitted. a corrupt organiser, guilty of such oxx"toct as bed been described. should be retained in the public ler- moo--a lean whom Mr. flames( Blake hot maid be would have dirmksed had he been Premier. At the present mo- ment omeat the (lovernmaat wan shaking la IW boots, and'be would see to -morrow when the meridiem were brought down what desperate means had to be em- ployed to keep men voting for them. Dr. Maodonald protested against natio( for the distalastl of an offi- cial again whom no charge hal been proven. Mr. 'Wealth had not aid that Mr. Preston was guilty ; be said only that he wan In the constituency. It would not do to (omelet a man *r- oams anther man Bald he wee guilty. Mr. Preece had taken stege to vin- dicate Iry charades th the Courts Not a '.inulin of evidence had been ad - reed against him. Kr. Stake had not • aka Meat he would Mamie. Mr. Pres Mos WIIOOut seamen. and he chal- Mwled nay member to read Mr. Elakee t to that efNrt. Mt. McClure protested against any man being eondh=rwwl because the Tory prem and Tory members said be was a ooundlwL Mr. [Amba Wallace declared [Dat tee electloa of 1891 was carried on on clean Innes by the Coneervattive party, but that masts of pin and pereonabore anti truDnra• th n the 0oa•try ender the Warship of Mr. Proton.. The Govers�t. he laid, had beet[ Afraid W riffle an hnveetl- gal�ffoonrr In West Hared. Then l floweal a wrangle. taet- t1ol. liut�r. its RIM we Meat *Midler Merton*. Mr. Feathelttirat tgs.•tloaed a number of eases of eo.rapll.e ha the election of At 1.A0 a. m. Mr. Clancy rose. but aid he woos only speak for a few mints. At. 2.10 the vote on Mr. Bennett's aaeadmMt was taken, . and 1b. •poosdeent was declared lost by 57 be IL Ottawa July 27.-_-01ppnlal.)- The Herne. of Commons adUnnrned et B ['.look- this seornlag. atter having pared all the IrIM11gratloa `Leers ee- rier ono, whish wan reserved far fur- thers' 41sewelea. At 2 o'Oknok of motion to Manor Mr. Prairie► was relented hy i 5 for to 57 agarntet. nous the 11{.11 5f all others Ottawa. Jnty CT. -Merolla) - Hen. Ur. Rordlept In the Hogue to-Aey. 1n reply M (tel. Trn►hlti, sake [bat the reenlatkwe tit [(let Mitten that 00rt- onmelsalone.4 G110.10 meting an he 8lreetay* roma M able 10 attAn nd ms'Wen ad horror retlife[+ ►d ase Penal. waste. ho • not eerily Mn/nresd. Mr. 1, more lrreeteelg114�242 mother to the laileaNj el tbee supplyiloea. We ef•-pr stereatiat- gado He said that he had' from glo ar+aer wi'cll he wea carry he could not theme He was already almost humil- iated at harlag had to chane the (iov moment as he did In reopen to this matter. Ile read the resulut'on which 11w Premier had handed him. Ie wee. `Z'h.t.- u►1• Hor:._t,eile::.�t ti-li is expedient by all reasonable Wear to develop and promote Imperial trade. end that such an object ought W be reached by mutual cucesslogs and lxerterences, and reaffirms Its. appro- val of tate features of the Canadian tariff whereby Great Britain enjoys a preference in the uuarkete of eau - ads." Mr. McNelt said that be could not accept this. If Sir Wilfrid Laurier would confine hie resolutton to mut- na l conaessions end ta riff peacetimes be wooed accept It, but as Bir Wil- frid would not do so, be had to move his own resolution, which he did and which wag a• follows: That It is the duty of the Gov- ernment of Canada by all means in Its power, as soon as possible to do so, to get preferential treatment for the products of Canada 1n the may- or Brigs." Sir Wilfrid Laurier was sorry from the tone of him hon. friend's re- mark. that foe relatloor between them were getting strained H1s hoe. friend obleelal to the r@.olutiou, tre- 'caaei 11' ai'l 'teiattned to a' tar+ill preferenoe. Berea' be did not object to postal end cable couceeslons. 