HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 7- .— e - . . r. ­, ipIRIS rUll M TILE8RIPH. ,patten of rntereat Trom all Oyer tie World. OMs lta)tsa MpaYrtry has resigned. Troops preserve order At Warduer, 'die Al W asked for Klrkavllit. NO., cy- ,,lonr Sufferers. ,rocs "turds, 6,952 Italiana have Wd@d at New fork. Mr. W. H. CommlKmk's official rAA- 1„ rity Ill Brookville to 208. .. y;,apefor Will solid the EmprOM d Lille, y- -lbVillis+uethurg 1h1s mvinInto 'a envoysto Oso. OW thaGey VgpINi st hav a b f'il'l �ppeis that lie hum nallflra d�alpt�o of the l>slKwsd Yorktown hurt's crew, The ()rand orange Lodge of Brit job Amerioa will most In Toronto 00 may 800. The California r dackorm' Aaociation ban been incorpo tal stuck of $2.500.000. HL:; A. S. Sasso? has returned from the mouth, where a wrest for rest &I ter the senLtn The F4teoch DWO . duels* Elam Ila& ceded the Province of Lias Prelim" to F}sane. •--- Thr Scotch iroumuterm ltatei- Protest to the State Dapartmcut vanoeel the wages of their employees agalnrt the extension of the Chinese 15 per cent. from MAY let. li1r. John limltb, section foreman of rxclusiuu act to Cuba. Mr. Yung kite 0. T. R., at Londeemborough, was Kwal, an attache of the Legation, struck by A tenhl and killed. sald that, In view of the tact that The dAtm for the Opening �Ot the the Chinese would make the best D. R. A. annual matches at Rock- kind of cititene for the settlement lure. L,, Monday, Augw^ 'Leith. The coal Strike In BOIfflum IN came- of Cuts', he believed that the order Ing 1•renoh iron contractors eonsid. would be weditlixS so ar nut W ex. arable trouble In finishing their elude his countrymen. work...The Dowager Empress." he said, plaiaafa, Uebel tile rclnleftaln, lusac "tout receutly granted the most Illy eeptel sA armustloe. 'lite Germans. erul protection to Americans, and bows„s, dBettred to mien the pru- wishes to become more closely ul- !I clahs•ttlon. Ileal with America, and thW country 8svehral hundred pounds of (Iseli and a will bre going against Its own filter - WOW Of Y ho on the (e been ttmte If It refuse@ to meet China half taken from poachers wuy.” Ids of Labe Bottom a 14e+, retary lltty ARM that tile mat - Timothy Hogan, the notorious mail ter was under consideration by the robtier, and one of the smoothest of State Department. erlmloala. escaped from the Ohio pent- THEY RODE THE GOAT. tentnry yesterday afternoon. Dir. Pltlrp Todd, Uro eldest son Of Chicago. May D. -With secret Ini- tie late -Upbeur Todd, LL. D., C:. M. G tiatory exercises, the well-known dlad yesterday alterooen at 8 q.clock suffrage leaders, Susan B. Anttony atter sit illness d nine man and the Rev. Anna Howarth Mew, The liar sow's jury at Iluudep re- have been made members of -the turn[., a verdict d justiflame Il_W_ Anherlcan Woman's Belief Corpe, No. [lime w the case d the shooting of the FLOGGED THE MAYOR. Indian, Juin Ica, at St. Raefa S0c, officers of the Bulgaria and Bellfontaine, Ohb. May 9) Mayor Q& R ttxkse thave bees 1S+k+: tswhssibwtraw�s qww, by Lloyd, for covage in the trou- � UAIRej uy +ahs Alin nie Crawford, a ble which befell the ormer vessel. milliner, on the main street of the yrsklent McKinley yesterday hand- city. Mise CrAwfOPd had recently been su A A witness In (he of over tlhe $20.0Q0111100 tie M. Cam' b{moe bolt, the French Ambassador. to be Mayor's Court and tied failed to re. given to Spain tar the Philippines. aPOrd. She became angered at the AS n result of a demand for au Ad- Magor' and yesterday she lay In vaaill , wages Lila glucose sugar wait for ID as he war going ref•ning works. Peoria. Ill., have been fits ofRax: Drawing a whip from doee•,1, and 800 man arae out of wort. under bar cape, she 4hmbod the Mayor over the head and shoulders, forcing The Ilrltl,hColumbia Government him to take refuge fu a drug store. has de•cbled to give effect to the Dllss Crn'wford bar not been arrested. eight hour law respecting enetalllter- OFFICERS SHOT. pie minas from the 12th of June uext. Mr. cell Rhodes Use annoupoel Manila, April 2, via San Fraaeclroo, Cal..May 9. -Whoa Hao waru. that the , British Biro GoveRailrnment ay loan, lie a brigade In the Phlll w'hlch that Brit1Nh Government world � � 1� not guarantee. will be raised In the Woos, he apppintsl 'Captain Clay, Who had difi"ed Considerable City. Dr. J. ('lareoee Wettiax, letterer on bravery In Cuba. to She -position of pr y 1n 1hLbG111 Webster. lecturer Ilan 'Adjutant. On the first day of MhttC- 6aep app nt@d processor of obstetrics Arthur's advance. Captain Clay rte' amu gynaePo[ogy In the UnIns ty d eeired A bullet thrutel the neck. He Chicago, lay all hours In the jungle before, he was discovered. and as the wound was It 1s aanouaosd that Mr. T. A. a dangerom ome at boot. ikr life was Browner ham been aypioaatwu PCSAEN I- dempaihed of. His only thought when ter at London, Out., In sonoesdon to las wow tt to tine hospital was eMr.m it. J. C. Dawson. who 1r to be sup that 1110 fam Into ahondd b- informed rsnnaated that the win only N;fitly Injured. He Thr latest reports of'ts+eadlag to the w now, however, well on the road to %ortl west seem to indicate an In- crmuprlete recovery. crena,"1 area mown In wheat. AnJ that Among those o(Ilears who havefall- the variable weather has ut re ra no one will be tongs+/ or mora toy tarde,l the work. aliY remembered by kin comrades than The Yillpino envoys want a three Llevht. Gregg• of the Fourth Infant- BontJlai truce to tate a vote of their ry. In the beginning of the hotflght esotgrnss on pesos ter=m. They de- at Marqulna Oregg was rear lain enue to free Spanish prlmmere.,reiard- chief. The house