HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 5C&Ts 4c4!NS...,.._ flPRIL BARGAINS: 12 piroes English Tapestry Carpet, 27 iuches wide, in new colorings stud new designs suitable for any room. Regular value 50c., at 40c per yard. tl pieces Tapestry Brussels, extr$ heavy carpet in Wsguifiuertt designs and suitable for drawing -room or dining-rooui, regularly sold at 70to and 75e. April prloe.,ci,d, -55o, 3 pieces 31i-iuoh wide all Pure Wool Carpet, in new designs and shades of brown and wood. Regular value 70c., at Mc, per yard. 25 pieces Brussels Carpet in new colorings and beautiful colorings of Browns, Blues, !'awns, Olives, Greens and Reds at 85c,, 95c. and $1,00. pieces Axminster Carpets, 27 inches wide, all this season'. colorings and patterns. regular value 91.00, at 900. per yard. I pieces 36 inch 3 ply Ai) -wool Reversible Carpet in latest Brussels pattern and colors, et 91.00 per yard. Larges* Carpet Stock to Western Ontario. TNI4YECTTO!r IN'VITkD. W. ACHESON & SON. WC. T. U. COLUMN. Wks Sienld 1 Belong M tits ■r Je1Js r TI'K•nt W, Wby! Beosuee Ibe symp.t`ty of every Christian women Is Deeded m • work bey legfor Ibe oLiwl %he proleo/ion of the home Why • Because 10 uoloa there is smooth. 11 auton there he power. The most defrost• thread. when suffiu:eetly moluplied will form the 'truism sable. Forces when &OUST dsgly, seye 8a1to,, aro overly impoteot, but are, when mitre* la oombuotioD, eulogises in their seerglcs, mighty le power. This troth has boar se. tobuehet -)y the (oroes el the W' 4' T.11., the largest org.alostlon of women In rxtat- once a seem), b•ostlxot In purpose, aid Dle.sed by God frolp its eommenoement Tae %Votaress'. l•br.elis• Tempera's« Univ .ea hors of prayer and has been bund upon I'bruttaul'y. " Make • chefs, pith the for the 'anti 1• fu 1 of I I,dy mimes Fee oonpls.' with it I hoard my name. sod the . r y u lull of tvol•noe." The W.C. ' Tee Masini u a m t sad csll•th fur amt.' T 1' is • wom....,barn that to fast moire. 1 telt at lest that Ibe call wee for mrd nutlet fwd. ites.7'fVetee ew•e►ateed Y'►. AA( timidly. mmaem.i t%i iT�iti"aiw lidded I nk lied every member gi,.. ed.1 through, darnel.treeglh to the chars. By oo-oiler. I "Lord, what wilt thou that 1 should do!" a Tho is the queattoo for every woman. ship. A talisman of Lope and plods, of sis- terly love. 11 your talents now he hidden, rolled away in Lb. napkin of reserve aod fastened with a tie of timidity, 10 the W.C.T C. they w h expand, be tree from root, sod kept bright by constant um la the service where •'wo wage our peaceful war." Come end help us to "risks • ,halo against the Woody Icrimes that are in out lend through the owes of strong drink. 1" The Maur is Dome and militia for thee." Had I heard aright` N u the Doll for me eau it I whn gram warted! I imbued &rate And my heart teordulous tilled with polo That was keen and bitter and hard t.beer. No doubt there were others waiting there To answer the summons -the toed, the l siren,, I And thou who had terv.J the Master load - 1-.t it seemed that to me the n swage came, •ne.maLy 111.. are poeetb!e the single u..hriduas Gamut hems about, and by It women are bang helped socially end Intel - lamas! y. This women• elate M for the protetersm of the home..1 rsslsty, end of 11 banality. " Fer Geed end ben. end • Why should I beluga to the W.('.T.U.Y' Busses _•u area woman, and to mu le em trusted the 'melding of the Knee sad we.tsa of the tutor,. The Lome is »o..... • bluff dose, sod 'the Christian temperance work n alt berm is fa the home. 8.oiety se min- uted of house o J., and woman r dens to the boceeiw'd. Yee mat therefore mould ,otters. 