11. could not move "an amendment to a revlution pmt to going into supply acid mince the matter was put in the way of swearing the Govern- utrut, tbere was nothing left to do but to vote 1t down. He did not think Mr. McNeil war promoting the cause welch he had at (heart. sir Charles Tepper .uggerted a slight motitlostlos In the Premier'. renoletloa and Or Wilfrid replied that It was worth emeddering. At the regret of Sir Charles Mr. McNeil withdrew hie resolution to give an opportunity to base the re- solution. U poenleige, amended. Mr. Edwards Dace again delivered a free trade and radical speech. He saki that the resolution proposed was protection run mat Under .protec• Mon the farmers of Caaneda were Imposed on with heavy Mordine of ins Prop.' taxation. They were tezed to relieve another clam. Someone on the other aide said that the Liberals were asked to vote down Mr. scion's re solution. He would not vote for Mr. McNeil's resolution if all the Premiers In the world asked him to do iso. The farmers of Canada were not of the hgxoon-fed claw and they did not want the BrItW, artisan to be taxed for their benefit. What the Canadian farmer wanted wan even handed jus - tees and no favor's. Mr. Doraville made a brief refer- ence to hie own propoaltion. that all goods obtaining the Ernesto prefer- ence should he only quoted when the goods arrived at a Canadian It Is understood that the Ramage re- form r•eemintlons will .W dropped. DALLZY'S PUYZOT COTPEZ never fat to give perfect satidgotifln • rAM1LT MAO. 001.IagersoU was the Kindest of Hua band* and Fade ra Colossal Robert G. Ingersoll wee an exceptionally devoted husband and in- delveot father. His wife and children were kis ooaffdent a and companions in the &Meet nems or the words. An in- cideot Dlest0 tive or las theory that Mahan. if implicitly traded, would tot thane the confiders, reposed In lien by flair puerile epearred when a newspaper man walla area the col- onel at the Grand Pa4Ae hotel a few years ago to interview him upon a matter at current public interest. The eoloael was affable es usual and in the midst d the story when a tap at lea door was beard. At his invttatioa t0s door was opened and his daughter entered. She hesitated Vseeing a stranger preeent, but erona, with his land outa+aetched Denied her, cried cord/idly : "Well, what is it, pet r "A atlas moony, p• tyke aid, setre patted his cheek lovhgiy. e te "Ab, you women make a money fly," inured the oolossL "Hers. help yourself,' he added, as he handed out a plarerlo wallet. The young lady traoaterred several bills cot generous 4ee to her own port.oamle and said, "Mask roti, paps," and with a ides was goes. I sae yon permit your children to ms whatever money they design," meld tit reporter. "Osttta(aAj ' reworded the solose!, es he Memel the watet back in his poehat without smearing ring ks ooatsnts to asee fain the Getout a 1a &nib pe -'w appropriation "AR I genre In- to to my wife sad Wilma .. smith as it does to me. lbey Understand the ears of moos mad will set peander t The Prubabittdss. Are, that rimy temper will Improve, and you w111 enjoy walking aa4 rat- teg in reel careen omos teat ors morel to removed l'lnitMt•t's Palatsle horn Retractor war KIM given gas pain. std w111 relieve yein 1n teaser -tour henna Glee Put Dun's Corn Extractor a trial and be happy. Dublin has two a•oeeat oathedrale. 81. Parlors mad Christ Church, the homer of which was restored hy n braver std the latter be • distlll.r. M taatiroUilemt Ovse Dllpitbul► The new Nara basila eon of ;800.• at A per foak Mg est smear fatly mewoe- aty floated In LNsdglt, elle average of the Madero 95 11-4. and nearly twits as bMng offered as regaldd. Weal a man fs0rrtar a aM(trd thee It mass be Macaw C. eras: "Ea - eon r too -mune make their gown. and URALw;Clam et ettottfr ie !'