HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-25, Page 1THU SRS? 10 TOR CHkAPKtiT AID THE SIGNAL 18 THi BEST. ONN DOLLAR A YEA" IN ADVANCE • t ---*� .7 o --;•t 104 ..:mom - ......._.. , THmr'iezmak: 1' TG PTa'W8FAP]]R OZ HTJRON OOVNT '. • TO MKCURN TWA MT RIf8ULT8 PLACE YOUR ADVERTIMINO iN THE OOLUMNS Or TILE SIGNAL •1 • UODERICH. ONT. L FIFTY-SECOND YEAR. ---2727 GQDERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : MAY 25, 1899. D. MCGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. MR. FREOKK&Cjs-Ill,. 8IUPSON,- lona Nortb.t. Yoshodlet Church, late of Nasional ('.nuerystery, New Yort, will roe sstrum tove pu*4yauior , 14 hsneonStudio, he St L.wnaoe." Mosier •let., 0oderlo6. MISS KMMA ANDREWS, TEACHER or P,m0.Oman'theory, Meta Reed. togand Ear Training., A specialty of the WWI Practice Clavl,r method. The Virgil Prates Clavier at 0. W. Thomsoai mvio purloin may he amid by pupils. Also Kin - moon Method file Youutt Children. Stu. ta will purism the Toronto l'errtatorr ane Terme ad ppilc•ttos at the reel. t*. X7 JilllaaEla igen. UAW OP- FOP _ Fol' Mall orr'lam-Rent. ''ssoom- )K SALE. -THAT VALUABLE Mil- ldams ad flvasre lot. M f8.*t8 sea. .Oolbene . the property of Mrs. WI Ilam is1tg The house ooat•lu tea rooms, and sat i premises era a good Na84. and orrlage sod bearing orohard. The premises are ale It miles from Dorian.* sad one and • hall mfeeset of Carlow, the situation bolos me of the beet la the township. for further par Oculars apply to ANDREW JOHN0T N Carlow Y.O. ''i oR SALE Br' AUCTION, AT BUX- TON'S TON'S HMO. on the 17th of May. is *, at I u'ukma p.w , • frame hoose and let In Uoderlok with orchard, sable. etc., ooaMting of lot 1070. running number, and situated on Hloak'a it.. Ood.r ole. C. BEAD ER. V.odor. Holiot...Ooderlch. rt. k. FOR SALE CHEAP -A LOT ADJOIN• FOR INO the Org•• Factory on East street on which aro eltnated two frame house.. The property is formals w reasonable terms. Ap ply to MRIs. J. H. K1)WAR1l. Uodeitch. 11Im. TJ AKY FOR BALE; 166 ACRErt, l stout N scree In bush. the remainder is gcoQ state of cultivation, • gold tram house) And frame Mrs about two ares of or. chard and well •upplled with water, situsled 1 mile aorth of Port Albert sod 2 miles Moto Ktni bridge. lot No. 4. lit• Range Must be mid. Nor parttewlare and terms apply to YORWAN DALTON. Klogebrldge. /10 iiF.NT-SUITE OF ROOMS ON f u14S44 drtl qoo- Itp.. [yJi lr•let. re!• u • loo u , . va t, pow, Kingston e•, Also one talose roan wit • DI, fero'arto •r studio E. N. LE Witt. 111!6. HOU8K AND WT FOR SALE -THAT oommedloae tw.•elory name resident* oe E'gin avenue. elm Waterloo greet. the property of Mrs. J. A. N•eTEL Apply en de premises. 01St F°14 SAb$-WTS Iif"'AND 70 r Ilutohl.awti larval to 180 Town of Oodorlch, upon wbbk Is .rooted • aim dww- Inr bond. listed 4131 Smitombcr. It?Ot O ppm 10 CAMERON. NMHOLT k HOLMES. derich Nurseries. DENMILLER MUMMIES. Now I. the time to make pleas for plsatlos trove W. haves oholos lot of trait and ornam.- tai ,tees to stook. also bedding and house plank In nes.... Ever r sus • specialty. An emus cholas lot of evergreens for 'bis ee.eom at low prima, mooing from N 00 p -r 100 DD. A .penal ase will be Plc.. en lamer ever- grewr". as we wont the ground they 0000py for other purpoaer. Coate early sad get roar choke. The Nurseries hove hem Insp+oted Dr the Oovcrlmeat Inep.Oter, who pronounced the stook entirely free from iota Jose Scale and other pmts. He said It woo tie °leanest be had sea. la accordance with an w Act owed lest eseaos by the ()starlit L.ttelstun, our b• stock w111 um •ted before leaving Nurse- ries. Orders by Mall promptly atte■dad to. NET. JOHN STEWAR1. BeamIUer P.O. if tf Wanted A �IT►ere lfaoas•ed�M� The regular meeting of M. town ooaoo wee held on Frluay .vexing. All the mem Mrs wore prompt. A oommuutesttoo from Jo..pb Whitoll offsets% to supply the town with ,rev. (rout the ewavation under the store former ly mourned I y Mr. Ralph, where he intends to build • oe leer, was referred to the publl works oommltt a with power to Los. A note Irom the Uodorbh Lembo Cu. Gallia' attention to the nsoeesily of pattin the road at the foot of the stops at the Mr bet park in better •.•dates, was referred to the tante oommittas with power to ao1 An wpplioatlun from T. J. Hil(o•k for t6 000(11014 of weigher at the scales bolo, pu in at the sbtioo was seat to the market oemmltt s. A 0mmuoloatioo from Mr. Mary Wit esu, Keay. street, stating that she thought shoo was ovu.assemed, wee mull le M. 00.11 of reviews. A 00mmun4m4on...irom William (sump• bell, offering lot 760 to(hp-town as a gravel lot at 1150, was at to tiso pablio wort oommtdoe. to M repotted upon. A 1.µm from Jamas R'obodsoa & 800n was r.ad, askleg that the ooaooil use Its in - Suomi to have tht depth of water to the harbor opposite tint Ogilvie elevator loor.a..d, so that larger vessels oould bels, then moan to the e1e• valor. The mayor sad the obairma of the harbor oommlttes were appoio1d to lata Hew the imitator at onoe to see what oould let done in this direction An •pplio.tla from oigbtwot.obmaa Thomas that he he provided with a revolver, • dark lantana sad • uniform, at • ot not •xoeedeg $35, was referred to the ep.ulal oo10mittee. A litter from the sanitary of the Moult Sta. Mari. Board of Trade. asking the oo- °psttloo of the oounoil in the matter of the building of the Algoma 0eatral Railway, by passing an enclosed roolatia, was referred to the .poolal committee. The following accounts were referred te, ids liana botatoitte•O o.Tho Iii5Tiifid 14m mire, of venom" for tondo r, for d.Mnture., 89 : 7 tit Sh.VAi., printlog and advertent., $12.15 ; Dominion lla•Uic Vickie, Co., Hamilton. one box oil curbion, 17 20 ; Pack - •/a E'.otelc 6:e., 8r. Catharines, repairing transformer, $17 20 ; Wa Las, Dori, $417.