HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-8, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. . Teuauar, Jame A, 1899. W. ACHESON & SON. ecimemsmegOINWIIMINg We Commence Monday, June 12, a Great Clearing Summ r4S81e��_. it every department of our store. Ede to oontiat4,p throe rout the entire mouth. We safely assert that the values offered easily dire/Out anything ever attempted in tlaierich before. DRESS GOODS. G0 pieces Bleck and Colored iu Plait and Family, 44 to 46 iu. wide, handsome all wool Suit- ing., regular 60t'. t4 75c, all clearing at 25c. yd CARPETS. 450 'anis 1Lughsh Tapestry Car- pels, 27 in. wide,in this 1ealon's Dolor* and desiipns, suitable for auy room, regard. bbo. and 60c goods, sale prime 390 300 yds. handsome Wash Bilks, 1800 yards English Wash Drees is fancy stripes and checks, all Sateen and Muslin, our price this sermon's, 50c. and 60c. • has been 15c. and 20o., all yard, one price 250 clearing M per font bo Every dirrtment will be on an equal In some velar to eedlRare with ..-sty yyAypgpd. 'elms, Hosiery, Curtains, Corsets, Flannelettes, ' t Linens, Parasols, Sheetingse W. ACHESON f& SON. CHINA AND INDIA Cu M PARED. ar 444. D MAOtfU.VKAY., tm '•Tim vol sag asooausa" to rr.dd from SOW 10041111Cane is • meld sod ret et (rater1004111110041111r ts ladia. TheB Hreor 1 dead snake el lost groat &vireo of t w epte, amd there .re four great divisions maws 1.41/; but the reeamblese• ler bis eopColson.ol.I. Ter the Colson. oobolan, farmers, •rtlea01, .rehaess, .re se mor our diverse ire .sy ,lotto' aumr.t 14 4 Ne.rn Mode. Seeide. tat lout lom. M. divisions have . eabdteld.dn, .ms hundreds el Matinee c stea. banners • the b.ners .1 taste ars le f. faros. Thee, Stam.rrrimg, rg eMit. drinking. end even tehini. M dedleas . eel, to be alesrd for by drr u . g eir.se or ...thing equally filth three's:. Is 1.dr the primtly •.1. pissed.k 1b• top .l she see, .oldies. _ Loomed wod plasm. bet the oral placedwe placed of the bed Wmalta, TAs alt A owes a great gulf died between mea atiti t.... sal it lemp..onbu ile to rim the male et e. With ..oh sheathe as these he Impw abis M ler a lld es to ..rt•h r ▪ d peoberme ple ople I Use het night I leased wet el the roll.. turner*, mod re my dottrels saw • water carrier air nZ trwk to Um tides. y poises ,r., who held out ,hats hr... sashes M ores r. 1 beckoned u I.;.l to mime, •i6d ly the yet..reel iamm..g.464[.4 0- speiso be of t • les s r ts 1 I I ls k- erd . ts Mat • twee. w 7 oast 1 e 0 ret A te ter d M tete M • Y Ih.1 Nese • • we la el 4.4 w te...t 1 or. uld have on d,iemtto• ermine hr Ily kis leeks I sew that k d otj rotlme, as/ I thus rve..v.d sly h Mame in the ea,10uv.•o. of mete read •11ww4444 po ..Iw.l 1.t time se se that time .y b::•1.oIor, for the n e.44 pr.bab'y bre been the death of see . 1n train, the tobaoso wpm were pare roue, tut tau1t sueukor, Is order . 