HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-8, Page 2The Signal u ry susa0D SriiRi TNUItsDAY MORNING WV D. isidd oleeDDT, • SAY. TIT III1100TID TOO SOON. The Tory papers which were In such a hurry W credit Tory members of Parliament with bringing the tract men's strike to an end probably re- gret their precipitancy, today. Hire • one a couple of specimens, the first from the Mootreel Star. The gentlemen in power, having given the gentlemen in office a chance to show what they could do, promptly .assumed the fere-done of government abdicated by tbe Minis- ters. Mr. Taylor, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Powell, (bnservsttve members. came down to Montreal, interviewed the, Grand Trunk management and the leaders of the strike, and In a few hours the etre= waa ended. One of these gengemee ought to be age ,�! the lander of the Oppose "AeWtg -Vtntstsr of Rapw'a7e" '""*"`= 'This title Would dl,ttngulah him from the Mhtetel• of Railways wbo ,bas not " act" except in matters of curb paramount Spartan°, as the Drum- mond county deal. And the second from tete Toronto News: it. Ia a reflection 0proo the Laurier Government that members of the Op position should be chosen for an 1m• ty ol.this kind. 11 lair W - rle had the interest of the country WA - at heart, as tike Premier 1s /apposed to have, he would surely have made some movement towards terminating the struggle between the company and the men. He should not have left it to the members of the Opposition to ventilate the matter in Parlia- ment nor to act as mediators In the cal. If three Grta, Instead of three Tories, had gone to Montreal and made much n nudes of their Job as lalmsre. Taylor, (Clarke and Powell • did, what a roar of derision would - arise from -tis Tory aide of the Bou s. of Craniums today. RJg2JOS WANTED. yroatstem-ei, the elait,Fie tiler(. torieal Exhibition, soon to be held in Toronto, report that " many old relics from Air Peregriae Maitland's residence jn Stamford have turned up mos very fine picture of . 'the . lodge whish has entirely disappeared ; also a sun -dial and many other things of equal interest." Seventy years -.have passs¢.away since Sir Peregrine left [1j(osr Cauda for Nova Scotia, glad to find a calm •pd reposeful atmos- phere after being for ten y wit - Imes of, and sometimes a participate la, the bitter poll tire 1 controversies teat raged in this Province, aid which cul- minated in a rebellion leas than ten years after his departure. Bir Pere- grine died in 1854, his widow lived till 1874. Toronto could not have been very big, or very noisy, in his time, but it was the joy of Sir Peregrine's heart to get away to his summer cottage is Stamford, a name dear to him on ac- count of family associations with the old Stamford in Lincolnshire. Wheth- er he always took Lady Sarah with him on his voyages across the lake is not narrated, but it does not require any great stretch of the imagination to believe that one of the pleasing !eaters of his retreats to Stamford was relief from the presence of his handsome and vivacious wife. From scraps of history that are available, it does not appear that air Peregrine Maitland was a born ruler. Dent intimates (.bat while France (:ore or Peregrine Maitland exercised nominal sethor- Ity, Rev. 1)r. Strachan and 'Judge Powell were the real rulers of iJpper Canada. Kingsford tells how Indy Barak practically compelled Air Peregrine to marry her by going to 'Ida rooms In Paris one night when her mother was giving a party to which Mr Peregrine had not been In- vited. Another author tells how Lady Borah Instated that Sir Peregrine dhonld take up the cudgee In her be- half. when Judge Willed' wife - the daughter of a mere Earl -had the effrontery to (Repute a point of pre- dwbmee with the daughter of the Dake of Richmond, and a deseemnant of tinge. These items are not In themselves sufficient to prove that 11, Peregrine Maitland was the kind of a fell ow Burns had In he mind • when he wrote alxsit " -the poorest wretch In life. The henpecked victim of a m»!ding wife, Who has no will, but by her kind permiwalon Who has not sixpwenc +, but In her poi- snsim ; Who mast to her hie dear friend's see ren tell ; Who dreads a certain Ieeture worst than - --." Bat If the Committee of the llla- tnrleal Exhibition routs find a hat- tered rolling pin and n (entitle of broken broomsticks at or near the site of Aamford Lodge, with those for n foundation someone could N tale unfold that would give to the memory of Sir Peregrine a romnntle and patltetla Interred that can never be evoked by n mere picture of hie *smmer reslleneP, and that w.oll touch a eked of sympathy In the inane of men wile were not born when Sir Peregrine rerapal frrwn the trials awl vetatinn. of this weary world. Kr. J. J. Kelso, bead a the Chil- drea'a Aid Society, says there is too much ebarily them days, and it maks for peeped/am. in the sense in wbieh he ass tbe wort there is doubtless * guest gins of public generosity, Te Merely give to these able to earn, wltboat .zaetieg return, is to pau- perise by lowerieg tbe manhood