HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-29, Page 6.;rom.o.e.eeeeeeeeekeereeee'eeeileeireilliirieleeeeedliffolePT
A Novel of the Present DAT.
•cetWardrilkerelf-44eitite.4' z '-feeleeirree/Weill'Ye'e
ile‘111/4Ct °1164. anigwith dowirered. Pi47 re'vsget away bom all wearisome
I, we Mali Mike • eon over Ect-
thesigatfally. ntime'
07,1„ and flushed cheeks. .. wuatmver congratulations. etsitindr, ..etc.. aud
be by ountelves lee awb le. Howard
you Inigbicieren right rind proper for . . . .
au:swarm. eagerly. Nome' upoe
MO, and ler own euesekelwe aPPru'. idea IU oiler tO 'Abet ker away from
ed. I elsould not surk the world to all goselp and the 1.11-hature of itla the
tiscid.ger me." tem. who kuew would bitterly re -
dear. lune I ask you toe peat, Ms /eateries' and make ale young
waive your prerogative. ad let rue wue
flame the day for our marriage?'" . ..0k.'-ifew"Zryt „nu be 4. -
Hr lover rioted, walling. lightful! 1 lave been kuiageriap for
- Mein eat erect. end turning to ever since wa4 a eau& , the
Ms with tousetbing of trolerunity in fai;:Teiri new, nenore joyfully.
bar niminer. laid her hands UpOn his "Welldear. now that I have art -
shoulders. and raising her earneet teed tknt knotty gneattort have a
eyes te Ma .aid: few dlr.OUoiv 10 glee you nal then
"Howard. I am very young -six I utast leave you antil evening.'
pare younger than you. I have He WA a package of blank cards
aever been taught to depend upon froth eis pocket aa ho spok, naked
neYeelf. hardly to MbOnee for myeelf foe peus and ink. and then requested
upon any importent question ; 1 do her to write the word 'eked" upon
not evein feel that nay educatiou la a portion of them, while he diti the
elliateete; I hare Isic.b to Were moan Kee riesetheene •
yet. and immetiesee I thank that sty After the waiidene thaw tiavIrtertis
character the not developed fully, 1 through them, and then he made bar
lute mob Meanie thoughts. aspire- go over the house witb him, sad choose
Mons and feelings. You are far be- frieru among its mane treasures mach
yood me In intellect, education and •rtic,les as she would like to retain,
years. and I itan afraid "-- attaching a card to each as they
" Afraid of what my darling?" the Meat.
young man asked very tenderly. as It was a hard task -a sad farewell
the fathered. to her beautiful home but Cecile
efeate that as 1 sen now 1 ars bore it bravely, and made her seise -
not quer fitted to become your con- lions with a wisdom and thoughtful-
-Meat nermereeiee-i' orifbeehjgteilialrile wkickoptepriettaxer_ lover artt a
leaning back upon w
a bp ; "1 love jou-with ray whole This ended be lett her for awhile,
heart I nye you. Howard -In that I for he had much to accomplish before
aldoever Mae; but 1 fear some -
the hour met for the marriage on Sat -
times that I cannot keep. pace with urday morning.
you, and -and 1 maid not bear tbat CHAPTER III.
you abould be dimppointed in me. 1
bad boped that the year we were
to Woe waited would kelp um to
grow stroager in charneter. more
mature and mune womanly, and more
companionable for you. who are so
much wiser theta I."
" And why cannot you mature and
derente-wity cannot you achieve all
*kat 'Au wise; as my wife?" her
lover asked. half worideftfig. half
amused itt QM new phase of ber
character. thts sweet, thoughtful
gravity. lc white' Mae wait very
should try just as bard. cer-
tainly. otey "--
(Wale's ounfusion. as the !imitated
sod glanced shyly up at him. was
very ohn.rming.
"Only witat ? ed girls alone bad come to her with
Hhe hid ber eyes upon her breargAfrefirdlYdrird aid abewele Owl
hed writ ten stereotyped letters of TOM.
dolence, and flattered tbemselyes that
their duty was done.
"Of counts," they reasoned in the
moat comfortable meaner imaginable,
"Helen Langley will do the proper
thing, and take the poor orphan into
her family until some suitable ar-
rangement can be made for her:"
But Helen Langley had very differ-
ent ideas regarding the "poor orphan,"
and she meant to carry them out if
it was in her power to do so.
She had made one call upon Cecile
after the terrible blow which had so
behaved ber; she had attended the
funeral of Kr. and Mrs. Vavassour, sat
by the solitary mourner's side, and
had been most kind and affection-
ate -indeed all that a prospective •tire
ter -in-law could be at that time.
She had afterward even invited her
to go home with her. and stay un-
til abe could recover iaa measure
from the fearful shook that stee had
renal 'el; but Cecil* preferred to
hide her letter grief in the solitude
of her own home, dismal and lonely
thonghrt it might be. and sto declined
Moe Langley's pressing invitation
for the present.
Bat all %ht. war before the terrible
new. of her poverty was made pub-
lic; that wrought at once a min -
plot* revolution tn the feelings and
sympathy which had before been
thowered upon her.
She had wondered why Met. Lang-
ley had not been to see her since;
but the knew that ,he was very
buoy In the feshionable life she was
leading, and so tried to exclaim her
neglect in that way; and she was
Soo proud to complain to Howard of
ills sister's remiseness. and so bore
her pain and loneliness in silenoe.
But she was dertined sena 10 learn
Mrs. Langley* true character, for
that lady was even then on her way
to see what Influence she could have
upon ttm "silly, poverty-Ark:ken
girl." to preverit her from marrying
ber brother.
••01 course N he will oorne to Inc
uow," Cecile mused, and as she walk-
ed thoughtfully back and forth under
the arching trees that shaded the
gravelled walk. "Howard will tell her
that we are to be married iminedlate-
ly, and It would not be kind for her
not to come to help and advise me
about what 1 shell need."
She readied the end of the walk
and turned to retrace her new, and,
looking up. maw Mrs. Laigley ap-
She had inquired for Cecile of the
mereant who anirwered ber ring. and
been told that siva was walking In the
"Do not call her; I will go to
she replied. preferring to bare the In-
terview occur where there wan no
danger of its being overboard.
Ceelleie beautiful face brightened
and flushed With pleasure as the
thatened forward So meet bow; but
tbe senile fere on her lip.. and her
heart klropperl like laid in bar broom,
Do she )(velvet lath that colt kaughty
fnee. met tbe frigid glebe* Mi-tbose
met Meek oyes ited meet the worn-
ful curve of her proud Ilps.
" Miss Taverner,' she hoopla, al -
moot before InicUe'e word. of greet -
fug were uttered. and la • tone to
Mill and ley theit it made the young
girl 'shiver. "I learned yesterday
tett rode misfortunes wIti eompel
you to leave yoer beautiful home
and I felt it to be ley duty to
oon* nod mike you • little fare-
well visit. How unfortunate that
you are obliged to give up all tbito
luxury!" the period woman oontio
wed. lericIng around the beet,
g ; " but 1 trine ,on find
kinif irked' and a pleasant borne.
Where are you golft?"
The effrontery ofthe wonein WAN
beyond descrIptine.
Deane lathed ne at her with twos
oaring eye", and teethed painfully. a
ethos of reamtment foe a moment
ittittleg het heiirt. / •
Then 11 vanialbed, far atte thought
tobat Boardoel MA probably had ne
optmorir to tell Jeer of their ap-
proths bobbin' deb She wits
ton meet and gentle to Merton ill -
will long toward .ay the
Perhaps the had heard that she
ebniped to erto sew, Ile thought
the miglit be golfer to vielt sone of
hare former -1tM.. ler ateillet she
might mot' be offended bemuse ehe
clal mot go to her lotheed, and thet
tellre why she had Mengel as toward
aut. a Mute. 11 would. be all right
when be knew she eras go snnn to
sister -the would receive
Erisiditrthen. It was Ina MO that
ard kat net told ker. •nd egg
211IID be berried to-asorrow. one
red le Mil low threat
earese shyness, the beatitlfel flush
1011 on her cies*. ead. phis tearer
to the brood woman. "le or the
borne" the added. "that *555
rseirto watt a tut it wtil
c=4.,:ntelphefeerjusess linhon-1
‘,717:3 7-ou int% I auppow lot bas . not
bad tlinuestootz-to you; he winno-
w* ham to be married right
away.- IMO fer awhile." ,
Mrs. Leniglep-eangbt leer breath aS
tabs mumellMbilethe.
Howard WWI billest there. then, and
Cecile I
estakel envuseatedryth
She teed
to nee
view with .her beithiese yetherday. dad
work ttinil bee felealgge la swab a way
WM gm wank* With, to altos& to his
request; het caller. had prevented.
aud .Me hod been obliged to put of her
vett until Sodey.
Bin turned a look of welifelgued
astottialtment upon the fatr girl.
"Going to be marred right away r
eke repeated. as 1111 was the first she
had heard of it.
" Yes ; Howard thought It beet ; I
am rin alone. actd"-wittt a little geiver
of her sweet lips-" almost friendless,
and basides. you know I am very poor
now," she concluded, with a half -
appealing, half-depreestery look into
the barot. bamboo's lace of her com-
" Yeti 1 inteui." was the freitaing
egray. ".d that is why I eloar.-osels,
airtionistied at your entertaining -the
thought of marrying tuy isrother. Of
tiourse. you have had neither time nor
money to procure a suitable troua-
• teeth) looked troubled bewildered;
not hecatomb she had no suitable Josue -
nag but because of the way wlivli
ilro Langley had received her an-
"That,does not matter," she
VtL11 "'tiler: 7-iradildie *oat
bring me any money, and 1 do nob care
for a troueseau. 1 can wear nothing
but black ler a beg time you know.
and aa sea shall go away immediately
it will aughe no difference."
Of wee. you can wear sothing
bit black for a long time," Mold Mrs.
Lanes/. impatiently ; "and who ever
heard of mob a thing as being mar-
red /luring a season of mourulng ? 1
Aln.1 ilMrpfiniX1 /At JMU, ('ecu.; 1 JIM aur -
pried that Howard had not more
sense than to swegest such a tiling."
"Do you think it would be so very
Improper?" Cecile asked. gravely, and
fist her earneet eyes upon Mew.
"tertahily It wouki be very uncon-
ventIonal, very improper," robe an-
swered decidedly, and 114 Ting that
Cecile& fear of public epinou would
help her th carty her pobit.
But she won dirmovered her mintake.
" Howard saki he did not csre what
people might say. and I'm sure do
not. It is rather an imusurti else.
knee i base SO one to take eftee of
Inc now, and I am eJraid that I could
not take cere of myself. brought upset
I have been, so there teems nothing
else for me to do, end as Howard
teethes lt, and r belong to him. I am
content to let It be OIL" Cecile saki.
thougbtfully, but still studying the
farm opposite her.
" Then you are going to merry
Howard simply to be taken care
simply became lie haa plenty of looney,
and cin give you all the luxuries to
wt. ch you have been accustomed all
your life and would find it ilbragree-
able and ineoarenient to do without
et tee future! That Ls a laudable
motive. truly," Helen Langley re-
torted. a sneer curling her red lips.
her eyes leasing angrily upon the
pretty 'speaker.
change passed over Cecile's face.
It grew white and pained. but her
metal!, genet Rpm all at owe mended
into !inner lines than were their wont,
her eyes tempered, and the look which
reeked upon Mrs. Langley'a face was
clear, Meady and unfalterisge
Bhe realized now why Melee heel
come to her and treated her In much a
dieneeceable way.
She del not wish her th marry her
brother ; she was determined that she
should uot, now that rem was no Miami'
an hetrem, and It w -as beyond her
power to swell Ills fortune to *Wen
greater negnitodit titan It now pow
Aloe onderwt000d now her coldness n.ud
neglect, her score genera and lutughty
bearing, and althoegh It wounded
her sensitive heart to the core, yet she
amid but expel -tenon& feeling of con-
tinent for one who would be so influ-
enced by arcumeste,nom that were en-
ttrely beyond her control, and could In
no way effect her character or worth.
elle kneel' that the wee/net Om wor-
thy today of Howard Montgomery
ao she had ever been, that his
life would he ruined and her
own rendered utterly deaolate,
W the should yield to this hearties.
woolen's will and refuse to marry
hen, and -the did not mean to do
Elbe paused for a full minute, her
eyes fixed steadily npon Kra tang.
ley is, before .Me reptied; then she
said, entli a quiet dignity which
Ibsen had never seen in her before,
and of which .Me had not thought
her cap•ble:
'Mrs. Langley. I am gang W
marry Mr. Montgomery becanee-I
love him."
Mrs. Langley wits somewhat taken
aback at this reply ; not so much by
the Weeds as tbe manner in whit,'
they Sere spoken.
It told her tbat there was after n11
a decision about the girl that odes
had not thought she posseosed, and
ber clear, ringing tonee her wimple
but conclusive declaration showed
that the matter, at noute in her
own mine was settled beyond recall
It angered her, too, to hare that
alight, delicate girl, who lied always
seemed hut little more than a child
to her -a lump of wax to be mold-
ed Into a form at her
own or her brother's will, kind there
I0 quietly, and say so decidedly, "1
•m going to marry Mr. Montgomery
because I love hint."
Lt was as thtwithatanding her
pose{, dependedee, and friendless-
ness, the Impel fact of her love for
hint made or worthy to be his wife.
Helen's facie grew dark as she re-
'Here you no consideration for himf
Think of the difference in your posi-
tions now -Howard is riob and might
take his tholes of the most eligible
young ladles in New York, while you
Marc Met all; you have nothing.'
Oeciltes Hps curled slightly.
'Belem you do not with me td-inarre
Howard,' the add. quietly.
"No, I do not," Mri. Langley re-
turns* kot I y.
"Jvat because I have lost all my
ropenottilf 1 Bow would it be had it hap -
that our pi:dation' were re-
versed', It he had lest hie promety,
aad I, still having plenty, desired to
hob him to his engagement f"
Nit id not a suppomble SP," AIM
Langley annwered, coldly, but *he col-
ored eleidly aseeitheless.
"You are very unreasonable, wean ;
yet" say I have no conedderation for
Bbward. When it in you who do not
consider. I know that he levee xas
es a nen Phrased ion, thit woman who
hi to he hie wife, CIO that hes lieppl-
win ari well as my own, would be
wrecked if I refueled te marry tern
now. I know that hla fortune la
n mple ; that be rims not need to in-
crease it by wedding an eligible Peril.
know that be Never *me tecreglit
el Met' when he Staked me lo
he wile, end eo 1 Mine newer drtt
the *rang teeth yels re some IMO
tit urge me to dot ,I Mb
my prorates mita,
"Who Are You r'
Friday morning went out
into the beautiful grounds in the rear
of the V•vasour mansion for a little
Thu poor child was lonely and sad.
and not a little awed in view of the
important event which was so woo
to chrome bar wbole life.
Me had bemt left almost entirely to
herself since the death of ber parents,
her many aequaintances having Amp -
ped her entirely since learning of her
changed circumstances, while the few
who remained true to their professed
friendship did not feel at liberty to
ipt rude themselves upon her leat they
thould be regarded as curious.
Mrs. Carrot and her two kind -heart -
as If half ashamed to tell him her
"Only if 1 abonld not succeed. and
you should be disuppented In me
after all, there would be au help
for yon-yos would be obliged to
pet up with me all your life."
Howard Montgomery's handsome
face gleamed with amusement nt
the confession, but It was very fond
and tender withal. ae he wound both
his arms abput tbe lithe black
relied figure. and drew her almost
outiveirively to hie breant.
" Oh, my devoted darling! to think
that you should pia.n to put yourself
upon probation like thet fur me! Did
1 not tell you ebet 1 loved you. and
did you euppoee that It would le
puesibie for me to change any tuort,
them Mr you ? I went you met as
you art ; I cannot wait for what
you will be by Stud by. I had uo
idea that you were thinkieg
- deeply, so gravely -that your es•
O rations were leo high. I shall have
to look after au owe laurel's or
you will be outstripping me yet,
and then the disappointment will
be reverter:id. But, Oticlle. if these
are all your objections. we will be
marred to-neerrow.''
"Oh. Doi Dot to -morrow." *he in-
terrupted. Misestly, yet half mei-
lag ; '`tesemierrow will be Friday, and
although Iowa not superstitious+ gen-
eral, I do not th.nk I would quite
like Friday to be my wedding day."
"I had not thsught of its being Fri-
day tomorrow," Howard aruiwered,
with luminous eyes, as he maw that
, she was yielding , "but will your
ladyship object to Saturday r
"Really. Cecile," be added, as he Harr
the blood rash In it torrent to her
blue -veined temples., "something will
have to be done about the house next
Ceelle'd beautiful eyes 'registered
about the lovely room, lu which they
were sitting, and a wistful expression
stole int,o tbem. It, wee hard to think
that all tames treasures that had been
so dear to her man be sold and scat-
tered In every ottrertIon.
She sighed heavily; then, looking up
, into leer Meer'i lane, she maid quiet-
ly, but with lips that quirertel slight-
ly :
"Howard. it thee be tea as you
"Bless you, my own, you hare takes
a heavy burden off my heart- It shall
be Saturday, at eleyen. thee and we
seal be Married here In your own
be very quietly, with only a few
-OF oar real friends to witness the
miremotty-you &ail choose wh'o they
MOB be. Cecile" Howard -mid, feeling
meth redleved to bare gained her eon.
sent to readily.
''They tern Indeed be very few, How-
ard. and 1 than have little difficulty
In naming thorn.' Othikt novvrered.
IUtlng ber bead menewbst proudly.
"Do you suppose," the contineed. as
bee mut bar torero qteseeloolug
"That I do nos tektilte On differ -
between Cecile Vavasour of to-
afdi e MOO ago? Why. lion.
I bre remelted nee then &men
PJ condeleacee and ono one save
Helen and dear Mrs. Carrol. Emmle.
and Hattie, tea coon to sympathise
velth me all mr trouble. I know
that it is bemuse I have toet fortune
Vifather aad esether. bat the lose
rterlt Mende cannot bum me. they
• ept worthy tile name, anti node
med I baler me wholly wrthrbed
are tree to rm.'
you di, I not (Joule UM -7011
did not fear tett I would be untrue?"
Howled &eked, bending to look into
her emi.
He bee winos! see the spoke lee ids -
tare name, hst tvl would not hurt
=tanLining liar of her fierce tip
1* marriage.
"Mb -Howard. dld not doubt, you.
I bellevea you "voted be Jure ae true
00 Wm 011 I know I ebould b. to you
if oar circumstances were reversed,"
ate enawervd. coolidcutlY.
bast In me coold not fane to
'Thule Mee, lilt obril/for your
you under any circuited , von
will not mind tba world. MON we
taltee MO other We tiot h,frttr.
Non, tut me, west I ease ' 09
*Met the o.? tibial 1 bay it ?
111.1.4141140., stIll like tO Ilve here r'
A then thY eMit, ituenewhat
ildrer detached Orli. for
liVerated. b °heel
eam bele MOW Kappy kers; t le is
me large eita et.".eselel so filbert with.
oat begs Meaties' Wet 1 panel.
Mks to hare a essallfre, meter home
sonsewhere ; or If we meld go swag
M a wide 1 those Itke it still lett-
-Tbst wenn eget me to 'karst.
Cootie I have hews long% tor ass. I expert I than bed tory
Mee of trate.. MO so, Y th• Mad kieeminn eke snewered. Cat
' 1' '• P.
. „
Goole ealei, ogeutly, 110
Mrs Loosen 115
"But, Oeole, do pet
world will oey ?"
tt beet to try o tegfersat
""lqter" the lobes bradireleot 'returned
someerhat disdaketully, "and it will
nolo matter to imp whet mays, eo
that BoWartt II minified with ms."
"Weil, it matters to me," Mrs.
h. Man Who Wee glee • gime Slait in
Tao =teaser a a life ineurame
nemptnty had Welts*.
"Life liteliterabee companiee." he
WI14/ saillig, "are as particular about
the people tkey alreede Wore os their
lists as the ars alma getting them
ow la Ike naIng. TUy are rich,
lallTitZ_Baeriativ thtly VA ad Morit.
"I are aonmestegent .&er
of people 11 ice have nut. I wan* diamas‘e "atbe ;ffirlteat y'"fitar. cut
lee Homed about to commit sack two thee try ere be take in • por-
ton) withoot making an effort moue featly y nun aad have him has -
him It is aot proper that he Amid ard ids lite by taklag riaks
marry yogi, teow that yes have lost in dangerous pursuits or by travel
your position in the social world- it uninalthy -eounteiee.
Montgomery -sed we are ell very "if remember • funky betimes tbet
proud and ariatucratio-never yet oecurred MOO Okliff I Mad living 1n
married into It pour family. It will In.. New Ingisail. thee a our tea
jure his metal standing, it will injure thawed dollars men kuid •
Mb. business prospects, and In will way a collies a MAP a liar in tits
be the talk ot aim whole nimbi at an. most Oadelema add tadiserlabaste men-
quaiatentes. • Besides the, you a ear, mad with only tin neshat or ao
many years Foamier than be, and protestation. tem day ite was in our
is more fitting tbat he should choose office and °meetly mentioned the
some ona news mature -you ere but fact that be was going to aisles a trip
a child la years me character -ha to Keehtoky.
will soma tire a yost when he beglan "'When?' Inquired the manager.
to realise that yore are 100 atraPIIIN"
wooded ter be a cenpnial eompaalon
for him; then, I tbink, year silly "'Oa Wane= or pleaeure'e
notions sbpot luve will not amount "" Going to buy a pair of bonne'
to much. The Meetsomerys have ai- "' Careeer,' hosit,ated the man.
ems hems Wealthy .end mespied the =Id Wore Yee etheie eriall you
and I wrirniolg*haliwyleivard lona caste
la Ofecial. Ilfa,
bighest' Step 1a and the Mb'
by stooping to wed a girl like you,
without a *ear to ber name. Cecile
tVhaevrasou.,. r, yea must give Or bro-
ther," do you want to arrange
Cecile's faoe was no longer white about it? /isn't it all fight?'
a°d• .ahrdlight serleapot burned on either equery. bit It yrs go down to
' "'Yes, se bog as you stay In this
cheek, and a strangely brilleat ligbt Kentucky we'll Marc tO advaitelf 141.
had shot late, bar eyes during these ram mate aro eggseaseke
- sentences. w
grown • Is**two etches oilier.
seethed "draii ei.terrupted
perfectly; lady e tones, "while I do
"Mrs. Leagbisi," she said, in ley but
not forget tha you belong to the
vaunted MoMpoinery race, you will
please remember that I am a Vey -
ewer, it I have lost my money-
aad money, id my opinion, does not
constitute the true •ristocrat, se your
words seem to imply -I have, at least,
as blue blood in my veins as your-
self. Were ton any other than Ho-
ward's sister,' should not trouble my- State of Ohio. City of Toledo.
self to reply to the insulting tang- Luoaa County. a.s.
uage which you have just heaped upon Frank J. Cheney snakes oath the%
in.. I do na mean to be reminded by he is senior partner of the firm of le
you -as you seem to take deligbt is J. Cheney Co.. doing business in the
doing--tbat have last my property; city of Toledo. county and State
I know that I am wretchedly poor aforesaid. and theat, said firm will pay
to -day, but I have not lost my good the sum of One Hundred Dollars for
name, nor tay self-respect, nor my eash end every GUM of Catarrh that
loymfor your brother, and with these eannot be cured by the we or Hall's
still untarnished, I shall give myself Catarrh Cure.
into his keeping as hie wife, Frank J. Cheney.
without a 'fear for the fu- Sworn to before me and whecrIbect
ture. Yon claim that a Mont- di my presence this 6111 day of lie
gottery Weer' yen Married -Into n'poor eeradmt, eios .easg.
family; that Is a boast front which A. W. °lemon.
I think I mold fain Yery littre real (Beata Notary Public
entlefection. ttad now. for owe, it Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter
seems there will have to be an ex. (tally, and ante directly on the blood
ceptimejet the rule. rind it remains to and *moos surfaces ot the system
he sees whether the result wilt prove Send for tertinsontida free.
disastrous eie not. It is true that I F. J. Cheney At Co., Poled°. 0.
am ex rear* younger than year Iwo- Bold by druggists!, 760.
thee, and that I am not very mature Hall's 11-'81301y Pies are the beet.
In my appearance, but every year will.
• The geknere Lamer.
I trust, server to remedy that objeo.
time and If he la content I cannot Boma ot the Aoerican soldiers in
fall to be. As for hie tiring of me, the Philippines, says a coatemporary,
Helen." Cecile saki a tender smile •re wonders by their own account. Kr.
wreathing het beautiful lipa. "'he will Burr Brig, of Fraser Valley. Califor-
never do t5&e-mOlove for hen la too nia, who was supposed to be a howl -
deem. and bare, and absorbing for me tal attendant, writes home as fol -
not to put foeth every effort to keep Iowa:
the grand and noble heart that !have "I ran olf from the hospital and
wOri; vreot ahead witb the scouts. And,
"You ere Flowaroem steter." she went you bei, I did sot arms the ocean for
on. Wistful expreesion for an instant the tub there eras Is it, so tbe-first
coming into ber eyes, "and I would Filipino I totted, IRO was In house,
have Mei Riad to base our rata- down os his knees tanning • fire, try -
tions continue friendly ; bat. Mrs. lag to burn (be home, end I pulled
Langley. let me say once for my old Long Tom to my shoulder and
all, that 1 canno4 submit tO left him to burn with the fire, which
any much system of browbeating and he did. I got his knife, •ad brought
arrogance as you bare inetituted to- another to the ground like a jack-rab-
day. To-neorrow I become your bro- bit. I killed saves, sad one more I am
ther's wife, and it will rest with you almost ours a--1 shot ten ahots at
whether OUT relatioes In the future him rimming, and that e•ening the
are amicable or not. Good morning." boys fouled me with his arm shot off
elle be Othilamellt at the shoulder and dead as h--, had
iota a fun that morning. There were
ENGLISH ARMY BLACILING Owe jumped out ot the brush and cut
oine et the Iowa bead boys, and vre
killed every one ot them, aod I was
seat back to quarters iati a hurry.
Came very near getting a °min -mar-
tial, but the Coloael maid be had heard
that I bad done excellent work, and
he laughed and maid: 'There's gnod
stuff in that man,,' •nd told me not to
leave aay mow without orders Well,
John, there will always be trouble
here with the native& unless they an-
n ihilate all of them as fast as they
COMO to them."
Man in Disuses.
A whole family auffering. A dull
aching of nerve Or Mamie, Or the
atter peep or neuralgia, toothache
or lumbago makers Me a 'misery. But
Nerviline-nerve pain ;cure -will re-
lieve all these, Nerdlitie is powerful.
penetrating and effeeteal.
NIA attfaliall.
ere . se ISSUE NO 28 1899
Prsealatieleary Male der POIMMO Wee
1/4/b WA.
Very Shia proem the entionale, co1.
valesesate from never* elutes. and
esPetdally permute with weak or de-
emed hapset.. says Youth's Competent',
are pot ve to be benefited Ile Me
bathe mei ethuld as • role *void
t Mho efhW of (le Mid miter
A hbod from eirfatel
ils, diltherbanairroireu 111%14
be dengerees to those with t dis-
orders or weekend blood vs.; 141,
this reason the aged eatelehiliff 01004
in very sereful.
These ildatteis apply to Will -water
bathing .sur well ng to earl bathing.
but surf bathing la any athe is vibe
tautly einsuited to all but the robust.
Certain preeautione are advisable
for all who bathe in the sea fu the
firma piths. bathing Mould Meer to
Indulged in when overheated. uor with-
in two bourn after • hearty meat
On tee other haute batitiug on a per -
firstly empty searech, es before breed'
fast, is not advisable; le le • good
plan for earlyonorning bathers to take
half a glens of milk or a mode meeker
before starting for the basalt
The tome for Maytag in the water
must deposed upon the indiv klub . soma
Penile ass easy in fifteen or tweaty
minutes SIMMS_ HI ..tailieli but 1"r
mob obelleatrie'llenreentate plunge le
aa muoli ad bl advisable.
The habit of going in and out n
number of times. vete( on tloe beach
to dry In the Intl:rents. Is far from
wise. Of course one etiouitt invarebly
make for his bath hour at the first
Intimation ol shilling or teeth chat-
tering, aad should there inunedistely
strip of the wet reotising and rub back,
ellen and limber with a rough towel.
(arm of the most merlons sethdeate
loon illaiebetbing tPeMliinarillIM•-olt
the rare. No one who has had a du -
elle loge trove the ears should ever blithe
in ther sea, especially In the surf, anti
all meet do well to Mop the ear. with
a little plug of cotton before goiter
into Um water.
