HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 477-77
4 Tatyomor, it l► 11, less.
h .... M M . T3 _ �.�/ i . . Livery
The Pace Grows Hotter
planes tai io far ahead of •14 competitors that we have no fear .of
the result
To see thew is to ere thew,
�b r do4 em 1D4e-sing'tiveir'praluee - -777
sit days a week from 8 ani. to 10 p. w. Experts and Mechan-
io. invited to.test their wary running qualifiers, winch are so
plain that even a child can see thew.
One price to everybody,
$50 AND $55.
USED WHhL£ FNOM $10.00 UP,WS- 111.11b.4111.111114
Bicycle & Music douse •e .
. and Cycle Livery.
eAeeeaeeseeeee�•ee�reelee Yeeaeeleeeeepeeeee
tit $ignax,
m lvasJ.Ym i
.T....a111111 l...T
FALL wheat has come through the
winter in no regular fashion, *moue rangero
in the county having splendid -looking
Beide, while others have bare and yellow
patches on what Iirouneed 1s, Lethi.•k and
hearts Nelda w November. The •'apotLutr l'
bas beau largely the result of, a1.• forming.
and much lou has ohm moulted from the
water Iyjrij is, low places toward the eget of
the eintc •Itcportstfr. I Imo, r rn other•
sections of the Province li•.il u* t.. the con-
olusiu that the fall wheat prospect is, this
county in above the average, and to) little is
being plowed up here that fine wrath,•" may
get the erop forward to .rlmwd +tai anagen"
Spring.eemhng ha, leen a!ittk tote owing
to the. lands bring wet a d sticky. Swim,
report a go..! catch, while °thereat, wait •
log fur a better eorwditiui ..f the ground for
later grains. The outlook 1. not at all diem
enraging.; indeed, the heart of the Huron
harmer oiled be cheers 1 at the proaclt pros-
pect for hi.' cereal crops.
• Fruit trees have tome through the winter
in good shape. The promisee of . bloom is
great, and it our molter -diets Kase only the
gumption to get •spraying maeliirica, and the
grit to use them at the proper time, there
will be a good thing ih fruit this season.
The tent -caterpillar is r . hand -on limb,
certainly -and this peat, the. coddling moth
and the eurtulio, and the fungus kuowu a
"spot," can easily he kept in check by the
cheap end ea.i y -handled squirters now. in
the market. The man .with an ,arebard who
does not poaaet.s one of thew sprayers this
nasori ehonld be tatwbg.teel as a "..Loin"
Agrvulturally, Hurler is all right.
ISN'T it about time that..the
Ooderich got together and made a strong
effort to help the town along!
There is no rea•om why the public prog-
ress of the town should not be the first
oou.ideratien of every resident, but• not-
withetanding that rwtditiu sot affairs there
appear to ler wane. amongst the townspeople
who are anxious to put ob.taeks is, the way
of the town's adyaneementtin all o e aaione.
If there torr was a time whet[-euttru-
testcd astiou and united effort mull he
aged with SUrtees to further the interests of
the town, that time is with us today. The
prospect* are blighter awl the people more
self-reliant than they have been In teen'.
Last year the quantity of grain intellect
at this port was only •250,000 bushels ; t14.
year the prnspecte are for the handling of
between five rand six millius. Last year
the public expenditure in the development
of our harbor amounted to lit that $5,000;
this year we are safe in saying that over
100,000 will be plaited in circulation.
The deepening and other improving of the
harbor will add very largely to the esrrymg
trade at this port, awl will not fail W be of
advantage to the bunnies. people, of the
town. (lo derich i+ lei the lughway to pree-
perity, and any one who lags behind or at-
tempts to put on the brake at the present
juncture in loyal neither to himself nor to
the town in which he lives.
Let petty animosities_ anayaogyyuue-_jesl-
ousiea bo cast Io the dogs, awl let everyone
endeavor to dr, what he can to further the
interpals of the town whether lea weights."
appears to be moving or not.
