HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-8, Page 4tIttlIM/fttlftttrtfttfttPffIttIttlfttft
bllryatra E. :. & M. 3a_ Lirery
1 (Comet, ladies', =1200 1 Perfect (=(tote', $25
1 Elba, Omuta', $30.00 1 E. di 1)., Ciente, $45.
6 Cleveland, Gents', 130 to $35 2 Mt:Burney--.liieettkit,,LLi4ies'' 1/40
�fu►1 •ter', ,744F1'"'"" "-�stksa.
AT $35_ TO $85.
Bicycle & Mtn Mime
. ' • attd Cycle sive! y.
Mit Aqua!,
air . n.waaae ..i
901)1121011. THURSDAY. JUN 0, MIL
A GREAT deal cf absurd talk and
east writing has been indulged in of late
concerning alleged l.*llot-.Wtling iu West
Hurtn, at the recent Iluminiinl election.
Of court., no one po..alsed „f .nee takes
the statement. seriypely, aevcryone knows
that if there were tie slightest truth in the
chatrtM_klr. HOLM.S would now be before
the elurte tp answer for the alleged irregu-
Tilt SIO/ALdoes-not relit to Ib. ?natter
to deny the allegations, for denial in . uunec-
-.sari-..reals m-a.tra k>b b*an reale.-AP
bare the chargee properly investigated, bat
only to point est that the statements are
ea(tde moray to tarnish powder and bot to
.Mo=de Conservatives, who, riot knowing
that no credence at1't.bas to' the *boort
stories in Huron, will yet (=throe to retail
them as ope Clic instssu s of Grit wral -
doing u, All elect one at f.t;awmy points.
The Tories put tlienteellpe out of court
when they rsilel (0 eek judiet.d inves-
tigation into the chargee of alleged wrong.
doing, and no amount of bluster or blather
will make up bar the hitt that they dared
not bring the chargm mealy sad stoatwy
against Mr. HOLIER/ and hu friend.
*mese the verie ma.eodmesle made to
tie M.simpal sad other Acts of the recent
sots.1 the Ontario lagisletat• the lel-
lowlife ars of loos! 1.meet
The Municipal Aot hes bean 'amended ..
Wears :-
The words "Reeve" end "Deputy Reeve"
Mee bees steaok out of the Aot where they
were applied to towns and wards, "Deputy -
Beeves" when they have applied to town-
ships.ad v111aggo.
(armors' .tap -eon are given the same
re es farmer= son in respent to muni.:-
The terms of oaths to be token by mooioi-
pal niters beve been simphtied.
Ms boipal otedld.tee declining nomin.-
M.s w1 I. their resignation with the
dish before 9 p. m. on the following day ie.
Mead of mldnkrbt.
la all maniotpal ties where the coupon is
ylslested by the geese) vote .soh voter ono
rote only I. est ward for Cossodlor., u
Well as for Mayor or Reeve.
All m aleipal asd.testy e.asoillor. most
&..efts vote os every Question coming la -
fore the waned by open vote, bsllotlog to
.sndl being deetared illegal.
No munioipal oounoll will hereafter have
Fewer to grass say exemptions from tax•
allow emotee with the .event of two third*
of the eiisotore entitled to vote thorsou.
The granting of trade neonates is mde dhn
eroMosary with municipal couno.l..
Iomath. of How n( Re(age owning prop
arty may oo.vey same to the minty. Com
.II sate b a House of Refuge eau sow be
mode only with the consent of the maoloi•
FeI meson er • member of the emote coop
Lewd ped dissolute person are not to b.
..mWtted to Home of Refine.
Fire Inane may be e,tablubed in ooi000r-
parsed enlarge by tow.hlp doused*
Additional pe=on an given to oity, town
ma village oat meila in regard to the @torp[.
of estileetv..
TM pewees heretofore riven to oity, town 1
tad vfl tl ige ooauolls with regard W the par-
ol.,. expreprtation of gas and water-
works pleats will now apply to eleetrio 1)511
Omits, with further preemiom.
Tema, villain sad towable 00000ll. may
few revoke sn their pleas» lionises grant
d te teak dealers and restaurant keeper@.
