HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-25, Page 7THE PARIS ASHORE,
On the l lanacles, Near the Mohegan
The Ship Seems to have Been Badly Out of Her Course --Only 300 Yards
From Shore -How She Missed the Deadlier Rocks ---The Sea was
Calm -What Soule of the Passengers Say -Help Sent -Steamer
Msy be a Total Wreck.
laltucwh. England, 21. -The 1 diculous, as the former has a Aim-resin/linerevoly-
steamer Parts. (aptatie I Vitt nil Tamp, low down, and the Lizard
Ilght is two fixed electric lamps on a
Watkins, from Southampton, and Cher- hf�f h cliff.,,
bourg for New York, struck um ten out- Mr. Henry Wilding, managing -agent
lying ridge of the Manacles early tela of the line, who arrived from 8outh-
auntieg ata point tial, a mile from awptun thin atternoon by special
Atlauth tnanapx,rt train to arrange for the transporta-
uj $ 1 wJ'4CJ1iS>d.... _..._.-_ ... tion of the passsagers, said to a ear-
Itw.R,]fohegan this. The Parte; ed/o. respondent of -'the Associated Prep:
from 8otethampiott yesterday. "I have had np opportunity to inquire
palled at Cherbourg and plekedl up fifty as to the facts, and certainly have
paraeugere. She left Cherbourg at 6 no theories to Indulge. The Cher-
bourg atap was adopted wee time ago,
o'clock Inst evening. Soon after 1 and was by, no means unusual. Cap-
o'cloxk this morning, at high tide and lain
o nthyatkitts is ficers one of ths aAmoit.trtic, st-
In u dense fog, she ran ashore. From I must and
wait the result of the inves-
the first there was no danger. LHo- Ligation before passing any Jude -
boats and tugs were soon literally meat."
(manning around the caveat to render PERFECT ORDER.
usdistnr,cr. .t majority of the pauen• Mr. Thomas Allen, of Loudon, n pas-
o was
gers, wh,e numbered 380. were brought. waytoo 11 Lite rkrlwaldi+Pa,l 1 wasolu bed
▪ Falmouth, where they otesutnte'
lodginga for the night.
The first intimation of the vessel's
striking the rocks was a slight grat-
ing ,salad, which was followed by a
scowl mud more pronounced shock.
The lookout shouted that there was
m ni. thIig looming up ahead, but be-
fore thele was time to reverse the
ieginte the ship had gone on the rocks.
tssrstaihce was summoned by meats
n( rockets, and the [wast guards
ernmptly telephoned W the life-saving
st. t ons for floats.
.t auaperity of the passengers were
taut aware that an accident had hap -
until they were called up b
I,by "tl wudthe sh hing the deck
they faun 1p's bontsin per-
betes-•reeedlaaie--foc -., thele- eeseldies.-
The sea was perfectly calm. and the
only discomfort that the passengers
experienced wan caused by the alight
rah that wale falling at the time.
otrig to the mimeses of the mea
the legate could be manned with en-
tire safety. Perfect order pre -
.maid aboard__the vowel. teiptain
Watkins steed On the bridge glide&
°niers, and hie ttslt+ese of demeanor
had a restearYr WEN* on the pas -
e ngem. in a.en/dsroe with the
instruction of tie illi$`." tbe wo-
men and children wen_ the first
.to be taken off the ship. • Such per-
fect order was raalntalned +that a
pameeager dedeeribed the scene as
simply a slow processkm of women
and children walking in single file Lo
the beats. .tt daybreak the pool -
tion of the vessel could be better
diarrned. The brilliant. St. Anthony
light at the entrance of Falmouth
harbor could be diatlogulshed plain-
ly through the misty rain, and the
K III etandidg masts of the 111 -fated
lfobgaii could to seen near by. It
is said that a Falmouth pilot boat
d ewed a warning signal W the Paris.
telling the captain that he would
puttee vesel on top of the Mohegan
if he did not alter the course of the
dip. The weeniest, however. Dame
Me late, and the Paris struck on a
ridge, to. the we tward of the Man-
acles!. It is seggertied that as this
was only their second tele from Cher-
bourg. the officers of the Parks were
not (natiller with the course. The
crew of the Paris are st111 aboard the
It is believed the steamer has a
large rent In her bottom In the for-
ward part of the *hip. Tugs are stand -
leg by her, and will assist man effort
to get her off the rocks. The some of
tie wreck is abeat; five miles from
Falmouth.},.WbM lawn broke every-
one on lloard eras troueved to find the
--thee/ on one - ilt,e and lifeboats tying
sear by on the Other. The vessei lay
with Ise head to the southwest, the
reversing of her engine having put
her broadside on the rock..
Captain Watkins went ashore In his
gig, and when he returned he learned
that there was already considerable
water In the hold, and Viet whleore
▪ stn eloergency. All the paseengor•s
were transferred to the tug Dragon,
hat .beyond the clothes they were
they tobk nothing with them. They
were landed at Fftimouth shortly 8J
ter 7 o'clock, the local agents of the
American line meeting them and pro-
viding them with every Dare and
cortra-ring them at the various hotels
and the 'tailors' home.
tVh, n the Perlis "(trn•:k the tida i!
within an hour of the flood, and this
mood insufficient to raise her off the
rats Ilun(lyd4 of people visited the
's'a'ne during the dao. Tho paasen-
gere are, Int (alt of USD praise of the
admir:ol,!e behavior of the officers and
este', and declare that it was due to
their lftJ htnees that no accldente oo-
rarr<d 0, :anyone. Perfectdieelpilne,
they may, was maintained throughout.
it is eta t d that those in -charge of the
Paris were so perfectly confidant that
they were pursuing the proper courses
that the wawa wail eteamang elgbte(vu
or nineteen knots an hour when they
stra" tr. There will be little danger to
the one/owe 11 the calm continues, but
aheald the wird veer to the east or
retie -ad the consequenoes might be
sedans. (fangs of seen on lighten hare
gene e. the stranded veeas.I to take
off the belougems of the passenger•w.
it M reported that two forward com-
MMrtntetate are full of water.