•�1e A ee•1 favorite dies Ie too Mime the oa its 111110111ra)b4e for hep Wife Y0D8 DT8PBPSIL 1 Ioung Lady in Winton Lelu ed from 8nlering. She *Mewed Ugtold Agony Prom atom - Rah Troubles and Souk Reedaokis - Dr, W tlllams' Pint Pita Oured mer (From the (yrurrer, Treneou. Ont.) Some year. alto we reported the caw' of Win. Pickering. Trenton, be Ing cured of locomotor ataxia. He was not able to more and wan con- fined to his bed for week.. ('pun advice he tried Dr. Whitened' Pink P01. and lmwedlately obtained re- lief. iHe Is lrtJll free fr'ym the terri- ble szoruclatlag affection. and en- joys active, robust health. We have Just learned of another positive cure through wing Dr. Williams' Pink PUB. 1t 1e Moe cable of MLw Cagle Way. who has been au acute 'ut- terer tame seat memos law of low tamp' and the foundation for many ether 411s, dyspepsia- Fare nearer eight year. Was Waysuffered me told egcsuler with slot headache and pains fn the stomach. She tried several doctors without any mater- ial benefit. A year ago she came to live with a friend W Trenton. . W. L. Derbyable% sad was so reduced *10*.ahaa raise to .1t up an hour. abs feared her trouble wouk] drive her crazy. She was advised to try Dr. William.' Pink PUb. 80e replied that she had used a box before and they had done her no good. It was urged that she Doak] *d lupe for relief from we box. and the Commenced them again. She continued using the Pills tdw ugbout the year, with the re- sult that she has completely re- covered her health. Her appetite L g old, she has gained flesh rapidly. and L able to attend to all her household duties. She voluntarily offers this testimony as a tribute Of gratitude for the benefit she has derived. with the bola that others suffering as the has. may be Induc ed to try the' health restoring rem ade. Mrs. Derbyshire adds her tea Umuny to the awrectnees of the statements§ of Miss Way. Allow pee to add that for four or five years the editor of this paper Ma suffered from an itching rash that attacked all his joints and all the oedem fs wiihls eamok jaahadt 011:. banish It. He took Dr. -Williams' Pink l'IIIs last year and 4 uearly well. Dyspepsia. rheumatism, eclat.Ca, neuralgia partial paralyala, locomo- tor atafta, nervous headache. tee eons prortraten, kidney trouble mad diseases depending uppo humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas. etc., all disappear be - tore a fair treatment with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink P111.. They give a healthy glow to pale a)4 sallow complexions. and Wild up and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at tiCe a box or six boxes $2.50, by addreee- log the Dr. Williams' Medici*, Co., Brockville, Out. Do not be per- suaded to take some o het l t a tr APM LOT An 0ASHinR8. 1. Mem the *alma!e w axp•rta as Mahler. In Shops. In that far-off, dried up Uttk' ori- ental country, quit, near China, you know, there are largo quantities of counterfeit coin In circulation, and the ootnterfe(tere of Slam mutat be mart proficient, for we hear that It 1a the hardest thing In the world te detect the bad from the good money. The merchattte are often deceived and frequently swindled. The smartest men they Would employ were deceived. tho.10, the bad money was such a wool• cartel imitation that the closest scrut- lay often galled to find the difference between a good and a bad plebe In this dilemma some Stameee mer- chants called to their help someone who was always thought not so smart as a man -a monkey. And these "large apse of Mara" proved such a sooners at their new vocation that the custom of employing them for the purpose of detecting tied money has become unl- 'reraal. The ape cashier of 81am 1,0161 ilia situation without a rival. He has a peculiar method of testing coin. Every piece Is handhd to him. and he peers up sank bet of money. one at a time, and meditatively pets It into hie mouth, teathvg It with grave delibera- tion. If the «in 1s good he declares the fact plainly. He takes 1t from has Meath and Carefully place, it in its proper receptacle beech him. He ha* Pronounced Judgment and everyone 1s paiedied that the Judgment is correct. But 1f the nen Is bed the cashier mature known has verdict In an equally Immlgtaakble manner. He throws It violently from 01w mouth tot tfoor, shaking hie head with as mach st an the merchant (himself inlet fee at helm hemmed upon. With Toad chat- tering and angry gestures he makes known ttls dfwpblassee et beim pre- sented with a had piece of money, The merchant himlleit could not ezprnM It kettle. , (now ahem a monbey know what a man cannot tell 1 Ah, that 18 ids sec- ret. He nwnve, reveres It. Perhap, her is afraid it he should make known all the mysteriss of hie pretension his oc- cupatbn Wight be gond., and people would once more prefer mom for cash- iers In place of the extraordinary epee employed bT the =Preheat,. of Kam. - The Indenertdent. N. F. GARDENER'S 000K. Quaint and Curious Fragments of Forgotten Lore. IS YOUR NAME IN IT? A glance at the advance 'beet of a very Importaut book. whish ham been oomplied by Mr. H. 1''. Gardiner. M. A., editor of the Hamilton Timer. 