HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-1, Page 5"0* 00-Tav1w•rt JiliIIrriaw. W. ACHESON & SON Opened in stook this week • very large consignment of Itandimanisalain and Timed Black Dress Goods. This lot includes some of the most fascinating and handsome .fleets we bare ever ilhown. Also 20 pieces of new plain Oovert Dress (foods or 'Innings in latest colorings. All pure wool goods and 42 inches wide, at 50c. a yard, regular value 760. Carpets, Curtains, Oil Cloths Entire second floor for these goods. Largest oboioe In Western Ontario. W. ACHESON & SON. CHINA AND INDIA COMPARED. sr env. o YAQOIhLIvkat. The Chimes MiMmeary who visits this odd( great •Mica Sold, Innis, sejoys a weederld prlvil.se. H. will Indeed nod Na trees of tont reUst"s with wince he is familiar le Ultima, .1•., eaddh1 .. my* . the pink •news, when the presses ✓ ulers of the emstry hers withered Weiler: • few msnem"seal .•sales of what was mos the religion e1 Mae and low a iodic. Bat Me visa emend fall te be leteraw; sever- the'etts, mere espeel•lly 11 he be elm.•lf a imbisot of las SHIM empire. Some things w ill irresistibly reeled him el the lead of hu d•peles, while ethers will be nesse* .ad prenmative of ferlMr ags1y. le wee my good fortes' a sped a month is ladle le 1898. The drat stnkla1 fess le the vast variety e1 moss sad languages to be Hosed within its Weeds. It yes wise to email Wise .► teener. go 1s are Amanda "beide es tar 1'.Icutta, cos tiers res will Bad hhebed represeat•ttor of •beet • beadtoa diflereat t r h •e. le see .L_ the pop.1.r wads of the (:hrlstlaa V v w Nt- drsd and Ifty-soves satire Mates are de- scribed. and there aro sed to be over two homebred. set coasts[ them entirely seder British role Tb1s exceeds the s..hodrsd .,d tweedy -eaves preview- of Ka. Anes. cormm, 55d owes, a babel el spoken t..ss• .p« The U.ivse.•ty ld Cslosta nate.- teea! y di1ory.t lases...., for stria 16 eels .,Dore at its -atrteslatlon. Whoa l4sees \ .1tertb mew preotst-od Emptem el ladle, the drone nitrite stere 1 teenage, time the decree. of Kies N.bese.daosar, for then .rs one hudeed sd testy-fvs aes•Aryse to.sa.. , n I arse MS./ /lops vsrsaevMre. Is Chime, on the steer head, we are • ►o..neeso.as rem., .s1. astdity the ran in drew, laws• osetems, •ad eirtl attics. 5'.. as to her leaes.go, se•ed&rie 1s the P nailing epee** Is deism est .1 the sight- «. provisoes), while sec wr1Hse 1•ags.p e ndless for the educated everywhere. A farther s.strrs •wp.irs h the &bertwloea 1- India mob &hominid rases es the- 8ta- tan %el the Bhesa. emeses whoa 8es,to.Wta4 mimeos exist, ars ass wWorrier .ri r M1- Ity is the dominant room. Skits the .bie- Igams s1 Chis, re lar as knows, w • feeble leek, meetly lef.rlor to the orammee, Chia - see. Them di/.e.ose of mese sod week art seemliest* she work of ewes teles e Iodic The ladies -laleeery .usl Isu la the gat el ts.guse, eves mere .rdeetl time ever dad (harm =Wwd ary, • with mere rest.. ; for in the one folds Mill pee- sib's ersib's Is Inds, without overlapping. there are sere t• be several spoke, leases... Bet wiles nsessidergfes ■umbers M the Inbshiteate, we Milk, / toot with .51eb we aro oily Ise lee1Wr in China. Aseerdly to the erases of 1001 the ,Mal peosados of Idle, Maladies Baran►, was 1,187,316. The formes at work there. leo, fever as a- ersas.. The Britian semeeesss Is lesesiag the kesss.. of the eMeggls few .stalest*, and ..nasally rumen telltwe wbe would otherwise IN seder. au., Widens. w idows, lepers, pl.Rse-..k*,., famine. strloees. .ad lareemsim ge erslly. /tad theos d. “11 haled. the tens .t th..wds of •bleb.ii,d mos who seed be die . the le'.eseels, wan of the •'gold old team " f o Chis*, es the ether basil. were, gleets, (mists, cede pestUses aro *parasite .till to keep d... the .r.tsrewdae. end the de- e truoUve forces hep lees iNdafereed 1. thit notary by • terrible ally (opts.). As b the 4.salt+ el popds$5. eerabely Game oges ♦.11ey is as deseely p ,slated es my ether pert of the world. T5. sneer•) average of India is 879 to the ,ware stile With the we may .smp•re 7,ea.., 186; Ile,leed cad Saks, 4008 ; wed bailer w 14 540 b the memo .Us.15visise 1 a..& •roe• efts Ie Heroes. 1e esmp.rlN these however, we should remember that leder ham so great m5 ufeetarag where.. std is name estarely • rural •• esery. Sete IL tile said the. 1N .(il.ese live ea hell as bre &in.«, or 2140 to the memo .110. Os the other bead, then are, rust Mets is ether pert" week Mill await ►be .sltivater. or shier ars overflows with Isley, Me MoeMe. Mad the 'yams. the hoc mobile ll set antemilssi sore. thea mimes*desM .. 5blk5 • mesh f N the TM. poem to here Halo dignity 1a pre- et.tle Mop with • Reed pionof had, jrs r Y .Na i. the 'easier Tb• papa ars !deed o• 1..s.d a villages e• In China, but there aro am se away villages edible at one Hae .s on sae plain et Gum. Th. popu- lation ./ Cham 1. aero •hill, d..•e them is India, so awes 1a feat that the ,peruse ALIO. l•d1.mak! ted .eating to SW.... Ose .orale,, 11 he were governing • prey - lam is Chis.. The h.. Rams whiny sed to .b ..d is the lora .1 Chl.e hase disap- peared steed with the femme which barber. .d th.ta the people dispose -seed thea •1 the sell. The vast mem of the villagers are rnws(ed La agricultural pursue. 1. fare led• kse ss .tsar att.. for the gnat Prilesmy capitals w dee to Moen. Wisest.. N. doubt the divisive nature .f emus W *per - • ed te precast l.r4..rgnee•Mses of Nw- tty. Mt W sematerolal ts,tlsets whisk pro - Anse Inge cities 1a Gina as Is Setters tads sew the property .f 'sly • few maim ladle, seek a. u. Permits The es sen(• ,Niger'. 5.. seemed lees stro.Rly hwllt tem the Chloe., has the elimete there does set require se mash proteetlos from the oold, though the ruby stases braise many of their dwellings te the wrens"). Their furniture 1s even more simple th.s the (Ahem villager's, end the .bewm el share se banshee .arks • layer idea of o.mfort .•d na••1aem aha a Chin.. far need d -,on, 'bided" with • .meM.s .l sow wv., are preferred Many Wow kid. rearm ere dispensed with as is Ulnae, but all the s•►Ile of m• village are herded 'together by a pertionlar salla Na • ithstmdag a miter, of British inflames the tanner still follows 15...m• rade plow be the antediluvians. TAY le dee to. • trli of comer reties proles.der thea init.( Chiu for it le naforc.1 by oert, wha5 would for bid the farmer ►osohlat .o, Implement made 5y .••leen ard.1 heed.. A smile, came is peas le the ktea5.ns of the foreign. ere i. 1511*. Aeries their threshold Na for aim ...k stere hes yet Imes allowed to tram by the tyr•.t who ie the prtdug Bair The mistrals of Who house mus be es. test to bats lb* eeekl.g d.. es • ranee se rade aa sen seed is the steam age Asa their feed, meesslve reverend Mr late makes thea • vegetarian mattes. The Gismo are mob eely bees they east. •ltd to tot perk three u.... day, Wren' • time of drought will drive theet le stake • amsseary e•m seers t. B.ddhlein by as seteste hese het. W beet, rim sod -lltst en she "Mph fo.d-gr.2... bet .