HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-22, Page 5WNW TM !SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. Tirv..a>r. J SIM 22, 1899. 6 W. ACHESON & SON. .oriik:. t res. `C-i�rfX►: Vr✓El:..MF. _ _; JUNE CLE4 RING SALE 9.oend Week throughout our entire Store, in every department, Stook M Bele Priem the like of which Uoderiob has never had before. 2000 yards Back and Colored AU wool Draw Goods, 42 to 44 bootees wide ; t la season's boyine. Beg- uar 50, 60 and 75c., an at 115e. yd. 250 yards 62 -inch Pure Linen Table Damask. Regular 50o , at 3bc. 200 yards 60-inob Lunen Damask Tab- ling, ling, half bleach. Regular 40 and Mist all at Zoo.. INSPECTION our large 200 pain Corsets In all the best makes. Our regular $ 1.00 and $1.25, et per pair 69o. • English Tapestry Carpets. 27 inobes wide, handsome designs and all thio season's, suitall° for any room. 50 and 55c. kind at 390. yard. INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. DUNLOP. Y es K Anse was at Guelph Tuesday of 1..1 week. Th. peels 1. Limbers "drew •• large at- tende•w of the little folks sad oar yore' people, sad see a yo.reter was mamas at the /easily table for sapper, dada sod mea harts' • sine quiet supper by Mena selves for the Ora time fee maul years. lie gypsies we spoke of is • former tot- ter lifted their tarts is Thursday Lasa sod o friday dternoo theee wades arrived m their plass with some ber..-trader., their wives and oumersu obildr... Oi Meadey roots` the wives bed s big want el *Waal eat, aslog for tae purpose the f.s.e. as Nirhtlag•le swathe ter • diwmee of rssrly • quarter of a mils Alter a abeam' of toears Mr. ad hire. W. Grees,Ossltes.N. Dsketa,wr• W guests of Mr. sad Mrs, A Atha for maws! days let week. Beth map eel obsa'r In Dunlop ekes they fret same 5. l'.Ib.ree over st:ty.6v. yuan ago. They have deal. dad to reside is Oodsrleh after the Ores of July. 1s the ssa.N*. Hey w111 visit ..ase.g.Ibafaci of theip0eflhr pk.wrai Col borne. Staten labor fee 15911 wad done north- ward Ir.at the tx•hs.R. hotel. Besides the drswla, of leads of 'revel, He grader belooglag to the o.nebip wee dir.oted by J H. Barker sad drawn by the tears .1 Ninon. Tobin. tie, Fulford and A. A. Willman. The read wee Mealy graded on both sides. Pethemater Cletus., with 1), Macleod as liseeeele. did mem ploughing. The pathewter /{misted Ms baso, .sd de- serve" suet praise far the read work dose Sire. CARLOW. MO►DAT, Joe* 191h. M1.. M. L Morris, el tea., is visiting at W. L Yu,yss.e's. A. A. Team has em paged Wa, Robert. sealer the s.mser. WM. Jews hne . tow randomise en kis IS new. 1. Kerr M the Msec$ The etesemaoas have eanste od the building el 1'. Mitchell'e sen bask ban. elope a .umber from hen visited Gtelpb on 'letesd•y, bat the Detrain trip by haat the tellewlas weak dissuaded say frees the biked emersion tar,. Whitney ad Mlle daagbtr, el Woodeteek, have been visincg the lady's sister, Mn. F. W. MoD.s.gb. Atter o two weeks' drill 1• Leaden one brave midterm reward Saturday week. After enstalto.. the Ont quietists baked was " Is Gem mything is the epbesrd. t " Chan Lor, Mr.. A. Robsr goo, Mks L. iergess, W. ad Mn. SuribelL Mrs. Alec Young, Mr. bad Mrs P. A. Robert - e m, Mrs. Sam Allis mod Ulm Panay Allis. Mr. sad Mrs Gee. O.vy, all el Hk is. tim, wirelesse's(' es