411.S IPO ea de • useetb pies. wrh Mead.. Contrast with Me the Llama* a* oo many of pipe and Mimosa Al n saw Ms puce of mare drove .e to buy cativo este, bet, neo beto prev.genAfera se.oeatl offered, the baler M . Urs ('Ned 1. promptly seggs.1d should threw Is est of toe sherry•wWew y Chasse friends meld esseraly kayo d dN.wtly. As the fig 14. elite'. rod le ed•et�e0 wk► en eddir y bast." At seers sera' W old Derriere w who sold o lbs awesameae dropped Mom ism s1. beads a a'lam•r( a Y were anew Sir D48.n/n firer m, Moss pr4tW resideam, heir es the meed Wides, Carat., • rompers was in dad r Dr. 8rrews es W arrival be Cr. sem, lea stem ikab.a. Him family Ing age were 0040.1.14 8..... they te• efearrlly e.el. ('►Bele fest, and err was .dj.dg.d to be half easing. With • Mew le rosaries re gar be dad • for Ws Rajah a reared tressed rupee. M be sold sexy hoer ides with • stir• of a few tshstes, whisk w. refused. But primp, same anevka4'salt of eats to rho as. Mist leaven's te the problbitie• to enter la4 temples In the birtieplaoo r Kari. I read the fermium leseriptioe la bare gIW • .. Pr.yutime M religion tee M•- bmm.d.se .•d Uhrl.tsu to we further step " 1 he 6egllsh ,.rar.m.rt hes ases rem..bee awe noes the .•thy. Mgr numb Way po Troy wanly, their railways sad waterworks o.n.sa be altygM8er, r. led to net the Ideal. e•1 mos. though hydrae la sere does hem test opera 'miasma w111 de sem.tkie,p to weaken sow, ban CorI.Matsy le the oily .11 14,, eat. The rellplen et the Riede,. Iepewese see beim beam that el the Chimer. The .mess of t►. whisk leads to the eare•t sotim; peerless, sur as heck-ewisgsr, . et h. paralleled Is Chloe. Bat bow - mimeos io rites ad a their meted writings • petefd ban Idly precis fast. las mord brooks et the Dae/ are aerefally .1• rested whet 1hor appear le as Resnik w, Mort the Orono olssiies de riot sed ■ err.ers. In ono of the Moisten vilest belies Monter, Blades religiose weeks expressly exempted. Kala le one of the Imo potato esdd... Atlee time of my 11 re railway sorer won plwrdd u ad,w pseseu of *heap tree darter • Derr Pariah ho11/ys. wars fie em- it) of Kath le errled es MOM Oriel sail. Her eery Imam le repai%vs. Oho le repro seated as Her as4 err, with fear hare, protruding Moses, sod • aeeklaee of bemea shuns, while bbasustb her r her husbasd'e body, en which .ho damn slestelly. II we aro ts belt..s a heathen raft oke has wnlms ea the aubi.et, these ere NIy M- erin features, the real taermtag Wise so filthy that it ooald not be explores s riot The sod., tach as firers, are ).p ei las- swot as tee ars of Romer. The favorite `sats of Krr4u repressor blm le the amt of Meshed better, sad lc • xtj.h'. polar • rotate shows 14. etetlo gambols with the Uopl .s Briod.bem. Then agate, sables all dee al - Lowman for rho .owes Rase, the worship of Islam nd ysal N aeraly Ind.feseible, 'seem en ter maples Road rat to the pan all tblams are pore. The Meese han- d+ed-beedd O4ddese et Mercy Y • great ,rugae be Kali, .mel the Chimes ys sad Tame are the mere abts.wlal et pblleoopb. n ewith am ebj.14lenable symbol. he Hlmdoo refereed some, sailed 8...;. doubr- lee..bier r these p►am of the pops* reUpe.,pm8.-ttileu.00 sol wo».v tg Mime of the s.m. sated. The. 18. pandit above re- ferred to rye : I have tried my beet tlaresehoat to avoid Irreverence and oleo.. Ivo szprralw, sad th. read, • will, I hope admit that with rend to oven the wont ei the abosain•Uw wer.bleping swot. I have seething boa hu.ber thee the satire of the rust obsoletely moved. But embus( eau, 'n .y eDin.00, W tom's sinful thea to speak roup,.: fully of p.reoae . he .re enemies of ...k..4, sod to white+..), rotten loathe - time with wt,,,, eaplamitiou and fim rearm 18..ark.J differences hatwcea Chinese sad (\dress as • people are orfl ...o le thele r.lirioa.. Th. Hirano is food ol.r- gument and metepbyerr, ; he 1.. very r. 1 Moue Ming, prsctssg more eleb..rate rites than ever J.wi.4 lame r, wetted 113 bathes, tootles manus., plate bia forehead with seem *.arks, esw.4wd b mimes a fakir, .ed N always a hulk. 18. Chi...., eo the *thee head, Is stolid or .atertels4., withers the inset rmdiet sIuy Wee .1 leer, simple and oedemas y is bee r.isglw e► e.rvasest, hie e.samen4l heelless ees.eisw die r1lgieue yaw.. The Were worship the mew ; the Miser works her. The Hedee his rivers ; the Chimes rakes hie the Aar* of maim sod Ir. 