HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-29, Page 7fUt M i llaUre tha runs COMM ori AWIl Egad, 1817,
% _s cc tile
., • -it " Idowuse tBut ta•� i few
Illusk wl
ire o' Iawteti from all over � tb• erelsil � won. a.�t:
tm��.t to work, Cad throe mwo tflbd- The
tWIL dwt� are: Cbast , �lor• Bao-
ate ; chant �$all�amp J.hn
�.nowlsJ*IIC. aiilAs.
<M tt,oe, ui 4k&tesii. was
whtle - bathln8 iS' Mtctne hrd hitImpedt ttp4l0
• �p.
does. y
%, Rev. Ur. Woud. former lirerl• Agalmalde command has kali of
dome of tis Wesleyan Cbnferetoe, fill General Loom arm• aid bar raaswd
diedthe I"Gmt MOM fM'fls Fat mubillsed,
Dmsy 1s at Cnlomb% MVISIt• 80 bringing 2.000 M land the Anti
will,main on the Wand &boat a p� rKlon• IIs M �.
s�; efepuwr rads hes Mus driven went agnrpnrad � �tIIF�� col
fiter here by a plea •1310 may sero-, ovtlrboard a- hnndtwd tons of
esi Les In order to lighten use .hip
ror h'rancls Jesapi is Poeover ns17b1aQG1 ko pt 4�Ir afbaL. Before
6 f�nwa bis inagas and Is obis to wed %be C& @ the Filipinos read
1m tabor• and were
"list* hu duties rtkhUng over the •polls.
Mr. Robert Hkhardeoa, for 26y&rs . - -
.= v the of Montreal .t HUSBAND DN TUEW�fl PATH,
Meaford s=era w1U vasa on s
by law to glee a tions d $26,000
for a six etavatar.
'h. ria Indian ock °1 VIS s Lha Ss.
ed Who was the M, P. Who Got
Reale Indian Resuevo was oart't•d
oat without any dletarbosew
ggTeile alp � bwa�att" at f Thumped?
teaLson of the Empeter t/llhlaa•
The Spanish t baAbae o! Deputies
binge approved ofher thea awls
Ottawa, Ont., June 24 --Every West -
The Wlaulperg (1selim bas ern Ontario member In town tooday
approved of Ser $0 new t. pas been more or lass an object of sus.
1o%trrdng the fespeaMas of wD•ac. jec
to e AM@PWNFIPSMW&l'a Piclun until all Inrtectlon hyo shown
t show dIO Gktbb ad- that he did nut wear goggiom or have
big ds pr"Tawat tir000wB► tb►Tets a patch over either eye, or any ,Ila -
wince. coloration about the eyebesotl eater
or a
A big AT1ku of Coal �kMW V its as Indication Of his having
Arnold. ra. Eight huedsod sslttere quit teg4_9oo"gt with ilk •b -
work, demanding an aa►sses of 15 Otemoe such as a closed (tate or any
cents a tow each thing The reason for this ecru.
)fr, 11"yndliam's barrack expenditure tiny V W be found In the following ar-
WIudeS $201),000 for Halif•y N. S, tkcle In this morniurs Citizen. which
The m*Wutlon was adpgbd by a rote ham Canted a great deal of talk. and
-d 241 to 39. t wbk'h will sect Probably be bir tight
The Oovermt has Invited ten- In the Hoare on Monday, as many
dare for l*dlrset Bold-sWr&/s swvlm the membece are highly Indignant
b,twee• IPTIDOO VAward lai•ed and all, the Imputation cart upon the re
Gnat BAiala lromatatiww of Western Ontario, and
The BrISBanof Montreal ham bei& .WUl indst upon the name of the guilty
awarded else 88,000.000 loam d tis meg' If tlaore W any guilty party,
Qty d Monuval. beartag 31-E flat p HE CI
ems for 4D yea» THE C1TIZISN'8 mrORI.
Joe Mullett. the Irish agitator. Cee' Tit* Cltissn am,e : From n twrimtitu-
unced to life fmpri w camt for at Owl ,It Weatarm Ontario comes a mom•
bar of the Dominion Parliament. who,
umpted mode•, hes been liberated for some days, at least will not occupy
is a dying condition. bis teat In the communeehamtoey as
Mr. Matthew WUka, of Crmlokaton, the result of an exciting eneourfter
park, tier GaIU is dead. aged 88 In which be flgurod earl yesterday
years Hs
was related to be dia morsltlg !n a Donee on Metcafe stree
rlehset tea• b Ontario Thio *tor, It Is said, has of
-Toroatu his a sedbstbn came in lelr..jsoaena el&eusdfnd"X +pMlatar'I
erry to which a babe Ma dlmpps&Iad : ththe an membersof the fair a
those of kts kith -,and tf
The,mother. Bell Allb@1sr, Was&=,Wm.
McAdam. std be, 10 WW in Jail. and it is this popularity which has
A great merry ootmMefttt 1110 Bank his
trouble upon him. Among
Of England notes a» to shoolatkca. b n lady frtAirttl f .}yf nstarr-r and a
I They are dated imott sed the goal 'Ingle woman". tYsae.room at
watermark In the paper 1s nnrtr1111rg the name bousd' ole trim, strong they
Mesas. Join and W. F. Clow" of hW ample hipoIn &hy b nceculfrom their frfemdsblp. 1• the absence froom
(thaw,, have offend Ontario County the city of the first woman's from -
j&000 cash and 45 &oras of land to band, It Is alleged the M. P. frequent.
built a Hoose of Refuge In Oabawa. ly took the I&dle4 for an evening's
Mr.,Rabrrt Ashcroft. CesseevaUve Outing at one of the city Parka or
rember Of Parliament for Oldham, is alaswbom. He is said to have done leo
&ad Be was born in 1847 and wan on Thurlelay evening.
pitrddsrtt of the Oldham Law A&moda- But the evening train from Toronto
Ibn. brought Into Ottawa an unexpected
John Humphreys, a weklhnown r -.the hceb&nd of woman No.
Montreal carter, hos been arrested on J. Be rallied to find his wife athoess.'
a cna+g� of ahem to islDs • jury Hie-mnnii�dthat she and the other oro
out with Ulb M. P.