- 50 ; 8-evm. Mfg. Co , Louden, ssrvlos boles, .to, 830.60; W. A. Mottyineat, earP4pteraog, $3.15. The a000004 of 4; N. Davis for lead pipe, $36119, was ordered to be poll when cert*. Med to. To. court of r.vi don recommeadad that $30 bit sooepted from Jams.) Kos, to full of hos naw, and that d" action bo team is the matter of •pp.allsg against the a.ssesm.st .f t►o towa by the township of OederW for the gully at the some outlet. Time wag mome disco rd.o over the !attar alines of the report. Ex•00000illor Camp b=tl inf,rmed the mutual that exordia* to 8u reading of the ratan ao manteipdity eoa14 nosed, another. The obtuse was re- ferred back to th. oommltt... The s p. o 1. l committee reported that they had had ■s iotervl.w with 1d r. Southall in noisome to the Ion wb.d for by him to anoint him is roo- ming the K.aington !armor. factory, .4 had decided to re.ommad the monad to submit • bylaw to the ratepayers greatiag him • loan of 810,000 on the o,.ditioaa sad securities named a Mr. i.omball's letter end .s fabm tad by aim to the oommitt. ; lg, alt..»wlffe-fir. Mot Fo,'1t,f Amebic. mama tmamad1. r0.faaga 1p Mr. Nmol gosh ofeho ter damates'al l aobl dell of la. lane" rewired from falling over the lump of II owl oa West strut, 10e opinion Of the &olio- - Mee had bees obtained sod was iubsettted. Mr. Uarrow thought It nub moi doo•tlst H tits tomo was liable to Mr. Nioholsoa. If I the loon were liable, Mr. Holmes, or whit- ey"( placed ►b. goal upon tko sidewalk, would be battle over the town ; sad the o owner of the coal was directly liable to Mr. Nicholson. He advised that the tows ie.. , form Mr. Holmes that • natio had been a made by Mr. Nisboleoo, and let Mr. Helve Bgbt rte battle, er *subs - Mr. Holmes &skid for seen lahsnNion in rvfer..o* to tie proposed leas, •iiia -hod • I hese unable to Wood the mooting e1 the t 1 committees Mr. Cantelon weld Mr. Kumball had agreed to "Warty the council as to mouthy for the Iwo. Mr. Holm.. suggested that the matter be postpaid moll the 14011 manioipal d.ottoo, so as to save the expose of • special rot.. Mr. C.Lotelot replied that Mr. RgmhJI bad as offer from soother place, and he wasted to know •t once what the town would do. The mayor thought the vote should be taken as poop as po.aible. A spoon! hot would ham to be pared, sad that would take oto months, but thought Mr. Rush ball would go ahead in the mesatlme. Mr. Holmes moved, seeoaded by Mr. Na(al, that the oleos. to retorted back to the committee, and that they interview Mr. Romball. or 131/representative, to referaoe to the szpeue of the role. Mr. Catrlou thought Ulla Lotion would seem 'tory small. Mr. Holmes' amendment w* Jcet, and the report was adopted. Tile 6aanoe committee r.oemmaded the payments of the following accounts: J.86ew, 11 25 ; Queen City 0.1 Co , 132 74 ; Tar Stow., 114.20 ; Hort & Riddell. $5 45; The Stu. $18 20 ; N D. Kougvie, $63 83 ; Ro °bettor, & IMaburgh Coal k lees C' , 165 • 52 ; F. M Holmes, 165.12. Toe report was adopted. T)o mate: sod 1f4LI'ooitmltt a reported Ill) That the midmost had asked for sup- pliers 1'.,r the power bout* and the oomb,it- tea had instructed the clerk to order same ; (2.) in the matter of Isvlog • mato a Ao• gloom street, the clerk had Mea Iwtnoted te write ihediffaee. pipe maulatnoire for prlo.. (the figures r.oNved in reply were quoted), and tenders had beta woad for the work in ooanootion with the laying of the mato ; (3) i• Menses to the wmmaoieatioo from tide Ooderlok Blaster Go., asking tot • 4 ineh oouseotiw from the town mato to the elevator for firs protootioo, too tows WA not under say obligation to comply otitis the mood; (4) they recommended the pureness of ea coker to be placed to moo section with as of l8abotlers at the pomp how, sad that the aria and blower and oleo( be of nl8olent dimension for three boilers, so that they might be Milford for the other two Mohacs a4oald. tits finer ase prey. satisf.ctery ; (5) they reesoe u..ded that tie different isomer is teen be ap- plied wi.8 water for boiler see •1 Lotaal cwt, said Dont to be delermi•ed by the 00.• voltam and the engineer ; (6) they &eked for lee.* to ooa•ider tie patting is of an •d• ditional elwIrie light plant and to obtain the probable oo.t of making the necessary eb•ogse ; t7) they r-possmeaded tuio pot- ato. of 1900 feat et No. 6 imitated wire. The report was take. op Mao by ot•ase. 1• omen's°. to th. Moot clause. Mr. Holmes insisted 18.1 • IMI of applies need- ed should be given. The oleoel was passed with the.adenaadleg that • sobedule of the supplies referred to shoed b. •ttsobed to the report. Wham the wood clime was token ap • lens dirssgdon eased ever an trreeul•rity is the making oat of the report. Flatly the ohms. was adepted. The third claws was passed witkal dieou.etoa 1. reformats to the fourth clause. Mr. Martis lama the stoker • road this( ware those is not a draft t but is the ma of the power I...o, *bore they might here to horses" the pleat, he wedd.r d It would be bettor te have • obtmosy there. He was °stormed • chime), 115 test high mold save Sweaty per eat. In oast of feel, sod as they wore guaranteed • saving of only tea per oat. by Meg the stoker the atter .hoald be considered farther. Mr. Humber send he was informed the "also by the stoker was from 15 b 20 per roost. Mr. C•ateln thooght • good chimney should be out up first before going too the ezpadit.re of 81800 for throe stokers. The shimmery would omit • great deal leo. After