The Signal, 1899-8-3, Page 1TILE SIGNAL i8 TEN -HEST. 3:-0-yttAtin ori IN ADVANCE - s FIFTY-SECOND YEAR -2737 ional THE L3EIADINGF NIIWsPAPZ OF HVRON OOLTNTY. • TO ME M= THE BERT EWO'R .. PLAO* TOUR ADVERTISING 114 TKO COLUMNO OF THE SIGNAL • OODWICH, ONT.- .- . GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : AUGUST 3, 1899. D. M°GILLIdUDDY, EDITOR. W ADVERTIti MENTS= AUG- P8 tee for Salo- D. Lamm .... ..... 8.•..a•b10 Menke -f• W. M.Seasl., .. . B....•t Sale -J. H. Potter ... . It'. tie Easy -W. A. 1f.Klm.... ..... Herm w Rent -Hes' Hugh 1t.Ontt•a. berme W utel-M u J. H. Marvell. 4erv.a► Wanted -Mn Y Campine.... Batter and Kap-O. E. King. WI.gh•m &eel - Le.her. Presbyteries Anrob yrauhed Hem Wa*t1-Mer& H. F. Audll Wining -Mn. S: AIMS, , Orth W &end -Hie-iirrew 6 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 THE WEEKLY MAtewa t REPOR1 oommm M•R•i fL 1110.rex Vilest u togas .for °wt.........., es.... - heN f qtest perevt..-..r +,Iol-- pot w Rio • to to • wMboob per batst. h • 1 totogg has O.s. • knob • •0 Il.rleyty,.,.,�..........u..._•••.....•••-•• 11, to , lisle tea Ms.• SO to 13 moth hot • 1D to O t1 asame.kd• M •t . • tore11 11 ........�.._rte if s0 N •o ae II Wab.skW Ilio Haw Unwed Hos.gam me . - ....... • .. L.1'm. per Lan.b �. Madw �� es• 11.pert lMY/M. MR. FREDERICK G. SIMPRO1(. OH- sin& tltteth.. fdetMdrt.. lata a NNoomiCL_Y1.mt ve�NottUt yyeNaoMw .4,. TEM wgtrs�erslp math, • pthe sdoorr wet of E..a . Setilv a jx114KA$NDRPulElt Sopa. T . TEACH IR DDlyllwi A • prloav Prates clavier iia M,.I bW�. m Mesa 11 4144 •sr T Mem will- mime the • xA41a..4* OS est••t AIM SvAuthor. ty. ALEXANDER. Aa l,edto Noor.. Manx/rect. 1st door Wref of !w. Hootte'srreldemer. e. Permit petstlpg, tram H4* or ppho . t larr000rlppe�m _•�usher Y elemest•t7 *ad tr.►b10d drowns. ('krose Yd crania drawling. Main that and Ma Pamelalaicdnw/pg ler IU.trtN.. Panties i• aimed whew edw.. int 1141. ✓ 0 ft SALT -THREE 000D MILK sown. Amp N D. LAW11101*. Dame* Far IWO Or To Rs.t. xj 0 U / E BT PO RSMT.-lj ORY e.1 ep�s*Ho�tmers. HOUSE TO WHT- THAT OOM x ..i t.el• .. as l t ,flfAakl.m Pas- maksprmr. gsw•tsU1Ef.MdATawa.s.F..so [IfWm.Mpesr ear. AIMS fiRL Wanted WAITED -AT THE HAMILTON -81'. •ass.* eta.. for cera. IoM Grits. =dairy salter ; mast be maul with colt ot. to thopthell. W. wW My • tar A 1butt* �.Mo high' �m.mmeyokee. Par - W Jthin . W. W. 1. Win Armin Waa sd. OBITS WA1r1'CD-FOR "THE innat, Ills YA. d idervemen et Admiral not IIM dmtnl boa >r►isls Grl'.d yg • h. Misr olt bl�esssaese�; ever* irmoveksiflome The MO . belan ses,m. km Masco dean meek. CHAS. BEAU foliar, ram/ Hamilton arose adrirh. Pert PM al par Best. Iatmat . SOL - m1 V0011 1t -5t W canted. WANTED. -ABOUT OGT. 966. FOR Mill to 0YNr.Ixai•sth. w tmyb.d Wt. 1•-l. Warliber. teldrAE11eilfu.a-.'TRI18 To OIVR istattialberfasetinswIS WISOl •i111tt1t. - aQewd 111210110116 Vassat, GOOD PGA- INCOON WANTED - l7 -3 T-- Rlveh. apply N NY aAtiitow. GM E N EmRR ASL 811RVANT WANTED OAilfptOe Nolo y ApplyN Aly MRS. t K QRRVANT OIRL WANTED. -APPLY Uedn, Ca it'y J. B. WOR/sl y . wear as•tbli BOOKS AND PERIODIOALS. Tanen-rings Timm or acs. - The 8mttsd, l.n,N, math a booth lost wash hh�. R114 Mate M • medal .dal alit*. of tattoo. Mee eight of whisk cases greeted se 1 tithed papa Mod wore lav *1 lone tkla TM thralls WM.k In Of two err S SI. shim M *ts He pew' e tp' ...*u_a• pakN- lsh Mal jeiris= Aess orgy K 4sOkapi ata, the opo1Magleam aro ew fer Twe.y. n b�y 0411 need Davi, Y.P. ; 'This 0�14* et 1'r1.rw n "W 4• V*.101l Hap' Lew cleaner lea ermss a Def the nil,ChMN�Jslttaa L hitt Saito ; ter Udgy. N {fid- 0•e11ar Pr.“...,"b, 1. 0. 1'JYiewhnsn ; T'xAt. I.v1.f t)rhn W. J. st+^g►tt DfMkviil. byss of °" • A the Caleb! Rime" by M. Je:1ESlon, rely. 14 Y. de4w... meant also /11•ek. ▪ M Pletalmead s .I Lady- eft 1111Mat. 10 AROUND TOWN. -- Montle, HANu THIS Evanuai.-- Tho Manse lash'. weekly outdoor auorte are beaconing a ray popular laseitatioo sal are looked forward to esnrly. The bead will reader a program on the Name this (Tban- d•y).veelag. Tux hxt-uaslob To Botanical) -The (2. 0. F. exourtloa to Br.o ford oa Tuesday was patronized by 11veoty-ter•• people tram the. •tatloa. 11 the aadsr the ser proem of the Chutes Forsters tad isolated other .ta0..s dews the Ilse as far as Mitch ell. Ten ii..ktaem---7..o.m. sea hater wen with tbelb ►aby *fejW .1 alge14 the fall w t the bees myth, and .oma re oe*Uag barley. As was expected, fall wheat le only ball a one Other malty, however, will yield well. Oen will be • splendid Drop, Glvlc HOL1DAv.