HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-29, Page 2The Signal
118URtdDAY, JU1fZ 29.. 188,
liMMT77az*aa111111111111119 MOP[
the I'ta+byteriew Assembly re
oeriay figures were presented to
whew the immerse of foreign (cups
lat en in the Canadian Northwest.
nod Rev. Dr. Rdrertun raid :
The foregoer. were a polyglot
population. Camila must tree to It.
and the Presbyterian Chnroh mus{
bear a share of the burden. that
these people were assimilated and
evangelised. Unless that war dooe
rectal. rot sur and political pro -
bleat. would .prisg up aad Urouble
them erriouply In the future.
Dr Robereson threw some light
on the tieing. of the Muresoue Ile
hold : " The Mormon settlement In
southwest Alberta Le growing. The
people are rapidly acquiring wealth.
- and seem ainewormi wish ver/salsed
eanminitt.TPielber...thet .eracelle
their peculiar sieve or not they
have not nteurel them --but rather
jwsttfy them publicly -and a Mese,
stream of s, -called apoetlee. pro-
phets and priests from Utah and
Montana do their utmost to keep
them obedient to the faith. With the
increase in numbers^has come Wid-
nes. and they have sent out about
mhanarlei to different
;.,wowr° ,t(P. Oahe to Jwtl..fil iiY�u
In many Mormon famlr�IM ' titer
ceildren number from ten and six•
teen to twenty. ' If the 3LOrtTQR9 are
right then Ontario le wrong," NOW
the a Baker, "for we get no such
families In Ontario" Another pro-
blem for the church was to be found
to the rapidly growing mining popu-
tUon in Bridal Columbia.'
The objection to the Mormons as
settlers In Canada cannot be breed on
the fact that they „ are rapidly 'sc-
ouring wealth." Aasaming that they
acquire the wealth ltoneetly, that is.
by labor and not by peculation or
speculation, the effect upon the other
inhabitant of Canada must be bene- has shown Date of the weakneseer of
ficial. In mange their wealth, the '
Mormons must give employment and
TH18 TRBATM*JIT 0V O8IIMIH,Ll1. r gets of the Creator to nsanklnI a1 { Pmerioo.. and it suggests "paWWl
Large. We meet endeavor to do jlt*1ke. ism Wograpbies of sheep of these ex -
Mr. Char;se Dudley Wara.r has been
aueturias-,to. theetinneeal Arai/Mee
tneaulatee of the Clarity Organise,
that Society of hew York lo. AtIIIla-
t:ott Wlth the Prisoners' AW Aahocia-
ibu (let Ise pause to smith our
breath) wt the treatment of crime
mile and the Indeterminate sentence.
Mr. Warier declares that there Is two
mob a Whig as the Indeterminate
'wetem Fri operatic"' In any country
W the works, "although," he add-
ed. "the popular mind le drugged and
soothed into thinking that moms
thew of the kind 1s how being
iwactieed. W herr aur unique system
at Elmira was started the law was
drawn wo that a man could be kept
there for the extreme limit that the
law allowed as the penalty for ht.
offence. Titus her senteaee waw not
ksletormloate. but woo limited by the
time of the maximum eertteo a for IIIc
lir. Warmer dote not eerie Mute a
Plan aaJtehke to the end /u view. 1101
a Pelson Itefaniar of tba Priaua Re -
basses Ss dseiaws Aire the tntteter-
mitiate system. prated by Ontario
Priam Reformers. adopted In some
States and set aside W others by the
courts. "ekes not solve the whim,
for It le taken advantage of largely
by the greatest vitiates we have. The
best behaved men te the prisons are
r.4 e -.Ates cT*inetl "...I
"ratite the perked a/ a convict's Inca: -
aeration Oft ataxdutele to his "Berm,
declaring that the man should be sent
to MU as a dick nasi le seat to a
htwpltal-t, remain there 1111 oured.
But, se kir. Warner says tin latitude
and chola. given }oilers ceder the sys-
yttem, even when a -maximum le fixate
le "taken advantage of largely by
the greatest vUtlne we have." he
-should have Informed us how that Is
to be changed by omitting to Ox a
Limit to erre time It shall be in the
power of the keepers to bold those
villain Tide he has not done. He
pay wages to others; the raliways
Bloke a profit by earryint their pro
duets to market. and the public treas.
itleY 1t"Cng- 11bIltl.w,_'lie tazem'"labtf.!
pay through the customs and inland
r•evealme offices. Nor,can the objection
be foaaded on the else of the Mormon
Iaut las. ae.amlng that their children
are all legitimate. for we are wont
to prate the mother of seamy children
end to lout back with regret to the
time whenlarge families were the
rale, and not the exceptioe, he Ort
Rev. D. G. McQueen spoke of the
meeesaitles of mediae work In the Ed-
ucative deteNct and other parts of the
Territories. He referred even more
seriously than Dr. Roberteon to tee
powibkc onntam1natleu frore Mor on
settlers with their polygamous prin-
c:plea. Politicians might speak favor-
ably of the Mormons. but they could
never he clean at heart while the
hell the tkoetria.e they did. altho•
outwardly they might conform to e
law. The day was oom!ng when these
mein were going M take part In our
legislation. and the "speaker had al-
ways Instated upon the neceesity of
laying deep and strong the foundations
of legislation before these foreign set-
tlers coukl have a moulding haed in
the proems. The repreentative levee
Fdnmopton In the Ottawa House had
been potting up a fight against the
Galician immigration and tine people
who knew the facte were steeling et
his beet. Irre p eetive of the (lovers -
meet and of the papers .np.p orting
that Government.