'hater of kis heats. The Hiedoo mid.o longe fee rite ; re Chime widow le seers.44y Orton" if iemere samrtNd. Miriam work then ee.eM ,. ere the sora dlflieel4. as 1e Cls► Them there is the ram gal( of ramp, W liras there "like a rave' le eve sen toper Ore than is Alae. T8. def eelty of prop- er mastery r the laepesee is slo very great. M the mWemary is at sense tea to work is sob. Tree Is the some aayteidMg massa el Marimeedess, end ale 4...,•a•• r lie memos is sou appalltag, *sly twisty per doe. el the pe.r s erre. Ws as d.seMee. City peter see very &f- ewer ''seek se le Mem Oeine eters a pooh,' barrier. ptldaolyp a seliderlty e4- arai aW1 oven ie Ch'.. Eyesore, a tea berme a Chr4tl.m, ie eprsre r nullify br mdaomes on his rive vllkye,ler It imm- orally 1.rm him to remove to where there italraey light, leaving kis erre toren to as paw erk.en as ever. T8. Aleve wW sat elf from saris privileges, bet the Ha- des will kill rarer t\•. bo rearmed by • religiose defeetl.e is the homily. The pro- tection el the .I•sios•ry's hems is elms seseht, and home trey re dragged lets rho marts ea shames of kideepers. by ee- rier relatives. Thr 6.m4able iftdrimiee to Cltrletlsdty le reel'e'd when whole rotes seem ever to she Pere14Mi reeks. Tho II .11 tie owes per mer ream Midst - ha, oast* itself Whir ether dere Mor week, and therefore even Ubrletia. •wao}aw enma * ehe e.r4•Wd . a NM - by the bebe wire' a oder all the .heirs ob jsotia o to ...mymMts. they are a hopeful feature el missionary work te Isar. Tho deeattmeet work is India is meek more promised tk.m la Chloe, for the Mr- e.rarmoes aro very different. This is braise time higher dm.es lea way. far Impralble la Chloe, garrs we bast mew r. rived .1 seek a Mame. There are .atanlly ears error nae la the ladles sheer /hoe la Ara; tit the veered queries el the daeeMonal polio, Is Indle eae hardly eves yes be sold to be sitar .far II$y yeses el expediter. JUNE WEDDINGS. ia loot eft dr\ tt11 Y,tiotUst W t i•VIxtbs Lead►. _ T1iie N" "we are showing a and artistic lines in China and Silver, very appropriate for June weddings. - - ' Wall -Paper Inas ants. Rsvent! of the very newest linos at 20 pe(' cent. off this week. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Two Door West of Old Stand), Our Telephone ,a N.. inn Nuri House Square, ©od.rieh. Paint Now Best value in highest grade absolutely pure 'Mined l'ahits in the market. • "Worts. • Only $1.30 per Gallon CEMENTS. Portland Cement for $3.00 per barrel, spot cash, for ten days only. MANURE FORKS. Only 30c. each. 1 ALEX. M°D. ALLAN. The Stylish Stearns R6 Bicycle, Light, Easy -Running and Strong. N. D. RO UGV IE. W. C. T. t1. WHOM OF METHOLCS, The oral, iota T. U. Mid s "other of mdMd4" tt .arise le the looters room of the Methodist rare\, deater1k, es Wed. ttseday, the 3114 tit. bologret eerier rata etre' Merest ✓ ime by tin drst thio and the ...atiy* . ot .t 9 o'dook sod appointed the felrw- log o..mttteee V10411011, M.d...o Bed- dl.00.b, Mcilillroaddy .sd Holladd ; rem- o tions, Yeed..es Fisher, Acheson, Mo0i1. Muddy, Rrmsad W.rooek. At 10 o'clock the school epeeel with de •otiose! ozonises, eoeduoted by Mre Rae sell, of Y.