- Hi. Worship mayor Tbempwa bee Issued his proolaatia for OM holiday, weals u to be observed ea W.damday, Aug. 9th. Se tar as we here heard there I. nothing speolal on for that dote, se trial animas will M free to .peed the day aoerdly to their own .went will. Gimlx, Ilamo YOUR OuANca 1-1 he fel towns atlertithaninappeared In • W't Y y bum paper las* week : Young gent. worth lweaty thawed. wants tee tecgmeat • saes of • lady with comas. Mat be kind sat IAe1Hea.te ; around 25. Write ; for- ward photo. larreortethe .trendy pri• vats. -Box 63, W 1 A Faaras GODa1utu Boy Wsuuan. - HowaM A. Lex, of Carman, Mthttob,, nes of Mrs. George Cos, of town. entered epos alrimenial life en Mo.day. Ja1y 24th, at Wl enip.g. Tee bride was Mimi Margaret Inas Armitage. Rev. H. Wtal., Welber la- tely of the gram, performed the eeremay. The young ample bays the best wens' ed she sreom's many friends la Gotten*. D0ATu or Towtno 'sur. A youth named Piney W. Bera.werte. of True', 4lod jm 8a1Urd a Samday Int. He had Mom Heim' for shoos erne weeks with lets l 1mr, Mrs. Wm. Fahr, having '. . with the . *8u.a , thee Rb. heat aigle tb.reby be bea.6tted. Hu father same up frau the dry sd ea Tswd.y took the bldg M Taros* ter hleratoat. The teemed was fifteen years of age. ' A NEW Irish ('orrinr.-Jambe Clark. s/ tows, is ase of the neerpor•ter, of the Demhles Yee Gainsay, which has j.th bee.larperand withas authorised ea*hal stook of :200,000. The .mpay .H- oango h the 6.6 bmel..ssis leak. WIa.I.I peg sad Madtoba. F. A Drummed. Thea M0Calhy sad A. R. Rebinds, of Wt.lpeg, are the ether .»mbars et tee oospay. A 8,a Ernes/two.- The lergent theor- em' el tete 110010 Damm n yesterday'from Wimps= and plan a the L , 1 & B. . 10th to Mateo. There were net lar sheet ol twelve bsdrd people in the party. The ezoureioa woe ender tbe i e.pioss of w Wingbsm Methodist Stead.), eebeol, who evidently kaew hew to pstlr op • .read. The Mathieu baseball beam thaw Mug ad led • sea with the Galeria one la 5he afters.,n at the rtgrasls.r.t Park Duvx iter Wiwi.. WALTQ.--Oa Moa. day, after • War of • few meek". Wil- lie. Walter meth away as his home on Memel" road, h1 the good old ago et eighty-twe gars. The deceased had been • teed10t of Mwd for •beer tea years. lav• leg removed Pere from Colboens towtihlp, e hen be was sagaged la farming. He lases a widow and a large family of am ad daughters, all of whom aro grows ■p. The funeral reek plate yesterday &berms, the means bear Interred to Colborn that. they, wear the d,.- ..d'. old hem Dames A Ravotvsa -Monday ethane • dhpa*. abut some da.•,al drain wwwried between Hoary Peber..e, ..neat ate of the Nieuwe J 0 . Maize and Joh. Wiley.a a e gle,.. ed .f tee Gerloh Elevator Co.,10d ended in Peterson's drawing • revolver spore Wiley. Peterson was arrested and was inkne before plies magistrate &aim Tues- day .00ulag. He pleaded guilty to tee &harp award hla sad was ,4.en lee opts' of poem ever • 6ae of 110 sad 16 me' or epedhg tem days is reel. He paid the 116. rho revolver we. co.8.cand. Toa PATttrT HAS Rum Out -A hot Tory sed a equally width. Ott were disguising the PrIi.MNry istesti.Uon is the West Horan Mottos ow the other day, and the Tory was ezpresetm, kb .pinions of the do hep of the wit het Grit in so very oomph . eatery terms, and bewailing the motion of mob tootles as he thought they had boss Iodates, la. TIU Liberal was ready for him, though. "You 410 5 sled to Wk that war," he said ; "the Tithes had the patent right te thin earl of thing fee eighteen years, but the pateet has no gut sow ad aybody any nes the proem" The is the way of Iookiwg at It. Toa Awn -Comma Btu. Penna. -W., F. ft A Smith, the aril known Nate. of 0.decaae, roomed word from Dr. Sproul., M P.. t hos the ate-ecebimsa 11(H la width they am Interested, ea amen..* of the oem. biutson of maaelaobr.ru of Spatse vole Metier, bas p..ed the Sento aOd will bo- som law when 11 nahar Weepiest of the, (iovernor•U... I1 eT-y aIle ifs ei�mf . iodation paned, at the sloes of *. imams, Dr. Spool* expresses the hope, width will be geeerslly sobered, than tab measure will be effeots.l In the breaking rep ortho am - Initiation .hteh have seb.aefsl a la6ttemes apse trade at the present day. Tors ODDnuow.' HAM- The eer.e, MON .1 the O44 .11ewe' Hall was laid on Th.rd•y Yah•- N. ser.mmy was observed, the thus being laid to plow la tee promos of half•a-do.em ambyre of the Order. Oa neo yds of the nese 1. tee date, "1899," wkiM N• ether bas the lettere "i.0.0.7." 1ht151b three hake. Within it won pito- !1llw of Tea SiogAt, The SNr and The Hiard. * lit Of foe .m.bml of Ike setalie dIb•tad"�e� lw1d► • Ilea•! A► lab pre spa tett eem- priiiwiM a. Maiden fir .meme.y. II.eia/e.i A pro.' • nm with the ofthe Snit Tats 00.-- The Wont Horse 0100- WOO s►the iavwtlgatlos 1e p}rrooviding fro. Mips ler NNW voters of the ridesg. A farther ow- =!= of wltn.as ler* ea Tuesday1.t W MMa11. Thera were Mesa of thosetB of Pm i Maitland J. Whitely, !bards.. , wets. C. Prides.. Jib Tbmpsm. Wm. Mlichell, Rd. Vas E.err MO ♦.Uebarl•rn.Ahrmhem 0. .lalialth, jjrr,,, It kmaam. era. A emlew, w. W. 171.,k, RAIL WOlyl..d. W.. Barr era. 0.0 . Bowie mad J. H..UNr. T sees .14Ry. Amodio* Wm. Martin sad 14.. sr. -Loo.