HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-25, Page 61
" Janie came out to the care of ber 1 field of fancy, as 1 have scarcely ever
sister, her nearest relation," was the looked into a work of fiction lu my
.juts reply. life- I imagined novels, particularly
" And you have come out to your I modern over. were such rubgYh. and
relatioar, Mime Anstruther ; to frleuds
who have but nue 'wish, to see you
happy and comfortable, aud who
would uever dram of. Imputing such
motives to an Action whtob
" Did you not dream of lir' she re-
eu 1 see mem they are, Yet, on a hot
day, aro when there is nothing else
to do, it Is very pleasant to .it still,
faeuing Janie and listening to Mar-
garet's mellow voice as she rads thein
to us. We are engaged upon the New -
torte"; * fly, car she turned her glow tamer at prepent. 1 lilt that poor
Ino glance upon me. " What•was the
cirri! Clive, with such a 1111e fool ae
queatiou you put to Janie the second Rosy- for a wife, and especially when
evening after my arrival '11 rhe lie might have had a girl like Ethel
doesn't want tb get married, what Newcume. I didn't care a gain about
Is she here'for 7' 1 ought not to have the story at tlr.t, but I feel quite
heard It, perhaps, but you spoke moo
interested In it now, and anZlous to
loudly that it was Impossible to avoid know if he gete rid of 1tos7 by any
Wing so. And do you think I didn't means, so that he may marry the
Iq)l it C. other. 1 think It will be very hard
BU• *poke so decidedly. and yet so #nesHtoe-doesn't Margaret laughs
mournfully. her eyes flashed with
at we• and says 1 am a bloodthirsty
each proud, indignant fire, whilst monster, and that Clive should be
her figure seamed bowed beneath the made to abide by the consequences; of
weight of her huwilletias, that lead Ihjpi jolly; and see, I simony, by rights
' nothing ee ay for myiell.:.,ARd haw- Ilio ehoafd
1 attempted some stammering re- n fiat a gentle laugh she line, and
which ended very abruptly, how pleasant it is to see her blush
Lound that she was ,peaking again, curd smile! I ran understand now
though more to herself thnni me, and what Janie menus by cnlllog her cum -
felt myself constrained to be 'silent plcziun creamy ; 11. it so smooth and
and attend. equable, not easily flushed, but at the
" saw it frehh the day I "au' time not liable to become florid
le", sag and irritable -looking, which le so often
landbd,, she went on,
percel -ed in Mrs. Grant's inslnua• the case with fair skins , We have
tions. and the remarks of her lady had 51,10* very quiet, pace -
friends, that I was ruppp ed to have til days together. 1 have faithfully
been sent -oat to India Stith but one kept the compact t made her to be
object -to get a husband; and It her friend. and I think she apprecl-
obj erred me. But swben I came a� my wish to give her pleasure. We
sicheron she added, to a lower voice, have had no parties since she express-
" 1 hoped it would be different ; I tdi a contrary desire, and I have even
hoped that you and Jane, being so Udd Fureter--who is cher-fly most
lately married, would look. on*love u►rundly spoon, on her -that she
and marriage la a holier light -as by
not favor his aunt -ns I can see
something too far, removed from be her ymmuster towardt celmthud o that
earthly calculations to be made the h0 oally must not come to the house
subject of mere speculation •r con- so often. He says,"Why by not let him
♦oppose*." try his lack i" tot -i am firm In mnt-
ing him understand that trial would
"1t Is 1 who should have said thole only end In disappointment for himself.
• words, Captain Merton. You (leap- He grumbles ; so do several oilers
�otrn0ed imp sn t ttavc disappointed but my wife's state of lceallb is sat -
you. Yoe raised ig me a demon of a flcient excuse for our not entertain -
temper, . which • I should have ;beep Ing at pi **alit. I Loki Margaret of
__ashamed to manifest, which I am what I had said to Forster relative
-nose most heartily ashamed even to to her not liking his attentions, and
recall. And you have been very pa- site blushed so crimson that I stopped
tient with me, very good and very' in alarm to ask If I had done wrong ;
-ge tI iwaaly—dense ferghs--se•-ae- but she aiwr'ed-m('tO "tllw eontrary."
your turn." and that she (oat not like the man.
And she placed ser hand firmly and I have not had a good opportunity
v.,.'�se��-��p0g into y�Ige. +" " "111" , p"-. ,.: t..
"`•'Yin are �iin` liin.%e"'T- ettimmere�;�°a
confused beyond measure at thishra• loaner attachment of which I nm
pfd change of manner le my guest. suwl'tciuus ; telt 1 fancy 1 tee alga' el
I spoke tboughtlemely ; -but 1 see it nlmopt every day : also that the
that 1 mge
isjudd ou. only,tett me has somehow gummed at. my inten-
now what you wish to be done, and I tows, for I am sure she has avoided
will execute It to the -letter." Wing alone with me lately. Notwith-
"I don't deserve that Lou should fmhnil'ng alt Which Wdtkre very -happy.
do anytbtog,--Ca radii -Norton: but leaf b tonne 1e very-- different from
hate me for a rude'and sulky wretch; what I expected her to be. she has
but 1 am so heartily sorry to have not been in a temper once since we
annoyed yoc." arrived at that mutual understand -
"Let us forget all that," I reepond- Ins.
ed, earnestly. "the annoyance - Was July 1st. -Talk of the old gentle -
mutual. and I waa•the most to blame. man, they ay, and he ls sure to cap
Only tell me what to do In future, leer. i ihope I did not raise the slum-
s Margaret -I may .call you Margaret. twering demon In Miss Anstruther's
may I not, since we are. moans 7- breast by my innocent remark of Inst
In order to make you happy. and then night ; but she has certainly given us
I shall feel than 1 am quite forgliren." a peep of him since.
