HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-1, Page 8l 8 TSVIIIIl►t,l Jaai 1, LM,. ery gay ellnaRe- eta A arga nay THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. 1lla.swape dMws t!r Or Seesa Mali. • .1 •lab Ion .oar of ma mated le�ep park.) • • Osenoaad N wed tete mar,�YkiWs psi% these .wtep. o ala.tedve aab�spolutte cane -sad al remelt $2 . bet 1 tit bottle* torrlt Sold by all e/ 'f:1. Orttath. street, Toru. - It mre- 11..""hm /OR BAuNY .Jar MIAMI. Catarrh Gu*ttAxrait.-The compounders of Japanese Catarrh Cure guarantee to Till the end of the month we are offering some Ct'r• any coos of Catarrb. Il.ftsr pur- chasing at one purchase to boxes of Special Bargains in Broken Lines of Spring (foods, the cure and usiag the whole contents marked down to be cleared out. Conte and get a few ofl o d,- direcft«.a,n the Snaps. will bc refu• nded by thwq providing that six guarantee slips ars presented together with a recopied hill from the Spring Dress Goods A bpbsadkt hue .4 Fancy brocaded goods, regular 60c. for 3&. Special line of Plaids and Stripe at Ila Special lack Suitinl(s at 121.c.'t • )ippecial White Piye at 10a ,Spoil White nsoked iOo. .�..L Lovely ale palmic aura Lau� its uow &eagle., 75c., 41.00 an.1 81.26. Bargains in Clothing For 46.00, a special line hat's Tweed Suite. Well made. Well lienal. Good fitting. Would be cheap at $7.00. Fine Wool Tweed Pante, special at 41.00. lien's Waterproota clearing leas than meet. Boy's Clothing in two and throe pious Anila Boy's Clothing its separate pant.. Boy's l'ktthu.g to Blouse suits of washing material. Gents' Furnishings New stylish light Fedora', regular $2.50 for $1.75. New stylish light Knockabout Hate at 60e, Fine Black Cashmere Socks, regular 25c. for 20c. New ntyl so Ties in Turfs end Knots. Wide Bash sad Cojlsr Ribbon.' its Plaid Checks and plain -treaties, very ix•w. Ladies' and Chiklreu's Fancy Plaid Hosiery. Leidisellemov tweet GralardlinitTlfiL7- Special fast uolonrl Prieto, new pattens at bec. yin/ Millinery Bargains druggist or dealer from whom p� has - cd. and declaring that the whole six gistg all Triturated Bi Lary now. boxes have been used by the person Alio a special lot of shapes in -Bleck. ani claiming tete refund. and that them has colors, away down its pricoa. � been no cure. This is a strong posi- Come and get a hargjiu tion for the proprietor to take, but ' A fuU rouge of Citi ri 4Ai �?'j1,►ls-ll4ytteto sad Whit Fal., , rbcs have athsoiate faith that on a Lit 'lath' white tSailon! etc:' -. � trial it will do allBrat is claimer' for ••' 'ew'f" Ajajlslle.lt Clitayrh !lore • :SI White Underwear-' y -icatarrwere He.e Jou osteal etur White Underwear �* Our* ad t ..� was de,aartnwut 7 We have a hill mage of hto", isNears-Nall New West - Night (:owns, White Reins, Corset Coven, by mall. or Drawers, Wrappers, etc. Heady -to -wear Skirts and Blouses. Hosiery and Gloves Raoul all colors, all aims lii.l Glutei at $1.00. N hits and colored Silk Glover at 2&:. Special Week 'Taffeta (.loves, regular 25e. for 17c. Fine Black Cottee Hue, Hernmilorf Dye, 1 pairs for 25c. liov's Fait Black Hose. ribbed, 2 pairs for 25c. Jewelry _ Those new stock Collar Buckles. The latest novelty. Novelty Blouse Sets and Pisa. Latent in Sash Buckles. latest in Cyrano C taint. tllar►fng a ISAarEa4s e»`. TwNTO FOR BALK Bt•JAS. WILSON. Salm Anent. O.derioh. NOl E8 OF SPORT. At the run club'. weekly "Soot, ea Fri- day. the following soon wore made : FrltsIy 8, W. Raton 6, C. Darrow 6, F.. R. Waiso. 