HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-15, Page 9!pan flf! TO MOM.
oars d Mina Prom all her
• kl.
Akke singe of where w Mt MR row
The Manitoba Conservative sprit.
tea will be bold In Minutiae on Jens
ler. Coffin, of Wbitte, bas beau see
posted Oraad Trunk station Agent
at 1leIMvWe-
7pe Montreal Street Hallway Cc'om-
d all h1t. emu7Ms voluntarily
raised ley
Ma or Raymond has resigned bio
Pool as Mayor of Brantford to so.
Oro tee potation oe postmaster.
Tbe by-law to leve t beteturee for
eie0,000 for the purchase of the
waterworks was defeated to Strat-
The anneal ouaventkw of the Oo-
terko Lioennehaldere Atnoolatlou will
be held et Kinshitst Oil the 80th and
21st Jane
Many of the Pittsburg mills hays
been toned 8Sege
*number rufteprostra-
y andd
ties* have wcerr'ed.
Tbe County Connell of Slmooe ball
preheated the ooent7 battalion with
a $100 cup to entourage the rine
practice of the men-
eaThree young women. .Wdents of Mc-
Kenndnes College. were drowned while
bathing In Silver Geek. two miles
north of Lebanon. 111.
The San Francine° Examiner says
that' the ParMlo Coast Company,
otherwise known as tee Cracker
Trash, has collapsed.
Joeepb Monkman. who rescued the
late eoveroor Schultz from tate hands
of Rel during the rebellloo of 1870,
is dead. aged 89 years.
A true bill has been bro1gbt In
amine. Jacques Boileau and his wife.
of Ottawa. on the chars of murder-
ing thele adopte l daughter.
Manitoba Conservatives wW hold a
convention in Winnipeg shortly, after
which Hon. H. J. deadest/Lid will be.
gin a tour of the Province.
Madame Dreyfae has reoeived the
rolkeri ug telegram from her hatband:
"Leave F
Friday. Await with joy the
moment when 1 Mel yogi"
A deputation from the London' Ont.,
City Council nom gess to Ottawao in-
terview the Government regardsag the
propcesd Loudon Lean & Lake Hur-
on j IIwae,
Tile remains of Augustin Daly will
be embalmed and sett to London. The
funeral serf age will take pima .1 a
Catholic church In London. and Med
the body -will be sent to New York.
Congreerman HJI. Of Iowa. says:
"General Otts thlnka 80,000 trona
'efficient to quail the trouble and re -
store peace, bat In my judgment at
Mat 60,000 ,odds,* would be far
Annie Emboli.. the five-year-old
child. wbo disappeared frees New
Britain. Conn.. bee, It mems sheeet
certain. been kidnapped. The oom-
muolty is stirred ep as It bas not
been for year&
At the Hull Asthal the grind jury
suggested that the law with respect
10 vagrants and petty leroy should
be changed snso as to allow of tech
Weeder,' being penlabed by the lash
In addition W Imprisonment.
1. E. Loomis, superintendent of the
New York Senequehanna and West-
ern Rahroad, has resigned to tike
charge as superintendent the (Pal
teeing properties of the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western Railroad.
The French (;hasher adopted. by a
note of 821 to 178, tee order of the
day 1'ropamd by M. Runes. Radical.
which the Preeelee refused to ■Ce
rept. Thi litialetere forthwith left
the Home. lemma excitement.
The Ontario Vulveralist Ooaven•
tion will be bid at Olinda os Jane
letb, 17th and 18th. Clergyman from
the Untied States will be present to
couluct reigious services each day.
The Holing Nerve* will be co Sunday
evening. the 18th.
Robert Strachan lase died on Tues-
day at Newburgh, N. Y. He was born
is Port Hope, Canada. He entered a
regiment of Michigan engineers at the
oetbreak of the civil war, end &Greed
with distinction in the army et the
Cumbemajorland, hale( to the rank of
The present expedition against the
forme of fi-
cult etch nis encountered lby lo elbow the dl an
army which meat depend upon agon
trains In catching barefooted ban-
dits In their own mountains, and also
eves leoct that the rebels do not in -
Sod to fight battles
At a meeting just hold at Valencia,
the archbishop of teat plate presiding.
1t was decided to *epigraph an ria;steo to the peace conference at Thr
, sating the delegates t0 tame
elder the steps to be taken for the
'Mese of the Spaeth prbosnn In
'Is hands of the illlpinoa when their
other labors ane ooncleded-
1n response to a demand for more
Moe, made by many psbltc 'iflclais
and organisations invited to partici.
pate in the oosferenoe on combina-
tions and trusts( in Chicago, on June
26th and 29th. the general committee
having charge sat the arrangement*
has decided to change the 11131s for
the meeting to dept. 13th and 18th
The cable deinatchee from London
indicate that then lea t of the
Governments of Great et n and the
Coned Statenf w to an agree-
taint, by meanie oeh the Anglo-
ndoAmerican Commladen will be again
a®moned b rearms the or=uslderatlae
of the Alaska boundary dlaptte weld
the Proposed arbitration treaty.
A mob of Remiss /We attacked a
Cleveland motor Oar on Orange artist
Memtay night. breaking the windsw.
with stones. The motorman. Frank
Chart wasand would have
been killed 4ad edn0i Maws R.oskantt
admitted him to 81. saloon and hid-
den him. The pollee queued the eta*
and arreot d four men and one wo-
m sn. killss n tsof o ha trouble wag
014. he a Motor esrilsy. We.
