HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-8, Page 6MY CONFESSIONS TO MY DIARY. What was that quick fear which seised me as I listened to ler uncon- scious words? What that trembling which masalled any limbs. and rendered me incapable of moving either buck - ward or forward ? The fuud trembling fell so suddenly upalh me that I had hardly time to realise their presence, until they had resolved them- selves luto a knowledge, fearful as a thunderbolt from heaven, but certain as that I live -or 1 must elle! „' I love her -and eche loves me! We have destroyed each other's happtness. As this conviction smote ire, I •,.dropped her cold fingers, and sinking down upon the hillock beside which Me stood. burled my face la my bands- (kxx1 heavens! bow was It that 1 had never anticipated this -never seen It comlug-never dreamt of such - -a cohtingeney T-%ltai .1 had spent day after Aar- -In her comps mediae with her. einem -with h r, riding with her. listening to h r • aatwtag r0+nvereattoneeeiretetring ani her womanly kindness to my wire (ah. nay poor wife!) contemplating her beauty from hour to hour, and never once suspected that 1 might "grow to love her more than was good amid right? And she. the girl whose advent I had dreaded, whose manners I had so disliked, whose beauty wag W me no beauty at *I1! All, Margaret Margaret! you may have your revenge now if you will. In the assurance that (,ever, never more shall the remembrance of that fatal beauty be purged from my ex- istence. All was now explained ; her worn Imes and dbblrlted appearance ; my min martian. and uneasy sensations; cam guilty feeling had been growing • In us. surely though unconsciously, 'for many long days past, and needed but some such accident as tbe pre- sent to warm It Into life. Save I not reason to wish that I were dead ? 'TAW not sit upon the Meet long ; something was waiting to be dons. an that wee not - the ttme for thought. I could not even MAY to watch her as she again commenced to pees beneath the moonlight with the Meiling breeze playing with her oeoo•-efthnereiralintsrie: area MIMI - cling about her graceful figure. 1 felt that she must be Coaxed to re- turn tq the -home. and that I was uelther the right person nor In the right ptais of mtnd to do It. 8e I base quickly. and explaining the circumstances to Janie's ayali (an old womaw with more dense than the generality of her tribe), directed. her how to speak soothingly to tee yoking lady. and persuade her to return to the house. where she neefd be tone the wiser for the untimely stroll which she had taken : and after a little wbtle I was relieved to see the white hand In the grasp of eke -dark one, aqd the two women. so' unlike each other In all outward appearance. pass Into the house together. leo now it la -all over : and the gray dawn is here; apd as It was not worth while for me to taro In before going to parade, I rt down to transcribe the particulars of this adventure be- fore i forget It. Shall 1 ever forget It ? I am aware that henceforward. and before the world. i meat play n part but It Is useless to dissemble with my own heart. This night hoe revealed to me what 1 had rather have died Use bear. but the truth will make Itself known. I love her with mywhole heart- aselaieateinever loved before. What Le y, fervently, y, eievotedly, as 11 bet to come of It? What to to become of her, of me, of ,lance' Are we all to be tf loci ? As I write, then come Into,m mind tee sentences: one which felly Irma her mouth (sweet mouth, that shall sever, be mine!), and one which pro - needed ro ndram my own: We who are gong should shield theme' and, "You sisal( not fall, test to N-1 will lead you the right wa No, dear Jane, poor innocent. chid, salt you, my beloved one, do not fear. I will shield both Lbs weak and the stream; you shall not suffer for my lmpn r so galla Yet bow te to, -coon est how to care, how to make up to her for the needy I have entailed on her dear head ? Oh, m1 God, the task will be n hared one! C H AU'T}:R III. At;ust 1lth.-1 retnrntd from par- ade this morning tired. fevered), and wttb a wdght upon me oornolence an though I had committed an unpardon- able crime'. i felt as if 1 dared not, face my Injured wife, dill .m the woman who hail usurped her place in my aftec- tionu, or rather who ?holds the place In which the other should have reigned. Yet I was not only obliged to en- counter Moth of them, but to go through all the formalities of dally life. without which perhaps the trial would have proeed toss much for me endaranoe. Janie ways the fires ; for .draw her 111 - new came has not risen to breakfast and I have been In the Isabit of carry- ing hi her tray for her. It was with a shaking hand the& I lifted It to -day ; and the poor child noticed the differ- ence 1n my demeanor, and asked me tesdnriy If t were Ill or tired. 