1. rufficle*t to show that the author has berwwed upon It a very large amount of labor and researo[t. It 1. meths,' "Nothing but Nausea; au en qutry into the origin of the Cuuuty and Township Narnua of t)utaree'' Starting out with the knowledge that must of these na11ter have been ouu- ferred during the past 110 years, Mr. Gerdktet has made the laudable en- deavor to rescue the luformathoa es to wham. by whom, or 1a memory of whom they were levee.dot while yet the memory the ctrtmeneaanw is readied py peewee now living. or M ava4aWs lams more or law which are likely to become less ac- oeeible through the effluxion of time. Consequently the book, which 1. a (arse one. of 550 pages. is an eminent- ly valuable book of reference. It 1. encyclopaedic la Its fulness. and cow eitursma a plaint and tureen': frog - inert ars 'tot. ,gra+ would y expect to find whale lin Cover.. For internee, In speaking of two places named after royal per. monagee, Fredericksburg township and Prince Edward County. we come re- spectively upon the characteristics of that Duke of York who was born In 1768 and died In 27, and of Prince Edward Augustus, Duke18of Kent, who was the father of tie Queen. In May, 178e9, we are told, the Duke of York fought a duel with Cot - mei Lennox. on which occasion the seconds reported that LleuWlm.At- ('olonel Lennox fired. and the Hall grand His Royal Highneee curl. and both parties behaved with the most perfect coolneat and intrep dity. Stock - mar's description of H Royal High- ness, L also put deem: "The Duke of York -tall, with Immense em- bonpoint, and not -groparsbnaLMT' orteme legs ; he holds himself In such a way that one 1. always afraid he will tumble over backward"; very bald; one can see that eating, drinking and sensual pleasures are everything to him. Spoke a good deal of French W et%' +s,.beir seenwir _-._.1tit . w,er,trswa'i that he took some share in the de- bates against Catholic emancipation. Of the Duke of Kent, atter whom Prince Edward county was named. we are reminded that the father of the Queen became at one time Governor of Nova Scotia, and that when des a Vialt to England he was appointed Com- mander -In -[Chief of all the forums in British America. The people of Halifax showed their attachment to him by Welting 500 guineas to buy hint a &e- mote' star. The Canadian archives contain letters which show how caro- tid] arstoll the Dake of Kent looked after t. and what adeep Interest Do tett In the presperlty of British North America. The name of St. John's Island wale charmed to Prince Edward island 1n compliment to him. While stationed at Quebec. dedeing to see Upper Canaan. 111e Prince drove to Montreal in a celeche drawn by a French pony, thence he took a batten'', or rowboat. to King- ston, and schooner to Niagara. He. maw the falls, and a Mohawk Indian dance. Even Rtockmar could ay nothing worse of him than tile: " Duke of Kent -a large, powerful men, Ilk. Moe King. and as bald as anyone Wan he : the quietest of all the dukes I have seen : talks slowlpli and dellberetety. le kind and 000r - teas." We learn also from the book that John Lambert wrote In 1810, " The Dake of Kent is at the head "of the Canadian Masonic) lodges. and 1s indeed looked up to as the patron of all the Canadian youth. lila Royal Highness. during hi. residence In Can- ada. paid great atteotlon to the ln• hab(taut . particular( the French; hie politeness and affability gained him the esteem of the people. many of wham. I believe. really