-like sae Mamma ti. tilde.e are very feed el .ilk W butter a various torus. A see of glees e heaves does e. appeal to hie I.,.4.* - ties, het to the Hiram It world see to beeves whitest mesa" of *WNW . batter. Whoa we me him eating with hie 6.s we immediately rote eta bower the. the., me with their Skop .thee., thourh the doe's brightly polwed dish. wide\ Idle: he always earners sheet with him, Is men avitint the. the dubious ,! the Chinese. The Hindlj.lheeebiil N4 noel. about the ..Ise elf Mei Itis..- M drinks, sad drkks cif : he ttttteli M bettor w follow the mangle of W Mime •d boll is Beset. Ten le grows M foreign ees"u.ptioa. With truly Orloalel framed.., Widnes of both .Kee sea about "with a"tbl.s ea bat themselves!" Het N is nee only moll. m about with bares les lalest le. The deMy M the oartlsrma 1...." • ....Mese able past M Me te. exposed. A ..resat intense, mese se laltrsewd w166 tele rest that he alarms she. the Immo leg le ►b. mess pees. flea a Isola.8t.11arly .(elk. tags aro eeugl.se.. by their •bass... The here footed ars • y beet. 7 her. does set appear to be • 41,trib.tMs of emu Ing, for Ike bad Imes be he weighed dews br the velemis-ss Odds el tire whoa. Os' the whets, Mag diem. ehesgh -.n pktsr- tegse la ism sad ester thus the Chimes, le set so dm eet, U eles.Yser the Idle le hr is soma of Me Udall*; that Is mw rood tier M s relish. W des. for k1.. He le emeseettt bathe., ri.Msg Ids emu*, sad d..-- --r b . MOS with. bit of Mak. Posse f Mi Masse wash them- ooly s tesla • day, anise flee beasilde1 l.• Weeds. MM et5mwla May w111 am beside to Mand W silents I (T. be "os1L1.1 sod week.) Sower : J. O. lM.bsay, of Tena. s.s .f Dr. 8aabary. of 11• , will cps • low *See Iters. a few days, a pertaer.Np with R. H. 0.111as. .4.11"TRACTZ77°M WALL PAPERS f... -..A.` . _.. ...._.,,,.rtw . t.,-+w+ar.tt.,.,t.......: THE E old attying, " YOu might as well be out of the world 1 ful out of the fashion," applies particularly to Wall Paper, Once get a peep at a room papered with one of our new effect.' in Wall Papers and you won't real until you re- place your back numbers with a 1900 decoration. An interesting feature is that prices remain about the sante this season.. - Ordinary papers, 3, 6 and y cents per roll. 'letter ones, 10, 124 and IS Gents per roll. The highest grades from 20c. to SOc. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, (Two Doors West of Old MSttand),,.. Court House Square, ^'dr Paint Now 1 Best value in highest rade absolutely pure Mixed Paints in the market. $11.30 per ' 3ailon. CEMENTS. Portland Cemeut for $3.00 per barrel, spot cash, for ten days only. MANURE FORKS. ,only 30c. each. _:4p_ ALEXI M°D. ALLAN The Stylish Stearns Ni Bicycle, Light, Easy -Running and Strong. N. D. ROUGVIE. CR. JOHN KIRKPATNICK, perm•rty ei eod.Nh. Walks K lepresy Is the 1. e. Gray. The following artists le from the Chleero Obton(ole The Dr. KJelpkiek..base to le • cos of the ale Jobs C. Klrkp•triek, .t neo tame • wall -known rendes% of Oedertsk Leprosy, .ble5, .00srdag to the cable- grams from Mania, hes •pvo.r•d seems the Amerteele trees•, le sot likely to prop donde U .544*.y ...bury .r. per- med, •o.erdieg to Dr. Joh. Klrkpetriek, Bagl•d'• most