HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 6raNFESSIONS
Musk - Dime -
June toil 111.-Tlreru ,uoter at oue
hundred In the .bade, and up to hen•
' erP-I
e zoos -s esa>!'-wews, I- r1n
bnagbie, If I may Judge by the state
of my shirt, sleeves. A clieerful cli-
mate is which to eek a anus to spend
Noe best days of lilt lUe, for the vis-
ionary ' prospect of surviving twenty
years' service mei retiring on ha
pay. If It were not for Janie, 1 could
Mond it Here we are, cooped
up In an old Dutch fort, with three
miler of desert plaid between us and
the ma; the very house we live in
built on the remains of a cemetery;
the ruined grave.' of whkh stare us
in the race every time we look out of
Nut drawing -room windows. The
fees quoxuce of which 1s that Janie
would lett may hi the house by her-
self after ibtr!•ior .try earthly con-
edlefgtkru: and U she cannot procure
a it'uwle friend to donee atteudance
on 'ter learn, -I am cut oat --tar my
bachelor elite rtalnment . Not that I
whit to (veep )gin; for from It; It
would be !land If I could not giro up
cone phwxtres to exebatrge for such
a wife :as mite -but I Wave found it
awkward at timer. Then we have no
sos•kty but much aa the regiment
astomia; and as a married man I am.
of ts,untte, not so muoh at the mess a■
heretofore. Altogether I mihtn-Sunda
is not ilvely ; and my wife is the only
creature who takes tt bearable to
I don't wonder that the whole can-
- tonment voted me a lucky fellow
when I obtained the promise of het
hand, The first time 1 ever saw her
r at. the house of her married sister -
.the wife of Denville, of the 44th. ince
ordered to Burmali-I thought her the
pretties`, most lovable little wpman 1
had ever seen ; and Aprtil* the twelve
months of our happooOatrled life. I
hair had no reason to alter my opin-
ion. Janie is all that a man could
possibly desire in a wife ; and so I tell
myself twenty times a day. Never
have I stern her face clouded with pas-
sion or 111-ltumor ; whatever I propose
to do W invariably the thing she has
Just been wishing for ; she. never din-
- sent' from me either In opinion or de-
sire; she never even meets me without
the same quiet smile, which has de-
servedly gained her the credit of being
such wory sweet ouj g woman •"
Into a man's affections and to remain
these; for who with a heart could
bear to wound the feelings of one so
sensitive and pure? 1 don't believe at,
this moment. In all the length rind
breadth of -India, there exists n hap-
pier or more contented fellow than my
self ; and If we only hnd'a little more
society, a little company occaslonally
to turn ourllrotughts from dwelling in-
cessantly upon ourselves, our life
would leave nothing to beet sired. Dict
--bat what,my Janie ie the world to
me; still. a woman is but a woman
after all, and the clays are apt to
become monotonous.
WOO; horrid Mushin-Bund* !could
anythltig reconcile me to a llle-long es-
peitriatiort in a place like thi.? 'The
vel, thought le desolation.
Jure eta -Two days ago.I was eom -
paalnlrig (4 the lack of weep -hale to
be found In Mushln-Bnnda. Thle
evening I feel inclined to write my-
self down an acs, and say that my
fool)ehness has returned upon my
own pate, Tor we are likely to have
more company than. we care for. I was
in the veranala thle intoning
smoking ,and grumbling, and as f
turned from the contemplation of the
glaring compound to where Jane sat
in her wtblte drew', bending over tome
letter she had just received, I deckled
she was the only cool thing within
my range of eight. The dogs were
lying panting on the gravel with their
to gme.'out. The constant motion of
the flapplug punkah did not apear to
do more than stir the heat. Even
the quiet easy-going tailor sitting
erasiete Red-atmy'Toot; nr pro-
ceed with his work unless he dipped
his black fingers every minute In a
bowl of water. Everything looked hot.
horrible, and eticky, except Janie her-
self. But there eat my cushat-dove-
half buried in the flounces of her mol'
lin dress -a fair, plamp..plaeld little
e woman ; the effect of heat on whom
le only to make her look more white
and cool, with her sunny hair drawn
off her tranquil features, and her calm
blue eyes riveted on the open letter
which she held In her hand. None of
your passionate, raving, storming
creatures title who nearly squeeze you
to death one moment, and stick a
knife into you the next ; but a proper
sort of woman for a wile and mother.
or m 1 choose to call her' and I really
000ldn't take my eyes off her -moon-
light beauty, until I want roused from
my reverie by hearing her plaintive
voice exclaiming:
"Oh. dear! oh. deur ! how very un-
-'-it---fortamatet What ever Will the poor
girl l ? "
" O , whom are you talking, my dar-
-ling?' I asked. as 1 cast away the
remains of my cigar, and advanced to-
ward her.
" Of my cousin Lloane, Robert dear;
Margaret Anstruther, of whom I have
e n often spoken to you. i told ,you
ubme time ago, didn't I, that In con-
sequence of her mother's' death she
was coming out to the care of our
uncle, Oul. Anstruther, at Madras r
" Well, what of It ? Has ohs ar-
"No; but this letter la from Uncle
Henry. and he la La mph a dilemma.
He expected Margaret to he with
hien four or flee malls ago ; but her
guardians have delayed and delayed
to .creno her out ; and now, just an he
le ordered off to Chir a, to loin hie
regiment, he receives a letter to Rey
that .he *ill .drive by the next
. "And he will have left Madra. ?"