the Ong .f Toledo to Detroit Tserd&y. Th. lag asebmplsi.d pea* wader the emplane d the Oariow Literary sad Deleeuw Satiety we, bed on Me Annus f ronds Saturday law. The lime was .that le aregma% baseball..w.gla.. (fee", &.4 sating, et Mose slakla'. W. T. Riddell catered to the ploMMkern la Ma owa abliminl reser bad metsttafae bir frIs.d. with • glewia' taaelyd. an 11..psndtbtals.m. of the Carlow pe.pia OUNOANNON, Nonce- The I...1 &few. toe Ti. BeswAL to at the mules to 1. ®. nes, ).N., oo. q&s er els. who will rtael5* dare forsebserlptiess, •dv*tr'tg .5�7M- wer, &&d la sw5erta•d e•'Ive remYptm fey amounts pall ter the same /'1 A. NEWTON. DENTIST. OF LUCK- l.F. new will .14/ a tet mid d each cararh- odofex wOct.ttesh ., net dear to letai shop. Hears. a ease Ma nos. Tessase, Jas. MA. Resp Ween, -Heed e.mminbsawrs ..d wtkmasters are b.a{ly .sassed is lianas the rode repaired tied he peened. A RaxovAvtog.-Yrs. M.lbtgR'• betel Is being 11 ly r•sev&ted raid Int. pence'. 0. t, 411.1 the week ef Improvement la style. TRI Caovs-Hay sad f.11 wheat er.pe am reported far ars l.gd 55 be light, Spelne ew*pe,tb s k1' well sad apparently will re a geed yield. TM weather .t preset New Rasto.tas.-L..t week "Award Dumb and vette moved i.te the premises by Mr. i)erala from John Goy. e ba, runevated the dwslLug, adding erectly 50 its .ppsarsoee sed oowtort. May the venerable maple be spored may years to espy their new home. Causes Nimes. -The s.ornmeet of the Lard's Sapper will be dt.pe.eed 1. Krell" church nest Sabbath. servles o ooma,oe. .t 10 15 A r Preparatory service will be held ea Friday, to oommoso. at 2 e'olo.h r.s. Rev. 8. Whaley, of St. Hideo., 1. ex- pected to madam the service on Friday. "Wazniwo. - O. Wednesday of Ire weak, Mir Mary M.C..., daughter of Petr Ma lam et West Wawo.osb. was tuned la the bods of matrlmooy by Rev. Father MoK.e., of 8t. Augustine. to Thea. A. Brea, of London. The adds war attired 1. a beautiful oeat.me of steam effete st1k4 kiremed entb rubble, pearls an 1 ob.f os. The bride's slater, Mir Lisle, was brides- maid the was attired in • costume et Dream breaded poplut trimmed with pearls sod .cites. 't'te arson was any sepported by 5s brother. Charles Breen. After the theme had partaken of an .:..11ent wedeln' breakfast, which had been prepared at the residence of the bride's parer, the happy, move left for their new name at Lerida, beteg followed thither by the s.egr•tula- tb.e sad Rood wishes et their amaroum friends. We wish Mesta happy salon. t ortw0 a.p (loss. -Mr. sot Mrs. Jew sad daughter visited Mn. C. Brews darter the Iwtter pet of last sweet . Mr. sad Mrs. Jaokea, of Herm rawNblp, meaty et I1,uas, were the guest. of Ws. a Jaoke. sister, Mrs. D Ola. es Bund., and left fes Mem os Me day ....J. Cemberb.d and Wm. Cbittiok took a trip t. Brses.l. a 8.orday b visit Mauves. . Ray. T. L. Arsstru.g lett hese a Mad.y via 0ode• rico, o mused ate swatm et synod widish r pine Med .t London this week . Mrs. Sloss retorted from Detroit Wet week. nave Ing been on ea extended visit to bet daugh- ter reeding{ te that oily . . • . Sepben Sistb.n ..4 &l1, of Cadmic*, trmerly of Demesnes, .pal Let Sabbath with rel. stir.. here Wm. McArthur left hen e. Meloy for Detroit, via Osdrieb. May na have • pleassst trip ad safe raters Jehs