and womanhood of the -recipient*. Proh- ably tb. "giving" done by the vari- ous organisations run by good faddists dean as much harm se good. The hely sleet, worthy the ease is that whit& kelps the needy to belp ihesssltess 'ofd }algia to Sid allalata to bettor AN ILL./DV=SRD ROOOLUTZOR. The lfbthodett Conferences appear t1u be a =et of happy hunWig ground for Tory politicians, Wile year, and WWI as excess of i'uurteay the Lib Oral member" - 4those ose bodies hare allowed tete '11eti�a td 'here every 1&h 1Wu. tray: kt 5/ll.YUi Mayor John's= addressed the (bofer- eutoe, raying: " Not only is the Bay of Quettc distrlat prominent ha the history of this Province, but it has tufluewed In a large way the whole Dominion. It Inas ',Oven two Premiers to (*nada, tate Right Hon. Sir John A. Maaadoeld. the greatest the country ever had or ever will have, and the Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell. Arrd It may be interoeling to state here Sant the name of lin- other Premier of ()anode will noun be nwrrlated with Belleville A nark of the Hoo. Mr John Abbott will shortly take up his residence here In osainaa•tk,n with the Abbott Mitchell Ina & Steel Works, now being erected." Although Mayor Joluwon explalnal later on that he eeme of Metlk*IIut etma'k. and that he bore the laonornl asaas of olgel hle. it le ant Iikaly that ail Jahr heaver* recorded Setts lee discrlinln:ttlte or hie prophetic abil- ity. Tiwr• were some among them, no doubt, who regarded Sir John MarMk.nald aaa by no means the best Premier (*nada had ever had, though' they sight basitaa te call him the won't Juet after listening to the name of Sir Mackenzie Bowell. If Canaan► low not now, and never will have, a greater Premier than either of them, then God help Can- ada. Mayor Johnson's untimely and " odious' comparisons eould well Lae allowed to pas without retort or ointment. for be was only n v Tsitur to the ('onference. Not so with the two members of the Montreal Confer- ence who put themeelvem upon exhi bitlon at Brockville, where it was ]foveal by Rev. T. G. W IIIlatus, D. 1).. seconded by Rev. W. Jackson, D. D.. and unanimously adopted, that this Conference hereby expires= Ate re- gret that our brethren, members of the Methodist Church within the bourne of Montreal ('onference resid- ing on tbe Island of Anticosti. have by the veiled expresloo, by natural *me'raeet"'hiietefice, "leen aacesed""oY of the most heinous crams of an- cient and modern times. ria.: that of luring vemels upon rocky (slaw. Mint the wreckers might profit by the lose of the property of others, even though this los Is almost certain to Involve the =critics of human life, and inasmuch as the awful crime has been Malignantly dented, and proof of iN"$1legeuf erlme demanded. by the persons *crowd, and ineamuch as the attempt to reply to the challenge for proof is not only irrelevant, ba en tirely lnsoncluslve, which served to exhibit openly the weakness and utter groundlessnem of the charge made by it Minister of the Crown on the floor of the House of Comma's, we do not hesitate to characterize these accusations against Methodists, and named aa members of our elaurch' by the Hon. Israel Tarte, as unjust and untrue, and affirm that a grow Insult has neon offered our church by Lite. Minister of Public Works. Att4' turtber, we bold that. In view Of hie fabure to prose that the ac- cused love been gulfty of the tueln- oue crime, not only against Christi- anity, tut aro against the sentiment of all who are not hcyeiessly sunk In barbarism, the tion. Israel Tarte is bound to retract Ids words and apol- ogiae for them as publicly as ike made his unproven charge against the members of *church which looks ap- proved geproved eminence among the law.abtal- log citizens of our Dominion, duel up- on which the Mon. Israel Tarte has wltb much audacity east an unpr► yoked insult: And Inasmuch =during the mutate which have elapsed since lie uttered what we curtailer a base dander no apoagy has been offered. nor any retraction has been -made, we now tne+t to caN the attention of the brmth res of our church throughout the Do- mtnlou totted matter, and ask that they join with us in demanding an apo:ogy for this gross attack (odour beloved Methodism, and to which we lore affirm we will not tamely 'rub - mkt, no matter by what spirit it may have been inspired, or from what source it may have come; and farther that n copy of this resoin- tion be forwarded to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Prime Minister of the Domin- ioa, by the I(ec'reary of this confer• encs. We aMo hereby moat heartily approve of and endorse the manly course of our ex-Preeklent, Dr. Grif- fith, In what we nouaider hie vindica- ting' al the anomie= re our breth- ren against this cowardly attack on the floor of the Hone of Commons. All this le eery grand and imposing. Bat upon what baste dote it rest? What d'4 Hon. Mr. Tara really say, to this excite the righteous indlgna- tinn of Rev. Mass. Williams and Jackson? The ((Mooring 1t. the Hansard report of his remarks In the house of ('otumots : The island of Anticosti