THERE have been many suggestions
regarding the rtslwtributing of Huron
eonnty, awl arse+get them it has teen sag
fasted that Lh13, k o Iwtu tlitipelot
the three 'Ming. should T.P wloptwi, trot
Teti Ro:Nat hof opin on that the adoption
of the okl North, Centre 304 South riding.,
with some alight amendments, would be in
the right direction.
The propneoi North Riding would nom
Wee the township. of Ashfield, Feet and
Went Wawanr.h, Morrie, Turaberry and
Rowiek, with Wingham, Kruseel., Wrox
etre and Blyth, making an approximate
population .of 21,030.
Cmdm Hnmo would rm.'wau. the town-
_-ehipa of f.,.th.mw., iiuilsu, lir 'mirky a't ,y
had M1KMop and Lite town. of (etiericli
acrd (7ttnf(s., with a population of 90,000.
Attach Hnnw, would Liven contain the
t ewasbip. of Tnekersmith, Stanley, Hay,
tiebern. and Stephen with the town td
e.aforth and the .idle,,. of Kr.ter,
ii sell and R.yfl.kl, with an aggregate
ieotelatira. t (9A,9110.
Tis div1so., Mrrw ,nit.line.l wand have
t geggil (d maintaining intact the ague"
boundaries lar garordame, with the Kulorm
wruteutiOn, sod the Tay objew-tion to die
ittg (;aiericb Lown.iip au1 Hulled would
he removed. The popular would be.
fairly rsprefeutel in each t.u.titueuuy, writ
the tidiugi would be evmpaet awl easily aLr-
as.sibl• at efecLwNl titers.
-The craving fot public Office is a
public thirst.
-Why is it that the swamis crook
admiren a truly honorable men 1 i -
.-Tin, straight way ts 1b easy way,
Mei few Ilwrewre who walk therein.
' -11e l'ii- set h ire not worei kart*
thin pnlitit•iaua who "don't 'want o!Ire.
.-TIM-geed farmer will kerp up hie
tabor yp d 40 will the. wygyyljJ.ltjarr,_^,.,
-The survival of the fittest deem
mot always r••ult 01 the 1.t,a Ln silliest
--Tia man who is right is morn
»noun. that the gem wbe. e: ..0 top temps..
:ell .
-Politica, like meeli.•ine, is not s
perfect science" ; it has its quackeries ,bud
--When you have nothing to strive
fur in the right time do fit oar Yost lettere'
We all feel independent when we
'hear The Montreal Star prate of do iudo•-
-MATT QUAY, Penn$yltrani.,
Will mow have another chance to •".irks the
plum tree '
-Tho present tariff seems s.0" 'suit
both portico, but it wits the f.r3. better
Chars it (Into the other fellows.
A -In politics, Wein war the men
behind the gone de the•'tlJ�r�Bg and the
uffreers-reach for theprice mosey.
-COI. SAY Hooega wants to put
Canada tin a war (omen. bwt'that doe* rut
mean that SAM *Mate to (s -.opt the firing
• -The old slogan won
melon by rapda oar, uWv t new osis is;
( Reprentatiu by Rene and Keligioe in
the Cabinet."
Viaaace Umtata" has yet ed • eat -
one of fear millions and • half
Mi,eeelonseeiearspp.rites de wen.
to meet with aro maiden "'moue. Ne wog.
,ler that the people are growing weary of
their leafy pradrotiow and vapid boasting,.
YoauaY, May 8'.b.
W no STol.e rasa HicaosY Taints !-• That
yu•atteu wall eouu be determined wb•u the
Mores are presented baton the magistrate.
lt.ppe.r.that durlag the winter mouth,
some Leo or eleven fine young lead very val-
uable hickory true growfog on W m. Van.
elou' s farm our the river were stoles. and
euoh an not of vaadalum'osoaot go awn.
