HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-8, Page 88 TIiNIIIIW Y, Jun. 8, 1891. very Day e. • A Bargain Day ENO 110111111 A11110It• a& Peden sed unlimited c- elfin u 1• the Kole plant as mati+e • este rees«r ger *slime Ws w ihes naa.tty the . thrown *au ..e h'' oke It ti k great discovery: Illodereed media& preh••loa everywhere. Ores .lees abael•telr cured In Canada. 0.100 guaranteed. /old by all druggists. El FOR SALK BY JAd. WILSON. OUR BIG -4- Till the end of the month we are offering some Special Bargains in Broken Lines of Spring Goods, marked down to be cleared out. Come and get a few of the Snaps. Spring Dress Goods A splendid hue of Fancy Bruca,luct goods, regular 50c. iter 35• . Special lino of Plaids awl Stripe 14 lac. Stadia nark SWIM* Special eta toe. - - - Lovely Black Betide Crew, ghees (wads in new tleitgns, 75c., $1.00 .e. 111.26. Bargains.* Clothing For $5.00, • special line Mous Tweed Salta. Well made. \1'eU lined. Good fitting. Would be chop at Ff.00. Fine Wool Tweed rants, special et $1.00: Mel/ . \\ aterpnz,fe clearing leer them cost. Boy'. Clothing in two and three pitonitit. Boy'. Clutbing in separate pants-. . Boy'. Clothing in Blouse .ditto of washing material.* Gents' Furnishings New stylish light F.-,loras, ra•guhir 112.50 Ger $1.75. New stylish light Knockabout Hats at hoc. Pine BlearCuhmere Souks, regular 25e. fes. s New etylie Tie. in Puffs and 1Cttuta. . Wide Rash and Collar Rihhuw in Plaid kited pblin eba,ka, very new. ids_' and Children's Policy Plaid Zdett; ---Ladies' Fancy Stock Collars and Ties. Special fast colored Prints. one patterns at bc. yard . Igillinery Bargains Gleaning all Triauird Mlllinety now. Alpo • .penal lilt of shapes an Bloke , olid Colors, away down in prices. ..ccytye rant gut a. yy ,, A full ravage of rfdldfeg, (, 0101 1\'hiteiia(n Ladioe' White Saigon., etc. ' White Underwear 1Lt;c you vieitt.l our White Underwear departweut 7 We have • full ranee til Night Clowns, Whits Skirls, Cornet Carats, Pruners, Wreppere, Ready-to-wear Skirts and Moues. ' r • How all Rlay8g.= 81.n. ill all milord, .11 .ire. Kid (limes M $1.00. 11 hitt clad oolurtsd Silk gloves at 25c. Special Black Taffeta Oluvea, regular 254•. for 17.. Fine Itlack lotted }hew. Hermni art Dye, 2 airs for 25e. 1tov'e Fast Black HOW. ribbed, 2 pairs for 254•. Those- new stock ,Collar Buckles. Meat novelty. -diw'et►y Biome Bete owl Piste. iateet in Maeh Buckles. Late:4 in I'yr.rei (' 14104. Jewelry Thi Bazaar flloyeltaigaallerm (illy 10c. Equal in tit, in stylo and economy of material to any 250. patterns. i tach nail every 1'atteru only 10e. CASH ANS- ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. &cb. DUNGANNON. Noma.- The local agency 1a Duatitnnon ter Tan ManAL Vat the owoi of J. O. WARD. J.N., ooavey)anoer• kc.. who will receive or- ders tr .ubeorlptio.e. advents tag and Job - week. and to authorized to give teool pte for anou•ts paid tor the same ga A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCK• aid bnow will *lett 1ang►nann on tat an ade, 01.soh Ites monAll rnoder. meth•d gde 0t .:[noting .o6 diking. and mating artl- algal teeth. (Mice. next door to Medd'• talar . Hours. 11 a.m. to 5 to. m. Trt.rAV, May 30th. $100 was realized from the 11ueee'e Hirtb• dr, celebration. The volunteers left bre on Tu.al.y last via Uodrlob, for the annual drill at London. lib. weather .ince the storm a 'gook ago bee beep very tavorable for growth of Crops. Mr. sod Mrs. Cumberland, of Wallace township, have lett fer home! after vldttn, their son Joseph. Mr. ('ombertand took rasb him a spleadid buggy made by hisses), 'Hsieh is a very Creditable plea of work• eenshlp. Sb •lots or CotNuu, -The Miwioip.l la- thers of West Wawano.b held . oourt of re- eWo. es' Monday. A. there were no ap- peal* the