4, N. I). Rmays' 3, 0. Ratsce 3, D. Rounds 2. The Hiss baseball match of eke season will take plass at Agricultural Park .sat Tuesday aftereocn. rb• l/oterty team, 01 Clinton, will oppose the Uoderfoh nine. Go sad .mooarase the boys. Game wiled at 3 o'clock. Kd.ie Keleher oomp.Nd in the twe.ty• mils bityole road rase at Braatlord on the 24th and ,n • keno ontost took fifth plans aero., over fifty starter& His time was 1 hoar 31. minutes The prise he -proud Boar More Fitting Patterns warA aYrro fnoy. yel lawn Wants league' has bora organtzd, the oats tormiig the same base arranged In districts, etch district having Its own ***dui* of matohea and the wieners in the different groups to play off at the end of tee eeries. Delrio► No. 2 is oompoeed of the (;oderioh, Chaim, Blyth, Sealorib and Brussel. clubs. Oily' 10c' Bgsikl In fit, In style and tezmomy of material to any 26e. patteru. Foch and every Pattern only 10c. .e CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. THE TWENTY FOURTH. .eereee'.1 (Ylebatbaa et 171ais and l.oderlob, as usual. had no formal cele hrauos of the Qaeeu's Birthday, but many el 11e loyal citizens &Meted in demoNtre. Meme at oeighbori.g phase. Thom who stayed at home were not Mloweid to forget 1h..eoeatoa, either. the small boy and the Oast fireor•oker mak tog • oombm•tton that Wm is evidence for more than the ter-tly• bar hours thee are oommooty supposed to make a day. Clint*. was the obel point of atk•atioa ler oar townspeople About 250 )took train true here to the Hub " The Marine bead and the (1.C.1. cadets went down and trek promIN.b parte to the day's program. The praosediare In the morning Leaded a pr.osmion from the I.T. R giallo, to the laws hall ; military evolutions by the cadets • as Galeria' and (Aato. Collegiate !e- sthetes, and • firemen's *outset between Wtashae and Clinton teams, in which Wle,bam finished first. Dudley Holmes, of bew.,wse the referee for this ooutwt. The town park war the mensal the after n ape's portareanoe'. 'l'be o•det', under eommsad of t'•pe. Combe, Clinton, and Lieut. Ontot, (ledertoh, went through a aortae o1 m•n..•arres and fired • " lou de jade." The boys earned may favorable .eeests by the precision with which they eiaestod thou drilla A buoball wloh bottoms Brussels and Wi.gbm was won by the former ; some, 10 to 8 Later on the Choice Doherty team and the Brawl. nine played, the Doherty team winning. • Netball match between the Clinton sad Oedsrich Oollegi•te InatItee teams war le- tterm tna to lloderieh ,bltor.. Hoon were eve, wither gide being able to more. The medal. wbiob were offered ae primme will have to be played for again. The Ood.rieb bey.. rhe pea eip • eery creditable game, were : D. Weber, goal ; B. Done, J. Par. Womb, beak.; W. Haok.tt, R. Snell, C. Dares, half -becks ; J. Horses. 8. Draper, H. Seal, A MoT•mg•rt, H. Haws, tor• ward.. A log sawing statist sad a firemen'. relay rase also took plum in the afternoon. Beth altenese and menial the Darnell. epeolalty company gave acrobat's) perforce sees., the Mime. Molt rroky, el Klestil, gave ezblbiaiene et Highland denote,, sad gem& wee di.oeared by the idsrioh Mer. VW bad, the 73rd battalion band, of ' oa- fertk, sad by Highland piper• MoK•y sad Rosa. U.Iv oN 'orgmv maple tuned up for the sake walk in the evening. The program oensludsd with • rspreeset'tin of The Taking et Ki•rbw.," in which the 0.4.. 0116 sad (:hates cadet' and the Uinta sae else (sok part. Altogether, Clinton's celebration was very w.eamfel, and the committee to charge de - nm great eredie ler Healr efferte. The merse.e amorally also did their part fu the way of decorations, flap, mottoes and .ver. gram giving the byre a very gay appear - Tee DAY AT DUNYANNOJ. T►. 