HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-1, Page 6MY CONFESSIONS TO MY DIARY. I soothed tYem well all round for a pact of idiots. forbade their mention- ing the subject again. and threatened them wtth the stick and stoppage of wages if than were ever the means of carrying each .gorier to their mistress' ensu; so I hole we have heard the last of the groat. However. the fright hes el -Meetly done Janie no good. When I returned home from mess thlr evening, I found that ate had bad another Vit - lent attack of hy.tereos, and that her cousin had thought right to send for our doctor, who happened to be at hie own house. He reporta my wife very nervous and feverlth, and orders her to be kept es quiet as parable. I would lbw a thousand pounds this moment. It I had them, stoner than ibis= had reached her ears She is so ttve wad timid, and her health at predo- ent is so delicate, taalt I fear the shock may have mope U1 effect upou her. July dirt. -Janie better, but still fererhsh. Mho Anatruther watcher over her like a slater. After they had both retired to bed to -night. I eat at a window for more than a couple of hours. hoping to see some- thing which might account for tlhe servant's story. but not was vhd- We. The bright moon Ott* the com- pound tilt 1t apemred almost like day. anti the air was no still that I nest have heard the slightest rustle; but I' neither ago nor heard anything ex- cept m7 own breathing and the smoke from my cigar. What awful fools thew niggers mug be to believe In ghosts at all I August 1st, -Janie wane m her sofa again to -day, and so cheerful, that I hope she ham already forgotten her alarm, and that the remembrance may never he revived. But what tstsoome to Margaret . Anatrutber ' She looked so careworn this afternoons° haggard and ntlserable, compared to her usual appearance, that, atter aak)g her what was the matter. without obtaining any satisfactory response. I v0ntured W remark that I hope the gest% story had trot had son effect ea her. The start which she gave on hearing my words, fad ar1.Ml,.nrpatete•i.Aolhri face. almost hewn made n*e Dunk that inadvertently I had struck a right chord, had sot the super- chTloua smile with which she repeated the word "effect" denied the expres- sion of her countenance. 1 thought 1t could not be thecase." I maid apologetically . "but you are really looking so 111. Lionne. Will you not come for a ride this evening?" No ; she decline) to ride or to walk; site only desired to remain by Janie's side and minister to her comfort. 8o be it, then. I suppose it Is natural 'sate should prefer her cousin's com- paty to mine, though 1 am not aware that I have dope anything lately to make her shrink from me as she ap- pears to do. August {O. -The ghost has appear - .1 again -or rather Janis Imagines she Ihag seen it, which Is Just as hurtful to her health andlpirfta She has messed 10 merry !1l to-da7, and so far removed from the fanciful fears engendered • by the natives' stupid story, that after she and her cousin had retired to rest i took my cigar u p to the roof of the house, as the heat as been mast oppressive lately. and I longed for a breath of fresh dr. Our house (like most others In 'Mashie -Banda) 1s built with a flat roof, surrounded by a high parapet.• which roof is reacher bunk els veranda by a flight of so much resembling a Isddbr, that It le not often I ran pomade tike ladles to mount It. But. for my own part, I am constantly in the habit of taking my book and pips (not to say my glass of brandy - and -water) to this elevated retreat, and, when there. thinking on any thing or nothing. as the humor may take me. To -night my thoughta were not very cheerful ones; for, without any especial reason, I felt what in technically termed "dummy." Perham, Itis the excessive heat, perhaps the -Continued weakness of Janie, but somelhow Ilse has not ap- peared quite so sunny to me lately a• It used to do. 1 feel so weary by the time the day Is at an end ; and so dimatiefled with the man- ner In which I have spent It, and I seem to rise each morning with some undefined hope which le never realised. I sppo.e 1t le the mono- tmonm life we lead which breeds die eootentesd thoegbte; we so 'seldom encounter anything to draw ea out of ourselves and our own concerns. And Margaret An.truther's dlsinclln• "ton to society has increased this disadvantage; for we three-Jtnle and else and I -have been thruwn completely on moil other for com- papy during the last two months. And yet they have not passed unpleas- antly. it Is strange that 1, who so easel, dreaded this Interruption