•forth, the president, Mi. F..nr, f• the ob.,. Mutes of the *ohm! of methods bell s Uederieb, •1441 minutes ef I he moorsrsg exr.tiv meeting were read ty the r000rdieg seer.ary, M.e YoUi11l- ceddy. .1 Ud.ricb, sed app's• d. Th. eos.ly peneldet the explained rho j.o' 44 • sobs/ of method.. A o•re'ully prepared paper reed by lire >I. Y. Melissa, of 9aforth, t■ away 6e.0o10 sou wall received .ad freely 1s used, all arming thee to .eke the measly Cele* e(eeuve the lead moi... ,Wield .eetrtbuu .,nearly a .gr DOD Ox mediae 16 00 to the meaty organ:: ides. A. eaeallut paper was read by Mrs. Blddlu.ub, of Cli.t.s, is whir the duties of presidents sad reperi.teed.ts of depart eats were set foe th As {.stns',e paper es Literature w.. ►soil by Mrs. Ne., of Weab.., which ,'prod the Iree see el literature educating mel only oar ewe woeess bet the mm.m eke e.sabliehmesl .f anti °Monate IMMO r the pubito wheels ; that the To- bago" AMM plasm to all places when 1.- b•ees aa& elgar.itee are rld, sad that when *4lldren are fumed using rehears the parents be Interviewed sed efforts be mode to era their co-epentloa in Milroy, to , uatloe thane rhe have biros the 1•w forbidding ►be sale of loberoo to minors ; •.d that we, es W.I;.T.U. workers le this seemly, give e pernal enrollee to UM metier." " Resoled, that the thanks et this con - •eati1. be mattered to the Iodise of Sedortb for their hoepttartty le eetert.ialse thy itin- erate, ; else to the trustees for the see .f the charcb, sad to those who 4..e 000tnb. .tad to the meow of this se.etlei." rhe erasing eewioo was bold le the body el the ehoreb and sou fairly well sttedd by the petals. Orestiare to the violins( delegates wore rad by Yrs. Klrkwan, of Se.forth, and wore replies to by Mrs. Metlill'eeddy, of Ued.rteh. '1'h. Mist feature of 'he ,.ring we. the stirring. Instruotle. and •wske.sg addresses es W...o 9s%re•e by Mrs. Thornier, of Leedom. Two elocw4e.tee., Mimeo Oelben. sod' SVrlee., of (4.4.rloh, delighted the •odience with Once rare OM. A eery theegbefal paper a "'1'h. New 4V.saa.," by Mrs. Aeh.ome, deserves epso- 4.l sere. The I.pr.srss ooartyd r the midtown wee that the stelll(eo1 rams of lsday wasted te be sesaetkicg mor. Than more dolls ort 8.Irrlle. of Mahlon, eoawre- ed merely as M the latest ales is bass er 1 rya The BWforth .sited ,beth eestrlb.ted the wear of the erring aid with solo, okorae- e s and dunks were all admirably rendered is.mamky s 1, lb. m esisity r total •b- sad e.stnb./.d seta little N eolie1. the .M...... eventide• pre.msdlsp. A .rd.ny 'roosted paper ea the work •f ..sty seperrterear by Mee. A4Mw, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS - el Oed.rlah, wme well resolved sad dry At 19 e'alsok he 4r.t •dler.IspCyam.( .abrtal.D. •.primer.e.rybg the •erste bear el primer. The at.rrees semis. spied le the err way with devotional remises and rearm the minutes of previous •rola, idler while\ • papas ea imeerse ws read by Mn. Mo- lllIho•ddy, Is whisk •Meatless to the 1a - mashie et the rawer ,. wears wise es - •wend sled is resew Elven w\y women sherd have flee ballot A weal .ole by Mn. 8em•rv1le was moth approokard by the ladies, after whir she Prevlosial presides, Mrs. There ey, of Larks, gave an .x•elle.t address me jemir week, atp1•m all erre Wm had ✓ es y14 sedert•kes 1!