1 had not quite made up my mind, before that, whether 1 shooed inform Janie of her cousin's prepenalty for somnam- bullem or not; but as 1 met the trusting glance of her blue eyes, 1 resolved to do so, not only because It Axys a t61ng which might occur again asst (rtgliLes her am before, but also that by rnwf!rling even ao far In my Waal I seemed vohiutertly to place a lthler banter between Lamm and my. gale Therefore I sat down on the hid and fins binding her to secrecy, I related to her how, 1 had apent my late night. mons the roof of the home acid M that mum arrived at a nota- tion the lavatory which ha.1 alarm- ed the festive servants and herself. "Didn't i tell you that your Ore* wooed prove to be nothing?" I sae, trying to weak gayly, in ooachnsbwm. "Old Robert dear," wan her reply, "de yes call poor Damns malting in her sleep nothing ? I think It le hoe rible -41MM am had as a real ghost; and If 1 had hem yell, 1 remldn't hate gone near her for worlds I shooed have died of fright henna." "get, Jude, you ens that 1 am not A fitly Ilttle girl, rattly to believe Ilk., idle tale whMh Is repeated to tat( /And 700 mod show yourself to be wear worn, ori this ores. mean. and Its very careful Ghat the story does not remit you? nomrin's ears, ie the knowlett<e Is likely to make her worse tafland of tatter. 1 'hell give the ayab erasers to heed her towns, and deep crinkle the rloor Ire future, see that lifer Anstrnther may not Wledsr nMrouwr t *gain itreerved." "And 1 remelt%. tell Lie -wine, there, $hat you caught hors' wall Janie, In mike of dlseppolnt.er et. "Certainly not,' i replied, decidedly, 1 rasa to leans ken, only half -met My withal would be re- fer ads Ironed ane de bee tar fer tie world -she bas emote a Using; bet edgers-gtga an tan shat to part with a secret Were cher knows that it has left her keep- ing. When 1 returned to the breakfast - room, Lluono war already then, (ole indeed and rather Strut. US rho has been for wreral weeks ptuft, but allow• big no rains that she was aware of our nocturnal uieeihfg. But mini 1 took Ler hand in luluet I felt the blood rush UP to 011 templed and nay morning wee-?emust have been nearly to her. ' Why de I jabave w tuollsl,lyShe is la all respecta the same woman whom i tact yesterday with an ordinary sal- utatlou--her manner even hem not al- tered toward me; and yet tbe mere cones ousness that that of which I had been vaguely dreaming 1. reality, was serenest to make me almost betray what I feel by the expression of a? -teatimes. Ts this my boasted strength ? We took a silent meal. mild alto, flier an unprofitable ooe. 1 had no ttte ; Volum only trilled with the eatables upon her plate; and I think we both felt relieved whealthe oeremooy was concluded. I did not see her for the remainder of the :morning. for I made an excess rot business, and took m7 tl(fln at the mem. When I returned home at 5 o'clock, however, I found Janie ear- nestly persuading her cousin to take a rale on horseback. "Do make her go, Robert dear,' she exclaimed, as moon air I cameapon the scene of action. "She has not ridden for weeks peat, and. else dose look so pale. 1 am ear* It will be good for her; you know It will, Robert" with rblent winks and bllnke which were 'efficient In themselves W make tare unhdttated stop to Inquire their rea- son. "1 daresay 1t will," 1 answered, ob- liged to may something. "Won't you be persuaded"' addressing Lion. 81m hesitated a little, but had no good reason to advance for her hesita- tloa ; and after a little more pressing ea Jaate's part, retired to put on ber halsll. - - - I ani ewe glad that she 1n going." exclaimed my poor little awed bird, clapping her hands at her encore". "Take great care of her. Robert, she ton tee;., "I will take •Matti cir, Janie,' 1 answered, earnestly, "and of you, too. You may trustme, my dear ; at least I hope so." "01 COUPON. you take care of me, air," si>A replied, with a pretty pretension of pouting, "beoaure I am your wife ; but I am not ao sure about m7 !weer cousin.'