G•., who M tattier • toot le Maal- oha, reports that Hu far be 111.. Is well. isteads to take a ,sersl tour through dna Prairie Premises ..d the North Wert Terrier -les A. Red ad A. Plats, who have bees vWMig relatives and termer as- ga.istanes jp Ib. vicinity .f Ktawsrdlne. refereed h.... ea Moeda, •ad resort Me - tag had a good Mme LEEBURN. MowoAy, Jaoe 19tb. A. H. Clones was la SeeaMard lar weak. H. Zeellser &.d daughter Mary Maned 1a Guelph ad la Wetorlao maty last week. James [Anklet/sr made bis moon trip to Guelph on the emersion Teasley of last week. A. Yasptrm from near 8t Marv's, we, vWiine mistime last week, ankle/ the tripes the inks Mr..sd Mrs. Wm. McLeod, formerly of Tuoker.slH, sad new rending he Clinton, pale a plangent visit of several days here, the /meets of Mr. aed Mrs A. H. (,lake, who showed them may petal of interest here tied .bast Udrb5. An impromp$s ploola was genes ep T5.red•y atomism of last week, Da welsh wee • Swaday mend with Its scholars and Nosey friends. The temperature of the day .hens nen. Meer tee near the sere Ilse and H. Math= width had been d.dded spas wag even up. The /sabering was then held at Mrs. Jobs Hones's. Daring the after. sem three.wlags were es the save to dna-. .pbeloe bare, the ehlldra tablet fall ad• vantage of the opportunity le swing. Rohl. Quaid, )r., R. (.am.sp, J.mea Me►faoe, Here. Harte wed ethers worked swfally .t the ropes. Agitate of baseball played be. lweee sides led by Jobs MaMe a nyd d Fred Qeswas of Mtere& The lat- ter, harts several geed lady Meows es h,g sid•.wm with a ewe ef 33 be 18. Mike for .setheg alms were farmed la shish R. N. Shaw sad D. MsL..d were the ..plats.. This gam., beware% w&a latrrspied by a matte mad.n fres bealop, wise seams.sd JUNE WEDDINGS. \\\ Vivo .% are, oa uta Btteemse. We. 3&‘.voe4a Lead►. This Week we are showing new and artistic lines in China and Silver, verY appropriate for June weddings. Well -Papas Iadatoei ts. getrral of the very newest lines at 20 per cent. otT this week. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE (Two Doors West of Old Stand), Our Telephone is No. U. Court Mouss Square, Oodorich. Paint Now ...moi • ,1* a pure Mixed Paints in the market. Only $1.30 per Gallon. CEMENTS. Portland Cement for $3.00 per barrel, spot cash, for ten days only. MANURE FORKS. Only 30c. each. ALEX. MCD. ALLAN. the ball-to..rs to o sass tarns repast en dimly forgeteas as ea a LLrrgo staff of Town ladle, were kaodiag reaad the eat• eblee. Afterwards the prtedpsM of shook Noe. 5 and 9, Colborne, assisted by Mw Edith Roston, prettily arranged the Carle ones, with their wrists' and friends la the rear, beton H. esmera ot John Lawes, of Dunop woo took • plotrs of the gabber• lag. Later oa s oaody stumble closed the day's pleasure. The tee.meed.g held ea Taesd•y ovaries e1 last week as the Presbyterian obarah was Islrly well encoded. Tea wee served la the Sunday school room by a large staff of tete ladies of the oogr.gado., seder the disco. hoeel Mrs. Molosald and Mir Boge. Afterwards the addressee end program wore given in the obro►. The speakers were R.,.J. A. Anders'•, II. A., of Rae: ohuroh, Uederleh, and Rey. J. Wilma. B A patter of North street Methodist obroh, Gedarlah. The termer spoke et his termer oeas.oll.n with the oburob hen as Ile