It le no part of the duty of polite -
the Indeterminate system as It exist*
and wire tib admiration of some eau-
ad)an prima reformers. without hint -
Mg at how 1t t to be compooaated
fur ls. Lia. apebama -.- endued he awakes
no etftort at conuea.lt.g the fact that
the system !true pr ve.1 to be a failure
and a menace to jgatioe.
But Mr. Warner thinks something
might be .lone in another •ltseetion.
tie telt how Dr. Way, o f Elmira.
conceived the Idea that medical
treatment might be good for the iu-
ourrlgtbiea Thole prlaonrrs who conk.
not be Induced to boaform to tin mo-
rns discipline of the reformatory
were In the option of the eupiriii-
tenietat sent to one of the regular
State prisons. Dr. Way naked for
twelve of the worst men, who were
going te he sent away. lie got term,
and In the hospital applied scientific
treatment, Inoginning with Turkish
baths, massage, diet and light gym-
nastics. tie made patients of them
and gradually latrednoed sumo 14fre(1-
tal excreter. In less than six uwt.W*
ten of the twelve were interested in
their studies nod were candidates for
parole. And reasoning from the pro-
cess' ho says: "If we want to atop
crime, atrl society has ties right to
protect itself, we mist teach a nun
at ono& flat there le no chance for
him alwag much lines." Doubtless then'
are some erlminals who are criminal
from plipleai cause. A start time
sego we react of it eases in which it
Jail surgeon with a minute done o.'
upomorptda and a hypedevmie-syringe*
quite changed the dleposit/am of a
primmer who had for months terror-
ised it. prison.
Nothing that Mr. Warner m1.1, erne -
over, helps un to understand w hy
Ilfe-lotig trsgrrimounrent or n brie( term
as the reward o/ hypoorley-or even
of rem! reform--seoald be In the
power of a jailer or keeper to In-
flict To some criminal our prisons
offer no deterreat. 8e(t-hearted pris-
on reformers aad others have succeed-
ed to maids* patron life, U not "one
Iota sweet .song," at least a great
deal more endurable than the lives
of many who have to battle with 11e
wolf outside the walls, and not too
reptrg cant to the tastes se the men
for whom prisons are provkied. Cod-
dling has been carried to the extreme;
the penalty for an offence agnlnet
society is leas terrible to the crim-
InsBy minded than the gain by of-
fending; and - then, don't the dear
public mash and weerp over tin Igw's
victim.? Couldn't n. real reform he
wrought by making prisons placer'
that the depraved would tear -would
try to avoid ?
But the greatest need for reform
le at the other end. It is easier to
prevent criminality than to reform
criminals. Welter" not going to dopy
that some youths develop had traits
in a most nnacoountable mintier and
under ciroumetances when opposite
results might fairly be expected: but
as a rule orjminat are made by ex-
ample, habit and association. Few
criminals oane Iron well -ordered
homes where parents take an interest
in the moral welfare of their boys
and glrle, make noaptntoni of them
and set up a standard of regular
habits, honor end *fetus. tar them to
imitate. And given bad home Infln-
etttes 1t will teas a .teal of the grace
of God to eave n young man or
woman from the snares and wile of
nineteenth eastery temtpt&tbs. It
mellow ne that a nampaign for the
pe*servstim enet purl Feehan of family
life, against which bushman pressure,
atelal eaatoms, rhumb organisations,
traterW menthe. clubs, Y. M. C. A'.,
Y. We O. A's.. and the maay other
eeteeteeme p - irimegety or melt.
tingly >rlib' hiVinite aiming to ilo
stood. would he In order. A. neat It
higher Meal of parental duty and
reep,nelbiilty. We need to exalt home
rife and tete Mace of the family as
the 'organised unit of society. We need
Mans to make propke clean at heart.
The law of Canada against one
man having more than one wife 1s
..fftctenuy definite:
Every one who commits bigamy 1s
gritty of an Indictable offence and
liable to seven years' imprisonment.
Every one who commit Ude of -
hoes after a previous coneletlon for
a like offence shall be liable to four-
teen years' Imprisonment.
Every one 1s guilty of an Indleta-
hie offence and liable to Limpteson.
meat for five years, and to a fine of
flue hundred dollars, who practice.
• • • any form of polygamy;
any kind of omega' union with mora
than ooe person at the same time;
what among the persons commonly
called Mermen. t known an spiritual
or petrel marriage.
Teas law in anlfloleney strlugent
aad specific, and we have not seen
sty sbargc that the Oowermmeut of
Canada winks at any violation or
evasion of it It has been reeve -
seated that the Galielans are asun-
:mo m to 1.dy as Ute Mormme are at
Wart, bet surely erre labors of the
aismloaarbee and the Inldr,oe11 of
civilisation can be depended upon to
teach them the value of that clean-
liness welch to next to godilneen.
Was there any propriety. In the
circumstance*. for Rey. Mr. Mr
Queen's reflection upon "the tiowern
meat aad the papers supporting Wet
Oavereig Mi t' We mend misslnnar-
les to lit 'land., et great reponse,
to cus►*e. the Inhabitants from
their way* b• oar ways; to teach
them that aOedgamy M better than
polygamy ; elsaal(nem better than
filth, Chr•talteitlty hotter than Find -
deem or the esteem of Mohammed -
EMI when Mormon or Galician wrml
heathens, or Jap' and Cheeses. with
thee heathenism unadulterated.