"Treat me as a human bein she I was slitting in my own room title
m i for sale. Hetet your brother 1 heard
officers to the hohse on my account. tongums in the compound. and Janle s
nor thrust me forward for their con- frightened voice. In tones of agitation.
temptation in'tny way. Look on me entreating me to go to her aseletance.
as what I am, a creatute who may I ran. of course. to find that the cause
• stand alone All her life and be con-,_ of ,Ler alarm was n loud altercation
tented so to Mend; to whom mar going on between Mine Anstrutifer and
rlage Is but a chance by the future; some natives In the back vera$da.
so great a °haoce, Indeed. andso ua. " 011. do go to them, Hobert dear !"
desired a certtlnty that she does not Janie plaintively exclaimed; "Lionge
even care to eontempla-'te it neartf ii -so army; and t caret think what
to whom her friends. If they will be for."
her true and honest friends, are more I dashed upon the scene of action.
valuable than a score of admirers." and took In the circumstances at a
"Whatever I have been. you shall glance. In the centre stood Limine -
have a true and honest friend In me a Ilonne Indeed, looking -T could not
henceforth. Margaret." Help observing It, even whilst I blamed
"That's right ; too let as look upon the exhibltlon-mast beautiful under
our difference as settled, and make the influence of her rage. Her 'lark
Janie's heart glad by the beaming face glowing with passion, her arm
tae's we take back with us And now. extended, though paweriess to eom-
let me hear your true opinion -of my. mand attention, and her lips pouring
uncle's prosect to me." forth a tortent.of generous indignant
We dlscoureed gayly on In different .words, alike uncomprehended and un -
topics till we reached home; when „lorded by those around her. By her
Janie was in-ieed made gtad (at Mar. side stood two or three servants, who
garet had predicted) by the cheerful atred at the lady's vehemence with -
conversation we maintained at the out attempting to execute her wishes;
dinner -table, and the little bit of con• whilst before her. In the compoend,
fldence I reposed In her when we Iraq a group of natives actively PM -
found ourselves alone. She was res de-
lighted ',toyed in torturing a poor pariah dog to think I ehoeld appreciate bymethods too horrible to relate, and
her dear Llonne at her true value at
last- Not that I told Janie every only heating their cruelty to ex -
word that had passed between her change significant grins and glances
cousin and myself ; for. added to Iia with one another at Llunne'e 'm -
being ,unnecessary, I a.,, of sure potent rage. But my appearance
my sslt
little girl would understand amongst them had the effect of an
Miss Anetruther's feel; electric shock twin tie herd.
dgs on the (rob "What 1s all at about 1" I de-
ject, or properly reepectagain
her pride, Melded angrily of my servants.
tfhe would mention It again to her flow dare you let smell a scene go
psobaht and In her simplicity, wish- on in my compound T"
Ing to be kind and interested, try to "Opo Robert!. Robert!" exclaimed
s t her reasons to the bottom. and R,lonne=lt is the first time In her
perhaps annoy where MP desired q to life that she has called me by my
please. Bo 1 pad said that our al quer- Christian name-" stop them; make
andrel was would n ver clone a ed with, them leave oft such horrid cruelty.
paver be renewed ; and7•
that. as her condo seemed to prefer I did' not know you were at home,
a quiet Ilse, we would Inaugurate no or I would have sent for you be -
farther dinner-par•tlea on her ac-
count, which would suit us better, I The natives had already shrunk
°unelnded, and be more .In accordance back and huddled together, whilst
with oar sash hole et living. Taal! tine unfortunate victim of their ex.
which my wife heartily agreed ; and periments stili lay panting on till,
1 feel more at charity with myself and before us.
and all mankind than d have done "011, Ibok at It! look at It! elm
tot some time past. I shall keep my cried, excitedly ; " It is In agony.; It
word with Margaret Anstruther ; Is dying! 011. you wretches! you
and extend no further encourage- Inhuman, barbarous savages!'" with
went to the bachelors who may come an expression and emphasis which
lounging about my house. It Is n must have made even her Englleh
strange taste on her part; lilt she phrases intelligible to the creatures
must be a girl In a thousand to (11e- she nddreebed ; " I should Tike to see
like admiration, and to look upon every one of you served In the same
careless" attentions as an offence way. Yon are not men, you ars
*gained the solemnity of marriage. It devil* e.
le a solemn thing, when you cense to " Llonne," I said, firmly, as i laid
think, that If you make a mistake my hand on `the 'melted girl's arm.
._Spon the subject you are in 'or It. " the fa no place for you. Leave
and nothing can pull you out again. me to deal with these men by my -
I wonder if Margaret has had an no, mow.