Tonight the Parke Iles in much the
mag' I.'eltio n as when she struck, Iter
now bring abort 150 yards from the
shore, end her stern abate SOO. Almost
bi a direct Iles and etmelt a mile ahead
Ike the wreck of the Motwaren. ASA
1euh.4k the how,, of the Parte in a rag-
mn,rk, and a ridge of rxeksr projects
water about 1t feet
tans ahead. There Is
rt of water in the three
forward compartments, but the en-
rrw are apparently unharmed It hes'
dve nd to await special salvage
4Preuttnie and the next tide tremor-
tri ere is smooth and the work
Mt pr .antra.
nt tb chip Hinrow,
*71- was
"J harbor
ng my veered Into
or when the aeeldent
to tie Paris noenrred. St. Anthony
baht was clearly visible for five or
di Mang, end I heard tbi bell of the
"Sty rain was a falling butth as weathere Was
Wa rietrTTele amen and we new the amen
it It 1 ail the way frees the Leased.
lmp(Msihle for M t0 ssdareteed
lav the Perls got lube that position,
ell better than tie *eke ono. The
=IMhity at the St An-
. eget for the Lifted light Is rt,
when the accident happened. I heart
a grating soured and then several hard'.
thumps on the rocks --shook the bhtp.
The vessel then seemed to stop dead.
A few minute. Tater I heard •tomeorhe
calling, ' All hands on deck.' I roused
my chums, who was still asleep, and we
went on deck. We were told to secure
our life belts, and we returned below
and gut them. Wt• were not allowed
W return to the deck at that time.
All wore kept waiting below. At the
first summoru a few of the patesengere
appeared 1n their nightclothes, but tut
soon as they discovered t1iit theft -teal -
no danger they returned to he4r roomy
and made themeless seat 1fn leave
the ship. The passengers. yyheved
in the test possible manger. There
.ZAithe ateassing es .the -st, -of..•tbe'
women, and the most perfect yrder
wereasale0atsedt'We-- . kept • white
Ing below for an hour. Coffee end
bucults were served out, and there we
entered the ship's .boats. Steam tugs
brought us to Falmouth."
Among the parreagerno of the furls
were many poor female emigrant*.
mostly foreigners. All havd been wifely
housed In the Sailors' Home here. One
of the women deecrites her expert -
epee as follows`. " 1 was awake when
tine vessel struck. I heard a dragging
sound and felt u shock, then the en-
gine. stopped. I west upetalrs to find
out what the matter was. I could
see the land quite plainly. 1 thought
the help had Motile 1 to take do pas-
sengers. I did not think there war
anything wrong. and I returned to
leand stayed here for half hour.
Then a steward told me W t up
I cold, 'There'd my baby ; don', wake
him.' The , rtewarl replied. 11 you
want to rave your baby" get- up' 1
got up and dreed myself a the
baby and went on deck.' Vie were
much frlghteale 1, but thele was no
confusion. They Legate na in the
kindliest manner,and finally brought
ne here on a tug."
Mr. 11. W. Southworth, one of the
passenger+, an Engluhmkn, says:
'The Paris had good) waistline moat
..041 1!), evejp,lag�ethe moon being about
three -.darters full and at the zenith
at t) o'clock. The weather was misty,
Ind not foggy. When the vessel struck
moot of the paseengd•ro titre asleep.
the 'evened W rise. their entivered,
grated over the. rock and stood( still
with a alight net to prorti The shock
suggeeted etrlking a de1'elect or a
(mall vents', and the poslblllty of be-
ing on the rocks. therefore, Was not
euggeated until the stewarde were
heart crying 'All handle otedeck, cap-
tain's orders.' Many came en leek le
their night clothing. There teeth -
segue of a panic. The soundings made
'hoes! nine fathoms of water for-
ward and fourteen aft ; but the ah'p
meted( ea a flat rock, while the rocks
seeing on each side held her almost
erect. The officers' log determines the
position of the Paris and the posi-
tion of the wreck of the Mohegan
be leo t. thaill eterovenfleirethan t'R
ween.„ more.
she shaving passel between the Mie
began and the shore, end then. when
the mistake was discovered.. having
changed her eouree In the hope of
clearing the rocks, thug mlracnlusly
escaping the manacles."
Mrs. Batchelor, a Meter of I:lilted
States Senator Vest, of Missouri, who
embarked at Cherbourg, @a(�ye the
weather was wet and nasty when
they left port. She retired early,
and at about 1, o'clock was awaken-
ed by n tretnendiotle crash, which at
first warned to arise from the ma-
chinery. Tben everything became en
quiet that she del not Wave her berth.