Deme to weir rocntry. 'meting the
CbrtUan mIsala nary more than hall
way. some of our faint-Meartwl Can
adiaa Christiana cell upon the Gov-
ernment to bar the rime twist these
bsathemm shall have more influence
• ester Chit/then' than (erletlan* can
have over there. Were such a de -
mend grattewl, were the majority of
Canadian mislat r•a (a(nt-beaete.--be
threem that Cakflamati Clirl.ttenity
without (1Avernm•at protection
weasel be swamped by imported
besthent.m-the anneal appam for
rands kW foreign misslons wield noon
fall opine deaf *ane What hes be -
mem of the spirit of John Knox. If
the grant Prasirtmrlan Morels la
C?teead► canillrt soarer[ or hold Is
it eamjfel of )'inrmene In At
hints tet. +e t ... , _ .. .
I4. amp Kr. 4,,geerleill- (vr erepreth-.
our attempt, at repre*rina or pea- akin et the oosre rawhide and else
bides them will yield grstltyleg re-
unite In reform. Let the retormero
iterate more effort to eurrectltig the
wroaga which contribute to producing
eriwluals. That work well tome they
may reasonably look for rectums. We
Medi not get rid of crew, but we
whale see 1t left Le the dsgeaerate, the
abuormal of the rase, and thew we
may safely leave to the represfosJM
and the phyelclaus.
TUB T*L*191011 t IM IkIITAI1.
There la a pr000awed demand la
Great Britain fur the atamkipalba-
Itos of the telephone Mutinous- The
laostoffloe Department has already
atueurbed the telegraph eyrie= and
It has Absorbed, tete telephone sye-
Net in part. ties oommunlcatk,n be-
tween various Argentines. But the lo -
cel telephone .,rvlce 1s 4111 In the
hand's of a private i.,etpai y whose
daggas an Irmo bight .1.
mit the general um of
oouvenlence. The larger badness
houses and the commercial bodes that
especially represent tbem ars well
enough eatlsfte1 with the present
Steatitic. But the great body of re
tall dealers have got W wet the tele -
plume at lower rates or g h without
W". i8- °UM _p/adle& in •OtheIlieaant
a bolt denting with tate matter to
part at least, but It does not go leo
far as the retailers generally dmsire-
A few days ages a deputation repre-
mnting the Netloaal Chamber of
Trade had an Interview with a' mem-
ber of the Government 1io urge that
the telephone bill be pushed through
at the present session. ant more par
tecularly asking that the telephone
system be municipalised go as to
bring it within the roach ot all the
retail dealers in the country. There
le an nitern ttre proposition to na-
tionalise Ilse entire telephone service
which 14 receiving the more or lee
dttcere support of the National Tele -
fence CCompany, either because the
company is willing to sail out to the
(lovernment, presumably at it pretty
goo.[ price, or because It 1s r•egarfed
as a Menitn of staving 47 -action on
the pending bill. The deputation
urged that as telephonic eommuntca-
[lou was mu largely a local matter
municipal control of It be provided
for, and It met with a very hospitable
to reform many 10ga1 *1m.,r which
enmesh apron 1t. We need to secure
to. repeal of laws whteh deny tri ansa
seeking to earn a living. mama to
wow ierthrtgbt. Lehrir skate .hi• the
mime le e*pklbed." Her the Weil
Ontario gang bit',. removed to Man-
kobn ?
IC le maim W Mutt. Georg. E. Foster
to keep the other inember. of Parlia-
ment out a %poly be. whenever ke
1s afraid to go home. Of course a good
temperance etas like him haunt linger
In a convenient bar roma or hotei.00r-
retor, but It would not hurt Flet arty
to walk the street from mklskght till
8.80 a.m., now that the weather Is
flue. There was no politico.' gain for
the Tories In keepag the Homme sit-
ting until after daylight yesterday
mornlag, sad we 1 ops the diebutsr
of other [HMI's slumbers caught what
It. deservol.
-Robert P. Porter, the unit -44
Mates terUf expert and well-known
protecttunlet, bar been abroad on a
mission to rtotty for the President
trade and eoonomlr condition. In
Italy. France, Germany ane Rawls.
nod to endeavor to bring about eloper
commercial }elation.. with thine coon
tree Mr. Porter, whets he was told
of Mr. Havemeyer's crew proverb. is
reported to have maid: "I'll tell yoe
one th:.g abort 'agar. Iu my opinion
menethings going to dybp in Europe.
I think they are getting tired of bode
ties. and will soon go Into the mar
tete 44 the world for sugar. Sugar
ran to made in Cuba for 2 cents a
pound. When tee !eland le annexed to
the United States that is }4t what
the 'agar will met to produce In the
United States- At the cheapest It
metre 3 43 4 remits a pound ht Europe.
and they will be lorded to go Into the
mnarket& of the world."
Just when Europeen eountrtem nee
-,going to give up as a bad job the
attempt to compete with beet against
cane le not the tlsw for Canada to
vote Ixounties to entourage feet su
gar production in tole country. it Is
rh,'aper to buy sag.tr at 2 amts a
pxeend than to produce it lit A or 4
Knapp le to try 4 roll ids roller
boat from 'Toronto to his home 1n
Prescott. It is sad the queer craft
eel Hilt stake ovyr •tle an host. but
to (la W) '.T.. VIM ata'l=a
t .11/11 ,.ti►fropp r mime hi'
the polities, p.44Ie. moll reckles°
speed seer aro b. tempting disaster.
The atrocious crime of ordering a
few railway care te the Intercobn-
1e1 from whops In the United Mates
was discussed la Parliament yes-
terday, the Minister explaining that
every par -la Meleg- _L.. asialeidlhateee
Cacad,t had" first approached.
but till of Mali erre too busy on
previous ordure to undertake the
new work. A good Tory *sister
would have walte.l till the end of
the tourist Amman rather than pal
remise a Yaabee ear-(eulkder--over
the left.
l° 1 Ake Rnsskl eecleou, where 1o.. of
DIE WEST El GIN Mlle 1.01011111W
„''sew I , u�1. .
anti,Meg agttWess omit I
I laisre Par whisk
thh k the Mein is largely Moose
01117 Ike 0a$f► Cases to SheAM, Mimi to hie W
aim payye tee e6erlff as emit as
The chart then sdjaarued.
