HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-15, Page 10Tsusawf, JtIM- -18, 1891. TH�4 SIGNAL s GODEIIIOR ONTARIO. '' Attisutusalliair- fr, • mmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrtmmmmmmmmmmmtnmmmmftrmmmm 1 t E E E E E E E EE E E $1.00 Goderich TO - Detroit 4 J,a,. ..r,. .Oo 1 3 • 1 Goderich e; - =Detroit 3 and RETURN: 74-4arrria RETU RNe - a E r-- a e • 3 CITY OF -411 DO E E E E EE E E E E E E E E 3 Will o ericTuesday, June 20 1 At 8 p..m.,,. Q.rriving in Detroit at 3 p.m. RETQRNING Will leave Detroit THURSDAY, JUNE 22211, at 2 p.m., = M . arriving in Goderich at 9:30 p.m. 3 - This w,ill.give.Crodaicb and surrounding-oounbry the cheapest and grandest a.evereiffered;'oe the speedies8a&Mi Most popular Steamer on the Detroit 3 about two days to visit friends and the many places of interest in the great CONVENTION- Clgod Hotel Accomm, dation from $1.00 to $3 00 per day. Ekilt Time Card. A full moon for our flee friends to drive home after Mint to Goderich. Every Day A gargainDay. Till the end of the month we are offering some Special Bargaias in Broken Lines of Bpnng Goods, marked down to be cleared ont. Come and get a few of the Snaps. Spring Dress Goods A splendid line of Fancy Brocaded goods, regular 6Oc. tor 36e. Spacial line of Plaids and Stripa at 11c. Special Duck Suiting. at Spacial White Pique at 10c. Special White Duck at 10c. Lovely Black Boucle Cropon Dur Goods in new designs, 75c., 11.00 sad 41.96. Bargains in Clothing For 16.00, a special line Men's Tweed Suite. Well made. Well lined. Good fitting. World be cheap at 17.00. Fins Wool Tweed Pants, special it 11.00. Mrs's Waterproofs clearing ler than oust. Boy's Clothing in two and three piece suite Boy's Clotl•ing in separate pants. Boy's Clotting In Blouse suite of washing material. Bents' Furnishings New stylish light Fedoras, regular 19.60 for 11.76. New stylish light Knockabout Hat* at hoc. Fine Black Oashmer. Socks, regular 960. for 900. New styli►h Ties in Puffs and Knob. Wide Huh and Collar Ribbons in PWd Chocks and plain shades, very mow. Ladies' and Childrop's Fancy Plaid Ressry. Ladies' Fancy Rook Collars and Ties. Sp01al fart colored Prints,. new patterns at 15e. yard Illlinery Bargains Charing all Trimmed Millinery now. Also a special lot of shape in Blacks sofa colon, awn down in prints. Come and a bargain A full range of Children's White Bo.nN. and White Hats. Ladies' White Sailors, etc. White Underwear Have you visited our White Underwear department t We have a full range of Night Gowns, White Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, Wrappers, etc. Ready.to.wear Skirts and Blouses. Hosiery and Gloves Special all colors, all sines Kid More at 11.00. White and colored Silk Gloves at 96c. Special Black Tiller Gloves, regular 26c. for 17c. Fine Black Cotton Hose, Hermadorf Dye, 2 pain for 950. Boy's Fast Black Hose. ribbed, 2 pain for 960 Jewelry Those new stook Cellar Baskin. The latest novelty. Novelty Rime Set. and Pins. Latest in Sash Buckles. Later in Cyrano Chains. aar Glove Fitting Patterns Only 100. Equal in fit, in style and economy of Material to any 95n. pattern. Renk }ed every Pattern only 10c. ..'PRICE:"""""` SMITH BROS. & CO. Iliolatert aad Win arsdasfa of M.sechurta _ _ Jar of ltnbalriag. tial#' ' � tiii i�rsilrw .swws .toasts. io•waitocal. thy hes amen. Oaks l.. Job PrlsMsa leskaaw r As moldiest esnrrod la this Grad Trask elation yard tan .beet 0 ,deet Teeday sight of last week, s yawl ars noosed Sorry a..t Yeas instantly 1dM- slosaita eeai the �isw.iNiitibia �.1 tit* .igeBet w.M k+..moMvo s s. ulid the our k. meek* tr4Ina dimwit," ba Mesh Is M tie res. tw dim haat be elm/ the ..spins u :. t..Ye wi les .«tows yoe.,606 r sad sass war awed te dew Mews the humps, et leo nag sed lke Ira* el M. testes. 7'Yo body wo terribly semaisL. Bast, who w.. .senrtil .d .b.M tw.stveas ran .1 vs. mos kers fres Psim.rne .ems fon erode alp sad ire a les Wale atoll .f the so Indies w Ile gasysl Irsl► 1 ASTHMA P 1MANBNTLY CURED a wsa - Ilia..■ O.mwna■ 110s.rr r.r* e.tas ion fou• fta Te..r-re.