HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-6-1, Page 4c.
`?1 . yi"-
4 =lseemas, Jens 1, UK
ltupure •,gwJ- t3• VV w
1 Comet, Ladies, $1.2 00 1 Perfect Gouts',
r ••
1 1El*Oenta', $30. d; $
'E. & D., Gents',
6 Cleveland, tient,', $3(1 $35 ! McBurney-Beattie,Ladieu $40
2 Cleveland, Ladies', $30 mud $35 1 "-"op....Aleuts, $43
AT $.35 TO $85.
Bicycle & Music douse '
and Cycle Livery.
Mit Signal,
I/ 1VB &k'UtD
ST M. ■ecsu.CEMMT
FEW members of Parliament have
won their way to the heat and efloetiou
of their constituents in ao abort • time se
Rosser Hot.trut, M.1' for West Huron-
" the people's Bob." a If any doubt existed
in the mind of any one present at the Lib
erel convention Tuesday last it would have
been quickly dissipated by the enthusiasm
11mataeafrd w favor of the clever rcpronea-
tat.ivr. who, in the short time that :e Its
borne the stendard of the party, baa Jemuu-
ideated (hat it has never been unfurled by
• more worthy hand.
J. i~ Giant, one of the ablest members
at the convention, voiced the prevailing
sentiment when he said. " I rive atteWiled
the cotiventions of West Huron ever sine,
West Huron wan in ealatenue, 4.rd 1 mil -
eider we lave hearer tialay a batter c: puai-
tion ill the piddles' situation, and hail a
more instrttetive ars) inleru.tiug presentee
tiesn o f Dominion politics, than was ever
given by any metober at any previous tore
routine." And the log c of fact was In
favor of Mr. (w.r's statement.'
A year ago Mr. Rotates wax conipars•
t..ely an unknown man, from the )olitial
standpoint, 6a1 today his tame is as au
• boesehold wont" in the c+nsUlu•ury,
which he represents and throughout the
neighboring ooertituetwies. When 'bin
name was first suggest/ell by THE Sion.t. as
a possible oandidMM the political quid nun's
at once raised voiue •gainet him, and the
machine was set in motion to sidetrack hie
candidacy. But all efforts agaimt him
proved unavailing, and his nomination by
the wuventtoni iu November was the pre-
lude to kis election in February.
Even atter his election there were some
of those who imagine that they are wine in
politica who shook their heads aid will
that he would stet wear well, and that the
Liberals of West Huruu should keep their
eyes open for a better mai in the event rd
• general election being brought on. The
' newer to this clan, and 'their opinion wan
given on Tte.rlay, .'id that answer was
that there is no tetter man tbai Ilue
Hot -ase to represent West Huron in the
Parliament of Canada.
Day by day he has enlarged his circle of
friends, increased the numbr of his follow-
e rs ; won the admiration of his old friend.
and gained the high esteem ot the testier,
a his party. He has 'shown that he
possesses grit and grace, terve and knowl-
edge, brains aisl ballast, and his friends
rejoice in his strength along these lines.
Bo. Herne is in polities to stay, and let
there be no mistake about iL
THERE is quite a bit of fault-finding
on the port of the Tcrrsa end 01 the Con-
servative log with the proposed redrtnbn-
Gos bill. tti a don't have to go far to find
Use reason. The Gerrymander Bill of 188$
war such a monstrosity and did no much to-
wards choking off the honest opinion of the
electors of Ontario that any attempt to un-
do the work done by it is not only repug-
nant to Tory principles but would prove
fatal to Tory hopes in the future.
Wo all remember that when the Gerry-
mander Bill wan brought In In 186! Mir JOHN
MaetioNA1.n did not heedtate to say that his
intention wan to "hive the Grits,' ami thin
was dome in the most ncandalons and flag.
rant manner. County boun.laries were
oblitsrateil and no patchwork quilt wax ever
more divernifled in size or shape. The result
was that represeutation by population be,
name • Using of the past, and tbe L.iterele
had to fight such mkt' that the effort' to ob-
tain • majority In the Province Nen gen-
dersel amtetory. '
It it to rigl.0 ilii ` ViirrMit'
perpetra . d that tete present redistribution
bill 4.M beret intrndnewd. At the Ottawa
Where' ormenntion one of the prineipal
planks in the.platform was that which re-
ferrer to the wiping out of the gerrymander
of 1882, and the Liberal party pledged it -
sari to at the matter right when they re.
turned to power. The voter of the people
of thin country relied the Liberals to the
treasury beachea in 189b, and now they
have before them the opportunity of wiping
a. --rage 40e otatiM heel ewes e4 -N. meet /n•
l diI poiftionl aria that .veil rias parr•
- JI MA upon a free people. The country is
t1R l back in the snort work.