Ike rode had just been Ing tikes s ha fti" dot trader hl nu He was link Ing off ti to TI. ldavnnn Herald asserts that saddle when a man warned html that - Ow -le ,s"n-eN;eielr take motley from tthrt,-sttoAhart -been -toted by- a all pnwln#•rm, and then place them at ohnower 4,n a tree floor by. lteflaing hhe•rty wider a pledge to return If to take borer. as most Of the men Ill,-) ,tr,• ever asked ror. were doing, the Lleu'ti haat stepped Re%. tlncent Barsynskt, pastor of forward and standing of t, uneneee,l St. Stanislaw Catholic CSmrrch, Chi- him field Classes to hook at Site tree. cago, sail to be the largest Polish Jost an he ralmert them to Ilia eyes conKngtat.on In the world out•Ide of A puff of amoke waw seen ht the tree. R'areaw, died last night. Gregg put Itis hanet to hia hrnustoind President Sstb Lowe, at Colaaflrta fell forward, killed Instantly. LINT College, �WbASM then Amerman Aeerakle, Item It Australia, May P. - delegates to the peace Conference at The Brltlaln ship Loch Sloy, Capt. NI - the Hnguo, maned today ()in the Am- ('d• from the Clyds, Jan. Sit, for Ade- ertvan liner Bt Louis. Ialle, and Melbourne, was wrecked on I.oni S(nllsbory and Mr. Balfour have Kangaroo Island tm1 April =41t1. Five puesengere anti 15 of thio crew were matte the formal announcement of the drowned. Fear of those on hoard the 1, Anglo -Ru ndan-Chinese Arranga n ent. ship, ewcaperl from the wreck. but Germany Is Bald to be about to claim weree of them ars still wandering in the valley Of the Hoang Ho am her the hush. - Sphere of Influence to China ftuhaorlurthtly two of ate Mallon In the House of Commons yeater from Ute Loch Sley were maved after day. Mr. Chamberlain. C:olonlal ties- wAreterhng In Ute bussh. They were retary, repudiated Major-Oeneral obliged to leave a pusenger In Ute Buttons reported assertion that the tush four dayslir owe tbesh recruiting or the Lelnstsr Regiment starving nn die` and la prot> shall Iw open to British subjects In ably decal. The privela%t endured by Cbnn(Lt, tie whirrs were frightful. 110' :sultan bai autborsiew Minister C'ARNE:GIE'S PLANS. Strauss to teltem h I'tmeilent Yo New Yot k, May 9. -The London cor- Rlntey that Itis Maty has magontvtot of a morning piper quot- __ pay the Ameriomn claim $1(10,• Mr, Andrew Carntgto In an intervlew WO Cor Yet m w4ayy`•ri by Aawlenns ea nt7lne, In answer t> a e elsfulowtofor- In TrrkP,Y darling the Armenuila man. rgtarilmig6 the di1aasnppcp�st1ton d ills for- -rem IC 1895.•• tow of $200,d0OV: Wrklg tile sostlh 'd there I intend to Complete the dlstribu- were filch Aped tam od my wealth, reSwvin only a Sun 84 � f1VO tilt Central Pri- provision Against any anxiety for prisoners: Elrwt conviction, the future (A my daugliter. Site will Imo; Second or mase than two convre- noir he a gnat hedresss. My time will Saone, IL There stere 46 CaanAdlacs,- be sp.'•at la soarellfag out (loud ob- four Fhtatlaie. nine Yeabuk two Irish. both In AlIMMICR and 01teat Bn- or? N,1c11 ; others, three• ttBJ.n ant In writing." The preliminary enquete Into the STRIKE IN NEW YORK. came of five St, Regime Indians arrmmt. ad by ( Ides( Sherwood as dhL then the New York. May 9.-7he 1,200 Ital- oUher (lay, and broWht- to Huntkie- t inn laborers on hP e Jerome ark re. =X`1, was opened Yesterday, but aerYrolr work, who want on strike yes Mzt Immediately adjoarneoi 1111 Corday. were •till out today. ThrY Y, May 12th. made the throat at n mPeting that A deerpateh from Nice says that If any man returnwl to work they the valet of the Earl of Strathmore would kill film. ThrwP hundred atrlk- and Kinghorne, while bathing of era made A half-hearted attempt to 80rdlghpr, near Monte Carlo• was get into the reservoir In order to devoured by it Shark. The tragedy gat at the 200 mein dill working. ooesrrM In the presence Of a crowd but they were driven nwny And some Of anlookpra. who were unable to rem- of Ulan seem ofnbbed. ere the victim. Chemist, of BUFFALO STRIKE. Dr. W. H. WBsy Chief Chem, opt Buffalo, N. Y., MAY 9. - Bishop the I 'i t", Stater bapsirtmsnt of Ag- (inlglry mold today that while he rMnitnrn says that fully 90 per to pprPpnriss. a report of the pro- ,,, the &ruche d food awl drink epehinsza nt aha mnfprence he14 nt SeentinfArtmewl In that OMOtry Miry his residence Inset evening. he. will framR All iN not make topithoor.wellix nearly ev�varaaiky (xn�e'tont will Nimply mmid copies OfnOlAn 1 (� Carlea In the r I'(' . ares AdoMet him report to New Isocal Amrinhly It2R1rMff Ntewa 51. (train Rhovpllprm' Association, Adezloo, rt' d Edgy Cavity, mmd the rppproseentativan of the I,akso arrived at FI i'MON Qarripree' Association no, report 1e�n'eh&rlwralme4 by s Pin of four Will sot fee ready until late this w}rh hwvw� p rd four dswparadpeg fiean 10eavub d as � �� ' Ytsgrmv" ; VobY, kala brcWhar ; -_ __ QpIIiYls 1N RAMOA. ro h7m, t'ia tmvvthetln-taw, and An SAmon. May 4, its, AtiOtlArid. ` "r. nitknow-n. (lers�nM ve is N. �MAy A. -Everything In gnlet own asetWe d Gs he the tsxotorlomh " Black the, lwtuwl Oporatkma isnve turn Bum- Jm21. pend^d ponding the Arrival of the joint Th1 App"llate IHTi/nn of the @W commilpAtxsern from Nan FrancIPPO 0""^'a ("'art In A British planter, whir had Men A the own r.. las of the ppnlytp� Life Aw pprlwoner In the harlla of the rebels @ Rocieyy, wMnld bs divided fOr mix wopkm, has arrlvprf nt ApIA. e1j'R thin pap hr HIS pxpprlenern thtrinst him cnptivity fair► an+rem ars aF gl{9 �, wpre frightful, nrid many fAmwa he r*vseilent M was ChMwCgerl with Tsthoadlnt u►ms nrh w div says the flee son 0 el teohnlnalltty, atxl that Years Captain MWMee. the ranking . "TMCaB htNoly a final )mesons British saral offinor, hetrp. In more rMadeft I pasy with a minhrInn ary, went PRETTY XILLINER WHIM 11Y(rR Lashed Him Till He Fled No a Store. CHINA'S VIGOROUS PROTEST lRainit United Statei Bialadtag Chtneie From Luba. FA111008 W01111 RIUB ralj 601T1 sumn B. Anthony and Rev. Anna show Initiated --Two U-8 Omoers shot in the Philippines -One was Instantly Killed After rotellshly Bxpoeing idlmmou. . through the rebel Inns unmolested. They found sverythlue uWt, pend but B OSTER ON THENEW-TARIFF. histo. of Me Dominion from ante- Coaf ration day. forward. The Min t FOSTER FALSE CN�fl6E 1tyl the aralval aL-,gym joint ouhnsulr. I .hall certainly acknowledge It- But ,pair° 'umiums fulluvAiLL and ex- _,.