11 wemao fano, society she must ud is r foraaog Pommy. 1'* do Oslo Indl- v;dtul tiost is not ..thele.'. Orgaeis.11on r melt (Fretell•• Every war. woman 1al.leth kir beam. Let the Imhub pluoketh it dews with her hassle." Not en1y does the wise women build her hens for the present,, tat ler the titers. It is riot sorb to buil i our own walls, hal w. mitt Ink to the walls of oar neighbor. ' Think eottie Lord wlll'.pars thy oh.IJ, If thou haat sees the wolves re by, Nee warned thy neighbor's eeo, begalld T. pitfall', where be sire mut di. For west of hel,t." livery .bi1s rlblibn woman o net real to that she is in • measure bei " binder'. keeper. •' Whi sbeuld I b.loer to the W.(' 1.0 !' Rea.,. the Christian tireapteraaos work le largely preventive week. It b.e Mu truly mid that " Tears for the dislikes mon de net mould the future .f a man Zak• trussing biro when a obtld. The foltbfd...e eta drunkard's wife does ..t help .eget y like the rwlulton e1 a maiden tent* rarity tor parity " Th. method .f the W. (. T U. Is to teeeh the equal .tandar4 .1 eerier for beth stn, To lestrsoe the boys, sbewf.R Item that there 1. not ane sode of mush, for them and aeoth.r fnr their eieten. Thar tee blewang for the "pan 1. hart" le foe both, and that all sin t. equally .fete! I. God's sight. Mother., strove every o' her class should lulu". The eyes the, doily lank Into moors with ouch lore amid ohlldish oenftdree. msy 1eee os d" l.d with the serpebt like glitter of the saloon. Somebody's sews meet help to keep up the reeks of the kreat .rine of dro.karc.. Moot it be your .wen bey Re mut 'offer ill. temptation with ell whit bare yiol1od to the mord dslnylug drink. flu mother we are told. "mashed day sad sl.lt, sight and day ever 00. bodice of her dead seer, Imo the dews of heaven skald 1.11 open them. er the bids of pray devour them." White ribbon woman watch day sod night, oieht and day ageless thoee wb. i are r.adv to prey upon their living moo. ChrNtaan Temperance Union means com- ^4•lallp. Women who hove pr.viondy led solitary live*, whom home delis, prevent them min lior in society, eon here fled the killable 01 kindest' soul. (het every woman castes. Oo. hour In *soh week whets "friend hold, fellowship with friend," will kelp s wemaa to hear its petieatiy the Gaily frietioe of daily cane that eine, more or m, intoet of white rubes will token et 141. - COUNTY CURRENCY. Eeo•cr . IN. Rallies an 1 Ames hoes dis- solved pertnershir. Sosfortb : Thea. Downey, of Cele•go ie os • visit to he old !needs here, lllytb : Mr. Charles Kee *pet .t oat ie the lamsd,y business hers yerterJay. Exeter : t'. Laird had the ml.fortune to lees ose of hie thorouthbred li Astons me dsy,lut yolk. Seaf.roh: Robert Ostrow, who resider our torts, hal • good here* drop dead whl:i DItenng • feet dye lige. Blyth : Oo 'Tnur.dey tut Mrs. W W. Sloes received • boa of nagsto rooe. but Mlselssippl, seat 1y 11r. aloes. Suter : Wbibt unlaadiu1 puhtasrl' at the statism me Monday, .V,G Sweet foil from tee oar and fret end I is leg. Exeter : Tbe managers of We Netter cemetery have purchased addittee•1 lend from H Smith and will extend the border•. Rtussels : WaI a., sea of Ju. McCruko, gel • does of murder from • arcorockar in one of bar ryes and bed to be 1.1 ndfid•led for • time. Aui.ure . Mee Weil wood. teuher in the junior di pirtmsot of the nubile echoed, has .out in her restitution, to take effect at midsummer bolidsyr. Walton : Robb Holland be, pa -chased • Dumber of evergreen trees sod has net them e st between his residues and the road, m•kl.g • noticeable improvement. Choke . Cb.. HeIyu bad on exhibl tree on Monday at the New Era cffiee an egg from • blue Minorca hen, welch meas- u red wBred 6518 inches, weigh' se 4 0000se. Rummel' : Mn T. Danford returned from L.bgRdee, N.D., ea Tnureday luta Mrs. Danford was tee gest of her rem James while on her way, to her home In Bros+le. Exeter : N. Petersen left yesterday tor the Riley River Matelot, where he has taken up lend, acid will eopeg. In farming pnrewets. The other weathers of the fatuity will leave shortly, Egmoedville: W.l.on Cook, lets of Vane, moved with hhl family to the village no M...iav, and hag got oomfort•bly set. tied in thee. Hill's resident*, .' t Rut tem ire street. Wlegbsm : A urleal tocident ocoarrd at fttalough now mill last week. As Fred. Richards was matting slabs. his hoed mime in contact with the ,.w, and was oat off se the wrist. Seaforth : 1l' (11.0. (trust', • ones well known and revolted resident of Nsstorth, did at bis home 1s Portage I• Prairie. Mas Robb, on the 9:h of April, after ea illness of several months. Nile : The people of this eeighborhocd were rorprleed and grieved to hear, on Sae - day anomie" that Miss ion•, daughter e1 R, Ssadeneo, was dead. It apposes she had bees • *offerer for many years with ery.Ip- n`EW AMEPICAN WALL PAPERS THE VERY NEWEST EFFECTS. EMPIRE GREENS, A REDS and BLUES. Tothinig ifrander can be imagined than the tone one of Papers gives to the interior of a room. MO, it it tt mere trifle itt t'1tInl►RFi6OH-W 1I of a room. Prices range for the cheaper' papers from 5 to 10 rents Peeling's roll, and from 10 to 50 cents in the higher grades. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE (Two Deere ,West of Old Stand), TotiphoreOur is No. 100. 'Court House Square, Ooderich• THE SIGNAL: GODLRICH ONTARIO. ARE. - IIIIIIISVARET PiiIOES RIGHT. Paints, Ode, Varnishes, vessel and Builders' Supplies. I am now offering the following articles at greatly re- duced prices : COALWOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. Wu are still at the sans old stand, Nelson Street, where we have been supplying our customers for a number of years. Wo know the fuel that suite you. Ordure left with our delivery rigs or at Worsen', dove seal tin shop and at our Aloe will teeeive prompt atteutiwt. All coal weighed on market scales, unless otherwise urd.rwl. We run sever.l Ikgj.' DAMASCUS and BEAVER R4i.I ' ' , ; S ruu sever.1 Urr HALL LAMPS DAISY and RUSSELL AXES P ATENT ADJUSTABLE WRENCHES PLOW LiNES. Our 50e. 'Pant -Stretchers are the latest and best kind. Poultry Netting, Wire Screening, all widths. Fishing Lines, Books, Poles, etc., ete., of all kinds, Now is the time to order your Binder Twine. 'I'lhe Ply - .Mouth. Gold Medal is the best. --«ftl • left. Sulp -01nm; --The beat tttiiiee•knfo`wtt:---Oily n cents a pound. ALEX.: McD. ALLAN. ecu of the bone in one of her feet. About marriage within three we- eks -her dui Otter, Mary, beo•me Yrs. Ju. MAW. three weeks ago elle oompisined of • pain in her face, and hada tooth excreted. Blood mounters set in, uausiog ppealyrie of the brain, of whioh she died. Grey : John Tree, aged 55 years, died of pneimooia at the home of Samuel Wherry, 12.h son. He wee regarded as • tramp, a1• though quite harmless, and war • member of the Salvation Army Seale' tb : A quiet marriage took plats out t0 odeedry last at the residence o1 Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Wiijbt, North Main street, wb.o their daughter, Mise Benoit. was slotted 1n merit.ge to Wm. Trott. 