Soon afterwards, however, elm was
amused by a steward, who urged
the passengers to dress and go on
deck immediately. Mrs. Batchelor
hurried above and found hundreds of
half-dressed passengers there before
her. The officers were busily en-
gaged( In preparing the boats for
leaned an(1calming the passengers,
though •ee was eomparatvely lit-
tle excitement, as it was evident
that the ship was not winking, and
at daybreak all were aeenred by
glimpses of the shore. Mrs. Batchelor
saki that some of the passengers as-
serted that they heard Capt. Watkins
"I am unahia.tu understand tow
thishappened." There was no fog
when Mrs. Batchelor went on deck,
but only n misty rain. The what
trouble, she says, arose in traneter-
rIng the passengers lis small boats to
the tugs. "The officers and' tete,"
she observed, "worked eked Trojans'
In getting the old people and chil-
dren off, and they certainly deserve
groat praise."
Coverack, May 21.t -The efforts to
float the Paris at high tide were un-
snccetmfnl, and the vessel remains in
.boat the same position on the reef,
with deep water on both sides. Renew-
ed efforts will be made at the neat
fide to get few oft.
Otte of the eeoastgnkrdamen at Cov-
ereck has made the following state-
ment to a eorreepondent of the Aeeo-
dated Press: "It was 1.21 a.m. to -day
when f disoovered the lights of
$termer close Inland, just over the
wreck of the Mohegan. i Immediately
fired a rocket, which was rewpnnded
to in a taw moments by the sinal
gun of the Perla CAME Jeffers at the
onset guards eummbmrd his men and
manned the life -bast. Unlike the cas
of the Mohawks the Pars could be
easily aeon. 'Ilia rooked appetite&
was prepared and the first shot dis-
charged. It failed to reach the vee.el,
but the second fall soros her boats
uud was quickly fastened. In the
meantime the Port Huuatook lifeboat
and the Falmouth tugs responded.
'Phare was a heavy ground swell run-
ning, with a southwesterly breath, and
very hast. Oa reaching the Paris
Chief Jeffers found Captain Watkins
maintaining the best discipline. There
were no signs of panic. The women and
children were being collected to-
gether, and the prompt arrival of the
tug", facilitated debarkation."
Plymouth, May "1.-7tte Admiralty
has sent several fast tloveruutent
vessels from Davaoport to aaslet tete
Purls, which, it is reported. will
probably be u total wreck. Amatg
the vessel, emit to the assistance of
tete etresnded steeaaler 1s u gunboat.
and Admiral Edmund Hubert F'reuuan-
tle, commander-in-oltlef at Ply-
mouth, leas ordered a number of tor
pexin dostrt sura W lurid •theteselres
tr readlnes. to 'mooted W the eeeue
of the wreck at 0 moment's notice.
New York, May 21. -At the office
of 'the American Line, on Bowling
Orem, this- aftel'11110n =l"q,,:. -Metal
Vice -President. J. A. Wright. made
public all cablegrams . bearing on
the disaster to the Paris as soon
ail they ..were received. From taw.,
cables received Mr. Wright dpok . A
very bopeful view of the affair. He
said that t:haptain Watkins' cable
seemed W indicate that the steam-
er war not greatly damaged. Durleg
the day there were only two inquir-
lee made at the office for pitmen -
germ on the Puri. The New York.
of We Amerlcna line. will take the
place of the Paris. stilling from here
a week from Wednesday.
Coverer, Cornwall, May 22. -The
cargo of the steamer Paris is being
rapidly discharged from the two for-
ward hatches.
It is high water in this vicinity at 4
o'clock this afternoon, but it isnot yet
settled whether an attempt will be
made to float the steamer.
Falmouth, Cornwall, May t2. -The
North German Lloyds steamer Bre-
men, which left Southampton on Sat-
urday, arrived here this morning un-
der instruction to embark for New
York the saloon passengers of the
Paris, which is ashore near Coverac.
But the passengers were not ready
to prooeeq, on their voyage, most of
et% sjejlf •afferink from shock, so
the Bremen continued on her passage.
Quite a`flest of excursion steamers
is taking holiday seeker, from this
port and Plymouth to the wreck.
Many p(letpngm-l
eta. at the Pertehok
ilia train for Southampton this morn -
(.eanYLlo_ d steamer )} LserlW1T-
erman 'Lloyd Kaiser WE:
helm Der Grosse, which is scheduled
to sail'from Bremen for New York on
May 23rd, touching at Southampton
on the following day.
Are Said to Have Only 7,000
, Manila, May 22, 8.18 p. m. -In spite
of the presence of th- Filipino Com-
misdonere in Manllt, the military
operations continue with uuabated
vigor. Reports received ' from per-
totu who have arrive 1 from the in-
terlor show that no troops are left
in the northern provinee4. They were
all drafted( south after the outbreak
of war. The village. on the weft
eotst etre almost deserted(, and the
Ildx•nno4 especially are deslroue of
}ceiling the Americans, if only for th e
purpose of crushing the Tagalog..
Many natives of Binguet and Il000s
said that If the Americans had not
arrived civil war would necessarily
have teemed, owing to the friction
between the Tagalogs and the in-
habitants of other pr•ovince4.
It M added that the only Filipino
troops now left are ,seven thouwo:d
men under Oen. Lunge, at Tarlac. aid
about four thousand undd•r (;en. Pio
Del Pllar. Even them- are demoralized
and short of erns and supplies. Many
pf their rifles are dhmMrd and the
Filipinos are unable to repair there,
owing to the leek of mechanics red
materials for esu dloing.