�._ .topers. Whid"hre --to" arrange term "` - -00:.-"''""`'- ''-• 'e,,..,�--t- acte(T from Mr. ?outer Sum' admbWOt ,- - -'-- -I-- ^-- - (if Apace. -- " }- that Ilia char es made upuu the plat- that ` " The. British third -clasp crulmer Royalist has Galled for England by q He Claims' That It Is the form In Barn and elsewhere the Minister of Customs had benefited That Paterson was Feather - way of Sydney.,� 1 PINED FOR HER LOVER. NdW41 Policy Stip In film business by the lowering of the duty upon fila raw material and the Ing His Own Nest. by the IAbhgley, tejlicf, and that sub- elusion that his party could only obtain by keeping the hon• Increase of the duty oil Ills mtulufac- Jectrl to that ;cyst, the ezlmting 8eunrser, N. IIP, May 9. -Mary Vlaltfi, dollars' waving to the people of this was mads under tinea arty. gentleman from going out and de- the alxteen ear-okf daughter of a Y � farmer Ilving usair the city, commit- SIR R. CARTWRIGHT'S REPLY. e intake. Mr. Paterson showed by the P statutes that the duty upon biscuits EFFECT OF THE PREFERENCE. tt'd arlcide y,Wb dhwpoeadent over the done tic country unit him party so I,ad not been Increased, as Stated by curer am well an the Cumidetan consam- d.:ath of lief soldier sweetheart, Oeu. Ottawa tepurt : Tile debate was Mr. Foster, who Confessed film error. Mr. Foster --1 would *imply say that H. Oar, who fell below Valoocan. The girt placed the muzsle of a gnu over nhntlutsed Thursday lay Dir. Foster, win ucuuldwl neerJy three hours m eThe bills from the Senate for the relief of David Stook. and respecting my Imprialiva tic that the duty upon her heart and pushed the trigger of critielxlltg tlo rp>uebi of the F'Inauce aIle of health public sweet and unsweetened biscuits was the un with her Lose. Death want lu_ 1lkularter. Tito U nce of'hrtphmeht which iv 9HrYa d►ote,latroduoeol and Bleep, first s were Introduced the same. 25 roper cent.. u-=-: 10ALn u mi fA w. 'Va her {uaeants saytthg she could -notleXt*MAVely im fcllusar.i '� tlfreas-trrdfcatlsmF to Live refesenc n to r Mr�E ,.ihe Ioban. al. bear tier grief lunger and tartft quc+sta" durtug the dttbtW lint Introduced a bill to Inrther into trlsex�l rel het i Y g prefern.l (tutth. heepon the Address. Dir. Faster quoted amend the Canada temperagee act. I am wrotlg. I will look up the stat ARMOUR BETTSIt. from the statUtkV to wh'.ola was also given a first reading. Sir Charles Tupper, lu ute, ant u I Ant wrung I shall cer- talnly I however, 4 London. U" 9. -Mr. A nfr,'s re- psvYe Ulat the preferential tariff vias a defy atljtgtgIt tw aatultted resuming the debate on the budget, said that say ao am. right In the t+unWntlun which 1 maul, In preventative in Lutedon ved a legram title afteriboau denying that the l;bi,erull6e tt of any intention to he found it, unnecessary to trouble Rarnia. and which I made elsewhere Mr. Y. D. Armour. Of Cldea 11A4 deoet%o wheu It wan twought down; the House wit)'t any remarks In, re- that my bon. friend Its his re Lesion , he` a stroke o1 aphappaexY. "'e tier that the Uniteal Bett.ates had profited ply to the Minister of Trade and had out retlutsed the duty on the ar that Mr. by the t&W.f scare t1mu Brunt Brl• Commerce, who Instead of trying to thole which was manufactured, and patch .dda Armour hadbeen at Naulicka. about five "" from Homburg, fur tato had; that taxaVAmi had not heea materinll retlhhced; Unat the tariff Y grapple with the unanswerable and overwhelming case put by the mem- had dutyavailed hlaw of ri lowering of the duty oilrs raw material. mo feral slays, Lakin the waters, and that him hon-lltluu b yroteestvs m IL natoire, and ie her for York (Mr. Foster) had got Mr. Paterson -If the hon. gentleman' tear mcitemIly 11np0nvvved Since, Ills ter auseeirrod the Govarnmetlt tlwt the Con- servatsys would st-ind atraaulder to as far from the subject as possible. wad correctly reported be said that rival there. U. t3 C'RCItSF,R AGROUND. Ott protecting the dtuui.fer wCC He would not say, even If the speak- or had not ruled recently that the the dot had been Increased, but he y will" w as it was left the same, to Charleston, S. C., May 9. -Tike orw. hukrtrler cd lite (ouotry (rhea that he c deatrucUou which would have fallen wont was unparliamentary, that the Trade with the tion of the reference cep D given to Brl6lyh ff oda. I can only may OW ItaleIS14 w,lik9 L,.