®elation from Cayenne. Fanelli
Oslanw, to a local fPwe etgeney, states
%bat the saodald clans. bleanr
ch ornto
Bta1 has left the Isle de 8alet, with
Drol72101 on board Cinn et
Aral tads re ell eatery
ml resat
who saluted him In the
itu Then t8e primmer weed to hie
"erDoB and
d wrote
w 11ososer Metter to Oen.
tatn, I teeletter tba °ap
gnorant et iseeigeetrs's peehe
dee against him. a oNthe warm-
s*s* t,r,,e t,l tads foe *less t he 1e
ish br1 t
Chin. alba jdtw mewled in
g abs 01 t Patinaemew
Annlat the Pa
iY. ,peet.rike
• 3ettlert,a• wbnee
reinerft semed the
afreMe. ret quietly out With the lady
OeeenpsPsn i him. Rat they were re-
w'nv1, Ind their
carriage by the
son erdereod the *ogler fhb gNlttle-
the e eeaehelaeh le w ep
ahernas,tr to pieta. the etowd
golf" mel/, bo'wever,ws seised
e ens' end maltreated the Met!
would la otesre wan tarn bad *he
az'al have betters .lyd fro! ssv-
a repatliideg mead elft
Iin`m lbs eolatoters "At
e° e madam err
reit he lady Nein,
111111 MANILA,
;._'.. Shaughnesc
Succeeds Van Horne,
Ftnmrn' has 1t that to -day ser WII-
Ilam Vau iiorue will resign the Pre-
sidency of the C. P. IL, and that Mr.
Shaughnessy will be unanlmuuly
plated at the lead o: Cantata's great
trans-cesntnerntal highway.
Kir William Vale Horne will pro-
bably maintain his oonnect,on with
the executive as chairman of the
board, a position which will also be
created today.
Mr. Shaughnessy war born in Mil-
waukee ou Oct, 8th, 1858. After hay -
leg received what might be termed
a good common school education, at
the age of 16 he entered the pur-
chasing department cd the Chi-
cago, Milwaukee & 8R Pate Railway.
Tian years later be was ep olnted
general etor'ekeelm for thls great
In 1880 William C. Van Horne,
who was (leneral Hugerintendeet of
the Chicago & Alton, acoepis0-tee
game the L'btlon int the biter road.
ago, Mllwatikee & St. Paul.
At this time Mr. Shaughnesy held
his high poslt!ou, and both men work-
ed under the ane Board of Direc-
tors. A year later, in 1881. Mr. Van
Tice SSW President el the C. P. R.
Horns was offered the position of
General Manager of the Canadian
Pacific Railway.*
In 1882 Mr. Shauehneesy waa ape
pointed to the position of General
Purchasing Agent of the Canadian
Pacific 'Railway. It tut also been
stated on more than one occasion by
practical r'_llroad men who knew,
that Mr. Shaughnessy saved the Can-
adlan Pacific Railway Company me-
lees of money the fart few years
be was with the big Canadian con -
men. Be revered contracts, as well
as the system of buying, and gave
carded attention to prices, because
he knew the proper valve of a paper
of pins as well as an express train.
It la also saki that be waved tbeoow-
peny Immense sums on coostr.tctton
Two years later, d Jauoary,. 1884.
be was appointed assistant to the
General Manager. In 1889 be was
appointed Aesistant President.
L might be remarked that Mr
Van Horne had also bees clembingup
In the estimation of tbe C. 1'. R. di-
rectors. In 1884, on the retlreeneet
of Duncan McIntyre from the Vice -
Presidency of the company, he was
appointed to fill that position. Thea
In 1888 when Lord Mount Stephen
retired from the Presidency. Mr. Van
Horne went into the position, which
had coupeed with et a K. C. M. G.
sitz years later.
In June, 1891. Mr. Shaughnessy was
elected a director and promoted to
the position of Vloe-PreskIent, which
position he held until to -day.
Arehloald Sherlock'. Horse Became
Prdght.m.d sae a Team.
Toronto, June 12.-Arohlbakt Sher.
lock, No. 684 Front street east, re-
oelved Injuries which resulted fatally
on Saturday morning.
Sherlock was employed In driving a
Dart at 0ooderham'a byre . and on
Saturday, It M ski. lie was elven a
young horse, which wan unused to the
pleasing can Tito animal became
frightened at a pulsing0. T. R -
freight, and ran away. e rig, with
Sherlock In 1t, was overturned, and the
wheels passed over he body. He was
p eked np by men who sew the noel -
dent. and Dr. Coateworth was rem•
mimed, after which the Injured man
was removed to the General Hospital.
Sherlock suffered from several frac-
tured rite, n broken leg, and seven
lnt•rnnl Injuries. Shortly after mid-
night on Ilatnrday he passed away.
Sherlock was a married man, fiR
years old. and had lived In Toronto
for 54 bean.
(flubbed an Intruder so severely H.
May fit..