..-The minimum** r. ahead.
--What is unfair iD the proposed
redbteil.etirm M))
- -Al this Milt tit- mee it?".
elections are likely to keep on tap until the
Provincial election Domes around.
--110Baine liotrlte,Mee.,haabobbed
up serenely, and is bound W stay np.tk`...;
-BOB Houton made an ideal can-
didate and now he makes an ideal member.
-The unavoidable absence of Hon.
J. T. Gannon was deeply regretted by the
- There seems to have been what •
Nle (*kited brother would wll " a wtin
amount ill o ommerehtality " about South
--The trouble with the TUPP[R
lection of the Conservative party is that
they tntuk they are the upper faction of
that party. r
.-8oatll-Aafnrip. vnisQ,ala
great practice IIi•b�ilin•"q%Ude Inci-
dentally they know something about hand-
ling the long green.
- Rosser MOLaA.--the hind Bob
in West ileasennoesemelie Dwrtgaunon Tue.
-day Lat. He likes W be around whets
peop:e moat do oeegreg.te.
-A Pitfaburg barber hie set up n
claim to the original i.itr of Guelph. 11e
says he hates (t.-lhtiedne Banner.
And will razor row about it. Next. --
Hamilton Spectator.
And will trydate the ext oriieta.
cw Reformer. rmer.
And will lather the man w iu conLezte h
Diocese, M.y 1pi.
Mn Wm. ()Iliac. of 'Ando. (formerly
Mies 1o•ane Foley), and .4.ter•in-law, Mies
O'Brien, visited the former'' parent!, !!r.
and Mrs. M. Foley, of R'rewood farm, lar
The township fathers were hen Istirg
jibs. They were at the lake at the foot o'
Butt/went Row. We undentaad Jame.
Cbiabolm has mad. an offer to change the
lie of road down the hill aod, If aooepeed,
this will do away with having • bridge at
the foot. The old het- down the hill has
always Was a subjest of duoord since it was
opened .early a quarter of a century ago.
0a ae000at of threateoleg weather the
Presbyterian oongreeatioe.al meeting did Dot
bevy a lime attendance. 1t was dsolded to
hive a tea meeting the week after next.
fetter on bills will be out with the date Lad
other partloola:v. Some improceusats
abut the oharob buildings, a new drain and
• proposal to move the church bask mime
dl,tanoe and build • None basement noder
it were (soe.Idered. Thos who •poke ea
the prop:well were J. J. Wright, H Mac-
hismo., Jas. i.tnklaur, 1). Lawson, A. H.
(Yatton and E. N. Shaw, the latter being
tbe chairman of the meeting.
At the Huron i'reabylerlal Ass satiation of
Young People'. Societies of Chri.'i•n En.
4.sor nitration in Knox ohurah, Collectoh,
Tuesday of this week, Miss Clark, of cur
meaty, Woe the topic, What son our
yowls( people de to further the raters.(e al
the oeorretatios'" 0. Edgar Davidson,
formerly of the Colon xoolety, Oodertoh
township, wan u b.,. taken le, bat is now
• student ID Mr. bloody's training college In
Chicago. He has lately written an inter.t-
ine letter to his former fellow•wwk.rs of
the ChrisU•o Endeavor Scohsty Is rega-d to
hie eruree of study and his experiences at
the ooIlege.
Motrnay, May 29.4..
Chas. Spgsee, of the Harm road, !lode-
riob towwpp,, trot Sunday here.
Jame' o nil, jr., was at • bare minas
atJobn Vonne's, soar Porter's Hill, Let
Sunday night there was • hue, rein
N orm. Andrew Orem'' bars was struck
by lightning.
Mrs. A. A. Wiill•na, .111. two of her
children. vldted to Oederieh township for
moral days last week.