• requited attachment ; i should not be elle shook off my grasp Impatient -
In the least mrrprl,rri were i Loll mr ; ly, as though--ITiamtaInIng my control.
It would be quite In aecordance with but i caught her eye and rhalned It.
he grave, melnneholy expression of '• Margaret 1"
her eyes, and her dfelike to society. ' But, ('aptnln Norton "--
I must try and discover. "Go In to ,lane --yen Have fright-
right`1 - JHAPTt;R IL emit tiler enough already -and leave
Jsly EOth.-h it pon'ible that i can me by myself. d will come to yea
have let nearly a whole month 'slip by and by."
away without writing a Zine In my She caw i was In earnest, and,
filar ? i had no Idea of .11 1111 I row with a ventricle
heightened raper, ironed from
the la.t date Inscribed here; and the tam veranda and re-entered the
month 'Melt seems to have gone so Itoube' where, after having severely
swiftly, that had 11 not been for reprlmandod my servant., thrashed
thin reminder, I .hoQ1A have Imagined one, or two d the natives, and seen
It was not more than a .week eine* the tortured animal put out of its
I recoraeq my experlenoe., 1 suppose misery, f followed her. She was
1t Is the monotony of the piece which Sleeted by Janle's coach. her hand
maks. the time go coo feat. My poor
clasped In that of her ern»In, her
little Janie has not heen well during beautiful head drooping and lnwer-
thie month : the heat has been unease WM I caw that she was aahamed
ally trying, and the Iles on her sofa of what had peswed ; and so i made
lisiU the dry, swffertwg treat reserve* In refer/mot to 11, 11111_ asked say
beednehee and n general direnm)1- wife In an MAlffereht tore dm what
',ration to get up and do anything. she had (bolded to do this evening.
In this emergency her cousin She had deel4el en nothing -In fact,
hat been Invelnahle; she le contently she wished to 4o nothing. Mot to he
her wide, reading to hear, writing her left to Ile still in reprise. -Rot,
hinters, or amue.tne her withoulot con- after a while 1 proposed A "troll
SWIM tlon , indeed, f may any we ahem In the eomponne to Miss Anstruther ;
"gke duty, for, of enures, i like to and ale rune to her feet and prepay
Walt on Janie ; and the novel* which ed Ln follnw me.
ret brought ont from England 1 think i have alrsaAspoken oken of
oti her are very entertaining to lis- our eompannd, w)lleh 1. full Moreno
- to, and to me an entirely new
*Qtly dts•ted for a gentleman's
pleasure grounds ; or perhaps 1t
would be more correct to ay that
Moe guw '-'-a'a piaasers grouse% are
lncouvenlsotly eituated for the
graves, which stretch up to the
very windows of the house, and by
their luequality greatly Impede the
facility of a stroll. We stumbled
over them, and made circuits round
abuut them. Jur some time In silence,
until both that and the exercles
seemed to become oppressive ; and
by mutual oonsent, as 1t were. we
sat down together on a broad flat
stone which covers cue of them ;
and for a few momenta neither of us
spot. Then 1 Mote a glauoe at
Margaret's face, and aw that It
was still clouded and downcast ; and
1 telt a strange longing to see It
brighten up again and smile upon
I am sorry you should have been
witness to so painful and disgrace-
ful a scene, Was Anstruther," I
ventured to remark.
1 am sorry you should have been
witness to so painful and disgraceful
a scene, Captain Norton," rhe echoed
gloomily. ' Mine was the wont ex-
lilbitbn of the two ; I see It now
plainly. 011, what a wretch you
most think me! What au undlscl-
plined. paakonate, unwomanly creso
tore!" and up went her hands as
shelter to her burning face.
"Please don't call yourself names ;
I cau't subscribe to them. I think
you only what yea area generous,
warmhearted girl, indignant at the
sight of wrong, only-ncllned to be
a little too hot and haaty In exprer-
■ing your indignation. Never be
afraid of falling In my good opluton
by showing your true nature, Mar-
' But my nature be so bad, Capt.
Norton ; you cannot think how bad
It is. My temper ta so violent ; and
when it rises, 1 remember nothing
else, except that I am angry and
must show it."
"If you never display It In a worse
cause. Margaret, than you did this
afternoon, you cannot go far wrong.
It was a disgraceful and disgusting
act of cruelty."
"Oh, was It not cruel," she eagerly
exclaimed, " to torture one so utter-
ly defeaeless and unarmed? I could
look on at men, or doge. or guy crea-
tures of equal power, fighting with
each other, and applaud the victor ;
but when It comes to one against
such fearful odds, one innocent crea-
ture suffering because of Its Inno-
cence, 1 cannot bear it. Many
much sights would kill me ; I thought
I should bunt with rage-"
And yet. In this world, Margarett.
It la usually the defenceless and the
innocent who suffer."
r --"We who are strong should -alga
them," she answered. hastily.
I wouder what made her Iluk her
lettere wmt trine In that' word 'we,
And yet I feel that I am strong --he
she is. The tombswne on which we
werre sitting professes to *over the
remains of two oven who died within
a few short hours of each other. I
told her the story, as it had been re-
lated to me by one of our officers,
who has taken the trouble to decipher
the old Dutch letters upon the stone,
and asked her 11 she believed It possible
that grief could have such an effect
ELI to kill within so short a space of
" It seem. unlikely," 1111* replied in-
differently ; "but natures are so vari-
ous If true. she must have Iuvesl him
very devotedly."