�e HJgslns Nloiolscs poolroom he decided to trace them U possible.
Men with dairy faraw In the viclnity Ilio met Ute brother of the unmarried
d Chicago are MBadag sekm,tssd as lady who told hkm or his suspictoctS,
the Chicago
Wholesale Leer d a me for and the latter deckled to acoanpany
the purpose d testis for tuber mea blux Off the? started. its nor lu
ssla4 r•aryl Of •wise, the other n sister.
Their search was sucrcnaiul• as tete
Dawson to crowded with Idle Soon anti found the threeWgethen. Form
who are willing to wort for ostly lowing them they saw the trio at -
say wage, Thirty-five cents An hour ter a boogie an Metcalfe street. This
sed board yourself U the lia"011ing WAS about 1 a. as. Entering the
wages for common labor. boouso after Utero they located all
The prey County Co until has do- three 1n a room.
hated a motion to mtsbo& a bouts Theo were was confusion.
d tadustry, although SM ssompaysto At that eight of the trate busbaad
anted in favor of It by a Majority o! and Use displeased brother the wo-
ltssey 1,500 last January. mull fled Into use street The M. P.
The Queen. the Goveiser-Gala rah ~ is ftihim on
round* nt explanaLlon, was
AM Mr. Jos. Clbanbori&is bstrtaet dtati If an
amrg- or Sympathy to No tttemde y was given It wait not
d ama Th
the unfortunate Tinging of %ha tory. e husband and broth-
solliery dimeter at QMot It y. ler attarketl hint with their (into.
Throe miebnar him, Rev. H. W Phil- blows were dealt In rapid sacceadon.
Ilp and his wife soil Miom Bier. to- TU M. P. was downed and It ISaak1
eptther with @ovum mauve sotv•rta - tktoo+ who saw the Incident that
`ve heen maSsaerW by a Cbiness 6w was very roaefhly handled. H
m•b at Kletlyang. to the Province of left the house with both optics badly
Such"a. Motion and Me face lent and bruised.
It is not llbWy that he will be able
The police a»vellt>iMg th. to leave iia rood for a day or two
Sao w� d"' ' �eph CMwP1s°rt'`� EDMONTON ROUTE VICTIMS
dsiphia, actor , tDOer tbs *Mf
come of W. P, �gesl0mt a C�rtet
IN Scientist.
Dig, 6eurene and Labra, of the
likew- Medical feeMilmsUta' 91a.na A Part Over Four Years on
=ryertmsut..aa. ta...tir bQmu y
have � .�..I, tho effl"e, the Road.
At Santa Clara 178 claims of Cu.
ham soldiers har♦ lboolif made. itt IS WERE ROBBED BY THE INDIANS
Its Forwlmg
61 iZ=&Glee Tn Seattle, Wa.. Jose V.-Cberles kee-
1 era nftraed Pay�aMtt m d thirty borne, d Sao h
Fraaaitro, who arrived
here yealarday from Dawson claims
The Proatlas Dow Grand Lod" to haws found a rich placwr ground
wselsided their labors at Bellevi a at the head wateirt d McMillan river.
wsdaeodar ovoulng, when the to, He says It in a terrible country to
d the wanoan ocamautem wars pot into.
It Mr. R. H. Kotsheemr. P, G• 1[., With bin partner s�mithsati of Les
was made Grand Grgadwr. Aegelsm, he teavoiW up the river
to Brame county as ing"I of tits 400 miles. He cleaned up nearly $l,$ta
bbt{ Act was carrked h' a m Lirmot, before they were compelled to come
Of over 500 votes The DoomAat bas OW tar provisions. While in there
been is (all turas malty Fears In they met a party d six who left Ed -
must repelled its montoo over fear years ago Cad win -
the banner tempsr•nes P.MMb eke tared cc the Pole River. Their Mathes
of C►oada. were in rags sod tuey were almost
Tho Frwrteh vios-Admtml. Cavalier nbe"tmm. Threo d the party had
m t'are•rvllleerrad died.
mand toalloW The leader Of the party, a moa
--- la In croristgostam d • Meter tutees analm st 'tires Now J ,
wklcb De C ,=r, its wltltt. oeitlals- said duty lad been bold up by fats
lag the allepd InstlolpppF d �- and robbed d a goad part of their out -
Rational darMoe lit. )prom that time they -lived on
The CL deg flasb and a couple d moose which
sesU-Irdry tp ytiarmh0 Choy were foortowate enough to shoot.
Ue Itmest rt 0o'remto itraMb
'I Uat egantry wltt tae* d SVRYLaIRT AT B88D1M1.
; r�9�I' ear he IMOWIM feltroud us- fyt~. Sneaked a womean nowt and
I "r• �baIn Siberia an04MUS. Pep,
MelQuartom; *b
o wtia
ti M Haff o��!�(�gg, 9tt• and Who 8heddos, Oat" Junnee� te.-Three
km tt bflftifF at gis$Itn. ban on, Valk l tilts y *We Mr. sed
k>hV hrmv^ Invalided CT'{js ollmata. �• Alex. ;�rmld, collo live ow
cant Ucam wQtretm Is of no opinion mile South d the ILp, were at
will take from t *%urrb, come psnom eeatered their
am to
1101y th. il p ikel ly subdue e Maand tonne sad• stole some Jeweler,. Yo -
I ipDtnm lordly the tblsf reftebed Mlkka af-
b Jobe W. Ma -ray les+ ry fdetlag ria aatractee by ,Uslhing
orb- a to eLaa ort • d t'hrmgb a window. This time Mir
' �seaW, wbleb has WeDea ,luld red to be at loonse.
sf Odlgta In Id"Ota pseates ft After the bariliar had gotten is tba
0e^w1 Roartoa n•d a woman boons Mrs. KeDsarvald frau dower
"anion wart tarred and loather the seas, the Baa knocked
11 sed its ao/r-ItWo dollarmImm b Cad sleds gop� ifs aoapo. A pocbt-
0�pM on end to the leWl n, tloRngs of bash asstainting absent 86 is miuslag.
.,,��n__Ff No arrests bare boon as".