A cnasthng steamer which line ar-
rived here reports that the Spanish
garrison at Zamboanga, island of Min-
danao, le holding the rebels In niuch
the theme mluhner as the American,'
hell them while they were In the vi-
cinity of Manila. Every night the
Spnninrols are collected to an eike-
fhisiketimmeet lethhe reeve >1 nm
relieved they will be redtreiecTTO the
condition of tee Steinke!' garrison at
Iloilo, juin previous to Its evacuation
of that place.
Terrible Dlsoorsry at the Mouth of an
Australian River.
Vancouver, May 19.-1t. y1. u. Mlo-
wera arrived to -day from Sydney,
N. S. W., Brisbane, Queensland, Suva,
FIJI and Honolu. In advtceiir re-
ceived from Melbourne It In stated
that n dreadful fatality was
brought to light by the discovery
of the topmast of the yacht Queenle
In water off the entrenee to the
Worrible River. The Queenle left
Queen's Cliffe for Geelong. She was
sailed by - her owner, John Clark,
Manager of the Melbourne Steam-
ship Company's works fit Wllliame-
town. He was accompanied by hie
four sone, the eldest agent 22 and
the yopngestt 12 years, and also by
a youth named Reginald Johnston,
twin of J. B. Johnston. Secretary of
the Victoria Railway Service MunI-
ripel Aesoclatlon, and a man named
Michael Allen, re.Nent of Williams-
town. All were drowned.
S ed Death of a Montreal Traveller at
Winnipeg, May 21.--Ooron E. Drum-
mond, traveller for Peck & Co. Mont-
real, Med to -day from the effects of
Injuries sustained while on n trip In
the monntatne Several wneke ago. De.
Nem! was engaged to wed a young
lady of We city. She left for the
nmuntalns e , hearing. of the accident,
and returned here with Mr. Drum-
mond on Thursday. At his request
they were married before the Journey
was began '
An Arlstoeeato Divorce Oath
London, May 18. --in the dlvnrce di.
vtekon of the High Court of Jus-
tice to -day, the -light Hon. air
Frame* Mowry lesser President alt
the Probate. Dtrorea and Actmtr'alty
dlvf htdxh, granted a Meow* to Mr.
John Bendel! bash, because of the
adultery of els wine, Lady ROMP Leigh,
a daeghter of alae Martinis of Aber-
gavemny, with the young Earl M
Cottenham. Tb. PROP soothed great
Internet. ovwiag M the arfetneretle
eenneetlnns of the two famine'.
Admiral Dewey cable" the Navy
Department that he has mallet with
rithiretympteedope Ma$Ila to Hoeg
Clll A(U' BOYS'
They Longed for Something
Both Were Tonged in the Air and
Badly Injured,
fjk- TE
The C.5. Commissioners Submit tattle
Filipino Commissioners a Plan of
Qveg*pt._y. Yom FYotortw and
PourtNn Dq"sllings to Brooklyn
Dhstroysd by Y1re.
Ohicatge May 22.-Euglewee d Mad
n rani bull flgbt Sunday, and the
Matadors. two boys. Willie Iteinlg
Mid George Jessup, narrowly ets-14p-
ed with their liver. For •tome time
the two boys have been reading
literature telling of spielstn lull
fights, and they concluded they
wanted to be matadors and receive
the plaudit*, of their friends. Rein -
1g'1' father s the owner of a big
bull with (*bort horns, capped with
brass knobs. - The bull Is kept in a
pasture near 70th and Wood streets.
Saturday Relate and Jessup met by
appointment and laid their plana for
the bull fight. Twenty of their
boy friends were told the contest
would take place on Sunday.
Prpmptly the invited guests and the
prinelpais put In an appearance et
the; pasture where the fight was to
take place. Relutg wax armed with
an old @word. while Jessup had man-
ufactured a sword out of un old
oorn knife. With theme the boys
to vanquish the bull.
Re ig luartng the heart weapon,
claimed the right W the first tilt
with the. beast. At a given sig-
nal from Henry Nelson, one of the
boys, who was to act as referee,
Reinlg advanced into the field, doffed
Isi hat and started to worry the bull.
Re had guile but a. little -cast --when
�Jtuhe anlmnl charged upon him. He
7!M'spul abets, est., with
u Pmale tla into the
rite of the animal, and, with a roar.
it termed and 'dashed back upon the
buy matador. The onslaught was too
meth for Relnlg's prowess, and he
was- pecked up on the horns of the
animal and torsed high into the air.
When hP came down Iw landed in a
comer 1st the fence, more dead than
alive. lila shoulder blade was broken
and one of the horns land gouged it
lick- in his arm.
Jessup saw the predicament of his
eompanio n and ran to assist him. The
Mill met his onslaught with lowered
!dead, and before the boy had time to
realize what had happened he too was
tossed liglrover the fence and into a
ditch. . The boys who hall come to
w,tness the flicht ran screaming down
the road. A doctor who examined the
lays .did the boys' injuries were seri-
ous, but not necesearlly fatal.
Manila, May 22, 3,30 p. m. -The C.
S. Philippine's Commiirion has rub-
ubmitte1 to the FII)pluo Commieloners
a draft of the form of goverhment
aha Pre,ldent is prepared to establlrb.
According W tide plan a Governor-
General will be appointed for the is-
land by the President. all will abo
be a Cabinet, and later an Adviory
Council will be elected by the people.