pastor. He hoped the pro• posed improvem.at• now talked of by the megregatio would be carried forward In the ser future. Real gars emend good anecdotes, the w a the measles (If the word felicity "sling particol•rly well 1. conclusion he urged apou bit hearer the n.o.eslty of a strong mew of deity In pre- moting the advsnoemeet of lode word. Rev. Mr. _ Wlboo spoke ed t he way in wbiob the oosgreg►tlo cold be helpful M their pastor and aaeor•re him la his work. 8omeltmes • paster was with his people in their happy f&mlly g•th.riogs, and Seam - 15 [nee la the Ilene of mounting who s loved w was called from them. Regular and erompt attendees, was a great holy ti Ibe sslaberr Is 000duoting divine osnlor. A Reed seem! and literary program was gives. B. Hatcher sad Juncos Tema/too, of Goderleb, sane to good vole.. Mies Ass bunt, of Gde:ha, made her first appear. thee before. Eschare sdlooe,wd w• hope she will some again. The r.siiatloas of Mhos Wilson arid Rhythm were well glum sad rivetted the atta.tla of their bearers from beginning to ..d. The tastram..tal esl..ricer rendered by Merry. Toos.en, Casspslge* sod Mabee were very pleasing. Mw °aspslge was the aecompmet of the *Vail./ At the eran of the program the pastor, Rev. Jas Hemline, thanked all who bad given their aealatw.as 50 the ma - 'narration. Among the anthems were two farmer members of the oharoh, Mr. and um Wm. (.reen, late of Caseeltes, North Dolton. who after twenty years' &heroes h ave returned to speed the messing of Moir days is 0.4.0404'. SHEPPARDTON. TasDAT, Jana 20.h, 1999. Jas Tient spat Seedsy at tom... Mee. Hathaway le vintt.g her sister, Ma Ben Graham. Mn. 0. Urea, of Udrieb, "pat a day .t Peter Orme s Mir Jesab M,Ksnl'o was viettlglr at W. Barrow's for a few days Mr. sed Mn.. Thc.. Do.ab.rsy spent Bea aria, said S..dsy at L..kew. Mir Flora.. Graham, ei Ooderleb. was a guest se Tim Graham's Mk week. Joe. Tigert M pokiest gene an addition to Ms been. presentably foe hi... Job.. J. KL Tow, 1. P. S., .ai Mir Icgtts, of Ne 6, Gibers*, pad er wheel a visit ea Tuesday el last week. A number of ear preml.mt Mimes hays takes la the ex..rsbm b Datrel, this week. W• wish them a pie..at time. Mrs. nee. 8ispee resolved word on 1r1. day that her brother, Mr. Graham, et San - sew, Mie►., was very ill. Ste loft a Bet. arday to ge tote him. A groat may of the peepie of this viofn- Iny ,pests very .. oysbh time an the,oboel r:ts held b Hawktne' grove at Port Al• es Sensrd.y. Joss 17. Tim boys ed glris of the sonaol alloyed It heartily .las. W A law ef them obead prism la the mess, w intim • obsmpiesehlp pre,. Nob me bad for 85sppardte.. PORT ALBERT. Monism Jane 19.1. 8Mtate Taber to title mildly has Ana de. laved by rains. but will likely be gotta through with this week. Brae -A► Willes Rieherdeo's 15.re was a by last Thursday, ad lemons* (T.sed.y) there w41 .he neo .a Thomas RReb.rdes.'s. lfscountowners. - Mrs. D.K.y, Meese Mary sad Mead Stevenson, sad John Simp- e rs, Jobs Qsafd, Wm (.Mny sad Ori Rets wh1 take la she weeesS.e es the Goy .5 Toledo. Dat t�111111L-L..d ► w.esdey eves' i.. after O0ir1ba 'Weaver, Mew limpt14ee Hardee sae MATE Maw weer dgeibed &Wein be Mind the Seeder R.M.l sed 0. a ...,earl.a to be kaki .t SsAer es hived y sed Wed.sedq, MA ..d Elev. Parvere Prime -Me. sett Mrs. Little, of Gek.