meted authority es lhe dreaded same of lid hoes roe, who is •t present • .alcor is Chimer. For a plater of • aestury Dr. Kirkpat rick hoe 0Mn.00.eet.4 with the military and oimil .ervio• of Her Mejyty, dense which time is the discharge of hl. d.tlu 5. bee va.td dearly every port o0 the globe that Ina sees Ureal Britai.i. enamored' 6.4 As Cannot pbyiolea sed .urge ,. •1 St. Kitts, West ladies, where the largest bsepit.I for lepen in the world is located, he had as opportunity el .).iyist every fern% •f the disease mil •eowrlog material for • aeries of extensive entitles, which have Nes esrolld u the arebtvm •l his roves meet. Dr. KMkpetriek . &tteeues wee 0.11ed to the musses of the smlietto• to the Philip pine. Maseeh the medium of the there. oh ie the Obrimieleel yesterday, relating the •xeeruhdse el Private Bobonder of the let South Mats Iefmrry on t5. lar •wry tea le.do. Mr. Seho.d•r told el the horrible remota pr.oUosd by the idipa•• ea many .1 15.1r prisoners by inoculating them.. with the virus of the disease. 'The story is one of the meet reveWg in all the history of warfare," said the die, Hwguleh•d .0 M issellsawe, "sad jd lee frees the pr•sM.soy M 1h• earls h ooesterial Meade and the sedbpetd •re•ek•ry •1 the Natives, these le little rias' es te doubt its truth. Beside those deeds insensate the 'Lulu of Afrten with hie poison d arrow, lee btatttslt•rlea el high degree. maseathess Maatyryy es Mos life have Isar 'pest mai wee to m sMis es lisMb IM t IM MAs plrla The Model fahi elm hem the ewmen the MIs Ilse role.. There le absol- utely se for him grit would here se mime aplk sad Keoad he bolls* head to Mose welshed asrais to stake their re - artery pes5kl.•t "las view.4 &pert from its &seediest le - 42.24.M .lorry, leprosy 'bold mot mese the seem ellrwd to es army Obit the dimmer ei yellow lever, .s&Ilpo. or •Islese would pre.•t•. Yee hese so doubt • svi.ber M able sumo= sad pbyslet&s• with veer army of .etupebs, and them stem, drilled Is them et easiest aver of Mem the preps..anlaMM., sagh5 to ksow hew to s•pn with the trouble. 1)N the mar who ars.Meda hs isolated. Tesllep of Nasky are ell well Sed geed, but the al limed stun be removed frets tisk fellows • id kegs sway -you, far away --hen the pale el mv1Ux&tte.. -The .14.5 -t seneb fro. one of them ...ate Is very likely te eemmseleate the disease. Soldiers aro fngesetly strolls' Is the hsadlieg ei their weaves" sad the boy with the airbag abrades of the skim may have she deadly bsea111 in his stud. beton be has the least ss' slobs. that death a slow. ly y Iably premise he beads shout • Se far media.e hes arty hew .M" to .e01Isr•le the ,..stifles M them 4...d by leprosy. A sere his mower bees .Island. Two ode 5.n hes i.ead Wetly sl etive. They are Raspand1tMe1- steogre. The dMiami hes tete form". Om is NOW tie .wtbMts ltd the ether 'ethos la A memdMd'sedition, utterly d"veld of fseil.s in ebb •le.ed pert".. Wesel. shoat la tbil former e.5... Psis sem. •xe..deg..setspp.a..ffs the seNstts. the tosier.ef them ..f.rtunMs ettip•wls •1 mast sr 52.g k..ws a the melleel .e. "8lr••ge se It -•y "sem, life a.gen e avid se Is the boor% same& where .tslsst hsaorrbages aasospemy t5. .MtoSN. as 1s u.edty W sees tries the form M "•heti.. I We Wm. poor shape to sero late the hor M M. ittk, deer es • 5.1017, WI. OdNMerismsdediltpbt • 46M1 &M4.hss sad beds g&.