"Yee ; and for mix nullities at leant.
He does not know what out earth to
do about It."
And Nannie, in nn unomrtaln main-
Mer, kept turning the (sheet of paper
.,,..yQMPL am_(Jyer. lu hes_handie.. __. ._
He mast ask one of his lady friends
to receive Mien Anstruther: ' i mug-
reelgued ; but the nett moment 1
thought of all my quiet evenings with
my loving little wife being broken In
µpun ; of our cozy walks and talks,,
and dr vee being done away with, and
f tgeetrgd 1 dares,
t . Must h3�'„ '0�
said dear little Janie, almost ready
to cry at my description of hd1P'lRra•
stn. "Liming Is eery graoelul and
etoeedl1fy handwoven; every one
says mi. .Indeed. Unfrock dear. yes&
are quite ml taken."
' Hire won't be hasdsume to me."
1 answered. appeasing Iyer with a
Was. "aims she meat be eu differ-
ent from yourself, Janie. Nothing
will go down with me. darling, ex -
tope it be gulden hair and a marble
akin; and then they must be the
hair and the Mtn of but one woman
in the world," And 1 looked into
the face of my cuahat-dove until I
made her blush and laugh nervously
with her tremulous happinees. Dear
little Janie! lied keep me ever true
to ! " Why do you call your
• Limner instead of by her
proper name?" I asked, as soon us
the billing and cooing episode bad
&wewhat subsided, and we had lei-
sure to revert to the subject under
discussion. " Margsnt L pretty
enough, and the other has no cou-
neetlon with it, let alone 11. signifi-
cation rendering it very unsuitable
for a lady."
At thle question my wife reddened ;
but atter a little pressing. coufeesed
It was a nickname which had beeu
bestowed ou Mien Anstruther at
' die is a dear, generous creature.
Robert, dear," she pleaded; " but
Mgt a 11111• hasty. or. atlas*. she
need to bre ; but of course she will
have got over alt that by this time"
(nut ser sure, thought I); "and we
girlie used to call her ' La Donne'
just for fuu. you know, and somehow
the name suck to her. Oh, you
should have seen her in a rage !" cun-
tluued Janie, warming beueath the
recollection ; " her eyes used to
flash such glorious fire, and she
didn't seem to care what she dud.
Once, when I offended her. she flew
at me Juet like a little cat, and bit
me on the arm." And Janie laughed
softly at the remembrance. which
made my Wood bull.
"What a she -devil!" 1 exclaimed In-
dignantl , as 1 thought of the fair
flesh * of which I was so tender,
lacerated by the teeth of a gaunt
school -girl with vicious black eyes- "1
should like to have caught her at
it !" •
Then Janie seemed to think she had
said too Much. and tried to retract.
"Oh. but Robert dear 1 she et•
claimed. "she is very different now,
you, know ; that happened long ago;
and though we still call her Leanne.
It b seldom tbat she ever giver way
to her temper. I have not seen her
for some years ; but when we last
met we had not a word together
during the whole period of her stay."
"And bow long may that have been.
"For three weeks ; and she was so
pleasant and kind. you can't tihik."
Tlsse weeir,b....L peesoed -la to
spirit ; and we are to endure six
months of the company of this lady
who ie called Llonne, In compliment
ment to the amiability of her disposi-
tion,'and bites and scratches like a
eat whenever she is offended. 1 began
to think of clothing myself and- my
wife in mail armor during the period
of her stay. no that we might be W.
vulnerable to her attacks ; but a re-
mark to that effect to Janie seemed
greatly to discompose her.
"It 1. not fair of you, Robert, dear,"
chc' said, with knitted brows, "to take
my oonfedence 1n each a spirit. It 1s
all non.ense to suppose that Maeyaret
will bo like that now ; she is a charm-
ing girl. who le universally admired."
"I am delighted to hear It," I re-
plied sarcastically. "I hope, however,
Meat she won't take a liking to me; or
-Qat. 11 the does( she will keep lier
charming teeth to herself."
' I dare soy you won't be troubled
with iter long," exclaimed Janie, with
a degree of excitement which I fore-
saw would end 1n tears. "Margaret at-
tracts lovers 'wherever she goes, and
we .ball have her engaged and mar-
ried menet likely before t(be has been
many weeks at Machin -Benda."
"Worse and worse," I Inadvertently
replied. elf I thought that waste 'he
the end of it. Janice I should cut and
run at once."
Visions of my brother officers loung-
heg about the drawing-rc,m all day,
and marling at eaoh other like
rival curs - of a weddlrg, and all
the paraphernalia and fuss attend-
ant on it -made me give vent to the
horror which I telt In the anticlpa-
"Ah ! you didn't think 1t all oro hor-
rid a year ago!" said my wife, melt.
Ing Into the promised tears; "but
i suppose you have forgotten that
by thle time, or wish, perhaps, that
It had never been."
The conclusion struck me as on-
reweonable; but when women arrive
at that stage they are not in a fit
/date to be argued with, and are best
left alone.