Mr. Donald Macnish No
Longer a Member.
81. Thome Jen* tie. --The West IV -
Mat eibetiom trial, head here to -day,
'Med in the Menatisg d Mr. 1). Mac-
l�ris the �m The latter
mourned the seat ie fire Lissa! House
duristg the whole of last esasiw but
romantic ca la♦eettgating chargaa
made by *r. Jake Mesa, of 8t. rho-
mas, on behalf of 10. defeated COO-
servative candidate, Der. le G. Mac-
Diers►ild, he Eked • dtnlaimer. Local
Otssmervativem however, determined to
pooped wilds the whirl. at the
waw this strait Ida o far •a Mr.
D1ae wick wan peraulrtt41y cono.re d
there was not ter �ig teat evidence
o sirpielra of wrong -do ng. The view
d the ease wee ample burs. out in the
evidence wAmkt.d at to -day's trial.
In tite cage of Comely Sheriff Bruwn,
-whir wee ealiewmiaW either ler 'the
Motion amid a respondent with Mr.
Mag d& da. tried 11 W tisanes - 1
ier aad Msr.diele commented strong-
ly epos hie oamduct, and several timers
during the hearietg d the evidence
characterised be actions as show-
'ez a grave lack of ordinary care.
{•[sears A. B. Aylessee nth, Q. C., of
Toronto, and J. Heihnoti, of London,
appeared for Mr. Maaatk. Mr. Wal -
lac. NeabiSR for the titioter. eel
tai err. ILal htradd aadifi,.4. *. Glom
of 8t. Thoma., for Sheriff Brawn. Mrd
H. J. Wickham, of Toronto, acted as
Registrar of the mart. Hes. Mr. Har..
court, Proviacial Treasurer, and Cal-
anet Clarke, Clerk of the Local Hous.,
WWII present, havidng been shlbpoena.d
leu ve evidence u to Mr. Mamisk be-
ieet in attendance during oke session
aad drawing his allowance. They
were ansa, kowever, called ileum
When the court opened Mr. eying -
worth. on behalf of Mr. kacnlb, sa'd
that his client had emu returned at
the election. and had occupied a stat
let the Home durlsg the seodove On
the {resent charges. being nade, Mr.
Mae,t.&n, Meld by ht solicitor. had In -
e r mt'gated them. and on so doing be -
calve antlefied that the election had
not been properly conducted There
were at east three Instances In which
men had aeted as rent,�enning; olSkcer*
aftTtorr;h holding no ii • orlty to do
so. In each a thea cases CIN partees
had amemawd name of reputable enn-
mtltuenhI and line acted under ouch
••••rt. , •flet 01101- .wwtw• these there
casae of wr'u * d eng at the polling
sutrtlrt ions, but there wag reason to
believe that them I*Q been corrupt
erectile* to a oerisen extent In other
directions. In ttew of there circum-
stances Mr. Macnleh had taken the
coarse of filing a declaimer of the
meat, and eotUyinrag 111s opponents of
the action. He (Mr. Aylevworth t had
been tstructed by Ida client not Was-
h d the wrote and thud avoid exp'wu
to bout olds- If. however, any pqs
e ntal sludges were to be ma& age nit
Mr. Maonth, they were to be defended.
The Khalif/' hoe taken to the
wcxxla and is said to fear treachery
among his follower. as much as he
fearer the British forma How he
could sympathize with Bar Charles
The Canadim Votaress and the Sons
of Canada in Chicago will celebrate
Dorninice Day on July Lit. Hoo. 0. W.
those will be the speaker ce the oeca-
Dr. Roquette aad Tam d BAsmels,
have been experimenteig ter some
time werh a acini for the cure of can-
ter, and the mules obtained lead rev-
okers" to hope that their efforts will
not be altogether without suecea
The longest sad ',Meet smoothly
paved street b the world le Broad
street, Philadelphia it Is 118 feet
Olde -Abe EtlVPIf mane long, paved
with nerpbalt for seven miles, and
the remainder will anon be paved.
The work oast about half a mulion.
The British Government claare. cal-
cium cartlo, with explosives and re-
quires* to be stored in Isolated bnlel-
Lngr. One of the dangers ft presents
le that, the application of water
would only produce dace more gas, aid thus
Mereame any oonflegratene that might
iWpak Out ---- --
There hes bees a very laportant
alteration le the trade figures of to
United States In the Inst fee motel[..
For that period the exports of eons -
moaners bass amounted to 4498.076,-
(100 ageing* $1120.561,000 for the
Name period of 1898, stowing n tip
brews. eat $80.480,000; whltNy for
Cho seam itis meskil., the Import, of
smembawlie bare risen (ruin 8;:74.
998,900 to $8gbp*7,000 -en Mereyae
of $51.894.000. That will make a
4Uffertifteell of $82480.000 for 18n five
The Winnipeg thee Prates mere 11
Spathe moderately and welt within
the •m*rk when It mere' that
"ass neer those engaged le erpmnd-
ihg the vo4*rs' nets om the Cen..rte-
tlee glee Were annus egetlm,a
Neal 11ri1 -fid .-Maliti1,10 iflij 1* U qI.•t •of glibber
BAD - mvLI.g• is Tam t>Ont[owo
Aatoond1rag reveal Achievements or
arienhinsmbsg.of Parliament
The limas of Commons protimes
"bulls" and muted metaphor al reel
quality -in lace Great Britain's leg-
Watore appear to keep in etci8
1ni brands of thew c.rumcdltee $ser
are a few easspete t
One night doting lits haat Meta as
Prim ¥Fainter Mr. (lladsto.a`
Ida feet and calmly accue dna
vative leader of an aatountrag teat.