was the pro - pert?' of en English • ndicate. Mr. Weiner, a well-known French capita- list, bought the island front that Eng- lish syndirate. My hon, friend from Leeds --again 1 my that I do not think he was seriot6s-accused me of having goes stere and of bevteg been practically a party to Ih• proceedings having le view the expulsion tot a Methodist settlement from thet island. So much has been said about teat ex- pulsion, (bat I may be permitted to any a word in explanation of the cir- oumalances. Aa i say, Mr. Mier, a capitalist from et Franco, bought the [eland of Anticosti from an Eng- lish syndicate who had purchased it years ago. When my hon friend ap- posite, or any other hen. gentleman opposite, buys n property, he belique f t tel be e '(boner of It. ` Mr. Monier found at Fox River about tweety famines, who had settled there. Those et us in the province of Quebec who know what is going on are amused at the report. (bet have been Apron(' abroad. 1t is maid, that all those who have bins settled there are Me- thodists, and 'bet they art going to be expelled on amount of their faith. I may say, that my hon. friend from Charlevoix (Ir. Angers) is meting as a counsel in the CAM, and he will hoax MP not in what i am gring to say. There are some people of the Prote& tant faith on the Island, and i may add, that, among those whom my hon. &lead opposite characterised as per- secuted Methodists, are a oskiple of Psseb Canedians and a temple of iriehmea, and, perhaps they may hot be thebst of the lot. Everybody who gives le the Province of Qumbee kennel -that Nearly all thoM won live ell tbat Ilam! are pprofcmiodal wreck- ers -people who deeatve tie skein of • ship in order that weasel might be wreeked, mad mat the might steal everF'thlag on heard livery. /SW r ie Qu.Aaa+ kssewe--my bion. t;hnad from Fa (Kr. t#agrafa) keOwa-that that company was not a very suitable eoenppny for Mr. Meaner, mad he took proceedings to expel them. They resisted, •ad, as there were some Methodlat among them, the whole lot were supposed to be Methodists. They came to Quebec, enlisted the active aympathy of same of oar friends of the ,Protestant re- ligion, and the fight is gain; oat It asto whether r. Menier has tlii right to own land or not. Proceedings are new pending in the oourt. Some of the Cosaservative organs, and sttj' hon. friend from Leeds (Mr. Taylor) ha► quoted tbeir asatiments int the House, have said that Mr, Monier should not be allowed to resale the possessor of Anticosti Island. The question is very clear. Shall • Fresoh capitalist, who Doses to Canada to invest money, be allowed to do so or not t It, because Mr. Meatier i• lereacb, he has no right to buy pro- perty here, the ease is very clear.; 11 a Ntrenchman coining from France has no right to buy property, It is bet- ter for as to asap fo ; but nobody will say so. tar. Meade has spent • million sad a ham of dollars; he is employing only Canadian labor, and 1 am always surprised to see that so much noise has been made about a thing which, in my estimation, is • very clear one indeed. But, of course, all these sp- ��a an made is ncnordaeaa witf the policy at hue. gtlnilasea Appaita, le is s two-faced policy. It w111 be seen that Mr. Tarte made no attack upon Methodist& He merely Mkt down the principle that all rest- d'ate of Anticosti, and of the rest of Canada. whether Methodist, or ('ath- olke or adherents of any other cbarch, must obey the lawn of the lard Ifo reference to wreckers was•not applied to Methedlsts. batt to wreckers. and in La Petrie of yesterday It is plainly stated that prawt will be forthcom- ing that there are wreckers On the Island of Anticosti. whose acts will be laid [tore, even thotttgh the Montreal Conference has unwisie token therm undo. Its protection. • [n a:itte of the retalatlon of Rev. lies -rant. Williams atd Jackson. u„rt ('ataadan Methodans will decline tat share the reepHasibility of Antlered' la w le•dvekers. 1.O DISPLACE STREW? OARS. Rotten is W lead I'nitek States title: In the Introluctlon of automo bilea for public acc•ommidation- Trnns- pdrsaitarn--Lr' detered -111' 'tb' =burin, where street car tracks and unsight- ly poles and wires are regarded as a nut ante. Wlotht ei in to be th> Bret .place W enjuy this eonvenleuce, and steam -motor stages are expect- ed to be running there next month, under a (ranch* right recently granted. Negotlatlonv are in progress for severs/ other router In the vlein- ity of the cltY that are not served by street railways. The vehicle to be molelled on the, same general liners at a small street car, and is deserlbed ae follows: It will be about eight- een feet long and four feet five iniea ea wide, with (bars for entrance 'at the skies. Th' material DAN' will be thin steel, except for a email amount of wood paneling, while the body of the vehicle, bu111 entirely separate from the truck, will have • spring suspetuskan contrivanr-e that has been um' for some time on a number of street railways, but which ie a new thing its connection wltb motor wag MIA. It is claimed that this method of supporUng tete