wards • atotr meld be put in to 'Moot • farther saving. Oa motive of Merin. Holmes and biotin. Lau olaase of tie report was snook out and the oommitto were hotfooted to oosetder the question of Improylog the draft of the waterworks plant ad report to oouneir Mr. Nolmse wanted some information in reforsw to the nett Manse. Mr. Homier staid tat the r.d..Mou is the water rato paid by the faterle' If they were supplied with water .t actual amt would be .boat half. The °lanes passed as did also all the remaining Maness ; sad the open as •meed• ed ma adopted. The 1900 ieot of wir.,M,. Ca.teloo .xpletned, was required for ave ..rvIoe•. Mr. Humber moved, m osded by Mr. N.ftel.lut. bylaw be prepared to ream late the Meth sad height of swathes pre jeoti.g ever the sidewalks an t• debrmfoe the site end loath of sigma over the streets ad sidewalks, also to regalate the kind std duos of 'oath's In frost of steres, In the sidewalks t the bylaw to be prepared by the pablio works esmmttkee. Carried. Mr. Holmes meved,wonded by Mr. Nal - b1, that Mr. Hamar be °botrmm of tan palate works eemrnittee. Mr. Kar moved in amendment, goaded by Mr. C'at.lon, that Mr. Martin be ehak- ma of 1ha public, omits oommittes After nom. dloonseicn • vete was nit n the .u.dnwwt, rookie' as fellow.: Yen -Humber, K..s,( 1..' .4... S.y__Hel10se, Natoli. Mortis. .His Worship voted ay. The melon wee adopted sod Mr. Huber tag dusted. Mr. Martin brought up the quashes of ,pour the gravel pit at to ...story. The ,,.,tory eemmtttoo was ,fess pewee to sot 1. Uwe matter. Mr. Holmes suggested that the public week sad eastor a! BIAS eemmlttess Ana be re•arrwnisd. Remo .embers were ea k•1h of them Imperaat sowtmU1.s w mon often were me seiner Ni. se Bed wee taker. heirloom. Mr. Martie wave w ane ib.t d1 tis• Nut 'twang he wad4 li '�p lc e pealliaa ea lath eoneef/lees. quekties of hoorovis, the wither aye. tial at t 0 .a*..y was brought op by Mr. Mortis and referred to toe eewtery eon .fttm. Tae sp•ahl eemmt.tee was empowered to 1013. betas to regard to the kyles of 'rano !hide sidewalks all armed the Roars ♦ gnat of $125 wee pfor the won hr•Nssomen et i oonl.ies Day, .N tae tragal sdjwrael away beteg• m•deidb N. L Marts rehia.d i ra.y .,ealagfei thea new' Bh Andrew ben by kip to Fent Wallem. He woo u.- p.nid by Me ebter. Mn. Menatw Rater, of Re en t, who will non *whet mioliebe M Ns old bomb Mi, Baba Y we 1p.Mer sl the Xereb..l lberea a P.Mw BORN. - OAfl6ADAY.-Oa May 17,M IS Marlborough - avian,. Toronto to �4r, sad Yrs. J. It. C•ess•day. a sea. ANTED -AT THE HAMILTON .8'l'. (mama More, ter e..k, MINI (Klee firstrel s dairy Batt.. ; must be mined w118 doe dairy salt. I oz. to the pound. We w111 pay yoo a food pet a ter A 1 batter. also Althea 0150 oe tor . s. CaII sad get prior.. Par So. O Icor creamery isles w111 reo.lve more for their batter. W. J. MORROW. (11(108. BF.AGBR-RARKISTER, SOL - l..1 toiler, ad. -y sod eoa.oyneee. Omni o0 Hamilton street oppoel,e the °elb..as Hotel Oodrrlch. Priv.'• funds w load ea mortis gee •t 4 per Dent. Interest. Ramon' noon cashed. 14.12 Situations Va.aat. 0i vt ed -Apple to Min. A. M. POLLEY. It. t)OEOERAL 6I1VA1t1` WANf- THEPOINTFARY.-HKLP WANTED for the se•.. is: A mood plain cook. A I•aadry worm. A kitchen girl. Several food soldiers. A strong girl to mist to la bedroom.. A respectable tart Mr July sad August to drive the mal wagco, All 1U round useful man who can garden, look afar the slab*. pant and whitewash. Al enc», Nae but o.myetent and rsepecable Pur (teed apply. J. J. Wrlgkt, Peoprlt oe. Penile Nodi... IN '1'ILW 0ROIT1`s COURT 0r Tit COUNTY Or HURON. /a IM Mailer of like Owardlawa4ip of Jana Starr Pritchard, owe of the eei:d ew o/ Ile Reser r.d James Prdehard, late or rhe Tow* of Ooder(ch, (w f At Cower rr of Ile. es, Alislot r of tae Gospel, !leeea&e�A Notice Is hereby given that atter Sha ezplra- Mss twenty days from the first pehllontlen hseef, application will M inside 10 the Morro tate Oonrt of the (:mut of Huron for the ap me - pointotof }Mei of the Tows ship of Wawanotti, In the County of Hare. Yeoman, as en.Mine d tbe per.on Ab4 es1.4. of the saki Jam.. satinet Priteh•M HU041 RUTHERFORD, By Philip H 0, his Solicitor. Dal et►t Oad..li this I4.h day of M.7 •11I5 � TENDIEE WAETiD th NMI _ 'moa/ s t.. wiL POM EMMILIKWATall • Sealed notion w111 to i r1este1 by these designed up to Thursday, May 25th, for the Mone required for filling ,8n break- water at aederlel, harbor. 4,4atltlew not tem than MO cords 8eonrlty for folmlmmat of "'- trim mast be fun shod is mash rase. The lowest or any fender not nee•searlly .emptied. MOORS R McOlLLiOUDDT, 13.11 OMtr.ct.rs. A mlMloo of the Rslsluer. of (ied.rinh will M hold is the Liberal bows, North Shull, nos Friday, May 26th to sermon for • det•tatlon to attest Iles as- dm,ml..a..mtt.t K M ea ga.en\a psgm mate ere be id May Nth. f t flu, ore •ii;ama�wde. Tam onered. W. H• ROftg14?sOli A. eAttelDIgR/, Sleeting'. MEETING OF THE HURON (AUNTY cousin.- Toe council of ,be arrow *Omar the coat of Biwa YOB meet In the romanobambpr �a the tows of Oodorlsb. on the first Tondo) la Jose amt. at 3 o'clock r r. W. LANE, Cork. Dated May 0•d. 1001. 