He told the right Isen orable gentleman
that "he Amok ,lite head In the trete
hire tern' Weetik'• Tltvtid'w°biiii' ataA
have been very biting oras.
B. L. (oboe M. 1'., on one ooeaion
to:d an opponent that "11 Sheet an-
chor of hli argurne t Ia not one wblcb
Ile In the movih of this House."
At the period when continual refer-
ence wee being mad • to the "tlladelone
umbrella," a Cosaervative orator. 1n
the course of debate. Informed the fol-
lowers of Ur. Gladstone that "we aim
have an umbrella. welch will anon be
heard and when It seoakil it 6011 toe
with no uncertain attend"
A couple ofhta later another
member, seem y t a spirit of emula-
ttrxl, astentishc a bewildered Hoose by
ezclalming: "f see a vision float be-
fore my eyers--tt le the car of program.
renew on 1n 1ts majesty, gnashing Its
teeth as it toes" The member appears
to hare been quite carried away by
that vision of a car.
Crelloubtreely a onmbination of ex-
citement and nertousttees accouters
larsely for the glorious mixture sour
orators parr out upon their esteem.
it was so In the naso of the 800tch
member whom speech had drawn Its
slow length along for nearly an hour.
when suddenly be startler} the House
he an eloquent outteme : "Sir, look at
t tp great cities of antlqulty-where
are they now? Some bate perlbred so
completely that it 1e doubtful If they
ever existed" Then there went up molt
a roar of laathter a. the Roar has
very rarely hated ---and the orator re -
wined ht. sash
Here aro a trio of deUghtfully mixed
metaphors which made the speaker al-
most hold his des with laughter.
The sub)ect eider discussion was
bimetallism and the Intricate rewire
aeons, of the topic were intensified by
three metabere who wished to ``lee (a-
ttraction to their fellow legislators.
The first orator let off this original
aphori.m : "All along the antrodden
paths of the past we eli.eern the
footprints of an unseen hated."
Theo there was a rush of membra
to leave the house, but those who
remained were charmed with •notb.r
member describing several recent by-
elections as . "baystack of straws,
&bowing which way the wind blows."
Ten minutes later the Comites were
told -apparently quite in erns, se it
did not to any way refer to the debate
-by the member for a north of Eng-
land eity that "be had Is ht consti-
tuency scores of destitute children 1"
Of coarse, laughter lead and long
greatsie ties, whereupon tee boaorable
member hastened to *steals that he
dad oot mean exactly what he had
Lord Cason, whets plata George
Ourzoe, WAS once, and once only,
known to ihopelesdy mJz hi• 'nets.
peers. On the ocesdon in geeati=n be
hl amused the Souse of Commo
by ming,
g, "We are sot yet out of the
wood it south Atria" and to get out
the ship at state require. most arm-
ful steering I"
An Irish member, Kr. Marnaghao
to wit, delivered kismet of this de-
lightful remark : "I am not going to
rdterate what I was going to say."
This 'bull" briefs to mind two
striate' y mixed metaphors Irtter.d in
the Howse by another member from
the emerald t.Mltd, William Meld.
On me mansion he told the Speaker
"the time hart dome, indeed is rapidly
arriving. when," oto., and •anther
night he Wormed Parliament that,
1. 'erten eventualities, "the popula-
tion of Ireland will be deelmate4 by
two-tbirda t" These two delightful
ezpreaelo.e have made the Miserable
member lemons at 8t. Stephen's. -
London Mall.
TH• Oa/ole Or auraaz NOOK.
Meng Pbiti. .n Ofd One and Pima bel
In Wleeoaga.
The familiar Wang phrase of the
hour whleh dabs the curious sine a
" rubber neck " lea homage of .o old
a date that out In the wilds of the
-.reef they are chuckling te them-
selves over our •npposeq discovery
of their long forgotten term t.f de -
It was In Wisconsin shat the rvuh
Mir /heck was born tee year' ego.
The Inmbermen who spent their
lives, In the solitude. of the vent
womb( and lived with the trees,
herds and Animal* for months at it
time, filet won the appellation.
At stated interests file iVrn y
woodsmen gathered ifp leelr acme
misted *avtngm and gloated for the
mired town. The w.aner, Sown,
which gtoww almost la a might, en•
Mewled inch kaleldoeueede Ammo'
between "Mite that ilhe deepens
of 18* forret ewe 10 i 0ouatant
their peeks
to the mart
at the new
at every.
to the
email*. 'They
hither and inn tis
mesin,. iMts They
belldifilns ftiom ey
she whop
IItr. 3 aetloe Meredith expressed the
opinion that If Mr. Mamie' admitted
irregularities nothing more was need-
ed and tine eleetlon mbwld be voided
Mr. Justice Oiler dad not concur. re-
marking that no far an he was con-
cerned 110 meld not ere Ince torpent
to voiding an election la which the
majortty (over 200) waw rho Targe
without Dist hearing surae substantial
evidence. If It was nut desired to glee
evidence the petition should be die-
Mr. Wallace \e.bitt answered that
he Anal no evidence to disqualify Mr.