8evsrol amendments bare bees made to
the Last Improvement clause of the Aot,
said of whlob le one permitting the eoueoile
N °Mee .ed ?owes to provide from the ma-
ma teed oath peopere en .1 sba toes of par.
.awa k@ ea they may deem advle-
�MUpader an amsud.eat of the •.sement
set ell farming Implem.nta Red vehloles, all
bay, pals aid ether farm produota are ex•
asept teem a:pttos.
TIts nestles of use Ret referrisg to the wt
'ant=es of taxes made nadir distress and the
silo of Iosk for the arrears of terse have
.bow asse.ded.
The P.bMs U►rtrlee' seta have hem
ester A•1 by providing that ao member of
the herd My hese it Meuniery =guest
tat ala any .sutras or warmth! with
=wee* er mere persons a.�y le the
sloswa inn n the sole et ?alasms or batter
liltsy lam kbamasITs Isle a shame er batter
e ter the purpose of tranesetint so)'
bestows in eonmeONra ther.wtth.
PLATIla 110-PRea AT UAL?, Too.
Oak Reporter : Geary . •--Whits will the
eWTesek start bo.dtnetive •p•ra11e..
• sew slags. tor wink pleas have
base draws t Ono, Mr. Hays, get it .011
Ili "rtleerra" WADI PM [r.afrrloli Toth.
AesdM•ekSeNi.sl•Royl.w. Hen. Jelin
Dryden le metaled, Is Asia pongee! leek.
Re ies 4)@fw.d Wires@ t the I.Nem.the of
nese of ids ta.M. Mr. Dryden kfseself
the • th* staslT seater. Thor. is maw
.s isMl'6b�' W lllad�a,d el shM:11.
But is them day. se .eadldate ata s.si .a
the aotises of all triesdm sad mmpaathre.
Mr. 1)rydea has simply (outs the vied= to
Um over zeal of some of his potty worker,
It to • pity that both parties than sot Yate
to put down illegal praotioes in every fens.
bat we Isar the ideal is politica has hardly
Deem tuaobd yet.
• • e
TWO tetra POINte os LAW.
Legates New, : The mise potato of 11
law are thus oowlesly, if somowbat alai
•Rey given: (11 A good deal of mosey
(2) it [cod deal of pet.ro. ; (3) s
tsar ; (4) a good lawyer ; (5) • toed memtai ; (CO food .i1.
s...: (7) • geed jery
(8) a good judge . (9) goodlea..
• e
A utx,u t\1,14171.17 -
II ouilton
MI'l.li11.mutoa Spectator : Twat years ago
Adam Hope k 1:.., mergt•nt. Is ails ttlyt.bc•
b, in dtf5ou11a., made •a armagement
with their Crediton and paid 60 walk on the
Jolter, thtt being soe.p:od es paymitot is
fu,l1 The other day, two years Tater, the
credit.n were surprised to receive from the
&at ahe.tiaer knife( she ....r. thM.snir
with int, rest in loll for two years ! ALd
the firms not only di.] hot make any luta
asset the untamed proore)ter, bat will poo
•'tt'y be a noy.d at the publicity hereby
Skeet to • private bo•tn•n mover.
• •
Til6111 01/k1.,17- uITAb.[.
▪ I'akbarg 1):epatoh : Macy 1»ys sad
elate -viler might be tilted fir s000.eslul
k,. pg. rerpen teriag, l,'soksmitbinll, sunk•
Iril',-1,ac,1a lo[ end t 6e bks ere tltMeed
through wholly union' ble oour.se of study
.:.d pt I.• u:..ly t.u„I.t Mat they me Mt
pawl (.r "semetbiett Letter." Thai le •
.Sstoka" The L., Led p:.R..:oLs are
.4e4M1 o.d the stiles and tours are over,
✓ loekel .1 l y ,aitg ". .+ Altai A. ret lemon'.
w(4, have 001101 1 I. do. "Th IS .5 al way
roan at the top," ta h. ease., but the world
ie nut lesklag to: torxptrirra..t yeu.w
people to 00.moy those •'*vetted pl•ees.
* • e •
Wood.ioek SentiR.I-It•view : Dsu Mo.