27 Jt IAMBI dales CIALE Or VALUABLE FARM LAMS 4 IN THE TOWNSHIP Or A/HFIILD. Ceder .ad vomiting to the poster of sale e stained la • certain mortgage bear.ot date tbe31st day of May, A.D. 1610, and which will M produced at this Lime of tole, Mere w111 be sold by public •0et'oo at Barton', Hofer le the tows of aedert'h, m fetuvday, the 3 d day N Jae. A.D. 1*, at 12 o'clock, soon. by Jolts Roos. suotloeeer, tis+ fsflowing woo namely : The Sao ad of lot Fire. 10 Om Math Coeeeesio•, We -tern Monolog. of the slid township of A.h1.10. oontaistog 100 sera. Toe S311 ',good and well watered. These le • onest1.esryo trams house, • barn 13402 had e "'able N■b. Tho property is about two mite from Rio. tail. TERMS. -l0 pr tent. down. and the %doom la 30 day.. For farther particulars appy to the vender's solicitor or the aaotlosear. JOHN KNOX, PHILIP HOLT, AoctHomer. wader's tiolloitor. Dated not May. INN. 17-1 Goderiob. Eleetion Expeneea, tTHE ITER OF TE KLRCTiON �i SiYR made n the 21st day of February, 1.1) UM, et a momar oto serve In the Hoose of le ut0000for the Eno teal Dist$ct et Wse Huron In the plane of 1•. 0, Cameron. de - °eased. Mistimes% of all Meo4.. psa.ss incurred by or on behalf of 0.31.0 HisR .t the town M meaty in tae eaty 0 Nurn, se publish+•, gee M the 0aadld1415 In *8.a ve- mea•lon.d motion, made out by Janine Montt, sant for the Bald Robert Holmes is the said slates. Livery $:N d Poetise Soho a Kill pooh.( 1 Rennet Stallone/7. tdepttose sad I (toot 0 amines rooms ad Personal expenses M 01 fl $) NIO-er 14s certify tat h.ro-salam.z,( Y. rale - meat of ail station expose. sent is god paid by mete rns•wntbw in* the said idea- tion' se provided M Matsui fa fMet behalf. feted at Cllato• this 16th dant Aped Into, JAMIEe�fi Agent tor Rett. Holmes. Notioe to Oreditors. NOTION TO ORBDITOR8. he Ms Matta o/ the ligate s/ the Leto leer Corr*. '�'�k• mellss .het on et 4. ,'"Or 1fi tka 8021.04 Mtaty .1 Onarm, 1tRl..14 the estate of .(*b..pryrysewa.blp el Ai . IWO are required t 000 ores. who diel os wr &boa the "event 1. Of nobAM Mho W past.. prepaid,. *MW to 4.11vr ars: er•�� 71esas 1) .keep. _ the a4sllN,nst•r of the estatelip ea asaseseeL with 2111 panne - Mr tbNSM. sad a M.bm .6 0f ••ewrlrtss, It Jeep 44 8, them, ou ee Were the INH day •r J Ira paid administrator after the meth hot day of Ann, BM, will pram' to d5Hhte the asiea.f the said estate saes. the parties oreht..l thereto boort, r.d see to 110 Haim. of whish )too Chale thaw have had sailer, 401 will not he *1.81. for eons as0Ma Or ay part *80reaf. to any versos or wow of whose .tapir& be shall nM dm Mira roomy el pale. PIMA" MOLT. M11dtor for tis. A4i.1.� *d0s101 tW q1h M ■sf.� u l7•dorlMt 401 ".+ a 74 Jdw-rtlw;frlr svt- eu,. . C. O. 3'. WILL ♦sr1ND Cuoaca.-Cour Ooderlek. No. 32. 0.0.F., will attend di, use movies, Is Kaes iaroh on Jas. 4th„ a 11 on Tbe b.Mkreo will most to the lodge Mai oa North it. at 10. 30 lar Sista lodges are cordially invited. HUND.A1LY Al'gt•IT eD -James Walser), • promlarsl resident of Seaford), was tried before Judge Masons en Monday on a obarge of Irandulatly disposing of his properly while a tomato' was pending. Tim. oriel 0000loded with the honorable acquittal of the .00ae•d. A Samoa. Lr.a.,e ---Al Ibe-iasanos o! a•eml>•re or the Stalely o1 King's Dough. toreArthur Yale, a youog moo, wan arret- .4 on Saturday °barged with reducing a girl wader &totem years of age. Do Mon- day the polio magistrate, atter hearing one evldenoe la the mer, remsad.4 Yule for • wok, bail beer sooepted. E N Lewis appeared for the Chown ad W. Prowdfeet for the prisoner. R.roaa Convgsrton.-•Phe aau.l meat. tor of tae Wino Harms Reform Assuoiei i ,n w111 be held on Tuesday 0.11 .1 Dooganoo. The dation of 'Ames will bo held and .d - draws ere expected from Hoo, J. T. Ost- row, R Holmes ad other,. The mooting of the Liberal. of the town Io mad de:e,,.tee to tatoeonyntl0. will be hold in IA. rooms In Hatoe's halt on Frld.y .venlog at 8 .01154*. A largo attoodsao. is req.ss8od. Hormone DAY llILInRATIoN. - At the mto'.W of 18. town 00nooil last Friday 'maim the 4004 of 1125 was voted toward. the celebration of Dominion D.y. Taoism WWI Dot gropted to soy partlookt os11111004 tion. No time should b, lot in ratite, ar- rabgemmats for t►o oelebratioo under way. There ie just • Maio over Eve weeks to the 1't of Jsly, and 1t w111 W641411 that time to oompleupprrepar.tio0e sod to improv the oouotrydde with the foot that Uoderioh is going to lave • "big day." flait \t�4'tsta _ti '' :MOW fiTrelse4 ro.eivieg..use of promisee to "quit Muir. t (whioh is the ourso of the moo) and Sadist that lis labors had etroogthesed the hearts • of any whom lost "had well nigh dlppod." This missionary L. :,esu hard at work since Ooh 15th, hertag held as many a nine goyim. mostly. The to. C. T. U. hos also • second missionary -• lady -An Algoma, but for want o1 fund" oars um only • part ler time. Tag H.Nsa,r. Itck„uky Cahn -'1bo lo• Mon Isaac Yang, obarged with oommitting burglary ..ad (heft at H4144,), 110clo kr0 before Jroli. 111seeme oo 8atendy for oleo ten. H. asked to be reaod*A notal Mon- day in order to oonault with come fronds who wino oo10iog up from 10e Iodise rrs ry soon at Muoo.y. The .:postedIoboes .r• Hood Saturday night, and es Moeda, Young elected to to tried by . jury. As •pplia.tioo for Mil was graated, bat in the mesanme, the terms ae to bail Imposed by the judge not having so far bean at, the primrose 1. 1n gaol. The ease will Dome tip for trial at the June .wiser. AT OwOOODI HALL -The coot of Dalton vs. the township ot A.88e11 came sop last week .t °scaads Hall, Torooa. °arrow,, Q C , lei delendaa appealed tree orders of ., Divisional (Cart foyers dot jsptemt of Ferga.00, J-, at the trial whereby the .otlo° was du - missed, and orderi.g'odgm vet to boo Wff for the pot/.f.. e edseaaww ow! A la. Ise/ties with seat. 40 as action for over flowing the p6aid's land wile water al- leged to bo bra(kt them by the defect/v. oonetration of • oulvert apes • blob way known se the take Stowe road ranging be- tween 0.4.,4oh and Ki.o•rdte• 41 u : the Mont of iake Huron, .bout • mile tura. treat 86007, Q C , for plaintiff, opposed appal. Judgment was re•eevet. THE Loxo Loorae rose MsoAL*.