Tadoesso, true-. June 12.-Ye.Aerday
afternoon a man namedl Perron. while
ender the Influence of liquor. tried to
force lila way into the limbs of Marie
Catphe, a wldnw. The woman raeleled
hie entrance, and struck him with a
stink on the forehead, knocking him
aergsele+rs to the ground Perna Is Ptll
rxuentwelmes and It is feared his atoll
le fractured
D eaths Prom Starvation - Miners
Saar Pecan Scurvy.
Victoria. B. C., Jane 18. -Miners who
have just reached here from the (heed
sextets of the Rtewest elver tell of
number of deaths heat starv*tlnn
among the Indian. Chief (arm nacre
flood an Indian girl. and troops have
galle horn Selkirk Barrack. to arrest
Scurvy le pervaient among the min-
ers on the Stewart and Selwyn Rivers)
and there have teen three deaths
Ask a New Trial.
Toronto, Ont.. June 12.-applleethon
was made before the Devishenal Court
At Ozgoode Hall this morning for a
new trial for Felwerd Elliott; the 16
broil lad condemned to he hanged
bff 41mdse. The application was made
1. *..Hodson, of Ingereo 1. the chief
ground being that the evidene.• of een
stable Smith and Reeve Mel/lllan as
to .tat.mente made by the prisoneer
to these after his email' shrmM not
hate bele adpltted. The motion Wan
seppppoeser tp dd by Dimni i Attorney General
Osrtwvtght, and jnigment was re-
Tern det..ggaatem. r.prwntInl 201)
Harman famillee in Austria. arrived nt
Wienipeg Frisbee. They Intend to
inspect land throng (*t the Wirth -
weal. wad to. report.
The rent of nil dtaeentent M self
-'s,-J. F. Clarke.
=1"1"i1' .7C=.. .mi.
Natives Driven Back Resist-
ing Stubbornly,
1. Polucare Ohooses Ilnlatere for
a New Oabinet.
Arrest of an Italian General With Plans
of French Perth s:etlane - Dewey
Lands at ataaapore- lathra7 Wr.ok
Near New:
ego ' •40110114141
p w,...,.,,.,.vara • .i;+,r.M.
The Duke and Dlt*Sez of Orleaes
are at Turin.
The l'. 8. creaser Newark. has ar-
rived at ('naro, ('h111.
M. Polnoare la saki to have "elected
Ministers for a new French Cabinet.
Herr F. etx•kinger, the Austrian -
Hungarian Consul at New York, ho.
been appointed Deputy Consul (len
anal at Loadkon.
Otis velem that he has had another
battle with native* in Cavite, driving
them away. Rumor says the United
States had a heavy task and lost sixty
Baron Christian. who naaault.d Pre
✓ elent Loubet with a cane at the
Auteuil raoes, Paris, on June 411i. was
sentenced today to four years' im
Admiral Dewey landed yesterday
from the cruiser Olympia and paid,
a visit to the (loverwr of the Straits
mettlemente, Lieut. -Col. tier C. 13. H.
Mitchell at Singapore.
Special Importance is attached to
the Britieh Cabinet ('ouncil, which took
place this morning. It lasted u couple
of hours, and It is believed the Min
Inters finally determined upon the
policy to be; ,adopted towards the
A locomotive attached W two caro
of a epeciat train. on which was a
bridal party, ran into the ear of a
regular train as the latter war leave
Wig Mar afittlela atleeni -hide
New York last night killing one and
injuring 20, five seriously.
The Italian General arrested ISA
Nile , be General Gillette Ile St. Jos-
eph. He was examining aha fortifica-
tions on the frontier and a nuteber
of plans Of fortifications were fond
on him. He denied having been en-
gaged In espionage ; aid the
were merely thanof a tonriet. e
The l'hamber of lndlctments Ido•
I ay decided that then is tun case
agatst Lieut. Col. Picquart. charged
with forger in the Dreyfus case. or
against agaiMaitre Leblola, he counsel,
against whom chargee were also
made in connection with the case.
The judgment of the ort thus fl-
nally e1oyerates Plnquart.
At daylight to -day the rebels at
Cavite Viejo dropped two shells, from
• big smooth bore gun motivated in
front of the church, into the navy
yard. The only damage done was span -
tering the top of the huge shears on
the Mole. The U. S. gunboats Cal-
lao, Manila and Mosquito then pro-
ceeded to dismount the gun.
An afternoon paper asps that a man
named Elias Whitman of 88 Boerum
Place, Brooklyn, identified the tat-
tooed arm belonging to the dismem-
bered body fund t Bay Ridge. He
is quoted es sari t he saw a ing-
sthoreman gnarrelimg with a- com-
paniom o• South street at Fulton Mar-
ket, earl on Friday, June 2nd. One
of them had a croaa, such a is shown
on the body,tatooed on his right arm.
Japan to Give Her Neighbor
a Navy.•
Nan Franclaro, June 13.-A Seattle
especial says : A well authentratiel
story comer from Japan W the ef-
fect that 'all of the men of warcap-
turedl from the Oldness in the late
war between the two eountrlen are
to be returnee to the Minnie Gov-
ernment. This la part of the pol-
icy derided on to Japan to protect
her neighbor from the Inroads of the
powers. It is said stmt the only
requirement. to be made. Is that
China Invest so many millions In
new war ventals, to be built under
Japanese dlrectken.
The Hong Kong papers see tru-
Me nhend ff the Dowager Empres
and Oeoerale*dmo Junglu 'unlit upon
holding the proposed review of 200.-
000 Chinese hearts at Peking. Vari-
ous legations have advised against
the review all oalcolat d to endanger
foreign Intermits.