Gdllouddy of the Goderich SI I, AL writhe
as kuowlogly sad •enthusiastically if the
hired men se 1f he had been is. Mama
He predicts a great and gleriou• tnture for
the hired man in our area) west. Rat It is
very unkind of him to send the hired mag
sway from Ontario, where he is godly newt
'id -although it may be • very rod ?Oleg
for the hired mac But all our hired men
who to to 1b. Northwest any net Mee
snob s rosy ,fatten w Tilt SPINAL ..a
palate for them, as it is cot every hired m.
it ()stark who has townie • neat editor,
orator, and ooatraotor like the only Me(irt
liouddy of t,oderioh. We too soy, long live
the hired moa.
• • •
TORT= RAVI TRin'1.1.1t OVER taus ritarr,.T
ilamilton Speetetor (Conservative): Adam
Beek, Cone,' vstive 000dldaa foe Lo.dee to
the last Provinoi.l el•oUen, Is ase[ to re-
cover $500, port of the $1,000 deposit re-
madred la • protest ease. Mr. Rock U'gaito
right. This protein I. union has been band-
ied to a molt eo•odelous manner. We know
of one oke in which Cho Toreeto men hav
ing oherg• of the protest .sotiat d with
the enemy and for • ob.eiJeratisu sold oat
to him end oouseoted to a ssw-ell. And
the mag who pat up the protest money had
1. kick with much lora to got it back • We
hellfire that there are many .soh oaks. We
hope that when the nut general Wootton
(tomes off this abominable Madsen wi11 be
left alone.
• * e
001014 Or Tilt woRD "Tar."
Brantford Repslt.,: Lord Russell, of
Ktllowee, has ipirodsoed In the Hous cl
Lords his bill molds, 11 a arimlasl offsow
to give or rewlyeseeret....i.i.... Tb.
oflm,oe 1. .lamed as • miede.sapor, with a
maximum psaisbmnt of two years at hard
labor. The evil aimed at le great tad grbw-
Mg, but no melt 1•alsletien as that propms
d will ruoh It. fry the way,Ii is said that
la K.glieh toffee houses In the olden time a
ooutributla box was placed teals= the
wall, sad it was customary for questa to drop
m *mall donations for the wafters. Over the
baa were tire.. wends : ••T. I.s.re primp.
e..." From the Initial lettere Domes the
word "tip," with all 11. unpleasant aesools-
Why Cape. Gibb Was Oepesed.
°outwit. Jose 6th, 1,'389.
To the Editor of Tut tlH1NAt.
HlA,-I e.• by your pacer of the 25th o1
May that my removal from oes•mand of the
lifeboat .t 111. station was It. an limit.
Kindly ?dorm me sod your readies where
you rot Mat information from. 1 have not
been informed that soak 1. the oasis from the
Maris. Department.
fwj.Mau to mutt and e1ivii darted
an ezpisYMan from yon.
Years reepsetfully,
C*rr Wo. Batu,
fate of H.M.R. Navy.
(The stab.s.nt that Mr. Babb was re-
moved from •s.mm.d of the llfebeat Mea. ,
he had posed the age limit was raived
by TR/ Rtawa dlrmt from Ottawa - Kn.
Bm,At.l _
sbstreMtessew the a1Nw'eta..
7h the Better of Tot hegira?:
D.A. 81R. --Why le II teak ell .Nadi
*Sl p.ri reeel■tfa.s arab alto eh.YwmMme. to
thea slams bet sever Aglow op firth mat
tan T The sidewalks seal the squire at M
•II .vote tihenld be sept Maw red tee wan- of
ell pre I.tr.otlathe re have nets linked
our. leak at tie. and me geek of all
=Me and bo.wl obsw..tl.. tee centre w
walk.. le Iola the Biel" of tier oouseil, m p
i. It • feet (halal, .tree. Iaem.et.r hu nee
b.60... oneatfh be Isam.pe mode beteg fie
bp. of M. sidewalks(
tMf L16. 140. RATITATUL
Zest: lath week J. A. Williams ta-
•rived line *ad MthMll.sss e) the death of
hie father, who lived nem &footrest.