- Last week tee Mentor of Militia alibied the thorities at the royal mint oak mg for an ex• planation of theo.ueeof thedely to forward tog the general ser v toe medale for the veterans of the Gaedi.o militia. Aa answer was r•• suited to the Oleo that the mint i. .t pree- nt greatly rushed, as, i..ddition to the Coaadio medal, them tor the Soudan sed Chitral camp.t,ns •re Ming manafaetar.4. Dr. Borden was informed that, if be wls8.4, • sooeigomout of a portion of the total nom - ba of medals would be ant every two weeks until the whole order le 611.4. The Mtaister imv.4lately oablod a order a do this, tied the first 000•lgnment will be ree.ived .t Ot'.w. In • few days. It will take .bout three mouth• muter the present arrsagemeot to seems .11 the medals from the mint. A CALL TO Riv. Do'Aw MAcllu.l roar. -At a moist of the forties mission. Gamine, of the Presbyterian Carob .t Toronto 1att worth antlon was taken 00n- oaraing • call .314.8 has bees extended to Rev. D. Mic(illivr.y, of Ronan, CDIaa, by the SoONy foe the I).ffudoo of Christian ad General Knowledge among the Chinese. It was agreed I y the °ammtetm to recommend the Ueseral Assembly to senetion Mr. Mao- G(tlieny's trawler to Shanghai to agog. in literary work there, while still r.maofng • misiiooary of the i'rsbyterian ohuroh. Th. oorrespondeoee whioh was rad to mimeo - don with the cell to Mr. Mao(lilgivny Im probed the committee with the.xtreme Im- poraam of the work In which he has been galled, and it was oo sidored that an honor had been oonforred upon him and upon the eberoh by fele beg., Invited to that work. MUamoo. or Mir.Hone.-The Woman's Christian Teaspoon se Colon of Huron manly purpose holding • school of methods .4 8eaforth May 31, 6.g1n6tr at 10 o'oloek Papers bearing upon several de. partmente of W C.T.U. work w111 be read and daouss.d. Subplots ea follows : Coun ty 6na',ou and responsibility of load union es ale behalf; the dotter of loeal p.ed• dente and •up»Nakadena; the 4atd.s et county eaperiatendeots and report day; literature hellos: sofat46otrimaeran° in poo Ito sehoole; work among inn= Forme°; woman's snffrsge and.* jeotlon.timeworn! ; and • model Rand of Hope will be onadsoted. A public platform meeting wit* be held In the ..*n- ing, when Mr'. Thornley, Provinolsl Presi- dent, and others w111 addrees the meeting. A full represaation from all the loo.l [Talons is earnestly rrgoested; rdol4rr, or say person Interested in the ease of tem parvo•, will be made weloome. Unions "ending delegates will please notify tbe saga rotary of tbe Caton st Soforth (Mrs. M.A. Ooalto) as eltllj,y peeeib1., in order t• goo aaf$alat His ee ebrl. biller*. Rao. Bro. W. C. T. U. -The rotator amnia of Ms W.C.T.U. was well .8tesded ea Meaday shaman. Mn. Marmite, the local super- intendent of work •.1.14 the iimbermen, pt eaduoted the egram, M. (trvli .) Wilson and Mrs. hash ,twisting. Tbit ebjoot of this department of work is to support . mi.. si•s•ry a the lumbermen sad sante salt - able literature and well tarnished comfort boos for the no of those men. i. 18. large ad lightly settled Matelots of Ontario more thole 36,000 men.re Mbirla1 in lumber and inlets( Damps. loam have tattoo to this moth of Holm by Dhaloe, but may novo hese driven to it threwgh hansom reverse. Talmud. of these moa ars either withonl friend" er have been ..pared from th.m .brongh ..I1 habits. They are wonderfully grateful for any 84.4..., neva them, and as their lowly iHss a parete /hem from the 10a.eent Menem .d to almost dolly religions advantages we enjoy it net well be esudt0d • orlvller" to be •Ilewe1 to eon • little ease►Ia .e.1 the me5m1D N Nasal life ba tbs•. absorb.. p.o.. F.. several years the W O. T. U. has h.1 a semlewuy la the amp.. This poet yea Neem, is too* tawny* "shit" mentors end aroma eavereet len with 16 000 men rat 44.t,4Mted loamy Masada .i arm .4 8p_..... Iteornta.e. 1111• webs.• �`pathe .waln.at•agere had teen an RIM Ain intsrtalbaent, mad Rev. kir. oda •pining whose inspiring words were • Motet close to • most enjoyable evening ; aloe the yoo- •hsts, the elucuuoat.tl .ud •11 who helped to mate the sotert•Inment the access 1t .undoabt•dly was. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF of -- This is the weather when • fine Summer •veli shows to advantage, and mu eau ret oo g.ar Summer suit anywhere tout you oa at 4'. J. Pridbuur the moon. olothler Them bright May days are the ie tt at it. It. Sallow: studio end have y tures put on record. Uood work is&wog otter ot the day. Tie OSaaty',omen, will meet onTgsd.T," June 6.6. Moors. Sore and W..Bteveneon, of Cho - ton, were in town oo Sudsy. 0. W. Thomson & Son have sold over fifty bioyolee so far this season. Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Gledhill, I•te of Keo• miller, have taken up their residence in Loan. Robert Davidson and hie sister, Mise Ella, of Dungannon, were who 31031, of Mr. 8:otbers lest week. Judge Robertson .111 sit oo Monde, oast f,.' the hearing of non -jury case, to who Amiss Court for 181 musty of Huroo. Uoo1 ADvil/11nneu STORY. -The National AdvertJeer tells • story of an old bachelor who bought • pair of oaks, sod Mod •t- toobod to one of them • slip of paper with them werde: "I am a yuuog lady of 20 and would iiia a eorrespood with • boobs Mr, with . IrmN N matrimony." Name and address wire given. Tb. baobelor *rotas, ad in • few days got his letter : Mamma mos married twenty years ago. The m..ohsat you bought thea smoke from evidently did not advertise or he auold More sold them long ago. Mamma banded me your letter, and said possibly I might suit yoo. 1 am 18 years olJ.