Ilas , - tortLi bun A lewsTaud flr� Cad Ifeerm far the Ahwbmd•
4 th,� �of urn Indian A deep gob was resolved from IV-
Aa inds. bw"olwmwlmmm
of %list point, mire, fist~•. morning. stattog
W" is mut weadicgivens, that Lief itoits, of 11n
ikowd to be
a sfttlsr0. w Ingrokn,It 0. & aeMtdlte�frty bh�ps"e�e.�
Iha as Ft• as Moot 'mire VISI videllig frt cm"
The UIS �' Meq 4 as M pl*?" of mks
Ran of p oqF r {o PUpao (� , anA kinwn oa
Oa f %pea,. Tek drim.t Cd"'@ has nix 1•
blit teff . sewn- ural rat t►reMlesl!
�y !, ►t workman Ivy w . 111&n.
• ftiperr William pima taanfoomtwrrasl 11vt1+
he Of CAm"t the f!l WIAIar orf
A algM AlfaltlM ear >yn@low.
.,r.. ..
.-". wt. . .-
1TWA B 0�--� werg"M
8ceamer Pawnee Burned and Her
Crew listing,
Oe&1ner airs"'Bight.* ataiaag rar
Ipwt-St- Jan"' Oaaatt4 rtiaka the
Ouamro"l of the united Imtates 10
•.atlas misehtafha Lia ?naarvaal
Heoo!ulu, June 19, via ea►n Fran.
cisco, June 211.-I1, L &beast certain
that the client containing $25,0001a
gold, lost from tihe steamshlp Ala-
meda, was takes from ten ship at
two port, In fact Marshal Downs
"a In his psis muk a drhmoSt cencla-
sive evidence that such was thecae•.
The omit who In suspected of bavtug
rrbhul the ship b also known to
haw" escaped beyond Hawallas law.
He Is now In Japan and ata eveuto-
ally becasght, for e Oceanic S3boam-
=13 Company has s powerful de•
tecUwe agency on his tracts. The
man Is supposed to be an Aoatr&-
Man named Wil". Be has Itseti mms-
pected In other such robberies be-
tween Strduey and Auckland. When
the Alameda Balled from Australia
thin man was a possestier for Han
Fracisco. Be left the boat here
On 26th. On June lot he sallied
by the Gaelic for the Orient.
Marshal Brown doom not know Just
bow the treasure was brought
ashore, but, seob a transfer to ad-
mitted moa to be a hard matter. It
is p wormed that tba thief had me-
caopitos, and they brought the trea-
sard dt In a number of •Cllrmade to
the ship at the dock. Tire coin would
weigh 100 pounds.
"eitEtrBef. n6o, to. -Whim within
on the tracks of the Chicago Terml.
rel RaUroad, John Kottoweatl was
fatally tn)mred In a reatarkabte effort
t. Cove Lbs Ilfe of Asper Cross. The
two wereg1QsAng • trestle, the girl
a few steq to front, when a switch
e%rgrnr rounded a curve at high speed.
Kottowm &i sprang- forward. and.
Frasplap the girl abaft the wales,
'Mung titurself on one of the Iron
Maces. but the pilot d the locomotive
4-114111; him, mina• `with the girl, he
war hurled thirty feet below. Kot
towask' struck the ground ;Irst.
Lrra►Ing the girl'& fall. but fractur-
ng his skull. The girl escaped with
411ght Injtrle .
Paris, June 29. -The Ffenate bya
vote of 187 to 25, approved the ale.
rlaratkton of the Government.
Now York, June 26.-A oollisim is
reported to have taken place this
morning between the Anchor Line
steamer City of Rome, which ,krriwod
this morning from Glasgow, and the
Central Railroad of New Jersey &tea -
oar Monmouth. The Monmouth pans-
ed gaaraatiae without stopping. Her
upper deck forward had been carried
away. It would appear that the col-
lision had occurred is the lower bay,
though the Qty of Rome did not re-
port it at quarantine,
Han FrawAnco, June '7.-A ape-
o1sl to the Call, from Nevada tatty.
CSL, says; Mee. Norval Douglass, or
Flan Frankeboxx has received a let-
ter saying her sm. Harry Douglass,
with 25 picked mint -re from Callfue-
Ida, who left June Lad of lart year
for Sbe,rla, have perished from pri-
vaUon and cold. It In stated the
party went to Siberia under Cron
tract of a New York company, tn-
te•ndtng to be gone them years.
OVER $90,000 EACH
Flan Franetwo, June 27.-F.Ight
mbwvw bare joss reached here from
Alaska with $250,000. the rssoft of
two years' digging, within LO mlles
of Dawson. One of them, W. H.
Armrtroog has a no_-TuR worth
$390. '17,e country is uH of Idle
meat," saki Armstrong. and every
steamer brings • hoe more to swell
the Not, There wUl be a fairly good
elan-ap thin year around Dawson.
boll, It will helm[ to tan tlum as
many mea as last yamCs cmtpat."
Now York. June �'I -The City cif
Maown arrived from Savannah this
morstake and reports that she passed
tbs ato= Pawnee m firs forty
miles irota Cape Haar, at eigbt
o'clock yesersaday morafng. The Paw-
nee was a wreak. rated tete crew
of 34 is tsiavwa. The Pswnee, wan
boaad brem Charlssten and Bruns-
wlek. far Baet(m. Capt, gavage sai0
that two -or thmea hears earlier la tbs
atag he paftad the Orarawell liner
YMoberboakar, bound for New Or -
bass, seat also aootber multhbound
Olydo floor whose name he was --
able to maim nett
As thein was no fog and the Smoke
of tits burning singular was blown
lar ctmrl to sea, (Aaptain Savage thi bur
U; -M t1)rlt fme sat► was mesiad
tip by Dees or the et�sr of the Beath -
booed abet The O" at Macau
want Close to Pawnee. Herstw'1l,
tights were ban 7inag, Indicating that
the fire started In the eight. There
was a grist anti ase at the lima.