Watt.: Jas. Merits fstt from the 11
the beans of • bars width be was working
os at Ue•. 1,7.rk'., sod broke his lq
B.Igrevs: Rev. A. YeL•ao, .1 With.
laid the ••e.., shoe el the sew Bel{{rave
Presbyterian sheen& •a W eds••day el last
tT'1l ,
ilfis. , lalt 'hely ierA 1
hts dsseht r, lire. A M. Seth►, WIND mitts*
Is thee oily.
Smeisy 1 M•le.lm Maiwos had hes...
halothe to load his valuable brood mare.
This is the seamed lo.. .of the s..* triad
w8bl. • year
(r==ata : Jame* Steep has a, :awned Maw
trim lvdlan Head, N. W. T. He went .p
Moro to the early swag with a earthed of
inigilethasta .$o.
wslau : !tartar the .t.. on Baschy
altsrwees of lata week • haw os B. C Cele
mat • tars to the see= of the town was
.track byIkhtutug.
Otey : last weak Dr. urobam °ante
over from (beta. her • mandietten over
the 1.11.re of health la the caw of Robert
MoL,s 61ia, 10th cos.
Wt.ah•.: The haw.. e. the B (1t•
that was ousted away by the Sprit[ flood
le below Meant Stewart & Doff, e1 Blue
vale, have the oestraol.
Mends: Tots mato Geo. (:side ck. alta
a,d ohidr..l! of Tor...e, are beats op •
Mint with ro.Mv. tad Maids. City life
evidently agrees with the..
Zoete& : Tim remains ./ the lore Mtg.
Hasty 11ss were I.tarred la 1h. Luther=
osm•wy. The sympathy ed the opmmuo
Ity is erte.dd to the bereaved kusbaau and
Sealed& : 1)r. (Jsmphell, .l Detentes
N. 1'., formerly of Sed0,I6, •ad one of the
olden practitioners of Ibis e.ettoo, is ri-it.
log hit .14 frt.nde . tis locally, being •o•
oompeaied by ►le wife.
Bels..: labs. Barton, .f Tomato,
who meati..aoo.sd.d to passing the a s •,
•.hatss la phenates, le speedier a taw
weeks a1 Ids father.. He purposes opening
a drag star. is Mildmay.
Chided= 1 : Then, Hasley, of Me b h
.as., met with it mishap reosatiy Wki!•
'beans, sheep he made a bad rah u his
tight head with • pair of sheering halves,
bat it is heal=s up nicely.
Bayard 1 tae. W. or•h•m prwdp.d t•
large ooagrsgaMos. os Sudsy, the nth elf.
This was lee farewell before north. M it
plata tow Owes Sound. He and W wife
std fatly left es T.eaday.
13gttnodville : Mn. Berms and b.,
=matter, Miss Ki.a, the spent the slate.
with silliness is Dakota, have Matted sod
rspip.d'bou.skeepi.g 4.'thdr .mfort.bi,
home inn west of this village.
Wallas,: it Welk tbatader-.term need
here on Breaches evening of last woke. Jia
McDonald's barn was struck by Il.b•.tog,
but the fire was fortunately eztlaaalebeel
L, fore muoh dames was done.
Wroxeter : \\ lois playing below the
dam, 1111 1e Weed P. brother of oar popular
j e, tier, fell into the water. Robert Inset
noticed the occident and rmmediatel
jumped into the water and brought 1Ln w y
nitrify to lead.
I'In•fa'e : Fad (..,alis, who plays l act
.e 'h. Wmg1'atf,otballtemn,hid i knee
It rico oat .f jsiot , o the 24th of 1.1.7, at
Tn. fooUrll brays thigh that it 'I
+at• owfoa to rbcs (Insider that they played
•....h • b .1 ,oust.
1f setae : I,,b:nice itrabk a eeafar el
1-, stable a: Mre J.wee Rnwo's, S.bbail•
e.. ring of tut re k,.nd yaiokly rernuv.d
"..was of ti.. Lu U.:g No serious dem
,.o ear does sod kir usetrly the build..,
.14 I not take at..
Morrie: .11•y Clegg, University alud•se, i.
h n e from Toronto. He is . esu of .11sep6
Uletrr, the well -knows drover. Ha has
written on the Anal eralaatied in his arta
enures sod hopes .boat the 10th to go
down to the convoeatic.