look upon Dim as their tutelar saint and patron, at (Past such Is the style In which I have heard him spoken of." It w111 he neem from these extracts that with the keen eye of a new" - paper man for what le readable and informing, Mr. Gardiner has gleaned from the sources available to him roneth!ng more than dry details. His book Is vital with human Interest Although mainly a Hook of n.ferenee, It oan be read page after page with- out weariness. And In perusing tt one V always rooming upon old Martini points of enquiry. For Instance, Hallowell Township (1797)." The pOeteral quotation prefixed to tulle 4: " With thoaghta of death the war- rior's pride to soften. Ben Hallowell to Nelson gave a Coffin." -George llamllttm. Now, where in the worn did the author drop nn that quotation t And K Batt Hallowell, R. C. B.. who we know served ender Lord Nelson In mor* of his battles, presented that hero with a coffin. how Ile It we find nothing about 1t In Captain Mahon's exhanetive life of Nelson t Admiral Benjamin 1allowell, K C. 8., was the son of the man atter wenn Hallowell township 1 Ontario was named. The old gentleman was proscribed and banished at the time of the Amerkuan Rev -Motion, and last his all, though he appear. to have had some land. granted to him to Nova Rend•. He died 1799, ei his 751,11 year. and was burled in the garrison be Tyler ground In thin city. Now, here 18 one of the numerous little nuclei of enquiry which are oontineally turn - Ing up in telt delightfully mlecellans- Gos bohk, (or which I peadl01 a great Raccoon. Moreover, It hall the twat Index that hast probably been yet attached to a (atnadtan book. It le a marvel of t an - Ma thrilc7Mliennvrod oftndy ythein'DaapaternscOnln arrt. Ewvh oat any 17. F. 1.. blood bi him lit all. (Inds the names of relatives lying all about In tone/Nag profusion. The volume will 0. kept next the B ible. Every barMh0M b Ontarifaintlyo will want it. -Baynard McEvoy In the Mail and Empire. With 0.1tes, Week and White. ger •41* Ptd adage. For polacmous Mrs' of all kinds a 1lntrm•me aide of sse0rla and sweat oil. Iso equal Ie a meoss- slty in every two abled mem a A drop orthe a pip* �•rNtaadl the- 104 rwwasi M' rapesttd •gplba nook • ektle�� avllenamedgirl named May Pee ting e-sa te at Rat', ten estut O ids Met epee torn aby MK Phelkre b the .00 asap of tlrtne than a verfi Mot hair. it 1e venally pot at fe alb a ban pies.. 1100TO)I LAUNDRY STARCH minis no boiling. A child oan nu it. The Signal n rearease LVSRY TMUR8DAY MORNING ar D. 1[•P ODOM. Terme of lea ser pUea I (hes mouth, la ad veva 1 g Thaw mouths. Mg moa$hth.,Se 1 111 Owe rear. Advertldat tela: Legal and other rae•al ad rertlesmeate. lea par hid for erd lovertlo ,, as 1 t teats par use tar •soh en beaming laeral,a. Measured b7 a eo..{uo.ral reale. Duglaes' cards of ale Uses sad seder. W pee Advertisements et 1,og{, roma wtrayee slVaogat, tlfts 1 Wind man U nsln«. Chance. Wei Wet er,eedli 1 floes nonpareil, 51 per =oath. $ou.ee ou dale and Farms ee gale. set te exceed 8 lines. el for gest Ma. per ebb - ry°`°medal tnt4 a fe d Ne ear ildlvt{ K 7. to De oaeeidered M adve,lt.r es*t mad a a000rdle 1 sal In ao.pareft type seems" per Castle. leer than Me,e Wardama la er nodes I+MMlsli 1/. twper ererd. No uotLee a iaMeeM/Sf�egs�ce �.game �gfar aurae* mad other sadbenerderlearidearreal sae gubrorlbers who COM reeve Tan Iesu*i regularly by mall wig eager a firer by ei gMlatiag es of the teat at se earls • date as passible. - W►em a e►•aae of address le desired. lath tins old mad the new addre« should be gives. Pa►UeanaA Lassa. J. C. Ie ''oriel, or O•derie1, W Mee w .Mae 2ock�rnalasid a _- We wanoab. Leal postm,s.'di'r over the drtrtct are glee empowered to receive .ube,.rlptM.. N 7.. allow ♦ t. All oon.munlcat'oee o•.1 Le add reseed U. McOl1.LICUDDY, Tan H,ssa Tslepbeee Calla Osdetlea, pat. Y. 100..- dr, .1 . ?RAYIILLIRO Ytttmte. OR AND ?RUN g RAILWAY. - £Otvi Mired Mail and lhl,aa ,, Mixed. Mall and Kieran GIANT. Mete and Kzpreea.