Mecn!ah In resters' to personal eorrup
1 -on. He could give polities proof of
the Irregularities mentioned by hi.
learned frtend and evidence of corrup-
t on by party workers. but dad not
know H It wee wise In view of the
admeolon made to take up the time
of th. court. Mr. Justice Meredith
re treated the npink,n that so far as
he was concerned the matter might
earl at once, and again Mr. Justice
(nwler remarked that he could not
txoneur, adding that as far ne 11e was
t;btirerne 1 he VOutd never veil an
elect on on mere adnise.o:1 . the
pet:tioner must prove his cave. i
Thereupon Sheriff Brown wns c heti.
lila .videnco (Spelt with the appoint•
ment of deputle., and WAS the cines
of unfavorable comment from the
coati Yr. \e.hat qu.'.tlmdl him first
In regard to subdivision No. 17, 81.
Thema.. To th1. aotrllvfst -i he said
he appointed a man whom he believed
to be Mr. Albert E. Montgomery, of
81. Thoma.. though not personally
acquainted with that gentleman. Af-
terwards he discovered that Mr. Mont-
gomery was out of the city, and had
been impersonated.
Mr. Jast:ee Osler -Yon appointed a
man of whom yah knew nothing!
Witness admitted such to be the
ease. Asked If he had administered
the oath to the penman bringing In
the ballot boxes, he answered In the
negative. his explanation being that
he had n0 forma for that purpose.
Mr. Just'oe Meredith -Fortes were
not an absolute neeesdty ; the oath
could have been administered without
Crow. -examined briefly by Mr. Ay-
le.worth, whten said he had been
oberlff of the county for 15 yearn
He wee well acquainted In the rural
dlstrktty het inert In the city.
Mr. A. E. Montgomery. of Toronto,
was than calked. Hee had, he said, at
the time of the election. a vote In
St. Thomas', bat on the day of the
election wee at Sault Ste. Marie and
could not therefore have acted as
depn ty.
ifs. E. W. Tramp, o%' St. Thomas
testified that he had acted an poll
clerk at Na 11 subdividers. 8t.
Thome'. and afterward. dl.00vered
that the man pnrporttng to bo Mr.
Montgomery wax one Martin J. Ca.
Mr. MaonWi took the stand. His
ezamid athnu was very brief. He said
the doeamente referred to by Bherff
Brown as being Me signature we're
selplA d by hem under the impression
that they ware antbor(ratbpe for the
appointment of wervtl.Mere t hie be
bale They were mined up anded a
lot of mei aothoriiatk,ns hat4
him by teteMerith. Secretary of the Merit
Clab of St Thome and he had at
read then, believing that an wer.
Of the same nature. 8o far as be was
concerned denied any
� t� ngheora 7 emphatically howled...
thereof, and 011 d111eov ring -tile Tree
gularltle• meaUussl bad meted 111 the
manner ,stale* lir Kr. etykie ierth.
No .mon wilmeesse were called.
though Its. Jostle* Ogler *teemed a
desire to hear farther .vidsaee as to
c.her ebarges 01 corruption.
Mr. Jae*. Osier .caked 1f 10, Grego
desired to epi anything os bbalf of
the sh*&8 1, Mr. Oliethbd tient
tie sheriff bad bees kl d
kr. /wake Meredith -There were
nanny irregularities. 71bs sheifi as
rwterahtt .f({e7 . Clow not asemt to
bar. aeted wish wire. Re swv.ts to
bsr* bpm eesiIy lettljsosed neon.
A 11dfiNifICEi CE.
Oder, inti Mien added rAwake
We hem Milted
Pet le my� • Mr
fluty 507 that f - clan
4Mtil�ket worts
OP -
The Week,
Second TimeLaurier is Beady
to Testify.
&!! h1 $ how - our
TILL HB Bit HUH 0 Milli
11 so He hay Get A11 the lagalry Be
L1k.s sad Mor.-'lt. 0.11'.P, Doesn't
Leto the late/erlaatal-O-Td a Bargain
u e W..a i"1 s tt ate.:..•.-.._
Ottawa, Jame *7.-(8psciel)-A meet-
ing of the Public Aeooietb Commit-
tee was called this mor .6o
bat no baskana was tranaaot.d. Sir
Wilfrid Laurier was present for the
second time to be ezamtsed on the
Manitoba eleetims [frauds cna., but Sir
Hibbert Tupper, who had charge of
the case, was not pe east to conduct
thr ezamiaatfm r.MFoster anaemic-
that Sir Hibbert was engaged in
preparing a speech which be was go
ink to deliver Chia atters000 un the
Yukon charges Is the Commons, and
oonesquienely honed mut be present ea
heshaald have been. it is reported that
Sir Elkhart will prefer charges
agumtt official., seed will .ak for u
Committee of lave nigatira
W. H. le Clement, legal adviser to
Commietioare Ogilvie in the Yukon,
is la the oity un business with the
Interior and Juni" Departments.
Mr. Clement says that Mr. Ogilvie's
ietel ldgatitm into ,the ...charges
swam otficia1 was closed some time
ago ofd cone of the charges were ma-
President tihangbnemy, of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, was here
last eight and had a long Interview
with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, tar Louis
Davies and Messrs. Blair, Petersen
and Fielding after the Howse rimed.
Mr. t baaghnemy Is opp.st to the
Waffle arrangement between the
Grail Trunk and the lutereotnial,
slid all the more ro that It is fur 99
years- Tile arraig,mens 1s to Una ef-
fect that all traffic from the west
not otherwior route.' will ba deliver-
ed at lloutreil 4, the Interooloalal
and all traffic orlglaating along the
line of the Interoulonlal not other-
therwive noted will be handed over to
the lin T. R. This" latter euseenwbn
Ls given the (1. T. R. In return foe
the lore of haul 11 meatus by giving
oke traffic over at Montreal fneteed
of at Levis, The G. T. R. Qua not ob-
ject 4, the change of thin renew.
which the 1'. P. R. is objecting to,
bat the Government does. es It wive
pat there for the interests of top In
tem.vlouIal. 11 Is said that If this is
not changed the C. P. R. 'nay cease
running to St. John, N. B., am! go to
ik,rtoti instead. The matter wan
diaenmaed between Mr. Shambeseas7
and the Government last night. anti
an active oases= In now tette on
against the bill In the innate.
