The Signal, 1899-6-15, Page 44 T ltMaahe, J Wass 16, 1899.
Lan Altair" .ad s..ddss.
Mos Ib. 0beepost, Moses*" iMO
E. Be d M. H.
Ile lave Desna:traced
--- nlbelie bey4.e public that
Wads sandy, ►►•n 001 .re debt, that It or
pada • s est what we bdi e
sad ..pretest Moo to be yes
gei year messy back.
Special Price:.
We are sew offering "pedal
erne in erdor to redoes 000
large Neck. 11 will pay yes
to cmc .a
a1 d rMuafc House
7.7 liga-Gass
ST M. iiMfaiS0eM1i?
YODIIR1011, THUBaDAY. J14NI !i. NM. 0.timsted tk. Mina "agora
for reeds sad bridges sad rep•he . nasty
boutag, at ase mars thea K.400.
The .wse4 adiearaed smell W stn
Up.s renestag at 4 . olook, • smelter of
01eoants were referred to the florins oam-
The sp.0ist ....1$.e as nasty bridees
sppolsed at the. Jaassry amnia of the
oe0.oll reported as fellow.: We fled that
• bylaw wee passed is 1814 Yiamt.* about
125 bAdger tbrentb the ..cost, • Utak a
mottos was paned by tis moody oomeon la
age. 181*. egirlitte+d s0veat•ew„v+l Ore
bridges nob ea the dtaer..t Uow.ek pe,
bat the bylaw of 1874 was sot repealed, ke
reality .till 1. vlsg the fell saber of
bridges ..o. the aoeaty. We therefore
reeemmesd that this goad recognise the
present bylaw of 1874,...15* the fell ono
bet el bridges which were maMtats.4 seder
that bylaw. Our ant eaglnesr, Mr. Ar-
ley,bas prepared • very platoaad metal map
Mara all the Widen toreasrly kept op
toy the neuter, as well as those eelatalo.d
ealy dew the Jose ...lis/ of 1884, which
sup we lay before the wasoll, trusting that
be will be proper)]] r.00gshred tor his labors
he this re.peon. TO. report was retorted to
the road and bridge oommlttse.
A report In referesoe 4. the will of the
Me Kiln Ulokwo, of the towa.8lpof Grey.
by the oometime appsloted M the Januwy
meeting Uta Investigate this matter was eon
l Ire ezooutive cementite".
A motion by Moser. Henna and Sea
Wet the cIerk puroho°. the Gann° Sinai
40. year 1898, fee the sae of -anal r et
the oo.oj tks erase to be the novelty St''
the o000 y, Win out N bite u.m yd 0..-
Moved by Dr. Koalas, seood.d by Mr.
M.Lats, that Drost's bridge, between
Hares end Middles... be tesgeheoed or •
GalvaH put la, esfliolsat be relieve pressure
at khgh water, provla.4 Middlesex pay half
the ow .sd that the oleek at one notify
Idd7iiTfc (io>lYT IfEa -liltInt 19612141sd.
Referred to the read and br.dge ooemlltee.
The nand adjourned :add Thursday
Rreese4np .t the Jame sessna .t tin
Irma, Par Neatest
The nay 0.0.011 met at 3 o'olook Torre -
day ett.1.0... Jim. 6tt. The members
were all present
Alter warden Cook had addressed the
eesmeU es the geenUoas to come .p before
thee. the hollowing ooema.n•ttoos were
read mil pant before in enema!
Pre. Jam, MIW, preddest of the O.-
tmn *prissltrs& Collage, re •ppoketmeat
se any eadents. Seat te mooed, oom-
From Mirka of miser masldp•Iltiee re
Mr supplying et s ementes$ sad °oil:otor'e
=elm ementy. J<Ita •pools) i
)re. G. W. Holmes, .sentry of the
Wen Raves Talton' Anew Moe, le refer -
e ine M pest ea es vestil•Uoa of school
base tat to sdawta oommlttee.