. "Be sure, then, Janie, If you con. I shall try to do my duty by both of " Who talked of linty ?" cried my wife, shrugging her 4110014cm. "I never saw airy ono grown e0 grave lir you have, Robert ; you never hr'em now tar be able to take a Joke." I defended myself from this accusa- tion on the plea of having found aro- mat gray hairs to my mustache last week ; and before Janie had down' laughing at the idea, Mies. Anetruther reappeared, and 1 lifted her on ber horse a though elle were an ordinary (Asad to me, anal my hands did not tremble under the burden of the crea- ture I loved dot In the world. We rode on hi silent* tegethe'r for some momenta. earthen 1 turned my horse's head toward the sandy plain which 1 before mentioned aa ly- ing between all and the mean, and told her that 1 was about to take her tenni to the (each, that she might de- rive n little benefit from the a•u- tweeeze. Colonel Anmtrutter will not think that we have been tattier eafflelent tare of ,you. Margaret U we send you Ur him with mach pale cheeks as you have now. I am afraid you find the hot weather very trying "1 never liked r the hot weather. even hi England." ale answered va lye whilst tee rich blood mounted to her cheek beneath the rcruttnittng Canoe welch i lead turned toward nr. Our beach at Muehin-Burda is hardly t9 be called a leach, for It amireme, scarcely any alewife. bat is composed of hillocks of loose sand which never etny le tate place two ni1trts together. Mat are eve{ Shifting quarters, and are about as treaeberam footing for an animal u one could desire. We passed over thorn carefully, however, and then we (owed ourselves upon the lower sands, wbich are dally washed by the sea, and rendered firm and level. Here we halted, for it was low tide, and the refreshing salt breeze fanned our het faces, while the horses we rode ptretolied out their necks, and dilated their ncetrIlm°as though to drink in ar mush of It as they could Still we were very silent, and under the knowledge which had come to me the night before. the sdlenc a was even more op noise than aural. "'eels is decker'!" I exclaimed at last;"Moth awning further than three eines to enjoy. "This velli do you scrod. Markeret.,' Tee." the aliened. "What would one net give fora little of It occasionally dartherm eca hen nights!" "Toa do not steep well ?" 1 said, Ytrock by a sudden impulse. She mimed as I aAdr.nm.I Iver ; but that 1. nothing new. I don't think I sleep badly," she replied, after a pause. ' t seldom lie awake for a length of time, bot-" "But when you rise In the morning. you feel nnretre ped and tired." "How do you know that" ale ()e- mended quickly. "I gassed 1t, Margaret. I genre It from your looks, your denseanor,your languor. I know that you do not rest properly at nights and that If you eirlli not take seasonable advice you will be Ill." "i am not UI," she answered 'In a mow voice. ' 'But you wkl he, which, under pres- ent elrenmstanetsm, would greatly dee trete Janie. WU) you not comment to see a doctor -If not for your own state, for neer r' I thoneht that physical care might la arena measure relieve tie mental dlsturbanon under which she Ia1,0M or, at all events, pretreat a repetition of her somnambnilstie tendencies by which her secret may, some day, he made patent tee the world. 1 neve. 1maglnert she wosed guess my mean - Ing , but the next moment I saw the mistake whkrh I had made. "What Mve I been doing r" aheex- clalmwl, turning mend with a rapid- ity for which I was totally unprepar- ed. " What have 1 been laying? Tell ms et come, Captain Norton; don't keep the And her dark ayes hlatp'' ppoa me as though they wised search Into my very heart. i trembled beneath the look. and was dumb ' Why do yon think i eannmt rest -that 1 thrall be 1111" she re. demanded, aliment angrily ; and then reading the troth, 1 suppose, In my enwlur.ed demeanor. she added In a lower rake, a vokee almost of terms-, "Nave 1 arisen walking In my sirup 1" Taw Ise weeetweken. thee; Rest at tho g% I malt felt very nsoomfort- able Iu spastics to her of the cls• cemeteries, 1 did not sea any other aeuree upset W nee eked a• Nat herr briefly of my etdeavar to Had out the reason o1 my wife's alaria mad the ooneequeeme which ,had ensued from lt. • I had not wished to oeatba ihtt 10 yon." I rid apolelgeticsliy, 'sad only the directness, of year gaustloa should have drawn It t me. ! OwJ 'eerie as It M lreedeleWeig de the best e for though the ocoMrreaoe le a common Ane, It Mar well 10 guard against 1M repetition." e W Oat 41d I fay 1' wan the anti reply which she made to my telt eluding ubuervatJue. I I had so slurred over the fact (11 r her apeaking at all that I hoped llti lead escaped her notice; but the tong( In which she put Lids queeUon pojr' tended that she nieaat to have It a 'towered. "What did 1 nay to. yah, Captain aortou t" slue repeated firmly. I began to mandate somethtag about the weeder Of sleepwalker+ being a1• ways uulutelitglble, but she brought me back to the point. "You must have heard me ; In tact, I can see by your tape that yoo did hear. What was It that I said t" "'I sea so sleepy, Margaret" I com- menced but 1 felt my voles sliaklag andtbty-" eb sleep!, and eitege%Deree eadeeele • and my memory ne tether of the best, that 1 -I -really I-" 8he .gaged at no for a minute ear- nestly, almost bungeringly-1 could feel It, though I (lid not see 1t -bit I kept my eyes flied over the sea, and a .dead silence ensued between uta