The township lathers were to tear midst
on Thursday letting jobs ler the r.palrie,
of the roads in this pert of the township,
Ma. Wm. 8mi.h, formerly of rhie plea,
but now of Port Albert, visited old friend,
here Tri lay and S.tordey of last week, be-
ing the guest of Mrs. James Tab,e.
Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Halls, ef Bleier, whit
their son Reggie, 'pent the Qoeen'e Blrih•
day hero, the Rawls of Mr. and Mrs. 1).
iAwsoo. Mr. Hall' id a broths" et aha Mho
Halle who taught 'school hen la 1891.
Oar former reddest, Genes Cammtag, of
Elogsbrbge, was down tae the Q.ees's
Birthday, sating old friends sad mooting
many bright Nellie of welaeme. The he,
oaf. have se► forgotten one of their favor-
Among our transient visitors last weak
were Mn. ilio. Cox, of Godshall. with her
danghtir, Mrs. Osett, gad Mr. and Mrs.
Edward One, of (Aleago. The letter two
are vlaltleg relatives and !timid. la and
•boar 004.04.4.,
Empire Day was sheared a4 cur school.
Ne 9, (;.Ibera.. A promote wee reeler
el by (3'. ',libelers and the beeeher played
several ',Militia Mrs es hat getter. 1 he
1o11owieg day bolasthet4eess'.
Ow wham* and a phateal Wade g. ----
Wet. M.('ekey was d,.. front 71Mrla
fee the Q.ese'• Rirthd•y, Melting est
hrothere-la-law, R. Simmers/all and T. A.
Houghton, beth of whom, dsrleg his say,
showed him malty points of (storm % about
here, laetodylyy the a'.nefeet.Neg lade -
trios of B.Itferd and (roderl.h.
��s Mown A•, May 29,
whore is;ltdDe hese opetrdw� Ines Chaste.446.
palliate welded W see Ms k44 fee again.
Nie Mary Here, o1 meet Wawasm4..
Ilam perehlt.d • beam aad I,t is Blyth mad
writ remlde in limit village.
Hilary Yeegllut,.w os J. r. Yseyblel,kee
epeoed eat a 8a+ hardware More ben, and
is already delay a good business.
A. slaked* le movies sego through 4b.
omen ler D. 1S_ Mame. _ He 1.. hustler.
MONDAY, Hay 29th.
Rev. 11. L. Hattie delivered • lenses oa
" 0raeivfsta : lig. Piot, Present and Future
ldesttwNy • in Zion ebereb last Frldey eye.
a `eg.
Peter geek, 13th eon., died May alai el
loll smmatlai of the brain .floe • short Ul-
noes. Tie demand was eseeem•d by all
who had the pleasure of ►le . guaisaaoa
Hs died In the Irlamphe d bilk.
The family have the sympa4y of the owe -
enmity is their sad basav•meat. His re
.1150 were interred in the Laagsaaaa a:m-
oiety seder 14.o anagdoes of L 0. L Na 1144.
Tossu.Y, May 30.4..
Sabi. Fattish, of 1.sssside, was the guest
of R. Ferries ea Suaday.
Ws .re shoed be Mate tMa4. -Mut Tela
Mouse is ltlproviag dig1Uy.
We had semolhirag Nmiiar le • elowd-
bane here as Saadi► saestag.
Cow', 1. 0. F , faked holdl.g emitter.
eery aarviNs la the share\ Lsre ea Jae
Mal Fatties 4.•s le.eeia lawn i• Ambci ley
•ianity, te wih* be iatsoda reasovieg cert
The Werth mienlea bead held their an-
d semens kers os Mssday oyea,ag.
;sat Re.. Mr. Me-
Leed. of Ripley, delivered a q I.•w-
IM m4Nas•ry Notes .ad there was
also a suitable megrim rendered by tbo
members of 14.' siker is 4.aad. A •apse' ».
. moe0tieg N atsely 117 was taigas up.
Tt•cw.r, May 30th, 1889.
Wm. M,Coaa.0 drew. to Lowe a Sue -
Mies Edith Ree,...1 Is vritly .4 Port
Ilea t:rsham bought a sew Melte!. for his
e on, Clarsaw.
We bad au •tamdiegly heavy rola u
Sunday evsarag.
Several or the yenta atm of this place,
who aro vel.ate•rs, leave for Lnadea Camp
this week.
Ju. Tigers, who he t.au4.log sattael W
Ueamlller, spent Satacd,y and Swday M
►la lame here.
Reuben Klobastlsas, el Anise@ Hill,
-Yisedsy.•*-slim' ,"
A aaaiber of our reoidllasM oajoyyed •
D:.a.ut time at • tawametlag at fide os
the evening of the 24 u.
441,. and Mr.. Jae. 33pgg.,, ¢lOoderioh,
vett Suedes at the Both. of the lotto's
mother, Mia Burrows. 04 account of tt.e
rwn 8obday eve•iag tbiy did nut rc'ur-t
h rent itlt Masd.y
.?9 1' ALBERT.
MONDAY. Mat-ita-1•- -
lVi'I..m .B y tip s called at tit writ.,,•
M .'Jay u.orniov.
Mrs. B. Harden p.id a flying whit tr
L,ndon oo the 24 h.
Toter (twee 1.ft ihja (llood.y1 morel*
f .r his home in Detroit.
Mr. McBride, of Owen Seated, ie viftiag-
W aa31., John McBride.
Col -peed Wm. Hawklue leaves towerree
4Tweedav) with tbe woluateere.
Will Richardson was udortucate enoo.b
week to break hts arm while workirg
at the taw -mill.
Jobs Or... matte • sport visit to 4.m per -
sate' res)deow, returning to his hose is
Brow!' lam Thu -.day.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Kaltogeiai .ad
see, Norman, of Brunner, Perth eaaaty.
.re ths,gaests of Mr. sad Mn. Conrad
Pref. '1. A. Hawkins r..wed acga•let.
aloes arooad the village lest Thursday, and
carried book to liroisels with him a few
•1.w. wile4. M had ".dake3" ia tae
The heavy raioetorm of 4uaday e.eofng
aaJ Monday •norol.a eoneertt•i •11 Ate
llttkotrmmmte Into teeming torreata The
Wafer overflowed the road .t almest every
iew-lylog irrpot sad depoei.ed • targe of old
rails •ad dead shrubs and sticks of all sorts.
Tare was greet danger of o. overflow of
Ow dam is t4., village.
TUESDAY, May 3011..
Joseph Book's tannery u running at fall
Pau ars to bloom Is some et the gardeee
in Ibis neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Mock Headset's' tient
8eaday is Benmlller.
Mr Lennox, the cornet player of the
Marine Sued, was In Clinloa on the 2416,
Albert Fritzl.,, Disk Walton, John He.
dersoi and Will Frit elate took he the sports
. t Dnntaanon on the 84th.
Mrs. McCallum. of Kieeardfss, and Was
Ferguson, of Braadoe, Mao , an 'lining at
the resideees of Alla* Buchanan.
The young boys fern town who corns over
ben on Sunday. for the purpose of rchblag
bled,' nests should be stopped before they
are naught and made to suffer the fell pen.
dty of the law.
As the morning of Queen Vroloria's
eightieth birthday dawned on the village it
was saluted by the repeated firing of goes
and the habeas" of the Caton ,Lek by
Maio, Beek and JwOh Iieldthorps. Most
et the inb•bluats telt for other places of
amusement, tablet, raw, the village • gnlet
appearance Nevertheless the remelting
few shored char loyalty by keeping op the
dring et gees and the popping of dreorsok•
.r.. At night between twelve and one
e'olook miniature bomb shells were expled•
,d at various points People moldier in
the imtned4ats vicinity of the explosion.
was tlnnktal the bombs were of a solid
e aters, as Igo only harm done was disturb•
Ing them from sweet dreams of the Goma
The yens men who threw them should
send in his application to Admlrvl Drwey,
who perhaps, In the kiadooes of his heat,
might place him in nherre of • torpedo but
flotilla •• the Philippines.
TI•R.DAT, May 30th.
Mies J. Greve, ef Mtratlerd, 14 ('., is bums
for a week's yae.tlon,
Colas.' .1. A. S. Verson le tr.etist a
Rr•otfwd wind motor over his deep well.
Connell me last Saturday as a ooert of
revlalon, alter whlab other Important best
n ese wee trammeled.
We here lest Bee e1 our hest oitlases by
the removal of Wm. Treble, who was high-
ly softened 1. ail who hoe. him. 14 has
mind and will reside ie teen.