vehicle will enable it to rbn swiftly over such uneven sur- face urface as ordinary city pavement+, without any appreciable Jolting, and relying 00 this to make the vehicles easy -riding, the builders will nae meal, not rubber, tires on tin wheels The new motors w1N use liquid fiat and the nevelt nary ateam will be generated in a water -tube India. The larger stags WM have a seating capacity for nearly forty people, but for routes where smaller vehicle/Bare deeirable, a stove Japl&mreet >n *hall theseaa all face Use frust of the vehn'le, sM- gte ants on the right of a central aide, anel (ketble ante on the left. Foch a stage wt41 nccnmandelate twenty -osis pile- Time fares in Winthrop are =tableland nt five cents, wlUj hag fare. for school cli%l%tren in the morning and alter - neon. A VI11MT 000o IDL. No fault can be found with the demand of the Diet of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha that Prince Arthur of Con- naught eh all to required to live In the Duchy hand re elve It German eabucatlon, If he IA to len renognlsed a heir to his uncle. Britnln had a pretty revere experience In natural- izing a Royal family that had been horn and reared with (german no- tlorrt (lenrge 1. sad (lenge ii. never managed to dervrme real EnglWwuen. They stumbled over the Engileh Inn - mirage ami preferred the society of their Mappo!ev and Elephants to that of the Englldih heaotkw, and they were always happier nem the math akk+ of the Channel than on the north. Prince Fred, "who was alive and e dead." the representative of thy third generation. was n wort of neutral, neither Kngllek nor (german. Mat his son, George 111., wadi an English King In fart atdi well a* in name. and the granh oo of hie granddaughter meet be an purely English as atmospheric eerlf i r Mite Thin. The Nair. Coburg taxpayers io not want hie tory to repent It•aelf Iiaekwarde. They grudge the thee nereasary to change the net!onallty of a full grown man, no they propose to take rhtrge of Prince Arthur of Connaught when iuP ls young and snanepttblt, and trnln him 0p to their liking.' Rev. Mr. Austin could hardly hps to merle= the Methodist. Conference Wet, like Rawl, he omal1 hold con- vene with spooks, wed kb. Wen not llsaymointed In the verdet of dwtwed- tlen. He at least knows whore he is at. Dr Workman, however. ham been Wee Omerosdy dealt with HP hem been forced oat of he profasmir.hip, kept crit ..f a rhnreh. and In spite of pseradtrent efforts, has bwe.n denied the right of prompt trial. hie ram wRalu. by the arbltsary .sling rK Rev. Dr Carman, basin ee'Shied it hearing et the preset conference. Ha bas k grievaiw.. EDITORIAL NOTES. Five million Resalleas starving! Think of It f Alport se many as the Ip+$Lltaea of the ' aeminitsm. And BOWS 1,a land of wwoodewe fartd,t. shoehimr �A^vt 1ffaR1 The Worm= hi the customs re venue for the data months of the current gloat year is $3.127.9$5-95, ladtcetloae pleb to a meson of un exampled activity in trade. and the revenue will dentitions be oorrespond- lagty buoyant. The Conservative party 1s. 1f we may believe the Halifax Herald, one of the chief of the Bolo -bun organs. no longer "ore a di, ideud-paying beads." Now we begin W under,tend the deacon for ria coolie* of atoms of the recently entbustastic Try taints. • A Hrcadaklya Judge has cited before tem for rebates q(, dauahsh, asst a *SOO WBp A recent suit Jee-+lasagesoller tike - lees ed spa aye refused to agree to more dear. $3.000. whereas $30,000 wan claimed. Now, why should a lalge do that ? The juror Ia as much a eompument factor in the trial, am muoh • part of the court, lar is the Judge. And he had an equal right to render according to bb Bea of the law emet,tbe faces. -- ' 8088JP ABOUT OLD LONDON. alai Irni' showed lir Looking- hest oe ler toren . years' record, that saoellent journal. The Wrrataulnsater, remarks: We believe In the i.L•al. We bellet'a, in aiming at the bighead, and never meting content with present achieve- ment& We believe in right, acd have entered the everlseting war against wrong Ln Church aid State, In this warfare the weak clad the fearful roast gfe Vf.br. Mistakes may be endo., tort, so tom as time aims are just, the heart tree and the eoursga Krung, the movement 1s forward and ter the right. Three who have to do with The Westmineter believe this for them - elves, and for every ether worker wee serves ander tete Maasterahlp of Claret. The ideal L a good one ; It ntay not he Immrd'aately attainable; It may +r'. rr't t dktititri: '""tint" l/hit ten or paper is not the better of setting nn a high standard and docking to all it? And Tle Wewtnaiester has achieved meth, and It has earned the goad wisher of all for sumer in the path it has tarll0111 out. A Uated States exchange tells about a railway secideeit at Waterloo, IOW% Which calls up an ides too often int sight of. One of the brakemen Si the wrecked train, C. W. Mathews, eut and bleeding, Drawled out of the wreck with hi■ lantern and went up the track to signal • passenger train soon due on the same line. Hs was found three-quarter, of a mile up the track where, after doing his duty, he had fainte4_1iugs.ahock and los of blood. Was that sot • deed of bravery es worthy of recogeition as any performed in' battle 1 No passion, nn enthppiasm of patriotism, no thirst for vengeance or hope of immortality in Fame's temple to urge him on; only the trained sense oe duty, the desire to save his fellow men and his employers' property. Yet for many less heroic deeds military promotion.