--Ws lost week. Tbs. rho went a Ottawa i ams oetlen Into the Lw ler%. •Ye are /1I hed. Pala, 5414 *e ext itlpisa x Mr. Oamslae W11I1waAm s Ottirol2fttsa Wates. -C. 0. News. tad lets kala.., the 11•v. Lyes Km**, of Norris* Wok t Mqd. Nip to /.OMb4si tier Wit TMmy�y with 1Ylrwbtm'. IfM welften.d SEP eke' to Mair opine*- sew Abe •1 Oen lett t neat 20"" `- millie l to alsbrlm a .w ,w` tele wtw OM 'VS N life and topers, le little more tk•aa•lf this of wood, sod will .bad oemportem thea with oar meth gravel system. Itis smart- ed by some thea the rano of caliper prop- erties would be raised .t least 10 per that. for reddatl.l purposes by the laying of lime walks. THE G. T. R THAcKNAN. - Tbi Oroad Truck Railway bee tmre•a.d the wages of trsekota on the mate Ma. from $1 to $1 10. The .rusts is pot p•rtloipat d h by the mea oa the branoh Ilaee, and It le doubtful if 11 will be wonted by the trwkmes's autos as • es5ti.mese of the wages gaieties. The oomp.ay .tate as the meso ter their whim that site met awriall'IMME ter is heavies sad the oast of Lang g.sater. The ..os, bowevr, polar est that the work I equal - mod by having *•cttoas of five U. oa the ala hoes lei oleos Mali miles ea Mennen ties, and they .IoM ala thee the oast of Heise fa se grater. They think the nom-' pay's seethe is • shrewd more to rale • division bermes 1he mea of the ..4. lithe end those of the swathe Uses, .md there is some talk of .mother stalks. Tui PAmArwcAN Yxrdsrrtoi. -- We have r.'.Ivd from LIMA Seams Coastal °bateos • preepaita .t the p•s.Am.rloa .x peslsles welsh is to M hold in Buffalo. N. Y., to 1901. is oommemonto the aloes of the ol.ot.snth of .d the boatsmen of the tw'.tieth owtary. 1e is stated thsl this will be the tint Iawrll.tieaal expel. No. ever ,t..s exdad,ely by the Amrlms ae10., ..d in primary purpose 4 be pro - rote the social and eommrd.l renames of their 130,10,000 el people. Nome but Am - edema sauna and volutes will be Invited, ant it Is lmport.t therefore that all &heald be tally roprwoted, with displays demes. airiest the wan of then seawall re- meroe5, tees moo their Muslims ad their arts " The exposittoa will bele e aced epos . treat of .but 450 three, in the Nies of Buffalo, adjolsiog Delaware Park, wbioh *as ams of 360 •res, and will ..peas from the let of M.y to the 1N of November. E1005ietly water.ted by lie Niagara 7.16 w111 be used etdadvely for them, .ad the steet1al display will be ono of the thief features et the .zDo.itioa. rhe preeposta3 b1UIos theLDtereettng el.1u most this " more thea eme•h.Il the popula- tion of the Asperses warmest north of Merles me roue the expwiras la . day's journey. 11 • eis51p with s radius a 500 miles were to be drown .rosmt the .it. of the pa Amorloa. exposition It would L- clude mon than 40,000,000 of rho popeln Ma." TcoDAT'a MAIWIuloa. -For may • day the .troths at 44.derio4* had not preseatd so lively • sem as they did ea Tuesday, whew two berth parties o1 exaru'W, .peat the .hay la tows. The larger party, about 600 m aambr, came treat 8atorth, with • few from CL01.0. It was Beaferai's evict bolt - day. ad the 33rd b.ttallea band oath the soothes as an opprtaatty to ren an et• "arms to this taws. the etteattioa barn std. • musk re.. arriving here etre, aft r ria Danek. A. atonal, the harbor park .d lake frost were the principal palate el .urethan .d were quickly rcaobed by lame .,obere ei the visitors. As hoar 01.r tan Harrtmta .looma arrived, erne about three beetroot peept. frogs Hrreetow, Palm - omen, L4tow.l, &crawl., Bemoan .d ether piths' a the W., U. d: B. division. This excursion was under the as.pttea of the Harreeb. Kaye Templar' of Tworao.. Tee nom• Meth Harrison ad Palmate' braes beds seca.paald ibie party, s tees the Iowa bad abe.danos of music des the day. 1. the aftermath both band. played Ie the bar• icor park, wkin • large wowd, IMladime Irony Mwa.peopM. Ratherod he expeesatbea of the aMNoal treat The players from Harristea ad Pala.,tea tu- tored ,x'.11'.5 ausio sad 4..r,. warm &books for their serviette dares the day, bat It I no disparagement of their prlraamos' b say • few words sp.oi*lly of the epieadld qad which .was Smithies u its theme. This le oth el the most Meath% mashcai rgmlaatieas la ast•r4., as was . hew■ by Its capturing She Gres prise an the resit bud Naraaaent .t 8t Marys. IN seleoeens and its maser of readers them dollrhted our awn people, wbo hep to have ether opprtGalNca of hearing it Io the ev.atag, before !avis/ f.r home, bete b1uds played on the Spare, where they .gala had large aadlwo.. The HarrMton esoereleaktu le15 a 7 t..., mid the 8.. - forte people at 8 o'dm k, The weather dare..' the day was 6.., tied the vielton appeared te enjoy thea thins heartily. The kitchen .e the harbor park, when o.rebekr Goo. Black was to .•tedaac., wit largely meed, aed proved • er'.I oav'.i.o.. Many .f the •xoareioolsbe mooned •'.il or • row os the lake, and the bowling ad thuds mane.' •t the rt•k were witnessed by • Rood number. The 'Inters W.F. • wall-b.eevd ad seed. looking lot of people, .d we kap 11 will n ot be their last reels t. Ooderieh. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF fer. J. Inlbsubfbese mpY's ototoao hoa ■. M .om tm m'.Y NOWCall .d me them. Abewhew rise teflon.. at or iem a.sit the. Ter** big etoardtlam 1a two days Y 0.1 a t ad- eeeet. The tows mese will mese tesmuew I Vriday) ethane. The bricklayer the .t work ore Wm. Hol- land'. atm Week. The errs factory ddpppe•dd two embeds of organists Mamehester, 43 4.04, this weak. Chas. Themes is yah banditry theme .t the G.T.R. Milan aft* • few weeks' new. Dividan Ikon was held oe Tuesday. lbwrs was amity eat ease sad in was &d- jnned. Joseph Wbl1ly is bating • Miler elate. abed ender his store N HwUbe .Mar, tut - espied by H. J. Horton. (leer. Meiners, Wt el dendenr, N. Y., e nd .hu of Rego. As4row., s *Ws, le startle • "roomy b10bes fa Sesfer*h. CMel Thomas 11as *ea .lir the lays Moo hen bean slating the btheia" bylaw. The boys .f c..ns went rather be kit slue Tb. taterbr of Reb1. Kerr'. Duet.'. ea Brian & road le AMR Wshed, ted w114 sem be ready for 000epaiei. II will be • .sol dwelling. The August ease. et The Madeira Wadi *estates • pines of We. Liss. mtb ttyy elefk el Reale, .a.mpa1d by a bre' A.slk ed lie Ws. 11111 BtaiMb many Mande an phis.10M ate W bats' so mush hoprirool.H W "doth "esMy m health sod eM.s/* 4.,. alfa 5Ya pe' law rooks. Tha apple harvest Y ...measled. Oama Boers, 'angor, seat est hie 6e' lead of betas tag RN assess en Tuesday. 1 Ysy bat M 0u10686 Mu..Yp. Jeb 4. R•1d, .f 8e•ferth, woe sawed Marin Dimly Om.d Menu of Ne. 4 Mr Wee 1,1, red /L W. M the moth Mueab Ord Ledge IMAM M Ottawa. 41s45486 yeeerday N ilia tiItaB.Rom i114 14, i Weepee0P-ilial. err 0ib(mpj Oftesidee -- t' u, lkli Bp ate Dabs hike him .rmt01U salt I8 fmiens he the slap of an sdistable dim play tabes. It en M nosh as • .able, or w • set of taml,.*, sad is • very oesvata* article. Robert Grier, of (W*lerd, 4.ipatty his Goa Gear's' Rome from the Kamilla. soon Charlie le • Sla.A1. Mine graduate and has beta p.rseb.' the art prs..rvatlre under the sbdow of les Antes Made. Tb. pros •.d eons of the lraiture room loan will be ped N and fro until the 8th of September, wham the voting ea the bylaw Is be take place. A publlo mwefy w111 probably bo held before this event, to enable the ratepayers to v10e1•de their thialoa. Ao .x01.0.'e publishes a warning ag•ltut Iioking postage stamps. II says tis *me- mos pastthe stomp owes lb adhesiveness to the "arum of the hone, and then if • min was to ilea • great number ot stamps daily be would be likely to nonuse& moose of the tongue. W. motter from the report of obs repeat semiton :o et the (1ose.vsit*ey.t Mede, Trate, they Mw Kin Naha, of towa,sb- t•imed brei-ol.ss h000n lm 6..t year theory sad &1ee osoead-olw boson Is .,Anal form, the heir b.ing one of tics .eo'd yew theory papers. Altbosgb It was rather oold .d breey, tier. were • large somber of people at the harbor park ea Sashay. The rrival of the Mums • t44 . wet Blame, lades with tura from Chios., was watched with tater. me by may. Beth vee*ele were towed in- to the harbor by the tag tiara. John Phillips 1s quit elated over a .plea• did o•toh of bath he made lata Thursday .v.ilsg. Thera were Mee:. la lb, string, the. longest ens., Mr. Phillips istorms us, weighing 4 10. Zoo.. sae nae of them cam tag soder 2 Ib. They were meet at the .0.tt of the river with • WM. Mr. Phillips my. too *hien this year is the ben for twaty-8ve years, and he moms to he getting his shwa of lack. CHURCH NOTES. Inv. Ja.. Wilson, of Niagara Feels 8eath, o'.apled too pulpit, of. N.tha4hvfo4 00 S••' 4ay evening. Rev. Fahr Wet will attend the oouse- war es of Mar. McMv.y Ss Mabee ot Gor- don, whlob .Ul take place is the athedr•t at Loudon a 8.ad.y sect. The quarterly follewthlp .esMbg will be held 1. Victori..cret Idol/mike aearoh next Sunday mortise .t 10 o leek. Commies .twice .5 the alae of paella worship is the evesioq. The pastor, Rev. 8. J. Anis, will praoh mcnt.g mesh them - lag. The quarterly mail..' ..nice 5f Nor* -al Methodist oburoh will be held sett Sudsy. The love -fat will bens at 10 A r la the lentso room, ad at the Mope of the preach- ing eerviee, width will begin as 11111 at 11 o'elook, the 1aeramsst of the lord's Hopper will be dmm4Mrd. The serum will be pranhed o. &sada, morntns by tay. Joh. Nelate, of Ser•tbrey. The mento at North ss. Methodist ober* last Saaday evening was sup.eiaIly gad. Bemis the anthem by the dotr, welsh is doing exoelleet eervtee aster tae denote.. of Mr. Simpson, a quartette, The Lest Chord," was reedrd by Mew Eva Aobeco., Miss Laura Aeheeoo, Mt. B. Wilki.eo. ad Lim Ethel Ae4esoe, mal was limned to with sop a:nue by the large oe.gregntioo. A sato, "Hoag of The.k.giv- na," was Alyea by YM Oro Wahiawa, of Tomato. wbo In the p.Yeser of • a,d8- ovot and well-trained than Rev. J WU- e on occupied the paytt .gain Mbar . brief holiday. AT THE HARBOR. A Dumber of the el.arsiasWtes Tuesday enjoyed • rid. oa Frank Haabers stem meat Stella. The dredge w.. idle from friday to Teem day •ftorn000, part of hr sashmery enlist Mhos down. Tee extension of tee G. '1'. R. trseks .t the wharf hate bees cempletd, with the ex• '.peon of tee plankton. A one la the Pollpe Com on 'Tuesday was the outeomo of • row whbb took plea .t the bather on Moodily .1y4t. The sir. Eamon• was fo sp Saturday on her regular trip from the Smelt, sad ages 1'oe.dey mirth on the trip o.rtb. Ea,laesr Brongh es Tasty had blasting oper•lioa .farted &gala ea the bottom of the harbor opposite the Ogilvie mill. Tee ether Corset omit la teas Kitoardlee light or Saturday, .ad took ea . loth of lumber from N. k A. Dyson for Know - Mao, for which pore .he lodes Tama, snaes- ta. The whoopee O•k Leaf arrived se Than. day from Ubloago with 94,800 vets of eon for the Osderteh Elevaar 4b. After disobwgins ear serge to left, light, for AI - peas. The Bohr. .1. G. Ishan 3Br Il, .valet fres Chimes with of Dora for the lioderlu1+ EMvaesr De., sod olewed, light, on Tuetd•y,fer Tales Detour' Punss. The war. George Stam.., from Chicago, arrived Sunday with 82,000 bushels of cora for the Godrloh EIsy.Iar Company, and .iter unloading dearth es YYd&y for AL pan, light Tee err. 8t. Andrew was la post as Bat- .rd•yfwith 37,000 badolsi.f whelping= Fern Willies. After Meatuses( her carp e1 Richerda.a'e elevator she lett la tae .teals.' for Cl.vewd to led .sal for Yen Willies. NOTES OF SPORT. veer. Domixictt wwt.W D.rLT 1AaH/ION. Three Mks of bowlers strived with the Harkins murales ea lbeeday.esd played • stub with numbest el the Me slab 10 the West sweet greet. Oeder{u4 ase with • goad majority. TN there by Asks Farrteton. Bedsit& Petunia, dip, 18 W. L..., skip, 17 Jewell, " 17 J. R. Musses " 21 Yale. ••7 R. W. Loam" 116 ToW 49 Te 63 005x11). wilt, AT vesture. Oe Teasley last the stun meek be- tween the Godwin sad C7tetm tenets deb was played ea the Mule seen, remlt- hg la Ism the h.A. Orrin by • .ewe et 6 .reals to 2. Afatlt lk. Nese the re.- aell aero ..Nnalsed the ladles if the 0oder4N dab at Mora '.. The Perm trY Y bllewa:- •Omttax01. gWrms. woo 5Y. SOME. 1'. Belem is. 1lml* 0 1 6, a 0, 10.8 Om pIl. hers, Hayek k 4 6, 6 3, 6 2 terra ors. Millar O 6 1, 7 1'. Holmel n. Smith O 3 6, 6 2, 6 a Own. f t UMW Mee ChmeemRON WM' erra 0 Mee Passel }.a 4111.0iir 63,36,76 Pseud--. 7141 A 664, 6 1 11 1mlem0t tYeflsH•n .O 63,6 1 Fair Ise Paged 0ydCe`kl Oarearrie re. Ohs effiff am AT 12,w noir. . Aflesg4 tic Od.rM be.1ses IOW e psistm he.• *.mIbyse ora M LOOM deal week, they sa•do t they endltaW. rested. 1. the Labatt trophy eomp.theoa Ii. W. Loge's rink donated bus Nam., sad wore then bales by • Tombs rink, .4. were Malt afterward" defeated la the Goals by E. O. Coleman'. Ynafer 4 rt.k. 1a sddlet.. e ..Dana tie troths,. the S'.tarte atmm sea the sweats cl . , .Id modal este. draw ler the .and mead of the Almelo .natal resulted In the p45M0g el tko two Oederk+k Hake embus .a.h other. Win. Lose's risk wed by 17 be 15, but were hon- es by one sis• pt eh. fellm ing mad by a Load.. risk. The latter risk were the Ma nore of this afar. Sklp Lane's rink was Pater Foley, of Morris, Man., who i. Its wmy tate the .emtille1 441 1b awn 4. .dela, le Mresesf••C.lb less, era is Iowa Moo amok, ba/ were Beaton by two shots a 8saday. by soother Landow Mk. Their .soo.mla1 oppooats woe also h the 6mals--.4.wlag that the Ooderioh mew were, at any rate. travelling la fast .o.pay. '1'8e posed of Mr. 1000'. rink was - trams ij*Sed, 7 ; loth, 3 ; woo, 4 Mr. f.oyaa'0 rflk played flys pmr, thinner ewe .ed leeimg three. raIDAr ay1AI1ft'1 HAC1& parental redden.., Kith Mol, let Toes- ANNOUNCEMENTS - day afternoon for Ueelerlob, where she will Go M the leen* reetamtra►, load • hew days helm retarntg M 1). for year lot Dream, oeef..Mome y, 'rune, .Ie. C. Be.magro.s, pep. Wonted --Batter and egos. Still the tam. pries, 14o. The mit etU1 ss EverythL1 goer. U. IL Huai, Wlytb.e. Yor U. T. R. tickets and express money orders and telegram to e11 Arts of the world, go to Weer F. Lawrence Werld'e Arany, w want. A .notal will he bold a the grenade .f the Pedal Farm o. Temed•y. Aman 10th, /s .f..d * end• og ttut us P*.thy.nea 4121ki I iiiViiifiebe very les - warmest. to We Akuroh end IN oat tags. Refreshment* will be eared from aall•pa/1 ell to eget. Tieka a-ad.IN 860., oblldrea 10o. Stabling will he provided. Ministers of ail denomhatasee sad mothers oo.gmetlotu ad alto Wel public morally are oirdlaUY invit- ed te be paautl.