- "Semd la W- Uploll ti— had ape (,}or led gs(teppm�eat..4gJ 4m�ewerribe hon. Minister of and Commerce 'was a mischievous demag6&#,, ft li AAk►: a!'ba6-t-she-etee-Nttnh-*k 4 .Nie he present, at the Coutederette sit= ntaion, wevC tghcl earl this shorn- yy e,ieai fees evslaside the seafh r out rv� ropes siorue which they'IsiAr wiles -fe diol -ea6 elsiek he was. �-�- Share war a _tiara. -la aha '- wtb detlre to tlrag_a member's tri �t vsb slnesa Into tills Qlscusllon, Achyy. Mlle Is lying e+sY ASIA will pre baby be Matted at high tide this erehlae. It b not bolleved die ham suatai%d t i daghnge Capt Cogh- Ia n def; lined the aseletame (pI tugs. ii SHAKESPURE'S" PLATS. Safford Says William W—I%f Write Them. KNOWS WHERE ORIGNIALS ARE. Cleveland, Ohio, Mtay 9. -In n letter to life father from Lol000n Attorney Wllliem Stafford, a lifelong Shakes- pearfua student, rays that Ino has dha- covered full confirmation of the Ba- exrolan theory, and wlll"soon be In a poeitiou to remove all doubt regard- ing the antholidilp of the plays Ore- ditood to William Shaksspeam- Mr. Selford !itis for maty years be- Ifevoil that the plays were written by Loral Francla Buuoon. Hie has apen 1:1 arverel years In Farland Investtyat- We title question, and has delved into everytidag that waul_d tb w I��t " Wlid' A[epu tell prints Nose Alto writs that Ito wl11 soon be ID, pos- Ignsku of the original manusoript, new only d the P" now known, but Of soli? that Inave never been put In type. Mr. Safforvl mys that Ike concluded Mi&t the prefsoe to Rha ieeaspppeeaure's work was not tip to the stantlard of the plays thesnuives, and that there- fore here fore It war written in cipher. In the British Mtuae nen lie found an ori - glial edttkm of tike 14iya And after much Ilaivl work deelpthcrtetd the pre- face, whiclh revealed that Loaf Bacon was Ute auttor, and stated that the manummipt could be found on the old Lord Bacon state, now in ponecsvion of Lord Verulain, at Crrrhamburv. It as ?aid to be to an Iron box, enclosed do masonry, and the pmdace says the tinder Is to be the owner. Lord Ver. ulam was ht Ireland when Mr. Saf- ford wrote. and Mr. Rufford wan awialting bis return to ark leave to majoe an Inveetgatlon. TUPPUR IB HAPPY ]gum He Will Never Desert the Dear Old N. P. It had been sold in the ED~ timi3r, when the preferential tariff was tn- traduced lie had denpvncel It. He had denounced It, but It was not tine sense P(" -y as it ia to4ay. The Premier knew that ile would not have been (d+en Ule 'Culmen medal road it not Geer that the preference ram offered to every country In the wtor{d that chose to admit our products. Lord Ferrer lead stated that he would not have gleet tyre medal had the Asl#ft been a criscrinrAoeUoa. because dis- crimination was entiMy opposed to Cubtlenien. The psrefererrtial tariff am It IN t,rday* wan a p,pltC flat we were all satldtei with. ((Sir Wilfrid Lander -Hear, Imar.) He said that while time ground haaj been cut from untter the fest of the Cppomdtioo by rtat7lurremrun talmoppoiAftkmefcroald ll time tine Gave the tat I Pollpy alNizioloned, but lie n�es�te�dd'Sir WII- frld Laugier had retsrnel the Cob- den modal. It 'urns g3vexn to him am a free trader; and aim lie should nor the m0local honor frankly aalmit So Lord Farrer that lie had abandoned Ills free trade principles, land became a protetvtiormlst, bad pi vera A Ara fer+anxe to one Country over Mother, And should send the m6da1 boot[ to Lord Parser. Mr. TaykA--SmW let back by ex- Pr'ma ,Mr. Beirgsirm-C. O. D. r• ter ('hark* 11hipper asked UIe Pre - Cellar If the resp, of him negotlatfons will, Lite i'nitoal States vows that, no to had dntimnted, there was the bit- terest feeling In Calf .tlM1 to -day agalnBt Uhe United States there had evwr haat- 13'v wanted to know tvhaee daelernUost we were to take -the Pre- -ier'se, that the people of Canada did mot want rec/yrorlty wdth floe United Rtatees, or Mr. FWdingg''s, that hestill belleved to reetptvrl�ty and won Id flight for It. A (Jae mlent divided AKRklwt Itself could not stand. (Hear, hetur.) par Criticized the requotat In the e.timretn� for additional a ria- tdnn.v for the p:wt-otfie. Tlie I'ont- mNAteter-(k*wml had been Geld up to the WWWrattrrn ,e the world for hu formunmcad a,tluelinbetrrWin M the Potvtoffloe ==" t. Tile Ovi- disre" was fully xuff:cfent to Show that the poktotfire tend been carried m wW a disregard of the joint rights Cif the IrerepM Both as rust coniry in tme wcil•i'l heal Suver been aavindallsed wLt1h tw,ftem.---Sha Charles Tupper, on UlA B klig L OOKSIMIre AN ADVANTAGN Director of Bank of ringla ed so Deelares. London, May 7. -The corroverinmlont d the Associated I'man has lied an kntosrv'i+w with Load Revelettoke on tho lattor'w v-4dt to Amerhsn, from whish ho lien )tot returned. Rotorr- Ing to the prievient rumeth to form trusts anol syn dleatrms In Ampvdea, Lord Rpv- PietOlre, Who M A dbre-t„r of tJre Bank Of F,rglAtmd and A mPmbrsr'of the hhankbhg hrrtrno of BAring Brae. and Oct., I'ImJteol, fewld "Thews eeomMtwt Appwear to ha of Immense tulrnntaRp. Wildcat rw•bemow Will nndnnht,swlly tie frumulAtPrl from time to time. istit Brent or'ganlxatoM of Industry In Amer•lea have, in my opAnl(xt. In most cause relaulted In un- d„nbts., e'onorhy M labor AAA ex - Venom of mMngemeent, and have been herefi•iAl in financial and (rtler ree- owtaa F,nglialemen hardly yet a Plstn thx /rx•m Art1 pntlontiAtitt nr tlw+ p'e•s.