2416 was a gala day .t Duagannn, aid the village was In appraisal attire, 1M deeerstio.. hear In profusion. In the m rnlag the C•lttbampiea preeneten ore. stied • greet deal of amusement. Daring the day the i,ueknew band furnished .zoel. bat aerie, and demote, la the Aerlcolinl Hall ansa • favorite amusement with the pease people Tye pipers Arch. Ander. sea, of 8t. Helm.., sad Celt. MaKearte, of Kt'Wt, paved forth the strains which de. litthe par el the fleet: mean. �e geese. rwltcd oo lell.wa Open bey8• race, 3 mina,-D•Hse Pal I.uet Jaw H. Joanne. Lad bloysts ran (epos to AehMld Cel. bone .tad newsmen), 2 sines- -,1u. So►.• nee t J. Ki YWads. 2e30lH.R f/at, ,basN2« hake& %Mime lIISS ask -tau. ntewart, 41 fast 3 ineheai, Refit. Woods, 40 wt 6 ftesi.g Ia(gk lam. -jai Meek, Chas Siewert. Men'. 100 yard tree. ---Oma. Me0elle,b, Ohne S1.wart. �Mekl • 7 -Wanes Utak. yards. -WaYe, Stile ram, 75 yeed&-Roy Utile, Thos. Wheelbarrow race. 50 yard. -eau Devisee ; meed mire divided beta's ant 1arse. 100 yenta ran, boys ander 14. -Wm. Tbempen, ltd. Hewers, Hob. Bte16.n. Renato, long lamp -Clem Stele a t, lb feet 9 inches ; Jim Dime*, 15 leer. Meaning bop, step sod jump.- Clem. °nigras, 36 fess 6 inches ; Joo. Umgie, 36 loot 2 boohoo. Itunnine ram, one hall mile hat'. - Tuomp.n'. Splint 1 1 Mersey Yayledy 2 2 Hardy's Billy . 3 .3 M eaary'e M isfile 4 4 Three minute tree er paw - Reef Thompsn's ally • • 2 M,leteeh's tills • • 3 Johnston & Kemp'. Dalt...... :,3. 3 1 Jae, Shaw's oolt 4 4 4 • Dud beats. At the ooaolastn of 16• third heat the ludas, John Knox, and the director., deciding that ►6• race meld not be oonoluded before dark, awarded the places es •hove. rde•of wet. -West Wawaoosb tum. In the evening • grand 000cert war 6.1d 1. the A,riooltural Hall. An accident happeeed while the wheel- barrow race was on. The contestants were .11 bliodfolded and one of them pushed his barrow aesinat Lynn Westbrook and hurt the yoao4 man's ankle badly. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. Ne. Jury MWegn ler IM trowel, et warm. lettere J.da. lsobersse., Hie Heger Mr. Jostles Robertson held oourt for eke trial of aoe-jeey oases at Lb. mart house this week. Court opened Mos. day afternoon. Timm were seven oases em the docket. Snider ye. MoKalv.y.--Aotloa for an in. janotioo. W. L. Sinclair, Brussels, for piff.; J. T. °arrow, 11. 0., and (1. F. Blair, Brawls, for deft. Judgment war reserved. %item vs. Tawe of Besforth.- Action to oontpel delandante to mriplet* pebua works. b. Banana!,1M&t.rlh, ler pit; i J. T. Oarrow, Q. C., •0d R. 8. Hay., Sea. fate, for deft.. Judgment limen referring the questions of feet is issue Spon the pleadings to B. L 1)„yle, i.00el Master, under seotloo 28 of lite Arbitration Aol. Marr vs. Noire.- Actio. to adore. a trust. L. F. Danoey for pill : J T' (far rew, Q. C , for delta By cneebb of beth parties trial of tate seeks warn peetpened until the next sitting., Staling Fall. Milling Co. va HutLgs.- Aotlon for an merino". R, L. Dioki..oe, WInaba•n, for pIR. ; R. Vegetate. Whig ham, for deft. Judgment, In terms of eon - sent minutes referring Issue of feet and geei• Use of a.eey► Berets NJ. A. Mortes, of Wlnehem, under teotton 2.9 of tee Arbltn- tton Aot Merrsy Ye. Me It., -Ai+let to tr(itti torsos. Philip Holt ver pito ; W. U. Los. comb, Klso•rdior, for deft& On the •pplt. cation of defeedaet. Mal of this &alit, was pestpooed till the melt settlega of far filets Court of Jeitiae for Om comity of Harem. Hay. n. Town of °ndoriob.