& euseu.b to So- l spl at tht et maw ether .heady, y. rsykly the Ilse esesruo of • .IMI. when Ins nubile*o limed to b In its Ise el.setbe." Dr. tirkNerluk n •.sea M blei y. $. semi ea the Rd Ones Mol of Lied 8uch- erbed duties the terrl5k K.serTerke war, en hese ekes prime by the soldiers of the emir. ed •,iM/ieIty relemrd to hero nM MOM 414 P..a.m.ns 5..m him with ea IsvfeM.s to dslell bb experimeses mid sellseimeses Meirgailierisg. Se wvi.saw!. 1e teff weir moYY ' di eys w Mar eu.Irt i Mai Mss beim . him tdhef ud 51 b die by S '• men Mliondided es lets SL 1 , aOi* . AMeitlsut *, /isitwr*dward 1<ti4k0ulrlpb. i" e.m4wy M So Mimeo IAN" gad Osememy. The ewe d Weebaot boo Wined Ws me o eamoM nM a *NW Into ler Mie beier- tsM4• tliIlla a is' vasa Tbee 1. •.rety app Who briar= 'I .hla..Mad. i. Ow wMMar w ..isle intratopenor i Medoom / ne PC R T ALBERT. Mo,u.y, May 22nd. Mr. Bake sad family mere to -day (don - day) to (ewe. llhnllarp Qetdwa le sway • for a ewe weeks' visit te Clmtoa. Mr. •ad biro. J. Bradley .pout Sunday evening visiting Snoods at Shesperdtou. Rohsrt sad tilos L u e Desks', of Ged.- dish, .pest 8ud•y at the hoes of Win. Grey. Harry Shield. Intend. putties • .toes funadwoa wader hu barn dorier the urn week or .o. Will Polk. and Douglas McKee a e, of Ood.rtcb, .pout S.nd•y at, the home of trio former's father. A swmb.r of the goner folks fired tek- lar the -.ries oelebr.tioa at Debris - n on out the 24th. John Quad leaves on To.sd.y, 23rd, t• celebrate the Qeee.'s Birt kdey.1 the boam of hie ender, kin. Adam Shuler, of Mdye r - ton. Nature t" set away. salsas,. (Jo. day lost week James Crawford besa the pee- .sseresf • wilt wNob sewed to be ex. peedis 17 well tor••d, a Brat debt. Bet kilos further exama.Hera h. toed that me of the trout loge wee 4.fenneo. The limb IVY doubled so bates.ma the fetlock cr 1 the knew, the fool seting Bat upon the trent o1 the log. The veer, anal wee quite lively but of mares side, so b. fogad It n.0eseery to de away with It. Os Friday sIsht then permed away, after • Itsg«ieg ilio ee, o•. of the eldest of Huron's piemen-Aden Green. The dr muted wee •e Barlishinu by birth, but ober easing to cased., about the fortis., spent l5. remainder .f ba life --hall • vestury or over -in this meaty. Ha wee • Liberal io politic., aid Iho.gh almost en- tirely canned dome 15. lest 7..re, slimes ameged to poll Mle rote ole .lottos day- yet.R ler Mr. Holmes In time last bye. election. When we raid ISM Mr. Ones was among the oldest we were quite within the bait. w he wee 98 year. 4 mouths old at the time of his death. H. Mares to e wers hie lees . widow bad Madly ly el floe bey.. Adam sed James, of Manitoba, Theme, of Port Albert. with w5.m he bas limed, Peter, M Sarna, mud Kdwarde/ Beier ; .ad thr ds.g►ar., Mn. Nesbitt, of Blytb, Mn. Test, of Bay City. and Mn. Moro, of Detroit. rho re -alae were fawned this ( Monday) •iters...., 2 o'clock in Port Albert ohs.Rory. The Brampton Tree rye the people of that town thought the redutioe of the oouseil front fifteen to raves members wee . red this', but they ere sot so sure of it Naw. Ioseed of fifteen plasm where the sidewalks were to gad slop, there are new only sews. The Ctato. News-R.eerd smut. t, that the musty ese.Ml meshes* • steam relit r for the Imerevessst el the reed" through. out the aunty, the sat being tee greet for any mei of the..0Ber mealelpsltllee to es- esme. The Oalsay s.uIl teat 11 at • aor- tae ars per day. The other