•.d of Her work te Nh as d.aMoen1 bait hoar Is whir r oosoMw the work sad rise the wearer be- fore (Ind. that rho way might be moor ep or molls( se thr keporWl breari44 W.U.T. U. week. Mr Orilla, .1 Whiffles, Am hop very aeaprtay • Dribble kip, A revery written gaper ss' eihaside r- ammer* is mboels was sod by Mir (lama, ere et R.•fert\'s ppaurlle solar sashes,, red evoked essersrable dioonoel1.. The malt item se she ereae.r wee " Medd Brod of Hope "arida ,sm as m- assneed • seabed of briars, happy her ad err marred le amended by two of tM0. Wi T. U. m, Mn. Osalt•r and Mls OW. C. when Mrs. Rash, the meal. der. redeetd t ha preedllgpe •rid ream Baty Limes oar se eraser TMe r•d1Mw M the following heyn ad girls were ereellenU ordered : Bishop Resits. AI. %oath, frees H.derlm e, Bey. 111y Kemp sad Lily Hall. As meellestly prepared paper es I.r besrsw'e work by Mir Fleas', tasty oleos, a lmtrnrho ies genres drover mpri■/rierd by Mn. T►.riMy, se .g - leg el the brae, 'Cod be sad M . Writ Yea Tlll We Mar Ards,' krtwbt MA Owner se•rw Me • des,. Tile harry reseletori* werelime bt le by the nalasum...mute.1 the early pert r e .r pSrtr.umeeale. by meg. Wier - seek, •beir..o ',.trainer, sod were s• 1o.e.dry the wheel. Remise 4. '•Iteselmed there ear erase, etre • ✓ ats or dose masses capable el ort-p,erm- mesh W 4.peive N r ter rights of Ogre. rip berme erns•&'. "Seethed, that wares. body sayable . sU.geverm.unt ed harp hawed n .hey Ne lam teed eepptwt the fribleay Maur. el to make and mels,, them, sera te be Privileged to erne Mar reprornh'ves mid bele souls re node pebbles Mat make et wow Me presper// el Ib.0 retry; art arm •11 se dear the mend euediW . miler white they sell Mar Airdrie seer Mao t "Ferrer rarvei, Het . bedr1es w. /tM� estnel.r se de ear mets.' rum h tMMMy et Maw) freedom by maitre as EssAiammo r the present traoerse maeprigr. Whig rat 1. aver the let items teed thee Memo et moilme to de se small • Mss to mom h weld he .ewi. , ,ed Iseessisres with all ear poen Nw.m.r god elm warred wavy." M111J Bawl l iew.1 she Mbaobery sod .t evils roodoeri1 hes the pr. or tarry are= rep5Wmr r ',Leser .•.p., .srvd, MM we, w W.O.T. U. el twee sewer , &..pIy deplore Me p...r.8 n1Nlie.1t Werobbob pereirefl• sats iel p .d 48aeetone isenunuemese, A se he 0..wrmosse. /We rareleales le be hr. weeded te, W Miskler of Mho, Rea. Fred. Bad., Olean'." stir tierredee of *was `sem. wisi.riww to MONDAY, Jam 6th. Omar met es May 27th for general briar ad mart el rviems. Members were all present Minutes read ad ap- proved. Cheques ware lamed tor the fc1- l.wir ate.nts : M. Reseell, rep. sal. 3. R. 6 ad 7. 81 00 : Jan RUpatrrlek, rep red ad gr.v.11tn,, 4116 76 ; Joe. Aedwaa, rep. ens L jt., 60e. yP. Wares, leap. me. 9, $1.00: Jobe lure, rev. L R., 81.00 ; Pater flor, rem sol. or 10, M CO Bee. Harris, Mask. 60a. ; Jervis Wiles. rep operator to eels Lake Read. 411.00 ; 1' R. Doreen, tease be Mmobanw' 11Mt.N, I)semaesee, 1110.00; R. A. Carrick, ever- akarme en .111.11..'. roll, 110 27 ; Jaen. Lam, rep two eel em. 10 and 8. R 3 sed 4, 50o. ; Jae Brows, rep. twit sal. ti. R. 6 sed 7, 50.; Rote Vitegereld, "Iasi. 113 60; rites Aedeniee, rep bin 8. R 6 so/ 7, fent t H. Foams, rap sal. sea 6. 