A dead allensa, until it was broken by the living aoand of tear.; mad I turn- ed to see her dear Mead bent W ,her saddle -bow, and her slight figure shaken with her grief. "Margaret, dear Margaret "' 1 exclaimed, forpattng everything but herself. "It was nothbig-Indeed It Wall nothing ; a few words spoke( at random, of which no Ona In hie series 'maid think twice. or be eo presumptuous as to understand as the interpretation of your true feelings toward him." But in my anxiety and ardor I had blurted out far more than I In- tended. ' Be silent !" she cried, as she Ilfeen an indignant, burning face to mine-" be silent, ietiotaln Norton' i1 you do not wish to tumult me, or make me hate myself or yore"... And with that she tteaJied her hand Ian perilously stereos tier eyes, and gath- ering up her reps, termed her horee'm head away from the mea beach and began to canter towartt Home. I followed her, of coarse ; bat wo did not glicimage another.-igard. mal ohs would not even condescend W meet the Imploring glance which, as 1- tupk her from the saddle, I lifted toward her face, mutely entreating for forgiveness. She behaved mock the same as usual during the remainder of the evening; only that 1 maw she stud' oumiy avoided coming In contact with myself. What a fool I was to say as much as I did! I, who nlnnrld registered a vow this morning that nothing sioekd War the a&wet from my Lipa. Armco' I have betrayed her to herself. 1 we she shuns me; I know she iemre me; I rename believe I havetsp[L1 her ea me. Well, I have brought t$ on rays/Re and I mum bear it as I may; it only proves Show Ilttle knew when we tank -as i did tb morning -that the work( naanoehp a greeter misfortune for us thus the one we tion endure, Ole Limrq Lionise! what is to be the end of this? August 12th. -I was scarcely our Drloeel when Janis came to.lday to tell me in a broken voice that her condo had Just in(ormied her of her inton• Uoa to leave Mudiil-Bunki aa soon as po.dbte, and that she had already written to Mrs. (brant to ask Y she could receive her at Madras MMittl Ther uncle's wjalies with respect to her movements should be made known, 1 was not surprtsed, because I tett vinced that, after what had between us yesterday of her proud -,piit would forbid her remain- ing under the same roof wetb me, If any alteMaUvs were open to her ; at the scams tame I felt deeply hurt to think that se' lmpravlence Mould be the means of dela-iog her from the shelter of It. Jamie, on the other hand ; Innocent as to the casae, had no reimon to feel hurt, except the want of confidence reposed to her; but she was wonderfully astonish- ed, and disposed to resent my not being so as son to dl1scmal grievance. Why, you don't /MA 1n the least surprised to hew it. Robert 1" ebe oompialned- 'Mee laargaret said any - tiling about K to you before 1" "The subject hag never been broach - between un; but els Anatruther ham a right, d obureee, to follow her own inclination, and we none to in with them." but what can be the reason?" you not ask her, Jamie?" "Of roe; but alie ) doe dose not feel ori wellhere as that Ohl at Madras. - "1 think that le quite sufficient to account for her deMrfag a change. Streigtb moon glees wwrmy�y le this coun- try and I don't think Tose malign been Soldier well or strong late- ly. What e �we �know of her sleepwalk- I'Ig "Then L a proof of that." i -i en I ramal 't permute lher to atop with us, Robert?" ormtknnei Janie, plea.hngly. "By no means, dear. Let her follow the bent air her own wishes; it will be sweet for all of ma'' 'Bat Uncle henry wilt be so ewr- priscd ; and, I am afraid be will be angry -and -and 1 had so hoped she was grolag to stay with me, Robert ; had 1 (API no ill -mrd wt nervous, and I ean't them that Margaret etioeld go away.' And here the poor girl war quite overcome by the premed. of her cern weakness and her companions de- parture. and buret into a flood of child- leh team. "i't 1a." ash answered curtly, but soli wn Z'#t y ' 9L aid stoat rue foe opal nemesia„" I went ou loamy, "boomrb roar w1dies ar. 7c0Y' own, mad shall be sacred ; lust if your &Melo& (a not irrevocable think twins Were yom 1,(1404 aaek a on poor Janie. TO/ and 111 she is at pres- ent." Captain. Bore 1, 1avert - 1*e em?' It 1 Stave t 4Oens myself- I 'sae, the oaat0raesut, and du not reeves t" 'You are noel to earnest r' die said, raising her called surprised. u prwdmane, too weary '1 acs I have long 'deeded going to Haldalaad os a 411,u0ttng ezourslas, wtilcb may detain me for two or three moetlta Inadvertently almost 1 have delayed it, your vigil and Jan1'a 111aeae coletag In the win ' but now 1 am ready to dart at tvstr. hour.' lsottoe. U feed be -Indeed, Ism anxious to Ste a 'And what tilll Jeal+ may to that, Captain Nortalar she derdanded in