Manila. May 22. -Prof. Schurman'e
proposition was: "While the final
decLslon aw to the form of government
10 in the hands of Congress. the Pre
sldleut, under his military powers,
pending the action of Congress, startle
ready W offer the following form of
government: A liovernmeet to be
appointed by the President, a Cabi-
net to be appointed by the Governor-
General, all the .fudges to be -ap-
pointed by the l'r•esidlent, the heads
of departahenty and Judge. W be
either Americans or Fttipinos, or both,
and alio a general Advisory Council,
Its members to be chosen by the peo-
ple by a form of suffrage to be here-
after carefully determined upon.
'"The Precedent earnee tly desires
that blordiRM cease and that the
people of the I'hilippindet at an early
date, .enjoy the largest measure of
salt -hero ..-smart. compatible with
'gWfloe and order."
The U. S. Comu1I1on prepared the
scheme, and the Iheesident cabled his
approval of the form of document.
New York, May 22.-A block of build-
ings at Manhattan avenue and Engle
street, Orenpolht. Brooklyn, burned
early today, causing $800,000 lose.
The buildings destroyed included four
factories and 14 dwellings. Several
firemen are std to have been injured
A (hundred families in a row of two -
dory wocden buildings were turned
out of hotiseAPd (home ill their night-
clerthre. There were no merlons casu-
altle•s, -though (.le hook and Rudder
man wee Indly cut by llyhig Blaw and
overcome by smoke.
Seattle, May 22.-lionolnlu ,advices
say : 4. horrible crime occurred at
Waimea on May 2nd. The wife of a
ranelhmnn killed tier little stepdaugh-
ter by hrutnlly beating her with a
heavy mink. The crime was witnessed
by it youngster, wlio went to a neigh-
!me's house, and told the story. So
enraged was the woman of the house
on hearing of the crime that she
rushed to the other woman's, cabin,
bent on p iin)shing the step -mother. She
(lid not attack the murder.hu, but,
dashtng through the door, caught up
the woman's own child. also a little
girl, and threw the little one heard
fleet ngnlnet the wall, breaking her
neck. The two w(xnen moon VAMP tr
realise the enormity of their crimes,
and buried the children together. They
swore this other child to Mcrrcy, hat
It was told to other neighbors, and
the women were 'arrested.
Bloomfield, Ind., May 22. -Dr. (fray
was lest night found guilty of mur-
dering Mrs. Melissa Skinner amino
tented to life imprisonment. The nhur.
der Map earthiest/arty etroolcu. The
verdict i0 1$1410nnoted as Intef(IeMnt
and threats of lynching have been
New tat, Mer 22.---A Illavaha (1M
IN di Aria : Qell. noises
aaLd lis manifest, that 1f the n,;.
caseate required lie wank' go to
Washington and plead for the wet
fe u; Cube Oswpodee mall to -night
ht Gorses areal! sew Prettied
n y If a(mhething was not ante
Immediately. ('e>wperles in going to
Aeerioa on Thursday see pereoeni bawt
nese and Oornet may *mmMnpany him.
Wilmington. Del., May 22. -Fif-
teen men were entloly whipped in
tills New (Setts jell yard on-'-tetter-
day. t;,he ekwa of the number also
Mood one hour W the pillory. '11tls
W the greatest number of whlpplugs
on one day for many years. About
100 rpeotatore were hreeent, luclud
Ing officials of Pen.Iylvanta penal
institutions and uyuurrous womeu.
attracted out of curkarlty. The
culprits whipped Mood at the post.
with bared beobr, while Sheriff Tay-
lor plied the cat 'o nine -tall.. It
Wok just 28 minute' to flog all. The
prisoners' backs were streaked with
welts where the rawhide thougs
struck. No Wood was drawn.
A Third Great Fire Does
$1,000,000 Damage.
Victoria. B. C., May 21 -An extra
of the Skaguay Alaskan received by
the Tees at midnight contains the fol -
ug bidef nefor-LfremletTlinelletniett
to Skaguay Just previous to the sail-
ing of the steamer :
"Another disastrous fire visited Daw-
son tlty, tide thee f Busty 1►ftliole heti
the entire Walnuts centre a the town,
creating losses that will aggregate
$1.000.000, with not a donne''' worth
of Insurance on any of the great loaves.
The news was telegraphed over the
wires from Bennett this afternoon by
the special correspondent of the Dally
Alaskan. who recalvet it from a man
named Tokales, who had just reached
Bennett from a long nail perilous trip
out from Dawson over broken trails.
open rivers and dangerous lakes.
Mr. Tokales reports that the fire
occurred on April 21st In the very
heart of the, business centre of the
city. comntencing near the Opera
House. on the water front. and spread -
Ing with unusual rapidity. driven
by a strong wind, destroying
everything in Its way on that
street down W and Including
Donohue and Smith's establishrnent,
nod taking in all of the water front
building,' abreast of the same blocks.
In other,worde, the fire crossed( the
street, burned through and spread
ore ``eebnd street, covering the
clp bushiest porton of Dawson.
leaving it all In ashei, with the fire-
men helpless and powerless W do any-
thing. The fire consumed everything
from Timmins' Royal Cafe down to
and oppoolte the F'Atrvlew Hotel.