A member el .mesa were read .ed re-
ferred to she fls.mee o"mmleee.
Th. nail Mea.aj.wreedt.til Wednes-
day neendeig,
The meal ,..,..4 at 10 "'sleek.
Tb rew.,I of T. F. Chemb.d•ln, iahpsN-
st 0f prima, was net le the eeas8y .prep
.rty eestelttes.
The Menai tsps[► was r f48.,.:
Then were ens prisoners ;eight amp sod
les wines) r essay whom 1 Ind.oted
tib is1 es Ih.21.4 Jemmy. Th. *ems
mea am*, sad all the ton were so.dt ed
fee vogrhsuy. The bandies was oats sad
la good order In all parts. BBPl itse.k.ppdttmoo*m of
k 0. r pod ord haiKtstw we
bass pined la the gall ense my lost ban-
pso-tree. A fame .bald be preyld.d fee
b.* Wanes; Imelda betas ester f/
wesH 4. mesa mrimenewel. The reeler re-
aping a bon far has family, situ•led near
Its pa. Dad u IW. 1 .n arranged for la
fib ler future extortive repairs w111 be
0.r.ory be the apartment May maw
• malty of sensuale we4' set M the
00ame .sample,
U. F. BWr, barrister, d
dinned the mina la ref
ie the leen
of $1.000 to the eager for *0 moistea•.we
In the beam of refane efDickson.
Ails woe • bequest of the late Iles Mohan,
d tib tew14dp of Grey. Mr. Blair ex
that the widen would prefer le
hies DMbos herself.
• psti0aa from minor msaldpalltlss le
gebrea te the serssamme rolls was eget N
no weds!
• pelages bent serials r4wy.ra 1a the
itslrWp el Meilen regardins wheel cooties
h.sad.les was seat ee the edao.tles pe..
e▪ a. .pmt d the entity sadltere, A. H.
Nem* sed R. A C.rriok, was seat to
tlh. `gee ...mltte. The audition es
garbed Itis they bed examined the bee. of
*0.0187 Wesserer and also certain etate-
fien omb.INod by oke teaser.' and in.d
fih.en oernest. The .-'s of denature
irhtlties el the,, gad assent available
it most the sae ea the 31st of December,
1899, .0.wd the an 4.08 se be about 465,-
400. resslpm ice. the 14 et Jom•r,,
11390. Se the date et sight (rdrsory 2418*), benne ane 310 el December,
4801. were $21,721.70 cud the ezpt.dltnre to
said 4.. was 44.915.66, leaving • bean of
516,806.16. Of this incest 816,642 90 was
Se the meds ef the on.ty Is tis Canadian
Desk el 0...eree, Goderfoh, red the Nel-
sen Beak, Men., sed 8163.26 eon was
e. head. The mane reported that the
bets were 1. doe oe.dltlon, being veli
ned.117 hep.. sad Met the treasurer bed
Ila them every pe.lble st nsama is the
dh mate et their defies.
The gask1s ripen was retorted to tin
e...I58c. Mr. GriM•
sensed le the
gwl, *n matin, es follows • Thea.
l 1Yra.t, branny ; Job. Hyslop,
(icd.l.\, bean t Igen Young. Middle -
d on, ►rgfiry ; Rlcird Chambers, Gods -
dM I.w. Ilp, Leafy.
The rope/ e1 tin road ud bridge ceeep. . frna eget to the road and hrldi-
e iseta les. Mr. Annoy reported that he
bad binds an agnomens duly Waged from
Ire 9..t.s who obtained oestrsote frogs the
easaeB Md Jmsary, sed he szpeotd the
sense/!e wend be oemplNsd 1n doe time.