Mose daemon/Ong reports are
reai'htng Japan from the plague-
atrieken district of Formosa. The
inland is being depopulated to a
meat extent by the terrible diesasm.
Manila Rainer That Gs.: Lona Has
Bea Kilted
]Ilannilmb Jane 18, 8.35 p. m.-Informa-
ton, believed to he reliable, has
reached here of the a4.taslnatlon of
Oenerai Luna, and his aide-de-camp.
Lieut. talon Ramer, on Jnne tette, by
Akilinakin's guard. at the headliner -
tine of Agin/mkt). Luna and Ramon, It
appears went to the Filipino head-
quarters to confer with Agndnakin,
got into an alternatksu with the visi-
alxtale of the gtma . end one of -Linin
drew a rerolv.r. Tihe (nerds then
killed Luna and Ramon with their
The Shah r Light -Mended.
London, Tuesday, Jnne 13.-A 4.-
iu *teh to the, D1.lIy (braph(e trim tee-
Pinstripe' says that a Cossack ex -of-
ficer, who hu just returned from Te-
heran, Persia, declares that tbe Shah
is mentally sad physically iaeapecitat.
.d, and that es suffers irlluei•atlota
He finds his °Lief aawaement with the
telephone, whibb in slalantdy'Metals
led threlagbsst the palate.
Mes aerate Deers- ---µ--
Brantford. Ont., Ione 12.s- ltodore
Tri#IP, Aged ten years, ran away
frank hie home here en Sunday. and
has not been seen zlnee. Al. parents
are very anxious ahead him. Harry
Hebert. aged sixteen. also disappeared
from lines ou Thursday last. it 1s
believed the hors wets iorinci'.l by an
older led to ran swat and lead a dime
envie lift
.4 emoting M Rennin iibtatln Qrmb
eineatives at Whitler tfominated me.
( *aa. Cw hew for tar norm
t0 tabs place in the t1
y }..rw-.
A D1$P*VRD a18U88
Toeless Who Abused lou Potation In
laieukvllle Recorder.]
The lesooesker, edited by a Ide1ho
empelle-stesismehan ban Ile - ex.
pressed In words, some of the utter -
amen of last bight's ounfertmer meet -
leg. )o more intemperate lan-
guage ham of late years at Wast,
been heard ht any piddle gathering
in Brockville, not even la a political
meeeing where party feeling was at
a white beat.
The cam d temperance received a
deeper wound last night than could
be inflicted by sal the Licensed Vic-
tuallers Aesoolatkwls that could meet
t11l doomsday,
fu tbe firsplace the committees'
tewwperane. Inserted a clause in their
report condemning the Methodlmts
•d Bro. keine for allowing the recent
contest to be carried on without
rereaeiew W prohibition. To be-
gin with, although tate question wan
not a forced issue, It Is nos cor-
n et that no refereuce was made to
It. But mappens it were true,
the committee worded their reso-
lution in a *roarer that J* oekvtlle
people Irrespective of party will re -
rent. As a Methodist from his berth.
an tree to his church eel any min on
that soesaitte i, .the. -editor of taw
Recorder refuges to allow ruck un
autocratic resolution to he produced
on the floor of the Conference with-
out a protest. If these men Imagine
they can come from the four corners
of the Conference limits, and in
Brockville say to the Methodists of
Brockville, we know more of your
duty than you, they are mistaken. Do
tier pretreef that the Metbo isle--er
the 'riding are not just as worthy
members of the church as they, or do
they cherish the old Pharisaical
notion that all the goodness of the
*keret is wrapped up In them?
But in whet language did, particu-
larly one of the defenders of the
re.du1'on, urge him o cure. It was not
language -It was Billingsgate of a
low type. The man's name is Geo.
M. Webster, and lee comes from
Westmount. He declares that
the great bane in the Brock•
ville contest lied leen " is a
Brockville man god enough for
Broekvlller and he read It and re-
read it 1111 be concluded that a yel-
low dog was good enough for Brock-
ville. Imagine a man claiming to dic-
tate to the Methodists of Brockville
what their duty is am Christiana. us.
Ing such violently abusive and In-
sulting language In the midst of the
people be was aonalling, with hie foot
Oil the altar of the church. 1l was
called down and made to withdraw,
eati.ries..hieganeligelfa•-ir esylag•-th•e•
he had only reed the barge papers
and hid not read the tupenuy-ka'-
ny papers of the riding. le that
*rue? Where did be read and re -read
the wonky '•A Brockville man Ie good
enough for Brockville r'
Thin insult to the papers of this
town is a mighty poor reward for
the bourn of labor and many dollars
le cash they hare expended In giving
the conference meetings full reports
114e generally conceded that no fuller
meets have ever been given.
re were many other things
saki that were wholly uncalled for,
but the Recorder will not refer to
11 is but fair to state that the
majorifee of the conference did not
ncvluleece in these utterances.
We repeat and emphasise the wtate-
ment -that the uochrietbanlbke talkof
last night has disgusted the Mctho-
theta of Brockville and the injury
done the temp.ratnce cause by the
Intemperate language. will not 8*
overcome fdr many yarn.
Tbough it is no excise for the of
frnce. It le just to say that Mr.