"It's very different when one plays
Bret fiddle in the oaee, dear child,"
i answered soothingly ; but Janie
wart no longer In it humor to be
"I don't believe you think no, Rob-
ert," she said ; "and as for poor LI-
onne, I'm sure-"
"Oh, for heaven's 'eke, let's talk of
something elm than poor Llonne!" I
answered hastily. "I'm mare we've
had enough of her for one evening,
and, for my part, I'm getting quite
sick of her naMe."
It was a foolish, unthinking speech
to make, and Janie took It so thor-
oughly to heart that she walked
away from my side Into the house,
and had cried herself trick and ill
before I had the manllneels to flied her
out .red ask her pardon for, my rude-
ness. and women to try and like her
cousin for her stake. I must be "more
careful of Janie. She M not strong
enough to endure much emotion ; and
eine tone me so tenderly, that the least
etemiclon of unklndneo, ori my part up-
sets he.r.
Well, this le the first shadow of a
disagreement that we have ever had;
may 1t he the lest! Thet It int oc-
curred on the subject of Margaret An-
Ivtrutber, le not likely to increase my
predilection In favor of that young
June 17th. -I did not go to led till
late Inst ovr'ening, for i was vexed at
what had taken place between myself
and Janke. and could not readily eom-
poso myself to steep. However, i &el
so nt last, vowing to endure nil the
eotwlne In creation fastened upon me
for all time, sooner than bring another
needle." tear into the tenter eyes of
done so ; for Janie, who hi not. goner•
ally "peaking, what is termed quick
of obeervuutiou, saw the change In my
countenance and commented upon it
•'1'uu lkin't like the notion. Robert
dear," she saki. In a tone of disap-
"Well, Janie, I can't say I do; but
1f t must be. it must be. What does
yolr uncle say ou the subject ?"
"Ile says it would be a great con-
venience, of course, and that he does
not know to whom else to apply. or
he would not trouble us. And Mar-
garet and 1 were at school to-
gether, Robert ; we were brought up
quite like 'sisters; so it would seem_
strange U she were to go to any
one else. And It la only for six
taeaths ; end Carle Henry says that
lie does not expect us to be put to
nay expense about It, for that he "-
" Olt, blow the expense!" 1 Irrev-
erently interrupted. " When does
Colonel Anstruther leave Madras,
" Next week ; and Margaret Is to
arrive the week after."
" And what arrangements can he
make for her joining us at Mushin
Benda ?"
" lin. Great, a friend of 1i1., has
offered to receive Margaret on her
arrival, and to keep her until a
steamer Marta for Isere, which will
probably not be long."
Very well. Write to your uie-le
and say that we shall be proud to
give Murk Anetrutlier house -room
until much time as he may be able
to reclaim her."
"And you're not vexed about it.
Robert dear?" -.aid Janie, timidly.
I stooped aiid kissed her.
"Not n bit, darling." I answered
gayly. "Half a dozen cousins could
make aim difference to our love ; and
as long as that remains unaltered.
i care
for nothing dee." Upon which
my little wife brightened up again.
and prepared to write an answer to
her uncle's letter ; 1 111 another cigar,
and resumed my -old position In the
I told Janie that the stranger's
me ; eeali .Rachis dtifterwite t of
me ; but I feel that 1 have not
spoken the;troth in saying so, ,and I
blame myself -for thinking as strongly
as I do upon the cubJect. Surely i am
swayed by prejudice.
After -all, supposing that Miss .tn-
struther does remain with us during
the whole of her uncle's sojourn In
China, where will be the great mis-
fortune of entertaining a young lady
for a few months? and how could
we have done other'wlse than offer
to receive a friendless girl" arriving
In the country under such peculiar
clrcametances? who has also, by
Marriage, become a connection of m
own, and been reared In such
Intimate relations with my wife,
ma to be looked on by Janie almost
in the light; of a slater. It would
Lave been quite Impossible to act
otherwiee; therefore. I feel I had
better make a virtue of a necemlty.
At the same time, try as I will. I
cannot bring myself to look on the
anticipated visit a. ;,-..pleasure, al-
though I am Bare that much of my
prejudice Arise. from my wife's in-
nocent praises of her cousin, which.
prove Miss Anstruther to be so op-
posite. in appearance and dlepoeltlon.
to herself. that I feel I shall never
like the girl Well. I was wishing
for more enclety in Mushln-Banda ;
and now I shall have It. Some one
to chance attendance on, and to mind
my We and q's before, for the next
nix months; and U I haven't had
enough of society before the end of
that time. it's a pity. Warren says
Its all nonsense; that he had a
Vw -t friend of lila wife's once staying in
the house for several weeks. and
that It was great fan; and that be -
fere Mies Anstruther has been with
1M half that time, I shall fook en her
as a sister, and forget all abodt my
res and q's.
I laugh at the Idea, and pretend
to agree with him ; but It Is of no
use; a presentiment of annoyance
for me seems to cling to the time
of Margaret Anstruther, until I *ish
I had never even heard its sound. How-
ever, as I said to my wife, what must
be. mutt be, and the beet method of
evading a worry is not to think about
1t Hasner aetld than done!
June 18th --If anything were areas
awry to make me take a stlf'YurtWer
dislike to the idea of our expected
gueet, It would be provided In the fact
that Janie and I have, nearly come to
words about her, for the first time In
oar married life,
"Come, darling," I said to her this
evenneg, when at last the fierce eat
had sunk below the horizon. and it was
paslble to quit the house; "put on
your hat, and let sea have a Ilttlo.trod
in the compo a ed together ; we may
not have many more opportunitles of
walkheg alone."