*•nt movonmpnt, but t.h"P will Boren bo A rwri"on Of p itilh' opinion is favor of thwo congAmtlov ' Jnepph Nosh, et Rooth Durhwm, while trying to tvnated a moving G T. R train at Mt. I fell In front of the w1wolls awes had ►step huge nit skis Fie diad w taw honrn later. Nur Iticbartl Carliterigltt Iaitowed, country when that appppelAtloa might t I think the ex Finance Minister w1B ftnl I ata oo)rre,t. 7i'I sem wrong and argued that, owvlm for servh;e, Win present GovOlmnib xlt had given a have been properly applied to him. He charged Sir Richard Cartwright I .hall certainly acknowledge It- But more efft^•tent andeconomical allmin- with having referited to the Marl- here 1" the potut I want to make: lrtration than the Tete Government, time Provinces as the patches and that the reduction un the duty on the that the lncrertse d pfsp{wulatltw under shreds of the Dominion, and taunt- raw material reduces the Coit of the s reverwhe tea'Yf te 1 been greater wf film with having been relegated gho to tate c(xowmer, not only upon than tinder ; that a true �pfsvtectkve tariff resulted to a dim- to the (sack seats. so to speak, by a the article that H Im{carted Into the cuuutry, but upon the article that is hmvkpn u4 Imposts, am demoomtrated his leader, who had come to the con manufactured In the country. It Is by the IAbhgley, tejlicf, and that sub- elusion that his party could only obtain by keeping the hon• rut the paltry one or two million Jectrl to that ;cyst, the ezlmting power dollars' waving to the people of this ff W not Iscosec:tive in its nature, gentleman from going out and de- country In the duty paid that repre- and tlhut the pseterentutl tariff ham bono:tte.h liver)ng those philippics which have .olmt9 the full beneflt to the people. really the Radish mmufac- done tic country unit him party so That does not begin to represent the curer am well an the Cumidetan consam- much harm ; and having ,succeeded In saving that has been made to the er. In conclusdon Richard COIW results Prupon the gaining power, gave the hon. geu- people of thin country by reason of =fit Ifnaiufil Ion of the Dominion tw#t Leman a back seat In the treasur Y• the Fielding rig tariff. When the duty fs 'from tJhe metluads of the Connserva. and Lhc hon. gentleman was ob- liged to be content with having reduced upon tDP raw material of articles manufactured In the the GiOverientmt In opening up the with ttiora by put In his place one of those patches coon try the cost to the consumer is re Ike avwi thew�est the wire Gold aurhatweman ike npplhca- which the Premier had taken from duces$, and b the rMuetlon of the Y One of a buMnesrs policy in the open- � the Maritime Provinces In order to tariff there its a saying to the con - Ing up of the YAkum. as shown by provide an Administration for the humor, the amount of which I will a recent speech of Sir C'Iwrles Tupper. 0ou1110y• He also charged the !tints. not pretend to estimate. In the Item Mr. ('rang •wno the last speaker for ter of Trade And Commerce with of cottons the-ptR(erentlal rateguv- the d,ty, red the adjournment 4A tlhe having b:en responsible to, the de- erne the American cottons as woll as &bate was moved by air. Taylor feat of the Liberal party In 1887, those which come from England, and (Lrcds), on behalf of Sir Charles Tulr and forcing the retirement of Hon whet the ex -Finance Minister maid per. `- Edward Blake from the leadership that the preferential tariff Iv large. The Speaker informed the House by his action In kicking over the IY dsiCeptive, that the people did not that he lend received the ml,ort of the traces and taking the most violent get the bonefit of It, he, has not Clerk of tlw ('town In Chancery of the and determined attitude that he bas gratoped the tall effect of the prefer - election of Mr. W. If. Comatock for ever takenIn this country for free entlal tariff' Bnmkvil�lee..�� trade. Following fdilaa the bon. gen- FOSTER ACKNOWLEDGES ERROR. ��� 11 rioc�c�i' tTie-"in Sun cethrttn•i klslRhl►Jlnrd� I.-._ T . .silo . lavtAr. Mr.. F #/._ koro l+isAmi-aleEln/ g Proc ty with the allow me; is luat published tariff list Hallway C'omimmy-Mr. ilclnnea United States, even if It was neces- was that of 1894, and In that the I Rcati cting the Roman Catholic opts- sary to sacrifice British interests to items appear "sweetened and uu- colal corporation of Pontiac. -Mr. achieve It. Had It not been for the sweetened blueuIU6 25 per cent." When Gnlllet. action of Sir Richard Cartwright the change was made in 1895 on sugar iteplying to Mr. Bauraasn, the Minis- the Liberals would have been re the item of blscufts was put back as ter of the Interior said that Dir. Fair- turned to power In 1891. it was before -(Government clteers)- Icy Is not now Principal of Rapert's PnWtlon Ponid never Ir a #strong Op - tot there was no complete publication 1,and Industrial School, having been 4 kl:amiFsucd• SCOUTING tiwt waw not fit to laaA It.- AAv. Tbpro wore ,sly threes or folly Vim. WIlllam Pwbrvrrs on the bodlippt. PARTY FIflEO ON of the revised tariff, so that we have s no complete publication of the tariff. The Minister of the Interior, In mlittle P&WI t(ih fvr o pgrrwern harp At last RbMI'd wits rpriorted that A number of them to (have nothing rew" to do ,Ieelrwl to mponk. no (ane movmet tile- . and without the sheet that was ply to a Amies of questions b Mr. Oil- 7� mover, maid It h; not, the present luten- Tupper reammei the debate In the sent out the dlffereace would never difference thin of the Government to adopt a new policy rgard117 the of ameliet Major �I fes and a Private j gg be quoted, and that ia hove I fell Into the error. (Government cheers.) While givng ante, by way of grub uthil W, to Considerable attpotlon to the nreflaM.i I am on my feet I may make the pw•reorns removing from, one part of Were Wounded. whole explanation, an far as my atate- ment went, allowing what in right and Cannda to another. Where applications what Is wrong. My statement was am made. to the (lovornment for that Sweetened biscuits were raised. grnntm or auaslatanee Rith the view of SCLDIERSSUFFER WITH TYPH01 I wan in error there , but when I lrtr•venting the removal of any per- stated that the raw material that rant, fr, m Canada to �,he United States, or for the ``,uri,iaesbf retabdng Manila. Way 9, 8.35 p.m. -:L recon- went Into -confectionery and sweetened bfsculti-Tikes been them an settlers In