Webster this morning sent a letter
of apology to the Conference for
his conduct of last night. One
Mame of the letter, though. le In-
correc•t. In which he excuses Ins In-
sult to the torn) papers tfy saying
tate local reporters were Interrupt-
ing him. The local reporters at
behind him when he warn 'speaking
and neither of them uttered a worn.
though the provucatIon waa great
Mr. Tara and the Conference.
That moat extraordhutry agitation
easiest the Governments Provincial
and Dominion, because remething hts
not been .tune to Interfere with the
legal coarse of affairs; in connection
with the lettere on Anikxutl Islasrt,
who dispute Mr. Menliar's possession
of the land he purchased, he. reached
n climax. The agitation has been
taken Into the Montreal Conference
of the Meth -idea Church now meeting
at Brockville. The result is it resole
ton taking the Hoe. Mr. Tarte to
tack because, as the resolution says,
he made an "unproven therggee meatiest
the membere of a church whh•h hotel.
approved eminence among the iaw-
abiding cltzene of oar Dominion, and
upon which the lion. twee! Tarte
Wei with much an.taelty rant an un-
provoked Imu It.••
We venture to why that there has
never been pawed In any 1•hurch
court In Canada a more remarkable
deelaratton. We expect that upon
lobpr, .e.vnd thought. membwre of
the conference will Nee to what a
singular pronouncement they have
lent their .rapport. There are several
gnev.tlonei which they 10111 likely aeik
them.elves when they see In print
the language with which they eon
'Wenn a Minster ole the Crown, who,
at the east, is entitled to as much
talrneo' ne any other man. Methodist
or noxon-Motho let. They will likely oak
themselves whether they meant to lay
It down, or think It .henld he laid
down, ase a permanent principle,
that a clarwe made against an In
dlvldual who h.ppens to be Metho
dieh, M a charge against the repute
tion of the whole Methoetlat
Church ; and, whether they are
prepared to nay that whets
wrong -doing Is ',bargee against
a mnn wee le is Methcdlgt, that t
and all other Methodists Ido, with hlo
ond^r euaptnion until the change le
dsgrrevcd, or fall, veleta him. Into dhe
gram If It be proven. We areere they
will not wall to admit either pmpoal-
ttnn, RIthntegh both are contained In
the tesoltrtto n as we rend It. One
other queetinn they may oak them
*'*..es. 1110 whether the conference of
a rhtere atter a,j , j e t p
11t" 1rt'fIi` .,, . , . f7Taaee tit • w'iilvhf
try such a elinrge a.h that for making
wiik•h they enrulemn Mr. Tarte, The
conference is n neeesnar7 lntrtvnment at
church government, but He usefelnese
w111 not be helped, we am quite can•,
by off -hand deliverances upon a class
of matt.rn In whose examination the
oonr to of the oountry with tnelr
tretrwd judge and their special ma-
chinery. nft.n fled themeelvee per
plezed and heatied.•The Miefbtneee of
• nitWoli mart and 1te aathwity is
withogt doubt„ weakened leaser de -
petters oh lir part team the smitten,
which properly MIs it And
‘1111 Is
le a •e.Rilcioh ether feelings
than eel for the chetah and religion.
the ereavisenhig le alb the more marked.
We ast'4*nsis through tt all, of omens,
altlMtlea we wish there were more
evidhtrw M sempntt the sueumpton.
Mat the eomI*rens wee rermfd
enough and hole enrnsslt to make n
thretvn/0 examination. Mtn the eves.
and that It did not Met gpoa ti deur
sexivpiri' Mt.*. slams Media we may he
ser., with net .ver mei* 1v .will
teemed Vee !Natal-Meat/ear Harald.
Aaron the Porde find La.4 ri10oier.
0f Logien& bee hi OIliWst
Jdmes Jeffi1es.,--
1 alllorutan a wooed later 104th •
lett swing cm the wore. A stralght
lett tram Jett made Fits'e bead wets -
bb, and *8101 wt1b a Ida swing e.
the }w, clan put Ii'►ts rr1 hle hwlt.
Flt. was von ve g7 w ben be jwl
up in five woosiies. and was sent
-dowagile-el* levy* anderigibizee -a
the jaw. He cause up again La five
seconds and Jeff rushed him to the
comer, trying vary hard to thiels
the champion. who war groggy. Jeff
wan too anuses and failed to finials
Me man.
Round 11 -Fits came up slowly, but
aamtmed the aggressive, Jeff stand-
ing at, evidently waiting for a knock-
out. They _clinched three times, oom-
ing to does quarters. Jeff put two
hard rights over Biz's heart, mad-
iag him back, bad then seat a straight
left to the neck, following wltb a
lett on the cheat. frits crowded in try-
ing his right for the jaw, but fell
short, but .ueoeeded in blackleg tbe
Californian's right return. Jett then
assumed the aggressfe and jabued his
left to bead. A. left on the jaw from
Jolt dazed Fits, who stood helpless 1a
the middle of the ring. Jett looked at
him for • mooed and having him at
bis mercy, swung h1a left to the jaw.
Fits went down and out, giving the
ohampioasblp to the Californian. The
Lime of the aleveat8 round. 1 minute
3t 3-6 ae000de. As boon as Feta was
carried to Ina corner the spectators
crowded over the beach*. and through
the ropes, and the pollee had great
difficulty in keeping the ring clear.