Our compound," ea the ground sur-
rounding an Indian bungalow M usu-
ally called, le nA•large. piece of unculti-
vated land, sheltered by lanky cocoa-
ntrt trees, and carpeted with burnt -up
turf from end to end, whereof is cut a
sandy truck, which we term our car-
riage -art re.
Janie was ready In a moiment. and up
and dsrwli the track of sand we wan-
dered. arm -In -arm, Inhaling eagerly
the faint breath of sea -air wafted to
us from aerate the plain which separ-
ates us from the ocean.
"oh, Robert, dear," meed Janie cast -
lug up her pendve blue eyes to meet
my own. "1 wisp 1 had never written
that' letter to Uncle Henry. I am more
mare erery day that you don't like the
notion of Llonne "toying with us,"
i ean't think what put the letter or
her cousin into my wife's Mead at that
particular moment, for I have not al -
hetet to the anhjeet for several days
Pldo' he would,. $hero were It not
for fir Iona a tirnre: But a six mornthe'
visit Is tco much to except from any
. banger. If Emma were only here,
Uncle Henry would have rent Star -
sret to her."
' It le certainly very Inconvenient"
I remarked carelessly.
I suppose, Robert dear." .all
Janie, In a dnhlone and hesitating
manner,- "I snpp are we estuld not of.
fes to take In Margaret till uncle
Henry returns from MOAT"
rmthbd. Tlie Idea had not present-
ed iterdf to me before, and It was cer
tslnly not n pleasant one. 1 hope 1
am not of nn Inhospitable turn ssf
Mind: but the prospect of hiving n
perfect "stranger located beneath one
Toot for such & length of time was
$ 7thing but agreeable to mme i re-
fiatebrereot Janle'e want of eon.
eptalnn.hip, and the many tinier" 1 had
Iasi to rewlgn the society of my hrn
Oar officers on her aeconnt, and felt
oampotaed, 1 Malt sr brother officer,
Forwtlr by maim alau mounted, and
1qW appareptly 1n the same dlreo-
' Wl ese are yon off to fro early r 1
fi s% are bowel the OsIreoh,
fry and get a sight of1
my Dellen, who 1's to ore to
Burmab b her. Wei you come with
toe ?"
"I1 1r willsav 1 run
fur• I am cO my way to=
Mia. Amsiralbr. my wife's oxusite"
"Lnielny d� 1g r' - maid leer's tor. Se 1e
nue of MOM tallows who imagine that
nit age or elrcumetanoes are
anOlagie to prevent a man
admiring a pretty woman. 'If all I
have heard about her frogs Duan I.
true, you are not likely to hare your
b'-- eitilm t 1u'Sem:self whtlat _ML.
Anstruther 1. In It, Norton."
"Weil, I shall go wt of 11, then,"
1 answered, not over -pleased at the
count[ u( never being left In Peace
th Janie,
"Duan says she's beautiful. 1 didn't
know you expected her It the (Os-
trich. He'll never believe now that
1 went on board with the intention
of reeling hienstif."
"Hy must hevfe but a small opinion
of your frl.ndeldp for Iilm."
"Ah, yen, parka ppaa ; but ,this le not
an or dhutr cis* on. From all I hear,
Norton, Mims As•truther must be ---
you'll execss my saying so --a regular
"Indeed! Toa know more about
her then I tict 91m lies not been
above a weatU teat days to Madras."
" I know; but Dunn wan in-
trooiuoed to her in F;rigland,
and quite excited to find idiot she
had tome out, to the country. Will
she remain loom with you?"
Till Ootaael Anetruther returns
from Cblme. I replied, with an In-
ward elate
Lucky fellow!" repeated Forster
with a grin. "Don't you well he may
la his venerable focus there?"
� t1k1 not feel equal to purouing thus
conversation in the strain which a ur-
ster evidently expected of me, and so
I triad to. Lora tt.
"The this is *very high to -day," 1
remarked, an we role into the fort,
ami come b MOM u1 the sea.
By Jove! so 1t Isi 70.1 ye.terday
It barely wastrel tee landing quay.
What a .e11 it would be, Norton, N
some day thee sea, with its changeable
Were wap to take It into Its head to
overflow the fort and 1Jpod the eau' toament !"
"How could On.' I exrlaimecl; h'teet-
11 The idea to ridiculous, and as rldl-
ca lour my feeling annoyed tat 1t, for I
have never heard it mo rtes by any
one before ; and yet 1t is not plea-
aaait one; for the plain is so very
level, ani we have no protection what-
ever traa
m the enere -temente of the
' Weil. I don't know," he answered;
"but I think I've read of such thing.
ornnliln" -19e 'a reglinfi '
these poor devils It tlu'fort. though,
wouldn't it 7" =-
"Don't talk of aaythlog ao horri-
ble," I answered. `
And then we bailed a boat; emu
ountlug from- one hoes, " gave
them Into the charge of their na-
tive grooms and were soon dancing
over the sunny waves. It .was
dancing with a vengeance ; for the
cmwcurreniW are au various. that
at gat moment we were driven a long
way out of course, and the next shot
beck again In the opposite direction
with a rapidity which threatened
to upset the frail structure to which
we had trusted' ourselves. Mean-
while the Ostrich 'steamed slowly In-
to sight, and took up her, station at
the usual distance from land; whilst
we beat about the luarirw for more
than an hour. wondering If we should
ever board her ; and half afraid, more
titan coos. that she woald dere.
again without our having aoeempbi
ed it, But we were successful a
let ; 'and the first ',eject which 1
saw on reschhig the ,seek was the
figure of a girl, setting apart by
boreal( 4t a distant- and reserved
manner, which I immediately singled
set as that of Mims Anstruther, and
the sequel prove! that 1 wan right
"Is Mlw Anstruther on board?" was
the query which Forster put to hie
friend Dunn, as they met at the
head of the gangway.