- -- 1da11 and *xprasa.,:- Aa lam D01e71*TRY. Zvi NICHOLSON. L.0.8., 1111.01",..,101111, Ould 11Uleg.Crown mid ark • Specialty. k) Year. Izperleooe. M. MAKER D.D.S.. LU.a.-DENTAL • • Surgeon-Lateet and approved aaethode fur all dental operation& et Me naL ural teeth a specialttyy. er. West ✓ t. and Pollan lup .1.0.4 on West street. J Y. TURNI(1LL D.D.S.. LD.g.-DiN- • taI Surgeon. 'Ltely aaatel1sd le* Dr. Dixon of M..tnal.i Geld and perael e. artificial teeth mogated en add or aluminum ta•es. S W •ttentloo given to the /r�M ration tie n•teral teeth. Otic• 1s ll� Lope' Meek. ti tint LEGAL. Late*/ R*A'MN-RARR11TiL otter. Notary Notary Public. leaned art Seat or Commerce Chamber, the Square, O tiw•ly j, CAMPION, Q.0.-NeRRIITSN g�(� alter. Ndary ate Ora over 11eMta1 Sepia's, GedGriee. MO. JOBNIWONARR1aT SOri- -s • eller, O.•amlals.a , Sta. Ywer le wan. Come: Cer. Mendlion sad et. • .ti.eta Oade,bh, Oo les C. H B45kI0TiR. IOWCPf'o!r , ale. ell* et., nest door awn vote ` ads es lead at sweet zee reARROW R PROUDTOOT, BARRNTIIII, Alteraaye, Solkdtera aa, Oe4.riee. J. T.'!Oareow, Q.V., W. Pro.dbat. CV AM*RON. HOLT t HOLMKS. Boater tars, HullcIlar. 01,1 e. Cameron. V C.. P. Hol, Dedir H O. WARD. CON YKYAWait. M.. LIM el • cow mOaken r fpr miles rad res ndvtag reoognleanoee of ban, sNmette et: massa tinea, dap ulUooe or salsas. aeelmentie a le art t hi elo:11 iti'nL say el t7warif 11. sa Cetus An oriet aOkf.y s� •:es•taa. RssYes' segw ses as aged P. O. g naw. Oat. ( w LOANS MD llietellAIMD i MOYKY7. 0 L0A«N-irjgPEER • wyerent IV: Iri"Sa(e7ZRlt'L' °oderbh. 1 J. T. HAMEL -rms. LITZ ANS *C- f. • certainIneurand lit lowest rates. Osco : Cor. North at and s, tlerriek. 74 1,f oN*YY TO 1.*1D- A LAROI AMOUNT dot of Private Funds for Investment et aw- ait TUNS .m nestela« martgag•& Apply to °ARROW fk PROUDF007'. 1100 RADCLIFYL-oRNgRAL IN8U1- Ate once. Reel estate a over V•awmnt. they Ana -else, eomp•elee re to lend on straight loam, •t l hams& rate of interest polar. In as way to sale the Oft Lee O.e: noosed door from West street. Oaderl•h. A U CTI 0811011311710. • IucAeAUCTIONS/1R O 1 wren. Agent. dat. Vendome ea** ndome ♦nd Laaoaehire Fire inn Co.,( mea«a Merlon Mutual Loa Co. Hales Weeded Ib fa any part of the county. lets JOHN KN07OKNRRAL AU(.TIOniele and lend Valletta'', Oederkk, Oat Bar onehad oonddetable expsrfenee in the awe Uwnaering trade. he V in • mullion te de► ✓ targg, with thavegh eattefa.tlw . mission entrusted to him. ?eV yera at Burton's Hotel, or sent by Mali is Me Ooderleh P. 0., carefully steeled M KNOB, County Auctioneer, 1raf-1t Waggle or IMttie-ships. Here are the weights of fiv, Brit tab battleships at the tine ofther la unmans eGoliath. 0.100 tone ;t le- tehrdoes, teem tone; Priebe (1.o 4.100, and the Oa Out (soon to M launched). 8,000 ton,. There ars acme armor on the Vicarious and the Prime George, bet none on the (imllash. The more btt0Rll 15 wertllydok ot- C0 New,. it p.cip*o dell net natter one another there word her little geelety -Va.- arallMalee, 1AIMUAtts /Jealous. T• seamOedwrtel4 011. 3017' 'rib MILD TO Hoes. terrible Aeeotedoa Ageism a Negro Mother In Pemetylvuia. Westchester, Pia., despMsh : The Basile ie atasMrMaitl that Mrs �oa, name. of Hamor- ton, rushed her 101.111 child's bead with as aloe, after which she threw the body tato a pen of hunhwy hogs, by wheal It was (avowed. The mur- derer, wad° la only 20 years old, with bet repined htsband, Joseph Storm- ont, has fled. It L mid that before leaving she made a eoafeaafon of the mime to setdeowe, •*d that it remitted the ma- tlat'ttile. The officers lad prospered to nowt her grad were only awaltiag the reaalt o. awns 4Ove•ttgation re- garding the aaspeeted e•stleetloa of Ws Mehemet with the crime when the Maw conga tett es. tletectIves are esarebirog for them. Worm Powders cure fan la chianti. Meares In Osla•, Divor'aa • re as oteMiloa le Cholas ea In Chicago T0s NMS t• ntatlosed In a CMnww• paper a! •ire, wed N mews hes married and vereed hi wivesne , and is w Ism to the thirty-aizth, kites we. first m•reee4 ores 1a y+oa.ve+d. • i ar'h Grip Powders lane. w_prMrre le • ran ecm�tlo. -6. J.