The Railway Committee passed the
Senate bill geeing an extension of
time to the eonplettn of the ease
adieu Northern Railway. Mr. Aylen,
on beba11 d the Edmonton and Sas-
askatchewan Railway Company, a new
line, asked that if their line is built
firs( from Prince Albert to Edmon-
ton the Northern Company
should he compelled to row over its
lime and not build a new line be-
tween these poi.(. Mr. Dawson of
Hodson Bay send gsakatebewan Rtail-
wa y, asked that the Northern Com-
pany should not be given authority
to build from CeurekilJ, the p
termians ce the 8., B. and 8 line. Hos►-
ever, wither request was seceded to
and the bill wan reported.
The Railway regulations Fill was
up .gala, and a clause wan
incorporated regarding the regulat'on
of telegraph and telephone harts. An•
ether clams Incorporated In a gen
eral provision the uanal regulatlo:is
respecting the restrnctlon and °per
at!on of bridges. A further provision
gave additional protection to rail-
ways In the Interest of public) safety.
It provided a penalty not exceeding
$50 or two months' Imprisonment for
any Injury to notices or other rail-
way property. The same penalty I.
provided for anyone who enters upon
a train with Intent frawrhtlently eo
be carried without paying fare. A
new provides was one giving the
Railway Committee of the Privy
Counc'l authority to require the erec-
tion of a statim at any pole1 k
deemed proper. Mr. Blair argued that
experience showed the d..lrablllty of
the provision to order that railways
might not lm, allowed to hold up
towns by loenting motion, too far
away from them. The final oleuse of
the hill gave Celle Raliwey Committee
power to frame ruts t0 applyr to all
railways In Ute Dominlen. le was
the result of complaint/ of railway
employee. There were many reasons
why there /honk( be uniformity with
regard 10 operating rales. Uniform-
ity would afford additional protec-
tion In the committee of railway/, and
would do away with the difficulty of
employee' of ace getting employment
on another.
Tills Manse of the bill was peened.
Ta. Judge Draws he
11 V Aniline pwrlble for a
lawyer b panni that bb oppasrent
le the weer wan. A pollee A�Iism wee
a a • roar Or at . rate M
&cease and Amity wl dfrposdng air ng Mdse.
Jury awl attorney all .le one.
"T oe ars gem ym rspogn10.
this old us
frets you f" he seta to a eoerp(abr.r.
" Tis, doter Jb ear," was the refer.
"Dow *d you bmmw it le yore T" d.-
masAee ifs J.*fios.
'Yee Ma see that It le of a per
osaar sake. the wheelie. "'That le the wayrep1
J " yOu dresses, els," ikeetla5 the
M caber a elealar tie flrlll
"tbat there are other.
b s twee y. T"1 ad
two ito/um-„-ilwury y 7 hoe
1.117 Ieegreee was brewed le death
last week in a cabin on Mamma
Lake, '6t.*. , Q. C.
The Prwsb Cabinet- deleted to
Lassa 4 hawse KII. 111,6-
I.sadlsg W1wt Iltark.t.,
k`ollowing arefilo Okoslugl lwte.e le
day at Important
('h� ... , . ,..., e-- t0 71 le
New ork •,, ..e.... ,.. 0t.)
dt. Loeb ... ,.. ..t ... 073 l) hi 34
Toed' ............ ... 077 0771-q
Detroit. red ...... 0 Di
Detroit. while ... ... 0 77 14 -.
Duluth. NO. 1 word. 0 73 0 72 11
I[Iunsapotls ... ... 0 72 8-6
Toront,, r:4 ....., .,. 0 70 -
Toronto. No. 1 hard
Orate and Province.
Tomato, June $4, -Fleur -Outsets
patients. in Mo. $8.71? to sew:,
straight roller. 18.23 to $8.8$; Hue
parkin paten'$. $4.18 to $4.23: Mani-
toba kaketet $8.76 to 11e.90, all a
track et Tolgato. ,
TL f Os4sg . sed and white, at
north rt., .21Mliaggign, •
at TorastToronto..'h'hard,
80 * -11e. ?Hunta��wn../ti
Oats -White oats (tented at 20c
Bye -Quoted as 6d0.
Barky -Quilted at 4(le to 43c wont
Buckwheat -Firm: 480 north ao4
50e emit.
Bram--City m11M aril bran at 4112:0
arae aborts at $15, la oar Iota, f o.
4ii-a48. ew 7!>•ek Mee.
Pray -Sold at bye wept. In car iota.
Oatmeal -Quote{ a1 $8.80 by the
bag and 88.0 by the barrel, on track
at Temente
ea Leeman iMaresca
Toronto. June 24.-Receipte were
not quite as Targe a. 1. usual on Bat
urday. eapetesey 1a butter, eggs and
poultry. wl.Ch were all picked up by
noon at fair prism- Atout 900 bushels
of grain, 12 loads of hay and 2 of
straw were delivered.
Wheat, steady ; 600 bas ttels add as
follows: 800 bushels of red and wil.tr
sold at 78e. and 800 bushels of gore
at 87 1.20.
Hay. steady : timothy add at eu to
too per toe. and Weyer at 87 80
-Straw, .1.mdy ; 2 loads selling at
$6.50 to $7 per to..
Oat., steady. 80o bushels selling et
85 to 861-20. per bushel.