Word. Some ot the true w.r• fully ten
lochs, morose and weltwstti lush
vround, the tope hauled awes. Lod thrown
over the hank on as to kid. ale .area of the
theft. Tne thieves are known and perhaps
some of them may nave to don the hand-
some striped "prise suit of teethe* tint
grater Griffin delights in ulo!hint his board-
ers with when worki0, for tb. good et their
health levelling the land ,round hu castle.
It a high time that a stop should lel put to
this sort of thing,for It t i, become • serious
matt(' It toe first fellow that mines along
leo cut and hook his neighbor's laces for the
sok* of . bit of timbre for • few nae -Kandla.
B,NMILisn NUIMMAY.-Tbls yeses d.•
livery ot tree., co. from Iib ourswy has
hems one el aupreo•deoted activity tor the
preprialemJuni taxed. lhs>msiftlbs_aiw tt
to deliver io alms their many orders, owls,
to the rapid growth Chet .me on who* the
growing season oomm.ocad. We saw Cu,
Stewart, the elle mao.ger, surrouuded by
o staff of tax men as busy as milers, pack -
cg, sorting and lab•Itiog the orders io
readmits" for the three wagons that deliver
the huge loads to the deffarent de beery cew
tree of Bayfield, 1ltuue6dd, Seaforth, Clln-
to.. Luukaow sued elsewhere. Never b•fo-•
in the history of that now Nourishing esteL-
ibbmeut had such an output been teat out ;
some of the orders cornice in from such die.
tent points as 11 Nen S ,uod and Cbatt em,
!woofs,og to the growing expansion of thI.
nursery. Evergreens are a specialty here,
end every day whole wagon lows are sect
out to fill orders or taken .way by the pur
chasers theasalves who prefer rooming to
Abe nursery. We understand that many
customers for fruit trees had to go away
lieappolnted, for they came too late aad
there wen too much risk in digging 10. true
when the foliage was cu!. Ore dIrappoi*(-
.d man ;rum near Clintee. who wanted 200
win apples, toed to put eft his order un-
til the fall.
Fee IT I'aowracrr -oar orchsrds are
new le•uk,ug beautiful al h the trees covered
.ith • heavy .malt's el hlo:.m, and Y
lutainr-tratoeseon h.pi•ern the tn•I:ial'eu•
.arc tliwS this will Ir. a its noo.n.al year fo--
Yr otchaadtet/.. lit u..u-s a ie Ie4eenn
,iedlet at y',h:or,'fur arse rr..cn has b. 11
.a uaasnel y ear y one, and it,. 1*0.
na?bi k i reckoning year chick u., be tor
>✓PmA swishy with -we,'. -
eertars'y bolero 1'I .roue are rocs tad
,ba trait has sot. . b.snalioe, hoe
one, e: the drgerest variative -401 e ter that
,':etate teeri-g winter varieties .1 opt•I•.
ere beoyy wit% h'ocrr, and in ent,v.r.ati.-.
dish oar cit f;:orirl eh, ovne the LermI
'veering apple erre in the county h.
x.11 se I4..aiehad never ewes each a show
me of broom before. " Why," he re
o.arkml, •• taro years ago I h.d nfna bus -
teed barrels on my thousand trees ai•h
. 0(1.1ng 1 ke'be ahow 1 have this y•.r• sod
•1 would not sorprite me if I had 3000 b,r
rile aro. 1! this fell If the tloesotne hang en
and sat ati they ought to " (Our friend
O.ck ex lgeerates) Do the klaitlaal
concesator, whets *vet ybndv ranee *butes.
the trees ars • pert -et sight for prom. Tbm
rice weather of the par felt days has gives
the iseeole.Mance to Avasioinae the Out
1 r-, and the' chances an Rb.d for • logy
c-cp of that delicious • holt. Peer., *et-
c hotandit,g
et•c.tlrtaeding the yarn that has been a real.
.!ed that the buds had bees honor, *hew
u much bloom as ever, and the plums ars
ciente up to former year.. We well refer to
the fruit ermine:a again when On (flirt has
set, and then we can writ. with mor. ler.
ta:r:t y.
BixM11J.ea WOOLLEN Ft,ro1es
1.- Phew
do not cell this piece • "woollen mill" acv
mon. The day is passed for euoh • pith ian
Deme u "woollen mill,' and now that the
"growing time" how etrock our *,Mage lo•
'tus:ries the w, -rd "laotory" sound. more
Ilk• business. 011 'less," the factory man,
who ie always ready for • or.at, told us that
be ".ever had tush • eau of business u
he tai Ise) year, and he used up many more
Sens of wool io the raw state then in auv
prsssnL Kerb.. yar, and is eew*yoeoce has had
Fro Ieeresasiu stiff el *Otbproplo. 'i The
Oeder:oh knitting factory oo..umes a lot of
my yarn,' he told us, "for the manta suture
o1 stocklrt., and many customers come here
from distant bofnp► who have never been
here before." 'What are the prospects for
the new clip!' we &eked him, rod he fold
as that it was • pity that the farmers did
n ot welsh their fleeces better than they
do, for 1t is to their advertege to do so if
they unit to get the ter pr.oee. "How will
the prices run this year!" was the next
(met leo, and the old woollen king rmdaheel
his few grey hairs air! said that that war •
question he could not answer right off, for
00 price had yet been eel for the new .'io,
but he was in • positron to give just what
the market ooald afford to give. Mancini
at • great heap of IJenkete an l rolls of
tweed goods on the table.. i•oreased stir-
urprigs that he would 1s able to Intl ell that,
but he simple 1..tgbed and ai.l tint was not
• oirru n,taoce towhet he had 0011 .1 yours"
of prtparatlon. "You see," he remarked,
"since the Introduction of those beautiful
aniline die. I am able to turn nut a hotter
artiol. then I diet 42 years ago, whim
a de000tioe of butternut bark end beechwoed
ralce were about all the dyes that the arly
settler" knew soy t King about. I might poet
ss well shot up ff 1 did not follow the timer,
for you would not catch those dandy young
fellows going to oburoh or ant buggy riding
with thew gide in a butternut bark suit any
more, same as what their feth•ri did. My'
acyl" and. drawing • long sigh, 1.9 remarked.
"How time* do ohanget" So leaving the old
mon M moraine upon the dsveoerasy of
the tines, we wl.hed him good uorniny.
--We are decidedly opposed to
gerrym:wwiering, but • little. judicious roti,
trlcting would rtot,ts• ant of plate at glee
earliest opportunity.
- -The man who combines with
others to 'emerge hie roighlxr is no better
that the man who combings with others to
open his neighbor's safe.
-The prodigal when he had the
ring on his hand and arrayed in Bre rain
went was not'i.hetter mann than when he
was humbled and feeding *wale.
-Since The Montreal Star put on
the IT'upper collar nolesly 1411 deny that it
raft been a reel haul -working jurnali.tic
hired man for the Tupper party.
-The brightest part of the day is
when the sun has reached the zenith.
After tial (1.e sun begins to go down. Wn
have seen politicians shine end decline.
our pubIme men change their which
their viiews
u public policy and flesh from one party to
another isn't a good example to the rank
and 111, .
-President Minnie, of the_Trans-
vaal Repebtic, 1. now hotting wt lee nOuny
frills no Acs INALIXI did n Ices ntolathe sg...
If be 1.11'1 careful he may I.s.e 10. golden
obi.' Ie.
IIASr11 Art i)u Tiff. ,1vTr.w.
St Thomas ,lournal: Tire is one
'rouble about ell methods proposed le..
erre loops, ity. A greet money' people will
not follow them until the system has...•
broken down he a vleta,ta of the laws o
health, and then it Is too lits.
e s s
s\minx', raanatrTroxs.
Deeds, Ruiner Tna earl thing short
the predictions of the Tnpp'rltes is that
'hey always turn oat badly.