•w, with Mseds mad .o.m.stles., ars .peedla1 she day by the bks .ad osier. tee Serwee Wer..s.-Lest Wedwasey • hue two Deog.aroe &ad .cigbbwee.d m• eyed a ,15555nark 5.. M tee '.-People teem et.d• whore re flag tip so. passu ear splw4d peek. • Demser DAT CsaawsArrotr.-Do.kNa Dag will be ..IdS.ssd koro t. busy I.Ma3 faebtea. rider the marker of (Mort Pert Albin, Nee 6611, (10.1. The sl.ke.the w115 Wises s Oa1th..$.. Verve.. • pew free el wises .peers • 1• 5.14 =WM. womb estifM &lbw beam bead, dead... we, Tee twillagyipeIliethare ... hilt. R...00r --#.ae d ver Peri A1MH isepl. et Goin' while Me pretest wen gem .., bee OW skive N Ups °vie ee . ..sptMMl/ wet - Ilia O. is ratansa mime fT5.day) from a tittle weebit eWs ei Mr..rw. ike* mossy. -- .is litendole ha. wowed fie.. beldam Web. Ifs We Meleili&-Mt .d IlleFeEy.M:Esele Sao. lay *5 i - the ts�. w NM fielerlay, Meese tlMea, 1... wpllw &vieww, RNIa Ellett. Bdtt5 Wiggins, Jy^^Brie rWtglas Row ot 15.s we Warewl e goi&g home is eke boat, bad tether a ebIlly time ot 11. -Mir Mary Dunbar ie vbttlo. la 8tealey.-8rw dais rave Mao - Keane lot the ).b for repadna' the advert at Willem Gamy'., and the weak Is sew being dee.-Jessph Tigre, Kra Simem o and Mr.. Feeler left Saturday ame.lai for Seesaw, MvIsR 5..e, called sway by the Masse of their e �brGraham, Geo. Graham AoHrtgLD &moot. Picac.-Tho plosle held hen amt Seesrdey under the asopioee of the Asian/ Creel division was gait. e uoawf0L Nino schools furoisbed their quota, .id es .ha day was Queen's weather all bath. mod Mme. Garnets Wiggins' midMaras s mil boats were ea hand mad were takes 'rates, of by those who were land of the wailer. Swigging and games foe the obtldras sad Maoism for those a Unlined made the afternoons 8y, and 1ste he the evening the crowd dispersed. -_--_-- The tolMwig a taken from 75.0.05,411. fen.er and reins to • daaahtsr el TIM,. Hsi wkise, of this village: •• The be..Mlsl boom of Mr. asd Mrs. T. 8. Joy preeated • mogriaseasaapearesies yeatteday .iter, Doan, thecosegiem being the marriage of thole aline, HMG Alias Gram Hawkins, to Mr. Albert Drayton Jordan, of trakllo, Teen. The parlor whore the ceremony was performed was a grdest of pales ad terse and er&fll05 vim% while sweet pea bice....., °anatices .ed Anterloas Beauty roses were seed is flak profusion. The bride, who le a graduate owns of thin atty, was attired la white tonsils t'e soba, and ostrled a bug* bouquet of real orange blossoms. 8ho ase attscdwd by bee two Bowies, Mir Mildred Harruoa and Mise Eils.beth Horn, who were &Ise dressed in white, ad o&rrled w hite *mations a which the bridal party k•eS.d while 15e fmpreselve e.rem.uy o1 the Episcopal sherd' was read by Rev. T F. Made, of 8t Amn's. Mr. Jorda e a yeas pester of Fraikli., Tann , sad belop to one of the older families is the owe. H. was shaded ev bis eee*te, Yred. C.sa1Rnam, of Alabama. Mir Hawkins W may friends, bob1 prefeesbeaal sad whenwe, and st1 .site 1■ ♦Mims the yeast wept, • les' sad happy life." BLUEVALE. MOIIDAT, Jane 1915. Mfr Bard M.Craoken is v4tdag in Bras. .she. Ed. Coulters, of Ripiey, •peat Smiley at W bee.. Mee Anse Oliver has retailed from • visit to Brussels. Mir Mary Roer, d Tomato, M 'Siam friend. la H. y 11lage. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Lstow.1, spot 8a.day at Mr. Mariirs's. Rev. W. J. Wert is attendla' the assem- bly fa Massillon this wank. Mise Maggie Bargees sad little once, M Br.s.ls, are v4./Mer h the village. Mr. and Mn.. Robe, Muogr.ve are away on • Kip to Manitoba ad the P.clde cease. Mn. Jas. Lee and 11tt1e daughter. of Sea - forth, etre visiting Mrs. Lege', brother, Hugh Res. Kos. Mawr, wile W been veletas .1 his home or the oast Mem weeks, loft Brawl, day sterna( last ter Hamll"on. where he has precured a almonds la • drug Mors 80. Helene : Mrs. Lockhart aid Mn. MU spent 8osdsy, Jane 1115, with their mother, Mrs J. Jaoobe, as Newtavll1., 55 bels r M righty -.lath anniversary et her birtboay. The old lady le lisle add Warty ad 000tem- plaw taking It trip el fear bandred mike this s•wmr. Oraibrook : Os Wds.adsy of last week Rev. D B Molise tied the matrimonial bow 5.5wee• Ndooa H. enrdtff, a well -to do young farmer of the 7th ooewemfoe, and Mies Ansi., the walemble daughter et Job. MoOarte.y, .t the 3rd. They have takes up hos..!..pity es Mr. Cardiff's 100 sore farm. Cliste : The other day as Mrs. 0. Rest - lodge was imitates a grape vise ever the pump and was weeding ea the 1 &sf.rs et Ste well It gave way, pwlp$Mtias her down the we1L Thera nem se este bet a little 'voodoos al had, sad Me Mid ism to iris • rope, w51eh he dM, wale Me bees on to the rime, wed by self pp_stlm managed to get exit, e*t math th. VMS fee her steer - mace. WE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP smai1{ MLU. 5 NM MRF, MOM 111111NE l NNSB Mlll; CALL Awn ass Twat. Tear am BAUSAIR . kyc Co. dielsl9, Od1:111B 112p1rA- cou Mr5 W000 CHARCOAL and KINDLING. Ws are .till at the mese old stand, Nelms Street, when we have been .uppliing our etl�t,:..' _pcStc t aetdbme of yeas ., • o iise Use fuel that mit. you. ._.. Orders Lott with oar delivery riga or et Worsen'. stove and tin .hop and at oar utile, will receive peorppt at5otioa An coal weighed on market scale., mime °therwi.e ordered. We run several Ikayr in 000n.otion. CARTAGE S FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager Pouts 69. 2687-t1 PLANIZPf? MILL. llllchilllaiis & �h *alro'*OTQ*Os BABEL DOOR and BLIND Desloge la W Maas at LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Aad b ad.A md•.Ial .1 every *rein/rte• °chooi Furniture a Soecialty CANTELgtil Pantry, Oyster Pattie:, Tart], Shari Bread and Cream Rollnifince Pie: and Lady Fuer:, Eines, Iacaroona, Iaraa�ue8, Brandy Scapa, Etc. are r good as the beet male W any city to Canada. Centel ”t loads the trade t" WEDDING CAKES in fancy (fastening and ornament- ing and almond Cis.° b5m .nittedtfdoing. .ria bels bht• id •tion w111 be arwured. D. CA NTELON, WEST -8T. NEW ODS ll1TSdoGOoEeCoeTs READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP MT own make. C 11 W me these. .Geode maid by yard or made up fa Me latest THIRMB UlHH- H. DUNLOP Next Beak at Messed titedarten EPP$'S COCOA Distinguished everywhere for Deli yof Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Speally grate- ful and oom of to the nervous and dyspeptic.d Sold o onin 1-4 lb. tins JAAIIRS IIPPB & do., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, Hngland. BREAKFAST surrU EPrS's COCOA PAINT PAIN? PAINT � . We have the . Leader W , ther and Water -Proof Beady-Iiied Paints The customers want it because their neighbors have had it and .peak so highly of It. We also hive • full line of White Lead,Oi.Yarnis a ,Bros:. 