'Myth ; Verge Kr•ehliog, mho hu Mee with Denoted' Brew. for the pest four years, 1-11 on 'Lpeatay absence* fen Lion's Head, where he hu secured • poen ion •o • hardeme so t (Moats 'tor. Wit gbam : The •s,es,meor roll for 1099 fives 1 Le_l..11o,r',g (burse : Velue of reel pri.plr•y, 9192 749 ; personal prop rly, 959, 480; texelt. income, 96,250; toter, 9558- 47? .558 47? l'opgtatioo, 2 204, as increase of 38. • ••-thin• aotsi.:,;„Seh't eitadisme.1,04 tter-B114. fortune to eenouvy Injure hie left arm no Thurs'lav of let .eek while meted Is .4 in the rniflyard of 1'. Anent pil:og 'aml.er, lie •i:1belaid up frsomctImcathebme esti at littered. .2. -inch . The ree.el•s el Mrs. Freela..Koe. cheme wore te'erred in the Catholic oeme e y co Monday fotrneen loot. The be of nl woe I.rgely attended. '1'neb.room•.1 hu+ ham! an4 daughter have the s) lope thy o '-be entire community. Welton : The parteer.h p exit ng be. (leen Wm. i,mith k Ven. se green) Lirreh sots, has b ee dieelred Ly mutual colleen% The b'tinges wt:1 be continued 1 y the form- er. and \Gilt sad bites Smith wt:t take a rip to the West this wen Hensel : ',Vm. Cole 11, of Chu v1'.g 1. in r'eelpt. of • letter from Ws eon L-ebe, who I.' 1t !u(t,,,b.tafor the 11 .ninulan Is anile. In e.g. tot In t4aching loh.ot, in .1.1 6 he et Ives he r1•011011 his 4. stfoatioo all rigt t, cod has enured upon Lis duties. Clinton . Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart went to Toronto Saturday to .tread the gel len wed• •ling of her father. Dr. Ortge, which was t•. b+ .4ebra'd by • gamily g•theriog o. M+y 10th The reverend doctor he. been • rest dent of the Q teen C ty for forty years 8.olorth : A Manitohk piper rays : "R. O. C.Idwell, 14.rrfet. r, of Brandon. has been n ominate', by tiro Smith Rrsndon laswtva- 1 V.1110 cutest that oonstitusocy far tits Iiigl.i4Tiiie'"r ellr ?'1!f!iwell le as .Id Sas forth boy, ant a sod oto. caldw.!'.ef Coo. e taooe. Bruer 1.: The a .euor's roll for 1899 gives the following Batmen : Ase..ment of reel property, 9277 690 ; oerwoat proper' y, 936.050: Lush!' Income, 94 000: totel ■s- eesement, 9317.740. The total aesesemeet in 1898 was 9302 466. The population of Me v Begs Is 1,193, • aught looreur. Clinton : Mrs. Ann'. Row, formerly of Citstos, has resigned her position of super inteadent of the Ewart Missionary Training Hems, Toronto, to take that of lady super- intendent of the Presbyterlen Ladies Co!• lege, ()items. Mem Roes *speots to lave Toronto for Ottawa some time la August. Wieth.nt : A oyolist ran into IN. Yo f)ee•hl, of Windham, the other d.y and hurt him 'seemly. 'Phe doeter's life hu been fall of •ooidota. He had hll lsg btok- eo three times : his ribs bays boon broken, and be'e had Inoamerable rinetays, but, y he j ocularly nay,, "He'. been killed ya." Rescan : A veru happy event took Mace at the residence of Mrs. Sm.11aoombe, of this einem, on' Tuesday afternoon la.r,when her youngest daughter, Mum Al. It., was united in marriage to ()serge Walker,Or•nd Trask Rellway agent at Obkyille, and eon of Rev. Mr. Welker, formerly of this yll- 1,60. 'Oederieh township : Rev. E. B. Smith, of Middleton',. war ordained last week by the BMahe° of Huron, Right Rev. Y. 8. R&Idwin, to the prieethnod. He sward first -slew hoots to all subplots except one. Let year he captured the Fold medal for dooettoo, and this year also won honors lo lbs same line Caston 8. Beattie was the hearer of the lees of " bkipp," • pretty blank mare, oa Sunday of last week. fibs was taken to Seaforth on Sotarday by Thee. Mane a H. lav, of Wingbase, returning the Wiwi day, but on the day following the mare died from fedi/smile,. The loss is pled at 999. Clinton : A quiet marriage took place oe Wedse.d•y aftereoen en Joseph street, when the nuptials of Mn Noble and Wm. 8'..art, of Ro11et1, wore ,.lame,,d, the o*rea1eny hater performed by WY. Mr. Andrews, of