'The -fire yeas, -ihe--eseM'dirarterowe
that has ever visited Dawson. Every.
buUdlug Learned like tlAdedue to the
fact that they have been Midaftit'T ry
nearly two years, anal the jogs are as
dry ay powder. The fire spread with
such rapidity that the citlzeru ap-
peared panic-stricken and unable to
save anything 1n the way of furni-
ture, goods and clothing. eti that the
looser when footed up meanies to be
even greater than tit first estimated.
"Among the most. prominent firms
burned out were the iGoyal Cote, Ike-
nohue & Smith, McLellan 4k McFeely.
Parsons' Produce Company. Aurora
Saloon, Bodega Saloon, Madden House,
Hotel Victoria. McDonald block, Yank
of Britbh North America and worse;
of similar firms and .business houeies.
"This fire came at a time when the
mills and dealer. In building materl-
tali had exheu.ted their winter's sup-
plies and were waiting the opening of
nevigatlon to reptenleh their stochs.
The results are that there L a famine
In all kinds of building material and
furniture, such as Barbee, doors, locks.
hinges. etc. The few articles et111 re-
maining outaile of the burned dis-
trict have quadrupled In prices. Doors
are telling for $35 each. doer locks $8
each and everything else in propor-
tion. The town Is paralysed, because
nothing can be done until the opening
of navigation, which will ,not be for
several weeks. The first boat going
down with building material will reap
a rich harvest."
Vancouver, B. C., May 21.- The
Bank of British North America was
one of the chief sufferers In a great
fire whlch destroyed the buslnesecen-
tre of Dawson pity. Wm. (lod(rey,
manager here, says the doss on the
bank Is about $5,000. Vancouver
flrme were among the losers. Parsons'
Produce Company and McLellan and
McFeeiey had only recently stocked
their stores, and the, fear their
low will be large.
L. 8. Hames, who brought special
despatches to the bank from Dawson,
left Klondike on April 28th. He will
return Wednesday. He says that at
one time the fire threatened to de-
stroy every building In the city. A
strong wind from the south swept
across the Yukon River and fanned
the flames so v that the
water -front build rigs and those be-
hind were burned with appaliing ra-
pldity, Luckily, the wind shifted to
northeast, and thus the conflagra-
tion was not so terrible as first ap-
pearances indicated.' However, the
flames reached back as far as Sec-
ond street, and did tremendous dam-
This Is Dawson's third serious bap-
tism by fire, and It le feared that
butanes will be greatly affected un-
til navigation of the Yukon fully
open', up, which will not be for some
weeks. Already some things have
gone up to the starvation prices which
rented in the memorable year when
the first rush took place.
$TOele De THIO o0111PIN•
O'Toole Carried*. Heavy Lits Insurance
-And Died?
Fort Scott, Kan., May 20. -Tho
State authorities here have been noel
fled by the Texas officers that the
grave in which Thomas O'Toole, the
Fort Scott man who was reported( to
have died In Texas last month, was
enppoeed to have been buried(, had
been opened, and that It had been
found to contain nothing but donee
wrapped 1n a blanket.
O'Toole carried $8,100 life Insur
ance In the Modern Woodmen, the
Royal Neighbors. and the Woo -1m ,n .1
the World. A warrant chsrging at
tempted trend bat been sworn out
for O'llbo1A'b arrest.
Party of 1.108 11z; Matra: on the
Halifax, N. (S., May 21. -The Hnhn-
hurg-American steamer Phoenicia ar-
rived this afternoon from Hamburg
with 1,808 Oaliclans In the h.teernge
and 82 salute pnsetehgers. One death
and two blrthe concurred on the voy-
age, which was characterized by
entente weather till too -day, when .1...
ennountered a strong snathetaat gale
and heavy sea.
The Aailntarw will land here, and
Ara. hooked for Wine Tim erihnn
will pt(e(serd as New Tort,
-sae Mesmer sells of norm tomorrow.
Lost on Alaskan eolith
Seattle, Weide, May 20. -News of
the wreck of an nnnamed elnop In
one of the dangemne. Intend passe
between the Iwltypd and nminiand M
Snertheawtern Alaska Is reported b
an stv
officer of the amshlp by
Thaw who are eepppnee4 to have per
Weed are : Rlannh. Lemore, aP-
tlram. Nan Francisco ; ike Wynn,
fib�►a; Fred Kam, Juneau.
Fireman Killed and Brakes -
man Severely Scalded.
Lindsay, Out., May 21. -:(lace the
opening of navigation the rush of
grata over the Midland dlrlslou of
the Brand Trunk Ratters/ .'dash
Midland has been steadily lnoreasiug,
until it became necessary W ruu
through freight traitor at all hours
of the day told night, and sometimes
011 Sunddayr, frdsu Midland W Belle-
ville, laden with all 'dude of graln.
These trains are usually double-
jlt sign. two Blighter. and from 30
to 40 cars. Hnturlay morning
about 10 o'clock. while a heavily
laden train of thee description. call-
ed Llthgow's special, was 011 Its way
from Midland W the east. and run-
ning et the uewsl rate of speed. a
cow war struck tut u crossing on
whet ter ca{tent_ -tie-i+leeeAeas.d
two mllee north of Lindsay. db.li
engines were thrown from the
track; me fell on IW side, wall°
the otis r, kept In an upright posl-
tlea Car it ter-el!'p piled up on the
wreck, std tw degtyyr,5Jult tot
roll -
lag stock waw very great. Trucks,
wheels and boxes were thrown in all
direetlonr, and the content,. of We
curs. oorn and wheat, "Were strewn
.knee deep all over the track and
into the adjacent fields.