SWlorth : Dared Anderson h*' remevd
heti, wit h 11at0 femily, sod is Iriisat•d en node.
rich street. Mr. Audenon ,s ome of H a-
forth's old boys, who has Ikea la forfeits
parts for okay year.. He has soured • aft -
dation la the Inroadfeet & Box (=tory.
°edsrtab 14 : Os the 24th of May Fred.
Tebbit mat with • palatal socideei .bilk
Y.Jllag at R.ht. Aobwot's raising. As
the piste wee below pat Into position it tell
acd struck Trubuuen the arm, 1n6tolly •
out that will likable him fee some see..
Matta : From the Leedom brae Pre. w
1,•ro that Cherie, Maws.., Leaden, was
united in marrieds le Mise MNgis (iisel.r,
of Clictoo, at the Soatbern U
pareonsre, try Rev. W. 11 =IP"'rje
newly married oo.ple will rosaries !Mikis
avenue to London.
Blaevalo : Mn. Robert Rlaska arm cies-
Unmet to be veey p.la1.I. Some time ago,
whim •t.rting to drive to the village, their
hone ran ?way, throwing Mrs. Black and
little dauphin out, and elsbeagb her arm
was mot broken it 1• very painful owing to
the straining of the oorda.
Cllntoa : Ai unfortunate amide= h*p-
Enttin le F. R•uloh, of Woodetoo&, woe
Edet A Davis, of team, Red agent for
the Kara Org. and Piano Cb., who, while
delivering organs et R.bro, his hors hay.
ing bolted. was violently throws eat and
s..saiard a break 1@ the rfibe Ieg above
the male.
Moist° t O. Friday, 264 silt, Phalle
Doty, as old and highly 0Ne.ed resident
of Oakville, o.se.d sway trent time, • vlo-
tl., to the terrible disease of oteoer of lbs
stomach, aged elthty .sung The funeral
took place en Monday afteneoe. Dimmed
was the tether of Mn. (Rey I W. K Kerr,
of Bengali. •
Comtism : The McGregor bretKen have
disposed of their form on the 8'h onitoe.fa',
of Hallett, .ear hen, to John 8 Brown, of
McBill0p. This farm will be better known
as the Crash farm. iI 000tel.s one hundred
acres, has gm 11 • large kirk honk and balk
ban, and Is a Ii'et-claw pia°.. The prloe
paid kr It was $4,700. Mr. Brows bas par•
ohmd It for one et all sone. The feria be -
leered to the McGrger brothers, but wee
worked by Albert Mo0reeor, who Ietemds
taking • pro•peetin1 trip to Manitoba
Clinton : The flex business seems try be a
thtog of the past, at IoW so for u skis see -
tion le oonoer.ed. The New faro le i@
termed that the *sly m111 i. opet.M.. Is
Western Ontario le tits one et Wkagbm
thieis f' joint stook erere. Mogan leoo
Seafortb, Mifeheil, Blyth, °lat.and ether
Palate are .0 idle, and es Asx in bang
sows. The ream of Ibis le that the AMI -
loans are tiny ag a simper spode M Amt to
Rases. Mr. b*vr.rha.yl,kjBiW
retest Medi -lire seea11�M ii
factory within for IA
L.adeebore' : The Ptkl Memad, Masi.
•eht, gentlest of the 26M of Net. syr
Os !ride. stewing ed kat week. the death
*warred of Nam., wife of Aura Meissen,
at the ere of kwesiy..ghs year., two
menthe sad two says. .The Immedl•te
o.w of death was Bet*M's d(s•... Aam
was the Mien dauphine of Wm. M...iae,
of l.,end.kere'. said case M Manitoba
=trues Tatra ago, from Hare. wag„,
Oa1*rlo, and bad both started swely.
wean. Five yra.g ehll'Irsu, fear boys ane
the et!, are 1.ft to mown her lot
(alaten : R Dew s,Caiadl•i fmmfgnMee
agent at Si Paul, &fine., Ie hle report he
* D.p.rtesen• of she i.tMor, M. speaks
it well•knowa (I ateakn : "Rd.T.
who you sans to ..lel me I. the
eek of •atlfratfen, arrived en the 7M of
pen, 1888. After hassle the ofee (. Sa
sl m... Mfrs weeks te make ela nlf .f-
lat in the wnekl.g thereof tied the mate
of prwmd.rv, he took sp 10. week el Iaae,P
I I atmrtib sale atom .04 Nerlbl. Iowa.