Capt. Voting left Mile morning for Imndea
ABl4. his oompaey of weleato.ra. Upton,
ell join him at Clinton wlah the
*Mani acompany, over whtoh be has ma
ib-s'fnIog ses.tees 1s eeanetlne with
Carlow Pr..bytw(an *here% wore oondeot-
o4 Imo Sahh.th by the Rat Alf, 44.4441.
Iia, of At. Reales or erel., Teener*, former-
ly pastor el C.rlew. Mr. M.Mllt... 1s •
fleet, eyeshot wheels •ar.estnese "arose
...mooting' with it, and • maw who., noble
Ilh Ie an atmmpliheatiet .f Nle pr.anhlrg.
The reverend gsat3aman abet Ivilr.d Moa.
Mit entalag oe • ..14.4 that 'weld nes
fail M stereos W lovers el 3.se,, wi+•lr,
The Haaats sad Roars of B1, Welter
13w:f.• . �
Chem aaotbrr Oorrspoude*L)
Maly ewe Was twilled to tear the piste
are el the lecture ea Moods,/ ave•'sg, 604
11 Was le the foot that • braggy whip woo
Iakw Ile plena 4.e a °arrisae frets tied -
'hob by sem. were or perasae, or, to be
plata, thief or Nrvas If 1►sss ptrUm
have ao reepeot for I4.msslvr, they shoo d
at least !Wow wme tot the oburuk of *kWh
they wen.Iloa4la4. T4.' strum' ars knows,
bat tether than have them or their p.reats
digtsmd ostklsg *4434.. 14 d t4.. whip
i aetttrusd.
A pierhs .astook plow 1. 4..
1'reobyl.naayty 04.51.4.
eMuot day Bream/..►..t
oar old hued .sd pastor, Rev. Mf. Y.Mtl-
hu.rueew.d scge.iat•am
u, •od'lava at
we et hie vary pl.aal.t 'sutures es the
Hemet' and Abodes of Bu Wolter Stott'
Very seldom, If otter, Imo Oilmen our pleas-
ant a Bates to • more hold flow of leag-
e age, or to ham wed plattues earlr.y.d so
vividly lifer. ear aamtal eyes. Our mets-
wy woo tr.s►ly awakened to the fact that
Ste Welter !feel* was a mutes of whom U
to Impcs0hi. to Wm and .hose cams .ill
ge demi throws\ fes ages as ono proem -
est amens a sai itsb hew. Mr.
las m. y a sent the/ wawa be vain •Mita
h im old puttered' 4.r wdoom. will 1s all the
warmer ter tM.sesia's eaioyeasat he he%
stowed .a the Motown d Sir welter lljolt,
GOpanICi YOM SD1116..
TsaDAY, May 26;4.. 1899.
Ceased met today as • mart ef tevWoa
sad ter the traesestM- c•f loveably baa;.
a•aa. Moved by J. Johnstes, *mended
by C. W. ,t defame. teat the taliowiag
changes bo mob >a arep.rty •saesmet
(leerg. Jabsstoa sad Reboil, Mollw.h be
trimmed far IN Se. 21. Bos. 1; Jos. Balk -
*Id ter 1l* 8, Boa 1;T.11s ..wvt te Jas.
DUk ; H, W. C. eeRP. 1' C. Neftel ler lot
11, cea 1 ; 3. C. yd M. J. C. Maud for
.ostk part sot at, nor. 3; Ciento dad
Robert B. Yea►g ler weals part lots 32 and
33, woo. 2 ; Wm. Boreal, lot 16. coo. 3.
Jobs 8. Holme. aid J iC McMillen ap-
pealed ag.iest awesome.' of deg. bootee
but one dog. Granted. Moved by C. W.
WdUats', •.00sdod by J. C Wd6,L, that
appeal el 6.11 Tdspkoe. U.. ea sustained
sad that thew be redwood $300 Muted by
J ohs M iddlton,aaasaded by Jas. J obviates,
that appeal of (4. 0. Y'u•dy to saat•I..d
meal that 4.b property b. rel Good 1100.
M rsd by Jea. Ju4.watoo, seconded el C.
W. Williams, Ihalappeal of camera Wast.
There are three conditions;
When the blood is poor;
When more flush L needed;
When there is weakness
of the throat or lungs.
There is one cure: that is
Scott's Emulsion.