aseee.meet roll was p yeed, whioh moose the satisfaction of the ratepayers with the assessor's work. Re n the right art ie the richt pl.o.. Next meeting of •.small ,Duly 4th. JOYSCI, -Oa Friday morning Int Wm McNealy was made happy by the arrival of •lac bluaoicg boy. and he is oouesymeetly wearier numerous smile.. We are pleased 1• be able to state that mother and son are dela' Cicely. Many congratulations, hop lay the Goo will be lone spared to els p. - angle. PaocRoateu RAPIDLY. - Riehrd WhIo..y. Dille, and staff .re making rapid =tot in the oosseruotie of • dwelling hcpcc jtct wort of the Presbyterian church. Whom Galahad it will be an eroellent build- ing and will add greatly to the appearance of our proc'reniye village. E. Dania as making great Improvements on his premier having noted a new kltoh.n,.nd F. (7•e.r, painter, Is doing good work wtth the brush and paint Jame. Corwen loss bad his dwelling newly painted by ,lame, Bleak, whioh give. it • neat •ppeafanoe. Mine best Mo(,ormlok is ereotio/ a new driving d 4. lobo ltd.., meroha•t, reoeetly bath anew kora on his farm. Improvements .re being made In all parte of the •altar., add tag greatly to 1t& •rpearanoe. More Im- prov.nlets have awn made in our village thin s..se than to any former year, whioh bespeaks good time.. CowiNq AND Grim, -,John Gay left here . n Thursday last for • tour north wool to eh, pear* .scary. 11. was a000mp•sled by Mrs. O.y and daughter Beulah as far as Beafrth, where they Intend to *leis rel- selves and friends .... Mn. Stobie and son, al BWforth, are vetting relatives here . Mrs. M04.1alg, of Theoosln•, formerly of l)an• salmon. as ee)oying herself visiting relatively sod renewing former iega•letanoe.. Mb. 1a hobltfg hale and cheerful and she is well globoid with her new location.... Mrs. (;. Wilson retarded home on Friday from an .xteA*d visit to relativee and friends at Iogenoll .., . Arnold Harris, of Farquhar. Is on • yt.tt to his slider, Mrs. ('holes Brown, ,beteg .oecmpaeled by Leslie end Rifle liar rap, d1 1*.it•rtsa, soueins of tire. Brown.... Mrs. Jam.. Walker lase weak .felted rel • Mye. at Belfast.... Mrs. Crosbie le "letting leer brother, Jac. Walker .... Rey. Mr. Herten, of Browel., returned home last week from visiting h1. dau,bter, Mn. A. Treleaven. here .... Joba Rrvd,e., hire Bryd 'oo .ad day/liter, Wes Proems!. visit. .r relatives bare last Sabbath . J. M. Ribbons Ids here last week for Toronto on h..to.es. DUNLOP. MoNDAy. Jaen 5th. An up to -date piggery wail built in oar beers lee* weak. Mr. sat Mn. Mathew Ilene end one. Item near Reynold, visited r.l.ative. here • few days ago. David Corbett w•PAewm from Kinall 00 Week .1 Ism week to Ma h1. antinomywed* Weak! Yeseg, whleh woes to eastp en 1'•odey. ebe sO* els. Jamie Young, car , had a hoe Ian week bawk•r M• from the township pit re h1. Ora. M chs Rob Roo. gr000nae the read 1bMree• 11. e.Wa&oc sed bbo beta .&d alms the line 01 road from Lilo turn at the Rob Roy store. Mrs'. McC'.Ilum, of Tiverton, Brace Coon• ty, with her meal, Wee Ferguson, of Bran- don, Manitoba, were the gine • of Mrs. Al - Iso Tuesday of lest week. Wm. Yogarty made an interesting trip to Kiotell last week. having • burry instead of the silent wheel, to roe that flourishing berg of northers AAbfeld. THE MARINE BAND. To the Editor of THE Stumm., Sail,--Tbe annual mages of the (;"de. rioh Musical Society is soon to be bald, aid 1 would I:ke to call the •tt&otion of oar oiti. rens to the work of this Spottily, and, if new able, W enlist a more •Caro co-operation than has metaled of lets. Wo already hx.