HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 3i Tg� B�D��1 SP�BCHt dltu em which will mail. (cr trite wit- varoement and o/ Ilse crawled by $66,(100,(100. Our mineral :gatp tit land twrwared by 82 p. at the® to private ihdlvidnala Mr. to Wt It XfsST TUURSD,4Y MORNING �lrvtey -`�" ypwrr�twu . dnlira I89f, rod the rink oloryfngrtip" Hrftton Rare waw 8 O'efa:t, ariF tae staIiies,*Vitit Tera+• or eeh••ripuse d PROTECTING THE OIL CONSUMER. the same period had shown large lu ever until next private members' stay. (� j� h to the TFlla The alteratlon. which have beet, �b In the regulations concerning vreaves, parts ularly la the varus ol Muattrua} uad Tbrm41, Before adJutirulug Sir Illbbert Tu per rail that he had rpokra c isually Char Tarin lD ge the impurtatlou and Inspection of coal Ottawa. May 3.-1 rlvate momia,rs to the Mlidster of Marine unit Fish per lei i for dr,t to wrtio ,, an 1 3 omiLe par Ito•; oil will have no effect on the quality beld sway In the Horace tu.alay, and a orles during the afternoon upon a Year. of the article am lute W the cwusumer; large anaoant of buWjnw war trams- matter respecting w'lleh he war now ,+ituations Voo..ot�8ltae.lons Waned lad In tact, the inspection will las quite ar aetsd. The chief dkmo kxl war upon lit a pa<Itlon to offer fuller Infiurma- Houses un Sella end Farms on Bale, hot b rigid as In the past, Whether the ell Mr. Htrthearfoird'r wotiuu for the ap- tion. He had received a letter from O �INI3T�R hr iwpOrted lu tanks, waguag or otherwise, the Inspection, p e dl,b s til a railway s not tun, ' d�bats ea wbbh wits not oou- which he read Lhe talowing extract: "I'ulLed Salter Ixaeats are nlluweed, Tg�FI�I�CB u ad Portorrnaed rat the ru(inarler ur warehuurer, wlhl elu8 d when the Speaker left the without the wllghteat hill once, W notices nonpareil cent per word, no notice l•w than t6o. Ie compylete. The amount collected fur ctuafr. Just beefore ladjiwruhaneut Sir Vly Iwcw(leu Seattle nod eikagway, op�� g pWaia Taies Produce Plenty wrpection at the place of yelllu I,ILA been heretofore In the ineighbor Hlbbert Tapper called attention to the p,tr:LhauinleSmmtoy, fir ter teruled It. Uf culling at Victoria and Vancouver Goth, and piamrlug hruugh rums ecxl Rey __. _� . - - �Qi .- - bawd of $;O,Wo yea Lttlf to. oint_v ;i for ret 11 I,arreb, thV #i ter Officials lu reference I" tJ rti+llat•YawL rv+w+ec ,[M Canadhirr trtrinimors plyhW-•to the wih.s of British or Canadian waters, 1? pile thlr boat (that is a ship of Brit- Lh rag►rseN �•eallgsxl W waEap- at — - u n rho iu rp>rotor's /tamp Irvin pluoxl thereon. The Yukon. Replying to a by MT. :Nary Luiaud for an b� tsi enter. Mary Island tn. wi�of a OIiAD! d 110ILLBNT ORBDITr new law• will permit the importation or sale of the ell in any roam til re- question Hug re, Hon:' Mr. Bla1r iaald that the cW»a, ase Anwelonu rt, /owe 10 blby -Macre will tie no oejrtacln, ami n certnln low of revenue Government dues not Intend to con- rt� o Ing bridged over the Pigeon mtkw I10rtil of !'tart n. to ad- 'll� t aute°ttlg Ule +h p, s Unitad OLJuaw+j. ckaaale fu the Cuaa» tu1i11 thistsw- will result. but In tkW, If lu Auy carr, the revenue comes from the tOnrumer, River, In Emily towitship, aR the river estates cuntrLtloar u(tlloee L DYaoud to b't-fes to an thio- The (ppYerandent does not pro- l taw take any uertluG lrel`AUAY a and chew par ell ■ihuuil ire the lulu Tho action v( cha Governurut Iii L trot ruder the coltrol Of the depart. whom lace` prortdsd flee. 1me r bar are siWp close,, and no one fr allowed to enter. Gia mauosrre ur stab:,• ItyIN Cesar Al'utoltgh the tariff W field bound to have this effect, and ie pea• Hou. Mr. Fielding, in reply to Mr. the tent Now why should not precisely the 1Ly held by the (irvdgr[tnReut to uo- by t menses the secondar g Y rorult of Ipeh, enf Bald Ian 1+�intlOOr be 1pfgRVed om all iti tat all Jute virtues d all site fiscal acceptable to tine producer as well fir men% m not o mefat Ilan ntit etlfurxd the payment of h4 txprhd tiled by 1'etetseri, the Amerlcast bohto between Van- ate that knee ever exlsGxl, Ft u to file consumer. !L will not lw known gauantee Tait At Co. for their career a/ad Vit4,rte ur Yort Btmp �neaues Jule luterntion of the ar�nLftratiun to for Rome time what the annual talar tile performance of the Government, nor son, and whyy mhould not. they be made "there, for• a tlmse, at tenet, to Lite In revenue will be. There Ir nu IK)301- contract with to land their cafflcer• there end clear paxntion rY06— nosw in rogue, and tsdllty chat any reduction In the staff will It be enforctA berauso tem consent thence fur Skagvway :" which W but- Len ayontbs ofd fir the of eke Lifland Revenue Department � tare contractors for the termitlation Nkr !libber% mail lie did not win, W -lull Br-1LWll preter'all°e came into In admmaon to tills wile be made Jn:eonsequene of the ` of their contract at a much earlier date than hat provided for practi- mnie Jule suggewtlion epaitefuliy or in retaiiatkan for what had bewsu called ,erne hl JulJ. lallt• the continual existease d cite High adoption alt the Dew yegulatlona Theme are --tam wild -oat scheme& en• fly releaser Lite bond. The (tovern- the "pfmprick" pdtcy, but tiles/ re- the Wtcraoe Jaiat lbmsaysdou Inc llattr the citta tlre>1 Into at the dletatlou of prince aunt are tlowevur, kurpohng hh thulrtR for ex til wlhleh dues to be tm istratim to let well enougih alone at men, but are the result of 1a maturwl harhds the L10,000 which was dopoe lere not seem any maenrdwe residual, nmgdht be exainlnea pyt4scvt. 71he a tical may cOl tel in U' cis oouvictlon that In certnln Instances tin ,Jud Replying to Sir Hibbert Tapper, Mr. Unto by the Government, and U there 4 aom necesary, and wiU be reatest econom W to r money well and kit ya businesslilike Hilton Said that Major Walsh, when banned two tectl n of Ammor•lean IpOeresta f in pUn- mm+i1 Almme ,,,iy chetet4ully to negotiate any manner. ('ommlaeloner of the Yukon, permits to take liquor Into taw district Redd I.4LALen wnLesb, Mie same reason mi;ht nppgqly to United Satat,eaa vemrelm treaty of revlpaoett that shall be OUR SECURITIES ALL RIGHT, b(calrme ire was under tine Impression tit (•anutlun waters, and ala Lou. fair to (:snn'llnns. 1f there L to be treaty at all. Haw onmmbne over Mcilt: