HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-29, Page 3wool- 81 DAY WOO.
w Tender and GiOWW' pie111
Fully Discussed.
uttawa. Val- June JD9. -1w I,..,,, kr a %u4wArxu by (unite!
I,rtor, Lahr Wilfrid Laurier anld the
j qul.&Iou of lntruduclue legislation
,.oy.ututhtg tbtr full mutirt of the 8u
14 prepip Court ,d tit++ Provhee of Ilrit
,,k CoiumbCa uu upttallate court
for the Yukon W am4w ooa d&IF&tbu•
lu reply W Mr. Prig', Bir Loulg
,,nvler hunted that the Domalin In
(;over,Uaent hag marls No expAwiso»
upon 1110 Quebo barbels Anne 1870;
-fiat S1S,T4 G19 ¢ad barn expe4ded
ufaru it ptarot to that dote. anti that
wbob cot tfiat arotat olid 57,•
- ht CntOMA, wart 06111 due to
Lan (lovernment. •
Mr. Davie moved for a »tarn of
all orders to council respecting the
letting of contracts without tender
IML48MI rilnce J24s 2a, 1894. Speaking
is .VV,04ellf..Jti-,_�_____N& _P_*V_4-_
Utai"or of P■Wlo Works, 4n hit
w,It id
tatb41d s9 toO, aeroralwd obJnkinds Wahiow why be dote
&s.r�ntr4M "� •Cy' gtp11O ) ui e
that • Catrrtala works, wbG» thio
fterltig Iowa of (Ad tnk4s or repair.
odf ezbting structures were In-
vited, could not be done by contrewt;
lin oerWln works, wbere sufficient
data uti(n which to bene pivar acro
■�pp�tIlk "U s for work could not bu
ilei bed, the (loverument was lustl-
work uoIn Attin couspeten6 Foramen to
hug tate work done ht
that way. But afteer all the oases
have Wen rxhauated In which It Ir
Inadvisable to call for teladen, there
rret remal4ed a great nu W d pub.
Iic works that could) and would coria
well under the rale of tender and
Contract. They bad not heard yet
whether It U the Tatentlotl of e
GOrerinteent W acknowledge their
failings In this respect, or to take
tits, ground that they have repudt-
stad the syatem d tender and con.
ttftut. There h► no country in the
world wheretaw ryaWat of tender unef
Omtraet Is more relentlessly follow.
ed than W Englaud, acid U the Minis.
ter would exervise an much Ingenuity
14 making COMPIete apoclflcations and
piano for public works al- he Aid In
making 111geuIOUs excupep fpC tlpJafr.
} eras iltl andbl 'Chi+ .prleei vIt et
A11u A -.A- IN +cooed es,
shade were in ralpu .S b the enAt
Mr. Id, Dougall declared that thew
opaa Many thsatbare of the Huure.
h/i&Ut a rob wens ali�sooltrtaFy wltJaoW
boweser, were under the Impraadou
luuad�trao. Yr. BeQu2s tied ..."t
the mlttoe Wt Yrl11: war
tuWtuatdhle tux thin
sats, and this Opeaker war up
yrrllt"Y of lka
mrrtl to euem Z
agveod umnnfinewsl
,waled to
Mr. ,' ill dW , Wa I, o
that he fend rover msko d for 00 paill-
that IL would be u solution tal the
in her county , be, In fame. tl�
matter to place control in Its bands
fit. lilt mold he bad there.' bwr
dlr iryHrld Laurier sold tiro queathrm
asked bow So war going to vo60 0o the
was Otte that ought a, be datermincd
Yukon bill. Wbal be row t"$ the
by the commlttae. s
bill was a goo[! one, be docldw to
Mr. Footer oerttteudtxt that the wilt:
vote for it. Bit Charley Tupper had
mittaie had fewao ar fur heft It could, tout
said he wanted W speak to him. an
found that the Speetker rgarded It no
he waited unfAl nearly G o'clock ht
him duty tar axntrw this matter.
tho morni but air C'bariei sever
Afirr wow further d',wummiva, durlug
Sir Ch4rlcs
-bpi*" W him and had never spoken
W film lie-
Which Tupper agreed vvlth
since. p►uuld support the
the vtrw ezprv-Msid by the 1'rewkr,
Iluverumant wbue ha frwud them true
Mr. Glbsm aex•eyiVA the ruggebtivu
"ta��• advancing the Interorisof
that the rolxort to referred back for
Che country.
A 00111erelco whit the Speaker.
Tit*- House then went Into supply on
till- mlllth► mupplementury swzuaWa,
u hl;h ocouphd We not of the atter-
Sir Charles Tupper drew attention to
nooll and the etetuiug &■cepa.
the report In the prose ounomruing
Dr. Borth► 0310111nud that Lite 5123. -
what was Bald to have taken Ithion
(W now asked for to W cover the ex -
ht the other Chamber. when the Miu-
Iretsrm of the pry mint eamp and W
letter of JnlrthOe was said to have ad-
meet expcn" already Incurred. lie
mitt(d that a provisional Irouhalary
said that he cogld not may What we
has ben agreed upon with rtVard to
would haws aAAual drU!, but Ile
the Alaskan boundary. U6 slaw took
thought we were c„mI ng W that. void
advantage Of the opportunity to my
lit order to gut the fullest remits from
that UK' Mouse would be glad to learn
our ezpenOtere we shr,ufd have annmal
from 16110 kmL(br of the Government
what the premint Rovitjo u of els c ab
r +cud that It was
vroom n,wa4 and i tatinarl E is tetit�
rfileetrlire, ioree
a'•7nld%d Lit" &koro ekoafd ler anus
for drill
Mir ileorl Jay prow4rwl t4
1&M lnspscloelo d welgItte anti mea-
aarer W call attent"l of Chore
Inseesited Flaw. `
Thr castame suppWnwntarler were
thou' taken tip, and good progress
was made with Wwm.
Thr customs eeWmausr were dtr
posed of by 1 o'clock, when Ww sup -
OEM sunit80.
t� > da. OIIil i -1. 1.
Twig of 9U Daughter's Oars•
ptetbenitary vote for publ4• works W she Was Met»t Attacked With Aoat•
the Yukon was taker) up.
Rheumatism, Followed by OL Vitus'
On the )teat of $25,()00 for Improve-
ments to the Yukon and Lewes luv-
Danoelnamove" Irorm- Her P•rmto
en. Mr. N. Clado Wallace naked It
Thought she Could not Reoover.
Mr. Charoemon mentlolexl lu couno-
thou with the work was the "man
Fromm the Enterprise. *rldgewster•N-K
who had disgraced Canada" W con
Wm. McKay, Emq., a well known
uecWoa w lth the wagagemwit of
spirt for the Crow's Newt Pam Hall-
anti much renyected farmer and mill
mail at Clifford, Lunowbyrg C:o., N.B..
Mr. Fielllsg said he did not know.
relates the following wonderful cure
Mr. Wallace said that the answer
effected lm blsfamily by the ase of
wu given with Mr. Fleiding'm uaual
I'ftµlipppponce and impertinence Thim was
Dr. Williams' Pink PHI*: "About
declared out of order, and a heater)
Lt~ year* ago my little da41ghier
discussion argued. Mr. Wallace, ap-
glis, then It child of ten, wa* at -
pealed, saying the wont ' lmpertl
uma*e was not usad In all offenalve
tackerd with acute rheumatism. It
was a terribly bad case; for over a
.it division was taken at 1.90 a. m.
month mise was continent to
sad the chair was watalae•el by 99
ler 'tom and during most el-(
to 10. Mr. Wallace withdrew the
word, but expressed the lore that
time tate was utterly belpkmw. being
Xr. Flift"Ag .(♦crud uo lweger 1-4-g
maaijaia )A bed.. W die hats tp.
the Hlxare.
alotri. - withotf?E help. She could
ti !711w'"ts i"r
The Signal
r eean.iMZD
•gfimovs.immageAv-AW&3!M-. -.
'r.•ns. of nuboicrtpt4w.
Oou mouth, u, -1 Tar'" .. 1
1 hive mroutit.. .. s
Nit month•. N
Uao Tarr, .. IN
AdvrrU.enm l(wie•, I
Legal and other ."viol ,.I vo.s.emu104
Marty ear At4 I .• rNa .. ^,,I I u.nt. p.r lir
amok pmb.►4uont I ,,era .n l f>" ,l-•.1 by,
a■01.ala M1tI r••al•.
Bated da rdo of six Ilos. and under, 16 per vet
drwriMemeatw of tort. round, Moral
titration. V.0-ot Blt,t. Alin. Wanted Yd
Bu.isf,x. Chalmette W&Mn d. cot exo-Aims 0
Ila" noopsnll, N par trough.
Houser n. Male and rarm• on Pale, rot le
exceed "liner, it for are& qqoo•aN• In&p• r �w�qk.
••.) aunt m•-ath I.arprrerlgtr. i• Meperta•ai
Any rDea'lal nutl.•e, Me Wert er wa M b
prymill. the pwmnlsry braedt of say bdlvid•
nal or aha puny. a i be cotwidered an advenfae. �
Inapt and nhsered a«mAlnfclr. i
Lrival route•. Is mnparell type ms ernt p•r
word, no nol ice low Mea W.
Local nobs•• 1s,, ord1nw7 /ae typo ewe
cents pe.. woM. No sotloe Grc ter than Me. d
'Notice- for rhiirohes0.4 craw rellrfon• said '
basevolont Inutitutlor•,ka't rat•. I
A•braaik■eeeako.daY I oa w Tats ,wu l
regularly br'Walifl-w[KLawferrilaggi Wa�
Orem lage www -um Two �'br1C mote Y. - _. its& nm n. •! M• fact at. a. eteriIF a dais• e
Cwt wlLbrwt tetadara 1Nre eta]1 she kabue*M of pablie eTpeedt• MIM■■v' W(tttO^wbpwN: •+ tt*_twrlve (lays' drift EMIT1 PAIN EXT12 MAT08 talk wwea •MIA e-,-- 14 to Iter iso," or -M d adder b deatnd. hock
ee7i ore TIH' W rufearetl to have Bir R'lltr d Lturlet. ht reply, sold wrwid be weft Jett t., .lace the millets pn the nld .ud thenew aAdN"■ rkould b- s•Irex.
l lld t d of the 401so wo4tract depended apom the chief en Itwer, !Inst In regard W the first gactUllia force b as keffielentl Coud it on. Ile has stout: the teat for a tar kw��r use li he� 16mbaG had end
uuA tt•fiL being follder In Ci. In miClviJ, i . but the ertgincer lookod u u It abut tic provisional bouodn the thought titan A atAeement d the 1e, and the In alta suffered .-_�
hiss with the ureter In oo■nc jl, It y uarter of a cat wts fearful. B conAW54 ate ion I-ubil•a•s'a Notfeo.
,.vetoed that the Inuata9a0 cit the a1JIlII-
merely from u departmental stand- mpott of what ha4 taken place the of tie Goveslmettt in "gaud to ti'It Q �• y J. W. I o rnnn 1. a OnAertd.. he. bort a
try batt been getting help the �m tkrwtr overt be Lrmoeurntn. R'hat the should be mada� afters month or ■o she began fu gala P
dolag 1 blotinJiter ut Justice probably liRJ11T DAILY WAS WRITT1Ir. plead I.a•o rich, rat A,g. Dor thee Towil
ev much a possible of tt w til-• N• Clarke WallaceWaNaoe criticized the I 9 uteatM1 to To-ntghtIMtt dw•ttrAun took oleo" a Tittle et» h, and atter s wh4e int- i loos■ d
>po emltloytwat d the a ••y Wax that the n Mot Oodarlok, cn1 4 AaAgat had
nut tender. Davin potated oat the yatem of day la- 4 nlgoLlaWonx Lura+ alt the. bf .i sipptted for the still- London -s gairlieat now.paper was In proved enough to be taken outofbed �awa"o•k.
,lander Its Oo♦ernmspt tueglectex( bar etm (7ovet♦"ment works. Last year euro~ r�1t for aLneti;Ieluent of the tis. liw%errtl rI I bcro objected to the Iranuscrilpt• p
he was here in February, ling lrlorutl bounds[ l.tr aI ,+ more a over a he Altrlet al-• air
the ordinary p»oa■tlxtti taken by 7. Just before ry, As be lied a z- !/rot's Pefd 40 and 4T cants per pound.
aadetefn walked arounds. lett aftera. emu>. er•d to rrrolre-niw.ereptMe a TIM
the P c 1. _ plrtbad to the o t u t it hiss theca discovered thin what SHM.1-
•ren 10. J�IA. jv=emw.�: -.�otx- .. ._riiew■trrrsle 6._
hW sloes at she )wrest eaten, fi'Tte. �alt`�[: Ali a �r t;ptat ` rod b`' sal 'OIIt a4tisd ebb fir ltJ now she wan seized with a worme ail- �C. '••
c urernmsai tJxpld follow In tail steps eke trmek for t he Mayor Hill Park Eouttd_try fur Clue Ihtlt m Orn 4 am tilt re acre half se(>ddv and rGtnk when root. paper was a in letter route- Ttta err•
„( ail Jobs jfaeduaald'h 0overnMnt stone wall. lino mea iDo Ya could had been for the past two years On ties Tlir new biankats wcro all wool nrd of ten by ■alarled correhpondensu and merit than the rheumatism. Her nor. Telepboee ('all p. - Oedmlea, Ont.
do more work than five lo Larch at <lillOoot ahld Wiilt'r' pamrsr. He could th:4 beat qualt forwarded to totem every twenty-four vows s atom ave way, appeared -
7 g
iu this re*acbt ,but the found Vu- that work. It was introducing not Ba anything more about that Dr. Ruby" said that Ito web *lift hour- from London W the provinces. _-
.wad that a Minister of the Crown oiag personal n 7t I+Ia sig completely shattered, this ■hoot vis- �pRgpAl'. JUNE Eti. 180.
vrrnmemt into a eie gmatlro nrd ' flint with rd W to'tal■e p ftua was In tlw da ■ d the earl
in,f been s•sding,tha oris»
In Coon- �;° partmest, and rr�e��a� spas of theme blankets be- Y 7 IeuW all ethic Lyne, would tumble _ -
va, and bad refrAml from making coat was always bad, the• prop:ard provisional boundary un fen• any committee find submit them SLaarL• 1 y - '- -- - - - - ---- -
Bir WWrld Laurier nted rot till' Dalton trail negntlatlns aro pro- to cz rt OXA MltnAaon, find It would be During the commonwealth theca clown In trying to walk. In attempt- TrtAvRLLAre imumIlL
ceutmet . &ad bad public works poi pe _-,__
,•uewtrurted by day labor. a sy.tem that there were many es of the ON ding satisfactorily for a settlement. ((mind that they w. -re much better Landon letters were printed tit type � >� drink ffnae a cup her hand
Sates that were dare latae• titan nnythiug sy.pllOd 1n the and circulated In large uumbers. sbookli-so as to spill the contents all GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.
liable W even mote •bass tbau tb9 disregarded. this TBfE PACIFIC CABLE. Even w Over herself. 8fie was a Pitiable ole
evxntract r4steo• debate, toy example, tin a motion for "A days long ago as 1489 pow law Pi
Mr. Tattoo in reply, adatkted that tapers had developed into x diecna•ftm Concerning the other qudstion, that Thr• greater part of the tote for d libel was such as to be character- jest. The docton were called to her •hat•■,
the question of pertortaksg public as to whether public works should be o'( the Pacific sable, the Premier said 1enitentlArleat of the nnaln estimates. Iced by Judge Scriggs as mating any again and satd she had 84 Vitus' Mixed M noel.
works by dal labor was u talr rob deae by contract orb da labor. The hila right bon. friend dM not neeeI to •ther with a number d items In newspaper publication illegal and dance In the worst form. She took M ,u end Rxprew..................... r as
(aG debate Ick reference to the work I law said that the works had to be bo tial It had abxorbed a great deal t� wgtpletse teary estlmaten of 1Sn8 tending to provoke a breach o/ Use the Igbdh leo prescribed and faro.eai Ywll .nd rxprv.... .....-. ~ �'
on Edrebar bridge be, explained �e by contract, except, where in d the attentloa d the Government. wen. elrr ltamarA aril the lfrwa: ad- PPace• them' Instructions of ler physician for """",1� 0.n`
tint patdja Ntders were tavited, but the opinion of the Minister they could Am was [veil known, the Imperial jourir4 at 1Lldn. Defoe, the author of "Robbtson Cru• some time, but without apparent bene- rots■♦•
fit. .1,he wasted awn almost to a Nall conA Express. .................... 7.0 a.AIL
be dome mon ■dva ido y 7 y Government had not chosen to rat- Ottawa, Jane ' 1.-Repfyktg to s sue," was one of the early journalists J Mal. end Ir:
it was sttafwarrM available,
a that there geousl b da skeleton and we ve her for lust. M'°'•"""""""" .. aglVt`m
' wan leo std evallablq and "loon the labor. Ify the agreement whl;h had been question by Mr. j[cIIIttes Sir I3aarf bL paper beteg called Lbs Review. Nix••d air tam,
advice d iia Chief Engineer (Mr. Atter mome further remarks by Mr. arr►vend at by to Imperial cornnuit- Joey rtated that no brewery lloen. Tin there was Tutob.la, whom week. •1�t tWatlmee read Inapaper nu -_
-- ou*te) ihat.nauorete work world be Davin the motion was earTidMl, and It tyre Ill 189(1„ ,TIte-�� p+•rial authurl- we have been issued for Aurin Lake ly publication, the Observer, cost. account*( ag'reatcure of nervoasna■■
wall declared 6 o'clock, 'flee had tame[[ art- ner Proposition, district, and that al- the d6Arh•t tar according to evidence be gave to a effected by Dr. WililAm■' Pint little lolar 1s7t V,
u goad am a htta"ewo♦k that cooed P -- -- - -_
there or the ur gnd,wltlrout breakingauy conllde coo not beers Tart curve ed the court d justice. hag a lass. to and resolved to try them. I bought ft`
th put pp pose, be aro- NIAGARA -TORONTO R. R. •BILL. �u y Y N six boxes and the little girl an NIUHODXJrTL1LDaLe . .
thorined /be utas�gge•. He appppeealed to or at all entering upon the subject Department d Inland Revenue has print, though the typesetter even- aV beg M. nea•r•t srwaor,
be the Havre whether oom_ The long oxfatiau.d debate, .a Ids. whlrh Is now under coueiderat4on,le no right to tame Iteehnrrmthere with totally raised his toe to 20 ablllings. using them. The good effects of the Itnom--ppea1u the vo•tOr%*.
eaglaerfa Calvert's Niagara, ilk: Oktharinos Qt flat• box were quite apparent Gold rhlliag, crown and Brld g works
believed ke was authorized to may tart lal authority to order In The Observer had a certfied clrculs- q PIDa
cute was hot oOstnl( more had more 7 y s Ialtr.
Torontc Railway bill came to a clow end when four boxes were used, p.�
. _ ist..•re 6- mash .terata. Hast eros puce► t whiea a ,tea thQi lh Ct7(tltlrtttCP Ise .pdRa!1, ,JA.. Jska ttA(L , tAs6 b1+a . t3or_ __` it tlpn of ti.¢ -.per 4dM"' WeYyttl wt9 "rash lm ed y Ywn jmadtsea _- --_�- . ,,r.«........
hag equally goad. Ito talo matter be' =i Mr. etjanmtherand and :tr- plaele brbwmen the Writ" d the co'. 8l -es nOt consider that up to th ]tlterivaf$ lacus came ttf6"l�taIIfi. that t1i« IIs were Alsoontln�itrd. ._ . --. . --- -.-- -----
kad riled egood. y nthi the re oniwe find the Imperial authorltin, present time slue conditions d that Steele Addison and Johnson, who i L. MARtr, D.D.B. LD.B.-DRNTAL
d his liedsmgant. Takia the dredging cepted. By the amendment eropceed and the Goveranimt had decided to district justify the knu.• of such licen. might have lived in the vicinity d She ke9't. on prevIng and after a few 11. anraea,_lat•rt and we•tror.d m.MnAa
Taking g g the hooding powers are limited to welts was ah well as ever. We were 'or Wk opeea►t&erta Prwvamsn atAlbs
now grog M at Toronto, Coteau, God- 1 appoint the Minister of Public GeG. (rrubb street, lent went overt favorltem a". tt nbal • •peelal Ogles: (kir •Trot
516,000 a mile, to be increased by $19,- Works (Mr. Torte), who i■ to 1 told that the cure would not IarL, that tay�
rrir+k and Owing Soared for illudyation, going to 1Leih'Y uR to a yntvitl(n try Mr. Foe- for all that. st. soil rQear. tap rlair.l. rettewsen on W=
000 a mile when the road is ata- It was only some Powerful ingredient
he pointed art that it would be ver pursert and Lord nd Shona df re• ter, Dr. Borden, fors f el better-
'Ia Timer emnt in pow fiat for- Po dared •trot ,
t 7 vetted Isco as electric linin. present Canada• and 81r Sandfl(-Id raid that some Majors of field battt3r- etgn Correspondent In the nm of !n til° DUIs which one deoelving os
difficult isdssd to give a ocstsact for Mr. I- F. Clarke asked that the bill that after a time the child would jr M. TVIt .g. =A -D
many d uses work& He spoke as he should be allowed to 1 ��• na the expert W represent ire ht brigades have tree([ asked . W HenryllieCrabb Robinson,Itband ineoeed- e/ • Will aI onmssaw
�° peas. It was s Canada, wgwld mall thlseweek. resign, on the ggrorouand that they are ed In "mill["' the Government It be wore than ever. Alt Lfite has Dr. Mson, OFIG�`letd a■d t*te
thea-raChamber; be rah via the of el- side of bill fiat beth Toronto and St. Cath- Yr. N. Clarke Wallace asked Irthere commanding otflcen whose tenure of SW In she new" of Wee battle of prore.l false, for now nearly three art laetal tooth�tq� rag" w NseN•■s
the henigh M did not Ysoh how Musa CpIt w lied asked Par went n she has bad unbroken it■atsea glvs to the lung he might eoa�y this seat be now had been any arrangement maria for commend had expired; that a field Waterloo yes gt■od vvamoon • 1s, k nasrr■1 t ea. OlSe• p.wrr. _
to pia. 2t would increase lite volae -- beelWe, nerves as strong ea they ars u! t t• 7g►- -
bondltig orb this, for Canadianterritory
nota c brigade under emWon 22 4 Lusr," new binct. 9l- flet
It the
Mf hist d Public Works. of every acre of laavl In Toronto. The made, and etandr school work and
goody thhrologb this, disputed territory nota coupe or ante likes battalion, OARDINAL'8 SAIMP OAR1■rA
Lf eke ■tato of his health 0lould not e'tlse4n of Toronto atilt 8t. Catharines household work al- well as s mat■»
improve be might not occupy it very .were at aserious disadvantage on as,- on tM Yukon route, a field battery, a corps like a t'onm- -
long, and far that reason he s e I Tisa Premier ralided that each qnr- tarty or (the twit called) a garrleen Pope Leo Hu s••w 1!6 Di• fn Sts POC'•o(o. We have no doubt about Dr. LsawL.
t count t their tush" IIm1Le1 W one Iinei ngementm had been to exlmtcittoe lottery in section "2 that Were V lug -
wub greater fx'Sadait upon the mat- ' u[ trrt�portat on during the winter. ra Poatlaetate• wrllif b Plrl, w Ibm wetlookedto uh RNR8T RRATON-RARRIATIIR, SOW-
t.r, and he did est bwtate to sayI for two years wt the White and Ch
no difference under the miltla act M The Romans have n popular tradl- g upon �i sitar, N PabBa (tine "Bast of
Ins would he great benefit W pop ah doomed W an earl ave." ev ,theHenare.O•d•viel.
that what h• was sour ,n rs- coot Passes, and and worked wuUe. the statue d the field artillery y d- tion which, curiously enc h, ■s ma y ('+emw•teeCkarn
doimhg � t e !q of 8t. Cuthsriaey and To Y CK say
Rome corre■pondent d the London Dr. WUllamm' Pink Pills area specific Is„r.lr
In the oeastrustim of facLoelly. five anti ganfsxn nrtilkx d• _ _
eatet)I public ronLo,Yw well nil W the community Mr, McDOwgall (Cape Breton) fk* ; that three major. o! the Lender, b tits" cernflrnuad by taco, fledor Curses arbof t r Wood omr�hat- ('AMPION, Q,C.-BARRIBT�t, BOIi-
wtxlu. any other, M�isi*ter d' YtnLl►o bett♦eelt•Toronut and Firtm-lion. The brought cop the question d the l..sk lith, Tilt "tui 9th Field Batterl•h arty that whets a rnembe. d the Bact•ed Letemi terve, each as A4 Vittr' dance, E. citor, Notary, se pec• o� 1d•dlrY
Karts le to do. It leash loco found ;bili was then quickly Iwt through cOm tion of the bum. not her for Victoria, co ioftading officers, and that they Co! tike two of ills a Sacred locomotor s, suc , rheumatism.
my..a,tble to have this seeessary sur- =;tie& and stands ftw third rerulhmg• N. (Mr. Bethune), who had crttamed aPpocar In the Ilan of offh era cwm- � Par.
veya made to do the work in 1'urouto ' A In 8+ quickly follow him. - -----
rge batch of hills amended by over to the Government site. Wool,] munrdng turps, mCltla Ilstv or Janu- ey■ls, sciatica, after efteteL (N la ltf O. JOHNeTON--HARRd1ltl. !Qty
AL a few days' distance two card)- �rlppr headache, dlsalrnmoh, eryslptOfaa • cik r. lbr. Kara as, . hr•. Y�as� is
moo,hartid ed oortnot. ed admitted art -that Wee stats roes fieri adraro�n1 a atagr, dy thoaRht it war nmtxiar tli'Lt tJie ury and A 1899 ; that Captain op scrofula, etc. T alpella C had Miser
moms dredges employed n the bort- amt) whets the hoar for Wvate Idtlr y �• le and Hamm , rcMulslhlbds d F'torenoe, toan. Ot400.; Car. Hwmtkw. BI_ A SD
mm[ did snore work than others; that p lf#ouhe should learn something mon find Brevet Major J. H�rtAr d hey a»aleoa
trod expired o41 411»r rlrntc Wlla K and Knfinenta, Arc )top of Col- .troetetO- ---# Ont.
Y D about way In which h that Iron. t e 4th Fleld Batts was senior for the troubles phecuH w tt the female
depended whether It wile hard or soft we» t on the y o brave departed this Ilse, and now stele", 1ru11dl "new thebkod and -- -
' tleman d been induced to for- captain d the &maid br ads, unci �t(� n ) C. IfA B, ItARRIBTIRR, 00440 "Ill,
material ra spick they were woxkiag. Before tete orders of the day were �° the serol Romans are gnlLe In a flat- rwtrNt7 th0
Its. Tarte especially referred to the ealled.„jun Flint eak-d It it would tx make the CorservaWre party. lie Captain and Brevet Major W. Ii. Mut- ,ter d expectm,%!ow, speculating with RAw of health W polo �L• ac. 17�: X rtIs oltd entberileattK
and sallow cheats. Protect yourself "a'• PNvsM rood. to t•ae at pwtaas
improeemeats at Cwilingwood .harbor, possible for tits Government' to grant suspected that Mr. Fraser, the rep- ton, d the :.and HisLtaYoa. cheerful roe tion N W which Tor- against imitations by Instating that of Iselere"1. IV
which he lett to the lowest eoatrsotor, c n day for the Wac,u ton of hits Lem teiGentattve for Guysboro', figd me ms- aur. Fltspetrlet, In espy to a porado will bless the third every box borers the full name of t1r. --I--- iiOUDIOOT, BAhRIf/r
against the advice of him Cale! smgin- pernrlee resolution, watch, he, an ll, thing to do with time matter. question, atnted that the U,aiwd Apropos d the death of cardinals, WIltlams' Pint Pills for Pale Peo- (JARROW �g
States authorities had offered anA tor•-ra, 8dldswa to., Gale h J:
Mr. Fielding esti It might be that It 1s a carious fact What the moot like
cru, whu said
that the ten- wuuW cot ho reoabe.t during the sus- Cif• sem la•rktu in intelli n o for the arrest sad ly candidates to the tiara, such as tis_ It
will law sent, t eZ
deur could not possibly do 1 stun If left to tate it" place un the g Bence. but d Ilbwrt of Mr. Thomts Men• t e • your
cheese nespo■tp ld,aa. r Osevow• t W ptsetdlrrs
'� thus work at the prim or wnWpn the Oilier paper, iie And gusset difficulty In under Y the late Monaco la Valletta, Gahm- GO cents a box or rife boxes for GeAMBRON, HALT a HOLMae, rA1;ia1
wttutdin what flew and that the Government had (- Nr+ 410%(. HO le(& HOL b, OsleRS
%tall' gseciflitt at the ■rgdat aolleita- The Premier replied that In order to Ir point tea" upon betel DI Rends. 8anfellce, appear to o Y
which Jtr. lfrDuw 11 Ranted Infos- ta'tmntetl to the Imperial nuthorf• have been • $2.50, by nddreeeing the pr. wU-
LMua ithe lase Mr. llift *Ia Molare r have a fall discussion of this ver Im � ceche Pon
out by Mama Miedicino Ca, Brockville. Ont. (' �°"fOO' Q C • P. HdR l.l' --- Ssiae..
Man Its, U, y station. Wes ler saLmatt r with the spot- - --- - - -- �l � AND
Set aS;tbdn the tart sett portant gnort:On the Government had The matter d the seizure of XIII., no
r an 12 cardinals
lien had been a lean wtwst IUs bth� uo he*Itatlon b ntln n ria to Mr. Nr. McDougall cilli Wutt INf want- XIIi„ no fewer than 124 csrdlnals TB)• LOVU Dttr/. .J • commlwlon•r for
Vera ft y est 4i know w It wag that the ml-• Meaglhr•r's boat had only been „� tug reaelst•s
been worried out Of k%m. he was the Flint for the debate on his resolution. having died tlwring the 21 yes" of ewpomaihmaaces of had t Ja.l
b ht before We attention of the •� w or
spun; dymtajiaa aftlsr (bwaty of Victoria, In to did not have o r'oag him More Popular Row T1aar H pY Daring ti .net de.po.IMons or en. eint drelawY•ss e,r -
dlyrta%lpt had it was, however, trot poslWe fof the (Ihovernnx•nt within two or three rem'
camPlahad to hills d lbs representative in the House roto Indeed, only soar of the cardinals the Vryater• onoewnin any aoe4n. role el- peoaesdatg yI
dNno$ It Government. - t ti: fiat date, cyan ap- would exercise all thn eSvo l crbeted by etas IJC, s'orvlrn, a e5lauld curt of Justteie rets (cert d Ayprr
mlglit be,• aVR "Why tip You tneYt take pxox.mauel but hr might say In prtvll of days, and iw rOe nest bad been made the Hlrh rR
Y• Vg 7 by Mr. Meagher or We repreaenta- they precede the aged The Louis Sieze bow for tho Bahr be. for Ontario. ar in Any Om"W w Otvtayl��s�
the wort out of their hands T" What &4v4pea that Ag soon as ttee debate a vvprm stative. Pont Into Cuur. All Pos,.a.Nore eavelli.lt and pwtssMir
Could lie do It he did ' He had not %he on Lim rrxttrtrtlrntlnn INTI was d Mr. Fielding said In r ly that Win Wves for Uta Government to take fur- the tomb Leo XIII. will be able to cAm" very etnnrt lei the nnh of r Dt•asii
R T ihe•ti ng exe0gt•d. Residence and 1•. U. addrsa-
. Plant. V•p the bon. gentleman seemed to tertain Uuet steps. Without such request last winter, and has tmen steadily .cannon, Ont, govt
had O *Pm take labor call to of they would tar' able so tate up the Il'r'et from the injured any to his cardinals, as Urian VIlI. y
the opinion tint It the me�ber.{al- b party the Govern- dld; Non tae _
kt s »eco oaattta4L AnWber cacti 4f oiliest, D e)egbtU me, sed ego growing in pop sen ever shoo. Its _
Victoria db not potrol Lew t anent could tate no other action. wsefnitnees has therert �roa4aned with '
/bsilar d1ifleNty wan that at Ood�r- patron. elegl vos.'• LIG V mot you who thous LOANS AND »ird><ANC1t.
eb harbor, where he lead tip ( AWA OiOR11IAN BAY CAAAL. ago he did not rwpreynrit thhe county. Mr. uotat off
.i■le Winnipeg
i ni read a me, bat I who chose you). the wori tg O( ■Dying. however. and
. 10wvsa tender. On tine �tlop Mr. Campy remumewi the debate on On that banhr of reirts(htisg Cape bong ()"cent on from Wie Wln ex Tri- There are now 18 vacancies In yw flow, as our p re shown the Crowe ONLAY TO WAN-FiVlt PRR CRN -r
the Ottawa A G Ian Bay eat Ruston sem not Menne, roti cit repet,llsAecl an extract 11
of the member for North M 9w9 D repretentM. De- 9scred College. am very styllalt as rLoulosr tnoto, for Money to lona psivaias tactic : al.o ant
(Mr. McMullen) that this tawdas" was canal. Ifo said that the construe I cause the tion. gentleman and Bir
from the ror(mW Te am. attribut- _ the hair, and for the bank of the belt. ''lar term, to not sr wM. Hoear sed Insists,
Ing to Mr. Sinton the •dafeat (f Wee rent or for sale. r, N. LXWIs, Barrl•aw.
tend wewW ea grist d acc onrush would cavae a very j pat rtes Tupper till tors county,
an Me elevator bill introduced by Mr. Don- A small rrmtrich qp a flower (x tea Ooderielt.
>�s stare site PDe DALLFY'8 8Y$IIP of H08B80UND
work; but this wag work_ granWelt hooch of Population len Dose � patronage for That county, and he AND BRAoge. OONViYSNOlt1t AND IN-
mntrl rxetG wealth to Ws twentry. fit+ state ! ansutwci the Mn, gentleman that glnr (East AsGialboia) for the relief of • roessteq utas•,
y petted est. Se ref tib! wort. govt the farmers of the Northwest, and
He dr1 not may d the great mineral and timber Lite (lor(rnimatt MA not the slight- eproett• Martin's Baesl
y tbat most not it 'Lion an Interview wi*h Mr. Douglas. fa warranters a mrs for ootigba. od*rich.
be -I led (err, or tlyt t��yturdgr m wealth of this district so be opened , est Idea d allowing taco to control V;
loWA* Ife asked for an explanat!on from the
roma ts• got rid of for W taloa.; but he up, esti its en(rm(aa paroltitlitleo In even the smallest amanns of It. Minister of the Interior. How to Ours, Trwkles. 'gONRY TO LRND ON MORTaA AT
dd any, wlthdsat and wam tart way of agriculture and Bevel fie ooeld nnderretwod Ifie reason for Mr. e.fton, to re, '1
14 P" .L 1.ai.cenat•d. Op.��A
hhwgthencd In comsat of power for manufacturing ' Mr. Mclbu II0 anzbty. as when he DIy. atter wnggoetlnB A Triplet (Han.) girl amt a dol- tgt1R plBos: Oppewlr• Maelaslt now, t1o" ga that the hon. gentleman count lie lar to a smart New Yorker for a *rub.
Yearn experience M d l•ub• purposes. There dere rival schemes, lout control of the patronage of that awake at night der attack" n "
lir' µ'Orks. that 1M Nwuld 7 M y y weight g POa "ogre for freckles" Thin I■ the recipe J. T. NATTIL-!rtHS, LITZ AND AC -
loot tlhe did not compare with this. rxrunt he lost the onl sol t he D
ktitttb than t bid t y y atm ane) file ndrfhDhlsiratlon of the which she received: Remove the
have more Mr. C. EdwAr+14 Rayeoll, argued ever had ht the mint and the pill F. •wt 1ss�ryt• r�g as, Iona rase,
they department, Arfenrletl the right o/ the freckles carefullywith a octet knits; �,. Ortlee w. N=W aei�Squwn chodocri.a rs
with n work by Mridar that the country moat Interested In hope he ever had of again repre- excitor of the Telegram to him opinion. D
Gilect b �� the Ottawa a Georgian Hay Canal seating n constituency In the li D coat them over bight b halt water; �s
slid fxiho ho. $r ba. friends and at tit" Game time he aserted his then being up in the smoke house in 1tgONRY TO LiIvD ALAROt AMOUNT
Mie, who hoped s0�s�y to bo proJset t. tbs Nortfiweyt, 'Lr the Heru*e. A, to the "mysterious" right to entertain his own opinion of a good, strong smoke made of saw- . of "a" OL
an the GoverntewnI Witchce aeon. question of vital Interest I" tO get meruin by which Mr. Beethune croax- the. editor of the Telegram. With dust and slippery elm bark tot a e�sstt r0RW0 ttG 6P-sM�"O �- mvteasea ADN, to
would have to Otrnl�le with she sant tis shortest and mast direct route ad tho floor of Ute lion"- the Oppo- regent to the bill referred W, he week. Freckles thus treated never OARAOrP PIbUDTOl77.
difficulty whet,&bat Warp casae After b the asabosrd for the prrdouctm of Anion would have to APPly to that approved of the provialrys for regu• tail to be thoroughly cured." -$an- i� RADCLIFF"KNCRAL- I NB U R.
All, the contrwo -% of Mir a the great wart. He wait In favor of hon. gentleman himself. Iatlng and controlling the elevators, Me City star. I1• •mics, Real ILtwM and Mesar
e7pem of day ayrattded the project, lett advised caution. and 81r CAarles Tupper c ontetnAaA that wtsd had Offered his aelatance wfiA A■+rt. Only Otwelwr eoara.%•.�pwles•sai
a contract to OOe suggested that the romoten we» the practice was that when the - kCew•f to 1•ad on sn !e Irwrs
would dm "a he aR'••tesl P p support to the promoter of the bill Ytaald'f iLllr.t Cars, Cold&, eta rata et lwtwass as i�:n�as' t• •� IM
ply do tfbst , VAT day beginning at Cha wrong end. It county was represent«I In Yarlia- to carry that portion through. Pro-
r-- Il • oc Js,' �wvewer. Omns.'Iio"1 ;oerer'= sw'_6
labor, orad derive tbf► d It. He Wold >>• rotor W ant for a grant matt by a wpporter Of the Govern• could not, iowevwr, wfpprfrt the II .st •tree(, psAor slwM
wanted to know wh the men% of worts, f� Parliament in order matt t supporter should have a visions wh!oh Rave to Indivfdoal" a T•mtrarasmrw had saltaltF of the f/ea � 0 "°
Of Pubile Worbli 1W�w�yg and -
Canals, to have n survey meds, In robe In the ranking of appoint- practically unrestricted right to erect At the Royal Society testing In Lon- 1 I "A v,v,. 1 19R W MACUrNR s*oM
to Ally other dgpmrbr Nafi, it they have order that Lha aAittis) cont might be met►ts. He had Wert quMloned the lint warehouses ulstrn til. railway, and (fon last week Hl N. Dickson ezhtblb _.._ -__- _-_-_-_ __
exryh Pxpet'Iaw" sus ail necra carefully and 0ioaaty estirnated. watt,," of the tom. member 4t gang when the oomm'ttee refnaM to ado (d a series d chart show
aid trot, tpya. cora Pt showing (a) the 1V RW Mir work done at PaAi..maKINDS
Pr Priam
carp, PaVdb Mr. Studer, ioend.., moved the ad- Ing his n1leRlertefe, as he did not gaud provision, )Ir. Do■glwy withdrew Atstrkbntlob of temperate» and 1rw,rmi,sMlmplwrenb tar sat M
vrnrkw b plow the Louis Sims Bow Is Usyd
x day r�aT Y wall IM by cow- journmertt est the dehate, which was efeverrn It of lmitfflcMmt Imixntf►nce to Wo hill. There had bison nothing In saNnity over the surface d the Atlan- One of these, wtred bows malts an new and .eeond-turd, bousat and
tract' He 44-404 say that the ars carried. over give It a thought or exchange ham conduct In conneetion with till iJc dwrIng tate yeah 1898 7 and b �
Inn of ( ) adentrable oolffare dr'asr for the- glass •md Berlleee for •ale Abad : • ON
tukltet easel ill* he rid Mr. Richardignm's bill, respecting tee words on the subject. When the hill which In till- slightest degree war- the mean temperature d the mar- °g arnon rhop oornw v ws� ear
01• tart by any V� he a attatuhm tht of salartem of public of- opportunity was afforded the alec- ranterl the atepertirms made In the face wate» of the sea round the Brit- tete M elomoer► wear. streeN. J. MTKIt RUNG AN.T_
shat when Parole werbba Are, carded fbees and employees of 1M Qhurn• term of that county they would art'We which had Itis" rend. and tis j US igloo aad Ito Waldo W the main It requites no teaching{ to ennWe
^ % by day labor they aie done cheap. mount, was �11ti a second flooding, mark their sense of the betrayal of absene a from tho (xisogilttep, when the I twysrature of the air. Tam captains � �n %O make one of tbesu AUCTI!orx' lcmj es,.
•r'and Metter than what oarr4d out Sir Wilfrid Ie�iGr irtbMt� thieve that mmtltomcy' by the man the? vote was taken was entirely acelden., and office a of hosme thirty sal mads � and taefti stijuncits
rely t. autos, r AONAe Ot'NDRV. Al:CT10NARlit ANT)
by Contract. the EiOra41 vr�A >r,A a �t1ed sent to t p• The ([arrow satin or velvet ribbon, Inemrwnee Asset Ood�.k, Oa., A t
)fl-. M tbw d the tyfptesta tache. 191& Charles Cal; fob had not expected the rots obsmrvstlons to this end for fur. Dick. allot NO. r, V dm t•e era
Neat titescwt�e iNo>rth $egjllou) seal/ iq athero Tnpjoer resentM ttosye allwlemG lex would iie rwaehexd .Hatt day. tor. rob sneylahleA tha4 no fewer DI doubled over ilial aaA iwntA.hln 1t►• Co., eke hon
�p hone,, wire alto blind sslWhed urn• rise Mrtsal Ica. s o. ttsisaaweed•d b In
0s the rt on ilea td,rovOmes" si jx It to' Lo iW eor/Btltirw Mr. Fleldhtg to Mr. McDougall's Col. Prior eomplalncd that an ttw pa- 6bo11 i d Gee water were r* It Is than bets into the d ons, aa% start of the cosnty. Poll
and taws Alva& Led• for years i aewgsr D'�a rote would be tatleaet clhancort of ret elecWa■y had bW that pore In reference err tete 1)rwroe City osilusal With retard W
1 1 I stage, Telegraph puny 11$si COSSW the observations or
and held g the ribbon s twist
Yearn bees (lose fi eta 1sAor. He a later when a hiller at- char ion. Minister of Finance knew a Victoria Tc rah Cain n Aty tM JOHN KNOX GXSZI AL AUOrIONCAR
le " aatbrtie•1 that sloe w two. es itil the ribbon on the J
the OOPP Oelew lib by tarld d .ralnb» wan present. the t4earls by which he had pelt the Northern nOmtit•reci6l Oompwn r/lollo rads par the meteOrOlaticai of- Ito Lard 3uwtar. Oedaek h, p� llr.-
rnment for alto timber was Tyra Adella teed at 10 p. m. Numee) state In Nova Rooth In the • lihdutL had not teen ►toaght dawn � flee at about, sixty coast ed sod. wire 4'V� r, d little more flit" look ing had arMd•eakle mm
is "a -
sot exorbitant need �djoa� tfa when pawfen sed elerneering hili• h• tiltsheen the late �:kd 4n bur"llee Ottawa. June =O. -Before going Into late Provincial election. Fthe return 1104 "Pott the table. The dumb sad eight vessels, sold It has ebwrge whit thorougall ewe-
Gcralpitept paid 16 empply tills afthof4ola faembn Ot tA� Mr. llethnrp ezpriwlneA til ut he entre oortdurt rif thio Gotenrment In the hlMg ftllasd tbst tbs ass fs sasa6lrgs ,,..(
�etrgmlGd sIse rIt17f4Pur foot tort =beth for Oppoydgion bail pleb ions to over to the Liberal strict hecauw Wt ma st e had, he declared, been dli grao� ► To I.adlms s P. O.. r b ata
repair* nit thew lop h ae1C the fbovlttbhodflb' estgoosnset of thaesm liken It better. (rfi� D•r (Mt• wst•rsr IbanJM
( pu r frbr,erx) He tbought fol. And wM hound to "rl the credit I ibis sir The fact. rorolvea Wte r(tcwrd of dally Y. bt read"
pk10 On s .&M
which Pont `.ewety Aac�tlss��•eK. 4l-
wu t'o"s 17 eeatlR the &cocoa% que■Wonm. which had for Iia subject fin aided the lntera"N of Ili oonsti. of (auutdia.------- experience. CtirIxt.ant suffering from -
1 taentG D bel ern thus Lihe,ral side Yr. Alalr In re All scrr*we are bearable if there le sloe's will mar your brant DO eat
by alt Italy Mftsrs4t the aetkm of Mt. Bethune, of Vlotorts, ret ply explatnefli that ►as, -
aan rnm the one who did the wort. N. R. who was elected Int the than ref the =, seed he ktww that he was not aware until lgstexdsF of any hand' look anxious and,dirrooateatod. but RAARIAGN i ORNBUL
fur PnnPoM (Ccmlwrvativ Pontiac) morvatire Interemt In ItIl". bat who met with the approval d two-thirds ordor that the crx waa to r " haw Pvtnnm'e Painless Corn Extinct
V"fmd«I the aceto" of the 001e!frftpnt tilt rlwbn enleuod the flour and or oven nine-benth( Ot tit elnetnraq be ifrrrtttht dcYAn, �med any tJ or, which whit extract that p» corn W LANK. i B8 U R OF MARRI�Lf_ CANADIANIn w clay Withittus pals. _ • es•esw GodeAek Owt
^ ^.nnnrrtMn with the f7nll Gilder toot s most on the tloarnt■ent d Ala county Wag on that eleSa. tntwnt/(n Loco with hold any of tip 1e,Y _
aesl Pnlnted out that ,plan %he'tlov.I bendto(t, gals rix to a sharp debate. It Uri Ut-lk loft doubter! that. let tett'. 1 - -------- - - _----- ----
"r^mrnt find to g� repairs the de Tlsw lotlaltor Oerternl iOtmAsaM a him rrfrf(fn AfA nsl(k cos be Is w1tIInR Is ly � w further goertrtiro a gwomw BV"kflaw rau"a&
Iwrtm ftp Utrr Ali All Arlortid paLisgity.
ns, efnt road eorpelltrd to buyWee bill regtectlog the Jurisdiction d the to do. and oont not• it again. Thorofare Cia Prl(w• Mr. Aliallr sold that the batt AT *wiry rests Take equal quantities d ro"d
gi tonal at the inarleet price. t• the IExchwgtrer Court sa to railway debts, dmv$ m- but they wore foe• the hot- Gevwrnfnent had rover hoard from the womm ••- staet. tat bacon sod broad crumble A gentleman lnvi") some friends to
n(oer "cteelty sari wilt wittch waw given Its flrrt resdl ter, Lissy were for Cha eT hslm of Dawwse (Yt a V � Is 0 nri pass all throe h a mincing 1a- dinner, and as Lbs colored nsrvant on
hY the aqr g pwrehn■M d o[• Pa y Victoria Tedegrseph attsaslse--- R Wool the room be AMW*nttil
d01n alae wOft tat les A AMmf�nlna tool[ piece ■ A r(Y trade conA kat the advaaeenrtmt of (kumpany, which wais alp char o.wd ins. sessom writ c ride 1 drop
tluami ie pettish••--• bPDeA'p• s Iwtiter wMcb held a tort
to tis f:overrilasett. it etch by Mr. Glbaoo (I.tnoetn sad 1R1- nv(re,v lursenvir ds(kxtRtnR M Canada. won
trot. He nndgr6sed that tatty n prgvy „_- levels thyme, ps per. -It .. � ey.
"Y alnow i p "Y7 riernM " sand tbs
that he bed been Able •tura) on a r t d 11141 PCR tl Dttt the Mat ateww to Iwxtak She row» tvyletr err o so their Oofrt 2ad ajt♦pine sad add to it use welt-
oj utalq a martin. Dn tie diaft Commitena it tolerance, 10 Yale t� camet's back wan Mr. McDougall, I iw nn. has tine (iovv meat etwildd 60 �♦r ... ►eater Ora, weakling all together bl a motet lmpresdre tors, 'tta� Flavor
■tear b tree thlalo tilt atatb wtplNd M tM with wbaas be MA Lrslallsd so Ot- ftrff'wnft. Th. ertnetsdgns(dhadn by es G `-. with a wond•8 Gooses• Ptw41 late a y IUs hsv* [ wttpu4141ad as e•set so
!t�litw elite It cwt, had lsAl �' Of Mr. CJthbn a tay►a fn 1ASA, ataa oleo tatted sea film (d, i'edeur wets watr41ly wnwarrankd aAM■=Its= firm roil, tie in • thlerkly-tiparedfftuwith AihoisMe b the •srbns
""' eteth, pinh a into b0ilin water gad 1gftbw k this roilesaNy
ifhers. - frau! -bsarl a as «. tee alt thio way-.ep• sbsst tbw (lewymrva- y 1 ISU
g ,ueto.a o! •ts.
�p41lphs sthea erne bl hr kiage nntr with tilt &All g�yr• _ _ J} g t we r« 00 dbwerfail d llurit. the
'ertlf3 unci ► qsa mem j Ineti(ip ur ter al- fin kttrv.. tAe cert n has To suet tar two hose sed a halt tail" y
�tsd n iia LtarCite d iilatld�Yf itMt to %M ave party arltll 1�t was alck mud tired pit
tr"R1 "thin b not may m44 bens of thk Homes, aced thv nos of bfel. i e, aDgtre'J all th• Isla (Rw Mn pasmrfn to o"in stn of the trnab A� �M care that the wanner 41{smu» itsadli� u d Greece. the dsmtrrtc%kms
that If n 1f1ftiolor saw It wadi � mltuw rotas Willi** to tone up the eradpols, Mdp*r, fly that tart by use, t they hied rwfeivrd lure►" the Wi�� g t 411) the time. Ta T4 out oasis mucked, `f MIL had the humiliation of At
^11.1'•7 he should rtwb be at il►tlrty t mattar need aaislrg lYoeGsp�1opnruAbility.and d bh1 twiNB-es whi is cos now in p��•t, �ajU---.) ( drain off all ll/ret le with r 'e
to &aide ties% the dglif be g#41IIe appMntal a rtpboommutum for that title Itc- I[T. Mclkmguln Jimeri"wrd Mr. Fe#sgfr and Mr. Pg. clnrte Well-lws ••l brown bread at tuna with
rner, t , , rp(►•e• hob it wan tatiod that the land assn abOVA the (lo•ervn■leass lash ralknttnrl the obGtglls41 rK break �t gym' f pRids of parsley. It b to be gut into Those Usstthtfy Pimples can be as
Tart. M % ]R, tar elAlieed It wan a matter wear Amar the adatislmtrathnu Of Sir tallith tort the dl efts � • thin dieati When served. ►1»ly remo(rA1 by tip acs of M)"Wo,
Chat said �Vbt r bit tbr• ale adsstOaW John Mweulonai6 and tis -mot he was t 00101 Ctb(n � t tp'ts wtM) MtLN I srf _-_ - - �� - Comported iron Pills. Do noun Y4
floc anti tlrw H(r7Me went Into sappfy-sltfxt
^u. a &, of taM of, ily a astttol to a Mat U the ernme■i dy' alter, 11 oainek. Iv a eM"a urW Clues. N jfHier's Weria Powders oars fam is centro.
LR mir•111C- i41tt it■1ma Ie, this Ibis" novemo ohilflss. r -
11•r t If aq Mg Lisa W. as n pros. tit SAr John Trbrimp Mr. IfeMuas I - rep
lob onaqulw Me ga11 wiry U did not z ~� I A ( a best about 11 41! world-tbmm who take In i LM
d •err wet- ASIA that len as 1 hurt elakod fir. ^Mon ov"I soca ty litre � There are two kinds et Iw in
coy •talc tats a ami flea Llbara lees . - ` d tba41► rubs tale IarF.��
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