% decorations and medal& have been awarded. There are more heroes in the workaday kite than in the battle- field. The New York Journal of Contnerce Saye the Unite' Sates trusts "are being capitalized, as a rule. at fully double .the aggregate capitalization of thetr constituent parts, and If this is JurUfied by the actual eandnge. ihwe comer= Ars been mating very h a urn upon their Investments." The only object to be =reel by .ueh inflated capitalisation U to hike from the public the real finanilnl condltloas of the trus). and make it appear that the earning., are smaller than they really are. The Journal of Commerce says: It le entirely an error to trent a retmctiou of price an the natural re- melt of it combination. Every combination la formed to prevent ties. arid In a measure, or for a time, succeeds. Nearly every trust has be- gun operations by advancing prtaes. If prime have comms down. an they ggterrssaattaally have. It Is because the co.n- nattoss dl1 not encored in suppress Ing noimpetltlon, which was their aim, and frequently excited it. it be the competition that reduces the prier. sometimee ton much ; but en far as It goes the combination rodeo= the competition. and this raver tendkd to lower pricey, Thw le the raison d'etre of the tenet. In an addle= to the Cartwright Club of West Toronto, Mr. J. S. William, editor of tltr, (Hobe. -"+" that If there was one reason more than another which entitled the (lath to the rnnfklenee and affection of Literal* It wan because It wee named after Sir Richard Cartwright. In the speaker's opinion the Liberal party were nM1er a greater debt of grati- tude to Sir Richard Cartwright than to any other living f,lberai, with the exception, moilepm, of Sir (nicer thownt fearing all the long daym of tejlerslty, and rho seeks . Jtf+1. -ray lug. Air Millard Cartwright fought the brittle of the Leveed party with • eostrage that never falldd, anl with n ,leregart of personal sacrlfl•e not Imarmoreal by any other men what had served the pnrty *Ince Co0heieratlon." Theme remarks were received with enthn*Iaatle applause. Ur. Willlsam knows a Ortel man when he mfrs hem, and he dorm well to pay honor to one who always stool fear the right when the wrong avlds was the popular one. S ir Rlcharl Cartwright gained the =wet of he enemata, ata well ate the admiration of he friends, by his anawerving ennsleteney and hie un daunted emirate. Menne (:arvejal, foruar Minister of Forage Affairs, is (teed, At Madrid. Governor Rooemvelt Marked for Wad Point this morning. asompan led by arm and Redid't Lee, el the Cotitterstitterdlrmetor of the Canadlao MUbory Mika,. Klee' Mon. Ont. They will toonorrnw wit nelef Qat oboes parade of the Watt P gayety Than Not DERBY Did DBTBRIORATBS lo Longer the People's Day, but a Society Show, 80111 BBPLBOTIONS ON TOD SLOAN, Stamm" for Holuoauste's Peel- The Autoear rgovement-Ohurohlll la a Fresh Young Ohap Who Guys the Older Tau Potltletans. Louden, June _ t..-E4lasd Was plunged suddenly frum winter into o>famer during the week. Last week fires, were necessary. Now the tem- perature is over sevisty and the sky is clear and blue. London seldom seems so full of people and Hyde Park hat • very gay appearance, the light, sum- mer toilettes and bright-eelored sun- shade making • brilliant picture daily. The Princes of Wales, accom- panied by the Princess Victoria, have been driving in Rotten Row, this be- ing their first 'appearance for a long time. A number of coaches were also out. THE AUTOCAR MOVEMENT. Cunatiderable interest is being aroused in autacars. The Duke of Marlborough and Manchester are do- ing all they can to start the (edam. A great automobile &haw will be opened on Jute 17th, at Richmond, by .Prince Edward of Saxe -Weimar. There will be teats of hill-elimbing and races 'between fast trotting horses and autmobilea. An American Company is establishing works at Co- ywif for tete pappas .qt. buildieg motor -ears invented by a son of Hiram Maxim. DERBY DAY. Derby Day is rapidly losing its char- acter as the people's day, and judging from the character of the attendance at. Epsom on Wednesday, it is. becom- ing as fashionable as Ascot. A vast majority of those occupying the stalls and boxes on the grand stand and on the jockey club stand were ladies well known in society, while their bright costumes made the paddock look like a garden -party. LOSEII8 HOWLED. The seoaatkonal collapse of the French horse Holecaaste, whom.