to the quiet life which I led with my wife, should be able to write those, words and mean them. Yet i do mean them -though, ret the name time. I cannot believe that the Interruption leas made me sty happier, for I don't think i ever felt so reties and unsettled as 1 do at present 4 keep on fancying that something is Rning to happen to me; and start and remember that there le nothing at all the matter, and that if 1 have a amuse for dissatWaction. It must rest with myself. It toast Im Janke'■ Illness that affect, me in this manner; It Is so unnatural to nee the poor little woman always lying on the sofa, Instead of running about with her .0slt and anent 1 loot been dreaming nnmewat alter *h4* fashion on the roof of the lessee tonight, but how long or how short a Una i should have been quite unable to say. wheu I was startled from my IfaTarkl by hearing a most piercing sereem In Jame'1 rola. and proceed, front J�&.q1e''__e bed-rooreh t,►hIclr4,r 'Ier"'it1IWIT 'iiec7 klirming. as ��it ring threngh the still night air, :1M:, though I rose at once to my fees, I felt for the fleet moment Ile paralysed with fear, the* It was not until the ery hed been repeat- ed that I ran down to ber asletanoe. i found her in a half -fainting ,tate on the Mil of the bedroom window, wkIck was wide open, bat my -ap- pearance changed her enedltbn to eta of hysterleal weeping. which. Millet 1t was more painful to wlt- wa% greatly relieved her. Mees. while, She native servants. Tyttg shoat she veranda en their tea1� titer were nitastln� and would m es t haas ve awakened of themselves had the cry been twice eu plereing, the alarm twee es grew. " My asrllsg !" i dada 11Mae��,� � teak the shivering form irk 1,11. Whiantng with fear. lint eel Into my arms and peewit 1t to sae, *bat ear ka.• startled you ? Have l's.! 11 Anaming?" DMaarfllg t" eh. repeated, In a faint walls* ' on. no, wort.," 1110* dremmise ; I wog wide awake. and 1t pawed close to me." " It-it-whatdo you meas. Janie?" though I had guessed at once her fancy. "The `host, Robert -the dreadful ghost ! Ab" (with another convulsive shudder), "1 shall never. never forget the right 1" "The ghost! my dear girl. you have really been dreaming. Where do you fancy 700 saw it ?-tn this room ?- for L had entered the room by the window by this time. and gill sat on the sill supporting my wife In my arms. "I did not fancy." she replied. with an earnestnese which proved that she thought she was right ; "It phased n close to me. Robert. that I could have touched It with my finger. all. why did we ever come to this fearful piece!" 1 lilted her up and ptaoed her on bar_ lied again, and thea. without re- leasing my hold of her trembling fin- gers. I rat down beside her and en- treated her to tell me all. "Let me hear howou saw the ghost. and where, Jane ; and perhaps 1 Stay be able to account for the apparent mystery. And first. why didou leave your bed at all ? What wakedou ? You were so fast asleep when 1� lett I don't know what waked me," she raid nervously ; "perhaps tine beat. for I felt so resume that I could not sheep, and alter e. good. deal of toe - dog about, I got up and walked to the window to 000l myself and see if you were in the compound anywhere. I was not thanking of the ghost, Rob- ert, obert, indeed I was AOC; but directly I reached the window I maw it -ah, hest as they Loki me, wandering about the graver!" "Janie dear, indeed you mart he mts tahen ; it was the moonlight shining on the white lining of the silver barn - "Robert !" aen- "Robert!" she exclaimed, starting ago on bed as she clutched my by my arm "I tell you I saw it. It was no fancy. but a tall woman dressed all 1n white walkhg in and net of the "You are wore K wss a asoma ?" "011 yes', ohys ; liana*e, whop I screamed, it turned round and came clam by this window, and tt had long Ude barging right el wMnitlehbl . ah Robert. 1 thouglit I should have died!" "1(y poor gerl," I answered. as i furred iter to Ile (town again, "i am not goring tu bate you frgtitoeet In thI, abominable manner. Tilts lissome trick on the part of native's, to what end i carrot Imagine, but the} shall pay dearly for their little game. Where did this woman go after she had passed the window ?" "Oh, I can't tell, Robert ; I don't know ; hot I think it vanished round the house." "Well, then. If you will let me leave you, Janie (I will call the "yah * 0 come and sit by your bedside). I will Just look round the compound. and we If 1 can find anyone loitering about." "Oh, don't go after it. Robert ; pray don't go after It; It might hurt you.' But I could not waft