Canada, the Gov- rioftering pa Jy from Mitlor-Oen. Law. lowered I wits per - upon policy ernment will decide Its lie ton's command, and which conuiated fectly correct. But when I stated at the manufactured products were not with regard to the matter, but the of two companies of the Minnenotit lowered I Isram perfectly right In that. c Gmernment is not at present aware Regiment and tyro companies of the Mr. Paterson -Not perfectly, as the that there Aro penrwt who d'eire a Oregon Regiment, under command of preferential tariff does lower It. Mr. f settle to the Northwest Territories, Major Diggles, of the Minnesota Regl- Paterson suggested that a man like tout who are unable to do so without went, advanced yesterday to a point Dir. Foster should be careful before aurae astalatance, and who otherwise near Ban Miguel, which Is about stating that a member of the Govern- t aim likely to remove to the Utdt'd twelve mils north of Ballnag. There ment, upon whom largely depended the i Ntatra ReplYing to Sir Hibbert Tupper, Mr. the Americans were met with a volley from a force of rebels helhlred a trench. auty- of arranging tills tariff by virtue of the position he occupied, had so Rifton d that the Government does Major Diggles was wounded In the forgotten that position as to betray not know that the Inquiry by Mr. bead, and a private Soldier was also file trust to further Ills own Interest Ogilvle in tile' Yukon territory has wounded. Major DtggleA and the prl- at the expense of the country, P•PPC been concluded ; that Mr. Ogllvle'S re• tate, together with ten typhoid Tally when the statement was without port lean not hecu received, and the patients, were brought by special foundation, ore Mrt Foster had admit - Government ham no Information to Indicate It tie He train to Manila to-duy: ted thin statement was. -Budget (le - when will ready. Thr Don Jose, the last of the miss- bate. v stated, however, that it will Ape laid Ing steamers under the Amerlean flag ua,.Lhe.tabl$-wllen_recormd,._..----- WANT THE REDISTRIBUTION BILL. lt:" w re.lotrtnots by UW Inourg.wts Before the orders of the day were sines the beginning of the war, was found by the gunboat Manila at cullet Sir Charles Tupper drew the Batangas, and arrivied here to -day. attention of the Premier to a matter - -- which. he said, would materially af- JXAN LOUIN TAILLON. feet the progress of. the business of — tlte House. It was, he arid, the fiftieth The Montral "Boy Healer" so Knob day Since the House opened, and he Talked About. asked that the only measure of Im- )ureal May (t. -Cattle Jean Q. portance referred to In the speech, the redletrlbutiou bill, be Introddced. dais „TaUlon, tla boy healer, docs t Sir Wilfrid, In reply, said that Sir not look upon himself as being more than An ordinary child. Newspaper Charles ane not use a when s g to the House a few days ago the stories of him power to cure diseae_�s Intted the Intention of the GOTErrlmellt In are read to him and he gn,ety an In French: "It to not I, It to Oal." thib. matter. For the Information of Charles he repeated Ills statement Flrnn seventy to one hnrhdreol per - an ga to the oanrnP the Government Ill- erxm called at the Talllon house to- to- day. Full a doom of t tendel pmrpoing. And rpfilm �- - wereall- that he had stated the Government -------- intended bringing down the redistribu- tion IAII at an early date. ' Sir Cncrles anld that his hon. friend had not apprehended the purport of the question. He thought that the ' progress of the beimines of the House would be very much promoted by the ^ �'tt /ala' i Government promptly bringing (town Important ,t l' - /-� so n measure an the reetim- tr1hation bill. The Premier would see �//r-VR that the Opposition would fail to die- charge their duty to the house If they perm tted the progress of public final- nas without such an Important mors- ' tiro hPing hrou:;ht in until the lant (iA a Oi the a me on. S!r Wilfrid Lnurlpr sold that lee ' quite unerhstored the hint given b time leader opt the Opposition, and lie e I was happy to tell him that -the char- flctSer (1f the tnceanrr+ tiflf b11 .itch tjtat �1 _ - there will be no cause whatever for obstructlon. . ?RAN LOM TAWAX } ' T-' �J Alr Charlex Thghper-Lvrrlmnquently, I iS! ,mo, the reaenti why It - —'- - --- �- Some had ehrvxllc troubles In this' whop* of rhouvnatlem, above M fitly laid upon til+ earache, toothache, headache, tams. Sir Charles had still another mAt- cancer, etc. It was, fanposelble for ala+ boy to at - ter to bring nape lie called attentori tSetxd to them all, for Lhongh life opera - tion laying U) the fact that them to rmly n month of on of hands And the remaining in which the Government saying of a pater and avo forthe haves power to dlsnllow the leglwrntlon Cure does not take long„ his, mothor of Llae F'mvinc+o Of Drltlieh ColnmMa In k careful that Use boy's strength ('� 1898 melpeetln Jap..mtm + Immigration, shall not ba overtnxed by filo com- I� In Tho Pearnler. In reply, paid thut the contact with too many stran- Governme+nt In Awniting a reply to a Ceras. ddooe�{�M1tch went recently to the Im- paerleal AAthorltlem upon tho __ _ T'hs ]4etort Oearteoan• matter, Dr. Montague• wits Informed by Mr. P� Clhari.v find d Bal that a Govern- Blalr that ito find not wort tlo report merit divided Agnlreat Itmplf Could not offs oeerhing tho iloorting by tile Grand stand, Thera wam top dlviml(o In bbe River. Mr. Blair, however, p rnm wM to i r"wlnt Gosvernment, but Air Charles lock Into the matter. Mr. Rlfton, Tul,pPr knew wnrnethlaeg of w (1(mvern- lm'nt that dlvl,tevl In reply td) Art inquiry by Sir Hibbert Tupper, waw