81.00 W.. Drdr. rap. eels 8. R 3 ad 4.25. ; W.. Metlervy. rep. eel. 8. R. 3 and 4, 60o A. Cook. fes dice\, •r. 14, 14.00 ; W. Rirkr,ap...LJew.p. , bps. ; J. Haab - rot, reeel., x11.60 ; Tete. Todd, plash. 4170.09. At the evert el merles Jamb M. Rood was resod es the roll as tort ',weer fee B. { 6, sea 9, E.D., ate. Nest smart merle, Jute the 11th\. W. s'o'nar. LEE BURN. MONDAY, Jw & James Hours Is 4mko. as .rtesla mit Heroes Horten visited 044..5•'14 Ian week, end while erre bopasd ata berm n4 - le( •a Alex. Orddestu's. J. Uekrter amid 0. C.smiee, toe .f eee v.hra Reformers, attended the Last - • 1 eenv1N1. at D...nneo lest west or were very tsaob pleased with the ntesMeg, espesWly with Mr. Helweg' •p•oob. At the moat emmla.efoo of the On- tario Amei1.lt.ral College as Geelph We.. 14.54ter, of Iitrelfeed, rhe formerly lived beso, mem 1.t wooed la the prie. list ler the seemed year madams. .1. R. Vane, sl Carlow (eon IN Cel. Vareee), wk part el he Ana year ex•soa i.e. Os Ilairlsy Ills Orem Her11., rhe bad resided bore for sem. nom, 4h for the 8gall doe. Meer le refer re father, W.. Herten, *1 oat Me. • Jsefdel le Mt midst The rang soy will be ash .mimed by lerge errs el lards sad r.4MNuo, her p.• W d4poallrm harry sem he frioadeL4, of e ll el* whowa she e.se r esNeh 1'M Rey. Mr, Shaw, el Rairesirlik, pre.eh.d here en Reeday evenly ee • reed o•mpypMNos. HN 16eerse wee awes* aril imp►' is. He weed hi bears, be be . per s heir dewrb.m4 da11.., se leek open the her of &wow ee MM strath hew le 10 kw* sell exesilow Mee ash day �QbN�dYdwelt rad le a deer with .0.*Used with 0 appal M tss yww.g pee* be be. came (IMr14l.ee qtly Is Ids. A Isms, 8r wW ha bold le the Poreby Who her* bow 0411 T..4., ovemtne, Jaw 1318. Addressee will be sows In tee ▪ lernpteed wee .8.k. ,suises of osramwrss at a Nder. 1L. ow be le less Bemis wMN fess sr MM - 44,. YmMles_ 4, AYM...Nw / yems, 16 seers 114140 ra he kat at Dema" ewer, Nob Ray sows, W. 'f1e.- o ast made New, Ooserleb, w ohs day ✓ the ter emerge tram the eearril4e el ■aeaygm1M se the hereto. 166 +e + 1 t Y Hobbs at COAL An WOOIJ CHARCOAL and KINDLING; We are still at the saes Old stool, Nelson Berme where we have Mau supplying our customers for a uember of years. We know M• fuel that suits you. Orders lett with our delivery rite .r at Wonen'•'ituve sol tin stop awl at our oleo. will (et.ea we pnimpt attention. All moil woighud un market •talo, unless otherwise ordered. We run encore' ler•yr in twru.ectiuu. CARTAGE 1 FUEL CO., JOHN N. PLATT, Manager Phone 6E MT- PLAITING KILL. EUTAanl1Es 4414. llbchallaiis & llhyllas BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dsaleer le W 8b U1 r leof #161€8 And berstfM 'w+1dr �.il+�lw School Furniture a Specialty CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Bolls, Mince Pies and Lady Fingers, hisses, Iacarooas, Iaraijnea, Brady Snaps, Etc. are as good as the beet made in any City in Canada Cautelou kale the trade ire WEDDING • • CAKES ... apJ tirragjpA R61d 6 1" 4.443. TIt1i almond 'bong. (live him au order and you sat- isfaction will be •senred. D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. We Have Too Much Stock ! 8o have deckled to clear out several lutea rt = axpxgE PRICES, 4eblw "Pm A line of Drew Goods worth flow 25o. 1 hoc. per yard, hie 15o A line of Colored Muslin, new good', worth _15e, he .. 