to silence any more of Janie', fears ; had I stayed to reason them all away, I should have been kept prisoner t111 morning. I roasts the ayalt. bid her stay with her mistress t111 I returned. selected a thick stick from my whip stand. and proceeded on my voyage of discovery. M I did so, I glanced at my watch, and dimovered to my aroarement that It was pet one. What . a time I must have been dreaming on the house -top 1 1 searched the compound and all the aece sibte portion' of the house thor- oughly ,but i found and saw noth- ing. I wakened all the sluntnertpg mdob- oupts of the "go -downs, to me if they had any 'treiMaw amongst them, but o01 my own domestbs came yawtnbgI7 to be in.pectel, tad certainly not one of them answered to the ds'rlptbn of the supposed ghost. As I returned, I rapped at the closed venetian& of MIs An- rtrnUter's bedroom, and, to my AO- tonehment, her voice replied to me Immediately. "What, are you awake, Margaret?" 1 demanded Was le the no i&e Wa- terbed you?" • What noise?" .he asked, as she carne near te the venetian&. Janne. t91e fancies that she saw the (which I hoped she had ,slmon forgotten), and that It pawed clone thing her window&." 'Poor chud!" in a voice of cormpss- Mon. "No, I olid not hear, or I should have gone to her ; but I ave not been long awake!" which, indeed, her vokee seemed to testify. "Why are lou out of your heel?" "I cahoot answered withh a deep siep; it is go gh. site " And you have seen nothing?" '" Certainly not; and 1 have been sitting at tile window till within a minute or two. I have only lust elated tine veaetlans because the moon is eo hrtgbt, it must be all Jenie'. fancy." Of course It is her fancy that she has sew a ghost," I answered ; but i am not so sure about her having seen nothing at all. How. ever, I shall find out more about it to-morrew ; meanwhile I must not keep you up any longer. flood night." Shall I go to Janie ?" she aakel. In the same sleepy tome the had em played before. ' No. thank you ; d am going to iter my elf." And with that i pass- ed on to resume my guardianship over poor Janie and her terrors. But I am determined to follow op utter mystery arR11 1 am able to dispel It ; for which name I .hall watch, night after night, for the appear. ante of the person who dares to act "ghost" in my compound until I me him ; for which reason also I Moth keep my watching a merit even from Janie and Margaret. Meanwhile I pooh-pooh the ants - jet to my wife, who sadly takes her cue from me, and will Ie. at her own alarm b7 *ifs time to - Morrow. N. B. --Aho molt root with eland vett. ••tests until this mystery l* unraveled ; and I krill steal out. outofbed after the tred mend myawet Uheflopwhich commands it od every part of the compound And U T notch the Cthant, woo hetldn he boa s, toe. tf i dein`* make them rattle. It's a pity I Meanwhile, thinking over matters, it seeam straege to IDM that Margaret Anertr0laer, Netting at icer window, seined not have heard the anent& wbteh lwwehed me so welly npnn the roof ; or that, at all event. the 000- .snatem wli*eh meehwgoaetly I held with ay wife should nese have leer patent to her, r her resent is went to Ma However, hie appeared hall Asleep* even whilst she epee. yrs Me: for ler robe was low and dreamy, and I amid hardly eatch the wore& f von. der what prevents tbs girl nerving! 'Mee runtren eie seems to Math ration upon aft of r; for i don't feel myself d lihn gh d Omni eine* my ere to. Meal it glance from end every now nerd t Trete..4:le to the had i mTrete.. bastesWes Orbe web open, and watch - ger tab mordent view i gnash her. 8o i lay down m7 pen. 1 • and go to afford her the )roMetloa of say ♦ Ala. -I speed my t►igip now, s Arrow, on the >soMtet'a• so ata obliged to write nay dlsry the daytime. 1 watched from 11 last night to 4 this month* ; bat 1 Mw nothing. The air was leo Jolly and soft 01st 1 had great dif- ficulty 1a betgang aLlgslt awake; bet with tc10e0i ate eV. 1t. JaU1. wandered that I was so sleepy after parade • this moaning. and accused me of gfewlgg abostln- WRY 'Mead almost old. 