Butter. plentiful, selling at 14 ,-e -
16e. per lb.
Eggs; Eraser: MOM. ranging from 1.
4. 160., and a few very choles guar.
auteed new laid brought 17 to let,
but the bole went at 14 to 18e. Iter
Poultry, firm : chickens, hook last
year's and opens. sold at 50 to '10.
per pair.
Sprier dusk. soiree, and price. Ira
tt 80e. tc $1 per pair.
Pares Premie Whstemele,
Tcruuto. Juni- 24. -Ray. baled. sat
lots. per ton. 87.50 to 48.30; atrne,
ln'e 1. car Iota. per too. $4 to 84 7.0.
potatoes, oar lots, per bag Me.. let
ter, chore. tuts, 13 to 14o.. butt -t,
medium, tubs. 9 to 110.. hatter, .lair,
1b. roll,. 18 to 150.: batter. large rolls,
111 to 14e.: butter. cr.an wry, lb. rolls,
17 t'o 18e.. eggs, (emirs. new
12 1-2 to life.; koney, per Ib., 8 to 7,•.
Llverp ool2, Jon. 24 '(3oe -Wheat
P PM, No. ted western ter. da11,
as 1-2d; Na 1 red nertk.ra. Duluth.
du 1, b. 2 1.2d; Na 1 Careerata. nomi-
nal. Corn, spot America. mixed. new,
quirt, 8s 4 1-241; do.. ofd. steady,
8e 51.2d; June, nominal; Jeri. quiet.
he 4 5-8d ; quest, as 5 5.84.
Flour, et. Louis fancywieter. tiro.
Bs. Lined MU. 21a 9Setter. Cop-
ed States finest, neminal ; do., rood.`
tee. Petrone m, 6 1-4d. Pea., aur--
dlan, 5s lid Tallow, pr•Ims city,
flan, 23s; Anstrallan..lo London,
25s 6d.. Cheese, Aenerlear, (blest
white, stead 42. 8d; dee old. steady,
42s; ordinar�ry, new. d8. dd. 8..1.
extra India mese, atamdy 00s. prime
mese, steady, 65s. Tortpries
we., fine Western, firm. 46a Lard.
American refined, la palls, steady,
26. 9d; prim woofers. r berm,
dell, 26. Rasrr, short eat 14 le
16 pounds, firm. 4As. Bacon. tern-
'umberlami cut, 28 to 80 pond.. 4wsy,
80. 6d, Short Abe. 18 to 20 pounds,
dell, 29s 6d; tong clear ankidle , ligkt.
80 to 85 pounds, easy. Ego; ides clear
middies, heavy. 86 to 4D peals, eery.
`Les : short clear bail$0. 16 110 18
Pounds. ease. *s; slat Miles. 14Ur
18 poande, dell. P.Br,Asara
12 to 14 pounds, 1 s.N
dl. Hill refined. JaheAdtegio needy.
85e. 6d.
steady. L.
B adstreet's ne Trsdi
Some quieting effect has been es
erebe 1 upon Canadlam trade by cur•
rent bot weather. but efiiIkillaS con-
dltloua remain In a ligatehlgres fa
voreble In most llaga I re
porta Inn heacr i f, prpa t " aof
rratm-weather Infitesfse� t ♦wines
remain srtably firm and collections
are satisfactory. Special eiompaalnt41
dense., Is touted only 1. the leather
business. A setlsfaotory ,ping trade
le reported le the Marfan. Provin4•ra
1111 th• wrsefa d
from the nobles �aadvposrtarby, oat
collections are ♦ telae
poor. to repx'rts
navigation open to 16. Wanting. and
rhipmeaM are heavy, w Vannoa
ver h.port. that 1 weather
km I trade. bfralaeas his
been he ped at Ttet'nole let Warm wee'
their. and June trade preelieoe to be
large. Crepe have Inemwesd, particu-
larly In Manitoba. where the w,rlat
acreage is large. Advanosg In wags
la.Imdtlrttlal lime are s Nature of
note. A break In mining ,hates 4
likewise to to noted. Comedian hank
clearing, aggregate g? -8 697,000 last
weekk a there.., of 8.6 per cent
from the preview; week. bot a gat
est 9 per haat ocr a year ago. Cana-
dian failure. Dumber Sfi. mgsfnt 19
the previous week and 1a the nor",
apondimg week a year ago. 84 to
1897, 85 In 1806 aad 80 1a 1695.
luaumLos'i set narr-
Dainty Ostriesese te Metals HIs
,J.ilar a moa nates
has hand sews or IP"
about baby brunet*, and most warn
at one Ionia or another Mie drone
and fatted out one of Mind d bty n t
felrsl, with all Me tittle NUM articled.
=nRai so. 011 Melt 10 kith them
ew new basket hal appeared In a
povdty le the batheit P. basket
It M the store boast M silWfNltlehapr-
abo.t two fent Wong by ago foot wadt,
aad a little deeper Ikea She width d
the GanaIt Mshotrsvie eon"'a eo.rJ
the sane snub* toMMrla1 to keep a'p•
ties dolt tide b0*64 to to, be 11141
• *mina*" Awl as/ 84 fiord
506601 ya4e eM sibs bottom. ai,'sr
aid i11111d, of pts** ter sli .1.
• f ilbyht � uW 'p. ad
pmralbQes 8M hllr0 tivrnsrp- Thew
arra t0 with Imid* i w. :
tier et Ida favtrtti pe.eJuwb 1101
65o14r A targ sse byibbona d ' melt
heir ass the lake tint wOpral the top
**S� O�0p'rvw.'aad Maher.ring of nate
11UD+tn flub* the
9l1t beep 185