10o Printa at • ba 180 8o 60 A 19;c. Shirting foe,';, r a 100 A 1Oc. " " i 8o A good Cottonade for e.., ►,-., 12io Oarpets and Oilcloth at the Lowest Prices. 54 inch Table Linen Extra value in Dia. To Ladies' Skirting • w Men's Furnishings cheap. Men's Suits from 93 up.' ONraD..BY BUYING FROM J. H. PEDDER, Oolborn.'s Old Stand. Clock a d:I. . alae' TO V Ii Paris Green -AT- r Berwenn Pan atuih 6.047 00001 gas►anlyd, The Central Drug Store. Pure Hellebore, I Insect Powder, Whale 011 Soap, 1 Klug; Shot, eta PRICES RIGHT. .1. • S. gICg, TefbpMsee Na 10. CHEMIST a NEW GOODS -� 10111• 44,,,tt SOIT38m0YBBC0IT& READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP Y7 .w. make. 0.11 mid sot them =wad b ter/ or mado op la the Latent T1aRMB aJBH- H. DUNLOP Next Bak of Mistrial t EPPS'S COCOA Digitin ed everywhere for oany of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grate- ful and oomfortintr to the nervous and dyspeptic. Bold only in 1-4 lb. tins labelled JAMBS HPPB & do , Ltd., Homceopathio Chemist., Lon- don, Hngland. BUAIYAST .UPPER EPPS'S COCOe PAINT PAINT 1 PAINT 1 . We have the . Leader Weather and Water -Proof Beady-Iiied Paints e . , , The customers want it because their neighbors have bad it and speak so highly of it. We also have a full line of White Lead,8ili,Yaraishes,Brushes. Have you seen our Bicycles 1 From our lime sales we are satisfied that we have the Mat value in the. market. Let us figure on your Plumbing, Heating and Troughing. Call and examine our Wire Fence for farm and lawn. Our large sale. of ams assure mks high h is_ sheep sod A l value. Bicycles Gleaned sod Felled. LEE 'SHEPHARD ST. LEON,1 TH6 OONQUEROR, Oemm.mia Maher dawn less ay el he 1760 U, 8. •prrp; the only wetly Is Lamer paylq the Dhoy deF of .leo a Oar- ` IIOad, t• petty No •tree. of up., * r1111 viper sad ley and prole., ewers We. P yslolsr Alegre St leess a rlvai ht. C. ANAIRN 1eel4•es 0141N r'g-e * lien @plot. R B. SMITtI'S GREAT OFF 4 SALE -OF- Silk Dress Goods and Millinery. Milllnery ,Novelties for '99. ., '0`'ielxap7-'ti The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two leading shades are kfulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in;vogue this season. We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and best in millinery at all seasons of the y 'M. E. CAMERON Apprentices wanted. Hamilt • on Street R. W. M°KENZIE - HAI! THE -- AGENCY FOR THE MERIGAN $rLICLWOYEN WIRE FENCE Mews K Largs, Strong Wires, Heavily Salw.ized. Amplyrovides for expansion and contrite= then. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of ttniferfi quality. Never goes woont no matter how great a serail is put upon It. Does mit mutt - tate, .ivi -Niel u kt y tors begs sag 3 e e 1 11111111111 e aaN1111111M♦rl •'!1e Ili..MN MIN ilk 11111EpiiA-1•1_1+4I 1111111111/11610111110.111011111111411116111.' i-.: 1 til moo une mease au esi an 1 .1 CC .4 um ea ®C.7 sees hes mea repo arm e t t - t , ,,. cvtwr 1 111, AMERMAN reNot OVAltiti tID Sr TNeL'ANNSAC'TN»tllL - Call ami •M M. Caa Mow you how 11 WIlI save you money. Having' bought -t quentitiexl of Builders' Hardware before the Moldy advance* which have taken place,, i am in a position to j►e better values than are to be found elsewhere. Try tells on Locks. Hinges, Nails, Lead and Oils. wswe 4.444444.4 R. W. litcff-£NZIE um lam so wry RARDWARS OihSAP.