"And yoga are the last person to
believe In such affection," I remark.
ed. I thought It would be a good oc-
caalrm to find out tt she iendlithr • •,
an unfortunate attaeiumeme..o...:_-
What makes you think so?" she
answered quickly.
"Because you have never tried 11 --
have you ? You have never been in
loves yourself, Margaret?"
! spoke laughing) ; but I wish I
had not mentioned it. A scarlet flush
mounted to her very forehead as I
Meld the word.; and when I pulled
her by the hand and repeated my as-
sertion, she burst Into tears and ran
from me to the house. What a fool I
was to touch on such a subject! I
don't believe, all the same, that it
Is true, that she has ever been In
love ; but I may have wounded her
sensitive pride by mentioning It, and
cause her to be reserved with me in
future. Indeed, I am sure that she
behaved more dietaurtly toward me
even during the remainder of the
evening; and a little circumstance
which happened just before we went
to bed confirms me In this opinion.
Janie was quite brlak and lively
compared to what she has been late-
ly, and sung us several songs ; but Ll-
onne excused herself from singing,
and remained In a corner with her
face burled In a book.
" Make ber come. Robert. dear,'
Bald Janie, playfully. " Go and pull
her out."
" Capt. Norton knows better than to
attempt such a rudeness," was the
measured reply. which fell rather as
n wet blanket on the other little wo-
man'. mirth,
" Why do you- tail --nisi -Capt;
ton T" she said, pouting. 'Yon cgfl'b71
him Robert this afternoon when you
were hi the veranda, Llonne. because
i heard you. Why can't you do so
Miss Anstruther hal disappeared
still lower behind her book : but to my
wife's demand she made no reply.
" Why won't you call him Robert T"
aid Janie, as she rose from the piano
and took possession of her cousin's
took ; " 11e always calls you Mar-
g aret.,.
The face which she thus disclosed
was crimson. and the dark eyes swam
In a blurred mist which was halt
tears. 8o painful indeed was the ex-
pression of the whole countenanoe
that I turned away, and could not
contemplate it.
" Because i can't., i really can't."
wee the reply at last extracted.
"And why not?" peruleted Janie.
"It Is not pleasant to MP ; 1 do
not wish 11," said Miss Anstruther.
until I felt Thyself constrained to in•
terfere, and desire Janie not to
tease her cousin.
So she released the glowing face
with an expression of Impatience at
her obstinacy, and Miss Anstruther
made use of her liberty by effecting
an Imme(1lwte disappearance. This
confirms MP In myImpression that f
offended her In te compound this
evening, and that it will cause a dif-
ference In our future Intercourse. i
nm verymuch vexed about it; I had
really egan quite to like the girl.
And I rennet dlemis from my mind
the tone in which the said the words,
"We who are strong Mould shelter
them." Does the Imagine that i Am
not capable of acting a generous
part? f should like to have some op-
portnnity of showing her what "tuff
i am madO of.
July 80th. --I have hu
en very mch
✓ 80th.--I to -day, awl though the dreams
stance appears trifling. It threatens
to lead to merlon" remits. When we
fleet 'Arrived In Mnehln-Randa--now
tome eight months ago --1. In eom
mon with others of my regiment,
heard several absurd stories' con.
corning the houses supposed to
to he haunted In the Pan-
tonment and Its neighborhood -
(en Orem 'always have a stock
of 'melt Iles oh hand, with which to
Merl this Imagination of any one fool
smooch M -tMPw Mr them): het, of
I placed no ',mimeo) In their
Pate, which only excited a
from their stnptdlty. This well
sees dkl to ie the quarters of a
The** graves are very inconv*nl. da• .for which Imam no ens would
ever draw or nes the water frail
it; and that clump of bamboos to
harbor another, se Iah, taauing lee
the form of a boa-coustrlotor, at
tacked than* who were hardy
enough to Unger In the eowpouud
atter dark With regard to Our
own house. I heard that the spirits,
of the dead who lay burled beneath
our windows had beau semi ie wan-
der about et night In their grave
clothes; but of course I took care
that such rubblah should not reach
the are of my wife; equally. of
course, 1 forbade my servant'
chattering about It. and uever gave
the subject another thought. What
war my surprise and vexatiou,
therefore, wkeR*^( returned home
this afternoon, to find my wife sup-
ported by .her cousin in a state of
bysterlcal agitation, whiIst roe
Hothead to the garbled state-
ments of hslf•p doteu natives,
who all talked ter/ether, mud inter-
rupted one another. and did every thiug
they could to render their relatk,n us
confused and unintelligible as puselble.
(fly "ohokra" or "dneen g-Ixy" was
g.srtk•ubatiug In Hlnidouetauet ; the
butler war vocileerating 1n bndceu
F.ng1IQo ; and the cook in lila uative
tongue of Tamil; whilst Liao "maty"
and tailor and "cook -boy' tripped over
each other bt any words they could
first lay hold of. Margaret was look-
ing Incredulous and a little scornful ;
Janie was all tears and flushed cheeks
and wkte-open eyes; ...ad for the mo-
ment, 1 war struck eptool less with
astonishment NkhhIt went ooald pow
elbly have baypilited during m7 ab-
"What 1s all tale about?' I ex-
claimed ail I advanced to the centre
of the group.