Later--ri'he e»w w&s I/omed tip by
the aerie W. Clydw ani atMved here
at 11 ahs All ka
Havass. , Jane 27. -vin uuoonifnm d
ryoet from Puerto PrinCtpw amps a
mob 4rf-%omwm wr-alb- Seems&dme-
lag their &rags, attempted to over-
power the paytlasters guard and
nlapttre the mtlosy cheat. Tho Am-
erlran su dteta, the report says. fired
low the mob, huh I&'- and Wound.
hog many more. members ,of
lass mob who esraped injury th-
Many cat,"" are rwgortvd and
arfigta will he rand".
1lwwentets vmmm m asc+dvpA dn`04"r•
we wounds. The trortpm were of,
figwd to fire ora tbt paop)o. Martial
law bas beam Owlitnd at VaMnofa.
std fillwag %.-I swerved ,at oront-
fifW, wbsrp sm tamp p,; dWed aid
wouinim etnow perntma- Anti
8u(ttot Apolowtratbm have hien oc-
ne rrerl at a .0 . Temkin and I.Od-
gKtrm iilti his[i THr AT'Alt.
Pfyoomilk ft Jna+ 27-TIia Bol-
iflan aftmiN r sOUwwllh I which
d Mika ,fro ndt�tAfHai
so= tlmevbebe-
1600"A be -
1600"A In ion ev�0; . v
ot.MiwA. M
LcoulkAL Jame 3". --The fii. J&mea'
0azeiie. wMeh ham been remarkable
for Its -Ill eStwle go the mhjaot of
the TtlaYsraal. Caps the ounma era.
dy emrmmwy appealing to the
Ht1tM� adafraioy to .'bike Imawdipto
rts/s t l oisuateract the plans of $60
IrappMrttth sa( the Clan-tm-61ya1
#latae, who amu air
vateera nmidtwdbs Transvaal flag with
the nbArl of 1006ft Cape 1lmera"
Cttaaingj• Ala., Juan ri.-Join
Davis, Vim• Geo. Alex. Dick
Thoma* amid Btephane, aggro la-
b orars at the Barley rurasoe, after
working hard all day Sunday, purchols
ted ten lana ripe watermeluos at
night and sash ate two. They then
spent tba *ht on the damp ground
In the woods. Oo114 followed and by
noun all five were dead.
I Sister Betrays a Murderer
and He is. Arrested.
Chicago, June 2&- The man who
twentyeig$O ye&" ado murdered 011 -
bort W. Gatos, brother of John W.
Gats•. the Ptenldnat of the 8tsel
Trust, has bean foun 1. After years
Of sflesioe, the yrl sister of the
murderer, Alexander Jester, bas
made known Lu identity, and the
stone bhaft art imp by the parents of
Gilbert W. G&tsf to the burial plot
!n Weirt Chicago, which by italiTaven
tumerlItU on has for twat.. years me
camel him of the murder of their Con
Is to have a now lstereort.
Gilbert Gates was nineteen yearsof
age when. In 1871, he started out
from Went Chicago. III., in search or
health. On the Mlaourt train. near
Wichita, he met Alexander Jester,
and the two travelled on in oem.
A few weeks later Jsrrget entered
WlchJta alone with young Gatsrr
team in him possession. He was ar-
rested, and, when searched, Gilbert
Dates' watch was found ori him,
while the missing mah's clothes and
other property were found In the
evidence was so strong that
Jester confessed the whole crime to
his victim's father, after which be
was takexa .10 Par lm,_ M" and placed
In jail. A lyucDing party of several
hundred men was orgaotzed along
the road taken by the officerm who,
getting wind a the affair, harried
theirpprlsocer off to Mexico, Mo-,
where be made his escape by br4ak-
Ing jail.
Search as the officials might, no
trace of him could be found, and for
n quarter of • oentnry and more It
has been believed he was dead, un -
UI the following letter, written
JeateYsdnter,bas disclosed h4ehldl g
dace :
To the Sheriff of Sedgwick county,
K arias :
"I wish to make a statement fa re-
garl to my brother, whose uame V
Alexander Jester, who was arrested
near Valley Centra. Kan..ln the year
1871, May 21, for killing a young
man for his team, watch, and cloth-
ing. The murder was committed In
kflSsocrf, near Warrensburg. My
brother was arrested for murdering
this young man, and I know of my
own personal knowledge that lie Is
guilty of the charge. Hb was given
a preliminary hearing la Wiehlea.&W
was sent to Wichita, near where the
crime was committod, and brute ,Wit.
as Is qq brother, but I want him
puahhed for that crime I hope you
can and will find On the dockets his
preliminary hearing and will notify
officers of the county where the mar -
der was committed. My brother Is
Ih Ing here In Shawnee, O. T., and
to known by the trait at W. a. Hill.
Hoping to bear from you In reply,
,I)OMefL Street.'
When asked to give her reasons for
dimclodng her brother's Fdpintity as this
late day. meta fitreet IK34 : "The Lord
has prompted we W do it."
A. A. Gatos and tits wife• the parents
of the murdered boy. are Ifdnig at St,
Chariest I11.
Gilbert Gater body saver was found,
although even after %*March for Jew
ter had been abandogad the haat for
some trace of his vloilss's remalpr,. was
kept up. The hosts/ of tomm and
Laura Gates his broUaa ated delev, Ile
In the plat at Oakwood Cam boa. near
West Chicago. and brs4vla Mom.
a marble obaft ten filled, high on a
lgranite ham".
The narnoa of two elklldren whosw
bodies lie itearldn it ari inscribeid upon
131, amend upon another face M this In-
••OUb&rt W., Con of A. A. and Mary
Oates, murdered In Missouri bFx-
ar.Q!r Jester, January 114 lffll Z
nineteen years and t�sttyy..tITo days%"
8herUf 8lmmanls, of VPbhlta, has
wired Mr. Gane. sen-, That thea ldenti-
neation Of Jester Is osr/iwtei sod that
If Gator nets 10 acid OWN mitable In-
ditcematt. Jester, alley lt, will be
Mr. Otters will taisl8twdlate sops
to bring Jester to trial. Jenker in now
eighty years alai Infirm and debllitat.
•veld He ahem• to can Ittale about bin
trleser's revelation.
Yankee OMewo in Outs Kieft Up a
Disturbance laa Brothel.