a lowierwt voice, "At We Ua assid 1 believe that say atamoce RNI a(tect Jamie lees than your would do. She every much attached to you, and die feels the omelet" of a woman's, prMeDpe. Added to while. Margaret. I as 111 a greet raeaeere r e to your urele for your promo pp,pf�4 j alai feel V feacemyIncauls strangers iriWieut previously a*1f1g his convene see will imagine 1 have proved unfgltbful to my trust. Do loo wish to think as badly of me se Ido '' self ?' As 1 uttered Muse ,meds 1 dropped my voice aimed to a whisper, but she heard theft plainly. " Oh, let me go ! let me go !" sine e*elalmed wlWly. " It will he better, far better, for all of ua I cannot, Lideed 1 cannot. remain here: the air of this plags stiller inn'." " 1 ham mads you despise me," 1 B ahl deaporrdently. " No ; oh ger' and her dark oyes were fixed ap06 me for a moment with an a which I would have k ip them for ever ; "but - you know, Captain Norton, that It le beet. -that, 1n fact, we must part." " I do lender fa,- I replied ; " and therefore I am going. By this time to -morrow 1 Lapp to have made all necessary peep rations, and to be ready for a start Meauwhile you will stay hers -I know you will, 'm- eatus i ask you -to comfort and Zook after Jade elute you revive your uncle's eament to go to Madras And when It arrives. and you have left Me ueiL •:ate 1 will TOWen 10 Met " And we shalt never, never Meet again !" she mild, in a roles so broke 114 to be alnlps$ inarticulate. i dared mot Wirer her; had 1 mpok- ma. t - arftehat se- Pomo l tuts au ams heart. You have concent d ?" were my next words, Yea niece you think 1t best: only I am sorry to be the means of driv- ing you from home." ('Ib be omtlnoedv 1 State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County, ate. ' Frank J. Cheney maker oath that he ie senior partner 01 the firm ,of F. . Cheney h Co.. doing business In the .td. of Toledo, county and State 'Upraise'. and ?bat said firm wUl pay he sum of One Hundred [Milan for ;each and every case o1 Catarrh that parrot lou oared by the use of Hall's ;Catarrh Care. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me dead subscribed In Jay presence this 6th day of De- cember, A. D., 1886. A. W. Gleams. (Beal.) Notary Public - Hall's Catarrh Core is taken inter • pally. and note directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of they system. Sent for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. &ikl by drugged" 75e. Hall's Faintly Pins are the) beet .able Island f)tesppaay�. etso To those who regard the world as already ftniebs I and quite rounded off the annoaneement that Sable island, come 85 miles east et Nova Scotia, 1. sinking, comes as a somewhat startling piece or news. Bat as a matter of fact, this island, which bas become so noted a menace to trans-Atlantic commerce that It is t orero a. tie "mean graveyard," has been steadily sinking for the last 100 yearn. [thaw decreased In length from 40 to 22 Mies, and naturally, as It grows smaller, the fore of tha sea makes a greater lmpeefstos upon It and hastens Its dlaappearasee. With In another century It may be Daly an ocean reef. and then be more danger. ous a r- ous than before In tbe path or dile. i felt eery marry for Janie. She ham as thoroughly enjoyed the society of her entrain, and she In art In a con - entices to he vexed and thwarted with impunity. And then again f thought of Llonne travelling all tate way heck to Madras by herself, to aoxept a home from strangers, with outhing ?rat herr present unhappinsu, and her fet- ttre nnmrrta,nty to bear her company ; and 11r1t that neither of theft rboutd he the one to igniter, and that it the terra required a victim. It showishMam N. (did not ret my wish leave my regiment nor my wile, anyone else; but if It le Im- passible for us to coronae on the same forting with one another ( t It that i +tire ire the one to i1^ So teed not bedtal.; but tallier Jan. 10 keep 11er tears until she shoed be auto they were requlrret went in marr•I4 o1 Mar- garet Aot trtthser. 81* war neither In the drawing" - room nor in the Antn1tg--rmnm, but In a Ilttle antsotmmher whieb It pleases my wife tocall leer bonlr,lr, but whirls V the dcllesst and meet unfrequented *pertinent in 1110 hoarse. There I round pee nn tbe mete eh*ing her erre wttk her (hand. hot making no at- trmpt ag. t work or reading l(arganrf, may 1 creak to you ?" 1 mold not, beeanes 1 had effeendewl her, gn eek to the mere formal np pellstto n of VIM ArWtruther ; , It leh+'med so merry as thmngh we had quarrelled "If It M of Anything i ahnuM ears bIt beer," the erica languidly. n In o1 semetal 1n witith 1 much n dm Jit t Ivan "i me that you mummy leaving as, is fiat 'weer That tired, 'enfold feeling sad le - tion to eat be rapidly removed b most will by the sd sites Miller's Compound Iron Pals. Before !see !line. While priming Whitehall she other day a stranger to Leaden asked a policeman if he could point oat the window through which King Charles pawed out to execution. The policeman asked : " Who was 11° ?" King of England, of course," was the answer. - ' But when was that ?" " Over 200 years ago.