'fide servants fell back, conscious they
Mud no btdneal there, and evidently
somewhat doubtful of my reception of
th.lr rwwa But Margaret gave n sigh
of relief at my appearance, and .101110
flew to my arms as to an ark of
"These men have been frightening
Janie ou1t of her wit*," satd Marguret
in a tone df a(inoyancy: "and all 1
could say waif insufficient to stop
What l It, my dear ?" said I. ad -
drew -deg my wife. "What have they
told you :'"
" Oh, Robert. (o take me away!"
she answered, with a couvulslve
shudder. " I never shall be able to
sleep Ica till. house again. They say
they have seen it; n dreadful thing
all In white. walking about the
graves. and moaning to itself. and
wringing It. hands. Ole, Robert,
dear., do let „us go! It will come
into the house next: I am sure it
will: I shall the of fright 1f you
don't take me away at once."
title clung to me like a terrtfied
TWO, and as 1 marked her burning
face and felt the feverish cj�pasp of
her hence. I could not tell worst in-
-.tutj these Wets e, t htivb=doiig
her by their folly."
, What do you mean by this ? I
Inquired sternly, as I, turned to the
group of natives.
Then they begat. to cringe and
salaam before me, as they attempt
ed to repeat the story wbleh had
so alarmed my wife. But I would'
not permit them to do so, but or-
dered them all out of the rooms sued
turned my attention toward IMOah
ing Janle's fears._ •
"You most not be a oblld..my dear'
Janie.- 1 said as I replaced her on the
sofa, and arranged her pillows for her
"These natives are alwave full of the;
stupid gboret-stortas ; butou know
than better surely to believe such
folly. There are no eucyh, things as
ghetto therefore how could thea hav
iei'3a iii !" . -
--" 4 but indeed-•te peed' Mature,*
l true?' age said, with palma( ear
meteor. "They saw it themselves
only last night ; and they any It Is Ilk
n woman with long hair down he
back; and vvbeu they tried to touch
It 1t vanhibed away."
At toles 1 could not help laughing.
"A pack of heroes!" I exclaimed
"Why. Janie, there is not cine amorget
them man enough to inquire into sucl
a mystery, even U tbey.saw it, whicl
I don't believe. I've a gond mind to
give them a hiding all around to make
their eyesight a little clearer."
"Bart what -should be their obpct 1
repeating It?" Inquired Janie, fear
if you will condescend to listen, m
dear. you will always tisk them ready
to talk. They are full to the brim with
such idlei tales. You should refuse to
hear them, and rand them about that
"Ob, but, Robert, can't we go awn
from fair house? i never could tw'n
those grarm., and nom I Meth te moor
irlptirterwef of them than ever."
Janie, 1 tlwaght you were more 0
a roman,' i raid, reproach(ully
Where coaled we go to? You know
that all the houses in Mushln-Buuda
are oocupled"; U, watch fact poor Jan
assented with a deep sigh.
But at nil events. you won't go oil
this evening, Robert, will you?" Mw
oontlnoed, Imploringly. "I 001,141 not
bear to stay In the house alone with
-_.a4 t -fossae thing-"
2"wMwsrgagvod to attend a public
dinner at our awes this evening. for
couple of officers of the 111th are pars-
ing through Machin -Burda om thel
way to F],glnnd, and we wished to
elbow them a little dtvillty. 1 and been
looking forward to tier occasion (one
sees so few stranger. in this pincel
but 1 told my poor little timid wife
tlhnit i oceanic, give It up and remain at
home with her. However, Mies An
etruther came to my assistance, and,
twigging me to keep my engagement,
promised not to leave Janie for a
Mingle moment till my return. I1pm
which, although with much reluct
arioe, the other consented to m7 lav
Mg tier ; and as sown as 1 could get
away, I want after my servant to
,learn what folly had induced them
to fly Into the presence of their mho
tree" with soh a *ninon. I found
them almost as frightened as herself,
811(1, oddly enough (for you can gener-
ally catch a satire tripping when
yoga crone -examine him), perfectly
firm In 'ethernet to their first etste-
ment. Their .tory le that as throe
of them were returning to their go -
downs las they called the huts In the
compound) rattler Late last night.
they row a tall ogre* dreamed in white
wandering 'Intone the grave., and
moving its harks In a dietrtwsed man-
ner ; and that, as they cried out at
the eight (for natives are terribly ea-
ieratitkous and inwardly), -they wak-
ened the other three, who ran out
rant Jo. time to Mee the figs' van-
ish round the horse, and they were
ton much alarmed. to follow up the
search. In relating the story bit
me they dropped all mention of having
touched the enppnsed ghost, being
aware, I euppome, that i roan not
likely to credit Pilch en act of bravery
no their parts. i *poke to them all
six. both togeti/er and individually ;
and It le enri(nm that i
could not make them con-
tradict themselves In the state-
ment that they have ween Such an ap-
parition. Of eourwn tt In all nonsnse,
They waw ri mnethI,th �, (krdr1Mwx ; m�oomerj
itirptr -71Rrle'ii "nyah," in her Kbit*
01011h. out without len rr ; sit no for n
ghrtet-foil !