It contains the -best cod-
liver oil emulsified, or di-
gested, and combined with
the hypophosphites and
glycerine. It promises more
prompt relief and more last-
ing benefit in these cases than
can be obtained from the
use of any other remedy.
1•'- m So so, all dny,t.n.
IOOTr • SO W N4., C4..mkae. Teresa%
hike be ssetohod sad Mist Ids ptepily b4.
Redmond 1300. Mowed by Jetta 11L1dVt/sa,
seconded by .1- 0. Wands.14.at appeal W
Robert Thompooa be se.t•leed .ad Nisi his
priestly be redaod *3300, he bowleg tabes
c@ilawn; to mistake in drswieg deed d
lead. Moved by J. C. Wood., omeaded by
Jobe Mhadl.u.. &M/ appeal d J. W. Yeo
be net .astslaod. Moved by John Mldd1.-
toa, seeead•d by C. W. Williams, that
ssswmeal roil mow read and revised be
passed. Missies ot Iaat meetly/ el s.sseal
w.te read wad passed. Moved Ly Jas.
J,►oston that oommaoioauos from Philip
Holt in d to stderoad, north seal , los
laid over till neat meeting of ouuaod. The
following ohmage. le pathmas/as ware
made : Gesrg. 11.4141 la plant of R Ea -
memos (deviated) ; Jobe Ltudtsy la plant
of Thu Lindsay. Cvmmtuioattoa Iron
Jen. Shephard, la regard to atderosd, laid
ever till nut meelfar. Th. following
sooesau were palo : W. J. Mitchell.
thistles,. $14.31 ; W. Perdu, rook elm
plank, $33.4113 ; wiener's salary,160 ; as -
a ssor. peonage 11 Adj tensed to meet
the third Moeday ti James.
NIKON BYOEpy, alert.
A Wonde Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and $MPUR$-
Manufhtured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
I Iyou want a paint for Cup-
boards, Baseboards, and_
the thousand an.d one little
things about the house, see that
the labs/ bears this design ; you
will then get just the paint you •
need for your work.
It is made right, it is right.
We know it, we sell it.
Mcgim'a NewStore,
R Id's Old Stand, Oederich.
Examine our l ;oohs and -Prices, make the most critical exam-
ination of our Merchandise and Methods. Every day we
will show yon Bargains ; Bargains of goods you want.
Men'. '1 w.e.1 W•urproof Coats, se•so
memo., double breasted, velvet Boller,
got ap to -the latest Nyle, worth $6,
. ..... . 14 50 50
Wei Tweed Waterproof Coats, sown
snares, large o.pee. good patterns,
also to blsok, reveler prloo $6 and
$7 60, to clear all ... $4 50
Black Rabbet. CONN, rMolar
pries $2, for $1 60
Not many left.
42 -;soh Fawn Cashmere, fine even thread,
rego'ar piles 253., to °Isar at per yd 121°.
37-Inoh M.xed Grey Solt Sommer Tweed,
regale print 500., Io close at per yd25o,
It will pay you to *ramie* tie lino, 11 is
new, stylish and neat, at just half the
print you expiated to pay 25e.
37.1.0\ Foley Bleak Dress Goode at 26e.
Anothsr lot of that Black Fsaoy Dtess
Ooeds to hand, whloh makes the third
shipment this eee.on, spsoal al 25o.
Rlaok Cashmere, our imolai' in Bleak
Cashmere ars 50r., 75,. and 11.00, and
we. ohal ..ae anything in the Ir•ds ut
coati them at 11 00, 761. and 604
At 6o. we show a big rano, et Prints and
Mashes, gond wash goods and at the time
you want then, at 6e.
40 Inch I'.l to v C tt ton, special at 9. $10 00 up.
72 -loch twilled Shsetiog, speed at...1210,
1 o.
Me'. AII•Wool Sada $6 00
Mee's flee All -Wool Salts, latee/ eelore,
small ohms, due satin Beings, milk
etltoh .nada op is up -Iodate style,
goad value at $9.10 *lax et $6 00
Men's All- Wool Baste Bata $6 00
Min's pure Wool Serge 8aite, four button
8•ok Suit, good names sad well made ;
made to esti at $7.50. to Near •1 . $6 00
Meed Very Fine Imported 'Tweed Salts,
8.e twill and natio linings, silk stitched,
regular print $10 00 and $12 00, will ober
at $8 00
Mee'. Tweed Trotters, special al 795,
$1 00,111 26 and
Boy.' Two plea+ Malta, • hie range of Be
Two-pfeoe Bolts to ;dear darting 11 76c.