- " Ah. ah ! That was long be(pre my time, ale. I only entered the foleo In 1862,' was the policeman's' reply. " Homy I can't help you." 'Promotion of oeneral 1!lapptnesm • L secured by Nervtilme-the great nerve -pain cure. The highly pene- trating properties of Nervlllne make it never falling In all tames of rhea madam, neuralgia, cramps, pains In the beck and aide. lumbago, etc. We heartily commend It. Women's Skulls the Cheaper A medical student is authority for the statement that women's skulls command • mush lower price than those of men. "It is powible," he sae, "to obtain the skull of a woman for $1.60, while that of a man cannot be had for leas than $2. The reason why t Well, a woman's skull, as a rule '1s considerably smaller tbaq • man's. It is said tb be Imperfectly developed ; it is an inferior specimen of the article and altogether less use- ful to mimics ; hems its lower mar- ket value." • i st.•auring a Lightning risme. By means et a photograph, made with a vibrating len% a demists have calculated the time et • lightning (lath. IL comes out ons -nineteenth of a sabred. The calculation is based upon the multiple Image In tbe pho- tograph* and the rate of vibration of the lens. The time applies, o1 emirs., only to the perticnlar flash tbat wag photographed. Iilaard'aLlaimaat Giese Dlphtl4sria. Tea Nig Per neheelbsy . The largest history ever published la "The War of the Rebell/et," Mined by the United States is deb oetero volume. of 1,000 pages each, with a gigantic atlas in thirty parte The bookie weepy thirty feet of shelf room and weigh one-quarter et a tow. The .,res.., limited to 11,$00 sate, has ben le course of publleatl50 for over twesty years. No wesmeselleine ae*vfs"wlaetly as Millers Worm Powder.; to ,spate ea. plied• 1 BEAT VICTORY After} Short, But Hot and De- cisive Contest. On mu Tyne and ends. stburg• Ont.. Mal 29. -Jam R. Li peaprtetor of the Lake- view. bee's. la one of the hap. Pleat lteu la Iowa. For .ohne years pack, its has been in very poor *slap. and was • great sufferer (toes Kidney Disease. In 'Pita of all that medical skill, and gwmeroua remedies eaglet do, Mr. Otlles* gra* gradually worse. lits aupesiapi laoreeoed, and there seem- ed to be no hops uI curing the die sat• One day a fathead called to see ham and advised Ulm le try Dodd's Kid ney P111s, telling 1,im they had cured a number of cameo, of which be knew, and ' widen were ala were, than Mr. Otllean'a The latter procured a boy and so much good did It do him. ilea be bought sinus mere. There Mehl healtaimplethipe mrd he 1s now .401eUereal W Loki grails . a..suosptkw, every icy, so many fries& call to emogratulate him oa hie happy re- covery. Dodtl's Kidney Pills are astoalsh tog .the medical fraternity dally, by their marvellous memos la casae of Br'ttht'a Disease. Diabetes. Rheuma- tisrm, Lumbago Sciatica, Gravel, Urinary Troubles, Female Com- plaints, Blood Impurities. and all other Kidney Dlmeases. Many ptiyst- clans in 114. district prescribe them In their practice, always with the beat result& Kidney Disatime cannot redid the action of Dodi'. Kidney Pith. which are the only cure of earth for such diseagee. Dodd's Kidney Pills are soil by all druggist", at fifty cents • box, six boxes tl2.50, or will be sent, on re- ceipt of price. by The Dodd'r Medi- cine Oo.. Limited, Toronto. Origin of Modern Mame A man named Adams. has been Inver tlgating the myetertes of the pyre.. meds and monuments of Fppt, and bas fom'd the phrase "flitpphip-hue r'a'h" among the saYly bLroglyphitm of that tenantry. The only oomolatlou drivable from this remarkable merry, the Loidw Telegraph ob- serves; Is the argument thereeee res - sols ably' be deemed that preeenee of these British words wrong the etymokgfoal treasures of Pharaoh and give is a priori right to the whole or the Nile valley" And this ttbpgr'y is e tteagtbened by the fact that, accord- ing to lar. Adams, the hieroglyphic Hip.kip-hurrah" mean, wben trans- lated "pre, on, to plunder." ROSTOR ULIUUY STARCH Is whit. as SIM, salsa as glass, slam as lessens. •lephaat versus Mimes Elephants have aha bitterest en- mity to camels. When the camel scents tbe elephant It does stilt, trembles in all its limbo„ and attars an In- terrupted cry of terror and affright. No persuasion, no blows, oma Induce It to rise, It mores IN bead back warenand fortiards, and its whole frame Is shaken with mortal anguish. The elephant, on the contrary, as soon as he peroelves the camel, elerates his trunk, stamps with his feet, and with his trunk thrown backwards• snoring with a noise like the sound of a trumpet he rumbas towards the came, which, with its neck out- stretched and utterly defeneelesr, awaits with the most patient reslg- natlon the approach of Its enemy. The elephant with Ira enormone, shaappeeiieeawhsi limbs, tramples an the un- foriwnate animal In such a manner that In a few minutes It la scattered around in small fragments 1 1011..