Mio be Onntfnoedl)
does not fade, or rub off and soil the
The ir. 8. forces ere repairing
bridges and roads destroyed by (h.
Filipinos, Skirmishes cantinas_
Magid/eh is a Pigmy Compared
WWW Dodd' Kidney Pills.
he 14tpde is Dangerous it
1 Midas,
er PiPlDangerous1L M Uses - sir. J.
R. 'nes le • Living Proof of This
Niagara Falls, (kit.. May lb.-Dh
falls of Niagara s.re a etupeudcse
mover fur the welfare of mcaakind.
But, right Ica the tatdet of our wile,
ISJPUIanother ace, anoer power u million
times greater has been at work re-
eeutly. Niagara balls have .twirvyed
scores of Liver. With all their power
elk grandeur, they have uever raved
oro lllw Tiie other power we refer
to liar saved tneetaade of Over -It
has nevtu destroyed Oae. This pow-
er Jr lkxld'e Kidney Pills,
Let one of our most r�eessppeecoted cdtl-
sens tell what Iknhd's Kidney PUIs
did for hin. Ilk says: "I have muiter-
ed for wren years 1 t Bladder and
)(ldney Iknoaw, +tali !►r1ed In vain to
jhlcad a remedy that would cure me,
nil 1ovklentiall heard of J)(dd's
Kidney Pills. do highly were they re-
oomauen.lwl to me by a friend who had
used them, that I bought three boxes
at once. 1 um luysvy to way I didn't
need to buy my Inure. TInate three
boxes c-ured me.
"lexjd's Kidney Pills cured rose of
Diabetes also. 'herefore, I eeetead,
I have good moron W Meg Haul.'
prairies I 511:111 uever (cease .Suing so.
John 13. Jame"
Niagara Fall., with the strength of
& tellion of giant., could not relieve
Mr. Jones of one twuhge of pain.
Doles Kidney J'llls banished all his
mine for ever. And. even as they
oured MI'. Jaws, so will they cure
any person who miters from Bright's
1Mre0re, DI Wetter, Propsy, Diseases of
Women and a I l other Kidney Com-
bodd's KidnePills are sold by al.
druggists at fifty Dent. a box, six
boxes $2.50, or will be sept, on re-
ceipt t�onto Medleloe
A strange OW.
"My wife saarprised we last night
"How was that ?"
"W' were at a card party, and a1s',
having won the higllest number of
genet, was given the prlvllege eel
choosing from among the prises." -
"Welt, after alae lied decided she
wamn't sorry she d!dn't nick out one
of the others,"
Stratford. nth August, 1+103.
Messer. C. C. Rkhanle & Co..
(ientlemeu,-My neighbor'', boy, 4
year. oh, fell into a tub of bolil
water -and -got '19 0)4511 "reaT(lfltj
fewodawiro steritecOmw overeat* "mor
three times thalr natural site un.l
broke out In*running Buren. ;lis par
eats could get nothing to b'lp flim
till 1 recommended MILLARI'S LIN-
IMENT, whleb, atter using two bot-
OJee., completely cured him, and I know
of several other cases around here
alans4 as remarkable, cured by the
Mae Liniment. ani I can truly say
I Sever handled a medicine wbleb has
bad ss good a sale or given such ani
Menai ate; feet pool.
HHIBERT, ureteral Merchant.
The 5cottlak Dialect.
In admirer of thcottlsh dialect
thinks that American speech wou'd be
mach improved by the asdmilathu of
Scettisa words. "(-an we,' he asks,
"Im rove on eve•ll CI ,,rewiere r ithete
�Aaa'rgit' rlre 1d► • e ifel .
Moose; or docrtbe regatl'rO gnaf1t11s
better than fecklm, fush1onlets,
werrhlr.w, tl,owIes,, w•ntrdteww taebet-
less ? Could tenderness surpaws dawtk',
hinny, 40, : or contempt be more with-
t•rlrg than gawpp+us, gomcril, lowish*,
sumph; or opprobrium arm ite'If with
wooer epithets than bosom. Ramer,
ready ?"
Revels in Revenge.
Harry -So pot ddn't get that pretty
Miss Dimpke,,after all?
Dirk-No,•I had the grid lurk to be
Harry -Soar graprs! You were just
and gaol* on her,
Dlch'-I admit it: -1 am now, when
you come to that, But I'm In luck, all
the RAMP. When I meet her and her
heohmnd in wr.tety, elle givealier at-
tention to me, which is jest heaven.
and her I,metwtnd all the tIMP le torn
by .th(' titof jealousy, which is -
will, the other place ---to him.
New Life for a quarter; Miller'
compound Iron Pills._
She Wa.oa Bigoted.
.1n old eooteli woman was walking
to church with her family. The Auld
Kirk minister rode past at a tremen•
done rate, and the old lady said to
her children: " Skean it wey to be
ridln', and tale the Sawbath flay.