'She has almp recovered her frlgt$ "mala. 1 am happy W she. *LW ♦astruther, os the contrary. both Worn and UI. I don't think this Climate call agger with her. "I --wish *Ns would oca. sent to see the doctor who attends Jaale. August 7th. -Was o4 the roof "gala all Ia&t night. If. lr the pursuit of knowiettge !t Daly allow able for me to fallsp it would be much pis. .ter than remaining downstairs. Toward S o'clock 1 tlsought 1 had caught the Rbeet ; for I distUrctl7 saw a " tall figure, dressed all in white.' hovering about the graven ; but It proved to be only an early mUklaan, going to recover his cows from their jangle pasture -ground, who thought to make a short-cut by passing through OCT CANSposaid. The was provoking. alder 1 MMus .the trouble to rasp down rater blas. stick W hand. fully prepared to adndalster a wholesome castlgatka► Bat this fact Lenge still mare to anthem one in my belief that what Jade sew was a native wannderllg about In the mo,n- Ilght after his own bu moos. All domestic servaete. and a many other slaw.. htbttaally ver water. Outdoing - cad lag wuufd be aler. when the ins nation is In n boated and ululate000ditlon. than for one to mistake #ir appearance for that of a glom. gowever 1 shall not Yet etre np my March for the tedinquent. August 9th. -1 hate now watched four nigh, without befog anything. and I am beginning to get rather t ired of the tote. If the ghost doesn't .oto make his or her appearance. I shall restos my lawful place of net and watt patiently until It sees fat to ca I I upon one August 10th -At last I have seen the so-called phantom. and had It been a lost spirit sent frost the nethermost hell to Inform ane of nit; future tate.my and could hardly .hlke_mite than It dies now, in recalling, the reeollectlon. But not for the reason ebb!' made 14 appearance one of terror to the native servants fad to my poor Janie. •d. and az !bead .Heng to one side.az to listen ; fad then Dl aeoO*1 I peroave, to tay e' ware II/sl �otpoo. and the. the was ) deen I bad n evereach a right, be- t r.. Iles l'ae titi laekn nt I ew not " Was tim• 1" she ,uermured, vows t[- 17 u her own, and as though she we ddtwdng herself. or 00- " Yes. 11')/I 1." 1 answered. trying to Con m7 agitation and wy tonna • t. why are lou heti t v. you left your " O. ort. Robert !" she ex- -claimed. "Mb an •rpetesron of aa - w11011 I shall never forget. pull w a Nave me!" From ghat sea I to save you. Lionne ?" v "From yoareelt-from yourself. fad from mo. -frons my weakness aa{np fully• 011. don't let me fall 't i dea let toe fedi 1" Although she still spoke elreamlly. the fighters orbs which she bald turned upon me were cuathrelgbd with path. sad 1 saw that her whole frame was trembling. 1 ventured 10 N etumraad grotty L,IaM Iter Wad. - --- "Toa fall, tsar I.leauw" 1 whispered to her. "trust to me. I will lead you the right way.' Dear License !" she no -wetted tater- self. "dear Ltoaae , he ways to me, dear Lions/sr (T7• be Ooatln4•d) 41. DALLBY's ?AWL"( sALVB cares barna and lavas neater. Prio! 10 Aidta, Hak Lights. Money talks; bet it doesn't mannas - Uy say the wise thing. We should not be cheerful with peo- ple who skeet like cheerfulsaea The lusheroe of office is only the lin- ing of preofficlal obeolulousee s. Temper has 1b minion ; some peopta are so cram that they are tunny. The bei way to euJoy comet* life la to have kin who live In the oprltry. A wase woman Lover her haekand Just enoegb io (aspire Itim-not eaergh to arwU him When oar own peach trere are nip - rid we get the idea that thorn won't ler a peach to earth. The wpb wle can I.eIwuadl ser 4 . band that a Mettle doesn't aeennee him can do anything with him. A man who knows how to hold as mehrella over a woman genera 117 1[y trent', 1"! -barsegrogellt-geriglingt bath o(Uvr tindi oT .enee.- aJhrinking &rime from a totally dilfnf- Chicago Record ent cause. and make me wonder. *S I write, that I ahos1i have ibileed what I heard last night. and nh t0 repeat It. 1 with I bad mot l lvyd ; I wish, that I were deed! I was on the roof, as usual, we* tired, rather dispirited, and MOM than elf dispasW to throw up the whole affair, and go dgwnate ire to bed. Where was *homes, I hued with my - melt. of watching night after night In that fashion for a ghost which never came? I was convinced that I was troubling myself for s mere illusion -that the phantom had never exist- ed, except to Janle's Imaglnatlal, or that If a trick had Mille been played upon my wife b7 memo of the 'ser- vants. ervants, the rascals had; discovered that I was watching for -teem, aid were too wide awake. to r9peat It until I should have given tip pursuit. And there with m7 els •lvra7s flied upon that part of the compound where tiro Id llDutch a graves are thick- est, aigar, and watch- ing the thin wreath of smoke which curled frac It Into the air, sighed to thbnk how trimest- ral all happiness to 1b this world. apes Trow seldom one's earthly wishes, even when realised. (01111 the promise of their attainment; until 1 suffi- ciently forgot myself. tend the purpose of m being on the housetop in the middle of the night, to