They declared when the Limier novena -
meet took office then It anted sot peasitey
last six months. ft hos luted nearly three
Leers and has donb'ed 11a maj,r)ty In the
They Authored that the Coveremsat eehld
never settle the Manitoba school ipstlon.
The loonier vet set tied. the gentSIa a Iso
weal after 1t teak oras.
They declared that the Lib.esl tariff
would oleos all the (coteries do the ler 4
Thn f motorise have not hue as hnsy for
many years es they are tetlay
They '1•r'ared Iia preh:resLlat triode
with (heat Britain wee Impassible, se the
treaties with Oerwany and Kaleium were In
the way. Preferential trade with Orsat
erltsin 1e already in fell awing.
Tiny deolared that there would he a de.
deft of at Ileal twn milrinn dollar* *e the
Vat's admlalstraLla of puhlln affair.. The
Over 1)iabeta., 0 i•'ed Ly the Power of
Dodd's Kodn•y PJIs.
Toronto, May 8 -In a largo sly Lite To
roan then is always much "hike, es, kldasy
disease largely predominating. The street
railway employee, rspnsed as they are tnall
the lnelemenoies of the weather ars prtieu-
larty Mable to kidney disease. Bet they all
know hnw to rxg0er this enemy
For insane : T. H. ()Reilly, 27 Niagara
( tree?, motormen, No. 624, won for three
years • ren setnr from 4 .001.1. Every
eetxx.dp-thtbd M heip, ittl. 011 ht twisty
nes Dodd's Kidney fill. Three boxes enred
1t is oasts lek• this, where the pallet and
the cure are equity well anown, that ars
the tat cf a remedy, and Dodd's Kidney
Pelle have always stood It •ueoseefnlly.
They cure ell kidney oomplatate.
Ir PADA V, bl.y lid.
Jame, Young finished seeding for this
year en Monday. Mev let. slim'. •
Pole Stevenson, or.. of Useaville, M
speeding • fest etwys"yttlIt grwr, <t
Mr. neneett is diegie. • idler, prepsrs•
tory to the other improvement! he Intends
making In his residence ih'. year.
Me". T•.h, m,f Key City, Mich., and Mrs.
Cook, of Eretel.. are se pita.ntstaying with
:heir father, Adam Orion, wee is 111. The
e.14 gentlemen M net fmprerl.g al hie
friends would with, and donht• are enter.
raised as M Me resevey.
Car local salesm.s re ea the read for ss -
otiose meow W sft,.Hass,,,, x raps so t.
ter, end J. Bile.. .t Deyaaea, pet their
wrtauW ea •bo reed last week, and with the
et thl....k H. Nays.a,..i.e.,
own Lowe, started hie bright lIiW Ile Se
the rood.
Sieferth r litre J. M. Best, writ hasten
onriouey 111, ie now euttioleatly rwewr.d to
leave her
1 Saalorth : a Tuesday of last week the
pprtoperty•owners of de.fortb voted ea three
different bylaws fur tM purpose of grinner
aid by way of leas towards the extension of
three distisot enterprises; 'lo led T..K F'
Cane d Co. 820,000 for the motion of • new
pack -packing and mwt•asain5 establish i,
w ent ; to lend K. 11.11, jr., 1117,000 10 put-
ohs"u, Improve and extend the Coleraa
rouse. y ,,• •ad t. lead 10000 to W. 1).
KrgmoadTSioa11i hien •Steed hG woolly
ietabluentesa sea
It was •tory that
two-thirds ot all the voters on the Int should
rots for tiwm, tut took of the three bylaws
✓ eivel more than the oeo.saa) supp•�rt.
• Informal Inforal vete was taken also to.suerisio
the t eliog of the people respe_t ug the
✓ ealities of 8300 to unit the Tuukeremtle
Agricultural tiwtely to reb,ill their hell
Oa able uurslles 255 votes were lolled tor,
aad 101 agsi•lst, the prope,ttica
tae vergers aes1.aeed,
Kook Kettle, Iowa, April 27 --Kabul,
Kier, botalkeeper, of Paisley, Out , and A.