The fireman Of the first engine, John
Dudley, was almost Inetautly -killed,
his body presenting a terrible (specta-
cle. being scalded In a shocking man-
ner. Ilarry Zealand, a brakermau, was
also severely scalded, and had lumen"'
broken. He is now In Lindsay under
metl'cal treatment. The two drivers.
Messrs. Wm. Maybee, of Midland. and
Dan McMillan, of Lindsay. and Fire-
man Yates ',leaped tihlnjured, as did
the remaining members of -double
Immedia el
t yon re of the news
M •thanle al 80 1
r fit dent ytorer of
Lindsay, proceeded to the scene of the
wreck with hie auxiliary. At 3 p.m.
the auxiliary and crew from Allendale
arrived on the toeue with Superintend-
ent Tiffin and Rdadmtt.ster Cheer on
board. The two crews, one working at
either end of the wreck, had every-
thing cleared( by to -day. While one
crew cleared tete tracts and stripped
the engines the other 1111es1 iags with
the corn and wheat, saving as much
41reche body of Fireman Dudley was
rates thawa,,dhe n' * e:
badly teslded BrakesmuZealand. The
Iettee Ie expected to pull through all
right with care. Immense crowds of
townspeople walked out to the fateful
The lose will exceed $50,000.
Disaster in the Shaft of the
War Eagle.
Remised. 'B. C., May 21. -At 10.80
yesterday morning a terrible acci-
dent occurred In the main shaft of
the War Eagle mine, whereby four
mea lost their lives. The dead are :
Schofield, W. P., ate Oakville mean,
and an Upper Canada College boy.
Palmer, Jamey 0., New Brunswick.
Neville, Thos. A., New Brunswick.
'Honeyford, H. A.
At the hour stated Mike Cook, Scho-
field, Honeyford, Palmer and Neville
entered the alp at the 250 -foot
level. The engineer In charge. Robt.
Hall, started Ute machinery, but the
teat holding the matt bolt on the
starting lever. in some way not yet
ashcertained, worked off, and the
bolt fell out, throwing Hall on his
hack. Control esus thus lost on the
loiet, and It dashed down to the foot
of the shaft, 850 feet.
When the rescuing party climbed
clown they found Honeyford. Palmer
and Neville quite dead, and smashed
almost beyond recognition. Cook and
Schofield, the latter very badly and
the former only 'lightly hurt. were
taken out of the !nine by the Iron
Mask tunnel and conveyed to the
Hastert' Hospital.
Schofield died to -day at 1 O'clock
from This injuries. Mike Cook, however,
has almost recovered. He. strange to
eay. was not hurt at all. and only
received it never. shock and shaking
up. He was able to give an account
of the terrible trip down the shaft,
and will be able to leave the hospital
In a day or so.
Superintendent Hastings sedifto-day
that the five men were a the
p'ck of the mine, and were all fine
fellows and good workers. Cook was
an International Scotland -England
football player. All the men were un-
married. Schofield was sent here re-
cently by T. G. Blackstock. and pot
to work.
Inspector McGregor 1s now on hie
hay here, arf0 a thorough Inveetlgn-
tlon will be held.
Seven men have lost their lives in
Roseland camp %Ni,de a month. It is
proposed to give the unfortunate men
a public funeral to -morrow. The ds -
aster Inas meet buslness and created a
profound Impr...don In the camp.
The War Eagle closed down, but will
start np again on Monday.
Lady Buckley's niece s Bald to be
employed as a lady's maid in New
King Humbert has approved the
selection of Cabinet Minleters by (len.
Psl lout.
A plant for the Qdmetractiou of steel ,
freight cats will bet ewtiblished at
A coroner's Jury dads that 1 the
Earl of Strafford met death by mis-
The Atheneum found $28,000 in a
safe at Malokm after the evacuatfep
of the town.
Srome 120 unarmed villagers were
1teseacred by a Formosan head hunt-
ing party near Taiko.
Dewey has obtained permission to
shwa -home, and may vend the 4th
of July in Washingtsnh.
Desertions are occurring a)mloat
daily teem the 1st Letnoeeter Regi -
G iant, slatlosed at dtiilNlfax.
It la said that about 20,000,000
bushels of grain Is held at Duluth on
account of the Buffalo strike.
Samuel Slmpeon, of the township of
West Hawkesbury, is dead He was be -
tweet' 103 and 110 yeard of age.
London ridicules the Idea that any-
thing has occurred to mar the pro-
oeedinge of the Joint Commission.
France le preparing to give Mar-
arohand an enthuntaw'tic reception on hs
return from his African adventure.
Secretary Long, of the United
States Navy. bas given out the re-
port of the Samoan disturbances.
A great fire has destroyed 200
hotaes, Ltcjuding the principal edifices.
In (lure Homora, Bukowina, Austria.
The body found at Colchester has
been Identified by papers found upon
if as 'that of Them Warner, of Cleve -
la nd.
Three thousand l'urle postmen are
an strike, and soldiers and policemen
are Impressed for delivery of mall
The builders', laborers end brick-
layers' strike. Toxonto, has been set-
eetied. The men voted the arbitrators
$25 emelt.
Sir Michael Incite -Beach hes agreed
to reduce the proposed tax on. colonial
light winos to an additional three
A party of Japanese officials are
n ow In Chicago They will vsit Bri-
tain also, and investigate shipyards
and warship building.