Many people who cannot bathe In
%Ise sea are greatly benefited by tbe
see air, and by taking bathe.
or even tub bathe. in se t 'water In
their own rooms every morning. thill
t... fig followed by brielt rubbing with
the neigh bath towel. The tones effort
of ties procedure Is merited.
• Met for ? Wane me to buy a
horse for yo.?'
"'No. wain to arrange about your
"Don't fly the track, my dear fel-
low,' he maid scatty. 'les all right
bore, and the rate is satisfactory to
ise bat. by Jove we oan't glob you the
Mine rate aad let you go to Kentucky
and °all men liars like yea do he this
emetics. Not muck. We haven't ipt
410,000 policies to ffITO away !Um
that and you oaghtiet toexpeet
-Washington Evening Star.
is cheaper than 03=1011 blacking u
it goes farther and lute loapr.
Ile Apologised.
An old Scotch mirdater, who was
he the habit of preachiog in the open
ale, took his seat on a bank on one
occasion and unfortunately fixed him-
self on an ants' neat. The outlive hab-
ita of these little creatures soon made
the good man's podtion very uncom-
fortable, and, strata that hia audience
might observe somethiem of his dis-
comfort from lea manner, be apolo-
gized by remarking: "Brethreo,
though I hope I have the word of God
in my mouth, I this* tha dell himser
has gottea Into my breaks!"
That tired heaths will disappear
your appetite will improve . yoer
digestion will he perfect. If you will
take Miler's Compound Iron Plea.
Neale Marriageable Age
In Germany the man must be 18
years of age before he can legally
In PortogaI a boy of 14 is coned -
wed ma seeable and a woman of
In Greece OP Meth must have seen
at least 14 stunners and the woman
In France the man must be 1S, and
the woman 16. In Belgium the same
In Spain tbe Intended husband mei
have passel Ma fourteenth year and
the woman her twelfth.
In Switserland the rnen from the
age ot 14 and women from the age
of 12 are allowed to marry.
In Smartt' a "man" and a
"woman" are supposed to be cap.
able of condueting a home of their
own from the age a 14.
- - - -
Wee* Powdelik the medicine
for clilleren,
550* tee etnebece
Don't you ever write yourself out?'
aided a friend, addressing a writer
"I rhonid th'nk you toned."
''Well, you me I attend the grade&
tem exerciser, of half a ilosen schools
every anninter, and I getad-
vice and Information fronir ug ar-
ray* of the gradnetes to Mid Me
Niaird'aLlibleht Ceres Digitblitig
rate ef a RUIMMIM atedeet.
A Rosetan student, olio had been
it Monroe ,prison eine.. February
awaiting teat. emanated mid& by
emptying a coal all lamp over him-
self sod getting fire to his clothes. A
demonetratIon held In Mossow 41*
them of the (lemmata was partiel-
pater! In by over 400 person., room
of wboan were sindents.
Orlp Powder. Oars.
Heard the lesalts. -
Lagiy-The enudiest sommerne.
tory * this bulldlsg. Met Of_
No. mum The meld& tote
le 'hoot two blade down
Young Lady (deteme4y)-I-4 wise
eve I heard pewita practking vocal
etheiest Are roe sere tee munoal
eigallereterwe Is not here ?
laeliter-Yeiree. both's' tot ðer
Oftbeill. tatim-New York Weekly.
To Pold a Owe
To fold it man's coat, lay it out
perfectly flat with the wrong ride
down; the eleeve ahould be spread out
twootIrle. and then folded batik Loth.
elbow until each end of the sleeve is
pyre with the collar. Fold the revers
back, rine then double the coat over.
folding it directly In the eentre 104/11
ape sunootitIng It out carefully so that
there may be no wrinkles. The that
Li then ready 10 plaoe In the trunk or
on the elovet shelf. Onlein apace is
limited do not turn tip the tails when
fol -.ting a coat.
will cure felon, boils. sta.
Prim 10 cuts.
New euesetton ot the /*so
A new affection Cif the eyes', rowed,
it. ia said, by the prevailing method
of seathvg potoonsere irtreet cant
ana ontnemeses ham been discovered.
The effort So fix the mue upon
pasting object. meets In 41 strain
and twitching In the external inius.
olee of the globes, watch is quite an-
nerd's Unhand Owes esmrst is Cows.
mot achmersten
A pamengee who badobserved to the
street car conductor that it was de—d
hot. soddenly termed and breveted
a lady seithla hearing.
"I beg tsar purloin, madam." he
mid oceetritely.
"Ole rou needn't, air," resporded
['sedate, hulas herself rigorously ;
"Lea very mach warmer tbaa tbat.'r
- -
If your everyday Mabee are it bur-
den. It hi bream pee are set welt.