* a hand that ie • aredi% to the town, and one whioh affords a great deal •,f pleasure to oar oitiz;as whomever tiny appear. Few, how. ever, tally andent•od how much dithoulty has beesovroom• in Cringing it to Me pres- e nt position, or what tho expense ho boos, or what is still oeoe•eary for It. edvance- meit. 1 w111 endeavor to briefly 111)1 ate these points. The feat is that tuna' yet r.. mains to be dose, and the hearty support of aur citizens is mach to be desired. The formation of a Mastoid Society on the linea of the pre-. 01 one was first proposed about fie• years ago- I think by W, W. Man\-loar-and 10011 stens were taken at the time to organics i►. A member of animas ✓ eadily agreed to become members and pay the fee •t $1 • year, cwt as w• fouud our- selves shanty after with only one oral player it wee not thougbt desirable to.prs. oeed, aedaom. time later we were obliged to temporarily suspend opseations for the same roues. After the new i.otorleo .:art - e d .everai new players Dame hre,and,lrge• 1y through the effort& of B. i) Unit, the large so, •ety was organired two years ago. in spite of their difn,ulti.e, the ell moiety lied purchased nine rood instillment', and these, with three bought for the Cedin basil sad handed over to in by Mr. Blackstone, formed the noel tae cat ser penman outdo. W• have added to then until the total num- ber has now reached 26 as per 11 1 given be- low. The aim has been to ',pip the band •s rapidly se poe.lble with a oomplete outfit of blah-oless latremeate, the lle..1.500 being the 'Imperials." whlnh is the beet line manut.otar.d for Whaley & Royoe, *t To roan. This system will pr*daoe mu.lo of a finer tone than an outfit of mixed kinds, se well as give ue handsome and durable 'Is• IIrameat•, each one being sustain -teed for tight year•. Of ooare they oast rather high -- She pride of the silt one, a euphonium (bail) nein, $75. We need now a new barb Loos horn, and this will take about $50 or more. If some wealthy nitixes would like to donate that amount to the Society, why, We all richt. lle.ide the nutriments men- tloned, 1 have he.. playing the,r own, among them Frank Smith, clarions': Mao- \'roar, h.r('one ; and 1)usham, cornet. That only about lwanty torn out for assessments 1s mainly aoeoutted for by the foot that os'• er.l horns are In the heads el begln.er.. Following i. tfiiilet Cornet' 5 Tenor horn. 2 Clarinets 5 " trombones 2 l'i000le 1 Alto horns Ras, borne 2 .Slide trombone I %tritons -some Itennis ' 2 26 Some -ask how we spend the money add sleet we need so mnch for. 1 will give a summary ; Within the Int tyre year. about 4200 has bees paid one oninstruments. The look uniforms are responsible for MO at least. Meda, repairs, Mo., are responsible for oonelderahle some, and oar reo•nt non ort °oars* bas last es eametheag lAst year we had profits .f 4116 from Godfrey )land to help a ont : this year we ha.e n othing to offset .hal adv0.t•',. The groat from the town of 4100 le seed to ppa y 14. leader. From thee. taste It will be .era Met the aaenai euheeriptlec .1116. t1,. balk of oar .e.h for improvements this year. Now, the .Moose of the &misty are two lo To establish a geed band that will he • redia and an •dvr1ban.et to the town the number of players to be raised to 25, and is eaares of time probably to 3b. Red -To eitivet. • taste fee mute and a iga .sass mneleal enartafeausla We have .lready brought semis meritori- ous ereamieatI.a. hers - Fad.iae, GedM.y, eta -00d Mye already beaked tho l lbeit Bruises, Sore Back, Burne, Scalds, Neuralgia, Headaches, Lumbago, Sore Throat, and .very o.'ter ailment where outward application L wanted to give quick relief. 