All meat exported from New Zeal-
and will be Inspected• -and stamped
by veterinary surgeons In the em-
ploy of the Government.
The British sarvey ship- Ygeria has
arrived at Vancouver, and is provis-
ioning for an Immediate start In sur-
veying the 1'adiic cable route.
The Brotherhood of Railway Train-
men re-elected Grand Master Mor-
rissey and other officers and 'elect-
ed Milwaukee as the next meeting - .
Rudolf Rime the banker whose
flight from Berlin with two hunched
thousand marks In April caused a sen-
sation there, and who was arrested at
Letpsic with his medium, has oom-
mleted suicide by taking poison.
The liquidator of Mr. James Bud -
dar't's Canadian -Australian Steamship
Company offers for sale by tender as
a going concern the steamships Mfr
were, _Warrimoo and Aorangl. and all
the briefness geed -will and property of
the company. a
Oliver Stephen, an oye
employee of the
Royal Electric Company at Chambly,
received a current of 6,000 volts
through his body and was Instantly
Madame Patel makes her first ap-
pearance since her marriage at the
Queen's Hail on Thursday. She le
arranging for an American tour next
The wonted yarn trust, to be
known as the United States Worst-
ed Yarn Company, with a -capital of
$50,000,000, le practically an SS'
eared fact,
The strlkhng carpenters of Winni-
peg will net agree to the maximum
wage of 80 cents an hour. and the
bricklayers may go out In sympa-
thy with them.
It is probable that Mr. Chamberlain
will induce the British Government
to accede to the Canadian and Aus-
tralian propositions with retard to
the Pacific cable. -
A private letter /ION a preset now.
kis lious Intimates - that Arcbteat ep
Brub3iee will psWluhly be ohoera
cardinal, to succeed obie lath -Cardinal
Ttesohereaah, of Quebec. •
The ('laanficaton Committee of the
Freight Agents' Association met at
Montreal for the purpose of straight-
ening cit some classification buslneee
In connection with the coming sem-
mer's trade.
Rev. Edward Everett Hale, then
whom here Is no better known cler-
gyman to the Stateel has
the ptorate of the Solent]
esra a.
tiottal Thatch, Boston, after a service
of 48 yearn. 1
Mr. It, Clarke Itoberbe n, of Hono-
lulu, formerly of Vankleek Hill, who
was married at Russell, Man., missed
the rsgalar train out, and chartered
a special far the trip of 200 miles from
Winnipeg and return. In order that
the wedding tlronld not be postponed.
A thosand Gabe -fans are on the way
to Canada on the 8. 8. Pimento's. e.nd
another thoautndl eat one the puled of
sailing. The tate of European . $ra-
tton seaem turned( strongly towards
the Dominion ; In fent mouse atethor-
ittes profane to think than It wee
prove embarrvassngle large.
The Laidlaw -Watson strike at Lon-
don, involving sixty men, women and
girls, has been satisfactorily settled.
Mr. Atchison, President of the com-
pany, came down from Goderioh, and
after some parleying and mut1al con-
cessions an agreement was reached.
The old bands resume work at once;
A London despatch says that
many developments have occurred
which animates* the friends of Mrs.
Florence Maybrlek In their struggle
for her release from prison. With
much difficulty they have succeeded
In bringleg the foots in the ogee to
the nettles of Queen Victoria her-
self, and It Is believed that she is now
disposed to grant a pardon.
Remit of aTrial at the Spring Awfsw at
Toronto, May 20.-Inapector Rogers,
of the Ontario Criminal Investigation
Department, has been up in Brate-
bridge this week in connection with
the ease against Joseph J. Vipond,
of Bsysville, who was charged with
assault on his adopted daughter, Eva
Vipond. The offence was committed on
the night of December 31st, 1897, and
was of a very dastardly nature. Vi-
pond was arrested in August of last.
Fear, and came up before Mr. Justice
erguson at the Bracsbridge Assizes
Chid week. The evidence against him
was very clear, and he was sentenced
to ten years in tbs penitentiary.
The girl, who is fifteen years of
age, ha■ always been supposed to be
VIpond's own daughter, but Mr. Rog-
ers during his investigations found
that she was not really so, but had
been adopted by Vipond when only
three or four years old, in this city.
Mrs. Vipond is now in an asylum, and
the young girl was until recent) and
tinter Vtpotters s1 Mt it ail I' teary
is Rt. Mary's street, Toronto. During
the trial evidence was given which
•bowed that Vipond had arced his
own son to take the responsibility for
the crime, and had written to the girl
asking her to swear that the offender
was a young man whom mho did not
The founder of the honthle which
Keiser Wilhelm belongs wan Ws Comet
of Zollern. Thaaealosl by nate who
Rained his title 1n the 800. Lifter the
name was lengthened by the addition
of ' Bohm. meaning wow.
OHtler Miaow to Answer Questleas N
the /swages.
terve?, Qrle.. May 20. -T1s Inquest
Lots the death of Adele Pebgoln, who
was murdered by her husband. Cuth-
bert Olivier, was opened last night.
The aecuse.1 was pranent, clean
shaven and looking very pale.
He admitted that hie name was
Cuthbert 011vter, net declined to *n-
ever when tusked whether he knew
that the holy of tee murdered wo-
man, which waw In the seem In a
e»ffln. waw that at lila wife. or
whether he balm that his
been mjrdeael Finally the ot
meat was adjourned until to night.