Miller's Competed bon PM. wilt cor-
rect this °crudities.
havenged he.
felt of the hums. body, Kajah, le
swrIllestrais (learsedly)-Dear
a water.
t thierir rentlskr or Miter efte flst ausents her the strange taste
have Is my mouth whoa I wake up
Milner Worm Powders make the
Kalleby-Braglegh bouts tbat no
living ades meld forge kis name see-
osediftily to a shaman sad pt it seab-
ed. Su b ilash a very peentler Mg -
suture, Wassaes.-146; bet be hiten't
ass MOM Is the bask.
us to three a doso for a strong
pergathro. Priori IS sada.
Pleat, Like Mem
The late Lard Cairns. when Lard
Clean:elks a Great aritabl. was
An old "chestnut" says that be wept 1
down sae Wednesday. when the peers
do sot sit, to Blanweil, knocked at
the door, and asked to be admitted.
"Can't let you he" saki ths *ed.
tor ; "days los Visitors Tuesdays usd
AreAre your cheeks
Youlip 'plata
halvw and your
Is your appetite
p.ido frair4,4411413
p your flesh soft
and have you lost
in wcight?
Thcac arc syroptonu of
ananla or poor blood.
They arc just as frequent
thc summer as in thc
" winter. And you can bc
cum! at CMG thus lust as
well u another.
of cod lever oil with hypo-
phasphlles will Certainly
help you. Almost everyone
can take k -sod ft will not
disturb the weakest stons-
41 changes the light color et
poor blood to a healthy and rich
red. It nourishes the besimi gi.vcs
mem to the mom. ra. 11.41
back your old weight end
LOTT a IV .V/ MR. liare,Tue.,,o,.
ii,was.xe• •
All nnumiste. hne it
Blab Legato
About 110 54*. props have leaned
IMow to nye It Is time to die.
_The bigger a man gets tie more he
imam to feel Oka a boy.
The meanest kiad el curbeity is
that which probed§ to be mete
frienclty Interest.
Wben the fleet stralitherry short,
oaks appeare a eaten* hub pervades
the f aaily aeon.
No wosaau ls genuinely bowies, un-
til the quite caring bow her fro -ea
nt tis the back.
More married women would receive
boutpeete If husteade didn't, feel se
silly carrying flowers.
It ler rank folly to believe that mar.
rep is a failure Jost itemise. on
' happened to have bad leek.
The girl who cao trine hate like a
milliner has too iamb neighborhood
poRizity for her own good. ,
is no such thing as so eel
assrieratitt.5 pee * petite
hatable banish read,
Adam lore Ere, hut
If he beewitited to her bide the
mate wouldn't -ham pit a ebance.-
Mileage Rented.
"Bat I have g right =AO 'Wads." AM BITIOUS MEN
said Hts Lordship; eI os dolag
"Read the regulations," and the
janitor pointed to them
"Do you know who 1 war asked
Lord Catena.
"Don't know and don't care," said
the usenet
'I am eetetitel to &simnel's' at any
and every hour; 1 sos the Lord C4*n-
4ietior of F.agiand."
all!" laughed the janitor, nii
be .but. the entrance gates in tbe
uobie lord's face, "we've got !moat
'on inside already I"
His ow. rree Wile
Dear 81ra-1 cannot speak too
strongly of the excellence of MIN -
Antra LINIMENT. It 10 THF. remedy
in poly bourbon' for burna throine.
etc., and we would not be without it,
It la truly a wonderful medicine.
John A. Kaodonald,
Publisher Arnprior Chronicle.
Population and Wealth ot Meerut
Siberia is not the land burled In
snow and peopled with exiles only
that It is imaglised to be, even by
many Russians. In It. soethern
parts it is aa rich in natural pro-
duct:km as are the southern parte
01 Canada, and beeddes 500.000 of na.
thee 15 the a populatton a more
Usti 4.000,000 as thoroughly Rue.
dem ge titat to the north of Mn..
Elegance and Economy.
This la the
eel, up -to
Ode Mama is
Caned& Dm
1110 Laundry
March Mee a
eats illoseetle
Mesa to ebbe
Weems, melt
sellers sad
WOW biemea
The 41,..e -
tires are so
ample a child
eau me It.
add at to
mese a peek -
The F. F. DALLIT CO., Limited,
Nitstlitee, Taut* sod Ilkettresl,
, *u=e
.60,5? 780*'
their ew, sdweasmAyL r
Mer tic
MAW.oi Ir "gee eVi=
, yes;virtviess... jam imprelieM
far full rimless. later* iitetior
Pa., her tessashead
g:mbreL. tecalletla
Odra driadlenet deetlitsg is • 'wee
. it sot twill tee (*ad
trzwarZB opaaa
17 pins ts smaiseh
*am a ldtda
dee to ewers It
FIRST In 1851. FOREMOST bi 1090.
The nosr. et the sesr ;
for the Least Money.
*MPS® )S402041,11041000s
Fruit and Produce Oorrortoesion Merchants,
Caersayeadisone solicitor. EA L.
Advarnora Mau se