11sve yon seen our Bicycles I From our lame sales we are satisfied that we have the beet value in the market Let us figure on your Plumbing, Heating and Troughing. 05.11 and examine our Wire Fence toe farm and lawn. Our large sales of same assureus that it is cheap and Al value. Bicycles cleaned and repaired. e LEE SHEPHARD ST. LEON, THE OONQUEROR, C.mma.ile a Mahar figure Mao my of Me 1765 U. 8. *primp; the soly wake Is A.olsa toffee N. Diode.; 4s57 el 1750 a Car - lead, M eider dna swum se We. MAW vigor bad lay mad prolow strew life. *Ocean Wire St Lass lnrivalbd, 0. A NAI RN mews 7111mM ilirleitMe 9Mlt y5nup. THE REDUCTION IN PRICI3S has reduced our stock, but not enough to suit us yet. A FEW MORE SPECIAL 'LINES THIS WEEK : 75o. Blouse Silks in Checks for 4084 40o. Blouse Silks, fancy., for ......20.. 25 and 50c. Dress Goods for 111o. 12 end 15c. Fancy Muslim for 10e. 12 Print, 36 inches wide 6e. 54 -tach Table Linen. .... , 18e. 10o. Glass Towelling 8e, 10o. Flannelette Shirting ba 15o. Cottoned° ....121e. OARPBTS AND OIL CLOTHS, MEN'S FURNISHINO8, MILADY-TO-WBAR CLOTHING, BATA AND 4411. 1 All at tee Lowest Prows, ee.slds.ly the Quality. s MONBY SAVBD BY BUYING FROM J. H. PEDDER Oolborne's Old Stand. God . , 1 t i t r YY 11111 CAJDT Paris Green r SrrRealise ees a Pure eal 1 .vmrl maramw- _AT_ The Central Drug Store. Pure Hellebore, Insect Powder, Whale OU Soap, Slug Shot, eta PRICES RIGHT. S. E_ glOg ?Seabee. No. PO. CHEMIST i R. 6:M.'S1Vf1TH DRY" GOODS CO. Same Speci Barpos: Zephyrs, 4 oz. for lea Daisy Spool Silk, 25o. Spool Silk, " 10o. Tinsel, 3 baud " 50. 1e, skeins Silk, a dos. " 5e, T'riaba4 $.ob aidery Bilk, half price. Rope Bilk, Ft os. Bilk, Roman Silk, Colored Braids, - Colored Crochet Cotton, Quantity Berlin Wool, single and dbl.. Counter -Stamped linens, 50. R. 33. SMITH. C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. Millinery Novelties for '99. The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two leading shades are Mulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in vogue this season. Wo do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and best in millinery at all seasons of the year. M. E. CAMERON Hamilton Street. Apprentices wanted. , R. W. MCKENZIE AGENCY FOR THE nYERICAN �.WOYENWIRE FENCE Nob if karp. arm term Nanny &limbic Amply provides fir expansion and contrac- Nen, Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniferrh quality. Never goes wpofl8 no mutter how great a on* is put upon Does net muti- effic1esttlsassy tura cattle. horses. OKs sal els NI NI g IEJ s• sill SO v dr_ - an - - I I - tai; - fad - s I Mt an ME MINE CC • 111111111101 111111111111111691 NI IN IN1 OM mai se um eft A�ainpm1 tai on MN - PR GIS OnOMInn OOP • 5 EVERY ROO OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED Ar TN( MANURACTUNIMS. 011111 terser she *, Cas eller you how it will save you money• Having bought lame quantities of Builders' Hardware before the steady advances which have taken place, I am in a position to give better values than are to be found elsewhere. Try me on Locks, Hinges, Nails, Lead and Oils. R. W. McgENZIE, THE PLACE TO BOT HARDWARE CHEAP. .1