"Yee, she It," was the reply ; "but
I can't say I've seen much of her.
She seems very different from what
she was In England fast year. But I
think she hetes th1.'country. and-"_,
"Dunn, this Is my friend Captain
Norton; allow me to introduce you.
Mrs. Norton Is Miss Anntruther's cou-
sin, Dunn: he has come on board ex-
pressly to meet her."
"Oh, yes, of course; -very happy,
I'm snot,^ mid Mr. Dunn; and is
consequence no further allusion wan
made to Mise Anstrbtber's likes or
Meanwhile i found the captain, and
got him to Introduce me to the
young lady. It was a proud, cold face
which .he turned toward me as my
name was mentioned to her, and the
hand she offered lay very- parolee is
my gram', but she said all that was
pleasant rind polite, and inti-
mated that her luggage was ready
to be put into the boat. and
the to follow me at any time, so
that there was no reason for delay;
and after 1 Juni amerred her how eag-
erly Janie w:w on the kookpout for
her arrival. and rile had bidden adieu
to the captain, we prepared to. re-
turn to whore. We were obliged to
have Leo boater on ne'c000t of the lug-
gage; and what we. my surprise to
see Forster slip okrwn niter us into
the mond, ns. Umoegh he were one
of the "Yoe party edeserted the company of
your friend Dunn very 'quickly," I re-
marked to him. 'The °welch does
not lenve for nnotber bona. 'thought
you were going to breakfast on
honed." thought
doling le
e answer -
ern enelesely (he lint been talking of
nothing eine on osrr way there) : "hut
perhaps 1 is better not -might name
the boat. yyou Ree. which would loin-,
awkwarl. Will you tntrxiaee me to
Ml+, Anstruther:"'
('Ie be Ommtlmmed.)
for purity, strength and flavor
have me ogral.
An Emergency Well Saddled.
"Hasan, hors'/ a two column article etreAat-dove ; and wan wakened at rt
Ye r tk'nmwt eh{hi,c Yeirnswe>robier"++tlrtr9twwwlf�lpJIhe��mrct
"whether f like it or nota of littlesettee tont the (enrich (the steamer ler
pore h and read It to you whsle
you aped° up the beds"
Hese )rimed s Liniment in the Honae.
Sadden Recovery or Speaeh.
Several crone have lately been m-
oor/led In which thndnmb have been
renewed k ` awchy some suddeoe Patten, n and
England fornnd votee mids)en-
ly w abet time ager after a ellence of
twenty -thins yearn the shook helm
enured my the Illness oi. iter_
Joined the $II,,S HIRM.
(homage W. Kell, who for the last
fifteen years had been manager of
the New York Clipper, le dead.
The Right Hon. Mr John Robert
Mowbray, father of the Britleh House
of Commove miners 1898. Is ,lead.
Yeller Ourtln died at Manlwakl,
Qua, y,usterday evening at the rip.
old age of 108 years.
consequence. There IA no alternative;
therefore we mum beer the infliction
at heat we testy. Thank heaven. 1t will
not he for ever."
"But yor are not to look upon it as
nn infliction, Robert," sold Janie, as
edwe relnreszed my arm, "became, di-
rectly you .me Margaret, yon will like
T enrngged my Mou dean tn'redn-
los"Rot Indeed you will," eontlnoast my
little wife, with, for her, a mat on -
• $2401
iI lay 01 mem;_ "You don't
know how njow.lawkig Ow to; tall sod
alight with law, dark eyes, and-"
Yes, yes. i know," I Interrupted
Impatiently. " SI x feet high. and
gwant as a enh 'scree, with flaming
tenet eyes end heir, And n templet -
ion like Spanish Mittel. 1 know the
.Ort of woman. Janie; you've de
atoned her to me often enough. The
less moot abut her beauty the het -
"But she's not a bit Ilk. that,"
which we expert Mier Anetrather to
arrive) waw tekgraphed from Coseran-
Arnet and would be off Musbin-Banda
In the course of a few hours
Owing to the agreeable pe-
eullarttree of the place we Ilse
to the pleats agreeable
ablere c eliari-
obliged at c one to TIM from my ben,
and prepares 4) reef -town to the fort
tom torrent" how laches of such a na-
ture that veeenls sys.rmot come with-
in a eowupie of miles of land; rand if
bolmbe are not ready on Mair arrival to
coatis .JIa ase wkwrw, they
carry them an WI Jsrent eeremnny to
the next port f seamed Janie with
finerintinned, begged and prayed of
he lust toy sit alp More of what happen
_agnrred hew that 1 tn-
tennt to be ali tbtt tr &meanie, and
t aro 1D 11be sass t'nu.I 1 &a mnsti an mho
lk7we sued her
of gn Into
s.)la'Ikshabl�1 full of game ra-
irar mhildl.h sac. ra-
• with smlbe, and homing in ex -
pe etetArai of the omit meeting.
. i timid my norm out of the
mar. oetet Poodle..hilkn,
¥r. B. 7. Colwell, of Windsor,
tells Now Dodd's Kidney
r gills polpea
WJutks ir, May 1. -In no oity a Oen-
win hors that cefelrated moxhotn.,,
lkxkl'e tipsy Pith, won it brighter
record thou in Windsor. The cumber
a permute cured of deadly Kkdasx. Dee
mem by Dodd's Kidney Pills, In this
tete, is .urpttstarly large, and In-
i-reasosv orally.
(Me of the lI&o K. to testify to
the uwugkn power of ikukI's Kidney
Pllle le Jeweller R. F. Colwell. Nu. 1)
OuelWttwt street. He ways: "I Mite en-
dured, her two yacht, the greatest
ttwttrve, from back -ac -Le and palm; in
to kolis A puffiness eyesore' under
n ry eyrtt, nayInnis beetul, and my
urine won of a dark, urtuatoral color,
atxt had or1o'r.
"1 tried maty remedies bust all fail-
ed too help ms'. Wheat I entertained
aisle 1 lend Itrl ,lst'e Dlneese, I be -
ramie thoroughly ralaannetl. I was told
of the elfkue y of lkukl' Polls,
in all Kidney ,
diseosea,Mid 1 n
to bite them. '
"After the first few thew, I began
to 11mleroee The inin left me, my
steep became emend, puifbteee and
bloating vanLdu.t, mp urtm resumed
his normal condlt,-n, rent nay health
gradually boo usmr' all 1 meld with
IRs to be. I meal only a few boxes 51
Dodd's Kidney Pllts, hurt they cleaned
my system thoroughly uuglely of that dread
curse -Bright'. Dteeawe."
There Ib no entre o1 Bright's; 1lasatrw,
Diabetes, Dropsy, ('.tut, Grovel. Stsale
to the Bladder.
Rteeimtttsnu, Lum-
bago, It:,se:aes ofW„mgi, tar any other
KJ.Imey deersore. Witt Ihxld's Kidney
(PIIM will not, core..
laat,l s, Kidney Pllls are sold by all
tImerglade, at fifty cents a box, six
boxes *2.50, Or .Cot, en eseelp,t d
pp Lw, by The Dodds iledlclne (o.,
Landed, Toronto, Oat.
Wanted He Hoses
A `cotob farmer, celebrated in his
neighborhood for his immense strength
and skill h athletic exercises, very
fn'iuewtly'had the pleasure of eon-
t•'n,l,nk with people who came to try
their etrerigth against him. Lord D.,
a great put/ill-Mc amgt1r, went
from ',mitten un purpose 10 fight the
athletic rt'ot. The latter was work-
ing in nn enclosure at a. Att. distance
from hie li tt *• when the noble lord
arrived. Hi. Lordship ted his hoar,
to a tree and a,klreaaed the farmer :
"Frlend, 1 hare heard marveltoue re-
port: of your (aell, and have come n
cadealettettleseethielieedemeeseere las
lite artier wrestler.:' The Scott:I nuate
without answering, seized the noble-
man. pitched him over the hedge and
theft set about working again. Wh-n
Lord D. got up: "Well,' ,odd the
farmer. "have you anything to arty
to me?" -Ne." replied Hit Lordship,
"but perhaps you'd be good enoueh
to throw me my bora,."-t.-,ndon Pub-
lic Opinion.
Catarrh Osdsot be Oared
they cannot reach the seat of • the
disease, and 1W' order to cure It you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is token Internally an,l
arts directly on the blood! and mucous
'orisons. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not
a quack ma!lelae. It was prescribed
by one of the best physlctans in this
country for years. and 1s a regular
prescription. It le oompoeed of the
.newt tomee known. combined with'the
best blood purifier/, acting directly
on the mucous surfaoec. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients Is
what pro:lnoeos such powerful resulte
In curing Catarrh. Send for tewtl-
monlAls free.
• F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props, To-
ledo, 0.
8011 by drugglate, prlow 75e.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Wltegay "Cot" .Next Ohne.
A recent dlecusrlon at a dinner ta-
ble whether 'gotten" or "got" were
the preferable participle, receival a
practical volution, at least for the
telegraphic eervtce, from the expert.
/trice related of a college professor
who peek/eyed-_ gotten - - --He had
telegraphed to his wife: "Have got -
teen tickets for the opera -to-night ;
meet me there." The telegraph opera-
tor rendered this Into: "hare got
ten tickets," etc. Mrs Professor was
delihgted with the opportunity of
entertaining her friends, and accord-
ingly made up a party of eight be
doer, herself, whose greetings to the
professor at the reedezvous were pro-
bably more cordial than his feelings
until matters were explained. Ile ,sow
makes an exoeptlom to his customary
0911 of "gotten."
Port lenlgrnve, Jtme 5, 1897.
my remedy for u410. etc. It L the
beet dtdment I .have ever meed.
Mrs. Josiah Hart.
A Good Reason.
Mrs, Dunk (in the mlklle of her rend-
ing) -11 that 'embumest beef;' an they
call It, wart so dangerous that it killed
the common soldiers that ett It, It
seem.. to me they" have some of 'em
tcmtifylm' about It.