evening about 7:30 .'Noon those •roasd the look were eaddaaly aroused by •a"lsthly sere•smfrost the Isiah• berhe•d eP "8.b" Gen Pe bent beam, mad of lavestisatles to was heed that "Bob," while attempt.. te get late his boat re a &aeon to light the ramie liehie en the Nathpior. bed /ales let. W hasher •.4 was madly u•Ill.t for help After swlm- telen rend fere wink he was r•ua.d br Jew.i.P%.11 Frets report' be had & very elms sell HIS NARROW ESCAPE. ere John e. Mrseork's dcpereeae with U.edl *Mom Fells, Sherbet Lek*, 0N.. May 20 -No rideat et tele pies a bower kwwa to Ilk. thee - seed" of tourists and sportiness She .kits .auucuv, than Jlta 11. Mr. B•k.eek hes had, be telle .4 h Ilene .•sepes Atter ewsety perp of pais, soused by gra- vel and ether kasha, o.mpyye, 1 eh pleased le be •bis M hese Ma I bore bora sem y eared by Dodd'. Kidney P.11e. those years I here spat 5.dreds of dM for detotess end remedies, bet Alp Dad's Wilsey rhdts biped s.. ver Males t The death el Yr.. Elo.ty esu. ob rof wafter el Ws. ONIONseM&•& M t5. eaddsa.edM h.easr,w Thsllfn Slier= aOdaet well•alin fie wtrslo N the wry d tils ewe as • amino aorp.p.. Mme. IlOs sere here with bar b.eband ham don Amboy, Y., a Ss IMf, nut W bwonaka ~tsthe1)esel Its .t"td.r. !Lr :ziaignaoront dinsollier end M WI - Amnion ie life tbibd had her blade .adwwd ter. wag* Se then. WWI Ss StreliZato .115.1.MMp.54es5s 51 aid won reeds/ ter life li ta/flbMes wanP151p COAL _ WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We sr* .till at tits same old Maud, Nelson Street. when we have beau supplying our condones for • number of yews. We kttow timing 14ut suite you. Orders left with uur delivery rigs or at ea v ,rani . it . Awl ..t, our All cad • on otherwise ordered.market soaks, ■aless which are nearly all new goods and the latest styles, we give We rtm..var.1 Dray. in connection. Y Why We Grow: The reason why our business has grown to sueli large proportions is because we advertise Low Prices, aid do as we advertise. In .. Dry-Good6 CARTAGE A FUEL CO., you JOHN a PLATT, Manager norm td. 8687 -ti PLANING MILL, ISTABtIINIO NK. Bads & Ryll3s •Aavrcoras as SAM DOOR and BLIND Deers in an kills of LiiMBEf,- LATH. SHINGLES Ad 5.414.5 ssaisrlsl M .,err d•etr/pt►ss School /aroltare a Scocialty CANJELON'S Piny, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Creme RollsAnm Pies and Lady Filters, Kisses, facarooaa, lamina, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are as good .s the beat .fade in any city in Canada. C•oteluu lewd the trade WEDDING CAKES in fancy desitrminpi std ornament- ing and almond-it:tog. Give himorder and your oat. isf otion will secured. D. OA NTELON. WEST -ST. NEW aooas SU!T6d OVERCOAPS READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP My own make. (7011 Sad see them. 'Seeds sold by yard or made up le the Latest TERMS OABH_ H. DUNLOP Neu Beak of Mestr. 4 EPES'S COCOA Distal ed everywhere for De of Flavour, Supe- rior Quell y, and Nutritive Properties. l iee. B y grate - fill and oomfo rtingto the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-4 lb. tine labelled JAMES EPPS & d0., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. kpISS cocoa PAINT PAINT PAINT . We have the L;: ler Weather and Water -Proof BBSdJ-IIIBd Paints .. , The customers want it because their neighbors have had is and ,peak so highly of it. We also have a full line of bile Lead, B .Var1ies,Brasies. Have you mien our liioycles t From our large sales we are satisfied that we have the beet value in the market. Let us figure on your Plumbing, Heating and Troughing. Call sed examine our Wire Few* '1Wtrtiiiil a 1 vd."' (4,1111 t lg'leiof earns assure us that it is cheap and A 1 value. Bicycles oioaoed and repaired. LEE SHEPHARD ST. LEON, THi OONQVE{P*R, Uaemsad. • higher igen Visa any rt1er to *merles •N1aPt M.only the Dinghyditty of P7011111•• , a pasty M. strata it hive, Mir and ry toy sal relay wept hydrae ileclsre SL Lase rarhallsd, C. A NAIRN The Beat Goods for Little Money. Carpets and House-Faraiahiags are a new hoe with us, and the goods are right at the lowest prices Lace Curtains from 25c. to $6.00. Rugs from 35c. to $3.75. Our Ready -Made Clothing Stock is e©ulplete with the newest styles, and we can say the same of our Men's Furnishings. A nice range of Bicycle Suits, Shorey's good& CALL AND SEE, PEEEER, OO7-.3301% 113'0 OLD ST JST D_ C'H1T YOUR Paris Green Pure Hellebore, Inseot Powder, Whale 011 Soap, Slug Shot, oto. PRICES RIGHT. T.:5pSose Na .0. ... CH• EMIST 1 THE R. Be SMITH DRY GOODS CO. Ooderich, Ont.. Seaforth, Ont. Spacial Values for 10 Days, Commencing To -day. White Duck, worth 26o , for lye yard. Navy Sora., worth 30e., for 20o. y.rd. .1morass Nolte (feat) for 5o. taro. Apron Oia4h•ar, 42 tin, worth I20., for 80. Bou K.Rlleh Prier, worth 121o., for 80. yard. A•nerio•n Cb•UI.., 34o. yard. Bost French Kid Uals, worth 51.25, for 95o. pair, 15o. fleshly Black Seta for 10o. yard. • We oosse.o to -day tho set. of 50 pieties Drees (roads Sad Skirt Lengths, worth Irom 350. to 66.. yard, all at ties prim, On, 20e. yard. White Baby Flamed, all wool, worth 300., for 20o. yard. Plaid Dross (roods, worth 1210., for 80. yard. S ripest ' tela: 1 blank sely) for 124o. Skirt Braids, all colon sad binds, lc. yard. l eatery (.11.. 3;0. y.rd. 10e. Skin -Lien. ter 7e. yard. MILLINERY 13). un to vi,it tem beer d.p&rtmeat this week and ser%. M1814 DONAGH a prepared to 8I1 all orders jut when they are promise at eery speeial prime. W • take Fire% oleo Batter and flgg•. R_ 13. - 0. w ¥ o , ss:4's:- Millinery Novelties for '99. The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two leading shades are Mulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in:vogue this season. We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and beat in millinery at all seasons of the year. M. 'if. CAMERON. Apprentices wanted. Hamilton Street. R. W,M°KN-ZIE - HAS THE AGE NCY FOR THE MERICAN STEELWOYEN WIRE FENCE MOd. of Large, Strong Wires, HeavNy Selvedged. Amplyrovides for expansion and contrac- tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of unif.Nd quality. Never gees wpm% no matter how is l great a strata 48 put ups* k. Does not muti- late, but cattle.elfkie turn s Old AM Nab 0155 »4 Midi ■1111RRI ' ■rrl rl. , !!I!!!I.L.. . to. AN MO sINI nil NM oil EN 1 tt NMRIO ROI 111111IMO INN A11.1 RR1 I me um IRO QM 4111111111111111 am flpR l 1 on • [VERY ROO RC AMERICAN roma GUARANTEED SY TICE MANURACTjRERs. Coll Goa Soo itt. Can shw you hqw it will save you money. Ilaving bought large quantities of Buiilders' Hardware before the steady advances which have taken place, I am in a position to girt better values than are to be found elsewhere. Try me on Locks, Hinges, Nails, Lead and Oils. ■rs-tree R. W. McKENZIE THs PLACA TO WY HAiaDWAit{ OH ZAP.