+ 'KINARD'S LINIMENT will oars every cars of Diphtheria. LR8- REUBEN BAKER. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT w111 protect' growth of hair. MRS. CHAR. ANDERSON. Stanley. P. E. I. 1 believe MINARD'el LINIMENT lx the best household remedy on earth. MATTHiAS 1'OLF,Y. RIverdale. OU City, Ont. aradatreeet's oda Trade Hdidey observances have tended to reduce the volume of seasonable bust neseat Canadian markets. itetre*- peotlom of the season's hominem+ Is quite "satisfactory. Warmer weather ham stimulated retail trade t0 some ertetit and the number of current failures contlnnes exceptionally small. Money is tight at Montreal, while To mato eeporte knit goods advanced and ootton and woolen strong. but that winter wheat In Ontario has on donbtedly been hart. Some Improve ment In badmen is noted In the Maritime Provinces, and Victoria re porta t jobbing trade active. Bank clearing" for last week aggregate $28,R7a,000, a decrease of 18 per cent. from the previona week. but a gain of 11 per oee over alae corrs- poading week a year ago. Business failures number 23, se against 18 the previous week, and In the corrspo6d- ing week n year ago, 20 In 18117, 25 In 1119e and 36 In 1895. BALLET'S PERFECT COFFEE Is a blood of the highest type of .sffee. Pay or Poretga Oolisge Professors. States professors an the United poorly 'paid as compared with the mors liberal procedure at foreign teniver itlet The same grade of pr>ferror who receives from eg 500 to $4,000 (nearly the mailmen)) min this abwntry 1. paid from feted to $6,000 In England Several chairs In hoth Fehrhbergh and (ilargow draw from $8,000 to $12,000, and to Aberdeen e number a chairs. both selentl le and medical, run about $5,000. Th., leading ehalhw In the tis verde of Bertin are w0rah from $10,000 to tris.00n a year. ehisfly from a shags In .t5dente fess Hiller'r OrIp Pow 're, curd, Ito paw fee as Uriah Fair, in Ireland reosmtly a twine had Mem place at a firer and a cnlprtt was being saotenosd for manetaugh- ter. The doctor, however, had given ewidietee 10 show that the victim's skull was abnormally thin. T st priseser, m beteg asked If lie had anythlwg to my for hlematf, rveplled: "No, yor honor, bet i would ask was that a skull few a mac to go to a fair ski ?" ittlsati • IYaatQas@ Dkalalpg - re a ltaiea' ?gat L10lga, wbe 1. t a havingPied. Ramer loAtha. has alleged Iron /all. ouaa $'OR 1MOOKIIIA. A aWntlae Meshes ve ■as1rhtag tele the Lasa Meted at cuo ?&add ist00u szpsrleuos the result oLrar r1t1 of tee Mgt, rya s enlist 10 the iledoa tor. We are bold aaA wa know, that we cannot go toelep Wan awl'"nes la d^+aiain4•Miii. But 1 think that we do not mat silently recognise bow much power retake In us for chasing away the ideas which, as we 11e down In the hope of reef, crowd Into the brain and keep 1t awake. These suffer lag from Insomnia an sae ledfgaaat- ly to deny that t ey possess this power. Of course, as for everr- tbhng else, practice L required In Its exercise ; but some persons hero a woadprlul faculty In sleeping at w11i. The stook remedies for sleeplessness. such as counting sheep or repeating verges, demand too much effort, and somstlmee prove more exciting than sootktng 1 oat aagpst a. simpler plan, wdilcb hen been round .1(40*- cIoua. It 1s dila : To fix the at- tention for some Wades on the re- turn of circulation to the lianas or the fest. I say on the return, for when the head is once relieved from Lbinkrag. the blood resumes Its nor- 011,1 orqµ1 flow, . Perhaps lar arise time ly ga)aype, ant a1Mi6 will e• cured, but the one usually leadsbs ato the other. And this method has ex- cellent results wben rest la sought In daytime for the tired brain. Atter It has been carried out as complete- ly as possible for ten minutes, one is pleased to find that the faculties are wurprlaingly revivified; whereas a much longer net, without Dmitri)! of mental activity. does Ilttle good. The repose thus obtained l.even pre- ferable to sleep, became an excited Grain le were to fat lIgg Itself by dreaming. key wggeatiop L la ac- cordance with the well-known fact that undlvkled attention to one ob- ject produce. somnolence. '.four friend, era --- Is looking much Improved In health. Yes, we persuade, her to try Miller's UAW pound Iron Pins. with