H. had provided plan fee reb.11dug the
Mad Oren Miss ea the boundary lime be
Ina the Semi t of Man sed Mo-
. 11. Sgetrwt had not been Mn,
e s Ogg were wanes be ton b say mere mirk
1,1.4.004.. 015....... 88*. bsnMry
ed Korea sad Mlddl.c., es Mat It nen
all he M ea the mote time ..d plan, He
ted f=elled the tefdgwwltr
of Minas and 14440►ph ben. sob=
India I► we lea god dated repair
an appeared M be lawn mono ter tha
seesse foogs the eylde.e d /be debris
Meed w the beaks of M. stream. Then
.len b. advert ef .beet twenty feet I.
M.glk pet in amt the brides se • neat of
476 ler sash seely. The Dike, bridge
..d M..... en b...d.y in Watt Wows -
wish wed
Maine had berm ennui an
rhea a freebie W dc.. t damn" sprigs
bridge.. no Zenon bridge woe badly t it would remain to b raid
. hon twang lands and have wow egp..I.
The beteg. e. the belt.
Brad RNer wash num a*Nwakis .ti.
Mtll.e this swam Ess seen apnea& te
111 Need. NW. sheen he eempkMad.
Ohs mean .f orders Nerd doe Jim -
ea lee for week es M4dtes amd teeter was
IOW 39- Thee west ranks to be .ee
elms the .enol amen' of omen reptile be
hennaed spereeeke, has they seer est
nes.r, .ash. 3 limo briar.*sun
1. plated i aloe the •.edwerk ef no m-
ange R 110 ewer b0.e buddies. the
The ooamil resumed Thursday morning.
The oomm one appointed to am -
quire 1010 th. beet manner to oblate mon
and beret •000mmodittoo fol the gaoler re-
ported is favor of the removal of the pres-
o ak oott•ge and the emotion of a larger and
modern betiding. They submitted • plan
of the building and an estimate of 18. mut
;about 42,200). Referred to the ooa01y
property 000mletee.
The homsa of titans oomitass reported
as follows :
1 our ooe.letee met at the how of
refold on Febesry 7eh and April 7tb.
Messrs. Miller, Smell, Tortuoe an the
warns wen preen, together lent Meow.
Len .ad O.w. W. nestled to repair the
wfsdo.11 and Mee the standard 20 feet
kldw, which, it *expected, .8l p ►
the frequiet b.eakres. This imorovemett
has been done saWtactortly .► • cwt of 136.
We itne *toted tbap zUlI.. attire In the
hallway, separating the keeper's rooms from
the inmates' •prtmenta(fcrmerly It was not
t all privets), .t • not of 13. The v.Ui-
• in ie eeme of the lower room@ in the
elf's compartments being 110014 ngly Led,
we had • sew veatilator put in raining
*roach the reef, .t • oast of 137, whiok we
believe will be • great improvement We
have also dso(d to build • Jrivkeg shed
teed les house, 24,40 feet, 14 feet high ; also
have rat men Mr. Ansley, °Dante ..glow,
le retake the old coder timber is the San
twrblll bridge, as it would only be disposed
of at • soonest figure, and we require moms
(erg Umber for sail building whboh could
be esoand from bridge timber as moos as re-
moved. Balance of cedar could be utilised
w good tatty ua
t ke felov the 'enemata)
wit( eve to Le does In the near (eta... W.
h•v purchased the lumbar for beildi.g at
what we oowlder fair rates. The Umber
Ind ea the farm bong galte aeprodaotive
la the peettloa it is sow is, year oummittee
t000mmend that therieweingewerento ask lar
t•od•n for said timber, here it dlepoeed
tat..,.d have listen. eirweed p her pasture
ad, it being of little ass l Ute slots It pow
is la. There have base alma ssyeah
maple shade ler pestsd, else • large nam
her of evergreoms, which will atom the
•peewee°, of the farm is • gnat measure.