-Farmef dunk-rWa-al, 1 epose the
rearm they don't is boas them that
was killed by tilt dnrned stuff ain't In
a Pw .tion to testlty, an' them tat
wdani't killed by It don't know whether
It world have killed 'em or not.
Miller's Compound Iron Pills; only
211 cents for 50 times.
Not a Sportsman.
The other day- a man of holland,
armed with a Shotgun, was inireuing
a poor, lama quail, which had been
IlmpU►g leisurely along, about ten
Why, Wllds'jagcr," called out the
farmer, who Was watching the pro.
needing., " you're never going to ehssot
that darned little ehleken walking."
" Donner and hlitzen, nein! 1 no
remote him veil he valk. 1 vast nntll
he rhtop,," maid the Dutchman, and
Ise did, too.
Pale rhombi raohily
when Mm
ltlern Cbpounll ►wttriernwhenI'll
are tenon. NO closes 25 rents,
Well Pot.
"Your Honor�"sessd a centricity(' crim.
MU JO The& Cowing In New York on
Thursday, "my children wi) gaffer ifam tent wife
ai n ito
preen. Think of them." Judge ('owing.,
reply may be armmendel to all conn
p'rweei "Tow expert me, a perfect
mtrangs.r, to hare morn eonsdderatlsn
for your wife and tun hks than you
have Why didn't you think of them r'
-Safrole Express. Fruit
.t The weak, Hunte eing hAt Solklted,
reload boa mom tilts Clover �ildwoo S Amada on Conslga.s4.It.
Rua II. It AMAguI,
Plenty or Plunder in the Job -Rome
ittariling nom*
The Velem/ idnitirlie$ taYleg the
mem 1s reboot the mom In ail ars
trio. Our own bill pruvtdsr for 0s..
director, :t00 supervisor., rend one en-
umsra'tor for every 4,000 labs/Manta
This dinette- and the supervisors are
�p bIted by the President. The dir
.&far, tlluugh enter. Lhamtu
dlreetikei u1 the ®eons* ay of the In-
terihr, le the herd of a oatens uftloe
created for the time norpssary toe
Ids work. 18.sainaoaccording to the
Twelfth Osmium till.,
1s only$5,000
eutnum. The salary of e 1890
t cOur we.. *6,000. Why the new
1411 ghee the 1900 direful. -a
ler eatery for more wlork J• not
The sonervitote are apportioned
among the meloWw Hltaters and Ter-
ritories, and take tluMr omen front
the dlresetor. Mach supervisor eon -
Weis a district. lit+ separates his els-
Ork-t Into subdivisions, or blocks of
4,000 perilous melt, and amsoi tin an
enumerator for swell sutrtivWuei. With
Hawaii, Porto Mao, and the Phlllp
pine. erInchnied in tote 1900 0 40,-
000 enumator. will be needed. Pee
enumerator le allowed a maximum u1
six dollars p day. Tills will mean
aloof $=40,000 a My for shirt days,
or a cost of perhaps $7.000,01 just
bete- the n enovrita -eeare--ibe--}sepia
and nppiy the lnqufttgrlal Promise -
The bill provides for everybody In the
nemsula of s, from tdla ._director to
the charwobain. TMre 1M au moo
tent ohrector, at000; five chief
statdstkisns, at $8,000 each ; one
(hoof clerk, at 52,500; one stenogra-
pher, at $2,500; forty-five clerks,
averaging $1,200 eat-li ; an Indefinite
number of clerks at $720 each ; a
oapt.•stn of the watch, at $840; two
meesetitSerr, at 5800 .nidi ; a nla-
terrdng eller', at 1,000; awl a num-
usber of helpers classed a• skilled labor-
ers and unddlled liborere, the first
at $400 end the latter at $240 mol.
The total gf these figurers shows that
the home office of the census �A*
hea.Lru'rt.es-wilt orcnt about *100-
000 per annum For the pus Ret
starting this offke. Onngr *§ions
placed at the (Nepoleal of the Secretary
of the interior the cum of $200,000.
The whole ecwt a taking the cense
of 1890 wag *6,400,000. The census
o1 1900, however, will wet fully twice
as mw'h--dor there are more (Ines
tioori , ask and mese people to ane
suer, and a mulch greater area to
rover. -Leslie. Weekly.
Heaven to be on Earth.
It 1. th c gens-ral teaching of ('atholic
theology that among the scenes and
places of man's future hab►tatlon will
be tila planet, not as we have It now,
with Its winters and summers, with Its
biting sloe', and enervating atmos-
tmosphere, bat ns It will be atter the great
ellor.oefolpdpeerale whoa. aoaoratl.g to
the clear teaching, of Holy Scripture,
the world 1a to he deluged by fire, and
in the terrifying elements of fire the
world is to he renewed and owner.
Mod. The world will then be trans.
fo rmsd Into a mens of ehangek,s and
enrparsing loveliness, a fit dweiling
Mae. for glorified man. -Roman Cath-
olic view as explained by a Jeselt 1.
iltrnahoe'e Monthly.
Our 'Yourself of IthernmatuhM.
The appllontkxa 01 Nervillne-i10i -
pain cure -which putswsess such mar-
vellous. 1s,wee over all nerve palm, has
proved n remarkable Roots In rheu-
matism and neuralgia. Nervllineaotrt
op the nerves, soothes/ them, (levee
1si1n out and so gives relief. ?Try it
and be convinced.