Clenfaegon, Culla, June 26.-7hree
American Officers who Itad been ore-
nttlrt a dletsrbanaa to a fiomse of Al-
rwpct , and bad redobed arrovC ee-
tered a carriage and began firing
their revolvers, wottmdrBd Rosman
ralturned the
fl», earn, pined D7 it mob, pla tie
carriage to the railway Station. where
American pickets Owp0 guarding
warn"• ams m, amts Oerntalalrig more,.
TW 0114 , m mtly recruits, on see.
!ffNM offfa Iv wrote in dan$w s
No bed fMAse.hM bsidbA wagon@
e ng, wounding Two
ys OMMAst•- and. -bass- eilitt" eta A-
wealti) pfanter, who was passing In
a damage with his children, was
Struck by a it;nag-JIf. re-
061VIag ssrlose {tJtry. IniMgnatlen
rump high, but •here to Bo fear of tar -
tiler trouble. The offending offles»
have been locked up, .
I0""o nummgD VWAMMtP•
oases late 0o11121se N 8swhsadbed
at. Jobwa, Nnd., JOW 29 -The Sri.
IM armored aloof jDapinjilL-while try -
Ing o 1"&h �1d t t'I Alois -
w stere to imr bbtmR By oonaw
""sloe waste and movial gone
lad be iv Beer to the Stora abs meds
bow way Hire mately. %fie will be
deaihd to4urrow.
At the Nor of the a chibint pertest
"Madeline a=tlmted an bas rd, and
propafatkons were mads to
the mhib ehwlti It prove fro.,
b" her aho/s water. It wta
roes -elk however, that the rtnssga
WAS got ok*ft* ,� ?� - i- - . tP a Ae�r
dPolitics 46"ti+ 0`1#nra.: 'w! O4
High Death Rate on the Brant
lam• hardly tesl►roNd they p�Ipspr .Ity of .L►il.g any otrjrcttavM
adves u[ Ontario. undttsfrt t8ai "my, t bah to Ytase row&
h of On
wadi Klutht rid dH J Ave vmb oorraspoodanow and
` tettNat�pe+ orae forSo�ss elms•
thamastw� I ladbaas and let ve 1Pr�li Lias of tM se&}
them goo /o time Gover4lowt qr la thM: line It ape
and have ea the sa0e �� bo blas c ht its de-
ktrislr as AM rWla"'" ille illegible, to attisss tin traB-
` .,_.Reserve.
W.- �,..:... ,.-. - ..
that Dr. =am be was
;�y_aaf. leo-shat tbs�Ra{��T Com-
1MatM- e�'t� {'4'Fvy UvalsaMr l
� sy
eta Indiana mt heart- Everything the
to the approval d the Oovertor d
dexter �`1.r►w reggrdl tdaaamrtaos
walker. eto, was trot. e, knew,
pooaiq' e�atw let authorized pfra�
shy of rubs, dither by Itself or
bt.d,, for
Ottawa, Jutw Y.z: -AfWr the all-
h` of the laws of th. al•
sslae �e�patent
alytttetlM4a to all1the roads
night alttutg yerterrfa�, member
were rather lwster diaputied for wort
every trftktrb was made Lu In
rhuct them. They lived together
that ander the Jurls-
motion of the Parttamsat of Canada,
WA& , ntal no time was loot In •rt•
Into suppfz when the Hoase met
Ung Ig
sumetlmw to the extent of twelve to
ftftem In a atuitie room, and If there
waw these the
The bill Is now before time Committee,
It was read at the poe0M1g of the
bo -day. The eAlmaier for Lite
Uslartm•uLt were oaten up, and in or-
twsaemmpobo among W•
Worts were not fmolated and under
owul"ove that mgtadtlg, but Owing
der that laps may be no delay In
each agadYoat .Lha death rate was
to there. d A eery SWAZI &&lead-
ane• of member• be etltBtialW1 that
payty Uw aunultlas wt the nret or
n the Items were passed after a
►tkaly tp fnptrass, He though• this
was a fit field floe the erection of a
It should »mule ower amid be made
brief dre¢mtnt�
hoSplia1. and ��sn be wnas aakat to
the first order at title nest melee.
a� tlr+^' would IWh he a
(tlr Wllfrtd inurWr, lu reply to
treawre a Vlo•►saldetti of the t'k-
Air Hibbert Tupper, stated that the
torten Order of Nurses he wrote to
large attendanoe. Tent was the
quele"ou of bringing In this oteveloo
a bill dealing with Chinese Immlgra-
Lady Aberdeen that one of the best
fWd4 was right there, where 4.000
Itasltkosi at proem$.
Upon the Items for Uw Punt-offioe
Mon I* now s&gag!ug the attention
psof,to were emerging from barbar-
lam There
i)"ri writ• the Pwtpaster-Usueral,
In reply Uo a ol a sold that In
of the Government
W civilisation. walk not
much In theme statements of the der
N" yw 41( 20arten In bis depwrt-
The li[utae went into supply. at 3.15
tor Uut Uving un the rewrM
The doctor bad two aaewt-
men& that are •cased upon a ps►-
ttesiwge of »•emte from the off toe.
kiag p
Arw� a 4 M��Jn re -
fNs -fie„ _ ljr1YM the
�° Pw'� ---- that so-
slilla ui postage doss >nt ez-
rtttevam. ]Bennett brought rip the
tpomeMnn Lbs 1 t1 IF
ease lop "'""If• fid' to was leafy
more Oonvoulsni for iba irdlans to
coed the .lVaq pal(1 Aarlmg the ,I+tari
m on o an am
bslsgo on the exportation to the United
111* of iota cut on the Indian re-
seevos. whle are under the Jur4idle-
tkoo of the Dominion (JoverumenA
TM people on the Georgian Bay were
Clauses with the salutary action of
he Oatarlo Government • to putting
Au embargo on the export of loge,
sad he hoped that the.F)ederal Gov-
ernment would, be Influenced by that
action to prevent the export of logs
cut ori the reserver. Permitting the
etryort or logs cut un Jndlan reserver
albwe,l the mixing of theue with legs
cut on Ontario Crown landa. and gave
art opportunity fur smuggling.