+ loath represeutc d a loss of 180,000, was an Intense disappointment 40 the ladle French contingent, which came o*•er to ono what cis aonfldiintly predicted to be a victory for thole reprt nta- t(ve, The Paris papers are furious, acid blame the Epsom authorltlee for leaving the courses in a dlWraoefulty dirty coodltboa, for It Is gravely de - eland Holocamete slipped on a piece of orange pawl. There was a great rash for relit' after Holocene= was ■laugh- tmred. His earn, mane. tall and hoofs were cart off, and the gypsies did a rusting trade in selling bunches of hair, cert from their own grey horsier. and palmed off as genuine Holocauste BLAMES SLOAN. A well-known veterinary moment Miscue Stevenson, who witnessed the mock:ant, attributes. in a published In- tet:view, the d.Nfter to Sloan'" method of riding, declaring that 1f the Jockey had been sitting In his saddle instead of crouching on the horse's neck, he caned have helped Holt:caaste to recover, alter a first medal*. when he ricked Ida ankle. Holocanete, he adds, was then going very well, and. fifty yards further, Flying Fox was only a neck ahead when Hobo caosfe stumbled again, and broke his pastern. Sloan, according to Steven- son, ham no metro' over lata moents, and "his method extorte speed by frightening his mount, as Johnny Gil- pin did" CHURCHILL I8 FRESH. Lieut. Wigston Leonard Churchill, skin n .an of the late Lord Randolph Cl archllt, le making a hit In the po- litical field. He has been elected President of the Midland Oou,erva- t►ve Club, and. at a meeting weld at Birmingham. on Thursday, to wel- eome him, he made a very able speech, during the rousse of which he evoked much merriment, saying the exprasrlm et a presidential ad- der= &Drays reminded him of the high politics of a Queen's speech, a reseripptt of the (Tsar. or a mesaege of President McKinley, or, coming to Idamer mattes, of Emperor W11Jlam'■ telegrams, former Secretary Olney's' notes, or other dignified styles of public utterance. 1Jburlhlll ales treated Lord Rosebery, Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Mr. John Morley and other big leaders of the Opposi- tion titm te a dose of chaffing. but he clever criticism nod speech generally attracted coneiderajile attention. Tip+ (brsa+rvetive bleming Yost days : " The obd pkolhticl•es 1md better look to their lanree. (burehlll's speech hen a force of movement and humor that dellshted hie hearers and dla- rkss, a serve of form and conscious- mes that oratory Is an art, watch wUl leave the p ubllc to aspect more 1n that respect than has hitherto been supplied." !SENATOR WALCOTT A FAKiR. The hotels are now full of Ameri- cana Senator Walcott, of Colorado, e saytass at Claridge Hotel. on he wept esteOe $shed. -. -1*'- ,ee eve/eatelse• with a r,peesentative of the Assoel. ate! Pre, the Senator, regarding the Anglo-Am(rleen High Commlastnn, saki that he thought the trouble wadi with Caned&, and not with Great Britain. Time Canadians. he claimed• are not eery to deal with. He thought a smletloe of the dlff'onity world yet be found. THEATRiCAI. NOTFYI. Coneklering the alveneed sate of the evearm, numerous changes are an- nonneerl by the theatres. Nat Good- win w111 appear at the Dake of York's Theatre on Mondayat D&1y's the same night ()Gorge Edwards will revive the " gaiety (llrlP": on Tesdey there will be a revive] of " Pinafore" et the Savoy. and on Thursday Sarah Rene haMt will open with " Jaw Tram" at the Adelphl. At a msettng of the Theatrical Man- agers' Anenelatlon nn Thursday 11 was deckled to fight the made hall. on their own grnnntle and to • obtain the right to permit smoking In theatres. It le not spotted that the Inset hone Will avail themselves of the privilege though It is retngnlsed that Immo of the (theatres devoted to IfgM enW.e- tarlima will find the sme b1itg pNv. ♦ajrsikt COLO HUNTERS PERISH. Terrible Hardships on the Edmonton Trail. ONE ENTIRE PARTY LOST. Victoria, B. C.. June 4. -On the ste*msr Danube, which arrived early yesterday morning, were 29 men, who land been stalled all winter on the Edmonton trail. They told awful stories of hardship, digester and death In the northern Wildernes frogs drown- ing, scurvy and starvation. J. I4 Smith and J. W. Irving. two of the Jaen returned shiers. saymany meta have found death in the mon- ton trail. Many are lying beneath the waters of Great Slave Lake, for may- oral boat. which started down the wand -swept Inland sea were swamped rued the uocupaea drowned. A party of tali or twelve men have doubtlerw perished In the snow-covered mountains In the vicinity of the Up- per Liard post. A large party of pro- ems otors started out In December from u point twenty miles above Ford Llard and two hundred 31114 d jbe ffeKtm- le River. Tlaelrtiq wan the Viand!lK�Viand! MeV They were ninety days on the trail, owing to the fact that I,hey were en- cumbered by heavy loads of baggage, and the travelling was exceedingly heavy. Finally they reached a point on the Cols River, throe miles from Lower Llard past, and *bout one hun- dred mels from their original daytime tku. It was on the divide of Bay moun- tains, where the tragedy, which in- volved about a doyen Yves, 1s sup- posed upposed to have takedt place. A eacond party, coediting of the number in- dkated, had started out W the wake of the fleet, In the hope that they would be