against Itself ani that did rapt tpx provnlaml to have laid on that t•ibW return. of taw or- metASv1. or wAven of Its memMsw haat dretum what WPA Mount" M the Ynko n Coancll, never donee Ware, had xto(xl tip In ttie Ottawa. May B. -Th" badgpt debate Hoatwp And .ln.fAreeet thsAt tlw keA.lxr (A came M A conclusion anmpwhAt mesh- thn Govperinv ent waw not fit to lew,1 lrlha denty a few mhnetpo before midnight, Goivernment. Thorn were megne, tux,, when the Finance Minister rose and thattloeprment Opposition, wmra_dl. "Atal that the motion to Ifo lotion erase. Tided Against themadron, And as Ar mlttor on waves and motame having PnWtlon Ponid never Ir a #strong Op - serval Itis purpose he would withdraw It Anti more that the Rouse go Into 41on yrh►wl LMeevt wrlw A fS.allrhg A Apart that the lander of that ('ommlttpp of mttpply on some. future tiwt waw not fit to laaA It.- AAv. Tbpro wore ,sly threes or folly Vim. WIlllam Pwbrvrrs on the bodlippt. mpmbors of item Opposition In the - -- HOoesp wt tier temp, and Although It P&WI t(ih fvr o pgrrwern harp At last RbMI'd wits rpriorted that A number of them to (have nothing rew" to do ,Ieelrwl to mponk. no (ane movmet tile- frith rnwk h exinMak find Aro forming adjmirtimont of tie" Aehatp. Air Chain. a kxusl P(wnpexy to handdloo tbp crop Tupper reammei the debate In the and to fere'parv' it for then forvetgn mar - aft,ornson. And snake, for tarn and A beet, 11w11 hoarse darinAgg ae� Ilii devoted Ret. Jaehpw Fault, Methodist minla. Considerable attpotlon to the nreflaM.i ter at 1111— ".,.ut. 1. A_..w ._.-That Axpendttumw of 1999 Leaving the revenue and Coming to the expemdlture aide of the statement, I find the total expendltury on con- solidated fund amounted to 48H,8;I2,- 52:,.70. This In somewhat In e:oess of the estimate of $.38,76(1,(100 I made fast year, and b $482,765 mere ttan wax expended In the prevlooe fiscal year. The principal Increases will be found In sinking fund. Immigration, mounted poll-, public works, consolidated fund and railways and carealia The decrease M tile oinking funks in, d coerme,only nominal, no the+ money M simply taken out of one pocket and put into an- other. I need may nothing with re- gard to Immigration, for, An we know, this money to expended for dtringlnR to our chorea those who are capable of taking Advantage Of our Immerses usetlt q leo of unoccupied lands. The Ithiarte - Ith +'egarvt to floe Northwest Mwntexl�,,olioe la created by reaeusdof the administraelot of the Yukon. and MY' bon. friend the Minister or Public Works (Mr. Tarte) ham hod to keep our various public works in the beet shape, and the exterhmiar of the Intpr- 0oloolal Railway to Montreal Is tine princlpAI reason for the fncerepas In railways, and c1anals. Ilii 1rr11ro- (1 deorlaases occult• In Ing - foliation, Uldi tin Aral post-dflce. You will remleent her that h 1899.97 we )Gad two mesOMs d Partin t, and the acoormts of 1896.97 contaln the Charge for the extra ereticln, hence tele redlicttatl under the heed of lag- Matton. In corirertfrg Ute acctunts rf the year IAA9TO with theles+ of 'ttle jmevkhbB Yves, wdith regard to trrtli g fin 1896-97 we hid to expand Pxbra MIM" an the annual trnJrNng, in coram -m enna of the camps having bfwso omftttwd In tree last year cif the arimlkntrtreitkan of hon. gg�entlpmwen ftp pnesf+te. And hence the reduCtIon In the e arndd!Wr've o: 1897-98 an edmpnred avftll 1898.97. Tile radut',tiun In the hP flnee Depairtmont expenddttwre i-97 dldwed aa1897-98 stfo i tedx thiel busiin '1ks menAg.erwa t of What branch of the publlc wprvdore by mp+'icsa friend too PowmearRw-r-Grsuavil, wldobe Ac- Paa4ates allow an Mcr iame d revenue to the eztent of 8 4,1371, And a tie- crname of expendsteem to the extorlt of $::14,(1188, matdvlX. no rafrarho tllasx t ttovism M int -ceased rpvenu*e And �rt�luos(1 expop'"ditate. n hettcrment in the Ptist-offko! i?epart imintame-mint- Irrc to $ 1RR,987. T7ebe staste of Affairs ItAA fow"'Tn the hash. gpntlpmm (Mr. Mukx-k) anrd the Grnarnrnent to take ale dnmprrrtent Moret (A rMkn`ing Ule AesmswHt to tons Pon Md also to VX:id Uto ndrnntw(Ymw (vl pvehhy to a (swab part d lube vthlpshre. I Ileco 'lemlt gv�norvafly olds the reiteration avid elpend}dm+, AnA feslw Asa ors rsatlhpltMwia• We rsomered a few of `4 FBIi,31kA. (We "Tpmp tird NId,S82,625 and Wd s; fort ule A enr- ger of $1,7+22,712 M a resaft Cf tlo �ir*m on ill" oRririary aBrvkeem. -1fr. Fi ufta'a Arudgemt f ippedm. UrOfll University will neater the (lpgroe of i.i.. i). on Mr. Rudyari Kip. Hng. Germany tense IntrddrsnA A nwntamm for to rihl+d Irngwtl(wo of American rrhesaats Thr first next vote tarsal vpatxrdsty of the AtrAott-MISChpil iron aBd Steel Company's works at Bellevulle. WILL BE NO MODUS VIVENDI, h .. Washington- Officials Now - Express That Opinion. 11 "I THEY BLAME 'US OF. COURSE. A. MontsTW" Maly &-4%0 8.rnld pub- Umbes tato following, dated washmg- top. May 4th: At the fast movesung a1( the Cabinet li p wap a ltwhg dtgsabslpn d that taw --.