Mr. stilton replied that the grtestlon
of site .mposit!oa of all exert duty on
logs was one that required careful co.i.
suteration qt Lire hands of the Gov.
eroment, and Its was quits prepared
to go to far as to any that there was
au Incongruity in she fact that the
timber policy of the Ontario and Do.
m!nlou Governments is not harmonious
in this rapes* The question of duties
on timber was one of tits -nowt im-
portant gsest:ona under coslder.ttwu
by the Internatioual Commhs4lm, u11A
while LCs negotiations w r! friction, ate
A would'naL be a desirable tiring iw
title Government to make u change in
this matter, which would bo reg"rdrd
as A hostile move, made while tlw
uegotlatlons were .In oro,ires.. Tile
negotiations would only be a matter
Of a flew moaebA6 atm (t wpolld Atilt_ µ
Wine to obtttptleate the question for
the mate of two or three months. An.
other question that oompUcatW the
difficulty of the situation was the
irossitAllty that If by such an action
on the part of this Go%ernment the
value of the Indian lands Should be
(tepree!ated. the Government, who
mood In site pmluon of troll In
regard to them lands, might fie hold
liable to the inAlans for Snell lou
The claims or the for
of the
I-cenrte might also have to lie car
Dr. Sproule spoke of the ease with
which mixing of logo Ira(] been done
owing to the Intron reser%• limas, and
the consequent evasion of the Ontario
Mr, fres declared that the Ontario
act was an Interference with trade
and commerce, and would interfere
with the settlement of the whole lam•
tier question. He believed that the
net was Mcgel, and would be so .is-
elnrttd by Lire courts. The Dominica
Go%eroment has to deal with trade
anti commerce, and should deal with
title matter, and would have to desi
Mr. Osler called attention to the
report d the Ontario archaeologtul
section with referee" to the Indian
reserve at Brantford. Lo Dr. Secord's
report, which was amtkmed by Mr.
1•, it was stated that a state of
affairs existed there not creditable to
this country. Here was a reserve of
4,000 Indisom within twelve miles oe
Rrantford. and the death rate on this
reserve was 30 per 1,000, against a
death rate of 10 per 1.00 in the Pro-
vision d Ontario. Notwithstanding
that high death rate, this band of hot.
disns had inereasLd from 2,600 in IOU
to 4,000 to -day. On the reserve all
the aid beathen rites are still mos►
ducted ; the stated disease, filth sad
the insadtery ooedltions of the re-
serve were amply horrible to read d.
The Indiana drank water from the amr'-
face, and typhoid fever was prevehesl
all the time. The doctor lived in ]]test -
est -
ford, twelve mines away, and disease
seemed to be invite rather than
gu■rtied against. The paymaster, the
doctor and the superiotondent were
all nuo•.reieidents. Thu remits were ob-
noun and ahamaful. Some of the
money mever reabhed the Ieduns, Lor
whom it was intended, and being par id
in Brandford, the Indians spent it in
liquor. Apparently tin attempt was
matte to improve this condition of af-
fairs, and it was golnow as from bad
to worse. We. Boy.e in his report
said that this report d Dr. Secord
was vary moggestave and should re-
ceive etefd consideration. Mr. Geller
Mid Mrs hoped that without stela steps
would be taken to wipe away the tile -
grace to Canada revealed fro this re-
Mr. yU1011 Bald that Ire qulW ndml}
ted tho gravity of the remarks made
try Mr. OSte , Am to tlw -aid •eco of the
Offi'dasi he amid that Mr. Cameron
wSs the saportntendmt of that re-
r'llm. He was a tasted by the late
Oowernicent, a i to proatlas now
wax )Wt, the Same as for yease gnat.
He want Informed by the officers of the
epattetsttt and the laytecto,w tit"
lfr. , "ten Warr A grxd and efficient
officer. Arid It wooitl Mi %pry difficult
for the 4ibp&rtment to g+t a man to
do the Work better, rr ovgn ale well.
Mr, CanWrort could superintend batter,
ratdittt M Brantford avid visiting the
mere• thrrs or four titles & work.
than If be Ured on the renstve. This
Mympn9s were not made In I1irattWord,
btrt on tibio rourwrp. As to asedisaf at-
t,cb&ntlt% that was a subject that had
ercefted A gond deetl.of atttlanthon at
the hand. Of tile �rtakent. Dr. S&-
N*d iiad lower NO such a »port to
the Dopa>rlp�f a• Ire lead meds horA
to the Ont&000hvernment. but he land
AiwmWd � hatter with Dr. geeortl,
rad Dr- 111' I0 d Int on him the
necessity of the vniw for the eatabtlMt-
memeD Of a hcWALal on the Iesrr•w. Mr.
sifter del %Apt is 4aa that of
ittkteryrsat3t/n is MU 1W it 1»31
th the
trA trom bad ovif" � reanIIy�
and ere had daetdW to Het it Mastl
over. Tire Inman ltary eortdlticm of tha
irasrre had nor bane etought to Use
atltentum Of the department. hot M
P^aaWQML full the nowt,
of - ilkelw-M 1be
8d= ltatfatft h�et a t$&
tn87a he natlaR io.aaeed
1*�1; debt, %ltd its
tPMs%!r, fro t``xa�e�n any With
6�NT Oftr &Mgalm d that hM laform-
vton�W% Asad ,.,wwI--- )nJ. C. 1l �
11110V 60
am ptt zl!"te, talker
aA ors {h��
;�I� 'fitthe
eWd wMhel�la wtbosrtera*
00 an C%n
Isbab with wlaa in the no Of go
see hint when they %were In Brant- year of old rates ohs amanas
lord. 1be Indiana were paid m paid in that year will be the mini•
Use reserve, and very little money eaarrut�mo� amlary ; In outer oams the `I
wort epeot on driut, arid. Itis r•eflcc kxs Y�M'Bee well be paid.tion lir. ti
tows on the Indians were entirely re t rx► that the reduction of tM
undeserved. He urged strongly the rovenae in consequence of the reduc. -1
eractkat of a ltal � (a �io�agr »tea 4tA been ew-
liosp let. the Gor-maw nt $7 .41OU, but he ospr'emsed I
ernmet. W6Ue we were sending gratlflcatkxn that the quantity Of
stony LhansnntL pf dollars for mL- mall matter tranmmltted bad " la•
Cheer, purlxrw.r we were neglect- creased that the indio ttiona- were
Ing 4,000 people here at our own `
rnuw that the oleceen.se of revSmine
doom. The Indian money bud been thim year would not be more than r';,
diverted to other Purposes- aa, for about 1115WA 110. The itterr�aekrftALiI�y In ohs
ini tenon. the )count Elgin Institute. mall matter carried was. ,=a per
where $3,000 hell been taken out of tet. while the redpeLklt-'1a mv-
the Brantford band's funds. and be &nue for the first felt_ -'," mete bad
ibought that. any. $8.000 should be only been $190.000.
spent on the hospital. Mr. E. F. Cha Mr. vislock's 1.