1d8. MACK WHITE. the well-known tritium of the Toronto Lactose. Olub and Osgood. Hall Rootbpll Club, writes :-" I consider Urlfeth'. Menthol liniment un- equalled tor .tilt.ii or thole training. I have used It with the best *sooess, and can heartily recommend It for lame back, stleneia aoreuenr. sprains and •Il Corm. *t .wailing and la6ammadoa." m.NT ITkoi. EMEN MUMS TSR rlt.TAwT argue. AT ALL DRUG: ITS --2f mars FOR SALE Bt JAS. WILSON. Sole Ages; Uodrioh. Symphony Orobestra. of Boston 133 p.liptr), and others, for next winter. Every l,nor of mesio and refined eotertainme*t, eve y- oae auxioas to advance the Overeats of the town, should ns' • (rimed and active soppo: t or of them. °hj.ot•, ('am* out to the meet• lag lad dismiss the matter. Bring the ladles and not them to unite their iodine -es to ours, Set your wase to work to think of some way to advance some of the *bison we bare to ,sew, Tura out the executive, it you like, and put in -• a,w one --anyway imam and do something. Here ars some of Oa %binge wo would like to do this year: (a) Improve the outfit of instrumento a. Utile ; •I t..t • salt in marine stile sellable for winter or summer ; et a protw:ooal in.truator for • tame. lir. Strata) is awa of W. boot are, tears to Canada, but wcnid like to mem this doom himself ; (d) Establish a musical club room : (.) When all these this's are done, we'll start on a Choral 01.6 and orchestra, aa pro- posed when the society was first thought of. We want the best heed of any town of our size in Amortize -no low The the other thange, too. 11 you think this is too nieoh, and tear we'll want a band on every corner lot soon, come to the annual mooting and kick. If we can't get you up to the high standard, perhaps we can compromise Wbst's wrong with • special oomntittoo of ladle. and gentlemen undertaking to rels mosey for those uniforms ! tat's talk that over. (Signed) W. C. Loops, For Executive Com. Saturday's blob* contained two plenum trum photograph. by R. R. Sallows,. One el them wee a picture o1 Jean Campbell Sal- lows, the siz-mooch•-e1d daughter of James Sallows, of Dunmore, Amok , who Ie being brought uD by her Rrandpareeta M Col• born.. - HOSE WORK FOR FAMILIES We want the services of a number of families to do knitting for as at home whole or spare Ilene. We furnish $Sli Machine and *sops the yarn vee d pay forth. work assent in. !listener no h indrance. $7 to $dn per week made a000tdlag to time aevel5 to the work. W me at *nos. Caere Selereeees. Ce-eperepve katlumg Co., . Tere.N. FROST STOGIE CO at Victoria Opera House TWO WEEKS June 5 to 17. A good Con pony presenting New and Popular Plays at Popular Prices. Monday Night, I SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART.' Adeetsas.e. le and la rear.. JUST RECEIVED A. Oar -load of the Celebrated 1 Samson Brand PORTLAND CEMENT The Best and Cheapest Portland Cement in the market No danger of walls crumbling to pieces when made of this cement. AU'o iN STOCK Foreign Portland Cement Calcined Plaster Firebrick, Etc,, Etc, All of which will 1.(s- mold at a small advance on rout. F. BARLO HOIIES Sole agert at Goderich for the Owen • Sound Portland Cement ('d. BECKER & MYERB, Underlaters and Embalmm Graduate of M.aaachu.el.la (;rate lege of ISmh•Iming. WRITE HEARSE. OPEN DAY AND NiOHT. HATI r t ttlS ANDYODE COURT -t 7A ATTENTION. MOM t➢NII1110 . WELLAND VALE BICYCLES SEASON 1899. CHAIN MODELS: DOMINION, - $35. GARDEN CITY, $45. PERFECT, - - $65. OUR BIG -4- .a.gri...,.,. .r► r - PERFECT CHAINLESS, $75.00. A feature of tate' WELLAND VALE Wheels is the undisputed fact that they cost legis for repairs than any other make, and are besides tho easiest running on the market. We cater to the requirements of all classes of riders, and our different styles and prices will suit the most exacting tastes. We are the pioneers in the manufacture and use of one-piece cranks', which are undoubtedly ,the best attachment ever_ employed, so much so that the majority of leading Bicycle -makers are copying the idea as nearly as they dare. MOKENZIE,' Local Agent for Goderich and Vicinity 1 A Fine Line of