able to fled their way by the trail beaten by those ahead'. They were too poor to engage In- dian !nicks. When Hay Mountain Paw waa reached Use thickly falllaag snow had almost obliterated the track, and. knowing the Scalia In which they moat be, the first oompany ,1w - patched one of their expert guides back to It. relief. After a vain ef- fort to find the men the Indian was obliged to own defeat, and toiled back through tine stow, In whirls be sank to his !Ape, to rejoin the mann party. This he restsitee,e1 with difficulty. and not the /Mht+ebt news leag mince been heard of the moo 01 tbiercond That they perished in themes is a1. mart a certainty. They were lightly provisioned, had no unowshoea, and marMay 15th no tidings from then had been received. Nanus of only -flee of the party could be learn- ed They are Lorne Hatton and "Jack" Payne. said to be from Van• oouv-er, and C. Dunn, Taylor, and Leighton. News Is brought by Dudd Cole. of Minnesota, of the finding of the skele- ton of MeNeeley, of Sault Ste. Marie, Basile the skeleton waa a diary. The last entry, made In January, 11198, read: "My hands and feet are frown, and I do not think I can stand the mut fering mach longer. i am helpless. tont my chum, Gmhem. with whom 1 have had word., talks of leaving The rause of hbr ,Leath wan appsr• eat. His sham had probably fulfilled his threat and abandoned him. Un able to get the ruw-eeary wood to keep up a fire. the pow wretx•h had slowly froaan to death. The holy of a German. W. Zengler, wan found In a cabin on the trail, and a skeleton wan found ander a tree with a paper fastened above, reading: "Here the trail ends." Several minera are sailed et Mud River, Deane Lake and McDane Creek. They are wafering from scurvy. Sev- eral are frost bitten and likely to baa limbs, nd all are In need of food. earvatlon -s' feared unions relief has reached them before this. IVIL OP TAOISTS. papttetf.Ye and Labor eehsmers May Dome Together. Probably out of the very multipli- cation of the trues will come' the remedy for the .evil they do. The time must soon Dome when they will tear and rend each other, as wolves do when the are more wolves than mutton. The principle of competition 1a only held temporarily In abeyance. It Ie not destroyed. it will surely vindlcate Itself. When prima shall have been advanced so am to earn rlivkIends on overcapitalised enter- prises new enterprises on it more solid hast will Inevitably be brought Into existence to dispute for the pcs- ses!on of the market. The result does not need to be foretold. Probate' the most philosophical view of the industrial evolution now going for- ward le that taken by ex-Congromman Hewitt, "that when Industry has been iuffielently centralized, and theowner- ship widely (Wheel through the die- trihrtlon of altares, the workmen will gradually acquire these share and oontroi the property they represent." This is a hopefel gianeat Into the future. Mr. Hewitt takes cognizance of the fact that there are Iwo forms of treats which dispute the snprem acy. The labor unions are alar, corn Mistime in Itetraln of trove. Ttwy nim to pat up the priee of litter, whH*t tike other trues seek to rale, the priers of commodities. lathe end the two aorta or eombinatlons must rmeh n ranfMon nederatandtng. - Philadelpbtmt Record. What Onele Naas Mas alttea DOR The extenrlu of nor sovereignty to the Phillpphne Islands has no meaning unMrs It ba merely the first step to- ward the assertion of our legitimate exppestudosa world he Jtsttfled If the objections tbat have been urged against what Ia canal the policy of expansion would bejuatified- If het Philippines are to be regarded meet- ly as an outlying poseseion which we must govern as best we can without reamer* to the international ron- e4bratisas Mae belertg -to ter' trnsl- tion. In short, having taken rine step, the mere ' and Government of the united States must be prepared to follow am far es their Interests least them In the same dlteetlon. They will be rtulWied before the world and soapy a most ridiculous poelUon to povterlty if, having played the part of a great power for a ore( period, they *tumid retire before their naw re*pondbilities, frightened at the else of the shadow which Uu..y pro- jected, -N. Y. Joernal of commere.. Pztredltloo of Reads. Bootds, :me 4, -It is stated as pollee headquarter* owe that the neeemary papers for the e:traditlon d1 John Roseh wanted In Onyryo for alleged simplicity In the robbery of the Dominion Bank at Napalms, will .*sell Roston with n offline 1n a day or no. and Roach will be taken to 'Minato. The St. MOSS Theatre. New Or - Imes owe of the most noted house In the eralith, lea naso of Fin was dlents,ered 1a the bat k last night and quickly M.e..ter. n Bess Penton Davies has ease Sanager of the theatre for scab WW1 YE016 Market Reports --OP- The Week, 2aead1ag Wheat Market& Following are the Musing prices to. day at important centres:., e. oft as Chloaao ... ... . t New York ..- . ... $ 000 0 (l0 0 845 077! 0 Ill.4 St Loala_ 0 78 000081 Toleht • . •• 0 78 8 4 000 Detroit. red ... ~• ... 079 1-2 0 al 11.4 Detroit. white _. ... 