Oar oomo(t1.e having made a thorough ex
• mluation of ole hoose and form, we fouled
everything In fiat -claw oo.ditlon and well
kept. We also observed the different kkeda
of gra and ends sown and plastid, ea fol -
laws : 11 nen of o•te,.9 b•rby, 9 her. Si
potatoes 1 corn, 1 bens, 2 marigolds, or -
row,} osier, a g•rdea 7eeet•btss,and about
I acre turnips. All the work la 00.0001100
with the farm h•e bees done by the inmates,
without ..y help being hired. At the be-
ginning of this year new tendon were asked
for bread, meet and groceries, the lowest
Louder a earth one beta* •oo.ptad at satis-
factory pries. We have awaited dm n-
ominee for the year up to May 3101, begin-
ning at No. 661, to 588, Is0.dre, amount -
mg to 41331 86, and food them oorreol.
We .las had that produce to the amount of
4264.92 has been sold off the farm.
The report was •dop4d with the•dd1110.
of the following words : "That the hoose of
refuge committee be empowered, 81 their
dl...e►les, to dispose of the team now need
▪ the . IhdmNrl•1 farm end panne, • new
A cooties that the clerk he instructed to
ferebh • oopy of '1 he Mina,!! World for
ens* member of Ito oeuo.0 was net to the
native 00 neittee.
Moved by Mr. MoIlwn, nand by Mr.
Melees, that tkt. onset' as • body hire
00,eyan0r had go over the whole oeuty,
with • vbw of bang able ts make • boa
equalization ml the dil.reat munle(p•Illies
In the wwaty, said equalization to oom•
MUNI ea Meaday, Ire 119th Mst., and,rhee
finned. 50. council to meet In this chamber
sod put their report In proper nape, sun
.qu•tlz.tion to hold good for Ione yore.
Hest to equalization committee.
After the soon recess • motion te great •
peddler's lineage for this yen to lobe De
Wolfe, of Brawls, • young man almost de-
pr(vd of Ma eyes lght, w1.° seat to the .r-
sesOh. oommlttss.
Nevin by Mr. Holl, seondd by Mr.
Melanie that la the event of an appeal from
10. equalization of the assn ment by Mls
osapoli ole heal equalization be lett to the
minty judge. Carred.
A .medal from the ot$sre of the 33rd
Hares bandies asking ter • great Iron the
aes.ty was referred to the executive mem•
The treasurer was lastreobd to furnish
the Berk ducts, the ee.los with • list of
peddler's linens granted for the year 1899.
The ..aeon thee adjourned until Friday
1•11.1DA Y.
Atter preliminary bedew Friday MOM -
lag, the report of the speckd oommlttea was
promoted. The oommiltes nwmmendd
that as 'Min be Mires In reforest:* to the
.egU.0rtewm esrtalwingnie psllkise askt.g
that the manldp•I clerks be permitted to
*sad • summarized oopy of Mc
roil es the malty oink instead of the feat
roll. Only Gloves of Ube IwmO.y•1i1 m°nl-
olp•11Mee In tbe musty had sated on this
goodies. As to the 'nestles et the ess-
plylne of •sesshtnt nod o lleelen' roll@ to
the various ..wnlotpallf i.q. tee e•mmt►t s
restesteroded Char the meaty seinen
Fit; totem rolls, het that their 9.101 e. M
to sash .an111rmUty , and that ole
mesh dirk w oeklly /he mwlelp.11teee.
report ems
TheThs gnat,p11901-ttyy seemen8. reported
IhN ih.p Ira vhlkmd 1b mild nod toned
odasa aA won heat, rhe *amber
. of sepodini lettk the geden r.
pert, resegonerned Mt the gale's
✓ opert sad also Its report et the lespeetet
ef prima be wr,d la the rrbneto, They
bad ailed Om .wglst1, often and mend
averyth'- - - y; they hall also et
a.rsd eb mint beer sad found the le•
Wile of the h.Wlq r • eatmf.o8ry m.0.