i.oadeeboro. This Is the need Exeter . Oce day recently • lugs num• bit of the tnemler• and adherents of Main g reet Method:at ohoroh a..ambled in the school room to 'peed • pleasant evening. A splendid program wan rendered, durug .11.14 1). A. Roes. the efficient ohoir wbo has done noble eervlce during the pest twenty years, war milled to hie feet, and o hm the reeding el • yet), complimentary address, eau made the recipient of • puree, 000taintap 950. u a slight recognition of esrvices reudard. Mr. Roes war takes wholly by surprise, bat made & hippy reply. Lutdonaboroogh : 03 Wednesday alter• noonf last week, Jobe Smith section lore - man u•.. the O 1.11 here, was kilted by the exp -nes about a mtie and • oua,ter north of the .tatt..o. 11. had the lofty on the trek awl in it yin{ West it oar'• of the way was struck by Vie train and throats against the recti. H. was in led ia,taetlr. Smith was .1 ire, the two trackmen being engaged that day on the B!yth motion The Irmo w,raWppeti, walkeh aasseaiarta#.w op mid sot vet ed to his muse. H* had bred •loo• tor .L u'. • year, his mile having died about bre, years ego. He lied been section fore• man 1 r &b3ut twenty-one rose?. 1 Be frn Guard! Yo DODD'S ;KIDNEY__: PILLS TEE BEST Is always Imitated. Dodd's Kidney Piles, meld e.ly 1. bores like this, an widely I-ItatW, tousles they ere tie heat Cidwy ears. Take Nene hal D-0--D-D2S If you want a good Wheel, call at C. A.HUMBER&SON'S where you can get the Columbia, fiendron, Rambler sad the Ideal, all high grade wheels, at prices away down. A good second-hand Wheel for $1 W O O LEH LLO THE OLD RELIABLE. I am prepared to hay thin .r•s.m's olip of Wool, as n.nol, at the Benmiller Woollen Mills ALL KINDS OF COAL. ALWAYS ON HAND lfES-T CASH PRICE ScraJioll Hard Coal fN Tn6 MAREIT .o I. evApgi fee na.nr.el. rod *retries. JESSE GLEDHiLL. WOOL All (leaf wolw)ted on the rtaetr.t tlsalm, trMri row mu WO lbs. few • toe. ffrdora lila b w ., "r� 8111+ �.Wy .kt era' .Phone 62. Tauasteay, play 11, 1899. 5 The reason why our business has grown to such large proportions is because we advertise Low Princes, and (io as we advertise. In ..dry Goodn . tabioh arenull new goods and the latest styles, we give - -- n -77=8"1"-- - "- Carpets as Souse-Fur*:shi lga an: a u('W line with its, and the goods are right at the lowest Drier~. JOHN S. PLATT, Manager 2687 LI P LANING MILL. (llgll'ORO Illli. BllcliaIiaI!s�& Minas 8A13H, DOOR and BLIND ettMlr tiewleted, a J Mearid " LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Ana kalleage sselerlal of ever, des..rlpeues Wool Furniture a Specialty CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Palties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream RoI(s,lyllace Pies and Lady Fivers, Kisses, &acaroofls, Cruses, Brandy Snaps, Etc. aro so gond as the best mads inany vity in Gatti.. Cantelon bok the trade iu WEDDINU - CAKES in fancy 'lair% steel uruem f� t�inent- g (ave him an taller and your sat- isfaction will be assured. D. CA NTELO N, WEST -ST. li&W GOODS UITS OVERCOAPS READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP My ova make. ('.1 and tee Thein. Good. Auld by yrri or made up to the West luhlou. TLnRMB CAB:_ H. DUNLOP, Next Bank of Montreal Oder;ob, EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL CONFORMER Distinguished everywhere for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties Specially grate- ful and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-4 lb. tine, labelled JAMES EPPS & 00., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists Lon- on,England. Lace Curtains from 25c. to $6.00. Rugs from 35c. to $3.75. Our