Aweel, awPei. a gude man is warcifu'
to his tenet!" Shortly nfterward her
own minister rode (wast Just as furi-
ously, and the worthy old wife cried:
" Ali, there he gots! The Lord bless
him. pulr man ! His heart's In his
work, nn' he's eager to be at 11."
Rirh, red block Iv produced by Mil
ler'pi Compound Iron Pills.
Sweet Violets
"Do you like rfolete Y" asked the
sedate girl
Yee. In ePd," newwered the fried-
"I think there bo nothing mom
charming than to wander out into
the woods and fields-"
'Woods' and Heide!" was the disap
pointed; rejoinder. "Oh, dear 1 i
thought you were talking about bon
net trimmings"
regnire3 little or no labor. Silvliyt
ready for use.
To Rent Signs In Nemec.
/Stranger' sometimes mildly wonder
what newelunpers or sheets of blank
(wafer aro tied on tlm windows or bal-
eonleS of eer tnln hooves for. A ehoet of
paper thus arranged is a sign, measl-
ing that there are roomer to rent In
the home on which It Is dlspl*ycd, and
Is javt n. eternifM�rrti In its import as
these goidrn balls over a paernbrok-
er'i ehpp are In Other ootmtriee
Miller's Worm Powders cure fever
in children.
Revival or the Laos Shawl.
:stored in the cedar chest, have you
nn okl fashioned, square, Chantilly damn
&uiwl, pinch no your grandmother wore
about fifty year; ago. when Rhe was
drawled In ht.r Randa. beet ? If you
have, hasten to get 11 out, take It
to your modiste and tame It, for one of
your Sunday Must gowns tale summer.
This exgoldte Md etyle of late, with
Its delicate trnrery of vines and flow-
-one below *row taw pews nisi 7'Relifetsince in
the mexma* woman's wardrobe. It
may be made over whits, and then It
le meet effective, or It nifty ire toed
over rine of the many feehInnable
ehades_of bias,, weep.. violet or mss.
Is Tour Wire Ill -Tempered}
evsimine her feet, and If rho ane
eornv hay her Putnam's PainlesCorn
Etta -actor. Home will then boom,
an Eden. Mach of the misery of mar-
ried life In fix to corns. Passaging Er•
tractor Is sure. painless and promo*.
Prot rletoher 'Polls how They Mar be
Prof. Fletcher, Dominioa entomolu-
gisI, writer to the Ottawa} Free Press
as follow',
During the sprlugs of 1807 and 18118
serious Injury was done to forest.
rrult and shade trees by the large
numbers of tent caterpillars. which Is
,any parts of Cauada stripped the
teres of their foliage. Buoh people ns
tried remedies, as a rule began the
work much too late. The caterpillars
are just now hatching from the brace-
let -like egg clusters which may be
found on the twigs of trees arid
shrub*, where they were deposited
last July by the moths that came from
the caterpillars, wbicit did so mush
harm lust spring.
W Ill you allow me to suggest to your
readers the necessity of at cote*
attending to this matter if they wish
to save the foliage and fruit of their
Remedy. -The proper remedy ie to
spray the trees at oboe with the fol-
lowing mixture:
Par& green. L Minim -
Quick lime, 1 uunce,
Water, 10 galkoos.
There are two kiuds of thea ,tent
caterpillars ; one spins a conspicuous
white web in which the whole colony
gathers at night. and at certain times
during the day ; the other spins Ito
soca tent, bet tee colonies gather to-
gether In elasteve on the tranches. In
the ease of the former, the twigs hear
ing the tents may be out off and the
colonies crushed under foot.
Prompt attention to this matter is
of great Importance not only to the
owner of trees, but to every citizen
who has to put up with the incon-
venience of having these caterpillars
swarming everywhere as they did last
year and the year before.
Oatarrh Owasso( be Oared
they cannot reach the seat of the
disease. se, and In order to erre 1t you
must take internal remedies. Hall'.
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous
eurfaces. Hall's Catarrb Cure 1e not
a quack medicine. It was prescribed
by one of the best physicians In this
country for year... and W s regular
prescription. It is composed of the
best tonics known, combined with the
beet blood purifiers. Acting directly
on the mucous mrfaoet. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredients 1.
what produces such powerful result.
In curing Catarrh. Beed for testi-
monials fres.
F. J, CHENEY & co., Props. To.
gold bydruggists„ price 75c.
Itall'e aan)! Pills are _Lbe_iltleie�
vensiMalmalaserliellelnal Duty.-
uty.-It L welt known that Rainy animals
apposnt one or more of their num
ber to mkt ns sentinels to meant
against arrprlse what. the rest are
a*ie0p .,r feeding or zit play. Among
the anlmnte.-ming the word 1n Its
wt.lest sense -that are thus prudent
may le named the following: Wasps,
ants, chn10 d. and other antelopes,
prairie doge, wild hailed, nooks. swans,
Australian cockatoo*, zebras, qua i.,
oertele monkeys, n:tmlngocs, New
Zealand door eyes, shags and other
tial* ma.rmota, mooflon anon other
sheep. reale, African wil.1 cattle,
huanacoey, elepliants, etc. These
watchers have been fitly called; real
gnar1itns of to safety of their fel-
nnsurrassed for parity and strength.
Language Study.