Mien. nit 111 ereaptiom eines .mail tee
teat engin/ is the fie••es whin they
✓ mmasided NM ers daffy MOM
They reeammended tin ►b wsodw.k ea
rhe imitable M the nen M [.paired
and punted sad that Ms. Ameley prepare
speetfluat.ion .ad oak ler te.4en br sold
work, 6e144e111 M be opened (a the preens"
.f Mr ,dolt lad Mr. Asetyy, .aa the von
Mot ter be It and 'emotion to Mar saUs-
I..s8m. R/Barela4 the report of the oee.
mi►w os the proposed gaoler's residence- t,
they reeemw4M that au station ore !taken
at prenat, &ad that Ube members view the
gaol in order that they might Iate111aesiy
also.m this matter.
The report woe passed with the .z 1
,ftJ elpr11kfreforrygabokesreperml
rast e.oe11._
The dentin o *1011 ee r.00m.ondd
that so sd na be takes le r.l.r"aos to Me
request of the West hero. Timbers' Amo -
dela that • Raper read by t..peoser Tum
at the Molten' 000yMllea le Mend last be
printed in pamphlet form at. distributed.
The committee recommended that K O
Oren well, Kemond vlie, James Ritchie,
Belmont gad Thome Gregor,.Kantn, be
appointed ea arbitrators te odj.dicate In ILe
formation of a sew sooner la the
township of Hulled. 'rho rep.rt sae
The hmanoe committee noogsm..dd tis
peptised of a number of •ouoa.te ; that the
auditors' report be printed. me usual, le the
.15.1.. god that toe usual borrowing by
law be peened *otherix:as the w.rdeo and
tr.asur., to borrow for entreat ezpeaditure
• sem nbt .zoeedty $t0 o0. '1b* aomattW
tee reported that the tow estimated expen-
diture tor 188.) would be ,290.41J, with
awned *erreiparn 91,993 71, senting the
loot 8zpendttare 436,377.13, molting • ran
0. the total eq.ot(zsfl ilrwidial of Ij52,•
336,230 of on and one-etsb b mills ea the
dollar, lead they reooemeod.d that • by
Ise be paned levyt.r nob rate. A porUoo
ei the report wee and adopted.
Tee road sad bridge oommlttee made the
fallowing recommendations . (1) That the h•.e the work of IeW1 th.stne
1Jrtf4Td IWrflge, or Waal r !`OS...e et.•
done as soon ea po..lbI., pnvld.d Middle
e.z oav halt the poet ; (2) that the nom
misefoner us for tendon toe the work la
0.neetioa with the Med Crest bridge,
mentio..d la the oamte•b..r'e report, end
that the work be do.. as eon as possible ;
(31, that the oommlasboaer have the meoe.-
sexy repair• reeds to lh. Zetland, I14y161d
epd Brussels bridges ; (4) that the bridges
be muntein.d by the bounty be those
now. on the map prepared by the empty
e ngineer and that the bylaw attached to
the oommlttw'e report he named ; (5) that
th. mgia.r Lave the iron bridge. painted :
(6) that he attend to the repairing of the
abutments el Leadoeboro' bridge a1 m•••.
sod (7) that for his work In prepariee the
neap .bowing the oomty bridges he be paid
145. Chess• 1, 2, 3, 6 sad 7 sere pored ;
inion 0 was referred back to the omen
tee, and talars 6 was pluck out.
A motion by Mors. 1 °aeon •Lel Co*
molly that the misty engineer he imelruned
to tas0e.t !!ewer's bridge, es 1l. Seabl•
Ione, 8wosLip of 'Manby, .ad chat b. hems
said fridge vepsired or ensile ea be tbteke
meoerary, was referred to tb road and
bridge oommitees.
The coupotl Ms adjoars.d till the after -
noes, whoa W. emend report of the read
eel bridge oo.mi1tes was resisted. Tbe
a:minden renes meadrd teat Masan. Tor•
r•dbe and Co.00lly's motion regarding the
bridge oo the Sauble line be adopted and
that the bridge be pined on the tut of
oouaty Lrtdiee. 1a reference to Me oIsaee
of their best report referred hack to them,
the 0o..It100 reported that tiny had pre
pared another bylaw, ibis* they hoped
would meet with the ouueal's approval.
The report was adopted.