permit the ' nothing Influence orf tobacco. added to a soft Tight Leesee, which fanned me as delicately as though It had been a sleeping Infant. to 1011 me off Into a dose. How long I slept I can hardly tell ; but I know that I 'woke with a start and a shiver ; and that the first thing I did was to rub ray eyes, and quickly turn them In the direction of the tombstones and *he graves. What was that which I saw wandering up and down teat plot of ground. Just as I lied been told It was wont to do? ' Was it hallucination or reality ? Had the Impression with which I fell to sleep remained upon the retina of my eye to delude my waking fancy ? or wns that which I gased upon a thing of flesh and Mood 1 I robbed my eyes again. and shook myself. to he assured that i was quite awake; and then 1 advanced to the parapet and leant well over It. Text It was no atiolak.. A female figure (or a figure dressed up so ae to took like a tread»„ clothed In white. with long dark lair streaming down her bacJ1, was feeing her wa,7, rather than wandering{ lip and down, be- tween the rows 01 avert, sod, with her hands aY4'atc6cd out before .ler. seemed to be lathering Or murmuring to bssidt. I were my/elf but tune to be maimed that 14jd see it --that It was there ; and there I g*a.ped my stick sod loaded pistol, and pre- pared to descent and encounter it. "Take heed, MY fire fellow/' I tali to mycsif, as I earefdly picked my way down the Meat of steps which led to the veranda ; "don't Insult me, or attempt to friehten me, as you value the swains In your head. or n whole bons In year bod7. I can bear as much as most men when' I am put to the trot ; crit I won't ave my wife frightened out of her wife for the lives of all the nigger', In the world." i 'dank beneath the shadows nut by the veranda, peat the pieces where my servants lay ether to that aide of the house where are .Ituated the bedrooms of my wife and Mee Angelo thee, and waa glad to see that the venettana of both window' were closed, o that I trusted no alarm might reach their ears. And new, thongh i was close upon It, the figure seemed to take no notice of my presence, but stilt wafted cautiously up and down between the row. of gravel, whilst It kept np a .ort of moaning to itself. it looked so strange and 0naartltly as It thus wandered beneath the moonlight, that I felt myself shiver a. 1 Rased at It, sad yet my belief In the whole Med- tem turning rent a trick was stroll" MI .ver. *0, after a pane, Jett sufficient to permit the figure to get an far as poselbe away from the vlelntty of my *Ws bedroom window% i ,Prang After It; and jest as 1t had turned again toward the honey we met face to face. What was at: aurpee. my ems- &ternatinn, te the ghost which hotel canned no melt trouble and vexation to Pm -minter -Margaret Anntrntber 1 Yet there ale wa., no (lathing on her het her light night-dress; with her unbound treses str.a*1rer over her shnutrlefit" 54 lfif flan•-Jbisi'preesing the serf as though m It pained the. f)nnd Ooh 1" i exclaimed. an I Meppwred leek at the eight M this• 17 Apparition, far mora alar* keg to me than If 1 had sem twenty shooter, " MapgsM►-Uonisee-. what are 7011 doing hare? At the stand of my Wee dm halt - legate of Olio, City 1 Toledo, Luca* County, se - 'Freak 7, Cheney makes oath that a* le senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney a Ca, doing bootees In the oily of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that mild firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for earth and every case of Catarrh that cannot be eared by the s. of Halle Catarrh Core. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me lad subscribed In my presence this 8th day of De- cember, A. D., 1880. A. W. Glea.oa, (Seal.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Inter- nally. and arts directly one the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo. 0. *old by drugglete. 75o. Hall's Family Palle are the beet. A Harmless ghee Varnish. Nearly all, 41 not all. varnishes used on shoes harden to leather. To rmedy this, rub to leather with sweet oil. OT SLAY goon, suitable dl. An exoellent home-made shoe polish la made as follows: Mix three ounces of ivory -Mack, two ounce: of treacle, one ounce of sulphuric acid, and one ounce of gum arabic ; dis- solve It In a little water. Just enough to make it a liquid. Add a tablespoonful of .west ulI and • pint of vlgegar. 