0781.2 000 Duluth, Na 1 Northern............ 0 77 1 N 0 75 6.4 Mlnneapolla.. ... ..... 0 74 1.4 0 74 Toronto, red ••• 071 1-2 000 Tomato.Tbato, No. 1 Mrd (neo) ...... ... ... 0 8p 1.2 000 Oran and Product . Ttoronto. June 8. -Flour - Ontario • ettents, In *keg; •. ralgitt roller. 18.20 W �� Housudggartan pateuts, 118.95 to $4.06; Manitoba bataew', 13.70 to 18.75, all on track at TLrtmto. Wbgat-Qatarfo red sad Witito, at 71ao north and west ; Ifo- 1 jLot uuia bard, B51io at Toronto, and No. Northern at 82)fo. Prlow an rrtenlnal. Ont♦ -White nate sleeted at ; ra weft. Rye-Quutod at 54c. Barley -Quoted at 40. to (& west. . Buckwheat -Finn: 480 north ase 50o east Brno -City m11M- sell bran 5111t and Stores at *15. in car lot., 1. o. 0.. Toronto. lona- Caaadlan-8Oc Brest, and omenta 410 Ido 4�r un track hero Pear -Sold at 6.1c west. In ear btu Oatmeal -Quoted at $4.(10 by its • bag and $71.90 by tbe barrel. at the track at 'fbroado. at lessens nse Basket& Toronto, June 5. -Deliveries of arse and bay were light today, 000 busk - els of `rain, 15 loads of bay and 2 laadad straw, with a plentiful supply -- of butter, eggs aad poultry. Wheat firmer ; 61$0 bust.ela sold.at the following prices: White 76c, ss4 7611c to 76e, and COose 66c to 67ec. Oats steady ; 260 bushels sold et hie to 670. Hay firmer ; 15 loads sold at 111 to $12 for timothy, and $7 to to for clover or mixed hay. Straw steady, •t $6 per ton. - Dressed .it egeo. Prkxs ready [t 15.- 75 to $6 per cwt. Potatoes plentiful, and prices ras- ter at 65c to 75e per beg. Butter plentiful and cheap at lac to 16c per Ib., the latter price rely being paid for a few choice selection to special customers. The bulk sold at 12c to 1k per pound. ' ggs plentiful, with pries* firm at about 12c per do*en for the bulk. A new very choice sold at 11k per dozes. Turkeys sold at 10o to the per Ib. Chickens, last year's birds, sold at 56e to 06c sad 70c per pair.' Spring chickens sold at 60c to lie per pair. Numb. Bminees failures are down to a low minimum, numbering only 129. against 158 last week, 178 in tide week a year ago. 192 la 11497, 286 in 1898 and 1b9a. Jane opened with Improved trade condition., and the movement in /sa- ,mtable lines dela week has shown some Increase In volume. Velum in .nearly all lines are very firm, and stocks are not abnormal, go that holders are encouraged throne the very strong tape of the foreign and domc,tic market.. During the months of March aaad April hast year the carseat dlaeounes or toast Increased $11,000,000: In 1897, 18.000.000; It. 1898, when belt nese was not specie/1y the die - counts increased $$,004910, and Is 1895 they increased *000,000. IAM RARD f•AR1111D. 14Ne.ry labors *Meet of Meek in the World. Thom who are thirsting for :liter- ary fame and wbo fancy that the 'real writer ham only to sit doers and allow the genius to 0015 through he finger tips might do worse than road through the inter- =tag nterasting record : Francis Jeffrey commonly spent two or three weeks on each one of , iia articles in the Edlnburgb Re- view. Locke is saki to have "pent over six years in time preparation of h11 seney on the " Human Uoderstand- Bfour Byron spent tis leisure hours of nearly years In ehe preparation of the tkat two cantos of ' Child" Haruki." Grote 1s reported to have spent fifteen yens of the work of peewit ing and writing l,ls " HUtory a Greece." Charles Lamb would write ,Mme of Iola eaaays in ad evening, after a cloy Vent at Ise desk In the East India Office. Mulhall, the greet atatlstblam. •le voted nearly thirty years to Melee' paratlon of Ida " DloUoeary of ste- tertl(v." Goldemltlm waft " Tia Vicar se Wakefield " in six week& 1t It. sale • to !tee* been a 'tory o1 his own .cool lactims. Young wee* his "Night Thoughts" in less than six weeks, as a means of oomforting himself ender his be- ret. vement. Opener, from first to Iasi• eonsam- ed four yearn of tolerably etPndy labor Is the prnparat)on of the " Faerie Queen." Neaten spent over eight yeah Is experiments and the collection of data for he " PrincipIse of Natural Philosophy." Fielding 1s said to hate written "Tent Jones" in three month*. The merit was written as a satire o0 on* of Rkharson'a novels, Ratter. It is aid, kept the mann' script of the "Saint's Evsrlastine Bast" in hie hes* Dir thirteen Tears end O Machlavel t iwag many year* In (*O- aring material for "The Prince,' bet the actual work of writing was duns is ani aatitithe Naslttt, after tba naaaxmary war of PrePareNea had Ikon cr*ep,llted, carob one Marna a week df the swiss Ise - twee art Lathan" Longfellow turned oat about one Bl- ume of may 7M puss a your for M nearly fear years were ragdred for he translatln ef Dents. writer. required fames fameilimn dead bat a alegke attar• norm to prepare oda of his 101t1n- orot paraphrase of the PIONS Wordsworth staid write Or aaltwo smuteis every day. "The *zau1oa'i i e �yrodesle- T •Imo 150 to 1100 lbw As days Cowper the Preddeoaou d "Jobe O the Fa' viamtl �wrat very re-writing r Ike attar °Ma w plow to the aro trios kWane ars /tom cea kir age IP" ire ma ta wrvw