` Cot 4Ty Bosse, or E\Aa1NKme.-AL a re. oat mooting of the eeasty board of .gamin on, held •t Uinta, the following reeolu- tlous wee mooed : Fir.t, th.t this bard grant three ware' tewbmng to holders of prolemioo.l third ole corti6wt e who hold junior or maim leaving non-professional osr- U4wtto and who have loot time midst olr- oumstaoes m.Llelwtory to the board ; seg• ocd, that teachers holding junior or eater leering oarti$o.Ws who 8.v• mad* • .uffto- ieatly early applies►Imo for admission to Um Normal and ono baa named admission thereto shall have their o.rtifice1.e extended sit 100.18.. The soot mating of the board will be held h 0ederio6 to August. KxTUluvxD 710••1 DAIOTA.-Mr. and Mrs. Wittiest Oros, their deogblert, Mrs. N'm Wotan and Mrs, Roo..oleo, sod the latter'. Mx -year-old son have arrived from Cassel tea, North D.ko1., and hay. amen op their residence in town. With the may friends of the family hoot and in Colborne - their former piss of to idao. - we take moot' 44'esear+Jn.malep(m.--ties aeetw•ee-ear midst Mr. (lrem gime here a the autumn of 183.3 and 000eequently is now one of our oldest resident. Cipt. A M. Mol leogor Is the only one of bb earliest cooamporarles to Goderich who is still is the lend of the lives,. The 1•te sheriff lilhboo. was •n other. It is twenty -sot years star. Mr, sad Mrs. Orson went to Dakota. FRUIT SELLING iBr TRADE MAMA. - d►'..kly Son : Thos. l/oUillioaddy, of the Dspartmat of Agrtoulture, gives • valuable suggestion In regard to (armed organics. Loos : " Why,' be s.ys, "should col • n umber of apple produoers club together, form • syndicate. Nero to grade theft fruit to • ~lain stadard, adopt • trade mark and ship throats one moo! By so doing they would soon establish • standard for their product, whioh would give It • vola u the leash sm•eboona yaswvb say saved. Mrd that can a °boomed ler the Weasel aya- lem of individual shipmate." Why should tot tole wase Idea be still lartbor elaborated. and 11.c some plan adopted is the shipment of milk, age and other fern produce of • similar nature' A 800cetwr -r, Bo.,'... Marl. -A recent issue of The Syr•osee (N. Y) Herald 00p Mos • very ob.rful article goon the ores - mat basisees 000dlttoa of the Clotted 81.1 s is resent sad of Symms in puUoular. One of the industries meatio,.d is the l'•rk SLIM! Company, of khtaburg, who are so tasked with business teat they 0nnot fill odors at present, sod who have enough ordon on their books now to keep the too - three rosining tail September les. The mas•ger of the Syracuse bracb of tbit ell• ao.ivs and prosperous oaoern is • forma Uoderioh boy, E i. Pa.mofo, and ander his m•atemeot.hu branch of the company's bushiest has shown marked imlrovomeat. Mr. I'aumore attends to the 00mpsay's in• t..esu not only in Syraoubut t8roorbout antral New York ss Reath. Iarnorraarns Ar MEwe.aroxu PARR. - Ws are pleased to loon that impro.*menti continue to be mads at Meneestang Park. This season thus far Mr. H•mlink has put in a good system of waterworks and * ab- Itshid • fine bath lo oo0nwtioa with the hotel. A largo Mreplam rsoentdy built w111 be found to be a valuable uquleition on cool mentors. During the past 'moon the Park became fairly well advertised, and Mr. Hamliok is sanguine of • muob more es - Medoff fame during the oomiog season. Q.ti1e an addition has been made to dao ho• tel proper, and this, with the room afforded to the °octagon, will make • very rood sys- tem of accommodation for tourist. Med visit- ors during the summer. Other improve- ments are telephone oon000lion with the town and the oompletioo of the pier, both ot whioh whin great 00oreoleooes. Mace.- tonr is now open for visitors, and doubtless the best seams to Ito history is oommeoo- tag. COHC8RT AND USDA'. 001T.NT. -Quite • •aompeef*l aterainment soder the asepio e of the W.C.T.U. was hold io the Opera House on Friday avowing, the 1948 lost. Oho prooseds from the .dlleg of tickets at the doer and by the ladies amounted to about $40 00, es that the soolety will have, alter deduotieg expenses, quite a mug amount ter aarryieg es the w..k to ita met- ope department". The elocutionists were Misses Wilson, Tye, Vivian, Brydg.. and Weth.rsld and all di4 exoeedlsgly well m that ethos the judges were ealled •gen to give their deoidon there was quite • delay owing to the dlfoulty la decides• who should be awarded the. silver me 1.1, the maim% being so otos*. Finally Or. Masses, on the pot of the indigos, aonounned Mise Moos W etherald a the se00sesful ooltes- tat ad Rev. Mr. Anderson proont.4 the: medal io 6le usual pleasing and helpful man- ner. The moth ander the management of Miss Wye■ was well rndered by •11 who oatrlhoted to the .veninti asjoyment Mr. Simpson delighted the ••drat* with his piano solo sad Mrs. Logan sod Mise Campaigns opened that concerti& their usual •oospable m Mw Eva Oohs**. had diffloult mlenlfonshotshewedd herself eapahie in taking the hlpher or lower botee with esu sod expression, but her lost number, "Dad dy," deserve. spooial me.tlen. T►..e was • sweet, genu. tondenees about the mato that was very oharmlat. Mi. Aasebr.ok was snob .ppreoated and is the 90 .esm•1 of • very swot, oleo v,.ioe with coos Orr. able free and etrpraoin Ru was i, , h at boa In her sag, Snow Flakes,' sod rsepeaded when moored, to the delight of ha sodlen*. Miss T Brown, mad. her first appeerasa ea • olds* betowe • Code .4.