----•I theted 8iatslt ands y edhift a rugardlog the A Iaska bo�uDdtrl dis[1stW. Tile dinvuesturt resulted In no practical some rtLon, last it was interesting ass a awl llfeartatlun d We dhappolnt. meant felt In Wardnl�Wtt dfa hal cir- cles on account ,Of Casads'a falluze to atvept ills soodwo Yivendl propora- tioh. E lrw otl--Y Hely expressed the oyLuion yestarday tilat the plan for a modus vivendi Could nut be carried r MA, and that the present unmtkdac- tory wnokttlern d of talus In Maluku, must contLhue to exist until some deLLL - cisive anti per'mpnent settlement can be .sauteed. The President and bL ad- vlasing dt Tifead'ty'a mOetiag Ilstened e. with great fntermat to what the Neo- -- retaryy of llaabS - instal bo Sony rabwA the effotta filet hat tpetso lied 00 em $btbh -a Dodase viveudl, and thesis whit macre than tans exprdrrden d on" " ]::] prim that the Ottawa Dove nment i ..it, see its way clear to accept- 1 Lig the proponitiou d this Govern - Ment. The•A(lalilrtrathoti utticlals ate at a lost to undervrtrtnd the at letude d the Dominion Government. When the 41 =PPropxhslttun was made from Waah%ng- far a sexhhe vivendi there was no ftec" tbnh in the -inti of the State De- partment that the stt�tloa would be rattily accepted. ho surprise was felt wAtten the London Governament re- ' 1 ferrel the matter to Ottawa, bat i when the DumLnlon authorities fall - ed to paws favorably on the proposi don the Servetar d State and the ostler Ad-intiAm � orale" were at a las bo understruld it. The meeting of the Caabtnea on Tlaesr� was the first opportttntty prtemm:x for Be.,. mt,ar7 Hin to lay the matter be- fore Site Dent and his advisers, 11 and It Ilam since appeared that than was a long dismission of the subject '1 at that Use, and a general exprse. Am of disappotnteelent. WOURN AND MIBSIONH. ftusinsss aesuona " the PrsabTLaHaa W. r.U.a .. . Wou drtock, May 4. -Tire convention 1 d the W. F. M. S. came to a close thin afternoon. Ottawa was unanimously The election of officer -4 resulted as ton- WSJ own: Prslylent. Mrs. Shortreed -. .1 FD'rt Vice-PresldenL Mrs. McLaren; Wood Vice-PrealdenL Miss McLen- Ian; Third Vice -President, Mrs. G. H. Romn,on ; Fourth Vice -Presides L Mrs Pla fair; Recording Secretary, Mss B. McMureh ; Cor. Secretary, Dire. Campbell ; Home Secretary. Mrs. Orant ; Secretary of Work Among In- diana Mn. Jeffrey ; Secretary Inter- national Conferenoe, 31im J. Caven ; Secretary Publication. Mrs. Teller; Secretary Life Membership, Miss . Craig ; reawlrer. Mlss George, Edl- Lor of Tidings. Mrs. McGillivray ; Hon. Vice -Presidents, Mrs. J. McLaughlan, Mrs. H. H. McLaughlin'. Mrs. W. Held, Mrs, John Hainey, Mrs. W. Ball. In tate morning Mrs. McLaren, the President, reviewed the work of the /set year, recalling the fact that the lety had been In existence for 23 Y The reports all showed that much success was attending the so- lety'm efforts. MIs Cress read the repoeFt of the Board of Management or Mrs. Playfalr, who was unable to be present. The good service being hSono by the Training Home wax men. I toned. Mrs. Shortreed presented the orelgn report. Word from Indore was very encouraging. The wort It the Indiana of the Northwest Tetrritorles was reported upon by Jars. Jeffrey. Mrs. Grant. of Ottawa, P a review of the work of the Home Secretary. The publication report was react by Mrs. Telfer, and the International report by Mss Ca. en. The financial statement, read by [Ian George, wan very encouraging. It showed a balancia on hadd of 419.. - .. -.. 001.93. Tire afternoon Session was taken up with two Home Mbinionary ad- dresses, delivered by Miss McLaren, of Blrtle, and Mss Johnston, of Albertnl, B. C. 1 To -night the public meeting was . very largely attended. Dr. Moore, con. vomer of the General Assembly's For - Sign Ml,wfon Committee, presided, and It very Interea ting address was de livered by Rev. J. Wilkie, of Indore India. ROBT♦RTSOM's TALE. enlightening the committee on Farm Ing Topics. Ot6awum, Ont., May 5.-(flpeclal.l- Irof. Robertson addressed the Com- mittee on Agriculture today, on the fgndamental principles which make ngrculture mucoesf 1 and profitable In this country. He puke of the dlffl- cultte$ which the farmer had to con- tend with. Those of climate and tem- perature were almost controllable, and those of the preparation of the npfl mo as to ensure tra largest amount Let plant ftcod And the tree of the most productive kinds of seeds were entirely within the o(mtrpl of the farmer. He cxplAlned the rotation of crops, show - Ing how the planta In which the grpwth of repot and wtom and )Pares were ImPOrtant, prwpnred the Bull for ala+ growth of the grain crop), which f011'ovr44 be which the Glu And welgllt Of the seed were important. Mr. Rob - P t"I'ln'm address, which will fin pa'b- Ilwhrd In the committeet'e report, will rom, Inteeremeting and valuable reading td the Canadian farmer. A FAMILY 09 WNIGHT fifteen Children Who" Avoirdupois ' In Nearly Two Toss. Belhrvllle, Ont, Way 8.-T he fasrely of Leo Whitton. the Ukatirlgst County dant wlho retonetly (UFA In England. Im oerhapnly one of coueMfernble wetah(. HIS ram a Nous of Mr. Jae. WIl ttm, of Campliellforl, and was oto of A faMMY of 15, eight boys and seven gtrlt. 7116 wstht Cr the! drCyr, Garen Oi whom nae Itvtsg, Is am tollowc Leo. heavlesrt man In the wvrrld... 550 Jalnusa, of Wellmhmlm (bruourw .... 2118 W1 11 avR� Ja,n�ot Peniisylyuli , ... .... E88a Of tldAe-nr. arA. 240 Frallik of Frankfosvt . 240 Of Nese Vo#'Lt' ......... 2B0 Robert, a Brteit(ft .. .. ., - . 220 7bta1 ... ... ... ... ... ... .....2 270 AvSwthllw ... ... ... ... ... ...... 2Si 8-4 The d"0111 postero will averages avoir 175 ponmss eArh. 71e tees -warn Tinea of marphorna- nla Anti elnhdlmat have been ion some degree ampar'eaded ` M pP trulbon ,' Which In daerrlbwi by physlclaM who hays te-teed patients for It ass 'y FnovwltY, elmewt without parsel- .Toa tasks for petroleum, it LL Bald, grows Upon Shot tippler until ft davebtpsss Into an Irresistible pAssl(n. PhySMlAnm havx not set had nppor unity to Gaudy the toll effactm of Vs. traallwn. And their views Y tan Its care And futures are so newAat dlvergsst. Bolt the t mmwnnae of opinion In that the Tiottm of Skis now habit Is Ned red ma[anohdy. • A� 111 ` A11i I . . ... -,. 4