The report of the executive oommltt e
eestaie.4 the following r.00mee.dui.w
That so nein be Oakes with rforamw to
the olagm of H. Medd toe d.m•ree le a horse
at M•.ebeet. brags Mss B Oe.rtaey
(Apia be noel.•tsd by Me wend as a
Medea* at the 0stetrb Airbalters' College,
son .e.iae0.s to be for ere veer osly ;
that the clerk pere►w • oopy of the
9tstuW for the ler 1809 le[ errle meant
of the aloof!. floe .ame to be the property
of the county ; that the clerk promote • Dopy
of The Municipal World for this year for
nob memoir of Ohs roused ; thee, owls/ to
the very serious infirmity trout which John
0. Wolfe is .fforl.., he he granted • ped•
lor'elloere for Obis year free of charm.; that
se actio. be takes 1. refereso, to the appli
oath for • great to the 33rd b•tielloo le
rderesee N the will o1 the gid Elias Ulek
to.. the oogsmlttee reported that, they h.v•
log 1a10(ree mon fully into the matter and
olroassst•soee having been brou,he to their
notice of which they were not aware at the
time of the ,1.oe meeting of 1998, they
would recommend that oleoss one of the
report of t0..zeowlye committee made le
.(a.R, 1898 (1ao.pUne the term, el tb• will),
he reloinded, red that the ooa.oil 48.01.8.
all right te the legacy °neaten* /g end will
sad refs n aooept the same. The report
was adopted.
The report of the cqualizanoo commir8s
was read and pwt-d. The oomm1Utee re-
ported that after • lest.thy dMeoefoo of the
motto. e1 Messrs. relines ..d
that the members of the enemau take a
drive ehro. b the ocean, se as to h• bettor
able to arrive at • proper basis of rqualize-
ina the mover had asked permirlon ts
withdraw the motion, and they r.00mmnd•
d that nosh permission be greeted. TIN
following wherials shows the egeslird •e-
essemnl of the varloaye mu.IIdp•Ilties :
Te nhis@ !VI iL ?4,-51.11 IIJ
431 4 9000 $1989921 8198111
!home ... 39 4900 1340079 1344079
Gederiob ... 38 450 2003778 2004228
Gre, 31 4900 2007622 2012522
Hay 34' 10000 1798226 1808296
Howlek 34 13650 2302140 2315690
Hallett 40 4560 2141640 2146190
MoKillep 40 4000 2084440 2088440
Morrie 32 3300 1767456 1770756
Smiley 42 2600 1931200 1873800
Stamina .. 34 10600 1933886 1944486
'1'sokor.mllh 47 7400 1916814 1923214
Tannery . 31 4760 1106607 1111357
Uebon47 7300 2006900 2014200
B. W awaeola 31 900 1293971 1294871
W. Woweoeh 34 9460 1418660 1428100
.by lis Iresetr.r, as MIMw leas pia..d M-
l.... the 000111; !wale sOOOp.kt, 7.,.
rmW (Ihlte. HUMN% 18.0 t Fred.
latehneod t W. Whaley. Ba.
it ..r. s B. hl. Doran, beam ; L14o File
'P..mte i J... B. 12Me1. Bripeara; IL A.
Johann, J}.gtewo ; Albin Msg. A. -
hers ; Wm. W.lwod, Wrsz.ler ; G o
Balmy, Vane; W. H. Borrow.,
n ; R. A. Miller, Ro. Hoke. ; Chan. Ker
alns. Wenner ; Jae. Maims, dolman ;
John 13. Ll.rdwh; BL Bolos.; Thce. Wltsy,
Vara t Hoary Hyde, Vert Albert ; Alex.
uepl es Wynn, Furdwlu► t;.e
. F. ldoi'h. 0.r1.w;
LtiNlratt 3' ails. boa
Neb.Oasa4dnh; Hien Potter, Porter'n
gill i{ J. 0. (Ark, Ashore ; W. J. M".