-AeHen for Ola. of gravel token by defendants from plaintif.'s lead. Phinp Heft fer miff • .1. T. °snow. Q.U., for deft.. Aotlee settled by p&H.( ThrG. ',oast adjourned at 5 30 p.m. Oath 9 30 o'clock Tuesday moralist. Hanes v.. Tooker.---Aotin of tjeetmese. 3 T. (farrow, Q C.. and R. 8 Hay. ler Philip Hal •ed L. H. lemma. ga- rter, for daft. Oedema's In terms of me - n et eleut.es. This eased the heeinem b.lnra the ('earl AUCTION SALES. All Ferris getting their nab bilis printed at le the 140 ee to the HAW Of nalea. Tnrttnn*y, leo. ebb. -Aman a•1• or hme.ehold furniture sad terelekla,s, ales of Mat desirable deathsr cheated ea meth g ide •f Riga avenge at prevent enoopled by Mrs Naftel. Bae to commence et 1 o'olesk. Mae. J. A. NA,TtI., proprietress. TItDo. Giem Da Y, •Ntien*mr. Reny person that Sesta Me ( ia.a, tk. 'daisies mod ,testes% eereeelb artist, elehem 1Mt he Is the vender of the elmtemi'.. .enters. his °Mo• will have • fres Mtloe ineemed Subscribe for Tea Menai. 11011E110MI FOS FAMILIES We want the .esteem or a ■unites et families to de halt/leg for nit .t home, wbole or spare tire.. We ,amid. $1011 mashie* and .eoply the )an sec 4 pay for the work ea sent tn. Distance N Madrona& $7 t• 41. psi week made areordlag to time gaveled t0 the work. Write at onoe. Name Se:armies.. co-eperaUve nanties re... Tereale. Victoria Opera House, THURSDAY AND FBID♦Y, JUNE 1 AND 2, THIt GNKATSST OOYLDY TItAvgL1N0 NdsIlviJIo Colored Siudcnls LID McKanlass Comedy Company. A 0001) ATTRACTION. Admission, - 25 and 35 cents. Children, 15 cents.. FROST STOOZ CO. at Victona Opera (louse TWO WEEKS June 5 to 17. A good Company presenting New sad Popular Plays at Popular Prices. Monday Night, 'A SOLDIER'S SWEETHEART.' Adetesme. N end termite. "JUST -RECEIVED A Car-lo.d of the Celebrated 1. Samson Brand PORTLAND CEMENT The Rest sod Cheapest Porlls.d Gement in the market. No danger of walks or abbling 60 pieces when made of this eesesle$ ALSO IN STOCK Foreign Portland Cement Calcined Plaster Firebrick, Etc., Etc. All of which will he sold at a sisal 'miv►oos on cost. F. BARLO IIOLIS Bole agent at Godericb for the l)wgg* Hound Portland Cement Co. T'••" BEOYZB & SAYERS, Vidertiken aid Waine's (1 rad uat.• of Maxim,htmet1a (ell H legsr of Embalming. 11. Pts DAY •rNn NI41IT. H UT 90GDS AT MOHR fnitRTlent'11 ATTarp(TION. . 111141f.. 0005111•111 OUR BIG •4• WELLAND YAU3 BICYCLES SKELAANCZT CHAIN MODELS: DOMINION, - $35. GARDEN CITY, $45. PERFECT, - - $55. t PERFECT CHAINLESS, • $76.00. A feature of the WELLAND VALE Wheels is the undisputed fact that they pat less for repairs than any other slake, and are besides the easiest running on the market. We cater to the requiremetai. of all classes of riders, and our different styles and prices will suit the moat exacting tastes. We are the pioneers in the manufacture and use of one-piece cranks, which are undoubtedly the best attachment ever employed, so much so that the majority of leading Bicycle -makers are copying the idea as nearly as they dare. c r A Fine Line of Bicycle Sundries to select from. • W. MOKENZIE-7.!!-- .. • Local Agent for Oodol ieh milt %Unity GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORSE, A. S. OHRYSTAL, Sweemeor io 0arystel i Win* eanttttaotu•cr of •11 Wade ai BOZLERB. Smoke Stacks, Balt Pans, Sheet Ira Works, eta, eta, AM Dealer bee Ragi ... Metlia.fy oaaw.g.. flee. All .bee of Pipes sad Pipe ?Whir. Swim and Water Gree, Globe Valve., Cheek Valves, I.