'line makes a liquid poll.b. Half a pint of vinegar makes a paste. Pat to blacking or liquid In a wile -mouthed bottle. and apply It with a pies of sponge stook on the end of a heavy wire attached to the cork. 011 shoes well la winter to prevent dampness penetrating the leather. Collude made with the outside of the lea- ther on the outside of the .hoe., If bept well oiler. Is nearly a• damp- proof as India -rubber. Rech .hoes. however, .Mnli not be worn over carpets. ae they wear them out, and leave behind the tracks of mud. KINARD'S LINIMRNT la the only Liniment naked for at my "torr, and the only one we keep for male. A11 tate people nee it. Harlin Fulton Pleasant Bay, ('. B. Fame About Tortoise alien The finest tortoise shell Domes from the Indian archipelago and Is shipped from ICA of it la oh- tabled8on hpo the Floridaand mmeat. There are three rows of plates on the back, called "bedew' by the fishermen. In the central row are live plata and In each of the otlhere four plate., the lat- ter containing the hesst material. Be- ed* these there are twwnty-f lye .mall plate* rand the ed of the shell, knnven ea "feet" or "noses." The wt turtle does not furnish more than sixteen pounds or tortoise shell. For- merly the under Miell was thrown away,xo tnpher.4 worthiest it b at present t 1n very highly valsrd for he delicacy of coloring. Nowadays a very heaatJul Imitation of tortoise shell L made of cow's horns. Ninth ingest Oars Dipilisek, fail..,. and Ventilation. Atmospheric impurity, says the Lan- cet, was largely reependbls for to recent epidemic of inflnena. If the proper ventilation of privets house., and espeelally of planes of budgies, were Insisted upon by their owners, it says, "we should Year ranch 1ear than we do of the Wheelies forma of so called Bold." The Imperfect pro- vides, of ventilation is 'satirebes and chapels 1. referred to in the some connection by the $hmpltal, which "maiden midi btiL .ger at hotbeds for lanssnu on this •wstot, *04 on aresaat of the gatbrtpt together of C=whose power of resistancehas mialahed by reheat Maas or by other elreumeta ne+se." Will.. Worst Penniles see the host IAsailve medicine fir children ; r aloe an **ar. "1% yens think plagiarism le un• f*rglrable?" naked the prong wo- man, 8 no *seam"." anew.re d 0os17 wish some of am modem welters tootle de wore el 111." KIDNEY DIBBLES Are jbOttivelly Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pilin. I�ae� ootrheY •Low Tb�a �ejr iir.erl mo. as •ed 1t D•4tt'e Slday PUI.Ourad Mrs- Peter 0 arise of Ely Oeoaplalat. KYmar•ot*. 1iay L'2. -Tis gsopleof this aeotion are among tae shrewdest and most level -treaded people in Can- ada. They know a good tbtag when Mier thg Merrett 1t, g.&aadi wben . they "rent us 01 t1. That is why InDoodd's they make Pills !ave mob an enormous sale 1a this ttletriet. Teat's the reason Dodder Kidney Pills are uasd la pearly every bouhw'bold to the oo*nlrl• It le nothing thermal to hear of several cures of Kidney Disease every day sp Doid'. Kidney PUB in this n eighborhood. The medicine is In nab versed ugh. lt''It a the mooed of hav- ing oared every case of Br ht's Diasas, Dtabetea, Lumbago. Rheaoathm. _Para! Hart Failure. Urinary Dlssaae. Dia mawof Women or Blood impurity. In It has bean trod. err people teeing that it Is the ot�� medlafne on that wilt ears *leer dilemma A .til farther claim le made by those who have wed Dodd', Kidney Pilo. Tbey assert emphatically (and to speak the truth. they bring e0a- fleeing proof) that Bright's �esae and Diabetes are an easily cured. 1f Dodd'. Kidney Pills are reed. as Is a cold. Mrs. Peter O'Brien. of Smith's Falls. wbare oars le the latest reported. hes many friends to Kilmarnock, and her complete recovery amaze*. while It d elights them. Her ease was a severe one of Kidney Dt.eaee, and Dodd's Kidney rm. worked a wonderfully quick complete cure. 1)oid's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists at 50 omits a box. six boxer $2.50, or w111 be seat, on rqpelpt of price, by The Dodd'. kaideiiie Com- pany, Limited, Toronto. TR$ lrIAAY Di*1i0P 01. =POW Humor .f a Prelate tires /&seers. to Quem Vetbsy, purse L one of the Osie/ elarae- on-te io r of the Bishop of imus. and Shit Halm two Ma Ile ata -IUes -M__L-� �riff ♦letorIa r . folia to be very o418. 