ST. RE018 RESERVE TROUBLES. alteutkin to l"i mlbOed Co -
Mr. Bergeruu toted for an explau- conintodatlon la t boUd
atbn. of the present position of at. lop Is Twratto. He tthae�i)Yi k wrwld
(afro ori the reservation at 8t. Regis. be Nall It A pew 4"0 wanaaaUre , trines
water" the hew had been not at de- multably Iecal" to bwO eW The
flnnou by a portion of Che Indians Itff"flce now wal♦ a" hell slfeat-ed
reapecung ole elect" at ahlsls. In rrigard to the car Ilhem arta if a
Mr, Sefton explained the origin of new office were eusatrd in a, more
trouble ouble and the %arbor fteateree ccirtrell Imsttitty It woad+ be a great
of It, which led to the mWorttln•te tae convenience. The buaeneaS In the Tu-
o-tudtty In which It cntminasted.Ill* Glow-, ronto office was increasing enormous-
ernent, he 4MIed ,-found that a few ly, and the r"%enuo welts Ingaidug fro-
ngJtatore making tile I.ndlsns &rare. portlonately. He also asked that whoa i
spouslble for the defiance of the law the mala estimates are bruagelm
ttt up
In respect to the election of chiefs, �to nspectore with refer -
and a deputatkanon tosi from the law -abed• ye for letter-carri&re
Ing Indlnns, forming a majority of should be Drought down. 11
the band, rcpreeented W thte Gov- Mr. Osler easel that, if the (Fo%eni-
**gaunt 4"St tbsir-•m m -softer• - *satproposed to hauve*ds the Poe}af- .
p'teded In tho law being oustahied. 'flee aecomint4a.tJon, In view of In -
otherwise their life woulrt not be crenAing takdness, he otd not think I -
worth LL%1ag as the control of the they could bel& Igtter than by in-
affalra would pass Into the bands of creAlM ig the anoouibxl>�tlot As To -
the disaffected. Finding, after cars ,onto. The 1ttSFof t>Rageti bnarip` In
fol Inquiry by an experienced officer, mind the revenue diff (lost To-
that it was a question of vital Im• rout*, want proba sty ibisOckamat bulid-
pnrtano• that the authority of Lire bill arld the Worst Agtlipped In site
(11--ment and the law Should be Dorub0m. He 44 v^ ndvoom,te In- .
maintained, It was decided to send creased experdltuii, hit if tlnetae 11
an officer there, and chief of Pa things were going he tflt+pgbt Toronto
Mea I herwool was selected. Hb as deened (lust 001 ddV&Siem fresh Utb
quitted that officer of any blame is PoOtmalStar-General. 1
connection with the Shooting, and Mr. Mulock replied that if Mr. Clarke
apolto In terms of praise of the aid Mr. Osler (tmiluiM their remarks
forbearaae a he had shown. ,9dncP 10 the need of fmptommikints In the
then those who had taken part to fineent bulling, he quite agreed with
the dl,turbasse• bad surrendered teem. He had a report from Mr. Botr-
and were allowed out on ball. and It nrM a most efficient Offloer. to the ef-
was Lia lrttentlon, if they Behaved feet that we rtuld hardly have ar-
tbrybNtte. Wilt they would Itear no rang d the Internal arrangwneate of
more about J%. that office with )e* rvIIxard to the
itias to In-
Atter rapes the amwtrariffiriction of tire buallnew of the
dfana In time main estimates were office. and Mr. Bennett had tested him
taAwn tip, in Order that they ma go within the fart few days to. 1t pos-
iate the Pict sopgly bill. D[r. Feld- table, ha%e mitt nffioer lot* into the
tMepa4gsM ask %,bat these annultles matter and make a thorough report. j
due ou July tat, and it would with a view Vn entirely rearrang•Irrg
not be " *any to expisia to the In. the whole IrWd9 of thin Post -office in t
dinar t1• regalia for any delay as It Toronto• r:
was to %►hike mon. The Opposition, con- Mr. Fraser, of Guyehoro', adrocat-
sroto� sad the votes, amounting to ed the erection of Government build- •
were passed with little Ings In each county. 1k
deLatw. An n ropntion of $500 is r. McMullen amid that bethought
made to pro for the erection of a that the Government should adhere
lookup at St. Regia, and an equal to the role toast buildings should
sum voted to amaiat in a resting the Only he elected where the revenue
liquor traffic among ie no ion "he ),.,Uflwd it.
older Provinces. ,Mr. Cargill atentbned a case In
During tlta discussion of the an to -
his constituency wibae a postmaster
aw&Ury vote for legtslaticn Yr. received only $10 a year.
9p4kwr ldgar e:plaisied the ccodi- Mr. Taylor castterided that the
tions 01 t1w issue of stationery to post -office service time belong wiarv-
memtl ra d the Hon&-, and amouneed ad. but Mr. Munck replied that these
that be would no lenge, exercise • boa been an Increase of over 1.000:
MWWTiaon ,ever the stationery sup- 000 miles of malt! mileage since he
piiea• anal med oontsot.
Mr. itton suggested that copies of Upon the item for Mounted Police.
Iiatuns shogid be sent to the law the Premier saki tint when the
SOW934ous thrwighout the country. Government aswtmM power the
QIorrf1 Mr. aleoart supportto
ed (os numbered 7f10 met, and it had
nig il)d, Mr. 13Morriron helA that been the Intention to reduce that
eVier shutld he sent to farmers' in- number to 600. but owing to the ex -
at totes. motbual aeaodattoos, mining lgencles of tie my -ice It had Imes
sneWtutee, fruit growers' associations, found Lmpauolble to redilce the force
curses' asioe!lations, licenced victual- In the Northwest as rapidly as de-
lers' assoe:atlone, and. In fact, all aired. It had bow found necessary
parts of the Community futwesiUrA In to p&trolypg �mtry nor tb &rid
the legislation that Is being pacswd. west of Fdmostnn, ow4tg to the
All Rhes@ luatitutlona were as mn0h nember ort people going In by that
interested In the leggislation an the route, sixty mutt being employed In
lawyers. Mr. Melilla i= said drat the thrall service.
.rolianis' fnstitut," etrtmkl bemire Mr. Siften did that permanent
ti,em rather thou the law urs .eta- barracks had been prov4fed at Daw-
Wms, and Mr. kc\•.ill Feip OiLod Ilton son, and dtber permanent fbulldlikV
In thin ktoa. Mr. i• lwymtrick was In OrecteA at oe&aw iiolntm .pia" are
fa%or of their brldg s%mt to she lair 259 affio"M and men In the Mount-
astoolations, as they wero useful for ad Police farce in the Ytbon,&elod-
reference In determining the inter- Ing A8 Clog-drlrome the number df
pretatlon of Lhp legislation passel hr
the Hous&. that claim M men being oam
large provorttnetneMy by reason Of
The committee rose at I1 ueloct.
Mr. Fieldinghaving to Garry the Mail& Many
Introduced a IoM em of the bulldinp wore upon the Ileo
bodying the Iron and Steel bounties of travel. Still world last for many
renolu Ho
The HoY"M. and will be atlUeOd In ekon-
we" adjourned at i l.l. am Wn with the telegraph line.
Ottawa, June SL -4n supply to-do a T7ae» are 950 m111t1a In the Yukon.
oo y y dlvkled into two fovea@ Of 100 at
evlmber d Ihasas in the s-Warzko'll"ry Dawann and 150 at BMktrk.
astimntos wears paused, offtar fall tile- At 12.45 a.m. the items naw the Yu-
caedon. 1b@ Postmaster -General made koe district were d.
•&versl anoormoemen4 during the Ills- At 1.10 Mfr: Tit or roe+ and maid
conduct upon the post -Office estimates, that the House bed done enough work
which wGl les of Interest to the gen- and mbould adjooria, The Ge"rsse•nt
sat Ptltolta. id•gotfatiens are edw pro' dpwlised to secede to the request. The
eOsdtsia for the redustionn of the rates Rom under soesideration at that time
os mtswy orders to the Un1ted States, was one of $ibg to y P. Mt& •
Lha MAY Service, to the Rainy River Pa gov n, a
AWrkttt to to be Improved, and the ia- temJumisprar lar ' ` tenet March 2111th to
tas'ior d the Toronto Post-otfice is to . &" Mr. 'Taylor said
ba remodalied. Mamy members of tyle the Government *read ad try to
IIonr advocated as ieattoroe the Ram throagi. If the
eane of r"man- 7 did
Oration to country postmasters. Mr. there would be no more Menta go
Poster, dlammi the expenditure tMgonsh to-ntgbt, as the
as peeditura ter Oppoajtloe
Police and militia b the Yukon, ds- be as loosely members ptwsent as the
tuaded the tallest tad stt;�oeigsot baa- (Jovemam#. Two $Can ked gone trom
Conti to justify the GoveMooMst to bogie to boom M Gederieh M the Went
igaia¢ Iy Dmf t Huron aleatlan ee v I and the
aO°uitdt lEr. 8gtm inr&MpIy ex %tad thw n aft"A to
many duties wileh the r,iea perform, �il� pouts > y to pay the moo
and the dtffiaulthaW o! policing nod be *this d!, wild�ilhaatt. the Mit, m,
preesrvia# Order •among the popula- be �.
ttiioonn of a country of ia•t extent. �'
MT. Blair brought down some, fur- 0. � expiaiotd that it was
tber lafortaatino and papers connect- not theto pay Mr. MatAo-
mrd wttb the ex wan felt thin tjaae duringwhist he was
ieaaian d the Inter-
alts.at tkngt
esicdlil to Montreal. 41 ami mored to er,-
111r. le. 1P. Clarke asked whether loom the insolent by olavass darw My
lgtte was an troth In the @iag+etts. '1�e II(teegm Tat as elks "Twe'l othata,
lift 1pMbthw InttntJan set ft* In #I Tiortoulbo, a". etflpestas iloea8llbesa{ptdi•ias�ti��yt
mosbma to introduce OVUTA$WR V o- e! several It- in�horarmepttl Biba with
trWa/f talrerm running rums for that, Lha Turns, whish had prewiosd.y hemstop of railways in C:anada.amd on. so steed for ftriber tUs•na-
vfortrrf to tis adavals& by she 0e.
Trunk Rallway at American 111h" House mdjmrwA at 1.all.
, which, bower". ad.aet yet
lesser pat Into aettvw form.19+ Imyeeial std the Ouadlact t[tev-
�ord MAW said Litt Loa. )Rntlpm w dq bah WEa9d bo each
weals lon Met Nati tat@% ieeaiori Sacs , Pid&d ! Bl• is 8M
d1SeaSaton took �Inae with rearpe rit to .- a year bit a
a beg tis vow which had tweet 4eKnhghtly mavhes betty wo kat. John-
iwfd below tion 0lit OamNAl wallea2 Cad t]ia wast I"gmM y@ 1
Use Or•nd Vn 1. r. Illsataod 'AMC newt year.
that tbmi .hs boo ap8lnv Jilin Stair►. the O P. R ttreemsb,
N7• hiettbha@I 'I pwf$o� lel�ug�Lryoaa t ere Sf blr ea8h@ "I
(aOl.sWiwatgn.d w fist""..rs .
i tae "Va c/sa• iy tar leib tlr+ra waiya � +
altOrd the Limn N and lather Uwe h Guelph.