•11 awdhsee •ad war oven 1pp1i11411441. Her ala wee rHr11Nd veru •w..tly with estimators sad pram Ta gentlemen Teo •H.ts were Mame. Walter Bnehanas, H Johnson and W. Rto4dart,all of whom wen h oueelleat volae sod sag than aloe is • most snseptable aster and like all the *tar amino r5 tenet d pimol.11 at Ike moot of la .adlenee. Mi.. Wyss, ss was assona..d, had vay tindl p►ee.red • beautiful begat et raw from Daelop,Te- Tato, to he preentod to ►h• (svesiM Nage. ' bet all did se well Mat the !edam hood It l.poes.hts te deet•., titer, perhaps, r.lI...- log more orefil epos coir (ostr*etm than If who bashful gift hick nor preosand to ewe layered I./iH1.•I. The W, ('. wee to Oenk tip talose Judge Doyle, Mr. Rao. find Dr. M► nese. M on kindly as Ephraim Downing and 19. I'. t.'.toby (lata of Ayr) have lour from N Deitrieh the Star fl nor milli and will take possession July lit. Tho birth sobool utkaoe and public ohool Itaylor •xamina4lona will ba held on Wednesday, 'i hursd.y sod E riday, J unto 28,- 29aed30 Wanted --Any q1111t14 dairy butter Egg., ilo. Dash. 12-, trade. Are the ped- lars worth 33. per dozen to you! G. E. Kist:, 1Vlogkuu. If Lucknow S.nUo.l : P. A. M.loomaon baa born oou6o.d to the boom for the past w..k with • vety sore loot caused by in6.mmatloo io. the ankle joint. ..Tao iscss4 411•04040111100 ere -oma. vee i. aha real. A'. the Roto o1 writing there is sonic alk of the engtn..t• .leo sinking, on •m count of the dauger of accident, but w far tritium pro mown, ooe usual. L Saturday evening Mrs. Carleton narrowly cerapen a memos a00tdehl. While Waving the otd.walk .t C A. Natro. -oor- oar, • buggy paned right In front of hoe, the wheel gothg over het loot. The Domieuo Millets' Anooistioo are petitioning ih. Damtoion Government to appoint sworn weighers at all public elevate ors, the prinoipal points bo,og Point 1'e.• ward, Goderioh, Owen Sound, Colltogwood sad Midland. Final natio,. t7. • have re.der.d .wry sonnet to our books and have deluded to oolitic* •It aoco0Da ovsel•w *her Javai Ifreh all unpaid .000.11. will bee pissed in. 10 court for oollmaIten. 3. WiLaei, Pro• sorption drug store. Alex. MoD. AUC's advartitoment was re- oeiv.d too 1•te for this issue Mr. Allan wishes to draw attention to his pure mind Dain1., 11 30 per dall.n ; i'ortI.ed 00meot, $3 per barrel .pot oa.h for tan dove only, sod manure f era, 30 crab .sob. NorEs OF SPORT. There have boon • few IMM.. at the howl tag gram during the week. The laws Is sot In very good shape yet. The (nllowiog mores were made .t the goo club's shoot lost Eriday:K.R. Watson6; W. Ra1.00 5; H Ruto 7; Geo Symonds 4; E. Telt 5; D. lio0gtto 3so The U. C. 1. football club went to Si. - forth Monday afternoon and played the 8r.t match au the Hough cup moos with the 8ealorth C. I. -stub, holden of the cup. S.alorth won by 4 gals to 0 The ram. was • rough nos. Oas of the beet of the Goderioh forwards was knocked out by a collision, and was u000urolous for ,oma time. The 0 G. 1 b,ys say that they were taken at • disadvantage, not haying practised playing football with their hands. The ,eaforth team, they say,,. good eoo0lh without hiving to resort to foul play, and Ow referee was simply asleep during the whole gams. Meeforth is deform nod to hold the out) even if th.y have to w wrestling. EMPIRE DAY. new the Central Reheat Pipits Celebrated lis. Empire Day was celebrated in Ooderioh by the Central sohool pupil. in • truly 'cyst and interesting fuhioo. By 2 r of. there was • goodly attendance in the 'orate midi - tortoni upstairs, the obalr bong taken by the priooipal, 8. 1'. Halle. The pupils all wore their best b b, and tuckers and expenelye smiles, and the walla of the sohool were tastefully decorated with 1 sus and mottoes. The (laioo Jack was In evidence everywhere, and singing •od speaking strongly reminded one of Kipling's quatrain, whioh says You may take of the wings of the morain' And bop 'round the world till you're dead, Mut you can't get away from tee tune. that they play To tharhloomio' old rag ovethod. The story of the Union J.ok, t,v AI:. Halls, was troth instructive sad eaarala• log, and the oddness. of Messrs. Tom and Boll were 4'oee,lingly well received by the audience. The other bombers on th. list, whioh were given by the pupil., were well rendered and fully appr.oated. Fol- lowing to tbo program as Nivea : 1. Why mho day is appointed.-A,ldrese 8. l'. Halle B. Chorus by boy.-TT,c British Lion. 3. Recitation - Prior to Mine $ell's Ap poolroom. Gladys' Platt. 4. Recitation -M. Roan. 6. Girl's Chorus -Land of the Maple. 6. Recitation -Empire Day. Lottie Robin eon. 7. Recia(ii,it -Iii' '. Iitory. Grate Martin 8. Month organ duet. Hkrry Gras. and Alan Allwu, 9, Recitation -A Mlydel CInld. Lilian Mo. Donald. 10. Mary of tete Union Jack. R. P. Italia. 11. Recitation -Our Flog. Maori Tilt. 19. Churns -Steil, White and Blue. 13. Recitation - What is a Hodge Hog t (:epho Fisher. 14. Duet -My loll is Rigg.r Than Your ik,ll. lime sewn Eta Hanks. 1Q Morita. on. May Whyatt 16. " -Omada to Kipling, G. Doke 17 heyetbet . �Itx'W Nellie %ow Map's (;rows 18.Reet 19. Song -Canadian Hoot Rung. Olds. 90. Addrwa.as - Mr. Rall, Mr. Tom and Mr. Mc()illitnddy, 21. God Mare thn Queen. Whao *he NatWest Anthem het1 hen snag by the water*•, the boys and girls woo d*miesed to the playgrou•d to work up •n appetite for to abandon% lonnh.nn witch bad been provided, and to whioh due ajam2dewee wee. an dewheel the bear of robotism' WAT*Nt.00 SLi071ON. i,b. May 23.-BMNhaapl, I,ihral, elnae1 by 115 This le • 04nsa.w0 M . by "•74E1I1"w:ziGIVERIROC IEllI HAWO .Y Ski P Meeting of County 0.Lao....dl-W. L... 1 American Woven Wire /.mu. -11. McKenzie .. 0 Ageote Wanted -11w nl.laba Qs/• pony, Chicago 1 .cog $ " Auotio. Sale-Ureen', H&RPM $tugs.. 1 Even IM llay • Bogota Day_at,Drew 8 it anted -W, J. Mor,.w Bargains u B, a r. a tlorvant Wan i.4 •ltn-.Polley:. -i -- -!