Ready -Made Clothing Stook _ is complete with the newest styles, and we can say the sante of our Me11's Fut'flishings,-A-m¢e- range of Bicycte Suitsr, _ 'horey's goods. CALL AND SEE. T. =. PE=LEER COL BO1 a'B OLD BTAN D - w IfftrIttfttfttfttrftrlttrtt net What You Want at the Time You Want it. ALWAY. TRX OOT 1 AT HICK'S Now ie the time to protect your fur• from the ravages of mulls by Chu use o1 Ott. asst Camphor, Meth -Camphor Balls, Cedar•Campbor, Oil of Cedar, 1..001.1 r YYWD6a, Lie. BPRINa .A. 1� BIIMMID ( rarbollo Arid, Copper,,.. DIE3INF']�OT41.2% Chlorldeor Lime, Bromo Chloralum, Ate, We have otenty of them all -Hood sod Chinn. S_ E_ 1ICK 7 Telt p1iote \n. t0 Contra' Brut More. OoderioS lee���mi...e�Nlllitliilil�lillilluilleee:sense, THE R. D. _M UTH DRY GOODS CO. Ooderich, Ont. Seaforth, Ont. Special Values for 10 Days, Commencing To -day. 14 hire Duck, worth 253 , for 15. yard. Navy Sorge. worth 303., for 20.. yard. Am.rioan P. tuts (1.. ) for 51 y.rn. Apron Oiagham,, 42 in., worth 12)'. for 83. Heft English root, wertl 124.., fur 8.' yard. A n,r'o.n Ch.11ioe, d) 1, yard. Reel, Fr. sob Kid Grover, worth 91 25. for 95 •. pair, 15•, q.ality Sleek Salmis for 10.•. y.rAR w We onmeece to-d.y the eels of 50 meows Die, (iota Is and Skirt L; teethe, worth tr. In 353.' to 653. yard, all at cion price, . z, 20o. yard Wblt. Ili: y Fi&Lnel, all wool, worth 303., fnr 203, yarn. Plaid Drees Good,, worth 124o, fnr 8J. yard. 8 r;p.d :Iateeu ((1.ek only) t..; 121... Skirt Braids, all Dolor, and b:•ck, 1e. yard, 1antory Gotten 34.. yard. 10o. Skirt Laing ter 7.t. yard. MILLINERY Be mere to v'Rit this busy department this week and text. 11158 DONAU!! is prepared to 811 all order. just when they are promised at very 'precis' prime. We (eke F,rst ciao Butter and Reg., R_ B_ SMITH_ O w°.AYDAEW6, Manager. . BREAKFAST B17YPSB Millinery Novelties for '99. EPPS'S C0006 PAINT PAINT FAINT 0 , We have the . Leader Weather and Water -Proof Ready-Miied Paints . 1 t e The customer* want it because their neighbors have had it and speak so highly of it. We also have a full line of White Lead,BikVaraishes,Brutes. Have you seen our Bicycles t From our large sales we are satisfied that we have ,the boob value in the market. Let us figure on your Plumbing, Heating and Troughing. CaII and examine our Wire Fence for farm and lawn. Our large sales of same assere us that it is cheap and A l value. Bicycles eieaned and repaired. y LEE SHEPHARD ST. LEON, THE OONQUEROR, Cem.i d. a higher figure than stay e1 the 1763 U. N. eprtwp; the only water in Amwleo paying the 'Bagley dety el 11750 a Oar - load, to purify M. streamed life, Ins1111 vlgee and joy •.d peolue . wee. 1 fe. Kyr declare St. Less rriraneL 0. A. NAIR ra.dv s Chasm/ selpmwta ken flprteer. The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two leading shades aro Mulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in:vogue this season. • - d We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and beet in millinery at all seasons of the year. M. E. CAMERON, Apprentices wanted. Hamilton Street. I Still Lead THE HARDWARE TRADE in Prices and Value. Experience-.aetl paying outdo all Competitors. 1 will not be undersold. or two articles. Everything value. oath for my goods enable me to Oan not name low prices on one is my line down to rock bottom I handle the Gold Medal Binder Twine, allowed to be superior to any other in this market, and no higher price than inferior quality elsewhere. Hee my Ainettcaji Field Feilce,' qn*1 to, if not bother than, the Page fence, het costing much Trus. R. W. McKENZIE f OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE