HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-29, Page 8Vervir",' m. .„,,.w.ta'er7611 MIFF .s ""fir . p gnr . _, ""weirwititer, THE RIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. .REMOVAL SALE !, satire Stock to be cleared Out. '.zav Two years and a half ago we started business in our present premises on the First Flat Only. At the end of six months we found the premises too small uu l took in the Second and Third Stories, in which we placed our Millinery, Ladies' Underwear, Clothing and House Furnishing Departments, and Dressmaking. Prom that time our business has been constantly increasing, every mouth, every season, and to keep pace with our growing businetts-to give it room to develop -we have decided on New Premises, double the size of our present Dues, which are uow in course of erection. An Up-to-date Store with all the latest city style and conveniences, in which we intend to put an Entire New Stock of the Latest Novelties for Fall. We have started this Sale now befmvs your dolmen .aesda-axe- sappliedAltlian, may take advantage of the Bargains offered. - _, _ . _-_ - COME AND GET A CtIOICE Anything you may ask for you will find the price has been lowered. DRQ' .GOODS Great Bargains in Dress Hoods. A Special Lot of 50c. and 60c. Goods in Summer Colorings, going et 28 CENTS. • Special line of Stripes, Checks, and Plods, going et 10 CENTB. Am. LINKS ARL Rapucan is PR1cs. Now is Tin Tins FOR A Dawe. MUSLINS AND GINGHAMB Yep; ewly ¶h:Y+g lioit°ee New Muslims. This will be a great chance. Neat Patterns, Wide Widths, Fast Color., Special Lot at •iily 5c. a yard. Special Lot Fancy Muslin, reg- ular 25c. for 15c. Special Lot of Fine 'kingdoms, regular 15o. for 10c. Bridal Lot of Fast Oolor Prints at Sc. a yard. MILLINERY AND CAPES Special Lot of Fancy Sailors ; also Black. Reg- ular 50c. for 25c. Special Line of Trimmed Hata, regular $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, for $1.00. Will you up • Hat at Greatly Reduced Pekes. CAPES AND J ACKETS. Prices just cut in two. LADIES' WATERPROOFS. Prices just cut in two. GENTS' FURNISHINGS Here it goes --Special Lot of Black Soft and Stiff Hate at 50c. Hero it goes --Special Lot ot Colored Shirts at fiOc. Hare it gees -arida Lot of Straw Hate at 25c. CLOTHING-- - Clothing Department upstairs com- plete in all lines of Men's and Boy& Clothilog. Men's 81d% regular $7.00, for $5.00. - " $10.00, " $7.00. ' $600, " $4.00. Separate Pante, Separate Vesta, Over- alls, etc., all going et Reduced Prices We have a Very Complete Stock of Boy. Suits, two and three piece, in Light and Dark Shade. ;Rood substantial kinds. Prices all reduced during this Sale. Nine Navy Serge Suits going •t $1.25. Nine Tweed Suits going et $1.75, Come and see for yourself. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Night Gowns, Skirts, Corset Coven, Wrappers, Vesta, Oor.eta, etc. Ready -to -Wear Skirt. in Linen aR 61ic. Ready -to -Wear Piques, Duck and Linen Skirts, Trimmed, going at Reduced Prices. BLOUSE SILKS hr.e4 If you 1 Silkl we pay particular attention to and have the Latest Styles of the Season. We intend making a clean sweep and this should be • great opportunity for you. All our 70s. and 85c. Fancy Col ored Blows Silks to go at 50c. a raft -Apse's] Range of Fancy Silks, regular 25 and 35c. for 19c. have a silk need now is your opportunity. Come and prove what we say. A Genuine Clearing Sale. None of our Stock to be moved to the new Store If price will move it now to yo WELLAND VALE BICYCLES. SEASON 1E399. CHAIN 11D-ELS:'--- 1416 DOMINION, - $35. GARDEN CITY, $45. PERFECT, - - $55. anon..,:Po ..1 ..r... ons • ,.-. PERFECT CHAINLESS, $75.00. A feature of the WELLAND VALE Wheels is the undisputed fact that they cost less for repairs than any other make, and are besides the easiest running on the market. We tater to the requirements of all classes of riders, and our different styles and prices will suit the most exacting tastes. We are the pioneeni in the manufacture and use of one-piece cranks, which are undoubtedly the beat attachment ever employed, so much so that the majority of leading Bicycle -makers are copying the idea as nearly as they dare. • A Fine Line of Bicycle Sundries to select from. R. W. 111 Y£NZ I E, Local Agent for Goderich and Vicinity LHaaa`at- wa.aia..T•�, tesw.lithli w1 OIIIt.DACIVi''BAM�f"" loin. 4,a ':h. ympsibd 1 obs lift ` sal AU Neta dad esbsw tasty ftp. =s• alraa have the gmpnthy M the es., saes Madras N r �. maty. We an pleased te see that W. Oesrtay,eon' Dara fat 2d. 3rd. of AN1lewhold. whs. bile so ill, ea maths,' bettor add able be be anuad. 1 Bprilii Pale MI 80 For sone Ii.e peat we have bad very For rase, 7 yenta ad warm sad dry weataer. A ped gild mndar shower et rain *mid be of greet beadd& b0 yard. rasa, 9 years dad loader .75 .50 .25 100 yards tree, 13 years sad loader 111 .76 .50 50 yards beet rase, 19 yeah J. Illeok, S. Wbre sad K. Caesar sre.by and under Il .75 60 means of pant and good work.aasMp. , Renal/es high i..p,15 yens beaattfyteg and adorning the rendescs el 1 ad order 01 .75 .50 a &unbar of our **ten R.aatsg bep,step dad )imp, 8624re dad soder , u .75 .60 as& mit &..k naw li wean ad -_ . Ill .78 •--82 Mads rise. eon anent Sq■are.16 years sad adder O.p .75 .50 Rieyole race, ones around Sgaaro,12 yew dad soder $1 .75 50 tlutaatwsvAt.,caiman-OS pliiks-Mlt cetote,aliegrtwa1 i.a l7. Rev. S. Whaley, of 8t. Helsea. esedloebd ..rota' 0A11t10. preparatory ssry less, and oho Sabbath Is sacrament of the 1Asre'. Supper was di.. paned is Kreetae eberob These were • huge somber of ee.antalaeals present, bad the paster, Rea R. F&lrb.lra, B. A.. .dfet- •ted. There were several joined the ah mih who wen admitted by serdtlmb ire. Now vossr,eaM.sa and by the head d fellow. ship. present u. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. BEN MILLER• MO,DAT, JONI, 261k. Bseaseeple tedea.Ne. 284, 8. 0. E. B. 8., tern ablated diving service seat Sunday at she MaMdlet oMs.b, ret 3 tease* eek r.s. Pot. M. J. Winn. B.A.. will presets. DUNLOP. MONDAY,Jame 26th. Mr. sad Mea 01.Oseres ries sad Mr. emd MEIO. Whitely, .f Oodedeh, eajoyed a plea.Ntranehi.b MM1 UM week, thermion tit Mr. and Mn. Thew. Tlsbbe.rms. J. Meesto.y, jr., el the manse eity of Pmt Albsen, was n sojourner le our tows lest week. Deny ole day b. visited the gl'sy ewpampaewt sad leek a pro at the 1M. sail Mrs. R..ls, ef Mlbo6dl, enjeyd • pleasant vial of some days sense peiobe M talent street here end Gedrloh. They trays is 'masts et Mr. sad Mrs. Robert MM. INebt. H. Masde..ld, with bur ft� se Cleft,, tid aWm. �di( Wider,, wens,. the pesos d sad ra A. 0. Masd.ssld fes several awnlse week. MM Jeer Reglan, of Ddrelt, was up at osstaw ter Immo day len week seeing bey paresis, ad darty her stay with bre dlent wsei be bum wean, voted relatives sad ftieade shout bre. A. M.Neil ie sevlee sad fedilag Ms barns as new does 1r .teasema tad ether t.• rnewla Jdm Peleem r tnM•g his bare lewewaek. W. S. Yang Ma pat up Ids wtedm111 es. pan N in wrideg seder Ian weak. LifiIYNN. MOYDAr, Jess 961b. Wm. Radme s, ism Wester. bee bass iristalag alias hole. Oarm.p, w., sad ether bleeds Wa Bet.dley. we., sat J.. Spashla eine s.sne !M eawesls.y'. b Dams .d Pew Salam bet war. igsrph MrNMn, wise isfl Nes en New Yates tMks •mom ofmodyntwMr made, lindens up ea flatraday MM,.sal Iles Item happy shake of the bead frurn ids old friends la this notion. He has sot for. Rotten the whine' smiles of oar fair lassies la Leeburn. Mrs. Peter ,tum% sad two ohildren •ad her stats, MIs. Cameros, front Erle, Da- kota, are 'letting .t John Stewart's, having arrived toe W sdn.day of last week. Mt..d Mn. Jr. Muammar* (the latter formerly Charlotte Canny), of Beatnik, voted &moo, Mathes hes for several days preview to going ee to ninnies te Dairen Tuesday of last week. The usual monthly minima of the Wpmsma's Foreign Minim Auxiliary was held la the Sunday wheel room of Use ehoreb oa Wednesday of kat week, and • oath was made for the Indies minions. Ms. Hamilton rave • farther report of the recent msetiee at W.odeteek. Statute labor northward from the Toper tie Hall .as done hist week. R. relay and A Folioed were the only lade at the pit, the hum of their warmest waking up many • Dunlop and Oarbt'aid *Ides as they drove giddily ever Me bride". and eel - parte. James Horton a the pathmaster ef this mottos. PORT ALBERT. Monnay, Jas* 26th. Harry H•wkas reset Aeaday at bean. !Wheel wtU dem the latter part of tale week and mewls Att'a.tVltl. Sward Pert Albert pespte &!ceded Is sWewbeery Rauval N D.. -'.. Mr. and Mrs. lt.bert Davis, of Darrow am, spud Ossify with Mr. mad Mrg Jas. d. idle Mead 0bin.wa, irks went to De- troit a• the Mealeles lard week, will ramie We semi Mae. Mr. and Mrs. Ran sad Mia Toed, of Kaasrdim, voted Meads in this adrbsr. bid en essday. Mum Lit Muir, of Swmlfed, sad itd. w1. P.Q.lsof Makers' Jene1s., are ale tibia M /s Weal Jamas Ohm Lab IatmrW Ile .y *liven, emaherm . parer* id Hiebeaded Wesel Pot Adorn wewdm, and hash Mrdsdsn of ns wane ilMkte at red kird*ShliattrPloWl.g, J - leg Icor ad merry vetoes wens le evident* till old Sal west down, wendsg rho pie - stokers that 11 wee time to Isere Lake Her- e. and Re brassie. Ceasoillw Daiwa has lel several en- treats lately, moms toem on for grevdlas n orth of the Presbyterian obsreh Our exomr.te.bt. to Detroit lest week have retarnd, bet we haven't heard very amok about the trip. Were say of thin D es-stek Ab Sunday *hoot yesterday Mies Mary Mew, is S. 8. d.l.mst* to the Hares 8. S. sad 0. R. Iewvootlss hold at Ermine ian week, road her report et the promedamp el that plan. She was highly oswspllawted es bet admirable paper. Mise Emmeline Hayden, the delegate from the yearn people. society .111 report at the C. E tenting Wednesday evewlcg. Dominion Dar - Toro.te ead (1.ddat.6 will, prhape, have some sort e1 Deadens Day rlebraties, bat when will they be wises °suspend with the mese* time wbtel the seem of the Pert Albert Foresters bee provided- Is, new -- Whet with the Oat• Untsmplars sad the f psssdysthe sahebetlalsgd. est fr.felieflwia pibroch ea the ..1 SI idip s b' real HtsinM $ssbokaseet sad the in the resat bow Dad the ea. .1 ste.*y wbbh will Hat day he distributed la prism, all abbot Miebrmie.s will be but se amble( whoa.jd with 1t Than is always a seed Mipgrbe had at Pot Albert hat the Amer e1 !de meassbie os..,NN will make IMP • Treater than hem baa." DUNGANNON. xTasis- The Neel . aBerster.Ir eh the Nes at J. O. WAau, .1 f e tern ha w01 rw.11m •s smterawl r 1.w weedte eV. NOM sbl4b. w 4..�mlfwSWltOli D11t0TIs?, OF LUCR- 1rd hug y of ebb 5.04.. 1 red ��se1�.ar}r: apgges{{ e/d m�eiaappg Midler -.M s Ask g loam, te 11edA41mllee Thant, Jam 27bb. Itl.sltrtsre.-Os arlsri w 154 w rt. deka et tis.. $s, w .&sad p.rp.s d.Mes of Mr. M.L.., wrmerre, • Luk- as* helsstral la The .adsipal mama of West Waves- n osh will meat M the usual plan os Tees - day, the Cit day of July, at 10 a. w. sharp. A Scix:.WDL Las ti whist_ -The straw- berry and in -cream sooW aid nadir bbe amnions ba .s. ben o, Ne �pM-.paitaa Marsh ben, a 'bold last Mendel 5,... *545. the spate= lawn of J. M. 1.hsrte, wee • amooe00 oa te etowd•nee said warMly 01 amusement& lookups prase lend did good servios is re•d.rtog ezeallest selec- tions of mane ter thes.terata.rut. Exams.- la D.mnanaom p.bbs easel there are sena oendfdates fisr pablte Mad Mavis/ sod Ave far .stenos sad three fee tom 1, part 2, el the high .heel .xs.kar Una We hope bsv will be snonsetel in puna, and o.Hinse t..alnula the geed . wdi.m et the .soon, as at former sa.la. abroad. Presiding examines .1 D.�y.,e� w Marra Mar, of St. Helen., .. M.. Dn.&M, .f Mani!. T. tl. A,laa, of D..• ea•aaea. is at 8t, Helen. *ad Rieerd Brews le presidia' .t Kiatell sebeeL Comae AND Oo10e.-W. J. sushi and wile ree.reed been lase week hem void.e relatives is Kineardies. Mrs. J. H. Walker e nd •e. SteaMy, et leg+.541, as Mohan replyes bore sed is this vilWty Min Margie Malloutb, ei Kwesdlee, ro- tensed home hat week, afar rani rela- tives Mise Atter Mallear*., iwbter of James M&1leugk, and Mho loW. 0nt.r- M., dsashlar of thud Krrh5te., Wei* W•wsaosk, visited relatives ad ette.dd the Caledonia. runes ab Klsaardin..m the 22ed (.hof Lest Saturday William Jae. 3.6mptos and wife, of the Lowiship et Myrrh. visited relatives has se they were a their visiting tour N reItnee sad for. one aegueintsaoes to the township of (lede- rich Os Wedesday of last week Keb- est Devid.om, his sister, Mase Ella, T. E. Derain ad wife, sad hire. Little, wily of T. Little, .boemek.r, wen wedelns rants ea the marriage of Henry tinny, e1 Kla leash, emd Mies M. Headerse., daa.hter of Mr. John's, .newel ..reliant l■ Serv1., meaty ef Brune. Misses Devidns per. formed the duties of enoosaaa em the ea autos quits e000ptably 0 En611m, of Nile. took • photograph et the teacher' pad papule of Dasg.nuos public wheel Tuesday of last week. CARLOW. Tinielmr, Jane With. On. Susett anti bride epee% Smiley with W. N. Hewell. Will Oen, of the cederiek ergo■ in tory, spent Sunday .1 the parental reel doom. Mies 3. Hogan, of Detroit, atter • two dens' visit .t her beam, nonrsed Friday atomism by the City el -Toledo. t'ke •xouslo.i•te tt Detroit report slob • . plimdid trip that, ebs.ld another oats be armored for, Carlow will eagerly rearmed. Mier J. M•Hsrdy, who hes ban &ttead- ies Breabt rd Ladies' Collie, esteemed home Saturday lest, ed err warmly wet - eared by her many frinde. Friends and neighbors to the number of en hundred gathered a. Tom. W tobdll'. {ren labarday to help erne hie new bask spa, Owlets to the trema beta" Sold ate* ga.diilisa et sixteen tees In width, -t1 was nwkw&el et esmtlrM/lea. Conwgamtly sMN were set oMen,te the sorrow of missy ..6. ub it l per 11 1t be net a beastly e. Report .f the est Maas Wilk 1■ the lent, et Mures. Ia the year 1836 r'36 aims! twenty men and by wombled at the Min room at the boats el Joh. Cox, in the tewmoblp .f Ooderie1., o. the 12th day of Jsly, to cate- nate the Battle of the Boyne, by virtue of • warrsat, No. 145, Jobs Cox, Monter of Ws left lodge roes for the tows of (ipderioh ; arriving there we mashad dews West -.b. with die sad dram .ad sue deg to the bask of the Mks. We formed 1a 1i.e opposite the dwelling of Jolla . Leagwertb, ea gid nuns *f th, MOM Mbbyr sad a afeMlos ot the l'oaos. Th. old Sinn ser est el hi hew te as and made as welesaue tri lxeusit oat liquor sad Menai the M Ngsay. Atter ..bort thin w146 him and bona' then three loyal cheers, the Ain et be lied that sounded.. Me waves e1 old Lek. Hares, we rammed N teen, bad another &Mk sad retuned 1. ens )edge room, where the i.Ales et ahs esigbb.,a. d had . good dieser provided for as, whbk we ke•rWy enjoyed. Slaty yenImre ve n made • gat abases is tib •seely. The bets .f enemas as the sdim date was thea • small village of sheet eels Modred M a popmhitiew and hat a row Oreadit.os were b noire r meaty at that date. At pretest they may be esmMt.d by the bheas•d. re. ahem revere le takes be the best of my memery. 0.d .me she Q dee.. Jam 9d, 1000. Osawtr Mx; Ba M - osier w e.1hks la web la treat el lite ktiek eek. Ile Ise M lasdreitellidde ! w 54l w 5Nawelk w With era lamb • 25 yards race. 6 tied .oder .76 .00 .26 50 verde rbr, 7 sad .oder .76 .60 .25 50 steeds race, 9 ..d sailer .76 .50 .26 60 yard. r.oe.11 .ad .der .76 .50 .25 75 yards ane.,13 .ad .sin .75 .50 .96 hitt. rase, 13 sad seder .76 .50 .26 Mayas raakesee areal to Boas, 12 sad seder .... 21 .75 .50 Ragas raes,s.os aresd the Blears, 16 sad odes .. '. Cop .76 10 C.wMtios ryas far sandy. The names start .harp a1 10 a. r. The Osman Olay .f Toledo arrived l pert st 2.'etnk Friday .swig with the Detroit eneadjpeists. Alms two hams Massed hakes all N. mers were maned .a.wrhitt fair D db with die aid at 4 p people who Ind .pms up ea li.nday and remained hats daring Ike I.twvd. Sabath : A. Iat.en5We await was sale - heated &l 81. Jaw' .trek, 8e•ferbb, e W edraday .sr.f.s, J w 21.1, whew Jells L 11.wwy, .add ts.brmaent dealer, et MllohoU and new .r Ssppkw.., e. De, of ta 8a. Columba', d Miss Aims Devereaux, daughter o1 Mn. Js.ss Doverasaa, el the H.rn reed. were made we pad was. aatavrW Mataeea !'ho cast stage development of Nasal Ca- tarrh. imams* Catarrh Cs» gam •wy paint the poling where even specialists o. the Cameo have been abao to noel. ir. truing. ••etklag. Mallen and reimposed, allaying the le bearing lettered leaving the Nlghb.a bad •ser-nw.tte. The Dal guaranteed tgtkatrb aura. Ns at all dreg ,b. 1111 FOR SALE SY JA8. WILSON. HORSE HU'RTS Agan sffeetive beater for sprats. Ie�pbk�� all., splint& *ore throat, roughs, owNsd, sorestsew or Ineammetlo, le bores dad t. ileo OrKetk's LInl.ent bus provtd m wpreme saccees - as good For tie hone •e for 61e master. P. H. Ritchie A Co. Raaberlo In Vas - roarer, B.C., say: "'We comtdw OAItitrs Moutbol iAnlm.mt unequalled ler baits. Ono of mare bad • bad swelling eats lett leg, which was swollen to an mart. We applied the liniment Mrs the swelling bad lett him.►. tried many llul.eats bat baro sem M• t61y to nine It" IF.FIT rmavas ,Rim DIRaa, AMMO. AT AU. Df1t1QQIrfi-ell PINTO FOR SALE III JAS. III,AOIt. Sole Aeon. Gloria. JIBROPU' -& SON - reg LYMRO r- Ywatxtx\ DArettora and 1.mbca1.mexs. *Mere eererloly n/msdsel se as dill ammo states em Aar. Mare Meat. tMYe.m. Ms - A Great Snap.✓ le est 01aree Baas, a1 da e at whish ws soli • hernia week. kal eve Oily map. as ireawry everythiag that s.. be land le as snails te-date welly Aire. gni war pylon are eight. The kraie a knew Mat 1 San aHyl pgr/l beet M • ta tor Near }�s.di�messa We w Ilse as se leaf Msnte isles '- evsryNl.g EOM OOM11 t taw ( . We dad 101111 potatese, wades Midi them T. A. TIPLINO A 00., lItlIinery Rovel�e'sfo�'9�:� The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two leading shades are Mulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in vogue this season. We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and best in millinery at all seasons of the year. M. E. CAMERON. Apprentices wanted. Hamilton Street. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR NY"LEOD'8 SYSTEM RENOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by w1:_M: MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont - NE COOK STOVE The Best are the Cheapest. KBMP At any season of the year there Ls no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is with coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABEBD LSF StovesandRanges CALL AT Willibees egad .r*R Mae n... OIL STOVE We les • fall Yea of then stay. le asseset..d. We «Fry • tun Yrs el hams - made Dairy Supplied and House Furnishings, �wr 1st H..I9 std 1imv� tat. H. C. FILSINCER. MOUE Fell FIUILIES W wsmt ,K . sn.bw esseasteV sat ae fie �.b dU pay M Iona name SNwe.ele. CATTLE BROS. � �'�"'" `'"`tp `�.. """'' Pinder:, Stagier: aid Tugs West side of Square, ant !Rarer eras. BICKER & MYEBS, Wender: aid Wailers Orad u.te of Menu:humttt I .I lege of Embalming. OP II DAY AND NIGHT. 1.r EF. AT- 110514 e ION. Mmoao moos. els oma HELLO 1 -_....._w. THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL WORSE LL THE TINSMITH hew • .postal heavy Vas et Eavetrugiit ler harms and boas., T Ina "Wig nd Sidlag carefully put ea .IADQQAlea1 rat . . • Wood mit Clod nuonsolo WORSELL'S �= GO ID E I0IL. ALWAYS ON HAND OODINttfJE ScIlltoll vasIrBOiL t WOW. ' i ' Coal A. S. OH RYSTAL, Ill TEN MASKIIT whero yea les # Le ter deans. An Deal W L Ord.w I.tb M uta b Serie filen mai* .at.54.g M. TO £DV M*TllIIIIOO. Nada, et amour most be left M Wes Map not Hier Sae l..poly ans. The Oopy tor . bo 1111 sot War Asa now 54 day mom Ousel Mvertimoonats •enptea me to meso Wedge del d Urea ...Air. efea theism ret ail lied/ at B0ILIRB. leeks Masks, Salk Paw. Lad fM . And Deal* fs-- , tgatlakmay aekdkles, clot. AII dm of Plpea red IOW s Nr .tad WM.. 1111 tem IT= Osootroi4 .R mot w b ..n ` 11saN of el..i Wider ata d FV tem dtltttsw ttRi •less assatoo N