Titlh okw.; J. T. Kamrel
, Brs.;
The Wane elHthe rep.rt of the 8..n
o0gsmtttee we lakes up lead poised.
The estimates of [.eel pt. mad ea neatens')
were read.
P The followleg bylaws were read mod
Pio. 1, to ega•ltae the respective wee-
mean .1 the 10.01.► muuulp•llrlee of that
No. 2, to teams end maintain oereti@
bridges and outvotes, and to repeal oriels
This bylaw provides that the smutty is to
amass., build, repair and keep is proper
orderal1 brtdR....d oslv.rl..f lw.sty rt
oroverinl lbo. tbo L
tram Amberl Grand 80n`F`ed oi7eN0
ie. street la 10. teles of Wingate ; aY
Widen tweedy Inl or one -ii .0840
twsm ebutmeate arggplag .yPam.. dram„
ponds or Last sepecatieg two tona.►ijts is
the oounly ; or areolas streams or dye[s
'Wilma the Ita,ite of say imeorporeted vU.
lare la the oou.ty ud eeseeulleg any nide
highway leading threa1L the °air ; ar
over riven, strewn, ponds or late between
two local mo.loip.litise 1n the ooa.0, ; se
over • river, stream, pond or lake fer►misg
Dore o[y 0o a Goq tcata4 1' Ali bunters
.may .. .., otter ..est,.
or rmeolutib.s paned by the mend Mese-
mint w ,itthh,Ayajm.a• flhiw3aLer y
No. 3 to sonnies the borrowing et
inner enmity ppeo11.
No. 4, Mee by aee•esinest within the
nasty of Berea the aura of 436,377.13.
Memo. Karr ad Smell moved tint the
..atoll adjourn to inset in Goderlob me the
tint Tuesday of D.oember, at 3 o'clock r.m.
As that the U.oember men
leg be bold at H..astl, and soother limb it
be held •1 W..gba., were Ioet, and the
motion o•rried.
Towne and Total
's. )Cqualhood
80580 uw
Blyth 138840
Breese° 224000
Olken 641830
Exeter 336960
Oderlob 875°00
llMforth 612900
W nphao 354700
Wro=.ter 80150
Hassell c.... 16o0(e
$ 3,296,260
Total '32,3.36,230
('Muse Ns 6 el sM report ef the nasty
property .emmlttee was takes ■R to oem-
mltee. Tb. amities yeas ann reported
ua spersgrelli.
he tenon adjoined until 7 30 r o ,
wham the ohm. 0y aisle takes °p In nom•
Metes and paced. Wham the oornmlttee
loper.04 to council Mr. Bolt mevd,eeee.d•
d by Mr. Kerr, that shortwave el the nee
Iy property .ogs.ittoo hy.Nfk-
8.g est Manse No. 5 and dales thereto
net this oeaooll oordder it advisable to
build . sew dwelling home e1 the rel,
plan sad epeelfiwtlene end estimate, for
the same to he proctored by the warden'.
e...a, !tee, and before the ooumeil at
a Detn•nbsr mwtleg.
The motive was Leet a the follswlig.4*.•
nein : For the report - Bewedeoe...Q',
Miller, MaRwom, Patterns, Went. $ Ilgst,
Tarrson. -8. Anion- (Amphora,
Holt, Kerr, Melones, Melon. Rolltas - 7;
Moved by Mr. Tensaw, eeoonded by Mr.
O..olly, that ne dmgere,n Inoue er idiot
be •septa to the house of refers •000p4
k, the comsat of the hem of refer, ..
10888.. Carded.
• les .l peddler'. Iles.. fe. 1899 lased
A aserant sd @abut COW.
Japatan Cataen Cor. -an etz begs~
bey them at ort thee -apply exactly se -
intim to the direetn.s-gad ifea are set
rural see leer da•igl.t. he will anomia
tray sea year mew beet 'There's s
pertive gearantsie with every box that
aeasle tera' Ors t4U1 eare. No ours,
lea get year moan bath. Osamu* la
ever, peruse. M rests at au dnWMas. Lid
Why is it -that nearly all
aged persons are thin?