The partisans of the Califoan a1 -
most went easy in the exoht.ment
Fitz Dome to very quickly, and Jell
walked aeras to the defeated chains "
pion'. owner bad both .book hands
:msasileesneedg+a vt both* tlt'?-±trrirs va,;b4s
on Fitz's face be did set feel
disgruntled over Ma defeat.
New York, Jame 10, -Naturally there
war mach excitement and joy In the
deeming reams of Champion Jeffries
at Coney iau4 halt night, after th.
boob hadlabeta fought and wen.
In reepo im 10 several Ingtdrbes the
nes► champion said : ' Fits f ht a
=and game battle. and hit me
luan0er than any man whom I have
amen bent up againsh 1 Would gado
nothing by meeting Shalkey again.
bel am whew to meet any man 1n the
world in whom aha public bar ooatl-
deuoe, and there need be no fear ol my
.1uiVUngi the rlog 1or 18. mage* I willdrferd my title amt Champlin sgalaet
all comers. At no time during the fight
did I feel any m+segavinnge as to
ability to win. I am satisfied that'll'
hare well earned the right to be called
the champion lD' defeating Fltsam-
mona who was 8Aoebtedly Ilse reat-
It was a Hard and Stubborn
Fight all the Way Through,
But the Young Californian Giant Had Always the Best of 11 -He
Had Yetlltr, Weight, Strength and Retch on Hie Side and
Proved be Quiet, Agile and Clever at Both Defense and
Attack ue tri V1giw amt **Squished Say About It.
Coney inland, J8* 10. -At the arena
of the Coney island A. C. last night
James J. Jeffries defeated Robert
FItsaiminonu, world's chump:on pugil-
ist of two classes -middleweight and
heavyweight -la eleven rounds of
whirlwind fighting. He '°ane to the
ring a vank-'ontu ;ytestileleetteeek-
nowledge.I master of the eau he
defeated. He had the Australian
whipped from the ninth round. and
would have ended It in the tenth, but
for the leek of time. It was acknowl-
edged that .Ieftrtas-- Would have an
Immense advantage dui weight, height
and age, but the thousaudm who
tipped and banked his opponent to
Wil/ were sure that he was slow and
that he would In that respect be also.
lutely at the mercy of the past moa
ter of the science of fighting that he
was to meet. He proved, ou the con-
trary. that be was just as Inst as
the man he met, and beat him down
to nnoonaeloua defeat W a fair fight.
He is a veritable giant In stature, anI
mervellou.by speedy for IoM Immense
site. Ler" than » year ago he ap-
peared in New York 'a grout, awkward,
ungainly Loy. Today Ino is the lithe.
active, Alert, tralned athlete. The
atm who prepared•bim for the fight
worked wonders for him. They taught
him nearly a perfect defence. Improved
-feu recons real • bed teetnw4el Meal
in the methods of inflicting punish -
transition shoe he appeared
last has been little .bort of miracu-
lous. At 24 years he has defeated
Rohort Fitzsimmons, Tom Sharkey
and Peter Jackson, and U he cares
for heaven he will probably be able
to successfully defend the tille for
many years. defeated man wan
just as good as when he lowered tbe
coon of Garbett. He was just as
active, just as clever. just as Irl!
and just an fearless of punlebment
Ha went unfalteringly to h1. defeat.
He was the *gresar even at am
wente when he was bleeding and un-
steady, and when stunned by 168
blows he received he reeled Unstler&
lvely toward his opponent. Iib was
fighting all the time, and punished
his t, but found him a differ-
ent nt than. any he had met
and • difficult man to fight. ,Jet-
rrlee fought from a crouching atti-
tude that was hard to get at. Be
held his head low, his back was bent
down and his leis arm was extend-
ed. Be kept jabbing away with tlfe
Telt and found no trouble In landing
It. It was there that he superior
reach told. The giant arm nerved as
a sort of human fender to ward off
danger. Be showed an excellent de-
fence and the abUMty to ase both
handle with sk111. Be le game, too, for
he never shrank from he punishment.
It -was a great 1'Ight to watch and
cos m.noed and ended amid scenes
of Intens excitement. The met[ fought
before a crowd of 9,000 persons.
Tbere was not a .uggeafion cd Inter-
ference from the oollteeee• Chef Dev,
cry occupied a lost by the ring lde
but never entered the ring. 'Moat
It web an over be sent Capt. Kenny
In to Oran the ring. The contest was
pulled oft without a wrangle and was
devoid of to brutal elements that
Chief Revery alleged be feared.
Betting was quietly conducted, but
(wavy, with F'itsrimmons favorite at
2-1 uo L-3. Mist F•Rtacdmmons was In
her henband's dressing renal, but did
art nee the flight.
Remand 1 -Both nest In the °erntre of
the ring. They feinted with Fltz
t+rettkt g gr,mhd. Jeffries. keeping al-
mamt In the mlddke of the ring. Jeffries
wee erldl'ntly trying to get the right
over. Flit led left to the bond, but Jef-
fries docked cleverly. Jeffries led left
and fell short. He led for Nt mach and
again fell short- Again he led left
cab ng for jaw, belt Fits was out rot the
way. Jeffries led right for body and
eft for head, but Fitz blocked and Ret
away clear. Fite tried left. binding on
MCA. Fits cennyed a right miring for
nock, landing lightly, and came to a
eltrich, bit brake clear. Jeffries tried
a 'straight left for jaw, but did not
reach. and Flta blocked an attempt at
a left hook. shooting his left to the ear
ea the bell rang.