J. Conover, ex hotelkeeper, of Wlogham,
Oot , were senteoo.d to • leen term of tree
pclaoamsot W the lama psouas"-ry tee
swindle -g the Mint National Bank, of Rock
Rspids, by mans of forged delta. Kisg,
who pleaded guilty and turned litate's evi-
dence, war siren seven years to • charge of
uttering • feinted draft. Conover three
tears for forgery and eaves tor uttering.
a way also four years' extra imp
moment for violating the ooedltiou, of an
old pardon, making foorte.a years is all.
Children should always
increasi giardia ht. Not'tIi
grow, not to increase in
belongs to old age.
Present and future health
demands that this increase
in wcight should be steady
and never failing.
To delicate children,
alt's Am tlisAs4714fiEgs
richer• blood and firmer
flesh. Better color coma
to the cheeks and stronger
Lace Curtains,
Tapestry Curtains, _.•, = =
Matting, '
Wool Carpets
Union Carpets,
muscles to the limbs. The i '. `� s
gain in weight is substantial;
it comes to stay.
teo and ge.00, ell drtlggbla
SCOTT &',OWNS, Chemists, Torques
Conover sad Etna have swindled tw.ety-
serow Meeks ion-all.lenat Sates eines 43,3.-
0.,, 1t187.
A. J. Conover, the ex W Ingham hotel
steeper, and the prominent figure to tide
band of forcer', has bona operatiog for shoat
twenty years. King ale ooly known to have
j deet the gang two years ago. He was eV.
reeled .t P•Ieley about three months ago,
and after a etrauoua fight at Walkerton
was held tor extradition,
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, aod.rich, Ont.
- Pwnf
what clothing is to the body. It is just as Importaut. Yate should
take as much care in selecting the paint to clothe your property, as
you do in selecting the niaterul to clothe your person. Paint pre-
serves the building. Paint gives beauty to the building. In painting
the labor costa more than the punt. There w111 be • large waste ff
Abe right *mil Lot used.
I. made for painting twilling.. It is not a lm,-prieeel paint, but It
is cheap bemuse the beat. It is made of the purest rnateriale--that
wear the longest. The colon are bright and hands:one.
IcKim's New Store
Reid's Old Stand. Ooderich.
" The Warranty of Satisfaction "
goet with every garment from our Tailoring lldparlm11tut, even our loyyeat
priced. If not as you expected, don't take if. f
Matte to your own measure by a +killer' cutter awl reliable workl,00p!m, at
$10.00, $12.00, $15 00, $18.00, $20.00 and $22 00.
The material and trimming (he best fL (iaapdatat the price. No gentleman
can go astray is making s choice friss oar large and varied tltock.
TABLE LINEN. -1 piece good honest
boil blit ohed Linen, 54 in. wide, floret
dates, regular price 253 , cur prh» to
clear l8c.
rowRLLTN(L--Pare Linen (;lea Towel-
ing p ok oheok,at 103., 73., 53. and 43.
40a., 363., 250., 153, 103., 0e. and 2o.
OINOIIAs..- Another large piece, this
time blue neck with fancy border, 10.
Inch wide Apron trioghan. You pay
103. for 3612. wide; this is 4 loons
elder and 2 cents lees in price. 401n.
wide at per yard... . ... . ... ..8a
SCOTCH LAWN, for Bummer dresses)
200 yards to clear at 3 ; otos patterns,
gno.1 w , worth In the regular way
Ao , our pries to alar the lot, per
yard bo.
atiOnafn:-l4Olrawtb atitie:Mtiew, N�a.A
\inlet., regnlr prima 20o. to 25e., 00E
price to clear at, per large (Oboh,..10c.
ROSKS AND WREATH:3.-111g let to
clear at half regular prloe, or cash
for . .. ... 10o
BELTS -Another lot. of Lather Belts.
harness huokle, at, each, 103.