.54 he. •IslIe4 .Maly .0 Cha •••Mee faww
-.-'5' Man -'.rot - .Y•
and seat►wamt el fit rel H. W da.*
"o' k, Wallis is a emit s, to talk to the
tresspeople w' bawled yM4
ed osts0 paid semis ethos -
ties ie what.N weA/Weoetvaloe-
wlalealmiera lis 1se.elassH the them sem-
leg t. St, Peal ...d..aly wises ...-
n ary."
MRWoptse Uaaauss AND R.Vlaw FOa
Juan. -Tits mambos has .161 tllmiroted
aetrkl,g ti)s tela ed
.dee.tetr...e.' r awes
- -lit t t o'e
Hada M O tial Asia lam article ea "The
Raaf M Use Went" " foal: the Tarnow "
M • .aver eWwetatt @linen a the 1st• Pima
these Y•ara. "Obem1•.qua and ha fe..d.
er " by Prentiss Wpp decor er« Blake
•Vis..V.gr•M week. "Qsobs.
Go Minims
• I.. Mats rim0.," ar like editor, r.aw
tinims 1e•v et the Lowest oso11a1.
The Rev. J. T. Paths, b s . o.pititl stud
rre.Au,• wial if JPatterson,
John Wesley tad
ties, to hoes 1* this aemb.r. TIM'S •r-
ti.i.s oro all treU II"wetrole9, as the aka the
1.1. eh Andros sad qts cram Well 1*ree.la.-
.17. o1ber gruel.. on, The utas(.. pf
Mnbdtim." by the Re.. W. 1. W.uiseon;
a dos pee. se "?M ljaeeS'a Bwhtie.h
ltIrthdisy. I y Mae. Lauder ; Miss Tay•
i.e. Mule. la Tibet.' 'Nam Galloway's
Oseghber-u-taw," by Dr. Berlet, . deterserial, la also begat This number 1. give.
free to caw subscribers to 1M bltioth vel -
e ste, • high reifies with tea Jdy 0.106..
Terooto : W muds _ ago.. Mootro•I : (;
W. Cates. Halifax ; h. F. Rusin* :R •.
year ; $1 for six t..tas.
'ins W wwsu Monte. Althehgh Jess
is the welting seep, the Canadian Magm-
ata* la u. mares& Issas has setting par.
Molar to My oe lib@.abj,at. N.reet►.1.e
the somber le ea asrusUye sue, oost•iaag
• splendid short .they by Gilbert Perks,
throe Froth-Canadan ketches by diarist
writes, two h.telm en' of oostl..ed
stories, tied •.?loth.. of splendid .nide.
Oue of the men Iiler.eun, of the latter he
sotilkd, -With Wile sad It ,d in the Moa
soda of N ortheb`v,or i.,. " it 1s direstnt-
d with numerous photographs of waterfalls.
r.pide, oaeonl.r .=p.rleaoes and oap-fire
ima.e. Ato•h.r eery attractive stets le
la illustrated destelp11.s of our spr.ag ver -
d.. bird., toy C. 1'/ Na.8,taka rennet
rook on b,rds.isee.s by the Ontario Genre
meat, bee attnated .soh Attention. Ammer
the offereoWtbaW,are the late Sassier
Heenan, Heckles Willa.., Prof \Val:wee
Clark (the wee president of tho Royal tle
' U the baby too thin?
Does he increase too slow-
ly in weight t
Are you in constant fear
he will be ill?
Then give him more flesh.
Give him more power to
scat ' cetettkrlbl�
seeds a fat -forming food.
Scott's Emulsion is just
that food. It will make the
baby plump; increase the
weight; bring color to the
cheeks, and prosperity to the
whole body. Thin children
take to it as naturally as they
do to their milk.
IcolYa aOwb14ciaslws 'Pawl►
*WIT). Here.. Hamilton R•.d•1, A. H. U.