Bowed 2 -Fits In the midge or the
ring nkat) Jeffries break ground and
Fltz want left to tardy. Jeffries count-
ered with stiff left on face. Jeffries
triad left far tx.tly, but wan neatly
blocked Jeff then seemed a crouch-
ing attAtulte honing with left on hod,',
but wan again blocked and then eame
to a °Minh. Jeff leaded two leWM on
the lody and shot the left three times
to FI1.'s face without a return. Fitz
trkd hie right for the head, het was
short, end they came to a clinch, the
referee going lwtw- qt them. Jeff tried
w left chop for the head, bet Fitz
dueled safely. Jeffries tried a left
swing for the head and another er for the
body. but Fitt donated away from liltn.
J eff then knotted Flte flat on hb
hack with w siren lit left cm the
mouth. The clutny kat was up In two
fa'ocweda and then the heli rang.
Round8-- Fits _
g jyknkal y
h .Tef ha d►esfsapJe s ea dr -
wit r on the aggremive. They
etin shad twice wltbont sinew demeg.
Fits tried a right hook for the holy.
but felled. end It was then seen that
be wive bleeding from the Bove. Fleet
blood ••Ialmed for .teff. After another
clinch Flta landed a lard left on
Joffe fuss and repeated It twice.
(loaning to the (entre of the ring,
Fits landed a left swing on the }iw,
and a Tett honk on the ear. Jeff came
hack with . lett hook on the aide of
the head end they (mese to a stench.
After swan feinting Jeff sent both
hande to rhe body and drove Ma
back with tkv left on the cheat. Fits
endeavored me Mad a left owing we
the heard and they name to ellnch.
Fite landed a left hoe on the head,
Jeff nennt.ting on the face Set as
the round ended.
Anand 4 -trite caeca np In lively
friabi on and tried a right swing. fall.
legto land, sad both stens-hot Jeff
tried a fall hoe the nerek, het Fits
got Inedde of Me lead, Iandl on wind.
.tirisent two hard tett hooka to
the side of Flea's bead, larrtng the
obampino. in the wind np Fite
lets if. Mead bad swung le nary. Af
tree some llolliteug and Mintiest Fits
seat a tett etrelgfit to the eye mei
s•s Maly splintered °n ye body
by Jeff'. right. A hard right over the
head by Fits war anrwered by Jeff
with a left on the neck, and then Jeff
planted a heavy left ou th. chest and
Fitz broke nd. but returned
qyuickly, mocha left to the jaw.
Tbblls was anevenround.
_I 1uit Wisp
tb a
to tbe hoe, split Ing Jeff's eye, trek
bled freely. Jeff retaliated with a hard
left on the ear. Fitz tried hie right over
for the damaged eye, tailing to land.
Fitz tried left for bead, but Jeff
ducked to a clench. Fits put a light
left on Jetf's mouth and forced him
to the ropes. The Californian broke,
but clinched. Jeff tried a lett awing
for the body and lett an opening,
which Fitz tailed to take advantage
of. Jeff, encouraged by this overlook
put .a left to the jaw bad a right op
mouth without a retire. Fitz rushed,
but in trying to side step almost fell
through the ropes, but recovered and
came back with a bard lett Oa body.
Jett replied with two atilt blows on
the these. At this moment (he bell
&operated them.
Round 6 -Fitz jumped ammo the
ring and Jett broke ground. Fitz
swung his left for head, landing light-
ly, and blocked a right lead for the
body. Both tried lefts for the head,
but were short. Then Fitz put his left
F1 7&MM0l18. T8i , D!ll,ATTrD
J fi,FYltils. ''PKE' NEW CHAMPION. . -
to the tam and mimed a right cress
Inc jaw. Fits still on aggressive bored
in, seeding lett to face. Jeff counter-
ing lightly on the wind. Fite e.rowded
in with hu lett for the wind and
Jett crooned his right to the ear. They
broke from a clinch and Fit. sent lett
to too. and • Yard right over the in-
jured eye. Another clinch followed and
the referee had to separate them.
Fitz Beat lett twice to heed and fol-
lowed with a bard lett to chest. Jeff
fought back wildly, landing both
hand's outside Flts's guard, and after
another Winch Fitz uppercut his op-
ponent with his right ma the wind.
This was the last blow of the round,
wbich was in Fltz's favor.
Round T -Jeff was a bit stow com-
ing to the scratch, and broke ground
with a cIncte of the ring. Flts treed
right to he.4, landing lightly. and
Jeff got n punch on the rltw. Jeff
Jabbed his lett to the ribe and got
away clean. Then Jeff endeavored to
land a straight right to face, but
was blocked neatly, and received a
left on ribs. Fits was on the aggres-
sive and sent a left for hack on neck.
Jeff tried to crowd Fits to the ropes,
het lie got away neatly. Than in a
rapkt mix-up both swung rights and
lefts for the head, landing lightly.
Then Fitz poked a left to the side of
the head, and Jeff jumped In with a
right hard nn the 8047. Jeff swung
Ines lett clear, but Flt. got Inside of
It. He drove his right over the heart,
when the gong sent them to their cor-
ners. This was Fltz's rotund.