- Bioko For Sale -Aka T..'. 1 Sale of '.'.I-oibl V. Laei lid *p Hole 1 Notion to Creditors-1i%1hp 11e11 1 Final Not m -J. Wiles 1 Butter Wanted-U.K Ella,, Whigheu,1 Ag'ontm Wanted. AGENTS WANTED -FOR "THE Life ad Achievements of Admiral Dewey,' the world'.,rea'..t naval hero. B Murat Halstead, the life loco friend and ad- mirer of the nation's Idol. Biggest •ad beet book : over 500 mane Ozl) luohce , Dearly 1(e ppaagge• bathos° illustrations. Only $1.30. Enormtue demand. 1111 commissions, Ontllt true. (Masco of • lifetime. .Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd floor (notes *tido „Chicago. It METHODISTS IN SESSION. Mammal Nretlaa of 14.4.1 eb Markt am ■.cedar and TaeNay. '1•h. special ministerial nista of t4 Uoderioh dutriot was held in North stroll Methodist church, Goderioh, Monday lost. Key. Walter Rigsby, chairman of the dietrtotiod president ef, the London oon- fer.noe, presided After devotional ,loci•.. Rev. M. .1, Wilson, B A , wos eluted seaemoy. The e1•mio•tion of ministerial °baraator was then proceeded with, ad •11 were found blamel.se in life, coovereatloo and-, dc)otnne Afterulan.ioatton of the y.uog neo by. 'ROP.' A:1. ReinelP, 71"trill 21i mV Yi'* Meg. A. 1.. Stowell. &wooded by Key. R. Millyard, that J 1'. Westma be omens• mended w bo reoatved Into full uoaue0Hoa sad ordained. Motion carried. W. A. Findlay wog utaoioa.4 on pro. batten as • throe wari probationer. E. F. Arosetrono. B.A., was 000(1.aed as • pre!,ittoner of two year,. An interesting dilcumioo was than mooned into in ooaoeetioo with the spiritual welfare of the Outrun. It was found that to may loeaooes the close mooing@ were not well .tteuded, but generally the du- triot was found to a io • lire condition, and program. was reported. The meeting was oleeed with the Woo - diction by Rey. W. Rigsby. The mono was o..sboued ea Tuesday. An ezmllent Ra•sei•I sa.di.g we. .bows from the report*, sod as inane, 4. mem berth i, of the church. 'Th. moat .xcitiar tooter" of the seethes was t6• discussion of the proposition' to °badge some oirouit boundaries, the result being that no change was mode. The election of the mial.arial and gay deletes to the different mmmilt•d, .f the anoint conferee°. then foltow•d, with this result; Rev. Wm. Goodwin to 18e 'onto. tog oommittee ; Rev, P. Clement sod R. W. MoKeplle to the Sabbath school cola. mutes ; Rey. It Millyard and Israel Taylor to th. Epworth i.eague committee. K Holmes, M. P. for W est Hurno,w.• prea- out and was wl'ed upon by the chairman to .ddrs.s the mooting. Mr. Holm..00m111ed, and spoke in reforeno. to the soil aJo of the Dominion Government towards pr.blb:tiea A 1'0010140D was mowed by the mating to favor of the molten on the protonWties question whioh 1. being Iotrodoo.d In i'ar- liameat at the instate" of the Dominion Al. Honor. .A resolution was pl.o.d on reoord es - priming the s.tufaotion of the du►riot with the manner in which Rey. Mr. Rigsby W during the year performed the duties whteh d.voly• upon]. the district ohalrmaa. Mr. Rigby mad. • feeling reply. A vote at thanks was posed bo tie ptopl. of Goderioh for their entertainment of the visidot delegates. The moetisg closed with 18. singing of tise doxology and the protozoa/flog of tie too. diction by the °b.lrman. HARBOR NOTES. Th. sir. John Spry and oeas,r/ John T. Johnson cleared Tuesday 5110raso. foe Sault Ste. Marie, The eau mill oommeooed Iao.loa on Mon- day, and the mot end of the h.rber is attain • busy sod noisy spot. A raft of loge for the sawmill is •ipaled dolly. The tug Signal left Marta several dare aro with the boom logs. The noisome Hunter Say Are, with 326 tons of coal for the Goderioh Elevator Co,, arrived o. Monday from Sandusky. Capt. John Cralgle hos been appointed captain of the lifeboat in the room el Copt. Rabb, released from •.grins bootee ,,f b.v- ing parsed Ih• age limit. The Bohr. St, lawrenoe, from Cleveland. Inst w..k duoharood het otrgo of 614 tome of oo.l 1"r F. R. Holmes, ad left Monday mornlcg for Atp•n., light. Th. boa. Sarah last week brnghl dolma another cargo of poets for the Uoderteh Lpmber Co. and left Sunday mornlug on the return trip to Stokes' Ray. T►..team barge John Mpry And eoseert John T. Johnson Arrived on Ssewlay fres Chicago with 62,000 bushels of o...--.$000 bushel. for Klobardeons and the rem•lador f.. the Uoderloh Elevate. Go. The sir. SI. Andrew Friday atomise brought down 37,000 bushels of wheat from Eort William. Alter rol'tadieg.1 11Vc0erd• ,001' elevator the 1 I. 8.'.urday alight on Ow return trip, oarryisg a cooddn.b''e .amber OLOasa-s/sen..taa• pout car g. of ate. COMING AND GOING. Mrs. R. 8. Wiuisme has returned from Tor•sto. torr, (Rev ) Jas. Corrie has returned from • trip to Lades. Mrs. .s 1 Miss Oliver are 2is111ag rel.• Uvee at Rotolo h. W. R. Rowers went to Rluevale a Fri- day to speed • few days at hems. Mr. MoKaale, of Toronto, was viNline a1 the rotary • tow days the pant week. 14. 11. eseek;taarRer at Rredhallai r a taw days •t hie home he, dere, tM week. William Dieben •.d daghtor, Mle. Ag - ase, left on Tuesday to visit rotative" at tit. Marys. Thos. Harris and Mims Harris were at Hamilton daring the wok •tandleg the woddmg of • relative. Aletaeder 81.w.rt, of Rut 'Toronto. ar- rived in (Inder-M Meader ,venin d will en eeperriatd the renev.l of the old break wafer oral or.. Malmo Holma., M. P , Ike ramble awl oarg.'lo reprees.10ely. of West Harm. woo in awe ?..day last In the h*...t of ale enalitnote. Sinn. his adv..t to Ottawa be W cod. • reword ea a able aced M1h11•k1ao iqi - bMve.