- saMsmlr Oww- w, Q..laa'. Kala Csepa ad. L D. Rltt. lag.. Cardeests. writes : . 1 aaa es lwod tor at toast fa sous from w Peat of Maim sad wort - anew Mw years �IM�I Mrsv pU- wa040asr- hoYls l ..a "41....?• i ;' nint''`'bm461 MSKalea Rales orps. 1ylppYi�wti over. W Ast1m. Mr .M trews we Is the Yet. 1 woad soled end - Wing trim tli to try alsrby Rog ar a olio sattred aY_ 41tM sere se ee out elgreiit. what Wren=a rep. te . eb veil- Sze �b �aaptaa Yemwew..i. ,*rM+o etesstm of pWIs• �": tater Ma &e wt4r lties I rittliita ea.. 111 Ilistrell street floe. "IsSistses. age , a Ver eels dame- " lY mortars raiaoo.pssna " FOR MALR B1 JAS. WILSON. Selo Asset. O.d.rtsk. JUST RECEIVED A Car -load of the Celebrated Samson Brand PORTLAND CEMENT The Best and Cheapest Portland Cement in the market. No danger of walks crumbling to pieoes when made of this cement. AIAO IN STOOK Foreign Portland Cement Calcined Plaster Firebrick, Etc., Etc, All of which will be sold at advance on cost. F. ilAilbO I.r Sole agent at Goderich for the Uwen S.sad Portland Gement Co. 1 BROPILY & SON - ewe tamale - iwlwriiititssitorsioxid endows esve.lply taloses Met all bomb stabs or mar. masa am Waal Street. ..sMo.at, lwobee Ileresa.. =;r.. 1110110. M Jas. Ish 1000, for 60. *1 On., .100rodittogedi.,Th. M 11,1 1• O.Awpo - TI. following chases allotting tl'. Mod battalion hone bass ,awMd : Plevaia.al 8.osd Ilsat. T. McDesald haying able.,.* Massif her the anneal tests, of lir sorra, kis soma a r.r.ved fres the Ices of *Maas of lis na- tive eittia. Prevaies' Reseed LAW. A. W. Forester retire. T. he ssosied Ilea ss.. ..M, p�ceali , C. *snail, restless,, riot T. M.Do.Jd, retired ; F. J. Lkadesy, sostlosaa, rte. A. W. F.rwt.r. T. M Naerarr @amebas, Rev. J. A . Hodgl.a, 1 NEW COOK STOVE !r :4i) Lw• ` f . - -f .4? rOrl•ti,, _....„.„.....,, ,.„weir;4 At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDBKN StovesandRanges Obr.L JT CATTLE BROS. Fieri, Sleamallert and 'Midi Went Ado et Bguare, set Sturdy Brea OUR BIG 4••• River, and C. F. B MAN, Traffic Manager Star Line BtssIIII4ea A Great Snap la our Ginger Resp, a1 be. a of wbioh we sell a barrel a weakk. This Isn't oar oily snap, es we carry everything Was cam be fss.d 1. an to - lo -date grocery sten, ad one prier an right. The tames know Yee they os.a always get from en a seep 1 r their pndeo.. tWerrew the Hie at s• legitimate trade - eveythlug gen : fibroses or potatoes, aard*al stalls choicer table Chis. We deal b all of iter. T. G. TIPLING & 00., Bedford Sleek, Gederke WOOL - -V! I am prepared to bey this season's clip of Wool, ea usual, at the Benmiller Woollen Mills HIGHEST CASH PRICE .. Is eeehs.a. ter Etass5rwrre Arllelea. JESSE 6LEDIILL. WOO L HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE! ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 11111 WOW Scraiitou Hard CSI IN Ttili ii.aKv r w am rem set fall'ea tho lis. f too. .mist Whit. LEE. Order.o at ei � Star+ promptly W .�M. THAT UGLY PAPER Ought not to stay on year wall any longer when you can get really artistic color - 1°R' and dainty patterns as Iowa. e OENTO PER ROLL. G E O. WATSON, Purrs* AIR PArsti Hswiss, Mowtesal Sk, . • Nor the Msrbt. a !rSi-• ��t4lT •1 • WORSELL has a geld ismay Rea el Eavetroughiag ; d, - sae - Tm "'.. lief* ud Sidiag oant0Sy pal ala. IIADQVA.rfmr ,e. Wood and Ooal Furnaces - woesEii�a:.w. CODE raOH. WELLAND VALE BICYCLESout R Bio SEASON' 1898. CHAIN MODELS : 0101N 1gON, >e-� =""$35. GARDEN CITY, $46. PERFECT, -'*56. 5 PERFEOT - CHAINLE88, $76.00. A feature of the WELLAND VALE Wheels is the undisputed fact that they cost less for repairs than any other make, and are besides the easiest running on the market. We cater to the requirements of all classes of riders, and our different styles and prices will suit the most exacting tastes. We are the pioneers in the manufacture and use of one-pieea creaks, which are tmdoubtodly the beet attachment over employed, so much so that the majority of leading Bicycle -makers are copying the idea as nearly astbey darn. A Fine Line of Bicycle Sundries to select from. R. W. MoKENZIE, Local Agent for (loderici and Vicinity