Illegal Echos, tWllrasts. - -
As a result of the visit of Detective
neaten, of the Attorney -General's
Department. to /Sturgeon's Falls. ao-
oonline to the North Bay Despatch.
four hotelkeeperw hare been fined
$10 and mets Mel; for Illegally hav-
ing moose meat In their possession.
and at North Bay James Conslneat
ani P. Tulips have been fined *10
and costal or 40 days for having
secretly sold moose mot. There
are several other easel 10 be dis-
posed o!.
NM MIT mops
let bigsk
Never Interfered.
True Mormon .smiled placidly as he
leaned rigatnat the front gate and iii
timed to the noise r>f tonflbc$'-lehich
floAtesl out Of the l.
"Aren't you 1rlgJiteoanaai ?" cakes' a
My four wive. are Nettling 1t
among thenserlres as to whieh of them
is really bossing one. I never Inter-
ferre when tide dispute occas 1
s>lsoly take a vacation and enpy my-
sef. ,
Is for shirt bosoms,
cuffs and Dollars.
When a dog barks at night In
Japan the owner is arrested and
sentenced to !York for a year for
the neighbors whose slumber. 'nay
have been disturbed.
No matter how little a man may ts-
lls've la religion, he &torte Irrevernoe
In worsen,
Lo1-1„... TWINE.
ISSUE No 19 1899.
They do not complain of
anything in particular. They
eat enough, but keep thin and
pale. They appear fairly well,
but have no strength. You
cannot say they are really
sick, and so you call them
What can be done for them
Our answer is the same that
the best physicians have been
giving for a quarter of a can•
tury. Give them
of Cid-Liver Of! wsth Hype,
phosphite:. It has most re-
markable nourishing power.
1tgiVCi CQ1,9L.t0.jllc.tiJood.
brings strength to the mus-
cles. It adde power to tit
nerves. -ii--means robust
health and vigor. Even deli-
cate infants rapidly gain in
flesh if given a small amount
three or four times each day,
,s...ed e,.AA; all 1iss.
S•:OTT a .taw.. 5, Ouisi.e. Terosto.
Noce •ary Presauttoas.
"Whitt are these pegs ell "ter yes
Zack yard'.
'I've' ordered .ome trete , Ited 1 ,sots
than• !,eg1 down to show , y ode
where 1 de'n't want them pi„• ted"
ask for Kinard's sad hire no out-
Onlyone man in 208 le oter i (tet
Irl Mght. ,
0..re L s
rl .,.. r •e�
rrbraa orae ase. a..a Os
sera mown'.. age ■ 1Weinft
Koko Health Drin k
Cure,. I sy.;,ep•tt
notetttut.•s is. sod out's. A lar ;r, Ogg
se.ke• 75euea. For sale by All Kra en. AA
far It. Agents wanted Bend lee for .ample
j IGkass
p epntd
ROILVO Y PU. (JO., Tomato, Canada.
(lather buds
YD 1 o, mot o sake wow cud
Ddldotes And heal,,- DIiD><LION WI `
he. Only two 'seeediest seed, to toe Edi
ss coali, grocery : , ate•coaly
14 de to mels. b_
• pwiab tusl lest oily 1t cenea At
dress 0. Whittaker, ISO setlawd terser. T.
mato. Can.
DTOPRPl 1(8, read to mole ler fifty rte
mangle ef se Rottle
with ppara le icr.
o~ariMean wwealsd. Reid.
vauator, Brost" Own
The only remedy that will
positively cure scab. It destroys
the patches of Ilvlhg bacteria, re -
!levee the pain and Irritation
beak the 'toren and makes the
akin whole and sound. Perelatic
Sheep Dip 1s Invaluable for re -
fleeing the animal of all vermis
-flea., Hee. ticks. Insects, etc.,
and for the care of all akin IIs -
oases. Do not he pot off with a.
Inferior artcl t the beet. Per
z$adc Sheep Dip and Animal
Iriodronever iron X{ goer nest-
ers or from the manufacturers
The P:ckherdt Renfrew Co., Lim-
ited, atoaffvtlle, Ont.
F EF !
We give this fine 4 Blade
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
selling is of our Bright
Light Chemical LAMP
WICKS at S cents each.
Simply seed your sddrewsad
we will rwerd wicks pat pear.
When sold, seed the 6o ossa
end we will send tis e, with
ell chugs paid. Addseu
Toronto. One -
FITS jr)�e rLT Ct Rot
Dr, enveea Nene
eer.r. mre is awrMereee
noir drat days meed .
M Area -Knee, P1aM4e11adt'
res,, far Aad fres b tf1.1 tuft.. r/7
sole by ). A, Aare . 17ns: No . DAmw,
its (<Me"sew'e Orly. le • save
Lr K
eoye i eremedy. 4 It set , Mimeo
ide. athe
iO% als bet es eosh scl
ars mtone ea
e1mM the
11/011110 erTrry CO.. ZIA o* aed
Ees1.9•rear., r sseeeeas.a bOaeMa
" EAGLE " Parlor !'latches coos,
do. do. do. loos.
..VICTORIA" do. do. 68s.
" LiTTLE COMB" " do. it do.:
The Finest In the World, a No Brimstone.
w ..,
and Produce Oommission Merchants,