Oesv•boaa, Arlesr J. lilrlag.r cad Jobs
amort 11,- The (kti•dla. Mwupxi.e
boas in Os tart.s.,..elum
S. w. Rebore 1.trate .base 1.dd'. Irw-
we, nut.
Loados, Oat, June 5. Robert Mende, a
sembee of the orf of the Star Dialer Hall,
le kept busy mewerttag the gamins. sated
him by-6te many friends at prat►. They
all wast to kite* how he reoovred from
vibes, the donors rid, w.. a fatal attack of
Aad he iawariably asewen : "I)edd'. Kid
sty P111e oared me, when every other earth-
ly meso11 hal felled. 1'ney ase the earl
wddoio• oa earth that oto cure dubstali
sad they do dyer* 11 every limn"
11 1oled'? Ktdeey Pills card Mr Meikle
key w,11 care yo.. Try them.
Dr. A4.x.etd.r Haioll.en, .f Mostrsal,
fierenetly of Oode. ole. rod . p•p•r on "Pe -
tireless, .t 1b, t.avunttos of t6• interw-
tloaal Ae0001Mes .t Hail..y Sargees*. at
Rlah.00d, vtrglal. lest week. ,
A Wonderful aAoedes for WEAK and JMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
IF you want a paint for Cup-
boards, Baseboards, and
the thousand and one little
things about the house, see that
the label bears this design ; you
will then get just the paint you
need for your work.
It is made right, it is right.
We know it, we sell it.
aKim's New Store,
Examine our Goods and Prices, make the most critical exam-
ination of our Merchandise and Methods. Every day we
will show you Bargains ; Bargains of goods you want.
Reid's Old Stand. Goderich. '
\tru's 'I weed Waterproof Coate, trews
e eame, doubt• brat«►, velvet solar,
got op to the Iate.t'nyle, work 1L
for it
Hen's Tweed Waterproof Coats, MGM
scams, large oars.. good p.e4...,
o leo In black, reenter priw $6 sed
47.50, to clear all 44 50
Meters Mask Rabbet Cents, ra[ulu
1.41, ter $t 50
bees'• AU -Wool Saint 96 00
11.'. to. 4111 -Wool tides, With colon,
smolt sheet, lee setts listens, silk
?piton, male up a up•te-date etyk,
geed value a $e, to new. at $6 00
Men's A11 -Wool News* Salt. 45 00
Mone pyre Wool Berge Balta, lose butte.
8sok Seta good lianas sed well mete ;
made to self at $7.50, te obese at. _es 00
M.'s Vert now Imports Tweed Salts,
Ate twill tad mita Iid.gs, eileetitohod,
retinae pries 410 00 sad 412 00, will clear
a e1 00
42 -=ooh Fawn Cashmere. flee ee eves lama. Mes'• Tweed Teo..m, epeeist at 79•,
41.00, 4126... 41.50.
regular prloe 250., to clear at pewyd 12I c.
37 lath Mixed Grey Boil S.mmor Tweed.�w Two pi..8.14., a bIg r em of Boys'
regular prim 50s, to atoms .141? yd, 26•. Ple•• gags altar ',vita/ 51 75r
Ie will pay you to ex•.to. this Liao. It w - Salt of f twit p pies. $ 75
sew, stylish Red neat. a jest batt the 8.y.' Norfolk or Novak Salt' a1 162.60,
prim you expect= to pay 26a leg 75 and 13.25.
37.10.6 F..ey HM.ok Dress (hada at _Me. l thug Mens Haire, wxes 33, 34 end 36,very
Another lot of that Bleak Featly Dr.ss spatial at 43 50-40 48.00, Tom ars
, Goods to hood, whleb makes the third epwlatly for Toms Men and worth...
Alpena/0 this settee, opaent at 2A•. mown, ear prices $6.60 1e 41.00
Bleak U..hmors, our medals is Black
C'ehmwo are 603., 75s. sod 41.00, sad
we .hall.?..•ythtg In the made to
saual them •1 41 00, 75o. and 503
Mao's ISslbrigran iJad.r.e•r N .la
Drees sass ..... 25e. to 75e.
A very .pedal lige at 60e.