7011 over raw ase.000 whsn�l raticairs ado" the geese ?" a friend ass mated Dr. Ca- '--* adders tbs-Qsehe1` at all," the Bebop is saki to have replied I know these will be pres- ent the Queen, the Princes, to royal household and the servants. doves to the aoall.ry-mald, and I preach to the .cutlery -maid." A wedding Incident which occurred a few years ago is resealed by to same writer. Dr. Carpstsr marry- ing the young couple with the re- start that "I am not only a Ca�p.s ter bat a jollier." That the Bi.6op la nos thong making a Joke at a sa- cred ?inaction is evident from • speech he made at the laying of the foundation stone of a now church. The architect handed the bishop the trowel. salting him U hs would mind beeomblg an operative mason for a few memento I would rather re- main a working Carpenter," waa the Blehop'. reply. A done of- Miller'. Worm Powdery ac(asooally wilt keep the children healthy. a Different flatter " So you think your meter doesn't refl.r properly r' I team sore it dose not, dlr." " WWI, we are .o busy now we can't attend to It. We w111 send a man 0p about the middle of next month." " I wish you would. I am rare It does act register more than half the gas I burn." IMI? Just wait a minute. I'll send a man up with you now to Leet 1t." *ental and physeal vigor follne the MD Of Miller's Compound Iron 1111.. *des of Philosophy Flattery Is the kind of prates we hear of others. Necessity knows no law, but lots of lawyers know neceesitj). Leta of people make fortunes out orf other people's cariosity. The peeetmert growls at the sun- shine because It carts shadows. There is nothing but "dog days" the year round for the detective. If a man le wide awake during the day he can afford to sleep at.lfight. Some girls see in every bachelor of their acquaintance a poselbde hus- band. There Is littlaocon.tlatlon In batag the first to discover your own mis- takes. Too many people overtook their own faults whit looking over the faulta of others. a man admires a woman whiS talks of Ids future and make' no Inquiries as to hie pest. When a woman !marries her Ideal she Is very apt to change her views In the course of a few short mouths. Man'' falJun In this world may often be attributed to the fact that be used blank cartridges when firing at the target et success. nave You neuralgia if you suffer Its agonis, and fail to Ret a remedy. lee want yes to try Norvaline. 1ts action on nerve pain b simply IAArvellous. Nervi - line le the most pleasant and pow- erful remedy In the market. Try 1t. Oredlted Wttb a smart Maytag. Hearin of 1he grace and agility of a pretty Hearing laseie wise dewed the sword dance, Queen Victoria sent for her to dance before royalty and was greatly entertained. At the Mom ,of the brilliant performance the girl ad- vanced end oourtesled profoundly. "What can I do forou f" sked Her Majesty. "Give me the bead of Glad - atone I' said the modern Herodias. "I would gladly de that, my dear, but he lost it moms years ago," retorted the Queen. Ni1ET'l FAMILY or Will FILLS sere besessammisamlidsk 1sseish S Mss Musts. Two )Clan at Deem, flan tbgr rad their way horns from a d4.Iasce1" le a gna'tlon fro- ily asked, it's acme/Ling to the If I1's one Yoe want to tea of, he ou. find hie way baba freen Airlift. tt iri 11• good one. erre apt to get loth 1f use gees rolled t4 bums(e lantana Osras fbliiW. *Ie. A Valuable Passe. A paste with witch wail be attteeled to wood 0r .. M rleg le N firman la sees tto� ie a• gel ot the 1114 side Win_ i1/4r ootllllos Dana". A N•Iai lraetten astral the "el allts of the Week`. W hUe we were In Colormil) the other deelea It torwe t broad porch Ili 01 * ended se eMM�1 tet the lh Grail Y d t Waters! " o1 m•thannuer- *L ta /Ira Hua, the inarelee Of wife of the o ple of sots eY host s% uia aM The I[ap► ease m to . oar , fad Mfr. Wiley seat J it some msMolana It was a Y alt•Ir everybody had a good time; test the most to intareettag p feature wadi the which wore oaf by the floor manager, a t ranchero of the sow Wave who dMrooats0 Iron Ills brans*, and dropped his lariat to Join the fes- tivities. Ho was evidently used to the d model enjoyed them, fad to * sort of obligati) to the regular orof tire dance sang Lass wore for a quad- rille: Balance ate and balance eight ; Hwlget em on a corner like you awing 'has on a gni. ; Bow to year uuty and then promenade; Flee couple out W the couple on the right ; Lady and the lady. and the gent An' the leen 'rdand the gent, an' the gent don't go; Four lianas hold and the ladles doom do; Ladles do -es -do and the goats, you know, Chicken 1n a breadpen pipkin' up the Tarn 'em 'round an' 'round aa pretty as Tau 0WK An' w'hy to the world don't yon lett Bight -lapid partner and grand right and sift; And a les beg swing, and a little bug, loo; Swing your hyney and she'll swing Yam. And so on aroma& Promenade elght when you all get aralleht (To be repeat&bd emtll thranglt.) -W. E. Verde 1n Chicago Reooed UGLI!Z ARMY BLAMING costalna nothing but pure Nestafoot oil, and tops the► lather so't and llllabk Keeping Up an old Otrtos. A eurlos cartons