Round R --Jeff was tardy in coming
up, end tee referee had to wave he
(land to him to Dome to the scratch.
Both men rushed matters wltheut
doing mush damage In other than in
a clinching. Fitz sent his left to the
rites, and Jeff hooked two lefts to the
tae.. Jett tried with his right, bat
Flt, oountered lightly nn the chest.
Fite put n straight left on Jeff's had
eye. Jeff enmo hack with it hard left
on the body. Fitz endeavored to land
a vicious awing with his left on body:
Mut .Teff came back with a blow nn
Fatz's head- Jaff then bored In and
mint at straight left to Fltz's face.
staggering the champion to the ripe&
Nothing of any moment occurred der -
Ing the remainder of the round, and
we Fits walked to hM cover be wailed
at hie wooed.. This wall JettrWr"
withFitzthe, but Jeff
sant him tack with• straight lett
to the fano. Fits mimed a left
swing for the head and received a
hard right on the body, and then
they clinched, and after the break
away bola *tied Matte at close gest--
term doff herding twits. F1t., st111
on the •ggravaty i, came back once
more with a left on the body. After
another stanch Jeff put two email
tett reps on noon, which made Bob
Meed agsln. Jeff played again foe
the head smartly with lea lett, hit-
ting str.lght, and then with a llaelb
haled Now, brought hie lett la me-
lee% with Flta's nose. Fits failed
to r+oprrtd to theme and clinched.
Jeff threw 81* ryrht over the hart
w1Vh all his mfg t and hod Fits
Mwing when the hell rang. Jeff
hderldMly the beat of the rased.
Round 10 --Jett cants np ••xmMtng
nonfidpnt and 1•1ta War' an earnest
leak on his iso.. The f8Iltnrelan
wee first to land with a straight
lett on the hgdy, hrsnging 1t np te
the heed. Fits olinchina. Going into
a elinnir Pit. nee re MU esti hard to
the wend. After a let of fiddling
Fits tried es left awing hot tweet
WPM M the flsa'8, loci Might the
all fighter ai the age."
In Flimlbasioner room there was a
great attempt at allowing a brave
front, bet 1t wan plain to be seen how
badly the ex -champion and hie friends
felt. Fite aeemrd to be half -dazed, and
occasionally mavmure4 -How did I
Dame to fight him r 'That wan" ail he
could be I.emd to say. Hie manager
Martin Jailor, when asked as to what
he %height of the battle. replied:
"There 1s very little for me to Bays
Everybody knows that Bob L gams.
and I feel oerintn that he mull has a
warns. plant In the heart* of new%
While I feel Meek wnfall most keenly. I
have the atlafacton d knowing that
he wan beaten by a clever yotuig
low with a &'ceded pall in the weights.
who showed such cleverness that the
.ting of defeat 1e Battened to a. great
Prime P1gaWg as Viewed by !egoist
Fftzeimmoaa her taken the little
baby trona the nurse, hotting It with
the gentle, eareasing touch of a
woman, as it nestles against his
neck. And M the wondrous eeradna-
taon of tenderness tied .tremgtk these
le the that clan c rash ICof the s outrewth of
a man with a single blow, or skim
the "virtue of an Sahel.
Yee, 1 wish that I had never lett
the forge. but had been content to
go hnrehl and contented,/ on my
way to the end," he pays. I don't
know how or wiry I tooup the ring
as a means of livelihood. It all be-
gan in the usual w• -m
aateur exhi-
bitions, poverty, and the chance to
win newel. It memo to nee that
mine was a case at what boo fellows
can predeswnaton-aa If I bad been
driven by a power that was above
and bayou,' nue
'I have had no ambition In this
thing -no real wish to win. I hate
prise-tlghting. I hate the atmos-
phere d the ring. , I bats the society
of the near
them. 1 sporting
oon't cross the street 10
see the fight. Ity home --df m7
thought le in my home and bey babies.
That t. why 1 am nos populate -.I am
not 'one of the boys.' I ilea'* eke the
barroom. I am not a 'good -
M1 seem/sad good
e +*8* heisalways a sel-
fish, cold -brooded reinter" bed treat
without heart or con se ce.
"Oh, yes, I'm the champion of the
world, and maks a gond deal of
neater and wear big dlamno•oe ; nm
chewed by the small boy and below.
ed by crowds of people erhe toady' and
'Jolly' next flatter ma ,And deep
down la rey heart I detest and deepest
myeer s. mach as I detest and de
does tbsse--what do you eMl then
eyoe+baate, th*arKvery -that's the
wtt a ratewould 1 defeated t*morrow
nee aa4 etas► sw rf tbedt r (fib-wolos .
1 have emette . roue .0*8'{bfh obs s-
plogehlp, bad I suppose le honor i
mese ladamld le as bag ail I am able.
And atter the*-w.I , atter that. i
am oasts t to a
the ring .*d all its MOW Henri
in future dare prim -fighting will be
40.14, and tib world will ewe nom tha
worse without 1t"
Under the erase kw, the ri'd
iron hound tram* *nkat noticing
east web sed nothing break. tyre
good. apart. jjtat la break.bender human. And
1► a„ MOM tO fit Mn Fltalielawrr
perteotty.--fispei lament le Leslie's