At 8s. we show • big ranee of Prints asd Mon's Atl•Li.ea C.11.,,, any shape, ea
Mathes, geed weals
res sad et the time •h ..10e.
yes want Mutts, am 55. Man'. Bette from
40 leek Pill*. Cotton, special se go 410 00 op e
72-410 'Iwilled Sheeting, epeeist itt..12
4-tseh Toble U.», 1
to their own measure.
fah „
37 -took 8k Iran. 1.!n,n " •' 20e..10e.
2e.. , ReNer Towel,, each at
AN -f.40.5 Tew•ltne, per yd ... .
3e Otey Cantos, 34 1e. wide s 30.
1Ve bays a few oddments 1n Shoes left.
flirts' Ias. Sha 11 to 2, were 41.00, to
Meer at. 66'
Msa's Tan Shoes, • few d Mae 43.50 te
.lou at 42 00
Men'. $2 60 [woe itooa for 41 60
Piow oboes, 6 and 7,fee' 75a.
We have not epees today ter • fall I1.t,
Mt It we have the •nee y.. want yeu
may as will save a dollar.
We are not unrprised it yes are e
before you pronounoe Ivo Wf just drop
A big lot of short sada .f C,ate..des ,d
,BhlrUsg, as malt prow. O. there weds
yea will save few profits If we hins-gs
end you wast. Meet are ley MOW* 1.
Overalls, Trews sad Skirt. rim H w'
have the plea you weal
42 60 M.'. Hard telt Hale toe 41 60
b0 " Fedora " " 160
$1 50 Hard sad Sett Hai. for 100
41 00 " 'Rets fan Nolo .. 60
$ 60 " Lissa Kaes to those a26
A lot of 8.y.' and M.'. /fats 25
little skeptical of adtrerfiwm.1/, bat
10 011(1 9*11, 115 to bbs 4I04.
W. A. M°KIM.
•Reid Stand. (loderich.
Cod�ric� Bargaii Ceulre 1
1t so...auy..-
rnis week
your Dry Good.
at Robinson's
extra value in Lawn Shirt Waists,
Pique Waists, Pique Skirts, Linen
Skirts, Lustre Skirts, Serge Skirts.
Belts, Belt Buckles, Collars, Summer Coriwta,
Children's Summer Waists.
Also a large stock of Mullins and Ginghauis.
Quality and )rice tell, and when you buy at
our store you get the highest (duality at the lowest
Next Bargain Days, June .29th and 30th.
Niagara Vapor BathCabinet.:1
Oures Rheumatism, Coughs, Colds and other troubles.
A valuable aid to the preservation of good health.
Should be one in every house.
C41 ti tad we'll tell you all ab.at it.
W. 40. GOODE,
Bedford Bloold
wr ee,os.e"t.useaes
It is better
even t) be right than merely original, tut the
easy positi,n you may assume in .these shoos
of ours we are ready now to show you helps
us get back to original comfort. If yon Rant
solid, new•fashioned comfort
P.8. -The balance of oar Mateir Omsk
must be sold regardless of price.
• r
'x11,6* Or lYe mai TR■ PIAt.Trtt t. NMI MAM, Alt) soul
AND SQUAWS. nags? rOa TWO SLAM 4)000,
Stock nearly coniplete again. New goods received daily.
A lot of fine Bath ami Carriage Sponges jest to hand.
Tho newest and latent Perfumes
Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders.
Rubber 0 )orfs, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Water and Inc Bags, etc., etc
Corner Colborne -et. and Square
Just look at these prioee : •
" White," high grade wheel, was 170, now 533.
" McCready," Ooderich, from $35 up.
" Jupiter," grand wheels, from 130 up.
Come and ere thea) at
Reties el skew. 1s.." be left at this
(linos ed Woe Mal Saturday
noon, rbo Oopy ler
moot Ivo 1 est War than Mo
a -
day wog. 01.0061 Ad.stliss meNe
ureal 4M b assn W.daoAay of
tn.bt.g for heft WM w•1a.a1 as mad atter
this lb* of Jess.
T. J. In mwet bee sl ete.st tiff t[kk1IN.I
shim of fJS.t.r paYlis eeb.n�l sedd, �y Itms-
te. bast Wthersd K J..•a*1 4, wb. had
be. fee Mr. till let sena
Wet r If the wok et lir, (.eeb-