White Kid Bolts 25e.
Celluloid aad !easy Bolts 264.
CAP4•1.-I,adiei stylish Capes, plain and
trimmed. A big lot to )ler at • big
harrafn. All st 82 00 to 83.75 to alar
• t, ach, 81.(0
All st $4 00 to 86 00 to oler at,
soh, 81.50
If you bays env ea for a Cape it will
Pay you to res thea at $1.00 sad 81.50
Twenty -firs ants per yard is our trios for
• lot of Dark Ind Light Tweeds, Hali-
fax Tweeds aad Blue R.rges for bey,'
suite and men's trouser', all at see
HATS --We have still a lot of there men's
Fell Hate at manufacturers' privet.
Nee the list and come In and see the
Men's Herd and Soft M'eit. Hate, blink
and colors, at 82.00, 82 25 and 82 110,
.11 ss. one prion 81 5i0
These are all bat lrogllsh Far Felt
Han, Christy'. make, silk )sods, silk
heeding and soft lather meat bind,
NyIWt sad eep-to•dre, tt.mt value Se -+
82 00 and 82.60, all ons price 81.60
figment le Gaps .t s e e ... .... sees 26o
Men's Fedora Hate, (Mriety's English
make, new dames, •Mlk Mmmlep,
worth 81 25 and 81 50. for. 11 00
Y..'s F,nglieh Fedora Hata, silk hands
and finding•, later swat bead.,
regular 81.00, for 760
Mite's Fedora Rata, moiler pries 863.
and 75e., all at, 50a
A Int of men's sad boy.' Hard lewd Soft
Hats to ober at 26.
-Yodoe1.11114.-4.:labieewe word for all that appears here. C6316 In and
y win And that half has not leen told. Conte in whether yon
wank a buy or MIR Coma before Saturday evening if you can ; if not, come
Rare Ofd' Stand. Ooderith.
Beautiihl Spring Has Come.
Tho woods aro full cf dowers, the air trembles with
music of birds, and it's time to clean house.
IIfab: --
Clisar Furniture Polish
it make* old furniture
look like new. ,
('at the pipes with .
before potting away, to preveal
me. 26x• A BOTTLE.
Flower and Garden Seeds,
6 and 16 coat package..
fall on us toe llou.eh..I t An... int., nDts-
Niagara Vapor Bath
Cabinets, sue ad gee
Every home should have ens
Tone top with • bottle or two of nae
Sassafras Blood and
Stomach Bitters.
fec'a-os end 0 *piing rainwear. 'IS frcahem and on reuw.hens, -So weet%,
X111.;. GOODE, Chemist, Bedford Block.
Pos�tiofl.. .
It is better
even t' bo right than 1yerety original, tut the
easy position you may assume in these shoes
of ours we are ready now to show you helps
us get back to original comfort If you want
solid, new -fashioned comfort
,.. ...Stolt....• - te.eirewer•,
P.8. --The balance of our Winter Stock
must be sold regarding of price.
0O*N as Mr BAST wall=
atfn 190A1.1.
rue PRACTICAL silos amt. ASS aur
maws Pm tip mala sere
0 07:0101X0:111._
t r;±
Stock nearly colnplete again. Now goods received daily.
A lot of fine Beth and Carriage Sponges just to hand.
The newest and latest Perfumes!
Patent Medicines, Horse and CAVA Spices, and Condition:Powders.
Rubber trod., Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, etc., etc
Corner Oolbessis4b and Square
Just look at these prima :
" White," high grade wheel, was 570, now 555.
" McCready," Ooderich, from
535 up.
" Jupiter," grand wheels, from 530 up.
OoloollOSOSOISoot at
Notion of change. roust be left at tbie i
()Alec not later than Ssturd ,
noon. The Onpy for ohangar
must he loft not later than Mon
day neon. Osgwal Advertisements
aogapted tu4-Aer ewe Wednesday of
onek weak.
�r �•�ilSaMei
-- GOONI p e1Q.