- ....-- 2e Mn. J. E Cssesday sad little .e., of To rube, are vl1I4.g Mrs. C. Y. C....day a Ashen'. Mrs. Dewar sail two .Metros, of Mad - '.r, are Molten •1 the residue' of Wm. Ial.k.00. Capt. Praanoh let* last weak for Killer - thy, Algoma, to look atter come mining laterseto. There we. • tairly geed at ..daso5 •t ate A,rwaltur•1 Park last Friday .vesi.,, whoa • program of bloyde moss •named by • Dumber of yoao, moa err ran of There wen bye ..p..te than, ad es two were la heats 1. took said ..early 9 o'eloek to get through the list, .ttbea,h the fiat now was started shortly attar 7 o'ektek, sad before the program was 6.tshed it was the dark to o.e throw the Streak. The beat ren of the evening was the tens mile hadleap. The b•adleaps were vary well arrae.d,ad • good 6aeeh was the roealt. A deed deal of interest was takes also la the quarter was abhed ria between Alox. Moine and Eddie Belshoe. The revolt .hewed that McIver la .e111 at the top smog the local riders. Jahn Jewett, of Hayfield, era the sly 0e1144 r wee e.aptd. Boa of the riders .hewed • teodeaey be lost and M More t h" r.1e problblilag look - tog ruled. The iodise had the boys' rate ran over booths* the riders 41d not herd their warning, ad to another race set eh* erotism bask to third pita ea .Donnan of his following B.Wmy's example 1a Leek- laR b.okward, Oa Shit .whtdw.biew.pir.48. noes wore well .DNetd. •d faces thee broad out tow thens win wsU repaid. Following 1. the record of the moral ev'te: Half mile, h Maw - Ed. Belabor 1 3 1 Cha. Chryd•1 3 1 ,s O.. Joeatea 2 2 2 Time- 1:40 4/5 ; 1:31 3/5 ; 1:19. Oa .Ue, op'. -;1 A. Molver, 2, Ed. Bobber, 3 J. Jewett, 4 C. Chrystal. Theo -2:35. Boy.' .o., 1 mile -1 D. Sallow., 2 W. Hyslop. 3 Fred. Galloway. Time -3:04. Rat Herten rode in this nos, but foil on the home .ter kb..tr mW, _MOed race, h hate- M.Ivr won the Ent heat in 39 .mend., Babb the ..wed Is the ease elms, had Melva, wen rho third. The 1•.t heal was rest la the dark, sed the dim meld not he takes. 3 -mile 1 A. Moline (mach): 2 J. Jowett (100 verde) ; 3 D. 8alows (400 yards) ; 4 C. Cery.tal (400 Toed') ; 5 W. Tslop (400 yards). Bd*.r started from owned' s• hie awn moue bat del met Bane the ram. Time -1143 2/5. The jdnee won Jia Wttsr. ad Chas. Reid ; tto' h.eper, W. T. Walsh ; nen., W. W. M'.V1sar, Tbe eemmiltce of se.. .geavot were 14. D. Reogvie, W. Conk, D. McIvr ad A T. G.*sM. COMING AND GOING. Mr. Spew was h 8saforth ea Meday. J. S. Davi,of W lagtas,was in town yes- terday. H. B Gat bas rearmed frees his visit to Chimp, R P. Andrew. visited Wbtt.Nmr4 ea Sunday. C... INIMIWOO. N Serotiord, spun. Breday to team. 0. Y. Etllote as vaass bb brother at Waikertos. Mem Curti., of Blyth, is the gavot of Mn. (Dr.) Whitely. Mrs. Holmes, of 0.trle5, la the rust of Mrs. John Aoheeea. John 8toveeas., el Pert Albert, was 1a town ea Wednesday. The Mimes Cheat, of (Mateo, an vatteg all Mrs. Ed. Mures* Comte ward.. B. 8. Gook, of Hetrick, wash tows this week. R. W. Kesol.a was ever Irom W la1bw co yesterday's exouMO.. M. Breathe sad J. Thee, of Ballon, aero la teat of Sunday. John Cox, of Chisago, is visiting W mother, Mrs. Georgie UK. Mae 8a1111e, of Toon*., Is tic men of Mrs. Reee, Tiseelm mese. Gee. Sharma, of Chi*" TIMM '.la. ■0144* 0 wmrlbe path week. Mees Udul. Cal is visible' her bleed, Mks Hest, at Perms. Nerma ntmml..., of Mare, 4 vatig frkeed1 sed raise.. N tore. tare Thea Doyen awl ta.Uv, of Dobbs, wm mpeadies Me ,....r b tugs. Berk Mennen,d Olsten, has lakes • podMem is B. E. W4's drug eters. Mm. Blobs end Mrs. CedvUie. of Weed - steak. an the gess.. of Mies Harris. Will wed Mies LAT Rogan, ol finevhle, wen mem Tneday'm S...mi.ey_. Jobe Yeas", wife .red two NUdreo, of Chlsap. ars visiting relaMt e is town. W. J. ante relented be Kleptea last week after spading two weeks le tem. Mem C1.b., mf Olsten, le Holdall se the residents of Mr. mid Mn. Jobs Athens. Mr. ad Mn. P. K. Orme. .f OUota, have been visiting is awe the past week. 3111114111 Vivito. of Stretford, le mpmsdlsg holidays Itme, ander t4. parental reef. Mtsa H&mlitem, lel Wretoler, was (a town es Tnesdsy with the Sealer* imiers.tlsta Mies Ano Campbell, of S.tfert4, emit .ovorel day. .5 the parental hems this week, J. C. M.Maa, et Clint.., Asked lb sitter, hies. J. Hamlet, of tows. 14b week. Harry Werm11 left Monday m.t0Io. fee • wl+o log help Io Southa-ptes and Wier. tan. Mn. Thee Dees .ed mese, Peter, wan $ 01004 the Wlnghaa erserd..YN yens. day. KM Newlin** who had bees ASV*. H• Mmes Nafel, ttmlmr..d to Tenet PHI. lase. Oralr. leftTuesday bersing re • line ,Wt be relatives t. Beat.. lard. Robert W Mas, el R. While 4 Os., feed. wee r ewe ler . few gays tie pan ...4. Mr. (Ur.1_ Aims e1 Rohm, end Mies Matey. el Ter01s are rood..' M. me' Ile' Misfile Oral/I' left he' Saturday pfrMfme'�.ye/Mm a visit le pert Huron mad i *llyI* litada1 rim M. A. Keay, etreerseodeor sad aseibrOse�lisoh.b*ep.r the bite Delirsk mU limbs .wet+ tL'ri. w.. se Ms Mies B. Wilklawa left ea tfood•y b take part is the •sad math moot .t the Thou - mad Idmsd.. J. H. Webster, of Owosso. Mioh., arrived las* week to jam his (wily. who heve bees visiting bore. elev. J. WLwa ad Mader Max rimmed frees • very ajoy.ble bicycle trip ea Friday evening last. W. J. Carter, lite of Grand Rapids, Y hole. , hos rewarmed be Mont end is working at the .i,.a foolery. Mn. Hays and sea, of Wlkr.a,ore visit lag as the home of the formers parete,(kpl. .d Mrs. 016x... Mime Gladys and Ethel Plitt) Maned Mos as Monday •iter • mea►h's rials at Beath Rook, N. Y. WUllss J.JN.them mWwrlgbl, who had beep home fog otheral days, left Mosd.y for Edmonno., N. W . T. Mise Eleanor MoOUHesddy r..rosd M her bumi• Tore*. ou liaarday after • three weeks' het la taws Mn. John Mo0omb, .f Palmerston, wa• hire lar was &nudism the wedding of her man, MM Mtask Oran. Mise Beatrlos •pd Ethel Quick, of Lon - dee, are .peadhg holldoys at the residence of Mrs. 8tro.g►. Eat street Mr. &red Mn. N. Diedrich and moa Rddie aro Mathias friends at tear former hose, Ma.. sorer ite, tad neer Ahem. . Mr. Mambas Marmot to Pon Hares ea Monday after • visit of several months with bee daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crain, Mies Celina •0d Mk. Mare, of Sent. had il ford, who d beep new., We. J. B. Kelly, returm.d Meme net week. Mees Marina I.Ies, Llghthsaae..4. , is sosedbg pits of her v•aeo. an Kbo•rdlae and ems pc4te la Brace Nasty. Mn. J. 8. Warring and Mn. W. R. 8horr4ek, of Ioreit, have nNrad borne .fuer . visit M trbed. is Galerloh. } CARLOW. Moawr, July 310. Mr. and Miro Halliday spat tieedy .. the home of Thom Sallow.. Rev. Mr. Molar, of Myth, sesies0.d 5.ryiose in the Presbyteries N.1.e Sada/ lase. Mn. Gerdes Yung has bum for tee pees week asd 1. sell prostrated with • savage illness. M. ad R. Merril., of lih1.11, visited friend" at Carlow nth week, making the loarmey en their wheels. '1 he prospect. for &Misdealt harm* eepeolally of sorban grams, bath moth bum as good ear .oma years h this .d"ehr►i.s.d a they are al presoak, "mall Mlle Wag a • par with the various grals. www. W. Usaala.ham bth.rpa.sed all lets neighbors in r.eoso* to barley. It beteg too heavy to out with the Mader he had to resort 10 the mown. LANES. osDAT. Jdy 3L Till iirlMi''tw71`birley canna are r»srl7 Galahad. • Mr..ad Mrs. F. Soots Melted is Kepley vtoia/ty ea Sunday. ` Apple buyers re dais ■am . "ro.jest 1 sow. The orop is light sed pod pries aro `. expand. Mora. J. Ellet*, of Tomb, who has been Mating her sister, Mrs. P. Soon, is now to l.aokeow visit tag at the home of her par - sate. Mrs. Bream. ad .leder.., who have been for the pat two maths Montag et P. The Mise Wl.,llfred and Cosetaooe Bowler'., left a Saturday for their home la Griffis lave returned bene after emending Alpena. several weeks with relatives in AabGld. Rey. A. E. M. Theat.ee, of Tooker• smith, was la taws Monday earth and lett Tuesday mean" on the elgunle0 to Brant- ford. Mina Tempest sad Mem Maggie Tnemp- me, of Wba0gh.., are h town visite*, at their aunt's, Mr.. (Rev.) J. Wilson, North street. Mn. Jolla Jehiets., Ploto•.t., soeem• paled by her daughter. Fran.., left Mom day ..nee, for • oat •t Oeboeeek, meters Outdo. Mees Use Satan, who had beam the gem of Mrs. Wilson an the North .Moon mason - Ma fee several we.ks, loft en Tuesday to visit frtsnd. at Wresting sad Petrola. W IIH.m Ellteth, of The Iapr.11 Cereal- eie, who is Mating in Wbgham, took 1a the exoardea foam that 45wm N °oder .* yesterday, mad geve Tal HIOIIAL . frfeadly 0611. W. W. MUtes, wife bad family drove up from RYrytown this week, e..1 are ,Weng Mr. .ed Mn Junes Yaws. They .tested en their tem drive es Medny mad arrived bore the meat day. Amer the Miners fres Soifer* on Tuesday were 1). D. t91lsa, Mrs. A. J. Retain, Yr. ad Mre. W. D. Bright, Mn. J. Y Bat, Mr. mad Mn. Amines Too,, Mees N.114 Y.on, the Mise i ever.ax, the Mime. Prsadrga.t, Miss Armes Hays, Mr. sad Mrs. Ws. Inland, Mn. Itelilroy, Ws. Oo.ealook, Will Has, Roy Aet5s1, Thee. Wilma. W. Willis, T. Simpces 1d Me Minus 8hepsee,H.my Fitmstssess, Mn. Oce. Habttrk. Mrs. Calder, Mn. 1't war0M. Miss Iona Sperling. C. P. R. ENGINEER'S STATEMENT. e'1 .awwty, or 'WaalpR MvY/on. ail. Lte4s Weser PIM w O. R. flab, July 31. -Probably the se memin la Manitoba la reward to Dodds 1 M..y PIM la Br. Rafferty of the C.P.R. HS is eat of the driven ea tee big tram-o.Nles.e1 read. ad the j.rr(a( of the ....e and long Mar .imbibed to bring es kid.ry Reiss% from width Mr. Rafferty a.S.ed tar tweet♦ears. He woe oared by Dodd's Kidney Pi11. Hee ease is .o .dl knows throughout Cud• that • Tombs geatlem.n wrote be Mr. Rafferty reeen*ly slims bis H he scald rooemaead D.44''. Kelsey Pills. Mr. Rafferty wrote h reply : Wmelpeg, May 30th, 1899. Dear 81r -I rcesiv.dear note of yester- day. r - day. I will eommead d'. Kidney Palk w1 soy Mtea to ay pews with pleasure. They are O K. Years Only, H, RAysxHTY. Merry : O... Potreo. 7th lime, ha had his new barn rised. Mt. Main did the frame work sad .ryt8la. weed Mother like &lent -week. Brasads : Wm. Dgubow i.jer.d his left bad last week while working .t • moving manna by wblob the .f hle Resew. was badly split epos. Wlgham : J. Cly.' a Co , of the atone bleak hardware, hero perverted the .back of hard..'., stets, tlamie, hegiag M the Kent awls. . . W ro,eter : The beloved wife of Frodrlok Brew. did es July Wad, aged 64 mean. The remains wen itherreil fa the Presby- teries ..spry se Sead.y, 23rd .1*. Hayfield aw eld: Odayr.Uy Mn. Westlake, wt. ,oflies emits Hoo,oelobnbd her eightieth b*lkd.y,'.joyty. • remarkable degree 51 ter..*'.I01 years. Mn. W. las sit em the Y..es..sd for half • 'eatery s were sad le what known sad bl"kly r•ap.ed he *ts part of the .treaty, kolas eta of Me olden reeldvoN is this .alsk4er. heed. l*.wd'Ille a Mrs. D. Maras has bare Maybe with her &a.sblr. Ilea Jobe Mo- Qmy, .1 Tasks..itk, aim Yee std. seder. der* 5f bar eeued d..•k•e se Thursday eaarsss. 90th .11. 1401 Map.Yam IN .sly s ter My .145 cep 14r•1. whoa 1e' bee ...seas same MI .ser 011 test la mortal el • thrill* h iehey roues wmamn Lim 5l res. Is Ger tla.ertf 141111111110- DIM AROWD. DIM Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belnr.v, oesepled tee pulpit very •oes'tably here ea Sandy, la the atoms of Rev. lir. Wbai.y who lett Ian weak on • six w..he' way's. Mr. ('rwtom, stadal at Rath College. Toron- to, will till the voaoy for the ruse/oder et the term, LEIBURN. MONDAY. July 31.5. Joseph Shaw, of Oederbk, is visiting rel- atives herr. iaN week we were too late with our from 01barn. '49. Shaw, of Pertr'a HOLLY es tin am Park farm staff for a ems. The ratepayers wbo wer. at Ottawa se 1es wart of enquiry have nearly ail earno hems aid were presean .t ohuroe o. Sam - toy. ff. G. Horton, of the (jams ng ter several days mein. old sad m'.ebg tome old frivolo. A• hear Jells Hertem's • molal .vale.' was spt,IY Igor. ell elf .4 $ jovial W Mas talkie" our di ries The lone sawn .f Or (brbfa. Be. buyer for the s5dng lore are B. N. Blew, pees H. A. Baso., vfoe. • pros. ; Arabi. Hart'., me'y.t John MaMammo, inns.: Edith Horses, eor..'.'y. Ti. imams nim• mints" wore nee appointed. TUESDAY. A..esl 1st. Petr Foley, of Morrie, Mie , 1s name. tis parlor sad rasewier old atra lataoe. here. NILE. TUESDAY, Al,. 1. Hugh Ryan m Improving in butte. Mies Ethel Dutow Sustainer] m Gide rids. Jas. Glnla la able to to out .gale after his rery bad aooiden►. The Ihg4talaa rod wee have Mese doing a rahi6e theism around both. John 'lhma, era, ad dareh.er •Needed obaroh in Oederton on Sunday, Mr. sed Miss Curtin, of Holanent .,wen the gen* of Miss EMM Hall on Barley. Yr. ad Mn. Will Mertes, of Ooderiae, attended Nils oharoh ea 8udey. Mr. Brownell, former tmohor AS Shop - portion whoa', le rreswhl old aoqualal- & tom at NU.. Rev. Mr. Far aad wife were renewer: old aouaaietadhs lath weak. Thay lean tea day for Helm.ttll.. Farman are they gates/lag *e rop of fail what and barley ; the former Is per but the I.t:or is geed. Gate &ad pose .re Ike beet we have trot for years. Rev. 11. A. Fear, • former pastor of Nile mesh, but at pressen .indent all Atwood, oeadaoted quarterly serylce hereon Sudsy. The Nurse was packed, amiss tMik end a whets ee of the pat that the people Mev for their old pastor. Hs teak for his tett Ards I- 8, "Rat ya.blt have power aft- er tee Holy Ghost has 050)5 *pea yea_" re. 'poster divided his union bete fees porn, vie : (1).&raseM555,(2) natty, (3) tesM- awa7, (4) wtllloswses, He showed 8.w all these qualillesidess were .athol.d is the time 5f she ambers of the atly chore►. W. hops be bey be obi. to o.a beet all w very demises day. rot be will always Memo et • large sodiosen. AUCTION SALES. All prtttig settbts teak. mho kph. pgtatmd u �fq }Aga w„tli aim Nasyss Nggga klATOanAy, Assist 814.-Au•Ilw trim of • member of s.e..d•b.1d boost.. ant Hyht wagons. ail as red as err, se Year's Meet, K4WI, segmemeing M 1 .'.leek. R. eloCuaaLmo, aseMmsmer. J. E. iternase, proprietor. Weeper Albert 76. -Amities said 5f bo*.Y4'd nudism at the residents. el ifeo. Wohe.ar, N.wj.oe ea. oppress B.xs..'a hoed. Bala a •em.'.ce .t 2 eldest, ho. .ea11/Ymr..mW4mr. Yu Wattnfll ,pro FALL FAiRS. Owlet Narruer srwtt, y.dmtd. Te..l. . Wedesed.y amt Tb.Miy. Berk 86. 2e.. lelWs 1e'. i1•eseeme..., 16 got rose oda WAibNda�• 1R 90. 11.19. ~�4 ~' BI.a11sd. OeL • 0