-pet Solt of two please $ 76
Boys' Norfolk or Bicycle Salto a1 $2.50,
$2.75 end $3.26.
Young Mon's Halts, Nass 33, 34 sad 36,ysry
speoial 61 $3.50 to $8 00These are
specially for Yeas, Mea and worth more
money, per plass $3 50 to $8.00
Moo's B•Ibrlggse (ldess
�erwt .1 aloes
primes 25o to 76o.
I� very .pedal lin* at 50e.
Hifs's All -LI... Golly., any shape, each
lA 10o.
Men's 8s.ts to their ewe mee.an, hilts
66•1noh Table Linen,
Mitt ting Lhasa '1 "
20421. Rattw Towels, .ash at 2o.
43 4/111•Llaw Towel's', per yd .... 4a
.3. Gray Cottee, 34 le. wide at 3e.
We have • low oddms.ta 1. Shoes lett.
Okla' Lees 81oss 11 tea, ware 11.00. to
olsar as 65,.
Idea's Tae abets, • kw et the $361 to
otter .t M 00
Msa's $950 Laos distil ler $1 50
" Plow lhoe., 5 and 7,fer 75o.
w!�� `ars not spans today fax • fell h a',
Ito we w• haws t4.. Wee yew want lee
pleg as well save • dollar.
June 29th and 30th
Don't Forget the Dates.
extra Values All Over the Store.
Remember the Dates, May 25th and 26th.
Niagara Vapor Bath Cabinet,
Cures Rheumatism, Coughs, Colds and other troubles.
A valuable aid to the preservation of good health.
Should be one in every house.
Call in and we'll tell yen all abeat it.
W. 0. GOODE,
Bedford Block.
gar,- oone emno,.-
position.. .
-• It is better
even to be right than merely original, bat the
easy position you play assume in these shoes
of ours we are ready now to show yon helps
us get back to original comfort. If you want
solid, new -fashioned comfort
P.S.-The balance of our Wing Stock
must be sold regardless of price.
tlbwwaR os ■vast slsyfle
THE rLACESCAL elm0. NAs, •1110.1101
ars TIIIIL - ACM, roe WE MAIM )0O!,
003DN1 RI OH-
Stock nearly complete again. Neu Seeds fresived daily.
A lot of fine BTth and Carriage Spoon just to hand.
The newest and latent Perfumes!
Patent Medicines, Hope and Cattle Spleen, and Condition;Powders.
Rnbbsr Qao1di, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, eIc,, etc
Corner Colborne-ett. and Square
A big lel •1 choir endo of CetAas.d'w and
Shirting. al .111 pries. (h Nem goods
you will save two profits tf wo hays the
end you want Most are load saoash for
Ovnnlhe, Trimmers and Skirts, Bee If we
have the plena yes want
$2 50 Mea's Hard 1.11, Hata far.,.41 so
12 10 •' Fedora " " "
$1 50 "
uso 10 14 66
Heed end OM Eats 1st.. 1
$ $1
1 Y0 to ION 1101111‘
8e 11 . •'--.saslla Milli t
A lot d mil sad ilea'. 11
We are not sorpriaed if you ere a little skeptical of advertisements, but
before you pronounce on this jolt drop in and pat w to the to
. A.
Reid's Old Stand, OodeNch.
Jest look at these prices
to White," high grade wheel, was 170, now 155.
" McCready," Ooderkh, from 133 up.
" Jupiter," grand wheels, fret') 130 up.
Dere and EU than It
llotleo of Amigos must las left at this
(Miee not later than liatnrrlar
noon. The Orgy for °hatttsrs
moat As left not boor than Mon
+tory noon. 0.riact--A4w.ektinu unlit
e 1 en te noon Worinasday of
rr m nnespirris J.
Lewder. Newst We are •\Nei le est
0.r►.rtoh 8 to WA1. ler 14.• grlMtyiee 44
watts, tbI "after the ns has mashed the
.awsilh N h•gts• le go d...." 1t to lo M
hoped that ue sue will more so tat
the lseartilr•wwith thio Mg
tw ► .1.5051 ea alra40.