In connection with the birth of an heir to the earldom itleWO�raarvoh w wrewa gl observed turd of the family require that on meek oeoisoes 500 gallons of beer siwaid he brewed, and that the cart .emn his 7omtoakkel M- UM, grown os the Blghcier* state, a New- bury cooper has asads a huge cask hooped with bales and bearing a coronet and Milertptim plate of the mesa metal The InaarlpplRion runt; Hay HWMn nomads. This cask of ale, eotiMmleg 500 gallons, was brewed lb oominsemoratioe of the birth of Lord Portolteater, born Nov. Tett 1898. Albert BRrestffeld, butler, 1hcieee ostler, 1899." ¥sense Liaised Oates Oatrgst 1a Oe'a A nervous Ourat.. An English paper says: A nervous curate in an Engler' church the other Sunday announced from theeeadiahg dei, "Here begtnnerth the ..coned chapter of tate Deka of Booteronoml " Hie vlear lolled severely at him, and the young man blushed. coughed and repeated, 'The Boot of Dpkeronomy." There most have been germs of mer pronunciation lurking In the air, for ata later period in the rnrrlea the vicar read oat, "I publish the mare of barrlage: the. 'Th. curate beamed with satisfaction, in gate of the sol- emnity of the occasion. Mlllsr's Worm Powdere cure fever In children. " And you have made Jim Jackson a deacon In your church T' "Ye., ash. Dat Is, he's a brevet deacon, sal." " And what's a brevet deacon: George?" " He's a deacon dat don't handle no money, nab." The Latest and Best... English Army is the very fined shoe Marpking In the world. It give" a baactlfsl shine with little labor. It does not fade or loss Its lustre. It knew the leather soft and pliable. And prevents marking. Your shoes will last longer. Rodd .at 10 cents a tot. The F. F. DALLEY 00.. Limited. Hand/eon. Toronto and lfomtreal. Gork screw Koine Free. 1( • BOY* and GIRLS can earn this Extra Fine Pocket Knife, 2 blades and corklernow, beet Rlieffletd steel, or Ladles' Flus Pearl -handled Knife, by selling 11 copes et oar Book Of 168 Popular Bongos words and made, at 10e. each. They .ell tat fight. 110mossy required. lied tem. rind address. We forward boob prepaid. *ell Mein among your neighbor's,. sad resuro s the gooney. 11.20. • and we will send knife post- paid. Mention the paper. Ad- dress. R. D. Smith Book Co., trolls, At. ,188UE No 22 1899. Perhaps you have made up your mind to take Scott's Emulsion chis summer. Then look for v ` this picture on , J the wrapper a OM mWith a big fish on his back... Do not let anyone talk to you ofsomething " lust u hen you want cod liver oil and the hypo. phosphites you want the very best. You will find them in only one place, Score's Emulsion. There is no other emul- sion like it; none other does the same work ; and no other has the same record of cures. All Druggiata, or. ane O. acory & flow':,. Toronto. eases Hass age Workingman. Many of the Broken ()overawe, loaders an recognising the advisa- bility of taking early and practice' steps toward the better 1 losing of the working elegem. In Glasgow 135,. 000 ganof groomhe s ,. bran p0 gs 7 ale munh'Ipallty on which 10%workingmwY. boanea '11e totes sue allotted for this pompous le *500000. -A Yam's a Whin for a' That - Sven 1f he has arena on ts,th het. Bat he te a .!ranger, happier nod whir man 1f he uses i'utnam's lain I.ao (bra Extractor and gets ride the nnelgbtly corm. palnlesnly nod at ewe. la Turkey they call the bicycle tee " devil's chariot." Rolm Health Drink Agee nrMseMsll °m% lam i'.. *edea Alb paekye w+ke. 1 edeas kr W trpserooa►Aak rt r� sea Mated C HOBBS HARDWARE 00., BINDER Lowest hfs.a 1' WINE. DeaL11la AIM :Pon QtlO?Anoo&. F4' FR 1 We give this hoe 4 -Blade Pearl Handle KJIIIFE to .elbag is of our Bright Light Chemical LAMP WICKS at s dots each. will rued roar address sal Wenn .*1d s edMaks �th to csein sad we will .sed imik, with all demise p.Y, Mldrem OBlli NOVELTY CO.. remote, Oen MS MATS. T.I.1 "111 PERSIATiC SHEEP bIP and ANIMAL WASH The only remedy that will positively owe_ sorb. It destroys She patehee Of living ba refs. r sIIII*p the paha gid frenetinn. the area aid makes the lila waob and want Perda1e ANS► M heralea44i for re at all vermin oto'. *Yof sad for e bare all Illinois. d� *aha Deaealtia0ltet 12. pet off with an iderlor the lotot..p.r Walls lamp p sad Alaimo mo Wawa never tales. At rose ONO ere or iron the eaaslse*ar*rs The Plekkardt Renfrew Cie.. Lim• lti.d, *todfvll44 Ont. ASK YOUR GROGFR FOR 1JIJV'� 4. EAGLE " Parise t"VICT• ORiA" 4. The Plasma la the World. • Hatches fees. die. lees. ds, 60*. ole. - No ltrtmMaes. J. J. VIPOND & CO., Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants, fs11s11ad.