And.yet, when you think,
of it, what could you 4xpcctt
Three score years of .weer -
and tear aro enough to maks
the digestion weal.. Yet the
pSeat bo
In 8cott's Emd%e, the
work is all done; that is,
the oil in it is digested, all
ready to be taken into the
blood. The body rests,
while the oil feeds and nour-
ishes, and the hypophos-
phites makes the nerves
steady and strong. _
90.14 b.ea, ee dr.gglaa
SCOTT h DOWN{, aisoista Tomato.
Goerich Baal Centre
It Pa s to Bu
'Y Cilsle : Patinif•iwiston, of
Iaelery. W the end of hie flares en tot
This Week
Dalyy positive,
itive, never! tors,
011 earth, fur .11 Kidney
Take Pk Meer
FOR 81A1,8 tbY Jahn, >lfll --- 0.1 Ib. Q•a•1.
Bol. Arm, Goderiob. Ca it on7 0.e 8141'..
A few Bargains
Good Scythes. • - from 40c. to $1.00 each
"2 -prong Hay Forks, - for 15c.
Hay Rakes, -
Scythe Stones,
▪ - IOc.
55c. and 65c.
5c. '`
Gold Medal Binder Twine, - 12c.
I lc.
Consumers' Pure Manilla,
ckim's New
Rein's Old Stand, Goderich.
Corset Specialties:
or Wien, no steel. or bone., the
most perfect health and
t comfort
Corset, $1.00.
A new, up to date (;oreet, short waist,
lace trimmed, steam fitted, stylish
and durable, $1.00.
A regular 50c. Corset, strong jean,
double steels on Ride., 5 -hook double
clasp, worth 50c., special, 35c.
A big lot of white Oold Wave or
Summer Corsets, a regular 50c. line -
we secured • lot cheap at 30e.
while they last.
Bpsoial lama waist, 76o
is the beat Corset made at 41.00. The
only Corset for which you can get
your money back after wearing Cur
list if not all represented.
Special, $1.00.
your Dry
at .Robinson's
extra value in Lawn Shirt Waieta
Plitt* Waists, Pique Skirts, Linen
Skirts, Lustre Skirts, Serge Skirts.
Belts, Belt Buckles, Collars, Sununer Corsets,
Children's Summer Waists
Also a large stock of Mualins and Ginghanls.
Quality and price toll, and when you buy at
-oauwato ro fi)44 got t.Le Ligheat quality at the lowest
.. ..y. AS. ROBINSON.
Next Bargain Days, Jane 29th and 30th.
11_$ Y --
lath met
Cut'es Rheumatism, Coughs, Colds and other troubles.
A valuable aid to the preservation of good health.
Should be one in every house.
Call in and we'll tell you all about it.
Bedford Block.
- It L better
even to be right than merely o 'ret the
pasy position you may assume in these shoes
of oars we are ready now to show you helps
us get back to original comfort. If you want
solid, new -fashioned comfort
P.8. -The balance of our Winter Stock
mut be sold regardless of price.
OPUS= Or SART resins
Alb .po*ta
00* r.Aerraic .m0* rate, Asp;WLII
MONT e011 fin SWIM Npp,
D 01771361CW-
• are
Stock nearly complete again. New goods received daily.
A lot of fine Bsth and Carriage Sponges just to hand.
The newest and latent Perfumes
Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomizers, Hot Water and Ioe Bags, etc., etc.
Owner Colborn. -et. and Square.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderlch, Ont
We beg to state that we have again opened a
Montrealstreet,t the 06rIter of tr ha
tstore formerly
trealoccupied by H.
J. Horton.
We have a ;complete stock of fresh Groceries.
and shall bel abie to supply our customers with ftrst-
clasa goods at the lowest possible prices.
We hope to'he able to serve all our old friends,
and many new ones•
STURDY & 00.