Bicycle. Sundries to selec,.' rl. GODERJCH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, sue near to OArretat d 414 xi Manafaoturer of .li kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet Ivo. Works, otc., etc,, And Dealer in- 1 Kngine., M•o1lnery Ceettegs, A.. All dams of Pipes ser Pip. FIrtlagr, Wein and Water Laurel, Globe Valve, Cheek Valves, II•spfrator.. Kjsot•re and In. joiners Coaetaayy os' Hand at Lewes Prime. A .penial line of Steal Weber aad Nag Trough, for nee of farmer, and others. Ilepalr:ng promptly attended to A.. S. oasYSTAL, ltd -1, 1'. O. Box .17. OodMoh, WE SAVE A 31110111 LOT OP GIES THIS YEA 4'8 DESIGNS dad aro Selling them at Prices that will suit yet.._ HELLO ±" THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THEEtlTH Scrlltoli Bard Coal IN THE MARKET Aa t7M1 weighed on the Market &aloe, When nu art mu lb& for a ton. Order@ At Gundry's Auction Rooms, GODS RICH. oiamm WM. LEE. AT THEOL11._BUSINESS loft at )Lim A =WEALD'S Stere promptly attended to. We do All Kinds of rlaulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. 11'e - The lendersoo Bicycle Co., (Limited) (.31.013 RI '• ME- IN A NEW STAND. We beg to state that we have again opened a Grocery business, at the corner of the Square and Montreal street, the store formerly occupied by H. J. Horton, We have a complete stock of fresh Groceries, and shall be able to supply our customers with first- class goods at the lowest possible prices. We hope to be able to serve all our old friends, and many new ones. STURDY & CO. Subslanco'Sliadow A NE# COMB £TOYE Wyse west • bass werftb M / be day tin fay 4roo /r Ids shot• y.. end DODD'a /MIRY talar Ir•e'd w to ti toy as 00001 An 4411 IN 1,R/ TAIL TML ONLY At any reason of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen It is wits COOK Moven like every thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will bo__pie..ed with WIT FAMOUS and ABERDEEN 1 11111 prepamd In hay this .swat's .lip of Wool, at u.nal, at the Benmiller Woollen bills HIGHEST CAS H PRICE w► 1. r•a.Aetw Ar ,lea, JESSE 6LEDHILL WOO THE WEEKLY rammer REPORT. Tell Wheat ilea Jon. 7, 11011 10*. Flour. hell 0 w C 10 Flour, family. e wt.....•...... 1 6w1d 14. 11 N ..tee._ . ....... .. 1$1$= k 4 p rp.,rr ler cwt • - .. is flu to Hssetnc mt ph, barb thI bMY01 W 0 * * II iiii :•":". ...... OM 0111! it /. : hew bl111.16d,1data10 00.•40to! eats.y71 :401:4 twist 0 10}4 I `1h,• p ll'w1.t1$ StovesandRanges O.eLL .AT CATTLE BROS. Plambers,SleasEtters aid Tinsmiths wed side of S4sue, sett eterdy Bra& J. BROPBEY & SON li uomtr tti\ Zl yr fetor w (',XI \ H.rn lio.VoNexa. •rd.vs ear.tullp sdMneled to at all hews, &babe se ear. more se Wo nr•e.t. t..htwsee, ear bee beritel• essemeatase THAT UGLY PAPER Ought riot to Way on your wall any longer when you can get really artistfo'bolor - ings and dainty patterns as low w e CENTS PER ROLL. G L O. WATSON, PAINTS= AND PAPER HANGER, Montreal Bt., • • Near lm Mark&. A Great Saap ts our Ulaper day, as 50. • of wbl.b welsh • barrel • week. This rend. our ••ly •map, as we sarrT ovary**, Ibmt ea* be fogad N a• mi- te-date prime are right. The farmers know tlMtbe eaa always yes fr.es as a saar!et their priding. We draw tee 14. ea so IetINNW* Wede r- wflrjr rat Bco Metes* tail. Ohio". W. deal h all of them. T. G. TIPLING & 00., Medford Block, O .derlob !he tort star. amitt et eif Mimi lurrbl -apanwwbi lye rerea E Mare MIN irivk 1k. tradime* bare bene able* •a 4••• to.1 -balding- keel ag atter- Mee Ta•t ail FOR SALM HY JAB. WILSON. The Best are the Cheapest. KEMF'• mesh.. esti West Mao mama OIL STOVE ' We have a fall 11•s .f tb.o. army ..ewe 1e gearans sd, W0 cony • fun 11...4 Amor Dairy liappliee and House Terniahinga. Loin ding,a• Me Phials - Ina, Beller otd l as•Tessuldue. N. C. F1LSINCER.