- 1-.�-t^, Spurns and le. to= Lbel.aary on Head M Lowe. Trough, ler wittitiftreZasvitd. Htl Revelries pneeNdy adlld-i to ♦. 5. MY TAL. res -1r P. 0. Ss. 37. Gedertslt, �..I ELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL: ALWAYS ON HAND Tits BW Scraiitou ilard coal IN Tilt MLaKgT ♦a Coal wekbed en tee large a.•Iss. wbmn you get MOO 10o. for • ten. WM. Ordp/st8ton pe Llirif11 j pan ss. WII. We do All Kinds of Cloulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. Z<11 The Henderson Bicycle Co., I1AmIte. OrOD>1RxO33. WOO L I am prepared w buy titin •m -anti's slip of !Wend, as tumid, at tan Benaliller Woollen Wills HIGHEST CASH PRICE Ile rs, JESSE WNW WOO • WE NAVE A NICE LOT OP 'UGGIES THIS YEAR'S DESIGNS Aad ata Selling them at Prices that will unit you. .--e, y.uv.,....-•.-.oureasseeo-af'i,t1-,7abr. ••• •a• • At Gundry's Auction Rooms, QGOD BJ RIC$_ AT THE OLD BUSINESS IN A NEW STAND. We beg to state that we have again opened a Grocery business, at the corner of the Square and ' Montreal street, the store formerly occupied by H. J. Horton. We have a complete stock of fresh Groceries, and shall be able to suppl)Y our customers with first- class goods at the lowest possible prices. We hope to be able to serve all our old friends, and many new ones. STURDY & CO. Y : Guardi A NE%' COOK STOVE <ft • SSTM e Msec Ilk* IJ,Ia dire (�rt4j"y tits beet KK erre. T . NOM bet o -o -n -o -s THE WEEKLY MARrler REPORT. 0owar/e. star 31. 113. all Wheat. -• •67 iotap a riff 10 prom• oaba..t• gen ,..4.............• 0 80 Loll ! re •1100 (0 ••"�' •�tt T� 16 00 bt0 p Etre, pss ttr Sant 1 oc In 1 00 Beekw •"'• tetoDip pa, hale Mto0i0 )'e•& •. .........war« ggtt let N @.rias sir . -•••••••••.•wow 5. es 0 as M06 N rre.rrtrrTAriG.e Seat o•ei qp. , p�4. . a 7160 HI1MMa... •.•• ....AM 0 ..............:...w. b D II*.ib. 1*.P11tw..w. 101 0 M 0 w,. rwrrr IMP 1`. .. ..••N.... r,.rw. BMf b(M,1�lal..w••. • 41.4•11... hl• At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is witn cook stoves like every- thing else : there are good, had and indifferent varieties. We know yon will bo pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges OlLL ..A'1' CATTLE BROS. ?limbers, Stealers sad Wee W e1 Snare, .et star'b Brun. J. BROPHEY & SON TNr I..AI.i;ru --- aln.trg,.tA\ XV' I'tetorw ands i irAloN.mertt. �t rc to re/aly eemeeee im at all MwR eight an der. Mere es Weer ner ea. 111•414 61,4.. N*. her Street. THAT UGLY PAPER r Ought not to stay on your wall any longer when you o.a get really artistic oolor- intlu and dainty patterns u low as 6 CENTS PER ROLL. G E O. WATSON, PAINTIS ALIS Paris HASYffa, &m/red St., - Year ON MatkM. A Great Snap-. Is nett Viers/ Seca M 6,• ef whisk we eni • bsrssl • week. This lent oar way asap. se we DIM •v.rytbleg that gas b.fanell Y ae .* t•-daidi pr1•s we a•Ig' The free k soap Skit w ..y.VgYN/t'eeti.a�yMrtkDM erodes. • drew the am a1 M .gi tme.e trade - anything pet (11.arwa,..t yentas. verde. net et obelcw table was. W.edsed lo all of tb.a T. G. TIPLINO & 00., Bedford Meek, Ganda Oda► Ormadare prlbei a ?laf4Mft b mit minium discovery or tb. ad'Tilea trues made, m.mesese gag Ham. M fke very bogie, banlabes phial sad se=as WS a power Ismainea oda say able VM It for re sera aid 111 .am1aattea. AI k'Oa SAlaA BY JAI. WII/CI. The Best are the Chapatti K M Ft W1ekt•ss a.s WOO Este name OIL STOVE Ws boa a fell Ilse .1 thaw t- sites• !. 4a•1eats.d. awry • fell Ilse of hes..- ends Dairy Supplies and House Furnishings. Ire ea neer.. n year 114.1.11• fed. Reatdn. Ase usgkbf• H.C.FIL 'ER.