Languages form over 62 per cent.
of the studies of freshmen in the de-
partment of arta end science' in ('or-
nell University, tint o'rer 52 per cent.
In the sophomore year. Languages,
phllosophy, history and politic.tl
ee once form 75 per cent. of the oodles
of freuhmen, and over R5 per cent. of
the ideates of sophomores In thla same
department of arts and sciences. it b
()boom that " sciences"' is the email
end of thio department, although Coo
nell is often spoken of as n scientific
Ask tor Kinard's and take as other
Henan Polk' In Mahood.
There is lees crime in Flnlai.d than
in any other country In Europe ex-
cept Iceland Honesty is the national
virtue. Bolts and bars are not deemed
necessary fixtures for a house, even in
the country, where the people spend
mach of their time in the fields, ntld
in the fargm towns ;maple leave bag-
ger. and other personal property in
the street for bourn unguarded, wlth-
oat fear that It will he molested.
The beat remedy for nerofnla le
Miller'. Compound iron Pills. 50 doses
2.1 Pentre
A Tiny Girl's Hair.
There never has been a prettier
way of arranging the trauma of a
Ilttle chill, than the present mode
of tying the dainty looks on either
side of the face. Thos keeps the
hair out of the eyes -a matt im-
portant consideration -and gives a
quaint. tidy look to the face that ls
very sweet and endearing. it the
hair curls naturally, then all the
RokGo Health Drink
Ceres 7)yepepMal
Rebetitntea teased coffee. A ler, package
make" 7* cu pe. For role by all grocers. Ask
for It
entswanted loo ter sample.
lb. ROBCO ee000., Toronto. Canada,
ISSUE No 21 1899,
What Shell
Be Done
You have tried iron and
ether tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin. Hcr sallow
compk.xion worries you. Per-
haps she has a link hacking
cough also. Her head aches 1
ancishe cannot study. Give her
SCSI'S tmelsioe
"The oil will fid hc* wuting
body i the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos.
phitca will give new power and
vigor to her nerves and brain.
Never say you " cannot
take cod-liver oil" until you
have tried Scott's Emulsion,
Yalu will be obliged to ch an ge
four opinion at one. Children
especially become very fond
of it; and Int .ntsdonot kn..w
when it is ac ed to their food
lasa'd 5. +: an engem.
saoTT a SOW , ch.nw. Teniae,.
Romer •s • Poet.
"Say, dad. 1 guess Horner warn'%
much of a poet, after all."
"What put thnt idea In your heat,
my son?"
"Why, teacher said to -day that
.be didn't believe he ever sued n pub-
Niaatd'. Liminess the Lohtrman's Nod
Gook Urn Kee Free.
BOYS and GIRI.8 (•1111 .'Ora
this Extra Fine Pocket Knife,
2 blades and corkscrew, twat
Sheffield steel, or Ladies' fine
Pearl -handled Knife, by ..*ping
12 cargos of our gook of 156 .
far - -Ono"- wtmlr Ind -
moo.. each. They ssa--
tat sight. No money Nowise'
Send name and address. We
f'orwnrd hooks prepaid Sell
them among lour neighto,n,
andreturn as the money, ir1:-b,
and we will mod knife !ort.
paid. Mention this paper. td.
drew. R. D. emit'. Book Co.,
0r411111. Ott.
Is mesa'
ear set '
Oar -Tr.,.
aLt ma.I
a.oar N mat
mein nue=
fieeew eepPLY OR.
Mos. R- ?seers*. e s
(lures the worst caaea of all skin
diseases In sheep and cattle. Heals
wounds and brulees, cores ring.
worm, gangrene, sores, shear
este, scab; destroys nlla
fleas. Ilse, flesbworms, Insects awl
vermin Absolutely non-polsonoua
and has no drastic or Irritating
effect. Caret the worst cases. At
your dealers, or from the mans
lecturers. Correspondence in
sited. The Pickhardt Renfrew
CO., Limit.. 1, Stonffvllle, Ont.
We give this fine 4•Biads
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
selling is of our Bright
Light Chemical LAMP
WICKS at S cents each
Simply Dead year .skiver era
we will rrrwerd wicks post •psii
Whew 'sate. ersg'l1R' 6e flee
and we will seed knt'e, wits
ell charges paid. Addy.
Toronto, (hal
,alerea w sr is!...1'w'0
baa M 10
e,y a re"
•} rear mdlid dodder Wad
=PpmIt,' car
fied dm wadi_ lo
rave Wass* armeecar
Dr. etago Great Moura Rot
terms. Noon serroanoo
after aro tees �
eby� and free tele Mai&
s by J. A. Perla I D .,arrrY AIX*.
Pi s
Kra. Whasemee ssstesag year e e 0..eetr
hem wee eons t he t est the gals wok
lease mos sae
eve essay • M amnio
_E ID Y' S.
.a EAGLE " Parlor !latches noes.
do, do. do. loos.
"VICTORIA" do. do. Mg.
" LITTLE° COMET " do. do.
rhe Finest In the World. - No Brimstone. , .
...,.. -tor .
Fruit and Produce Qommission Merchants,
Correspondence Solicited.
Ade -amiss Made se CeasignmenteAde-amiss(M