the rendt you observe. anew ala numases. At the fan mounter In one of the de- partment stores there Ir a diplomatic young salemuan. The woman who was looking at the Mock of fans was determined to pir- ekeae a Mille as: ?The had irleetrd ore which pleased her, but the staler - man Legged her to take ors; of the smaller area Really, this is the lateeeting,,, thin mite ape g a 007 •41haInii'tlte one, It'. ama,IJe 1 knot., but it is the style " 8ma11 ? I should my s,," she no- marked "Why, I ootedn't brush away a fly with that little thing.' "Pardon me for Malang so. madam." he retorted, "but you will not hare oc- casion to brad' away any Mee." So she took the ®all sear. -Chicago Record Aro you not well ? Are you pale, weakly, depressed la epirlta, melan- eboly, tired, nervous mad irritable? Try Miller's Compound Iron P111r. Or.st Thoeghtie The moral standard of politicians V otermined by public opinlen.-Louie Proal. To be content with what we pom- mel la the greatest and moat secure of riche., -Cicero. Nothing 1s high Meanie it is In a high plane; nothing 1e low became 1t is In a low oris. -Dickens Ood only needs to deliver a sinner to his own conelenoe to be avenged of his On, -Thomas Wilson, BALLET'S PORE FRUIT EXTRACTS sr. tbo flout mads. Prise 10 sats, 211 -sass and upwards. anglle se ohs right be Bpo ken. "in London they call a store a shop, don't they r' "Arid an elevator's a 1Ut isn't It r "Teal' "Then I er ipose they call an eleva- tor boy in a More a shoplifter." gases Unmet Owes Guest le Cato Medina Trout eating. It le seldom a man dies from e•nting too little, but often from eating too much. -Hippocrates. Through a surfeit In eating, wis- dom is hindered and the understand - Ing is darkened. -Alphonse. The rule 1s never to eat or do any- thing from •the mere impulse of pleasure. --Georgia Liontlno. Eat ,nqt immoderatel y.-Pytha- gorse. He who eats with most pleasure la he who least requires woos -Xeon pion. Eating and drinking not only maintain life, but are the cause of des th.--homer, ISSUE No 28 1829 Did You Take Scott'S Emulsion through the winter? If so, we are sure It quieted your cough healed the rawness In your throat, Increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way, But perhaps your cough ha come back again, or you are get- ting a little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather i cold. Its persistent use will certainly giVe you a timer appetite and a stronger digestion. h Mi11 cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, wheel a cure is possible. Don't be persuaded to take something they say is ju as good. All Loon' Ysa,} e, and el. SCOTT a trews". c501* st& Torlgla Testy tar the Dinner Table. instead of eaadles 10r the demean table .the new klea he the Arctlt lamp, which is made In the shape of a Dandle and burns with a brighter and steadier light. There Is, more- over, no danger of 14 Spluttering , and dripping wax. Waists Indniat Oars@ Odin eM 1 The Connecticut man wt. teeters' a .log collar around his neck the other okay, nttaohed a heavy ruck to it nod drowned himself, may properly he avid to have died 11he'•a deg. .ARkGO HGak.Ua..Drink Cow Dyspaprlsl ter and ss /yea A 10., re roe Awa�'`a noir lest feo ra �i 'i: i a rag VII -R700., Trate, Ceo.a. HOBBS HARDWARE CO., LONDON. 4INDER Wiest DAsat r'os QOOrarlo(s. TWINE. PERSIATIC SHEEP DIP and ANIf1AL WASH. A powerful non-irritant sad healing preparation that bpoy- i ng a boon to farmers all over Canada for coring skin db - ea ash` ep dad cattle, 'sad foy ng weals. HM --1q Irritating effects, and *Heide a care 111 two or tiros applleatlona Mr. O, A. Bredis, fl,. a, Ont, My.: "1 died It withgreat sue elm la M heating tie wounds rapidly and heartily s keeping the asap* awn i mo he y recommend it" Fat For w1e • all daaMA or tenet fries the atamufaeler.re. We Invite oor• responds'.,. The PMekhardt Rea Frew Co., LimlMd, I$toetfviIN. Ont CORK -SCREW KNIFE FREE HOYBeta4GIRL$.eethis site 1 w, beet iee lbw stens thiamin'. yIgg M e Adate. le aietual R.O. SMITH BOOK GO., Mee otILUA, ONT. I -'REE I We gi el this Ams 4 Blade Pearl Handb XNIFE for selling f e stir Bright Light Chasisal LAMP WICKS at s 05015 each SImpl� ssedrp5t"stadrersnd "Will rrwsd5Yi"poet•paid. Wb.e sold, 51d the 60 mar and we win seat kaik, Witt sit charges paid, Arians aEM NOVELTY Co., 'Areae, Oat. FITSFITS ItirWilinsizt Serve a: YOUR= A7 teewL a 5w�sww'. r1 '•i,��a(gre.a l ober se s ver tram pletti ste Nowillei YLtp b ^' ue11�Pw Ow s.ra_er9em.. A eatclaali vied AEDDY'S TELEGRAPH MATCHES FIRST in 1851. FOREMOST in 1899 n�n The I1OST of the BEST f1ATCHOS for the Least Money. oilOOUWT THEM FOR YOURSELF AND Cit` ki 9s, J. J. VIPOND & CO Fruit and Product Oommltssion Merchants, • Correspondence Salidied, MONTREAL. Advances Made e. C.g...nil. �